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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1885)
8 THE DAILY BEE- SATURDAY , MAY 2 , 1885. THE DAILY BEE Saturday Morning , May 2. LOOAL BREVITIES , Col. 11. B. Unrnham hai changed his residence from No. 1004 Idaha street to 2003 California street , rrtdtnck , Ltadtny BcMtr , famam & ISth. The entertainment which wa to have occurred Thursday night at the South Omaha M. E. church was postponed. The date will Boon be announced. TickoUmay bo redeemed or If held will bo good for the entertainment. County Commissioner Timme , is the potaoitor of n curiosity with "million * In it , " if P. T. Lamum was the owner. The other day one of Mr. Timmo's brood sows gave birth to o litter of plg , and among them It one with a double lower jaw and two well de veloped tongues. Store your stoves with Eaton 111 S. 14th John Used , ono of the whlto men pulled night bcforo last for being found In an opium don , wan discharged yesterday morning by proving that ho was there simply to got his washing , When ho went to the Cainoso doml- clt it so happened that fifteen or twenty of them were then engaged in an oxcitlmr game of cards known only to that race , and Hoed saw BO much money changing hands there in such short spaces of time tbat ho got interest ed , lingered to look On and the first thing ho know was nobbed by an officer. Offilcer Duff Green arrested yes terday morni g near the depot a sup posed con man giving his name aa William Bryant. Ho was In the act of doing up an old man who doubtless in a few moments longer would have fallen a vic tim to the wlloa of the sharper. Bryant , when arrested , had on his person over 81,000 of confederate money and a bous chock on a Denver batik. Ho is recognized by the po lice aa the man "John Smltb , " who swindled a rustic some time ao out of 801 , but was re leased aa no direct evidence could be adduced of his guilt. Yesterday afternoon Judge Btonberg fined the gentleman 820nndsentenced him to 20 days In jail. Picture Cards and advertising novelties at Cottar's Printing Houie , 1314 Douglas. W. P. Peck & Co. , brokers , received the following special yesterday afternoon from Avery , Hillabrant & Co. concerning tha Chicago cage markets : "No quotations la consols , owing to the holiday. Absence of war news led to a sharp decline at the opening. Values ruled firm until noon , when a further decline inaugurated by cables quoting wheat six pence lower. Trndo light and local crowd Boiling. These breaks are to bo expected after any material advance , but the situation appears stronger daily. California crop advices show but little over half a crop. The reported ex ports from this market to day of 100.000 bush els of wheat. Unless wo have fresh war ex citement wo may have a sharper decline , but regard long side aa the safest and most prom ising. Corn dull but firm , Provisions weak and tending lower. Drs. Dinsmoor & Worloy , homeopatnists , No. Ill North Fifteenth street. Tel 140. George Korll , one of the rustling mem bers of tha constabulary , effected an attach ment settlement in a very neat way yesterday. Thuriday ho went to the residence of one Frank N. Stewart to servo an attachment on his household goods , to cover n 8100 judgment , gained In Judge Weiss' court by Shlvorlck , the furnlturo man. Ho found that Stewart had sold bis property to the second hand dealer , Henry Spiegel , and had received his money in a check on the Omana National bank. Mr. K. surmising that Stewart would leave town yesterday , drawing hff money be fore he loft , went to the bank and when he presented the check for payment promptly nabbed him. Stewart settled and was re leased. Yesterday morning at 10 o'clock Albin Stolle , the North Platte man accused of swindling H. Toft , was brought up before Judge An derson for hearing. He pleaded not guilty , but when Mr. Toft was put on the stand he refused to give any criminating testimony , as the caao had been settled. Under the clrcum stances Judge