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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1885)
THE DAILY BEE APRIL 21. 1885. 5 SUCKED IN A SEWER. Reported Horrible Fate of Two in an ( Ma Sewer , TrotAbly a Fl hctr ( ) Story. Early yoatorday forenoon a well known bnslnoea man told a BEE reporter thai Mr. W. R , Fiihor had just told him ol an occurrence which , If true , was meal horrifying ; BO tnaoh BO , that the repor ter determined to Bay nothing of it In the EVENING BEE until ho oonld satisfy him < Bolf about It. During the day ovcry ef fort waa made to learn the facU and the reputable business man was asked again at 10 o'clock laat night about it. Do replied < plied that ho had seen Mr. Fiihar dur ing the late evening and aiked him again and particularly about the report and gathered the so facts , if .ho attUcmonte Were facta. Fisher says that hla little niece declare * aho aw three woll-dreasod ladles walking along weak of the nail works in southwest Omaha beyond the tnrminua of the Boner tbcro.- That n deep gully had been washed by the torrent of water which foil during the atprm , aud because of the stoppigo or cht kijg of the sewer , could not bo carried off , and had wnihod ont a passageway under the aides of this gully. Tnat thoHa three ladies WERE ritECiriTATED ( i Into thts'gally , filled with water , mud , , ( and filth , by the giving away of the banks or overhanging aidea. Tnat one of tliem succeeded in getting out all mud-stjlnod and covered with filth , and wont away. That the other two foil In , dlsappcartd and were scon no more , tin presumption being that they were drawt or In BOtno way got into the eorrcr and o oouraa DIED THERE. "Arc you cartiln about thla , " queried the gentleman of Mr. Flahor , who re piled that ho did not see it , but his niece declares she did sea It "with my owe oyoi , " and that all the neighbors aaj tlmy s w the three ladles walking upot : the civod-ln banka. No qaoitionlnp could change Mr. Fisher's story and the otrango part of it waa that the man and hii informant are of good repute and would hardly bo parties to such a canarc ns this And yet how two grown womer. could bo thus killed In a city llko Omaht and not missed by somebody , and nnothei ono pitched into a gully filled with watei and filth and toll nobody aho had "spoiled her nlco drcsi"whlch the "nieco" doclaroi she were , presented a state of alleged facia that the BEE man , gullible as hi may be , could not gulp down at once The story ia decidedly fishery ( ) but li told to the reader , as repeatedly told t < the reporter. At a late hour a visit wai made to the section named In this articli but nothing more waa learned than i given horo. The BEE tells it as n com mon rumor , but it distinctly declares tha It doesn't "swallow It whole. " JAILED FOE WIFEBEATING "Married for Fifteen Years and lini Beaten ino all this Time. " A reporter stopped into Judge Stcn berg's court about 3 o'clock yesterday af ternoon and law closely veiled a smal woman who tilent and alone. Presently an officer brought in a dark vlsaged mat who was very pile and left him atandlnf near the woman , by whom ho qulcklj took a seat. The reporter was obligee to hear their muttered conversation , an < In fact did not try very hard to avoid It booanso he expected It was "bearing 01 the caso" as the pettifoggers Bay. Well proiontly the judge called "Mr. Spain and told the dark vlsagcd man ho wa charged by his wlfo with assault am battery , the specifications biu ] that ho fiequently , but particular ! } Wodnebday and yesterday morning , bea her. Spain arojo , hoard the jodg through , and In a matter-of-fact wa ; said bo p'oided guilty. The jndg directed the woman to rennvo her val and take the witness aland , that sin might toll the circumstances of th olTenco tu enabl.j him to moisuro th proper degree of punishment dotorved. The woman , Tshoao fuco showed mud of care and many lines of trouble , ago sickness or something , lUted in i straight-forward innt.nor tbut she hai lived with the man as his wife for fifteoi yoara ; that they hnd sovcril children that she had "kept" him all winter am supported herself and children , and tha tha man of to i gets in td and bea's ho im and them roughly and klcka and pulh tha hair of the children and her self. That this has baen hii hnbi for years , and that she couldn't ' stand i any longer. To this ttttomont the mai ( sotto voce ) replied : "I have nothing t aay , I let her say what aho will , I wll not tell on her. That Is mostly bosh ; did slip her face with myopau hand ; sh knows why ; but lot it go. " The conrt directed htm , as It was th first charge against him , to bolmprlsDno for thirty da > s. Ho received hla aonl once without a word or movement an she atarted out. Ho called her back t aay goodbye and apeak ono word abac their homo matteri. She answered In monosyllable and left tha ropmwhllo th policeman took the man to jtll to mod tate on the upa and downi , the Ina an outa ( especially the outs ) of married lift The so circumstances have been nai rated here for a purpoio. Not that it I pleaamt to parade before the readers c a reputable and family paper the haj peniugs of the police conrt , but to c attention to the fact that such cas s i this are dally happening here in a tuj notedly refined and Christian cltj Think about