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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1885)
I 6 THE DAILY BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS -SATUJRDA * MAY 2 , 1885 HE DAILY BEE ' . BLUFFS , Saturday Morning , May 2 , BUUSCRHTION HATKS. . BT C rtl i . . . . - . - s nt r * ' wek I10.M peryoat By Mail - - - - No. IS Pearl Street. MINOB MENTION , For first class work visit Two Jakes barber shop , 402 Broadway. Straborrics only 50 cents a quart , and a fall quart , at Baltd nnd Palmer's. Tickets for Joseph Cook's ' leoturo will not bu nlacod on s lo at Bushnoll's nntll May 4. Briok for ealo , In largo and small lots , by J. A. Weaver , No. 815 Seventh avenue. There Is a cholera breeding pool at the corner of Ninth avenue , between Fourth and Main streets , on which the green is already thick. Gorman Evangelical service .In the Bible Alone church , corner of Sixth find Bluff atreo's ' , every Sunday at 3 o'clock p. m. H. Krueger , pastor. Prof. MoNonghton IB desirous ot again having a special police officer to look after trnant boys. The council will consider the request next Monday evening. Mandemakors & Vansohllngorhndt oommonso to-day the erection of a two. story homo for atoro purposes ; also two dwellings for T. Brewer on Graham avenue - onuo and High slrcot. W. H. Shorradon and Gcorgo 0. Brown , the dentists , are removing their offices to the rooms over the "Q" ticket office , corner of Pearl street and Broad way which they have nicely fitted up. Miss Frnnlo Westcott Is to play the organ at the Congregational church to morrow morning and evening. She has for several years presided over the largest and boat organ In Kookuk , and has the reputation of being ono of the most skill ful musicians In the west. The art loan exhlbitron at 502 Broad way , next to Officer Pusoy's bank , by the Misses Rohse , Oralg and Hatcher , will bo hold on the Wodnecday and Thursday next , instead of as previously arranged. It is expected that about five hundred fine paintings , etc. , will bo hero exhib ited. 'Tho living voloo of those the world call dead shall bo the guide to clearer day. " Spiritual circle to-morrow ( Sun day ) afternoon and evening at 2 and 7:30 : o'clock , In Spiritual hall , Shugart and Bono's block , entrance via stairs on Main and Pearl streets , two doors south of the postoffico. The death of Mrs. Freeman , at her residence on Washington avenue , has been by some means so announced In aomo of the city papers as to glvo some the Idea that there had been a death In the Friedman family. The name of the deceased was Freeman , and not Fried * man. Friday evening , Wm. E. Hardy , ol the firm of Darnell & Hardy , oj Counci ! Bluffs , waa united in marriage to Miss Minnlo Beooroft , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Beocroft , old and well known citizens of Council Bluffs. The cere mony was performed by Rev. Mr , Crofts , at the residence of the bride's parents , on Mynstor street , and in the presence of a happy company of Invited friends. The youth who la "trying" to learn something about the nowapip&r business , and who is seeking to gain some favor by howling continually about encouraging homo Industries , should howl into the ears of his employers until they quit naing old stereotype plates in tholr paper and encourage homo Industries by giving the printers a little wotk in setting up fresh reading matter for their tottllng columns. The music * ! contest glvon at the opera house last night was enjoyed by a good sized and enthusiastic audience. The programme was a choice ono , well ren dered. Mr. Gerberlick proved hlmeolf to bo an excellent violinist end Miss Officer's performance on the piano called forth hearty applauio. The Nerklo alaters rendered a duet very sweetly and one of them afterwards long a aolo that greatly pleased her hearers. Mr. Ward , as a tenor singer , showed a very clear voice , of wide range and excellent cul tivation. An especially enjoyable feature of the evening was a piano solo by Miss MoMnllen , but not more thoroughly ap preciated probably than the vocal solo by Mr. James Kones. The