Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 30, 1885, Image 6

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Thuraday Morning , Atml 3d
No. IS Pearl Btroot.
Hosiery at ridiculously low piicon at
Cocko it Morgan's.
If The foundation for an enlargement of
Cheney's oatlng hoaao at Missouri Val
ley Li being laid.
The town trustees moot to-day ni ft
board of equalization on the property
lying ontsido the city limits.
Good heavy unbleached muslin at 5c ,
worth Sjc , at Cocko & Morgan's.
The tramps nro getting pretty
well thinned out , they not apparently
liking the work on the streets which
awaits every ono captured.
The railways are paying Into the pav
ing fond Homo largo amounts for their
assessments. The money goes at enceInte
Into the pockota of the contractors.
The BlnffClty's running team yester
day sent its cart to Fremont to lot the
boys there UBO it for a pattern , they beIng -
Ing about to have a now cart built.
Remember the great snlo of dross
goods and silks will continue all this week
at Cocko & Morgan's.
Dell Q. Morgan & Oo. have opened a
drug store at No. 742 Broadway. Mr.
Morgan was for n long whllo connected
with Foster Bros , and hto with Harlo ,
Ham & Oo.
Judge Hondrlcks wna yesterday promoted
meted to the position of judge of the su
perior court , just for a day , Judge Aylcs-
worth being In Glonwood on business
connected with his judicial contest.
There were throe drunks before the
pollca court yesterday , and all were
Swedes or Danes. Ono of them was an
Omaha lad , wiio gave his name as John
Logb. The others were Olsten and Lar
The Northwestern railway company
will shortly break ground for a now and
largo depot in Missouri Valley. It Is to
bo hoped that the company will not for
got the uoods of Council Bluffs In this
The mayor takes a half column to Bay
that ho will do nothing about the saloons
unless the republican council tells him
what to do , ho finding that a majority of
those who signed the petition are repub
There are still a nnmbor of confidence
men hanging about town , but they do
not seem very successful In turning tricks
or else their victims keep wonderfully
qulot , there being few complaints heard
of money lost.
Strawberries are on the market hero at
sixty cents a bos , which does not mean
sixty cents a quart , by a long ways. It
will bo seme time at this rate before the
church festivals will be very profitable ,
unless they served the berries up sliced.
During the List three daya onr store
has boon so crowded with customers at
tending our special sales wo have been
unable to wait on them all. In order to
glvo all a chance the sale will bo contin
ued the balance of this week. Cocko &
Morgan , 347 Broadway.
Mrs. Smith , mother of J. E. Smith ,
loft Tuesday morning fcr Boston. She
Is an old lady ot eighty-five years , and
goes over the distance between hero and
Boston frequently and alone , staying for
a time with her western friends , .and
then with those of the far east.
The dog poisoner was on upper Broad
way yesterday afternoon , and a dog
owned at the "blno barn" was the victim.
The dog was put out of his misery by a
shot from the city marshal's gun , the
shooting drawing qnito a crowd , who
thought they had some sensation to en
liven that part of the city.
The council Is to moot next Monday
evening and It Is expected that at that
time there will be some new attempt
made to foroo the aldermen to take some
action on the saloon business. A resolu
tion is to bo presented , and the request
made that the council paia It , asking the
mayor to enforce the law. The council
will hardly get this far oven.
The violin used by Mr. Gerborick Is
the colobrted "Kroun Prlntz" that was
used by Romonyl In his several concert
tours through this country , tbo full , rich
tones of which lias been hoaid and en
joyed by Council Bluffs audiences. It
was presented to Mr , Gerborlok by Hem-
onyl as a token of friendship during one
of his last tours.
Some business men are talking of get
ting up a petition asking the telegraph
company not to move their office , claimIng -
Ing that the propied now location will
not bo so convenient as the old one , Pe
titions and protests on every conceivable
ubject seem to bo quite the rage here ,
and It Is the easiest thing in tbo world to
get signers for any and all of them.