It. Fifteen yean of life t man and wife ; children born un'o then mutual joya nud sorrows , plani an hopes ; and during these fifteen years cot atant boating of the woman who bore h chlldron/and during the fewer years c their yonng lives , constant bair pullb and kicking of the little onoa that h claims aa his own flesh tnd blood. It ia folly to sentimentalize about "tt man who lays his hand upon a wotna aave for an act of kludnesi , la A wretc whom 'tis base flattery to name a cov ard. " Thla don't stop the practice < changa the facta. It la usoleai to repei words of reproach to a father who baa hts helpless bible ? , because no fine sens blli'.y is left , If they ever existed , fc anoh a baatt , It la a cold fact , that o every tide these things are hippeuln fcvotv cUy in high and low plicsa. It ii not for tin raportar to do uioi than record the fact that inch Is tl case ; It ii lor the BKK'S readers to devli some plan to atop this degrading state ' affairs. These aitaulla and blows a : not conQned to men upon women by groit deal ; but no matter from whc boy come , they boipoak a low , degraded aturo vixontsh. ooarto and moan In a woman ; beastly , bnilal and cowardly In a man. THE OOUBT HOUSE WALL , The UonitnlasloncrB Dcchlo Upon Matorlnl KnlorcInK Strict Collection of Tuxes , Yesterday morniug the county com missioners mot to contider the plans for ao now retaining wall , and to decide pen thoraatorial to bo used in Ila con. traction. The commisslonon decided upon a wall 105 foot In length ; the main body will bo built of Fort Oolllns or some thtr substantial atone , whllo the cut stone-work" will bo of Boroa andstono. Bids have been advertised or to bo opened May 1 , nd the succctmful competitor will bo cqnircd to glvo a bond of $15,000 to omploto the work within ninety days. The plans and upacificatlons of Arch I- cct Moyera for the grand entrance have eon adopted with a few modifications. V flight of twenty-five stone atepa will old from Farnam etrcot to the court oiiie. The atops will bo six feet lone ; , welvo inches "in the head" and six nchos "riso , " and will approach from ast and west , a Ianding8x34 feat at their op. From this landing a flight of light ; ops leads to that conducting ono to the ourt house , aggregating forty-nine stops raveraod from the vestibule of the odl. CO. CO.In front of the building an arch will o constructed inscribed , "Douglas Oountyl885 , " At its base the wall will 3 five foot thick , at the top tire feet nlno Inches , act on a foundation of atone nd concrato and surmounted by casing ind surrounded by a balustrade. The following resolution waa adopted : lUiolved , That the county treasurer bo and a hereby directed at once to collect all delln- -uont [ psrsonal taxes duo Douglas county.nnd strict adherence to the law is Instated upon , " the Ilog Dlscnio. Deputy Sheriff Crowoll received oaterday morning the following Ircular letter from the department f agriculture , relative to the wine disease which haa been rag In n Nebraska. Accompanying the circu- ar is a aeries of quoationa pertaining to bo general symptoms of the disease. Tbo otter roads as follows : SIR : During the year 1884 di8easos ol wino prevailed to a wide extent In the state f Nabraaka , and the losses were so great as o attract the serious attention of all thosa in- created In this industry. This department las been appealed to by many prominent citl- eni ol thia state to institute nu investigation ooking to a discovery of tha came of the nnl&dies that have proved eo destructive to hesa nnlmnls , nnd recommend such sanitary , nd preventive measures as the exigencies of he case may require , It was the Intention f the department to send a competent veteri narian to conduct the the Investigation with- u the borders of the state , but tbis has been ireventod for the present by investigations if destructive contagious diseases prevailing Isewhere , requiring the constant attention of ho full professional force of tha Bureau of Animal Industry , In view of this fact the lepartment has determined to institute a ireliminary examination by addressing this Irculnr letter to Its regular correspondent ) In Nebraska , and to many other prominent and ntelligent stack-raisers of the state whoso names have baen furnished us. If those re ceiving this circular will promptly and as ac curately as possible answer the question ! ) on he opposite pige they will confer a favor on bo department ncd assist In collecting in- ormatlon which may prove of great Impor- anco to tha awine industry of the state. A return envelope is enclosed , which can be used without the prepayment ol postage. Very respectfully , NOBMAN J. COLKMAV , Commissioner. The department's determination to In vestigate and define the causes and ymptorns of the disease will be received with aatisfactlon by the farmers through' ' ont the atato , whoeo losses by the hof mtlady were unusually heavy during th < year 1885. Notes from the Courts. Nothing of Importance waa done In th < district conrt to-day , and the usually susy halh arc deserted and lonely bar ring of course , the presence of the clorl and hla deputy. COUNTY COURT. Patrick Gavin , the quondam editor o , ho Fourteenth atreat twilight shoot filed i suit In the county court yeaterdy agaiua Charles W. Kyle , chiming § 1,000 dama- _ ea for the asmult and bittory committee ipon him by defendmt , on the 4th day o March. The plaintiff alleges In hii jotitlon. claims that ho was sick for tbi Imo of three weeks , and has Bufferoc rlcvous nnd permanent injuries , as tin effects of the boating. Peregoy & Moore commenced aul alna1. J. W. Stein , on an account o 5127 49. Suits on defaulted accounts were CDIU moused against Christ Spect by Klntel' ' & Miller for § 180 , and by J. A. Wake "ield for § 300. Judge McOulloch rendered doclaloi , 'cstorday morning In the ejectment aul of West & Frltoher against tha Times-Die : iatch , deciding in favor of plaintiffs , wh will at once proceed to dlsposacsj the do fondants. Mutes. U. P. yesterday gave notice that the I cent reduction oa grain If or farmers o Nebraska trill be restored on May 1st 1885. 