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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1885)
THE DAILY BEE-SATURDAY MAY 2,1885 MALARIA inten the nyiilem from unknown eniuf , i\I nil * rn nn * Shatters the Nerrn , Impair * Digestion , anil KnfMblM the Mastics. 7 BEST TONIC Qalckb'anileom , cores fllnlnrln.and Chill * ndIJcYprn. For Intermittent Fever * , I.ruj- l.nrk of lincrny , It bus no equal. It enriches and pnrlllwi the blood , rtlmulntcs tha ap. l t It * . nd strengthens the muscles and nerren. It does not Injure the tneth , causa headache , or pTodnee eon tlpMlon- { other Iron mrdtHnut < la. . .77JiThEn.t.T ? ? , the pttrlotlo and tcholarlf C thollo Dltlne , o ( ArkanMui , i < r : "I h te u od llrmm'n Iron Illttrr with the mat- ert MtUficflon for Malarlii. and as n prcwntlTii of UhlU ) and like diwwMvi , and "ill elvttja keep It on hand as a ready friend.1' Genuine has nboro trade murk and crooned red lines en wrsppor. Tnlin no nlhrr. Muloonlyby IIUOWN IUIK.MIUAI , CO. , IIAI.TIMOKK , SID. IiAIHFfl' HAND BOOK niuifa ) and attractlre. eon- UlnlnK li > t of priteH for rrclnm. InfonnMInn about cnlns , eto. , frlven nway by all uo&lpr * In rnedlciDOor nulled to any addrera on receipt of 2o. ( tamp. \3Am\iyM. \ \ la tie BROAD UlAlfc . BEST OPERATING SELLIHd AND fo tlif > n1 > Un t-5 ? 8cna tuo Rlninp < Tor Works. Addro s. if. 1 > . OI.AltKK , M. D. , 1BO youth Clark Street , CiitcAno , Iu. 121 OONDUOTEU Ut Royal Havana Lottery i ( A GOVERNMENT INSTITUTION. ) Drawn at Havana Cuba , Every 10 to 14 Days. Tickets in Fifths , Wholes $5. Frac tions pro rata Subject to no manipulation , not controlled by the i rtioaln Intorest. It la the laliest Ihlng In the Bttura olobanoolo exlaienoa. tor tickets apply to SaiPSKT & CO. , 1212 Broad. way.N. Y. City ; 80LINOKR& CO. , 303 South 4th SI. Bt Louis , Mo , or H. OTTEN3 * CO , 019 ililn St. Kansas Cltv. Uo James Medical InsU Chartered by theStateof Illi- nola for the express purpose of Eivinglmmcdiate relfetln all chronic , urinary and pri vate diseases. Gonorrhoea , ' 'QlcetandSyphills In all their complicated forms , also all diseases of the Skin and Blood promptly rcllevcdand permanently cured by reme- t8i > cctalFractce. Seminal \VcaUnesa , Nipht Losses by Dreams , Pimples on Ihe FaceLost Manhood , i > DSltlvelifcnred.XJiere i nocrperinicntlmi. The appropriate remedy is at once used in each case. Consultations , per sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med- icinea sent by Mall and Express. No marks on package to indicate contents or sender. Address DR. MMES.No. 204VVashnglon ! SI.ChIcagolll. LINCOLN FLORAL CONSERVATORY Cor , Q & nth , on line o r itrttt c r . Croonhouso , Bedding Plants , Roses , Flowering Shrubbery , Evergreens , Small Fruits , Etc * Bitras with , every order. sIpns.BounHcts , rnsVets , Eto. , for 1'artlcs \Y cddtngs mul hmcmU n t.iu . > clitltyuud sonttouny part of tliuStiilo. , BwcctrotatonnJ otliurvi'Kftnblopluutslnthcl loasoa. IlliutrutodCutaloKiiofric. W. 8. SAWYER tt. CO. , t Ko. 941. IJncoln. Kebraalu , St , Charles Hotel , 0 BTUEKT , BET 7th and 8th , LINCOLN , NEB Un. Kato Coakly , Proprletorces. MN vlv and elegantly furnUhod. Qood tampl rooms oo ant floor. MrTormi-tl.H to I ! per day. Special ratot give Dieaibcri c ( the legislature. DOTlO-lm-mi Mendelssohn & Fisher , ARCHITECTS Rooms 23 and 29 Omaha Natl.Dank Block Dufrene & Mendelssohn a o. ti. . Uhcr , tenner ? with W , L. B. Jean Archltoot , Obloaro. D. O.BEYA.HT.M.D. Farnam Street , Corner ItthBt. Offlo * heun B to If a. m. , I to in Tea yean eiperleuo * . 0n ipeak Oermui. Not Trite to Ills Oolorn. ( roronsn os FACT. ) A Gotham palntel now feels blue Becauea his wife ia Rroen With jealousy , for oft he flaw And hasn't tinea benzine. Who ochre mb. and crimson ire ! Whv did iho run away A If hsr roan home was upphire And red flames ruled the day ? She WAS a sable-hatred brunette , With roay cheeks and lips ; ller brilliant of ei were black as jet And snapped like circus whips. One day her husband bought n lot Of hairpins , new and neat , And sold , ' -This gilt may add a Jot To your appearance , sweet , " She answered , as the box nho took : ' Of mo I see you'r fond. " She opened it , then screamed , ' Why , lookl Thoss hairpins , air , are blondel She rose , much madder than n hen That's suddenly got wet , And yelled , "You ne'er shall see again Your once beloved brunette ! " "I no'or sienna ono but you , And never do I gaze Upon a girl with eyes of blue ! " Ho vowed , with wild amaio , 'You Itlao Satanl" then she cried , And from his proaenco lied : "I'll beryl love forever , " ho sighed , "And paint the city rod. N. 13. And ho did. HONEY VOU THE Ij/VDIES. / Braided Jerseys are shown in beautiful de igns. Hollers Kate Is the most popular girl of the season. Materials woven with gold ore > hot with iright colors , j Decollete corsages are worn ever high necked lace waists , * Ostrich feather pompons wo to bo had in all ho now silk colors. Jcraoys and Jersey cloth still retain their i old upon popular favor. Molr ribbon will rival velvet and Ottoman ribbons for bonnet strings. A Brooklyn girl says she would rather have the measles than the freckles. The silken chain scarf l used for trimming ts. It is made in all colors , \Vatorfall back drapery Is three yards wide and has