Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 23, 1885, Page 2, Image 2
THE DAILY BEE-THURSDAY APRIL 23 , 1885 BITTERS Combining IROS with PDUE TEGCTAI1I.F TOXICS , quickly Mid rompltMr CI.EA5SKS nnd KNBIVI1GS THIS MOD. Qnlckeni the cton ! of the Mrtr nd Klilncyi. Clf rs Iho complexion , makw Iho nkln smooth. It docs not I nlure the Ucth. Mine headache , or product ron. itlpatlon-AU , OTHElt IUOX MKDICIKKS DO. ITyilclMU and Drntgl ( U everywhere recommend It. Dn , N. H. nooaLm , of Marlon , Mam. , i jm . moomrasnd rown' Iron nittors an a valuable ton o forenrUhlnirtha blood , and n > raot1n all dyBpcptio riymptonu. H does not hart the teeth. " Ia. It. M , DKtxcUi , Iloynoldn. Ind. ay I hate preMrilmd Itrown'n Iron Imton In cawM o an/pmla / and blood dlsaamjii , also when fi tonla wa noodnd , and it hat prored thoronchly tatlafactory. ' Mn.\VM. nTIUiB , 28 St. Mary St. . New Orleans , 1 , iwy i "Ilrown'a Iron Hitters reilenxl mo In aca _ nf blood poisoning , and I boartlly commenu It to thorn needing a purlflor. " Tbo Oennlna haa Trudo Mark and crossed rtMl lines on wrapper. Take no oilier. Made only by I C11K.M1CA1. CO. , llALTIMOUi : , MD LADIES * IlAjm HOOK useful and attrsctiTB , < v. . talnlnitllstnf prlien for rr-HpoSi Information alwat coins. Pto. , RlTon a > f ay by all W\er \ In medlcltiu. ur milled to any addrtmi on receipt of So. stamp. , r ; M13M i * tie BROAD CLAIIS 3UICEES2 ? SELLING- AND tulcSt. euro Caren. " " ' " > guarantee . . * . . . - y tin < ler iifcM fiurUeaatwoatnmpuforCelebratedUodlcalWorkB. Address , f. . CLARILJB , JH. - ! > . , 180 Soutt CUrlc Street. CHICAGO. ILL. It CONDUCTED UY Koyal Havana Lottery ! ( A GOVERNMENT UISTITUTlON.t Drawn at Havana Cuba Every 10 to 14 Days. Tickets in Fifths , Wholes 85. Frac tions pro rata. Onbject to no manipulation , not controlled hy thi yatttMln Interest. It la the Wrest thine In Ih Battue of ohanoo In exlatonoo. fet tickets apply to BUIPSET& CO. , 1212 Broac wayN. 7. City ; SOUND KR & CO. , 103 South 4th S BL Louis , Mo , or M. OTIEN3 & CO , 018 Main St KansaaCltv , Mo. It atrrtf.1 wjtli liliiilii'ilectly , " writer motji. vr in , , - nlali , ntl \ ni tlio trom n > rntabi thriiuulirjiit tliuholi' U.H.t < tllyto theMnrth nl IIORLICK'3 IUOD FOR INFANTS AND IHVALUS. Kcnulrc * H" cooklne. Jkt-t food In health or K.cK acm. 4iiRtiilT5ct . JI-nllilriiKTd8ti ) Book Miut free. HOKI.ICK'S VOOII CO. . Kiiclne , Win. -i- ou receipt ol price In hf iiunt James Heiioal InsiU Chartered by theStateofllli 'nois ' for thcexprcsapurpose ofglvinBimmedlate rellelln nil chronic , urinary and private - , vate diseases. Gonorrhccn , OleetandSyphillsinalltheii complicated forms , also al ! diseases of the Skin and Blood promptly relievednm permanentlycurcd byreme dieSgtestedln nfortufeari . - Spretall'raetlce.Scmlaa : weakness , NjRht Losses by Dreams , Pimples on lheFaceLostManhoodr < os li'c/ycirrt/.T/icr < iaiiocfpcrtmentlim. The appropriate remedy ia at once used In each case. Consultations , per eonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Mcd. Icinea cent by Mall and express. No marks on package to indicate contents or sender. Address DR. JAMES.No. 204WasMnrjon ! SI.Chicagoll ! TF. JP. PJECIZ fc CO , ( Successors to Took , Kern li Slbley. UEl'nESENTINQ MORSlr , ROSE & CO op'onioxao. Ilavlns secured a private wire direct to the Chicago cage Board of Trade , u o MO prepared to execute or dcrs promptly. Wo take a full roatktt report. Coun try huslnox a epoculty. Itcfcrenoeg , United Ktito N .tlona IBank. Tcltphono 210. N tV. corner ISth and DouglaaB'a LINCOLN FLORAL CONSERVATORY Cur , G&lHb , oallDOOf itrwtcari , Crconhouso , Bedding Plants , Roses , Flowering Shrubbery , Evergreens , Small Fruits , Etc < "rtrui with every order. T\ nj VcsSKnt. Doiinuet * . ItaVcts , Ktc. . for Turtles. ' Weddings nnd I'tnwnils .rdalir , nua If. " . SAWVER & * J\Jtm . K . . JWcpkon. S4I. JUscoln , Nobraak CONSUMPTION , I bard a poiUIr * rumtdi ( or ihtabvr * Ul < u : b. l STEWART'S ' BODY SAFE , The Story of a Brooklyn Preacher , Ilov. Charles n. mil's ItoMonn for IJollovlnfT ttint the ItomnlnB ot Now York'a Merchant Prlnoo Ilnvo