Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 25, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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    ? . TXAII V TJII/
onn nwdfl t uwi Vmia
port cf tonlo. I ItON ftntara Into almort T r , phi-
tlcUn'i prncripllon ( or tbom who coed tnlld , n up.
Wcntnrx . .nimtniv .nr o
tnrnry. iVr. , H 11AM M > IX } IA1 , , nd
In tlio only leot i rnoillrlno that ta tint liijuriotiK.
II Knrlrhcni tlio Jllooil , liivlporriteii tlio
tijntfm , Hn torr ApprtltrAliUillBCNtlon
It iom not bfceVcn or Injure the twith , onto hwl.
Dn. O. II. , A ttdln phj lcUn of
HprlncfWJ.'O. , MJ- :
"Brown's Iron BlUer * Ion Ihoronghrpiorxl nrvll
clno. I two 'At In mj priuMoo. nd flnil IW "Ction
"ni wl all forma nf Iron. Inwo new orilow
tonillllon rtf the rj-ttpm , Ilrnwn'd Iron Illttxn Ij
nnniillr a pwltlra nccnwltj. It Is nlHIut is claimed
for It. " o
Ornuln liiui tnulotnutt nod rm wd rertUnmon
vrrappnr. Tnl < o no nllirr. HU < ) ( i only liy
Umrl ' HANJJ UOOK tiwf nl And attntrHm , con-
talofflK ) jtnf ? prirm ftirTvlncd. Infnnnatlon nbont
coinn , ntj. , Klven n\v ay hy nil ilonirm In mmllclDo , at
j [ Sc.ctarip.
r. Mlwteiiatic BBOAO CLAIh
tver ofT'oroil ffi tlin onbllo
rhronlcANer rene
lcK , filuro Cnrec.
I fuwbaiDti . - yrtltan fvrrvcate onarantfo tintlerfnfcrn.
HT8enilt DBtamp3forCelebratodMeUcalWorka ,
Address. F. tt. CL.ARIU2 , OX. JJ.f iSG Soutl.
Clark Slrect. CHICAGO. ILU
Soyal Havana Lottery !
Drawn at Havana Cuba ,
Everv 10 to 14 Days.
Tickets in Fifths , Wholes § 5. Frac
tious pro rata.
Kubjoct to no nuDlpoiailvn , not oooliollod by the
M't'oaln ' IntorosJ. Ik la Ilia falrosi thluB In ( lie
nitaro of chtnculn eilatanco.
Cor tickets apply to RHirSET < t CO. , 1212 Broad-
w yN. Y. City ; SOLING Kit k CO. , 103 South 4th St.
BL LoalB , Uo , or it. OTTKN8 & CO , 010 Main St. ,
Kanua Wtv. ito.
It u r < vrt with
him perfectly. "
\vrlteH a nioui.
er. Ilimdrcilsof
. , - -
nltils , n vrll i"i t IOKO ti-om rcputalilo iili H
thrnuirhniit tlic-nlmlnl' St ( > Htlt } to Uie worth nf
lCf < lum no Looklne Jlei-t food lu health or
iras. < ii inii-lH. llvnUilniirKintM Book cent frm
ICK'S I--OIMI Cn. . ItnrlnrIM
h ) innU nu rectiiiitot price i
James Meal Institute
Chartered by theStateof Illi
nois for thecxpresspurpose
of jrivinr ; Immediate rcliclin
all chronic , urinary and pri-
'Vate ' diseases. Gononhffia ,
Gleet nndSyphills In all their
complicated forms , also all
diseases of the Skin and
Blood promptly rellcvedand
pcrmanentlycured by re me
_ . . . _ _ _ mx'floll'ractlre. Seminal
Weakness , NiiTht Losses by Dreams , Pimples on
Ihe FaceLost Manhood , t > ualtit'clifcitrril.Tliwo
it no ( vr/ierfmrtiftna. The appropriate remedy
is nt once used In each case. Consultations , per
sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med
icines sent by Mail nnd Express. No marks on
package to indicate contents or sender. Address
DR. JAMES.No. 204Wasliinglon SI.Chicagolll.
IF. jP. PECJK. , & CO.
( Successors to Feck , Kern & filliley.
HaUiif ? secured a private wire direct to the Chicago
cage Board ot Trade , wo are prepared ta execute orders
dors Uko a full maiktt report. Coun
try buslnesi a epealalty. llclcrcncuB , Unlteil Statoa
Nations IDaiilc. Toltphono 210. N tY. earner IStb
- - - -
Cor. Q& 17tb , onllnoof itrretc&ri.
c Croonhouso , Bedding Plants ,
Roses , Flowering Shrubbery ,
'Evergreens , Small Fruits , Etc <
Tztras with every order.
Flomt Pc lrni ( , IVwnuotj" , JluiVtXi , Kie for IVirtJcs ,
WcJdliiK' nml hineniU n specialty , unU
tciittoutiy | uirtof thuHlutv.
Bwoctrotutuniul iHlierMWtiilili ) iiUmU la their
Illuttrutixl CuUlotjuo frvu.
W. S. SAWYER & CO. ,
JJucoln. Kebroflka.
Maonooa , aa..oanDir Una la Tim tt rr known
r ani.h ± rai ooi ri > J B icapl m nio Ml/-our ,
ibicb IK n' Mnd VllKU touU ftllov-talTenr *
The Pretty Holler Sfcntcr.
From Ilarpet's llagsiino.
A group of merry ifcMen t the rink went
nightly round ;
Like the grinding of Rr nt mill roao that
dry , rrenUtcnttoundi
And I nightly went to watch them from th
BaUery'i lofty place.
For the poetry of motion scomod to thrill
each form find face.
