Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 09, 1885, Page 5, Image 5

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A Swarm ol Dweptic B&urboBs &
Growling at drier's ' Heels ,
BtcctohcR ot Daynrd nnd Gurland
L The Homo Life ot the Latter
Great "Cixtctic "
* for.Mntch-
MftklnR Mothers1 ,
Special Oorrcflpondenoo ol The BEE ,
WASHINGTON , D. 0 , , May 0. A saint
from heaven couldn't ' please everybody ,
and for the present administration to
please all the howling politicians would
bo an utter Impossibility. Grumbling
from sore headed democrats has become
chronic. From all aides wo have pollt
leal dyspeptics billng ever thus : "This
in not a political favor administration by
a long way ; I can got a dam tight more
favura from the republicans than I ci
from the democrats ; the way they put on
airs and soar loftily away when a recommendation
mondation is presented to thorn to sign
fairly congests my livorl You are a
xulphty clover fellow when you work with
a will with "honest convictions" to help
got them Into high office ,
.and . I toll yon wo small fry do the bus
iness , the real political hard work , but
you coo when a fellow gets boosted on to
the highest round of the ladder ho pokes
his nose among the olouda while his feet
are on our heads. There's Btyard , for
Instance , ho's too high and mighty for
ill any use. I put In some level strokes for
that man. I have my influence , every
man has , and I put It all In his favor.
A bean Is a bean , but when planted it
covers a good deal of apace as a running
vine , and I toll you we bean vines twined
around Bayard aul were no small
strength and support when ho was
climbing for the highest cabinet position.
It was
for some time. I think if a vote had
.been taken on the subject Lamar would
have boon aakod to accept the position of
.aocrotary of atatn ; ho ia the man to fill
that place by natural right of being born
.a gentleman , and through education a
rlpo poliihod scholar. The prctidont has
oxproisod his highest appreciation of Mr.
'Lamar , and ho la very often a guest at
the white houio "
"Don't you think Mr. Bayard's ablll
ties as a statesman very much over
drawn , " I aaked ; "what has ho done In
tbo way of great statesmanship 7 Do yon
not rather tnko him for granted as a son
.of his-father 1 I luva been in Washing
ton if or some years , and have watched
Senator Bayard with no little interest ,
cand as yet have discovered no
great mental power ; nnd neither has
Ho the right of the accredited glory
of 'being "ono of the ablest statesmen of
his party. " Although jou are bound to
eland by your political ctlorr > , even If you
tavo been snubbed and told that there
are no vacancies , etc , I think you'l
find out ore Bayard's race ia run as secretary -
rotary of atato that he Is not the groa
statesman you thought him. There are
some very import-ant questions coming
before the atato department before many
days If this runes .Lvnd fusa across the
-waters Isn't Bottled peacefully , and it is
my humble opinion ( t uont be , although
there is a great effort be Ing made tocover | |
up the smouldering fire , and then Sec
retary Bayard will show his powera of
diplomacy. Yet cabins t officers take
great powers of glory which do not be
long to them singly ; as ab > 'dy of the con
stitution thtsa questions ci'atato are set-
tied. These men are ch oaen as the
political advisero of the pre& ident , and if
the truth was know , the who le truth and
nothing but the truth , It wend turn out
that tbo president gives advice to theao
several heads about the workings of their
departments , which la moat valuable to
receive. "
'Well , " said my political convi motion-
ist , "It Is mighty discouraglnj./ us
young politicians to bo ant down on so
hard , and BO have our polltlcjl god turn
oat to bo nothing bat common hunmn be
ings , and all of cur official atr ensiles
t crumble Into dust , is crushing to our i'ond
hopes. "
"It ia a test of true friendship as well
as great ability , to place a man In a posi
tion of high trust and sometimes it Is
necessary to seem cruel in orjer to bki
juU. "
A very solemn Btnllo passed ever the
unhappy oflioo seekers face as ho ( aid :
"A very pretty bit of poetry but don't
make a fit companion piece tor this d y
and generation of politicians. Men ask
for ollico and we expect them to py fi > r
it , if not Indollars and cents IB many do
In the west wo haven't union money In
the Bouth in political favor , and that wo
bavo a right to demand and expect.
Never you mind , If things go _ on this
way the republicans will have things tholr
own way four years from now ; see If
they don't , " And ho certainly did look
wretchedly unhappy.
"What do yon think of the attorney
general ? " I asikcd.
replied he , brightening up , he's just wbat
ho seems and nothing the. Ho ballevos
In rewarding his frlenda and punishing ,
bis enemies , nnd has the courage to act
upon his convictions. Ho treats you
with consideration ; does not tend you out
word when your card la sjnt in that ho la
busy In consultation and can't bo dis
turbed , but lota you run your chances of
getting a word in edgeways with him ,
and he is always surrounded by people
four feet deep In his office ; meets you
with a smile and frinkly tells you what
ho cm do or can't da , and It Is usually
that he will do what ho nyi , and he
keeps his word , which U a lair unto
himself. "
"Do you think there Is any danger ol
hli falling a vlotlm to that fell dlsoatc
that cuta off so many of our Amerlorn
statesmen In their early nanhcod
"Well , yon might ai well undertake tc
appeaie tbe appetite of a hungry , blood
thirsty lion with spring poetry as to sup
Attorney Goner * ! Garland could bt
itluoncod or spoiled by flattery. 0 ;
course a cabinet officer hta a great deal t <
tempt his vanity , but Mr. Garland knowi
merited praise from soft flattery wlthou
using a fine lievo to find It. "
Were he a toolety tain he would hi
the "bella of the ball , " so to speak , foi
physically ho is a handsome man. Hi
has a clean-cut , close shaven face , tha
would attract a true womin or Innocen
child to him trustingly by iuitlnot. . '
hoard many expreisluns of admiratioi
for bin by some very elegant looklnj
ladles In tbo saprjmo court room thi
other day , white the object of tholr ad
miration eat all unconscious cf tholi
word * , which mlsht turn his heart if no
his bead , and all the moro dsngerou
that they were unconscious of tbe tac
that ho wa a cabinet officer and a widower
ewer , They pronounced the juttice
"horrid and. stppjd " and tnrnnl the )
attention to the lawyers In the ring , and
suppoicd Mr. Garland ono of them yon
BOO they were strangers. I told them
who the object of their great admiration
WAS , and that ho might prove a " catch "
for somebody. " 0 , " said a tall , bright-
eyed girl , "I'll set my cap for him , but
do r mo , how am I to proceed V
"Make a late call at his house some
Wednesday afternoon , and prolong your
chat with his dear old mother till her
boy returns , for to her ho Is still "my
boy , " and ho Is deeply devoted to the
kind , honest hearted , motherly old lady
who prctides ever his homo. "
There are no pretenttons of style or
faahlon in his pUin but homo like resi
dence. His young daughter , who la not
eld enough to do tto honors of society yet ,
being a school girl , does sometimes assist
her grandmother In roceivitg the many
vlsltow who pay tholr respects Wednes
day afternoons , and it Is refreshing to bo
welcomed by this cgod , trup , noble
woman and innocent girl after going the
rounds of the giddy whirl of society call *
making. It w a a cold wintory day that
I re ado my first call , after hiving paid
my respects to the other Itdlca of the
now cabinet , and it w a a pleasant expe
rience to enter a home-like homo that had
no suggestions of a modern city residence
but took mo back to the homos of my
childhood , and the homos I have entered
in the far west. The relation between
mother and son ii a tender , beautiful ,
old-fashioned one , whore affliction and
conalderation control each. Mrs. Gar
land or rather Hnbbard , she has been
twice married scorns fond cf society ,
and you feel that her invitation to call
again is sincerely given. Mr. Garland is
not unmindful of what is reqaired of him
socially as a cabinet offici r , and ho has
compiled with the requirements to the
oiteni of getting a "awallow tailed" coat ,
and mighty handsome ho looks In it , too.
