Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 24, 1885, Page 6, Image 6

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Friday Morning , Auril 24 ,
. . oenls p" "eek
- -
BY n * rrli - -
BrMU - - - - - - - 110.00 p i year
No. IS Vonrl Btrcot. _
Thcs. Rjtllff it nt homo again.
Three drunks were ground thiouRh the
police court yeatorday.
The Council Blnfls Iron works uro pre
paring to st rt np again.
The Oounell BlufTi branch ot the land
' ball last
league Rave n ball at
Either the tramps ere great liars 01
about nlno out of ton of thorn corno from
Kansas City. Perhaps both.
The ladles of the Harmony Mission so'
cioty are to glvo another of their soelalt
at the residence of J. R. Soil this ovon'
ing.Tho water sorvlco was cxtondod alonj
Ross street yesterday , by running gal
vanlztdplpo n distance of about 50 (
Collins , the artist , Is placing some excellent
cellont spocimona of hla work In proml
nont show windows , attracting much at
tontton ,
An old army friend of Gen. Glbboi
Uughs at the Ignorance of the Glebe li
claiming that ho Is demo ciat. Ho eayi
ho Is and always has boon a atannca ro
Al. Smith's llttlo child got hold of thi
kerosene can , and got a pretty gooi
sized drink , before discovered , but remedies
dies promptly glvon caved it from an ;
very serious harm.
Henry Barbean , for a number o
years employed at the transfer , will opoi
the hotel on Main utroot corner of Nlntl
avonuo. The house after being renovatei
Is to bo named the "American House. "
The valuable stallion , owned by Ml
Hazard , and which was injured as state
In yesterday's BEE , has been found to b
so badly hurt as to render it necessary t
shoot him. The loss will bo $1,800.
Raymond & Campbell commenced yet
terday driving pllea for the foundatlo :
of the now jail. The work Is to b
crowded right along , and a f ow month
will aeo the building ready for occupancj
Among the tramps brought forwar
yesterday wai ono young man wh
claimed to have boon a change pitcher f o
an eastern biao ball club , but the clu
going to pieces , ho had gene to wor'
pitching bulscults for a Kaneaa Clt ;
boarding honao.
The local depot of the Mlln aukoo < !
St. Paul has boon repainted and fixed u
In a neat manner. If the other tallwa ;
companies would glvn Council Bluff j bet
tor depots , the improvement would b
much appreciated. At present the loct
depots are a shame to a city of this size
Yesterday morning about 7:10 : o'cloo
aa Lawrence Hoist was driving dow
Main street In a top buggy with a spirits
team belonging to Mace Wise , the fron
axle patted from the buggy , dumped th
occupants out , injuring him only slight
ly. Ho hold on to the rolus , and wr
dragged about twenty feet.
The judicial contest by which Judg
Ayloowoith seeks to oust Judge Lee
bourow from the bench of the dlatrli
court , was to have como up for hearing iDes i
Dos Moines yesterday , but Jndgo Lee
bourow having been too busy with h
judicial duties to get his evidence t
gethor , a continuance was had by agroi
The Odd Follows are miking great pr
paiatlons for the celebration of the ann
venary of the order next Tueeda ;
There will ba a parade In the afternpc
of that day , and the dedication of the
now hall in 'opara honao blcck , and
grand ball In the evening , 'j A good !
number of promlnontu from out of tt
city are expected to be present and
very Interesting programme Is being ai
The Mortimer & Weaver dramatl
company gave another of their ontortaii
monts at the opera house last ovonlnj
and drew a good sized audience. Lit
night they gave "Falsely Accused , "
strong play , which they rendered wol
The cheap prices for a very fair she
soema to stnko the people just aboc
right. The name company will oconp
the opera house for the rest of the woel
J. W. Barton is showing hlmiolf as moi
than an ordinary commedlan , and in tt
Irish ho is very fmo.
Arrinjomonts arabeing made by whlc
the skating rink Is to be chinged into
a museum and theatre. A dozen carpei
ters are now at work making the noodc
changes , and Improvements. Bealdca
dime museum , there are to bo nuinerot
entertainments , and some attraotioi
have already boon secured. The pl&co
to bo opened next Monday evening , ar
the Georgia mlnitreliare to occupy it fi
a week , The next week there will be
dramatic company , and the followlr
week there is to be a comic opera con
puny. This venture m y prove succes
full , but it depends Urgdy on how ti
place is mtnaged.
