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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1885)
THTT "Tl AH V T > E1W- a rr . - . . - _ T THEXAILY ) BEE , " APRIL 24 , 1885. THE DAILY BEE Friday Morning , April 24 , LOOAL BREVITIES , _ Joseph Kanlecey is the name of a "nail boy of Polish extraction , who awaits , at police headquarters , reclamation by Ms paronU , The street repairing ( ? angs are hard at work all about town , and before very long be removed. m any causes of complaint will The Creiahton bulldlntt , near the post oflica building I ) bain ? pointed rod and pro- Bonti n most bright and cheery appearance boiido the gray of that structure. About 12:30 : last night an officer took a Jomale to j ll who made night hideous with her ecroams , She had taken too much wine , and alarmed the entire community. Tli9 funeral of little Alwlno Neu , the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Neu , took place yesterday morning at ton o'clock from thefanv lly residence on Thirteenth and 1'acifio streets The residence of Mr. T. ' 0 , llevey on South Fourteenth street wa entered Wednes day night by thieves who carried off 320 worth of goods. Formal complaint has been made to the polico. The Buckingham theatre is still closed up and under the guardianship of Constable Ed- gorton , who n now the premier danseuio ( ao to speak ) . The property will bo sold May 15 at public sale. A lot of eight trick ponies , to bo used this season by Messrs , Grain and Carpenter with their circuj , arrived Wednesday. They are pretty lltt'c follows , and up to many nice tricks in their lino. The little girl mentioned In yesterday's edition of this paper as loat , and in charge of the W. C , A. people , was claimed by her friends soon after getting there , llor name wag Jessie Simpson , Superintendent Havens returned Wednes day evening in a special car from a tour of In spection over hU district. Superintendent ' Dorranco , who has boon Inspecting as far as Cheyenne , return yesterday - Policeman Brady was pleased to receive a visit yesterday from n strange young lady. She will remain some time in his family ho hopes. Her weight is twelve pounds and she and Mis. Brady tro getting along finely. Frank Woodruff who was thrown from the Wells , Fargo Express wagon on the oven , ing of the storm and so seriously Injured , is I not in a very dangerous and precarious con- 1 dltlon at his homo on Davenport street , The sidewalk in front of Newman's store , on Fornam street , is being laid with grano lithic pavement , made of broken Sioux Falls granite mixed with cement. It makes a handsome walk , and has been ueed elsewhere . in this city before. The body of little Mary F. Shelby , the daughter of Mr. P. P. Shelby , who died at Cleveland , will bo brought to this city for in- onnont. In his sad affliction Mr. Shelby will be met with the sincerest sympathy , of his large circle of friends , Marshal Cummings has Issued a general order that the owners of all toamn which are left unhitched , standing on the public thor oughfares , shall bo arrested. It is hoped in this way to lessen the number of runaways which are of daily occurrence. A search around town last night failed , up to the hour of 2 o'clock ( this morning ) , to disclose the particulars of the 8200 confidence game played upon the German at the Couu- ' cil Bluffs tranafor , mentioned elsewhere. At this late hour nothing more has been learned by the reporter , Drexell & Maul have made the curious discovery that embalming fluid , kept in quantity in all first class undertaking estab lishments , Is a serb of "King Cure. " Mr. Maul relates some wonderful cures effected by it , Curious enough that the preservative of a corpse should cure tha sick. Deputy Marshal Allan fcimd on the por- 1 son of a prisoner whom bo arrested corre weeks ago a bunch of switch keys belonging to the Union Pacific. How the young man came into possession of them is a mystery. The 1 valuable properly has been turned over to General Manager Collaway ty Mr. Allan. Board of Trade mot yesterday and opened different plans end specifications of various ' architects for their