Anderson could do nothing but discharge tha prisoner. Deputy Sheriff Crowell , who was present Immediately rearrested rested Stollo on a complaint preferred by W , E. Beach of the North Platte bank , from who It Is alleged , ho stole 810,000 when in the employ of that institution , besides confiscat ing the 815,000 , neuirity bond which ho bad given for the faithful performance of his duties. Mr. Beach returned last night to North Platte In company with Deputy Sheriff Crowell who will escort the prisoner. A Shot In the Dark. About 12 o'clock Thur d y night a negro came rushing into the detective office cf Emory & Showalter and said he hod killed n man oat at Man'a road house on the military roid. It seems that there had been a party of four out at the road house , two young men and two women. Onp of the men bad "frozen to" the aoaiskin encquo of hla fair but frail partner and imhod out Into the yard with it. The colored cook saw the net , and dropping his Bklllets and frying pans , toized a revolver and pur sued the thief. He fired ono shot at the retreating form of the man , who groaned audibly , exclaiming , "I am " "hot. The thief then turned around , and pulling his own revolver , fired at the negro , who , however , fled and made good hla escape. The terrified nrgro ran Into town , Insisting that ho had killed the thlei. Diligent search of the premises , however , failed to show the existence of any oorp e , and it Is supposed that the moil managed to make his escape with the aeslikln. A Contract Let. At their mooting yesterday afternoon the county commissioners granted a con tract to Mr. Ootts for the building of a retaining wall around the court house tquare , the price named being 810,000 Thp woik Is to be completed in 90 days This contract also includes the construc tion of the granite stairway on Farnam street. The face of the wall is to bo of Deroa stone. Trio Harriet , Party , The lone ; heralded and long expected car bearing Gen. Jacob Baiz , Mrs. Barrios , wife of the dead general and the roit of the pmy , WJB not attached to the overland twin yesterday morning. The "fficM. are nnablMo , fa what has become of the party , and hav * received no advJcea en that p int J ? i" supposed .hat . they may bedel.jed at Salt Lake or at Denver for one rcaion or another. For Sale-A good family driving Lone. O P. Harrwor , room 20 , Om ha National bint SOCIAl SHADOWS. flections tf Brants ttat Haye Been anil Are Til Bo , osalp , Personal and General The llyinonomctcr. John D. Croighton is in Chicago , S. K. Galloway wont east yesterday. John M. Donnelly hai returned from Chi- ago. ago.Mrs. . C. E. Nash , of Milwaukee , Is in the city vliitmg friends. Hon. A. J. Poppleton went to Denver on iVcdnesday evening. Mrs. 0. L. Danoy , of Cleveland , Ohio , is Isltinc friends in this city. Miss MollieDoVoll , of Cincinnati , 0. , is in he city , the guest of her sister , Mrs. N , L. flngsloy. A rehearsal of the prand chorus for the usicil festival took place last night at Meyer'a hall , On May 10 the Omaha Turn Voroln will are a grand exhibition , concert and ball at Gormanlahall , Mr. and Mrs. Gco , N. Smith and family , 1 Plattatnouth , have come to Omaha to re- ildo permanently , The Odd Follows1 anniversary celebration at Lincoln Monday was largely attended by members of the local lodges. Mi s Annie Dunham and Miss Fannie Clay on have returned from a pleasant visit with Mlts Gasslo Minor , ot Hattsmmith. G. M. Hitchcock , Esq. , and wife have gene or a trip of a month or moro to Salt Lake and .ho territories for rest and health. Mr. and Mrs. Jordon , of St. Louis , with heir daughter , Mrs. J. J. Dickey , of this city , have gene to California for n three week's visit. Col. A. C. Dawos and n party of ladles and gentlemen from Missouri , accompanied by Mrs. F. E. Moores , of this city , have gene to the Pacific coatt to bo absent about a month Judge P. 0. Ilawos has gene east , visiting rienda In Kentucky and Washington on justness and New York for pleasure , baton returning. Ho expects to bo away about on month. , Barney Hughes , an old-time telegrapher and passenger agent of the Memphis l/harloaton railroad at Memphis , is in the clt ; on a brief visit to his cousin , Mr. John A. 