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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1885)
2 THE DAILY BEE MONDAY MAY 1,1885 BITTERS fnmMnlng IH05 nllh PUUK TEOETA11M TOMCS , inltI.lT " < l fonpleitlf CLKANSIS and KNUICIIKS TIIK IIIXJOU. OnlckfiiJ the ctlon of the Mierun J Kldneju. Chan tht romplfilonra lf thniiilniiraooth. Hdownot lnnr | thetH > UirnichrKI ( horpro < ln ( ron- HtlpaUon-AUi OTIIKU IIIOX MKPICINIS 1)0. ) 1'hjpjdins tnd DruggUU eTtrprhore recommend It , DB. N. S Raontm. of M rlon. M f . tnjt ; VI roonmmnml llrown'n Iron nittern lui a T lnMil tonic fornnrlohlnittho blood , ami rnmorlnir Ml df > p ptic rjmptomi. H rton not hart thnloetli. " Dn. It. M. DKUBLU liMiioltti. Ind. . r t " 1 II TO proncrlliwl Drown'n iron Illt n In CMWI o ! unmraU nd blood dlnovwi. also when ft tonlo wu nvodod. and It biu prorixl tbnronsblr MtlsfiCtorj. ' MR.WK. I THBa6 ! 8t Marj St. , New Otleana , IA. MV I "Ilrown' Iron Illtt rt relloied me inacaw ot blood noUwnlnir. and I botrtllj commend It t < thono noodlnK a pnrtfior. " Ths Oennlna UM Tra < lo Mark and crowd red llnw on wrapper , Take no other. Madoonlrbr IIUU\T.V Olll'.MlCAI. CO. , llAI.TlMOlti : , MP . ' IlAJtD BOOK umfnt and altractlTO. con talnlnitllut of prUwi fnr rwlpen. Infnrmatlon atraii coin * , < ! tort ( rin-n awaj by all dealer ! In medicine , o ; mallod to anr addrou on receipt ol 3o , tlamp , BEST OPEEATINCJ , SELLING AMI toer ofTored to the oubllo. Cllironlr.t NorvoilH ilrl.- , Sure Ciiri-i. nitcrtiilpi , CSy Send t o suimin for Cplehmt il Jledio. Works. AdilrOM ) , If. It. ULAIUCi : , Bl. 1) , IbO tfouth Cl.irk btrect , CIIICAOO , lu. IS OONDUUTED Ul Eoyal Havana Lottery I PA ( QOVEBHUENT IMSTITUTIOH. ) Drawn at Havana Cuba Every 10 to 14 Days. Tickets in FifthsWholes § 5. Frao tions pro rata Sabjecl to no tunlpalatloa , not controlled hytl rartleiln Interoat. H la Ihe falreat thing lull calajc ol ohmnoe la exlstonoo. lot tickets apply to SI1IPSEY & CO. , 1212 Broa. wiy.N. T. City ; 80LINQRR & 00. , 103 South h S BL Louis , Mo . or II. Ormra ft CO , 819 Main St Eaneaa Cltv. Ifo. JamssMcallnstitut Chartered by theStatcof 1111 jnols fop thecxprcsspurpoe of glvinglmmcdUitc relfell all chronic , urinary and pri tvatc diseases. Qonorrhoei iQlcetandSypralis in alt the ! complicated forms , also n diseases of the Skin an Blood promptly relieved an permanentlycured by reme , dics.tcstcdlnni'orryl'enr , _ _ > Sj eclnII'raf < Jce. Semlm Weakness , NiRht Losses by Dreams , Pimples o Ihe FaceLost ManhoodiioiUivelycitrcd.Tlier it no ci > trlmcntin < l. The appropriate remed 13 at once used In each case. Consultations , per Bonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med Icines sent by Mall and Express. No marks oi package to indicate contents or sender. Addres DR.MMESNo.204WashlnglonSt.Chlcagoll LINCOLN FLORAL CONSERVATOR Cor. O& 17h , oallaoofitrnt carl. Greenhouse , Bedding Plants , Roses , Flowering Shrubbery , Evergreens , Small Fruits , Et < Eitras with every order. Homl Dostsns , Bouquets. IlasVcta , Ito. ! , for WoddliiRi nnd Funerals n six-clalty , uud sent to anr part of the Btnto. Bwrctrotatound other YORCtulilupIanUiu the Icaiou. IlliutriitcdCatulocuofrcfl. W. S. 8AWYER & CO. . Lincoln , If obrwV St , Charles Hotel. 0 STUEET , BCT 7th ind Btl ) , . . LINCOLN , NE Un. KUo Coakly , ProprletoreM. WN > ly and elefrantly ( urnUhoJ. Good Ump loom ) oa flnt floor. Termi1.50 to tt per d y. fipedU ntei glri he lerlaUture , norlO-1 m-iuc Mendelssohn & Fisher ARCHITECTS Rooma 33 and 29 OmahaNfttLBank Block VOOMWM TO Dufrene & . Mendelssohi Q o. L. .laher , turnery with W , L. V. itm Architect , Chloaro. JinUilm MEUrFurit ATictlmofioathfaTlmf .M.DK | I'reuntore OtctrK nou l ) btl. . , , , , Miotiood , Ao.barlBir trid In r la er r/ known ltooreroa A liupl * rneftniot Ml-c * . hlch end H1IKK to hit I llowaffi > r r * -H a Ywt , u MORMON WAILS. he Flowers of John Smith Appeal to tbo Mm , 'hey ' Cry Persecution and Plead for Their Boligious Rites. Polygamy , as a Ealigions Institu tion , is Uphold The Test Oath Denounced as Disfranohisiner Legal Voters , * _ . - < - - - The Edmundp Law Commissioners Acousad of Usurping Rights. Utah's Governor Arraigned an n Petty Tjrrant Federal Offlocra ami the Mormon " \Voinou. TUB MOUMON PtiEA. Tlttm VRAOIIOK3 MAINTAINED. HALT LAKE , Utah , liny 3. - Kvety Mormot ihnrch in UUh , Idaho and Montana , was th < cone of a meeting yesterday at which thi members ratified a priovnnco prepared at tin general confercnco of the church on April G The RrioTanco li Addressed to the proeidon' ' ind the people of the United State * . It ba a\ne , \ : "A condition of affairs imperilling thi tltiA Interests of a vast majority of the peepli of Utah