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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1885)
THE DAILY BEE-MONDAY , APRIL 27. 1885. "THE THREE MOUNTS , " of a Ssrmon Prmareft liy the Late Minister ofthBLntlicran Ciinrcb in Omalia , NlRbt by Request , In tlmt Dnco of Tha bcauttfnl Lutheran church wna filled last evening with a congregation that , llko all Omaha church congrega tion ! , exhibited the deep intereit which such occasions awaken. And which in this case was especially marked , doubt' lest owing to the fact that the sermon which was to bo "recited" by the present occupant of the pulpit , was prepared by the late minister llov. Dr. Skolllng just before his death. After the usual tcrvlcca had been finished , the minister , feelingly alluding to the circumstances connected with the preparation of this discourse which ho was about "to roclto word for word" as nearly as possible , announced aa the nabject of his address : "lUE T11RKK MOUNTS , " Slnaf , Tabor and Calvary , referring , M the scriptnro upon which the remarks were founded , to Exodus xlx ; IU to 1 ! ) Matthew xvll : 1 to 5 , and Luke xxili : 33 , These scriptural paeaagoa were road when thosormon began w 1th the general proposi tion that great events of all sorts and the places of tholr happanlng , seemed to bo attended and marked by ctrcutustnnces and situations which could bo rccoanlzsd and seen , long after all elao , tavo the memory of their occurrence , hod Hod or been destroyed. All oho might fade away and be forgotten , but the "genius of the events" cover foisakes thorn. Superstitions exist always and cluster around the grave of oomo violence , and a sort of spliit of the occasion linyhw about the spot where occurred a thing of intoroct ; and as the traveler nciira the spot and finally stands where such acoucs took place , ho feels as though the spoil of that happening was upon him. .Tho memories of our early fathera in America , bursting the tie that held their allegiance to E igland nr j awakened by a vliU to Indapoudenco Hall , lu Philadel phia , and wo seem to be there more than a hundred years ago , mingling with those great men who signed the charter that gave to this people the liberty they as a nation enjoy. The pealing of the Liberty boll in that old hall rings down through the mists and crags of time and repeats the song- notca of freedom as it did in ' 70. fl So when ono visits the old chamber of the United States senate , ho seenu to be carried back to the days when the trio of giants , Olay , Webster ami Calhoun , -with tbo tread of intellectual majesty moved upon that floor. Imagination places him In the simo seat and the very echoes of I -hla footatep sound like the footfall of ihoao men , Let ono vieit the blood-stained field of Gettysburg , where moro than a score of yean ago , raon shot each other to death , and in that hour of conflict decided the destiny of a nation. Aa ho stands upon ono of those now peaceful hills and looks ever the quiet little village that seema to be asleep near by , fancy brings bick to him ino roar and grand circumstance of war. He scorns to heir the bello'vicg of the angry guns and tha hiiaing of the awift rifle bills ; the waving grain is again bonding beneath the advancing tread of warring hosts ; the groan vales trem blingly echo and re ooho the blut of bugle and the bursting of shell ; the loaves of the forest tree are hidden In the smoke of battle and the groans of the mangled mingle with the shouts of the vlctora. Standing there , ono feels tbo klndlinc of a renewed fire , and that feeling Is the genluj of the place , whish throughout every fibre of his frame Inspires him. So it la with spots Trhoro extraordi nary events of rdllglous charactei -have taken placv ; where things concern' Ing the soul occurred. It Is a remark able fact that every ono of the place where occurred some great sfgnlfican event , which God wished to ute far manifestation of his power and bis love is a prominent place ; a place seeming t have been selected by God as fitted ti lait and continue as a monumental ra minder of the event occnring there. Si trno is thi. < that nonrly all euch p'acc are mountains , places likely to mthatanc the ravages of time , and yet places no remarkable except that God selected am marled them Jor some great event. In keeping with this fact there ar three places that at once suggest them selves to the chrlttian and the student o God'a holy book. Those are Mount Slnal , Tabor and Calvary. Sinai's teach Ings are those of a monument , be cause the mountain itself is desc to but grand , surrounded an clothed in waste , yet high and seen fret afar. The selection of thia place show dlvino wisdom for the purpose intondei viz : Hod wished to give to marmurin > Israel an unobstructed view ot himself I His mighty wrnth and awfal splendoran Ho selected this prominent plica t do 10. Having Instructed Moses to prepare h people to lee God desend In his omnlj otenco , he HkowUo ordered him to war them not to approach nearer than a give point under penalty of death , and the on the third day ho descended amid llgh plugs and thunders and great snrroum ings. The sermon here "recited , " I choice and moat vivid Ungnago describe the awful grandeur of that descent i Jehovah In the sight of fear-stricken It rtol , and the forty days communion wit Mosoi "face to face. " God's purpoi was to improts the people with bli pom and his anger at their murmurlngs again their choton Ipador , and ho did It In manner to last through all the rolllr conturlei. This scene on Slnal teachi God'a wrath towards those who sin an his purpose was by Inspiring them wll awe to rebuke them. The storm upc that mountain was a picture of the ui compromising character of God towan those who break his Uw. Sin was n anticipated away back in the beglnnln , and this sccno on Slnal manifested tfc principle. And In tbii view there nothing to admire about Siual , for b hind these awful scones was an ang God. God.Tabor presents a more pleasing sec : to the Christian's eye. Pretty la Itsi and beautifully surrounded , with Ian scrape and distant hills , and clothed green and