BAPTIST SOCIAL UNION. Magnificent Gathering aid Banquet Last Night-Toasts anil Speeches , The I'nrpoics of the Union * ro Edu cational And Itcllglous. The Baptist church on Fifteenth tnd D&ronport streets was the icono of most entertaining and brilliant proceedings last night , the occasion being the first an- nnal banquet of the Baptist Social Union of Iowa and Nebraska. The best evi dence of the earnestness and enthusiasm which this association has awakened was afforded by the attendance of so numor- ono an assemblage of persons , many of whom came from afar. , The procoodlnga consisted of the organ ization of the nnion and a banquet , whore sumptuous spread greeted the visitors and members , and this was followed by appropriate toasts and speeches sand wiched between choice musical solcoliona an outline of which it herewith given , with a regret that a moro full report cannot at this hour bo published. The church proper was naod for the mrposo of organization and after the option of a constitution and by-laws , , o following persona were selected for the positions named : President , J. 0. Richardson ; vice- president , L. E. Hicks ; secretary , J. A. Sundorland ; treasurer , O. S. Wood ; directors , J. W. Stewart , E. Ivans , A. G. Hastings , J. B. Davis and J. B. Rawlny. Those buiinoss affalra having been at tended to , the company descended to tbo andlonoo hall where they were greeted by nix tables , laden with substantial and delicacies and sot in a style whoso good taste was , If possible , rendered more noticeable by the handsome decora tions that had been placed upon Iho walla and colling of the hall. The banquet ceremonies were opened by the saying of grace , when the work of ministering comfort to the Inner man consumed the next hour. Upon the conclusion of this most pleasant part ol the evening , "By-gone Days , " a quar tette , was rendered by Miss Chamberlain , Mrs. Day and Messrs. Powell and Rood very effectively. Then followed the reading of a paper by RBV. M. Stone entitled "Iowa and Nebraska , " which was forcibly explanatory of the methods of the Baptists and tholr plans , and com mendatory of the proposed plan of estab lishing an institution of learning al Omaha which ( hall have a religions de > nomination at its head as a "eort ol father , " and bo non-sectarian. The qon tloman dwelt at length upon the thorno , and at Its conclusion Miss Lilllo Cham * borlalu most appropriately sang "Queen of Night. " Thla lady's melody fell moat pleasingly npon an eagerly listening audience. The chairman then announced an ad dress by Hon. E. Rosewater , of the Omaha BEE , who pleasantly began hit remarks by saying that great showmen when they propose to cross a stream wltt their circuses , are accustomed to senc over first the llttlo elephants and other Y .L/ llttlp animals , then the larger ones ant closing the precession with Jumbo. Tin programme as It originally read madi him the lost speaker , which he attrlbutec to the wise precautions taken by the com mlttoo. Mr. Rosewater then epoko serlousl ; npon the need and nature of j GOOD CITIZENSHIP. Ho stated that two things had 1m pressed htm when ho entered the ball although among such an assemblage o intelligent people , for him to speak re minded him of carrying oonls to Now castle. Ho had observed that the per sons present had organized a society b ] electfng a president and secretary. H had also observed that when the vote wa put npon the election of these two ofli- oors , only four oa five of the member present had voted , and this had suggested od the theme to which ho called tholr al tontlon. The manner of the day Is fo the few to take any Interest or part in th exorcises of the rights and prerogative of citizens , leaving the performance c public duties too often to thos who are incompetent , nnfit an unreliable. Ho illustrated his idea mot effectively and impressed npon his hearoi the importance of each man In aoclot taking part in public affairs , and doln his duty In such a way as Trill best purg It of the baser and dangerous element that got control , solely became of a lukc warraness and neglect of duty , H urged that all should tike part in pnbll affairs and declared that politics was nc in Itself degrading or unfit for a pure an honorable cltlzon. Ho likened th exercise of rights and public duties 1 conducing to good citizenship to the fre uio of soap , and closed a short and taut address amid manifestations of morrimot and approval from every part of th hall. hall.Prof. Prof. L. E. Hicks followed in a speoc on trno education , upon which the gontli mm spoke forcibly and earnestly , hole Ing that education Is of a complex chai acter. It consists of the outward an the inward. Men are possessed of man elements and cannot control all of then Edncatlon as a result Is made np of o ; porlonco and instruction , that Is , it d < ponds npon the Influences and surrounc ings of childhood and one'a life. D education ii meant the whole procei that forms the man. Upon this line i thought the speaker dwelt at longtl closing his remarks by declaring tbi education and good citizenship are indu solubly connected. Miss Chamber'aln and Mrs. Day fo lowed in the duet , "The Land of Swa lows , " which was. applaudingly receive ) Then was given the jocular performani of the evening by Capt. J , A. Sladei whose reiponso to The Ladies" wi greeted by continuous applause and cla ; ping of hand * . Mr. Peabody , of Fairmont , roipondc to "Our Guests" in a well-timed , gr c fnl and feeling ( poach , declaring how r jolced he was at the success of the pn pose of the mooting , and promising use all his efforts to increase tbo zoil the union and tbo numbers of guests the next banquet. "Thy Hentlnel I Am" was next fine sang by Mr. Franklin 8. Smith , wh like the other singers , was aocompanl by