and their co.rellfjlonuta in neighbor ing stntea and territories impels us , their re presentative , to address you. Our rights R American citizens are trampled upon , and be lieving it onr imperative duty in the presonci of such a danger to protest against the gigan tic : ovila wbicli threaten not only our liber ties but the liberties of every free in on , we in the general man meeting aisembly , it the name of freedom , justice and humanity make this appeal for rollef nnd protection \Vo are unpopular with our fellow conntrr men. It Is our religion that makes us so. W < are a small minority in their midst , but w < have yet to learn that those are grounds upot which to justify , in this land of liberty , act of oppression which wo , as a people , from thi beginning of our history , have been made t < suffer. As to our religious faith , it la bated upoi evidence which to our minds is conclusive Theconvlctlonsareuottobodestroyedbyleris lativo enactment or judicial decisions. Forci may enslave n body , but It cannot convinci the mind to yield at tbo demand of the legislature laturo , or judge of the rights of conscience , which would prove as a recreant to every dutj wo owe to God and man. Among thu prin ciplea of our religion , is that of immeoiatt revelation from God. Ono of the doctrine : so revealed is celestial or plural marriage , foi which ostensibly we are stigmatized one hated. This is the vital part of onr re liglous decisions , the courts to the con trary notwithstanding. This declaratini in defending the practice of polygamy declares that the practices as underatooc amotg accidental notions , is not systems o sensuality , but of latter ( day saints. We believe lievo that marriage is ono , which pooperlj solemnized , exists in eternity. Every faithful - ful woman in the church believes that in ordei to insure her exaltation in the presence o God , she should bo married or sealed to at upright , faithful man. " THE DECLARATION CONTINUES ! "Acting upon this belief , the alliances an formed while upon o rth. upon the principli that man is not without the women , nor thi woman without the man. In the laws wi firmly believe that God revealed thi to them as a command , but while patriarchia marriages , as it Is termed , is part of theii faith and practice , they have no idea that i should become universal. Equity of thi sexes , if for no other reason , would proven ! this. It is a mistaken idea that , our churct favors propagation. This doctiino seeka tc establish it as a 'universal system , ' " OmCBIlS ABBAIGXEU. The declaration charges that the genera' government has ever been ready to hear al reports of sedition among the Mormon Reo- ple , upon whom it has never conferred thi rights of citizenship. The commissioners ap pointed under the Kdmnnds law are chargec with grossly violating the authority conferred upon them , an instance being the formulatipt of the test oath which sought to dlsfranchisi thousands of legal Mormon votes. United States officials are charged with having allioc themselves with sectarian priests and politics adventurers to excite foment. The presenl governor of Utah is charged with being t petty tyrant , as shown by his veto of the ml passed by the territorial legislature providing for the erection of a university ; also of thi bill to discontinue the Utah commission The Edmunds law's ami polygamy teature , i is asserted , applies to only one class of pee pie -Mormons leaving a legion of non Mormon polygamuts free in their abuses The official "spotters" are arraigned for the ! conduct in requiting pure and Innocen women to answer improper questions and fo attempting to violate the secrets of Mormoi homes , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A flairs in Alaska , WASHINGTON , May 2. Lieutenant Cam mander Mabels , commanding the Pintn writes to the navy department from Sitkn Alaska , under date of March 31 , that th Chilliota are somewhat uneasy , and say the ; will have no more whit a men among them The Swindors have threatened white men but committed no overt act , and prub ul ; will not. The Ilusrian citizens and mission arlcsha\ebeen having some trouble , owin | to alleged encroachment of missionaries 01 the lands claimed to be within tbo town lira its , which has culminated In an injnnctloi prohibiting the inisilonaries doing work untl the case is decided by the courts. Xho IMttstrarg Trunk Mystery. I'lTTBBUno , May2. Th'a ' afternoon Mrs Boniatalll , wife of a Smithfield atroe Italian confectioner , Identified the remain found in a tiunk bera last night as those o her brotner , Fiqtro Coiu&o , n former pqanul vender in this city , but who went to Ghicag < Eoveral years ago. Antonio Sabllno als < recognized the body as that of Coruoo. Hi worked with the deceased on a railroad neai Chicago fora year. Atliletlo OTor-Exortion , Ilanlan , the oariman , has been a see end time baaton by Bench , the Australian and the second defeat 1 aocoptod aa proo that ho la utterly broken down. That hi ihonld not bo able to baat a thlrd-claei row or , shows an uttar decay of mnsculai power. Yet ho did not not resort to ox ceases , cither of drink or of overtraining , Ho waa especially careful of his healthw a rale. It la evident that in hia rowing matches he exerted himself for boyonc what was supposed. These tremendom drafts on hla muscular power hare provei too much , and ho ban given way before It The lesson is clear. When athletic exer cio ; la carried to the extreme required it order to success , ( t is sure , sooner or la tea , to break down the physical powers la placa of being promotlvo of health i la directly Injurious to It , and so tends t < evil rather than good. And the oxampl of those who can achlevo feats like thoi of Han ! an is bid , It leads others to pa forth ortry exertion to roach the com result. The final oatoomo of it all , ii purjlyzed.muicuUr power and brokei health , goes comparatively unnoticed Hones the ovll of these profession ! straggles , The benefit of athletic exercises la li promoting ; health. And in order to thu extreme * should be avoided. Yiolen aod prolonged exertion ( a as injurious a any other form of dliappaiion. Moderat oxeralse , taken with reference to th lairs of health , ii more beneficial , Ere ; ho walking of n given dUttnce , in all wcxthor ! § , and irrotpectlvo of the condl- ion of the body , is not wise. Floiibll * ty mast exist ns regards rules for oxer- clao. Where this is absent , nil works badly. The health aide of ciorclao should , lwaya bo prominent. So cf athlotlo ox- jrtlonsVhoto there ate professional , hey sra not A snfo galdo for these who wish to nso thorn for health. And the > rcak-do n of Banian proves that oven ho moat cMitioua profeailonals go apidly. Iiltnc-Klln I'rocoedlngs. Detroit 1'reo Press. Brother Gardner announced that the ollowlog niles and regulations would bo n force from May 1 : "No member allowed to remove his loots or shoos dating a Boaiion on account of chilblains. "Any member removing a book from ho library without giving his narao will ) o fined not loss than $3,000 , nor more , han $7,000 , according to the valno of the work. "Members will not bo allowed to dis cuss politics or religion in the hall , but may freoty talk horse and lay the founda tion for dog-fights. "Tho proaldinR officer Is to bo address ed as 'Mr. President , ' and not as 'speaker' ' or 'chairman. ' his rank being the saino at the president of the sounto. "Whilo members are not prohibited from eating onions for supper on the night of the club , their attention Is called to the fact that Llmbnrger chocso is a good thing to break in the monotony. "A fratoriial fooling is expected to prevail - vail between members , but any momboi lending another money must take hit chances on repayment. In caao of a horse trade they are to forgot , for the tlmo beIng - Ing , that they over saw each other before or will ever meet again. "All dogs are to bo loft In charge oj the outer guard , who will not be hole financially responsible for any accidents , "Tho members wearing clean uhlrti and having oil on their hair will take thi front row of benches. "No member will bo excused froir serving on a commlttco nnloto ho cat provp that insanity has always run In the family , "In casn the roof of Paradise hall falli In each member will have license to gel out as speedily as possible , but In case ol a fire It is expected that the officois wll ! take precedence in getting down stairs. "All MZOIB loft In the hallaftora meet ing will bo carefully laid away by the j-mltor , and once in three months there shall bo n public sale , the proceeds oi which shall go towards founding a Home for Snporanuated Colored Scientists. Mr tills ntoro Precious than Gold. Colliery Engineer. Following are the names of thoio met als valued at over $1,000 an avoirdu pois pound , the figures given represent ing the value per pound : Vanadium A white molal discovered in 1830 , 510,000. Rubidium An alkaline metal , so- called , for exhibiting dark red lines in the spectrum analysis , $9,070. Zirconium A metal obtained from the minerals zircon atd hyacinth , in the form cf a black powder , § 7,200. Lithium An alkdino metal , the light est metal known , $7,000. Glncinum A metal in the form of a grayish black powder , $5,400. Calcium The metallic base of lime , $1,500. Strontium A malleable metal of a yellowish color , $1,200. Terbium Obtained fram the mineral