new building. The board will not yet award the contract. A bnus or reward of $300 has been ollorecl by the board for the bast set of plans ; § 20 ] for the second , $100 for the third and 850 for the fourth. The closing party of Prof. Almon'a dancing class came off lost night at Falconer's halls. The Musical Union orchestra furnished the music for both halls. Up to 1) p. in , the children held the floor , then the odulta took it and continued the enjoyable sociable , About three hundred persona attended and All declared it a moat pleasant party. It only needed ngood rain storm to show the people of Omaha how insufficient are th a sewers and the efforts put fourth to keep these that ara built in order. Not three householder ! in five in some portions of town can ba found who don't have a story to tell about the lack of proper dralnige and sewer facilities. A eiokenlng story cornea from Hall county about a young girl who was betrayed by a professional man of a prominent Nebraska city and abandoned by him to win 1 i betray aud run oil with aaothor damsel , leav ing two stricken families behind him in the : town of his residence. For the present par ticulars are withheld for evident reasons. The second of the "inaugral concerts" at the Presbyterian church on Dodge street came off last night and was ai enjoyable ai that of the nl ht before , Mr. Eddy leavet for Chicago where he resides. The two con certs have proved to be satisfactory to the fiiends of the church wherein the new organ is. Dr. W , H. Hanchett of this city , seore- Ury of the Nebraska State Homoopatchlc Society , has just issued and sent out a ilou : lar containing programme and call for tin next annual meeting of the society , to be hale at Lincoln , May 13.14 ind ID , The society ! in a very flouriihing condition , and this meet ing promises to be full of Interest. Man ] cow physicians in the itate , M well as adjoin' ing ttatai , have presented their names ant - ' credentials for membership , O. L. Bang * , a laundrjman on Soull Tenth street , carce to tbi office yesterday morning atd m kde complaint aerjinst Officer While who , he fajs , severely beat adtunken uiai , while under arrest , last Snnd y. Mr. Bang claim I that he went it help Mr. White wit ! his obitreporoas charge whereuuon th police officer arrtutid him , Tha cue wo afterward * dUmUiied , and Mr. Bing fetl iudigcant over the treatment which ha re cvired. If the facts ate at alleged by Mr , the cue i * a terlbui one. < " & tmnk checked to acme' point In the Ir. terior of the tUte blew ywUrday nooa at the B. * M. depot , and frightened the baggsgoJ men out ot a year's growth , When the smoke I cleared away a lot of cartridge shells scattered around told how ths explosion occurred. The trunk , which came In over the U , P. , had just been delivered on ou8 of the velvet-padded hatr-spnng tracks , used by the U , P. , to the B. & M. The bairgaeomcn of the Utter road had just sent out their v , p. h , s , truck lor re pairs , hence the accident. They are awaiting a claimant for th'e remains of the trunk. Th old creek bed on Eighth and Leav onworth street ! has a very bad mudbole In It now which requires immediate attention. During last winter all sorts of filthy sub stances wore thrown into it and it is now filled with standing water. The result Is that the horrible stench that will soon pro ceed from it. has already bosun , and the fur ther result will bo , if it Is loft there , that disease , contagion and denth will bo visited upon the dwellers to that section. A young woman giving her name as Mrs. McGee approached the 'county commis sioners yesterday and told n pitiful story of how the had been brought hero about ton days ago from Tecumseh by her hmband , and deserted a day erse einco. She Is young and hardly able to support herself , and the commissioners will purchase her a ticket to Tecumseb , where her parents are Hying. "I sent him out to get mo a bucket of water ; " she said between tearc , "and I haven't seen anything of him since. " When told that aid would bo extended her , she wont away seeming assured and hap- py. Wednesday afternoon some of theloca1 