THE DAILY BEE-WEDNESDAY MAY 6,1885 SPRING FEVEF At this rownn n rl ewj one timd * t o on ortof tonic. IKON enter * lntoKlnu tFTrr7ph ; tleian'i prescription tor Uioeo who need toUding n Bifll For WcnUnrd" , T.nnnllnri . l.nrk Jini-ray , tVc.t It IAS M l lUjif-M- r In I iUi only Iron modlrtnt that < tint InJiiriO" It linrlrlifH the JMlMMl , IllTlaor ntrn III . , , KcMorfnAppitltriAlilBlI . , It dora not Mitten nr Injure thotwtli , eannebt acbo or prndace conntlr * tlon o < Afr trvn nrdicfn t t Dn n H riKKLr.T , n letdlnR phrrict&n < Bprindl"li1. U , PRTH ! "Ilpown'ii trim Hilton Inn thomnuMy iood mfd < Hn . I nun It In mr ptuctln , find tind Its ctk iml All other fommnflmn. InwMknww oralo condition of Ilio yirtem , llrown'n Iron Hilt * nnaAll rapoeltlnnccomltr , His all UntlncUlm ; OonnlnnliM tratta tnitrk anil rron > mt ml line * ( mppcr. Tnkr no other. > I dnonly liy iiitowN riir.MioAicc . , HAi/riMomM ] I Dtrfl * HAND llooicnrnfnl and nttrnrtlro. coi Ulnmx llrtof prlzra for frlrwn. Informal Ion nboi oolnn , nl . , glrcn w y lij all rionlrin In medicine , i SOAUod to any addrfw nn rocelpt of 2o. rtArap. r. o-jii'jviri 12 ue BROAD GLA Ih SEY BEST OPERATING , QUICKEST SELLINff ANI Uf & ? 3SZ ? < < Clirniilr A Norvnnt IHCH | > IC Quick , Sure Curi'H. f-sf . r ; rT i-'t'ttieit iimirnntrr i/lrtn Ii Mii I I'M' rij ciian tinili'flitt.fn two Hlninp-i for C * lo rflt Hl Median Works Addrow. ! ' . 3 > . liL-AUKU , fll. i. ls > 8 South Clark Strpct. CIIII-ACIO. ILL. Id CONDUCTED OV Eoyal Havana Lottery I ( A aOVKRNUKNT INBTITOT10N.1 Drawn at Havana Cuba Every 10 to 14 Days. Tickets in Fifths , Wholes ? 5. Frac tious pro rata Babjocl to no manipulation , not ooatiollod by th H > tteiln Intereat. It Ii U > Iklroit Ihlnj tnlh alor ol chance In ixlitenoe. lor llokets apply to 8UH > 3EY4CO. . 1212 Broad wayN. T. City ; SOUNdKIl & CO. , 103 South ith 81 81 Loala , Mo , or II. OtTENS fe 00 , 019 Main St. KanMsCltv. Mo. James Medical Institute Chartered by theStateofllll. Inols for thcexpresd purpose 'of ' glvinglmmediate rehelln ; all chronic , urinary and prl- : vate diseases. Oonorrhosa , .GlcctondSyplnllsIn all their complicated forms , also all diseases of the Skin and Blood promptly rellevedand permanentlycured by reme diestcstedln a l-'ortj/jYetira / . . . * - - - bpetlall'rartlce. Seminal iVeakness , Night Losses by Dreams , Pimples on the Facc.Lost Manhood , Jmtltttelu cured. XJtera ta no fJ- ; > criciilJ / if/ , The appropriate remedy is at once used In each case. Consultations , per sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med icines sent by Mall and Express. No marks on packace to Indicate contents or sender. Address OR. JAMES.No. 204Washinglon Si.Chcagolll. ! LINCOLN FLORAL CONSERVATOR ! Cor. O & 17th , onllDOontrcetc&ri. Creonhouso , Bedding Plants , Roses , Flowering Shrubbery , Evcrerecns , Small Fruits , EtCi Prtrao with every order. "Jl ' .Sn9' Bounnrte. Baskets , Etc. , for Partlc * Woddtnsiunrt FuneraU n pocl l y.uiiO. ' W. 8. 8AWYER & CO. , IMmhoM Ke. m , JJnooln. Ntbratka , Imported Beer IX BOTTISB. . Colmbaoher . , , v * M Pilamer . . . Bohemian. * + + + - * - . Kaiser * - * * - - * * < - DOMESTIC. louis , . gt. a i9 , . ? * * A * - * - Milwaukee , BohhtB-PilBner - . Milwaukee. " > efa . Omaha Ale , Porter , Domestic and Rhuu Wmr. VD. MAURKK , laiHFnrnnm 8 POOR SEWING GIRLS. A BeyolUgainst RMion and Bar ship in New Yorl , The Iron Shroud of Toll A I'ali SjBtcin Mt the Iluot of the Evil. Now York Telefrr m , In many a mngnlficant boildiog do * lorrn thoto comes from tbo upper etorl a ccnieloss rattle and clicking of sowli machines. There arc factories for shirt women's fnrnUbinc goods , and mor furnishing. If a visitor enters one sai building ho will find generally In the t < at cry ono hngo room supported by In columns , where thera are rows npon roi of sowing machines throughout tl length of the room , all moving with rapidity that makes tba eye wink , all d vourlng lengths of whlto cotton or llm goods. In front of each bends a joui woman with hands and oyoi concentrate upon her labor , which la evidently of tl most Intense kind , taxing nil the n sources of her vitality. Bcaldo each 01 on the floor Is a pile of materials fro the cutting department , and oich ptlo of a slzo that would glvo a country gl seeking for work In the city a dread ai horror of it , and wonld tend her back a fright to the rudeness and the roug nosa of farm Hfo. Upon a certain day this iveok , In shirt factory the machines were racli In tbolr usual mad way , moving up at down and