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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1885)
2 r THE DAILY BEE-MONDAY APHIL 27 , 1885 THE g BEST TONIC , ? Tills medicine , combining Iron with pnro vcKcUblo tonic * , milrkly nnd mmwetcly Curm I Tprplni IinUxrillonVrnUneM , 1 iiiinirc Itlnoil , IHnlarlnClillln and l'ocrt , nnil Neuralgia. H Is nn unftllintr remedy for Diseases of the Klilner * nnil ll\cr. . , , U Is invaluable for Dlseaici peculiar to AVmuon , and all who lend tcdcntnry Hxes. Itdoesnotlnjuro the teethcnu chendnchcor produce constipation other Iron mctltctne ao , Hcnrlchcsnnd purifies the blood , stimulates Iho appetite , aids the iKMmllntlon of food , re lieves Heartburn nnd Hclchlng , and strength- cm the musclci nnd nerves. Kor Intermittent Kevcrs , 1-nssltude , Lnclc o ( Energy , Ac. , It hns no equal. * The genuine 1ms nbovo trnde mnrk nnd crossed red lines on w rnppcr. Take no other , iu < i oi.ijbr nuon.Miujiiui. co , IULTUIOIIE , MD. TEStf BEST OPS SICKEST SELLING ANB nlfi-ri'il In Ilio uul > Uo Burp Curoi. , written o'taranteo glvatt j < n el > KrucaBO imdct-ffif.en , tSO-ScudtwootampsforCclebratodlledlcalWorlu , Address. F. 1 > . < JJ.AISItE , SI , JJ. , i 0 Soutt Clark Street. CHICAGO. ILU id CONDUCTED UK Royal Havana Lottery I ( A OOVKBNMKNT INSTITUTION. ! Drawn at Havana Cuba , Every 10 to 14 Days. Tickets in Fifths , Wholes $5. Frac tions pro rafca Eabjocl ta no maaipauilon , not controlled by tb pKtioaIn Interest. It Ig ISo tilrset ( bin ? lathi talare ofch nooln eiletonco. ler tlnketa apply to SUIPSKYftCO. , 1212 Broad way.N. Y. City ; SOLlNOKIl & CO. , lOSSouth 4th Si Bt. Louis , Uo , or M. OIIElfS & CO , 019 Main St. Kansas City. Mo. thrives on Horllck'a rood , " v.rito hundreds of irrateful molhtrs Mothers' milk contains nc nt arch IIOKLICKS' FOOD TOIl INFANTS ( frca from starch ) rioulren no cookln ? The licst food In health or Bicknpt-B for INFANT S. Thebest diet lor DYSPEPTICS and INVALIDS IIlKhl y bencflcl * ' to lluroiUK mothers nun drink Frlco40andTKc. At druml"t . Book on the treatment of chlldrenfr x "I l > tleT It to l > e Rupcrlor to ftnjthlnic of tb klol for chlHren " f > ftimmont M D , beio Ttr\ . "Unlf8lr LlDRly pronounce It tt3 dit Twod la therairktt " ir 11 Hamtt , 31 D. , lloitm "One of frtbeit ubitltutv * for motber milk. " II I ] I XJCon , II. IJ , BrooUvn , K. Y. Will bo pent I r call on receipt of price in nUmrx. MOIM-UVjl'S FOOD CO. , Rliclne , WU. - James Medical Inatitulo | lChartered by theStateof 1111- 'inois for thcexpress purpose of giving immediate rehelln vail chronic , urinary and pri- Vvate diseases. Gonorrhoea , SGIeet andSyphills in all their ' complicated forms , also all diseases of the Skin and Bloodpromptly relieved and permanentlycured by reme- i dies.testedinal'orfj/Vt'dra _ . _ . abpretall'riicttcf. Seminal Weakness , NIRJM. Losses by Dreams , Pimples on Ihe Face , Lost Manhood , tioalllvelu fin ( d. T/i < re ituioc.ri > crhnrntl > i < l. The appropriate remedy ts at once used in each case. Consultations , per- conal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med icines sent by Mall nnd Express , No marks on jiackace to indicate contents or sender. Address OR.JAlVIESNt.204Wa5hinglonSt.Chlcanolll ! LINCOLN FLORAL CONSERVATOR Cor. O & 11th , on line o I iirwt CMI. Greenhouse , Bedding Plants , Roses , Flowering Shrubbery , Evergreens , Small Fruits , Etc Extras with every order. floral pMlfrns , Hounuets , Baskets , I'.tc. , for 1'artl Wcddluga nnd niueruls n EpiclaltyuuU euiittonny part of llio StateS Scct rotate mul otliur \ cgutuble jiluuU In tin kcasou. Illuitrutuil Catalonuo tri.ii , W. S. 8AWYER & CO. , Uone KJ. M I. IJneolD , Ncbnul CONSUMPTION 1 btve ft potltl o r tntd7 fgr tb abort dlMMt ; bj ! lhoa > aJlorcno ol the woril klnil uaa ( ft itinJlm I" " TO te u cur J. I ndeid ' 10 uronjl i mi r > la ii mc cr.iii t i loc llnrwUh YAL THE KANSAS CRUSH , The TwmeniloiH Rush for Land in the Western Part of tte Stale , Roadside Scenes Between Nebraska City uml Oucrlln PrMiks of A EAHBAS Z pliyr. Special Correspondence of The Bee , McCooK , Neb. , April 24 In common with a great many other Nebraska City people wo had the bid luck to coniracl that disease now BO prevalent , yclept the Kansas fever , and as nothing will cure the eamo except a change of climate , 01 the absence of that necessary , famlllarlj called "boodle , " wo chose the formoi pleasant and efficacious remedy , and here finds us at McOook , th starting polnl for most who seek Kansas land. Nothing of importance transpired en route frorr Nebraska City to this place. At Lin coin wo