The meeting of the state phsrnisceo
leal society , w'jlch cpens hero cu the 12
of May , promlios to bo an event of Intc
oat not only to thoioof the prof cation b
to the public generally. A large numb
of vlaitors from all parts cf the count
will bo here , and besides interesting pr
c.'odlngi there will b an exhibit whl
will bo of such size aid variety ai
make the occaiion toiuewhat of a fair
exposition. The Mynster block , whl
hu been secured for the use of t' '
society , affords rare accommodations , and
the first floor will bo devoted entirely to
the exhibits , while the meetings will beheld
hold on the second floor , giving ample
room for largo audiences. From the
number of exhibits already secured It U
evident that this meeting will bo the
most successful yet held by the society.
Ono young mm was brought before the
superior court yesterday on the serious
charge of breaking the seal of a loaded
freight car , and ontaring it. The yonng
man gave his name as Bender , and ex *
plained that ho had boon working In a
hotel at Logan , hla widowed mother
living there also , He wanted to go to
Omahawhere hlsnnclohaaabakeryand to
save paying faro , ho got Into a car which
was loaded with grindstones , naturally
not having any Intention of pocketing
any of them , and none were found on
hla person. IIo was locked Into the car ,
and when the train rcachodhoro he found
a policeman waiting to gobble him. Ho
claimed that ho had $20 coming to him
at the hotel , but that Instead of drawing
it ho loft It for his mother. The judge
let him go and ho hurried off to see his
Omaha uncle ,
The suit of Dr. Bollingor against Mr.
Knomcycr , the proprietor of the Coy
house , has been decided against the doc
tor. In this salt the doctor claimed $150
for attendance when Mr. Enomoyer had
the small-pox. The patlont claimed
that ho never employed the doctor , but
that the doctor visited a county patlont
In the tame room. The case was a badly
mixed ono , and the doctor conld not
prove any direct contract , and hardly
enough facts to warrant the holding of an
Implied contract. The patlont brought
in evidence to show that the doctor did
not make aa many visits to the honao
as ho had charged for in
his bill , and that ho was
out of the place on the last few days on
which visits wcro charged. Ho also
brought In ovldenco to show that ho aid
not take any medicine from the doctor ,
except a llttlo herb tea , which the doctoi
had advltod his wife to stoop for him ,
and the other man , conGnod in the same
room. The small-pox cases promise tc
famish plenty of business for the courts ,
before they are all settled.
"What they Think of Cook.
The securing of Joseph Cook for a
leoturo hero May llth is the now enter
prise of the young men who gave Conn-
cil Bluffs a treat in the Bornhardt-Listc-
mann concert. Aa must bo known ,
Joseph Cook stands in the front rank cl
the world's orators. Hero are two of the
many opinions expressed by great men ,
concerning him :
From President James McCosh , Prince-
to College , in the Cithollc Presbyterian
for September , 1870 :
I regard Joseph Cook as a heaven-
ordained man. Ho has as much powot
of eloquence as Parker , and vastly more
acquaintance with ohlloaophy than the
mystic Emeraon. He lightens and than <
lore , throwing vivid light on a topic
by an expression or comparison , or strik
ing a prtsamptuous error as by a boll
from heaven.
From Rev. R. Payne Smith , Dean ol
Canterbury :
The lectures are remarkably eloquent ;
vigorous and powerful.
Bothering Fero.
Detective Fero , who has a keen loot
out for the Interests of the Milwaukee &
St. Paul company , yesterday was com'
plained of for assaulting a man giving
his name aa Barney Tate , a stranger Ir
the city , who is said to have been cauu
ing a good deal of trouble around thi
yards , and whoso appearance was that o
a .tramp. Fero drove him out of thi
company's ' yards , and In an enorgetii
manner , whereupon the fellow went be
fore Jnstica Fralnoy , who , of course
Issued a warrant. The caio waa contlnuoc
for a wock , by which tlmo the follov
will probably bo far from hero , and thi
caeo will bo dlamisscd. Tate was arrostoc
yesterday afternoon as a tramp , but al
lowed to go again , It being understood
that ho would leava the city for the city'
good. It Is said that some of the em
ployes of another railway , to bothoi
Fero , put the follow up to having Fen
Facts worth remembering when yoi
buy Wall Paper : 1st. That Beard , nex
door to postofllco , has the largest stock tc
select from. 2d That his prices are ai
low as the lowest. 3d That ho Is i
practical Interior decorator and omploji
none but skillful workmen.