Never Bcon Dtiturbccl Iho Story Started by Judge Hilton , tfew Yotk Ilerald. Rov. Dr. Charles H. 1IUI , rooter o ( o church of the Holy Trinity , of Brooklyn , officiated at the Stewart Mom- trial Cathedral , at Garden Olty. On hi a cturn homo the reverend gentleman 01- , irctaed the opinion that the body of A. T. Stewart is in the crypt of the cathe dral. Furthermore , ho advanced the mnrvolous theory that the body had icvorbocn stolon. Notwithstanding the 'act that Judge Hilton haa paid tons If not hundreds of thousand of dollars to detectives for searching for the body. Dr. Dall believes there never woo any thing ; to find. When it was first an nounced that Stewait's body hod been stolen Mrs. Stewart wns reported as having taid that the Oatden Olty Cathe dral would not bo built until her hus band's ' remains were recovered. The edifice hai been completed and hand somely endowed. It has oho frequently been stated that Judge Hilton paid $50- 000 to the grave robboro for restoring the body. Dr. Hall believes that the whole story of the robbery was miuufao- turod. When naked what motive canlc have nctuattd Judge Hilton or Mrs. Stewart to make such an announcement , ho mid : "Thoro was every reason for its fabrication. Judge Hilton was constant ly annryed by the receipt of anonymous letters Informing him that the body waste to bo stolen ; No guard could bo placol upon the body that would not bo bribed , and in order to defend the body the etori of its having been stolen had to bo. fabri oated. Look at all the reports In the pa pers at that time. You will find that the story Is told with too much attention to details , while the question , How did the robbers make ofl with the body ? is al most entirely lost sight of. No , sir , the supposed robbery was never committed and some day , and at no distant ono either , yon will learn the whole story o the supposed robbery. I bollovo firml ; that the body of A. T. Stowatt is now in the crypt at tbo Cathedral of the Incarna tlon at Garden City. " "How do yon account for the fact tha the grave was found to have been dis turbed , and the discovery of the trai over which it was thought the body hac been dragged ? " "That Is what I rafor to when I saj that 'tbo story is told without too much attention to detail , ' " said Dr. Hall. "I all had the appearance of being planned There was no doubt in my mind tbat th very fact that so nice and ingenious : story was told betrays its weakness am place ] the stamp of falsity on it. " "But Judge Hilton expended $100,00 ( or $200,000 In searching for the body ? ' suggested the reporter. "Did ho ? " interrupted the clergyman "Hai It not also boon denied that he ovc paid such largo sums for such an object Ho may have expended a fortune , bu that does not break down the theory. I might have been necesiary to oarry ou the original plan and prevent roboery If the body bad been stolen why did no the detectives keep up the search ? \Vh ; was there not a more sustained effort ti find it and gain the reward ? " 'Mrs. Stewart is said to have pale $50,000 for the the return of the body. ' "Is that anything but a rumor ? Jndg Hilton and Mrs , Stewart have never ao knowlodgod it. The report has never been substantiated , so far as I have hoird No , I think It is all a myth. Some day you will learn that the body lies in th crypt in the Garden Olty cathedral. SKIN DISEASES CURED. By EC. Frazlor'a Magic Ointment , Ouros If by mngis : Pimples , Black Heads or Grub Blotchoa and Eruptions on the face , leavint the akin clear and beautiful. Also cures Itch Salt Rheum , Sere NIpplea , Sere Lips and old Obatinato Ulcers Sold by druggists , o moiled an receipt price. CO cents. Sold by Kuhn & Co. and 0. F. Goodman. NO FIJA.T.IKON3 IN CHINA. How tbo Chinamen Took to the JjKiinilry New York Herald. Many people believe that the avoragi Chinaman of Now York comes eve : fiom the Flowery kingdom on adop lanndrymnn. Nothing la moro opposei io the truth. In China there are nc cuffs , collars cr shlrt-boeoma whatever Ironing is an unknown art. Blcechlof la effeotod by leaving the cotton , linen or ellk in the sunshlno. A fiat-iron