Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 27, 1885, Page 6, Image 6

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    TUT ? TS All
Monday Morning , Aoril 27 ,
D/Otrtln . . . . - - - SO cents J > " * '
/ . . . . . . . . . . 110.00 t i y i
No. 12 I'cnrl Street.
Cooke it Morgan.
Biles loads in prices.1
The benches have boon replaced Ic
Baylias park.
Remember the bargain sales at thi
People's Store ,
Cooke > t Morgan's great aalo.
A. Ovorton yoatorday opened this son
son's street preaching.
The police had a quiet time yesterday
there not being an arrest all day.
Cocko & Morgan's slaughter In drj
goods for three days.
An amateur game of base ball was thi
attraction on Graham avenue ycstorda ]
Bliss has the largest and finest line o
mlltnory in the city , and the lowos
The Mortimer & Weaver Dramatii
company now go to Atlantic to play then
several nights.
Ono hundred thousand dollars worth o
goods to select from at the Pooplo'i
Willie Unthank , son of the ox-alder
man , last week won the silver modal a
the St. Joseph's acadomy.
See the bargains offered this week a
the Pooplo's Storo.
A now hotel has boon opened by Hour j
Barboau on Main street , corner of Nlntl
avenue. It Is called the American house ,
Speciil bargains in hosiery and glovoi
_ , at the People's Storo.
To-morrow Is the big day for the Ode
f Follows , it being the anniversary of the
order , and the dedication of their non
Read Cocko & Morgan's advortisomoE'
if yon want to buy dry goods.
Dogs found running at largo after May
1st , unless the tax has boon paid or
them , are to bo exterminated. So sayi
the city marshal ,
The bargain sales in all the departments
monts at the People's Store will bo continued
tinuod all thla week. Don't fall to give
us a call. Elaoman , Rodda & Co.
If you want to save from 10 to 25 pei
cent , on all kinds of goods go to the
Pooplo's Store.
Carpenters , etc. , were at wcrk yester
day putting on the finishing touches to
the stage in the rink , for the opening oi
the museum and theatre to-night
J. W. & E. L. Squires have a good
office railing which they will sell verj
You should lose no time in securing
your tickets at Atkins' store for the en
tertainment to bo Riven by Miss Jennie
CouthonL Seats are being taken rapidly.
A man named Claries Scott , employed
in the K. 0. yards at Boswoll , was killed
last Friday night , ho falling from a
freight car , and the train cutting him In
Officer Smullons has been laid off duty
for ton days. The cause is not known ,
but it Is intimated that the chief thought
he has not been paying enough attention
to his orders.
Justice Shurtz on Saturday performed
the ceremony joining as husband ant
wife , Mr. Elmer Logler and Mies Mattlc
Killoren. The qroom is from Lincoln
and the bride from Omaha.
Rsv. J. A. Nash , of Das Molnes
preached at the Baptist church yosterdaj
morning and evening. Next Sunday II
la expected that the now pastor , Rev ,
Dr. Cooley , will begin hla labors.
J. T. Hart Is raising his rcsldonca a1
the corner of Sixth avenue and Eighth
street ; quite a raise , considering that hi
once before raised it as high as ho evei
thought he would need it. W. P. Ayls
worth is doing the raising.
Rev. N. F. Scallon , of Yankton , D ,
T. , will lecture at the Catholic church in
this city on Wednesday evening , April
29 , on "Tho Influence of the Catholic
Church on Civil Liberty. " Rev. Scallor
la an able epoaker , and the lecture wll !
bo an Intellectual feast to these who maj
hear It.
Saturday evening these in the vicinity
of the corner of Main and Willow avenue
were startled by the report of two platoh
in succeaalon. It proved to bo Ofllcoi
O'Brien , ahooting at a big , ugly dog ,
which had taken up his position on the
dooratep of the boarding homo there , and
was refusing to let any of the board en
? enter.
There was a report on the streets yea >
torday that Bill Beaten , in running a
train out of hero Saturday night had
some trouble with three tramps , and that
he had ahot and killed one and wounded
mother. The report seems to have
grown out of the ahootlnR near Atchlaon ,
the particulars of which are given In the
telegraph colnnma.