'relghton. ' An entertainment of rare merit was tha given in the South M. E. church Thursday evening. Miss Ella M'Brlde , the well known artist , appeared in a number of elocutionary selections. Colonel Sumner , commandant at Fort Nlo brara , arrived Monday evening with his f am lly , whom ha will locate in the city pending bis transfer with his regiment to tbo depart ment of the Missouri. On Wednesday evening Mr. George M Ribbol and Miss Eva M. S. Clark were mar ried at St. Barnaba'a church. The ceremony which was ono of very private occasion , wa performed by the Rev. Canon Patterson. Messrs. Max Meyer and Peter Her wen appointed 6y the Omaha Board of Trade t attend the opening ceremonies of the Chicag Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Meyer will g thence to Europe , where ho will make an ex tended visit. , Ex Governor Leland Stanford , of Califor hla , was In the city this week on his wa from the east to his home on the coast. Tb distinguished gentleman traveled in one o the most sumptuous specials the Central Pa cific affords , attended by a large suite o friends. The thirteenth of tbo series of ladies muni cales took placa Wednesday afternoon i Meyer's music hall , and waa well attendee The programme presented , while one of inter eit and merit , was not so severely classical those ot the preceding occasion ! . Among tb numbers rendered were a piano duet b Misses Rockwell and Judson , a rondo capric cioso by Edith James , and beautiful voca solos by Misses Georgia Beulter and Bell Stull. Gottschalk grand tantaste , "Th Dying Poet , " was feelingly rendered by Mis Bertha Yost. The Baptist church at the corner cf Fif teenth and Davenport streets was , Tuesda night , the scene of such a social plcaiure a tbe interior of a sanctuary seldom witnesses Some 200 people were present in attendanc upon the first annual banquet of the Baptli Social Union of Iowa and Nebraska , and a evening of pure , edifying diversion was en joyed. These occasions will bo repeated i years to como , as tbe organization of the nnio Is permanent. A number of musical eele tlons woio rendered of a vocil nature , an teveral stirring addresses delivered , Rev. P S. Ilenson , of Chicago and Mr. E. Rosowat mating tbe leading speeches. Matters have been very quiet in tbo matrl menial market this week. But there bav been a number of wedding celebrations , O Monday evening Mr , and Mrs. Thomas Gen tlemen celebrated the fifteenth anniversary their marriage , tbo event being "a crysta wedding. " Friends turned out en masse , anc when they left , after the enjoyment of a gco time , the 'parlors ot Mr. and Mrs. Gentle man's home on Sherman avenue were foun to bo filled with a choice and beautiful vari ety of crystal presents. * * On Wednesday night Mr. and Mrs. J. II , McCoy celebrate ! at their homo on Pork Wilde avenue , the ! tlnweddinc. A number of friends responds to the Invitation and a pleasant social tlm was enjoyed. A variety of gift * In all device of tin were bestowed on the celebrating coopl And again , on Thursday , Mr. and Mrs John Graves tendered to their friends at tbel home on Chicago street , a ' 'tin wedding" ro ceptlon , in honor of their tenth wedding an niversary. Ono feature of the affair wasth presentation of a silver tea service , which wa given into the possession of Mr. and Mrs , G by C , J , timytbe , in a pleasant speech. THE imiKNOSIETKH Is still rustling for its daily bread , Its delicate index hands are aquiver wit auppreated fire and excitement ot the antic ! patlon of riving away Its victims. Aba They are moving. Glancing at the instrument the observe may discern , all aglow ia red letters , th names of a bookkeeper in a Tenth stree wholesale house and tbe grocery daughter of a prominent contractor resident on Harne ; street