stabbing at the cloth bcnoa the noodle , when on a sudden a tal bandsomo girl stopped working , rose i and clapped her hands. Every oth girl of the hundred gith In the immon room stopped working , too , rose up at clustered around the tall girl , who ipol a few sentences to each , and then eat girl made for her hat and cloak , and thi all descended the stairs llko a flight < pigeons and swarmed Into the stroo They had struck because their employe proposed to pay them such wagoa ; would nolthor clothe nor feed thorn. THE SEWING MACHINE. In America , in the early days , whe there was no Buffering , where there was royal tlmo for labor ol every kind , whoi the seamstress was treated as a elstor an the mechanic as a friend , the actli brains of America vrero on n'ro to reeci the whlto tlares of Europe from the thraldrom. Machinery was the socro A machine that should sow. And In tl fulness of the years the sowing maohit was evolved by Howe aud Singer prlnc pally , though others had a hand In tl great work. Women cried with dellgh Mon shook hands and thanked God thi they were born in such days and a looked forward to the complete enfrai chlaemont of women by moans of th last , beat gift of genuis to the world. But , alai for human forslghtl alas fc human wisdom. If wo ask the bra\ girls who struck at Wallaoh's ahirt factor they will tell us that their circumstance ire desperate , and in splto of the sewin machine , perhaps because of It , thel 3mployera are steadly pushing thei flown a frightful proclplco that must en in Infamy. The Telegram asks ever nether and slater among the hundred ) f thousands who read It , ts take the pai ) f the poor girls who have only cease ivorklng because Messrs. "Wallach , ii leeda that are more significant than word jropose to drive thom to Infamy tha ; hey may eke out a scanty livelihood Cho firm refuses to pay them for slxt ; lours1 intonsa work a week what wii mpport them. The firm does not recog ifza the Masonic law. "Thou shalt no nuzzle the ox that troadeth on he corn. " The firm goes Inti ho market for labor and pro loses to pay the lowest price current U what prica will an American girl seller lor youth.Jier strength , her Intelligent lor neatness ? For all Inequalities neces ry for the skilled use of n sewing ma- : hlne the firm proposes to pay eight centi m hour. The girls upon the brink o leatrnctlon have drawn back shuddering 7o accept such terms would be the deatl if body and aonl too. The days of Hood'i hlrtmokeri , the evil days , have returnee or poor women. Twelve years ago thei eceived S3 a dozen for custom shirts" nd the proportion of other shirts wa mall. Six years ago they received 83 i iozen for custom shirts , but the proper Ion of the other inferior gcods hat really Increased. To-day girls are palt rom § 1.20 to $1 50 per dozen for cus om shirts , but the bulk of their work Ii 3 inferior classes that are most wretch- dly paid. NO CHANCE FOK GIRLS. Looking at this horrible condition ol kings , that gives a poor girl no chance , saves her no margin either for savings 01 IT sickness , or for the proverbial rainj ay , and that threatens to drag her Into ifamy looking at It withan impartial ye , the employer must bo absolved of olng this from motives of greed. The action rooms down town could tell a arious story of the results of the modern : ado syatem. Every firm la playing a srrlblo game pf "cnt-throat" against thor firms in the same line of business , .very . firm In trying to cut under every ther firm to keep the trade ho ha , and ) take away the trade of others. The ne idea of the manufacturer la 10 tempt 10 customer by producing cheaply. Ho its Into Iho prices of raw material ; he its Into the cost of machinery , and he iwera the wages of hla poor work poo- lo. Ho must do It , ho tells them , he competitive lover Is too strong , and ley must boar a share of the burden of la warfare. But why should they ? hey will reap no advantage if ho drives , B ana 0 of his competitors Into bank iptoy. And 10 shirts that were adver ted at lix for $15 only three years ago * now being advertised at $9. And the ueronce in the price cornea largely out ! the wages of ahlrtmakers. THE OUTLOOK VERY POOR , It mutt bo confessed that the outlook r labor In all branches of Industry is oat discouraging and revives the Idea of lat terrible atory in Blackwood where a rlaon of Iron hu boon so .constructed . as > gradually contract untl | it become * an TO shroud that crushed tbo prisoner Itbm to a shapeless pulp. Labor la en- rcled by an Iron shroud