gadollnito found in Sweden , $4,080. Yttrlnm Dlocoverod In 1828 , la of a grayish black color , and its lustro per fectly metallic , $4GSO. Erbium The metal found associated with yttrium , $3,400. Cerium A metal of high specific gravity , a grayish whlto color , and a lamellar texture , $3,400. Didymlnm A metal found associated with cerium , $3,200. Ruthenium Of a gray color , very hard and brittle , extracted from the ores of platinnm , $2,400. Rhodium Of a whlto color and metal lic luster , and extremely hard and brlt- blo. It requires tbo strongest heat that can bo produced by a wind furnace for its fusion , $2,300. Nlodium Previously earned colum- binum , first discovered in an ere found at New London , Conn. , $2,300. Barium Thu metallic base of baryta , $1.800. Palladium A. metal dlccovorod it 1802 and found in very small grains , of stool-gray color and fibrous structure , $1,400. Osmium A brittle gray-colored meta found with platinum , $1,300. Irldum Found native as an alloj with osmium in lead-gray scales , and ii the heaviest of known substances , $1,090. n nil ; Enough to bo Senator. Cleveland L'lamdealer. Hpooncr , the republican senator froir Wisconsin , is considerably below median : stature , In fact , rather a toaapooner IE eizs. Although theio does not seem tc be anything the matter with his brains , his physical appearance dots not Imprest a stranger with a sense cf greatness. Naturally bo is a little sensitive on this point. The other day while sitting in a newspaper office hero , ho was Introduced to a gentleman as "Colonel Spoouer , oi Wisconsin. " "Ahl glad to know you. Are you a relative of the now senator of that name ? " The mutual friend hastened to explain that tbo colonel and the senator was identical. The gentleman looked at Spoonoi in half-incredulous sort of way , as if siting him up and judging him by the standard of the tape lino. He at the sarao time begged his pardon in a tone that poorly concealed his snrprlio. The newly fladged statesman could stand It no longer , and exclaimed with some petu lance : "Groat Scott ! do you snppoio a man haa got to be seventeen feet high to bs a United States ajnaUt ? " The largest Diamond in the World ] Pall Mall Gaietto. The Amsterdam firm of J , Mote it busy with the erection of a special work shop , in which the cutting of the largest diamond in the world la shortly to be commenced. This diamond which hae recently been found in South Africa , weighs 475 cirats , and It is said to be greatly superior In color and brilliancy tc all the other f mons diamonds of the world , the largest of which , the "Grand Mogul" is In possession of tha ahah ol Persia , weighing , after being cut , 28C carats. Next in sra ! follows the "Orlou" of 195 carati , which alorns the point o ! the emperor of Ruula'a sceptre ; the Eng Hah "Kohinoor , " originally weighing IK carats , bat In its present form reduced tc 102J o r ts. Tbo "Regent , " oce of thi French crown jewels , weighs 130(5 ( o ratt The time spent in cuttlcg this Ust jewe was two yean , during which time dla mood powder t too value of 850 wai nsed. The "Star of the South , " wbicl has bfon cat at Amsterdam , weigh 125 7-10 cataU. WAR RECOLLECTIONS. The Bernini of Atlanta-lhe FligW of Ihe Colored Population , Bwoot 1'otntoos s * KcRiilnr Diet Through GoorRin. " Written ( or the BUB. IX. After the surrender of Atlanta onr di vision , now commanded by Gon. John M. Corse , woo stationed at Rome Georgia. October 5th wo ao put aboard .ralna and rushed off to Altoona where .ho confederates under Stewait "Stowlt's Ko"ns onr southern friends pronounced it , had cat the railroad and attacked the garrison in a most desperate fathion. The object of the assault was the oaptnro of the immense atoro of sup plies which had boon collected at that punt , but proved unsuccessful though great loss was inflicted on both sides. The ilag of the Seventh Illinois Infantry showed the marks of 137 bullets after the smoke cleared away. Gon. Corse rcoeivod a slight wound on the lef e check , a small portion of the car being clipped oil. WHEN OBK. SHEKUAN was shown this Injury upon reaching the field a few hours later , ho exclaimed , "Thunder ! Corse ; tboy cimo mighty near missing you , didn't they ? " . It was the signalling at this engagement between - twoon Sherman and Corse that gave rise to the song , "Hold the Fore , for I am Coming. " Among the wounded after this battle iroa a young man belonging to a rebel regiment , who looked eu much llko a woman that It was reported that ho wai ono , and , in company with about ten thousand others , I vrent down to the hospital to BCD him. Naturally his ap- pearanca oxcltcd much comment , and it was amusing to wltnois