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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1885)
8 THJHJ JLJAULi : JtSJBJKMOJNDAi : , MAY 4 , 1885. THE DAILY BEE Monday Morning. . May LOOAL BREVITIES , The Imrd of trade meoti this evening. Doc. Mlddloton , the turnon * NobtMka b n4lt , WM in town yestarday and left t font 'clock for the ewt. Cherries mndo tholr uppcaranca In the Omaha rnukots yesterday. Ihey come high , GO cent a quarter 5 cent * oachj but wo muat have them , G. W. Thomw , ono of the oldest railway postal clerk * nmninj ? ont of Omaha , tend - d red his rotignalton some dayi ago , and It boa been accepted. The United Statca district court meets to-day. Judge Brewer will bo hero this evening - ing er to morrow morning. Until ho comej Judge Dundee will preside. Marnen and Smith , tha pugilists , worn airwtod Saturday night but the officer let them go again before ha got to headquarters Why they wore arrested is not known. The beautiful weather of yesterday was accepted by evorjono as a grand bloislng , and the streets were thronged with people riding , promenading and enjoying themselves The board ol education will hold its reg ular monthly meeting and annual meeting to night , at which time a president , secretary and ttoasnrer are to be elected for the ensuing year. The Omaha Light Guards hare rented Williams' hall , formerly occupied by the pub llo library , and will me It for drill purposes opening it formally about the middle of thli month. month.Tho The street oar company put three now cars on the St. Mary'a Avenue line Friday , and by doing away with the "lay-over" at the stables , have reduced the running time down to ten minutes. The county commissioners have awardec a contract to S. A. Orchard for carpeting the doom of the now district court room anc nJgo's private office. The contract allows Mr. Orchard 95 cents a ncjuaro yard for the carpet , laid , It to bo tiiginato. The hours for street cars to run at night are extended from eleven o'clock to midnight and tha drivers will hereafter bo paid accord ing to the length and efficiency of their scr vice , the allowance being $1.60 and } SI.70 per day. The men complain of this and declar that unless it is Increased they will strike. Ho was from Burton county , Mo. , am had gona to ecod without knowing enough to last him over night. Saturday morning at thi U. P. depot hehadan oldovercoatandabaako full of lunch stolen from him. When seen b ; a reporter , bo was lamenting his loss bitterly said his name was W. O. Tate , and that h wanted to get from Omaha to Buffalo Gap Dakota. _ _ _ Mrs , Drummond has returned to Omaha and denies the story of her elopement Iowa with Dr. W. F. McMenamy , which wa given currency through the columns of th Council Bluffs and Omaha papers. Mrs Drummond has always berne a good chnrnc ter In this and other communities , as an up right and virtuous woman , and how thes stories about her could have arisen Is some thing very mysterious , The new superintendent of the Omaha gas works , Mr , Thomas L. Williams , a gen tleman from Newark , N , J , , has arrived am aeaumod the duties of his office. His father Wm. L. Williams , the man who has brough to perfection that system of produlng gas em ployed by the Union gas improvement com pany of Philadelphia , is alto in the city wit ! him , He , like his BOD , baa also coma to stay An official circular has been issued from the Union Pacific headquarters in this city t the effect that , beginning May 1st , the St. Jo & Western railroad will be operated as branch line of the Union Pacific. In bar mony with this circular , Mr. L. D. Tuthlll superintendent and general manager of th St. Joe & Western , yesterday iisued an orde that all .returns will hereafter be made to th Omaha headquarters. The body of the unfortunate young man Frederick Stahlberc- , who died of gas suffoca tion at the Oanfield homo Friday , is eti lying at Coroner Drexel's establishment. No a word has been received as yet from any o his friends or relatives , It has been dis covered that bo