sportsmen engaged in a shooting contest at Athletic Park , the "Poorla blackbird , " a new invention In the shape of a clay pigeon being given a trial , The first match was at the blackbirds out of a possible twelve and re sulted as follows : Parmalee 8 , Lecder 3 , Stra burger 7 , Kay 7 , Phelps 8 , Biihell 2 , Mills 8 , Brockor 7 , Allen 0 , Kennedy 5 , Erug 1 , Parmaleo , Phelps and Mills tying on 8 shot off the tie , Parmaloa winning with 2 out of 3. Strasburger , Kay and Brocker tying on 7 shot again , resulting in a second tie between Kay and Strasburger , and a third shot result ed in a victory for Kay. Several other inter esting matches were shot , including ono at live plgeonsand a sweepstake at the Peoria blackbird. There are lots of bad boys in Omaha who have no excuse for their deviltry. Boys are boys of course , and all persons are ready to overlook their pranks and playful jokes , but there is a limit , and when they wilfully and wantonly KO beyond it , particularly when their home and social position and surround ings are of a character to influence and in struct them aright , they are not excusable or pardonable. A case in point occurred yester day or night before last in the breaking and smashing in of the Presbyterian church windows dews , mentioned elsewhere in TUB BEE. The authorities request the reporter to inform thoEO boys and their friends that the names of some of them are known , and others not known yet. That for this reason only they are withheld for the present , and no matter whom they may prove to bo their conduct shall be published and punished. The following persons have been elected officers of the Exposition association , viz : Max Moyor. president ; F. W. Gray , vice-presi dent ; W. W. Wallace , treasurer ; secretary , I. W. Miner ; J. A. HcShano , J. A , Wake- field , Max Meyer , F.W. Gray and W. W. Wallace. A strange Gorman named Ginne was lound dead in his bed yesterday morning. Heart disease was the cause of his death and no inquest was deemed necessary. la tbo United States court yesterday August Frank , et al , instituted proceedings to recover § 1,050 from Kearney county on de faulted bonds , Another confidence game was'played last night at the depot , whereby a man loat $39. The party was jailed. I'EKSONAIj. MM. Geo. T. Crandall has returned from Chicago. General Freight Agent Swords , of the K. C. St. J. & C. B. road Is in the city. Homer K. Burbot , of Creston , Iowa , ia visiting his cousin H. K. , of this city. Mr. T. 0. Dichl , of Milwaukee , Ib visiting in the city , the guest of his sister , Mrs. C. L. Kelly. Major Guy 0 , Henry , the new rille inspec tor , arrived Wednesday night from FortLoav onworth accompanied by his wife. William Fleming and wife loft yesterday for New York , whence they sail In about a week for Europe , They expect to return in September. Messrs. Gelb and Moas , two enterprising young inon fromTroeport , III , , have opened [ an agency for the German insurance of thai t city. Both gentlemen come well recommend ed and will no ] doubt secure a share of the fire insurance of tha city. At the Metropolitan L II. Johnson , Lin coin ; Al Powell , Blair ; J. A. Ilullen , Fremont mont ; E. L. Parmtlle , Tekaraah ; W. D. Mc Kay , Weeping Water ; Miss J. C , Hlnes Lincoln ; O. W. Young , Sheldon ; J. C. Uyne , Grand Island ; Homer Williams , Kearney and F. N. Grinell , of Hastings , Nob. T. Murray , 0 , Bergho , Columbus ; F , A Campbell , West Point ; Mrs. C. D. Brewste Grand Island : K. L. Kao ; Fremont ; T. M Frame. West Point ; Wm. Ryder , Dunba James Crawford , Mt , Argo , L , U , Spencer , Wllber ; James Sweet , Nebraska City ; James K. Wood , San Francisco ; V , Wilson , Council Dlufle ; B. Van Horn , Dea Molnes , Iowa ; and G , H. Kincild , Sioux City , are at the Can- field. , At thtf llillard-E. A. Crawford , Taw- ' tncVet ; D. K. Tomblln , Arapahoe ; T. II. Cotter td ter , city ; T. W. McMnrphy , Lincoln ; Prod > McClay , "Bunch of Keye ; " Artie Hart and ide wife , Dakota City ; J , DIxon Avery and wife , Fremont ; L T. Hilton , Blair ; J. W. Mayle , _ Ulalr ; J. W. McClelland. Fullerton : W. T. - Bissell , Columbus ; M. S. Fulltrton ; C. H. Brunner , Fremont ; Andrew Kennedy and idJ. - wife , Harvard ; J. S. Hlbbf , Philadelphia ; J. K. Hubbard , St. Joe ; H , J. Graff Delavan. At the Paxton-G. F. Chapman , Evanston s i Thos. Rlley , Albion ; 0. W. Hill , St. Paul , ; U. C. Fansot , Lima ; J , A. Chester , Lincoln ; C. C..Jonts , Neligb ; J , B. Thomaj , Cheyenne - F. G. Slmmoru , Seward ; J. H. Hooter , Yoik 0. 