His indifference to aocloty makes him all
the moro at ease. People who
nro fond of society , and desire to please
are always ever anxious and thereby ill
at cue. Our unmarried belles , who
grow younger and younger with each
now administration , have their eyes upon
the "great catches" the president , Sec
retary Lamir and Attorney-General Gar
land. Should they ask any advice , and
of courao they will , I should say by all
means take the attorney-general. He la
not only kind , noble and handsome , bat
a fine lawyer , and when ho retires from
office ho won't "go to the wall ; " neither
will Secretary Lamar , for ho Is a fine
scholar and a cultivated gentleman ; but
he's moody and ' 'has his spells" of utter
forgetfulness of your existence , and you'd
go off In the corner and pout yourself to
death. And an ox-president who is
obliged to hang out his shingle , with dire
ful attacks of alatica ; never , girls , never ;
don't you do It ! Coy.
Xho "Old Army Friend" of President
Hayes Securely Gaged iu Omaha ,
The deputy U. S. mawhal who wont
to Chicago last Monday after Howard
Love joy , returned bore with Ida prisoner
yesterday morning and ledged him in
quarters at tbe county jail. Love joy , II
will bo remembered , la the man whom
President Hayes appointed , as an old
army friend , to tbe position of receiver
for the public land office at Niobrara.
How ho eoon became short in hia ac
counts there with the government , some
$12,000 , then escaped , and tbo manner
ia which ho was discovered and subse
quently arrested ot Chicago , ara matters
that have been told at length in tlieto
columns , therefore need not be repeated
now. Yesterday afternoon a reporter for
THE BEE waa permitted to see and
chat with Love joy , but , like
all men who are In the
halo ] ai bo Is now with tbo bands of
bondsmen and lawyers ever his mouth ,
could get very little that anybody , would
cara to hear out of him.
Howovcr bo did make out to declare
that none of this mitapproprlated money
ever went Into hia pockets. "I admit , "
said be , "that my business waa not at
tended to as it should have been , I run
oil after things , conventions and aucb ,
too much , leaving other parties to look
after the books and accounts of the office.
When I discovered that there was a
shortage , I had then § 15COO , of the gov
ernment's money in my possession , and
could have taken it but did not , Ono of
my bondsmen wanted mo to let him have
it but I refused and deposited -
posited it in the bank at
Yankton. There waa then about $000
salary duo mo. I drew out money
enough to got away on and went to Chicago
cage , expecting to return in a short time ,
as soon as the matter blew over a littla ,
and straighten everything up. "
When asked why ho didn't return , the
prisoner could glyo no reaion. After
remaining In Chicigo awhile , ho sjys
that ho went to Milwaukee and stayed
there about eighteen months and then
went bick to Chicago. Ho looks rather
rocky and ia clear busted financially.
Some of his bondsmen arrived hero yes
terday ; the balance are expected immo-
dUtely and probably ho will bo given a
preliminary trial before long.
Nervous Again ,
The 'Western Union telegraph opera-
tors hero are nervous again , and this
time their grievances are based upon the
failure to be heard by the association's
directory , fora restoration of pay for
extra work. It appeara that the request
to restore extra tlmo pay baa been
granted to Chicago and Detroit but at no
other polnti. The Mhsourl valley oper
ator * circulated a petition yesterday
which they send on to the Western
Union officiils and this petlnn tells then
that unless a favorable repiy is received
by tbe 10th tbe men will all walk out.
Frelflit Ilatee ,
The rate on wool by the Union Pixolfii
from Saoshono and all points north anc
west thereof on the Oregon Shnrt L'm '
to Council Bluff * or Omaha at 93 per 104
pounds , has boon made and takes effeo
at once and explting Dec , 31,1885 , if no
sooner repealed.
The Union PaclGo bai decided to maki :
special rates of 50 cents per 100 pound
on wheat , 0. L , from Utah commoi
points to the M'Hiouri ' river for all. I
Is in enW. now and continues until Dee
31 , 1885 , without fcrthor notice , If no
sooner repealed.
S. F , Woodbridge , city editor ol thellei
aid , received tha ad intelligence yesterday o
his f Athar'a death at P.inghampton , N , Y ,
Hereford's Acid I'lioipliatc ,
DR. ia , S. READ , Chicago , sayi ; " .
think it Is a remedy of tha hlgheit va'ui '
in many forms of mentil and nervous ex-
haustlon , attended by sick headache
, and dimlnhhcd.vitality. . "
Not a Very lateresliDg Da ? in tbe
Law Mills ,
In tlio United States Circuit Court
YeBtoidny , < Tadgo Brewer ! ) ! -
poacil of tlio Following O sc § .
William Vorohnson vs. Kysoa Tiornoy
ot al ; leave to file amended nnswor by
Juno , tulca and replication ton days
Lydla A. lluiaell vs. Ooorgo Brooks ot
al. ; diamliacd and coils paid.
Sarah A. Small vs. John 0 , Stafford
ot al ; c rdcr pro confcsao vs , Stafford and
wlfo ,
ProntUs D. Cheney , executor VB. John
Goldaby ; leave given to file answer In
thirty days and continued.
Satah . Brown vs. Harrison n ,
Blndnott. Diamlmd at coat of com
Now England Mortgage Security com >
ptny vs. Edward Matbowa at al. Order
< f confirmation and for appropriation of
surplus. "
William F. Hall et al. vs. Henry A.
Kt'ncdy ot al. Order of jnibl cuion.
