Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 28, 1885, Page 6, Image 6

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Tuesday Morning , Atml 28 ,
nrOM , . . , .BU.CS.CRi ° ! ! lo isr. . "
Sr StU - . - - - - 910M P year
No. 12 Pcrtrl Street.
Secure to&ts for the concert Friday
The Georgia mlnatrola are quartered at
the Pacific.
Gorboiioh-Word concert at Dohuuy's
opera house Friday night.
A ipocial meeting of Blnffs city lodzo
No. 71 F. & A. M , will bo held this
evening at which the third degree will
bo worked.
Violinist nnd tenor give a concert Fri
day.Tho county clerk ia becoming so much
of an export on the typo-writor that ho
to preparing the bar docket with ono of
Wm. Harchand nnd OttoRlshton were
arrested yesterday for fast driving on
Broadway on Sunday. They wore fined
thrco nnd costs.
Attend concert at tha opera houao Fri
day , May 1st.
Ono vagrant , a colored man , who used
to work at the Ogden house wna before
the police court yesterday , bnt was lot off
on a promise to go to work.
Bonaborg & Ohondlo , boor bottlers at
Ottumwa , who hove boon doing a very
largo trade , necessitating the employment
of a largo force , have removed to St.
Joe , Mo.
An attempt ia bolng made to aocuro the
pardon of 0. 0. Smith , who was con
victed of stealing a watch from Mra.
Davia' atoro and sentenced two yoara In
the penitentiary.
The Western Union telegraph office
will shortly bo removed from Us present
quarters to the offices lately occupied by
the Iowa and Nebraska Insurance com
pany , 507 Broadway.
There only remains ono crossing over
Indian creek south of Broadway that la
safe , It being near Home's park. An
other heavy rain and the ether two
bridges will bo washed away making
them entirely useless.
The Western Iowa society , connected
with the Western Iowa college adjourned
last Saturday evening nntil the first Sat
urday In October. The oflicera of this
society are : President , Fred Keller ;
secretary , M. 0. VanDerron ; treasurer ,
J. Fltzpatrick.
On Sunday afternoon about 4 o'clock ,
as John O'Grady was trying to pull the
pin between two freight cara In the "Q"
yard at Pacific Junction , ho tripped his
foot and fell , the brake-beam striking
him , causing him a serious Injury.
O'Grady is a married man.
Col. Sapp'a thorough blooded greyhound
hound , "Jennie , " has produced a litter ,
which In quality and quantity la a marvel.
There are thirteen of the little ones , and
they ore all doing well , making a happy
family , which Is exciting the admiration
of many callers on her ladyship.
A bootblack , who has been banging
around town all winter , waa yesterday
brought before Judge Aylsworth , the
little fellow being very destitute and
dlrly , and inquiry loading to the dis
covery that ho has a sister living at Ex-
Ira , arrangements were made to send
him Ihero.
Married At the residence of the
brides father , Mr. Lewis Wehrhorn , on
Sunday evening last , by the Rev.
Doerflor , Annie Wehrhorn to Carl
Ohrlatman. The newly wedded couple
wore serenaded by the Bavarian band of
which Mr. Chrlatman is a member , be
tween 10 and 11 o'clock the same evening.
The Council Blufia driving p k associ
ation when It gave Its fair In the fall of
' 88 , was backed up by a number of cltl
zons , who pledged themselves in amounts
from $25 up , to help pay for any deficit
that might arise. Therewaa such a do
licit , and the association began calling
for these pledges to be redeemed , but a
few held back. Yoitorday the association
bosan ; suits against a number of promi
nent citizens on these claims.
The same "doctor , " who was reported
as having eloped with a Glenwood woman ,
and who has been wrlton up aovera ;
times nnder the name of McMenomy , Is
now said to be working Keg creek nut
Silver creek townships , and to have
caught a goodly amount of game. Bis
plan Bsorns to ba to get a patient to give
him a note , and then to sell the note , and
after giving ono treatment to tell them
to come to Omaha and got the other
treatments , If they want them.