made of two ction , the tendency of capital to con- ntrato Itself In few hands and the un- niab'o f ct tbat the number of laborers 11 always Increase In a greater ratio an the amount of employment for em. These items alone would , If not [ interacted by some system that ii vital , luce the working class In tlmo to a con. ion far worse than slavery , In fact very has been in all past agoi the one nedy that undo-mined and ruined etch ilizatlon in its turn. In the meantime Is to bo hoped tbat the women of lerlco will take up the cause of their : and publicly denounce the monsters 0 propose to young girls to rk sixty bourse a week r > r 1 than will feed and clothe m. Young as Is the American La ullly , it stands front to front to-day h the wonderful problem ol civiliza The causa of the striking girls Wallach'a Is not only the cause of womi hood throughout the world ; it ii also t entering wedge for the great probloi "What are the rights of Ubor ? " It mt bo obvious to every senator and oongroi mon and to every dabbler In polltii economy that life ia not worth llvl : when honest girls cannot support Ihoi solves by , sixty hours of Intense Ubor. is idle to prate about the great laws supply and demand in face of this pr < ent fact that an honest girl , who wor ceaselessly throughout the week , has n enough wages to pay for her board ai dollies. Such a state of things mt load to now laws , for In America change conditions by law and rig wrongs by Inquiry. In Europe a eec revolution is crowing , however , beta which the great revolution of Franco w pale. _ "Shoot 1'olly BB Hho Flleo , " Pop. was the way it appeared In the prc slip , The argils-eyed proof reader , ho over , know the quotation intended ai changed It to read : "Shoot Folly M s lllos. " Pope. Of courss It was an cm yet how many are daily committing mu graver errors by allowing the first syni toms of consumption to go unheeded , aflllctod with loss of appetite , chilly so satlons or hacking cough , It la sulclt to delay a single moment the UBO ot I Plerco's "Golden Medical Discovery , " the great and only reliable remedy f this terribly fatal malady. Send two Ii tor stamps for Dr. 1'ierco'a complc treatise on this disease. Address \Vorli Dipcnsary Modioal Association , BofFj ] N. V. IOO POOH XO M&IIR.Y. A Match Peddler Ends His I.lfo D cause Ho Cannot Support Tivo. Divld Foncr , a Pole , 24 years old , coi mlttod suicide at 51 Eldrldgo street , Nc York , Wednesday morning , by ahoatli himself through the heart. Fener landi at Oaatlo Garden about two years ago wl 75 cents in bis pockets , and became peddler of matches. By strict oconon ho managed to save $30. About a ye ago ho made the acquaintance of Lei Zabinski , a pretty brunette , 18 years ol They became engaged , and the hap ] young man lavished presents upon Lar until she was resplendent with Gran street jewelory. Eenor'a savings sot vanished. Ho finally told Lena on la Saturday that ho would not wait any lo : ger , and tbat the wedding day must 1 fixed at once , Ho told Mrs. Hirachenzall , his lane lady , later that this seemed to startle tl girl. They were walking on Grand stro at this time , and she deferred an answi until the next day. Stopping In front i a jeweler's store Lena was attracted t the display , and selecting a lady's gel watch and chain , aiked David to buy for her as a wedding present. Ho w compelled for want of means to refusi and then , Mrs. Hlrschenzell says , Lor pouted and declared that she would ni marry him until he bought that watcl The young man went homo and confide his troubles to Mrs. Hirachoczsll , wli told him such a girl was not worth ma : rylng. Feuer became despondent. Q stopped peddling matches , and kept < bis room. Early yesterday morning h shnt himself dead. A letter written in Hebrew waa foun upon the table. It said : "MY DEAR FRIENDS : No ono Is t blame for this but myself. Several daj igo I determined to take my life , and linca the opportunity presents itself , lai letermlned to die. I cannot rnak mough to satisfy the doslrea of mysol ind another who is dear to mo , and un ler such circumstances life wonld be un mdtirablo. I h'ivo just bought the piste hat will end my life , May yon all liv eng and have better luck than your nn brtnnato fellow-countryman. DAVID FEUKR. " Ho had only 75 cents In money left. PILES ! PUUESt PILK81 A SURE CURE FOUND AT JL.ASTI . NO ONE NEED BUTFEB , A rare euro for Blind , Bleeding , Itching an Jlcoratod Files haa been discovered by Di .ViUiamn . ( an Indian Remedy , ) called Di .VlllUm's . Indian Pile Ointment. A ulngl > ox has cured the worst chronics coses of 25 o tO years standing , No one need suffer fiv nlnutoa after applying thia wonderful sootb og medicine. Lotions , Instruments end eloc uarioa do more harm than good , William' Indian Pile Ointment absorbs the turners , al ays the Intense itching , ( particularly at nigh , fte ; pelting warm In bed , ) ncta as a poultice ; ivoa Instant relief , and Is prepared only fo . 