1885.H. H. n , Stone has boon appointed general oral manager of all roads operated by thi Burlington company east of the MUiour river. James S. Bartle haa been appointed third assistant general freight agent ol Iho 0 , , B. & Q. , with headquarters a Chicago. By general order , Mr. G. W. Hoi drege Is made general manager of thi H. and M. R. R. in Nebraska , oflico a Omaha. ThoU. P. ia repairing Us track * , tto , all over ita routes preparatory to th eprlog tiaie. Oapt. J. II , 11111 was ia Omaha yeater day arranging for ratet to take veteran to thoG. A. R at Beatrice thla summer On Juno Oth tiext the Editorial Atao elation of Iowa will meet ia Omaha ti ariange for an excursion on the U. P. ti Bailey Idaho , and Oregon. Gounoll BluiTd Correspondence. As Mr. M. A. Tyson , living at Eldon wood , Nebraska , was getting on the trail yesterday evening at Mlieourl Valley ho waa jostled roughly by two etrangeri and oa entering the car found that SO and his pocketbook weru gone. Th passengers made up a pur < e to euabl him to get homo. The a'arm ' of fire sounded las1 night a 10:30 : turned out to be a falsa alarm , A German , whoie name was nc learned , waa robbed of $200 laet ovenlo tt the transfer here. The game wai tb old freight chock game. lie left fc Jamba to coniult the pollc ; . A SOUTHERN FAKIR , The OmnhftPolice on tbo Iiookont fbi n Notorious Conlltlcnco Mnn , Marshal Camminga received , Wcdnca- lay , a card from the chief of police of At' ' anta , Georgia , najing that anotorlonscon < fidonco man and swindler II. L , Wilklns allai P. II. Slovens , who has lately beet operating In the sooth , is now anpposod o ba in Omaha , for which point ho etitt' ed some days ago. The man Wllklns is a fair running mate to "Fuller , " the notorious "con"- > lrd now In j tl , and Omaha merchant ! musl bo on their guard against him. II oerns that after operating In Atlanta nnd tuning several largo-sized tticks In thai Ity , Wilklna went to Now Orleans. Con- arning hia sacoss , there , the Tlmoi- ) emocrat haa the following to say : "For a number of yoata F. Q. Oarbi- al hai been keeping a grocery and bar- oem at the corner of South Franklin nd Canal atraots. A fo\v days ego he wai called on by a stranger , who cave ila name na Phllo Stevens , and who nude proposition to bay him ont , Aftei hiking n bargain , by which Stevens vas to pay $1,802 , tor the barroom and grocery , they took an account of stock , ind everything was arranged to turn the nmnosa over to the purchaser. The hock was to have been signed and deliv ered yesterday at 12 noon. Mr. Carbajal tavlng occasion to go out to buy sonic mttcr and blacking , left Stopbona in haigo till hla return , Mr. Uarbajal'e > oy , Ojcir , was also in the storo. On joltjg out Mr. Carbajal had loft the safe open , containing about § 30. Shortly fter ho had gene Stephens wont to the afo , took ont the money and told the > oy ho was going to the poatoffico for tamps and would ba back in a fpw min utes. Taking the money with him , Sto- ihcin wont anay and never came back , le had played his game fine and It worked at last , though no doubt , for a smaller amount than ho expected. Mr. 3arbaj l la much pat out at being taken n by the atranqor , but conaolea himself with the hope that ho will bo captured. Stophona ia doacrlbed as about fifty-six rears of age , gray hair , clean face , five cot cloven inches , dressed in dark clothes , wotrs a diamond shirt stud. " Every effort Is belug made to Iccato ho man , and it Is probable that ho will , eon bo apprehended. The country ia telng flooded with postal cards , as fol- ows : ARREST THE SWINDLER. Skipped from Atlanta , Goorgii , April H. \\ilkins , alias P. H. Stevens , atlas R. D. Fuller , alias Andoreon , etc , about fifty-ft va ycara old , gray hair , thin on top , largo gray or blue eyes , height about five feet nlno Inches , new black oit , now elouch hat , email diamond hlrt stud , weighs about ono hundred and fifty-five or ono hundred and sixty ) onnds , florid complexion , gota acquaint- id quick , talks long , were a short , white , ivcn-croppod moustache ( may bo shaven : lean now ) , halls from Fredonis , New York , Erie , Pa. , or Dunkirk , New York ; claims to have an only son In Florida ; he wants to start In business. Notify our officers to confidentially post all re- ail grocers. His swindle Is to buy out retail grocery ttore , handle the cash and skip. A. B. CONNOLLY , Chlof of Police , Atlanta , Ga. Charge Cheating and Swindling. The police have not yet succeeded it ccatlnp the man in this city , although hi s well knoirnto have affiliations whlcl would bring him hero. AN ERRING WIFE The Search of a Soldier for Hts Ran Spouse. The Cheyenne Sun la responsible lo a soml-sonsitional tale , which will ba o coneiderablo Interest to some Oaiaha pee pie , and especially those of army circles William Glenn ia the name of an Irish man who for more than twenty yoirs ha been a soldier. "When but a boy ho enlisted listed , and served through thi rebellion in tbo union army. A the cloEc of the war , h again enlisted , and has at present In hi poseeaglon discharge papers from tb Sixth Infantry , Tenth Infantry , Sixt ! Iowa , Twenty-first lu fin try , Twenty second Infantry , in which ho sorvet twelve ycare , and Third Cavalry. While on duty at PIttabnrg , Pa. , 01 the occialon of the riots , ho became ac quainted nlth a younp woman will whom he foil In love. They were m r tied nnd moved ont west , eventually go Ing to Fort D. A. Russell , Cheyenne Since that tlmo ono child has been bori to ( hem. Three years ego they drifted to For Ormhi , where ho waa obliged to Icav her. In bis own words : "Aa I steppei into my saddle , I klesed my wlfo am boy good-bye ; she promhcd to write ti mo. I pave her what money I had , am promised to send for her , and she sale she would come. Three times slnco have tent her money , In care of the pay master hen ) , to cjmo to mo with but aha never camo. Flnlly eh did not answer my letters , and for twi years I have beoa waiting until the tlmi came when I could lo&vo my post of dnt ; and return to BOO what h d become oi her and my child. " Finally , while stationed at Fort Grant bo hoard tint hla wife was llvingat Ohov onno with the little son , the mlttreas of man tboro by the name of Howard Glenn made assiduous search and final ) ; succeeded in locating his guilty wife who bad omt oit the uaulo of Gleni and assumed that of Howard. Hi went to her and reproached her for he conduct ia deserting him. The orrlnj wife burst Into lean , and at firtt ap peared penitent , but wonH i > lvu n < promises of reform , and vruld not leav < the man Howard. She r.fused , too , ti give up the boy. Glenn taya that he does not can bother hia wifd continues living witl Howard , but noclures that he will Inati tate replevin ] roeodings of law to regali his boy. Tli i aiunphU Jockey Glub. MSMPHIK , April 23. Fourth d v l t rac bandicao al aid j ( mile , Avery won ; Quee ; Esther 2d , filatchle&a 3d : time 119 , , Secon race , all agee. mile heat ? , Compensation wo in straight heats , Belle U ascend In bott Olivete third ; time 1 48 $ , US. Third race Cotton Kxcbaoge ttake , all ages. 1 } in I lei Swtney won , Faror ttcoud , Fertf Kyle third time 2 ISj. Fourth race For beaten horaei 11-10 miles , Ultimatum won , Adventrrei secand , Hot Uox thud : time If.JJ. Flit race handicap , all ages , if mile , MU Good rich won , Llloeu second , Dudley Oaks thin time 1IS ) . A Henry Snow Storm. DK.VVKB , April ' . ' 3 , The haaviwt cno storm ever known tet in at 9 o'clock last oiftl and continued until G this evening. Full twinty inches fell , aa much M the aggregy of tha previous fallt the whole witter. TI snow li very heavy , and A number of roofi hkTO fallen , but without fatal iciults so fir iu reported. The storm is gonrr&l , but trami are moving nearly on time. The storm ia a Benefit to the cattle interest * . 1BRAOE EVERYTHING KNOWN N THIS CLASS OF GOODS , AND HUE SOLD AT PRICES TO SUIT ALL CLASSES. Their Superior Mer its nre well known the vorJd over. In jtoint of Dnrdbilify , Conven ience and Economy of Fuel tJiey are absolute ly Hie finest and best Jiat can be made. EXAMINE THE "GARLAND" LINE BEFORE 31 AKIXC APIJROIIASE , SOLD EXCLU3IVKL LANG & FOITICK , 318 enl 320 South 13th St. , near Farnam. Schmitsfberge & JBiessl&r Harries a fine line of Hens' Shoes in Bale , 3oncrresa and Button. Wo contend thai [ latnaway , Soulo & Harrington make pi shoes nre not beaten by any house either in style or durability. Hens'Buckle Shoe 1 0 ( Hens' Button Shoo 1 7 Hens'Button and Bala 2 0 ( Wo can and we are selling goods very lov for cash. Remember the place.1512 Dougloi street. T. N. BRAY. JAB. H. PEABODY , M , D. Rcstldenoo No. 1407 Jones St. Office , No. 1E09 Fir natn street. Offioa houra,12 m to 1 p. m. and from to 8 p. m. Te' Dtion 'or oflloo 9T.ttaldepp < 115 , 1222 FARNAM , COR 13th. SPECIALIST , (14 ( years hospital and private practice. ) Col SULTATION FREE. Office houra-lO to 12 n.m 2 to 0 nud 7 to 8 p.m. Sundays 2 to 4 p. m. Save Money by Baying ACOUN STOVES AND RANGES. .Every Stove Wtrranted. JOHN HUSSIE , 2407 Ginning St. Solo Agents In Oman : Omaha National Bank U. S. DEPOSITORY' J. H. MILLARD , WN\WALI.Aa | Cash ! ) $500,000 , Flro and Burglar Proof Onfos , For rent al rom 15 to (60 per annum A. iL4.risn. Merchant Tailor Slo outh 13th Street , 3 DOOUS SOUTU OF FARNA1I I'irst-clasa tailoring in all its branches. SPECIAL NOTICES , TO LOAH MONEY , Tl * esRYloknedon secured n tos. lotcck &Co. , iu. real estate brokers. 1122 Ftrnim , up-stalr , tit-It ONKY To loan on chattels , Woolley & Harrison , M Hoora 20 , Omaha National bank building SSttf VfONKY loAixd fct low amount ) to suit on J.U.chattclcollator ! § or other good security. Flntn < clU exchange , Ib03 F&rnun it. ! 63-mlp TO LOAK-On real estate and chattels MONEY Thomas. 