The mayor la expected to return from
his eastern trip this evening. The pro
bibltlonista will not , therefore , have
much longer to wait to see what ho 1
going to do about the calooca. It ii no
expected that ho will shoulder any grea
responsibility In the matter , aa ho hold
that it Is not any more his business tc
enforce the state law than of any prlvat
citizen , ho being called on to run th
\ city and not the state. This was the po
iitlnn he took before he went away , an
he has doubtless teen nothing during hi
absence to change his mind ,
There was a little "brash" on Broad
way yesterday forenoon between tw
well-known sporting men. Ono of them
known ai "Slccney Bob , " la said tohav
been keeping the brother cf the othe
pretty well f'llfd ' np with drink , and
steering him against diver * games , virtu
ally robbing htm of bit money. "Bob
had been with this man orcr to Omaha
whore the victim had dropped several
inndrcd dollar * , and had then taken him
up the Northwestern road. The big
irothor meeting Bob , whoso ether name
s Lyon , took him to task for time roping
n this man , and started ia to thump
ilm as ho deserved , bnt Bob would not
wait to bo thumped , and dodging the first
) low ho went flying down the street.
There will bo no arrests ,
Plumbing and water work Is our
special business. Lewis & Gilbert , Main
street plumbers.
Frank Nlculio , of Algona , la , , Is at the
0. E. Richards , of Rod Oak , was at the
Ogtlcn yesterday.
Chris. Uoiach , late with J. Mueller , left
yesterday for Chicago ,
Stephen Malloy. late In the employ of Eiso-
man , Uodtia & Co. , this morning starts in
with Smith , ot Omahn.
Constable Wcsloy ia now a happy grand
'ather , his son James being the father of as
ilco a little maiden as has arrived in the city
n many a day.
Foter Fnchs , lender of tha Bavarian band ,
Peter Ilannon nnd Bchroeder leave to
day for Las Vegas , N. M. , where they have
an engagement this summer to play in
From a latter received from Dr , Foulaon nt
Jan Francisco , it is learned that 3 , S. Stevens ,
ho general agent ot the Rock Island , who lias
> aen spending the winter in California , ia now
ylngillat the Palace hotel with plouro-
inoumonla , contracted nt San Francisco , on
Mr. Stevens arrival there from Los Angeles
on his way homo. Dr. Poulson was called to
attend Mr. Stovena , just as they were about
o take tha train for Council UlufT . Mr.
Steens' illness will detain them for some
Artlals1 Materials ntG.R. Beard's Wall
Paper Store. Send for price list.
Facts worth remembering when you
buy Wall Paper : lat. That Beard , next
door to postoflico , has the largest stock to
select from. 2d That hla pricoa are aa
owaa the lowest. 3d That ho ia a
iractical interior decorator and employs
lone but skillful workmen.
The Trouble of the Triplets.
The disgraceful row in which "tho
rlplots" became Involved at the St. Joe
louse last Saturday night , or Sunday
morning , was yesterday the theme of
troot talk , and the comments were not
very flattering to Messrs. Fralnoy , Paten -
on , and Calvin. Patton was not so anx >
oua yesterday to prosecute the hotel man
aa on the night of the row , and declared
hat ho would have the care dlemlesod ,
bnt it waa evident that this course would
nly confirm the reports that the triplets
wore the ones to blame , and that they
n their sober momenta liad repented.