Teddy White has been arreated on the
.charge of kidnapping one of his own chll.
dren. He and hla wile have not been
living hsrmonloualy together , and the
wlfa was prep ring to take one of the
filrla to Nebraska , whou Teddy , by aome
moana , , got the gW away from the houae.
Justjce Fralney ia to hear the case to
The postoffico facilities between hero
and Omaha do not snetn to be any toe
good. A letter dropped Into the office
-tore Saturday evening did pot r ch that
city'a office until yc&terd&y afternoon.
This la no unnanal InaUnco , In fact it
generally tnkea longer to correspond with
Omaha by mall than any place ton times
the distance.
The skating rink has liaon transformed
into a dlmo maaonm , which opens this
evening , and ia to bomado a permanent
feature of Council Bluffs. Among the
attractions already secured are Lownndo
Baldwin , the armlets man ; Mllo. Estollo ,
tlio long haired woman ; Princess Pooa-
honing , Albinos , Moors , the great living
half lady , and other wonders. The
Georgia minstrels have also been eecurcc
for thla week.
Deputy Sheriff Olatterbuck success
fully aorvod the notice on Wm. Farrell
of Woaton , that an application would be
made before Judge Oonnora , at Glen
wood , for an injunction roatrainlng him
from tolling anymore * whisky. The ap
plication la made by four of the resident
of Wcaton , nnd It la understood that Farrell
roll has concluded to make no fight , bu
to close up business at onco.
The Council Bluffs Catholic Knight
will send llor. Father Haley aj n dele
gate to the annual convention of the an
prcmo council of the Catholic Knights o
America , to bo held In Now York Maj
10th. While in Now York Father Haloj
will make arrangements for the pnrchas
Ing of uniforms for the Council Bluff
order. Father Haley expects to start foi
the east May 4th.
The McOlurg Cracker company , whose
bolts were BO mysteriously and mali
ctoualy cut the other night , expects to be
able to atart up again by next Wednes
day. The chief delay Is caused by the
stealing of the connecting rod of the on
gino. The Omaha cracker mannfactur
era sent over an expression of their indig
nation at the maliciousness , and n goner
ons offer to help out the factory hero IE
nny way possible.
Yesterday for the first tlmo in mnnj
years the saloons were closed tight. The
bars of the hotels , oven , were brough
under the ganernl order , given by the
chief of police on Saturday. Heretofore
the hotels , and the saloons having Inner
counters , have claimed special favor
their front doors being leftopon , but yes
tordny it seems that all rooms conialninj
bars were kept locked.
The lecture of Joseph Cook , on Maj
llth , is to bo on the subject "Dooi
Death End All ? " As ho is ono of tht
greatest thinkers in this country , and one
of the greatest orators , and as this is saic
to bo one of his best lectures , there wil
doubtless bo a largo crowd to hear him
The young men who have secured thi
treat for Council Bluffs ahonld have nc
difficulty in getting the necessary finan
clal support to make it a sv cces ; .
J. R. Davidson , the dry poods man
has made an assignment to Mr. Jamot
Wickham for the benefit of his creditors
This notion causes some surprise , as Mr
Davidson has been known as a very con
servatlvo and very economical man , bu
ho lays the blame to hard times and slow
collections. The claims are nearly al
held by homo folks , and it Is thought
there will not only bo enough assets to
pay all creditors bnt to leave a nice little
Over two hundred men , comprising
merchants , lawyers , doctors and clerks ,
crowded onto the 1:30 : o'clock dummy
train yesterday and went over to Omhha
to witness the game of base ball between
the Omaha and Cleveland clubs. A large
number took the 11:30 : a. m. train am
about twenty the 3:30 : dummy also foi
the same purpose. On reaching Omaha
the crowd from the 1:30 : train marched
up Tenth itreot , attracting much atten
tloii. The Omahans not seeming to kmm
the canso of the crowd.