belonged to a Good Templar society at Rock Island , and Mr. Drexe telegraphed there yesterday to know wba shall bo done with the body. The counsel for the "opium fiends" wh were arrested Thursday night announce tha tboy will contest the validity of the ordinauc under which the arrests were made , on th grounds tbat "the act does not provide for penalty until utter conviction , " Messrs Redick k Baldwin claim that should an more of the celestials bo arrested on the sam charge , they will apply for release on habea corpus. corpus.Moit Moit of the machinery and plant of th Northwestern Electric Light company h * been transferred from the Straog building t the Sperry Light establishment on Cnplto avenue. New and Improved machinery I arriving which will greatly strengthen th combined power of the two companies. Mr K , A. McOlure , the former assignee of Haw ley & Labgworthy has been selected by th trustees of the two companies to act as mana ger of the consolidated compan'es , A number of unprincipled Omaha hunters dally vieit Wm. Frlckeo's pasture for tb purpose cf shooting ducks and snipe. Thel dogs run all the fat off of Mr , F.'s cattle , nn > several of the animals have been perforate with bird ihot. Complaints of like natur come from various fjrraora in that locality An effort will probably ba made to pro < ecuti some of Omaba'H alleged sportsmen , If the ; continue tresipassing on those premises [ PopilHon Times , Military Matter * . Col. John Gibbon , of the Seventh In fautry , will proceed at once to Fort Fnc Steele , Wyoming , and there carry ou Instructions given to him by the duptrt ment commander. The general court martial convened a Fort D. A , IluFScll , Wyoming by spcola orders Not. 117 aud 21 has bouii dia .solved , Upon a recommendation sent ( o the war department by the post commander , tbo Uaue of bread rations to the troops a Fort Robinson for May and Jnno has been Increased to twenty ounces. Lieutenant John baxter rf the NhiO infuntry his bcoo granted a leave of ab Banco for tweuiy-tno days. During bit vacation Litutouabt Baxter will vlell frleudi in the cast. Thomas J. Blake , private in company A , Sixth infantry , gets a four months furlough , with permlnlon to leave the JiroUi of the division. OAGED IN OHIOAQO , toward Ijovrjoy , nn old Fugitive from Nebraska Justice , Finally Kan Down nnil Captured. Saturday evening United States Mnr. hsl Bicrbowor , received a telegram from Chicago notifying htm that Howard Love- oy , a fagttiro from Nebraska justice , lad been captured there nnd wonld bo sold to his orders. This captuturo is no of considerable importance ) to No * iraaka , In 1874 President Hayes ap- lolntod Howard Lovojoy , receiver of the Jnited States land office at Nlobrara , tying at the time that L6vejoy was an Id ntmy ftlond of his. There was a ight , It will bo romombcrod , between Senators Sanders and Paddock as to who hould have this position , nnd when the act had boon fully demonstrated to 'resident Hayes that they oiuld not agree ipon any man , bo settled the struggle > y appointing Lovejoy. The latter was a very dissipated , reckless sort of fellow then , but ho faithfully promised to brace up and do bettor , if given a chance. After receiving his appointment Lovojoy lad great trouble getting endorser to his 3ond , but finally succeeded and took charge of the office. However his honesty WAS only skin deep and two years after assuming the trust Imposed In him , Presi dent Hayes' "old army friend" suddenly ; urnod np missing ono fine morning , and on examination It waa discovered thst its accounts with the government were left about $13,000 short. His bondsmen were med In the United States distrlcl court and last fall Judge Dundy rendered a judgment against them for the full amount. Ever since Lovejoy departed jfficera have bean on the look-out for ilm , but no trace of his whereabouts wore over obtained nntll about two weeks ago a citizen of Nebraska , who was visiting Chicago , liapponod to drop Into a refreshment par lor on Madison street. When the im portant individual In