the vehemence with which ho denlod being a woman , proffering as proof to the contrary the ovldonco of woundedmen lying all around him , belonging to hla own regiment , and many of whom , ho eald , know him from childhood. Near the hospital was a long line of wounded men , and along thin line passed a conplo of surgeons examining the in juries , and tying the arms of these CASES DEMANDING AMPUTATION whlto strips of muslin , which casoj would bo berne into the ampntatiog room by attendants. Pitiful It was to note the anxious expression of the poor fellows as they watched the movements nnd hoard the comments of thoao Burgeons , and to 330 the look of despair that marked the fastening to the arm of the significant bit of whlto. In the amputating room were half a drzan surgeons with sleeves rolled up and arms and hands bloody with their dreadful work. Blood blood was everywhere , on the tables , on the chairs and so thick on the floor that it was diffi cult to keep one's feet , while at the door lay a pile of human hands , feet , legs and arms that testified to the work alrrady done. I saw a boy of eighteen placed od the table , hia trowors kg was cut and rolled back , disclosing a bright red spot on the knee cap. His face was whlto as a sheet as a surgeon approached him. 'Doctor , ' cald ho , 'aro you going to cut off my leg ? ' He was answered in the affirmative. 'Why , I am not badly hurt ? ' tali he ; 'I wclked saventy-five yards after I was shot. Please don't cut off my lag. Just pot your hand hero and you can feel the bullet ; you can take it out oasj enough with a probe , and I don't want to hobble through life with only ono log. For God's ' sake , doctor , don't cut off my leg. I would rather be killed at once ; 1 " A handkerchief satura ted wltn ether was pressed over his face and THE BOY DROPPED BACK at fall length on the table. The limb is amputated above the knee and a few minutes later ho is cirried into a back room. Soon after I was asked to step into this room and to hold my thumb tirmly pressed against the main artery of the boy's leg. The stitches had broken and the blood was flowing freoly. I did so , while the surgeon hurried off for as sistance , bat before his return the pi- tlcnt gave a last gnsp and was dead. The kind Father of us all had prantod him the death ho preferred to hobbling through lifo on one leg. It was a clear case ol Incompotoncy on the part of the surgeon , but It was only ono in thousands of sim ilar character , atd so WES of little Im portance. November 8tb , 1804 , ire voted for Mr. Lincoln for president for another term and on the llth burnt our quarters and turned onr faces southward.Vo did not know that wo were then beginning a tramp of 375 miles , with Savannah ai the objective point , for the purposa of prov ing true Shi rman'd assertions that the southern confederacy was an egt ; shell. The road was packed and crowded with darkles of all shades and colors , ages and stzos , 1 ended with stolen 'plunder of as little uio to them under tbo circum stances as would bo a diamond to a | man starving in a desert , consisting of eilk dresses , satin veatj , broadcloth sultr , china cape and saucers , wlno glauoa , etc. , etc. They were fleeing , not "from the wrath to como" but from their mas ters , and to the frequent Inquiry of "Whero are you going , uncle ? " they would reply , "Wo's a Rwlno norf , mama , wld do Llnkum sojers. " On the 15ih of November wo stood on the hill west of Atlanta and saw that ally burned to the ground by order of Gon. Sherman. It seemed a cruel thing to dettroy in a flash the accumulations of years , and to lay in ashw the homes of thousands who bad personally had nothing whatever to do with bringing about a war between the north and south. Pursuing our march we struck "the aweet potato bIt" of Georgia and for a monih mada sweet potatoes our main article cf diet ; we stole big kettles and boiled them ; booked frying pans and fried them ; roasted them In the ashes and , for a change , ate them raw. There waa an abundance of flour , meal , chickens , tar- keys , veal , pork , sugar , honfy and In , fact , everything dealrablo in the way of supplies was to be had until wo reached the ooaat , and the entire march wta after the faihlon of a picnic on a large scale Immediately north of Savannah we struck a randy region , producing little , and for a week were hard up for sup- pllen , our food consisting principally of car corn and rlco in the sheaf , with no means of grinding either , Then all tht talk waa about latlona and when they would be supplied and how. Sixty-five thousand men are scattered through the beautiful forests of pine , live oak and magnolia and ATNEABXY BTAUVATIOH'fl