evening's pleasure was closed with a duut by Mi-sou Tostevin and Ternor , rendered in pleas ing stylo. Artists' Materials at G.B , Beard's Wall Paper Store. Send for prlco Hit. Subitantlal abstracts of Utla and real esluto loans. J. W. & E. L. Squire,101 Poirl street. Block Shipment * , Following are the shipments of stock from the union stock yards m Council Blnffi : R K. Thornburg , 2 cars cattle , 70 head , Aim * , via K. 0. Root. Raedor , a can cattle , GO head , Chicago , via 0 , & N. W. White & Son , 12 cars cittle , 239 head. Chicago , vlaO &N W. H DWolf , 12 cars cattle , 60 hetd , Brady Lland , via U. P. Smith & B . 3 cars cattle , 89 head , Uhoyenne , via U , P. J. H. Johiuon , 2 cars cattle , 71 head , Tekamah , via C. & N. W. F , B , Iiaars , 1 car horaca , 20 head , Chicago , vi 0. & N. W. W , E Smith , 1 car hogs , G8 head Chicago , via 0. , M & St. P. Fuller & Miller , 1 car hoga , GO head , Chicago , via 0. & N W. J. S. Tlckham , 2 c n cattle , 25 head , Chicago , via 0 , M. & S. P. A NEWSY GBIST , Gathered by the IJco Mnn In the Vitllcjr. MISSOURI VALLEY , April 30. Amy Gcorgo has rotnrnod. Mr. and Mra. John Morgan are back from the White River country. Wm. Bolangor will go to west Neb raska , where ho engages in store bus iness. The N , W. Co. are making active prep arations to build a now depot here , II will bo a swell Qaoon Anne affair. The old bnilding la now being moved. The W. U. telegraph ofllcn has boon temporarily removed to the car repairers' bnilding hustled out of the old quartern to make room for the now office. Mrs. Joa. Harkor , after a year's ab sence , has rotnrnod on a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Mlllapaugh , of Sioux City , have como to Mlaaourl Valley to live. Conductor Stewart haa resigned from the S. 0. & P. railway. Mrs , Madison , well known In the Bluffs , rallied off her piano last night. Some ono had put down a ticket for her aud she iron it. Walter Tapping it at Chadron , Nob. Jimmy Morton , nisjht train dispatcher at the S. 0. & P. office has been transferred ferrod to Norfolk , Nob. Mr. Gerber aayu that they have now laid truck nearly twenty miles west of Valentino. Mrs. E. Gotbcr Is very sick and her mother haa como from Beaten , K. 0 , Morahouso IB In Now York state. The dome of an engine blew off ono day this week making qnito a noise anc really waking up the natives. They came from every ditcctlon , badly excited. Tummy Carllelo has moved to his now honao , and Mr. Robinson has moved Into Tommy's old honso. W. J. Robinson , of Now York , a brother of R. Robinson , has como to the valley to live. The merchants are still kicking about dull trade and no money. W. B. Sholdar has accepted the posi tion of drummer for an Omaha honeo. Miss Lillian A. Brown , of Marshall- town , Is visiting Mrs. Abblo Robinson. Mrs. E , McEvory , well known in this county , died yesterday. The depot hotel Is being enlarged sixty feet on ono side and seven foot on the other. Major Cheney haa gene to Sioux City to live. Bob McGavorn is clerking in the S. 0. & P. , general office. J. R. Buchanan has rotnrnod from the west. The railroad company are arranging to put In extensive stock yards here forthwith. Mrs. Manchester Is visiting friends In the east. FAY. THE CITY'S ' WALLET , The Following la the Monthly Re port of the City Auditor. To the Hon. Mayor and City Council of the City of Council Bluffs : GENTLEMEN : I herewith submit the following report of city warrants lasuoc duridg the month of April , 1885 , and the total amount issued by order of the present council , for ordinary ezpenies viz : For April. Total. General fund warrants.$1,732 CD $0,143 G ( Police warrants 183 33 183 33 Grand totals 54,915 88 SC.32G 9 ; And I also report bills audited anc allowed for ordinary expenses during the tame time by the preeont council , to-wlt : Tor April. Total. Streets and alleys $ 320 SO S 83259 Grading 2800 82066 General fund proper. . . . 