began to get glimpses of thai now bird known as a "locUer , " one from that point to McCook , aud thonci to Oberlin , Kan. whore the Unllot States land office 1s located the ttito mont that "every other man one moots i land locator , " Is Bald to bo even too lov an average. At OXFOKD , the junction station east of McCook , thi B. it M. railroad are erecting a new am elegant eating house , which for unlqm and nobby design surpasses any of tin company's eating houses this side o Denver. Wo arrived at McOook at about 10:31 : p. m. , and seeking a hotel were soon ii the arms of Morphine oh , wo moat Morpheus our limited knowledge o medicine and the names of the grca men nun of our country sometime : C4UBO ua to make rnlsstiteiuonts , but wi generally are able to correct them afcoi a moment's thought. N. B. "Mor phcus" was the nickname of our bed fellow , a young nnd , of course , rlalnj lawyer from Atcbijon. Wo called hin Morpheus because ho didn't go to sleep but was continually reaching under hii pillow to feel if his pistol which saili under the ccgaomen of "pop" In thi western country was nil right , as hi seemed , to have a deadly fear of belnr robbed nnd murdered during the darL hours of n'ght ' by some of tlioao prairii plants called ' cowboys , " which are m numerous around McCook and the varl ous other western towns. However , w < finally got atleop and next morning about 0 o'clock found five of us in : spring wagon , en route for OUfiRLIN , KANSAS. After leaving McCook ire rode tw ( miles through the valley of the Republl can river and then reached the highc lauds. This Is nice looking L > nd but i broken frequently by ravines or "draws' ' which detracts from tha worth of th lands. Hero and there wo BOO a soi houep and occasionally some signs of cul ti vat ion but at present most land Is a nature m de it Its owners iuat rnakiu ; operations for the cultivation of the soil wnich wo presume will bo vigorous ! ; pushed on all land thin year. Abon sixteen miles from McCook wo strike th Kansas line. Near hero wo find severe tombstones and pine slabs which w were told marked the resting place of party of land hunters who wore MASSACRED BY INDIANS in 1878. Two miles from hero wo fin the first and only poetoffico on the rout from McCook to Oberlin , a dlstonco o thirty milea. Here we watered the teat and fared sumptuously ourselves o : cheese , crackers and other dellcacie which are obtainable at a country store A grist mill , run by the water of Bca creek , three sod homes and one stor compris.3 this town or postoflico. Abou a mile from here wo roach the divide The land hero Is not so broken b ; "draws" as the lower land and is first- class In all respects. After a rldo o about ton milea through this country w reached Oberlin. This town i about ton years old but has neve amounted to much nntil the post year whei the rush for Kansas land commenced It is pleasantly eituated in a little valle ; and claims a population of about 1,500 Business ia very lively here at present- especially the land business. Every cth or building Is marked "U. S. Land Of fico. " The land business Is prlnolpall "locating" for new-comers and contestinj claims. A "locator" charges all the wa ; from $2 00 from the shyster locators t $5.00 acd $10.00 per claim from the roll able ogento. Every stagu coming Int Oberlin ia crowded with land hunters an the Jgood land is going rapidly. Ou party took lands in Cheyenne count } near the "preachera1 crowd" party the left Nebraska City last week. The Ian Is gently undulating and the aoll consist of a rich black loam. A railroad survey haa boon ordered b the Missouri Pacific folks westwar through the northern tier of Kanai counties , and prominent rallroid mo say that It will run about midway throng Cheyenne county. This If done wi bring our lands wlthiu throe miles i railroad. After transacting our buBlnei with the United States land office , whic by the way w s crowded with parties ir tent on entering land , we ordered 01 team and fornith departed from Oborlli reaching MoCook about 10:30 : that evei ing. Wo forgot to mention that win wo first sighted Oborlln we were surprise to find some of her buildings flat torn to the ground a la pancal and others twitted around out of pluml Upon Inquiry wo found that a Kansi zephyr had struck the town a few da ; previous and raited a ' 'monkey and pa rot" time generally. Among the bull ings blown down wai the skating rin one of the largest in the state , Fro McCook homeward nothing worth me tlonlnc transpired. Our advice to the after Kansas lands Is to take them Ohoyonno county , if poatible , ai the