TOIKT. Back pf us is the dejolato com try through which wo have marched ; li front is the enemy and jait beyond floating at anchor , huge sea vessels lo de < with supplies sent around from Now York for Sherman's army , but whlcl cannot bo issued ns until either Savan nah on the Savannah river , or For M'AllUtcr , at the mouth of the Ogechoo IB captured. Fintlly Gen. Ilizon'a ' bril liant clmrgo on Fort M'Alllttor Is madi with ontlro success , supplies are rushoc up the Ogecheo and the army Is saved. On the night of the 20th of December Gon. Ilardoo plants two pontoon bridges across the river , which ho covers with straw to deaden the noise ot the evacua tion and the following day we enter Sa vannah , and Gon. Sherman presents to Mr. Lincoln as a Christmas gift , n strong ly fortified ci'y , three hundtod pieces ol artillery and sixteen million dollars worth of cotton. PIM5S ! PlIiBHt 1'II.KSI A BUKK CURE FOUND AT uASTI NO ONE NEED WjrrKH. A snro cnro for Blind , Blooding , Itching and Ulcerated 1'llw has boon discovered by Dr. Williams ( an Indian Remedy , ) called Dr. William's Indian 1'Ila OIntmont. A slnglo txix has cured the worst chronic cases of 26 or SO years standing. No ono need suffer Dvo minutes ta | tor applying this wonderful sooth ing medicine. L/utlons , Instruments and elec tuaries do moro harm than good. William's Indian File Ointment absorbs the turners , al lays the Intense itching , ( particularly at nlpht after cotting warm in bed , ) acts as a poultice , rives Instant relief , and Is prepared only for riles , itching ol the private parts , and for nothlne also. Read what the Hon. J. M. Goflinbe,1 ry. of Cleveland , says about Dr. William's Indian Pile Oolntment : "I have used scoron of 1'ilo Cures , and it affords mo pleasure to say that I have never found anything which gave such Immediate and permanent relief a Dr. Wll- liam'a Indian Omtmont. For sale by all drag gists and mailed on receipt of price , 60o auc $1 , Sold at retail by Kuhu & Co. 0. F. GOODMAN' Wholesale Accent. Ttro Can Klelo on Ono l.OOO JIllo Zlukct. Charleston Nows. Paul Howes Is a Georgia drummer- Ho was recently traveling in North Caro. lina , and , frith a follow traveler , pur chased a 1,000 mile ticket. The con ductor refused to allorr but ono of them to rlda on the ticket , saying that while It could bo issued to two or moro persons , only ono could rldo on it at a time. Mr. Howes waa put oil the train about four miles from Wadesborougb , and gave notice he would sue the road for damages. Ho employed an attorney , but it was not long before the authorities offered to compromUo. The offer was accepted , and Mr. Howes came off $1,000 batter off. His : walk , four mllrs to Wadesbor- ough , netted him just $250 a mile. Catarrh is a constitutional disease. Hood's Saraaparllla is a conBtltuUonal remedy. It euros catarrh. Glvo it a trial. SHOT AT ilKIfWEDDINO. An Admirer of the Bride Fires at Her Three Times. The Now York San eajs : The friends af Mary Durquo and Julius Sazey gath ered at Woodhavou last night to witness their marriage. While the minister was performing the ceremony the ropoit of a liatol rang out. The women screamed und the men drew back. Then there came a second and a thhd shot close to gether. At first no ono could * ti 11 who was hit , and It was not until the excite ment had sat sided that it was discovered that the bride had been woandtd She was carried to her room aril a physician was summoned Ho feund that ono of bullets had cut through the fleshy pait of tier leg , Inflicting a Blight wound The ehnti had boon fired through a window , iml when tbo mon rushed outslda they found Frank Laml not far away from the Ipor. They arrested him , acd handed : iitn over to Deputy Sheriff Hosbrook , who locked him up for the night. Lami will bo taken before Justice Stanford this morniog. There is much surprise in Wocdheaven over Laml's conduct. It is supposed that it was caused by jealousy. He Is said to have been an adm'ror of Miss Dnrquo. When the wedding invi tations were sent out ho was neglected , end some say that this had something to do with the shooting. "What'a the Matter With You ? " "Well , cot much in particular. But I'm a Ittlh alllnc ; all ovor. I don't sloop well , and my kidneys are out ol order , and I can't enjoy my mosla , and I've a touch of rhenmatitm , and once in a while a twinge cf neuralgia. " Now , neighbor , yon seem to want a genera ! fixing up , and tbo thing to do It Is Bnwn'a Iron Blttere. Mr. A J. Plckroll , of Eanls , Texas , say ? , "I was a sickly man. Brown's Iron Bitters made mo healthy and strong. " A alrn in llltnolH. SrniNanELD , III. , M y 2. The incompe tent clerks of the housa committee , in re counting