flowers , It was a fit place f ( Jhrlst and hla chosen three , John w James and Peter to go upon ai pray. It was fitly selected for Chris transfiguration and putting off the a poarance of hnmanlty to appear in hoa only whiteness and the imago of t glorified , So splendid did ho and t plice appear that r'oter unable to cc tain hla thougV , cried out and propos to the master that they should en + - ' ) , ono for Christ , anoil ' for Motoa nnd another for Ella ; , and as ho BO spoke the volco Bpoko from the clouds "This Is ray bolored son ; hoar yo him. ' Hero wo have a lleavonly lesson of Qed and righteous Immortality , Alosta who talked with God on Slnal , Ellas who was caught up in a char'ot ' cf fire aod carried to heaven , and Christ , the beloved son of God , The asrmrm hero contained a finely drawn picture of the land to which the Christ- Un goes and tbo friends ho will bo thrown with there , the contrast of the beauties of Tabor with the terrors of an angry God on Sinai , which drove away the scones witnessed by Christ and his chosen apostles , and when the cloud that enveloped the God who spoke passed oil left the fonr alone , was particularly well drawn. Bolter , declared the sermon , not to bavo scon the beauties of Tabor if Sinai mocks and destroys the beautiful picture ; hence mutt go elsewhere. Where ? To Calvary , or nt it Is called Golgotha the pliuo of a skull , or a skull. Either meanIng - Ing wilt do , because If it Is the place where bones of men executed laid , or n place shaped llko a skull , it nutters not , fnr in either some it la fair to presume that Mount Calvary was not of Itself In viting. Hero the sermon pictured a long procession moving out of Jerusalem , headed by three men supposed to bo c iminals , soon after the scene on Mount Tabor had takod place. This vtac crowd wore en the road to Calvary , where the three men who were In the front wcro cracIQod. One whom the crowd Boomed most in- coneod against was crucified In the center place with a thief on each ado ! of him. Above his head WAS written , "This is Jesus , the king of the Jews 1" [ A vivid picture of the Son of God djing and dead vtas recited at this point. ] At tha moment that this man Christ yielded up hit life and cried to his Father , "it ia finished , " look yonder at Sinai , continued the ssrmoo , all torn by an eartbqiuko , as if God waa uneasy on scat of anger. Hoar the thunder , so i the lightnings , listen to the roar and behold the blackness totilo on the earth. After this Btorm waa over look again. The body of Jtsrjs is still on the croup , but the cloud nnd blackness have liar ) from the earth and the face of Sinai Is bare. bare.Hero Hero Is typified the mission and tbo mediation of Christ. Calvary had plsced iteolf between the Sinai of God's wrath and the Tabor of Christ's love , nnd thus had reconciled God'a ' wrath to men , The well written and highly rhetorical production closed with a splendid apostrophe trophe to Calvary as the typo of peacs , pardon , joy and imn.ortahty. The "Faust Back Boer" la now being bottled by Ed. Manror , The best baer in the city , Telephone , Nos. 202 and 007. Church Howe WAS in the city Saturday. Gov. David Butler was in the city Satur day. General Superintendent Smith and family left for Kansas City yesterday. J. P. Becker , Columbus ; K. M. Sackott , J , P. RIntbowa , Kugone Montgomery , Albion. Superintendent Dorronco returned from the west yesterday afternoon , and is stooping at the Millard. J. W. Paul , of Idaho , arrived in the city yesterday , and being favorably impressed by Omaha , will probably establish his habitation here. here.Kilos Kilos Gish rotnrnod Saturday morning from Marion , Iowa. He SITS that the trial of the Hewitt contested election case has been post poned until May 10. II. II. Alden , Greenwood ; 12. P. S vage , Lincoln ; II , A. Halo , Madison ; O , D. Ilaya , Hamturg ; H.Thompson , Kouhelle , 111 , ; lr. ) C. V. Wilder , Atlantic ; W. X. Groff , Dela- van , a' o at tbo Canfield , . At the Mlllord : A. E. Altken , Kearney II. K. Adler , Tf. A. Wort. Fremont ; C. H Willard , Aurora ; 0. II. Dorrence , city ; D ( Johon , Omaha ; Sam Carlort , West Point II , W. Niemnn , Solmyler ; 0 , II , Andrews Lincoln , ' Mrs. Sears , wife of Fred Sears , Kiq. , B. A M , agent at Grand Island , and one of thi most popular men In the company's employ ment , has been visiting friends in Omaha , anc will probably return to Grand Island to-daj < or to-morrow. Messrs. Max Meyer and Peter Her , op pointed by the Omaha Board of Trade to at tend the opening ceremonies of the Chicagi Chamber of Commerce , left yesterday fo . that city. Mr , Mayer will go thence to Kn I rope , where tie will make an extended visit. United States Attorney Lnmbertson was li re Omaha Saturday , en route to Broken Bow rea Ouster county , to take testimony in the sui aDf pending between the United States and tli ts Brighton Rinch company , which has occa ll- sioned so much trouble there recently. 0- Mr. C. B. Armour , the younger son of th A celebrated nork and lard man of Chicago m baa been In tha city einuo tha 2Jd , leivlnf ITS Friday afternoon. Mr , Armour was look ITSd ing over tha stock , pork and beef paul B ing interests of Omaha , with a view to IE In vesting capital hero. Into At the Metropolitan : H. D. Lawrcno to Springfield ; P. U. Swift , Plattamouth ; W. ' I i , Lincoln ; T. W. Bassett , Grand Idam Geo. II , Powers , Beatrice ; J , L. Mlno Plattsmouth ; Frank Norton , Hastings ; M , I Snodgrass , Louisville ; II. 0 , Bentley , Wi boo ; and S. J. Collins , Rock Island , 111. At the Paxton : N. R , Persinger , Centri din City ; J. U. Gordon , Norfolk ; Frank Stuff e in Fremont ; B , 13. Inclehart , Omaha ; W , ] ed Hanedell , Columbus ; J. L , Caldwell , Lincoli of J. M. Pattison , J. N. Wise , PUtsmoutl 8- J. D. Seaman and ion , North Platte ; W. ( Albright , Omaha ; W. D. Cocke , Cotmc e Bluffs ; Adam Hogg , Grand Island ; Albe or ist Nance , Stromsburg ; C. D. Kelly , Norl : Platte ; J. D. McFarland , C. J. Prnst , Lli ng coin ; B. F. Smith , A , U , Cramer , Hasting ics J. B , Meikle left for Omaha this afternooi nd where he