Tralney declared that if Patton declined
o prosecute , then he , Frainoy ,
would aaanmo the role of prese
nting attorney and push the
: aso to conviction. The idea of a jua-
; co of cho peace being with a party who
were trying ; to Induce a saloon man to
lolato the state law , and to violate the
irdinanco requiring them to close- their
> ara at 11 o'clock , and then after a row
lad broken out in consequence of the
man's refusal to sell drinks , to issue a
rarrant for his arrest , and to have him
> rought before himself for trial , and then
o have him kept In jail all night , when
k was known that ho could be had any
line to answer to any such charge , and
lion to threaten to prosecute the case
imsolf if the others of the party ro
used ; all this shows a sad state of the
udlclary. The voters who , by their
ufirsgos , put such a man In oflico , must
o ashamed of him , oven If ho feels no
hatno for himself. If a great wrong waa
ono to Frainoy and his friends , it wonld
o the proper thing for him to seek jus-
ice before some ether and disinterested
rlbnnal , but to attempt to deal out jus-
ice himself under such circumstances Is
larco , only equaled by his attempt to
lold the chairmanship of a ward caucus
when nine out of ten of those present
were yelling "Put him out. " It Is to bo
hoped that this affair will be silted thor-
lUghly until all the facts are breuphtont ,
> ud the blame of the disgraceful affair la
laccd at the door cf the guilty party >
whoever it may bo.
Substantial abstracts of title and real
s'ato ' loans. J. W. & E. L. Squlroi H
'oarl ' street.
Sewer pipe of all sizes for sole at
wholesale or retail at Lewis & Gilbert's ,
No. 521 Main street.
Wheat No. 1 milling , 70j Nt , 2 , C5 ,
No. 3 , CO.
Corn Now , 28o.
Data For local purposes. EOo.
Hay 8 00 per ton ] baled , GO ,
Rye OOo.
Corn Meal 150 per 100 ponndi ,
Wood Good supply ] price * at yards , 6 00 ®
660.Coal Delivered , bard , 9 60 per ton ] tel
10 per ton
Lard Armour' , wholesaling at "i > ,
Flour City Hour , 1 60@2 W.
Brooms-1758 00 per dor.
Cattle Batcher oowsj 8 25@3 75 , Butcher
Bloom , S 7B@ * 00.
Bhoon 3 C0@3 60.
Hogi-3 60 ® 3 76.
Eggs Continue stoidy at lie.
llutUr-Cholce new cre mery22fa : goot
held at 13 A lie ; nhoion oonntrv roll , I5jgl7c ! (
fair to good , I'J'Sltc : poor nnd eld stock , CC
lOc , The receipts of poor nnd fair grades an
Increasing , Choice roll continues tcarce am
lelli readily nt quo tit Ions when wrapped In
cloths and well packed ,
I'oultry Supply ia short of the demand
Live spring chickens , per doz , 6 00 ; live ol (
chickens , per doz. , 360(23'0 ( ; live lurbevs
per lb. , i10ot ) dressed chicken * , per lb. , I2f (
ilc ! ; dreased turkeys , per lb. , l-l@15c ; clresse *
gecae , per lb , 10@12c ; dreued duck * , par lb
ll@12c. The preteut weather ii unfavorabl
fur dreuaed poultry and great caie should b
taken in both dreiing and picking ,
Game-Ducks , in fair demand at 200pe
dnz , , formallarda , 1 50@1 75 for mixed am
10 @l 25 for teal. Ship only beat killed
birds. No sale for old stock.
Onions -Clisica btock icarca at 1 21 6
per bushel ; wet and sprouted , 75@1 00 ,
Deans Supply fair , demand light. Hand
picked navies , 1 SO ; clean medlnmi , 1 25 ®
140 ; dlrly aud unscreened , 75@100o.
1'otatoea Ihe market has been nlmoet bar
for the put week. Choice ttock of any ROCK
variety will bring 55@COo ; fair to good , 45 ©
Apples-Good to choice Kansis nnd Mil
louri , 3 2308 70 per barrel. Market it full o
poor and soft ttock telling at any price buyers
may w
Dlipitihfs from Clarki Crossing state tha
there ban bden no fighting since Friday
Barcy lUker , of the mr uuted Infantry , i
dead. This makes 8 death * , 4 of the Ot
Wiles , 2 of A bitUry. lot the Toronto Sihoo
of Infantry , and 1 of Boulton'a men.
low Wood PftvlnR la Ilclng bald In
Other Cities ,
The question of how to pave is just
now intorostlng a goodly number of
iroporty owners on streets which will
his season donbtlets be paved in sotno
manner. Ono of THE BEE renders calli
attention to the following state of affairs
as given In Bradstreot'a , and the state
ments will bo road with equal interest by
other properly owners hoto.