white apron who there the "cocktail ' presided as gonloui' learned where his customer was from he pointed to a seedy old bum who was lounging over a table off in ono corner and gave ont the information that he was alto from Nebraska , and had at ono time hold an Impjrtant office in the state. On inquiry the bibulous gentleman learned that It was Lovejoy , and when he re- burned homo at onca Informed Marshal Blorbowor of his discovery. The latter wont to Chicago immediately and searched among the saloons and lower class hotels several days but could nol run across his man. The Madison street bartender had not seen him einco the day ho pointed him out to the other "gentle man from Nebraska. " Blorbowor finally lolt the case with Detectives Moonay & Boland , and it was they who telegraphed Saturday evening that the bird had boon caught. Marshal Blorbower will either go to Chicago this afternoon or eond deputy to bring Lovejoy hero. Seal of North Carolina Tobaco Is the beat Orop 1'rospccta of Douglas Count ; and Nebraska. Last week a report of the spring whoa and general grata prospects In Douglai and ether counties of the state was made and forwarded to ono of the Ohlcag journals. The facts were obtalnec from Mr. Nathan Mcrrlam , who ha just returned from an extensive trip o Inspection over the state. From this re port some interesting facts are gained. The acreage of spring wheat this year in Douglas oonnty Is estimated to b about ten per cent greater than that of last year. The seeding work ha been on an average about ten days earl ler than last season. The weather has been very favorable for planting , and since , there have boon numerous rains so that the "stand" lanow flourishing anc well stocked. All Indications , In fact point to a good wheat crop this year. All over the state these observations will bo found to hold true. Grain o small kinds Is everywhere in a flourish in ? condition , and the acreage of each variety promises to surpass that of las year. Corn planting began yesterday a a regular thine ; , all over the state. On account of the complications of th European situation and the threatonw wars on the continents , farmers hav < planted heavily of wheat , oats , barley and rye , nnd this moro than any otho circumstance will account for the largi prospective yield of 1885. It is estimated tbat about 20 per con of last yean * wheat crop Is in the hand of the farmers. Fopploton Gets the Colt. The atmosphere In horse-trading cir oles hereabouts , says the Papillion Times , has been pretty much dlaturbec for the past two weeks over the Maxe ; Cobb affair , particulars of which appoare ; recently In these columns , The case wa before Judge Neville early last week , o A. J. Popploton'B replevin notion. Th court heard the case an-1 cited th defendants , Qeorgo Rlngo , Wm. Ketoh am and H. O. Bancroft to appea at the court honso last Saturday noon and show canao why they should not b < punished for contempt , and to bring wit ] ihem the colt In dispute , At the ap pointed hour the defendants appeared , bu stated that tbo colt could not bo found The judge then admonished them of the penalties attending contempt of court anc ; ave them until Wednesday noon to de liver the colt into the handi of the court. Court was called Wednesday noon , anc the defendants came promptly to the scratch with the colt , which was deltvrroc by the court into tbo hands of Mr. Pop plcton. The defendants wore not finec Tor contempt , but tbo judge saldho wnulc [ iindor over the question until the nox term of court. Interested parties say tbo end is not yet , and that Maioy will ba in oonrt again soon. Pollen Points. In the pollco court Saturday morning 10 principal excitement was canaedby the loclaratlon of tbo veteran toper , Pa * Kearney , that ho would take pledge Pat , according to his story , had met i tiend hgrldsy and had celebrated tbo occasion by sending for several drams ol whisky. Bi th ho and his friend had become - come intoxicated , and both wera arrestoc by the pollco , Pat plead tearfully for mercy when arraigned la