will permanently locita. M then Meikle has been a resident of this city f < on nearly two years , and during that time hi n- built up a 'good law practice and hai won , ids large circle of friends , who regret exceeding ! tot to see him take his departure. The Net . ; takes pleasure In recommending him to tl Is good people of Omaha a > being a gentlemi be * in every sense of the word , as well as a fin Uass lawyer , [ Nebraska City Nowu , Send your order to Ed. Maarer f mo the celebrated ' "Faust" " beer. It la ui steamed and you thus get bottled bo u jast as fresh as if drawn from a keg. for Miss Westcott , of Keokuk. Iowa , assist , Mr. Mayer at the Dodge street church Ii it's night , the accomplished young lady pUyi _ the opening voluntary and one of M ( dtdsohln'i compositions , andaccompanled | lie the organ icveral vocal piece * , Miss We the cott is a remarkably sklHulorganaccompan on- and in Keoknk , where she has been or ani sod holding the largest organ in the city for t rect past three yean , the stands In the front r her cf muilclana , A BEAUTIFUL GIFT , The UkdRo Votort to Ex-Governor FnrnAS Mntlo In omatia nnd Soon Ilcmly for Shipment , During the last session of the Nebraska legislature , a resolution was passed by the senate whereby the making of a aultablo badge was authorized , to bo presented in the name of Nebraska , to her commissioner at the Now Orleans exposition the Hon. R. W. Furnas , ex-governor of the state , lion. Oh a rcli IIowo , president of the senate , ha * Interested himself In the mat ter and la now In the city looking after the completion of this symbol of the pee ple's appreciation of GOT. Pumas' work at Now Orleans In behalf of Nebraska. Secretary of State lloggon , to whom various doiigna for suoh a badge were submitted for selection , has decided upon ono sent by our townsmen , MAX MEYER AND BKO. A reporter waa shown this oxqulslto piece of workmanship Saturday , and will try to describe it to the readers of the BEE , Upon a scarlet ribbon as aback- ground appears this elegantly executed piece of work , which la a credit to the taste and skill of the manufacturers. The badge may bo said to bo throe-fold. At the bottom la a lanjo atnr , In each point of which la A symbolic representa tion of aomo product of the state ; upon the face of the star ia the great seal of the state of Nebraska , encircled by wreathe of oak leaves and laurel lu shaded , throo-colorcd gold , and sat at different pointa upon a field of grasa are an anvil with a man at work , a ahoaf of grain , a farm houjo and a train of cara , the whole moat beautifully executed and distnctly ! visible. Above thia aeal Is a golden bar bearing the coat of arms of the United S tatea , Thoao onglo graips the arrows and the laurel. Upon a bar above thia are the initial let ters of the ox-governor , "R. W. F. , " In variegated gold. At the top of the badge ia a square field of white and red qnamel , in whoao center is the ; of Nebraska , at the foot of whose atalT are the worda , iu raised letters , "She ia just eighteen yoara old to-day. " This exquisite gem waa designed by Mr. L. J. Ksas and the work done by him and the other workmen in Moyor'a store. It is unllko any kindred work the reporter haa ever soon , and will bo ox hlbltod In the window of Max Meyer & Bro.'s ' jewelry etoro on Saturday and Monday. Placed in a scarlet silk plush casket , lined with deep blno plush , this oleganl gift of a proud young commonwealth to an hone rod and worthy representative son , Is ono well to bo proud of , and ii will bo forwarded to Commissioner For nai next week to be exhibited at Now Orleans May 30th. The lFanst" | beer , bottled by Ed. Manrer , is frorOi and unatoamed. It is put up In bottles with patent "lightning stoppers , " which makes it convenient to open and handle the beer. The "Faust" a considered the fin oat boor In the conn try. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A TRUCE , Tlio Bpcrry and Northwestern Elec tric Litght Companies to bo Oper ated on n Mutual Basis. It now looka aa though the war that haa been going on for months past be tween the Northwestern Electric Light company and the Sperry Electric com pany was about to come to a cloao. In - fact , it waa announced thia morning that articles of agreement have already been ; algned , whereby the removal of the , Northwestern plant from Strong's build- , In ? to the headquarters ot the Sperry Light will bo accompliahed. Thia atop haa been taken for two reasons first boeauao Mr. Strang desires to use the atoro now occupied by the Northwestern for his own bnslneaj , and partly because it ia believed that the semi-consolidation of the tire companies will be profitable to both. both.A A reporter called upon a representative of the Northwestern company , Saturday , and ascertained same facta about the pro posed change. It will not exactly bo a merging of the Northwestern into the Sperry as both companies will for the pres ent retain each Its own act of officerswhile the management of the business consoli In dated will bo placed In the hands of a gentleman who will bo selected at a meeting of the trustees of the companies , to bo held next week. The business will thus bo operated on a mutual basis the further particulars of which cannot yet bo published. The dynamos of the Northwester ! company , of course , will bo operated bj g the machinery of the Sperry plant. The kk. lighting power and area of the two organ k. Izations combined will bo very largo , a ; the Sperry haa 250 are lights , with no in candescent ones , while the Northweaterr haa about 175 Incandercent lights , o El. large and small sizes , Now machinery id has been ordered and will bo operated bj ; the two companies. ar , The Mogul light , something now It 11. tbo way of electric apparatus , will bi adopted , and it ia believed will provi ' highly successful. Each Mogul light i ral of 150 candle power. er , This arrangement , it la general ! ; F. thought , is for the purpose of heading of In ; the Hcutton Electric Light company which la rapidly establishing lines In thl th ; city , and la threatening to devour a larg G.cil share of