are good lands vacant , the other connti east being culled of the good lands ni only the poorer sections are left , whl the sottlcrd are ao far , mostly those the bettor class of Nebraskana " YE SEE " Don't hawk , hawk , blow , epit , ai dlsgiut everybody with your ofiensl breath , but use Dr. Sago's Catar Remedy and end It. Ir Callioun's Splotched IlAnd , Speaking of Gen. Grant's dream tt ho had to piy duty on a b g of dolUi "Carp , " tha fanttstlc l corraipondent the Cleveland Plain Denier , has salz on a dream story that he finds In an c scrap-book , aa follows. "The other morning , at the breakfi table , when 1 , an unobierved epeotat happened to bo present , Oalhoun was < icrrud to giza frequently at bis rlf hand and brush tt with his left hand ii hurried and norvius manner. Ho did this so often that It excited attention At length ono of the persons comprising the breakfast party his name , I think , is Toombs , and he Ia a member of con * gross from Georgia took upon himself to atk tbo occasion of Mr. Calhoun's dis quietude. 'Docs your hand pain yont he aiked of Mr. Calhoun To thii Mr. Calhonn replied , In rithor a hurried manner : "Pshaw 1 It IB nothing but a dream I had last night , and which makes me BOO per petually a largo black spot , like an Ink blotch , upon the back of my right hand ; an optical Illusion , I suppose. ' Of courao these wordi excited the cariosity of the company , bnt no ono ventured to beg the details of this singular dream , until Toombs asked quietly : 'What waa your dream like ? I am not very superstitious about dreams ; but sometimes they have a gr < 3&t deal of truth In them. ' 'But this waa such a peculiar absurd dream , ' said Mr. Calhoun , again brushing the back of his right hand ; 'however , If it does not Introdo too much on the time of out friends I will relate it to yon. ' Of course the company were profuse in their ex pressions of anxiety to know all about the dream and Mr. Calhoun related it. " 'At late hour last I a night , aa was sitting In my room engaged In writing , I WAS aitinishod by the entrance oi a visitor , who , without a word , took a seat opposite mo at my t blo. This surprised mo , as I had given par ticular orders to the servant thatl should on no account bo disturbed. The manner In which tbo intruder entered , so per fectly self-possessed , taking hia seat op posite mo without a word , as though my room and all within It belonged to him , excited In mo as much surprise as In dignation. As I raised my head to look into his features over the top of my shaded lamp , I discovered that he wa : wrapped In a thin cloak , which effectual ly concealed his face and features from my vlow , and as I raised my head , he spoke : "What are you writing , eonatoi from South Carolina ? " I did not think of his impertinence at first , but answered him voluntarily , "I am writing a plan for the dissolution of the American Union. " ( You know , gentlemen , that 1 am expocttd to produce a p'nn of disso lution in the event of certain contingen cies ) To this the intruder replied , In the coolest manner possible , "Sonatoi from South Carolina , will you alloi\ mo to look at yon hand , your righl hand ? " Ho rose , the cloak fell , aud ] behold his face. Gentlemen , the sigh1 of that face struck mo like a thunder clap. It was the face of a dead man. whom extraordinary events had called bick to life. The features were those ol Gen. George Washington. He wai dressed In the Revolutionary costume such us yon see in the patent office. Hero Mr. Calhoun passed , opparent'j cgttated. His agitation , I need not toll you , was shared by the company Toomba at length broke the embarrassing pause. 'Well , what was the issue of thii scene ? ' "Mr. Calhoun resumed. 'The Intruder as I have taid , rose and aaked to look a my right hand. As though I had not thi power to refuse , I extended it. The trull is , I felt a Btrange thrill pervade mi at his touch ; ho gr-tapod it and held i near the light , thus affording ful time to examine every feature. It wai the face of Washington. After holdinj my hand for a moment , ho looked at m steadily and eaid in a quiet way , "Am with this right hand , senator from Sontl Carolina , yon would sign your name to ; paper declaring the union dissolved ! " answered In tha affirmative , "Yes , " . ' said , ' 'If a certain contingency arises , . will sign my name to tbo Declaration o Dissolution. " But at that moment i black blotch appeared on the back ot m ; hand , which I seem to see now. "Wha Is that ? " said I , alarmed , ! know not whj at the blotch on my hand. "That , " sail he , dropping