71393 718 92 Fire department 1,350 60 1,37756 Damages 750 Cityengineer 34483 34483 Gas and oil lights 483 12 483 12 Posts 4000 4000 Printing 29140 29140 Police 90421 90421 Bridge account 75 22 75 2 : Totals 84,552 23 § 5,963 52 Respectfully submitted , May 1 , 1885 , F. A. BUBKB , City Auditor. ANOTHER OROOK , Going Tbrough ono of tbo Rooms of tbo Bt. Jo House. Yojtordny morning [ at an early hour there was a lively seniation at the St. Jo house on Main street. Julie. Holtman , the wife of ono of the proprietors , arose at at an earlier hour than usual , to see about the breakfast , onn of the help bo- log sick , and soon after having occasion to return to her room , was surprised to find a man there. The follow had her pockot-book In his hand , and nseho came into the room ho throw this down , her earrings alao dropping from his band onto the floor. Ho had taken a few dollars ont of the pocket book. Mrs Heltman grabbed him and bo gave her quite a tussle. She callIng - Ing loudly for her husband , the fel low trying to choke her , Ho broke away from her before help reached her and ran down the rear ttalrway , and after making several attempts to jump over the fence , pulled off como of the boards and escap ing into the alley , run over to Worth stioet and down to Fourth , closely fol lowed by teveral persons , who captured him on Story street. He was turned over to the police and taken to th'e sta tion , where he gave his name as Tom Wilson. Ho denied that ho Intended to steal anything , but said that he had slept at' he hotel all night , In an adjacent room and had wandered into the room by mis take , His story waa qnlto lacking In the semblance of truth , and ho was sent to i til to await a heating , which will take place this morning , Another ofFralnoy's Cases , At a late hour Thursday night Officer O'Dr'en found a follow named Johu Qrown'for whom he had been looking for B lonx time , claiming that ho was one of the trio which attacked him on Main street some months ago , when he was rylng to take them to jail for being drunk. Instead of taking the man to lie city jail and having him Brought before the curt for which there la provided a judge with a regular a'ary ' , this police otlloer evidently pre ferred to give Frainey a chance to earn some foes , and so filed two informations before him , not being content with ono. One of the charges was "aaianlt and bat tery with Intent to do bodily harm , " and the other was for resisting on officer Brown wn kept In the county jail until yesterday afternoon , and when bo wae brought Into court he wisely concluded to take a change of venue , and the case of asuault was sent to Justice Schnrz. The other case was dismissed , bat the county will bo expect ed to pay the costs , so that the precious limo of the justice will not have boon spent In vain. The cato lent to the other justice has been continued until Monday , the defendant giving bonds for his appearance If the police , of which the mayor is the head , are to ran tholr cnsos into Frainey's court , thopolicocourl might as well bo done away with , as It Is too expensive and not ornamonta' enough. VEUSONA.IJ. Lea Dennett is now In the employ of Klsc man , Rodda & Co , Mr. nnd Mrs. Corbnloy started ycsterdn ] on a visit to friends in Galesburg , 111 , QRov. Cooley , the now pastor of the Bnptis1 church , is expected hero to-day and to preach Sunday , Prof. Smith , of Judd & Smith , the olectrii bolt manufacturers , loft last evening for a short trip ta Atlantic. J , W. Squire nnd wife have returned from an extended southern trip , during which they visited the Now Orleans exposition and th isle of Cuba , H. E , Vilas nnd wife of Albany , N. Y. arrived in this city on Thursday evening to visit Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Porter , Jr. Mr Vilas is a nephew to Vilas , P. M. G , and will very likely malto this his future home. Omaha rink , Ladles' Orange Race tonights. Docs Death End All ? It Is to bo hoped that the people o Council Bluffs and vicinity will turn ont in good numbers to hear what Joseph Cook has to say in his lecture a' ' Dohany'a opera house May llth. Mr. Cook Is recognized among educated people as ono of the moat profound anc original thinkers of the ago and what ho has to say cannot fall to ba of deepest Interest to all who are concerned In their future welfare. Upon his subject "Does Death End All ) " hobos bestowed more care and study than upon any other ono of his lectures. Reserved seats are on sale at D. W. Bushnell B next Monday. Facts worth remembering when you bay wall paper : 1st. That Beard , next door to poatoffice , has the largest stock to select from. 2d. That his prices are as low as the lowest. 