The oaio of "the triplets" against Matt
Knhl comes np before one of the trio ,
Justice Fralney , thli morning. There Is
much interest felt ai to what tbo outcome
will be , as tbo statements of the two
sides of the affair differ greatly. There
Is talk of having the matter compro
mised , but in view of the many state-
meuti made the triplets can hardljr af
ford to have the matter drop In silence ,
nnlois they have really done something
of which they are ashamed. The public
chould be convinced by a trial and show
ing of all the details just who Is to blame
in this affair , it having attracted so much
attention , and excited BO much comment
Already. If the prosecution weakens it
will bo looked on M a virtual admission
that the trio , who were mlxad np In It
were voryb&dly mixed.
There were special services at the
Catholic church yesterday , it bain ? "tho
month's mind" in honor of the late Sister -
tor Mary Nicholas. There was solemn
ligh mass at 10 o'clock , in which Rev.
Father Holey was celebrant , Father
Lonohan , of Sioux City , deacon , aud
lor. Father McAleese sub-deacon.
Tather Lonohan gave an Interesting and
ouchtng address , in which ho reviewed
ho life and pictured the virtues of the
departed ono. There was a very largo
Miss Helen Potter , the celebrated elo
cutionist , hat boon spending a few days
n the city as the guest of Professor Me-
Naughton and family. She is on her way
a Tabor to give an entertainment there
under the auspices of the college. Last
evening Mr. and Mrs. Horace Everett
throw open the parlors of thalr spacious
residence to a gathering of friends , who
were given an opportunity to hear this
wonderful artist In a number of her so
actions. The Informal entertainment
was a treat indeed to these
present , and the praise expressed
ndlcatod that if she could bo secured for
a public entertainment hero she would
surely bo gro3tod by a largo and onthusl
astlo audionco. This lady Is not to bo
confounded with the Potter sisters of
this slate , who give very fair elocutionary
entertainments , but who are not to com
; > are to Miss Helen Potter , who has gain
ed a national reputation in this lino. It
Is to bo hoped that advantage will betaken
taken of her presence in the west , to
liavo her give ono evening in this city.
An excellent "ham" story is told on
Frank Swan , and Manager Brown , of the
telegraph office. A telegram was received
from F. H. Whitney , of Atlantic , asking
Swan to send him at once a "good ham
canvasser , " and the telegram duly deliv
ered , but Swan reading it hastily , and
having frequent orders from Whitney ,
thought ; that ho wanted "a ham can
vassed , " and although ho thought it queer
that ho should order just ono ham ,
ho picked ono out and sent it
by express , instead of sending a man to
canvass for ham. Brown the next day
asked Swan if ho had sent the bam , con
sidering the joke ono worth twitting him
about. Swan , who is a llttlo deaf , did
not understand him , and simply replied
"yes , " and nothing more was thought
about it by Brown until on going home
to dinner ho found that a fine ham had
been sent up to his house by Swan ,
Knowing that there must be some mis
take , ho interviewed Swan , and found
that Swan had understood him that ho
wanted a bam , and so ho sent it. Swan
says that any one who says "ham" to him
is going to get one , and he does not pro
pose to lot any chance for business slip
The mayor simply laughs at the reports
of his presenting his phenominal card to
President Cleveland. Ho says that it
was not the peculiarity of the card which
gained for him an audience , but a letter
which ho had from Senator Garland , and
other promlnents. He feels greatlyplcasod [
that the card has attracted so much at
tention , as he thinks it an excellent ad
vertisement for the city , and he believes
In advertisements. Ho says that if a
man has got to bo an Idiot even to adver
tise the city , he is willing to be ono
anything for the noising abroad the facl
that there is ouch a city as Council Bluffs.
He says that the Interview published In
the BEE just before his departure
for the east so clearly pre
sented his views on the prohibitory
question that ho read it to the president ,
and to some of the members of the cabl
not , and they were much interested in it
He says that ont of 300 callers on the
president he was ] the only ono thatjwaa
recognized , and spoken to , the presldcn
contenting himself with simply shaking
hands with the others. At another time
ho had a whole hour talk with Cleveland
In fact ho was trotted with a good doa
more consideration than some of those
would bo who stand so ready to make fun
of his trip. Ono thing is certain the ;
found out that ho was in Washington.
Mrs. North , of Persia , is visiting friends In
this city.
E , P , Koontz , of Ligonior , Indiana , is a
Bechtele's ,
J. Mueller left last evening on a busines
trip to Oliicngo.