An owl slttlne caJmly on a tree nea
the corner of Pierce and Frank street
Saturday evening proved a tempting target
got to a lot of rude boys , and ono of th
stones struck M. H. Judd , who lives OD
that corner , while another struck hit
horao , frightening him and nearly caiuin
a runaway. The stones were also flyin ,
rather uncomfortably near the window
of the house , and when the boys wer
cautloneH by Mr. Judd they begat
abusing him. Ho telephoned to th
police , but before they reached there th
boys had skipped. Some of them wen
of prominent families , and If they do no
look to their ways u little more carefullj
they will bo brought to the front.
The last entertainment of the Mor
timer & W eavor company at the opert
house Saturday evening proved that thoj
had saved the boat cf the wine to the las
of the feast. Thin company has beet :
growing in favor , each night seeing in
creased audiences and Increased enthu
stasm. J. W. Burton is a comodUn o
great versatility , and Is a merry maker
surely , without being a clown. Mist
Annie Burton Is a ploaaicg artist , me
Mortimer in some parts is very strong
The other members of the company are
good , and the combination on the whole
la a much tetter ono than many
mora pretentious. The popular prices
ire popular Indeed , and the company
morita full houaea wherever It appeari.
They left last evening for Atlantic.
Plumbing and water work la our
apecial bualnew. I wia & Gilbert , Main
itroet plumbers ,
Artlata' Materials at GR. Beard's Wall
Paper Store. Send for prloo list.
Substantial abstracts nf title and real
es'ate loans. J. W , & E. L. Equlio.101
Pearl street.
Facts worth remembering when you
buy Wall Paper : 1st. That Beard , next
door to poatofiice , his the largest atock to
aelect from. 2d That his prices are at
low as the loweat. 3d That ho ia
practical Interior decorator and emploja
lone but skillful workmen.
Gen. Jacob Cox has been elected preiident
of too Cmclonati university.
They nro Snld to Ilnil * Ijlvolj
Tlmo nt the St , Jeo House.
On Saturday night the political trip
lets , Fiainey ( justice of the peace ) , Patton -
ton ( prospective consul to Singapore ) )
and Galvin ( city woighmaater ) , seemed
to have a lively tlmo of it at the SI.
Joe house. From the statement given
by ono of the party it appears that Patton -
ton and Galvin alone went to the place
a llttlo after 11 o'clock and wanted a
cigar , and th t after getting smokes thoj
asked for drlnkp , which wore refused ,
and that Matt Kuhl , the proprietor ,
rushed at them from behind the bai
with a billiard cue and put ( hem oul
without cause or reason.
The other aide of the story is thai
Fralney was there too , and that the hoto
was being scrubbed out , when they de
manded ndmitslon. The door being un
locked , they came in and bought some
cigars , after which they wanted drinks
which were refused , aa it was 1 o'clock
and the saloons are ordered to close at 11
o'clock. They propoaed to help them
selves , nnd this started a racket , whtcl
ended in their being put out of doors.
Pntton therefore swore out n warran
before Fralnoy nndKuhlwaanrtcstod am
bail fixed at $1,000 , In default of wblcl
ho was put in jail. Fralnoy reduced thi
bail to $300 and ho gave this amount
The case is to como up to-day , and semi
interesting developments are promised
If Fralney was ono of the party , the af
lair aoeina a very unseemly ono and it
any event , war is promised all along thi
lino. John Llndt Is Kuhl's attorney ane
ho is threatening to prosecute the trip
lots for riot , or road the riot act to then
before ho gets through with it.
Sewer pipe of all sizes for sale a
wholesale or retail at Lewi ) & Gilbert's
No. 521 Main street.
The Dee in Oonuull BltilTt ) .