Wheat No. 1 milling , 70 ; No , 2 , 05
No. 3 , CO.
Corn New , 28o.
Oats For local purposes , 0o.
Hay 5 00 per ton ] baled , 60.
Bye OOo.
Oorn Meal 1 GO per 100 pounds ,
Wood Good supply j prlooa at rardi , 6 00(2 (
6 50.
Coal Delivered , haid , 0 CO per tort ) to
40 per ton
Lard Armour's , wholesaling at 7i >
Flour City flour , 160@2 90.
Brooms 1 753 00 per dor ,
Cattle Butcher cowij S 253 75 , Butcbei
ateen , S 75@4 00.
Sheep 3 C0@3 60.
EBBS Continue atetdy at lie.
JlutUr Choice now cteninery.f 22.oi gooc
held at 13 * Me ; choice country roll , 15@17c
fair topooii , 12lto : poor and aid stock , 6 $
lOc. Tbo receipts of poor and fair grades an
locreaiinfr. Choice roll continue * icarce am
> r telli readily at quotations when wrapped ii
cloths and well packed ,
Poultry Supply ia short of the demand
Live spring chickens , per doz , 6 CO ; live oil
chickens , per doz. , 360@37fij live turkefi
per lb. , fl@10ci dresied ohickeni , per lb , , 13(2 (
13c ; dressed turkeys , per lb. , 1415c ) dressei
10 geese , per lb , , 10@12c ; dressed ducks , per lb
ll@12o , Tba present weather ia unfavorabl
fordreised poultry and great c ra should b
taken in both dretninpr and packing.
q me Ducks , in fair demand at 200pe
; h doz. , for mallards , 1 50@1 75 ( or mixed an
10. @ 125 ( or teal. Ship only beat kllle
blrdi. Np sale ( or old stock.
OaioEB-Chnico stock jcart * at 1 2T@1 5
per buihcl ; wet and sprouted , 76@1 00.
Deans -Supply ( air , demand light , Hans
picked navies. 1 50 ; clean medlumt , 1 25 ( <
° 1 41 ; dlrly and unscreened , 75@100o.
' _ I'oUtoti Ihsmarliet has bwn almost bar
( or the put week. Choice stock of any goo
to variety will bring D5@GOc ; ( air to good , 45 < j
3t roo.Appliw - Good to choice Kanaia and Mil
3th : aoun , 3 25@3 75 per barrel. Market ia full c
poor and aof t stock selling at any pries buyer
10 tnay want.
A Free Rifle lo Omaha and Return for
All the Ladies ,
Grand Excursion to Smith's Mum.
moth Store , Onmtin , on Bixtur-
a r , April sstti.
There la a grand treat In utoro for the
Indies of Council Bluffs and vicinity.
To-morrow , Smith , the great Omaha dry
gooda man , will run a special train from
the Broadway depot , In Conncll Binds ,
to Omaha and return and Trill carry all
hp Indies who dcslro to go FREE OF
HAHGE. You are not naked to bay
oods unless yon want to , but can go
too jnat the aamo. The
ralu will leave the Broadway
opot at 10:30 : to-morrow morning and
ill leave Omaha on the return trip at 4
'clock p. m.
On that day Smith will make a great
pocial aalo of Silks , dross goods , Spring
wraps , kid gloves , Parasols and Fans ,
"i'lnor gooda and lower prices than over
ioforo offered.
Do not fail to take advantage of this
rcat excursion for it will cost you noth-
ng for car faro whether yon buy or not.
Artists' ' Materials at GR. Board's Wall
'apor ' Store. Send for prlco list.
Yesterday afternoon there was a quiet
ittlo wedding at the residence of J. R.