3omo were full crown men and women ; aomo
wore jcrUbs and mniJcns fair ;
Sorms were children of all sirep , t noCratlng
everywhere ;
All were stirred by sport and frolic , aa if Ufa
were running o'er :
TwM a pretty tight to witnosi on ( ho hard
and butnlshod floor.
One , arrayed In bright gray costrinc , so be-
vtltehlngly did skate
That nry heart when the was coming vrocU
most wildly palnltato.
Without doubt the village borvtcty wan Ihla
young nnd rosylaea ;
And nho toro my heart to Utters orory 'Clmo
I saw her pass ,
She conld etcp In any fachlon , turn her foot
each dangerous way ,
I'cso in figures qulto coqwittlth , backward
gwcop r.'itli dlizy away :
On the floor ilia fairly floated , teeming frco
from thought or care ;
Fnlry-liko and half cncbnntod strca-med tbo
ribbons front her hair.
Sometimes in her gay pyrntioiiE upward
beamed her pretty face ,
Which wr.5 all aglow with roeea from the order
dor of her race ,
Then I tnncied eho had econ mo , for she
t&uaed and ek&tcd slow.
But among BO many others how could eho
my paialon know ?
To that town I c mo i > stranger no one know
_ me there , I think.
Looking every night in wonder on Ihia alrcen
of the rink ;
And 1 marvelled , when ao many were in dun
marches thrown.
That she got no follow s offer , but kept skat
ing on alone.
Are the young men all demented ? thought I
aa she whirled alone :
For their coldness seemed aurprhing , doing
human nature wrong ;
And I vowed , if eho would toke ma ( thouph ]
knew not how to skate ) ,
I would stumble off on rollers and whirl will
her , teto-n-teto.
So I rallied the director , who was owner ol
the rink ,
And while proffering my credontlalle , "Yon
are Mr. Smith , I think , "
Said I , in the blandest manner , but with dif-
idence , I own ;
"Would you name mo that fair damsel who is
skating all alone ? "
Hero I thought a shrewd discretion was be
coming on my part ;
It would never do to tell him she had skated
through my heart !
"What ! that young girl in gay costume ? " B ! C
h , without start ) or Irown ;
"Sho'a our 'champion roller skater1 ahe's n
tailor's wife , in town ! "
I hnvo never tried the rollers , and I never
shall , I think ;
I have something else to live for than a noisy
skating rink.
People aay that all who use them fall and
_ flounder on the floor ;
So , dismissing all delusions , Isklpped straight
way through the door ,
The rngo for tinsel is on the increase.
Tortoise-shell pins are in high favor.
Lapis lazuli is the newest shade of blue ,
1'araeols have canopy , round , and much-
room tops.
Jersey corEet covers bid fair to supersede
all others.
Bangs must be of the finest possible curia or
crepe waves.
Poppy rod jackets are made to vrear with
chintz drcsics.
High-standing collars are covered with
bended galloon.
Uneasy lies the woman's head that wears no
swell spring bonnet.
Hats will bo worn almost to the exclusion of
bonnets In the spring.
Among other fanciful bodices Are some with
lengthwise organ plaits.
The jacket la the street wrap for young la'
dies under twenty-five ;
Moro and moro popular grows the Jersey
jacket , waist and webbing.
Some of the new shapes of straw bonnets
look like a hussar's helmet.
Dark ecru etamine striped with mosg green
velvet is exceedingly pretty.
The cleft brim bonnet grow ) slowly in
favor with American women.
Black velvet collars , with the edges worked
with straw or tinsel , are worn.
Gold and silver braid will bo used to oxceei
in trimming spring cashmeres ,
Etamlno striped and broche with velvet
comes nmon ? spring novelties.
Embroidery is naed for trimming velvet na
well as cotton and wool dresses.
A pretty fancy for bows on summer dresses
is the combination of three colors.
Woolen etnmino with velvet stripes is
combined with colored veiling or cashmero.
Buttons of dull mctil , with hammered
ground ; , havd owls , , snatla and dolphlna in
There are fewer expensive fabrics in market
this season than have appeared for many
years ,
Baryl green comes with a bluish metallic
lustre among the spring greens In millinery
Red cotton collars , with narrow edge of
embroidery iu dark blue , are among the nov
Cotton chuvolts have the patterns of their
woolen namesakes and are a firm and durable
wash fabric.
The most correct glove for the promenade
is one that tnntchcs the costume n trifle
darker , if possible.
The short pelerine mantle , short and tight
iu the back , high on the houlden and loose in
front , is the leading tpring wrap.
All tinsel that , crocaded andtbreadnd stutfs
trimmings and lacag are popular , but gold is
the leading metal in tinsel goods ,
The difference between Pittaburg and Bos
ton girls U that the former have smuts on
thtlr noses and the latter have spec's.
Ornamental pins for the hair are not worn
in pair * . The coiffura may bo ndorned with a
butterfly , A star and a sword , but not with
two pica alike.
Stripea are certain to be worn this spring ,
and will probably be qulto popular. There
are eome decided novelties in theie , and the
color blending * ore good ,
Embroidered surah robes are a leading
ipring novelty. They are shown in artistic
combinations in light evening shades , and bid
fair to become very popular.
A Philadelphia wamon says ahe was kissed
by a ehott at n aeance. This goea to show
that Philadelphia ghoatt are not so particular
In some respect * as moat people.
Folds nra uaed iuitead of flounce * to trim
dreu skirts , and thosa folds frequently over ,
lap one another and extend from the bottom
of the iklrt almost to the waltt.
"I'd rather die than get married , " said one
girl to another. "Well , I wouldn't , " was the
response , "for you can't get a divorce when
you die. " [ Merchant Traveler.