Just at the tlmo when Chicago is
abandoning wood for street paving and
adopting etono , the ere t Enropean cities
, hat have been Icng experimenting with
different pavements , nro abandoning
stone and taking to wood , The difficulty
n Ohioago scorns lo bo lhat no pavement
ins over boon properly laid there , and
.ho probability is the stone pavement
low In favor will tarn out as much of a
ailaro at the old wood did. In Lon
don , Paris and some ether largo cities
abroad , stone , macadam and asphalt
iavo each in turn been condemned
and the _ preference given tp
wood. Paris , less than two yoara ago ,
was largely paved with macadam and
isphalt , but today the principal thorough-
ares are paved with wood , even down to
ho Champs Jflyuoes , where it would
seem the former macadam should have
answered the purpose. Miles of wood
ire also laid In London. The result in
> oth these cities appears to bo generally
atlafactory. The wood pavement Is
easily and quickly repaired ; It Is not so
damaging to vehicles ; offers less rosis-
anco than stone , and , nbovo oil ,
iss greatly reduced the distracting
attlo. Oxford street and Holborn nro
Ike a drawing room now in comparison
0 lower Broadway. The method of
aylng the wood abroad differs consider-
> bly from that generally employed In
Jhlcogo. A thick and durable concrete
oundation la first constructed , upon
which a bed of cement , as hard and
mooth aa a floor , is laid. Then the
wooden blocks nro placed with the imial
qravol between the rows , and over the
whole la poured a thin mixture of cc-
nent whlchvpcrmeatoa."and fills ovoiy
ntorstlco. The Chicago method wm to
ovel the street , fill in with sand , and af-
or laying a layer or two of cheap pine
> oards , place the blocks on them. The
> oards decayed and the pavement eoon
> ecamo a more succession of ruts nnd
toles. Thereupon the Ghlcagoana con
demned the wood , when It waa the engi
neers and contractors , who were growing
loh out of the job , who should hive boon
ondomned. The Chicago atone pave
ment is pat down In a flimsy way , and
nust soon be o ndomnod also. A good
ouso cannot bo bnilt on aand neither
an a good pavement.
The Dime Show.
The dime muccum and theatre opened
t the , uknHug rink last evening -with
retty good prospects of succoas. The
iiterprlae la a novelty here , and some-
rbac of an experiment. The building
iaa been refitted for the special purpoto
or which It is now to be used , but there
ire still some finishing touches to make
t complete. There are already a nctn-
> er of real cariosities , well worth seeing ,
nd amply repaying the visitor for the
omlnal price of admission. The
leatro part of the entertainment
pens with the Georgia minstrels ,
who are to appear all of this week ,
'hese minstrels have just closed a long
nd successful engagement in Omaha , ,
rhe Jo they received many words of praise ,
lothlng has yet been offered in the way
E an ontertalnment horcv
Ivlng so much amusement foe the mon-
y c ia now offered at the dime museum
ad each week an entire chaago is prom-
sod. Next week there is to be a dra
matis company , then a comic opera com *
t&ny , and so on , good entertainments
> elng engaged for the next four weeks. Ii
a the intention of the managers to hava
olilcg of the variety order about the
iloao. but to keep the plaoo one whlob
adlea and children can patronize. The
penlng gives assurance that this policy
will be carried out. If thie * first month
1 rove a the success that ia ex-picted , the
> laea la to be enlarged , aad othorwhe
raprovod , and made a permanent feat-
ire of the city. All should read the at-
ractions offered to the public in the ran-
turn advertisement to bo found in
nether column.