the business. cil ert Orders are now received for the col ; thIn brated"Fan t Buck Beer , " bottled t In- Ed. Maurer. THE MAY FESTIVAL , Cr , lor The Suocpie of Ilio Hclioroo Atsurccl- IM The Members of tbo Chorus. a tly The mus'c festival ii W8 project proceed .ho ing in a way that promises the complet success of the nndortaklng. A full n rat. hearsal vroa held at Jlejors' ball o Friday evening which waa largely a * For tended by a good number of our bei in- singers. The chorus ts it stands tt present wl consist of the following woll-Vnow ted lingersMrs : , Squires , Mis * Cbamberlaii last Mleses Haggle and Qoor lo Bonlto ing 'en- Mrs. Wolnhagen , Hisses Gray and All - 'enon Pr tl , Hisses Annie and Kettle Vapo on Mrs. H. H. Allen , Hiss Anderson , Hi eet- Gibson , Hra. Shields , Mrs. Peck , HI olst Rustin. Hra. Knight , Mrs. Aleiando net , MUs Diy , Hisses Olara and Franc the Roeder , Mrs. W. F. Nash. Hrs. Shrev ank Hiss Patrick , Hits Grace Brown , Hlsa Alice and Nellie Wilkins , Hrs , L. j Saundora. Hiss Bclden.Mits Flgonbnnm , Hrs , White , Mrs. Shelby , Misi Cromor , Mrs Rhodes , Mrs Olarko , Hiss Hnyor , Mrs. Bruca , Hiss Sollgsohn , Hits BroaVonrldgc , Mrs. F , P. Day , Hlasca Blanche and Alice Withnoll , Mrs. Mlchnels , Hiss Newman , Hrs , J. II. Taylor. Hits Folton , Hiss Edith Brown , Hrs , L. Kyle , and Messrs. Wolob , Breckcnrldge , Shields , Wilkins , Wolff , Cralle , Swan , Woodman , Pormcll , Dar- man , Thayer , Meyer , Alexander , Allen , Nash , McDonald , Bnrleigb , Mcrrlaru , Wilson , Gould , Ohaa. Gonld , Blake , Tuttle , Sftundore , Morris , Rlggs , Bntler , WoodiHfT , Reed , Noithrpp , Wilbur , F. S. Smith , Gordon , Stolling , Burmeater , Hills , T. H , Morrlam , Tremaync , and Brownlco. It is expected to Increase this nnmbor to at least 125 voices. If thla'projectis liberally supported , as It Tell deserves to bo , It will bo an oront long to bo remembered. Oar elty it plenty largo enough to sup port an enterprise of this character every year , and the success of this undertaking will no doubt prepare the way for a nWll greater festival another year. Died. WOOSLKT On S.itunlay afternnon. of goarlot favor , Kate , nine-year-old daughter of 0. A. nnd Violet Woosloy , of Orrmlm. Ilor fuucrnl took place Sunday nttirnoon ( aim the residence cf the parents. Officer Kennedy arrested a pence disturber at the City hotel last evening on complaint of Mr. Wlrth , the proprietor , and lodged him In the city prison , lie miulo on attempt to as sault Mr. Wirth. Marshal Cummings has received from Atlantic , IOWA , a letter warning him to bo on the lookout for S30 worth of oarponter's tools which were stolen last Sunday night from J , B. Aldrlcb , of tlmt city. The thieves and plunder have been traced to Omaha , it is be lieved. Mngda Irschick appeared last night at the Stadt theatre in the play of "DoCorah , " supported ably by the regular stock company. The play is cue which affords ample opportu nity for the display of Madame IrBclnck's powers as a great tragedienne , and the re quirements of the character of "Deborah" were grandly sustained , The bouse w packed. packed.Now Now that the "Georgia Minstrels" have gone , it is but fair to say that the unanimous opinion of the very many who attended their concerts at the mueoum , has been and Is that they ara a most excellent troupe of real col ored people ; gentlemanly in their behavior , pleasing in their performances , and Indus trious in their efforts to entertain the crowds that thronged to wltness'their concerts , which were from fust to last marked by such be havior aa could not olloud the most fastidious , and bristled with goad and original jokes that interspersed their songs and plays. The end men , Johnson and Jackson , wcro particul irly good , surpassing as comedians any colored men yet seen here In a minstrel troupe , Mr. Henry Bruogmami , president of the saengerfest committee or something of that kind which places him at the head of the business , concluded arrangements yesterday with Julius Meyer , manager of the Musica Union orchestra , Omeha , by which that fine body of musicians will be present at the coming saengerfcst , The orchestra consists of twenty-five pieces and is one of the finest in the west , Its presence will add much to the attractions of the eaecgerfcst. 1'ropara tions for this ount are extensive and thorough and itrpromises to be the biggest affair of the kind ever held by the 1'ioncor Saengorbund , [ Lincoln Journal. Sanfrod's RADICAL CURE FOR CATARRH. Wltch-Bazel , American Fine , Canada Fir , Morlgolc and Clover Blossoms. A single do a of Bantam's Radical Cora In stantly rolievcsthe most violent Sneezing or IJeoc Colds , lean the head as by magic , slops watery dia charges from the Nose and Eyes , prevents Klngint Noises in the head , Cures Nervous Headache an2 subdues Chills and Fever. In Chronic Catarrh I cleanses the nasal passages of foul rnu-us , estorei ho senses of smell , taste and hearing whoa affected frees the head , throat and bronchial tut 03 of often sire matter , sweetens and purifies the breath , stops the cough and arrests the progress of Catarrh to wards Conaumptian. Ono bottle Radical Cure , ono box Catanbal So vent and Sanford's Inhaler , all In one package , of al druggists for $1. Ask for SiNroBn'a KADIOAL Cuu. Potter Drug and Chemical Co HOaTON. VA1 I I Mft. r ° * tbo relief and prevention 'Wh T. V Ute Instant it IB appllnd , of Rheu ' matlsm , Neuralgia , Sciatica , Coughs , ColdB , Weak Dack , Stem aoli , and Bowels , Shooting Fains , Numbness , Hysteria , Fe male Pains , 1'alpltatlon , Dyspep sia , Liver Complaint , Bllloui ' iv\ . Fever , Malaria , and Epidemics , -E'CTKlCVX. use Collln'a Plasters ( an Electric 1I " ( S.ViC Battery combined with a Purouf L.ffElV * Plaster ) and laugh at pain I6r erervwbern. } % BOTT&fi ? . Erlaager , . . * . . - . - . - . . . * Bavaru , CulmbaoheT , . . , , * . . . .Btrvanp , Pilsner . . . . . , . . Uohomiac. Kaicer. . - . * . . . 