THE D'AILY BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS SATURDAY , AA.Y 9 , 1805. ! THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS , Saturday Morning , May 9 ( HATK3. By Oatrtet .10 rent * r ' w e By MU . - 110.00 p i yen MINOB MENTION. The city council Is so moot again Monday - day ovoning. Matlnoo to-day at 2 o'clock at the dlmi mosjuin and theater. Mils Jessie Conthont Is the guest ol of Judge Alyesworth and family. Brick for silo , in Itrga and small lots , by J. A. Weaver , No. 815 Seventh avonuo. Carpenters were at work yesterday In Maaonlc hall erecting the booths for the carnival. Toplo Sunday evening nt the Broad way M. E. church : "Tho belt things in llfo are free to all. " Services at 8 p. m. There ere only two tramps now loft oi the street gang , and they have been put onto the atone pile to break rook for the bad holes In the atreota. The Rav. Dr. Oooley , the now pjstoi of the Baptist church , will preach to morrow moining and evening. The evening anbject will bo "The Book * Ononod. " Elsaman , Rhodd & Oo. , have presented to the ladioa for the benefit of the carni val of nations , an elsgant baby's cloak , valued at $50 that ii , the cloak it val ued at that the baby still moro. The lAdlen having the arl exhibition In charge have decided to hold the exhibi tion open still another day , and BO this afternoon and evening the publio will bo given a further chance to inspect the tnany beautiful articles there displayed. There will bo no services at the Con grcgitlonal church to-morrow. The Rev. Mr. Crofts has been called to Sandwich , 111. , to attend the funeral of ono of its old citizens. Sunday-school as usual. Mr. Crof ta will return on Wednesday of next week , in tlmo for prayer meeting. "Tho dead live never to dlo , and often when wo mourn them fled , they were BO nigh. " Spiritual cirolo to-morrow ( Sun day ) afternoon and evening at 2 and 7:30 o'clock In Spiritual hall. Entrance via stairs on Main and Pearl streets , two doors eouth of postofQce. ThoRov. J.F. McDowell willproacli at the Silnta' at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:50 : p. m. Sunday school at 12 m. Evening topic , "Reply to Moral Aspects of Prohibition. " with address to our city fathers. Everybody Li respectfully invitod. Two moro now safes arrived for tno county building yesterday , one being for the clerk's office , the ether for the re- corclor'a. They are the same B'ZB ' and make aa the two others received some time ago , the Internal arrangements alone being different , to accommodate the varied needs of the several offices. The president of the school board is Inviting bids to furnish all the school building ] with fire eecipoi. There should bo In connection with fire escapes , a r/g- ular system of drill , so as to famlHariz ) the pupils and teachers with the actions and movements necessary in case of a fire or other emergency. The Broadway mothodlst episcopal church has undertaken to establish a mis sion in rooms on the corner of Sixth avo- npo and Fifteenth street , in which tor- vlcos on Sunday as follows : Preaching at 10:30 : a. m. , Sunday school at 3 p. m. A Rcspel service conducted by the Young Men's Christian Association at 8 p. m. Persona resident in that portion of the oily are invited to attend , T. V. Taylor , the master mechanic of the Wabaah , filed on Information in Jcs- tico Shnrlz * couit , charging ono John Barkloy with making threats to do him gront bodily harm. When Baikloy was nrretted ho was found to be too drank to try , and so tlmo was given him to sober up. Ho had a hearing yesterday , and was put under bonds of $150 to keep the peace until the next term of the dlstiiot court. There was a narrow