J. L.
Union Ticket Apnt ,
No. 607 Broadway Council Blnffa.
Railway Time Table ,
The following are the times ol tha trtI U and d .
nrruie ol trains bj ctntril gtiodard time , l the
oo l depots. T Ini U TB truiiler depot tin min
utes e ller and arrlre ten mlontes Uter.
fmtuoo and noa'iniiaaia * ;
825 A ic Mall nd Eiprosa flWr : u
liO : F M Accommodation 4:10 : r M
6:30 : r si Kxpreej 0.05 A II
omoiio IBD BOO isLitni ,
) ; ? 5 1 u Mall and Express O.KS r u
7:25 : A u Accommoditlon 6:16 : r H
6:30 : r u Kxpreta 8:00 : A H
cmeieo , MILWAUIII An n. riDL ,
D:20 : > u Ma'l and Eiprew 8:60 : r u
6:26 : r M Expreg ) 0.05 A II
omoAOO , innuvaio * AID quracr.
0CO : A u M ll and Exproas 7:10 : r u
12:30 : r M > coommodatlon 1:00 : r u
6:15 : r M Eipreuj 8:60 : A U
IT , UJDIS AID rAcmo ,
From Transfer only ,
1:30 : r M SI. T.ouli Eiprcea 2:16 : r u
f:10 : r M Cbloigo Exp Tla Feorla 9:10 : A u
10 ofi A u Malt and Express 6:40 : r u
8:16 : r ii Kxpreu 0.26 A n
7:70 : A M Mall ( or Bloux City B:60 : r H
7tO ; r il Expreistor Bt l' ul 8.60 A u
CMOX rAoiric.
11:00 : A u Dinver Kiprcsi 4:15 : p u
1:06 : r u Lincoln Pais O'a & H V 8:35 : I-w
7:5S : r M Orerland Kxprea * 8SO : A M
DcniUT Turns TO OMiiu.
Leave Council bluff * - 7:16-SSO-8JO-10JO- : : : :
11:40 : a. m. iao-2:80-JSO-4:28-65-fl:25- : : : : :
IIM p. ro. Leave Omaha 0:10 : 7:6 : ( e(0 : 10CC :
_ il:15 : a. m. 12:50-2:00-Boo-4(0-4:66-B:6 : : : : :
11:100. : m.
No. 201 Hnper "Broadvray. Cooncll BlnflV
Attorney - -
Office , Uala Street , Rooms 7 and 8. Bhugarfm
I2 ao block. WUIpiactloolnBiaUind tete courts
Copy of a part of a photograph
of a NIAGARA vine , planted
1878 , aa It appeared Fall of
1S8O with G3 clusters weighing
20 Ibs. on 48 In. bearing wood
lit. The Niagara ripens in favorable seasons at Lockport , Aujr. 20th.
2d.-It never drops from tha stem If loft to hang till frost comes , nnd improves In flavor
the tlmo ,
Sd. It is purely native , nnd therefore Lardy. Una stood So degrees below zero without
4th.-,13ears a good crop the 3d year and often the 2d , nnd Is n regular bearer , and no
waste , as bunches nro compact Never fails to ripen its crop as the thick leathery foliage
holds oven to the base of the canoi until frost kills it.
5th. Vineyards nro in bearing in various soctians from Georgia to the Northern Lakes
and Canada , nnd from Knnias to the Atlantic coast , there being more than 1,000 acres planted
Ithin the last five years , nnd over 200 acres were planted t Urocton , Chautaumia Co. , N.
Y. last spring , (1881) ( ) : Jonas Martin alone having 47 acres ; the largest \lneyard of Niagaras ,
bclnff planted at Highland , Ulster Co. , N. Y. , by Sam'l Kogers , JJsci. , which contains SOncres
of this ono variety , and he has realized from 20 to 80 cents per pound for his fiult , while Con
cords grown In the samp locality broucrlit from 4 to G cents only.