three box-plaits laid in triblo folds. Ostrich feather paneice , exactly imitating the rich color of the natural flower , ore a nov- Ity. Z.Embroidered pongee parasols are trimmed with Pompadour law , and are mounted on olive wood sticks richly carved , Short skirts are to bo the rule this summer t seems , snd thoeo who care for comfort , will )0 thankful , says a feminine correspondent. At a hugging sociable in a Michigan town t cost § 3 to embrace a widow , and three cents apiece for elderly maidens , or two for - nickel. A black grenadine parasol is coveted with black lace , embroidered with silver threads , ind Is trimmed with black velvet ribbon. It ias an ebony stick , silver mounted. Fashionable ladies are taking a deep inter est In billiards at present. The game is a kilful , healthy and delightful one , and It is so nice to watch your adversary making pret- y little carromels and kisses. Some of the newbonnets and hats of cactus- ace straw are wonderfully light and comfort abla. and so loosely braided as to show tbo pay linings beneath. In other fancy braids , ro heather-mixed straw * , with brims stud ied with mock pearl , sapphire , opal or jet toads , The fashionable style of hair dreislncin ? aris for the daytime is quite simple. The lair is raised from tha nape of the neck and orms n large curl on eithf r side of the head nto which comb with gold , silveror jet balls s set sideways or straight , according to fancy. Plush lobsters of lillputian dimensions ore ome of the grotesque whims for dress _ decor ations. Some of these have the greenish blue me of the livlngcreature , while others are od , representing the crustacean in its boiled ondition. Somebody observes that in love we swap a ieck of trouble for a pint of happiness. Ho orpets to add that there Is moro solid com- ort in a thimbleful of solid genuine love cut n the bias than there is in a whole grain ele vator of alleged bachelor bliss. The new Russian riding boot , which has ecomo Tory papular , ia made of solt black cid with patent leather tops. They are cute o roach about three Inches anil u half above ho ankle , and are fastened with tiny round luttous of French gold. The wars in Egypt and "blna have sug- ostoil now fashionable ornaments to Parlsi- ins. Heal or miniature bullets are now used as buttons , miniature swords and guns serve as hair pins and brooches. Ladles are said , o look unusually formidable In these tiny armaments , At the recent Bal dea Artistes at the Grand ) pera , Paris , where actresses especially con- regato , four appeared as the seasons , Sura- aor worn a close-fitting tunic o' cream-colored 'crepon Indien" over a fltsh-colorod maillot , Che tunic was caught up by sprigs of willow , ind adorned with potatoes , artichokes , touia- oes and Brussels sprouts. On the head were mushrooms. For travelling and riding the camisard , or French refugee wrap , mada of dove gray pan ; eo , dark cardinal Rural ) , fawn-colored vl- rogne , or cashmere , is considered very stylish ibroad so reports an importer recent- y returned , A silk embroidery in one color , or rows of narrow silk braid , is the usu- vl decoration for these long protective man tles. tles.For For summer silks , cottons nnd light wool ens , the "fan overdress" is a favorilo style. The material in this cato I * plaited to the belt at the top , fallirjgln plaits a quarter of a yard n length. These are attached along each xlgo. Farther down the overdress divides in ihe centre and is drawn upward on either side. Some of those fan fronts are edged with ace , others with fringe. Aprons are a favorlto fancy for young ladies , and como made up in fancy silks. For purposes of carrying crewels and embroidery iilks and the like , they are cut a quarter of a rard longer than tha actual length requires. This extra length is turned up in an outside facing. TbisH divided into compartments by a brier stitch of silk in a pretty contrast Ing color , . Bodices of lace , high in the nook , to bo worn over low-necked waists of silk or satin , promise to bo a leading faiblon for dressy toilets the coming summer. The sleeves to these are half long and laca-edged , This style of coisage is far prettier and more becoming than tha regularly low-cut bcdioe which dis plays the bare neck and armi , and added to its graceful effect it is a fashion which will prove mcst comfortable during tha sultry summer season. The actress of Irish extraction has one burning desire , and it Is to ride in her own coach. The moment the makes money enough she buys a brougham or phaeton or a drag. The English actress dreams of a cottage - tage by the tea. The Amerlcanactroas _ never accomplishes her purpose until the owns a yacht. The French woman expends her income in shoes and dresses. But one com mon desire rules them in a sisterhood. It ia the desire for diamonds , [ New York World Labouchere has started a raid on gloves "For my part , " h says in Truth , ' 'I detest glorea , except when there is dancing , or in the open air , as protection from tha sun or dust. The constantly glcved hand becomes atupld-looking and loses address , Gloves , ii conjunction with court droises , were a device of the Empress Josephine to conceal the tracjs of the wash-tub on the hands and arms of maishkl's wives who had risen from the common