tlujmorning , nd howled for joy when the jadgo announct t that ho wonld bo released after signing the pledge. The Import nt document mont was carefully drawn , up by Judge Stenbcrg , signed by { ( oif-annouBccd reformed ono , and tamped wl < h the official teal of the cir ( , Kearney was then dismissed with the j i most solemn warnings as to the conse- nonces of his violating the sacred oath , ( Is comrade In sin , a fiery-halted genius , y name , J. S. Lsvoll , ; was Itkowlto .limissed. Giles Strayhor , an old-iimo toper , WAI ent np to the county jail ; Intoxication , lie charge. George Power , same charge , 95 and oils , William Jennings had been nnablo to aia entrance Into bis boarding house i'tiday night and had slept In the hallway , lero ho was arrested by ho police as a vagrant. Upon trial ho learly disproved these charges and was eloaeod. with a solemn enjoinder not to ergot the twelfth commandment , "Thou halt not sleep In the hallway. " Alexander Eager , n man whose mental powers were slightly unbalanced , was or dered to leave town nnd was sent across .0 . his homo in Iowa. A BOISTEROUS OBOWD , The Citizens Living Near Germ tin in. Ilall Shamefully Disturbed. AB a general thing the citizens of Omaha are Tory liberal la tholr views , -ouchlng the personal liberties of people , and arc porfeotly willing to lot every man act as ho pleases , bat there are imlto , and to go beyond thcao limits 'crboirnnco ccaaoa to bo a human virtue. Enjoyment Is ono of the great and glori ons privileges which all may possess to tholr heart's content , bat It , llko orory thing else , should bo conducted within the Donnda of reason and docenoy. Sunday morning about daylight , a Tory nnsoomly and unreasonable hour for such bolster- am conduct , residents living In the vicin ity of Germanla hall Vforo shamefully dis turbed of tholr peace and ropoao by the lend drunken puffaa of a croud who line spent the entire night In bachinallan roTols at that plaoo. Justly these citi zens complain bitterly at this sort of con loot and they dcclaro that if i' ' Is rcpeatod an effort will bi made to see If something can not ba doni to stop It. Nobody complains again * the logltlmntu entertainments held a Gormanla hall , bat to carry on in revelry all nlcht ; and away Into the peaceful hour } f a quiet Sabbath morning , awakening irom their sloop thoao who want rest i not only a disturbance and a nuisance but a violation of municipal law whlc honld bo suppressed. Smoke Seal of North Carolina To bacco. AFTER THE MAYORALTY , P. II. Murphy Commences a Oontcs bnit in the County Court Against J , E. Boyd. Owing to the Into hour at which the papers were Clod only a Tory short men tion could bo made In Saturday evening' BEE of thocontoat case , between P. H Murphy and Mayor James E.Boyd , com menced before Jndgo McCulloch In th county court. Mr. Murphy in hla com plaint alleges that ho Is qualified to hoi the office of mayor and brings this suite to test Mr. Boyd's election , In his own name , because the district attorney re fused to take the responsibility himself It is set forth that in all of the wards great many poisons were allowed to Tote who were not regla tered ; also that votes were cas by mon entirely unknown. etock.'o these Totes , Riven with affidavits , Jam pa E. Boyd was declared elected , but Mr Murphy claims that thezo affidavits were Illegal , therefore void , and to test tha matter ho brings this suit. The com plaint further declares that P. H. Mnr phy received a majority of all the logo Totes cast , and Is entitled to be Inaugu rated into.the office of mayor. Homo Circle Club Literary. The closing meeting of the Homo Oir cle Club Literary wai held last Monda ; evening at Mr. Latey's on North Nine teenth street , and notwithstanding th inclemency of the weather a goodly num ber were present who enjoyed a pleasan evening. Although Monday evening en tlrely closed the season the society wll hold monthly meetings during the sum mor. Appended is Monday evening" programme : 1. Instrumental Music. . .Miss Dolllo Bailey 2. Reading Selection Mr. Louis Ltttlefield. 