C , All parties planting vineyards ha\o signed n contract to return all the wood nnd cut-
tlngovcry year back to the Company up to , and including 1838 ; so itluubson the solo owner of
all the stock , and no one but the Company and its authorized agents can sell nnd deliver
genumo Niagara vinos. So all persons should examine agent's certificate of authority , nnd
see that it has the corporate seal of the Company attached , nnd every vine that it ha a lead
seal attached , bearing the Impression of the Company's registered trade mark.
7th. Wo now offer for the first time , strong 2 year old vines nt retail nt $2.00 each with
out restrictions , to be delivered en and after March lat , 1885.
WELLS COOK , Council Bluffs , Iowa
Having accepted mpolntiEont a ipcclal g ( nt for the NIAOAIU WHITE OIUPE CO.'for Jona Md No.
, I am now prepared to promptly delhcr "fllAOAUA. " > Inea Udder the Ilrglltcrod Trade Mark Seal
3.27 JES CdZ.'JL'Jdl
C f every description and at prices low as the lowest. Special attention to custom work. The remain
der of my stock ot NOTIONS are being disposed of at COST. A FACT , call and bo cant InccJ.
337 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Iowa.
NOTICE. Special a rtrttsomentl , duo u Lort
round , To Loan , For Sale , To Rest , Wants , Board- ,
In ; , to. , win be Inserted la this column at the tow Irate I
rate ol TEN CENTS PER LINE for > . : _ jrtlOD
nd JIVE CENTS PER LINT' t each subsequent
rtton. Leave adrert'.m > menta at oni offloe , Ho.
Pearl Btreo * "it Broadwav
17011 fALE Ore four hono-po or inplro null
etxhoreo-poftcr boiler. I ) th In exocllent con-
ItloD. Addicts , J. IV. , SOS Broadway.
WANTED By a gentleman , a furnlthod room.
Address L. , Bee office , Council BluOs ,
7 < e 8Ai.ii13 sections ol choloo. lands In Keith
J Co. , Neb , Term I favorable and prlca low. W.
. Stacy , 83 M in St.
[ 7 > OK JUK Mine , wcll'-natered ranch la Ctntral
' Kansas. Will take lovra farm In part payment.
W. C. Sfcwy.
-70K SALE AT A BAUOAIN The desirable resl-
. dcncc or buslnoFa property on Upper Broad-
ay , known as the Powers place , GKCI R.
IIABD , 82 Main street.
7IOR SALE. .other hotel In a lNebroika
J town , now doing ; a business ol about $360 per
month. N other hotel In th place. Terms liberal.
7 < OR HALE OH TRADE SCO acres ot land In
? Wayne county , ITo.VU1 trade for Gounsnl
luffs city property er sell cheap for cash , or part
.T17AN1S . TO TitADB. Uood Iowa or Nebraska
r V land for a email stock of hardware or general
merchandise , well located. SWAXVAMISS. .
TiOR SALK A rare chance to jet a fine , well improved -
} proved 'arm of 400 acres , v/lthln a few miles of
louncll Blufle , at B bargain. Low price and cosy
orma. bWAN & WALKH
7OK ( SALIC A good pa } IDJ ; hotel property irlth
? llyery sltble , In ono of thi beat small towns IB
estorn Iowa will sell with or without furniture , Of
111 tiade for : > small farm with stock eta.
T\OK \ SALE Eighty acres UDlmprored landla
1 Union ccuatv , Iowa , 3j miles- south easfot Mon -
on , the county seat , or will trade for Nebraska or
ansas land. S-.TAK & WALKX& .
j OK SALE A 20 acre tract ot good land about
one and half miles from Council Blufl * post
ffloo. at a bargain. STRUT & WAMKR.