therefore , is in China a rara avis. Ai washing Is a purely physical labor , in volving no Intelligence whatever , th ( social status of a lauudryman In the mid die kingdom Is the lowest poesiblo. Hi piy thera averages about 10 cents a day In tha United States this condition o afi'ilrs Is reversed ; laundry work is a Cm art , and the pay seldom falls below $1 ! a week. Tha origin of the Chinee laundry In America Is qul odd. When gold wai dhcoverec in Californis the news spread all over th world , and in duo time reached China As told by gossips and as published In thi newspapers and magazines of that land there was far across tbo ocean a country In which the mountains were Eolid gold' and in which the poorest laborer conic easily earn twenty taels ( $28) ) a day. Thi news to a populace whoso daily tel brought in from eignt to thirty cents . day was a revelation. All who could be | or borrow tbo necessary cash sot mil fo the Golden Gate. Upon this came th. contracts from the railroad builders o the west. They could not obtain Ameri can laborers for loss than $0 a day , bu they could bring over unlimited nnmbe of Ohlnoao for almost any price , llongo Hans have been imported from Honi Kong and Canton time and again for $1 : a month and board. This movement cul minated in the building of the Union am Central Pacific. These employed ore 10,000 Chinamen. For several year , mining and railroad construction gave employment to the multitude o Mongol irho flocked to thoio shores. They all did well and their letters to their homes , and more especially their continual remittances , served to incroue the deiiro to emigrate to the Uultec States. Then came a sudden change. Mines and mining became unpopular , nd to a certain extent unprofitable , R&ilro&d construction dropped off 75 pei cent. As a result tens of thousands ol Chinese wore thrown out of employment , In a strange land , confronted by a lan guage and customs whose genius was di ametrically opposed to their own , they were without warning thrown on their own resources. Many adapted them * selves to their now surroundings , and became cooks , nurses , domestics , etroel sweepers and expressmen , The major .y , however , became launprymon. Wah jung , ot Ban Francisco , noticed In 1852 bat all Americans who had money were white starched linen and paid enormous irlcos to washerwomen for washing and roning. Ho opened up a laundry In consequence , and by charging lower > rices than his competitors succeeded in mlldlng an a largo and remunertalvo inslnosB , His friends and relatives loon ollowod his extmplo jand enjoyed a slm- lar success. STOP THAT COUGH } y uilng l > r. Vratier'a Throat and knnir Bal. am the only cure euro for Coughs , Colds , loarionoss and Sere Throat , and nil diseases of the throat and longs. Do not neglect n cough. It may prove fatal. Scores and mudreds of natoful people owe their lives to Jr. Frnzier t Throat and Lunp Balsam , and no family will over bo without It after once ising it , and discovering ita marvelous power , it is put up in largo family bottles and solder or the small price of 75 cents per bottle. Sold Kuhn & 0 . and 0. K. Goodman. An Ostrlob With a , Wooden iVnnbelm ( Gal ) Gazette. Some time ago the rare and ludicrous sight of an ostrich with a wooden leg night have been soon at the ostrich farm. The ostriches first hatched were dofiol ont In bono structure , a fact which is at trlbntod to the deficiency of a certain clement in the food of the parent bird , n deficiency which has now boon sup piled. The bones of the logs in these jroung chicks were very soft and break iblo , and much of the mortality among them was duo to broken legs. As an ex periment. Supt. Skotchloy who Is an Al. D. amputated the leg of ono of the birds which had broken accldoutly below the knee , and strapped on a wooden leg , upon which the bird strutted around foi some time. Thcso who have aeon the ungainly and mincing gait of the ostrich when equipped with natural legs can im agine what a peculiar stop ono of thorn would have with an artificial limb. Un fortunately , the bird thus singularly equipped broke his log above the