3. Duet. "I'll Awnit My Love , Hi'ses 1'aickers and Latey. 4. Song "Music in the Air , By the members of the club. 5. Recitation J. M. Gonrac C. Recitation. . . Emily Jones , Mable Latey 7. Essay On Trees and Flower Mrs. Latey. B , Recitation In the Workhouse on Christ , tnaa Da F. W. Pickeus. 0. Recitation Ross Bailey 10 Fetrolulm A Force In One Ad FrAnk Redman , Mrs , Shields , Mr. Bailey , Miss Hodges , Miss Maggie Latey , Miss Pickem , Mrs , Eliott , Ullghtly Mysterious. The nntimoly and unfortunate death o Frederick Stahlberg , the young man irh perished of gai suffocation at the OanOeli house last Friday evening , seems to be somewhat clouded in mystery. A stated in these columns , the clerk showoe him Thursday night , before ho retired how to turn the gas on and off , and the clerk says that ho passed back and forth through the halls two or three times during the night but did not detect any smell of gat , which ho certainly would have done had their been any escaping. Whether the young man got np Friday morning and purposely turned the gas on to commit suicide in that way is a question that has sorno supporters. Then again it seems strange that none of his friends who have been telegraphed to make any reply , It may be that * the persons wired are not relatives and don't osre enough about the disposition of the body to bother themselves In the least , Tbo coroner sajs that nnless he hears something to-day ho will bury the body bore , then If friends come for It auy time it can bo ezamed. County Court , In the county court Saturday Alexander Wishart began suit against W. E , Jones , the South Omaha hotel-keeper , for $300 , aces which are alleged to be duo , These gentlemen will ba remembered as the parties to the Sunday night shooting fracas at the ttockyardr , In v > hich Wish a't , the cook , was shot and dangerously wounded by his employer , Jones A marriage license was issued to Emannol K , Sorensen and Karan K , Bansen. Hats half dollar less at Frederick' , than elsetvhere. Largest etock. THE MABSHALBHIP , V "WorklnRiuarrs IMea Tor the Helen- tion or CnnimlnRS. 'o ' the rdltor of the BKE. For the last few days the editorial col- imns of the Omaha Herald has boon earning with abuse of the republican members of the council , and Marahal Jammings in particular. This tirade gnlnat the council Is made simply bo auio it failed to confirm Mr , Bojd'a ap pointments. The worklngmon of this Uy who supported the republican ticket n the late city election wonld rospeot ully request our roprcaonUtlves In the council to sland by tholr colors. Mr. ioyd , In accepting the nomination on the clUeons1 ticket pledged himself If elected to handle the business afiairs of this cltv on the tame principles as he would his own. Is ho standing by the pledge , akon on this occasion by him to the clt- zans of this clt > ? I will leave that question open for bin to answer , I i vo nothing to eay. in rtg rd to the np- jolntments made by him for marahal. I will leave that for the citizens of this city to judge for themselves between the ; wo men. When the Herald eald that Captain Sullivan or any other man on the police force furnished the brains for Thomas Cummings to do his duty ho uttered a falsehood , Thomas Oammlngs needs no man to furnish him brains , ho has plenty of his own , The only trouble with some of thesa gentlemen they could notnsohlmas a tool. For eighteen { rears ho has boon a resident of this city and nearly all that time ho has been a blacksmith In the Union Pacific railroad shops In this city. Ho has been foreman of the blacksmith shops at Rawllns , and the men that worked under him while ho hold that position will admit the fact that ho hod plenty of brains and know how to nio them. For fourteen years ho was assistant fore man of the blacksmith shops In this city under Mr. Gibson and the above men tioned gentleman will toll you that ho has both ability and brains. During all the years of his residence In this city hp has been a staunch supporter of the republi can party and its