people , and to bide the rnajiua beauty of her sUter-in-law , Before her time they were only worn in the traveling coach,1 Those ladles who possess the Llama lace shawls of jrcars ago will find opportunity to use them in'the Ute revival of this form o lace. A pr tty way.of . using n square o three-cornered shawl is to have a black silk skirt with a narrow knife plaiting along th lower edge. Beneath this , instead o balayeute , jlica two full-pinked rutQea o the color with which the shawl is lined. Th latter Is lined throughout with soft India o surah silk , and ia looped across the front in an apiou oveidreas , with the ends , or rathe corners , drawn back to fall Cftreletsly in th ull breadths of silk which compose the back r p ries. Solid colored ginghams are made up in two tyles this ssason. In ono CASO the skirt is urround d by three deep rullles finished with wide hem , and bordered with rows of nar- ow white pique braid Abo\e ista short unic similarly trimmed with braid , tor he bodice portion , a short cutaway jacket pens over a Breton vest that is buttoned up he back , the front being ttimmod scioss with traps of the white cDtton braid set in close Ines. Ihs other style for making the ginghams shows n skirt nearly covered nth one very deep flounce , tucked n third of U width. In many Instftnecs this flounce is tilted , though a shirred one Is more noslly aundried , The apron oversklrt above is ex- ttmely long in front and very high on the Ides , with ample fulness in the back drapery. A. round waist simply finished with Quaker olds laid over the chest , and meeting trimly at the belt , Is one fancy , for the waist por- ion , and the other consists of a tucked yoke , with a full "baby waist" gathered .on. Checked and striped ginghams are combined with plain ginghams in many fancy ways for very young ladles , but tbo above models are mote popular for general wear for ladies of all ages , the ono being most becoming to slen der women , the other more appropriate for ' .hose inclined to stoutness , NCWB from tbo lun-Job. ; Oh tell us what now trouble hatches ; Oh. print theru as fast as you can. All those latest Cabul dispatches From the borders of Afganistant Does Russia tben wish to Penjdeh Whole country as far as Herat ? And will England really defend the Frontier ? and , oh , where Is that at ? Oh , toll ns about Abdurrahman ; When Dufferln meats tbo Ameer Will this be effective in calmtn1 The excitement about the frontier ? Oh , no , gcntlo reader , wo think not : Keports from the raging Mnrghab Have just boon received , and they shrink not From calling the talk Araeor gab. But no ono can tell quite for certain About things in Afghanistan , Where the folks are each hour concertin' ' Some totally different plan. [ Boston Courier , 'JC DIIOPS. It is said that twenty-two professional baso- jail men have died during the past year , This ia encouraging.-Charleston [ News , Abraham Lincoln once said he could split mything except a tallow candle , but he was ,00 shrewd to try to split a ton of coal into more than seventeen 100-pound piles. [ Fall River Advance , "Will the hair grow after death ? " asks an anxious exchange. In the case of a married man wo should suppose it would have a better chance of growing after death than during ifa-Boston Courier. "If you knock that chip off my shoulder , lays the British Lion to the llussian Bear , I'll" ' "Well , what will you do ? " prowls the Bear. "Why , I I I'll just put another one on. So there , now ! " It Is passing strange how a man who owes you SO cents will have his attention suddenly attracted to the cornice of the toll block across ' , he way whenever you chance to meet htm on hestroet.-Carl [ Pretzel's Weekly. Henry Irving says the steamer which car- ied him back to England "acted admirably. " We infer from this that the vessel limped when it walked , and said "Hawnry"when it meant "Henry. " [ New York Graphic. "I wish I was captain of a baseball nine , " pensivfly remarked a sad-eyed mule. "And vby ? " inquired an astonished donkey. "So'a , 'd get a chance to kick. A mule don't have islt a show any more. " { Oil City Blizzard. "There is a dog in Chambersburg , Penn , , hat rings bells and opens doors , , ' s ys an ex- ihange. Wo did not know that dudes were ver called "dogs. " We thought they never got beyond beinic puppies. fTexas Sittings. "It is terrible to see what revenge these plumbers show , " he said , as he laid down the laper ho had been reading. ' 'Yes , it is , " ahe eplied. "What special circumstance do you efer to now ? " "A Philadelphia knight of the older has just poisoned a dado at tha zoologi- al garden because the bird had a larger bill ban he did. [ The Judge. Stockton landlady "I will rent you this oem for S4 a month , and you can have the ise ot the bathroom without extra expense , " Colored gentleman "Yaas , missus , dom erms am werry reasonable ; but yer see , missus , I'se not much used ter water , an' ef or" joa" as soon reduce ten tents offer de rent could 'spense wld do yonso ob de baaf-room widout any great dlscommodance to myse'f. " [ Stockton Maverick. ' Josiar. " I never kin forget the day That we went out a walkln' , And sot down on the river bank , Andkepton _ hours a-talkin' ; Ho twisted up my apron string An' folded it together , An' said