I THE DAILY BEE THURSDAY APJEUL 30,1885 WOMEN rtnereil IrrnEtbi or who unlfcr from laflrmlllt * . pe Uar to thtlr cx , nhouM trr This tnedlclnn combines Iron with pnr Yi _ tonic * , and U InvaloaM * for Dlwiwi pncnllar to Women , and allwhotoad eodontaryllvoii. H J'n- TlcJirn and Purlflm tha lllonil , Htlimilnirft th Apprlllr , MtronRtlirrn the Mnnrlrn and Nrrrri In ( act , thoroughly InTlanrntCH. ( Jin * the cotnploiion. and rn ako the nun mnooth. It does not Msekon tha tooth , cAune hoadacno , or prodaca constipation-/ / Iron ntdietntt d . ilns. I'MZADCTn Dlinn. 74 Farmill ATB. , Milwsu- . kra.VI . , Mr" , nnder date nf Dm. S6th. 1 4 : "I hare neil Iirrrwn'8 Iron Illttors , and It has tx-f > n mom than a doctor to mo. hatlnK currd mo nf the wonVnwwliulIwi tmieln Ills. Aliwcurwlmeof Ur- er Complaint , and now mr comploilnn li clear and Rood. Ha \ > tn Iwnenotol to mj children. " Ofmnlne has MioTe trade mtrk and cron * d rod lines on wrapper. Tnko no ollirr. iladn onlj br IlltOWN CIIKMIVAI. CIIAI.TIMOIti : , MI ) . iJDrrn' HANP Boor dwful and attractive , con. Uln * (5ll8t nl prlrroi for roclpen. Information about coin * . , eto. , Riven Atraj liy all dutlcr * In medicine , or mailed to an ; addreu on receipt ot Se , ( Utmp. iiattrtl. ! the BROAD CLAlhuwti \ 7SBY BEST OPERATING , QUICKEST SELLING AND -rUenatwoflt mp5forCelebr teilUedlclWorti , Addresi. F. It. CI.AUKK , JCTJ. J . , i Clark Street. CHICAGO. ILL. IS CONDUCTED Royal Havana Lottery i ( A GOVERNMENT INSTITUTION. ) Drawn at Havana Cuba , Every 10 to 14 Days. Tickets in Fifth ? , Wholes $5. Frac tious pro rata. Onbjocl to na manipulation , not controlled hy Ibe Jtrtieiln Intoroai. II U lha ftircjt thing In Ibe ittuo of chance In exlstenoe. For tickets apply to snirSETT A CO. , 1212 Broid. w yN. Y. City ; SOUNDER & CO. , 103South 4thSt. Bt Louis , Uo , 01 U. OTTK.VS * CO , 010 Mala St. v , Mo. James Medical Institute Chartered by theStateofllll- Inoia for theexpress purpose of civing immediate rellclin nil chronic , urinary and pri vate diseases. Gonorrhoea , QlcetandSyphills in all their complicated forms , also all diseases of the Skin and Blood promptly relieved and pcrmanentlycured by reme- dics.testedln a. 'or'/rc { r * . _ _ fijicflall'roctlte. Seminal Weakness , Night Losses by Dreams , Pimples on Jhe Face , Lost Manhood , liosUlvclu cured.Tltera itiio etjterlmenttnit. The appropriate remedy ia at once used In each case. Consultations , per sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med icines sent by Mall and Express. No marks on package to Indicate contents or sender. Address DR.JAMES.No. 204Washinglon SI.Chicagolll. LINCOLN FLORAL CONSERVATOR ? Cor. ninthonllnooflrrtU r . Croonhouso , Bedding Plants , Roses , Flowering Shrubbery. - Evergreens , Small Fruits , Etc * Extra } with every order , Floml nontfrns.Bouquels , lJnskctsKlr. . for I'urtles , Weddings nud ruiicrals a specialty , uud sent to tiny part of t lie State , Bwect Potato nml other vcKCtublo plants la their Icosoti , Illustrated Cutalo uo frcu , W. S. SAWVER 4. CO. , Tcltphoao Ko. M t. Lincoln , Nebrtulc * . St , Charles Hotel , OSTUECT.BET UhaoJSth , . . UNCOUT , NED Mrs. Kate Coakly , Pror-rlotoreM. - MTNewljr and elegantly furnished , flood umple rooou on first floor. MTTeruii-tl.M to tl pet day. Special rate * Kir9 tr n > hr rf the 1f > ? lnlfttnr . DovlO > lrn > ma H. S. ATWOOD , Flattsmouth , Neb. Breeder of thoroughbred and high grade Hereford and Jersey Cattle , And Duroc and Jersey Ked Swine , EDWARD KUEHL , UAOUTEP. OF 1-AU1YBTKHY AND CONDITIOB AL13T , MS ronth street , between Faraxm and IU | . oey will , with theald of euirdiac iclilti , obtalnUf ( or anyone elanoe la tbo put ana picMnt , tad o * certain condition ! In the fnturi. Boot * and then made to order Period tatlla tlon rtuiaolord BIG MEN , Some Astounding Stories ( if Giants in Past anfl Present Days , A. Three-Year-Old Boy That Was Four Feet High and Strong in Proportion ; Another That atSovon TVnsnFutlicr Ilio Wonderful Uuward Family. Befoto wo commoQCo upon the subject of fat men and gigantic men wo want to monMoD , In ono or two paragraphs , some few little folks , as a sort cf contrast to thoto to bo mentioned Boon , First cornea the little lady. Tbo small- oat lady known it. Lucia Zarate , who is21 ycara of ago , Is only twenty-ono Inches in height and weighs but fifteen pounds. It baa boon claimed , however , that a child has lately been born in Chicago or Now York who weighs bat two pound * , and whoso height Is but thirteen Inches. Ita hands are ono inch long only , and Its fingers the slzo of the end of a monso's tall. It la said a 50-cont ploco will cover her ontlro hand ont of sight , ana that Lucia Xarato'a dlamand ring will