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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1885)
THE DAILY BEE- MONDAY , APRIL 27 , 1885. J Mammoth Dime Museum AND THKA.TEH. 6th Avo. ind 1'tsrl Street , ( Formeily Martin's RlnV. ) I'AUiP.n ASANJIH , 1'rop'ri 4 Manngors. Monday KrenioK , April 27th , EnRngemcnt and first appearance of tbo world famous and original GEORGIA MINSTRELS 15 I'lIWT CLASS AUTIST3 15 In a refined programme of wit and humor. OUH C'JUIO HALL Will contain Frealis of Nature , Curiosities , and Mechanical Wondori , principal among which will be fouid the world reputed wonder - dor , MISS 12X PATTERSON , The Lightning Lady , LOWANDO BALDWIN , The Armless Wonder , 1'OOAUONTAS , Vrinooasof thoTodas tribe of Mexican In diana , MADAMK 1IOWELL , The Bohemian Glass Blower , TIIK LIVING HALF LADY , And many other novelties , A Kosort for Ladies. A Resort for Ladies Muieum open 1 to 0 and 7 to 10 p. m , Theater Mutlnco 2 p. m. Evening 8 p. m. lOcts ADMISSION lOcta PUNCH BLUFFS G ARPET COMPANY CARPETS , Curtains , Oil Cloths , Window Shades , Linoleums , Mattings , Hugs , Etc. , Etc. Caieful Attention Given to Oul of Town Orders , Upholstery and Drapery Work a Specialty. Our stock la the Larpst in tie and is being continnally roplcniahod bj & 11 the latosb and choicest novelties. 405 Broadway Council Biufis ONLY HOTEL In Council Bluffs having a And all modern improvements , call bells , Cr nlaraa bells , etc. , is the CRESTON HOUSE Noa. 215 , 217 and 219 , Main Street MAX MOHtr , - PROPRIETOI SCHMIDT , PHOTOGRAPHER No. 220 Main St. , Council Bluffs. Open Sunday. First-das ) work guaranteed. . OFFICER. w. n. ti. rcsi Officer & , Pusev. BANKERS Council Bluff ? , Za. Established - - 185i Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Exchacg and Home Securities. ff OI UMCQUAIMTta WITH THK olOQftAPHVGr TNI * VCUV- TRY WILL III * V KMININO THI UAI > THAT 1HI CHICAGO , ROCK ISLABDfi PACIFIC . . , the cen'rat poiltlon of In line . , connects . . tb J fl * od tbeVeit * 1 * * t > l khnrl < u. V/\.I.A n/4 * ' ri pcmeneer Cliiuiio worth. AtobU and _ - - . _ . . _ connect * m Union l > epol § with ill the vrtnripa line * of road botweeu tbe Alluntio and tlio Iaolni Occam , Ita cquipnient ! unrivaled nd m&enln < 2eut Ulnff ! composed f Iklost Comfortable * n ( Uoautlful ur cotcbei. Mazntncent Ilorton Ho Jllnlng Ohalr Car. . . l jllman ; . retile.t " ' aiefpinE On , * ad the Vnt Uno Ql PUlni Car ta the Worlrt. .Three Tr.lni. aCU3 O raf . Tw-fi- - nOhl , Mluourl Itiver roint * 1-t > Wuud Mlne > polliaadBt.wwal.vU tu < 7aaa "ALBERT LEA # OUTE. " A New and Direct Lint , fta Beneo * and Kankn kee.bM recenUr txeu opened belwejn Blohmond Norrolk. Newport Newi. CbattauooK * . AlUutm , Au go.u. NMhTllle.Ixiulivinj , Leilngion.qnclnmt Indlanapolli and LAfarette. and Omaha. Mlnneip V clu and Ut. l' ul and iDtermcdlite point * . All Tbrouf - > enien Tr T.l on rait Kiprta Ticketi : r tale at all prlndr * ! Ticket Office * I .be United tlat < > and Canada. Otzgace cheeked through Bd rates of far * ! w I u low a * competitor * that offer let * aavta t Aef. for detailed Information , ft tb * M p and Vol4 r * o ( tb * GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE At four nearMt Ticket OOee.or kddr * * * , K , CABLE , E. ST. JOHN. riM. U < * 'ltlTr. SPECIAL NOTICES HOTTCK. Special a nrtlsementi , no as toil found , To to n , Fet Skit , To R nl , Wants , BoardIng - Ing , eta. , will bo Inserted In Ihli column it thi low iat ot TEN CENTS PER TJNE ( or the Brtl Insertion m4 FIVK CENTS PEH UNE foi eaeh robwqnenl ertlon. teats advertisements at oni offlo * , Mo. Pearl Street , Dear Broadway WANTB. . Ijvin SULH-IS sections ol choice Unas In Keith JL Co. , Neb , Termi tavcrtble and price lowf , 0. Slacy , S3 Ualn St. TJio * * ts A fln , well mtered ranch li Central ! Kansaa. Will take lena latin In patt payment. w. c , Stacy. SILK Atabarftaln a desirable residence or Fen buMnets property on Upper Broadnay , known i the Powers place. Apply to GM. H. UIJLRD , ! ! Main street. . SALE. . . . .other hold In a Ivv Nebraska FOR , now doing a business ot about $380 | < er month. No other hotel In the place. Terms liberal. HWAX & WAtKBR. SALE OR TIIADE. SCO aores ol land In FOIl county , Mo. Will trade ( Of Council Bluffs city property er sell cheap lor cosh , or Tart time. SWAM & WALRKO. Tl/'ANTS 10 TUAUC. Uood Iowa or Nebraska VT land lor a small stock ol hardw are or Reneral merohandtjo , well located. SWAN A WALKEB. T."UW BaLB ArarecUnrotOKet a One , well lm > JP proted ( arm ol 400 acres , within a lew miles ol Council Dlu&s , at a bargain. Low ptlco and easy terms. SWAN & WALIXK OK 8AL& A good pajlDK hotel property with iJ 1 llycty tUblo , In one ol the best email towns In western Iowa will tell with or wlthouUurnlturc , or will trade lor a small larm with ttock eta. SWAM & WALRXR. 