At a meeting of thn retail merchants
hold the other evening , ono of the Conn
cil Bluffs Herald men , the ono who i
"trying" to learn the business , called thi
attention of the committee to the fao
that the advertisement of the prcsldon
of the meeting appeared In TUB BUG , i
espy of which ho held in his hand. Hi
asked that TIIE BEE bo "boycotted , " bu
was very politely sot down on by ono o
of the committee , also a BEE advertiser
who informed the Herald's "freshman
that advertising in TUB BEE Tpaid thi
merchants of this city , and tlia
they had more and better return
from an ad. in THE BEE than in all thi
other papers combined. For the benefi
of the "fresh gentleman" of the Herali
it might be well to mention the fact th
Council BlufrV merchants who advertlr
in TUB BEE do so , not for charity or be
cauao it is cheaper than the other papers
but simply because the circulation of Tij ]
BEE is greater than the whole number c
copies printed by all the other Counci
Bluff * papers combined and they bavi
better returns from an advertisement ii
THE BEE right hero in Council Bluff
than from advertising in either or all o
the other Council Bluffj papers. Tin
BEE is not guilty of one practice commot
to other papers here ; that Is , of coaxln §
Omaha advertisers to ute tbeir coin mm
by offering them cheaper advertising
rates than they give the advertisers o :
Council Bluffs. If they have any special
favors to show or cuts of prices to give ,
they should give them to the merchant !
here , instead cf giving them to the mer
chants of competing points. TDK BEI
business in Council Bluffs Is leased and
controlled by Council Bluffs men and
capital. , Seventeen residents of Council
Bluffj are given employment , and the jot
material , presses , otc , are owned
by Council Bluffs citizens. The space
and papers are bought just as any mer
chant buys his goods , and are sold agalr
at enough profit to meet the running ex'
penaes , which have to ba met by Uouncl !
Bluffa men. The BEE office In Counci
Bluffa is therefore as strictly a local in-
stltntlon as any state or faction hero
and is so recognized and conducted.
Ono Free Train tvcry fTeek.
Now that the merchants are plannlnf
to make more of a boom for business , 1
would bo a good idea for them to con
elder the advisability of arranging , no
for ono free train only , bnt for several
An arrangement could doubtless bo mad
with every railway running into this clt ;
so that once a week at least , a apecin
train could bo run into the city , fret
first one direction and then another , tak
ing a different road each week , and thu
securing ono gala day every week. Th
expense , if divided among th
merchants , would bo small , am
these spec'al ' trains would bring In ;
largo number of people , and a goodl
amount of trade. It Is suggested tha
each merchant subscribing should b
given tlcketa in proportion to his sub
acriptlon , and these he could place in th
hands of thosa with whom ho though
they would do the most good. The 01
ganlzation now being effected , would d
well to Investigate a little along the lin
of these suggestions , and the result migh
bo that at a little expense one regula
"hurrah" day might be secured for Conn
oil Bluffa every week.
Police Points.
The following assignment of police du
ty were made yesterday :
Officer Austin will patrol Bancroft
Alain , Pearl and Sixth atroet from Broad
fray to Sixteenth avonuo.
Officer Towntvlllo patrol First Avenue
Broadway , avenues A and B from Mali
street to Twelfth street.
Officer Kllgoro , Washington avenue
Vine street , Broadway and Pierce street )
from Main to Book atreet.
Officer Cuaick , FIrat avenue , Broad
way , avenues A and B , from Pearl to
Twelfth ttreet.
Officer Kirk , Broadway from Pearl to
Bryant , Bancroft , Main and Pearl atreois
From Broadway to Willow avenue.
Officer Wheeler , Washington avenue ,
Pierce street , Broadway nnd Vine atreot ,
from Bryant atreet to Bock street.
Officer O'Brien , Bancroft , Main , Pearl
and Sixth straet , from Willow avenue to
Sixteenth avenue.
N. 80HT7RZ ,
tte of the Peace
'A large stock and choice patterns. Prices clear down.
DryGoods , DryGoods
All the Novelties in Dress Goods , Silks and WMte Goods , Always Lowest Prices ,
We make a sueeialtv of Store Sliaclings- Office Mattings , the fiiriiisliiup * of churches
offices and public buildings.
Council Bluffs
Beautify your homes by using the above , Over 500 designs to select from.
JBcauti/nl , Strong and Easting.
Estimates given on nny style cither put up or delivered here , by applying to
Wholesale Iron , Steel , Heavy Hardware and Wood Stock.