Rue , near the Institution for the deaf
and dumb , the brldo being his daughter ,
Miss Hattlo E. Rue , and the fortunate
oung man being F. J. Day , of the well-
known firm of Odell & Day. The cere
mony was performed , by ROT. Mr. Bates ,
of the Presbyterian church , In the pres
ence of a email company , the Invitations
being only to the relatives and a few
ntlmato friends. The newly wedded
ones left on the evening train for the
oast. They may bo assured that the con
gratulations and well wishes are ae
honest and hearty as they are numerous.
Real Estate.
The following la a list of real estate
transfers filed in the recorder' !
office of Pottawottamlo county , Iowa , as
furnished by A. J. Stephenson , abstrac'
tor , real estate and loan agent , Council
Bluffs , Iowa , April 23,1885 :
Auhbel S. Avery to 0. L. Roberta , lot !
7 and 8 , blocTc "B , " Carson , S3.600.
Mary Griffith to J. R. Hurford ot al ,
ot 12 , blcck 43 , Baylies & Palmer's add. ,
0. L Stone to Frank D. Tanner , parl
block 21 , Neola , $ G75.
Andrew Schwensen to B. H , Urbahna
paitwinwi22 , 77 , 41 , § 35.
Total aalos , $4,810.
The Lake City steam mill , valued al
$13,700 , was burned on the 18th ; insured
for about one-half that amount.
The president of the Iowa Dairymon'i
association told a Sioux City man thai
Iowa creameries paid out an average o :
over $2,000,000 a month for cream.
Madame Tremaine , a confidence opor
at or , who has been working diftVren
Ities nnder various aliases , made a $40 (
to $500 clean-up in Dea Moines a fev
days ago , then skipping for parts nn
Capt. L. B. GofTey died in Des Molnei
on Friday , at the age of 70. Ho was i
regular army officer , served through tin
Mexican war , and enlisted at Galena it
the late war , and was a warm persona
friend of Gen. Grant.
Wealey7. . Garner , of Columbus City
Louisa county , baa held a commission a :
notary public from every Iowa governoi
alnco December 28,1848 , to the proton
date ; hla first commission was signed ty
Gov. Ansel Brlgga.
Judge Hayes aaya ho will require a cos
bond of $1,000 to bo furnished by an ]
party not an officer of the law who ap
piles to him for au injunction agiinat an ]
The dead body of a man was fonnc
Sunday evening some two miles fron
Cedar Rapids , under a barbed wire fenc
near the line of the Burlington , Oeda :
Rapids and Northern railroad. HIi
head and body was covered with cuts ant
bruiaea and hia shirt burned off down ti
bia hips. His coat , bat and shoes wor
found in an abandoned hpaao near by
the shoes being covered with blood.
A Practical Man.
Arkansaw Traveller.
A fat old man who should have know )
bettor , dragged himself up three lopi
flights of stairs and entered the editoria
"VVhowl Coming np the sides makoi
mo blow , " he said.
"Yes , " the editor replied , "What cai
I do for yon ? "
The old fellow laughed as ho took i
i mall piece of paper from a tin spectacle
caso. "Here's something that I jottoi
d wn , " ho said. ' , You noodn' put my '
laughed heartily "namo to It. "
The editor took up tbo scrap of papo
and road the following :
' 'If a war should ooonr between Eng
land and Russia it will be a Wall atreo
affair ; between the Bull and the Bear. ' '
' Wall street will have nothing to di
with it , " said the editor.
"Oh , don't you eee ? It la a pun that ]
made up myself. "
"No , I don't see. It appears to rcac
all right , though if there were really any.
thing of It tbo telegraph would have '
"Hand It hero ! " The old folloi
snatched his contrlbntion and luggei
himself down stairs.