0 , Veonum , Exter ; J. R. Gordon , Nor- fork ; D. F. Drake , Omaha ; Church Howe , Auburn ; W , R Dennis , Lincoln ; C , A. Gar rU. lick , Chicago ; P , McPhee , Montreal ; 8 , D. U.W Carpenter , La , ; Geo. H , Smith , Chicago , John Dale , city ; G , W. Wetmore , Chicago Aaron Schever , New York. 1UHD. OAFLTON-In this city , April 23 , at 8 30 a in. , of ooniumption , Nancy I ) , , wife o Geo. I , , CarltoD , at her reildmce , come of Seventeenth and Davenport atreeU , rgft t2 yean and 2 months. Funeral notice hereafter. K > ck IiUnd , Hit. , papers pleaie copy. IR- I Lowest prio * * on lomberSt. Pan ! Lnmbe ' rrd , 13th and Cllforula FAMILY MABKET BASKET , What the Uonickoopcr HA * to Select Froin-Fct ami Figaros. FISH AND GAME. Frozen fish are going out of the mar ket , and trcen Cell , that Is , froth from the rlvora , are now coming In. In the fresh water srtlclc , wlilto fish , trout and bias retail at 15 cents per pound , whtto pickerel is soiling at lOconta ; croppio and porch cun bo had for 12J cents ; rat- Gah ere jnst coming In and sell for 15 cents. California salmon are Boasonnhlo delicacies and toll at 85 cents n pound. As for salt water fish , codfish and haddock no worth 15 cents a pound , hallbu 25o. Shad aolli from 75o to $1 apiece. Flnumlors are not in very lively demand at 12J. Eels sell for 20 cents a pound. Codtish tongues are rare , but retail for 20 cents. Oysters retail at from 45 to GO cents a quart , ac cording to quality. Game is nearly out of the market , though thored head and mallard ducks can ttill bo had from 30 to 35 conti a pound. Snipe are coming and sell for $1.50 a dozen. MEATS , The boit cuts cf sirloin sell for 15 cents , rnmps and upper part of round steak at 12J. Roasting ribs , farm and iuloy , can bo bought at 12J cents , Veal is extremely scarce and "comes h'gh ' from 15 to 20 cent ? , according to the cholconoas of the part. Street breads can bo purchased at 25 cents a pair. Corn beef Is selling at from 5 to 10 coats , ac cording to cats. Prime legs of mutton can bo had for 12i cents ; mutton chops 124 to 15 cents. Ilam Is a staple article in good demand at 12A cants in bulk , 25 cents sliced. Pork 10 to 121 cents. San- tage 10 to 12k oonts. FHUITS AND VEGETABLES. The vegetable market is becoming well stocked , Early Rose Potatoes are In fair demand at 55 to G5 cents , the Peerless and Whlto Elephant bring G5 cents a bushel , The Colorado , of largo and mealy vniioty , is sold at 00 cents to $1 a bushel. The genuine Salt Lake potatoes are coming in and sell for $1 a bushel. As paragus is just making its entree into the market and sells at 12Ao a bunch. Rhubarb can ba bought for § 1 a dozen bunches , water cross the samo. Parsley Is sold at CO cents a dozen. California cabbage can still bo bought for G cents a pound. Fresh radishes , 5 cents per bunch. Spinach is worth G5 cents a peck , whllo cucumbers are just coming Into market , and sell from 15 to 25 cents aploco , according to s'za. ' Fresh homo grown lettuce , a delight ful salad delicacy at this season of the year , is sold at 5 snd G cents a hoad. Onions are worth 35 to GO cents a peck , rutabagas 2i cents n pound , turnips 75 cents a bushel. Sweet potatoes are re tailed at from G to 8 cents a pound. The local markets are well stocked in the fruit line. California oranges bring from 15 to 35 cents a dozen , lemons about the samo. Bananas , fresh and rips , are very plentiful , but can bo bought for 25 to 50 cents a dozen. Pineapples of the largo and luscious variety , are sell ing at from 40 to 50 centa a piece. Ap ples are somewhat scarce. The Missouri sells for $3.50 to $4 00 , whllo the Michi gan variety brings higher prices , $4 25 to $4.75. Strawberries will bo in the maiket