4 - . - . . - , . * .Bromou. DOMJEST1R. Bndweisor - . -Bt. Iioab y Ajahauser. . . . .St. Louia 7 Best's. . . . Milwaubop 7n Sohlitz-Pilsnor Milwaukee 10 n Krucj'o Omaha 0 Ale , Porter , Domestic nnd Rhinf r imt-v r A TrnT.iTi la Wine. D. MAUEKB , ISIS Knrnom St iy iff , HAMBUE&-AIEEICAH la 50 PACKET COMPANY. Direct Line for England , France and Germany. The neuruhlps ot thli well known lln < are bulll ) ! iron , In water-tight compartments , and are fur ulehed with every requisite to make the passngi both safe and agreeable. They carry the United States and European mails , and leav * New Yorl fhuadayeadd Saturdays for Plymouth ( LONDON Ob rbougPAIlI9 ( and IlAlinUItQ. lUtcs , Flrtt Cabin , $30-$100. Steerage , to 01 from Hamburg , 110 0 II KICIIAflD&CO , Gen era ! Pa's Agents , 61 Dioalway , New York am Washington > nl La Bella streets , Chicago , or Henri I'undt , Mark Hauien , F , E. Moorcs , Harry Pcuel li Omaha , Oronewlg'&Behoenegtn , la Council to GANGER CURED i I have had a cancer on my lace lor ininy jears. lia e tried a ijreitmany remedies , but vvltbout re lie ) . laltuont K'veup hope ot ever bcln ? cured , Dr Ilardman , my son , recommended HwKt'g BpeclAc vtblch I have taken with ( treat results. My lace 1 now well , anil tl Is Impoealblg lor me to express re ; thanks inwordi lor vvliat this medicine lin done lo Ill me. MM. OtUK IliBUWi1. . Monroe , Qa , Sept , 2. , 1S81. Til Swift's Specific has euro ! B cancer on my lace , an , hai alinoit mode a new man ol me. Jr T. J. TKAIE , Waclae * . Fla. He I have had a cancer on rny right car for Hire years. I tried every temtdy tto phjslclans pra ( tlesd , to no permanent good. Uallt's HpeclOo 1 wrought wonders lor roe. H Is the Vest ilood pu rlOer lLth world. J.\oS MoKKOvvflorence&ta. . ri Sn-llt'a Specific It entirely vegetable , and seeui t es I cure cancers by forcing out the Impurities from tl "ei I lood. Treatise on Blood and SUn DUcasea mailc SOS I | ree Tin Svvii-rerECiiric Co. , Drawer 3 , AtlanUGa A. or 159 W. 23d St. , New York. SPECIAL NOTICES. ' ' _ _ . " " " " ' ' - - - " T - - - - * - "ri''T ; TO LOAN MONEY , M OIKT loMisd on scctmd nate * Ixibtck A Co. , tea ] eatatt broker ) . 1S2J Farnam , up-itarj. | 828-lf M ONKY ToKe on chattels , Wocfley t > lUlrllon , Room 20 , Omaha National bank building 854 tl \TONKY loaned U law ratt , ln Amounts to rait on IvJithattel.collaterali or other Rood security. Finan cial exchange , 1603 Farnaru ft. WS-tnlp ONKY TO LOAN On tent estate Mil ahattels M D. L. Thorn * * . 74Mf. \tONKV Loaned on nhattoJs , cut rats , R R ill tickets oonghtltd sold. A. Fornun.SlS 3. ISth 8t B70-H Vf OMKY LOANED kt U. F. Rood ACo's. Lean olllca 1V1 on [ utnlturc , nUnos , horeei , w ; ona , p r on l proptrt ; of all kinds J ll otho rtttlolet ol viltw , wlthont remcral. Over UI National C nkcornct 13th nd Funnm. All builnee * strictly oonfldonUal oonfldonUalS5Mf S5Mf NET TO LOIN In inmjof tSOOud auwtrd , MO O. r. Dtrto uid Co. , HeU ElUI * and Loan i , 1508 rtroun St. WANTED FEMALE BBLP. \ At once % > Trxrlenct < l dining rtom W\tnt at the CuiQild Ilouio. Mo ethers neeil apply. 681-S9j _ AVT I > F lr t-clMB dlnlnp room rirl'ftt the Mcl- W topollUQ hotel ; none ether Deed apply. 824 t ! WWA WA- TFJ > Auood s'ronj ; gill to wash dtghei at the Paxtan hotel. Si'j-ZJp \\TX\Tfit-QM lot Ronornl housewoik. Mud be ft V > Rood cook and llltiB ! : to work. Steady place and good uagci. .Mrs. U. S. Smith Gil N. IDth St. 78211 WA IA Rood girl for Reueral houswtf k , In email tint CM wnih nnd Iron 001 S. 18th St. 823 25p TTTA'mrv Immodlato'i.eipe ' lonccd straw sn or TT at Omaha Ultachcry , 1610 Capitol ave. 820 27p TlfANTM-QIrl for grnoral hou o oik , mnst bo V > Rood washtrandlroner.lOUHowaril St. 8U-S7p ANTKD-TWO girls at the City Hotel. W 80 > ! Bp Olil for general house work ; German prcfeirod ; apply at 2118Bmt St. 811-27p - for general liousa nork ll small famiiv. Inqulro at Montelt cigar nnd notion btotc.lStb and Howard. 818 28p \\7'ANTKn A n'rl ' lor Rcneral homework and n girl T T for clilHrou. 19.0 Furimm street 70S 27p \\7ASTED A Roodcookat 320 South 10th St. ASTKD-Olil for hcujoirork , (412 Capitol W Capitol79097p 790-97p WAMrn A girl to do general housowotk In fami ly of two. Apply at north eldo of Castellur St. 2nd door west ot 13th M. 7E4 25- TS7AM n A good competent girl for general house Vwcrk. . Apply corner North Twentieth and Center st. 747-25p Qlrl todoeeneial housework In aemall WANTFD ; apply 2417 ll mllton street , scuth % lde , bet. Saundeis and Pier. 7D42p ! Two apprentice girls to learn dress making ; at 1600 F.unain st. 702 25 ITAVTKD-GIrl lor general housi work at P Klan \ ni.ry , 1010 S 10th St. 751-Wi > W ANTKO 18 good girls , 7 experienced cooks Omaha Kujplojmtnt Bureau , 1120 Feroam St. 701 tt ts for " Protector WAMKD-L dy agcn "Queen daisy stocking and skirt supporters , ehoulda brace * , bustles , bossu ferns , iliois thklds , safety belts , sleeve protector , etc. ; entirely new devices un precedented preOts ; wo have GOO tgoats making $100 monthly. with stamp , EH Campbell & Co. , 9 South Hay St. , Chicago. 079 mlOp WANTED MALE HELP. - flrst-c'aisfurniture ealcsnnin. None need to apply unless jou ha\o irool refcrorco 03 to ability and character. M. F. Martin. SOS tf W FAMED A good barber at North Bend , Neb. Good wages. U. 0. Good. 774-24 V\7ANTFi > A traveling salesman who tborocghly W understands the dry goods buiincss and u ac quainted with the dry goods trade U Nebraska. Must hare good references and undcrataud h's busi ness ; aidros S. L. L. , Bee oflic.- . 758 26 SITUATIONS WANTED. " \\7AMFD A position as a book keeper or clerk V a temperance y.ung man with city reference : speaki German ; address "L. 11' " Bee office. 829- - for a bov of eleven yrs. ID go WAYTFD-Situatlon boy , or to do errands. Ad dresa 001 N. W. Cor. of California and 15th St. 705 2Bp Steady situation by first-class tinner understands all kinds of work and dee nil. drink. Pease state wages and address , 503 W 7tb St , Sioux City , Iowa , S01-28p * iimo to de in private fimllios by an experienced 5dro88 maker , H14 Dodge street 788-25p Pcsitlin : Experlenecd short-hand nd trie writer desiring to rome wes * . Owns No. 2 Remington machine. Addicts , W. E. , Care Bee , Council Bluffs. 