A Brooklyn aeamttrencireloaslyleft a nee
die In the back of a young lady customer'i
dreis , and now a particular friend of the fam
lly baa hli hand dona up In arnica ,
A ecientist has found that a woiaan'a ear
cm perceive higher notes than a mau'i. This
IB the reaaon why the woman nlwxyi wakea
up first when the baby cries in the night.
nOioof the moat cruel freaka of faabion is
the decoration of hati and bonneU with the
ikina of birda. The brightest and prettiest
of the feathered tribe Are in the greatest it *
mand ,
There are no iuch thing * aa purs white
natural teeth , * ay * a deutlat. Whenever you
read of a young woman' pearl teatb you may
know they are made out of porcelain and told
at 10 much per tooth ,
Claapa are In a variety of dealgn , Ilorte * '
nD'J dogs' heads , carved with tinted pearl and
I dark wood , oxydtzed ilver bird * , cro c nU |
. , nd clasalo head * , en profile , In high relief ,
are come of Uia many aort * shown.
Velvet or velveteen , tn contrasting color
with the eUmlno , or cashmere , or wool stuff
of the frock , In uted to oxceaa for the cuff * ,
jolts , collars and capoi , pockets and pare-
mcnts of children's gaimonta.
The prevailing fashion of dlveraity it vis
ible in aomo of the lace-covered paraiola
3oma < ot them have two of the goroa covered
with ihirred-figurod piece net , while the real
hnvo frill * of Inco put on. very full ,
tn Lapland , whora tbo night * are from three
to sir month long , beaux often kisa their
sweethearts "gootl-night" about aix week * before -
fore daybreak. Their Block of caramel ) , pea
nut * and small-talk become exhausted by that
time ,
Klegant simplicity will bo one of tho.arb !
trary requirements of vhiting and dinner
costumes even of the richest deacrlptlon this
summer. LOM adorning will bo teen , and
more caio and thought will be devoted to the
perfect fit and artistic draping of thoao toll
Among the popular goods in all black is the
fabric known- ring cloth , a material which
la na transparent ni gauxe , but as strong aa
grenadine. It is 10 strong and elaatlc that U
la aaid the entire width of the good * can bo
drawn through an ordinary finger rin ? , hence
its name.
Butterflies are very much used for ball and
other evening dresses. They are placed upon
the shoulder ) , upon tha breast-knot of flow-
erg , and also up on the bonnet. A group _ o !
live buttoifltea in tha hair io also n passing
fancy , and a whole flight of them ia aoen on
the painted gauze tana that nro now so fash
lonable. " ' - . . " - > MHV
The much-abused conct has accomplished
Bomothlug that entitles it to ba spoken of with
respect for a few dayB. at leaat. A womtn
in Quincy , Mnss. . was atnick ho other night
by a bullet , which came in contact with n
fttool in her corset , and waa thus pinvontod , a
Boston piper eayr , "from Inflicting what
might hnvo been a fatal wound , "
Scotch ginqhama are in special request , ant
among the beat grades are shown handsome
looking embroidered ginghams matching the
solid colors heretofore In atock. These uomo
In boxes , and are warranted "fast colors" and
exceedingly durablo. Those with the now
chambreys and zephyrs are special favoiites
for ladies who prefer neat and dressy wash
able goods for morning wear during the turn
An Klmira woman stopped for n lady frienc
to accompany her to the roller skating rink
Nothing lotb , the lady , who waa cookim
some aauerkraut , told her visitor to wait unti
aho put on Bomo pig's feet and then she woulc
go with her. She rushed about in a hurry and
packed up , aa aho supposed , her akatee , bul
when she reached the rink aho found horsali
in char-go of a plg'a feet , and on rushing
homo found the skates in the sauerkraut.
Tlio Undo.
Pick It up tenderly !
Touch it with care !
Fashioned BO slenderly !
Give it aomo air.
Let not the wind brush it
With touch that is rude.
There , soft ! joti may crush it ,
For it is a dudu.
Look at the garments ,
Clinging Ilka cerements
And its bright locks of hair
Dipped in cologne.
With the part in the middle ,
Which won it endearments.
And the vacint nnd hopolesa nlr ,
Wholly its own.
Pick it up ten'derlyl
Helpless , Inane ;
Poor fated innocent ,
( Jhoked on its cane.
llad it a father , had It a mother ?
Had it a sister , or may be a brother ,
Who allowed it to wander
So far from its home ?
Did thov dream they would IOEO it
If suffered to roam ?
Poor thing , so young in years ,
Not worth a dollar ,
See how its suffering ears
Hang on its collar.
Still the world moves along ;
Why pause to miss
Out of its busy throng
One lite like this ?
Coroner's Inquest
Neck broken , we think.
Cause bat set too far back ,
And something to drink ,
Stomach weak , lemonade
Went to its brain ;
Felt itself going , and
Swallowed its cano.
[ Milwaukee Sunday Newa ,
A Connecticut cow swallowed 200 hair-pins
the other day without injury. What became
of the young lady ia not atatod.
Doctor * aay too much coffee makes bald
heads. Tolling the female bead of tbo house
that bar coifoo ia ' 'nothing but alopa" will also
do it.
Men are said to sleep very soundly tbo
night before hinging' . But not BO touudly as
they do the nlgbt after. [ Blngbarnton Re
Never look a gift chromo in tbo color.If [ the
frame is a strong ono yon can put your
mothcr-in-Iaw'a portrait m the place of tbo
otbcr eyesore ,
In Prussia tbo servant-girl of the house
often stnya with a family as long as forty
yeara , This indicates that theydon't start
tires with kerosene over there.