Saturday. BtJTTEK can bo purchased at a variety of prices The ordinary article sells for 25 ; the extraordinary for 30 , while the finest creamery la worth 35 cents. Eggs are worth 12 } cents a dozen. Smoke Seal of North Carolina To bacco. POLICE COURT , Tno Usual CaBOH Mallclsus Boys- Keeping tbo Alloys Glean. In Judge Stenborg'a tribunal yesterday morning John Collins and Charles Wells irero arraigned on > * charge of intoxication. Both John and Charles had plainly been indulging and there was no release from the heinous crime of communion with the spirits. Both were fined $5 and coats. Stella King , the Irrepressible , was again brought up before the bar of jus tlce , accused of intoxication. Stella plead guilty with a don't-care-a-lfc ' sort of look , and shot a withering glanci of scorn at the jadgo , as hoimnosed upon her a fine of § 5 and costs. She paid promptly and was released. f James Cochran was charged with fight . Ing , but was released. Ho proved tha when in a elightly intoxicated condition ho had been assaulted and badly beaten His boots had been torn off of him , and ho had been cast abroad in a generally di lapidated condition. Ho was released after the completion of the mournful tale. BAD BOYS. Comp'aint was made to Marshal Cum in ga yesterday thatsome evil-disposed boys had been throwing brlcktiata through the windows of the now Presbyterian church at Twentieth and Lsavcnworth yesterday. Two windows were nearly demolished. It ia not known who com mitted the act. CLBAKINO UP TUB ALLKJS. Complaints x ere filed by Marshal Cummings mings in the pollca court yesterday mornIng Ing against George H. King , Andy Mur phy , L. Maogan , Mis. Fonwlck aud J.n . H. Incy , who ara charged with main taining unclean alleys adjoining their property. It Is the Intention of the marshal to proiecuto vigorously this class of cases , and all offenders against this ordinance should beware. Seal ot North Carolina Tobaoo Is the . The Thtttcentb Street Oar Lino. To the editor of the B . In your Issue of April 2lstyou mention nhe tion the 13th straot line and what tin ; ; company Intended to'do with It. Allow me to make a few suggestions through the medium of yonr paper - There are many workingmen livini eight to ton blocks farther south thai ; the street car Hoe reaches ; all these workingmen : kw ingmen do not take the ttreet car now became they may just as well walk ho whole distance a * ride a few blocks , nd : then walk the balance. If the compan , would extend their line to the puk the ; would Increase the travel on their Ino more thin twice. But the idea of glvin those people , living near ( he center c the city an opportunity to ride in street car , while those who live & liie aw y have to walk , and expecting t nuke tuch an Investment piy , ii wronj and tbo remit shows and proves It. If the company will glvo those people a chance to enjoy a street car who live farther away , they will not only fulfill their purpose , but will realize a profit out of their investment. The southern part of the city is rapidly being settled , and would be moro so if the street car line this summer , wonld bo extended. WonKlNOMAN. To EXCIIANGB 440 acres well 1m- proved land j mile from Essex , Ia , , for a stock of general inorchniidlso or hard ware. Address , John Llndorholm , Es sex , Ia. Ia.THE THE GBIPSAOK OASE , The Airogt and 1'rosocutlon of.I , Ii , Illco in Denver ami Itn Hcsulu , To the Editor of the BKB. On Monday morning , April 20tb , there appotred In the columns of yonr paper the following Item : "J. L , Illco , a lormcr resident nf Omaha , has been arrested and jailed at Denver for general crookedness. Some time ago ho was put at work soliciting advertisements for "Tho Gripsack , " a publication in which Messrs , Gibson and CrofTut are interested , Tuesday afternoon Mr , CrolTut , who is now in Denver , found that Rice had been hypoth ecating orders for advertising , first stgnins Henry Gibson's name as an endorsement , all the duo bills being made payable to his order , The exact amount thus disposed of by Rico Is not known , but it is estimated that it will reach 91,000. Mr. Croffut at once bad