3d. That ho is A practical interior decorator and employs none but skillful workmen. The Hlleut World. Those who are interested in the Instl tntlon for the deaf and dumb In this city will read with interest the following facts and figures gleaned by a BEE reader : The number of deaf mutes In the world is roughly calculated to be from 700,000 to 000,000 , and of these , 63 per cent are eaid to bo born deaf , the others losing their hearing by diffont accidents. The deaf mutes In Great Britain amoum probably to about 20,000. To meet the m educational wants vlo these , there are on the face of tbo globe 397 Institutions , containing 20.743 Inmates of both sexes , and em ploying over 2,000 teachers. Australia has 2 institutions , Austria-Hungary 17 Belgium 10 , Brazil 1 , Canada 7 , Den mark 4 , France 07 , Germany 00 , Groa Britain and Ireland 4G , Italy 35 , Japan 2 , Luxemburg 1 , Mexico 2 , Netherlands 3 , New Zealand 1 , Norway 7 , Portugal 1 Russia 10 , Spain 7 , Sweden 17 , Switzer land 11 , United States 55 , Bombay 1. The first attempt to edncato mutes In Great Britain waa In 1700 , in Edinburgh The first public institution in the world , for their instruction , was founded a * Leipsio In 1778 , and the first Institution founded In this country was at Hartford Conn. . In 1817. A.MUSJEMENT8. Mammoth Dime Museum AND THEATER. Mb A\o. and Purl Street , ( Formerly Mutln'i Rink. ) PALMKR & SANDO , Prop'rs & Managers. Monday Evening , April 27th , Engagement and first appearance of the world famous and original GEORGIA MINSTRELS 15 FIU3T CLASS AKTISTS IB In a refined programme of wit and humor. OUK CURIO HALL Will contain Freaks of Nature , Curiosities , and Mechanical Wonders , principal among which will bo found the world reputed won der , MI3S EX PATTERSON , The Lightning Lady , LOWANDO BALDWIN , The Armless Wonder , POOAHONTA8 , Princessof the Todas tiibo of Mexican In dians , MADAME HOWELL , Tbo Bohemian Glass Blower , THE LIVING HALF LADY , And many other novelties , A Rcaort for Ladies. A Resort for Ladies , Museum open 1 to 5 and 7 to 10 p. m. Theater Matlueo 2 p. m. Evening 8 p. m. lOcta ADMISSION lOcta R , Rice M. D. PI HftPDQ ° ' " " ' toaaan iiiMTd wlthoml tbi UAH UIJIU ) , k lfI r 4ra lnj ol UM * . CHBONIC DISEASES"- " - ' Orer Intrtyjaan practloal tnuttM * I , Pearl itreef , OonncU Bloffi. ( n * . J-L. DiBEVOISB. Union Ticket Agent , No. 607 Broadway Council Bluff * . Dr , W. S. Shorradon DENTIST , Masonic Temple , Council Blufli N. 80HUBZ. Justice of tie Peace orncm OTKB XMKEIOA * UNLKS * o OUNCI1 BLUFFfl. KIEL SALE STABLES Keep Horses nnd Mules conatantly on hand whb wo will sell In retail or carload lots. All Stock Warranted as Reoresented. ttholtiale ltd rrlH ) drum In Ornln icil Etltd lUy. rrlco sonable Sills/action Guaranteed. SOBCI/OTTIEJIR So BOXiEl'X Corner Fifth Avo. & Fourth St. OounoilBlnffs. W. P. 4YXSWORTH , HOUSE MOVER AND RAISER. Brick buildings of any size raised or moved and satisfaction guaranteed. Frame ho moved on LITTLE GIANT trucks , the boat In the world. W. P. AYLSWOUTH. 1010 Ninth Street , Council Bluffs JT. K. OBOWBH AND DEALEn l.V Veqelable Plants and Fruits. Orders from abroad promptly filled. Sweet Potato Plants a spncialty , Plants will borcady for shipment by May 10th , Orders should bo placed early. J , R , McPHERSON. 12S1 East fierce St. , Council Bluffs , la. H. H. FIELD. W. C. ESTB Field & Estep , UNDERTAKERS No. 317 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Calls Attended Promptly , Day and Night. Particular attention given to Embalming Telephone No , 97. HAIR GOODS Waves , Langtry and Pompadour FrizesSwitch- es , etc , ready made and made to order. Prices cheaper than ever. Call and see for yourself , MRS. C. L. GILLETTE , 29 Main Street , Council Bluffs. SPECIAL NOTICES NOTICE. Special a vertlMments , auo aa Loa found , To Loan , For Solo , To Rent , Wants , Board Ing , etc. , will bo Inserted In this column at the low t to of TEN CENTS PER LINE lor the flret ln ertlon and FIVE CENTS PER LINE for eaoh subsequent rtlon. Leave advertisements at oar office , So , Pearl Street , near Broodwav WANTS. S&.LE AT A BARGAIN The desirable res FOR or buslnora property on Upper Broad way , known is the Powers place. Apply.toOBO. R BBARD , 82 Main street. SALE. . . . .other hotel In a Ivc Nebrajk FOR , now doing a business of about $360 pe month. No other hotel In the place. Terms liberal SWAN & WALKBR. BALE OR TRADE. SCO acres of land In FOR county , Ko. Will trade for Counci Blnffa city property or Bell cheap for cosh , or far time. SWAM & WALKRR. TO TrtADK. Uood Iowa or Nebraak WANTS land for a small stock of hardware or genera merchandise , well located. SWAK A WAMBB. terms. bWA.v & WALUK SALE A good paying hotel property with FOR eUble , In ono of the best email towns In western Iowa will sell with or without furniture , o will trade for ft Bmall farm with etock etc. & WALKBR. OR SaLE Eighty acres unimproved land F Union county , Iowa , 2) ) miles south-east of At ton , the county teat , or will trade lor Nebraska o Kansas land. SWAK Si WALRKS. T/IOR SALE A 2Q acre tract ot good land abou JP one and a half ffiUca from Council Bludi poe office , at ft bargain. SWAN & WALKBR. i/Olt SALE In Harrison county , Iowa. 820 acres JL1 grass land , all under fence ft 00 acre farm with fine Improvements , all under cultivation oxoep 0 acres grass 80 acrea good grass or pasture land and several other tracts of from 40 to 160 acroa o unimproved land. SWAN & WAI.KIR. T7MR SALE Lands Improved ftftd unimproved J ? If you want ft farm In western Jowa , Kansas Nebraska or Dakota , let us heir from you. SWAN & WALKBK. T7 OU SALE A large number of business and reel X ? donee lots In all parts of Council Bluffs. See ua before you buy , SWAN & WALKBR. SALB 1'artles wishing to buy , cheap lota to FOR on can buy on nontbly payments of from 82 to $10. HWAN & WALBKtt FOR ItKNl We will rent you a lot to build on wfth the prhllage to buy If you wleh on very liberal term * . SWAN & WAIKRB. VATANTKD To correspond with any one wishing a VV good location Ijr planning mill , sash , dooi and blind manufactory , we hate building and machinery , well located , for sale , lease or trade ; BWAN& WALKBR. RENT- Large two itory frame building suit able for warehouse or storage purposes , near railroad depot BWAN WALKBB. RENT UK BALK Balitiiag and grounda FOR sultaHt for email foundiy and machine shop Good boiler , engine , cupola , blower with fixed Shalt- Ing eta. ready to put la motion. SWAN WALKBB. ti'OK SALE Uouses. Lota and Land. A. J. J ? Stephennon , 603 First avenue. 11/AN1KL ) Every Dooyu Uouncll Uluna o | ako VV TniBiB , Delivered by carrier at only twenty oonts ft week. f\U ) PAPERS-For Mle at BM Office , at 15 oentl \J ft hundred. THE RECENTLY IMPROVED REMINGTON STANDARD TYPE RITER NO. 2 , Is the Highest Achievement in Writing Machines in the World. With only 88 keys to learn , operate. U prints 10 chuaoUrt I Including caps and imill letters. punctuation ! , figures , ilgai and I tractions. U a the simplest and ) most rapid writing machine made aj well aa the most durable for free illustrated pamphlet , Wyckoff Seamans & Benedict , Chicago , 111 , , Sole Agents , 0. II , SHOLKS , Council Bluffs Agent for Western Iowa ONLY HOTEL la Coano Blufb hti Ing a And all modern Improvements , call bells , fjra alarm belli , etc , , is the CBESTON HOUSE NOB. 215 , 217 and 219 , Main Street. MAX MOON , - PROPIUKTO OUNC1L BLUFFS C ARPET COMPANY CARPETS , Curtains , Oil Cloths , Window Shades , Linoleums , Mattings , Rugs , Etc. . Etc. Careful Attention Given to Out of Town Orders , Upholstery and Drapery Work a Specialty. Our stock Is the Largest in He Fest and is being continually replenished by all the latest and choicest novelties , 405 Broadway Council Biufts JACOB 8IAt8 , Attorney - at-Law , OOUHCIL BtUFl B , IOWA. Office , Miln Street , Rooms 7ind B , Shng rk' nd . ] ] uo block. Will prtctloo In Buteind Ute oouite. MANDEMAKEES & VAN , ARCHITECTS , CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS tfo , 201 Oopoc Broadway , Council Blnffc. SCHMIDT , PHOTOGRAPHER ! No. 220 Main St. , Council Bluffs. Open Sunday. Flrut-claa * work guarantied. TJI08. OPWCIB. W. U , U. I'CBIT Officer & Pusev. BANKERS Council Bluffy la. Established , - - 1856 Dealer ) in Foreign and Domestic Exchange and Home Securities , FOE TEN DAYS ONLY. j CHAPMAN'S PICTUEE STOEE , 105 and 107 Main Street. See the Following Prices : . l , 2.25 worth 4.00 Oil Paintings in deep cllt Oil Paintln , in 4 Inch gilt frame , 22x30. at S2.50 f ± ,3 3nBrf. 1 > tlM' Calilnut Lramos atcost , Brais Picttiro Hids , llrim Brackets ; Plcturo Ohaini oto , will bo sold nt hard timon price * . If you have pictures to frame call and new styles of mouldings , which will bo sold at wholesale prices. W. OHAPM 1OS and JLO7 Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - IOWA. BUCKEYE WROUGHT FENCING AND CRESTING , Beautify your homes by uslnjr the above. Over 500 designs to select from. CHEAPER THAN WOOD FENCES Beauti/ul , Strong and Lasting. Estimates Riven on any style either put up or delivered here , by applying to KEELINE & FELT , Wholesale Iron , Steel , Heavy Hardware and Wood Stock. 117 Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. NEW WHITE GRAPE Copy of a part of a photograph of a NIAGARA vine , planted IS7S , as It appeared Fall of NIAGARA ! 188O with 63 clusters weighing 26 Ibs. on 48 In. bearing wood lat. The Niagara ripens in favorable seasons at Lockport , Aiiff. 20th. 2d. It never drops from the stem if left to hanff till frost cornea , and improves in flavct , tlio time Sd. It is purely native , and therefore hardy. Has stood 35 degrees below zero without .njnry. 4th.-Bears a good crop the 3d year and often the 2d. and is a regular bearer , and no waste , as bunches are compact Never fails to ripen its crop as the thick leathery foliaga holds oven to the base of the canci imtil front kills it. 5th. Vineyards are in bearing in various sect ! ns from Georgia to the Northern Lake * and Canada , nnd from Kansas to tha Atlantic coast , there heinfr more than 1,000 acres planted within the last five years , and over 200 acres were planted at Brocton , Chautauriu Co. , N. Y. last spring , (1884) ( ) ; Jonas Martin alone having 47 ncree ; the largest vineyard of Niagaras. being ; planted at Highland. Ulster Co. , N. Y. , by Sam'l Rogers , Ksn. , which contains 80 acres of this one variety , and he ha ? realized from 20 to 30 cents per pound for his fruit , while Con cords grown In the same locality brought from 4 to C cents only. _ 6. All parties planting vineyards hate signed a contract to return nil the wood and cut ting every year back to the Company up to , and including 1883 ; so it has bson the sole owner of all too fltocft , and no one but the Company and its authorized agents can sell and deliver genuine Niagara vines. So all persons should examine agont'n certificate of authority , and out restrictions , to ba delivered en and after March 1st , 1885. WELLS COOK , Council Bluffs , Iowa r Having accepted irpolnttront ai special agtnt fortlie NIAOAHl WniTB U1UPE CO. ( or Iowa ft'd Nc- yam \ now [ rtpnred to promptly dfli\cr " lAQAHA" vines under the IlejflBtored Tntdo Company. 127 T ; AND "THE ENGLISH1' KITCHEN. 505 Broadway , * - Council Bluffs. THB ONLY ALL NIQIIT HOUSK IN THE ciTT. Everything served in first eltii style and on sboit notice. Hot and cold lunches always ready. Good Agents Wanted TO Drs. Judd & Smith's NEW IMPROVED ELECTRIC BELT. Office and Foolery , Ko 80 , Fourth St. , Council ElufTe , Iowa. SMITH & TOLLEIt , AGTS. LEADING Merchant Tailors ! 7 and 9 Main Bt. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - . . IOWA. AGomplete Line of New Goods to Select From , , ' Of eiery detcilptlon and at price * low u tbo lowest. Rpcclal attention to outtom work , ler of IDetock ol MOTIONS are ktlnx dlipoeed of at COST , A PACT , call an a ba oonrlnced. . J > . A. BENEDICT , 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iow u