"One seea singular sights at sea , " eaid a
person who had just crossed tbo Atlantic ,
"I Htw the ocean bo ve , a pissenirer heave ,
and tha ship heave , " [ Boston Courier.
Two men who were cutting down a tree
near Gallion , U , , found $809 in a hollow , A
third man came up and claimed it , and after
a fight In which nil got licked the money
turned out to ba counterfeit.
iA woman who baa been taking in BOP ing
for a couple of yeara to support her lazy and
drunken husband , says it h surprising that
the board of health bus not hid her mulcted
for "maintaining a nuisance , " [ Nometown
A female euifragiet asks : "If women were
milk can * would thuy not bo promptly pro
tected ? " How under the sun did ehe ever
think of comparing women to milk cans ?
They , nre not made of tin ; they don't hut
we give It up.
"What Bomo maidens eay , " ia a head line
In an exchange Some maidens Bay , "No ,
thank you ; I never eat ice cream , " but my
boy , don't you be swindled into an attempt to
supply her ico-crearriah propensities , for
finannial ruin and bankruptcy atara you in
the face from that moment. [ Dinavllle
Breeze ,
"No. " * aid tlia country poatmaater , "I
don't care ao much about losing my office.
But , you see inarm'a got a tchool and the
pogtal carda uted to come in real bandy M
readln'le&fona for the youngsters. If I'd
only known it in time , I might have aaved a
lot , enough to laat a year or ao ; but I wo * a
kicked out ao audden that I didn't have any
chance , and now marm' < in a terrible way
and declarea I never did have no foreaigbt ,
I Boston Transcript. '
Another tpring poem arrived yetterday ,
From tha tize and weight of the package , it
I * our impression that it came by freight. If
our railroad Rommisalon proposes to allow low
rate * of freight on spring poetry , then there
ia something in the whole svstom of freight
tariff that calls loudly for reform. The com
missioners abould take this diabolical stuff out
of thn ordinary classification and put it in a
class by Itself. Wfl always put it by lttef ! aa
teen as we get it [ Atlanta Constitution ,
"Well , " remarked the divorce lawyer ,
"what alimony do you want ! "
"I think $1CO , ( < 00 cash and an Income of
$30,000 a year , banide * lawyer * ' fee' , would
only be fair , " replied the lady.
"Fair , madam ? ' answered the lawyenn sur
prise. "What buinfes ia your huabatd in1
"Ho own * a skatiug rink , " [ New York
Firt Tonaorial Arliet "That man Preal.
dant Cleveland will make a good many mis
takes , you aee now. "
Hecond Tonnorial Artist-"They Bay he' *
got plenty of horte tense , and that' * a good
thine to have "
"That's nil jigbt , 1 ut what good doe * that
do a man who don't know what la going on in
the world ? He can'u keep poiUd , He's got
no one to tell him what happen * everywhere. "
"And why ain't ha ? "
"Became be ( have * hlmtelf , " - [ Philadelphia
phia Call ,
DT UtCHARI ) llK-NUt HTOTlDAnt ) .
It U mod fitting he should paaa away ,
A J he i * parsing now without a word
This man of many battle * , whom dismay
Dismayed not , whoso stout heart was seldom
Master of hi * emotions lot too keen ,
Of simple , primitive tastet , hi * wants were
few ,
Believer only in thlnga known and Been ,
Stubborn and blunt , begotten to eubduo ,
Not hit the blood in Sidney's reins which
ran ,
Nor hi * who fell at Boneavallc * of old ;
But there is something in thin silent man ,
Something herolo In his rugged mold.
Of thla cur soldier dying , Time will ba
A kinder , sterner , juater judge than we.
[ Independent.
The Adnmlcss Kden ia a failure in San
Francisco ,
Next tooaon Margaret Cone , sister of Kato
Olaxton. will star a * a totibrette under her
Bister's direction. " > _ > : " "
Madame Modjeakn la acting at Mr. Henry
Irving'a London theatre.
A fren performance of Mendelssohn's era
torln "Elijah" was given a few doye ngo In
ono ol the poorest parts of London ,
Theatres In Philadelphia will have to com
ply with the law as expounded by Judge
Pelrco , and pay an annual state licence o
SEOO , ns well as a special city tax.
W , J. Florence is going to Kuropo in quct
of a play , His present atock Ia run down a
the heel. Ho opens at Daly's on September :
for four weeks , when his now play will prob
ably see tha light ,
Next Monday Helen Dauvray , formerly
known aa "Tbo California Diamond , " who
baa boon Miccetsrul in Paris , will nppear tv
the Now York Star theatre supported b i
very strong cast in "Mona. " Her manager I
Mr. John Hickaby.
Anton Rubinstein has boon in Ilollrmc
during the last month , on a concert _ ton
which hai just terminated. Ho bas finisliec
a now oratorio , which ia to brought out undo
his own conductorehip nt Antwerp during
the exhibition ,
Mr. Lawroncn Barrett last Saturday con
eluded in New Orleans 0110 of the most auc
eossful engagements he over played. Man ;
people were turned away nightly , Mr. Bar
rett was formerly manager of the Grand oport
house in Now Orleans , and is a great faxorito
with the playgoer * of that city.