'lies , itching of the private parts , and fo lothlno else. Read what the Hon. J. M. Opffinbavry. o Cleveland , says about Dr. William's Indini 'lie Oolntment : "I have used scores of Pili lures , and It affords me pleasure to Bay that . ' uvo never found anything which gave sucl nmedlato and permanent relief as Dr. WII am'a Indian Ointment , For sale by all drug Ists and mailed on receipt of price. COo and 1. Bold at retail by Kuhn & Co. O. F. GOODMAN 1 Wholesale Agent , A Hoaltby Profession , oston Courier. "Journalism must bo a healthy pro- isslon , " catd old Mra. Squaggs as she Jd the paper on her kncu and rnbbed or eyeglass with her apron. "What makes you think sol" said old [ r. Squaggs. "Because I see the writers who used to ive pieces in the paper when I was a girl 0 still living and writing away the same i ever ; they must be very old. " "Who are they ? asked Mr. Squaggs. "Well , there Is 'Verltas1 for one , and mon , ' and One who Knows , ' and 'Vox opuli,1 and 'Justice , ' and Pro Bono Pub- co , ' and X Y K , ' and Taxpayer , ' and .any others. I see some of their names rery day , and I declare If the sight of m don't bring back the old school days. " Then the old lady gazed meditatively ito the fire and old Mr. Squaggi went it on to the back stoop to Indulge in a ilet laugh to himself. Happy TheneUt IR the For yean Mr. James n. AoUey , of 1G3 estFayotto street , Baltimore , had suf- red with neuralgia 10 that ho could iidly sleep. But he writes , ' 'One ght I wa * suffering very much , and the lought struck me that Brown's Iron liters wauld do mo come good , aid per- ips cure me. It waa a happy thought , id to my great joy it haa entirely cured o after using two bottles. After three onths I have had no return of the mptoms. _ I cheerfully recommend It ai 0 best tonic I have ever used. " Nen- Igla sufferer * , take tha blntl Mormona to O ll on Cleveland. 3Atr LAKE , Utah , May 5. The delegation present the Mormon addreiia to President ivelaod havc ttiuted to Washington. The nmittee consist * of Apostle J. W. Taylor , lew John Q. Cannon and John T , Caine , e latter is also delegate to coDgreis. lhv y HpRiiUtlon Constitutional. 'OUTLAW ) Oregon , May 0 Judge Dealy 1 rendered his opinion In the United Statf a suit court , declaring the Hoult railway bill itltutlonU on two principal polnte , viz : t pjuienger f&rei ( hall not be more than r cento mile , and freight charges no her than ther were January lit , 18& . and t there iball be no discrimination. DEATH OF ALFRED PARAF. His Strange Career of Swindling : i Extravagance , Hundreds of ThonaAtulB of Dollri 1'ftlcl by Ills Dupcn for Worth- loot Bccrots. The death at the ago of forty of Alfi ftraf la annonnced from Lima , Poi where ho had botn living for sovoi years In obscurity. Daring the ten yei in which ho figured prominently In tl country his success In obtaining mon from rich dopes was extraordinary , a makes any detailed account of his advo turos appear extravagant. Bo obtain at hast half a million dollars from Ami loan victims and spent most of it in rli OOB living. Paraf came of a good Als&tlon fami of MolImuB , and received an oxecllu education as a chemist. Ho bad a we dorful faculty for dovlning the practli valua of laboratory discoveries long I fore the inventors realized it themsclvi As a young cliomlet ho frequented sovo of the Paris laboratories and learned number of secrets concerning the propi atlon of different dyes , the mannfactu of oleomargarine , of madder , etc. Wi his oitraoidlnary gift of favorably h pressing business mon ho might oas have made on honest fortune by the pi chase and sale of soch patents or socro ho preferred to steal upon a grand sea ! and victimized hundreds of persons selling them the right to D.SO patent pi CBSSOB for which the real owners event ally asked payment. Ho first appear In this city In 1808 , when ho offered 1 sale a dye which ho called iho "Pa black" ; It was , according to his roprese lotions , the same dye as that used by t French dyers of Lyons in dyeing s ! plush , and alsD that it was superior any black dye known