oioapa from a sorl- OUB runaway yesterday. L. Klrsht'a team WAS standing near Elsoman , Rodda & Co.'a when a ladder blown down by the wind fell acroaa ono cf the horses , fright ening the team Into a run , but fortun ately Mr , Kiraht'a son was In the carriage at the lime , and , having the reins In his hands , managed to bring them under control. The case of Scott against Richardson took up all of yesterday in the superior court , but finally reached the argument * . There has been much Interest manifest , and there has been a crowd to listen to all the details of the trial. Mr. Scott gave an Interesting address yesterday , and aa usual made much fun for the out siders , indulging In some of his sbarpoat retorts to the remarks of the attorneys for the defense. A girl employed as a domestic at the residence of Q. 8. Ltwson , No. 810 Sixth ttreet , had a fall yesterday which at first waa thought to have Injured her severely , but which proved afterwards to have re sulted not vt if i crionaly. In coming out of the house , which la being raited , some temporary steps gave way , letting her down to the ground , qnite a diitance , In BO sudden and unceremonious a manner u to frighten her baily and cause her tea a * ' ' ran Shugart haa commenced o era of municipal reform in finan- > ere , and amoi g the cxtravagan- t ia the keeping of a i e ) T police headquarter * , in the city bu.til Dg , while tbere are quirtem in the jail building. He thinks that the pollee and marshal's forces ought to ba able to occupy ono ofllco without quarreling , an experiment which has not boon very suc cessful heretofore. Chief Skinner thrent- tns to renlgn rather than submit to being put In with the marshal's force , unless ths control of the building is put In the hands of the chlof of police. The young man , who is "trying" to loam the nonspapor business , was yester day the victim of a practical joke , such as is often played upon his verdancy. In Motcalf Bros. ' store was a carious tur nip , which had sprouted In A peculiar manner , and the clerks bad arranged this so that it appeared somonhat like a little tcrub , and bad put two or throe lemons in such position as to. glvo the Impresilon to a careless observer that they were the product of this strange looking plant. The young man was led to b'ellovo that this was an crango tree , which" * had'been sent hero by "some Florida friends , and ho wrote up qalto a full description of the curiosity , on < * was preparing to publish It , when some of his friends saved him , and explained to him the dlfforcnca between a sprouting turnip and an orange tree. The item was killed , Reitor , In order to close outhlaprotont stock of tailoring goods , is putting prices at 24 to 35 per cent below coat. No. 810 Broadway. Facts worth remembering whoa you buy wall paper. 1st. Teat lioard , next door to poet jfllco hai the largest fttook to select from. 2d. That his prices or * as low as the lowest. 3d. That ho is a practical interior decorator and employs none but skillful workmen. THE 0 AENIVAL OF NATIONS , The Ladles Malt Ing Great Prepara tions for Next Week's FostlvltlCH Personnel or Booths. Among ether attractions at the car nival of nations , beginning Tuesday eve ning next in Masonic hall , will bo the Japanese baziar In chargo'of 0-Hnnna- San , 0-Oho-San , and 0-Momo-San , and two llttlo "all rights. " Rare and choice articles of Japanese ware bavo been secured for this bazaar , including fans , pir ol , tea pots , cream pitchers , and many other useful articles which have never been dltplayod here before. The ladles have full description of the the French booths at the great "klrmeas" recently hold in New York City , tent hero by tbo lady