Mr. Toy lot , of Blair , is spending A week
with friends here ,
F , T. Goudy , of Humboldt , Neb , was in
the city yesterday ,
Miss Ida Tostovin has accepted a position
with the millinery establishment of Mrs. O
A , Rogers.
County Auditor Kirkland and wife have
gone to Wisconsin , on a visit to his old home
at Sbeboygnn. lie expects to be absent for
about ten day a ,
Mr. and Mrs , Connors , the parents of the
well known marble workers , have moved to
this city from Galena , 111. , and will take ui
their permanent abode here.
Another Sarah Althea.
Los ANOELES , Cat. , April 20 , Lou Per
kins , daughter of the former tontnt of G , J ,
Baldwin , has instituted a breach of [ dromiie
suit against Baldwin for 850,000. She claims
to have hid promise in writing ,
Destructive Fire ,
KAHWAY , N. J , , April 20. A fire early
this morning burned S. K , Freeman's carriage
factory , Pardon's opera house and tha res !
deuce of 8 , L. I'reernan. Loss , $100.000p ; r
tially insured ,
Swindled by Bunko Men.
BUFFALO , April 29. Chicago bunko men
swindled James Beardsley , a prominent tea
estate dealer , out of 52,000 hers yesterday , !
Facts worth remembering when you
buy Wall Paper : 1st. That Beard , next
door to poatoflico , lias the largest stock to
select from. 2d That his prices are as
low as the lowest. 3d That ho is a
practical Interior decorator and employs
none but skillful workmen.
A Qnccr Violation of the Prohibitory
Ijv by the College Boys.
A little storm is reported on threaten'
ng the ninal peace nnd harmony of Tabor
college , and some of the students arc
anxiously awaiting their fate , the decrees
not having been given out by the faculty.
Some of the young men have been got-
Ing a little wilder than the college dis
cipline allows for. Thoyjhavo beon'broak- ,
ng the rales forbidding the playing of
cards , and the use of tobacco , and while
hcso violations of college law are bo
ng adjusted there comes J ] to
Ight a still more serious cause for
discipline. It seems that one of the pro-
"osaors had In the collar of his house
some nnfermontod julco of the grape , ln <
.ended for sacramental purposes , nnd In
; ho laboratory was koptn quanty of , alco-
liol for U3o in scientific work. The boys
managed to got hold of both those In-
grodionta , and from their mixture got a
preparation , which they used neither for
iacramental nor scientific purposes. This
violation of the prohibitory lair , nnd the
disregard for the moral requirements of
; hla excellent educational institution , has
caused quite n little flurry In the usually
qnlot college world. It Is aald that ex
pulsion awatts some of the young men
who have boon engaged in the spreo.
Artists' Materials at GE , . Board's Wall
Paper Store. Send for prloo list.
'Xlio Bible "Work.
The report of Rev. E. M. H. Fleming ,
jiblo agent of this county , as to work
done in this city for the month ending
April 24 , shows the following result :
Number of days service 31
Sermons and nddrosioa delivered 5
Official letters eont 18
Official documents dietribnted 87
Number of miles traveled 220
Donations received 557 40
Value of books sold 18 CO
Value of books donated 1C 55
[ lumber of books sold CO
Number of families and business places
visited 512
Number of fannies found destitute. . . . 78
Number of families supplied 55
Number of individuals supplied 21
Substantial abstracts of title and real
estate loans. J. "W. & E. L. Squlro.101
Foarl street.
The Methodist presiding elders' conference
ferenco , recently in session at Rock Is
land , and in which the Iowa presiding
eldera participated , pass id resolutions
declaring railway corporations had souls.
The fraternity made the dlecovery
through the magnifying lens of a railway
Mammoth Dime Museum
6tb A-ic. and Pearl Street , ( Formerly Martin's
Rink. )
PALMEU & SANDER , Prop'rs & Managers.
Monday Evening , April 27th , Engagement
and first appearance of the world famous
and original
In a refined programme of wit and humor.