for calicos. I succeeded in selling rights to ma' and use this dye to many nianufe turors , and received in all $10,0 or $50,000. American manufacture have long desired to learn the French a crot of so dyeing silk plush that it TT not turn brown under the hot Irons nsi In making hats , Many thousands of dc lars have boon spent in experiments lee ! ing to that end , but so far in vain ; a fe French houses have a practical monopo of the business of dyeing tilk plus ] When Paraf offdrod to sell the secret an showed by practical demonstrations thi goods dyed by his process did not chnnj their color under the hot irons , mamifa < turera cheerfully paid from § 1,000 to § 2 JOO apleca for the secret. It turned ou However , that Paraf had dlecovored enl a part of the secret ; his dye was ru permanent , the "fixing" process was nc perfect , and after a few months anythin dyed according to his process lost coloi With the $50,000 received from Cor nootlcut and Massachusetts manufeotui ere , Paraf engaged fine rooms at th Everett House and Introduced as M.OU Paraf a young woman whom he brongr with him from London. Ho sper money at the rate of $500 orGOO a weet creating talk by such freaks as using $2 worth of attar-of-roso in his mornin bath , keeping a cab waiting constantl day and nfght at his door etc. After swindling Governor Sprague , c Providence , out of nearly $100,000 in scheme to make a cheap madder dye Paraf organized a company for the manufacture ufacturo of olooraarglne. In the Noi * ork directories [ at 1873 and 187 his name will be found with a office address at 40 Broad street Ho claimed to have discovere oleomargarine , and as tbo process ha great value he had no trouble in gettln business men to invest heavily in the no' manufacture. A factory was bnilt ani the stuff sold readily as butter. It coe 1C cents a pound to make Ir , and sol readily for 30 cents. Paraf , as chorale nd manager of the company , recolvei 325,000 a year and lived at the rate o 5100,000. He dismissed the Engllsl blonde who had shared his fortunes fo several years , and married the daughte 3f a Now York lawyer , giving her $25 , 300 as a wedding present. A house 01 Fifth Avenue was bought and partly paid for. It tras not long before thi itockholders of the New Yorl Oleomargarine c'mpany began ti > sk questions concerning Paraf s right ; o the patents ; French claimants for roy iltlea appeared. Paraf wont to Sat Francisco and endeavored to organize ai jleomargarlno company there. In hli tbsonce Impatient creditors seized thi louse on Fifth uvenno and the carriage : ind horses. Mrs. Paraf followed hei lusband to San Francisco. Paraf founc hat his New York reputation was too weli cnown in San Francisco , and disappeared , His next appearance was at Santiago , ith a tecret process for getting gold out f copper ore. By adroit manipulation 10 deceived the Chilians Into believing hat nothing but copper ore had gone tito the crucible out of which Parat ox- racted gold. In 1877 the scheme was xpoeod , and his dopes succeeded in > dging him in jail for swindling. This la the best season in which to arlfy the blood , and Hood's Simparllla i the best blood purifier. 100 Doses 'no ' Dollar. New York Girl's Winning Ways. Ittsburff Foit. The detire to win a dollar or two Is as ; rong in the belle whoso allowance of In money is a hundred a month ai It is ) one to whom tha loss or gain of a trifle of some consequence. A tough old lubmanj notably a stickler for exactitude i his play , was brought the other night ito direct antagonism with a bewitching eantiful maiden. He held three Icings ; IB had cards which , according to Hoyle , juldn't have won the pot or any where ear it and yet ho pushed the chips over > her after a moment's hesitation. "What under heaven did you do that ir ? " a friend who saw both hands after- rd atkcd. "Her two pair beat my three ot a kind , " 3 replied. "But she didn't hare two pairs. " "Oh , yes she did a pair of aces in her ind and a pair of eyes in her head ue eyes with tears in thorn. They'd : at a royal Hush if I held it. " The only geld medal ever awarded to a oprletury medicine , are these given to , Jacobs Oil as the best pain cure. Hannibal Hamlln , ilUdelphl * 1'reti. The Hon. Hannibal Hamlln , of Maine , firmly convinced that he willllve to tl a of 100. Ho Is now a hale old man f , tough at guttapercha , and bright aid live as a school boy. Ho is about six it in height , with a strongly marked antonance and eyes of an intense vol. ty black. The secret of such a man's igevity is