no thought for harvest tima Twos cur'ns kind o * weather. Tbo sun went down ai we sot there ; Josiah seemed uneasy , And mother she began to oill : "Loweezyl O Loweezyl" An' then Josiah spoke right un As I was just a-startin' , An' said , "Loweezy , what's the use Of us two ever.paitin' ? " It kind o1 took me by surprise,1 An' yet I knew 'twas coming ; I'd hoard it all the ( ummer loog In every wild bee's hummin' ; I'd studied out the way I'd act ; But. law ! I couldn't do it ; I meant to hide my love from him , But seems as if he knew it ; In looking down into my eyes Ho must a seen tfce fire ; An' over sinca that hour I've loved An' worshipped my Joaiar , [ Ka ton ton Messenger , MUcIOAIj AND DK-VMA.TIO. Hans Nbn Bulow haa been playing at the 'oncsrts ' Colonino , The Now York Lyceum Theater will ba cept open all summer. Charles Wyndham's daughter has made a luccessful debut in conudy. Annie Pixley haa returned from Europe "stouter than she used to bo , " Miss Minnie Hank is meeting with success n Berlin in the opera of "Carmen. " Kate Castleton is starring in California in one of A. 0. Gun tor's musical comedies. Eleanor Carey and Louise Thorndyko join ; he Dion Boucicault party in a trip abroad , hls summer , Miss EQio Ellsler will present her new play , ' 'Old ' Kentucky Home , " at the Chestnut - nut Street Theater on Monday , May 4. A free performance of Mendelssohn's oratorio torio "Elijah" was given a few days ago in one of tne poorest and hungriest parts of London. Daring the summer the third tier boxes in tha New York Metropolitan Opera house will be removed , and 240 teats put It their places [ . , Mrs , Langtry'0 first appoaranoe In London la "Peril" was poitponed until tha arrival of the "I'rinca of Wales , " but of course this did not make tha peril any more realistic. The chorus singers of the New York Opera BouQecimpany , which disbanded suddenly In Brooklyn Saturday night , find themselves in a decidedly unpleasant predicament. In "Polly , " at the New York Casino , Mr. Hico employes ninety people. The want ol success that attended the opsra in London waa due In the main to slow , dull manner In which it was done. Mr , Hico will ( have a milliard band on the stsge , a fife and drum corpse , and a very heavy chorus Mary Anderson'd tour next season will be managed for Manager Harry E , Abbey , by Mareui H. Mayer , The season opens Octo ber 13 t the atar Theatre , New York , for six weeks , thouce ta Boston , at the Globe theatre , where she is dus on Wovembsr 23 , Miss Clara Morris began a short engage ment at Daly's theater , New York , last week producing ah'adaptation of DumVa "Denine.1 The performance was quite tuecessfnl. 8h was supported by Joseph Hawortb , Miss Bijou Heron , Elfid Geroion and Mr. Terry. The following new comic operas will shortly be produced at Vienna : "Tha Bohemian Baron , " by Str uw ; "The Bellrlnm , " by itippot "Ths ChsnUin of the Itetfment " by Mlllocker , nd "Tha rostm.-nter" by Heller , An unnamed opera by Genee and Rotli is Also Announced. Judic , the French star , who will visit \moricA next autumn ii nearly forty ytnrs Id , with a vigorous form almoat bordering on he heavy. Sha hns n purely OVA ! face nnd a mouth that effectually diiplayi two rowk of mro white teeth , In manner the differs rom any other French tUr , pronouncing the likiost words with childlike Innocence. The Rrcftt Kistori-lJaotli performing hns eea doGnltoly fixed for May 9th , at the Vc demy of Music. The event will bo a no- nblo one , being the only joint appearance of adam Itlstoti and Air. Edwin J3ooth In "hllttdelphin , nnd liistorl's farewell to Ameri * . "Macbeth" will ba proiontod on this cc > nsion. Madnmo Materna says : "I will not re- urn to America to aing in the Dairosch Op era company , as the management with to cut down tbo salaries , It would not pay me. I in do better in Vienna. On May 18th I eave for San Francisco to sing In fifteen con certs with Thoodoio Thomas' orchestra. Then with my husband and sister I shall return to "urope , " During the flro tceno in "Die Wnlkuro" at last loprcsontation of that opera in Boston ho cjvorfni ? upon which Mme. MatornA relined - : lined ignited. The ptima donna paid no nt- .ontion to it and bad hardly time to rcalizo lor danger before a stage hanl dashed a pail of water ever the Incroislng tlamos and ox- Lingulihed them. At the CCBO of the per- [ ormauco the stage band was cillod before the cartaln by the audience , and he was most on1 thusiattitully cheered. Bofttonnblo Alas , the season's round again When troubles grow intense1 , For Thomas 0. with might and main Howls on your back-yard fenco. The small boy Bayly rolls his hoop Alone the ilag.etono walk. The door-maid lingers on the stoop To hear the postman talk. The iceman hints at hic-her rates , The cook resolves to go , The urchin on the a < ea-gates Swings calmly to nnd fro. The ashman scatters to the breeze The atmospheric lye , Which makes you sputter , Bipoar , Cough , Bnoezo , And clofo your starbo.trd eye. The organ grinder haunts the street ? , The German band thawa out , The roasting peanut's odor greets Your nostrils round about. The festive wotm ascends the trees , The wind ( lowers are in bloom , The wealthy plumber takes his ease , And homo-rents take a boom , The busy doctor gathers in The shekels by the ton. While reckless cholera-germs begin , To have their Iktlo fun. 