Mr. Frank Brown on the piano. Ai then followed the Introduction by t chairman of the "JUMBO or THE EVENING , " s ho called Rev. P. 8. Honsen , of t Baptist church of Ohlcigo. It is ii practicable at this hour to glvo even outline cf Mr. Hanson's speech , of whi the reporter took full notes. It mi suffice to say that to wit the gentlom addid pathos and great earnestness ; learning he added common icnie ; cautions handling of others' faith a cried he added n warrior's conraglouii Tocacy of his own. Ho ipoko forcibly and enthusiastically upon the subject of ; this onion resulting In nnthought-of strength and good to the Baptist denom ination hereabout * . Ho fairly eulogized that scot and told many pleasant anoc- do'cs Illustrative of his faith , It would bo a pity to disfigure so sen sible and , at times , brilliantly worded an address by the emasculation nocesiary in this report , therefore It must close by assuring the readers of the BEE that the Chicago minister , In his speech , showed himself to bo a poet as well as a logician , a Oathollc chtlatian gentleman , with rm enthusiastic devotion to his Baptist faith. faith.At At the conclusion of Mr. Honson's well received address , thanks were unani mously tendered to him , Mr. Roiowator add the other speaker * , and after the reading of letters of regret from several gentlemen , the mooting , about midnight , adjourned , after hears of pleasant asso ciation and interchange of views , hopes , plans and determinations In the matter of the Iowa and Nebraska Baptist union. The next regular annual mooting of the sccloty will bo the last Tuesday In April of each year , and the acml-annual meetings will bo on the last Tuesday in November of each year. The good that will result from this union is incalculable and will bo probably the cause of similar organizations throughout the west. The project of building a first-class college Is of Itself a magnificent ono and will doubtless In the care of such earnest people as last night assembled In this pushed steadily and resolutely forward to completion , THE S1XIY-SIXTH ANNI VERSARY , Tlio Celebration of the Ofld Follown at Lincoln Monday , The Odd Follows' celebration at Lin coln Monday was a grand success , there being largo delegations present from Omaha , Beatrice , Dluo Springs , Picker el ] , Cortland , Ashland , Louisville and Plattimouth , each headed with a braes band , and the number of people who poured Into Lincoln filled the city fall. When Mlllard .Uniform degree csmp No , 1 , of Omaha arrived , headed by the Union Pacific band , marched frcin the depot up the street to headquarters their fine appearance attracted general attention and admiration. Preparations had been made by the lodges of Lincoln to entertain about GOO visitors but'when all tbo trains arrived and an cstlmato had been made it was found that there wore 1,500 brethren of the three links present. However , all were well entertained and made to enjoy themselves. The dinner , which was served bj the ladles society of the M. E. church , gratified the keer appetites and made glad the hearts of al who were permitted to test its excellent quality. After dinner the members of the ordei assembled at Odd Fellows' ' hall , the mer to form on foot in procession , and thi women to join in carriages which won provided by the daughters of Rsbokah The procession formed in front of Ode Follows' block , at the corner of llth one L streets , promptly at 2:30. : The Lincoh Lodge and encampment took their placi and formed in open order while the visit ing lodges marched between the lines am took their places in the procession. At the close of the parade a meet ing was hold in the opera house , whicl edifice was crowded to Its fullest capa city , The Cadet band rendered a fo ? lively airs , and the meeting was called tc order bo Chairman Weir , who Introduce ! Col. L. 0. Pace. That gentleman mad an eloquent and appropriate address o welcome to the visitors. At the close o his remarks , Hon. C. H. Manser , o Missouri , was Introduced as orator of thi day.His His speech , an elegant and pollshei ono , devoted to facts and figures abou the Masonic order In America , was th h'nal celebratory feature of the day. The Omaha delegation returned hem Monday night , tired but happy. FEKSONAfc. Patrick Egan , of Lincoln is In the city. Mr. J. Seibert left for Now York yeate ; day , H. A. Grover , the assistant city engineer , : expected home from Milwaukee either to-do or to-morrow. G. M. Hitchcock , Kaq. , and wife , le : last evening for a trip of a month or moro 1 Salt Lake and the territories for rest an health. Low May , of Fremont , state fish commis sioner , went to Washington yesterday to see information on points connected with tb business of the commission. Judge P. O , Hass will start east to-do : visiting friends in Kentucky and Wasblnr/to on business and New York for pleasure , b fore returning. Ho expects to bo gone aboi one month. Colonel Sunmer , commandant at Fort ftii brara , arrived Monday evening with bis famll ; J whom bo will locate in the city pending b transfer with hii regiment to the dopartrner r ol the Missouri , J. MoTernan , E. Butler , Creston ; Hem Hall , Weeping Water ; Frank Beeion an wIfePl : ttamouthJ. D , L Coure , Bllvi Loustano , Denver ; S. B. Campbell , Glei wood , I , , G. H. Klucald , Sioux City ; Al Brokeblll , DM Moineis N. 1 ? . Scruzgs , I G. Thieien , Kansas City ; J. II. O'Sullivai Boston ; It. T. Maxwell , Olarks , Web. ; are i the CanfielJ. At the Metropolitan T. K. Ligton , Platt mouth ; Goo , J. Squires , Grand Island ; ] W. Hunter , Tekamah ; It. P. Crone , Llncoli Neb. ; A. McDougall and family , Sheldo : la. ; P. L. Brown , Sbenandoab , la. ; M. Martin , St. Lenis ; S. H. LInsley , Dunla la. ; K. J. Doughty , Joliet , 111. , and Cbarli Lawrence , Indianapolis. Board of Trade Promenade Goncor CHICAGO , April 28 , Holders of 0,000 Ini tations to the promenade concert in the nc board of trade building to-night , were i present , mostly In full dress , and the hall b ing abundantly lighted by electricity , t : teens wu a brilliant one. The occasion w the first part of the dedicatory exercise * the new board of trade building. Mai notable people wera present , ulso the leadii society people here. Tha exercises will contmusd to-morrow and end with a bannu At the Grand Pacific hotel In the evening. Now York Dry Goods Exports , lie NKW YOUR , April 28. Dry goods export i- domestic cottons for the weak , 2,757 pac ich ages. For tha expired portion of the ye. ch G 1.058 package * , against 8,000 the came Ui iat last year , the largest quantity any previous year. Woolen go < in dull * ud trade light. to to Tbo Billiard Tournament. id YOBK , April 23. Slosson beat D ; to-olght , COO to 194. RAILROAD NOTES. Brother Gould is in a Dilemma-Latest Addition to the Bnrlingta Tlio Cftldwcll Urnnch of tlio Union l > oiflo Humbling * . A special dispatch from Chicago to iho BBE t&ya : "Before any slops can bo tnkon to wards restoration of rates to St. P nl and Omaha the tripartite complication will have to bo adjusted. The patty the moat severely affected by this war la Jay Gould. When the war broke out ho wa engaged In balling stocks , and ho h i had to use his wealth and akill over slnco to prevent atocka from going down. Gould will not bo able , however , to keep up the prlcca of stocks if this fight con tinues much longer , and ho Is therefore making the most strenuous efforts to bring about a cessation of hostilities. Bo telegraphed Commissioner Midgloy , of the Southwestern Railway association , yesterday , bogging him to use his Influ ence with the managers of the various roads to get them to moot and atop the Tight. Ho predicts the most actions consequences If the war Is not bronght to an end al onco. But as the managers of most of the ro&ds are ont of town and do not consider It advisable to do anything before the tripartite complications have coma to a focus , Midgloy will not bo able to help Gould out. The announcement yesterday that the Mistourl Pacific moans to extend Its line through Nebraska at once was no doubt Inspired by Gould for the purpose of frightening the managers of the fighting roads Into compliance with his wishes. But this will hardly have the desired effect , as there are already more roads west of the Missouri than are needed , and the Northwestern is ready to commence the construction of another ono. " TAttNSmt OF THE ST. J. AND D. M. A special train of thrco coaches loft Omaha over the K. 0. , St. J. & 0. B. railroad for St. Joe Saturday night , hav ing on board the following 0. , B. & Q officials : H. B. Stone , general manager ; J. 0. Maxon , assistant snperintent Iowa division ; W. F. Merrill , superintendent Iowa division ; L. L. Arnold , train dis patcher , Iowa division , and other promi nent 0. , B. & Q. ofiicials. The party were joined at St. Joe by the following officers of the K. 0. , St. J. & 0. B. road ; Col. J. H. Bar nard general manager : Col. A. 0. Dawes , passenger and ticket agent : J R. Hardy , superintendent ; D. H. Wlnton , assistant superintendent ; G. M. Hohl , train dis patcher ; and E. J. Swords general freight agent. Their mission is to trans fer the accounts of all departments of the St. Joseph and Des Molnca road to the Chicago , Burlington &Qulnoy road. The mad will ba called the Chicago , Burling ton and Qnlncy on and after the first of May , thus giving St. Joseph a main line of this mammoth system of railroads. THE CALDWELL BRANCH. Utah contractors on the Union Pacific branch from Caldwell to Boise , Idaho , have returned homo , and report thai work on that proposed extension has been stopped , after an expenditure of $75- OOU to $80,000 In grading. Boise Is nat nrally indignant , as that city gave $48 , 000 lor right of way and depot grounds , and Caldwell is jubilant , ontlcipatlm that some of the Boleo business men wll ba compelled to shift their place of busi ness to Caldwoll. RAILROAD HUMDLINGS. R. W. Chamberlain , who has bcoi rustling baggage several years at thi Union Pacific depot here , quit work then yesterday and left last night for Garrison Montana , where he takes charge as chiei baggageman. A slight accident , resulting la some little tlo damage , occurred at the B. & M depot yesterday morning. The swltcl engine crow wai making up a apecla train to go out at G o'clock ' and whei backing a Burlington & Qulncy coacl down to the depot rushed it so fast lha before they could atop quite a large sec tion of the platform was toin up and th car twisted off Its roar trucks. Lav/yer Beebo , living at North Bend has written a touching letter to Olaln Agent Manchester , of the Union Paclfi road , appealing , on behalf of an agei farmer out there , for such compons&tloi as will soothe much grief that he not bears over the lota of a valuable sow She was killed some time ago by th cars , and loaves seven orphan pigs. Mi Bosbo's sympathies for these mothorles little animals are filled with tearful ton flornesB , and have cast a shadow of gloor over Mr. Manchester which he finds dll ficult to shako off. TEAMP ! TEAMP ! TEAMP Tlio Number of Vngrnnta in tlio Git ut 1'rciont , nmlVlmt tlio Police are Doing IVlth Ihcrii. In the police conrt yesterday mornlu Sam Johnson and William Gray , charge with being drunk and disorderly , woi fined $5 and costs. Being unable to pa they were sent over the hill , Eight vagrants were bronght up befor Jndgo Stonberg and wore released on promise to leave town at onco. There IB tomethlng alarming abont th number of vags and tramps now I Omaha. They come from all quarter * c the country some from the vales