778-30 WAI.TID By city salesmin tltuatlon by May let , long acquaintance with city and Council Bluffs trade , ( not ealooo. Addrtis " 0. B. " Bee office. 749 Kp AMID Elluatton aa housekeeper for widower. W Mrs. a. , Bee office , Council BlutTa. 45 29 \T7ANTKB Situation bj an experienced man to take VV care ot horses and act aa driver , in a prltato tamllyl8 ; willing to do other work arouad the IK uae. AddrotB "A M 11" Bee ofllco , 7H 25p WAjSTKD- Situation by an eiporloccod book keeper , by 2 salesmen , 1) > a lady stenographer and t > pe writer , by 2 joungmen to drive delivery wnKon , by at ; wd coachman , by a man to run eta- tloucry onitinc. Omaha Employment Bureau , 1120 Farnam St. 703 tf MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. To rent , well arranged oott io ot eoven or eight roomi Inijood locatlcn. Address Win. T. Bonnf r , care GreatWejtoin Carbon Co. 810 28p W A MID A manor woman in every country In U a $1.26 sample free 87f > per month , ealiry or commission. Send stamiL Paul Tabcl , Chic JEO 111. 810-rn S4p YXT/Mru Ono or two gentlemen to take nicely T furnUhed trent roon May lit ; reference ! ex. changed , 317 north 17th st 817-lp KB-IT 1'attof B room house nouth part of city FOR 8 per month to respectable email family. "A U" Bee ollice. 821-t6p T70R HH > , T fl room house on St. car line. Apply JL1 1110 18th street bctviecu KliliolaannJ 1'jul , 615 M | Ton RKM'-SIx rocm home. A P TukeyCaulQeld- Jt ? book etore. _ 820-tt T1TASTBD For elcg e gontlnnan largo unfurnished V ? or furnUbcd room. State price. Addresa P. O. Box SIB city , 805-2 ! ) W AXTID A good family hone at 1505 Farnam St 778-tf WAVTID To rent a large furnlihed room , li Sinter's block 16th and Ca Ifornia , with board also a few more table boaidera 7Citf K\f\ Wanted on notoi itrurea by 5O. ) UU on property worth $7,0.0 , half to b I ayableln one yfar , ualanoi in two yean , will glvi ten per cent Interxt and also a bonus of $500 for tin use of the money , Addroaa "Loan" Bee office 770 tf rASTKD For spot oath , S cholco lots In Ilinicon Place , I-0 Lex nil. 47226 W IAXix.D-Afurniitied hotel ink live town , oni cuntrolllng the Commercial trade , Addresj "J F'VicIc Neb. 8C6 28p WANTED $3 59 will buy one dozen Dozer Dro' trlppleplatsdtable knives at Moody i chlm storecorner , loth and Davenport et 415 tf W ANTED Every ady In need of a se lng ma chine , to see the new Improved American Nc P. E , Hodrnin tt Co. agents ; 220 N 16th. SiStf von RpNT-nousE8 AND LOTS. A small store and two rooms on 20t J ? between Pierce and Popltton ave 777-25p FUR RENT Thret stcry and baiement , brick ttori ltfront.25 per month. Two new stores on IfithSt CO per month eact 0. K. Uaj nt , 8. W. Cor , 1Mb and Farnam. 771 4 FOKKKST lOroombouie , modern Improvement : lledfaid , Bouer i Davis , 213 b. Hth Ut , 76Stf TDViR Rrvr IIouso of 9 rooms with barn , Caldwe J } acd Haunoeis st , Inquire 1709 Jatkscn st. 44125 OH KENT Store and buenunt corner 15th an P Capitol avo. . opposite tbt Expoiltlon buildln to be trecwd. Slorsa & Uiunner , liM t'aruam 713 26 to be I TOH I'.iOiT A store cheap 03 north Hth. tar | p 7OR RK.NT New itoio room 22x70. Jno Erck , 817 ! UlhSt. W230 FORRBTT llonwll rooms , collr , pantry , dtxeti , near St oar , liSvtr month , O K Thompson , 8 W fcmtr 11 tli and Harnev S5-tf R'wi R VT Stcrc dwtt toe atUched.tS/ per month ULThonw. OD&tl TTSR urvT fireostory brick store bulWlug ; en- 1C rjdlro ot Kjwaid orrM Jl Co. , room 29 Crmirpe DIOCX 407 if FOB BKNT 5 a room h n n Inqulr no. K lUrttrnSmelting works , or 311 North St. IftWf IT uK UK > T New cottaRe , fi rooms. . PhlpM Hoe I1 1312 H 6thst. SSItl OK llK T-Sto-o yQlldlnf44iX ( ) three utorv and baicmttit ho. ll&and 112 lith. Inaulr * HOO St P9)tt F ORHRNT Fornlshthl cottage , 7 rooms , with closets , riuitr } , etc. , Jn best looafty In City can pay rent wlibboard. Call In afternoon at625 Vbas- ent St. 170 i ! ITvOR HRNTThreft brlok stores corner ISth Mid CumlnR St. J L. ItcQkRao , Apont. 5l-a2 ItOOMS FOR RENT. T7aRRiixT-Fiirnt > heii front roam , liar w.ndow.brlcV , J' Hoard small fMilly , 60S nctlh 17th St. 88-lp froRRutT Suite of rooms , bath room connected , J1 tor tourgentlcneD , also room for gentleman and nlteMthflret-claBO board. 1821 Bnrt. 70S tf FOR RUNT With brard ono nicolj turnlthed front room , with gls and bath. 1M.9 Jones bi. IR RUNT Furnltned front room 1W4 1'irnam , F mtvr Nc ! IdwlBhcit rooras uilUble lortvve s Kent.cmcn ; , S'-O } Dodpo St. 707-SPp FOR HUNT Tnolarue tr nt rooms lurrlihed or un * lurnlnhsd , convenient ti ) board. NW Cor Stth and Webster St. 793 tt T7on RUNT 3 or 6 rooms clofot , cellar , cltv water. L1 IT qulru at COS Ncrth ISth Si. 702 27 | < FOR Rr.sT Furnlshcil room , wltn rlostt. Suitable tor two gentlemen. 1117 Hotrard. 77-3p J'OR RPNT-An ( Itgint now sultn of cllloo rconn , liuaaman'g bloct , Uor IBth and Douglas. 10'It I OR n KM- Two tleasint turnldial roonreut 2309 F UaliloinU et. ; a'go ' orean for rent create 765 Sp 17'OR ' IIKST T o nlcol ) furnl hod front roonn 1807 V Cullforulist 70026 TjOR RKNT ftirnlshcd room , Inqulro Dmif utorc , f corner Hth and Douglas , 7&3 tf RRST FiirnlsliCi ) room 1013 Dodge sf. roR RP\T Nicely furnUhod front room for Udy and 1'jntleman ; Icqulia 521 I'lcaetnt St 712 tt j on URM Niatly lurnlshcd trent room 013 sauth ' 'iStnst. 70JS7p FOR RKVT Two hrgc room' , wo1) ) fiirnlsbeii , In Itcilkh'e llcck , apply at 21S 13th St. 7J6 2Sp TToii RUNT -Rooms 1011 Dodge St. 70525 ? . HK\T biilto ol rooms for tno orlourgcntlomon Ior. 1 11 4 South tilth t 077-2 p FORUhNT-N'Icely luinlehcu rooms 1517 DiMiiport 72J.5p ] tpou RKNT One Ursenandnomily lurnlshcil room ' ulth excellent boatd lor slnglo gcntUman , 1718 Dodge 178 tf FOR RUM Ftriiihei room 1021 Capitol axo. 030 SOp F IOR RKM1 A fiirnl lieil front room w thu o of par lor , \\lth emrv 1 tamllj , 2107 Chlca ott. 7 7-i8p FFon Fen RUNT huge mom 2 x20 elee atly finished , hultablo lor otllou. Inquire C M baton , 111 S 14th St 5S7.U F I OR RUST Elegant newly furnished rooms 2'25 Dodge st. 507 tf OOMH With noard.detlrabh fr summer. Applj I St Charles Hetol. 