who presided over that booth. The klrmeas was held in the largest opera houeo In 1h t city for the banefit of a haspltal , and was a grand success. The booth hero w 11 bo pat terned after that ono , and will bo very fin P. Iceland Is to bo well represantod In the carnival , and the scenery forthia bazaar is being painted by ono of the lady artists cf the city. The carnival will ba continued through several evenings , if the ladies feel war ranted in keeping it open. At the open ing of each evenltg there will bo a grand march of the representatives of the dif ferent nations , in costume. On Wednoi- diy evening tboro will be a New Eoglind upper of brown bread , baked btans , pumpkin pie , muh and milk , and other good things , too numerous to mention. la the Turkish booth will bo found the following ladles : Kinda ( Mrs. Obamp ) ; Hardee ( Mrs. Hancock ) ; Eullnka [ Mrs. Thompson ) ; Worrmahlel ( Mrs. Tyler ) ; Yega ( Nellie Chapman ) ; Mlr- Rola ( Nellie Sacko't ' ) ; Falina { Mollle Rice ) . A largo number cf curious arti cles will ba found in this btEar. Substantial abstracts of titles and real estate loans , J. W. & E. L , Squire , 101 Pearl street. Artists' Materials at G. R. Beard's Wall Paper Store. Send for prloo list. WELL ENrEBTAINED. Tbo Gathering at tbo Opera Hoaao LioatEvoniop : . Tbo entertainment given at the opera bonao last erenlng proved , aa was ex pected , a vary pleating ono. Miss Cou- thni maintained her reputation aa an elocutionist , and the programme was ear ned out la a manner which give evident delight to the audience. She is a pleas ant rather than a strong reader , and the charms of her rendering of the variona selections called forth much enthusiastic applause. Tbo music f < r the craning was excellent , and the pro gramme waa throughout well arranged and well carried out. Thia evening Mioa Oonthui appears In Omaha , and will re turn to apend the Sabbath with ftianda here. here.Tho The programme was aa follows last evening : ' Overture Bavarian Hand. "Asleop at the Switch" Hoej Mies Couthul. Duet "Homo to Our Mountains" . . . . .Verdi Mls Merkel and Mr. Trey nor. Trouble in the "Amen Ootnnr" , , , .llarbaugh Miss Oonthui. 4thof July at Jonoavilla. . .Jonah Allen'a wife Mita Oouthui. Andante In F. Beethoven Mlra McMillan. Duet-"Bventid6" Abt Missel Mortal , After the Battle Anon Mlsa Couthul. "Only a Song" De Lara Mr , Treynor. Muney Muik' ) L Taylor Medley ( new ) J MIIS Conthui. FEItSONAJj. Mr , L. 8 , Bullard and her daughter , Mia Kittle , returned ynaterday from Pierre , Da kota. kota.Miai Miai Pauline Giundla , nleca cf Olty Mar. inal Gnanella , arrived here yeiterday from Georgetown , Colorado , Jamea Wild , of Auitln townthip , waa in ; be city f eaterday , buying a windmill to me the plent ouB breezei winch of late bare been ellrringup thiogt ao lively , Dr. Houghton waa in the city yesterday , preparing to change hi * location to Herman , where it ii hoped be will meet with the aut- ceta which bli ability and iklll merit , ANoack \ has returned from an extended itay in Mlnneiota , looking hale and hearty , and he deniia emphatically the report that reached thti citv toma time ago that ho wa > dead. lie nyt be U not dead , and he ought to kuonr , K anybody doei. tie certainly duet not look like a dead men , bat rather lllcn on * I who wai good for a hundred years yet , A WAYWARD WIFE , Two PftrtnorBhlps Suddenly * nd IlonRhlj Broken Up , An oxcltod and anxious man named P. A. "Wilson , was In the city yesterday hunting for & wife , who , ho claimed , has gone astray. Wilion Is a resident ol Tocnmsrh , Neb. , and Is there engaged In the sale of musical instruments and sow ing machines , and has had a pattnor namodllemhaw , who is the one , ho aaye , who has alienated ( ho affections of his wlfo. The wlfo , named Mattlo E. Wil son , a short time ago wont on a visit to friends in PeoiU , 111. , whcra "Wilson's brother lives. A short tlmo after that Ilcnshaw dliappoircd , and Is said to have loft a largo number o ! bills for his partner to pay. It appears that Honahaw made tr/angemento to moot MM. Wilton at Bedford , loirs , and wrote her to this eflectat Peorla. This letter fell Into the hands of Wilson's friends , and wan forwarded to him , which w as the first intimation that ho had re ceived thatthuro was any Bach doings on foot , and the woman having already left Peoria , ho commenced n search for her. lie leninod that his wife had mndo a mis take , and Instead of getting oil of the train at Bedford , she had gone to Red- field , and finding her error had gone from there to Herndon. Too only trnco the husband could find there was that she had started for Ceuncll Bluffs , and so ho came on hero. Hero ho found that her trunk bad boon at the transfer , bat had been taken away. Where it had been taken ho could not learn and ho conld got no information loading either to the discovery of his wife or Honthaw , both his matrimonial and commercial partners having evidently been too canning for him. The man was In a very excited state of mind and it now seams that It will bo some time before ho gets any sit- iifaotlon for the two partnerships BO rndoly broken np. YOUNGMBNl KKAD THIS. Tni VOLTAIO BKLT Co. , of Marshall , Mich. , odor to fiend their celebrated ELEorno-VOL- TAIO BELT and other ELECTBIO APPLIANCES on trial for thirty days , to men ( young or old ) afflicted with nervous debility , loss of vitality and manhood , and all kindred troubles. Also for rheumatism , nonralgia , paralysis , and many other diseases. Complete restoration to health , vigor and manhood guaranteed. No risk is incurred aa thirty days trial is allowed , Write them at once for Illustrated pamphlet free. AMUSEMENTS. Mammoth Dime Museum AND THEATER. 6th Avo. and Pcirl Street , ( Foimoily Untln's Ilink. ) I'AI HER & SAKDIH , Frop'rs & Managers. One week only , commencing MONDAY , MAY 4TH The Celebrated and Popular George France Dramalc Company In the Highly Sensational Dramas BLOCK OATViE AND WIDE AWAKE. OUR OURIO HALL. Will contain Freaks of Nature , Curiosities , and Mechanical Wooden , principal among which will bo found the world reputed won der , SIGNOR DEL FUEGO , The King of Fira-E iters. ' PROF. E. M. DUNTON , Illusionist. MISS EX PATTERSON , The Lightning Lady , LOWANDO BALDWIN , The Armless Wonder , FOCAHONTAS , Princeesof the Todas tribe of Mexican In dians , MADAME HOWELL , The Bohemian Glass Blower , THE LIVING HALF LADY , And many other novelties , A Roaort for Ladies , A Reeort for Ladies , Museum open 1 to 5 and 7 to 10 p. m. Theater Matinee 2 p , m , Evening 8 p. m. lOcts ADMISSION lOcts SPECIAL NOTICES NOTICE. Sp cUl k vertlsomontB , Buo is Lost round , To Loin , For Bale , To Bent , Wants , Board- lug , eta. , will bo Inserted In this column it the low rale ol TEN CENTS PEB LINE (01 the first Insertion > nd FIVE CENTS PEB LINE lot each rabseqaent rtlon. Letva advcrtUementi at our offlM , Ho , Pearl Street , near Eroodwav WANTS. H\LK AT A BARGAIN The cleslraWorcs- ! FOR deneoor buslnpropery on Upner Broad way , known the Powers plaoo. Apply to OBO. Jl. D * ap , SALE other hntel In a In. Ntbruka FOR town , now doing a Ineluette it about $360 per month. No other hotel In thu place. Terms liberal. SWAK & WALKS * 'Oil HAI.K OU TKADE. WO aorea ot laniTin Wayie county , Ua. Will trade ( or Council Bluff olty prpotty or sell cheap ( or cash , ot ( art time. SWAN & "ALUB TO TilAUr. Uood Iowa IT Nebtuka WAN1U lor a mail ttook ol hardware or gercral merel-anclire well located. 