linked in delightful utilion. Tbli gen tleman bas been going on fifteen cent luncbei for the past ten day * to save enough to pa ; for the wblto silk necktie. Again , the hand * of the instrument are rovo.vlng. This time they stop In front o ; tbe names of a well known young society man and conceded with tbe storkeeper's iffice ol tbe Union Pacific , at the ihop , and a ichool teacher at Brownell hall The marriage licence will teen be forthcoming. Again the bat.d * are turning. This time , ay * the instrument , a well-known wettetc stock man U sweetly cavorting around a ichool inarm in Brownell hall , that palace pf the lair , which I * to replete with tha future ueeni of male happiness. It is broadly hinted y the hymonomotcr that the happy consum mation is to take place in the delicious near- t-hand. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ POLICE COURT , Chlnnmon In court Morning Police Business. It Is donbtfal whether a police judge vor had a moro strangely motley throng eforo him for trial than Jndgo Stenborg ad yoatordty morning. The opium mokera and their friends wore there In 11 their plory , the larger element of the jrong , of course , being the "heathen Ohlnoo. " Fonr vagrants wore arraigned , Throe were discharged and ordered to loaro own , while the fourth , an ] old offender , amoa Allen , wan aont up to the county all. all.Annie Annie Corrigan was fined $5 and costs or Intoxication. At this juncture the audience was re- , ilcd by the sight of eighteen Chinamen ling into court , to answer the charges referred for the first time In the history f the city of Omaha thozo of "keep- ng opium joints , or being inmaUa hereof. " Nearly all of the Celestials ad , through friends , obtained lawyers , and In orory case a continuanoo was so ured , as none of the cases wore ready or trial. For the especial edification of the oador , the names of the slippery sona of he Flowery Kingdom are reproduced : Hi Chang , Lang Ohing , George China man , Hong Lee , Tom Chinaman , Hlng Ohlng , Wah Sing , Suh Wah , Tong , Wah. Shah , Lao Gib , Vonph Stone Hi , Wing Lee , Sing , Jim Gough. About half of them wore released on jail , while the others are still In jail awaiting trial. In the county conrt yesterday evening the case of State vs. John Flannlgan , was on trial before Judge McCallough , It is a suit for trespass. DISTRICT COURT. Judge Wakeloy gave up moat of his lime yesterday listening to arguments in the case of Margarotto 0. Camming * vs. The City of Omaha. It was finally loft in this ahapo , that plaintiffs have to : days to make and submit their briefs one dofendadla will bare five days in which to perform a similar duty. Following is the record of the days business : Murphy vs. Murphy ot al. , settled am dismissed. ' pmx"J ! , -I Oammlngsot al. vs. The City of Omaha et al. Plaintiffs and defendants given ton and five days each to submit tholr briefs. Davis vs. Proctor ot al. Motion to set aside sale. Sustained. In the matter of the estate of I. N. Isaacs , deceased. Dismissed without prejudice. -Joseph E. Baker VB. Goo. E.PretchelL Motion for judgment on verdict , over ruled. Jones vs. Gae. Order vacating decree. Jones vs. Noyco and Jonea vs. Gilbert. Same order. Beauty , that transitory flower , cat only be had by uaing Pozzoni's Medlcatec Complexion Powder. A WREOK AT GILMORE , An Extra Freight Train Collides with tbo Moraine Freight on tbo Missouri Pacific. Particulars were received in this clt ; yesterday of an accident which occurred on the U. P. at Qllmoro , sir 'miles beyoni Omaha. At five minutes after six o'clock an extra freight , eaatbonnd , on the U. P. manned by Conductor Donnelly and En gineer Dovino , rushed past the Gllmori aiding at a rate of speed almost un Blacked. The No. 40 Missouri Pacific eaatbonnd freight , waa just pulling ol the aiding. The extra , of course , strucl the freight equaroly and six cars weri thrown ofT the track and badly wrecked the engine of the extra also being de railed and ditched. The damage from