knooanc died. YOUNGMENI-KEAD THIS. THE VOLTAIO BELT Co. , of Marshall , Mich. offer to send their celebrated ELEOTBO-VOL TAIO BELT and other ELECTIUO APPLIANCES on trial for thirty days , to men ( young or old afflicted with nervous debility , loss of vitality and manhood , and all kindred troubles. Alsi for rheumatism , neuralgia , paralysis , am many other diseases. Complete restoration tc health , vigor and manhood guaranteed. N risk is incurred as thirty days trial IB allowed Write them at once for illustrated pamphle free. _ Bora for tbo Service , Washington Hatchet. Civil sorvioo examining rooms : Examiner ( looking over John Smith * papers ) this man has made a bad hotel of this mathematical question. Principal Examintir What is thi question ? Examiner ( reading ) If I ewe William Jones $05 , and promise to pay him per month , how much will I ewe him a the end of a year ? Prln. Er. Well , what did ho anawor Ex. Ho has it § 05. Prln. Ex. That man is a natural born government clerk ; already has the ! traits. Mark him 100. A CARD. To all who are suffering from crroi and Indigestions of youth , nervous weakness earl decay , loss of manhood , eta I will send a r ecclp that will euro you FHEG OF CHAHQE. Tills grca remedy was discovered by a mlislonaita SDU America. Send scH-addresaod envelop ! ) Rav" . J 8BPU T. INHAN Station "D " Now Vork Criticising Critics. Washington Hatchet. Don't s y "cawn't" for can't. It don1 sound nice. [ Montezuma ( Ga. ) Record. And don't ' " ' " ' you say "don't" for doesn't It Isn't good grammar. [ Chicago Even ing Journal. ] And don't you. Mr. Critic talk about "good grammar. " The sentence tonco is either grammatical or nngram matlcal. Grammar is neither "good" o bad. [ Jacksonville (111. ( ) Journal. "Neither good or bad" Is neither gooc nor bad grammar , Mr. Critic of Critics It Is just no grammar at all. [ Chicag Journal. Now yon'vo did It , ain't yon ? Tbo World. Renowned Notre Dame The Sisters of the most noted Catholl ladies seminary in the United States , thi famous Notre Dame , at Govanstown near Baltimore , , Md. , on the 30th of las January , made public a card , certifying to the beneficial results attending the use of lied Star Cough Cure in tbat Institu tion. They state that they found it effi cacious alike for relieving coughs , op preseions on the cheat and irritations o iho throat. The Board of Health endorses dorses it. A Good 11 * BII Gene Wronir , Traveler's Magazine. A preacher in southern M'siouri. ' ofte Bonding his hat cround among th brethren and vainly urgiug them to con tribute , clasped bis hands , raised his eye ; and eald ; "Lord , this ia the toughest crowd L have over found. I have preached in the Black Jack neighborhood and havi rlpdon the Ilcd Ifanga c'rcnit ' , but thli congregation occupies a place a llttli farther removed from the giving pou than any people I ever EOW. Amen. " Then turning to the sexton ho eald. "I've got two gallons of old whisky stored away not far from hero. As . dou't ' use lipnor myself , I am going to give it to some worthy man. Carry the hat around once more. " The hat came back full of sliver The preacher wont into the woods to look for the whisky. Up to a few hours ago ho had not returned. JFrora the Hoverend Clorpy , Amone the many ministers of the gos pel , who have boon helped by Brown's Iron Bitters , the Rev. E. A. Spring Corydon , Iowa , rays : "I used it fo : general ill-health and found it a groa help. " Rev. JOB. McOarty , Fort Stev enson , Dakota , says , "It cured mo o severe dyspepsia and Increased my weigh tnonty-fiva pounds. " The Kov. Mr Ofley , Now Bern , N. 0 , toys ho has taken It and considers It ono of the bos medicines known. The Rev. Mr. Whitney noy , Hlngham , WlB. , says , "After a long sickness from lung fever , I nsec Brown's Iron Blttors and gsincc strength. " So throughout the states with hundreds and hundreds of other clergymen. A Lively lilazo. PHILADELPHIA , April 22. Fire early this morning destroyed the Pullman Falace Car company's shops , used for repairing cart , one a large irarno building belonging to the Poan sylvania railway , Low , 8160,000 ; Insured. Private OholccH , COLUUDCS , 0. , April 22. The legislature has passed an act requiring all executions In Ohio to take place within the walls of the penitentiary , A man attacked with Brlgbt's Disease , or any kidney disease , don't want fine words , but its conqueror , Hunt's [ Kid ney and Liver ] Remedy. Wo must tell of the great specific- Hunt's [ Kidney and Liver ] Remedy , It noTor falls to euro Dlabotls , Dropsy , Brlght'a Disease , &o. MITCHEliU AND BUUICE. Iho Kngllshninn Comes Uoro to Talk Fight to the Irish liatl. V ihlwgo llerald , April 21. Stepping briskly up to the desk at the Sherman house yesterday morning , a athor tall , woll-bullt young follow picked up a pen and dashed off , " 0. Mitchell , jondon , Eng. " There was nothing about hat boyish-looking fellow except hla > road , square shoulders , to mark him a fighter , but It was none other than the well-known Charlie .Mitchell , whoso feats the have made n twontj-four-foot-rlng lim such an excellent reputation. Mitch- ill Is a fmo looking follow about twenty- oven or twenty-eight years old , though 10 lurdly looks twenty-dye. Ho stands ivo feet eight and a half inches high , and n condition weighs 1G8 to ICO pounds , although ho now scale's about 173 or 174 icunds , Ho is quite English In lis dross , wearing a rough cheviot coat with light chocked trousers , a bark brown Derby bat and English walking shoos , aud ho cirrloo i silver loaded walking stick. For comfort in raveling ho word a whlto Jilnnnol bicycle shirt , with a check cravaut on which { listened a largo horseshoe sot with dia monds. Whenever ho talks ho laughs. Do doesn't show any tears cf his battles. Bis smooth-shaven Leo is unmarked , his oars are small aud not disfigured , and bin liands if anything smaller _ than those of most men of his sizo. It is only at r second glance that his strength is noticed His shoulders are unusually square and well knit , his nock IB firmly BOC , and his hoia is small and well shaped. His logs are sturdy and sinewy , and , taking all in all , ho is about OB well built a mm as can bo found. Mitchell is now on hla way put to California , where bo will moot Mlko Cloary , Mlko Dounhoo , and any others who want ] to have a go at him. After spending five or six weeks there ho will ro tnrn to the east , stopping at this city on his way back. Ho laid over hero yeater dcy to discuss the prospects of arranging a match between himself and Jack Burke the Irish lad. "Do you think It will b made ? " the Herald reporter asked , as "Parson" Davles , Jack Burke , Tom Chandler , Charles Hoff , a Now York friend of Mitchell ; Arthur G. Olampett a champion swimmer , who Is accompany Ing Mitchell to California ; "Nobby1 Clark , and several others. "I don't know yet , " was Mitchell's answer. "Wo'vo been negotiating , bu they haven't offered mo a chance to maki enough to suit mo. It's merely a matte : of dollars and cents , you know. I'vi won a reputation ; I don't have to figh for that , and 1 won't fight for nothing. ' Turning to Burke the scribe askoi him the same question. "Yes , I think there'll bo a match , " was his reply , and "Parson" Davies , too , said that a match would probably be made , although 1 would not come oft for Severn weeks. i"Ii that report true that you and Fryer are to fight to a finish with bar knuckles near Butte City within thro weeks ? " was the next query the Investi gator fired at him. . --"Nn , " ho answered ; "Fryer won' ' fight. He's no fighter. I'll bat $1,000 that Arthur Chambers won't back him to fight to a finish. What Chambers wants ate four-round contests. People an getting moro sensible now , " ho addoi with a laugh. "They mod to bo brutes They wanted to fight with bare knuckles ; now they're glad enough ti put on gloves. " "What do you think of Sullivan ? some ono broke in. "In a four round match"he answered "I think Sullivan can down the world but I found § 1,250 of my own money tc fight him to a finish , and I'm willing t do it again any time. " "Da yon think there's any ouo In th world can whip him ? " "I do. " "Who ? " "I'm too modest to name him , " sail Mitchell. "I hear