an valleys of the east , some froi the rugged mountains and froi the Pacific slope , some froi the country of the northernmost liml some from the gnlf washed shores of th south.Tboy are of airnaUonalitiesEngllsI Irish , French , Gorman , Italian , Swed and , In truth , of every nation which i known to the student of modern com tries. tries.Of Of late , they have boon swarming Int Omaha in most alarming nnmben They principally infest the southern an eastern portions of the city , and ban mostly aronnd the freight depots whei they establish their rendezvous In a ten porarlly doiertod "aide-door Pullman , behind a pile of lumber or some slmtli resott. From these points as centre tboy eatabllih begging expeditions , r. whore begging does not "panout"sui ceeafully , stealing expeditions. Yesterday morning the police , headed I Roundsman Whalen , invaded the sontl ern districts and secured a number i this class of customers. They wore mo of them able bodied men , and looked i though they were able to earn a living they had a mind so to do. The excui of most of them , as is , Indeed , that i almost every other tramp or vagrant Inability to procure work. Whether tb pretenio will hold water or nottho poll are pursuing a commendable policy lidding Omaha of this gentry , who presence cannot but brood ovll , and who should bo respectfully tendered n chance to took work somewhere else than within the confined of this city. A FEW FAOTSANDPIOUUE8. Chtof Bntlcr , of the City Fire De partment , Una Ills An na * 1 noport itoatly to ljy Before the Council. Mr. J , A. Bailer , chief of the city fire department , yesterday completed his an- nnal report for the year ending April 1 , 1885 , and expected to have it road before the council last night , hat not being called up , It mnit necessarily go over nntll the next mooting. However , by Mr. Butler' * kind potminion a reporter for TUB BXB was permitted to examine the report and extract therefrom the moit interesting fact * and figures aa act forth by htm , and they are given as follows : During the year there has been noth ing to abstract the operations of the water works , when their services were needed as a protection against fire and In all cases perfect satisfaction has been given , On Ing to the fact that private par ties wore denied the use of hydrants not a single case of freezing up was reported daring the past severe winter. Thirty- five hydrants have boon added slnco ono year ago , making a total number In the city at this time uf 399 , Involving an an nual cost of $28,000. The buildings of the department consist of engine houses Nos. 1 , 2 and 4. About $1,000 was expended - ponded last summer in moving buildings , grading lots and constructing additions. The coming summer It will bo neces sary to roplaster and make other repairs at house No. 1. No 2 englno house is in good repair , and No. 4 entirely now. The chief hopes that the sale 01 the building at tbo corner of Sixteenth and Fatnara streets will prove the moans of acquiring a now headquarters. Daring the past year there has been no additions made to the apparatus of the department , bat one hose orriago h badly needed and should bo procured. The department has nine horses , but ten are required to do good work. The old hook and ladder team , by reason of ago , is becoming ttiff and unserviceable. The Qro alarm system consists of a four circuit repeater and about trronty- eight miles of wire on poles belonging to the department. There are thlity-tbreo boxes , and there should bo at least five now onos. The expenses of the department for the past year have been as follows : Salary of officers and men 5 17,375 C2 No , 4 hose house , including lot. . . . 3,479 75 No. 1 engine house 8602 No. 2 hoie house G 00 Hay , oata and corn CG3 38 Fire alarm telegraph 3G4 40 Now hose 1,612 25 Horie-ghoetng 1 8 11 Chief's office 10040 Supplies , coal , repairs and ap paratus 1,402 70 One horse 225 00 Total § 20,249 57 The department has twenty-three fire men , with John H. Butler as chief and John J. Galligan assistant. The discipline of the department has been good. The men , in addition to their regular duly , have done much hard work on the now hose house at Eleventh and Dorcas streets. The following table shows the value of the property now In use : Kaal estate and buildings $20,000 00 Four engines 7.COO 00 Two hose catta 60 00 Three hoae carriages 12,100 00 Four lets doubla harness 125 00 Two Beta single harness 30 00 Four wagons 200 00 Ono hook and ladder truck 1,000 CO Nine horses 1,810 00 Furniture and fixtures 1,500 00 Sixty-five hundred feet of hose 5,000 00 Fire alarm system 7,00000 Total $45,815 CO Permits for buildings were Issued dur ing the year as follows ; First class buildings 9 , $5 each $45 00 Second clus buildiogi 4 , $4 each 16 OC Third clasi buildings 5 , $3 each 15 OQ To move buildings , G permits $4 each. . 20 OQ Total cash on hand $90 00 The following expenditures for the department eta recommended : Headquarters house $18 000 OC Engine house in west part of city , . G 000 OC 2.COO feet new hose 2 000 OC Services of 28 men and officers. . . . 25 000 0 ( Throanew horses G75 0 ( Total 551 G5 ? CX The following is n statement of the loesoa and number of fire alarms daring : the post nine years : 1877 No. of alarms , 13 losses. . $ 20 850 CK 35 113 050 ( X 1879 33 320 200 0 ! 