237-11 FOR RENT Several Quo cilices in Croun'o' block , Inquire Ed Norrls , room 10 Crounso bleak 984 tf BENT Furnished room 1816 DoJ ? ; * , IOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms at 1718 Cass F ; St. 230 tt FORSALE FARMS. FOR SALV120 acres good land within 00 mlloi of Omaha , new IIOUBO , good etabb , l.\lng water , school house on the land and one rnllo from railway station ; terms easW n Green , over 1st Nat'l Bank. FOR BALK Fa ni and unimproved land lota and house on long cicdlt B&M Land ofllco , 620 h 13th St. Vadlcka & Ooantner. FOR BALK Good farm in Ylsshlngton Co. ; 171 icrcsSO ; acres cultivated ; good bullJInja ; fine orchard ; running water ; all tejcod. EJward Norils Co. , room 19 Crounso Block. 474t ( FOR SALE HOUSES LOTS. | J > OH HALB Special ilargaloo 2 t lcneim corner X1 lots on red car line : cheap. Full lot , N. 20th st , House 20x28. 32200. Cor. lot 80x13 ? , 12th and Dorcas , house and stabio. C. 1700 , Corner lot , lUli and Dorcu , 6 xlS2 , $1000 , Lot 50x117 , B < rtlct 'B add , 4 room house , SJOOcitb. Cor Catherine and I'oppleton tt , Uaatcom place , t room house I1,4CO Cor Grove and Davenport St. , H5xl24 , house 20x24 and stabio , $1,400. Chilco 4 aero let , PrnU'fl tub dlv , ? :000. Cor take and 17th tt , cast front , 157ixl40 , 6 room hou-o$25CO. 4 lots , Burr Oak ad 1 , cast frrnt , S2r > 03 , Lot 0xl83 , l'lerceiitar S34 it , south front. 5 room houio , barn , 82600- 8EO-1 I'ALLHKS H Co , 1613 Farnam street. F'ORbAUS Jou residence properties liom { 2COO to $70 U , tacheaay terms. U 0 Patterson , 13 h and Farnam. 470 25 FUR BAI.K Boiutiful lots In splendid locality for 8201 each$10down and$10 per rronth ; will assist > ou tu build. 110 Patterson 13th and Farnam 471-26 I70H BALK Lots in all additions and subdivisions. No. 835. Lot on Davenport street near high school , 50x132-82,200. No. 184 , Lot on Leavcnworth street tear St. Ma- rj 'i Aenue cirnor lot $ -,000. No. 474 Lot on Farnam street , & 0 per fi ot. No. 474J Lot on JUrncy , : ! ixl3'/-fc.MOO No. 471. Tno lots , ono 9 comertwo blocks fiom red car line $1.250. No. 103 Comer business loi. 22x132 , on Harnoy St 87,600. No 435. Lot on Howard street , tto blocks from Uroet car ? 5'0 , No , 400 , Lot 75il40 , cut front , one block from 1'ark Avenue car line $1,000. 733 25 Moreo & Brunner , 1401 Farnam FOR SAI.K No , 457 ; flno 7 room home , ror lot , twc blocks from ttrect car , city terms43,105. . No. Z97 ; Utilised rooms , will and cittern , ono hall lot , on red car line 81 , DO1. No. 338. Flno 9 room house , full lot , city water , erred red car line $2SOD. No23 1. House 24x41 , 0 rooms , flnnly flnlihed , well el. tern , ft II lot , Una place , two blxks from e > trct . cir$2,600. . No , 920. House 5 rooms , well and cistern , lot 4Cx 138 , en red car line , easy paj merits $2,300 , No , 445 , Houte 0 rocms , ar.d barn well and cistern lot 83x13 ? , U ick and a ha'f liom 10th ttrtetbea St I'aul depct-2,800. No. 473. House 10 rooms , lot fiOxl42 , Farnam strce No , 291. 1IPU30 19 rooms , corner lot , Park ATIIIU -11 OOP. No 420 , HCUM 7 rooms , eve block from I'ark Ai nue , lot 60x141 $2,750. 738-25 Alone & Erunntr , 1104 Farnum , TTVR8iLi ) 201 , A bargain In house and lot , bam J ? cittern , cellar etc $1075 ; S ICO cub , balance i deferred payment ! to suit purchaser , 318 B 10th , C F , KIsaiser , C04-27 FOR House full lot , well , cittern , bun , all I go : condition , one block from street ears 11,10 eaiy terms W II Ureen , over Ut Nat'l Duck , C4I-I 8ALK A full lot on corner of 18th and Jone FOR paved street and within ono equare of U , P. It R. tor sale. Warren Switiler. m-20 FOKHJ 51oti full site , 10 per centcath.balam moutElypaments. W II Grcea , over 1st Nal Bank , 636 tf FOR HVLI Two cottages and lota Virginia ave. on block touth of St liar ) s at a , bt care fM3 cat ) balance on UUK tlm ] , laaac Adama Krcuzer bloc opp , P , O , 8 7-tt th Fen BALK Good G room home , lot 60x132 Icet.eai front , 1300 ; $100 oaeh balance { 15 per montt W , II Oroeo , ovcrlst National bank. 831tl , FOR SALE , MISCELLANEOUS. ta. T"R 841.KOR TiurK I w111 till or trade my hou ell 1 ? and lot on SaundirB street at d 11 ke p rt of trai 6p in firtt-class furjltuio. AddreiB"J 8" Bee office. id ag SJUK 1(00 fdr. ol illit to be bail at 1118 Hhe FOR man ave 763 CTp biLBA flr t class unilglit plino , new. A Foi , < T 0. , " H. i. M htadimteis. | 785 25p N J "fjtoii KAijB Hots * , bUo'iff aud liametj ll&9..Ar ca AiA ( rOKl family her , bum nj Har nui. lnqulio 131 > otigl sst. FAI'OS. . -A latron Inccwdlocilltv' , lot J WJ"'V1 "V11vA"'ly lo Jolm A f'ejhati No 1305 Doit Ki St , Omaht , Neb. 001 tf Ii OU 8AK-For WOiVvrnand t.-o per month I 1 will bnIM n elegant nvo nom cottice , with rorchcn clouts , ba ? irlnilow brlch C'tlar , Vi , lth tvol'tsnltvlvffnroltho whole all romplote II.MX ) The o.ittaies tov \ bnlHat onpo contraru for ten hat e already been let. Tali at my ofllce andncorhn of oottan , location Ac. lUlnj tour friend ) alontr , 0. K. Uayno , south nest corner 15th and Kamanr. . 207. aSO IT < ORH LR Piano. k $7(0 llfriffht plano > at a bar- 1 gain. 17191'ouglas. 733 mjl REAL ESTATE BROKERS. I > SI.MTATP ! ROKrra Lobcck iV-Cd' , 1SII Fftmam IV tree t corner ISth , rial ojtato Souuht and told on commission , enchants of real or personal proper. tyeff tedthepatr : napoof parties havmc real e4 t orstocVuof goods to wll or exchsnito at > rois-jn Ho prices , ! i solicited , ana will bavo * ur Vest alter tlon. OCSU PERSONAL. GIURWI CASK r > lciv write to your tvothor and tat me know where you aro. Anna Cast. Vina V O , TchatnaCo. , State ot California. 827-S6 ATOTICE vty wife Kmrra , having lift ray house i > without any cauic , I htreby Itsuo thlswariiinc that 1 shall not par am debts oontractet bv bor. 8in-2Sp W > i KKAunxcK , Florence , Nell \\TANTKI > A ady room mate ; apply to Sllkn Hose. > ' 181 * Jacks > n st. 7lO-26p 1 > rii < io < iAliParties wishing a noamstrfw , guaran- J toelnit ciittlneandtlttlrK atUtactorvaddrci ; > i 31S North IBth st , Mrs J Arnuld. .l6j. Si > MRS K. M Hoorrn , Trancs cialrvoytiut , and heal- Ini ; ii-cilura ready lor bii'Intss over No 023 S K comer jOth MiJ\Vtb t r. Tonui rcuonablo. 452tnlr M vn mldnlle rcccUci lailloslnher hotiss for conllncmcnt , No 143i S.utli ISth St.Omaln. 