740tt. tioanoi on ohittels , out r ti , U 11 MONEY Bought nnd oj. | A. Kornvin,718 3,13th 81 679-tl UANR1) it a F. Ueod ftCo'u. Loan ofllco MONKY , pianos , hones , wnzont , perionkl property ot nil klndt and ll otho riitlclos ol v Hio , irlUiout removal. Over lit NktlonM D nkoorncr IStb tnd Farnam. All buttons strictly ooaOdontlal211tl 211-tl \ffONKTTOLOAN In sums ol ISOOinJ nnward. 1VJL 0. F. Davis and Co. , Heal Eslite anJ Ix > an /Uents , 1(06 Farnam St. 213 tt WANTED FEMALE HELP. -A peed competent gltl lor general house WANTED Apply corner North Twentieth and Center St. 74T-J6p IITANTRD Obi to do Renctat housework In n imall VV family ; apply 2417 Hamilton street , south tide , bet. Saundert nnd Pier , 7S4 2 ! | > \\7ANTRD Immediately , a Rood girl for general \T housework ! best wtgat at N W. Corner Hamilton and I'ler streets , lurth Omaha. 76D-21 | > TITAStKD Olrl to do housowrrk In a small f unlit ; n so apprentice to teirnilrcss making Apply IMlHoHarift' . 760-S3p \ -ANTtu-Q'rl ' to ilo central housework In family cf 3 ; apply B13 S. 14th. 7fll-3 Two apprentice ( 'lrls to loom dress WANTKD ; at 1600 Karnani 8t. 762 26 V\JANTED A competent girl , also ono small girl ; Y ) c Hat A B Hubcrinann'B ttoro , ooucr 13th and Douglas St. 709-21 " \\7AsrKD-LaJycleik at 1209 Fnrmm ( t. 'iNTBUCttk and nureo girl at 714 N Igth tt. W 758-23p WW ANTED A Rood cook at 420 South 10th St. W 7C6-tl ITAKTKD-Glrl for general hou ) work at P Flan- V ncry , 1010 8 10th St. 761-VBp For drtsjnuVlns , two apprentices and YV one good dreesamkcr , 1600 Daionpott Bt. ANTID & Oorman girl far general kitchen work W at 215 south 12tn St. 724-24 TT7ANTED Olrl between 14 and 20 yeanottgc to VV take care of children or do housa work 31 ! N 10th St. Melbourne home , 732-23p ANTED 18 good girls , 7 experienced cooks W Umaha Kmplovment Bureau , 1120 Faroam St. 701-tl First claes cook an1 Iiundrcsalsosec ; < WANTED , at J308 Farnam St Mis. 3. U Tbur * ( on. 68711 -L dy agcn IB for "Queen Protector WASTED and skirt supporters , eboulJo brace' , bustles , boson forttB , dteja fchl < lds , fatoty Ijelts , sleeve protector , etc. ; entirely now devices un precedented profits ; we have BOO "Rents making $100 monthly. Address with stamp , EHCampb'll &Co. 0 South ll yet. , Chicago. 079mlOp WANTED MALE HELP. ITAKTHD A good btrber at North Bend , Neb tOoodwagcf. H. C. Good. 771-14 ' A traveling salesman who thoronghlj W'ASTRO the dry goods business and tt ac qualntcd with the dry goods trade la Aebraska , Must have good references and understand h's bus ! ness ; aJSdro.s S. L. L. , Bee ofticJ. 758-25 A yourgnnn to sell giods by iampl ( WANTED furnish his own hoiso and bugjj ; w ( do not want t ) correspond with any aavemurer , bul with those who ate tcliabla and know what It Is U work Kaily an 1 late ilh a vengeance ; In aoawcrlnf name rcfmn-e , ttate azc , al present busincs ) . Ad dresa Cornell & Co. , Cleveland , Ohio. 721-23 'ANTED Arents to pell books , big Inducements WA at Crelzhtoa block room 22. W. II Win ana. 70J-ZJp SITUATIONS WANTED. Pcslti'n : Experienced short-hand one WANTED tvi c writer desiring to come west. Owns No 2 Remington machine. AddrcEB , W. G. , Care Bee Council Bluffs. 778-30 By city salesman situation by May 1st WANTED long acquaintance with city and Council Bluff trade , ( not saloon. Address "O. B. " Bee office. 749 ! 5p TT7A.VTID Eituattnn as housekeeper tor widow oi YY airs , if. , Bee office , Council Bluffi. 45-29 Situation by an experienced man to t k WANTIB of horses and actaa driver , Ina prlvat family ; la willing to do otbcr work arouad the hiusc AddroiS "A M U" Bee office , 7H-S5p TT7Ai Ti Situation by an experienced book Vi keeper , by Z salesmen , byalady stjnographe and typo writer , by 2 young men to drive deliver ; wagon , byag'uJoaacaman , by a man to run eta tlouery engine , Omaha Employment Bureau , 112 FaruamSt. 70Mf MISCELLANEOUS WAISTS. WANTSD To rent a large furri-hcd room , I Slater's block 10'h ' and Ca'lfcrula , with boari also a few more table bjaidcrs 76211 f > A Wanted'on notes secure J by mortgaB 'U'J on property worth ? 7,0 0 , lull to b lajableln oncyrar , balanca in two yiar-i , will glv ten per cent IntcrtBt and also a bonus ot S'iflO for th use cf the money. Address "Loan" Bea office 770 U W AKTBD For spot each , 3 cholcs Iota in HJIIFCOI 1'laco , l'Obx4141. 472-25 W To buy a cheap horse for light drlvlnc Box 023,1'oet office. 032-23 TT/AMTKD-A furnished hotel Ina live town , on V v ceiitrolllng the Commercial trade. Address " . 8"VloliNeb. ; 8:8-28p To rent sraill house ; lam IP small , roc reasonable , within 12 blorks of Bee , posseailo 24th. Addreia or call at Bee ollloj after 4 p. m. K T. UIN.S 6Ul-tf WANTED $3 60 will buy ono dozen Roger Dro trlpplo rlatttltable knives at Uoody'a chin ; ( toracorner IBthnad tavccport et. 445 tf Every ady In need of a sewing mi WANTED to eeo the new Improved American N < 7. P. K. Flodman & Co , agents ; 220 N 16th. 843tf f OR EENT-IIOUSES AND LOTS. FOR REST Three itcry and basement , brick iton 44lt front 8.25 per month. Two new stores on 16th St-ICO per month eacr C. E. Majne.S. W. Cor. ISth and Faroam. 771-4 FOR Kkxr 10 room house , modern IrnpTOvementi Bedford , Boner & . Davli , 2'S 8. 