the wreck was con aiderablo though It cannot bo estimated at this writing. Two cara of grain on No. 40 were broken open and tbe con Icnta partially mined. A number o head of atock were killed. A wrecking train waa dispatched at eight o'clock , am speedily cot to work to clean np the do brls , tbe train in the moantlmo passing Gilmore on tbo aiding. There were n lives lost , nor so far aa can now bo deter mined , waa anybody Injured. Iho responsibility for the accident i thought to rest upon the crew of the ex tra who should have slackened spooc when passing Gilmore. Until , however official Investigation of the matter can bo had , no dlaohargea will bo made. Smoke Seal of North Carolina To bacco. THE JBOABD OF EQUALIZA TION , Tlio City Council Moots In Special Session. The city council held the first of a to rlea of special sessions yesterday morning , as a board of equalization. The object waa to hoar the complaints of tax payers in sewer districts NOB. 13 , 15 , and 10 , who claim that the late sewer levy waa illegal and who demand a readjustment cf the tax , City Engineer Roaewater and City Attorney Connell were prosenl aa were also BIr. Warren Bwitzlor anc Judge Lake and a number of tax-payers who addressed the council on tbo subject of the aewer tax grievance * , Judge LaVe being requested to give hla opinion on the subject at iisue , aaid that to the best of hla information nod belief , .ho at had the right to tax the property in any diatrict for the fall co t of the towers which are therein constructed , Tbo council baa divided itself into committee * , who will hold coitiona alter nately , and thli obviate the necessity f all members meeting at the sarao time. In the afternoon final de cision will probably be rendered , end el ! who bavo complaints to make aboul lower taxea should govern themselves ac cordingly. Seal of North Carolina Tobaco ia the beat. To EXCUAUOE 440 acres well Ira iroved land J mile from Essex , Ia , , for a took of goueral merchandise or hard nrare. Addreaa , John Llnderholm , Es sex , Fa. I NO I POISON IN THE PASTRY IF Vnnltlnil.enton , Orange , tc.fli Tor Cake * , 'rcumi.FtiddliiKi.iCtc.tni delicately and unl > rally n > then-nil from which theynremnde. 'Oil STRENGTH AND TRDE FRUIT FLAVOR THE ! STAND ALONE. ril'ifdO IV THI Price Baking PowdenCo. , Chicago , III. 8t. Loula , Mo , MAKIM Of Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder -KO Dr. Price's Itipulhi Ycnst GoniSj nest Dry Hop Ycnit. WE MAKB OUT ONE QUALITY. A Strike Contemplated. Another strike among Western Union telegraph operators is ono of the stirring oxcitomenta contemplated for the near lutnro. Thursday the managers of this corporation were served with a formal notice , informing them that they must , at once , indicate an intention to either maintain or rescind the order mode De cember 16,188-1 , and If they maintain it then the proposed strike for an increase of wages will bo declared by the opera tors. The order referred to , waa ono discontinuing allowances of pay for extra work , which up to that tlmo was cnsto mary. The operators claim that with the wagea they receive , without pay for services rendered after the regular workIng - Ing hours la not sufficient to enable them to live decently and appear as retpectablo aa is required of thorn. The oilicars of the association are now holding a meet Ing at Now York and to them the griev ances of the employes was forwarded yesterday. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel ot purely , strength and wholeaomeness. Here economical than the ordinary klndg.and cannot be sold In competi tion with the multitude of low test , thort weight alnm of phyBohrte powders. Bold only In cans ROYAL liAKINQ POWDER CO. . 