8A.LK Klghty acres unlnprorod land In FOIl county , Iowa , 3 } miles Bouth cast ol Al ton , the county Beat , or will trade ( or Nebraska or Kansas land. S AN 4 ; WALKIR. 10011 HALE A 2u aero tract ol good land about JP ono and a hall nllcs Irora Council Blunt poet nfflco. at a bargain. SWAN ti WAIRIUU | j > OH SAIiK In Harrison county , Iowa. 320 acres JU jrraas land , nil under lence a 500 acre ( arm with One Improvements , all under cultHatlon except 20 acres grass 83 acres good Rnea or panturo land , and so\ora ! other tracts ol Irom 40 to 160 acres ol unimproved land. SWAN & WAUUR. poll S ALB Lands lnipro > ccl aad unlmrrovcd. I 1 II you want a larm In western Iowa , Kansas Nebraska or Dakota , Ictus boar Irom > ou. SWAN & WAI.UKR. BAIE Alarso number ol business and real , dcnce lota In all parts ol Council Ulufls. Sco usbotorojoubuy , SWAX & WAIKRR. HALE Parties wishing to buy .cheap lota to build on can buy on monthly payments ot ( rom 82 to * 10. HWAN & 'WAtRiiR 11KN I Wo will rent you a lot to buUd on with the prlvllago to buy II j ou with on very llboral term * . S AX & WALKER. \X7AN IKD I o correspond with any ono wishing a VV gocd locution I/r planning mill , sash , door and blind manufactory , wo liavo building and machinery , well located , lor Bile , Icaso or trade ; HWAN & WALRRIL KENT- Large two fctory tramo building suit able lor warehouse or storage purposes , near railroad depot. SWAM WAmmu UKNl1 OH SALt ; Bdliilljg and grounds FOIl sultarle lor snail loundiy and machine shop Ooodboiler , engine , cupola , blower with fliodehatt- Ing etc. , ready to put In motion. SWAN WALKBR , il SALE Houses , Lots and Land. A. J. Stcpbcnoan , BOS first avenue. inow SALK A top-buggy , tirut-cUss make and JO In excellent condition. Or nlll trade ( or chotp iot. Bee ollko , Council ) llu7s. r.\ty Douyin uouncu uiuns o tine WAWIEU . Delivered by carrier at only twenty cents a week. ) 1'AL'KIIS For gala at Bn oICco , at 55 oenta OLL hundred VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR RENT , I have a double store bulldlng.10 loomfl.partltlonod oU , elegantly papered , supplied ith water from the , nater vorks , good btlck cellarsuite ! ( or restaurant , laundry , boarcllLg house , mcrchantllo buslntesor resident property. Also a largo two-story frame dwelling Mlth IS rooms two cellar ) , etc. , etc. , suited for boardlcg house , private roeldcnce , hospital , cto. , oppoelto the city bulldlnca and city market ( or rent cheap. W. U. VAUOUAN. THE RECENTLY IMPROVED REMINGTON STANDARD NO. 2 , fa ( he Highest Achievement in Writing Machines in the World. With only 39 keys to learn an operate. It prints 70 characters Including caps and email letters punctuations , figures , tlgns am fractions , It a tbo simplest am most rapid writing machlm made as well as the most durabli for free illustrated pamphlet , Wyckoff Seamans & Benedict , Chicago , 111. , Sole Agenta O. H. SHOLKS , Council Bluffi Agent for Western lowi Dr , W. XL Sherradea DENTIST , Masonic Temple , Council Blofb Iowa Of * tbu Isuaors iaov4 wlthoit tb 'j ' kail * or drawinc cl ll si. CHRONIC DISEASES ° " 11Ui > UaTeaUJ" Over ttiirty veari practical sxysiiou * OflM Kf > , Pearl street , Council BlnDs. tarConinUvHan tri * . J. U No. 607 Broadway Council Bluff * . Railway Time Table OODNOIL"5BLUFFS. The Jollowlne ara the times oltha arrival and de ptrtare ol trains by central standard time , at th local depots. Trains leave transfer depot ten mln atcs earlier and arrive ten mlnutea later , umnT. ARRIV , ' nnuoo and Hoinnrumv , ! ) :2I : A u Mall and Eipress 0ro' : r : 12:10 : r tt Acc-ciiioioiiailon 1:10 : r I 6:30 : r M Express 8.05 A : CH10AOOAHD OCK ISLAND. 0.5 A u Mall and Express 6:53 : r : 7:95 : A u Accommodation & :16 : r' 6:30 : r u Eipreis 0:00 : A I OmOAOO , UILWAUEXS AID ST , TAUL. 0IO : > w Sla'l and Express 6:60 : r : t6 : r u Kxpreii 8.05 A : omcAoo , iDKinaroi AHP ( jaracr. 