The City National Bank of Dixon , 111. ,
VB. Ohnrlea M. Hoey. Suit diamltsod on
motion of plaintiff at its cast ,
A. Prominent Citlzon AVaylatd at his
Own Door Yard nnd a Fireman
Chased by Foot-Pads.
J. E. "Wigcman , head pattern maker
at the Union Pacific ahops , foil a vlotlm
laat night to the vllltiny of two highwaymen -
waymon , who slugged him with a sand
bag at ha ! own yard gate , It WBB about
11 o'clock and Mr. Wlgeman , was re
turning homo from a mooting of the
Knights of Labor lodge. Just as ho waa
about to outer the door yard at his houao
No. 720 Cumings street , two
men appeared and ono of
them struck him over the
loft temple and head with ' some heavy
instrument , snppnaed to have been a
sand bag. Ho reeled , fell to the ground ,
and laid there senseloaa several minutes
before anyone went to his assistance.
Then he was first discovered by his wife.
She heard some ono groining and wont
out to find that it waa her husband. At
brief Intervals bo gained enough con
sciousness to tell wbat had happened to
him but his condition Is a very danger
ous ODO. In fact it WAS feared at 2
o'clock this morning that his recovery Is
doubtful. Three phyaiclans , FJg nbaum ,
Neville , and Tilden , wera called In to
treat the unfortunate mau.
Eirly yesterday morning , when going
to his home , L Caaldy , fireman htonglno
homo JNo. 1 , wns mot near the corner of
Douglas and Nineteenth streets , by a
burly foot-pad , and aeaiulted. Casidy
turned around nt first when the follow
approached him , and was hit in the face
with a brickbat. Ho returned the blow ,
and knocked his assailant off Into the
gutter , bat ho Boon rocovorodand atarted
for Cisidy again. The latter took to his
heel ; , and made a bald headed rush to
got homo , and the villain panned
him. They had It red hot for a dlatanco
of two or three blocks , and when almost
to his own houao , Casidy leaped over tbo
foncc , and "tbo villianstillpurauodhim , "
but ho got Inaldo the door and was
The cause for waylaying Wlgoman is
somewhat mysterious. Bobbery doeen't
seam to have baen the reosin , because
neither his watch , a fine gold one , nor
money were taken.
A Brakrnan Explains His Religion ,
San PraTi cisco Chronicle.
Gopal Venayak Jothco Is a Hindoo and
a native of Sangatnner , In the Bombay
Presidency. Ho left Bombay more than
nlno months ago and traveled hither , via
tJarmah , Slsni , China , and Japan. Josheo
was visited by a Chronicle reporter in his
rooms , on Buah street , and having placed
a lighted candle on n small table , with
his legs crossed under him on bia chair ,
his email bronze bands clasping his small
bare feer , ho proceeded to explain that
the communication ho waa about to make
were not voluntary , bat only in answer to
question ) .
"I travel for my pleasure and inatrao
lion , and to find out fur myeolffit all the
English missionaries cay Is true ; they
muka attacks on my religion and customs
and I want to find out what Is fat and
what la falsehood. "
"Aro you a Brahman or Buddhist ? "
"I am a Brahman. Tlioro are vary few
Buddhist , but hundreds of thousands of
Brahmann. Wo are all Idolaters , and we
are proud of it. Wo do not respect the
Images , but the holy men whom they rep
resent. "
"Do yon bellevo In a Supreme Being ? '
"Yis Bat wo do net worship Him.
Of course not , A Supreme Being dooj
not want any worship. People cannot
worship what they cannot conceive. "
' 'Toll me about your religion. "
"People In this country respect the
memory of their dead relatives ; they wor
ship Insignificant being sach as tholr
fathers and mothers. Wo worship those
who have been worthy men and have left
records behind them , and who are Oed
Incarnate like your Christ. Our religion
is not idolatry ; wo do not worship gods ,
but godlike men. "
"You seemed to have studied different
rellgiona. "
"I bollovo I have studied well and
maintain my own ground. Oar aim Is to
destroy our individuality. We should be
above our pwiions , else we are only
animals. "
"Bat you worship animal * , " remarked
the reporter.
The Brabam however was not to be
cornered , MWo do not worship the aer
" eald ho "but the
pent , , eitraordlnarj
power it posaeiaea , A serpent with us la
the symbol of eternity , because with
single sting to can pass a man lnt (
eternity. "
o " What otheranlm [ ls do you thai revert
elnce we must not say worship1' ?
"Tho cow la very divine. We reaped
it tbe same as our mother , because II
gives milk to all , as our mother to us , ]
must tell you we do not worship anitnali
themselves , bat tholr powers. I am i
Hindoo u ao-cilled Idolater ; our reltgtoi
ia superior to yours. We strive to lool
on all thing with even eyes. A man whc
says 'this ' thing la good nd that la bad' li
not fit for abiorptlon in God , becauio h <
is selfish. Nothing Is bad In this world
If a man hits me I must bear It , or I an
tolfith , for I am tbe one hurt , "
Pi Ices reduced on Whltebreatt Lumj P
to 81.00 per ton. Whitebreaot Nut tc
$3.75 per ton ,
m WAHNtK'Sjpo
H. H. WABHEB & CO. , Kochcstor , H. 7.
$1.0O aJBottle.
H.JL Warners Co. RoclicslcrN. , Y.
Rev. Fruncti Ollllit , Atllcgton , Vt , rccammemla
Wamer't T < ppecanoctho bett tor sick headache
caused by stomach disorders.
$1 oo k.3aol"J'XjJ3.
H. H. Warner & Co Rochester , N. Y.
lira. Spencr JtcClclUn , Oowcn Mich. , warmlr
rocjmmtnds Warner' Tippicanoo tin best.
, IiiRht , Airy and Gomfortalilo
Quartcrs-A cliort History of
tlio Institution and its
The city library ia now nicely located
in Ita new quarters , Falkonor's Hall ,
corner of Douglass avenao and Fifteenth
root , and will bo opened to the public
110 o'clock this morning. Slnco thla
ibrary first became city property It has
con moved about from pillar to post and
opt In places that were anything but
nvittng and cheerful , therefore in the
oems whore It is now patrons thereof
.ill have many reasons to congratulate
homselves. The second and third floors
ro occupied , and each room ia
2x70A foot In eizs. Wilh large
windows at either end end high
MllntH ; an abundance of light ,
It and comfort , efcontial ele
ments for the BUCCBIS and benefit of auch
a Institution are oecarod. ( Jn the BBC *
nd floor are arranged the book eholvea ,
thind an attrictivo now counter made
ly John Qalnn , along on the top of
hich ia placed a high frame filled with
intls of glair. At ono end of thla desk
i placed a window through which to ro-
uivo books , and at the other end a win-
ow through which to deliver them. The
ibrarian , Mlaa Mary Allen , hopes that
ho people will learn to. trantoot tholr
meinosa with her assUtsnta through these
windowa , end n t t.o hopbazird all ever
ho houao as haa been the ciao too much
orotoforo. On thla ibcr are located ,
, lso , the ladles reading room , the librarl-
, n's offioo and the director's room. It IB
applied with tables and chairs , and the
'oor la covered with a nice Llnolin mat
ing ,
Un the third floor will be found the
entoman's ! reading room , the files and
3o periodicals. Both apartments are
cached by easy flights of Blairs , that are
lcply carpeted.