make a bracelet for this mlto. Oho Mnh la the emallnat man on roe * ord. Ho la a native of China , the eamo as Obang , the giant. Oho Mali la 4G yonrs of ago la twenty-eight Inches In height , and la worth corda of money. OME FAT MEN. First on the Hat cornea the casts of a boy who grow so fait that when ho was two and n half years old bo stood throe foot and one-half high. Ho woa not a "bean-polo" tall , bnt waa a big , stout chump , being more llko Horcnles than a child. Ilia strength waa so great that ho Tras nblo to lift forty pounds with ease. The name of the boy la not given. These facti nro recorded by an English surgeon of roputo. Pliny chronicles the case of a boy who waa fonr feet high when only three years old. Cratorus ndda the case of a boy whoso development waa no rapid that ho was a father when ho waa but seven years cf ago. ago.Two slaters of Jomca Teller , the giant , wore of tremendous alzo. Ono of these girls stcod nearly five foot high when aovon years old. I11E BOY OF WILLtNGHAJt. Thomas Hull , or the ' 'Gigantic Boy of Willlngham , ' aa ho waa called , was the aon of a little father and mother. At hla birth ho waa of medium sizo. Ho soonahowed marvelous rapidity ingrowth , reaching three foot nlno inches In height when 2 years 11 months of age. Two months later ho rushed upward to the height of throe foot cloven Inches. When 4 years old he measured ( our foot five Inches. Hla wonderful growth created a universal desire among all classes to aeo the Infant terrible. So , aa the fashion is to this day , ho was the same aa any other petted animal feasted with dam ties and wino to that extent his blood aoon became poisoned from hla gluttony and Intemperance. This checked hia tremendous growth. Hia bulk and strength wore In keeping with rapid growth , Incidents of his strength are ven seemingly incredible. When 4 years of nga he could take a seventeen- pound hammer and throw it a consider able distance. When only 3 years of age ho could take a Ohosshiro choose- upon his head , and lift a two-gallon measure of beer to hla month and drink therefrom. At school boys 7 or 8 years of ago had no ohanco in a bout with 'Tommy. " Though ho would not fight with the little follows , ho would collar and threw them down upon the ground. Aa a teat of his strength ho waa given a wheelbarrow of uncommon size and heavy , being made of green wood. In which waa placed one of the blpRoat boys In sohcol. "Tommy" trotted off with the load at ease. Two boys were then put Into the barrow , and the yonng giant made It move three or four feet. The two boys weighed 170 pounds. His voice was heavy llko a man's voice. His physiognomy waa a savage one , although ho was never violent or cruel. Ho seems to have had no fear of bis companions , or love either. Ho was kept in subjection by his guardian by threatening to use a dlstootlng knlfo upon him. In 1747 this wonderful boy took HI from a fever , and , refusing the medicine prescribed for him , died of consumption aix months later , Some months previ ous to his death his face was covered with a luxurious growth of board , he having the appearance of an old man. MB. UBiaUT , OF MALDEN , ENGLAND. Mr. Bright , of Maiden , England , was the son of parents greatly inclined to cor pulency. When a child Mr. Dr'ght was very fat , bnt strong and active. From childhood to death ho was constantly taking exercise , which did not keep him from growing more and more etout , When 12 years old ho wo'ghod ' 144 pounds , growing heavier In proportion as ho grew older. When 20 years old ho weighed 330 pounds , and five years later his weight was CSS pounds. His average gain per year towards the end of hla life waa twonty-eisrht pounds. When ho died , aged 20 years , ho weighed about C44 pounds. Hla height was only five feet nlno Inches. DANIEL LlMDEIir , TUB .ATHLETE. Daniel Lambert , ono of England's greatest notorieties , waa not a tall man , but waa pietty "wide ont , " according to all accounts. Hta body waa nlno feet In circumference and hla legs thirty-seven Inches. His parents were not noted for their large alzo , nor wore their other children. Daniel Lambert waa an athlete and a aporteman. Ho was an expert In rowIng - Ing , swimming and hunting. Ho owned and took special delight In game chick ens , aettera , pointers and terriers , Before - fore ho became ao very stout he never know what It was to loio hla wind. It la inserted be waa able to swim with cato In the Soar with two ordinary sized men on hla biok , the oily nature of hla sys tem enabling him to swim like a cork. Mr. Lambert died suddenly , without any manifest disorder , in his fortieth year. Arriving at Stamford ono evening , ho re tired rather fatigued , and