the ballots of the Thirteenth dis trict yesterday , made an error of 1,200 votes In fayor of Khipp. Mulherrnn will retain bis seat by Adjutant-General Vance'j orders. A Catling : gun , with five thousand rounds ) f ammunition , two hundred overcoats , and .hirty-Cvo tonti were sent to Joliet this norning. Two companies nro there nnd more are expected this morning. Bloodshed is ex- ected. > _ _ An Ofllco for an Oiunh * Man. WASIIINHTON , May 2. The comptroller of currency to-day appointed Kent K. Hayden , oi Omaha , to bo national bank examiner , Ho will bo ascigned to the district of Kansas and fabraeka , The president to-day appointed J. Erneet .Iciers . , ot Colorado , to bo consul of tno Jnited btatea at Nagasaki , Japan. Tbe Half Brood Itobelllon , WiNKirio , May 3 GOT. Altkeoi received a dispatch from Mlddleton last night In which he stated tha wounded left o * np yes erdny morning far StuVatoon. He ezpreaeedj annoyance at the non arrival of NoMoote and said nothing about tht Advance , London and Liverpool papers report remarkabls cure * of rbiomatlim by St. Tacobs Oil , onr standard remedy , I'fnclleton ftitlU for Germany. Kiw Ynnc , May 2. lion , G , II , Fendle- on , United Statw minister to Gutmany , nnd amily , to-d y left for Bremen on theiteomer Werr * . * * * * Deliuiie ditoisea radically cured. Consultation free. Address , World's Dliponiary Medical Association , Boffilo , N. Y. West Virginia' * ! flow Capital. WIIRLINO , W. V . , May 2. Cliarlestown to-day become ) the capita ) of West Virginia , under the act pasted by the luglslatuto in 1870. Wlen B bjr WM sick , w gav her CutorU , VThon ( he wu a Child , the cried for CeatorU , When she b cme Ml 4 , ihe clan j to CMtorU , Hrtoo he hd Children , oh gave Item CMtorU , Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago , Backache , Headache , Toothache , Moro Tit i-ulM ? * , lliiriiK , NrnliU , l'ro t llllm. vn iti , oTiirn Bonn.T MISS ATD junts. Sold If DrugiMi > n tF > irri < f rr ! . . Inn ; Out * t l tlV > . IflrtrUcmllnll MtiRiuicMi. Tun CHAUI.IS : A. vonii.Kit co. 017 St. Chnrk" ) St. . St. I.ouis , Mo. Artffoltr KM < tuttpori * > ( eille i Cotl/xt * , hM bcrn Untrt * ogtfr.r < l In the ipHltlUcfttmfui of Uvwomr , Murcui. B n aoil ntcoB biiRttMth&a ant otbrr thjtetiD ta Ut i-tcU M tltj MfTtl lhftWAt < l ftI oil rrtMeMkkbO- , Nervous Prostration , Debility , Mont ? ! v > U Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and otnr Hens ol Throat , Sktn or Hones , Blood Pol& Old Sorts and UlCCrs , are tmtM with nrrt11el4 ucteii , on Uttit nelfiUf-o principle * . Ba'Hr frhAtcl ? * Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excoi * . Exposure or Indulgence , -wkich rroJn e ion * or tht ftlo ut effecUt ntrrouiDtiif , OebllUy , dlointu of ljU tnddetallrp nwmirj. pimple , on the hcc , pbjilttldMftj , RTerilf > ntotbi oclior reniftlei , contvnti of Mrai , tUx , rcttdcrlvv MarrlnfiTA hni > roper or unhappy , M. pcrmvntttl/tfureJ , rnipht i ( rt rMfiJontfce i > oTelnl I itt1l tnTflApe , rreeto nj uddrfM. ConiultitUnt f dee or by tnfcll fre , an d i nvttttl. Writ * for qufitloo * . A Positive Written Guarantee riff In ttl etnuilo cure , tlfdleleei tat rrrywhere. Famphleti , Itnellib or Orrmin , 04 pngrt. d - criblDE above dlicMcn , In male or r male , PlllUi. MARRIAGE GUIDE ! W04fri : tDerl > ln. lllnitntrd la ciotkinltlllMuSlcM , XW , roonej.r l'0 l c ; lime , | r < r o ri , > - * TkU tj < oDtttoa M tb oorltut , 4avtiLfal or UQtililtlTe wut ts know. A book l ttrmt lot TMt u > di Uttllb , UU M * $50 REWARD $50 * 1 EQUAL or Dickie. CO A 'llila brand la a bnppr combination ol fine , young crleproJ , Uurly lorg filler , with a DELICIOUS FLAVOR and It Just meets the tisto ot a large number ot chow era. OrOera tor 'Tlowsharo" are cotrlnj ; In rapidly from all parts ot the country , UcmonBtTatlng how quickly the great army cf chowora etrlko a gooJ combination of Tobacco , both oa to quality and quantity. Messrs I.oilllard Ss Co lu\o cxcrclecd no llttlo time and labor In endeavoring to reach tlio Acme of 1'erltctlon In Plowshsre , atd seem to hue dona It. liesldcu tlio THN CKST cuia ol rioueharoaro Which la a point not to bo overlooked by doalcra who will find It to their Interest to order fomo and give their cm torn era an opportunity to try it. Ask Your Dealer for Plowshare Dealers supplied by Sronewetr& Sctoentgon , Council Bluffa. 1'ereiroy , looro , " " L. Kirscht & Co. " " Stewart Bros. ' " L'axton & GftllixRhor , Omnha. McCord , Brady & Co , Omaha. For sale in Omaha by H. YlDKlIn ? , CIS S 13th Struct. Henry Ditzen , C01 S 13th St. Heimrrd & Co. , G02 S 13th St. Gee Carismn,1015 Farnam St. Kaufman Bros. , 207 S 15th St. Kaufman Bros , 1009 Farnam St. Frank Arnold & Co. , 1418 Farnam St. AuRust Plotz & Co. , 1509 Douglas St. Geo. Heimrod , CIS N In'th St. Bergen & Smiley , N. W. Cor. IGth and Cum. ing Sts. Van Green Bros. , N. W. Cor. Division and Cumlng Sts. Z. Stevens 913 N. 21st St. J. II. Spetman , Cor. Doualaa and 12th St. Geo. Andersen. 