Edhclm & Edcknnn have let it be
mown that they will present the library
it its opet In ? to-day , with a fine clock.
The librarian , Mies Allen , and her two
aslslauts. Mies Jeesia Allen end Mica
Maggie O'Brien , have been working very
hard to bo ready for the reception of their
rlends to-day. It la no Email job to
handle 14,000 volumna , besides all the
newspaper files and porlcdicals that ara
here , and do it twice as they have dona
n the short space of tlmaallotod In which
o move. It m'ght not bo uninteresting
> mention In this connection that the
tbrary is projper n ? , and with
n the next few yearj It
, a hoped , will bo peimanontly housed
n a homo of I's ' own. When puichaaod by
ho city , about eight years ago , It was
hon a very Insignificant concern , with
only a few volumes of books , but to-day
there are 14,000 copioi of the best stand
ard works on Its shelves , besides all the
eadlng dally newspapers and periodicals.
The readers who go thors to store their
minds with knowledga average about 250
per day , big , little , old and young. A
great many of them arc old people.
Mr. Kd. Hanoy , who baa BO long and efii ]
: iently filled the position of station baggage
jgent at tbo Union 1'aclu'o depot , waa ou
Tliureday nollQed by Suoerintendent IJorranco
f bis appointment as depot master at Omaha ,
with full authority over all employes at the
Ution. Mr. Haney will also continue to act
it ttatlon bapgago agent , Tbo promotion ia
well deserved.
Die OretUrt "Medical Triumph of tb. Age )
Los ofpppetlte , lloweliCoiltTe , Pmlntn
Ibe Ueod , with a dull lentBtlon In thu
tack part , i"aln nndcr tha .boulder-
blade , Fullnen after eating , with m dU-
Inclination to exertion of bodr or mind ,
Irritability attemper , i.ovf iplrlti , with
a. fooling of havlnn neglected nomodutr ,
Wearlneii , Dlzzlneii , Fluttering : nit ho
Ueart , Iloti before the ) ores , Headache
orer tbe rlaht eye. Hestlesinois , with
at ful drenmi , Illnhlr colored Urine , and
TCTT'S I'lULS are especially adapted
to luch cases , ono doio effecta auch a
bangn of feeling a to astonish the aufferer.
They Increase the A Dpetlte.and caow the
6odT to Take ou Kle.U.thus tbo STitera II
nourl.he.l. and by IbelrTonlo Aellon on
lbel l eitlvoOrcaiiII r8 ooUiar8
prodncd. 1'rlceJftc. . -1 1 Murr ay ht..W.Y.
UaaT IlAiu or WIHRKEUB changed to a
GtxJasr IJLACIC by a elnRlo application of
tills DTE. It Imparts a natural color , acts
instantaneously. Bold by DruBS > t i or
aent by express on receipt of 9
< JtYIoo.44 Murray St. . New York.
I bare a positive rtmtdj for tb abort dl ait I by IU
sj thoaitndiof cu iortb worst klndaiidof too
lu"l fflc * erttb "wm s n > oTl's } * < HOTTlESRKH
( autaafferir , i > l iprti ii > dr
jj pB.1 W/jJpM.iii ( .i
All adetrtitementi inttrttd In the tjvciat rolumni
tall b ( charged ot the rate of ohe ttnl } > tr uordfor
rack \nttrt\on , ana not len than tieenty-flre ttntifor
e fatt intertion. tVgurtt and tigni to becharged
letaineai the irorilt rtprctenting than ftgurci.
'hat advtrtiiemtntl uill le iiuerted in both Morn-
'ny ' and Ertninj KJitiont , nprtttnting a circula-
'fono/orer ' Hight TkmaanJ. Thit clan oadrer -
iiementi mutt } > oiitiftly bei > aid in advance.
rrv > LOANf,000 on red estate by Ballou Bros. , 81 ?
JL South 13th Street. 19M1
OMITTO LOIN In amiunti to suit , on chatto'e ' ,
M collateraliorani goodtecuilty. Omaha Kln n-
lal Exchange , I503 Farnam it. , up-tUlri. ISSjflp
uNKY To IOAO on chattels , Woolley & Harrison ,
M lloom 20 , Omaha National bank building
rONEV TO LOAN On teal estate and chatl ls
L D. U Thomas. 08" .
ONKY Lonnel on nh ttct , out r S H. . R
M tlOkeUooaghUnd sold. A. Foimin.SlSS.lSth 81
1 fl/t I
ONKY LOANED at 0. F. Hood ACo'R. Loan oOica
M on furniture , pianos , horses , wattonj , personal
irorcrtr ot nil klmli and all otho rittloloa ot value ,
rltbout removal. Over lit National Dank.oorrcrlSth
ml Farnam. All business itrlotly oonOdontlal
TO LOAM In inm o ! WOO anil npvraid.
MOHKt Davis and Co. , Uoal KulaU and Loan
\srenti , 1605 FaroamSI. 951-H
JINTBD- Young girl for light housoork Mor o'
w- block , 16th and C | Hoi avo. S08 go
trANTiD-Aglillorgener.lhoutowoik 1712 Call-
t lomla. lOMlp
ANT D A good ttrl for general lioujootk ; call
wANT \ Mrs Ha > nef,2lX3 W b tor st. 107-fp
-Immcd'atoly ' , Orst-i 1 if s cook , mutt bn
aiiood laundio Btndundrrst ndmtkliijbuttcr ;
faces 85 per eik ; apyly at M T Pirljk , naundeis
ieor Lake ttroet Take Ifltn and 18th St. cars.
- girls , experienced cooks ; "maha
WAMiD-Oood Bureau , 1120 Farnam St. 70l-tl
W ,
itcady slrl for second work at
W 201N llth St. , immedlito'y.
- for houss work. Mrs r Inghara.Uh
WANTBO-aiil klda 10th St. , south Leavmworth.
IASTKD Good gltl at Faciflohouie , good wages.