0:60 : A u Uall and Eipress 7:10 F : 11:30 : r u Accommodation ? :00 : i > : 5M r u Kxpreut 8:60 : A : WAHID , IT. U3UIS AMD FAOtnO , From Transler only. 1:50 : T u St.touls Eipress 2:16 r : 710 ; r u Chlctgo Kip via Peorla 0:10 : A : IAHSAS QTT , * T , 101 AHD OOOBOIL ILOm. lO.Mi i u Hall and Express 0:40 : r I 8:15 : r 11 Express 0:2i : A i BOOX orrr Am rAomo. 7:20 : A u Mall ( or Sioux City 6:50 : r I 7:0 : r u Kxpreia lor Ht Paul 8.W A : CMOt TAOiriC , 11:00 : A ii Dinver Express 4:35 : r : 1:06 : r u Lincoln Pais O'a fcR V S.3S r : 7:55 : r u Overland express 8.EO A : BtTUUr TR41.V8 TO CMlIIi. teara Council Blnfli - 7:16-8:40-9:50-10:50- : : : : 11UO a. m. lSO-SSO-3:50-4:23-SZ6-6.S5- : : : : 11:46 : p.m. Leave Omaha 819 7SI : etO : 10C : 11:16 : a. m , 12:60-2:00 : S:00-40 : : 4:66 : 6G : -11:10 : D. m. MANDEMAKEES & VAN , ARCHITECTS , CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS No. 201 Doper Broadway. Council Blnffi JTACOJt SIMS , Attorney - at-Law COUNCIL BI.UF18 , IOWA. Office , Main Street , Rooms 7 and 8 , Bhagartlai t LO block. Will practice la Slatcand tate court VEST POINT AND ANNAPOLIS , the Two Great Schools Are Kept Filled , ouml Minds for Sound Bodlcs-Ilow Much it Costs to t-Mucnto nn Otllccr Articles of a Cadet's Outfit. iow York livening Telegram. Quito a natnbor of boys assembled in lid president's room of the college of tlio ty of Now York , at half past nlno 'clock this morning to go through a mod- cal examination to toit tholr physical fit * osa for the West 1'olnt and Annapolis' ' ppointmonta from tbo tenth congrcsiion * 1 district. Those pronounced qualified 7 the medical board will bo allowed to itar tlio ontranca examinations to bo old at the satuo hour and place on Sat- rday next , and the two pawing with the Iglioat credits Trill receive the appoint ments , Each congressional district and torrito- r , n alaD the District of Columbia , are ititlod to ono cadet each in the military cadomy at West Point and the naval cadomy at Annapolis. Ten others are ppolntod at largo. These appointments , xcopt those at largo , nro made by the ocrctoryof war at tbo request of tlio rep- isontntlvo or delegate In congress from 10 district and territory , and the oraon so appointed mast bo an actual caldont of the district or territory fiom vhlch the appointment is made. All ap- ointments are required by law to be made ono year hi advance of the date of dmlsalon , except in ciaoe of vacancy by cath or by other canec , whoa a vacancy may bo filled in tlruo for the next annual xamlnation. Should the congressman ave reason to doubt the success of his uniinoo In pisilng the entrance oxaml- atlona , ho may appoint a legally quali- ed alternate , who will socaro the va- aucy In the event of his own aucioea nnd bo failure of the regular nominee to pass iio prescribed examinations. The niter- ate , like the nominee , should bo dosig- ntod as nearly eno year In advance of bo date of admission as practicable. On receiving his appointment the andidato is ordered to report at Vest Point to the superintendent of the llitnry academy In tlmo for oxnmtna- lon by the academic board at Its Juno meeting , unless for good rcnjons another Imo Is designated. The academic ex- minatlon , however , ii preceded by a Igld physicist examination by a board , of xperlonced army surgeons. This ordeal uccessfully passed , the candidate Is at nca admitted to the academy -without etnruing homo. In the January follow- ng ho Is subjected to another academical ixamlnation , and if successful ho re- eivcs a warrant as cadet , and is required o sign articles binding himself to servo ho United States eight years from the ate of admission unless sooner dle- hargad. AOE OF CADETS. Applicants for cadotshlps must bo bo- woou tbo agca of seventeen and twenty- wo years , bo unmarried , at least five eot In height , free from any Infections > r any immoral disorder , and generally reo from any deformity , dlscaso or in- irmlty that may render them unfit for military service ; as alee bo well versed In , ho elementary English branches , Inclnd- ng the history tf the United States , Bach cadet Is required to take an oath of allegiance to the national government. Ability to pajs the entrance examination n the English branches implies about , ho same grade of tcliolarahip as is re quired to aecare the preliminary certifi cate cf the regents