108 Wall 81 ; N.Y CAMELLINE FOR THE COMPLETION ABSOLUTELY HARMLESS. The undersigned physicians of San Francisco are familiar with the composi tion of the principal articles used for the complexion , and freely certify that UAH ELINE la harmless and free from all poisonous or Injurious substances. L 0 Lane , M D G F Coeper , M D H H Toland , M D S W Dennis. M D R A McLo n , M D J M McNnlty , M D. 0 B Brlgham , M D J 0 Shaffer , M D Bonj J Dean , M D W Carman , M D H Gibbona Jr , MD W Ayer , M D J J Clarke , M D T Bennett , M D W H Bruney , M D W Hamraond.M D A M Loryea. M D W F McNntt.M D 0 L Bard , M D A J Bowie , M D H L Slmma , M D J C Shorb , BI D J H Stallard , M D F A Holman , M D 0 HcCaotonM D J Rosenatirn , M D 0 OKoenoy , MD J D Whitney M D A BI Wilder , M D T Boyaon , M D G H Powers. M D 0 G Eenyon , M D B R Swan , M D 1 S Titaa , M D L L Door , BI D J L Moares , M D J WKeeney.BID T Price , M D GHolIand , MD H Gibbons , M D Madama Adelina Fatti. Writes ; " 1 shall have to repeat the pralios of your OAMELLINE heard from all aidea. For ealo by H. T. CLARK DRUG CO. , Omaha , And all first class druggists. mjoinodi Apollinaris "THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS. " "Pure water should be available at all times ; but this is especially necessary in warm weather" Lancet. ANNUAL SALE , 10 MILLIONS. OJall Crevtrt , Driiffiiti , & Mi * . Wat. Deahn , BEWARE OFIMITATIONS _ , 8EHLNG VEEDEOIilIfli EASIEST RIDIN UKt. dcf u city with on * per * , on tt two. - - ihi Sprlnif llngthtn and ihortsn according ta th * ndght Ihif csrrr. Uaually we I adapted to rough country ro d 1 C = ! a * ddvc. pi dtlci. Uanulicturtd intf | OU If ' ' & Ui4t twiw Bidden u UnUrr. WHAT IS TO BE DONE ? A conversation between n well known clothier and a member of the Omaha Press : CLOTUIEH. "Cap , what is to bo done , to overcome this Rival of the clothing trade ? GENTLEMAN or xiiKPuKss. Of whom do yon apeak ? C. Why , those Misfit Clothing Parlors , 1312 Douglas St. , they have como hero and through judicious management have taken moro than two thirds of the Omaha trade. They bavo knocked the roady-mado business clear out , while the merchant tailors can't find employment for the people in their employ on account of tholr lots of trade. G. of the P. How do they do this ? Can't you people compote with them ? 0. Compete with them ? For nait la Impossible , as they sell Merchant Tailor Made Goods for less than onr ready made prices. In tact , they soil the goods made by the tailors , oven right hero at homo for loss than it costs to make them. Look at this their theirZPIRIOIE LIST. , G. of the P. Do they over have anything like a Spring Overcoat ? Spring Overcoats ? Well I should say they have , and the most elegant seen , and at prices which knock the bottom clear ont of all of ns. ; . ' the P. Well , I need a light overcoat. I'll go and see them ; I may got * , m them. ftoa are auro to , for they are moat liberal In that line , and to nay the least ofinn set ot people , the P. What la the atylo of the firm ? MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS 1312 DOUGLAS STREET-UP-STAIRS. 1312. Open Evenings until 9 o'clock. Saturdays until 10 o'clock. Omalia Metlical & Sur gical Institute. 13th St. , Cor Oamtal Ave , Chronic and Surgical Diseases DI f.a80 < of Females , 9 ! tbo Nervous Syttem , Prl- vato Dlsosfsof the Urinary and. Sexual orRMis and Diseases of the Head , Throat and Lungs , specialties. Diseases treated by an experienced sroolallet , also dlscaseaof tbo Heart , Uver , btnnmch , hlclnoje , Bad ! dor , Neuralgia , It oumttlim , I'll ' 8 , Canncrs , etc , And all other diseases of the Throat and LunoB , treat ed by Medicated Vapors Ben-1 for Inhaler or circular on Inhalation , AH dlteasosof the Blood , Uiloary and Sexual Or gang , Private DUoatea and I'llos Cured or no Pay. IS Yean Hospital and Prhato Practice Consultation and Examination free OillorwrltflforolrcularaonohronUdlseuea and deform itles , Dlioiaca of Keroalea , Private Dlseatei oil he Urinary and SexualOrtrane , Seminal Weaknma , Ner vous Debility or Kxhiuatlon , etc. , cto. , and our new reatoratlro treatment , All letters and coneultatlonf Confidential. Medicines Bent to all parts of the country bv ox prwi , tecurelv packed from obaerratlon , If full de Bcrljitlonof case la | * lrtn , One personal Inttrvlew preferred U convenient. Open at all hours. Patients from a distance can obtain rooms and board , Address all letter * to , Omaha Medical & Surgical Institute 13th SL.Cor. Caplto A.