Rice jailed , and at last accounts ho was still behind the bats. " Believing that such statement was pro vided yon by some malicious person , who for some real or Imaginary grievance , de sires to Injure Mr. Bice by causing it to appear where ho has a Urge circle of frlonde , I have , In the atsnranco that you have boon imposed npon , to icquostyour publication of the truth of the matter touched npon. Mr. Orofut did canso the arrest of Mr. Rico upon a charge of obtaining goods nnder false pretenses. Mr. llico readily obtained bail , remained "still behind the barr , " bat an inconsiderable space of tlmo. Upon a preliminary ex amination , promptly had , Mr. llico was discharged at the conclusion of the evidence - donco of Mr. Crofnt , the principal prosecuting witness , the state having failed to make out oven a prima facie case. Mr. Crofnt , immediately npon the discharge of Mr. Rice , npon information and belief ( the shield of malice ) cauasd the re-arrest of Mr. Rico upon a charge of forgery. Mr. R , promp ly gave ball , and appeared for preliminary examina tion this morning , w , n the case was dlsml&sod by the assistant district att o ney , at Mr. Crofut'u Instance. The donco in the case showed that Mr. Rico ' Interest In the Gripsack Guide busi ness was equal to that of Mr. Crofut or Mr. Gibson , and that Instead of being "put at work" by them , Mr. Rico put the aforesaid.Orofut and Gibson to work. I know nothing of Mr. Rice , person ally , but the "report" and the facts are so Inconsistent In this case that I feel Is due , both to yon and to him , to correct ( he former by a proper showing of the latter. Having represented Mr. Rico In the so cases (1) ( ) I learned from the sworn testi mony of Mr. Crofut , nome matters that would place the author of the above item In a much more unenviable light than that sought to bo Imposed npon Mr. Rico , bnt such is not the purpose hereof , and I simply suggest a vindication of your columns. 'I am respectfully yours , EDGAR OAYFLXS.S. Attorney at Law , Denver , Col. A Silver Wedding. A social event occurred last night at No. 1708- Cass street , which attracted the attention of a number of old citizens in the sliver wedding of Thomas Riley and wife of this city. A largo party of friends gathered at the residence of Mr. Rlloy at/ an early hour of the evening and wore entertained by the couple nntll a late hour of the night. A list of these pres ent are as follows : Mr. and Mr a. John F. Coda , Mr. and Mrs , Andrew Riley , Mr. and Mrs. D. .H. Donahoo , Mr. and Mrs. Thos. A. Dillon. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Murphy , Mr. Johii McCrary and family , Mr. N. B. Eal coner. Frank Dellone , Fred Dollono Dr. Denn , Miss Jennie Dollono , Mlsi Mary MoOrary , Mita McDonald , Mr , James Millet , Mrs. J s. Orolghton , Mr Shtpman , Ed. and Frank Riley , Mie Furlong , Chas. Baker , New York. The pollca are getting facetious , Mr , A Wolf was telling bow one of the men , wb robbed him of 9103 , the other day , wa showing him liowto make a prison bydrawin pencil marks like checkers on a sheet sf paper while the other got tha cash. "See ho nicely I make a'coll'"said thief Noi 1. Sal Wolf : "And you did see how nicely thief No 2 made Ira 'eell' " replied Marshal Cum mlngs. Set 'em up , Marshal. IIo Moves Up. The following circular has-just been rt colvod at the local headquarters of th B. &M. : OFFICE OK FIRST VICR CHICAGO , April 20,1885. , Mr , G. W , Holdredge has been oppolnte manager of tbe Burlington ir. Missouri Kive railroad and leased lines , witti headquaitors a Omaha. This appolatment to take effect May Is 1885. T. J. POWM , Approved : FSc t Vloo 1'reaident. 