71B-25p TO EXCHANGE , flic r.viiiAMiK-1 ha\o Illty thousand nortsol Choj- J cnnc county land which I can cvchaiige at figure * which nil ) bo profltiblo tot eaxtcrn prnimtt } . Uomo audseolt. W. J. Vtiinlco , Sidney , Neb. 801-tf ORI.IISIK ( Iirprnicd business priicrlj | In cnvtern lo a , ? < M0 forttockol inerclia-illje or buslno f. AJdicss\V'lle"arollcoolllcc \ 7RI-SO TT'OR ' 8Al.ii OR KXCHAMIE Stito and county r' ' litaof J1 the coolrj hav stacker , tno boat H ticker uiailo AddicssA Ocolcy A. Co. , Oiccoln , Iowa , lock box 0(1 ( , H'ORHAI.R on VMIUMIR Kor llvo stock ; Inuo ot school , section No30Town 1 , K.ingo 11 , Nebr.klin. with peed pprlntr n'rr , ea d hnusj , etnllii , catt'o shed , corril. corn c Hi , ho ; lot , collar , lion homeand n novur tailing well ntKoml ntcr ; an oicelknt prl- > 'lego tor a person l linK ! to koa.i citllb mut hoja , n. great bargain , can bo had ns the owi cr wishes to. mavo anav. Atly ] ) to proprietor on thu pnmixes or addrcts Jas OO'britn. I' O bo\8' , lllvvrton , Neb. COS 27p TopvcilAVOK-riflJairea In Tlncr Co , sp'endld ImpuncnicntBc.forcltj prnprrty , and 101 acrus l < npro\cd , fo groconoj. K 0 1'attunon , I.t h and Faruara at. 730 25 440 acres well Improved livnd J tcl' 1.1 rum Es c\ , Io : i , tor A stock of ironeniltnoicban- tllso or hardware. Addresi Jolm Lludcrb 1m , Hifex Io a 6311 ! EWIl SAIK-Or exchango. * Vohn\ufnr s-la the cxclmho right iu tnls ntato to ecll the coal einomlzor and soot dostroyi r , tlcstrovs tho-suot and \\lilsft\otuenljperccnton crml , will Ball conntv right ) or the state , or n 111 exchange fnr real rstate err r > i , rood property on application "III send sninplo Isitt al and give pvtlculara Ren on for Bellini ; > vu r cancot gl\c It bh attci.tlon : i laro cbanco for hn ion : Bcdfoid , Sutler A. Pnvs. 27S tf BUSINESS CHANCES. F IOR BAI.K ItcsUiirant good locality , rcaton for selling , other buiineas. Addrces "R t" Dec ofllco. 807-28p "IJlOR HAI.1 At o bargain , a well eftlb I'Vud groosrv X1 business Callaturaddrcca "A & H" No (207 Cuinlng St. 822-lp FOF. s II.K-Tbo n'dcft cstabllnted Ihcry business in Omaha and tbo good will thereof ; 34 horses , Q hacliH CO buggies and family carriagrs bandwagons , polo buggies , full complement of double and sliiBlo harno'B and all appurtenant OB cf a fltst elosa st'h'o. Will gl\o 6j cars lease ol the grounds and buildings. Is in thu centre ot ttio buMntts i oitlon of llu city and tH'ng .1 ; oed trndo Oooj tirn-H can bo bad. W. H , Green , o\or 1st Nat'l Dank , Onnha , Neb. 802 tf IpOK HAIH Untcher fbop , good buslnosa , splendid I1 locitioc. C. K. JI jno , S W. Cor. 16th and tar cam. 782-25 FOR SALX In Oakland Neb , first.class moat market ai o the furnliuro of ( he St Paul hotel. For pir- tlculara , inquire or wilte Wigger * & UehlingOakland FOR BALK lime store In a desirable locality , wil invoice about $1.600 It C 1'attereon , ME corner 13th and Farnam. ' 486 tt FOK 8ALK-A flrst olaas stock of dry gords J5.000 at a bargain , will take part crsh balance real es tate ; address " 11. V. B. " care Bee office 292-tt IMOtl SALE Or exchange a lull Block ot clothing JP boots and shoes , gent' furnishinggoodi , will exchange - change for Nebraska Lands. Q. U.felerson.SOl S. 10th St. , Omaha , Neb. ! 39 U BOARDING. W PAHTBII 3 or 4 boarders In private famllv , 1318 Capital Avenue. Mis. C. M. Geppner. 74S 26p BOARDisu-Iostltute lioUlcorner IStiand Capitol a\o. , oay btard ? 1 0) ) per week. Meal tloleta. IiV Ilai' , Proprietor. 876.20p TT1I11ST-CLAS3 Bed and board 1212 Capitol u > o. JP 12 a35 LOST AND FOUND. TKAVKD-A small giaj mare tinny , brand on hind Oleg , G. U. S. S. Irom West Omaha. James Bropby" SIO-26P STPAVKU One largo brown mare with knot on out- aide ol Ice just below bock , Bultarle toward will paid for rtturn to ED Frank , 2bth andLoavoworth * 808 ! Jp MISCELLANEOUS. On Elkhcru and I'Utte. T , Murray. SOO tf H'hiim NoniE l&ken up by the subucilber on Ja"k cn St , } ctterda > ; eco tiark hav horse about 14 hands high , heavy mane and tall , about IIvo years old. The owner cm bavo sune by proving pr poitv and ra"g ' charges. 22nd April 188& . 1'eter Johnson 78J27p PiUTics vtantliK "will please apply at the Cczzns. 7EU27 L resove given in real point lace , also late made to ordtr. 1U4 Dodge street. 7 7-On / 1nrw sil.veu TAO , Its fruit flavored , tags redeemed V at i ne cent cash by the dealers , I'ojcko llros , tgenta. OSS If I.VSTIIU TIOV on banjo glten by ( J K Ocllcn- I beck , at 1116 Uailtolavu. 430 tf r vault ! , i Inks and rosapoch o'eaned anr time Pun day In an entirely odoiless way with our Improved pump aod apparatus Orders by mall i romiitly attended to. A , Kvan * , cnice and residence 1208 bodge tit. up stairs. 409 In7p , It ilreinot taint the breath , tag * ined at one cent each by the dealers. 883 tf T lOHTMvonotM J J UoLiln has for sale the lxsb J- rods manufactured In tie Urilrd States annealed in tlect iobteil ountir oovertd wltli hettooriperorderii it cc-1 rod' or repairing old on s prouijiUx attended f ) Address 1011 tiaunaeiBtt. & 80m6 C MEW NiuvruTAU , does net glru > ou hutrt burn raiSivdeemedatonec ! nt , each Dythe dealer * 8W tf PHIVY , vault ) , lint ! nJ r ijiool cleaned at the hortit notice and satlafactlon guaranteed by V. tl. AK ( ) . P. 0. 1IOX87H 490 m2p Stallion , Jack , Sheppard Jr ( Whl stand lor itock at Craaha Fair grounds the seisonol 1855. HoU 16J lianJs b Igh , weight 1285 Its , his sire JACK Suc.i FAIIU It lull brother In blood to DMTPR 2.17J , also to DICTATOR the sire ol JAV-I-VK xr 2 10. FALLAS , jar ] and DiicKcion r17. ; Call at thu fair grtuiids and see him and get U to lyrro lu In lull , terms 826. lor the boaaon. A , T11O1IHON , b. EDWARD RUEHL , UAOI'TER OK HAUfYBTERY AND CONDITION ALIST. 08 Tinth street , tietweta Karnaia andllir , n y will , wtth thoatd of iruardlac iflilta , obtaining for anjone ulaiioa in the past and present , and oa I certain condition ! In tb * future. Boots and shosi no 1 tnuJe to ordtr Putfcnt ullilantlon irnaranta > 4 H , S , ATWOOD , Plattsmouth , Neb , Breeder of thoroughbred and high gr.iJo id- Hereford and Jersey Cattle , And Duroc acd Jersey Hod Bwine ,