8win & WALKU. | jM > fk b'sLH Ararechinretoget a flne , well Im- r proved ( arm ot 400 aores , within a lew miles ol Council Bluff * , at a bargain. Low pilce and easy terms MTAH A WAH FiOu SALC Agoud P JEK ! hotel property with llfery lUble In one of the belt small lowni In woetern Iowa will Bell wttb 01 without lurnlture , or will tiadt ( or a tmall ( arm with tlnck i to. SWAK HfcLK Blgbty acrei nnlnproved land In Union oonntv , Iowa , Similes south-east o ( At. ton , the O'uoty seat , or will trade ( or Nebr ka or Kantai lard. SWAN i WALSH. ll aaLK A Z. acre tract ol good Itnd about ono and a half Bllea Irom Council B'uQi pott e , at a buiraln. BWAK & WALKM. . . 'OH HAL.K In Uaiilsun county , Iowa. 820 acres r grasa land , all nnder ( enoe a too arc ( arm with One Improvements , all under cultivation except 20 aniei ( tras BJ acres good grass 01 pasture land , and ( evert ! other tracts ol Irom 40 to ISO acres ol nnlmprovetl land _ BVTAH b WH.KIB. COU BALE I And ! Improved aad unimproved , i1 II yen want a ( arm In wo item Iowa , Kansas Nebraska or Dakota , let us heir frtm you. BWA W IfOH 8MK A lame number obu lneM and re l. r denoe lots In all parti of Council Bluffa. Bee us before yon boy , BWA * & WAUU. 8 Ltt 1'urtloi wishing to buy cheap lots to build on con buy on rxonthly payment * ot Irom II to no BWAII & WAM > OB 11EN r We will rent you a lot to build on F with tbeprirtlage to buy II jou with on very liberal term * . BWAK 4 WiLiia BKNT-Peidenca ol 0 r emi , location Terr FOB | 1 aunt , prioi moderate Krnuiro f A. Hart. 814 Seventh aveue. . Council Pluff . BUNT Deslmblg residence W7 Fourth Ut FOB J. w , \\T A N ( KL > I o oorreipond with i ny one wlahing a 'T good looitlon I r ( tanning mill , tatb , door and blind manufactory , we bate building and machinery , well located , ( or tale , leate or triwJe ; 8WAIC & AUIR. OU ItENT Largo t o ttory ft ir building eu't ' F able lor warehouH or storage purposes , near railroad depot. HWAM Wi TTVOR HUNT utt SAUis Bauuizg and ground * I1 fttltatli lei icall fcrodiy acd tracMne ( hop Good boiler , ergloe , cupola , blower with Hied thalt- Ing tta. , icady to put In motion. BWAK WALH ( j < uH b LK Uuuan. Lot * and Land. A. J. t "t ul e i on , MiJ Plret treuua. Aftl'fcoi nvurj Dee ) u > OouncU JiluOt o TusBaa. Dfllrortd by carrlH t | CnJ K SJ1ITII & TOLLER ACTS , LEADING Merchant Tailors ! 7 and 9 Main St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - - IOWA. AComplete Line of New Goods to Select From. , A.IIE& JVill Discount all 1vices. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , 337 Broadway , - Council Bluff * , lena A , J , TDLLOOE , ling. & Supt , o. p. N. SADt.xn , Aest. Eng. H. w. DIAMOND , A nt. Socy MISSOURI VALLEY BBID&E AND IRON WORKS A. MoLOUTU AND U. A WISE , Agents. Uan'fg'n and Dealers In Wronglit Iron , Stct-1 , Howe Truii anJ Combination BRIDGES For Railroads and Turn Tablet , Draw Spans , Hoot TIUMO ? , Piers ana Sub- structures. & lulled rilOPKIKTORS. Office and works , LKAVR.S WORTH , Kin. Pleaaescnd us notice of all bridge work to be let. CorrcsponJoncoiolldloil from crglnccrs and bildge coniriBtors. elo. Good Agents Wanted TO Brs. Judd & Smith's NEW IMPROVED ELECTRIC BELT. Office and Factory , No 30 , Fourth 8k , Council I luffs , Iowa. Keep Horses and Mules constantly on hand which wo will toll in retail cr carload lota All S toe arranted as Reoresented WholeB lo and retail doalera In Qraln and Baled II y. Trlcee rc tenable Satisfaction Ooaranteed. SOEELTTTEIt So Cor. 5th Av. and 4th St. , Council Bluffs. W. P. AYLESWORTHi HOUSE MOVER AND RAISER. Biick buildings of any kind raised or moved and sntlnfaction guaranteed. Frame house * meTed on Little Giant tracks , the beat In the world. W. P. ATLSWORTH. lO'iO Ninth Street , Council Blufla HAIR GOODS Waves , Langtry and Pompadour FrizzesSwitch es , etc , , ready made and made to order. Prices cheaper than ever. Call and see for yourself , MBS. C. L. GILLETTE. 