1880 42 217 SOO 01 1881 71 U73 172 ( X 1882 48 57 202 01 1883 : tt > EG 970 01 1884 54 G2 300 01 18S5 75 108 332 4 : Mr. Butler enthusiastically declares ii this report that ono of the most Impor tant acquisitions to the departmen during the past year was the appoint ment of John J. Gallagan , to the peal tlon of assistant chief. Uo has been i very faithful , efficient and valnabli officer. A Card from Mnrihal Oummlngi , Mr , Editor : My attention has bcei called to a iquib in the democratic orgai of this city entitled "Bis Last Kick,1 which Indeavors to throw an dium 01 my charactea that I do not deserve fron any reporter ai I always made it my bust ness to be civil and courteous to BDV am all of them , Bat because I deem It m ; doty to remove from office my deputy fo disobedience and drnnkoness ono atra'gh ' faced puritanical representative of thi Herald thinks he ia privileged to pltol into me. Now , ( ir , I can prove by tin Herald's night owl that I walked into thi jail and over the premises one night ti his knowledge and failed t < awaken my representative am finally left In dlrgnst , retrying off tin cellar kpy , which he or any other oat elder might have done. He will proba bly alio remember when Gorman wa carried to bed completely paralyzed Yet this conscientious gentleman defend the bummer element. If I have only erred in istalng order in conformity with decency In the matte of dress , I will , when I go , rotirp with i clean record and defy any man to ra that I bavo ever allowed myeolf to b dictated to or influenced in the dlsoharg of my duty. THOMAS CCUMIKQS , City Marshal. CMtle Quarantine in Kanaka , ToriKA , April S3. Governor Martin Ii sued a proclamation to day Imposing quar&i tine for ninety days on all cattle coming fie Mitsotui. SPECIAL NOTICES. TO LOAN MONEY. \TONEr To Io n on chattels , Woolly & Harrison , 1V1 Boom to , OmUui National bonk building 851-tf TONET loaned t low rates , ln amounts to nrit on AYJLchattel.coDkterali or other good swuilty. Flntn- dil exchange , 1603 Farnam it , 153-ralp TO LOAK On ten ( stats and chattels MONEY Thomas. 740tt. Loaned on chattels , cut rat * , R. R MONET nought anil lold. A. Forman.SIS S. 13th Bl 079 II TUTONKY LOANED at C. P. Reed & Go's. Loon office ifl on furniture , rlancw , boric * , wagons , personal property ol all klndi and all cthe rsrtloles ot value , wlthont removal. Over lit National Bank.oorner 18th and Farnam. All builness itrtctly confidential 2J1-II In sums of tJOOand upward. MONKTTOLOAN 00. , Real Estate and Loan Agents , 1605 Farnam Si 213 tl WANTED FEMALE HELP. - experienced baiquofltteri UZOFarnam WAKTiD-8 8S1-U > * KTIU > A girl 1714 California it. W SSS-SSp Dlnlnt room glrlt nt PUclflohomo 10th WAVtio Darenport St. 8S53p TITAHTIP A ( flrl t 117 norlhUth St. , between YY U pUol vo , nd Dodffe St. 877-SSp \TTAVTJD t-idj cMiv Bter > r salary p U. Address YV RDA"thliofllo . 87B-S > p B A ROCK ! ( jlrl lor kitchen work ) Rood w - tp 1418 Didge St. WS-lp Colored clrl ( or general hougo work , ap ply to Mrs Joan Clarksan ; Cathtilne street , south ol Mt Pleasant ; take St Mary's avc. oars. 847 * cp lTAir i > Dining room girl at Planters house. \ 869 29p -Oil lor general bouw work ; good wa ges to good gill. MrsCorbett , 1818 Howard , 843 2p \ rAct ! i > At once 2 experienced dining room V > ulrlsat thoCanOild Uouso. No ethers Deed apply. 631-29 TASTIID First oUre dinlnp room ( jltl at the Met- ropolltan hotel ; none other need apply. 824 tt 'A\T D-TWO girls at the City IIoUl. 80 28p -D Olrl for general house work lj email . . family. Inqulro at Monfelt cigar and notion Btore.lSth and Howard. 818 28p T\7'Avr-U ) A good cook at 820 South 10th8t. _ 7ES-tf A.NTED-18 gocd girls , 7 experienced cooks W Omaha Kmployment Bureau , 1120 Famnm St. - . dy agon ts for "Queen Protector daisy stocking and skirt supporters , ehoulda braces , bustles , boeecn forms , iliois chit-Ids , eafcty belts , sleeve protector , etc. ; entirely new devices un precedented profits ; wo have 600 igonts making SlOO monthly. Address with stamp , EII CAmpbilt & Co. , 0 South Jf y st. , Chicago. 679-mlOp WANTED MALE HELP. TXTASTBD A painter , new building on cult fide of YY llth St , eouth of Farnam St. 890 2.p TTTASTBD-An experienced packer at Bliss & Isaacs. Good canvassers to sscure orders forour WASTED edition of the Revised BlUe , llboral irrn and good t irltoryc..ll at 140S Dod o 81. Wro. ; . Alcxacdcr , Manager Western Branch , Ilenry Bill 'ublishlng Co. EGD 4 > TED-A first o'asafurniture salesmin. None need to apply unless jou ha\o tool rcfcroace as ability and character. M.F.Martin. 80S tf T7"AMEU A steady sober man , must be eincle , un- I derstand horses and have knowledge of store utlncss ; call at oucf , Omaha Stove Repair workIll uth Hth st , 8SB23 - employ a young man bv the month , WASTED-To the city that Is a first-dins perform- ' on the plaao. Call at once at 818 North 17th Bt. f07-28p SITUATIONS WANTED. Situation by an expo'Unccd doubla en try book-keeper ; address LE Allen , Woodbine , -Owa. 878-lp Situation as coachman In private family WANTED truity mau who underatandshli business md Is willing to make himself generally uselnl Ad- Iross "J. F. K. " Bee office. MS 28p By city salesman iltuation b ; May let , WANTED acquaintance nlth city and Council Bluffs rade , ( not saloon. Address " 0. B. " Bee office. 749 S9p - petition by a young man with 5 years experience In a country store , can give good recommendation ? . Address "C U W. " Ben office. - situation by first olasa tinner : WANTED-Steady all kinds ot work and doe * not drink. F ease state wajej and address , 608 W 7th St , Sioux City , Iowa. Ml-28p Foslthn : Experienced short-hand and WATTED writer desiring to come west. Owni Wo. ' . Remington machine. Address , W. K , Care Bee , 3ouncll Bluffs. 778-30 Situation as housekeeper for widower. WAITED . , Bee office , Council Bluffd. 45 29 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. To Invest ? 2OCO or J3.010 In a good WANTED trainees. Address , C. n. Bcc ifflce. 831-20' A lady wants a gentleman partner tc WANTED in a business that pays Imrncntc noflts. Small capital required. Address , "B. M , it , " Bee office. 