my hand , "la the mark b ; which Benedict Arnold la known In th next world. " He said no more , gentle men , but drew from beneath his cloak ai object whloh ho laid on the table laic upon the very paper on which I was writ ing. This object , gentleman , waa i skeleton. "There. " said he "there are the bone of Isaac Hay no , who was hung at Charles ton by the Brit lab. Ho gave his life i ) order to establish the Union , When yci put your name to a declaration of disso lution , why , you may as well have th bones of Isaac Hayno before you he wa a South Carolinian and so are yon. Bu there was no blotch on his right hand. With these words the Intruder loft th room. I started back from the contac with the dead man's bones and awoke Overcome by labor , I had fallen asleep and had been dreaming. Was It not i singular dream ? All the company an Bwerod in the affirmative- , and Toomb muttered , "Singular , very singular , " am at the same time looking curiously at th back of his right hand , while Mr. Ca' ' honn placed his head between his hind and seemed burled in thought. " Do "You Know a Man Whoso wife is troubled with debility nervousness , liver complaint or rhnnmt tlam ? Juat toll him it Is n pity to let th lady fiiiffor that way , when Brown's Ire Bitters will relieve her. Mrs. L. I Edgarly , Dexter , Mo , saya , "Brown Iron Bitters cured me of debility and pa pitatlon of the heart. " Mrs. H. S. Me 1 Langhlin of Scarborough , Mo. , says th f bitters cured her of debility. Mr Harding of WIndham Centre , In tl same state , says it cured her of dlzzioei in tbo head. S } it has cured thoueani of other ladies , Tbo Odd Follows An ulverenry. CHICAGO , April 25. The Inter Ocean Elgin 111. , special eayt : About 3,000 Oi Fellows , representing the different lodpe camps and encampments embraced In tl northern Illinois district , celebrated here ti day the sixty-sixth anniversary of the esta liehment of American Odd Fellowship , "Wlmt do the Druggists Say ? They know what the people call f oi and they hoar what their patrons say i to whether the medicine they buy worl well or not. Martell & Johnson , But City Minn. , lay , "Brown's Iron Bitte gives entire satisfaction to our custoc era. " Klinkbammor & Co. , Jordai Minn. , siy , "We sell Brown's Iron Bl ters more than all other bitters con blnod. " L. E. Hackley & Son , WInon Minn , , Bay , "All our customers spei highly of Brown's Iron Bitters. " A. I Whitman , Jackson , Minn. , siy "Brown's Iron Bitters la giving goi ro satisfaction to purchaaera. " Theao a only a few. We have hundreds mo just as good. Huso Bull New * , CINCINNATI , April 25 , Cincirnati S , Pit burg 3. KKW YOHK , April 25. Metropolitans Athletics 'J. KANSAS CITT , April 'Jo. No game on i count of rain , iNDiANAroLis , April 23. Indianapolis Toledo 3. NEW YOKK , Ajirll 25. BrooUly 9 , Hal more ? . ST. Louis. April 25. St , Louis 3 , Lou ; ville 6. THE PEOPLE OF AFGHAN , Arc Tlicy Dfscsnflanlsof OnD of the Ten L st Tritos of Israel ? Their Trnlts of Cliiunctor ami F IDR Qualities Versus the Ittis- atnns lntorviow With an Afghan Traveler , Den\cr Trlbuno-RepubllcfttJ. Mr. Phil. n. Klrby , bnsinoea nianagoi for Oharlotto Thompson , la in the cltj and Is atopplng at Ohsrplot's. Ho is or old traveller nnd has boon nil over the world , tlo has b'an through India nml In Central Asia , 0 .inn and Japan. Alone ono tlmo ho resided In Calcutta , and clur eg his residence in India ho acquired the ilmdosianoe language BO as to apeak II readily. The knowledge of the countrj and Its language peculiarly fitted him tc ho the represent itivo of B rnura , tlu great showman , in traveling into all parti of the Indian dominions of Gn&t Brllalr in search of curiosities for public oxhibl tlou. In this capacity ho at ono limi wont in search of elephants , and ho telli a very Interesting story of his trials , mis haps and the varied experiences whlcl befell him whllo upon that 'expedition At another tlmo , which was h the Autumn of the year 1882 ho went up Into Afghanistantho countrj over which England and Russia soon about to engage in war. His purpose ii going up into Afghanistan upon that oo caeion was to procure Cashmere wonioi to bo exhibited In Barnnai'a ohowa Speaking of these women Mr. Kirby s y that they are not nil wlmt people generally orally think they nro. Tno popular Idci of a Cashmere woman la that aho has i great abundance of bushy , light hrowi hair , and is altogether rather an unsight ly object. In fact , they have black hairnet not at ull bushy , but very longand wavy They are beautiful women , with ex ceedingly fair complexion" . The count