W 187-t (
-A good girl for rjcneral homo work 1017
WANTED St. 32- "
- - dining room girl at the Met
ropolitan hotel ; none other need upply. 824-t
T1TAKTKD A Rood cook at 820 South 10th St.
-Oil ! for general hiu'ework ; apply 8 W
WANIKD and Webiter , near Crcixhton colltRO.
TTTANTED by Kensington Art C . , femilo help
W In all parts of the country , to do our llgh' ,
ileatant work at toelr homes. Kent bv mall to any
.dd'ess , nocativasisnsr , easy to lc rn and any one
an eara from 8' to $10 p r week. Forlull Inlormv
Ion addrc's Kcntlngton ArtlUoms,35 Congo's t „
ostonM 8S Box 6078. 106-300
ANTBDL dy agcn ts for "Queen FroUrtoi
W dilsy stocking and skirt supjortors , sboulde
ir co , bustles , boi9 a forms , d ots * hl Ids , pafoty
lelts , sleeve protector , etc. ; ontlrtly new devices un-
iroccdentid proflts ; wo have 600 go ts maklni $100
lonth'y. Address with stamp , EII Cimpb- & Co. ,
South May St. , Culcago. etO-mlOp
first clafs wood turner ; nine but a
WASTED ? mechanic need pply ; Ro'cnbors
laning Mill , Itth and JI rcy. 183-9p
TTTANTED-Flrst-cl-s ) practical hou o rnlnter.
W Stead * work and good wages for right hina of
orkman. Addicsi.L. HeUeiiogor.Kcd Oak , Iowa.
ocooddrauzhtsmau atoaoapp'y ; ' to
w Tyler , Architect , Lincoln Neb. l l-8p
( Fltuatlcn for 10 German gills to do
W1MD . Call at 0178.10th street near
ITITANTKD A situation as coachman and gardener ,
VV by arell be ! , Intillieont man ; ro'o enccs to
lot Guy V. Henry , government headcj.uarterj. 17ii Op
- an drug o'erk ; country
WANTiD-Kmploimenl ; objeit ; aJdrccs "R" Bte
ifflce/ 180-gp
iNTBD Situation by an experienced book ,
keeper to keep b50k < eienlogs ; cau give good
efercmo ; addresi'E Clark" Bee otllce. 152 12p
'ANTED Boarders at 1615 Capitol av .
\T7AfiitD-OnBortwo toitlemfn to occupy we'l
\T furnished , pkasaitfrort room near street c rp ,
: heap : rtlcrai-cea required ; 1621 north ] 0tb , north ol
-race. lOi'Sp
-By a gord tenant , live rr ilx roomed
WASTBD in good locality by Hay 15th. Address
II D" Beu olllce. 178 Op
LADIES ivn OKMLF.MSS to takn nice ,
WANTKD ple s nt work , at their own horcts.
York sent by rcttll any d'etinco ' ll the Vdrround
2 to 55 a day nutetly ma < ! c ; n icanvaatlnK , Address
lla1 lo Mtn'IV Co. , rUUdeij.hU , Pa , Box 1593.
ANTKD-lltiom and board not more than eight
W bl cks frum P 0 , Address "d. " care lite.
; ASTKD By good tenant , a cottage centrally In
U cated , by the 10th ot May ; adjiuja Jin , thh
ITlae. 100 9p
- , . to try otir Prepared Corn
. . Meal , ready for Want u o with iho addition of
rrllk or cold water. Pat up In 3 and 0 Ih. mckig'B
ulcl by grootrs. W. J. welihaig & Oj. , Minul.ct
rcrs. 07o tf
'ANTFU A man or woman In o' cry country In U
. . B 8 .25 samt le free $78 ptr month. eaUry or
ommleilon. ScnJ stamd. I'aul Talicl , Chliago 111.
83 50 will buy one dcron Roger Bro's
WANTED plated table knives it MooJy'i chi
itore.cornurlrltbaud Davorport tt. 4t5-tf
- ady In need of a senlng ma
chine , to see tbe new Improved American No.
P. K. Redman & Co. agtnta ; 220 N ICtb. 05211
RXXT Furnished cottsgi seven room ? . A ) ply
FOB K J dtxo. Oj-era Houio Block , or on primleei
118 Bart 81. Kent (49. 171-9
[ 7VK HINT A boarding bouse 2 t looks from Post
f office , hett location U tte otyj will tell all or part
I furblture ; apply at New Kri'Und Vakery , ICtb st ,
105 8p
OR asiT-Go d brick hour * , J25 per month. R
F 0. : Potterson , 18th and Fa nam. 101-9
'OK ' IMT Two i orti , career 16th and Capitol
avenueoppotlt * the exposition bulUlnp to be
jreoted thli lummer , Morte & Bruuue- , Paxton
Building , 16th and Farnam. ltt-9
T70RIXKT-C ronms over * itore with city water
F and ail conveniences for bcuie ketplng | 15per
month. Elegant residence 1 ! room moit dulrahli-
mt of city , | a I per month. U E Uavne , & Co. , H Werner
: orner 15tn and Farnam , 13) ) 3
oa RINTFour room house llh wattr ; oonven
lencet th and lilokory it. 141-llp
RINT Three cottages 4 , 6 and 0 rooms. J
FOB lice , 1512 Sooth 6th it. 992-11
OR BIXT-Two barm centrally located J , Pblppi
F lloe , 1512 south 5th It. tS4-tf
T7OR HIST Lwo homes 7 and 10 rooms 1512 south
I1 6tn tt J , Pblpp * Hoc , P93-t !
RUNT A. tplendi 11 ght roiner brick basement
FRR lycne block from the pntolllce oily S'O per
uonih. Alia fplfnlld o rnerttoreon paved it. ,
good ihilvlnir , counters and ec'lar. ' 135 per month.
Uone & llrunner , Paxton bloolc , corner Fllttentb
and r'arnam Ste. 112-8
. 12 good lots Mirlon place three blocki
Iromitrret can oneaiy term ? . W II ( Irceo ,
o\er let Kal'ltnik. 96 Ml
FOR RKNT 10 room bouK , modern Irrprovementi.
Bedford , Boner & Davis , 213 B. Itth St. 763tt
Foa RE.SI fbree story brick itore bulUtng ; en.
quire of EJ ard NorrU & Co. , room 19 0 > ours <
Block. 6S3 tf
CV > B RKNT Fornlibed cottage , 7 roomi , with
J ? olcwets , i antry , etc. , In bttt locality In City on
pay root with board. Cell In ernoon at 525 Pleas-
Dt St
FOR RKNT A store on Coming st. Apply tn John
ll.MCr , fll& . lethSN 81314
1100M3 FOU HKNT.