Will contain Freaks of Nature , Curiosities ,
and Mechanical Wonders , principal among
which will be found the world reputed won
der ,
The Lightning Lady ,
The Armless Wonder ,
Princess of the Todas tribe of Mexican In
diana ,
The Bohemian Glass Blower ,
And many other novelties ,
A Resort for Ladies , A Resort for Ladies
Museum open 1 to 5 and 7 to 10 p. m.
Theater Matinee 2 p. m. Evening 8 p. m
NOTICE. SpeoUl k TertlBement ) , sua M Lot
found , To Loan , For Sale , To Rent , Wants , Bo&jrd
log , etc. , will ba Inserted In tills column at the low
r t ol TEN CENTS PER LINE lor the Drat Insertion
ind FIVE CENTS PER LINE for each oubeaquent
ortlon. Learo advertisement ! t oni office , Ho.
Pearl Street , near Broadwav
TT'OK KALK-One four horao-nower engine and
J1 six horse-power boiler. Both In exoeilent eon
dltlon. Address , J. W. , 805 Broadway.
SALE AT A BARGAIN The doelrable real
denco or business property on Upper Brood
way , known M the Powers place , QEO. R
BBAUD , 82 Main trect.
SALE..other hotel In a Ivt. Nebraska
FOR , now doing a business of about 9360 per
month. No other hotel In the place. Terms liberal
T70R BALK OR TRADE. SCO acres ot land In
JP Wayne county , Uo. Will trade for Oouncl
Bluffs city property er Bell cheap for cash , or rar
time. SWAN & WALKKR.
TO THADtt.-Uood Iowa or Nebraska
Und for a small stock of hardware or genera
merchandise , n ell located. SWAN & WALKSB.
Tj > OR BALE A rare chance to get a fine , well 1m
X1 prood farm ot 400 acres , within a few miles o
Council Blufls , at a bargain. Low price and easy
terras. HWAN & WALKIB
TrtOlt SALE A good paying hotel property with
-L llfcry sUble , In ono of the best email towns In
western Iowa will cell with or without furniture , or
will trade for a small farm with stock etc.
8&LK Eighty acres unimproved land In
FOR count v , Iowa , Similes south-east of Af
ton , the county teat , or will trade for Nebraska or
Kansas land. SWAH & WALEIK.
I/O It B ALB A Quaere tract of good land abou
Jj one and a half miles from Council Blufli pee
office , at a barcaln. SWAN & WALKER.
i , UH tiALb In Harrison county , Iowa. 820 acres
E grass land , all under fence a SOO aero farm
with fine Improvements , all under cultivation except
20 acres grass 80 acres good grass or pasture land
and several other tracts of from 10 to 160 acres o
unimproved land , SWAM k WALRIB.
T OHH&LE Lands Improved oed _ unimproved
If you want a farm In western Iowa , Kansas
Nebraaka or Dakota , let us bear from you.
8WAB& an.WALKBE. .
OR BALK A largo number of business and reel
dence lots In ill parts of Council Bluffs. Bee
us before } ou buy , BWAN & WALKIB.
BALK Parties wishing to buy Jcheap loU to
build on can buy on monthly payment * of from
2 to ? 10. BWAN b WALKIB
E 1011 HKNI We will rent } ou a lot to build on
with the privllage to buy If you wlih on very
liberal term > . BWAN k WALKIB.
\XTANTEU-lo correspond with any one wishing a
TT good location fir planning mill. Bosh , dooi
and blind manufactory , e have building ant
machinery , well located , for sale , lease or trade ;
RENT Large two story frame building eult
able for warehouse ot storage purposes , near
railroad depot. _ B AK WALKIB.
RENT UK BALK Bttt&ag and grounds
sultaHt for ( call foundiy and machine shop
Good boiler , engine , cupola , blower with fixed shot I
log eta. , ready to put In motion ,
MiOR HALE-Uousee. LoU and Und. A.
1 ? Btepbenton , 603 First avenue.
TOOK SALE A top-buggy , flnt-cUw moke an <
V In excellent condition. Or will trade for cheap
iot. Addreu f. M. Bee office. Council BluTa. _
1ANTE1 > Jtvery oooy w Council Uluat o tak
TaiBiB , Delivered by carrlir at only twsnly
| r\U > PAPKKS- sal * at B OfflW , U ! oeotl
\J a hundred ;
Good Agents Wanted
Drs , Judd & Smith's
Office ami Factory , No SO , Fourth St Council Bluffs , low * .