'Tis now but why prolong the tale ? Let's drop a silent tear , For theao are things which never fail Tu come around each year. \li. \ Arcy , In Puck. EDUOATIONA1J. Thelato Harriet H. Fay , of Marlboro , Mnsa , , left SIOXn ( for the establishment of a professorship of English literttture nt Tufts college , Some women teachers in New Orleans have not l > een paid in 11 months but the city ap- iroprlatiates SuOUO to tnko back the old iberty bell , which will give a committee a junketing trip. An applicant for the position of teacher in i school at Lawrence , Kan , , could not explain ibo difference between horizontal and per pendicular , nnd declared that "circular" meant a fur-lined cloak-Lowell ( Mass. ) Csurler. The last year's income of the GIrard estate n Philadelphia was § 90,000. Its real estate alone is valued at § " ,341,000 , besides the col- ego buildings and grounds. Tbo collieries of .ho estate produced 1,100,000 tons of coal during the year. It appears from the Cornell university reg- ster for 188 l-ct that the library of that in- ntitutlon contains about 51,200 volumes and 5 COO pamphlets , and receives additions now it the rate of about 5 000 volumes annually , The library has a fund , not yet available , of 8700.0CO. A writer in an English journal says that .nyonemay . [ be cured of stammering by simply making an audible note in expiration before each word , Stammerers can sing as well as other persons. Jack Broster , of Chester , who made a large fortune by cuiing stammerers , imply made bis pupils fay "her" before each word beginning with a consonant , The pupils of two Worcester schools , after dismission on Thursday afternoon , planted , rees and shrubs in the grounds around their respective echoolhouses , under the direction of ; heir teachers. The trees and shrubs , 'mulshed by State Master James Draper , of , ho Patrons of Husbandry , were all paid for jy the scholar ? , who found also the imple ments with which the work was done. About fifty delegates are expected at the oint meeting of the State Inter-colleglata Literary association and the Alpha Nu society , In Ann Arbor , May 7 and 8 , The nfty-third annual convention of the Alpha Delta Phi fraternity will ba held with the Peninsular chapter in the same city May K ! and 14 , and it Is expected Prof. Swing , Bishop Harris , and Theodore Roosevelt , amo&g others , will be present , A society has been founded in Hungary on the model of the German Schulvoreio. It has for its object the ettabllehment of Mag yar schools and the propagation of the Hun garian language and literature in Transyl vania , as well as the German and Komaman districts of Hungry. The fust meeting was held recently at Klausenburg , and was made the occasion of a great national demonstra tion , many Hungarian peers and deputies being - ing present. The event deserves notice , a ; the new society Is inaugurating the first at tempt ever made In Hungary to'combat anti- Magyar Influence within the country by purely idealist methods , Wolscley to His Camels , Now turn , my camel , ( urn thy snout Unto the English flioro. I've had enough of this , about ; I don't want any more , O camel mine , thyself now hump , And haste me from these sands ; Thee I'll feed high if we tluu'Jl dump In Eogland best of lands , [ Louisville Courier Journal , Ho lu Now on Deck. With liniment , leeches and lint , In a bullet proof armor clad , He straightway seoketh the battlo-field , And his heart is heavy and sad. Is he a professional nurse , Or a knight like tha ones of old ! Nay.neithor of theio Is the sad eyed man , But a biseball umpire bold , CONNUBIA.LI1IES. T At Belfast , Mo. , a woman aged seventy has sued a man aged eoventy-ninu for breach of promise. Sunday ia a great favorite with brides in Borne parts of Eogland and Ireland , The ( Trench demoiselle , however , thinks the first Friday in the month particularly fi rtnunate [ or her nuptials , A minister of Edgefie'd , 00 yearn old and a widower , traveled twenty miles last Sunday , preached two sermons and got married in the evening. Literally , butinetn before pleasure , - [ Augusta ( ( in ) Chronicle , On Tuesday the weddings of Miss Hustings and Mr. Woodward at St , Leo'a church , and ol Miss trench and Sir , Bteela of Baltimore , occurred In New York , Ex-President Arthur was expected to be present at both , but was prevented by a slight attack of illness. A well-dressed and prntty young woman , who went about In New York saying that BK wanted to get married , was promptly clappec into an insace asylum. When a woman w uU a bmband ind doea not continually declare ahi would not touch a man with a ten-foot pole , it ii a sure sign of inianlty. In Yorkshire , when tha bride ia about to cross her father's threshold , after returning from church , a plate ontainlng a few amai pieces of cake is thrown from an upper win dow by one of h r mala relatives. II the plate is broken the will ha bapoy , but if not there ia every prospect that the will get her ful' eharo of this world's misery. In Sweden the bride on bar way back from church has nieces of bread In her pocket * Theae the throws away on her road to her icmo to inmro hrr good lucV. It fa ill'fortune o the ono who picks