89229 'ANTED To buy a * ccond hand soda fountain foi W cash , I14N 16th St. 849-29p Single young man of quiet habits , roon WANTED southern exposure In clean nclghborhoot In respectable private family within easy distance o Union 1'oclfio depot , second story preferred ; stati .errns. Address "Biazos" Bee offico. EBS-SOp /ANTKn-rTo buy a house and lot en monthly pay mems ; state prto and location. Addrcsi "B V Dee office. 870 SO A team at good marcs ; must weigh a < WASTED . Address giving particulars , Allrei 0 Orlllln , Omaha. 638 iOp To rent , well arranged ootUgo of leveler WANTED roomt In good location. Address Wm T. Conner , care GroatWtttemCarbon Co. 810 28p A man or woman In every country In I WANTID sample free $76 per month , salary o commission. Bend stamd. Paul Tabel , Chicago 111 819-m-Hp ANTED A good Umlly hoiec at 1505 Farnam 81 W 77S-tf - rent a large furnlihed worn , lj Slater's block | 6th and California , with board also a few more table boaiders 76itf -A furnished hotel In a live town , ni controlling the Commercial trade. Address "I S"Vlck Nsb. 6C6-28p $3 60 will buy one doren Rogtr Bro' WANTED tUtodUbie knives at Moodyri ehtni itore.corrwr lith and Davenport it. ti6-tf Ev ry dy In need of a sewing ma chine , to see the new Improved American No 7. P. tt. Hodman b Co. agents ; 220 N 16th. SUtl FOR RENT HOUSES AND LOTS , lOacresoa West L avenworth it AI F Tuioy , at Caulflelds. 832-M NT 8 r om bouse good water , three block from itreet cars ; $16 p r month. A 1 * Take at Ctulflelds. 820-tf lilvr Uoute on Chicago street , between 14V ! and 16th. Inquire ot John Swllt 673 SO TJV3I RXMT House of B rooms with barn , Oaldwe1 r and Baunoeisst ; Inquire 1709Jackicn st. ii ! 29 IjiOK IltNT llousoot i rooms ; Inquire at No 63 1 ? south17lh DC , bttween Jackson and leaver woith. 8 8-28p 170RMNT few bout * 11 rooms ready May Isl U $ zi a month ; Inquire of (1 IS Ihompton , S W toi lltbandllarney , 811 tl BBVT Dr ck cottage on Sherman ave , 8 rood FOR , clwets , A.O. , In thorough rcpilr ; larg fine zr.und. I W Taddock , 1617 Capitol ave 852 SO T7V3K IE.NT A cottage S roomi with summer kltche 1 ? beward Street , between Campbell and Irene 833-Sp T7Vj 8isT 6 room house on Bt , car line. Ap Jj HtO 18th street between Nicholas and 1'aut , RUT Three itcrj and batement , brick ttor FOR front-i r * ' month. Two netr stores on 16th 8t-CO per month ec 0. E. M yD , 8. W. Cor. Utb nd Farnara. 771-i I OK MIT 10 room houM > , modern Improvements. F Bedford , Sonet & Davli > , SIS & Klh ft. 763 t ) R * MT New ttoti room SI > 70. JnoErck , 817 N F IflthSt PMSO HHT rhrw st ry brick stero bulUlns ; ; en quire ot Edward Horrlj & Co. , ro tn 19 Ciounce Block. 407 tf TTT'OR ' HK.1T Biore ilwel'ln * attached , ) ? , per month T0n HKNT J-S room houses ) Inqnifs Jno. F JC BrtonSmelUng words , or 311 North 8L UKNT New cottage , 1 rooms. . fh Vr * n ° FOR 8 6th St. fat-tf IjiOK UKNT-8toe kulldlnV M three story and I1 batcment No. UCrand 11 ? lith. Inqulr * 1(09 D < xlRa st Mtf nKNT-Fnrnlshed cotteps , ? rooms , with FOR . r nlry , eta.In best locality In City on pay rtnt with board. Call to afternoon at 625 Va- cntBl. 170 tl _ . . BENT Thre brick stores corner 18th a.d CumlflR St. J L. McCague , Agent. 0l-al UOOM8 FOR RENT. - rooms centrally located , well FoRRRiT-Sultoof for cthco or lltlng rooms. K M Eaton , 111 south 14th St. 884 tl T7 R jmvi-3 or 6 rooms clo et , cellar , city water. J ? Inquire at 8Q3 North 18th Bt. 792 ip IOR RRvr Furnished rooms at UF north llth t , F between Capitol aye , , and Dodge St. 87B-28P RUIT Ofllco anil third UnfrsuliaUe for whole , FOR or manufacturing , at 1207 faruarn St. Newly furnished fronfroom flIS south FORRRNT . 874p T rurnlshfd room for one or two gentle FORRH . 3 Mocks from Pest ofQce ; Inquire Opera Uouso Cigar factory. 817-lp "ITkiRRri r Nicely furnished rooms 1013 Dodee. RUST Two rooms at $1. per month ; ar > ri ? at FOR 127 south Kin St. 8MP _ OB RF-ST-FurnUhed room ISIS Jackson st. 812 m20p ron RUNT Furnished front room with homo corn- forts , S K corner Utli and Cass. 840-2p IOR HK-vr-Nletly furnished rocm for Sgontlomen ) F 2225 DoJgo. 854 tf FfoR foR RUNT Ilandsomelr furnished rooms. Address 1 "W. " Uce office. 863-2 IOR IHINT Furnished room. ltn board. Suitable F for two gentlemen. HIT Howard. 770 SOp - frant room , bar wlndow.brlck. IJoard small fumlly , < 03 noith 17th St. 8.8-lp RENT-Eulto of rooms , bath room connoctid , FOR four gentlemen , alto room for gentleman and AltuwlthnrBt-cbBsboard. IBZtDurt. 703 tf HINT With board ono nicety furnished front FOR , with gun and bath. 1119 Jones St. St.808SOp 808-SOp IOR RENT Nlo furnished rooms tulUblo for twa F gent.cmcn. ; 2203 Dodge St. 70T-30p RK\T Two larpe frant rooms furnished or un furnished , oomcnlenttoboard. N.W. Cor 20th and Webster St. 709 tf . - ' of ollloo rooms , BUSH man's blocic , Cor 16th and Douglas. 76'tf ' RENT Nicely furnished front room for lady FOR gentleman ; Inqulr * 621 Pleasant St. 712 tt RUNT Sulto of rooms for two or f ourgcntlemen FOR South llithtt 077-2Si > FOKRENT-NlccIy lurnlehcu rooms 1817 Davtnport 722. J5p FOR RENT Furnished room 1621 Capitol ate. 000 SOp fOR RUNT A furnished front room withu'o of par- JD lor , with small family , 2107 Ghlcngo tt. 727-Zp RKNT Elegant newly furnished rooms 2'2G FOR st. 607 tt With boarddotliabk t jr eummtr. Apply ROOMS at St. Charles Betel. 237-tt iiiOR KENT Several One c dices In Crounso' block , JD Inquire Ed. Norrls , room 10 Crouuso blook D31 tl , RENT Furnished room 1816 DoJi. 135-ita RBNT-Nlcely furnished rooms at 1718 Cast FOR 2JC tl FOR SALE FARMS. BALR-120 acres good land within 00 miles ol FOR Omaha , new house , good stable , living water , chool bouse on the land and one mile from railway Utlon ; terms easy. W II Oreenover 1st Nat'lBank 635-tf T'OR SAIR Faim and unimproved land lota am . " housaon long credit D&MLanil oRlce,620f 3th St. Vadlcka & Qoantner. tOS-mlB ] FOR sAtB Good farm In Washington Co. ; 171 acres ; BO acres cultivated ; good buildings ; Qni rohard ; running water ; all fejcod. EJward Norrli Co. , room 19 Clounse Block. 