,1011 SALE In Harrison county , Iowa. 320 atres
? Krasa laad , all under fence a SOO acre farm
1th One Improvements , all under cultivation except
0 acres grass 89 acres good grasser pasture load ,
nd several other tracts of from 40 to ISO acresof
nlmproved land. BffAJI & WALKKH.
_ i\QH H4LK Lands Improsed. aad unimproved.
J If you want a farm In western Iowa , KASUW
'ebraska or Dakota , lotus hear from you.
j SALS A laree number cf business and reel-
L ? denco lots In all parts of Council Blnffs. Bee
us before yen buy , 87AM & WALKHB.
j SaLK rartles wishing to buy .cheap lei to
J build on can buy on montUy payments olfrcm
J to $10. SWAM & WILIBR
KB3 r Wo will rent yo : a lot to build on
wftb the prlvllage to buy If you with on very
beral term" . SWAS & WAUUO.
lo correspond with any one wlsblnga
WANTED . location f n planning mill. Bash , door
nd bllad manufactory , ns ba\e building and
machinery , well located , for sale , lease or trade ;
KENT- Largo two story frame building cult
FOR for warehouse or storage purpose } , near
allroul depot. SWAN WAL3 n.
RENT UK BALU BdiiulDg and grounds
FOR sultarli for email tonndiy and machine shop
OosJ boiler , engine , cupo t , blower with Qxed abut <
nj eto. , ready to put In- motion
jiOH SALE House * . Lota and Land. A. J.
Ptcpfcenton , BOS Frrst avenue.
IT > OH SALE A top-buggy , flrst-il aa make and
J ? In excellent condition. Or will trade for cheap
ot , Addrets r. M. Bee office. Council liluTe.
\irA lJU > tvery Douyin Council llluDs o lake
VV TniBn. Delivered by carrier at only twinly
otnts a week.
f"VLD PAPERS For sal * al fill offloe , at Si oenw
\J a hundred
No. 220 MnJn St. , Oonncil Bluffs.
Open Sunday Flrst-clas work iruaianleed.
NO. 2 ,
la the fflffftcat Achievement in Writing
Machines in the World.
With cnly 39 keys to learn ai
operate. It prints 70 character *
including caps and email lettcri ,
punctuations , floruret , ilgoi and
fractions It a the simplest and
mutt rapid writing machine
mode ai well u the molt durable
! for free illustrated pamphlet.
Wyckoff Seamans & Benedict ,
Chicago , 111. , Solo Agents.
0. H. SIIOLES , Council Bluffs
Agent ( or Western low *
Dr , "W. E. Shorradon
Masonic Temple ,
OoonoH Blntt * f low * .
E. Rice M. D.
CHBOHIC DISEASES-1' ' " " .2 * ?
Orel lairtj run practical ( XBttUsM BAM . B
I , Peat ) st" t. Council Blttta ,
- ( its.
a'nunotli Dime Museum
6th A\o. and 1'earl Street , ( Formerly Martin's
Rink. )
PALMKR& SANDER , Prop'ra & . Mnnagera.
Monday Evening , April 27th , Engagement
3od first appearance of the world fan-oua
and original
In a refined programme of wit and humor.
Will contain Freaks of Nature , Curioaitiea ,
and Mcclianlcal Wondore , principal among
which will bo found the world reputed wca-
dor ,
Tbo Lightning Lady ,
The Armlosa Wonder ,
Princess cf' the Todas tribe of Mexican In
diana ,
The Bohemian Glass Blower ,
And many other novelties ,
A Reaort for Ladies , Ai Resort for Ladies ,
Museum open 1 to- Sand 7 to 10 p. m.
Theater Mutineo 2 p. mi Evening ii p. m.
lOcts ADMISBrON lOcts
Curtains , Oil Cloths ,
Window Shades ,
Linoleums ,
Mattings ,
Rugs , Etc. , Etc.