of the university In his otate. Tno academic year begins on lie 1st of September and continues to , ho lit of June. After the January el iminations snch cadets as have been 'onnd proficient in their studios and lave been correct In tholr conduct arn _ lven the particular standing In their class t3 which tholr morlti entitle them , ; vhllo those fsund deficient are discharged 'rom the academy unless the board oth erwise recommend. Prom the close oi the examinations In Juno to the end of August the cadets live in camp engaged n military duties and in receiving prac tical military instructions Save ' 11 extreme cases , cadeti are al lowed but ono leave of absence during : ho four years course , each leave usually jelng granted at the end of the first two pears' course of study. The pay of a : adot commences with his admission to : ho academy , and Is fixed at $450 per an num. No cadet la permitted to receive money or any other supplies from hit parents , or any other porsonwhomspovor without the sanction of the snporinten dent. COST OF A SDIT. All articles of clothing ara of a nniforir pattern and are sold to the cadets at reg ular pricer. The academy authorities recommend all parents or guardians tc provide the candidate with no more noney than Is sufficient to defray hit travelling expanses , and to send to the "Treasurer United States Military Aca demy" a sum sufficient for his necoaaarj oxponstB until ho Is ad mitted and for his first outfit ol uniform. The candidate's expenses foi board , lights , etc. , after ho has reported and prior to admission trill be about $5 n week , and immediately after being ad mitted to the inititutlon ho muit bo pro vided with an outfit costing about $90 , Aiter receiving a regular degree from the academic board upon the completion ol his course , the cadet Is conslderdd Among the candidates for a commis sion in the corps of engineers , the ordi nance department , the artillery , cavalrj or infantry , according to the duties he may be judged competent to perform. As the law now stands only such nnmbei of the graduates of the academy in nnj ono year shall bo entitled to appointment as second lieutenants in the army as arc rovulred to fill vacancies of that gr dc existing on the first day of July in each year ; those entitled to such appoint monis to slid vacancies are determined bj the academic board on the basis of theli standing In the graduating class. JfAVAL CADETS. The physical , mental , moral and educa tional qualifications for admission to thi naval academy at Annapolis are equally a.s rigorous as those at West Point. Ant simultaneous with his atUInmen of the rank of cadet tin candidate signs articles binding him self to eight years' service In the navy including bis term in the academy. Thi pay of the naval cadet is ( lightly smalle than that at West Point , being but $501 B year. Very soon after hia admlanloi the cadet's father or guardian baa to settle tlo for the following outGt : One parade suit , ? ; i.72 ; ono undres suit , $2 05 ; ono working salt , $2,40 ; on overcoat , $23 30 ; one rubber coat , 4 04 one pair rubber leggings , $1,08 ; tw pairs white duck leggings , $2.20 , on pair gymnastic slippers , 92 ceuti ; on parade cape , $1.71 ; two pairs high shoes " 11.50 ; eight white shirts , $11.05 ; two night shirts , $2.10 ; four undorshlrU , 2 24 ; twelve linen collars , SI GO ; oar pillowcases , $1 ; ono toothbrush , oo cents ; one hair britih , 80 cents ; ono whisk , 25 conti ; ono coario comb , 12 cnti ; ono line comb , ! )2 ) cents ; ono mug , 0 cents ; ono cake of soap , 10 cents ; ono oap dish , 10 cents ; ono requliitlon book , 0 cents ; eight palri socks , $1,84 ; four lairs drawers , $2 24 ; six handkerchief0 , " * 1 20 ; eight towels , $2 ; two pairs drill loves , $1.16 ; two pairs lisle thread loves , CO cents ; ono pair suspenders , 8 cents ; ono necktie , CO cents ; two lothea bags , -18 cents ; ono hair mattress , 7 ; ono straw mattrosi , $1,05 ; ono hair ) lllow , 83 cents ; ono pair blanket * , $3 87 ; wo bed spreads , $2.10 ; six shoots , $3.00 ; no passbook , 30 cents ; one stencil , Ink .nd brush , 41 cents ; ono bottle Indelible nk , 18 contsono ; rug , § 1.55 ; one wash asln , &o. , $1.32 ; ono looking glass , lalf cost ) , 45 cents ; ono water pall ( half est ) , 40 cents ; ono broom ( half cost ) , 14 onts total $165,34. K00ND MINDS AND SOUND