Sullivan Is head over heels In debt , " volunteered ono" of the parly "They say he's worth $30,000 , but know better. Ho owes $10,000 or § 15,00 moro than ho can pay , and it's all his own fault , too. He's made any amount o" money , but his drunken debauches coa him thousands of dollars. " "Aro you goiue to see the fight between twoen Sullivan and Ryan ? " inquired thi Herald man. "Not by a large majority , ho Jangbed "it won't bo Interesting enough. Itwil be too short. I wanted a go at tha diamond belt myself and was rondy witl the money , but they said no , Ryan muet have the first chanco. What's Ryan over done ? I proposed to fight Ryan and lei winner face Sullivan. Personally ant socially Ryan's as good a follow an ever lived , but us a fighter that's auotnci matter. I'll lay a thousand his truss wll ellp when ho gota in front of Sullivan. " "Yos , I'm going to fight Olcary , " ho rpplied to a question. "Ho haa a greal right , and he's clover , too cleverer than people give him credit for but there's such a thing as distance. He's knocked out moro men than Stllivan , and I think hotter of him than I do of Sullivan. McCailray ? Ho can't spar anyone. AH the boys in Philadelphia want to spai him , When the boyseoe a pie they wan ! to eat it. He got all his reputation through Billy O'Brien working the Phil adelphia newspapers. " "Do you know where Sullivan got his reputation ? " the "Parson" asked , and then ho answered hla own question : "Mlko McDonald gave it to him , When Sullivan was out hero a few months be- fora ho fought Ry n , ho hadn't a dollar in his pocket , but he couldn't get anyone to back him , and I told Mike ho was a good one , so Mlko gave me a thousand to nuke a match for 95,000. Our negotia tions fell through , bat tbo advcmiing Sullivan got then boomed him so that a few months later ho bad but little trouble in getting the 82,500 they fought for. But It was Mlko McDonald who first put John L. Sullivan to the front. " ' What sort of a fighter is that Toronto nun Scholes ? ' was asked. "He's a big , strong follow , and very clover. The man who goes over there thlnglng he's going to have a soit mark will get badly left. Kilralu is a splendid boxer , but no fighter. " Arthur G. Clarapott , who tccompanles Mitchell , Is the champion swimmer of England.and Ireland , and ] s going to Cal Ifornla In the Interests of Captain Boy. ton's rubber suit. At California ho swims Captain Dairy for the championship of the world. Lie has testimonial from the Royal Humane society and the soci ety's gold medal lor saving numerous lives. Tbo twain left 'for San Francisco last night , Bill Nye on the Slurb , Bill Nye In Boston Globe , There ii much in the great field of astronomy that' Is discouraging to the s&vant who hain't the time nor meaua to rummage around through the heavens. At times I am almost hopeless , and feel Ike saying to the great , yearnful , hungry world , "Grope on forever. Do not ask mo for another scientific fact. Find It out yourself , hunt up your now-laid planets , arid lot mo have a rest. Never ak mo again to alt up all night and take are of a now born world , while you Ho n bed and rock not. " I got no salary for examining the raokloss void night after night when I tight to bs In bod. I sacrifice my health n order that the public may know at inco of the presence of a red-hot comet resh from the factory * And yet , what banks do I got ? IB It surprising that every little while contemplate withdrawing from scion- Ifio research to go and skin an olght- iiulo team down through the dim vista f relentless years ? Then , again , you take a certain style f star , which you learn from Prof. Simon Nowcomb , Is at such a distance hat It takes 50,000 years for its light to each Boston. Now , wo will suppose hat , after looking ever the largo stock of now aud second-hand stars , and alter ox- tmlulug the spring catalogue and price- 1st , I decide that ono of the smaller size will do me , and I buy It. Hotr do I enow It was there when I bought it ) Its cold and silent rays may have caasod 10,000 years before I was born , and the ntelligonco ba still on the way. Thcro s