rj of Cashmere , where theao women or found , lies to the cast of Afghanstan , au < to reaoh It from the Persian gulf it i neceeeaiy to pass through Afghanistan. Afghanistan , he says , Is In a largo par rugged and mountainous. It lies to th west of the fjreit Himalaya mountaii system , and a range of mountains extends tends through it from east to west. Th cllmatp in summer la warm , but In winter tor it is very aovcro , and this nas pro duced a race of bold and hardy people The population of Afghanistan is abDU 5,000,000 inhabitants. THE IOST TUII1E3 OB1 ISRAEL "What , " naked a Tribune-Repnbllca reporter of Mr , Kirby , "aro the peculta characteristics of the Afghans ? " "They are peculiar in this" was th reply , "that they have every appoaranc of being Hobrown. Their features are c a very decided Jewish east , anrt if yo were to take one of thorn and ch-aes hh up in European dress and put him in clothing store you would hardly bo abl to tell him from a Jew. Their faces an hands , which are exposed to theann , ar dark , bat where their skin is protecte from the sun's rays It it as whlta aa a European's. The rlta ot circumcision I pratcticed among the Afghans bat amen the Hindoos it is not , thus showing a important distinction between the tw races. I am very much of the opinio that the Afghans are descendant ! } of th lost ton tribes of Israel , and this opinio is entertained by a great many people. "They till the soil to some esteat , be they appear to bo chiefly occupied wit iLocka of sheep and goats and as irsdori They have the traditional Jewish incl nation for trade. They will buy aad se continually , and it is in fact almoet in pcsjiblo to get rid cf ono of them wb wishes to sell yon something. They ai trickey , treacherous fellows , too , , an they are not to be trusted in making bargain. " THE. AFGHAN bOLDIHZW , "What klad of soldiers do they make' They make excellent soldiers. The are ft strong and hardy race ofpoi pie , and they are very Indi pendent In spirit. A white ma can mlotreai a Hindoo as much as I pleases and his ill-treatment will not I roaented , but It will not do to slrko a Afghan , for ho will strike back. The me are larger than the average Europeai and are ttrocg and active. " "Can Great Britain depend on thai In the event of e- war with Russia1 ? ' "That I cannot tell , bat. I am incline to think that they would bo more like ! to favor Jiusala than England. Russia hi kept all Its engagements with them , an has given them authority and power i some instances , and this has a teudonc to make the Afghans loan a little towai Ruesla. " " Would the capture of Heiit RI ! Ruesla a very great advantage an a co : test with Great Britain ? " "It would , indeed. Herat may almo bo considered the key to India. Russia would capture Herat and Cabnl would almost open the road to India. " THE FTELINO 30WAUD ENGLAND. "What la the feeling toward Englai In India ? " "I think the feeling regarding En land Is by no moans Rood. The inhat tants look upon the English aa their coi qnorors and as the people who ha1 taken away thtir country from thoi They have very much the same feelii toward the Ecgllsh SB the Indians In tt country have toward the Americans. 1 long , though , as the Englli pay them enough they w ; ba loyal , but If the Raeslai would pay them more they would j over to Rtjsun. Of these people tt Solks make the best soldiers. They a : a strong , hardy race of men , and I BU [ pose England could rjilso an army < 100,000 men among them. " "How about the other inhabitants India ? Among 300,000,000 peopl could not England raise a lar { army ? " "Undoubtedly aho could. The arn would ba limited only to Eng'and's ' abi ity to pay the soldiers. But after i army of the lower chss of Hindoos w raited and equipped , It weald not I worth much. Train them as you plea and you can't make good soldiers out tbo loner estates of Hindoos. I wou sooner take 50,000 Russians than 20 ( 000 Hindoos. " "For economy nnd comfort , eve spring , we use Hood'a Sarsaparllh writes a Buffalo ( N. Y. ) Jady. 400 doi for 9lt . . . Brushing Children's Hair. Babyhood Frequent and thorough brushing of t hair ii extremely desirable. It not 01 Improves temporary the appearance cf child , but tenda at the same time to ke the scalp in a healthy condition. It i mnlates the growth of the hair and p vents It from becoming dry and bar i- Care should bo exercitcd In ( electing thick , ecft brush , and due attention p to the manner in which It IB used. There la a right way and n wrong way of doing many thing * , nnd in hair bruth'ng ' tbo | latter is too frequently employed. The