worth studying. Mr. Him * never wean an overcoat , and It ii ly within the past few years that he i worn flannels. His face is of tuoh a rich brown color as to support the stc once circulated by his enemies to the feet that ho has negro blood In his veil The old stager wont through the ca pilgn lait yo&r. Ho sits up late at nlgl Ho Is fond of parties. Ho can keep \it \ with a throe-bottle man At dinner. I ginning in the morning before broakfi ho smokes all day and half the nlgl using the strongest and blackest clgi tbat can bo procured. Such habits oug to have killed him long ago. But flourishes apparently with imdimlnlsh vigor. His vigor Is of stool covered wl solo leather. BID NOT AIHUIOVE THEM. Mr. GlmllBOiiFcnvlcr'HDIflllkoolHor Simple Inillan Gustuiiifi. Arkansaw Traveller. Mr. Gladispn Fowler has jast return from the Indian Territory. The acoou which ho gives of his sojourn In that ben tifnl country throws much light on Indi Institutions. "Oh , it Is a great undeveloped country s ld ho , In reply to a question ntked bj Iriond , "but do you know that I c.inu approve of the minor details of tome their social customs. It's a fact , I don I visited old Lumpty Turn. Ho is 0110 the wealthiest men In the Territory. T old fellonr treated mo with nuiked com osv. It is an Indian custom that a gnc shall not oat with the family , but tbatl meals shall bo served to him in his rooi and that ho shall bo waited upon by tl favorlta daughter. Well , when my fit meal was brought. I took a good look the girl. She was beautiful , but h father's money made her facts striking attractive. She spoke English very we ! and was not bashful as I had expected find hor. She became more and mo communicative , and after awhile , In vie of the fact that I was out of employ men I decided to make to her a proposition i marriage. She told me how to proceei I must take her by the hand , lead her i Lumpty Turn and say , 'Will you give n this maiden1 ! ' I did so , Lumpty Tu reflected a moment and said : " 'You don't want her. ' "Tho girl nudged mo and I know thi this was another custom. ' 'Yes , I do. " " 'All right. ' "Nothing more was said. The nej day wo woru married. I rushed up t Lampty Turn and shook hands with hln but when I called him father ho frowne upon me. ' 'How is this ? " I asked. " 'How Is what ? ' " 'You do not allow mo to call you ft ther. ' " 'No. ' " 'Why1 ? " "Cause I ain't. ' " 'Didn't I marry your daughter ? " " 'No ; married servant. Diughle away at school. ' "So , you see , " continued Mr. Gladlso : Fowler , "I cannot approve the miner dc tails of some of the Indian customs. " GOING Tlio Trip Cheaper Now Than Ever Be fore How AVar Affects Travel. New York Herald. "I for one don't want a war , " said thi agent of a foreign steamship lino. "Ii the first place , It will deter many fron going to Europe at all. You have m Idea what curious notions the woircnan < some men ) get up. They think the en tire continent of Europe would be ren de d unsafe for travellers by an English Russian war , and would expect to fm < Afghanistan soldiers riding up the Champ , Elysoe should they venture as far a ; Paris , and look for a Russian invasion ii Piccadilly , should they dare the perils o London. Of course , war would som people from our lines to the continents ones for there would bo a very genera iislikp to travelling nndor the British flag No , air ! The war preparations are al right , but war Itself would be all wrong , from our point of view. " ' In spite of the war and cholera scare ! there never was a time probably when t European trip conld bo taken with ec Bueh comfort and economy as during the Joining aos son. With first cabin prices Mnging all the way from the $30 on the Ittle Netherlaml steamship to the $15C : harged for the palatial accommodation ! ) f the best cabins of the North Gorman Loyd raccw , llcaa range of rates which : an cover the olzo of almost any ) ockot. But the general ate * are very low , and bar- ; aln hunters will find the agents of the liiftjrent lines decidedly elastic this year , vhoreaa a year ago they were adamantine in the subject of prices. There will be , noraover , plenty of room on all the learners , and the person who cannot se- nre comfortable quarters must bo born mdera very unlucky star. As for the orelgn landlord and all the various iuman animalcuhu who love to secure he American traveller abroad for the iko of the money ho brings , they will all o on the quivivo to give satisfaction this ear , and the Insolence and carelessness 'hlch accompany a plethora of business ' 111 all be wanting. A little money will 0 farther In Juno or July , 1885 , than a ill pnrao went in the corresponding erlodoflSSl. This is decidedly the ) urist year for poor folks. Minnesota a Gold Btntc. 