\t. , Omaha , Neb. COWING & GO , JOUOEIU IK WROUGHT IRON PIPE , Hlllf.b ! , Iron Lead Pipe and Sheet MOimilSOTOS BTKAH HUDBILLiMIIIIVKWH.L rill's , Plcmbeis' Oas and ateam Fitters' IRON &PRASS GOODS , EHGINEEKS" SUl" > UES , itth & Dodae Sls.-OMAHA.NEB. DREXEL & MAUL , ( incoiasonaTO ; OB a. JAOOKI ) UNDERTAKERS I At the old lUnd 1417 P ro m Bt. Order * by tell ph solicited and prompt ! attended ( o. Telcphoor Br OlU. DR , PUHEK , tlroduate ot the Univenity Vienna , Aus tria , Late tiuraecn to the Military Hospital , of Vienna. Will do a general Medic * ! and Surgical practice. All cell * in city or country promptly attended. Office at the Omaha tfedicaland Surgical Inititute , Corner 13tb Street and Capitol Avenun. MAX MEYER & BRO. , f Established 1865 ; Jewelers and Dealers ARE NOW OFFERING Pianos and Organs AT FACTORY PRICES Either for Cash or Easy Payments GREAT BARGAINS IN DIAMONDS WATCHES , V JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE Full Lineof Sheet Musicnd Books , Northeast Cor. Farnam and I Ith Sts , , - OMAHA , NEB SOUTH OMAHA. The Advantage of Settling in the New Town The title "South Omaha" does not mean the southern part of the city of Omaha.lmt is tha name of the thrlvincr town commencln ? at tbo Union _ Stock yards on the south , and extend ing for mile and a half north , nearly connecting with thocity limits of Omaha. The company have again concluded to put on Halo 1,000 lots , and lot the purtihatcri of the tame realize the profit which the enhancer ! value of these lot * Is sure to make. It now being an insured fact that South Omaha is destined In the near future to bo tbe Jargmt live ttock market west of Chicago , there can bo no doubt that this property In a few yeora will ua worth five or eren ten times tbo amount that it can bo bought fur to-day. Home mayaaki If this Is BO , why dt not the company keep it and realize this profit The answer If , that In order to make lots valuable , there must bo improvement * on or mir rounding them , and ai is the case in nil now towns , special Inducement must bo ollerod first to Ret the people to take hold and build , There are probably more such inducements offered by South Omaha than wore over pa forth by any new town. Toe largo business done by the stock yards company and tbe im. mense slaughter and packing homes together with their nuxllaties MO no small ieture in ; 11 aggregate of events that are destined to make South Omali a large place. Again , the town is not an addition to Omaha , and is not liable for city tare , although It enjpyi all tbebeneCt _ * from the growth of Oraab * that it would if It were juat INSIDE the city limit * , but being Just OUTBIDE , only county tares ore collected , which are merely notnlcal. ln town owns and operate * ita own water work * , which furnish an abundant supply of pure.iprlng water. Dum my trains will rnn on the JJ. & M. oud.U. P , railways every hour , stopping at the north end of thn town site as well as at the- stock yard * . The Thirteenth street horse cars will rim to HaacaU'a ' park this spring , and to the stock yards at no distant day. The high altitude makes the location a healthy one. , , . . 'Of ' course there are those who do not believe that South Omaha will amount to much. This kind of people dltln't belUve Chicago would ever b anything bettor than a cranberry bog , that Omaha would ever outgrow her village clothes , that there narer could ba any fruit raised in Nebraska , etc. . etc. Who made It win ? The sceptics , or those that had an abiding falth in the energy , intelligence and reiourses of this great country ? Tor Information , roupB , price * and terms apply at the company' * office , 210 B. Thirteenth street , Merchant's National Bank liuildlng , firut tloor , JIT. A. UPTON , Aftst. Sec'y and Manager.