BODIES , The ago required for admission is less ban that atV eat Point ; a cadet at the imo of his entrance must bo batwecn ourtoon and eighteen years of ago , Vftor a short preliminary course the oung cadet can choose for himself rhothor he will pursue the seamanship r the engineering branch of the system. f ho takes the latter , the subsequent tudlos trill embrace mechanics , gunnery , onstrnctlon , torpedoes , dynamics , marine ngino construction and government nnd utveylng. At the termination of his our yoarj' courjo the student Is gradn- ted as a cadet engineer. If ho prefers 0 study for the position of a naval officer , Is course begins with the study of tiooroticnl toamtnshtp , rigging nnd build- ng , marine evolutions , astronomy and meteorology , the laws of storms , chorals- ry , combustion and physics. Particular ttontlon Is given to tlio study of ovornmcnt and international maiino aw , nnd constant'instruction is given in tie laws of blockades , contrabands , prize nd bounty laws , the protection of cltl- ana abroad , the rights of vessels In for- Ign harbors , cts. A thorough courao In lodcrn languages Is also purauod. Although tbo regular routine is foi- owed wltn military precision from rovolllo t G n. m. until taps at 10 p. m. , the stu- 'onts very seldom complain of overwork , 'hero is plenty of sailing and the boat lub of the academy holds a regatta In uno of each year. Frequent dancing ccsptious are held during the winter , ud at several periods during the past ow years the aoiderny ba o ball club has eon the crack nine of Maryland. Every umnier the students in the higher classes re sent to sea on n fortnight's prac- ice cruise , the three sloops-of-war , Con- tellatlon , Dale end Mayflower , being ommijsionod ty the navy department or this purpose. The boys are thus 1 veil a taste of aea life by a cruijo to Newport or Boston and bick. WHEN ESTAIILISHED. The academy nt West Point was cs- nbllshod by nn act of congress pa'sad In 802 , under which act it was at once com menced , but on a scale very far inferior o which it has since become. The naval cadomy at Annapolis was cot created until a much later date and owes its es- abllshmcnt to George Bansroft , the his- nrian , who became secretary of , ho navy March 10 , 1845. When both he schools at West Point nnd Annapolis are full they each contain as many cidots as there arc senators and representatives , nd territorial delegates in congress plus en cadets at largo "for each thirty-eight states. It will thus ba seen that with .he . payment of the $500 or more annual cnlary to each cadet that the expense of maintaining theao military and naval ca- abllehments is not small. Except in ; lmo of war it Is utterly impossible to ind public employment for all those grad uated by the schools a fact which will icconnt for the great number of West Point and Annapolis cadets who are en gaged in civil employments. BLISS IS BLISSFUL , Ho Finds Quantity ot His Stolen Goods Hidden. In His Own , Collar , A few weeks ago Bliss' millinery oa- abllabment was entered by burglars , and about $200 of goods taken away. Nt cine baa been obtained , and the hunt hat aeon about given up. ' 'Saturday night ir cleaning up the etoro , a scrub brual : dropood down the back stairway , and lc jolng down to look for it , behind the stairway , Mr. Bliss aaw a bit of veiling sticking out , nnd following this up IK found that there was qulto a lot of stolor goods there stored away , about $50 ir all The supposition is that at the tltai of the burglary the fellows had more goods than they could tko away at one trip , and they tucked those nnder the stairway as they went out with the first lot , intending to como back after them , but no opportunity afterwada presentee Itself , and the goods wcro consequently loft there. The find was naturally verj ratifying to Mr. Bliss. OOMMEllOlAJj , COUNCIL BLCFIB UABKKT , Wheat No. 1 milling , 70j No. 2 , CO No. 8 , CO. Corn New , 28o , Data For local purpooM , SOo. Hay $ 00 per ton ) baled , 60 , Kya OOo. Corn Meal 1 50 per 100 pounds. Wood Good supply ; prices nt yardj , 6 00(2 ( CO. CO.Goal Goal Delivered , hard , 0 CO per ton ; to ! 