474tf FOR SALE HOUSES-LOTS. TTORBiLn Two lots In block 8 , Ilanscom place JP 60x180 , east front , finest location In the city ; ap ply to W II Alexander , 1 < 08 Dodge street , or J I Wakefield. { 64-00 FOR SALR A special barraln In a resident lot Ii Ilanscom place. R. 0. Patterson , 13th and Far am. 867-29 SALE Cheap and beautiful lots for $200 eaol FOR monthly pajaents of S10 , only a few left. R < Fattereoa , 13th and Farnam. 866 29 ' SALE A beautiful lot 68x182 and fine reslden : r'OR Blunders St. for $160 } If ttken Immediate ! } Easy to'ini , R. C. Ptttereon ; 18th ana Farnam. 86623 FOR BALK Special Bargains 2 tjlcndld come lots on red car line ; cbcap. Fullloli , N. 20th st , bouue 20i28. $2CO. ! or. lot 80x132,12th and Dorcas , homo aid ttabli S17CO. Corner lot , ISth and Dorcis , 6'xl8'2UX)0. Lot 60x117 , P rtlct"s add , 4 room house , $300citl Cor Catherine uncl I'oppleton it , lUotcom piacu , room house $1,4CO Cor Orovo and Davtnport Bt.lC6xl24 , house 20x2 and stable , $1,400. Chalce 4 aero lot , Piatt'a sub dlv , $2000. Cor lake and 17th tt , east front , 167ixl40 , 6 roor homo , $3500. lots , Burr Oak add , east front , $2500 , Lot 90x183 , Piercemar 23i it , south front , & roue houie , barn , 92600. Lot 76x100 , east front , Ii eqaurcs from St. Hirj Avenue , tUIO. 830-1 PAIL8EX i. Co , , 1613 Farnam etreet. FOR SALE House full lot , well , cittern , bun , all I good condition , one block from street cars f 1 80 eaty terms. W II Green , over Ut Nat'lBank. 641-1 R SALE A full lot on corner of 18th and Jone JL1 paved street and within ono square of U. P. II R. for sale. Warren Swltilor. m-20 FOR BALK D lot ! full site , 10 per cent cash , balani monthly payments , W II Green , over 1st Nal Bink. 038 U FOR BALI Two cottages and lots Virginia avo. on block south of SI Mary's ave. 8t care | 600 oisl balance on l ni ( time. Iiuo Adams Frenzer bloc cpp , P. 0. 617-U 17011 SALE Oood 6 room house , lot 60x132 feeteai P front , $1300 ; $100 cash , balance $16 pur nontl W , Q Green , over 1st National bank. SSltf FOR SALE , MISCELLANEOUS. TTOR Bill One of the nobbiest ilngla rles In to P phaeton , horse and harness ; Icquiro at Club st bios fc05 BO BALI A friih milch caw at Edhilm & Eric FOR JL. 0UU. 871-4 " 17011 B1LS One hone and wagon , 2 cowpore plai 1 < one oiganud household furniture ; inquire of 0 Btchus , at 99 oent store , or 618 Falrrlew Ht 8 3-20p o > BALE OB TRADE I will tell or trade my hou J ? and lot on Sauuders street and tike part of tru u first-class furulture. Addre "J 8" Bee office. 81423 F OHSU8-HCO t < l ( f dlittobehadatlllSSht mau ne , 749 29p B'OR * LH-Io'H , bcg y and harueis $169. App 14C9I > ouvlamt , 743 sj ; TiVR HAH A good family horie , buggr and III JD DISI. InqulioSOlS Douglas Bt , F A fox. 714-2 SALE-Kor ( CO down and $20 \ < ti month FOR build an elegant five room cottage , wl porches , clossts , bar window brick cellar , home , A-i , & 3 , wlth t o lota nicely fenced the who all complete 11,600 The cottages to bo bull ! at on contract * for ten have already been let. Call al E ptfice andaeeclan of cottage , location cXc. Uil your friends along , 0 , K Mayne , south-west corn 16th and farnam. 207-1 FOB , KALI t'lano , a $7(0 upright piano at a b Kiln , 1719 BougUi. 73S n REAL ESTATE BROKERS. t Co ; IJU farmurr JLV street corner 13th , r al estatt' bought and sold on commission , txchsngrsot realorpersotnl proiwr. ty effected : the patrttiace uf parties luring real t tater or stocks of ( roods to sell or exchinge- rp > jn t > le ptiew , ll solicited , ana will hart ur > t > st KUr.tloru rEUSONAL. 1)miof -rartlfs wishing a nearrwtrewgutran * tot Int cutting rvl Ottlrg > attsfactoraxMtrra ; 219 Jfcrth 16th st , UttJ Arnold. CW.SSr. L If you want a deteotlve , tend juut a < | . 1 address to tb Om h Detrctlre Agtury , P O bon 64 < , oinccsS16 south lith it. biS utT Tiix oiAt , AHvycroan rent desirable desk rwrrr JL In well furnlihed office , rooms 7 and 8 , 216 ioath < 10th si E61-30 _ MRS MRKAND mMwUs roc lre ladles In her homr * for confinement , No 1433 Sooth 13th St ,0nuha. _ 71 2v MRRK.M HoortB , Trance clalrvojant , and hc * | . Ing mj > 1him ready fur business over No 623 S R corner 16th and Webster. Terms reasonable. 43S mlo TO EXCHANGE , "T70R IALI on KTCIIJLNOH I dvslra to rstlre from but. D ln ss and Oder ray store and stock ol good * , In GbeOleld , Furcan Co. , Illinois , consisting ot g > o cries books , stationery. notlonivcU rs in.or pa'oor ' In crahingo for Nebraska or Kansta Uml , free from Incumbranrr ; goods or store noli ! separately nr to gether , AddreM II1 * Humphrey 887-4 rn KAciiAviit1 have fifty thousand acres of Chej JL ennc onuuly land which I can exchange at figure * which will bo iirontablt for eastern protwrt ) . Como and see It. W. J. Vannlce , Sidney , Nets 804-tf To DSCIIANOK Imprnrod business pronertv In extern Iowa , $1 6CO for'took of merclia'-trlM or business. Address , " \V < lde"caralleeolDoe. 781-80 rpo KXUIANON 440 acres writ Improved land J rail * Llrum ESJOJC , Iowa , fora stouk Kfgor.cralnioiohan- also orhardnaro. Addrosi Jbhn Undorholm , Es ox lew ft. 584 u f MU 8AI.K Or exchange. Wo bavo for atle tna exclusive right In tnls state to sell the coal etnorolzcr and soot destroyer , destroys tlio soot and will save twenty per cent on coal , will sell county rlghti or the stator will exchange forro\l estate nr tt ) 7 food property on application will send sample liiti alnnd glvo paitloularn. Reatou tor eelllng Jvu r cannot ri > e It hi" attention : a rarochanro for hr ion : Ucdfordi Soucr & Davis. 