died before 0 o'clook the next morning. He weighed 742 pounds at the time of hit death , be ing 12G pounds more than Mr , Bright , of Maiden , weighed at the tlmo of hit death. Hla cofl'in measured 112 tqu-.ro feet , IIERMANNES BKA" , THE PHU8SIAN , Hermanea Bria WAS on exhibition In 1810. Ho wai a very lusty babe at aix months of ago ; when fifteen mouths old ho weighed 112 pounds. Hla rtpld growth did not coaee , for when ho was 18 years old hia height vaa air foot and hia weight 420 Ipounda. This "boy" rivaled Lambert , for the calf of hia leg waa nearly throe feet around and his arm tire feot. Though aa tall fa Lam bert , ho waa 238 pounds lighter , which is proof of great dlferonco In the frames of the two men. MKS. WALDROX UEED. Jotslo Waldron Reed , who died about a year since , was the daughter of parents who wore only of medium slzo. Mrs. Iloed wna lix foot two inchoa In bight and weighed 400 ponnda when 10 yeari old. Her husband's business waa that a ahowman. She loft a little babe which weighed but five ponnda when aix montha old. THE WONDEKFDL HOWARD FAMILY. It la asserted that America haa raited the moat remarkable family in the world , when weight and slzo are considered. Statisticians acquainted with the over agea of thousands of poisons of different nationalities affirm that the Howard fam ily of Kontuckyhavo novorboon equalled. The following table , which gives the height and weight of each member of this family , may bo rolled on as being accu rate : Feet In , Pounds Father C 4 200 Mother 0 0 285 Thomas 0 4 230 Jfttnoa 0 0 215 Sarah 0 2 1C5 John 0 111 2CO Mary ( ! 2 ICO Elijah 0 3 210 Matthew 0 0 220 Kli 15 01 107t ' " " " " " ' ' Daughter' . . . . . Y..Y. V..V.'d 3 * 100 Total 70 0 2203 The father and his six sons wore able to lift 9,000 pounds ! Many of the grand children of this family are eix foot six inches in heighth and weigh 200 ponnda. JUSTICE HARLAN , SIX PEEI SIX INCHES , Mr. Harlan , ono of America's big men , ia the largest man of the United States supreme court. Although atanding above hla associates , ho ia the youngest man in that body. Ho wears hla hat high in the air at aix feet aix Inches. Ho ia aged about fifty-two yoara , and as there ia yet room above ho may add on inch or two to hia hoighth. ANTHONY PAYNE , SEVEN FEET TWO INCHES Anthony Payne waa a notorious Corn- lahman of the sixteenth century. Hla weight and bulk were nearly aa much ai Mr. Brlght'a. Hla biographer says : "In early life ho was the humble bat favorjto attendant cf John , oldcat eon of NovilloGranvillo , afterword earl of Bath , whom ho accompanied throughout many cf his loyal adventures and campaigns during the revolution and usurpation of Cromwell. " Ho waa a knight-errant , salted to cheer and amuse his illuatrious lord through the mishaps and denials pertaining to army life. Charles II. was extremely kind to An thony , and made him ono of the yoemon of the king's guard. The earl of Bath having been made governor of the citadel of Plymouth , Payne waa made a gnnuor thoro. thoro.When When Anthony waa only twenty yoara of ago ho was seven feet two inchoa in height. His weight oxcecdod 402 pounds. Anthony died in 1091. So largo and un handy in handling waa his body the un dertakers were compelled to take up the floor of the apartment in which ho died in order to tranefor hia corpse to its final reating-placo. UUILLCOTT , BELL , AND A HIGHLANDER There was another Cornlahman who deserves a place next to Payno. Charlea Ohlllcott , of TIntagelweighed almost as much as the former , tipping the beam at about 450 pounds. His height waa close to that of Payne's. Sir Thomaa Lander tells of a large Highlander who stood over seven foot ono and one-half Inches , Ho waa a jov ial , good-hearted man , and was able to dance the Highland fling to the meanIngs - Ings and groanlngs and spurts of the windy bagpipe. Ho waa a strong man , and is said to have shattered a prize fighter's skull with his fiat. Ho waa ap pointed to watch a cannon on a dark night. The darkness grow denser , and rain beginning to fall , this merry giant cantidored the necessity of remaining out all night eimply to watch the ordnance , so the Idea came to him that he would ba obeying ordera juat as well If ho would take the cannon to hla bed and there keep It cafe and dry. Thia ho did , to the great surprise of his fellows. Thomas Boll , the Cambridge galnt , was seven feet two Inches high. Thomaa was the envied possessor of a hand that waa eleven Inches In length. AN IDIOTIO OIANT. James , the second duke of Qaeens- bury , waa father to a son who was a nat ural idiot. Thia idiot had to be constantly under the care of a keeper. Indeed , ao wltlojs was the scion of a great nire , and so