Southern papers tpoak with interest ant
enthuajasm of the second musical festival o
Virginia and North Carolina , which begins in
Petersburg , Vircrinla , May Sftb , under tha direction
roction of Mr. Carl Zorrnbn , of the Boston
Handel and Haydn society. Whatever Mr
Zerrahn undertakes is bound to bo cxccutot
with regard to the highest canons of his ait ,
When Fanny Davenport waa in Cinclnnat
ahe received a compliment at the hands o
Henry Ward Beocher , the profession's now
ally , who attended a performance of Fedora
and was greatly carried away by the play nnc
the star's acting. The compliment exists in
the fact that tho. only player whom Mr
Hcecher had previously seen was Mr , Irving
The reappearance of Patti in New Yorl
lasi Monday night elicited the following comment
mont from the Now York Evening Telegram
"Unless Patti and Scalchi nro heard together
in Semlramldo' in this city again , those who
had the good fortune to bo present at the per
formance in the Academy of Music last mghl
will never moro listen to such marvellous
singing. JL'liu vocalization of the ladies was
simply perfect , nnd the vast audlenco waa n
times too spellbound to applaud , and again
uproariously enthusiastic. Kvery seat in the
Academy w.ij occupied , and the boxes were
like vases full of lovely exotics , the costume ;
and beauty of the occupants were BO rich unc
varied. From the rise to the fall of the cur
tain the attention of the assemblngo was
fixed on ho two great cantatrices , who wen
in pploudid voice. Indeed it would bo hare
to Imagine anything moro splendid. Pas-
quolea , the Aesur of the occasion , was like
wise vocally potent , and orchestra and chorui
were completely under the control of the
wizard cf the night Ardltti. It was a grand
affair. "
There Is mualo in the meadows
Tia the melody of waters ;
There ia music in the parlor
Tfs the tinging of fair daughters.
There is music in the forest
'Tis the % varbling of the birdies ;
There is music in the city
'Tis the tones of hurdy-gurdies.
Thpre is music on the playground
'Tis the children's merry prattle ;
There is music now in Afghan
Tis the bnglo-note of battle.
But the music now most preclou ? ,
Not excepting Patti's thrill ,
Is the chiiniuK of the dollars
As they strike the merchant's till.
Rose Coghlan was married last waok to
Clinton C. Kdgerly , a Boston lawyer. She
will not leave the stage ,
A bridal chamber in an Atlanta hotel ia
rather suggestively decorated with Brj ant's
lines : "Tha melancholy dnya have come , the
eaddest of the year. "
Tha will of a New Hampshire man , which
bas just been probated , loaves ? 10COO to liis
wife in case she remains single for eight
weeks after his death.
"IJon't marry a innn who as a boy was not
always kind , laving and helpful to his sister , '
soys it philosopher , who evidently wants all
the girls to die old maids ,
StMorgnn Hart , of Fayetto county , 111. , re.
contly mnrrlod a Mrs. Ballard , who ia reputed
to bo an heir tn the Mark Hopkins estate ,
valued at 535.000,000 , half of which will fall
to her.
A well-dressed and pretty young woman ,
who went about in Now York eaylng that
she wanted to get married , was promptly
clappi'd into an intone asylum. If all the
well dressed and pretty young women were
equally outspoken , the asylums would quickly
be filled ,
It Is announced that the marriage of Mrs.
Kdwlna Booth nnd Mr. Ignatius 11. Gross
man , of New York City , will take plncanext
month privately , at tbo homo of the bride's
Father in Boston. The young couple will take
passage for Kuropo on May 20 , and spend the
summer there.
No man is safe any longer. During his
parents' absence last week , Adion Stone , an
idiot of Ypsllantl , aged 47 years , waa mar
ried by one Mary McFall , who waa found in
the house with her "husband" upon the
amity's return. Adien I * posseaied nf tome ;
property managed by a guardian. The un-
lappy bridegroom say * lu was coaxed Into
the murrlaee , and that he doesn't want ta
live with Mary-Detroit [ , ( Mich ) Journal.
Ono actress called on another in New York
and remarked that every man the knew
wanted to marry her. The other laid it wat
lie and laughed scornfully. Tha caller
then grabbed the scoffer by the throat ,
chucked her into tha corner and tat on her
until the police arrived. Now each ft suing
'or $20,000 damages , the one for tlander and
.he other for assault , The queer thing about
the case it tint everybody should doubt the
actress' ability to marry every man she
cnown , They usually do.
He waa a mathematical CUE * , and always
engaged in making Intricate calculation ! on
> uer. The marriage waa to take place on "
Friday , but he suggested to hi * prospective
mother-in-law that it had better take place
on Thursday. "Why do you with it changed ? "
heasked su.plciouily. "Well , " aaid he , "I
iiave been making a calculation , and I find
tbat my silver wedding will come on Satur ;
day evening , and that would never do , aa that
ia the evening I have to eo to the lodge. "
-Ttxaj Sifting * .
The most peculiar part of a wedding festival -
tival among the middle classes In Persia la
the closing ; . At the moment ihe brlda leaves
her father' * honae a alioutof "Kellel lei"
ancounco * tha fact. All ihe guest * carry
lanterns on high pole * to lead and light the
way. Aa tha proc ailon approache * the home
of the bridegroom several sheep are sacrificed
In honor of the bride. They are ( lain at her
feet as shonteps over her husband's threshold
for the firat tima. Then invoklnc blessing *
on tha pair , all wend their way home , and the
festival i * over.
Several marriageable young men of Roche *
ter , N. U. , are In a terrible pickle. They bare
heretofore given a * a reason for not marrying
that they could not afford the luxury , About
a month ago taveral marriageable young ladioa
put their heads together and prepared a docu
ment proving conclusively that families of
from two to tlx [ they provided for the future ,
rou POP , ) can live well on $0 a week.