10 per ton Lord Armour's , wholesaling at 7i > , Flour City Hour , 1 B0@2 90 , Broom * 17f > © 3 00 per dor. HVl BTOOK. Oattlo Butcher cowil 8 S5@3 76 , Bntchei itoera , 3 7C4 00. Bhoep 3 C0@3 DO. Uogs-3 60@y 76. PBODUOB AND rntrrra , Eggi Continue etoidy at lie. Uutter Choice new creamory225o : goci held at 1314c ; choice country roll , 15@17c ( air U good , 122Hc : poor and ld stock , 6g lOc. The receipts of poor ajid fair grades an increating. Choice roll continue ) scarce anc sell J readily nt quotitione when wrapped Ir cloths and well packed , Poultry Sunply ia short of the demand Live Bprlog chickens , per doz , 6 GO ; live olc chicken * , per doz , , 360@37D ; live turkeys per lb. , 'J@10c | dressed chickens , per lb , , 12(2 ( 13c ; dressed turkeys , perlb. , 14@15c ; dresaec . per lb , , 10o)12c ( ) ; dressed ducki , per lb l@12o , The present weather ii unfavorabli for dressed | > oultry and great care should b taken in both dreciing and packing. Game Ducks , in lair demand at 200pe doz. , for mallards , 1 DU@1 76 for mixed am 10125 ( or teal. Ship only best klllui birds. No sale for old stock , Oniona-Cheice stock tcarto at 1 21@1 & per bushel ; wet and Rprouted , 70 100 , Beans-Supply fair , demand light. Hand picked navies , 1 5U ; clean mediums , 1 25 ( < 1 40 ; dirty and unscreened , 7&100c. Potatoes Ihe market has been almost bar for the past week. Choice stock of any goo variety will bring 05@COcj fair to good-15(1 ( tOo. Apples-Good to choice Kansas and Mil souri , 325@3 70 per barrel. Market is full < poor and soft stock selling at any price buyei may w COUNCIU1LOFFS , ADDITIONAL LOCAL. THE PROSPERITY OF ZION. Rev , Dr. McOrrnrj's Sermon t tlio Alotlioillst Cliuroli Yc tcrtliij- , "Tlio Lord God of your fathers make yon n thousand times ns many more M yo nro , nnd bless you ns ho hath promised you. " Dent. 1,11. These words constitute a small portion of the addrois delivered by Moses , the man of God , to the Hebrew people shortly before his death , and their entrance Into the land of promise , and they nro Indicative of the deep solicitude nnd concern which ho felt for the advancement nnd increase nnd proinerlty of tlio children of Israel. During his long life ha had been especially devoted to their interests ; ho bad labored tor them ; ho had borne great burdens for them ; ho had mode many sacrifices In their behalf , These generous blessings betoken - token the greatness of ills soul. This concern for the welfare and advancement of God's church that was still to remain among the ranks of the living , while ho himself was to bo transferred to the church triumphant in God'o eternal homo. No ono can bo n true Christian and not hayo something of this spirit , and not have n great zenl for the church of God. for the ad vancement of its Interest ! , and Its continued prosperity and.suecesB. liut wo all know that deiiro for success is ono thing , and the enter prise that begets success is quite another thing. It would bo an easy thing for you business men to go to your offices to-morrow morning nnd sit down nnd desire that you may have a largo business during the week , but you know If that deslro is made fruitful , you cannot simply sit in your office and wish nnd desire , but iimko use of llio moans that God has endowed you with , and unless you do that your business will go to rack nnd ruin , So it is with us regarding the church , \Vo would bo glad to eeo the prosperity of God's church and often oiproas our wishes nnd de sires to that ( fleet , but If they are fuhilled , wo must fulfill the conditlon'.thnt Godwins or' dainod for that purpose. To-day the church needs spiritual power for Its advancement In proporily. The evils surrounding It must bo overcome , Wo ECO them ou every hand. Look how that giant cyil. intemperance , In spite of nil the labors of the church nnd of moral men outside of the church that are combined against It still striding omvnrd , and having for its supporters hundreds nnd thous ands of men , who with brazen effrontery oppoto every effort mn-lo to Biipprosj it. This is ono of the greatest evils that prevents - vents tlio progress of the church. It cannot bo vorcomo by moral reform alone.Vo must nvomoro spiritual power as well as more cgal power to counteract the onward march : this great evil. Another great evil that stands in the way F the progress of the church is Infidelity , ook over every Christian land and see how lit hydra-headed monster is lifting up its ead everywhere , nnd turning the ri lnp gen- ration nwny from the church , from God , and rom righteousness. Look how many