K Ki\T T n e'nant roomi In beautl'ul loo-
Ion. I Apply 1910 Dodge it. J14 8p
FOR RnxT-2 v. II furnlihxl ronron In Iledlck's ' leek
1509 Farnim ; g < xsi lei llcn , pleasant fur two or 4
K-ntucen. Inquire Ot U h Burnett , 218 south Uth
treet. B15-9p
1J"OR KMT - \ nicely furrm ed room In pi aonnl lo
cation , fvf [ , cneor tw-i gcrlemen of qulcthablll ,
terms tnoJctatc , Adduss'A. . II. " Dee tiller.
24 & ' )
17OR RINT Farnlihed front room 7"8 uh ( Iftti
JH ttrcet , between Junes and Lean nvrorth. 1018p
I OR risnt One largo f'ont room , bay window and
mantle on flrat flaor ; mini irn conrenloiccs SOth ,
near HI. ila > ) 'sate , luqulroats.V. . corner l th
and Dodr.o , t , J7R.ll
FOR RRiT-Furnlshod room for t olth board.teiB
Chicago. lS8-9p
FOR RFNT-Newly furnlihed frent room at CIS B
IMhttrtet. 177-lSp
I TOR RKNT Thrro unlurnlnhed rooms , will tttiutod
for i m.ll family , and one nicely furnished and
pleasantly rltuated room 71S S IMlu HD-Bp.
FORRKVT tft'ge , will nnUhtil Iront room , fur-
nthid rrunlu'iilihed , one block from St Marts
avr ; inquire of Qeu Ucugh , 1SOO UnUglas St. 190-13p
1/OR RKNT Nlctly furnlered front room suitable
for two gentlemen , location excellent 1418 Ho * .
aid st. 990-Sp
I.'OR HKNT-FarnlsheJ room , ltn boaid. Suitable
J ? lor t o gentlemen. 1117 Hoirard. 770-Kp
I.IOR RUNT Furnished room , 1S16 Ftrnam itrcct ,
' otc block Wilt of tew court hcuse. Mrs I ) T.
M unt. lEB-gp
FOR RENT Furnhlicil rooms nevilreuoratrd ,
itiolein iainroMim9ntsoiio llock from 1'oit otllco
15th ai d Cat Itol nve. 147.9
I70RRR.XT-A Uigoron-non gtound floor suitable
JT fordr S3 making Mrf. A Sorrel , 1519 Dodgoot.
J70R RRXT-HtiHsomrlv turnMiod rooms onrios
I St. Address "J J"oiro Bee 132-llp
F'on INT A rooai for gentlerran and wife or for
t AO gentlemen , tilh Qnt-cUii beard 1022 Rurt st
FOR HINT Furnished front room with board In
pitvaU ) family la 17 Chicago St. 109 tf
FOR RKM Furnished rooms w'th or wllhcut
boird , 2112 Haruey St. , one block from street
car- 09Hf
i-von RK.NT A stero cheap SCO nrlh Uth.
ORRr.iT Ploisantroommo ernaocommodatlons.
Inquire 1724 Capitol ave. 689 Op
F I OR RSNT Hatiilsome furnished room itlth bathlni ;
i oou. attach ) d at 2209 Dodge st. 070 8p
FOR RKXTFiirnlnhed front room with board In
private family , 1017 Chicago Bt. 085-tt
Foa u MT-With board.nlcely furntihrd front room
gai aud bath , UvB Jones. D87 tf
F OR RUNT First-clan office. Lj tie's Block Farnam
ttrict , between llth and 12th. OM-8p
F 10R R XT FurnlsheJ rooms 1621 Capitol avo.
007. mSO
FOR nr\T-Suite of rornn centrally located , wnll
( InUlird sjltablo for cthceorll lng rooms. K M
Ea on , 111 south 14th St. 8S1 tt
| J"OR RSNT ORlae nd tlilrd fl < vr suitable for whole.
I ? sulo or manufacturing , at 1207 farnim St.
rott KBSI- Furnished room 1318 Jackson st.
r Nlcoly furniehed ( rnnt room for Inly
aud gentleman ; Inqulra 521 Pleasant St. 712 tf
FUR RENT-Nlccly lurniihod rooms 1E17 Davenport
pOOMU With board.detlrablt f jr summer. Apply
flat 81. Chailos Hatei. 041-tt
FOU KENT Several flno cilices In Cronnso1 block ,
Inquire Ed. Norrla , room 10 Crounse blooi
B42 tf
FOR BALK -Itancli , a nnall ranch of S'.COO ' acres 11
Kltth County touching the I'lattelllxer : plenty
f witer < iidgrns'2go ; d nous a , shod ? , sUb'cs and
inrrolt ; Flo kcres unuer fence ; prlco $ O.DOVialf cash
jal.nco on long time. J. C. JtcBrldo , Lincoln , Neb.
FORBilK VO U acre stock and grain f r n , n'l ' Im
proved ; four h"urs' ride Ironi the Onaha Sto.k
arde ; vtNcnmtlcs from the c'ty of Fremont ; two
tilroads vilbiii tared miles ; 300 acre ; under plow ,
rhe ro t In imstu'c ' ; board ( cnce , ruanlnir stream
broUKh paituro ; house Mtbtei rooms ; ft 111 bei U
htapll sold immediately ; on terms to suit. For
iriher particulars Inquire ot Qco. C. drodfrcr , Fie-
ont , Neb. 157 tt
H'OR BALK-Fa. in and unimproved land lets and
house on long ci edit B&lILand ollico , 620 ,
3th St. Vtdlcka & Ooanlner. f03-rrl3p
FOR SALK Oood farm In Vlishlngton Co. ; 171
tcres ; SO acrod cultivated ; good buildings ; Dno
chard ; running water ; all fenced. EUward Norrla
Co. , room 19 Orounse Block. < 7itf
1'OR SALB Hvells4 xlSO ; together on Lci'cn-
1 wcrthstreet ; beautiful location , $1000. One-
'otiMli r fh , boUtci on long time , cosy terms.
2ralo ! & Joner. 210-tf
/ OR on LEASH Fur lease , brick block , corner
1 1 Dili and Caj licl Aienuo , one block from post-
Tic' , two ( tores anrt hutment , 20 rooms with mod-
rn ImprovcmentP , room ) renting from f 15 to $26
or month. Furniture for talc : The exposition
ulldlncr , being const ) uctud , la en the opposite cor-
er. Moree & Drunccr , I'axton building , I.ltli nuJ
arnarr. 2171
T'ou HiU : A h use 28x12 and luse cheap , on the
1 a'ley ' coricr ol Hill ni.dCcntcr. luiulre on the
renleei. 101-Oji
FOR BALK Six beautiful lots In Hanthorne , ten la
1C liy pUo , ix In Wctt End ad J and ten In
"lurs om place ; all easy terms. II. G.l'attereon 18th
nd ftinam. llU-if
BALic-Uamtlful and desirable lots at (20 'fa ' th
FOR monthly payments. K. C. Patterson , I'1 h
and Far , am. iej-tf
? < ORHAI.K Hill Interest of a well established con-
I 1 traliy heated grocery bunlnets for solo cheap on
.ccour.t of III hcallb.