prone to getting into miserable disas ters , that ho must have been a terror to hla relatives and all others with whom ho could , by any poislb'.o ' moans , como into contact. In instance of hia ferocity is given as follows : Hia keeper being moro Inter- oatod in hearing tjio debate in parliament house upon the union bill than In watch ing his imbecile charge ono daydoaoitad him , when the giant broke loose from his confinement and went straight to the kitchen , attracted thither , no doubt , by the odor of the meat being roaated before the fire by the turnspit boy. The mon ster aefcad the boy , killed him , spitted him , and then half roasted the victim. When the duke and the errant keeper re turned from the exciting debate they were horrified to frenzy upon seeing the witless giant devouring tbo un'ortunate lad. I'AIinONS , HALE3 , [ EVANS , DAMFOUD , AND MALONE. Parrons was seven feet fonr inches high. Ho waa a sight to BOO , for he must have looked extremely comical aa ho strutted along knock-kneed. Not only waa ho knock-kneed , but hia feet stuck out widely at the aides , or , aa wo call it , ho was splayfooted. Halea waa another giant who had the defect of being knock-kneed. Ho waa a fine-looking and Intelligent man , being extremely choerfall. Haloa waa of tha same height of Parrona seven feet four inches. ' William Rvana was a well-propor tioned giant , and was as tall as Parrona or Halo , and ia said by aomo authorities to have been as high aa eight foot. He waa a porter to Charles I , , and died In 1032. 1032.Edward Edward Bramford waa a native of Staf fordshire. Ho was a tradesman , follow ing the business of a hatter , and was located in Shoe lane. Ho waa born In 1732 , growing to the reipaotable height of seven feet ten inchea. Ho died in 1708 , having lived bat thirty-six years , Edward Malone , a young Irishman waa claimed to have been seven feet aovon Inches , without ahoea , at the early age of 10 , Thia height la accorded to him by Dr. Molyneur , In the oily of Dublin , whore he moaanred Malone , M'ORATU SEVEN FEET Kianr IXCUEH. * ? Bishop Berkeley of Cloy no was fond of experimenting In a philosophical man ner , very nearly aniTocatlng himself on one occasion by impending himself by the neck in order to find out all about the sensations enjoyed by ( he han&ed. On another occasion , iceing a hungry-looking boy sitting on the street , In a moment of benevolence the kind-hearted bishop took the boy homo with him , Much aa ono would fatten cattle the eccentric bishop began experimenting with his cbargo. HTho boy's name waa McQrath , and ho first saw the light in 1730 in Tlpporary. Hla parents were only of middle alze , and their other children wore of ordinary alze. The Bishop's experiment succeeded won derfully. Under the judicious fdodlng process followed the boy grow fearfully. When 1C years old Iho boy towered up. ward to the height of seven foot. At this ago ho started upon a tour of exhibition , calling himself the "Prodigious Irish Giant ! " OIOLI , 003HEN , ANNA SWAN , AND ANOCS StT. OASIIELL , Mr. LoCat , a professor of anatomy and authority upon the subject of giants , road a memoir before the academy of tcjoncca at Rouen , in which ho makes mention of a giant shown at Rouen in 1735 who waa moro than eight feet In height. Bernardo GIgll , an Italian giant , at tained the extraordinary height of eight foot when but 18 yeara of ago. In 1013 a yonne man was shown at Barol I as a show wonder. Ho stood eight feet f high , WAS very loan , but strongly built. Ho was 22 years of ago and boardlesr. t Gollah Goshen , the so-called Palestine giant , Is claimed to stand eight foot six leches in height. Thus his praises are sung : "Ho la the tallest , the largest , and the strongest man of modern times. In every sense of the word ho ia a giant. Ho Is magnificently proportioned , an ob ject of admiration , not only on account of his immense height and frame , bnt also by reason of his manly beauty. Mr. Barnum in his autobiography tolls of Anna Swan , the Nova Scotia giantess. She was the tallest woman probably in the world. Mr. Barnum doea not give her height. SCOTCH OI ANTS , Sir William Wallace waa a well-known giant of tbo thirteenth century. Ho was a chieftain of the greatest bravery among the Scottish clans. Many are the wonderful feats accredited to him. His disposition was a gentle and affec tionate ono. Bravo as a lion , and very nearly na strong , ho was a terror to his enemies and a bulwark of strength to his friends. His height was eight foot. Among the. loyal Scots to this day bat ono name stands beside that of Sir William Wallace , end that ono is tbo name of King Robart Bruce. An old lady in 1380 thus speaks of the two men