of our oung men nre loosing their faith In the ord of God ; how many close the blblo nnd irn nway _ from it to read IB doctrines of Infidel tench- rs. It in coming np into the very doors of ur churches , and the future lives of our fcons ud daughters are in imminent danger. Wo nust arise and meet thin dire foe , and we can- ot meet it unless the church has this spiritual orce. It is no time for the church to cry peace , pace , when there is no penco. When the ice of intemperance is working against it 1 I'hoa upon the public platform infidel men ro trampling the church nud throwing down ,3doctrines in the very face of ( Jod's people. Vo inuat meet them. Wo nuiat go forth like ) avid nnd be able to overcome the combined orces of evil that nra coming up around us veiywhoro and seeking to destroy our pros- ority. If wo want to see the prosperity of God's hurch wo have got to open our eyes. There s eomethlng to bo done ; something that no lower can do. save the power of God only , nd with that the church mint be filled In irder to meet and overcome these insidious ivlls. If the church wishes and desires pros- > erlty , it must be attained through something nore than old creeds that wore good thous ands of years ago. We mutt waken up and cry unto God forsplrltual pentecost to quicken nen In the enlightening power of God , mak- ng them warriors for God and his cause. liut then , in addition to being a spiritual > ewer , the church must ho a social power. Han la pre-eminently a social being. You will find this to be true In societies , in com munities and iu states , Christianity is pre eminently a social religion. It was so counted ly its founder , one of the most social men of he times , People who came in he scorned iot. He entered into the bouse of Zaccheus ; ho publican and there taught him the glory of the kingdom of God and of its spiritual Eta sat with Nicodemus , one of the learned men of the heathen people , by night , and taught him the truth. One means of his > ewer was the social gripe that he held on all ilasses of people. The church only becomes , he power it ought to be when it utilizes its locial power for the well being of its mem- lernhlp and community , It is not enough to have the church social on a certain day In the woek. liut a church social Is just as much n means of grnce prop erly conducted as n prayer mooting or clam meeting. It is juet as good for us to attend a church social with thorlght purpose in view and carry out that purpose us. it is to go to church > n Sunday and listen to a sermor. But this B not the rent social power of the church. The real social power of the church Is only iroperlyutilirod when every individual being , hat comes into the church of Go j is met with ; he hand of fellowship and greeting of cor- dialiiy enabling them to realize that they nre ecogni od PS members of the Christian fain- ly , with no reference to their social or finan- c nl standing. Some of the churches in our and are regular fee houses. If a stranger ihances to como in and take his place , so lit- ; lo notice Is taken of him that ho goes away at the first opportunity , snjiog : "I am not wanted. No person meets mo with the hand of fellowship. My friends , no church In the universe can become the lower that it ought to be , unless it becomes a social ( ii well na a spiritual' power , The church that is spiritual nnd not social may do a great deal of good ; the church that is social and not spiritual can never accomplith Its work ; but the church that is both spiritual and social will never lack of success in any community or in any place where it may bu 'ound. People say , "Well , if I associata with them nnd make them my equal , I may compromise ny social standing " If your social standing , s so easily compromised , It Is not worth hav. ng. You aratoba pitied if you have nc moro social stability in yourself than that which will enable you to afford to roach oul , ho hand of fellowship to tba humblest per soa. . Lot us be buiy incur work for God's churcl .hut the prayer of our hearts and tbe desire of our minds may ha realized , in beholding ui a thousand times as many moro as we are , and that we may bo blessed us has beet iromised. FEUSONAU Frank Shtnn , Kiq. , of Carson , was at th < 1'acific yesterday , Simon Klaeman left yesterday noon for tin eait on a business trip. Col , Henderson and family , of