Choice let In Arbor place 8160.
6 acree , 4 room house north KaunJcis street 8KOO.
[ , acres i.uar Fort , ( B 0
2 lots , ca t ( rent , Uwlpht & Lyman's add. , $7 0.
Correr Shirley and 1'hil Sheridan avc , llurr OaU
. , ? ico.
2Ion In Arbor place , G room houio and liable
Lot 76 HO east front. 7 rooui house , birn ct : , , In
cdlck'd EubUvlslon add. near car line $ ICOI > .
Corner lot 27lh and Dodge 4 room house $1850.
4 lota In Uurr Oak add , $2200. 1'uulnon & Co. ,
618 Farnam st. 117-11
ruci li good lota In thliaddition nlth'
MARION . of street cars , can be had on easy
terms. W U Oieen , over lit Nat'l Bank. HE-tf
T70R sitn-Al a bargain , three good houses 817 and
JP 817i 18tb , south ol Leavenwortn ; rent } 0S per
er month ; pi Ion (5,600 easy payments ; mu t be
oil lief ire June 1st. Apply S. Murtenixii , tailor ,
118 Ftrnaoj strict.
BALI House full lot , well , cittern , barn , all In
FOR condition , one block from street can f 1 800
caiy terms. W II Green , over Itt Nat'lllauk , 041-tf
T70K SILB Good 6 room hou e , lot (0x132 l > ot , ai
P trout , f 1300 ; 8100 naah biUnce J15 per month
W. II GreeD , oier lit National bank. B8U1
iroil HALE A palrof extra ( ted work none" ,
A"welfhlrg about 1,4CO pounds each ; flte yein old
mund > i < d Mill broken , Reaaon for selling , too
'aluabla ' for my business. InquUtatQeo. Helton's ,
128 Broadway , Council Uluffi. ISj-U
I OR BiLK-SOO.OCO b'lck , on car < at Eellnvue or
F Omaha. U. T. Clarke. 2(8-11 (
FOR BALK A good saddle borte gentle and sound. .
Apply tOlS Douglas it. FA Fox. 99) Op
FOR HALS Two No 1 icconi band bug
jr. Ap y 14C9 and 1111 Dodge- . 14511
[ T'OR SALS An elegant pailorset and mirror , 710 It
L1 20th treet. iBO-Up
I T'OR BALK A pair of ponies with a Hunt spring wa
1 gen andliarnnja veiy cheap for cajh 1217 Hoviarii '
itreet. 180-lf
FOR sAtic-Plano. a J7CO upright piano at a bar
Kln , 1719 Douglas 733-mi
IJsiuiONii A joung gentleman of some meam
who bat a very limited arqnaUtinco among tii
f lr tex , would like to find a br'ght , llve'y and vtx
looking y iing ladytotclp birn ran leltuie hour
X , Beeofflct , 2U-9 |
-lf you wanta detect he , send jour a <
I od ton to tbo Omaba Detective Agiory , P 0 U
i , olUVei 216 south Mth it. tit ) mJ7
annvixD mid wile receives ladlei In her hour 1
MRS coolloemeot , Ko 1132 Hsutb Ittb Bt.,0inah .
MM K. M Hoorm. Troao * clairvoyant , and hot ! .
Ing tee lumi ready for business over NoetSSK
txirrcr iflth and Webster. Totmi tovwnable. 4S2 mlo
-Lob ! ll A OO' , I
IX , ttrtet corner Uth , real estate Iwunht anil sold
on oomtrdMion , txchtngrjol rial or personal proper.
yeffcettdther : tr napetf parties having rial estate
or stooViof gcuxlitoMllor etchinre at r is3n ble
pilec * , IJ solicited , ana will ha\e ur kestittcrtlon.
To xiniA\oii-Twoslendlilfaim foriuerobtndlM ;
hotel for form. It. 0. Patterson , Utli and Par-
nam. 162-tl
FOR Kxriutori fJebrasVa land and tuiproved biu-
incfn property In lj , about if7M ( or a otook :
of Merclnndue or InulneM. Address H Wllkcsr r6
E o office.
mo mciu'soRI hvro Hfty thous nd acres of Chey-
J otinc ( vmnty land which I can exchange at Ogures
which will be proflutle for rMtern proinrty. Corao
and see It W. J. Vannlce , Sidney , Neb. f04-H
fpo xicilAXOR-440 acres well tmprovnl land J nil *
1. Irom ! X cx. lo a , for a stock cf generalrncrohan-
lite orbardware. Addrosi John LloderhIm , Kitox
"wo- 584 tl
FOll SAIiG-Orotohange. Wo have for tile the
eichuho right In this Mate to tell the oool
tnotulzor and soot do < troy < r , de troj the ooat and
l I a > o twenty percent on owl , will sell county
right orthosUt , or will exchange for ro l estate or
7 rood property on application will send sample
ii aland giro im-tlcuUr. . llea > on for selling
ivn rcantot gl\e it hl < attention : a rare chanoo for
I lien _ ! Urdfo'il , Si nor & Davis. 91511
FORRALH mciHNan-ln part for rottaurant , Inr-
liltureand stock , clgirs o. 7 ronmol houio.
barn , and two lots. Apply SIP south Mth st 108 m5D
F'ORBAIR 4we'lo t bll > hedtailors huslnois be-
Iwco i row and Juno 15th , low rent ; po > t loot *
Ion ; ho'd lease of s'.rro for twojearnintly em ill cnp-
IU1 requited. Addresi'N. 0. " Ceo offlco. 112 j.lp
F Ion SALE A well established bakery. Aildrcti
-It. " this office.
FORgAtr.oit KvciiANon-On part ) for roiUurant ,
furniturn 7 roouiod house , birn and two loU Ap
tly 319 Eoulh 11th it. 106-mRO
FOR SAUi-In OaVlaml Neb , flrt-clMi meat nmtkot
al'O tbo fural lire ot the St Paul hntel. For rar-
loulars , Inquire or wilto WlgBont fi Uchllnjr , Oakland
FOR BILK I'ruc ' store In a desirable locality , wil
Invoice about $1,600 U C 1'attcrton , NK corner
13th nnd Farnam. iSO-tt
T/Oll BALE Or exchange a full stock of clothing
S : boots and shoes , gent' furnlshlnggoods , will exchange -
change for Nebraska Lands , a. ll.i'ctorscn.8018.