principles. Ho is a man that has the friendship and esteem of his old shop mates irrespective ol nationally and we pledge him our undi vided support. Thomas Onrnmings does not care for the position of city marshal , Ho would resign It of his owu free wll but his friends would not allow him to do so. Ho Is not depending on this posi tion for bis support. Ho can walk to his anvil to-day In any shop In the country and earn his three and a half or four dollars lars a day , Mr. Boyd announced to the members of the police force a ahori time ago that no man would bo removed from the force except for nonperformance of his dutly. Now I vrlllask this gentle man elected on reform principles , why remove the chief ? . Has ho failed in any way in the performance of hla duties. He has made a faithful nnd honest city marahaland no man candcnytheso facts ] will simply tell you why ho Is removed in the eyes of Mr. Boyd and Dr. Miller he Is "an offensive partisan. " In conclusion I wish to say that I sin cerely hope Mr. Boyd will consider hla determination lo remove Mr. Cumminga. I wonld like lo see harmony between him aud the council for It is to the in terest of the city and its citizens thai they should work together. I hope that hu wilt look at this matter , not from a partisan standpoint , but as mayor of this city who has Its Interests and welfare at heart. t A WOKKINOMAK. Dnring the month of April , as is shown by Postmaster Coutant'a report , $8,709.04 worth of postage stamps were sold at tbo Omaha office , and $1,624,86 worth of envelopes velopes , making a clear total of $10.383 00 This is an increase over April , 1884 , of 35 per cent , or $2,700.84. DIED ON THE TSAIN , A Lady from California Enronto to Mftlno Expires at tbo U. P. Depot. A very sad death occurred at the Union PaciSo dopoi yesterday evening. Just as the California express steamed In and stopped Mrs. 0. A. Rollins , a lady passenger songor , from Novato , California , enroato for Yoza , Maine , gently closed her eyes and breathed no moro. By her sldo at the time was the sorrowing husband anc a weeping slater , Mrs. Wilder Page , who had been tenderly nnralng and doctoring her for two years. But , nil the skill o ! medical science , and the attention of lov ing hands conld not baflla the fatal dia- case , consumption , with which the lady was afflicted. Knowing fall well that her life was of short duration , and desiring to eoe her parents , friends and old home before dying , Mrs. Rollins.accompanloc by her husband and nlster , statted laal Monday night to make the trip from Novato to Veza , entirely ncroes the con tinent , from ocean to ocean. Coming through the Rio Grande canyon tlu caught cold and from that time steadily grew worse and as the motion of the train stoppodjon Its arrival here , breathed her last. The body was placed In a hack and taken to Coroner Drexol's ostablithment , where it has been embalmed - balmed , sealed In a metallic casket and the husband and sister will to-day pro ceed on their sad journey to the old pine tree state. Absolutely Pure Thli powder never TarUI. A mirvol of po itrength and whokaomcrMM. If ore eoonon loal than ihe irdtnary kindi and cannot be sold la oompetl tion with the multitude of low teit , ebotl weigh1 alnm of pbyiphrto powdtn. Sold only In canl BOYAL BAKLNQ POWDKU CO. , 103 Wail BtjN.Y 1312 1312 ZMZISIrTXTS , MISFITS , MISFITS , DVCiSIFITS , AND- ANDGARMENTS FOU SAJjB AX TI1IJ 1312 DOUGLAS STREET UP-STAIRS. 