mother or nurse who assumes this important duly must take plenty of tlmo and glvo her undivided attention to It. If the operation bo performed hastily or carelessly the child coon learns to dread it ; while , on the other hand , if It is always associated with a few pleasant words a abort fairy tale , or something of the kind the operation will give pler.furo to both of the parties concerned , nnd the bonoG- chl rosulta will SDOII become nprnront. A comb is an hnplimoat of doubtful utility In the nursery ; nnd cortnin'y ' ono which Is capable of doing as much harm aa good , For parting the hair n course comb with blunt rounded teeth m.iy bo used , but for dealing with the Inevitable snarls which so often occur in the best regulated looks a brush supplement by gentle fingers should only bo used. Under no consideration should n comb bo allowed to come in contact with the deli cate scalp of a child , and the uao of fine * toothed Instruments of tortnro , such aa waa formerly in vogue , ought In this en lightened nee to bo relegated from the nursery to the chamber of horrors. KnnsnBFortllled , Aflor long and successful use in his family nnd his stables , Mr. F. G. Eaton , Fort dcott , Kansas , states that ho rec ommends St. Jaoba Oil upon Its merits aa n pain-euro. Interesting There nro 513,441 volumes in the Con gressional library. Ireland's population is now 5,100,000 , 3,90,000 lots than In 1841. Thrco'fourih of the officers of the Gor man army wcnr corsets. Up to the present tlmo the Sault Sto. Marie canal has cost $3,000,000. The city of Chicago spends nearly $10- 000,000 a year in intoxicating liquors. Now York city has 40,000 persons who depend on gambling forajlvollhood. The Prussian railway system covers 9,000 miles , a little more than that of Canada. Michigan raises nearly one-half cf the world's supply of pepermint. the annual yield being 75,000 pounds. Kansas has 420 newspapers , including dailies , weeklies , and semi-weeklies , monthlies , oeml-monthl'tj nnd quarter lies. PILESt PliiBSI A SURE CURE FOUND AT uASTI NO ONE NEED BCFFEB , A sure euro for Blind , Bleeding , Itching and Ulcerated Piles has been discovered by Dr. Williams ( an Indian Remedy , ) called Dr. Wlllinui'a Indian File Ointment. A single box haa cured the worst chronic CMOS of 25 or 30 years standing , No ono need suffer five minutes after applying this wonderful sooth ing medicine. Lutions , instruments and elec tuaries do moro harm than good , William's Indian 1'ile Ointment absorbs the turners , al lays the intense itching , ( particularly at night after getting warm in boa , ) nets as a poultice , gives instant relief , aud is prepared only for Files , itching of the private parts , and for nothine olso. Read what the Hon. J. M. Cpffmbe'.ry. ol Cleveland , says about Dr. William's Indian Pile Oointinent : "I have used scores of Pile Cures , and it affords me pleasure to say that I have never found anything which gave such immediate and permanent relief as Dr , Wil liam's Indmn Ointment. For sale by oil drug' gists and mailed on receipt of price , EOo and 81. Sold ot retail by Kuhn & Co. C. V. GOODMAN' Wholesale Aatont , Mu H. Sidney Everett , Boston Advsrtisor. H. Sidney Everett , who Is appointed chief of the deplcmatlc bureau of > the state dspartment , Is the second surviving son of tbo late Edward Everet1andeldei brother of Dr. William Everett. Ho was born hi Charlestawn , December 32 ; 1834 , was graduated at Harvard college in 185t being a classmate of Robsrt Treat Paine , Jr. Gen. F. ( D Barlow , Theodore Lyisan and the Rev. Phillpp Brooks. He wai for uomo time engaged in the profoseloc of engineering. In 187Z he waa appoint , ed secretary o legation at Btrlln shorblj before the departure of J. C. B. Davlr , and retained the post during and betweec the mleslons , of Bayard Taylo Presldoni Whit ) and Senator Sargent , resigning shortly before the appoint o MB. Kas son. One of these representatives tc Germany appeared to bavo a positive talent for goitlng into collision with the Gorman government. Mr. Everett wet the warm gratitude of the state department mont undeo all its heads , for this tad and knowledge of men were very service able in some trying , circiuaatancos , Though never a partisan , Mr. Evoreti quietly and firmly sympathized with th independent movement. His appoint iiiout , strictly in the line of civil ercvlci reform , should bo a cause of eatlsfactioi to all sensible men. tie married i daughter of the late It. S. Fay , and hiv several children. Bnmiuct tu Minister Aiulcraon. OiiatAOO , April 2o > About fifty Cliicag citizens were present