14th St. 76311 TTVju Rifr House of 9 rooms with barn , CalJwe' ' f and Saunocn Bt ; Inquli * 1709 Jatktcn tt 441-25 REST Store and biictrunt corner 16th am FOR ave , oppriitt ths Exposition buildln to be crcctnl. Morse & Uiunner , 1404 Fainam , i. 71825 TTvoK Ruir Large Btore room for flrst-olat JU drestmaklDR No 1519 Dodge. Mrs , Bortl. 704-2 HuNT A itore cheap EOfl north Uth. ? | QK RUNT New store room KflO , Jno Erck , 671 ! JOthBt. 632-M T OR. RBIT A S room c tt ( ? e on" California it , be JJ 21th and Uth ; Inquire on premltt * . I' 1 Crcdon f on KENT Store dwtl lag attached$2 ? , per montl 1 ULThoma * . COS-tf FOR RENT Housa H rooms , oellir , pantry , dwell near St car , IJ8 per month. Q K Thompson , B v corner llth and Iltruev. 485-tf tfoaRMT fbreestory brick store bulUlcg ; ec 1 quire of Kdward Morrli & Co. , room 19 Ciouot Block. 487 tf KENT 2-8 room homes Intiutr no. . ' lUrton.Smeltlot works , or 314 North St. IBMf > jit UKNT New .cottage , 6 roomi. , I'tlppo Ho 1J 1 U12 H 6th it. ist-tl KENT \ furnished house D rooms durln the Summer month to pirtlc * without chlldrcc Inquire 211 South 23d St. 1S1tf MEM'-bto.-e Uuildtnf 44x8J three itoryan HHJK No. 110andll2 14th. Inquire I4C Dodge St. B99-U 8 KENT Furnished cottage , 7 roomi. wit FO clotcts , iantry , staIn best locality In City ci nay rout with boud. Cell la afteraooa at 66 Pleii tot St. 170 tt TTK > R BENT Thre * brick store * oorntr 18th and S Cumlng St. J L. McCagae , Agent. 49al ilOOMS FOR RENT. Fo R xT-T a > rT One rooms , furnished either Mbodro nu or bedroom and sltilrg room. In quire S. w. Cor Howard and 13tbup-.t lre.783-24p 'on ' RSNTAn ilegant new ulso of oltlon room * , llmaman's bloci.Cor IDIli ind Douglas. 76Vtf I70R RIHT-TWO llcMint tmntfhid rco-rsat 4309 JL1 ColitomU at. ; a'so organ for rent or talc 78S-2Sp I PORRRNT Two nicely furnished front rcom 1J07 1 Callforola ( t. 708 tfi ( OR RRM-PurnlshcJ room. Inquire Diug Meirc , corner Hth and Douglas , 753 tf FOR R MT-riirnlihcd room 1813 Dodge ' . ese 26 POR Rtxr-Nlcoty furnlihed front room f jr hdy andgjnllomanlEquUe521 ; PleMant St 712 tf jV > n Rj.xi-Niatiy furnished Iront room OlSsoulli ' 16th it. 70l-i7p oR R vT-Tpo luge room * , wc'l ' furnished , In HcdU-k's blcck ; apply at 218 3 13th St. 7(8 ( 2Bp TTOR IUST-Two elegtnt front rooms for husband A1 and wltisor two quiet joung men No 151 ! ) Hodge. Mrs. Sore. " 03-23 FOR RBNT-UooaiB 1811 Dodge St. 705-25 TT oR RENT Sulto ol rooms for two or fourgcntlemen X11114 South 12th It 077p If OR RHVT Nice furnished froutrocra NWo rncr 1 16th tnd Lcav cnw orth Sis. 720 2tp FOR Ritxr-A room suitable for droisnuklng parlor 219 uurth 18th et. 731-53 SJTT Will rent furdlilinl room In good loc tton , for J steady gcrt , Address "K M K" Bco ollko. 7JO-23p FOllUF.NT-Nlccly lurnUieelrooms 1617 Davtnport 722J5p [ TieR nKM-Front room , 1505 CaplUl avcimo , L1 87 24p [ 7011 KENT Hvmlsomclf f'-rnlshnl room for I ? glogentlemen. Adartta "Y. W. " Bco o 85I-2lp F'on ur.vT-One lirso hand om'ly turnl'hcd room with excellent boaid tor single gentlcnun , 1718 Dodge. 78 tf FOR RIVT Ft-rnlshoi room 1821 Ctpltol avn. 830 EOp FOR RF.NT A furnished front room with U'o of par lor , with small family , 2107 Chlcnjott 77-28p FOR RUSTLvgo room 2x21 elegantly finished , tul'ablator oOlco. Inquire Oil Katon , 111 S 4th St. 687.K F Ion BKXT KlfRant newly furnished rooms 2'6 * . 607-tf TD OOMH With board.deiljabli I ir summir. Apply Jtiat St. Cbailes HctcL 237-tl FOIl KENT-Several One cftlccs In Crounso * block , Inquire Ed. Norils , room 19 Crounso bloat OS ! If , KENT FurnUhed room 1818 DoJjfj , Fi10R RBKT Nicely furnished rooms at 1718 Case Bt. I 230-tt FORSALE FARMS. FOR BALK-120ncroa good land within 00 mlloi of Omaha , new house , good etablj , 1 vlnR water , Echool boue on the Ian' ' ' and ono mile from railway station ; terms easy. W H Green , over 1st Nat'l Dank. 635-tf Foa BALK-Fmm and unimproved land lot * and house on long credit B&MLand ofllco , 520 h. 18th St. Vidleka & Ooantncr. t83-mlSp Fn 8ALK 100 acres Rood land , 20 miles from Omaha and i mile from the thriving town ol Sprlnitflcld , Nob. , on the JfiBJOurl Pidflo Ily. . al a bamalnfor 30daj8 , orwilltrado for first claai tra pped Omaha city property. Woollcy & Harrlnon , room 20 , Omaha Notlonil Dank. 473-23 Tj > oii BAtn-Qood farm in Wsshlngton Co ; 171 JL1 crcsSO ; acres oltivatod ; good buildings ; fine orchard ; running water ; all fojcod. Eaward Norrlj Co. , teem 19 < Jouusa Block. 474tf FOR SALE HOUSES LOTS. tott BALK Teu rcaldenca propeitloa f cm 82.COT to r $7u.O , tach easy terms. K 0 Patterson , IS h and Fatnam. 470 26 P'ORBAH-Doiutifullots In splendid locality for ? 20) ) each0dom ! > and $10 per reonth ; will ass'et ' you to bull J. It C raltcrson 13th and Faroam 471-26 rfoRSALK-Lotslnall additions and Bub-dl\i8loii8. No. 335. Lot on Davenport street near high school , 60x132-82,200. No. 184. Lot on Leavoiworth street near St. Mar - r } ' A\cnno cirner lot $2,000. No. 474 Lot on Farnam street. fcO per foot. No. 474J Iot on Harney , 3.xISi 82.100. No. 471. Twolotn. one a oorner.two . blocks fio-nrcil car llne-l.250. No. 103 Corner business Io ) . S2xl82 , on Hartley St No. 435. Lot en Howard street , tro bloksfron : tlrset car 85'0 , No , 480 , Lot 76il40 , east front , one block fron P rk Avenue car line $1,800. i S3 25 Mono & llrunncr , 1404 Farnam. FORSALK-A batyiln boit JOlots In Kllby Flac ( ? 