while talking to James I. of Scotland : "Robert , " said she , "was a man , beautiful and of fine appearance. His strength was so greit that he could easily overcome any mortal man of his tlmo save ono Sir William Wallace. " Another gigantic Scotchman was Angus Mt. Oasholl , also known as the "Great Scotch Giant Boy. " This man was eight feet in height , and weighed 530 pounds. Ho was a fearless fellow. On ouo occasion , while traveling by stage , they were attacked by robbers. Upon seeing auch a monster getting out of the coach the would-be robbers fell back In affright. "BIO SAM , " THE SCOTCHMAN. "Big Sam , " a Scotchman , was eight foot high , and was well built. His height came very appropriate to him when assuming the character of "Cy- mon" at the Haymarkot theater. His bulk eoems to have been no hindrance to him in his dally avocations. Ho served as porter to the Piinco of Waleo. w. O'BISIEN TO MISS CHHISTINA DUTNZ. Patrick W. O'Brien , the Irish giant , and Mlas Christiana Dunz , the Gorman siantess , were married in Plttsburg by Rev. F. Ruoff , in the German Evangali- cal church , on Smlthfiold street. The above wedding is claimed to have been the firat marrlago bo tire en giants in America , and the second in the world. The brldo carried In her hand an enor mous bouquet. The wedding ring weighed seventeen pennywelghta , and was five inches in circumference. A tre mendous loaf of bread , five feet In length , decorated the table. The wedding cake was the _ largest over made , measuring nlno feet in circumference and three feet in thlckneaa. A BATCH OF BIO PEOPLE. Mr. James Porter , of Shippingaport , Ky. , waa a giant of no mean proportions. Ho waa a well known tavern keeper of that town. Bocauao of hla hlght about eight feet hla tavern was a great roaort of boatmen along the Ohio rlvor. One of his peculiar foata was the power to crash gobtota or glasses by bia powerful voice disintegrating the particles of which they were composed. Ho went by the name of the "Kentucky Giant. " Ho poaaeaaed a great rifle and cane , In proportion to hia Immense size. Arabia furnished a giant by the name of Gabara , who waa eight feet aix Inches high. Thia Arabian waa brought to Rome during the reign of Claudius Ciumr. The Roman Emperor Maximinus , who reigned from 235 to 238 A. D , , waa eight feet six Inches in height. A FABT-OIIOWINO GIANT. A youug man occasioned great per plexity to the medical profession of Parts some years since. When ho was 15 years of ago ho supposed ha had finished grow ing , for ho stood at the height of aix foot live Inches. Thia waa about May 1 , 1881 , A few woeka later ho found that ho bad added another Inch to hla height. Ho then measured himself every week , and found that ho had gained throe inches additional by the following Sep tember , Thia rapid growth was ac companied by peculiar aching pains In his bones. PATBICK COTTEK ( oil O'BKIBN ) EIGHT AND ONE-HALF FEET. The largest skeleton of Ireland ia that of O'Brien , and la to be aoen in the college - lego of Burgeons. He styled himself the "Irish Giant , " and hla skolaton ia so la beled to this day. He was born In 1701 In the barony of Klneale. Hla parents a were of average slzo only , and of little note. He continued growing until 25 yoara of ago , when ho towered up into the air at a height of eight feet seven and one-half Inches , His foot was seventeen Inchoa in length. O'Brien ' was an Invet erate pipe-smoker the older the pipe the better ho loved it. On one of hla nightly promenades ho stopped at a lamp post at which to light hla pipe , which had been extinguished. A night watchman coming suddenly upon htm and leelng the gigantic spsctro fell down in a fit and waa carried to the nearest Icck-op. On another ocouion no was traveling along the public road when a highwayman stopped his driver. The ( topping of hla carriage caused O'Brien to put hla head out of the window. Upon aeelng the great head nearly a foot in length the would-be-robber waa ao terrified that he clapped spurs to hla horse and fled for hla life. HEPENSTOLL "THE Edward Heponstoll waa at one time a lieutenant in the Sixty-eighth Regiment ; at another litre ho wag a hangman. Ho scorns to have boon Judpo Lynch person ified. When ho mot A peasant unable to glvo ft good account ot himaolf Hcpon atoll would knock him down with a blow of hla fiat , ndjnat a rope around the neck of hla victim , and carry him off on hla back , suspended by the nock. The victim would thus bo strangled , for hia Icga could not touch the gronnd. THE PATAOONIAX OIANTfl. In 1703 Commodore Byron claimed that out of a body of 500 Patngonlans whom ho aw few were leas than seven feet ; none Iocs than sir foot six Inchoa. "I could not