Merchant Tailors !
7 and 9 Main St. ,
AComplete Line of New Goods to Select From.i ;
Keep Horses nnd Mulorf constantly on hand whto
wo will Boll la retail or carload lota.
All Stock Warranted as Reoresented.
Viholrt&lo tudrctil ) rionlcrp In Drain tril Utlcd IUy. Ftlce
eonnblo Satisfaction Qu&rantccd.
Corner Fifth Ara. & Fourth St. UouncllBlnffo ,
Brick buildings of any size raised or moved and satisfaction guaranteed. Frame ho
moved on LITTLE GIANT trucks , the best in the world.
1010 Mnth Street , Council Bluffs
Of every description and at prices law as the lowest. Special attention to custom work. The remainder
dor of my stock ot NOTIONS arc being disposed of at COST. A FACT , call and bo com Inoed.
JET22& U. A.
337 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Iowa.
" " ! TTTiriP
aiiftii VM * ll m wJn * / &
Orders from abroad promptly filled. Sweet Potato Plants a specialty. Plants will be
ready for shipment by May 10th. Orders should be placed early.
* 7. JR.
1281 East Pierce Street , Council Blutfs , Iowa.
x. $ _ _ J9 . . _ _ _ _ _ a , - H. H. FIELD. W. 0. ESTE
Fied | & Estep (
No. 317 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Calls Attended Promptly , Day and Night. Particular attention given to Embalming
Telephone No. 97.
a ? ;
505 Broadway , - - Council Bluffs.
THE ONLY ALLKIQHT HOUSE IN THE CITY. Everything served in first doss style and on shott
notice. Hot and cold lunches always ready.
Curtains , Oil Cloths ,
Window Shades ,
Linoleums ,
Mattings ,
Rugs. Etc. , Etc.
Careful Attention Given to Out
of Town Orders.
Upholstery and Drapery Work a
Onr stock Is the
Largest in tie ffest
and is being continually replenished by
all the latest and choicest novelties.
405 Broadway Council Biufis
Attorney - at-Law ,
Office , Ualn Street , Rooms 7 and 8'Bbngart'and
B oo block , Will practice In Siatcand tate oourt *
No , 201 Upper Broad way , Council Bluffs.
No. 220 Main St. , Council Bluffij.
Open Sunday , First-class work guaranteed.
NO. 2 ,
la the Highest Achievement in Writinff
Machines in the World.
With only 39 keys to loam as
operate. It prints 70 characters
including caps and small letters ,
punctuations , figures , signs and
fractions. It fltno simplest and
most rapid writing machlno
made as n ell as the most durable
for free illustrated pamphlet.
Wyckoff Seamans & Benedict ,
Chicago , III. , Solo Agents ,
0. n , SHOLES , Council Bluffs
Agent for Western Iowa
In Council Bluffs having a
And all modem improvements , call bells , fire
alarm bells , etc. , is the
Nos. 215 , 217 and 219 , Main Street.
Officer & Pusev.
Council Bluff ? , la.
Established , - - 1856
Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Exchange
and Home Securities ,
Justice of the Peace ,
Dr. W. S. Shorradon
Masonic Temple ,
Ooonoll Blnflf
B. Rice M. D ,
° * * * r BBwr § MHOY i
kmlii 01 rfnwtai of U4.
O r thirty 7ut tirtcUaU < | UO WU Xt
I , F * l itre l. Council Slofli ,
Remember These Important Facts
The Mutual Life Insurance Company
1. till the OLDEST cllve Lift Iniii
4 cf
by tpecltl rtiutj upon the
" ' l"escnVM 'lVb" ' OASK "ESOCnOES ureed tho.o ol . . .
wotftr" „ , olher Ule Jnmice CoiBfnj. , , „ , , „
It hw rccclreii In c 8h frm ill soutcot , fiom Kokrunry. J843 , to J
nnn 1R tiin to rej
H h 9 retutind to the poopK In co.h , Ir.m K.bni.ry , 1813 , to J BU fsM all * oii tn ff
. Jl 1" ° " 'tlI OB-
lUcuh Ai9 tiontho 1st ot J.nuaty.lSSS , amountto moro thin ' ' ' -
Special Agent for Iowa , Council' BlnlT , Town. w w ° ATli'viL'chl'r"n' ' '
O.n. ARI. for , Dakota , Colorado , Wyomme and Ulah
Oll.ce . Uor. Farnam and 13th St. Over 1st Nat'l. Bank , Omaha , Neb.