'Your beau seems very bashful , " a St. anl mamma eald to her daughter. "Basbfall" echoed the daughter : bashful's no name for it. " "Why don't you encourage him olittln lore ? Homo men have to be taught bow 1 dn their courting. He's a good catch. " "Encourage htm I" mid the daughter ; he cannot take tbo most palpable hint. Thy , only last night , when I sat alone \ tbo sofa , and ho perched up In a chair i fr away as he could got , I asked him ho didn't think it strange that a man's ms nd a woman'a waist seemed always i bo the same length , and what do yon ilck he did ? " "Why , just what any sensible man ould have done tried It. " "Ho asked me If I could find a piece ' . string so we oonld measure and see if was so. Ain't he horrid 1" A. BnalncHs Man Disappear * , CHICAGO , M yB. Astorylspubllsh dhere Is afternoon to the effect that Charles A. ibby , partner In the New York and Chicago iuse of James A , LIbby k Co , , baa mys- rlonily disappeared , and that the police and latlvea can find no trace as to hU where- louta. Mr. LIbby left bis store last Mon- y , laying he wopld return shortly , but > ca that time has not been teen nor ard of. rhtn Baby wai tick , wo jare ber CM torU , rhen she waa Child , ibe cried for Castor ! * , 'hen ihe became 11 IM , ihe clone to CattorU , Tito h bad Children , ihe gaTO them CutotU , hw asawwK iMii" GsMWEMEff ur- Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Sciatlw Lumbauo , Backache , Headache. Toothache , . . . II n rim , MniliU. 1 ri t Itllo , * tt OTiirn rowiT TUTS AMI * uiis. miti , , ,4 [ ) , ! „ , M ry ) > f r . t inj CwiU Mil ( ilrmionilnllUntnttM. THE CIIAU1.K8 A. VOOELKlt CO. Biltlntif.XiL.C.ft.1. 017 Si. Chnrlos St. , St. Louis , Mo. 1 to nl r irxlaxe of l o MtJIrM Cpllut , IIMbeen loir njr ff J In lb > rtclMtrc ltiJrHcr Ctauonir , Ntivoli. Bv no I moeo Dun.tithtn > n > cihtr t-trilfUn In Bt.l il u city p rf ri ihsw and ill oil rt ftlJmiu kaow. .Nervous Prosirstlon , Debllltr , Mantel Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and otnefrlu lions ol Throat , Skin or Bones , Blood Po7i/ate ( < old Sores and Ulcers. * trr.u.1 uh oor.riii.'J incceii , on l lc t clfntlCe rrlnclplri. ? ' ! , rrltVtclT. _ Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excen Exposure or Indulgence , htth v J ee om or Mlowltj eff Ui nrttouinrii , dttllltr , 4lrnn < i of il.I mJ dtfcctlic mraiorj. f Iniplf , rn ( he titt , [ Oj > lt l d j vrrilontotbl coelttj or KRiKtrii , contutui orilfant44 endorlnc Marrlneo Improper or unhappy , it fnuiitatljrand. r.mphlfl ( M i MM ) on th. . .Uft'ML .j. A Positive Written Guarantet ramphlcu , RnclUh or Oertaan , Ol'ageil'de orlblDffaDOTo diieatcsda male or fflmale , MARRIAGE GUIDE I loti.lni .11 tbo curloui , douinrul or UQUI.IU ? . know. A boc * < r irut Int rut u > &U. lUtlti tZt $50 &EWARD $ B ( JfTTon rttID THH EQUAL OT plliBlLfegB LORILLARD' 'LOWSHARI Z -1IQ TOBACCO. "Th Dime Onu & ? tefc 'flnoaS8ST2Sal , . llils brand la a happy combination of One , yom crltp rod , burly locg filler , with a DELICIOUS FLAVOR and It Just meets the taste of a large number < chewcra. Orders for "Plowshare" ro oanjInR In rapldl from all parti of the country , demonstrating ho quickly the great army of chewers strike a eec combination of Tobacco , both as to quality an quantity. Messrs Loilllard& Co. have exercised t little time and labor In endea\orlng to reach tl Acme of Perfection In Plonshare , atd seem to ha\ done It Besides the Tira CKNT cvra ol t'lowebaroai Which Is A p ° mt not to bo overlooked by doaloi who will find It to their Interest to order come an glvo their customers an opportunity to try it. Ask Your Dealer for P.owshan Dealnra supplied by C3ronowee& ; Sctoentgcn , Council Blufla. L'eregoy & Moore , " " L. Ifirecht & Co. " Stewart Bros. ' " L'axton & Gallagher , Omaha. McCord , Brady & Co. , Omaha. For sale in Omaha by n. YingJInor , CIS S 13th Streot. Henry Ditzen , 001S 13th St. Beimrcd & Co. , 002 3 13th St. 3oo Caraian,101D ! Farnam St. Kanfman Bros. , 207 S 15th St. Kaufman Bros , 1009 Farnom St. Frank Arnold & Co. , 1418 Farnam St. August Plotz & Co. , 1509 Douglas St. 3eo. Heimrod , CIS N Ifith St. Bergen & Smiley , N. W. Cor. 10th and Cum ing Sta. an Green Bros , , N. W. Cor. Division ani Cumlng Sta. Z. Stevens 913 N. 21 t St. f. II. Spetman , Cor. Douglas and 12th St. Jeo. Anderson. 