at the banquet tenderm to-night at the Palmer house to llotman B Anderson , the now minister to Denmark 1'roi. Anderson will start for Europe tomorrow row , " Dcnth of nn Old Chicago Jurist. CHICAGO , April 25. Judge Samuel W Moore , of the law firm of Moore & Browning nd trora 1873 to 1870 jndgo of the suporio court hero , died this evening of apoplexy aged 03 years. Whan B by w s eiok , wo gave lierCutorla , When she was a Child , he cried for Caatoria , When she became Miss , she clung to Caetorla , WTion the bad Children , eho gare , thorn Caatoria , w. r. PECK. & co ( Sucoeworito Feck , Kern & Slbley , KEI'llKSENTINO MORSE , ROSE & CO OF OHIOAaO. iUvtng secured ptlv&to wire direct ta tba Chi c go Board o ! Trade , we uteprcparrd to tieoute oi deri pronnptly. Wo take a full maiktt report. Coun try builneai t. specialty. Kelerenoei , United State Nation * IBank. Telephone 210. N W. corner ISt and Douglas 8 I. y German InsurancE COMPANY. lllinoi Freeport , - e CASH CAPITAL , . . . . 5200,000 a M , HITTING KK , Prest. Y , , Secretary , Policy holders pleaio call on or addro Geib Si Maas , Agents for Omaha , Nobraslfa , id' ' 1505 FA.RNAM STREET , OU RES Rheumatism Sciatica , neuralgia , , Lumbago , Backache , Headache , Toothache , lliirtiK , SriiliU. f ru t Illlr * , tin AH , oTiirn nonii.v VAI\S AMI AIHW. soldi ? Ur ti > l > iindl > r lfMttrrr tirrf. tlftjOau blrtrtloim la 1 1 lj BKukf . THE CIIAUU'.S A. VOOr.l.KU CO. ( S.M. tH.A.TOOEUR COJ Ctltlmort , H < L. I. S. I. G17 St. Chnrlcq St. . St. Lonls , Jlfo. i regular gr * < ttiftteotio Me < llriu Col I ruts , tMbvcn lonpn ngtgtd In thrftprt. ! * ! treatment of & ROrifl , Ntatot * . SMI flnclKLOoB DpuMtha &nr other rtfittSn In Bt , IinnLfc u city pt'tr * iibow nxl Ml o'J r itJentt know Nervous Prostration , Debility. Mcnttt &nl Physical Weakness i Mercurial and otnc lions of Throat , Skin or Rones , Blood Pof ld SorCS and UlCCrs. nro trcMM * lth onr.r llv4 fceM , on Ulcfl lelcbUee prlnclrlM P ' * lT. IH > * ( ! ? Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess , Exposure or Indulgence , which rroiae tone or th ftllottltiff rITcetii uertouin < iii , deMlitr , dlmne * * of Utt aad defectlrft mwnirj , plmplrt on the tact , r decaj , .vcrilontolbc. joclft ; of ftmfttsconlumi } oMliAi.c'A , 'enderlnar MarrinRe Improper or unhappj , MJ oured , 1'tmphlrt f3rt t > egeicmthe ) orore , n * A Mftlfd em elope , free to 1107 adrtrrM. ConnultMlcn * l / lee or l > / mMlfrtc , nnJlnnif * M rll tor qu < stloo . A Positive Written Guarantee Klrcft In atl enr-fthle efties. I' hclnea Kent erf rywhetu. Pninnh'.cts , Siiplloti or Gcriran , 0-1 paco' above clUeajcn , lu realo or female , MARRBACE GUIDE ! Oimfca flue ) > tatpi. lllnitr&ted 'n etothimd clltH ito , Kt , nipm-y r Jnisuaet Itmn. japeY oorerl. ! > . TbU frtoft 11 lie curlers , datlt/Cl or la UUlvaruit book oran-it | ct tut u > Socking perfect restoration to Ituiiltli. full inn n linoil and srxuul vigor iiithoiit S < oiuaclt DruRnIncj , sLouW send for Trea tise on the 31ai-8luii Ilnlus. Young men and others who Biidjr from IIM-VOIIH aid iiliynl- ciil ( IcMlIly. oxIuuiHteil - Hiilllv. ] irc- ) iiituro tlcclluc. Vnrlc-nrelr , ivc. , nro specially benefited by consulting Its contents. Diseases of the I'rosdUo Glim < l , ICIclni-j-H mill lilailder cffoetually cnrod Kndorsed by tliounantls who limo been eure\l Adopted In lIoupltaN ard by rhyslclanrt in IZnropo aud America. Scaled Treatise free AOdross MAK8TOK UEMEDY CO or Da. H. TRESKOW , 40 Went 14th St. , New York. S5O BEWABD $50 IV YOU FIND TUB EQUAL O7 " " " II BRJUWS PLUG TOBACCO * "The. Pimp Cut * ' nu t h iu > LARGE mil GOOD eyTywuy. Wlrth d. UlOkVo , 00 & Oi WibM 'ibis brand U ft bappv combination ot 3no , young crisp red , burly Ibrailor , lth o DELICIOUS FLAVOR ml it just insets tbo taato ot a largo number ol uv era. Orders for "Plowshare" arc coming la rapldlj 'rom ' ell parts ot th country , dcmonsimtini ? how | uicXl > the great aray ot chtwora strike n gooO sombluatlon ot Tobasco , both no to quality and itianttt } . Messrs Loilllard & Co haiu o orcisod m .Ittla tluio and labor In endeaorlng to reach thi Aoms ot 1'orlcctlon la Plowshare , ai d seem to have ono It. Besides the TJK CEST CUTS ot PloTBharo arc Which Is n point not to be orcrlookert by doolori who will Hud It to ttalr intorcsl to ordsruomo am Ivo their customers on opportunity to try it. Ask Your Dealer for Plowshare Dealnm supplied by ironewee & Sctoentgen , Council Ekifia. 