0. K. PKBKINS , President ] During the period of Mr. Holdrcdgo's servioB as aeal t &t ccnernl manager , he . ! - , Absolutely Pure. of This powder never varies. A marvel ol ptuoij a Itrtogth and wholMOtnuiM * . Uor * oooomloal thai Ibi ordinary tlndj jcd cannot be aoUt In compcU ' tloo with the multltod * ol low tttt , abort ml b1 % ahuaof phyiplut * powiUn. Bold oolrlo eaoi BOTAL BASl Q POWDXtt 00 , , IM Hall B i WX 1312 1312 Actual occurrences at the MfaGt Parlors. Persons coming merely for a single garment , and finding temptations hi 'bar gains too great for rosistauoa , they pulako while the opportunity presents Itself , and Uy In a supply for the future , both for themselves and family , and this is what suits every man In style of cuta-and patcrns ansnrpissod by any eenontildo the Prfriors , at prices which astonish tba morch&at tallora o - Omaha.and vicinity. Only to bo eoen at the ai % * JLS i n & * * M1SF ! G LOT i I PIC 1312 DOUGLAS STREET UP-STAIES. 1 > 312. . I Open Evenings until 9 o'clock. Saturdays until 10 o'clock. N. B. Merchant Tailors having Uncalled for or Misfit Garments will favor by addressin-g IMISF1T CLOTHING PARLORS , 1312 Douelas Street. Omaha. Neb. AplnaiciinlniSouth era city write * ( hit be had tried same cl tbo 'oods highly plotted In the medical jonroala ( or his own Intuit , nJ , 'houghecmo where bet ter than others , none WCTO rightn their action upon the bowels nc lltlla ono pined , mil they hvJ almost Icspalrctl ot its life , hen Rldie'd Food was tiled , and the little onoRt onoo Imptoved and per fect action of the bowels resulted. IUdgo'8 Food Is put up In cans , four tSua , at 35o and upwards. Sold by DruffRists Wooltlch fc Co. , on label. COWING & GO , JOBDKIU IK WROUGHT IRON1 PIPE , H llMt > Ie a d Cut Jro Lead Pipe and ) Sheet Load/ / 1 Gas anil itiam niters' IRON & BRASS GOODS. ENGINEERS' SUpPUES , UthfcDodaoSts.-OMAHA.HEB ; ( nUOOK330t3 TO JOEU Q. JACOBS ] UNDERTAKERS I At the eli Bland 1417 Faruro SL Crdera by teln nraph solicited and prompt ! attended to. No 823 823DE. DE. PUHEK , Graduate ot the University Vienna , Aua tria , Late tiureoin ta.the Military Jjtospital , of Vienna. Will do a general Medina ! and Surgical practice. All calhj in city or country prcftnptly attended- Office at the Oroalu Medical and Surgical Inititute , Corner I'M ) Street aud Capitol Aveoun , OtnaJiti jffetlical &Sur- yical Institute. 13th St. , Cor Oauital Ave , Chronic and Surgical Diseases IMiMMi ol Female * , o ( the ferrotu Hjitnn , Pri vate IHiMMiof thi Urlnarjr and BcxuU organ * and Dtiea eeol the UeadThroat and LungiipecUltlee. Dtieaits tr ate4 by an experienced ifooliJUt , al o JI MC oI tbe Heirt.I.lrer , ctomicb , Kldnej * , BUd- der , Neuralgia , Ilbeumatlim , I'llei , Canrit , * to. And all ether dlseaw * of tbe Throat and Lunie , treated od br Utdloited Vapor * . Bend for lolnler or circular en Inhalation All dliciviei c ( tha t jod. Viloiry and Btxuil 07- tram , I'rivato Cliearoi and IMIw CureH or no Fa/ , 16 Ytan IKwpltaland Pihkie Practlor Cortultttiou and EsamlDaUon free 0 llcrwriUiorclrculaiibnchrunljdloeuceandddarm ( itlu , CleeiBci of Veidtt , IrlvateIH > ea M oil hi Uiluary at fUJeruilOnfini , Semloil WeaknAH , Ncr- voui Oebillty or Kvb u 'lon ' , ta , tto , and our new reutoratlve treatment. All letter * and coniultattont CoufMeuttiJ , UfrfHrlnet tout to allparteof tbe country br ex ftfti , ecutel\r \ packed from op * rv tk > o , II full di < acrlptlonnf cite U given. One pcrional Intmltir prtierred If convenient , Open at all hour * . . patient * from a dlataoo * can obtain roocn and board , Addru * all letter * ti I Omalio Medical & Surgical Institute Uth&VPcr , CftfitoUre. , ' " ' AT Tile greai/est bargains evei ? seen in Gtmaiia 200 ORGANS\l \ 100 PIA7SQS ! FOR GASH OR ON Also great reductions imDi © Iry. Clocks The onlv importers of ECavana and Meerschaum Goods in Qmaka. Wholesale dealers in G-UILS , Sporting Goods , Notions and Smokers' Ar ticles. ( SUOOEBSURITO FOSTXIV & GRAY ) . LIME AND CEFJENT OMAHA Renv mber that Who-Ji von buy n lot in South Oiaabn yon cct U.OOO rqunro i t of ground , ju 1 to thrr.e loU 60x00 , cr hix business lota 25xtO. With ihiH jon have the advantage ot al'eya ' 20 feet wide and a street 80 feet WK.U. THINK OF THIS When ycu are buying real estate ; ascertain how much LAND you ara getting for your money. NOW IS THE TIME To Becuro these largo lota while they nro cheap. You _ can cot ground now at 2i cents a square foot that will he worth Jive timea that amount j in throe years. Send for a Map of South Omaha. Address , 216 S. 13th St. , Omaha , Neb. 1 . A. Uvton , Aso't Soo'v and Maatgor.