278 tl BUSINESS OHANOE3. FOR BUR Hardware tookand store In Iho town on 13 &M Ii In Nebraska ; Imotce about f2600 ; good reason for telling. Addr is' "L" Heeotl'ac. 88S SOp FOR8ALKOKRKNT-A ( Moon In good locality , lot i building and fixtures. Apply to Jobu A Kicyhan No 1306 Douglas St , Oiiutu , Nob. 631 tf FOR BAI.K Hcdtmrant good locality , reason for selling , other buslncsl. Address "U F" lire ofTloe. 807-28p FOR B.U.I At a bargain , awcll cbtili lud l groosrv business. CMlatoraddrccs "A & IT' No ! 207 Cumlng st. ! 2 Ip HAI.R-Tho otdott oatabllshcd llvory business Foil In Omaha and the good will thereof ; 31 horses , tt hacks , 26 bugglcnand tamlly carrligfs , hand uagons. polo Dugglcs , full complement of doubla and Blnclo harnofs and all apnurlcnaurcs of a first claw stvlile. Will gl06 years loisoof tbo grounds and bnllJInra. Is in the centre ottro bu lncp3 toitlon of thi city and doing a goad trade Good terms can bo bad. W. II , Qrecn , o\or 1st Nat'l llank , Omaha , Neb. 802 tf OR BALK In Oakland Neb tlrst-chisamoat market F o the furnl uro of the St 1'aiil hotel. Kor par ticulars , Inqulro or urlto Wrggora & Uchling , Oakland Neb. 67i m9 I70R BALK liruz store In a desirable locality , wll _ C Invoice about $1,600 It 0 Tattcreon , NK corner 13th and Farnam. 438 tt FOR SALE-A first class stock ot dry goods $5 000 at a bargain , will take fort crsh balance real es tate ; address "M. V. B. " oaro Dee office. 262-tt li OK SALE Or exchange a full stock of clothing JD boots and shoes , gent' furnishing goods , will ex * change for Nebraska Lands. Q. II.Fetersjn,804 S. 10th St. , Omaha , Meb. 239 tf BOARDING. -pimST-CLASS Bed and board 1212 Capitol ave. 12a35 LOST AND FOUND. AnoteofJlOOaUneuby Fred Kocher and IOLT tt , and dua April 27th 1885. finder nil ! I Icauo Kturn to John McCague and reecho reward. 878 28p ) Ono largo brown mare with knot on outside STBAtKi side ol leg Just below bock , suitable reward will paid for return to E D Frank , 28th and Leavoaworth * bOSUp MISCELLANEOUS. ui1 On 26th of Aprl1 , at Piles Likn grounds TAKES mare , front feet sncx ! ; white saddle spot ; owner can have came bv calling on the grounds and paying all costs. 800 n-25 Wanted on notoi sccuroa by mortgage on property worth $7,0.0 , hill to bo . loin ono year , balance In two yearj , will give on per cent Interest and also a bonus of $500 for the use of the money. Address "Loan" Boo office 770 tf ) ASTURE On Elkhorn and Flatte. T. Murray. 800-U KSHONS given In real point lace , also lace made to . /order. 1414 Dodge street. 787-20p flimw BIIAKR TAO , Ita fruit flavored , tags redeemed vjat i na cent each by the dealers , Pojcko Bros. , agents. 638 tf on banjo given by Q E Oellen- JL beck , at 1116 Capitol avc. 480 tf PiilVTaults , links and cosspooli o'oanod ' any tlmo o'the ' day in an entirely odorless way with our Improved pump and apparatus Orders by mall promptly attended to. A. Evans , oflloo and residence 1208 Dodge St. up stairs. 409 m7p / 1iiEw BILVPR TAO , It does not taint the breath , tags ) VAodcomod at ono cent each by the dealers. 88 tf T IOIITMNQRODI-J J UcLiln hoafor solo tha best JL/rods manufactured In the United States annealed ! tlectilo fitoil center covered with sheet copper , ordera ( cce t rod' or repairing old ones promptly attended to Address 1011 Sauntlcis St. asOin6 / IHKW IIVKRTAU , docs n"t glvo jou heart hurn \J Tags ledttmed atone cent , each by the dealers. 083-tf , vaults , sinks and cc&ipools cleaned at tbo X shortest notlco and satisfaction guaranteed by F. o. Abe ) . 1' . O. Box 878 400-m2p DISSOLUTION NOTICK. The copartturthlp heretofore existing between Chas. Setgron and Oscar Uagelln Is this dty by mutual In- tereit ( Unsolved , Ohas Soagren to pay all the bllld due by the same firm and to rcaelvo a11 accounts , CUA8 BKAUUKN. a 28 Sip OSCAIt QAQ B.LIN CERTIFICATE Of 1'UBLIC'ATION. OFFICE , AUDITOR OF PJJBL10 ACC01NT8 , ) STATE or NruRABiu , V Lincoln , Februaiy 1st , 1886. ) I tin hereby certified that the Ueimaula Life Incur. ance company of New York In the HtaU of New York baa complied with U Insurance laws f this State , and Is authurliod to transact tbo biumesa of Life Insurance In this sttto for the cur * rent jcir. Wltnraa my hand and the iral of the Auditor ol Publlo * coounta the dty and year above written. , * . Signed : H. A. BABcOOK , } L.8. [ Auditor 1' . A. " * " | Matter of Application of J HBrotbtrton for permit to sell liquor as a drujgUt NOTICE. Notloe is herebytglven that I II Brotberton did upon the 2feth day of March A , D , 1886. file his ap. pllratloito the Mayor and City Council of Oinahs , lor permit to sell M lt , Hpirltous ano Vinous Liquors ai a druggist , for midlolnal , utchanlcil and chcmi- cal puriioica only , at No 20CI fierce street , Second Ward , Onraht. Neb from the lllh day of April , 1886 , to the llth day of Aplll , 18f . If Ifcere bo no objection , remonstranoo or iirotwt Hied within too weeks from March 28tb , A. I ) . 1 8S , the Slid loimlt wlllbe I'r } , R. I , Applicant J II. f OUTIIAUD , City Clerk. Mattter of application of D. Nordlloger for L > iiu r License , hOTICB. Notice Is hereby clien that D. Nordllnutr did upon the 26th aay of Aplll , A. D. 18B6. tilu bin ap. plication to the mayor and rlty council of Omaha , lor license to xllintlt , splritous or vinous liquors at Ne 1611 Karuam slreut , Fourth Word , Omaha , Neb. , from the lltli day Of April 1899 to tha tltlidtyof April , 18t6. If there * > e no objection , remonstrance or protest Bled within twoweekii frcin April Mill , A , D. It35 , tlio eald license will b granted. I ) . NOHDUSUKR , Applicant , J B 80UTIIAII1) , City Clerk. Manlioort Restored -HttE. A victim of youthful liurrudeo cauil K I'rematur * Decor , Nervous Debility , l-ont Winliood. deleaving tried In vtln ortrr known remedy , IIM discovert < ! a lituplo mean > of lf-our . which lie will wed KltKli lo lil ellow. ull rer .