A tore cure for Blind , Bleeding , Itching am
Ulcerated Pile * bu been ( Uncovered by Dr
William * ( an Indian Remedy , ) called Dr
\Yllliam' Indian File Ointment. A tlngl
box baa cured the wont chronlo CMC * of 26 o
80 yeara lUndlog. No one. need inflerfiTi
mlnutM after applying thU wonderful teething
ing medicine. JLiutloni , Instruments and elec
tuarlei do tnor * harm than good. William'
Indian File Ointment borb the tnmcn , a ]
lajn the InUme itching , ( particularly at nlph
after eettinx warm In bid , ) acU aa pcultloe
rife * instant relief , and li prepared only fo
File * , itching of the priraU part * , and fe
nothing eUo ,
Head what the Hon. J. M. Cofflnbt'.ry. c
Cleveland , tayi about Dr. William' * India
Pile Oolntrnentt "I have need icorea of 1'il
Cures , and It afford * me pleasure to lay that
bare nerer found anything which gare cnc
Immediate and permanent relief a * Dr. Wl
Uam'i Indian Ointment. For tal * by all dnif
gUt * and mailed on receipt of prioe. 60o an
81. Bold at reUU by Knbn 4 Co.
0. V , GOODMAN 1
'A large stock and choice patterns. Prices clear down.
Dry Goods , Dry Goods
All the Novelties in Dress Goods , Silks and White Goods , Always Lowest Prices ,
We make a snecialtv of Store Shadings. Office Mattings , the furnisliiiio- churches
offices and public buildings.
Harkness Bros , 401 Broadway Council Bluffs
_ _ _ _ _ . . * 7
Curtains , Oil Cloths ,
Window Shades ,
Linoleums ,
Mattings ,
Hugs , Etc. , Etc.
Cateful Attention Given to Out
of Town Orders.
Upholstery and Drapery Work a
Oar stock la the
Largest in the
and is being continually replenished by
the latest and choicest novelties.
405 Broadway Council Biufts
In Conncll Illufls baring a
And all modern improvements , call bolls , fire
alarm belle , etc. , is tbo
Noa. 210 , 217 and 219 , Main Street.
No. 220 Main St. , Council Bluffs.
Open Sunday. Flret-las8 work guaranteed.
Dnion Ticket
No. 507 Broadway Council
Railway Time Table ,
Th following are the times ol the arrival and de <
parture ol trains by central standard time , at the
local depots. Trains leave transler depot ten mln
atei nurller and arrive ten minutes later.
imcioo and HOBTITVUTUV. '
0:25 : A u Mall and Eiprees fli'O'r v
< : ' 0 r t
liO : r > i
6:30 : r u Kxpress B.05 A v
0:25 : A U Uall and Express B:6S : r k
7 ' 25 A u Accommodation Mb T l
9:00 A t
Kxpreis :
6:30 : r M
B.'JO'A u Ma'l and Expresi " : M r- *
* 0.05 A k
6:26r : u Expresi
, iDBLraaroM A D qunor.
0tO : A H Mall and Express 7:10 : r v
1:00 : r *
1 : SO r M
. 8:50 : A n
6 : r w
, IT. tomi AID rAcino.
From Transler only.
1-50 r u Sr.lLouli Expreea ! : < G r M
u Chlcigo Kxp via 1'eorla 0:10 : A x
JO.Ol i A ii Mall and Expreti > :40 : r x
" : * M
M Kxpreis
8:16 : r
uoox cm AMD rAoino.
. ' MAM Uall ( or Sioux Ctty 0:50 : r M
7 : 0 r u Kxpreit lor 8t Paul 8:60 : * M
cxiox rioirio.
11:00 : A u Dmver EnprcM i'.U r u
lC6m : Unccln Fw O'a t n Y 2:35 : r K
7:65 : r u Overland HxpreM 8SO : A n
L av Council lllufli - T:15-8M-oao-loao- : :
IlifO a. m. 130-Sao-SO : 4S8-8J5-flJ5- : :
HiiS D. m. ttave Omaha 8:19 : 76C ! 6tO ! 10f ; (
ui6 : . m. lX50JSCO : ( : - : > -4t6-6:5l : :
-11:10 : p. m.
No. 201 Upper BroadwayCouncil BlafJi
NOTICE. Bpednl a vertlsomonli , IHO M test
round , To Loan , For Bale , To Rent , Wants , HoardIng -
Ing , etc. , will bo InMrtod In this column at the low
rate ot TEN CKNT3 PER LINE for the flret Insertion
ind riVK CENTS PER LINE for each frabeoqaonl
rilon. Loire advertisement at oatoOoe , Kc.
Pearl Street , near Broadway
FUR BENT. \ new three room house on Lincoln
Avenue ; well and cittern , Enqullro ol John
Johnton , head ot Frank etrcot.