10th Ht. . Omaha. Neb. 046-tt
Choloi Mlchlgtn Po'atccs „ . $ 06
Dost Minnesota flour 2 BO
10IDSC. Sugar 100
10 Ibs Prunes for 1 CO
Choice Hint 10
CholeoButter 20
FggJ 10
At B. KATZ ,
Successor to A. n. Olai'stone ' , 1810-1312 Uoug'aa Bt.
Choice Ulohigin Potatoes S 06
Butt Minnesota Four 2 GO
10 Ibs 0. Sugar 1 CO
SO Ibs Prunes for l 00
Choice Him 10
Choice Butter 20
Fggs „ IU
At 8. K T/ ,
Successor to A. II. Gladstone , 1310-1312 Dorglai St.
21)0 ) 8
POARDINO Nicely furnished south front ream to
D rent with boird ; now residence with modern oon-
ventenoetcrms ; reasonable ; gentleman [ referred 58S
Hcaaiut st. 933-Bp
nMUST-CLAS3 Bed and board 1212 Capitol avo.
Loar-Saturday , a red , 10 Inch pockctVok , o n-
Ulnlng pemlon papeis for John It. K. Jacobs ,
.oat her. C pltol Avt , and ' 4th and Cualng bin. A
ibcral rowardjWlll be pild for It ) return to thla ot-
lof. 201-Op
LOST This ( Friday ) running tctween 7:30 : an d 8:30 :
i ( told watch ch\ln , K of P Floder will leave at
prces ollico nm leceluo $5.00row rd. 0. A.
Aberconmbe. JOi-Hp "I
LUST A Knleht Templar Jowtl. The flnder .
bo rewarded by leaving the came with C. N.
Dlitz , St. 1'iUl lumberyard , 13th and Callloinla
Sts. 216-11
1ms failed , and we have purolaud a large part
ol their eto li at much lc > s than the manufacture
c mt LiU can therefore ctfcr wonderful largilni wo
| UOtO.
Ladles' genuine coat anl kid workol button
Shoos , gocd qua'lty ' at $1.76 , worth $2 60.
Ladles " 1" kid , goat and cram button , 91 to Jl.tO ;
-hlld'sHdslre6toll , for 81.
Mcn ' Bowed Dntton , licotnd corgtess , all ( olid
durable shoo for $1.76.
All the above are new and latoit styles , with one
Do not let this opuortutiity pass but call at 1612
Doug'ai street , sign ot the dtlden Boot. T. Jj , Bray ,
TTlRRHii lea cream pies and cake" otery day. Orders
r promptly attended to. CsrlScbmld , 801 south
15th St. HO.J5
. OUT - Din oliitl n Sale. Ai wo have been
unablu to dhio vo our ca-partrcrsblp ai prevl-
ouilj annoneed , we will offer our entire \vh.l < mle
.took at puch prices as have never been
cquillcd In the anuals of clothing snloj. To mcLtion
prices wruld look ( Imply fabulous but wo say to one
and all that were jou to ) urchate even on jour
own JtuUni r.t jou wjulil ( ay ui far moro money
llun we will ask Remember , va will neil you a
better suit ( or $2.50 tlunever was sold for $3
All woolspri. gKQodn , go d btjlia for from 5 to
$ S a suit that cauLOt bo bought ordinarily for tulco
the money.
Slot s * Suit ; .
Boys' Suit" .
Children" " . ' Bults.
Kilt Suite.
Yiiulhs' Suite.
Willie RhliU
Celled HhTrle.
Under Shirt ; .
Oxer Shirts
Menu' Hats.
And In fict all and ever ; tliig In our store will be
sold regardless of oust or value. To cill and exam
ine | g to be convln.ed. M Helluioa & Co , the
t lithlcrg. Cor. l tn and Farnim. 1310
TKAveu n STOLEN On llay 4th , two mules , cue
§ Lltck and the other dark brown ; flnder will
x e Information at Ilins Book , 2 block * south from
nd of street CUB , on 18th it. tot 11
> AITVKK On Elkhorn and Flute. T , Uurray.
iuw BII.VIR TAG , IU fruit flavored , tags redeemed
i no cent each by the dealers. I'eycke Bros. ,
on banjo given by U E Oellen-
IMBTRCCTION Capitol aye. iSO-tf
/ 1uiw SILVER no , It does not taint the breath , t K
V redtemed at one cent each by tbe dealers. CSS tf
/ 1uiW8iLVtiTAo , does not glre you heart-burn
\J Tagi i edetrned at one cent , each by the dealers.
TKIVY , vaults , suit i and oeeapools cleaned at tbo
J. shortest notloe and sitUficUon guarauteod by P ,
O. AUJ , P , 0. liox 878 , iBO-m2p
Stallion , Jack , Sheppard Jr.
Tf 111 stand for itock at I'maha Fair grounds the
season ot 1886 II els 10) ) hands h l .h , tight 1286
Ibi , bis lire JACK BunrrARO li full brother Iu Llood to
DIXTIR 217 ; { , alio to DiCTATOEthe alre of
2:10 : , FALUH , 2 : J and UmrcroB ! ; U. Call at tbe
fair jtriuuds and s * him and get hla pe' ' tgua In
In full , terms ? 26- for the teasoa. A. TI1OUBON.
I This Invaluable ipeo'fla readily and permanently
I cures all kinds olAmbtr.a. Tbe moot ( bitlnate arul
i ing Handing cases Meld promptly to Us wonderful
outing properties. U U kcown tbrougbcut tin world
( or Itt unrivaled elflcacy ,
I J L. CAI-DWF.LL. city Tlnooln , Nib ; writes , J > n
1 19,188L H nee utlng Dr. lUlr'a Asthiai cure , for
more Ibia one ytar.oiy wife has been entlitly well ,
1 iod cot ven a symptem ol tbe dlicueluiapp-areJ.
, WILIUM BKNNETT , Hlcbland. l.wa.wrilesHov.
'd , 18S3 I have Uen alrlictcd with Hay Fever and
Uthua since 1853 I followed your directions and
im happy lo lay that I ner slept bttttr In my Ilia.
I am g'ad tbat I am among the inauy who cou tpcak
II ( Morally ot your rcctedlu.
1 A ialuable64 page trraMreoonUlnlngtlrrllar prool
( romtveiy Htate Iu tbe U , b , Canada a&U Urea'
Urltaln ; will be mailed upon application.
Anydru/gUt not ha\ln It In itock will procured ,
to order. Atk for Dr. Hairs Atthma Cure.
OIL a W. IUIU U bON , Prop'sClu'tl , 0.