up thete crumbs. If the irida lo o her slipper on the way from rhurch he will lota all her troubles , and the ono who picks It up will gain riches , In ew > ry country It is an unhappy omen for ho wedding to bo put off when once the day iM been fixed , nnd In Eorland It it believed proat misfortune will nn uo if n bildrgroom land , if Only for A moment , at tlin jurulion of cross-roads on hit wedding morn. In England , also , It Is thought a tign of bad luok if tha > rldo fails to shed teats on her wedding or If he turn back to take a Init look At herself In lor wedding toilet. A female dentist in Oregon Is saiil to have pnortod ta a novel devionto obtain a husband , ihe had as a patient a handsome man , and ono day give him n dose of othcrthat | confuted " > ut did not make him insensiblo. Then the ent for a clergyman , and while the subject was under the influence of the drug the two wore declared man and wife. When the man recovered his semes ho ex pressed surprise and Borne dlegust nt what had occurred , owing to ho fact , not bofoio known to the fair dentist , that ho already positucJ A wife. There is to bo another marriage in email Ife , Mtea Lucia Xerato , the fascinating Mexi can lady , having engaged herself to Gen , \Ilte. As Mitt Xarate is only about twenty- 'our inches in height and the ganoral Is mote than twice her siio , ho ought to bo able ) to reserve family discipline. The young Jady las a temper , though , which has given her lomo reputation , In fact , were any young lady ol otdinary eizo possessed of aa much tamper to the ounce n hai this same charm * ing Miss Xarate. a mountain lioness with hydrophobia would be n lamb botldo her , August Anderson and Josephine Jonanten wore pasrengcra on the steamer Auranla which arrived from Liverpool yesterday. They had been betrothed , to each other for many months in their nativn country ot Swe den , but for some reason they wore not per * mitted to wod. So they resolved to como to America and got married under the stars and stripei. They hardly dared to hope that it could bo done to quickly , but the officials at Caatlo Garren Informed August that it would ba better for nil concerned it ho and the fair Joiephino were married at the Garden and enter the now world M hutband and wife. This pleased August , nnd accompanied by or- Atsomblyman J. C , Niglutecb , ho hunted up Pastor Berkenmior , who waa found nt No. 20 State street. When the pastor said that he would perform tbo ceremony If Mr. Nig- lutch would act an best man , August has tened back to the Garden and got Josephine. In less then fifteen minutes August and Jo- sephiuo were married , and they started n the next train fur Chicago with the intention of settling Bomewhero in the garden state. [ Now York Journal , From Box to llink , Not very many months ago The coichman was the lolluw Whose life , aildo from wheel and whoa , Was rounded , ripe and mellow. The ribbons of flirtation eweot His happy heart c id flutter ; He curbed his feelings when he'd eat His ma&ter'a bread and butter. When with the daughter ho did rove , Than steeds his tongue flew fater ; But that he bridled when hn drove Her father , his stern master. Bub sad'll be his future now ; Eclipsed are all bis graces , Whflo envy reigns upon his brow Whore care has lef c its traces. Before that maid he stands abiehed , And darea no moro address her ; For sbs who once loved aim hai "mashed" A roller-rick professor , -Kryg. [ IUF1UXIE8. Three thousand citizens go out , On Sunday , to the ball , Three thousand citizens do shout , It doth my soul apall. Three thousand citizens do rund The blessed Sabbath day Three thousand citizens shall blend With lire their sinful clay. [ Louisville Courier-Journal , About the only reference tobaspball in holy writ that wo remember is where Kebncci geese > o the right field with a pitohor , The right ield for water , [ Chicago Ledger. "The only thing to mar the pleasuio of the iccaslon , " wrote an Arizona editor of a unerol , "was a little difficulty between the clergyman and one of the mourners concern - ng the ownership of a flask found in the car- lage they occupied , " A Brooklyn man said to bis Presbyterian taster : "I am going to tha Methodise church after this. " "Ah , and why so ! " asked the minister. "Well if you don t get your shoes made at my shop , 1 won't get my preaching done at yours " At Adrian , Mich. , a lady saw an cngine- louse with a steeple , and innocently asked a rentlemon attendant : "What church Is that ? " The eentleman , after reading the sign , "Del uge No. 3 , " reolied : "I guess it must be the Third Baptist. " A brother was praying with much nnlso for alth soul-raving faith , sin-killing faith , devil-driving faith. There was a quiet friend near to him , to whom the noisy brother owed a large bill. "Amen , " said the quiet 'riend. ' ' 'Amen , and give us debt-praying 'aith , too. " Near Columbia , S , C. , one recent Sunday , a colored preacher notified hU congregation , hat ho would not preach until he waa paid ? 5. The lut waa nassod round , and when re- .urns were.made 53.50 was In the pot , where upon tha preacher said be mu ° t have. _ 31. 