105 and 107 Main Street.
Nw.8Itock ! ol FRAMES , MOULDINGS , Pictures , etc. , have arrived nnd cannot bo or-
celled m the west. EncrravinRg , Oil Paintings , Water Colors , etc. , will bo eoldnt actual
cost tor lu days only.
See the Following Prices :
Steel Engravings $1.05 worth 83.00 Stool Engravings S2.CO worth S3.7G
Steel Engravings. . . . . . 2.CO worth 4.00 Stool Engravings . . .4 DO worth 000
Water Colored Panel 2.25 worth 4.00 Oil Paintings In deep gilt
' ' " " " " G
Oil Paintbgs In 1 Inch gilt frarao * . 22x3(5. ( at 82.CO toSSS'rWSl'DO.1'0 * '
Cablnst Frames at cost , Brass Picture Kods , Urass Brackets ; Picture Ohainj , Brass NalI0 ,
oto , will be sold at hard times pnco . If you have pictures to frame , call and examine my
now styles of mouldings , which will bo Bold at wholesale prices.
JLO5 ind 1O7 Main Street ,
NEW WHITE GRAPE Copy of a part of a photograph
of a NIAGARA vine , planted
NIAGARACopy , as It appeared- * Fall of
NIAGARA ISSO with 63 clusters weighing
26 Ibs. on 48 In. bearing ; wood
1st. The Niagara ripens in favorable seasons at Lockport , Aujr. 20th ,
2d. It never drops from tha stem if left to hang till frost comes , and , improves in flavor
the time ,
3d. It is purely native , and therefore hardy. Has stood 35 degrees below zero without
4th , .Bears a good crop the 3d year nnd often the 2d. and is a regular bearer , nnd no
waste , as bunches are compact Never fails to ripen its crop as the thick leathery foliaga
holds oven to the base of the canes until frost kills it.
5th. Vineyards are in bearing in various sections from Georgia to the Northern Lakes
and Canada , and from Kansas to the Atlantic coast , there being more than 1,000 acres planted
within tbejost five years , and over 200 acres were planted at Brocton , Chautaumia Co. , N.
Y. last spring , (1884) ( ) ; Jonas Martin alone having 47 acres ; the largest vineyard ot Niagaras ,
being planted at Highland , Ulster Co. , N. Y. , by Sain'l Rogers , Ilsq. , which contains 80 acres
of this one variety , and he has realized from 20 to 30 cents per pound for his fruit , while Con
cords grown in the same locality brought from 4 to 0 cents only.
. 0 , All parties planting vineyards have signed a contract to rRturn all the wood and cut
ting every year back to the Company up to , and including 1888 ; so it has b jon the solo owner of
all the stock , and no one but the Company and its authorized agents can sell and deliver
genuine Niagara vines. So all persons should examine ngont's certificate of authority , and
see that it has the corporate seal of the Company attached , and every vine that it han a load
seal attached , bearing the impression of the Company's registered trade mark.
7th. We now offer for the first time , strong 2 year old vines at retail at S3,00 each with
out restrictions , to be delivered en and alter March 1st , 1885.
WELLS COOK , Council Bluffs , Iowa
Having accepted appointment aa special agf nt fortlie NIAOARt WHITE GRAPE CO/for Io a a d Nc-
gI am now prepared to promptly delher "MAQARA" vines under tha Registered Trade Mark Sc l
Beautify your homes by using the above , Over COO designs to select from ,
Xtcanti/nl , Strong and Ltistiny.
Estimates given on any style either put np or delivered here , by applying to
Wholesale Iron , Steel , Heavy Hardware and Wood Stock.
117 Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Waves , Langlry and Pompadour FrizesBwitch-
es , etc , ready made and made to order. Prices
cheaper than ever , Call and see for yourself ,
29 Main Street , Council Bluffs ,