F"10K SALE -A two-ieated carriage , with single or
double harness , II desired. For term ? Inquire ol
F. S Putoy.
w ANTKU-A nurae girl. Inquire at No. 610
Seventh avenue.
P1011 KBNT Keoms now occupied by Y. MC. A. ,
alterMay 1. P. C. Deiol.
SALE..other hotel In a lr > . Nebraska
town , now doing n business of about 8360 per
month. No other hotel lu the place. Terms liberal.
SAtK OR TRADE. SCO acres ol laud In
FOR county , Mo. Will trade ( or Council
Bluffs city property er sell cheap ( or cosh , or part
time. SWAN & * VALKKR ,
TO TilADE.-Uood Iowa or Nebraska
land ( or a small stock ol hardware or general
merchandise , well located. SWAN & WALKSR.
TOH SILE A rare chance to get a fine , well 1m-
JD proved ( armol 400 ncree , within a ( ew miles ot
Council Clufld , at a bargain. Low pilco and easy
terms. bwAN & WAMXR
BALE Agootlpajlntf hotel projwrty with
Ilrery aUblo , In one of the best small towns In
western Iowa will Boll with or without furniture , or
will trade ( or a email ( arm with Block etc.
FOR 8&LE Klghty acres unimproved land In
Unloncountv , Iowa , 3j miles south-cast of Al
ton , the county scat , or will trade ( or Nobraekn or
Kansas land. SWAN & WALKXR.
| iMU SALE A ! ii > acre tract ot good land about
f one and a hall miles from Council Blufli poet
ofBoo. at a bargain. SWAN & WALKBR.
iiiOK SALE In Harrison county , Iowa. 320 acres
X1 grass land , all under ( once a iOO acre ( arm
with flno Improvements , all under cultivation except
0 acres grass 81 acres good grass or pasture land ,
and sov era ! other tracts c ( from 40 to 160 acres ol
unimproved land. SWAN & WALKKR.
f OK BALK Lauds Improved aad unimproved.
If you want a ( arm In western lown , Kansas
Nebraska or Dakota , lotus heir from you.
T7UR SALE A largo number ot business and real.
JD denco lots In all parts ol Council Bluffs. See
us bolero you buy , SWAN & WALKIK.
FOR BALK Parties wishing to buy I cheap lots to
build on can buy on monthly payments ol from
$2 to 810. SWAN & WALSHR
FOR REN r Wo will rent you a lot to build on
with the prlvllage to buy U you wleh on very
liberal term > . SWAN & WALKIR.
VXTANTEU 1o correspond with any one wishing
IT good location Ijr planning mill , saah , door
and blind manufactory , wo have building ; and
machinery , well located , ( or sale , lease or trade ;
RENT- Large two story frame building suit
able ( or warehouse or storage purposes , near
railroad depot. SWAM WALKKR.
RENT UK SALE : Bjlialag and ground ]
FOR eulUHl ( or small ( oundiy and machine shop
Good boiler , engine , cupola , blower with flxod shaft
ing eta. , ready to put In motion.
, jiOH SALE Houses , Lots and Land. A. J.
JD Etopkonson , M3 Firit avenue.
r 8ALK A top-buggy , nrsUUas make and
rJD In excellent condition. Or will trade ( or cheap
iot. Adilrcaa f. M. Beoolllco , Council ) ) lu7a. _
Kvery bouyin Council BiuOi o lane
WAMTjfU . Dsllvered by carrier at only twtnly
cents a week ,
f\lA ) l'APER3-ror eale at Bu office , at oenti
\J a hundred
I have a double store bulIJng,10ioomBpartltIocod !
OH , elegantly rapered , supplied with water from the
water works , good brick cellar , suite ! lor restaurant ,
laundry , boardkg houio , merchantllo buglmssoi
resident property. Alao a largo two-story Irarce
dwelling with 10 rooms two cellars , etc. , etc. , sulUd
( or boardlcg house , private reeldenor , hospital , etc. ,
opposite the city buildings and city market ( ar rent
cheap. W. U. YAUOHAN.
Officer & Pusev ,
Council Bluff ; , Ia.
Established , - -
Dealers in l''oreifjn and Domestic Exchange
and Ilome Securities.