50 moro before he could preach , Tha church needed three times as much noney as it had. The terrible example was trusted with the funds over night to see what 10 could do. He turned up all tight with 'our times the amcunt. "Tne church had a narrow escape , " ho explains ! . "A hlg jock- jot saved us , though. " [ New York Financial Journal , 'No ' , " said Mrs. l ank , "I didn't like that minister at all , He made me so nervous that I couldn't sleep a wink all church time. How different from our own pastor ! I always en- oy Mr. Jones' preaching , Ho has such a lice way of speaking , you know. Why , when he begins to speak he soothes my nerves su that I doze off before he bus spoken twen ty words , and I never wftko up until he gets ihrough , " A board schoolmaster desired a boy to write on his slate an account of the Good Samari- : an. The following wa ? the result : "A cer tain man went down from ( Jerusalem to ger- ikor ; and he fell among 'thawns ; ' and the 'thawns' sprung un and choked him ; where upon he gave turnips to the host and said take care of htm and put him on hla hone ase ; and lie poet by on tha other side. " Mamma , " Inquired Bobbv , "do only good little boys go to beaten ? " "Ye , dear. " "And bad little boys go to the bad place ? " "Yea. " "I'm a good little boy , ain't I ? " "Sometimes , Bobby , and sometimes you are quite a bad little boy. " Bobby thought for a moment and said : "Then I s'poae I'll have to ipend part of the time In one plase nnd the time in the other. " old , Old Htory Why do wo hears } much about dya- pelftl Simply because BO many people have it. Why are so many people talkIng - Ing about their euro from this dreadful dlsoaiot Simply beciuso they have been taking Brown'e iron Bittern , Thus It is with Airs. Taylor of Lynobburg , Sumter Co. S , 0. , who ys , "I have used Brown's Iron Bitteis for dyspealn with most favorable remits. I believe this medicine Is all that la represented. " Dye paptlci , and sellers from neuralgia , weak ness , etc , should try it. The itinciest mn in Illinois lives in Peoria. Ha got hold of a $ > gold piece the other day and iqueezed it so bard BO bard he rubbed the featbura all oil the eagle , and the next niht being cold , tha poor bird froze to death , [ mini ose' * Paper. "I fool bid ! " Hunt's [ Kidney and Liver ] Remedy encourages sleep , create ! aa appetite , braces up the BJB cm , and ropain the wasted powers. $1,25 per bottle at druggists. Pains In bicV or JoJni cured by the best kidney and liver medicine Bunt's Remedy. free / > OH Oplntcs , limctlc.1 nml llteti.i. . A PROMPT , SAFE , SURE OURE r Ootmhi , m > ro Thront , Honwrnrm , InDnciila , Celtln.llfoiiftilllis Croup , Wknoplnc CMh AttKmn , ( ] uln y , I'nln * In Chot. inJ b r AfTfrt luna of tbe Throat * ii < t 1 , linen. ! * rc ! BO frnts d bottle. Sold > r UrnccUUanit I > fM > gft It for llitn if ( d r flrf ttrnboUle , Ki > rtii cfiarget itndlnit one dollar t > TUC rllUlLM A , TWIKLKR tOXriKT , Sol * Owotn tnil MtnufMtTirvn , Ihlllnon. a ; l < , C. B , A. DOCTOR 817 St. Clinrtas Si. , SI. Lonls , Mo. Urgrtit ante alt o lledleal CoItr eihM btcn lon _ _ - ' < ! ID th * j > eUtlr * tmai of O-KO IC , hmroci , sea BLoo Himmlbu DT other fQj IHnla at. MfUy ifcpcri howaa < laUoflml < l tiUht4w. Nervous Pros.ration , Debility. Menlet PR * Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other * * < tlons ol Throat , Skin or Bones , Blood Poliw&tiJi old Sores and trut a tth onrmiM itteeem.on l trit ddcnlltU prlnelrlo * RkVIr , rrlratct/ * Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess , Exposure or Indulgence , vhlch rroJnc * > mi o followlnt tHiettl Bert oilmen , deMlltr , dlmDKi or ftotl deTectlf e memory , r the r * ! deeaf , tTertlontothe loclctjr of fem<i.contunti orileucU94 rndcrlne Marriage Improper or unhappy u It iralM cnrelflpf , frreto unj adJrtud. ConulUUoat f 0 or tj mill fret , anlInvited. 'Trite forqucitloD * . A Positive Written Guarantee dlrc In ill eenblo eiits , Unllelnei ! ercrjubers. . rarophleti , , Sncllth or Oerman , 64 pngei , " > ovodliea e , lninaloor ftmaU.r MARRIAGE GUIDE ! MO ) > soi. Bn plsloi. llluitntol ! a elatb ul ( lit kl lac , V e , money trpotUMt m ( inpcr ot > r rf , IJG. Tbt bcb IODUIQI all the curloai , * l ubtfDl or l vtt tt iuow. A t > k tf n' l luctrui no all M snouted 6r w fl na JF TOU rn D TUB EQUAL or . . .u brand la a hnppy combination of flno , yoanf ; crlap red , burly lot K War , with a DELICIOUS FLAVOR and It Just moots the taste ol a largo number ot chowcrs. Orders for "Plowshare" are oomlnRln rapidly from all parts of the country , demonstrating how quickly the great army of chewers strllo a gooJ oomblnatlon o [ Tobacco , both es to quality and quantity. Messrs Loiillardft Co. have exercised no little time and labor In endeavoring to reach the Acme of Perfection In Plow share , aid seem to have dona It. Besides tlio TKX CENT curs el Plowshare are Which la a point not to bo orcrlookod by dealers who will find It to their Interest to order como and ; ivo their cuatomcra an opportunitv to try it. Ask Your Dealer for Plowshare Denlora auppliod by ronewee & Sctoontgen , Council Bluffa. 'eregoy & Mooro. " " j. Karscht & Co. " " Stewart 13ros. ' " 'axton & Gallagher , Omaha. McCord , Brady & Co , Omaha. Fur sale in Omaha by H. Yinelin ? , 518 S 13th Street , Henry Ditzon , 601 S 13th St. Seimrccl & Co. . 