Having disposed of rent * , fuel _ and
provisions , theto artless girls turned their at' '
tention to clothlnp , and the document a for a
mid states that the woman who cannot dress
stylishly and tavo money on ? SO a yeir ii not
worth the marrying. Then these girl * made
madecopietof the original and tent ono to
each of the eligible younp mon ,
Ho.ison Bporta
Soon on the race course will anooar
The flyers , nnd soon the f culler ,
With all hi * trapping * and his gear ,
Will onco.moro bo a puller ;
Soon will tho"crlcketer como out
And hop around the wicket ,
And teen the footbill will bo put
Whore many toes can kick it ;
Soon will the swimmer clenvo the surf ,
And bicycles be whirling ;
The fact is , soon the sporting world
Will all bo up and atirrtng ,
The Methodists have grown from 15,000
members In 1784 to 3 003,820 at the present
time. Their centennial celebration vrlli occur
next fall.
Au Irishman In Ltthcro , India , ronouncoc
Roman Catholicism nnd bocnino a Mobxiu
raodon twelve yonra ago. Ho baa already
made two pilgrimage * to Mecca ,
Church brlln from a Baltimore foundry an
in demand lu England. Already China , Wee
Africa , Nova Scotia , Newfoundland , the Wea' '
Indies mid parts of South America have
drawn upon the aamo establishment for it
silver-toned bells.
Mousignor A. J. Gloileux. who was con
socratcd nt Baltlmnro by Archbishop Gibbon
na Catholic bishop of Idaho , ia a native o
Belgium and 41 j cars of ago. Among otho
preUtcR present were Bishops Kocne.of Rich
rnpnd and Grossjjf Savannah.
" "Recently high pontifical mats wn3 cehT
bratcd in Copenhagen for the first time sioci
the days of tlio Reformation , such n eorvici
having heretofore been forbidden bylaw. Th <
Catholics In Denmark now number nboui
3.000 souls with twenty-six priests , of whom
aeven are Danes.
According to the reports received by the
Lutheran , nearly 800 persanR were roccivoc
into membership with the Lutheran congrega
tlona of.Philadelphia duiing Holy week. Tin
lajgest number of confirmations reported waa
ninety-one at St. James' Gorman churcl :
Rov. F. W. Wiskotten , pastor.
The revision of the Old Testament has been
completed , and on May 21 the now version
will bo issued simultaneously in London
New York , and Philadelphia. This vorsiot
is the joint property of the universities of Ox
ford and Cambridge , and each university wll
Itsu9 Ita own edition , although both will b <
printed from plates made from ono aet o :
A colored Baptist church iu Now Bedford ,
having advertised for a minister , receivec
word from ono in New Yoik state that ho
would bo on hand Saturday night. A com
mittep was nt the station to meet him and was
astonished to find that ho waa a white man.
The stranger , who had not supposed that hi -
future parishonera were colored , waa equally
aBtoninhod. Ho preached for them on Sun
day , however , and was pent away with the
proceeds of a collection. [ Worcester ( Mass. "
Deserving of Confidence. There is no
article which so ilohly deserves the entire
confidence ) of the community na BROWN'B
BltoxcillAL TROCHES. Those suffering from
Asthmatic and Bronchial diseases , Coughf
* nd Colds , should try thorn. Price 25 cents
A IiiiKiccnt Choice.
HSl. Louis , April 21. The Post Dispatch'i
Dallas ( Ark. ) special says : "Columbus L
Moffett was ImnpeJ hero to-day for the murder
dor of _ Wm. W. Hunt. The execution wai
public nnd was witnessed by a great crowd
Moffett maintained his innccenco to tholosf
and met his fata without a tremor. "
BtiBlnoEB Failures.
NEW YOIK , April 21. The failures during
the past seven days weio 210 , ngnlnst 222 las
By using Dr. Frazier'a Throat and Lung Bal
earn the only sure cure for Coughs , Colda ,
Hoarseness and Sore Throat , nnd all diseases
of the throat and lungs. Do not neglect i
cough. It may prove fatal , Scores anc
hundreds of grateful people owa their lives tc
Dr. Frazier't Throat and Lunp Balsam , and
no family will ever bo without it after once
using it , and discovering its marvelous power.
It is nut up in largo family bottles and aold
or the small price of 70 conta per bottle. Sold
Kuhp & Co. and O. F. Goodman.
Oregon holds its state fair Sept. 21.
THE VOLTAIO BELT Co. , of Marshall , Mich. ,
offer to send their celebrated KLECTBo-VoL-
trial for thirty days , to men ( young or old ]
afflicted with nervous debility , loss of vitality
and manhood , and nil kindred troubles. Alao
for rheumatism , neuralgia , paralyals , _ and
many other diseases. Complete restoration to
health , vigor and manhood guaranteed. No
risk ia incurred as thirty days trial is allowed ,
Write them at ouca for Illustrated pamphlet
free ,
The GermsriB are novr making delicate
watch wheels from paper pnlp. $
By DC , Frnzlcr's Maelo Ointment. Ouroa
If by magi : : Pimples , Black Heads or Grub
Blotches nnd Kruptlons on the face , leaving
the skin clear and beautiful. Also euros Itch ,
Salt Rheum , Sere Nipples , Sere Lipa and old ,
Obstinate Ulcers Sold by druggists , or
mailed on receipt prlco. CO cenbi , Sold by
Kuhu & Co. aud 0 , F. Goodman.
The shipment cf cigars from Key West
weekly amount to 1,500,000 , with an In
creasing tendency.
"That tlrod fooling" from which you
auiFer to much , particularly In tbo mom
In g , is ( iitiio'y thrown off by Eood'a
ar eaparilln.
Rote Winano' Bister , Mrs. Colcsto
Huttoo , of Baltimore , has rented a cot
tage at Newport for the summer , and ns
she Inherited 85,000,000 from her father ,
the Into Thomas Wlnans , it is thought
aho will tuccoed in struggling through
ho Booson.