Careful Attention Given to Out
of Town Orders ,
Upholstery and Drapery Work a
- Specialty.
Our atock la the
tarpst in tie west
and ia being continually replenished by
all the latest h.m ! choicest novelties.
405 Broadway Council Biufls
In Council Blufli h \ log a
And all modem Improvements , call bells , fira
alarm belli , etc. , is tbo
Nos. 210 , 217 and 219 , Main Street.
TIIOH. 01T1CKII. W. II. M.rC38
Officer SL Pusev ,
Council Bluffs , Ia.
Established , -
Dealen in Forelpn and Domestic Exchang
and Home Securltie * .
Order * from abroad promptly filled , Sweet Potato 1'lnuts n tpoclalty , 1'lnnts will bo
cndy for shipment by May 10th , Orders should bo plncrd early ,
. / . Jf. J c'J'/iewofi.
1281 Kut riarco Street , Council Muffs ,
Field & Estep ,
No. 317 Broadway , Council Bluffd , lorrn.
Calls Attended Promptly , Day and Night. Particular attention given to 1'
Telephone No , 5)7. )
W. P.
Brick buildinga of any size raised or moved nnd nntlsfactlon guaranteed. Frame ho
moved on Lirruc GIANT tracks , the best In the world.
1010 Ninth Street , Council BrnHs
505 Broadway , - - Council Bluffs.
TUB OKLY ALL NIGHT HOUSE IN TUB cm. Everything served in Srit eui style and on short
notice. Hot and cold lunches alwnvfl ready.
Eeop Horses nnd Mules constantly on hand whlo
wo will sell In retail or carload lots.
AH Stock Warranted as Renresented.
Wbolriale ted ret ill riitlm In Or ! n ted E 1d 11 y. Price
tonkblo Satisfaction Guaranteed.
soszLTJTEia < so BOLEJ-Z-
Corner Fifth Ave. & Fourth St. OouncllBluflJi.
Good Agents Wanted
Drs. Jucld & Smith's
Office and Factory , No SO , Fourth St. , Council Eluffs , lownt
Merchant Tailors !
7 and 9 Mala St. ,
ACTomplete Line of New Goods to Select Fjrom. , !
"Make hey while the Sun shines1' "Never put oil \mtil to-morrrow what TOU can do to
loy ; ; " "Strike while the iron is hot. " "Be anro your right , " than mnko n BKn-llne for
105 and 107 Main Street.
Now stock of FUAME3. MOULDINGS , Pictures , otc.havoarrlved and'cannot ' be ox-
oelled in the west. Engravings , OIJ Paintings , Water Colors , etc. , will lw Bold at actual
aoat for 10 days only ,
See the Following. Prices : :
Steel Engravings SllfiS worth $3.0Q > Steel Engravings 82 CO worth $3,75
Steel Enrwavincs 2.SO worth -1.50 Steel Engravings 4.CO worth 0.00
" " " ' ' " "
WaterColored Panei , . . . . . . 2 25 worth 4.00 Oil Paintings in deep gilt
frames , 24x31 at § 1.50 former price , $3.75
Oil PaintlnRB in 1 Inch gilt frams" , 22x30 , at S2.'M ) former price 84.00.
Cabinut Frames ntcost , BraiaPicturo Kxls , Hraaa Braokots ; Picture Chami , Brass Nails ,
etc. . will bo aold at hard tunoa pricon. If you hove picture * to frame , ctlli and examine my
new stjloa of mouIdinKs , whioli will bo sold ot wholoaalo prices.
JLOS anil 1QX ISfnin Stt-e
Besiutlfy your homei by using the abovi. Over 500 deslgw to select from.
Bc nitiju1 , Strony and Zastiny.
Estimates Riven on any style either put up or delivered here , by applying to ,
Wholesale Iron , Steel , Heavy Hardware and Wood StooK.
117 Mam Street , Council Blufla , Iowa.
r * -