NO. 2 ,
la the nir/heat Achievement in Writing
Machines in ( he World ,
With only 89 keys to learn a *
b operate. It prints 70 characters
I Including caps and small litters ,
punctuation ! , flzures. ilgna anil
I tractions. U s tie simplest and
most rapid writing machine
made as well aa tbo inoit durable
free illustrated pamphlet ,
Wyckoff Seamans & Benedict ,
Chicago , 111. , Solo Agents.
0 , U. SIIOLES , Council Bluffs
Agent for Western Iowa
Dr , W. B. Shorradon
Masonic Tempta *
Council Blufla t loin.
R , Rice M. D.
01 * Uu tamon ri T < wttkavt U
koUi tr irawlnf ol bl A.
Ortr thirty yeaxi
i , Foari ltr * l , O uncU WttffA ,
rO asalU/lM KM.
. V f ? k ° , htty .l1"0 ! l'18 ' Sun snine ; " "Nercr put off until to-morrrow what you can do to
day ) " "Strike while thoiron u hot. " "Bo anro your right , " then make a Bus line ( or
105 and 107 Main Street.
Now Block of FRAME3 , MOULDINGS , Pictures , pic. , havoarrivod ami cannot bo excelled -
celled in the wast. Enravln ( fB , OU Paintings , Water Colors , etc. , will bj nold at actual
cost for 10 days only.
See the Following Prices :
Steel Engravings . $1.65 worth 83.00 Stofl Knjruvings ? . $2.CO worth$3.75
Steel LngravingB . 2.BO worth -J.50 Steel KugravinRs . 4.50 worth 9.00
Water Colored Panel . 2.25 worth 4.00 Oil P-iutings in deep gilt
, . . , , , , . , . , fnvucs , 24x30 at $1.60 former price , ? 3.75
Oil Paintings In 4 Inch gilt frame' , 22x30. at ? 2.f > 0 price 84.00.
Cablnot Frames at cost , Braes Picture Rods. Brass Hraokots ; Picture Chains , Bra s Nails ,
etc , will be sold at hard times pricon. If you have pictures to frame , call and examine my
now styles of mou'dings ' , which will bo sold at wholesale prices.
1OS and JLO7 Main Street ,
Brick buildings of any size raised or moved and RAtlsfuctiou guaranteed. Frame ho
moved on LITTLK GIANT trucks , the beat In the world.
1010 Mnth Street , Council Bluffs
505 Broad-way , Council Bluffs ,
TUB ONLY ALL NIGHT HOUSE IN THE CITY , Ev.'rj tiling t > f : vcd m first 'a i style and on shoit
notice , llot and cold funrhca alwnvn ready.
Keep Hf.iM't. mid Mnleu constantly on hand vrhlo
wo will sell lu rritill or carload lots.
All Stock Warranted as Reoresenteti ,
Vr'licltinlc n i HUH nioliri-li Grain nil Fr.lcd HIT I'llce
seeable Satisfaction Guaranteed.
soiaii/TirTJsiB. < so DBOLE-ST
Corner Fifth Avo. & Fourth St. UouncllBlnfia.
COUNCItj BLUFFS , April 2.
OIIE1IAN Hold tbli spac ( or the adrertlMmeni ol Dm. Judd fc Smith's Electric Appluoecs.
are too fans/ filling their orders getting their new ( actor ) , No , BO , fourth Street to rights , to get i
copy | ust now ,
Clotery deicrlntlon and at prices low u the lowest. Special attention to enstcm work. The remain
der ol my stock ol NOTIONd are being disposed ot at COST. A FAOTcall and beoonTlnctd.
387 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Iowa.
Merchant Tailors !
7 and 0 Main St. ,
A Complete Line of New Goods to Select From.
II. II. FIELD. W. 0. E8TKI ?
Field & Estep ,
No. 317 Broadway , Council Bluffa , Iowa.
0 11 Attended Promptly , Day and Night , Particular attention glren to Embalmln ) ,
Telephone No , 07.
Mce of the Peace.
Attorney - at-Law ,
Office , UaU Btiwt , Iioom * 7 aod 8 , Bbngut and
U uo Uock. VTUI praotio * la Slat * aod tat oouita.