but smile at the aatontah * moutl saw expressed on the countenance of my firat lieutenant , " said the commo dore , "on perceiving himself , though six feet two Inches , become at once a pigmy among giants. " It Is stated , on slightly dubious author * Ity , that Orestes waa of the extraordinary height of eleven feet six inches. M. LcCat speaks of A Scotch giant whoso height was stated to bo sloven Foot six Inchoa. Ho wont by the name of "Fimnnm , " and lived In the ilmo of En * sjonoll. , king of Scotland , The following concerning Etoazar , a Jowlaa girnt , will bo found in Josophns' "Hiatory of the Jowa" : "Artabanus alao not long afterward sent hla son Darins as n hostage , with many presents , among which thcro was a man toven cubits [ a cubit la twenty-one Inches ] tail , a Jew ho was by birth nud bis nnuio waa Elca * zar , who for his ( allncsn waa called a giant. " Seven times twonty-ono Inchoa makes Mr. Eloazar just twelve foot throe inches hlght The llllnotH III. , April 29. Morris of' farad a resolution in tbo senate this morning earnestly recommending that the visit to Now Orleans bo abandoned until the business of the session is completed and adjournment effected. Carried unanimously and sent to tbo house for concurrence. A bill appropriating thirty thousand dollars to pay employes of the general assembly passed : also Tubb's resolution Ip effect that after Tuesday next appropriation bills take precedence , The house this morning concurred in the senate resolution opposing the Now Orleans excursion , Fuller ottered a resolution to nd journ sine die , May 16th. Lost , In the joint assembly -13 senators and 140 representatives wore present. No nolo. Ad journod. Ed iicMtrd and E.\i > criciiccd. Hood's S.ircaparllla is prepared by C. I. Hood & Co. , Apothecaries , Lowell , Mass. , who Imvo a thoroughknowledgoof pharmacy , and many years practical ox poricnco in tbo business. It is prepared with the greatest skill and care , under the direction of the men who originated it. Ucnco Hood's Sareaparllla may bo de pended upon as a thoroughly pure , hon est , and reliable medicine. Miss Linda Gilbert , cf Chicago , the lady who has placed twenty different li braries in as many prisons , is visiting Boston. STOP THAT COUGH By using Dr. Ifrazier'a Throat nnd Lung Bal sam the only sure euro for Coughs , Colda , Hoarseness and Sore Throat , and all diseases of the throat and lunga. Do not neglect a cough. It may prove fatal. Scores and hundreds of grateful people owe their lives to Dr. Prazier't Throat and Lunp Balsam , and no family will ever bo without It after nnco using it , and discovering its marvelous power. It is put up in largo family bottles and solder or the email price of 75 cents per bottle. Sold Kubp & Co. and O , F. Goodman. Colonel Lament , the president's pri vate secretary , has been quite ill with billions fever for a week , but is recover ing. ' ' As a Cum for Sere Throat and Coughs , "BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TnociiEa" have been thoroughly tested , and maintain their good reputation. A piece of needle which entered the foot of a Boston street car conductor fourteen years ago came out of his arm the other day. HorscforoVs Acid Phosphate , Beware of Imitations. Imitations and countertelts have again appeared. Bo sure that the word HORSBFOHD'S" Is on the wrapper. None are genuine without It. Water pasted through 200 yards cf galvanized iron pipe haa been known to take up 4,29 grains of zino carbonate per gallon. Angostura Bitters are the boat remedy for removing indigestion and nil diseases oriff inating { rent the digestive organs. Bewarolof counterfeits. Ask your grocer or druggist for the genuine article , manufactured by Dr. * J , G , li. Siogert & Sons , "Gono to oven" la the current expres sion for tbo retirement cf the Russian peasant at night , alnco ho haa no bed ho aleepa on the top of the oven. YOUNGBlKNt-JvEAI ) THIS. THE VOLTAIO BELT Co , , of Marshall , Mich. , offer to send their colebrnted ELEOTBO-VOL- TAIO BELT and other KLECTHIO APPLIANCES on trial for thirty days , to men ( young or old ) alllictod with nervous debility , loss of vitality and manhood , and all kind rod troubles. Also for rheumatism , neuralgia , paralysis and many other diseases. Complete restoration to health , vigor and manhood guaranteed. No risk is Incurred aa thirty days trial ia allowed , Write them at once for Illustrated pamphlet free , Horacs can now bo supplied with artifi cial tails of the moat artistic quality. The biggest tall factory la in Bridgeport , Conn. _ Permanent relief and no prostration from Red Star Cough Cure. Temporary relief and powetful reaction from other cough mixtures. Sixteen thousand eight