1312 1312 DR , PUHEK , Graduate of the University Vienna , Aus tria. Late Surgeon to the Military Hospital , of Vienna , Will do a general Medical and Surgical practice. All calls in city or country promptly attended. Office at the Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute , Corner 13th Street and Capitol Avenun. OtnaJia Medical & Sur gical Institute. rf * ± i i 13th St. , Oor OauitalAve , Chronic and Surgical Diseases Diseases of Females , of the Ncrrovu System , Ptl rate Diseases of the Urinary and Sexual organs and Diseases ol the Head , Throat and Lungs , specialties. Diseases treated by an experienced specialist , nlao dlteagesof the Heart , LUer , Stomach , Kidneys , Bind dor , Neuralgia , Ri enmatl < m , Piles , Connere , etc , And all other diseases of the Throat and Lungs , treat ed by Medicated Vapors. Send lor Inhaler or circular on Inhalation. AD dkeoaes of the Blood , Uiln&ry and Sexual Or gang , Private Dteeaecs and Piles Cured or no Pay. IS Years Hospital and Private Practice . Consultation and Elimination free Cillorwrlteforolrcularsonohronladlseasesanddeform itieg , Dleeasea of Females , Prh ate Diseases otli ) Urinary and Sexual Organs , Seminal Weakness , Ner Tons Debility or Exhiustlon , eta. , eto , and our new restorative treatment , All letters and consultations Confidential. Medicines cent to all parts of the country bv ex press , securely packed from observation , If full de scription of case Is given , One personal Interview preferred If convenient. Open at all hours. Patients from a distance can obtain rooms and board , Address all letters to Omaha Medical & Surgical Institute 13th St. . Cor. Caplio Avc. , Omaha. Neb. COWING & GO , JOBLER3IV WROUGHT IRON PIPE , Hallf M nd Call Iron Load Pipe and Sheet Lead. HOKTIIISCmiJ STKAM I'DSPS , WIIIIHII.LAM ! > IJIiniiWKU , fill's , Plnmtieis' Gas aid iieam Filters' IRON & BRASS GOODS , ENGINEERS' SUPPLES , Mlb & Dodae SU..OMAHA.NEB. DEEXEL & MAUL , ( IOOOK8SOB810 JOEB 0. JA.COE3) ) UNDERTAKERS I At the old Btund K17 F rn m Bi. Orders by til * grftpheolldtaduidpromptl attended lo , Toltphoni EUROPE. COOK'S KXCUR8ION PAHTJES laU from N w York In Ajiiil , May , June nnd July by flmt olua > te > mthlp0. HI'KOIAL TOURIST TICKETS for INDIVIDUAL TRAVELERS t reduced rttei , by the beat reutee for iJeaeure travel. COOK'S EXCURSIONIST , with mapo , contain full particulars ; by mall for 10 cento , TII03 COOK & SON , 01 Prid / , B , 7. Orl91Datrb > rn 8t , CMcaifo , Hla. wed sntlflwm * HAMBURG-AMERICAN PACKET COMPANY. Direct Line for England , Franco and Germany. The Mtamahlpa ol thlt well known line are built jf lion , In witer-tlgbt oompartmcntt , and art fur. ilibed with every roqulelto to make the pataige soJbeife acd agreeable , They carry the United Uatci and European malls , and loavn N tr York rhntdayiand Saturdayi for Plymouth ( LONDON 7berboaPARIl ( and HAUBUKO. Ratca. Pint Cabin. tfO-tlOO. Steerage , to or from HambuiR. 10. O. U RICHARD & CO , Qeu era ! Pa a 'genta , 61 Broadway , New Sorlc and Waahluicton in'l La Belle itreeta , Chicago , or Ifenrv 1'uodt , afark Hauren , V. K. Moorti , Hury Peuet la Omaha ; Orenewig & 8caotnegeO | la Council iJluflj. SOUTH mm Remember that When you buy a lot in South Oma n you get 9,001) fquare feet of ground , equal to three lots 50x00 , or fix business lots 26x60. With this you have the advantage ot alleys 20 feet wide and a street 80 feet wide. THINK I OF THIS When you are buying real estate ; ascertain how much LAND you are getting for your money. NOW IS THE TIME To secure these large lots while they are cheap. You can get ground now at 2 cents a square foot that will be worth five times that amount in three years. Send for a Map of South Omaha. Address , 216 S. 13th St. , Omaha , Neb. M/A. Upton , Ass't Soo'v and Manager. MAX MEYER & GO. ( ESTABLISHED 18C5. ) Only Importers in Omaha of SMOKERS9 ARTICLES , Guns , Sporting Goods and Notions , FIREWORKS , FLAGS , BALLOONS , Base Balls , Fishing Tackle , ROLLER SKATES. _ _ t * < "f , j i T T"r" \ * iyi * % * fn * * i > * i i Tr * t * T7 "i" nr * i' i C3 fcMj ! | j ITJ Jo v JJtC * t JTvJLlfc ? JtLi J ( JLf JL O * JtfViac Meyer Co. , . . . ( hnaJnr , Neb. TTARDWOOD "LUMBER A Full Assortment of Air and Kiln Dried Walnut , Cherry , Anh , Hotter-nut , Yellow Poplar , Redwood , eto. Hardwood nnd Poplar Panel , Hardwood Flooring , W ffon Stock , Stair liulldera1 Material , lied Cedar 1'ost * , Common Oak Dimension and liridge Timbers , Cedar Boards for moth ] > roofcosetsRte. ! , Yeoeera , Fancy Wooda for Scroll SawlnKKtc.Kto , S.W.Cor.Oth and Douglas. - - Omaha. Neb. THE LEADING CARRIAGE FACTORY 1409 and 1411 DotteeSt. { 0iUon ( } Omaha He-1