'oresoy is Moore , " " , . Karecht & Oo. itewart Bros. ' " Jaxton & Gallagher , Omaha. McCord , Brady & Oo , Omaha. For sals in Omaha by _ YtoRllntr , D18 S 13th Street. Henry Ditzon , OOllS 13th St. Heunrcd & Co. , 002 S 13th St. Gee Carisian.1015 jfarnam St. Kaufman Bros. , 207 S 15th St. Kaufman Bros , 1063 Fftrnsm St. Frank Arnold & Co. , 1418 Farnaa * 3t. August Plotz & Ci > . , 1609 Douglas 3t , Geo. Heimrod , GIB N loth St. Bergen & Smiley , N. W. Cor. IGth and Cum ing Sta , Van Green Broi. , N. W. Cor , Dlvraion ani Cuming Ste. Z. Stevens 913 N. 21 t St. J. II. Spetmnn , or. Douglas and 22th St. Geo. Anderson 318 S 10th St. Charhu Ying , TTfi S. 10th St. Mrs. G M. Lawloy. 800 S. 10th St. 13. Mnnfelt , S. W. Cor. 13th and Howard. Mrs. G. M. Lawley , 800 S , 10th St. . Omaha Go. Anderson , 318 S. 10th Sti , Omnha. J. H. Spetman , corner Dougl.u and 12th St. Chas. Yinif , ZiaS. lOthSt. * W it , urir * Hir Wk.fwf .i - iato LIVfRaii'l ' KIDNEV13 , ami HKsiouji Tim lU AJXll ana viaon of VOUTH. i-v * . -vjntofApuelltPi i t- A. ] .u * of tJtrt'inlLt . tlnnes. iniiselo anc un-ifs rc'jclvo iiLwinrcii t > .Hvuii3 the inlnil ami nupullus Uralit JA'Wi'ri , ' S tlerlii lroiiitorrolalnti uatf'Ubf R Wf iiniul.irlo ! tliclr iv will > nd InDIl. E 'BrEB/liUiON TONIC B aaln ftnd > eeili cure timcsa liur. healthy romilcilon. ( freiiuuiit it/rmpts / at c"r-"rft' ' lnK unly acli' ) j tliopoptilarltyoi ihuorlBlnal. Diiuottipert. IJOIlt'CtlllO ( < ) IIIlll. < AI. A.NUllBST. Moil Tournildiesjto'llio lr Ilurtar A < el ( n-V Quixrato , Wo , for oar "DHKAM I3OOO."t | A , FINE LINE OF IN OMAHA NEB. St , Charles Hotel , 0 STHEET , BET 7th nd 8tb , . LINCOLN , ME Un. Kite Cotkly , Pi oprletoreoa. ly nd l g nUy lurnUbed. Good ump loomi on firil floor. * JTernu-lXl ( to pel diy. Bpoclil ritt gin tmrabert ol the loirtilitura. novlO-1 ni'ino is apbrodislao , arou I os uctlvlty. iioaitivol I cured liiiixjtuiicv 10 enorRjr.utirTousUebi ti.Uy'maUTJi u7AVuruo7.ai07 HlotoHt .UWsar A i Thi lomiuriublB growth ai _ ! during the Ifcri f ow yean ID B DM Uor ot | grout astonishment to those who pt y n occMlonal visit 4o thin growlnvaftr. The development of the StorV YnnJsth necessity of th Belt Link KoaiJ th ( finely pnvod utroata the hundioda ttt no * roslaonooii and costly buslncw b&elu , with the popnlatlcn of our city mots than oublod In the lati fire years. All khU B a { peat surprise to vialtors Red U ihi dtnnatlon of our citizens. Thb rapid wth , the business nctlvtty , nnd tit lany substantial Impjoromonta Made n voly demand for Oanhn real ooUVo , antt very Invostov hot mndo hatdtom ? rofit. Slnoo the Wall Street pcnlo M ; v rlth tha enbsequont 077 of hard ttaioc , bore hr.-a boon loss demand from apoialf ota , but n fall domnnd from invoettnci coking homos. Thla latter olaai oie aking odrentago of low prices In build- ng material and are scccrlng their homo * , much ICM cost than will be possible r > nf hencra. Spooulatore , too , can bnyr eel eataf B cheaper now and ought to t ko- " 'ant e ot present prim for faturc * ? ro tn. The next low ycr > r promUei grentei' , Jvcl opmonis In Omaha than the patt- V ) ycnra , whioh have been M good u wo could rcmoonably deolre. JMow man- lecturing cetnbllshmente anJ brgo Job- Ing-hontosMo added almootToskly , and 11 add to the prosperity of Oinahn. There many Ic Omaha nnd throngh- ut thu State , who have their tnonoy in bo bunko dKvs-lm ; a nominal rate of In- err.nt , whioh , If judiciously Invested In Omaha reel citato , would bilng them ranch grontcB totunia. We hnro many argaiaa which we Are confidant vlll irlng the pnrohuor large profits In th * neasfutcro. We have for sale the finest residence - dence property in the north and western parts of the city. North we have fine lots at reason able prices oa Sherman avenue,17th , 18th , l th and 20th streets. West on Farnam , Davenport , Guming , and all the ending streett n that direction. The grading of Farnam , Califor nia and Davenport streets has made accessible some of the finest and cheapest residence property in the city , and with the building of the street car line out Farnam , the pro perty in tne western part of the city will inoreaso in We also have the agenrv for th * Syndicate and Stock Yards proper ty in the south part of the city. Tha developments made in tins aectmc by the Stock Yards Company and he railroads will certainly double the once in a short time. We also have some fine business. ots anrl some elegant inside resi dence ? for sale , Parties wishing to invest will find some good bnrgmiiB byculhnjji 213 South Mfch Bt , Bet .roon Fornhnm and Douglas , P , B. Wo ask those who property for Bale at a bargain teas as a callWo want only bargami We will positively not handle prop erty at more than ltd real value. ? M