hundred and twenty-five famllloa in Boston were pro. vided with free aoup during the past win ter. Good lor tlio Child , The ailments of childhood need careful attention and wise treatment Some people think "anything la good enough for child , and there Isn't ' much the matter with It anyhow. " But judicious motbora know better , and do as Mrs. H. W , Perry , of Richmond , Ya , , dooa. She aaya : " 1 I take Brown's Iron Bitten and glvo It to my children with the moat satisfactory results. " Sold everywhere. The population of London la sheltered by COO.OOO dwellings. The European and American forest8 cover twenty-seven times the area of the known coal measures of the world. c When Babj was sick , wo g Te her Ca torla , ( VThtn the tru ft CM ! J , eho cried /or Coatoria , When aho became UIu , aho clang ( o Cutorli , QTbea itie lia < l Children , oho gf.ro them CastorU , free from , /'nude * nnit I'otton.i. A PROMPT , SAFE , SURE OURE F r Cough * , Roro Throat , Ilf nr cnfAft Influtnia , CoM * . llronrhlll * . t'roup , Whooptnc Cough , AMhmn , Qutmtf , 1'flln * . In < 'hr.t * .n4othr AlTttlon4 rf th Tliroftt * nl I.iinfffl. Price BO cents n hottlp. Sold t > 7 DrngeUtt ( ind trM- ct . f\irlle s unable la Induce III fir iltnler li > l > romt > ltf ffetttSort > itmielltrtctlreticnt > ottle , Eivrtttc > i < irgci paid , I/if lending ont dollar la HIE nun 1.1 s A.Tonmn rowrm , & ? ! Uwuert n 1 Minuhctnrrr * . UlUlnor * . JUrjtlnJ , C , B. A. ISK tflfHITTI C17 St. Chnrlos St. , St. Louis , JFo. A rrRuUr r.rtuRfeortwo > tfiieii ! Cellrcti , IIM litcnlor.fr * opticfil ID trie pecltllrcbtmrdt of Uauo".ir.y..r.rol' * . , BLT * ftnl moor , tiumiiMtbiin fttir other ttitlrliin la Bt. Lent * , u * Ity rPfri Ihow Bd all old rrilJmtt know , Nervous Prostration , Debility , Mcnttl n * > Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and Dinar AiUc- ( Ions of Throat , Skin or Bones , Blood Polu-tfufl , oltl Sores and Ulcers , r tr-.M ut , nrtnii > i i iueeciton iMtcil.elcDll&a prloclrtfi. Pa'flrt'rlrfttil * . Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess , Exposure or Indulgence , * hich product om or f , filloolni fITrclit Ltnou , CM , ilchllltr , illmntil of llihl > nd derrctlTt unnorj , rlmptpi en tb r M , pBt.lril dK > r , Ttrilontolhl loelrtj or frniMti , conruiui oriJru , eUu , rendorlnff Marrlnt-o Improper or unhappy. * r. KTOimtitljourcd , I'lmptlfKSB p sttin ) the ljoi , nr * ctlnl eQTrlepr , rrreto HUT adiUri , . Con uttfttloQ ttr BMorb < n llrn , undlriTlttd. Wtlle for qneillooi. A Positive Written Guarantee Rlvc In ill enrmble tMei. Ho.llclnti > tnt ercrjnbera. ramphlcti , TCnclUh or Derm an , 04 pngei. df- Jriblne abovq < lieo ( 05 , la lutlo or fomaU , PB & MARRIAGE GUIDE ! i , fioet-fttefl. Jltuitrttrd tn eiothaaddltbtikllac. ifj r | HjiI HM itrjir , 1' ' [ XT oovtrs Sao. Thl * to < i til tbe curloni , dovhtrul or tQanUtUrn vaitt ft A book tt ( treat tat rMl to Ui U ltb " % r rcEittcO by tt-y " KEWAUD rp YOU FIND THE EQUAL Of i " I rjRILLARD'S PLUG TOBACCO. "Tho Dl FnuitboMl.AR&K.nd.i Wlrtll & DlGKJo , CO A 'ihle brand Is a happy combination of fine , young crisp rod , burly lor K tiller , with a DELICIOUS FLAVOR and It just mcota the taste cf a larga number of chewcrs. Orders ( or "Flowebaro" are comInR In rapidly from all. part * of the country , demonstrating how quickly the great army of chewers strlto a gooj combination of Tobacco , both its to quality and Jlesarn Loilllard& Co. have cxcrcleod no little tlmo nnd labor In cndcaxorlng to reach tbo Acme of Perfection In Plowshare , aid Bccm to hare done It. Besides the TUN CUNT cura of Plowshare nro Which IB a point not to bo overlooked by dealers who will find It to their Interest to order oorno and glvo their customers an opportunity to try it. Ask Your Dealer for Plowshare Dealers supplied by Gtonoweefc Sctoontgen , Council Bluffs. 1'crccoy & Moore , " " L. Kirscht & Co. " " Stewart Bros , ' " 1'axton & Gallagher , Omaha. McCord , Brady & Co , , Omaha. For eale in Omaha by H. YlDRllntr , 518 S 13th Street. Henry Ditzen , C01 S 13th St , Ileimrod & Co. . 002 S 13th St. Goo Carlamn.lOlD Farnnm St. Kaufman Bros. , 207 S 15th St. Kaufman Bros , 1000 Farnam St , Frank Arnold & Co. , 1 < 118 Farnam St. Aucust Plotz & Co. , 1509 Douglas St. Geo. Heimrod. G13 N Itith St. Bergen & Smiley , N. W. Cor. ICth and Cum- ing Sis. Van Green Bros , , N. W. Cor. Division nnd Cumiog Sts. 2J . Stovena 913 N. 21st St. 2C . II. Spetman , Cor. Douglas and 12th St. 2I . Anderson. 318 S. 10th St. Charlie Ying , 712 S. 10th St. Mrs. G. M. Lawley , 800 S. 10th St. II. Mnnfelt , S. W. Cor. 13th and Howard. 