318 S. 10th St. 3harlie Ying , 712 S. 10th St ilrs. G. M. Lawley , 800 S. 10th St. I. JInnfelt , S. W. Cor. 13th and Howard , tfrg. G. M. Lawley , 806 S. 10th St. . Omaha Joo. Anderson , 318 8.10th St. , Omaba. T. U. Spetman , corner Douglas and 12th St. 3ho8. Ying , 712 S. 10th St. , it pnrlrytlic BS.OOD.Tonn > ulu the LIVEn Ami KIDNEYS , niul IKNTI > I ! TIIK lilAi.Ti < itnd VIOOIl of VOUT1L IJ/i" mmVantof Apix tlto , la- iKuslliin , I am < , { Slrmgtlt , cured , BoiiG3 , i n1r\ea receive iiLwlorci' , > ErllM'iio Iho inlnil nnj ad InDIU El' OITEIfdlHON TONiO n iif c. { vocdycure. 'iltiraucluui.ljuulliv uomiiluxlon , 5riiiiciit | ktlcniiitB at c- > " " * 'Tf < ' ' "ini ! onlyailv * ) thopopiilarlt ) urihuorUliul. Do riot cipcrj. lent Kuttbu OIIKIIVM.ND llhsr. jgBend ruurnddr nto'thnir. llart rBTfHl Co ff Jt-Ixjula. Wo.for our "DKI VMJ1OOK. , " . A. FINE LINE OF THE ONLY BXOLUblVH IN OMAHA NEB , PINKEYE. Remarkable euro of a Horse In the ( all ct 1683 I hid a valutblo homo UVen tt > tin pinkeye , rtsultlny In blond po ion. AtUr ie month ! ol doc tor log with Ul tbo remedies to be ind In bone booki , 1 ilctpalredot cure. IIU ; bt bind legwu m largo n a ir. n'j body , mil bad It o > er foity running tore * . ITewai a uiott pltl- Ie looking object. Atlut I thought of Bvriffi octHc , an commenced to pae it I uied fifteen tUeu. Jn Auiruitliit lliymptomi of the dlstnsa Appeared Tbore b ve been no tl ne of a return d the bone has done a mule'a work en my farm jr floce. Jm L. Fiimmu , AuguiU , Oa. January 9,1885. 3v lft' Bpedflo It entirely regeUWo. Treatise oa MdandBkla WMMN mailed frw. rheBirlnSpeclflcCCo. , Drawer 8 , AtlanU , Oa. or ; W , iWSt , few York. V ' The lemarkable growth of ; 0mnbr > f during the last few yean U a matte * o great astonishment to these who pay , n occasional visit to thla growing city. Thr. development of the Stor > Yards the- necessity of the Bolt Line Road the finely paved streets the hundreds of now residences and costly business blocks * with the population of onr city mors than doubled In the last five yorvrs. All this Is a great surprise to visitors rind ts tht > admiration of oui oitlsons. This rapid growth , the business activity , and the many substantial Improvements tnado n 4 lively demand for Omaha real estate , and 4M every invostov has made a handcoma profit. M Stnoo the Wall Street panto Hay , T with the snbaennont cry of hard times , there has boon loss demand from specula * tors , but a fait demand from Investors seeking homos. This lattei class an taking advantage of low prices In build ing material and are securing their homes at much leaa cost than will be poulblo n yeai henco. Speculators , too , can bup real esta' ' B cheaper now and ought to take advantno of present prices foi fntoio pro U. The next few yean promises greater- divolopmonta in Omaha than the paet fir3 years , which have boon as good ao wo ejonld reasonably desire. Now man ufacturing establishments and largo Job- blng houses are added almost weekly , and all add to the prosperity of Omaha. There are many In Omaha and through out the State , who have theli money to the banks drawing a nominal rate of In terest , which , if judiciously Invented In Omaha real ehtato , would bring them much greater returns. We have many bargains which wo are confident wilS bring the purchase * largo profits In thi near future. We have for Bale the finest roaJ- ionce property in the north and ! western parts of the city. North we have fine lots at reason * ible prices oa Sherman avenue , 17th , 18th , 19th and 20th etreets. West on Farnam , Davenport , Gaming , and all the eadmg streotc in that direction. The grading o FarBam , Califor nia and Davenport streets has made iccessible some of the finest and jheapest residence property in the iity , and with the building of the itreet car line out Farnam , the pro ferty in the western part of the city yill increase in vnliiR We also have the agency for the Syndicate and Stock Yards proper- y in the south part of the city. Tha levelopmeuts made in this sectioa ly the Stock Yards Company and he railroads will certainly donblo lie once in a short time. We also have some fine business ) ts and some elegant inside reel- encep for sale , Parties wishing to invest will find 30me good boreoiue bycallmgi LEAL KSTATI BROKERS. 13 South 14th St , Bet .reon Farnhnm and Dongles. P. S. We oak those vrho opertv for sale at a bargain to i a callWe wont only bargain * re will positively not handle prop ty at more than ltd real value.