602 S 13th St. 3eo Oarismu.lOlO Kornnm St. ECaufman Bros. , 207 S 15th St. ECaufman Bros , 1009 Farnam St. Frank Arnold & Co. , 1418 Farnam St. August Plotz & Co. , 1509 Douglas St. Geo. Heimrod , 613 N loth St. Bergen & Smiley , N. W. Cor. IGth and Cum- ing Sts. Van Green Bros. , N. W , Cor. Division and Cuming Sts. Z. Stevens 013 N. 21st St. T. H , Spetman , Cor. Douglas and 12th St. "reo. Anderson , 318 S. 10th St. lharlie Ying , 712 S. 10th St. Mrs. G M. Lawley , 80S S. 10th St H. Mnnfelt , S. W. Cor. 13th and Howard. Urn. G. M. Lawley , 806 S. 10th St. . Omaha. jon. Anderson , 318 S. 10th St. , Omaha. T. H. Spetman , corner Douglas and 12th St. "Ihas. Ying , 712 8. 10th St. v\'n fiirliytho BLOOD.'rop : * .itutlio LIVER ami KIDNEYS , ami IIHST01IU T1I1C HKALTU illd VIQOR . of YOUTH. Hi * "intof Aiietlto | | , lai , j.ack Dt MrciiftUt , ( l v"oilnKabsolHlclf ureil. Itonu ? * iiiusclesauo n-n ou receive ncwiorcq Urllveng tit ? inliiil unJ piipfillpa llraln I'ower. H. Hiiirurlimffoiii coinpluliiti HUB jr a DUO ? ii out ' a * ' lit culiarlo llmlr srx utll > nd InDB. Ei Brr.R'BIB.OM TONIC anafaaii4 -ifcdy euro , itm-es n cl inr , heiUUiycomiilcjlon. o rc'inciit htlijnipts nt co-iTf jf ( fujK oiilj uac1 Ij thcpopularllyol Iliu original Douulsipe . Uenl Rottho OIIIOINAI..VNII UKST. > Head jour Hddri'MtoThe Or. ] | iirt rAltJ.Oo. fisuIauSu , Wo for our "DMKAM liOOIf' ' ! ) ! . I * S f QllOf BU&LU Mul 1"otUi.tlJ/C > rClA iOQ utrtn4' ' 4 LINE OF THE ONLY EXOLDblVH IN OMAJ1A NEB , GANGER CURED I lime hid cuncor on my face ( or ininy yean ) . 1 havotiloil agrcttmany reinedUl , but without re lief. I alinont i { e up hope ol ever belnr cured. Dr. Hardmin , roy ton , recommended Swllt'a Speolflo which I have taken with iirc&t reeulti. My lace li now oell , ind li li imiweelble lor inu to eiprets ni ] thanki liiwordi ( or what tbli medicine ) IM done lor me. Mna. ilonroe , Oa , Sept. Z. , 1831. Bwllt's Spfo fle bai cure ! a rancer on my law , ana has aJmott made a new man ol me. T. J , TBAIHV clas , Fix I have ba < l a cancer on roy right car ( or three years , I tried etery icmedy tbo tibjulcloni prac- tlctdi to no permanent good , Uwlli'a UpeclOo baa wiougbt wondort ( or tne , It li the bent ilood pu- riler Ibtbvtroild. JnoB Swllt'a 8pedfio li entirely vegetable , and set mi to cure canceri by forcing out the Impurities from th locd. Trcatlieoa Blood and Skin Diseases malle < ( res Tui.B inBF cinoCo. ; ( Drawer 8 , Atlaala.Ca. or lia W , ZSd St. , New Vojk. S Ntryoui Lo t ptttcrlptloo of a doled uewr * ) PrugiuU e a nil II. Addreu DR. WARD 4 CO.tLOtn8laJO.KO CITY The ronurkabla growth ot " during the lut few join U mtttoi ol gro t utonlahment to thoao who p y an occasion * ! visit to this growlmroltf. Thi development of the UtooV Yards tha nocoBsltf ot the Bolt Linb Road tha finely pared ntrooU the hundred * of now roaldonooa and costly bnalnono blookj , with the population of onr city more than doubled fa the last fire yews. All thli IB a great surprise to vislton &nd li the admiration of oni citizens. ThU npld growth , the business activity , and tha many enbatantlal improvement * mada a lively demand for Omaha real oatatof and orory inroatoi has made a handioma profit. Slnoe the Wall Btroot panic May , with the BubaBqnont cry of hard tlmei , there haa boon loss domitnd from specula- torn , bat a fab demand from Inroaton Booking homos. ThU latter olosa an taking advantage of low prlooa In build ing material and are aoonrlng their homo * at much loss coat than will bo possible t yeajr honoo. Speculators , too , can bay real est l a cheaper now and ought to ttJco adrantt o of present prloci for fotua pro ta. The next few yean promlaoi greatoi dwolopmonta in Omaha than the pa t Gvt years , which hare boon M good M wo could roaaonably desire. Now man ufacturing establishments and largo Job * blng houces are added almost weekly , and all add to the prosperity of Omaha. There are many in Omaha and through * but the State , who bare tholv money In the banks drawing a nominal rate of In * torctit , which , if judiciously Invested In Omaha real ottato , would bring them much greater returns. We hare many bargains which wo are confident wlu bring the purchaser largo profit * In the near future. Wo have for sale the finest resi dence property in the north and western parts of the city. North -we have fine lots at reasonable - able prices on Sherman avonue,17th , 18th , 19th and 20th streets. West on Farnam , Davenport , Cuming , and all the coding streets in that direction. The grading of Farnam , Califor nia and Davenport streets has made accessible some of the finest and cheapest residence property in the city , and with the building of the street car line out Farnam , the pro perty in the -western part of the city will increase in valna We also have the agency for the Syndicate and Stock Yards proper ty in the south part of the city. Tlia developments mode in this sectioc by the Stock Yards Company and the railroads will certainly double the once in a short time. We also have some fine busineas lots and some elegant inside resi- deucop for sale , Parties wishing to invest will find some good bargciBB by calhn i EEAL KSTAT1 Boutb 14th Bt , Bet .reon Fambam and Doaglar. P. S. We ask those who hey * property for sole at a bargain to gir us a callWe want only bargaim We will positively not handle prop erty at more than ita real value.