117 Maiii Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
On Monday morning , April 27th , the great slaughter of Dry Goods com
mences , lasting THREE DAYS. PRICES ARE MAGNETS. As the great
Olympian games drew thousands of people to witness and also participate
: n them so do the prices in our store draw people to buy goods.
lirocados , la all colors 4c per yard , worth
Colored English Cashmere , 22 inches wide ,
half-wool , lOc per yard , worth 15e.
Pacific Blocks 13c per yard , worth 20c.
Manchester De Bejres lie per yard , worth
Diagonal Cords 12o par yard , worth 2fc.
Ottoman Cords 18c per yard , worth 25c.
Lace Bunting * lie per yard , worth 20c.
Satin Berber 23o per yard , worth 35c.
Drap D'AIma 23c per yard , worth 30o.
Bunting , all wool , 17e per yard , worth 30c.
Cashmere , double width , 2lc per yard ,
worth 40c.
Beautiful assortment of plaids , 22o per
yard , worth 35o.
Woolen Broche's , 28o per yard , worth 45c.
Black Cashmere , all wool , 44o per yard ,
worth f > 5c.
Fine Count Cashmere Me per yard , worth
Extra fine Block Cashmere 77c per yard ,
worth $1.10.
All-wool Artnures GGo per yard , worth
All-wool Ottoman Cord Glo per yard ,
worth $1,00.
All-wool Satinos 72c per yard , worth $1.10.
All-wool 40 Inches wide cashmere 43c per
yard , worth C5o.
All-wool 40 Inches with Cashmere C5o per
yard , worth 85c.
All-wool 40 inches wide Cashmere CSc per
yard , worth 90 < s.
Block Silk , Bargain No. 1 17c worth 7Bc.
" 'No. 2-6Gc worth OOe.
iiit ' No. 3-88o worth 1.25.
it ' No. worth
4-94o 140.
1 No. 6 1.28 worth 1.76.
1 No. C-1.49 worth 2.00.
Beautiful assortment of colon ; Wines ,
Browns , Blues , Greeni , etc , , 9Gc per yard ,
worth $1 40.
Skirts at 33o worth OOc.
Skirts at G o worth 76c.
Farmers' Satin skirts at 83c , worth $1,40.
Table Linen CC inches wide 18c , worth 30c.
Pure Table Linen 2Sc , worth 40c.
German Linen Cream Damask 42o worth
Fine German Linen 05c , worth 70s.
Extra wide "Barnsleys" Cream Damask 83c ,
worth S1.10.
Fine Double Faced Bleached Damask $1.00
worth $1.40.
EH inches Turkey Red 32c , worth 45c.
Oil Boiled 58 liches Turkey Red , warranted
fast colon , 49c worth 70c.
Pure Linen Doylies 42c worth G5c per
Largo Linen Colored Doylies 71 c , worth
$1.10 per doren.
Damask Doylies 88c , worth $1,25 ,
Napkins Die worth $1.40 per doron.
Extra Large Cream Damask $1.38 , worth
$2.00 per dozin.
Satin Finished Gorman Cream Damask
Napkins 32.00 worth $2.75.
§ Bleached Napkins 83c , worth $1.25 per
Fine Bleached Napkins 31.10 , worth $1.60.
Sntin Bleached Napkins 81,38 , worth
? L75.
Extra Fine Bleached Napkins $ l.C5 ,
worth S8.2C.
let. The Niagara ripens in favorable seasons at Lock-port , Aujf. 20th ,
ti * " never drops from the etem if loft to hnng tiu froet comM | nnd imiiroves in fiavor
Sd. It is purely native , and therefore hardy. Has stood 35 decrees below zero without
.njury.Hh. . .Bears a good crop the 3d year nnd often the 2d. and is a regular bearer , and no
waste , as bunches are compact Never fails to ripen Us crop as the thick leathery foliage
holds even to the base of the canei tintil frost kills it.
nth. Vineyards are in beating in various socti ns from Georgia to the Northern Lakes
and Canada , and from Kansas to the Atlantic coast , there being more than 1,000 acres planted
within the last five years , and over 200 acres were planted 'it Brocton , Chautaunua Co. , N.
x . last spring , (1884) ( ) ; Jones Martin alone having 47 acres ; the largest vineyard of Niagaras ,
being planted i.t Highland , Ulster Co. , N. Y. , by Sain'l Rogers , Esq. , which contains 80 acres
of this one variety , and he has realized from 20 to 30 conta per pound for his ftuit , while Con
cords grown in the same loc.ility brought from 4 to G cents only.