4COO. Fine cottagepropirty i lo > , streetcar , 51,6)0. Blx roomed house new. One locitlon , J2.200. Will cichange a good firm for etook of groceries Fm residence property largo house $5,000. Two story brl-k housa nrnr ttrect car S3.100. . Dallou Bros , 317 south Isih St. 717-24 FOR BALI- : Hit two story brick building on thi hill in Shinu'd add. , for ,1COiOO down balanci in monthlj patmentaof \hlslsabirgalnaiidcjni ; wanting a good and cheap houeo should take notice Atiaundcn&Co,14C4Farnatnbt , E3-4 TTioii BALK-NO. 457 ; fine 7 rom houi6. ror lot , twi I1 blocks from ttrett car , isy terms -$3,10 J. No. E97lli.uie6rocma. ; w < ! l and cittern , ono hai lot , on icd car line $1 SO1. No. 338. Fine 0 room hausc , f u'l lot , city w atcr , erred red car line S2.SOJ. No281. . HOUHO 24x41 , 8 rooms , finely flnUhod , well ( Utern , full lot , Duo placetwo blocks from ttree CU-J2.8JO. No , 820. HIIUBO C rcome , well and cistern , lot 4Cx 132 , on red car line , easy pajmcnts 82,301. No.415. House t ) roimi , at d barn , well and cistern lot 33x13' , LI > ck and a ha'f from 10thbtri.cttna St l'auldcpit-2.800. No. 478. Houaa 10 rojniB , lot 88x142 , Fainain strcc -$3,8:0. No. 391. HfuselO room , corrcr lot , tark AvtnU' ' . No 429. lltuMT rooms , oiie block from 1'ark A rnu ) , lot 60x14) $2,760. 738-25 Jtorso & Erunner , 1404 Farcam. FORBALB-201 , Abarea'nln house and lot , barn cl.tein , cellar etc ? l 176 ; SICOoitli , bilanceli deferred pa > mentato iult parchassr , 318 S lOlh. O F. Elsosaer. C6I 27 FOR BALK-Houio full lot , well , clitern , him , oil li good condition , one block from street cars 11 EM easy terras W U Green , over Kt Nat'lDank , t4l-t FOR SALE A full lot on corner ot 13th and Jonei paved street and within one equaro ol U , P. H It. for sale. Warren Swltrl r , tn-20 170KBALI1-6 lot ! full elM , 10per oentcash , balanc A1 monttly payments. W H Qreea , over 1st Nat Bank. C38-tf . ? ou BALI Two cottages and lot * Virginia ave. one r block icutli of Hilary's ave , 81 care $503 ouh , balance on Ung tla > 9. laua Adami Fieaur block opp , P. O. 817-tf T-Hlx room house , well clitern , aod liable ; first clau orilef.twetitr-Orit an-1 CUrli atr , rent 120 p r monih , it 11 2.0)0 ) easy termi A1' Tukey , at CaulScldi Book itore. 478-UJ ov. silt Good 6 room houw , lot 60x132 fe teu P front , $1800 ; 8100 na n biltnce | 16 per month , W. U Gieon , orer lit National tank. 881U FOR SALE , MISCELLANEOUS , Lj\oa , broke. Ham. H Utoolan Morgan , 823 N ICth et. 73143 FOR BILI-A good Umily horte , buitirir and Har OIK. Itquao2tl3 UougUsBt. FAl'ux , 714-28r POR BtLE-Horir , boggy and hiruei" 1169. Arr 1 14CO UuUgloBBt. 743-28 Fou BALK-Piano , a no upright piano at a bar g lu , 1719 Douglas. 73J-mJI FOBBAMORRrsr-A la'oon Ingoodlicallty , lot , building and dxtU'ei. Apply to John A F/tjhip N013J6 Douglas bt , Omib , Neb. C01-tl TT OR BIL Two new Iterclogton Sewing mtcblncr J' f 15 each , tt lltyer 4. I'aapko. 638 23 lORB4ig Ke l oUte , wan Ing ta Improve semi V vacant lit , l ofler tbeUllowln property. Ix > te 4 and f > , ; Cl rki addition Leavcr.w rtnit , I ct 6 8 , 7 , and tlock t Isau 8cldcn add , lyots 7 k and 9 , block 6 Dwlght I.ynmn add. 1 Houie and let 24 D Capltul avt , 1 Uuuse tnd lot 13 block 8 , Iduotie & Iluth' * kid 69 lots In Dupont | lice , south of the Park , 4 btt In block 18 and 20 , Wateilw , Neb A farmof 120 ten , 60acres la era , , aliofOacrei all under f < u , ntar H rman , Wathm t u Co , JCO arrcti piarle I d neirSauton , Etinton Co. also frl ie < i 011 long time , 8 lota on We-t Farntm tt W lost ttoreon ttM rv' nj. Icuulre ot U U ciukf mt uoujU * at , fvfvit nt-u . r < ) T M llow * knd * * ° tr mf > nlh ' X' will bulM an elegant Hr room cottagt , with porohn.clo eU , bar window brick cdltr , elit rno > a touie , ti.with > Up nlctly feneo.1 the whole all complete 1,6W The ewtUces lo b btilllat once contract * for ton hare already been let. Call it my ofTlco and ; e r.Un of ccttage. location Ao. mine vour friends along. C. K. Mayue , louth-west corner 15th and Parnara. , 207-aSO ' - horin , otto one ro . Ctrl ; Inquire of J mc Barrett.UoTerninent > table corner llth and Chicago tts. 8)4-3p REAL ESTATE BUOKE11S. -Lobcck & CotStl t'Arnam LV , ttreet corner 13th , ral estate bought and nold on commlMion , ch ng * otrfalor vwreon l proper. y effcettditho jvitr nigocf parties having real rotate cr stocks of gooUMosUlorcuchtngo at rouen blc nlccs , h solicited , and will hive our best sttcr tlou. O03'tl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PERSONAL. . . . 161 < Jaeksonst. 7 0Bp t , -Parties wishing a BeaiiMtrts , turan. 'ln/tuttlnpaminttlrg atlsfactory ; address 313 \orth 18th it , > lrs J Arnold. 383-2 % MRS E. M Hoer R , Trano clairvoyant , an 1 heal. Ing rceilum ready for biiBlntm over No 23 S K orner iBth and Webster. Teimj rouonablc , 432 mio MRS otnsAND mldwlfo receives ladles In her houss for eonnncmcnt. . No 143J Sjuth 13th St ,0m ht. _ _ _ _ _ 710-25p TIT'II'I' Pe founj nt 15CO Divenportl . anoxpcr T I lonced nurso. IJcst city rcferenco given _ . _ _ 872-ft2t | TO EXCHANGE , IpORHAl-noR \CIIAMIK State and coun'y rights of ' the coclcy hay Blacker , tno bmtsUckor made i Address A Cco'cy &Co. , Oiceola , Iowa , lock box 0(1 ( _ F'ORBAt-R on KCIINonFor live stock ; haso ot chool , section No3J , Town l.Ilango n.Ncbriska with goad pprlng water , good housj , Btablo , cattle bed , corral , corn cilb , hog lot , cellar , hen housc.aml a never falling well of Bcxidatcr ; an cxcolletit prl- ilego for a person wishing to kcop cattle and hojts , a great bargain , can be had as the owner wishes to novo away. Arply to ptoprletor ou the premises or addroES Jas 0 O'Uricn. I' 0. boxS ! , lllv rton , Nob. 893 27p npoR\cilANOB-6'a8re In Thijcr Co. , sp'ondld J. Implements Ac. forcltyprooerty , and 181 acren reproved , for groceries. U 0 I'ittorion , in h and : arnamet. 