29 Main { streetCouncil Bluffs. AND "THE ENGLISH1' KITCHEN. 505 Broadway , - - Council Bluffs. The cnly all night honse in the city. Ev.trytbiDg served in first clam etylo and on shor notice. Hot and cold Innchos always ready. No. 507 Broadway Oonnoll Bluffs. Railway Time Table. COUNCIL BLUFFS. The following ire the times ollho irlval and de parture ol trains by contril standard time , t the ootl depots. Trains leave trinefer depot ten min uter miller and urive ten minutes liter. DKrAKT. ABRIYl ttnuoo tnd BOMUWMUM. 9:25 A M Mall and Kipresa Bitt'r u 1 ! : 0 r K 'o ommodfttlon 4:10 : r M 6:30 : r M ExpieM 5:05 : A u OmOAM ABD BOOK ISLHD , 0t5 : A ii Vril and Ezprm 8:53 r u ' ; 25 A M Accommodation 6:15 : r u iSO : r u Kx , > ret8 PCO : A M OHMAOO , vnwAincn AHD n. FADI * 9MA : u U 1 and Express 6:50 : r 5:26 : r ii Kxpreii DtfS A omcAso , nmmaro * An quntrr. 0:60 : A u UtU aod Express 7:10 : r M 1J-S ) r u Accomnodauon 1:00 : r u 6U : i u Eiprtuj 8:60 : A M WABAUI , H. I/OU1B ABO rAOTIO , From Transfer only. 1:80 : r u St. t.onli Express ZIB : r M ' 10 T u Ohloigo Exp Tin I'eorU 9:10 : A M EAXIAI cm , at. * oa AKD OOCROTL num. ] 0'0 > > A U Mall and Kipresa 0:40 : T u 8:16 : r u Exprees CM A M ODX cm AHD rAcmo. 7o : A u Mail ( or filoui city 8:60 : r u ' ; [ 0 r K Kiprew lor 8t l' ul 8:60 : A u cmos pAotrio , ll'OO A u Dinver Express < : ! 5 r M 1:06 r M Uncoln Fa s O'a b n V S:35 : r 11 7:66 : r u Overlind I xprcu 830 A u Dtruxr TiAn > a TO OUAIIA. Ixare Council i Bluffs - 7:15-8W-9SO-10M- : : : : 11:10 : a. m. l' 0-:80-3 : : 0-4:28-6J6-8:26 : : 11:46 : p.m. Leave Omaha 8:40 : 7:6 ( r.fO 10 _ 11I6 ; a. m. 12:602:00S:000:666:66 : : : : : llilQp. m. JACOB sxars , Attorney - at-Law , COUNCIL BtUriB , IOWA. Office , kfaln Street , HOOKS 7 and 8 , Bbngart and I ! DO block. WUlpiartlMlnBiaUand UU oourta. TItOa. OFF10IB. W. II. U. 1'CBH Officer & Pusev , BANKERS Cou a. Established , - - 1856 Dealers in Foreign an4 Pomeatio Kzchange ntl UODJB Securlmaj , OUNGIL BLUFFS c J. o. Curtains , Oil Cloths , Window Shades , Linoleums , i Mattings. Rugs , Etc. , Etc. Caieful Attention Given to Ou of Town Orders. Upholstery and Drapery Work a Specialty. Our stock is the Largest ii flu f est ud U being continually roplenlahod by all the latest and choicest novelties. 405 Broadway Council Biufts U. Rice M. D. w * ti lotaort ISMBT * * wUfcQti U tail * * i irawicc cl U a4. GHBONIC Or i Ituitj . . I , P arl itreel.OonBctllUofla. 347 Broadway , Council Bluffs. TOWELS Special Inducements Differed this Week in Towels. dozen checked linen Towels at lOc worth 20 dozen huok linen Towels at 15c worth 20c. 20 dozen Bath Towels at 12 o worth 20c 25 dozen embroidered center , extra size damask , pure linen Towels at 25c worth New and Varied Assortment of Ladies3" Hosierv , V3T NOW ON SAL ! We are offering special iu'ducements ' to i 3 i i i < of this citv a nd vicinitv in Hosiery. 50 dozen assorted Hose , , mock scamsl at 15c worth. 20c. 20 dozen black lisle kos e at 25o. Ladies9 Vertical stripeJt hose , cotton , lisle , and silk , $1 , $1.25 , $71.75 , $2 and $2.50 o-ortli 4O uer cent mo-re. HANDKERCHIEFS 75 dozen ladies' aure linen Tlankerchiefs , hemstitchedt fast color borders , at 15c worth. 2 5 e. New pfew Calicos ; The great redaction in Domestics will this continue week , GOGKE & MORGAN 347 BEOADWAY , ' COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA.