Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 02, 1885, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE DAILY BEE-SATURDAY , ' MAY 2 , 1885.
H. W < TATM/ la. B. TOUXAUK ,
rretldeat. Tlo * Frtddeol.
K .K. UAjdon , AMliUnt ant AtUnC OMblei.
Anna omcii
The Iron Bank6 *
INTEREST allowed on UBM dtpotlU npoa
Tor bl tsnas and upon aricrants ol btnts
ad bankers.
Bond * aodUonntr and Oltr iwuritles bought
ad , sold.
In its trortmont ol natonxri tha most Ubj
oral policy ii panned oenrittont with lafotd
tnd sound banking , and we invite oorresponce
IBIS 01 personal Inquiry ! tonnetUon tbova
Mny 1. Money Easy" * at 1
@ 1 } per-cent , closing nt 1-a per cont.
Prime morcautllo paper l6o.
Sterling' ExchangeBllla'.Very quiet fttCl 8G ;
demand , 84-88,1
Governments Quiet and strong for 3 > ,
which show a gain of J pr cont. in price bid ,
while 4' i per cent lower.
BtockB-tThero was a continuing to-day of
dullness which has bocnc. prominent feature
of the stock market for Borne time past. The
market was steady at opening nnd continued
strong throughout the day nnd till late-in the
afternoon , when n combined attack wao made
on the whole list , which resulted In depressing
prices fonfractional nmocnts only , nd the
attack was .not withdrawn till the cloee ot the
board. Rinal prices are lower , within J to J
per cent , of lowest of the day for noarlyovery-
thmg on the list whose extreme fluctuations
exceeded t-por cent ,
ri. . . . 102 §
M'lOonpoea \Ut
U. 8.4's 121
p oifio6' rf'as . . . . „ m
Control paciao . . . . 31
Chicago k Alton . . . 137
do do pfd 160
Chicago , Burlington & Qnincy 121
Delaware , Lackawana' & Western105
Denver & Bio Grande -li
Erie lli
do pfd 21
Illinois Central 120 !
Indianapolis , Bloom. & Wcatorn i 'Jl
Kansas & Tessa 181
> tLako Shore k Michigan Southern - .
" " " " " "
SO )
Missouri Pacific
" ' ' '
Northern Pacific.V.V.V.V.V.V. . ! . . . . . . . 17j
do do pfd 304
'Northwestern 95
pfd 130
'Wow ' York Oenteal bag
( Oregon Trnna-Oontlnental 13A
fPaoifloMail B.W
0 ? . D.&B S
IPnllman Palace Car Company 114 i
Eook Island 112
fit Louis & San Francisco 17
do do pfd 30
Ohlcago , MlIwanhooocBt. Pool 70
do do do pfd. . . . . 103 J
8t'Panl& Omaha , 1 ! )
f do do pfd 72
Tezaa Pacific 10
Union Pacific. -J9 ]
Wnbaeb , Bt. Louia & Pacifio 2 :
do do do pfd 0
Western Union Telegraph 51) )
O. E. &N . ? / . . . . 75
CHICAQO , May 3,18S6.,2:30 F. M.
Optiacn , 0 J
May 00 } 00
June 03 02
July 95 } 02Wfi
August. . . .
49 4
June 41) ) 48 ,
July. . . . 498
i August. .
May 30 ! SO :
June. . , 30 36 ;
July -SCJ 37
August. 31 }
May C > 0 C 82) ) C77J .6 80
Juno G 00 C 1)2) ) ) G 80 iG 00
Jnly 6 07i 7 00' 097J 7 00
IMay 11 45 1145 U 40 U 42J
.Juno llfiC 11C2J 11 11 .GO .
Jnly 11 70 1175 11 oa 11 70
Augmt. 11 80 U SO 11 so U 80
June 690 6.30 5 85 5874
July C 00 COO 6 92 }
Becelpt of hogs to-day . 23,000
JAlxod .packers . , . $1 15@4 35
Heavy . 4 35@4 05
Light . 4 S0ja4 CO
Left over . a,000
Oattlo roosipts . . none
Wheat . 119
Corn . 203
Oats . 150
Kye . ' „ '
Barley . 31
OnioAOO , May 1 , Flour FlrmTand un- |
Wheat Actlro but weaker ; opened l@ljc
lower , declined * x in and closed Ifc under
yesterday ; 009U ( for cash ; OCc for Hay ;
U2l@92Jo for June ; 948 for July.
Corn Opened weak , later ruled stronger ;
May clot ad la higher ; other option * & ( dfc
lower ; 48J@4ao for cosh ; 49o for May ; 48Jc
< or Junes 49i' 491 for July.
p ts Ruled easier and j@8c lower ; fairly
fcofjve ; 37&QtS8e for cash ; SCJo for May and
June ; S0o for July.
liya Firm at C8Jc.
Barley -Nominal.
Timothy -Firm ; prime , 1 60 ,
Wai : Seed-Steady , No. 1.138.
Pork-ralrly active but weak , and ruled
lower ; opened Co lower , recovered L'l@5o from
the decline ; later declined f @ 7 a more , ral
lied 21 ® . ' ! and closed steady at 11 40 for
cash and May ; 11 > 7i for June ; 11 70 for
July ,
Lard- Only fairly active and ruled 3J@5o
lower but cloicd steady at the reduction ;
C 60 for ci h and May ; 6 90 for June ; 7 00
for Jnly.
Bulk Meats Shoulder * , 4 45@4 CO ; short
clear , G 20 ® 0 25 ; short ribs , 5 72i ,
Butter Dull and weak ; croxl to fancy
creamery , 20@24c ; good to choice dairy , 13
@ 18o.
Cheese Steady ; cheddon ,
skimmed cheddaii , 8@5c.
Hides Steady and unchanged.
Tallow-Steady and unchanged.
jteoeipU , Bhlpts.
Flour , blls . 10,000 63,000
Wheat , bniihels . 43,000 35,000
Corn , bushels . 181,000 63,000
OaU , bushels . 134,000 41,000
Ilye , bushels . 4,000 8,000
I3trley , bushels . 15,000 6,000
May -Wheat Lower
No. 3 MQwafilroe , SOgc ; Juno , Olicj July ,
Cora Scarce and firm ) No 3Stijo.
Oats Scarce and films No. I , SC .
Hyo-None offered ; 71c bid.
Barley Inactive ; dealers opart j No. 2 , * * Jo
Provisions tnwer ; mesa pork , cash , It 45 ;
Funs , 1160 ,
BT. Louis , TUo. , May I. Wheat Fntrly
attire but irregulars Mnyand Juno closed ft
rnction higher , and July n fraction lower ;
1(14 for cash ; 1 OSg for May ; 1 OC forJunoj
107 3'C for Jnly
Corn Slow but nboui-sUndy ; Nc. S mixed ,
> J@l8cCMh ! , 47c ; May , H7Jc.
Oats Skw but firm at JfJe bldj-ivwh , 38c ;
May , Sfija.
Uye dlcw at 62c Wd.
Whisky Steady at'1H ,
LIVERPOOL , May -Wheat-Steady with
' lr lMttt.nd ; holders offered freely red west-i
cm winor , 7s lOdtSCsSd.
Corn 1'lrm and In good d 3innd ; now
western mixed , OiJJjd per cental.
TOLEDO , May 1. Wheat Weak nnd lower ;
tfo.-'Sced cash , 93 3. '
Corn Dull but nrmor No.-asjsh , DSJe bid. ,
Oaln Neglected. ,
NEW YOBS , Mny 1 Wheat Receipts/ /
79WObu8heIs ; ; xports , none ; spot grades de
clined 1(3 ( ic and options li@Zc , leaving "
tieavy i@4o above lustdo ratec ; ungradoo rf d ,
893U7ic ; No , red , 100 ; No. 2 red 101J&
01 allbat for July , closing nt 1058 ,
Corn Jgjc lower , closing hoary nnd n
shade nbovo inside rates : receipts , 4.000 bush
els ; exports , 109,000 bushels ? ungraded ,
OOc ; No. 3 , 58i 68Jc nt elevator ) 59Jc afloatj
No. 2 , R8J52o nt elevator ; SUSJ@GO.jO alloctj
Jcne closing nt ESJc.
Oats Steady : ruccipts , 22,000 bushels ; ox-
mrta , 515 bushels ; mixed > cstorn , I2 ( 4oc ;
white , 45@54. \
ERPS i'nirly steady ; wcetoru7v13@l-ic.
Pork Dull nnd rather weak ! mess , spot ,
13 75.
Lard Lower nnd moderately ncttvo ) con
tract grade , erot , quoted t " 7 12 } ; ; July.7 2-S
© 729
Butter Dell nnd weak ; western , 10@2Cc.
CINOINNAK , May 1 , Wheat-Easier- .
2 rod , 1(8
Corn Easier ; No. 2 mired , 5I@55c.
Oats Weaker : No. 2 mired , 40c.
Kyo-Easkr ; No. 2 , fall-71@72c.
Barley Good demand and unchanged * ex
tra No. 8 tall. 83c.
Pork Essieratll 75@18-00.
Lard Dull ; current m JioG 75.
Whisky-jQuiet at 113.
KANSAS Orrr , May 1. Wheat -Active and
lower ; cssh , 87io bid ; May , 82c ; June , 85@
851c ; Julv-87Ss88Jc.
Uurn Quiet nnd lower ; cosh , 4\lz \ bid ;
Mny , 41jc ; Juno , 41c.
Ortta Stronger ; casli. 37obid ; July , < 0c.
CHIOAQO , Alay 1. Drovers' Journal re
ports :
Osttlo RoioipU , 0,700 head ; openoa strong
but became weaker : phlppinp steers. 4 ( Jn ©
C80 ; butcherr , 22D@165 ; bulk , 32r400 ;
stockers and foederu , 3 S0@500.
Hogs Receipts , 23.COU . ; slow nnd 5@10a
lower ; rough nod mixnd , t 10(34-15 ( ; pack-
ng nnd shipping , 4 40@4 iCO ; light , 4 30@
4 65 ; skip8.3 0s425. (
Sheep Receipt ? , 6,000 ; active but rather
weak ; shorn , 2 50@3 26 ; woolod , 3 oO@ ! 85 ;
bulk , 4 00@4 25.
KANSAS Crrr , May 1. Oattlo Hfl-elpt ,
2,000 ; steadv : shipping steers , 4 70 < § 0 25 ;
butchers , 4 .T@l-G.r. : feeders , 4 25a ( G 00.
Hofro Receipt' , 10,000 ; quiet and higher nt
I 75@4 20 : bulk , J 00r < $4 00.
Sheep Reoflipts , 1,000 ; stoadv ; clipped na
tives , 3 10.
Si. Loma , May 1. Cattle Receipts , 000
[ lend : shipments , COO head ; steady and firm ;
supply light ; exports , 5 G0@5 90 ; fair to
? ooU shipping steers , 4 8 ) ® 5 00 ; good na
tive butcher t-teers , 4 C0@lj 0 ; cows and belt-
erg , 3 00@4 00 ; stackers aud feeders , 3CO@
tlOO.Sheep Receipts , 1,200 hood ; ehlpraontg ,
I00 head ; steady and firm ; clipped In de
mand nt 2 75@350.
Friday Evening , May 1. > )
The following pncea are charged retailed
by jobbers , wholesale nnd commission mer
chants with the exception of grain , which'U
quo tod. at the prices furnished by the eleva
tors and other local bcyen :
Htock Murkct.
Hogs Receipts at thoi Union stock yards ,
South Omahn , were light to-day , Jtt 6c
higher and nil sold at the following
prices : Common rough packers , 83 80@S 85 ;
fair to .good , 5395 4 OQ : choice and ec-.tro ,
4 05@4 10.
Sheep Fair to good , $120@3 75.
Cows Butchers stock for common to
good cows and heifers. $3 2 @ 3 75.
Steers iFat poney steers , weighing 1,00 < J ito
1,150 pounds , $4 25@S I 60 ,
Ducaa AND OHCUIOALS AeSd , carbolic , 4 lo
acid , tartaric , 55c ; balsam copaiba , per lb.
65c ; bark , sassafras , par lb , ISc ; cMomei , per
lb , 90c ; ctnchonidla , per ot. , CO 50 ; chloro
form , per Ib , 81 00 ; Dovora powders , per lb ,
SI 25 ; epsom salts * per lb , SJc ; glycerine ,
pure , per lb , 85o ; > load acetate , per lb , 20c ; oil
castor , No. 1 per l , 81 CO ; oil c&stor , No.
per gal. , 81 40 ; oil , olive , per gal , . 81 40 ; oil ,
origanum , 50s ; opiwn , 84 50 ; quinine , P. &
W. , .and R. & S. , per oz. , 8110 ; potassium ;
Iodide , per lb. , 83 60 ; salicin , per or. , 40c ;
t l hate morphine , .per or , $3 60 ; nuphur ,
po b. 4o ; strychnine , per or , 81
Crooking O. S. , 22o ; Meorschanm , SOc ;
Durham , IGooz , 49c ; Dnrham , 8 or. , 65o ; Dur
ham , 4 01 , 67c ; Durham , 3 or , , COo ; Seal of
Sorth Carolina , 16 or.wcod.42cSealof ; Iforth
OaroUna , S or. , wood , 45c ; Seal of North Car
olina , 4 ot. , cloth , ISoj Seel of North Carolina ,
1 ot. , loth , 60o ; O. L , Dniham , 4 or , 28c ; O
K. iJnrham , 2 ox , SOc ; 'Oncln Ned. ! ' ffiSo ;
Tom end J.irry 2Sa. Lone Tom SOo.
Plnta Oil * nnxl Vjirnlaheo.
OILS UO avbon , pet gallon , lie ; 160
headlight , per gallon , 13c ; 176 ° headlight
per gallon , 16o ; 150 ° water White , 16o ; lln-
> oed raw , per gallon , 62c ; Iins ad boiled , per
gallon : 55c ; Lard , winter ttr'd , DAT gallon , 70e ;
No. 1 , COc ; If0,2 , 60 ; castor Sk3C. per gal.
Ion , 1 50c ; No. S , 1 V ) ; sweet , par gallon.1 00 ;
sperm W. B. , per/rallon , I 60fish ; W. B. ,
per gallon , 65 ; noatsfoot extra , per gallon , 90c ;
No. 1 , 76o ; lubricating' , zero , per gillon , SOo ;
rammer , 16c ; golden m ohlne , No. i , per gal
lon , 35c ; No. 3,28o ; sperm , signal , ptxgallon
90o ; turpentine , per gallon , U o ; naptba , 74 ° ,
rer gallon , 16o ,
Bplrita ,
COLOONB SpiBira 188 proof , 119 ; do , 101
proof , 1 20 : spirits , second quality , 101 proof ,
119 : do , 188 proof. 118.
ALCOHOL 188 pooof alcohol 9 SO per wine
jralion ,
WiiiBKiES-Redistilled whiskies , 1 0001 60 ;
Fine blended , 1 609)3 ) 00 ; Kentucky bourbons
bens 2 00@6 00 ; Kentucky and Pennsylva
nia ryes , 2 00(26 ( CO ,
BiumuM Imported , 6 00@1C 00 ; domes
tic , ! 60(6.3 ( CO.
OIKS Imported , 4 CO6 00 ; domestic , 160
@ 300.
RUMS Imported , 4 60@8 00New ; England ,
2 00@4 00 ; domestic , 1 60@3 00.
CiiAurJLONrs Imported , ptr case , 28 OC@
84 00 ; American , per case , 10 00@10 00.
Dry PlnU ]
White lead 88c ; French EC , tcj Fsili
whiting , 2ic ; whiting gilders , lfc | whiting
oom'l. lie ; lampblack , Qermantown , lie ;
lampblack , ordinary , lOcj Prussian blue , 65o
nntramatine , 18c ; Vandyke , brown , 80 ; umber ,
burnt , 4o ; umber , raw. 4o ; sienna , burn4ct ; ;
tlenca , raw , 4c : Pans green , genuine , 35o
Pans greenoommon.20o ; chrome green , N. Y , ,
30c ; chrome green. K. , 12c ; vermllllon , Eng
76c ; vonnilllon , American , 18c ; IndLn , red ,
lOo ; rose pink , 14c ; Venetian , rad , Oookson's ,
2Jo ; ochre , American , 2c ; Wlntrr § mineral ,
2Jc ; lohlgh brown , 21c ; Spanish brown , Sjjcj
Prince's mineral , So.
VARWSKH Barrel * , t * rfTiKont Fnrnltnro ,
extra , $1 10 ; tnrniturj , No. 1 , ? lj coach , ex
tral 40 : conch. No. I , 81 24 ; Damar , extra ,
$1 75 ; Japan , 70o ; uiphnUum , extra , 85o ,
shellac , 83 60 ; hard M finish (1 50.
PAINTS IN OIL Waite levl , Omi\hn , P. P.
5owhlto ) lead , Bt , Louis , pure , G CO : Mnrsoil
los green , Ito Bib oatti , 20c | Fretrsh zinc ;
nocn seal , 12c ; French tine , rod seal , lie ,
French tine , ln7K-nish nt , , 20c ; Froachtinr ,
In cil nest , 15c ; raw and burnt amber , 1 'b
ban * , lOc ; TOW and burtrt Sienna lOoj v&ndfko
Mown , T3c ; wfinod fompblack , I2cl coach
black and Ivory black , TiCc ; drop black , lee ;
Prussian bine , 40c ; Mltramarino blue , 18c :
chromogrcen , L , M & D , , 1G blind and
( ftntter'green , L. M./t D. , 16c ) Paris -freen ,
18o ; Irdlan rwl , 15c ; Venetian red , Co ; Tus
can rod. 32c ; American vormilKon , 'I. ' * * . P , *
$ yellow ochro9c | L. M. , O. & P. C , , 18o ;
yellotr ooliro , Oc ; golden ochre , 16c ; patent
dryer , 8c ; grainingColors , light cnk , Usrk oak ,
waltut , chestnut sad ash. lee
Grocers' List
i Powdered , 7o ; cut loaf"J , ; , .
ckiUxl/GJc / ; confectioners' A , 6Jo ; Standard
ortrn O.Ojc ; extra 0,6go ; medium yellow , 5 cj
tiarloyollow , 5i 5Gfo.
CorriEa Ordinary grades. lOo ; fair , 12
good , ll'eSISo ; prime , 12@lSa ; ch Ico.
lG@17o ; fancy green and yellow , 16@16&c & ; old
government Jftvn , 20@26c ; ArbuckTe's roast
ed , 14 jc ; McLaughlin's XXXXtsoatOd , 1.4 Jc ;
Imitation Java. lC @ 181c.
ROPBSisal , i inch and larger , TJc.-i'Jneb ,
8.c.Eggs There Is no change to note , the mar
ket continues steady nt lie , nnd rva receipts
are liberal nnd just about equal to demand ,
there Is no eec ion for an advance.
Butter-iUnchnngod. RocMpts light nnd
choice grades scarce. Rolls should ba packed
carefully now nod well wrapped in mu-illn , no
the warmer temperature hai n bad effect on
thorn , nnd they freq uently arrive all pros BO deut
out of shape. Oroamory , 22@25c : fair
to good , 13llci choice dairy , lC@17o ;
infonor grades , 8@10o.
Poultry Demand almost exclusively for
chickens , nnd ns the weather turns warmer ,
quotations on'Mive" only are given , Old
chickens are in good dornxnd nnd heavy
weights sometimes go nbovo quotations.
Spring chickens have been very scarce , and
are in strong request. Spring chickens , fair
size , per doz , G 00 ; old chickenn. according to
weight and quality , per doi , 3 04 00.
Gamo-"Only very littled-sing. Ducks are.
In good demand , but scarce. Snipe plentiful ,
Geese dull. Ducks , mallard , per doz , 2 00 ( < 4
2 60 ; ducks , teal nnd mixed , per doz , 1 60 ( J >
2 00 ; geese , per doz , 2 oO@BOO ; snipe , pi w
doz , 60c@l 00.
Dry Goodn
BBOWK SnirnNOB Atlnctla A , 7iq ) Atl in-
tie P , Co ; Atlantic LL , 5tc ; Brtmawisk , 7 4o ;
Beaver" U&m LL , 51c ; Lawrence LL.'Glo ; Pa
cific H , 7 o ; Royal Standard , 6oj Indian
Head A" , 7c ; Wnuchusett A , TJio.
FINC Bnows SuKETiNoa Argylc , 60 ; I 'op- '
poroll R , 6Jc ; SalteOury R , 63.
BLEAO3ED OOTTONS Bollon. 4-4 , 6401 Bal
lon , 7-8 , We ; Cumberland , 4-4,74oDo7oll ; DD ,
8jo ; FrirmounU 4 ° ! Fruit of the Loon a 4 ,
Bio ; Glory of the West. 8fc ; Golden Gate ,8c ;
Hill 7-8re ; Hill 4 , 7c ; Lcasdalo , 7go ; Now
York'Mill ? , lO c : Wamsottn , lOio.
Duoss ( C/olor pd ) Boston , 8 oz. , UcJ Bos
ton , 10 os , lOio ; Boston , 9 oz 12io { rallKiver
Jc DUCKS ( Gray ) WestPoInt,8orillc ; { West
Point 10 03. , U lie ; Point Boor , 8,0 = . , lie.
TIOKINOB AT aoeboaft , IBa Oontlnontal
Fancy , 9Scj Oor dls 13cj 'Bearl River , 21o
York , ISjcj Hat nleton A-wnlags , 12tc.
DBNIMS Ami ftkcrn , Sc ; Beaver Greek AA
12c ; Beaver Cn k BB , Slaj Beaver Crook
CO , lOojHayma lete , Be ; Jnflrey D& T , 12o ;
Jnifrey'-XXS , 1 ! 0 } Porl 'Raver , OSc ; Wnr-
ren AXA ( brown i I'So ; Worron BB ( brown ) ,
lo ; Warren CO ( teowm ) , lOo.
OAMDBI03Fif th arcQue giovo finish , 4Jo ;
Keystone glove fi nwtj , Sa ,
I ICoESET JBiANsAjscrscf , 7 } < l Hancock , 8c ;
Kearsaigo 7io ; P iookport.-Qio.
POINTS -Allans , 5fc American , -61oj Arn
old's Go ; Cochoco , Ge ; I annoay-4Jo ; Indigo ,
7c ; Indigo 7-8,11 IJej Icdlgo ' 4-4 , Ii3j Steel
River , Bic ; Chirtt r Oivk , 4Jc.
PBINTS SHIBTINC w Asaerioon lojOocheco ,
4Jo Glonosster.tllc ; ScaUibi'dgo , iJofWaver-
leys 4io ; Rc8edalo , 4io.
GINGHAMS Aaac eteag staples , 801 Bates
staples. 7c ; Lansai itec ctaplos , > 8c ; FZnnket
plaids 9c ; Hcdaoi l cbedcs6&0) ) 'AmcBkeng
Persians , -Oc.
DBESS GOODS At Jantia alpajca. 850 ; Per
sian cashmrre , 22\o ; Hamleton cashmere , 15 c ;
Hamleton'Fancun , 1 lie ; Homleton brocades ,
15c ; Arlington broj& lo , ISc.
Hear < n * rdircro Idot.
Iron , rates , 2.10 . ; pi ow steal , apodal oaat , 4o ;
crnciblo , 5o ; oaat tools do , 10n20p ; ws on
spokes , pec set , " . \ 2 5a3 00 ; huba per. cat ,
126 ; lelloas , saw ed dry , 140 ; tongsos ,
each , 70o ; azloc , eoth , 76c ; tquara xiuta. ar
lb , Tnllo ; waahera psr Jb , 8 18o > civets , per
lb , lie ; coil chain , , ( er Ib , 6 12o.zanlleabk ; ) ,
So ; Iron wadgos , 6s ; erowbara , el harrow
teeth , 4c ; spring steel , 'Jafio ; Bardatrs hone
oboes , 4 SO ; Eurdon-'aoiu leahoeq. 0 BO.
CABBED W IBB lot or lots , 100 p r 100 ,
NAILS Rntss , 10 to 60 , 2 40. i
SHOT Shot , 160 ; ( nek shot , 185 ; orlenta )
powder , kegsu160a4COdi ; , hall feegsfl , 00 ; dq
qcarter kegs , 150 bloc tin ? , keg * , S 85 ; fusej
per 100 feet , SOc ,
4JKAD Bar , 165.
CoAL-Onmboilandblacksmith. ID OQ ; Mor
ris run Blossbuxft , 10 OC ; WhiteLveast 'kunp ' ,
5 OC ; Whitebreaot nnt , 5 00 ; Iowa lamp , 5 00 ;
lown nnt. 5 00 ; Bock Spring , 7 IX ) ; Autira-
det , 11 35all 6ttj Canon-Oity , 7 00 v oa.
Btotdy ; green botchers' ; green nured ,
7fic ; dry flint , 12@Mc , dryialt , 10@11 dam-
Acrodibidos two-thirds pnee ,
Tallow 44@51c.
Grocsa Prime white , 4@4fc ,
Sheep Pelts 26c@75.
Wheat Cash No , 2 , < 52o.
Barley 15@50c ,
Eye Cuih No. 3 , 4fi47c.
Corn No. 2 , 35o.
Oats-No. 2 , S5o.
PJour and MlIlfltnfTc.
Winter Wheat Firmjboot qualltjr patent at
Second quality 82 40.
Spring Wheat Best quality patent &t$2 70 ,
Second quality -52 15@250.
Jliran Boo per cwt.
Chopped Feed Per 100 Ibs , , SOo ,
Corn Meal 88.85@100 per ewt.
Screening No. 1 , GOo per cwt ; No 2 , .We ,
Hominy 1.60 per cwt ,
Shorts GOo per cwt.
Graham fl,7Dipor cwt.
General Prodnoa
Onions Scuce and good stock will bring
< ! 00 per bushel.
Beans In fair supply and demand moder
ate , Navy , per bushel , - ? ! C0@l CO ; medium ,
per bushel , 3130 140.
Potatoes Receipts have been more liberal ,
but at stocks were very Ifcht all over , nil was
picked up quickly on arrival and prices were
held firm. Choice stock is rolling ranidly at
70c , and peed at G0@65c.
DKT Fnuiia No , 1 , quarter apples , bbls
4fcNOaliced , boxes , ' Jcevaporated : , boxes ,
8jc ; bUekberries , boxes llo peaches , J.
boxes , 16c ; poacnos , evaporated , IGo ; rasp
berries , 85a
FISH No. 1 mackerel I half bbls , , 750 ;
Family i bbls. . 3 60 ; No. 1 kiU. L 06 ; family
kits GOo : No. 1 whitefisb , half bb . .6 60 ; No.
1 kits , 05ct family half bbls. , 800 ; family
kits and palls , 0c ; No. 1 trout , halt bbls. , 6 25.
SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 160i Ashton ,
In sacks. 3 60 ; J tacks Ashton , 100 ; bbls dairy
60. 5s , 2 75.
BTABCH Penrl , 41o ; Silver Gloss , 80 ; Corn
Starch , 80 ; ExMlsior Gloss , 7oi Corn , 7ic.
Snow Pepper , 16c ; i Ice , 14o ; cloves , 20o
assitt , 16c.
BIIIUP Standard Com.l2G [ } , bbls ; BUodard
do 4 gallon kegs , 1 25.
OANNKO GOODS , Oysters ; ( BUnd rd ) per
case. 8 00 ; strawberries , 2 lb per case. 3 60 ;
raspberries , 2 lb , per case , 2 60 ; California
pears per case , G 60 ; apricots , per case , 5 00 ;
peaches per case , 6.81 ; white chomes per
case , G 76 ; plums per case , i 60 ; whortleber
ries per case , 3 00 ; tea plums , 2 Ib , per ease ,
8BO ; greengages , a Ib.per case , 2 W ; pine
aples , 2 Ib , per case , S 205 CO.
CAUDLES Boxes , 40 Ibe , 16s , 12Jo. 81 , UJo ,
boxori401bs , 16 or , 6s. Ho.
MATOBM Per caddie , SQo | round.rl.ews
265 ; square , cases , 170 ; Oahkosh , cases grl.20
SODA , In lb papen , 8 20 per case ; kejr , per
. PiptiM Medium In bands , B 40 do In
hall barrels , 8 30 ; small , la bamJi,9 Wj do In
hixlt barrels , 4 00 ; pfiorkins in burrolt , * BOde
do in half barrels , 4 SO.
TKAS Gunnowiltr. good 45@55ct okoloo ,
C0f70c ; good Impmiftl , 40@ o ; chofoo. 60 ®
5r. | Young llysox , good , 8l 50o ; clj-Ice. 66
( fl 00 ; Jivi n , nafraral leaf , 75s ; Japan choice ,
W ( ,75c , ; Oolon ? peed , 85@4Q3 ; Oolou/ / ? choice
< ncd&5o ; SDuchatjg , good , 8040c ; tholoo , Sb
< © 45o.
Hioe Lonishna. prime to chol * , 6J7io.
WOOTENWAIB Two hoop palls , 1 85 ; three
hoop rmilp , 210 , Tubs , No. 1 , 800 : pionixv
washboards , L 75j Doubto Crown , 190 ; woll-
buckcts , S 76.
Soira Wrk's Saron tmperlft } ; 315 ; Kirk's
satinet , 8 ff ) ; KirkSi ttandari , 8 65 ; Kirk's
White Ruflttan , 4 85.
POTASH I'onnsvlvffrfn cant , 4 cans In < ,
5 iBabtitt's ball , 2 dot. In caao , 190 ; An
tttor ball , 2 dor , in oeoo , 150.
OANDT-Mixed , 1 stljk , Ballcj twist
ViNBtAB Now York app'o , IGoj Otio ap
ple , ISc ,
I > ry I/unl'Iior.
Wfcalosalo On Board Cars at Omaha ,
O.G. Bats,3Inch .t ; 8C
O. C. Bat2i < nch TO
i inch Bats , s. 1 s > 35
3rch well tubing , D , * M 21 CO
3 inch well tubfag , Bnv 21'OU
Pickets : D. JfcH.'li'lat ' , $21 00 ; D It'll. '
'Square 22 00
lift. U Ik IB ft. COtt 22tt Stft
hi 14 SJ 15 00 16.00 t .00 17.00 1800 10.00
2x0 UCO UiC 14091600 If ,00 10 00 10 00
2x8 15.60 15.00 IS Ot 100017:001800 : 1900
ZxIO 1160 U 50 14 Ml IB 60 M. 60 17 M 18.60
2x7,2 15.00 u.oo 17.00 18 OC 19 DO
4x 15 BO ItMl 16 ml in so 17.60 1860 IBM
No. 1 , G inch , 12 and 14 f ot , rcugh.$14 Do
N/o. / 1 , inch , 10 foot , rough , 16 00
J fo. 2,45 Inch , 12 and 14 foot.'pough. . . . 15 00
I Jo. 2 , < 5 inch NKeot , rough 14 00
Ko. L , 4'inch ' 12 nnd 14 foot , rough. . . . 1C 00
'No.1 , 4 lnch16 fee' . , rough 16 5C
No. 2 , C'inch. If nnd 14 feet-cough. . . 11 00
No. 2 , 4 inch ! 1C feet , rough 11 50
SUIT urn.
Tfo. I , ( Plain ? 3 or 10 inch 816 50
No. 2 , Plain , * 10 inch. 1460
JSo.1 , O.-G 117 50
No. lbonrdDrl2,14 and 10ft 81G 00
No. 2lbcardc , 12,14 nnd 1C ft 14 00
No. Stbonrds , 12,14 nnd 1C ft 11 60
No. 4 bonrda , 12,14 nnd 16ft. < shlreing
onll ) 1000
1st and 2d 0oar ! , 1 } inoh-fs , 2s 850 00
1st nnd'2d , Clear , li andti nchrB,2a. . 50 00
3d , Oloar ? U inch , s. 2s 4800
3d , < 31oari U and U Inch , . SB 4800
1st nnd 2d/01ear , 1 inct , s , Ss 50 00
3d , Clear1 , 1 inch , B. 2a 4400
A Select ; linch , s. 2s 39 00
B Select , llnch. s. 2a 28 CO
OlenrTopUr , 1 inch , a. 2s 35 Oo
1st Com. Cl ch , white pine 93G 5 (
2dComrU whita plno 3350
3d Com. G white pine 2650
Set. Fcncs inch , white ino 18 25
1st and 2d Clear yellow pine , ' 4-6 iacb. 24 50
1st Cora , 12,14 nnd 1C feet 821 50
2d Com.S 14 and 16 feet 19 50
3d Com. , 14 and 16 feet 14 50
Fence , 14 nnd 16 feet 1050
1st Com. J Inch , whlto pine 822 EO
2d Com. : ! ; Inch , white piaa 20 50
3d Com. # inch , white pine 15 5C
1st Com. (5 ( inch , Norway. 15 ( X
2dComg inch , Norway 14 00
Clear Foplar , panel , i inch , s. 2 B 27 00
A12 inch , s. 1 s. 12,14 and 1C feet 45 00
B12 Inch , s. 1 s. 12,14 nnd 16 feet 41 00
C 12 inch , 3. Is. 12,14 andilG feet 30 00
D 12 inch , n. 1 s. 12,14 anO 16 feet 23 00
No. 1 Con : . 12 in. , B. 1 B. li and 16 ft 17 00
No. 1 Com. 13 in. , a. 1 s. 12 ft. 18.50
No. 1 Com. 12in. , s. 1 B. 1C , 18 nnd 20 ft21 00
No. 2 Com. 12 in.a. 1 B. 12 , Hand lfKt.14 75
16 inch , Clear 83 50
* ASt ndard
2 60
Cinch , Clear 1 70
No. 1 1 26
Lath 2 35
White Cedar , C inch , halves lljc
White Cedar , 5J > inch , halves 9Jo
White Cedar , 8 inches , quarters 9
Whlto Cedar , 4 Inch , round tll
Southern Red Cedar , 6 } feet ' 2Co
FLOUB Colorado , 100 Ibs , 160@1 70 ; pat
ent , 100 Iba.-27B@3 00 ; Kansas , 100 Iba , 2 75
@ 3 00 ; graham , 100 Ibs. 1 60 ; ryp , 1 00 Ibs.
2 2fl | buck-wheat , per bbl. 7 50 ,
GRAIN , Fcic. ETC. Wheat 100 Ibs , 51 CD
com In sacks .en track , 100 Ibs , 66@70j
oats , in saoka on track , 100 Ibs , eastern white ,
1 16@120 ; Colorado white , 120@1-80 ; mixed.
110@116 ; barley 100 Iba , 1 S0@l 86 ; bran ,
ton , on trade , 1400(21500 ; chop , com , 100
Iba , on track , ; 70c76 ; chop cclxec , 100 Iba ,
on track , 1 00@lflO ; com meal , 100 Ibs. 180
HAT Baled , upland , ton , 18 00@15 00 ;
upland , loose , ion , 10 00@12 00 ; socand bot-
4cin , baled , UO OC@U 00 : alfalfa , , loose , ton ,
i 0015 00 ; straw , baled , on trick , ton , 6 OC
@ 3 00.
Bumn Crcamerjr , fancy , Ib , 41o
Gunnery , fine , lb , 8Cft38o ; dairr , choiia. lb
20@22o ; dairy , Rood , 11 % 18@20o ; dairy , fal
lb , 1616c ; cooking , lb , G@8o.
-Exios State , candled and warranted , < doz ,
5 < 2CGc ; ranch , doz , 8&g,37o
CCSISK Full ccoom , 16@17o ; holt orevn
b , 10@llo ; skim , lb , 641 Swiss , domosUa
b , 22@23o ; Swiss , Impotted , 30S2o ; Mai-
bnrger , ISc. '
POVITBT Live old chickons. dor , 5005 BC ,
dressed ducks , Ib , 15lCo ; dressed turkeys ,
lb. , 1516c.
PomroKS Colorado , 103 Ibs , 96@100 ;
sweet , rerlb , , 4o.
VEaffTiBLEa Onions , jullow , 100 Ibs ,
225 ; cabbage , 100 Ibs , 350) ) beats ,
ICO Ibs , 110@125 ; turnips , 103 Ibs , 1 25.
FnuiTS-iLemons , per t z , Mssslna , 4 009
4 CO ; oranfiss , Florida , per 4xLT , G 60@7 00 ;
apples , fancy bbl , 6 00@G 00 ; aples , medium ,
bbl , 850.
OcxeD MJWXS Hams , mcar cured , lb , 1U
@llgci bacon , breakfast. IbT 12@12Joi dry
salt sides , lb , H@8o ; lard la palls , OjiOf
lard In tfarres , ( go. >
FaiSin ACBATO Dressed beef , Colorado , per
lb , 7i@8 < s ; hogs , lb , Ci@Clo ; muttou , lb , 7
® 7Jo.
LIVH STOCK CoEorado steers , per MO lbs
Hides. Dry Flint No. 1 , per lb , lliQUot
N'o. 2 , lb. 9@10o ; groan steers and branded
calf , lb , 46c ; green , 8@10c ; green kip ,
lb , C@7o ; sheep skins , dry , 8 < @ 10o ; deer skin * ,
b , 16@20o ; onUlope stnfl , lo , 12 ( 16 ; tallowl
lb,6BOo , (
WOOL Colorado No. 1 , per Ib , UQlocj
truck , Ib , So ; Mexican , 7@Mc. )
FISH Mackerel , No , 1 , 140 , kit. mess ,
160@2 00 : California salmon , hail bbl , 10 60) )
Holland herring , keg , 1 60OI60) trout , [ per
.15(2160 (
TIio Illlnota jjcglsUturo ,
JpBiRiriEU ) , 111. , April SO.-Speaker
laines aiked the unsnimous consent to ap-
) oint o chairman for tend sy a to allow him
a visit New Orleans , but two members ob-
ected , Hood nnd Baird , and he refused to
accept it unless It was unanimous. The bill
appropriating 9200,100 to nstablish a soldiers
and sailors home passed the senate to-day ,
( ScocEsson TO )
. X.ZI
leaf Cieek Lime , Louisville Cement
Pdtland Camont , Iowa and Michigan Plat
ter , Hair , Eto Etc.
Cor. 6th
] hhago , Minneapolis , Milwaukee ,
St , Paul , Cedar Rapids , Dnvenpoit ,
3Knton , Dubn ue , RocUord ,
[ lock Island , Frecrxirt Jnnrsvillo ,
Clgln , Mnditon , LaCrosse ,
Bololt. Wlnena ,
&nd all other Important points Kurt , North
east cad Southeast ,
Ticket ofico nt 1401 K rn m street ( In Cmton Ito
lei ) . uid Hi Union Pwjlflo Dtpot.
ltilIro n-Slcopor anJ the Finest DlilnR Cars In
thoSTeildue run on tnomaln llnrsol the Cnicioo
MiLWAites & ST. PkULll'Tftrnlc\erf ( xtVntlon Is p ld
to luuwwsrurers hvtouitoous ernploin of Ihoeompaoy ,
8. k MKIWIM , . A. V. II. OAKPfiNTKU ,
General ManrRcr , Gcn'l I'tfflonsor Agent.
AestOon' ! rantRor. ts't O-.n'l Ftiu AROct
J. T. CliAHK , Qcnl OuperintctiJont
Council Bluffs
and Chicago- - .
The only line to takoHcr DCS Moincs. lT rsh ill.
town , Cedar Rapids , Ollnlon , Dlxlo , Chloago , 1 111
waukoo uid all polnta cant. To tha poopto of ) Ko-
} ira k > , Colorado , Wyoming , Utah , Idaho , * Neva da ,
Qr coa , Washington nnd California It oflore-aupei Mot
ftdraDtages not poasftlO'ty ' any other lino.
Among a few of the numerous points otcaper lot-
Uy oojo ) od by tha nitrons of this rand botvt < oen
Onmia and Chicago , are Its two trains a daof IIA7
COACHES which are tooflnost that human ait and
( ngcxalty can create ; Ka PALACE SLEEPIUQ 0 MIS
whloii are models of comfort and elegance ; Its F All
LOU DRAWING ROOK OARS , unaurpaencl by any
and rW widely celebrated PALATIAL DINING 0 AHH
the equal of which cannot be found claowhoro.
At Council Blnffs the trains of the Union P iolflo
Ry. connect In Unioa Depot with those oMhe 0 hloa
f o & Northwestern KyNIa Chicago the traWfl of thlt
line make close connection with thosoof nil ea stern
For Detroit , Columbes , Indlanapolla , CSnclnnatl ,
NUgsra Falls , Buffalo , I'lltsburg , Toronto , Uon treal
Bocion , New York , Phlladolp bla , Caltlmaro , TTaah-
mgton and all points In the Eaat , iair-tbo ticket
agent for tickets \ la the
Ilrouwlsntho b at acoomm odatlons. All ticket
M nW sell tickets via tUEs llncv
M. nuaniTT. R & HAIR ,
General Manager. Gel. F < sc. Agent.
onioAO o
Gonl. Agt , Ii2 iFarn tmSt , Omaha , Neb.
Railway Tirao Tablo.
In Effect April 6 th. 1885.
Ths attention of the travellli K public la called to
the tot that this U the only oo mploto anfitbaolutely
correct ttmo table published lu the city ,
All trains arriie at and dop art bom Ociaha by
Centnl Standard Time.
Tralng of the O St. P. U. fc C . arrive at and de
part Cam their depot , corner < if nth o ' Websto )
street ) ; trains 01 the li. t M. , O , B. A QauI E , 0
St. Jj-i O. B. from the B. & U , d cpotj all others from
the UclonPaclflo depot.
a , Dallyb ; , except Saturday ; oexoepl Bundayi d ,
eioept Uonday.
A. H. iM. | union pacific A. r. M.
8IO > PaclBo Express 7604
uloi . . Doni-er Sfpresav
O. < tRop. , Valley
a sot Uall aoa 1.101
B. A.M. In Nsb.
. . . K ll snd'KipreBS. ' . .
COOa . . . . Night Bxprtas. lOIOa
10 85o y faprcea.
. . . Night Bxpraas . 0SOa
K. C St. J.a.C. B.
9 Ida . . . . Via FlatUmouth. . , . . 700d TOS ,
8 CM 7 CCb _ .Vla Council iBluO ] ' . . 760d J 15
Wnbash Route-
00a . . . .St. teat
C. M. A St. Paul .
B lie . . .Day Expaess. . . . . r HI
aCOlj . . .Nlgbt Expieas. . . . . 9 aid
C.R.-l. APaclHc-
< 3 160 , u..Day Exprosa 7 Mi
( Mb BiEd '
c'ioo . AooommodaUon _ , i'il
C , A N-W. .
G 1(0 , . .Day Expre .
SOb .JlJIghl Express. . . .
, C B.
tila B SBa F r Ottoago vta PlUrm'tb J SOa 7 U >
For OMcago via 0. Klnffa. r
C. et. f. HI. A O.
. .Slouc KJlty Express. . . 5 EOi
.8 Wo 3akl nd ooommodatloa .0 Me
Iowa Blv. S C.&P
QMa . . 81 . Paul Day Express . . 1 II
St. Paul Night Express
Dumciv Trains Leave Onuhaatfl(0,7M
0 60 , 10 06 , Jl 16 a m.USO , SOO , 8 00. 00 , 4 W , t Ui
1110pm. < On8uud ysUio r 60 and 10 00 a m nc
9 00 and IOC jim trains do not run. Arrive M Irscs
tor depot U ulnntos Uler : Broadway depot SO mln-
Dies Uteri
Leave Council Bluffs ( Broadway depot ) t | r 16 ,
BJW , 1080,1113 am ; ISO , S80 , fl to. 128.62C.
an& 11 5 p m. On Uundsys tha 0 go and II 40 am
an < 0 20 and 6 M p m trains will not run. Arrive at
Trmeler 7 mlnotte Uter , Omh O ) mlnntea Uter.
TrMn8forTralns i * veOm h t s u.eii
a m , iS 86 , i 20,416 and 7 OOp m , &lly.
AixlM al 0 U u.d 11 U a m , 1 U , 8 80 , T U nd
8 Up. m.
_ _ _ _ _
To and hou Ohlugo ria the Tripartite AHianoe Lluei
uazyisa. | girumAT
I Mil. | K-I. | N.W | N-W | U-I | Ml
February. . I 16 1-2 ! 8 | SI
March . . . . I 8-IJ 16 I21 14 SI 7-28
ApiU I 19 6-za 111 i-25 11 18
May 110-81 17 tU18 \ 1-23 9-80
Sunday eveningind Uondty mornlDg trains urlrt
In oorretpcadlnz order. 0. B. * Q. triini run every
d y ,
Le ve Union Faclno depot t 8 40 a ra aad B 15
Arrive from StockTardiit : 7 Ma in and 8 29 ( m ,
Mall Tlmo Card ,
i. 1C T. K. | I * . M. r. M.
. .Union 1'ndllo Loc l Mill. . . 880
880 700 Union Paclflo Through Uttl. 180
080 8 00 B. * M. In Neb 7 20 6lf
9 00 O.E.&Q. 6SO 820
. . 0,13. &Q. Kl. M il lie
.010 . . . . . . i EC 8 SC
00 . . . . C. M iSt P . , , , 6 80
,0 SO 0 00 0. &N. YY. 6 80 I 20
1 OS . . . 8 CO
8 CO . . 0 , & Hep. Valley 12
Sioux Oy & Faclflo Local , . 6 80
.080 00 Sioux City & 8t Paul. . . .
fl AS Council Blunt & Kantas dty 6 80
. .Council Blufft Local. . . . ,
TOO . . fort Omaha
80 . . Ulwourl Paclfle. 860
1 06 . .Wabath-St Louis. , 11 1
, , Wabash Chicago. . . . . S 31
Officeop < n iaaJ yj from 12 10 1 , nee n.
Children sre Indeed
the greatest boon of
mankind. Tte lndl .
ftaiMt qmllflcatlon
> i.r till condition Is
h ltb ; nd It li tha
cUlm of these lia
riave uted IMse't
rood. Tnlrty years'
me his dcmonttrMbd
Its value as a dietetic ,
llUclpes for pieporlci ;
. coompiny each ctnat 86c , elo , 91 Si and
1,75. Bold by til DraggUts Bend to Woelrlch &
Co. , Palmer , Musi. , for pamphlets oonU'nlag lull to'
ormatlon on tec ' -
Passenger Elevator tojalt floor * . 1200 , lC08j mM210 1'atnam IStroct ,
A. Fait Atsottmcnt of Air nnd Kiln
Kodvrood , etc. Hardwood nnd Pent
Builders' Material , Hod Cedar PC
Codnr Boards for moth prootcloaot v 3crouoawiuKi < Mi.w.
S.W.Cor.Oth and Douglas. Omaha. Neb.
Manufacturers ot Ornamental
Dojmor Windows. Window C p , McUllto8kv.Ulits , &o. Tin. Iron nd Mttp Koofou ,
818 South Ut'i Streot.OixMH , Nek. Wotk done In any paitof the eountt )
& 1 t FtS
' '
LL AN DM i NING [ Meat Cutting Machines. ' IRM WORK
MACK IN ERY.Tank1W \ Outfits Presses ,
'frw * Evaporator ? , SEND rOH CJTIMAT
Prairie Com'Shelters.
C. '
I CIGARETTE Smokirs who are willing to pay a lit tlomor
RIGHLVION liar Cigarettes than the price cliMVoJ for the ordinary trade Cigar-
Fttt < < fl.uui find the RICHMOND STRAIGHT CUT NO. K
_ _ -SUPERIOR to all others They aromaila from ttia brlghtoul ,
meet delicately flattered , &nd hlgheit cost gold laaf grown In Virginia , and are abjolatoly wmiotrr ADULT
MBATION or drugs W iuo the Cenilino French RiOO Paper of our owi illroct Importntian ,
which is made espei tally Lrui , watermarked with the namouf the oraud , Richmond Straight
Cut No. I.
eaort Tfrwotte , Without wVoh naie are enulio. Imitations otthhtrinj lnvo boea pub on sale
dnigarettasnikora nra n ilonol ttut this ij the oil mil original brand , and to obicrvo tn t each
ckagaorboxof ( Tlchnnand Straight Cut Cljirattjsboirj the signature of
Manufacturers ALLERQ , Richiiiond , Virginia. CIGARETTES
Doublff.and Single Acting Power and Hand '
EDgilno Trlmmlnrs , Mining Maohlnerr , Bolting , Hose , Brass and Iron Flttlnga
at wEoloBalo < * r jetall. BLALLADAY WIND-MILLS. OHDILOH
Corner 10th and Farnam St. , Omaha Neb.
of Live Stock and Othe/ / ,
Our Ground Oil Cake
It b'.lho beet sad cheapest food for stock of any kind. Ono pound la eaual to
throe pouidu of corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Gako In the Fall and Winter
la te d of running down , will Inoreaso In weight and bo In good marketable oondl' '
Ion In the aprfng. Dairymen , as well es others , who use It , can testify to Ita mo7
[ ta. Try It and judge lor yourselves. Prleo $24.00 per ton. No charge for saoki
_ ob.
Hall's Safe and Lock Comp'y
T AKQE8T Jobbing Drue bouse between Cblotgo and rUn Fnndsoo. OAI'ITAt , STOCK , 1200,000 , Ws
Lj iliill beat the bottom ol tbo nurkct at all times. Will da | > lictt Chicago and Bt , LouU priwis wltn
Irelght added , Our spoo'ilty will be
Pure Drugs , JPaints , Oils and Whitlow Crlasv
Kt Imiteaghcn on pluoKlua. To thoeoabout to embsrlc la the drug builntea will do well ton H
your Interest by ciUluif on us or send lor our prloelut which will ppe&r Vout January eth , Mill orJe
solicited. lit HAUNKV Hill ICE T.
1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREET , COR. 13TH ,