318 S. 10th St. Charlie Ying , 712 S. 10th St. Mm. G M. Lawley , 800 S. 10th St. H. Monfelt , S.V. . 13th and Howard. Mrs. G. M. Lawley , 80G S. 10th St. . Omaha. Gon. Anderson , 318 S. lHli ( St. , Omaha. J. H. Spetman , corner Douglas and 12th St. Chas. Ying , 712 S. 10th St. nrirj Ilio BLOOD'H'P' LIVCR anil KIDNEYS , .mil Kr.rtToiii. Tile 1IKAL.TU mid VIOOH of YOUTIL ! ) / \\aiiinl .Apiivll .in : ul .Sl 1" xulisolHlutJ ; .j" , iiiiuclcaniiu . ji rvi a rcctlvuiinvlorco. ; * Kil'\cni ' Ihu nilnil and llrnlii I'nwi'i. i cnuipliiltitt 'llilC ' B 'V T/ilj 'IOWIC n rnfn naj euro , ullrtsnvluj , heii'tliy i-omploxlon. 3freiuont &tifnjil | at v ' "H K only aiii" Otlionupularll ) of tlio i > o uul uxtic t ril puttliuOirldD.Ai.NUlir.HT. . rSnnilrourM,1iln-r-jnTliolr. ) lart rAtr 1 ( lo.f , , Ma. , fur onr "DHE1AM ' BOOIf. " B , PINE LINE OP IN OMAHA NKU. PINKEYE. Romnrkablo i/uro of a Horse In the till ol 1883 I hai a T lu ble hona t > Vsa lib lh pinkeye , rMultlnz In Llo.-'d potoa. AtUr iloc month * ol rioclorlog with all tbo remedloa to lie 'ovine ' ! In horsu booki , I dcurtlrod of a curt. IIU right hind letf WM large is a man' * body , and h J ou It over fortr ruonloK torue lie wag a moit pltl- kbit looking object At Iwt I tboucbt ol Swltt'a idtclflo , an comintccod to o a It 1 Ulcd Qftoen lx > ttlrs. lo AUKUtilut ill lymplomi ot the dlc w dlwpptared There huobeea no elgni ol a return ind tno borM li done a muU't work en my farm orer flncc. JIB L. KLIWIRO , Anguita , Ot. Januuj 9 , 168S. Bvltt'i Spodflo It ectlialy tegotable. TnaUao on DIotd aod Bkln IHMMe * Dulled tree. Swltt Sr clflcCCo , Dnwor 8 , Atlanta , Oa. or tt.wYork , CITY Thi fomtrkablo growth ol 'Omab * dating the lait few * OAH U mtttc * o great Mtonlahmont to thoco who p y n oocAtlonAl visit to this growing city. Th , development of the 8too > Yards thi ncccBsltT of the Bolt Una Road th Gnolr pared atroola the hnndrodaof now rosldonoos and coaWjr bnelnow blooki , with the popnUtlon of one olty moro than doubled In the lait five yoara. All thli Is a great enrprlao to visitor ! and Ii thi admiration of OUT cltlxona. This rapid groTrth , the bualnwa aoUvlty , and thi many aabsUntlal ImprovomonU mada a lively demand for Omaha real oatato , and every Investor hai made a handsow , profit. Sluao the Wall Street panla May , with the anbaoqnout cry of hard time * , there haa boon loss demand from specula tor * , but a fall demand from Invostort Booking homos. This lattoi claos art taking advantage of low prices In build. Ing material and are securing their homoi at much loss cost than will bo poaslblo a year honoo. Speculators , too , can bay real oota * a cheaper now and ought to taki odvant- of preiont prices for fntnra pro t . The noit few years promises g ostc djvolopmonta In Omaha than the pust fivi ye&re , which have boon M good in wo conld reasonably doatro. Now man' nfaeturlng oatabllahmontJi and litrgo Job bing honaes nro added almost woalily , Rnd all add to the prosperity of Omaha. There are many in Omaha and through' bat tbo Store , who have their money In the brinks drawing a nominal rate of In * toreat , which , If judiciously Invested In Omaha real ctitato , would bring thorn much greater returns. Wo have many bargalun which wo are confident wlU bring the purchase * large profits In tht near future. Wo hnve for sale the finest resi dence property in the north nnd western parts of the city. North we have fine lots at reason * able prices OH Sherman avenuo,17th , 18th , 19th and 20th streets. West on Farnam , Davenport , Cuming , and all the eading streett in that direction. The grading o Faraam , Califor nia and Davenport streets has made accessible some of the finest and cheapest residence property in the city , and with the building of the street car line out Farnam , the pro perty in tlio western part of the city will increase in valiin We also have the agency for the Syndicate and Stock Yards proper * ty in the south part of the city. The developments made in this section by the Stock Yards Company and the railroads will certainly doable the once in a short time. We also have some fine business lots and some elegant inside resi dence ? for sale , Parties wishing to invest will find r some good bnrRinne 213 South Mth Between Farnham and P. B. Wo ask those who htm property for sale at a bargain to gjy "fl a callWe want only bargaini We will positively not handle prop erty at more than its real value.