A Bound mind goes very seldom without a
sound digestion , and nothing contributes to.
rard it moro than the use /VnKnojkturti
iltlcrH , the wcrld renowned appetizer , man
ufactured only by Dr. J. G , B. BIpgert &
Five ollicors of the German army are
jolng to Ooogo for the purpoao of organ-
zing the black eoldlors of the negro
irincea In that reglou on a European
nilitary footing.
Horafortl'a Acid Pliowplinto
Dr. G. W. COLLINH , Tipton , Ind. , eaye :
"I used It In norvoua debility brought on
ay overwork ia warm weather , with good
reaults. "
England mppllfs three fourths of all
ho dolls carried by the children of olr-
ilizod nations. Even the so-called French
dolls these with china head * are made
Tor the moat put in England , the bead
alone coming from Franca.
When Dtby WM tick , we gave her Caatorla ,
When she was a Child , the cried for Castor ! * ,
When the became Ifiu , the clan ; to Cattoria ,
( TUen ( lit bad Children , she gave them Cutorla ,
free from Opiates , Hiiiittc.i anil Poison * .
r r Coughs Fore Throuf , Honr nOM , Influent * ,
Cold * . llroneiitllis t'rotiisVliooplnz Couch ,
Atthtmi , Qulii.jI'nlno In Clint , miJoUitr
rTKtloni e.f tti Throat nJ I.linjr" .
Trice no centsn bottle. Sold hy timeouts nnrt t > P l-
ern. l\irlle unable to Induce t/tetrittntfr la j > rom | > Utr
ait Uforltttm iclll rtrUrt lira totllt > , Efvreiic/iarail
ixilJ , tu fending one dollar to
THE cnvru.\T ,
Sol Uli rtfcnl Mttiuhcttirrr * .
ll.lllmorc , JUrjdn.t , C.8.A.
017 St. Clinrlos St. , St. J.onfs , Mo.
Arrtcntir gi-irtoMoef no HMltM Callrcm. h liepn l
Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and otn r / ' ' - tenons
nons ot Throat. Skin or nones , Blood RoUstf. ,
old Sores and Ulcers. ro irottii nti onritM ! > l
iu e , on 1 > K KlfalltLa ftlntlrl'i. P > IT , 1'rliMelj.
Diseases Arising from Inrilscrollon , Excctt ,
Exposure or Indulgence , i > Mtt , tr < ) a om of tin
followlof effetUl nrrvouiiic.i , dt-Mtitr , dlmnt.i or MB ! * *
and defectlra memory , plrnr/tri n ( ho i ep , pbjiltftldKa ? ,
ftVrnloDtotht .oetctj or remiilct , eonfunta of liCRSclA
rendering MnrrUiro Improper or unhappy , u
rtrmfiinitlT irtJ , 1'einphltl l rt tiBtOnn U" ,
! ietl l envelope , frr to knrftdlrrM. Consultation * t tt
aeoorbrniiillfreo.imdlnTlted. ttrlln for quciUonl.
A Positive Written Guarantee
ttlrta In til earmMe f n ei , Medicines konl eTcrjwber * .
Pamphlet ! , > : ncU h or Ocncan , 01 pacei. < ! f-
Isrlblnc nbovo dlieoseaIn run Jo or Comal * . Fllia
MO rmei. flee pt t . Illnitnlcd In cloth and ( lit blaJIca
JOc. niouty rro l t itmMmpcr ooteri , lac. Tht * twos
ontilnl all tut curlcni , doubtful or loqnMllM w : u
Unou. 1 coca r trsit Intyut K > ell UlsJUj * tj
trontuvi Or
Seeking perfect restoration to health , full
miiiiliootl and soiiuil vigor tvltlionl
Stomucli Drugging , should Bond for Trca-
tlso on the 9larioi > llolnii. Young mon anil
others who euffjr from nervous aid
cttl ilcblllty , cxlmtistcil vitality , prc-
rmtiiro decline , Vnrlcocolr. < Ssc. , ara
especially bonofltod by conaultlng ltd contents.
filBcaseB of the Prontnto Glnitil , ICIdnoys
mill Ulnililcr effectually cured. Endorsed
by thontmnds who Imvo been cured. AdoptoO
In HoBpltala and by I'liyalelans In Kuropo and
America. Scaled Treatise free. Address
46 West 14th St. , New York.
$5O EEWABD $50
CCO. _
| mi t bo iaL ARCh nd i GOOD er'TTwllT-
Wlrtli & Oloklo , GO 4 02 Wa
'Ihla brand la a happy combination cf fine , young
crisp red , burly lor R Illlor , with a
and It just meets the taste cf a largo number ot
OrJcra for "Plowshare" are com Inp ; In rapidly
from nil parts of the country , dcmonetr tlnK how
quickly the great army of chenerH strike a ( , 'ooj
combination uf Tobacco , both ou to quality and
quantity. Messrs Loilllard& Co. have exercised no
little time and labor In cmleaiotlng to reach the
Acme of Terfcctlon in Plowshare , aid seem to have
done It. Besides the TKN CHht curs el Ploweharoaro
Which la n pcmt not to be orcrlooked by dealers
who will find It to their interest to order eome and
give their customers an opportunity to try It.
Ask Your Dealer for Plowshare
Dealore supplied bjr
Gronowe ? & Sotoontgon , Council Bluffa.
Pereproy & Moore , " "
L. ICirscht & Co.
Brop. " "
Stewart .
1'axton & Gallagher , Omaha.
McCord , I3rady & Co , , Omaha.
For ealo in Omaha by
H. Ylmrllntr , 618 S 13th Street ,
llonry Ditren , 001 S 13th St.
Heimrcd & Co. , 602 S 13th St.
Goo Oarlswn.1016 Parnam St.
Kaufman Bros. , 207 S 15th St.
Kaufman Bros , 1009 Farnam St.