0. All parties planting vineyards have signed a contract to return all the wood and cut
ting oxcry year back to the Company up to , and including 1838 ; so ithas bson the solo owner oE
all the stock , and no one but the Company and its authorized agents can sell and deliver
genuine Niagara vines. So all persons should examine agent's certificate of authority , and
see that it has the corporate eeal of the Company attached , and every vine that it ha a lead
seal attached , bearing the impression of the Company's registered trade mark.
7th. Wa now offer for the first time , strong 2 year old vines at retail at J2.CO each with
out restrictions , to bs delivered en and after March 1st , 1885.
WELLS COOK , Council Bluffs , Iowa
accepted fppolnttront ai epccUl tgent for the NIAOAR1 WHITE OKAPKCO.Jfor Iowa anJKe-
, I nm now pn pared to promptly dellircr "iVIAGAKA. " > incs umlor the Registered Trade Mark Seal
Children's solid colored hose Sc , worth 12Jc.
Children's gray mixed hose. 8c , worth 12Jc.
Children's solid colored hose , plain and
ribbed lOo , worth 15c.
Children's solid colored hose , plain and rib-
red 12ic , worth 20c.
Children's fancy mixed hose 12Jc , worth
Children's fancy French ribbed hose. 12Jc ,
worth 20c.
Children's seamless hose , plain colors 14c ,
worth 25c.
MUset' derby ribbed hose 14e , worth 25c.
Misses' derby ribbed hose 12c , worth 20c.
Misses' solid ingrain hose regular made 21c ,
worth 30c.
Misses' solid ingrain hose 12c , worth 20c.
Misses' solid derby ribbed ho e 9e , worth
IBe.Misses' black Ingrain hose regular mode 353 ,
worth GOc.
Misses' black Ingrain hose regular made 21c ,
worth 35o ,
Misses' regular made fancy blue , fast colors
lOc , worth 26o This is one of the biggest
bargains we have ever offered.
Misses' black and colored brilliant Lisle
hose COc , worth 76c.
.Tab lot Indies' hose 8c , worth 12Jc.
Ladies' plain , ribbed and fancy striped hote
lOc , worth 15c.
Ladies' two-bytwo pin striped hose 12c ,
worth 20e ,
Ladles' solid colors and blacks 12c , worth
" ' 'C'
Having purchased our stock of ladles' under
wear direct from the manufacturers , we are
enabled to place them before the public
cheaper than the material alone will cost
you.Ladies' chemise and pants 23c each , worth
3Sc each.
Ladles' tucked skirts 87o. worth COc.
Ladies' nicely trimmed chemise tucked and
embroidered 37o , worth OOc ,
Ladies' nicely embroidered and tusked
skirts 83c , worth $1,30.
Skirts with very deep embroidery $1,38 ,
worth 82 25.
Our muslin underwear department is com
plete In every respect and will pay you to
inspect the prices ,
Gents' gauze shirts 23c , worth 35c.
Gents' Indiaganio shirts 3Uc , worth G5e.
Gents' Balbriggan shirts and drawers 42c (
worth "Oc.
Gents' Pepperell drawers 42o , worth COc.
Gents' finished team drawers made of fine
jeans 55c , worth 85c.
In buying our Domestics direct from the
mills , wo are thus enabled to tavo yau money
on these goods.
Bleached cotton EC per yard.
Soft finished , bleached cotton , round
threaded , water twisted , medium and heavy
weights standard brand * , 71o per yard. Al
ways sold heretofore at lUo per yard.
Best Standard Makes of prints DC pet
Wo have just received a largo and endjoea
variety of parasols to which wo wish to call
your special attention.
Our stocks are now replete with new and
seasonable goods and a visit of Inspection ia
respectfully solicited.
Out-of-town customers will find It to their
advantage to visit our store In person and
make selections.
Cocke & Morgan ,
, .