780-25 fpo KxoiiANoit-440 acrea well Improved land 3 all * .1. Irom Itaox , low a , for a stock of general merchan dise or hardware. Addrosi John Lludorlulm , K ex " a. BSI tl _ TT Oll HAI.K Or exchange. iVe bave t > < r mlo the J ? exclusive right la this state to sell the coal cnorulzcr and soot dcstroytr , Uostrojs the sojt nnd will eave twenty percent on coal , will ssll county righti or the stat * , or w 111 exchange fnr rovl osrate or W7 jood property on application will send sample siti aland give pattlculara. llea on for selling nu r cannot Kite It hi * attention : a raroc'janco lor hn ion : Bedford , Soucr & DaviB. 278 tf ' BUSINESS CHANCES. Fit HALS Butcher fhop , good huilncss , splendid IccMion. C. K Majno , S , W. Cor. 16th and Faraam. 782-25 TT'oa ' SALE -note ) In a thriving Nebraska town , I1 fplenoid location ; 18 rooms and overjthlng well arranged ; a bargain. Call or address Uann <organ , Blair , neb. 725-23 WANTJID A partner with * WO to $10)0 ) , business n'nady ' ostabllsholflrst class reference required and given , in humbur. Address by mall " 3 IV care European hotel , loth St. , Omaha. 78-24i > W AMUDPartner with $3,000 to J5OXto ) Invest la l good business. Address "D It Q" Bco ofllcu. 711-2)p ) F 'OR BALK In Oakland NoV flra'-cU mont market alto tbo furnl uro of the St Paul hDtol. For par- tlculars , Inquire or write Wiggeri .t Uohllng.OaVKnd Neb. 874-ml9 FOIl SALE Agood paying htrimsBhaD , the best chance for n youn ? man tu start in baslnsst ; ad dress "Harness shop" Bco ofllco , 201-llp Port SAI.B Prus store In a desirable locality , wil invoice about $1.600 It C Patterson , NK corner 13th and Farnam. 438-tl Foil SALE-A flrst-closj stook of dry gonls $5.000 ai a bargain , will take part crsh balance roil es tate ; address "II. V. B. " care Boo office. 282-tl Ti olt SALE Ur exchange a full stock ot clotnmg JJ boots an J shoes , gent * furnishing goods , will ex change for Nebraska Lands. 0. II.Peterson,801 8. 10th St. , Omaha , Kcb. 239-U BOARDING. W AMKD-8 or 4 boarders In private family , 1318 Capital Avenue. Mrs , C. II. Qeppncr. 748-2ip Inslltato hotel corner Stiind Carltol BOARDIKO board { 4.0) per vreok. Meal tickets. MVIIai .Proprietor. 875-28p T IHST-CLASS Bed and board 1212 Capitol ava. LOST AND FOUND. LOST-On 18th , ladles ( hell case , gold wntch , WaUham Ilovalmovement. 1'leaee leave at F.-l- helm & ErlckBon'a and lecelvc liberal reward. 729-24 T o TS5. . reward , white and sprocklod cow about JUsevcn jeaie eld. F. Fellke , 24Ui aad Leaven- worth. 737-24p MISCELLANEOUS. T OUIWSON'S bov will start n town herd JLX May itt , In North Omaha. 728-23i > /"Irn.w SILVBR TAB , Its fruit fhvoroJ , tags rodfcmod V at nu centeachby the dcn'cra. ' Pojcke Ilroo. . egeuts. 833-tf TIOSon banjo given tiy O R Gollon- beck , at 1110 Ca.ltol . ave. 430-tf Piuvy vaults , ( Inks and ccaspooh c'eanod unv tlmo o'the day in ao entirely odirleaa way with our Improved pump aid apparatus. Orders by mall i romiitly attended to , A , Evans , ofllco and residence 1208 Dodge St. up stairs. 409 m7p fMir.v , HILYUR TAU , it does not taint the breath , toga wrcdeumud at one cent each by the dealers. 883-tf IUIITMNO RODH - J J SIcLiIti haa for sale tha btut I ioAl manufatnrd In the United States annealed else , tile B toil center covered wltliBheetconper , ordorn ' : ; co t rcd < or repairing old ones pronif tly attended t ? Address 1011 daundcis tt. 8SO-m6 IHKV , BILVER TAQ , ilocs net give > ou heart hum Vlag8 icdecmedatoiie cent , each by the dcalcrn PHIVY , vaulta , Bints tnd ocuipools oleanod at the nhorU'st riotloo and Batlnfactlon guaranteed by F. U. Abfi. P. O. Box 878 , 490 m2p Stallion , Jack , Shsppard Jr , Will stand lor itock at Cmaha Fair grounds the season of 1RS5 , Ilola 18J lnnJahl h , nclght 1286 Iba , his tire JACK SiurrARo li full brother In blood to DEXTER 2:17 : } , also to DicTATORthe lire of JAV-KYK-OKK 2:10 : , FALLAB , 2:1 : Jeml DIRECTOR 5:17. : Ca'l at the Kalr gr uriOB ndeo him and uet bis to Igice In lu full , terms (25. Jor the teaaon. A. THO11HON , 8. F. [ ( SUOCKBSOBB TO DAV1H & QKNEBAL IHCALUia ESTATE IBM KAKNA.M fiTRKET , . . OMAHA , Have for > a' (00,000 orrei caritally Mleotod land * la Kaetorn Nebrula , al low prlc and on easy terms Improved ( arras for sale lit Doujlos , Dodj ; , Colfax. Platte , Hurt , Cuminsliarny , , Washington , ilerrlak , Baundera , and Butler couctlM , TairB paid tu all part * of the ttatt , Uoney loai ed on Improved farmc. Notary I'ntllo olwayi ia offlc * . Correipoodtnc * lMtnf Imported Beer 1 * BOTTLES. Krlanger , . . . - - . . Unvariff , Oolmbaoner , . - . . . , , . . . , CavariB , Pilener , , . . , . . * , Bohemian. DOMESTIC. Bndireifler. . .4 , . . . , , , , , . Ski Zioaia. AnVinnHnr - _ .St. Louis. Beat's , . . . - , . . , . . Mihvaukec. Bohlitz-Pilflner - . Milwaukee. Krn B - . . . . . Omaha. Ale , Porter , Domestic and llhim Wine. VD. MAUEEB , 1213 Farnom Bt