Frank Arnold & Co. , 1418 Fornftm St.
AueuBt Plotz & Co. , 1509 Douglas St.
Goo. Heimrod , 013 N 16th St.
Bergen & Smiley , N. W. Cor. IGth and Cum-
ing Sta.
Van Green Bros. , N. W , Cor. Division and
Cumlne Sts.
Z. St vena 013 N. 21st St.
J. II. Spctman , Cor. Douglas and 12th St.
Geo. Anderson. 318 S. 10th St.
Charlie Ying , 712 S. 10th St.
Mrs. G. M. Lawley , 806 S 10th St.
II. Mnnfelt , S. W. Cor. 13th and Howard.
Mra. G. M. Lawlcy , 800 S. 10th St. . Omaha.
Gen. Anderson , 318 S. 10th St. , Omaha.
J. II. Spetmnn , corner Douglaanud 12th St.
Chac. Yine712 8. 10th St.
n piiriry " " BLOOD.'fojT
utu tlic LIVER ami KIDNEV8.
.mil JiHnntK ; TMK IUAI > T1 !
anil VIOOil of VODTIL l/
0"p lii Waiiinl'Al'ppUte ' , in-
llucislliHi , 1. Mi nl Htri-HBtl. .
iid'llr ' " ' > " "nx absolute ! "
curcil. llon'-"i , iiiupclcscii'i
rn 1 1 , rucvlva nowlorce ,
i' ( llvi'iia ttiu inlnil ui.c
8iillcrliiKlromcoinpluli > ti
j > Mtt5llirto lliclrocx will
? nd In JJ1U El'iHlTJl'S IJION' TONIC n mfa and
ii'i-ily euro. Kltvcsn clour , liealtliv coniplrxlon.
fri-'iuunt attempt * at c- > " " rA''lliiK only adj
Ij tliopopularllyiirilia original. Do Wet expert-
( .flllt gcttllO OUIUINAI.AM ) 1IK8T.
Hfod jouriidre | ato'l'hn/r. lliirturMml uo.V
Si.lx > 'ili. Mo. , for our"DltKAM HOOK. " B
t truour nnn nif oLiaf orma MOO. uvaoP J
St , Charles Hotel.
0 8TUKET , OKI 7th and 8tb , . LINCOLN , NEl )
Utt. Kate Coakly , PioprletorcM.
ly and elegantly hunlabtd. Good umplt
looms on Orit floor.
Term -tl.W to n p < > day , Bp dal ratei irlreo
memben ol the leirUlaturo. DOvlO-1 m-to
_ li aphrodlslao , arons-
P ci activity , poiltlvely
I curet tmi > otouev. loel
_ . '
Itv. nil wcuknetBofRoncratlvu UVBUUII ; ulther BOI.
tl UvumlU J , IMVttrucr.'li 7ttator > t..Cliks a
Tb * romarkabla growth ot 'Omaha
dating the last loir yean ! matter ol
great aatonUhmont to those who pay an
occasional vlolt to thla growing city. Tht
doTolonmoat ot the Stor.V Yardi the
necessity of the Bolt Lint Bead the
finolv paved strooU the hnndrodi of now
rooluonooa and coolly boelnoii blooke ,
with the popnlatlon of onr oltj moro than
donblod In the last five yoan. All thtt
ta a ( { rest inrprlao to vlnltori and la tht
admiration ot oni clttsona. Thli rapid
growth , the bunlncss ootlvlty , and tht
many inbitantlal Improvement * made a n
lively demand for Omaha real cats to , and J
every Invoatoi hu made a handiomo
Blnoo the Wall Street panic RJ y ,
with the unbaonnont cry of hard Umoi ,
there has boon loss domaud from upooulv
tors , bat a fall demand from inrcKtott
Booking homoi. This latter olaai ut
taking advantage of low prlooa In build
ing material and are nocurlng their hemet
at much low coat than will bo possible a
you honoo. Spooalatora , too , can buy
real oataf B cheaper now and onght to toki
advantira of proacnt prlcei for fnturt
pro ta.
The nozt few jreari promise * gteatoi
d svol gpmonta In Omaha than the paai
fiyj years , which have boon u good M
vro conld roaaonably dcslro. Novr man.
nfaotnring oatabllahmonta and lar o Job
bing honses are added nlmoat xrockly , and
all add to the prosperity of Omaha.
There arc many IE Omaha and throngh-
bat the State , who luve their money In
the bauka drawing a nominal rate of In
terest , whlob , H judiciously Invested in
Omaha real a tate , weald bring then
much greater retuins. We have many
bargains vhlch wo ara confident will
bring the pnrohwser largo profita In tht
near f nturo.
We have for sale the finest resi
dence property in the north and
western parts of the city.
North we have fine lots at reason
able prices on Sherman avenue,17th ,
18th , 19th and 20th streets.
West on Farnam , Davouport ,
Cuming , and all the eadmg street.
in that direction.
The grading of Farnam , Califor
nia and Davenport streets has made
accessible Borne of the finest and
cheapest residence property in the
city , and with the building of the
street car line out Farnam , the pro
perty m the western part of the city
will increapfl in vain *
We also have the ogeury for the
Syndicate and Stock Yards proper
ty in the south part of the city. Tba
developments mudo in this Bcchu *
by the Stock Yards Company one
the railroads will certainly double
the once in a short time.
We also have some fine bushiest
lots and some elegant inside resi
dence ? for sale ,
Parties wishing to invest will find
Dome good binmen bycalhngi
213 South 14th 8t ,
Bet reoii Kara ham and Douglas.
P. B. We ask those who hat *
properly for sale at a bargain to give
as a callWe want only bargaini
We will positively not handle prop
erty at more than its real value.