1J 1c . G. M. Lawley , 80G S. 10th St. . Omaha. Geo. Anderson , 318 S. 10th St. , Omaha. J. II. Spetman , corner Douglas and 12th St. ChoB. Ying , 712 S. 10th St. rurtry dm . .uu the LIVER ami KIDNEYS. anil KKHTOiti ! TIIK IlKAJ-TJi nil V1OOK of YOUTH Uj euro ) . Bonc'i. uiiiscli'SBiiO IITVCH rotlvo iii-wlori'c , l rlhcti' Ilio inlnil and sui ; > lli s Drain I'ouct. Mnfli rliiKlrom fuiiiplaliitt woi A SM * n ucmtjf tt.M.llurto I'lrlrafV ' will Jnil In DK. E''iRrEK'S IROT * 10HIO u rafu ao4 * * coUy cure * 'lUtf'sa ' clu..r liuuthy oonipluslon ; /lie popularity . . . . . . ni MID orlRtnnK Do . aot u ) ) t/i. T , AMI HIST. juur iittdrriul to'l b I 'r. ' Ilartiirlltnl.lto CbVnil , Mo.fur our "BllKAM BOOK " uUol auaticr Hoti t * talUUi9rmaw > ,2ua A FINE LINE OF THE ONLY JCXOLUfcHTB IN OMAHA NKB , GANGER CURED I ha\eh d cancer on my face for miny yean. I have tried a grott many remedies , but without re lief. I almost give up hope ol ever belnr cured , Dr. IJardmin , my son , recommended Hwlft'a Hoeolflc , which I have taken llh great results. My ( ace li cow rcll , and II la Imnoeeltle for me to express ray thanks la words for what this medicine IIM done ( or me. Sins , Ouvx lUuciUN , Wonroo , da , , Sept. 2. , 1B8I. Swill's Specific haa curel a ranceron my face , anu IIM almott made a new man ot me. T , J. TIATE , Waclssa , Fla. I have ha < l a cancer on rny right ear ( or three /.tare. I tried every icmedy tbo lihjilcluu prac ticed , to no permanent good , Bwlll'o Bpeclflo ba < witught wonden for me. It Is the beat UooU pu- rlfler loth * world. JK > 8. MOEnow.Klorcccs , Ala. Swilt'i Specific la entirely vegetable , and Beeioa to cure caocere by forcing out the Impurities from tbe lood. Treatise on Blood and Skin Olieoscfj mailed ree Tm.SwirrSrr.anc'.Co. . , Drawer S , or 169 W. 23d hi , New York. S et ? Nervous M I Loll Uebllllr - / llailiood u .r ' . " " " prescription of a uoud [ * cUHH Kr ( l. ) PrtvcUU can fill U. Addr.li DR , WARD -i CO , , LOl'lHIANA. 1U OMAN Tha lemmkabla growth of l during the Iwt few yean U a mtttoi of great astonishment to thoaa who pay n occasional visit to thla growing oltr. Thi development of the Stor.V Yards -thi noocBsftf of iho Bolt Linn Rood -Un finely paved streets the hundreds of now residence ! and costlr business blocks , with the population of our oltjr more than doubled In the hut five years. All this la a great surprise to visitors and li the admiration ot our oltlsona. Thli rapid growth , the bunlnosa activity , and tha many aubatantlal Improvements made a lively demand for Omaha real estate , and every Investor hoi made e handsome profit. Slnaa the Wall Street paulo May , with the aubnoqnont ory of hard times , there haa boon iocs dom&ud from apoaula * toro , but a fair demand from Investor * Booking homos. Thin latter el ass are taking advantage of low prices in build * Ing material and are aocnrlng tholr homes at much leas coot than Trill bo ponslblo year hence. Speculators , too , can buy real osta1 a cheaper now and ought to Uka advantv e of present prices for future pro Li. The next few yearn promlaoi groalei d ivol opmontfl In Omaha than the pant fin yonrs , which have boon aa good RI wo oonld reasonably dofllro. Now man ufacturing establishment ! ! and largo Job * blng houses ore added almost weekly , and all add to the prosperity of Omaha. There are ninny in Omaha and through * bnt the State , who have their money in the b&nka drawing a nominal rate of In terest , which , If judiciously Invested In Omaha fo/xl o&tato , would bring thorn much greater roturna. We have many bargains vrbloh wo nro confident will bring the pnrohuor largo profits In tha near future. We have for sale the finest reui- denco property in the north and western parts of the city. North we have fine lots at reasonable - able prices on Sherman avenue,17th , 18th , 19th and 20th streets. West on Farnam , Davenport , Cuming , and all the ending streeti in that direction. The grading of Farnam , Califor nia and Davenport streets has mada accessible some of the finest and cheapest residence property in tha city , and with the building of the street car line out Farnam , the pro perty m the western part of the city will increnflfl in valnw We also have the agenoy for the Syndicate and Stock Yards proper ty in the south part of the city. Tiia developments made in this sectiou by the Stock Yards Company on2 the railroads will certainly donbln the once in a short time. We also have some fine busineae lots and Borne elegant inside reai- dencop for sale , Parties wishing to invest will find Home good borRuiriB by colling * . EEAL 1STAT1 BROKERS. Bet -roon Farnhnm and Douglas. P. S. We oak these who bora property for sale ot a bargain , to gir as a callWe want only bargain * We will positively not handle prop erty Bt more than its real value.