Dubuque dined at the Ogden yesterday. John O'Connori , of Nuola , spent Sunday hia father-in-law Chlof Skinner wit - - , , P. P. Kelley and family , of Glenwood , wer at ISflchtelo'a yesterday , as were also Sheitl 1'Vrell and wife. Sheriff Dan Farrell and wife , of Glenwood were in the city yesterday. The sheriff wll go to Omaha to-day to obtain poisesiion c the man McFarlan , whose coie cornea up I that city to-day , Tlio Illinois Illinois , April 25 , In tb joint convention few rnembcri of eithe branch of the legislature were present , A votes cast were scatter leg , of a compliment try nature. Adjourned , No buiineis wi done in either homo or senate . No quorui present in either branch. THE CHEAPEST PLAGE IN OMAHA TO BUY Nef T IIP I friD u * I 1JL I UJ&.ili DEWEY&STONES' One of the Best and Largest Stocks in the United States To Select From ; NO STAIRS TO CLIMB , ELEGANT PASSENGER ELEVATOR _ ERTEL'S HAY PRESSES. Are the Cheapest , Most Durable , Smallest in Size mid Lightest in Weight. WHh'no Hay I'rcesca of any kind can the amount of work prcv'iiccil , such little oxprner , ( ten toim ct hay anJJovir totonil ralioaJ box car , ) as am bo done with tlio Kitul ImproMiil Marlilncr.Vnrrnntul or no ale. Forlllulstr a'cil now circular ftJdrces , EUThli it CO. . < JuIrcIllinois. . Mention Omaha lice a llcm Kutdbllslielln ItftS. a \Vlio have trilled nirav ttirlr joiilhrul ticnr nml po wer , wlio nro ciilTc rltin from ton 11,1 , , rtKAlNS mill J-Ohh i.S , io arc wenlc , IJlPOTKNTiuul mult for marrlnRc. MEN of all ages , who find their POWER amliitnllly , iicr\ oiincl 8UXfAI < blUUNdlllu < nkcnu < l , t > r cnrly liiljh.t or ttX"i:3Sns : , can rccel\c n i > osUtnml JiiHtlnir < : i ! Hi ; . NO matter ol how lonirstimillni : the cuseiunv be. ur wn ! > lias lulled lei rurv.lir a few vricks nr months ti o ot thn celebrated MYRTLEAIN TREATMENT AtliniiKMUihoiilcximbtiru. IliI.F.HS tlmo , nml tor l.hbS monrv than any oilier methoil In tlio world.VeaV Imek , heatlnchc , RillbblONB , lassitude , loss uffplrlts anil nniMllon. i-'lnoiiv thoughm. 1 r o n il I ill dreams , tleficthu memory , l.HI'OTKNCI ? , Mix , linprdlmenti to timrrlapp. nud iminy other Bin | > loni9 liMdlng to CN'bl.Ml"riON ) or INSANITY , nru nroiuptly rciuo\ud bj this trcatmeiit , aud vigorous iii.inliooil restored. Married Men , oriliosewlio intend to marry , . JiorfiTt se.\ml ntrciiKth iHtans. hcaltb , viperous olT- rprlnp , lone lift ) , nndllic lovcanil respect ofa ralthfnllfc. . WeaV niciiflioiilil lie restored to > lpor & Jnanliood before marriage 1'roofn. trstlinonliilH and atuitdu trc.itlau U Mamps. tEstub.1877. ) Address The Climax Medical Co , 5O4 , St. Louis , Mo. = z " d. R , McPHERSON , C.ROWKU AND 1IKALEU IN Orders from abroad promptly filled. Sweet Potato Plants a specialty. Plants will bo lady for shipment by May 10th. Orders should be placed early. . / . Jff. Jtfcf/icrson. li-'Sl Kast Pierce Street , Council UlufTs , Iowa. H. U. FIELD. W. C. ESTE Field & Estep , UNDERTAKERS No. 317 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Calls Attended Promptly , Day and Night , Particular attention given to Embalming Telephone No. 97. W. P. YLSWORTH , HOUSE MOVER Brick buildings of any BO raised or moved and Rntlsfaction guaranteed , Frame ho moved on LITTLE GIANT trucku , the beat in the world. W. P. AYLSWOIITII. 1010 Ivinth Street , Council Bluffs T , AND "THE ENGLISH" KITCHEN. 505 Broad-way , - - Council Bluffs. Till ! ONLY ALL NIQHT 1IOC8K IK THE CUT. Kv.'rythidg pervcd in first cmi ! style and on ehoit notice. Hot and cold lunches always ready. KIEL BALE STABLES Keep Uorees and Males constantly on band wblo wo will Boll In retail or carload loU. All Stock Warranted as Reoresenteil. Wholualt ttOKtill iltalfiMi Oitli i il lull d Hay , Price sonable Satisfaction Ouanntced , Corner Fifth Avo. & Fourth St. UounctlBluffii. Good Agents Wanted il1 I5HB171 * ! - Drs. Juclcl & Smith's NEW IMPROVED ELECTRIC BELT. Office and Factory , No 80 , Fourth Bt. , Council Hulls , Iowa , rfciery description and at prices low as th lo e t. Hptclal attention to oustcm work. The remain der ol my stock ol K'OTlONd are belli * dlsposoit ol at CO3T. A tACTcatl and beconUnttd. jffKS. 1 > . A. 337 Broadway , - Council Bluffs. Iowa. SMITH & TOLLER , ACTS , LKADINQ Merchant Tailors ! 7 and 0 Main St. , COUKOIL BLUFFS , - - IOWA. AComplete Line of New Goods to Select Promt ,