too much margin between silo and delivery. Every now and then an other nitronomor oomos to mo and says : "Professor , I have discov ered another now alar , and intend , o file It. Found it last night about a mile and a half south of the zenith , running loose. Haven't heard of any- Dody who has lost a star of the fifteenth magnitude , about thirteen hands high , with light mane and tall , have you ? " Now , how do I know that ho has discov ered a brand-now otar ? How can I dis cs ver whether bo ia or Is not playing an old , thread-biro star on mo for a now ono. ono.Wo are told that there has boon no perceptible growth or decay in the star business since man began to roam arount through space , in his mind , and make figures on the barn-door with rod chalk showing the celestial time-table. No eorloun accidents have occurred In the starry heavens since I began to ob Borvo and study their habits. Not a star has waxed , not a star has waned , to m ; knowledge. Not a planet has Boaaon cracked or shown any of the injuriou effects of our rigorous climate Not a star has ripened prema turely or fallen off the trees. The varnish on the very oldest stars I find , on close and critical oxnminailon , to bo in aplondid oonditlon. They will all no doubt , wear as long as wo need them and wiuk on long after wo have ceased to wink back. In 1876 there appeared suddenly In the Northern Crown a star cf about the third magnitude , aud worth at least § 250 It was generally conceded by aatrono mora that this was a brand new star tha1 had never been used ; but , upon consult ing Argelandsr's star catalogue and price list It was found that this was not a now star at all , but an old , faded out star o the ninth magaltudo , with the fronl breadths turned wrong sldo ont am trimmed with moonlight along the scenes After a few daya of phenomenal bright ness it gently ceased to draw a salary as i star of the third magnitude , and walked homo with an "Undo Tom's Cabin" com pany. It is such things aa this that makes the life of the astronomer one of conitan and discouraging toil. I have long contemplated tomplated , as I say , the advisability o retiring from this field of science one allowing others to light the northern lights , skim the milky way , and do othe celestial chores. I would do it myael. cheerfully if my health would permit but for yeara 1 have raallzsd , and so ha my wife , that my duties as an astronomo kept me up too much at night ; and my wife is certainly right about it when she soys , if 1 insist on scanning the heavens night after night , cnmlng homo late wltl the cork ont of my telescope , and nr eyes red and swollen with these exhaust ting vigils , I will bo cut down In m ] prime. So I am liable to abandon th great labor to which I had intended t devote my life , my dazzling genius and my princely income. I hope that othe savants will spare mo the pain of another refusal , for my mind ia fully rnado up that , unless another sklmmist IB at once secured , the milky way will henceforth remain nnekum. Ncro ami African , It is a coQiinon mistake , says the At lanta Constitution , to regard the term urgro as synonymous with African. Tbo word negro does not denote a nation , bul and Ideal typo constituted by the assem blage of certain physical characteristics exemplified in the natives of certain portions tions of Africa and tbeir descendants in America and the West Indians. In Afri ca the area occupied by the genuine negro , men with black skin , thick lip , depressed nose , and woollj hairia exceed ingly email compared with the remainder of tbo continent. Aa a i nlo tha prevalent color in Africa Is that of the Arab , the Indian , and the Australian. The true ! it'gra dUtricti are the Senegal , the Gam bia , the Nig. . r , and the Intorindiato rivers of the coast , parts of Sadaula , Sennaar , Kardofan , and Dnrfur , People nho are certainly not negroes Inhabit the whole coast of the Mediterranean , the desert , the Kafir , and Hottentot areas south of the line , Abyssinia , and tbo mid die and lower Nile. This does not leave mtch territory for the typical negro. It a generally admitted that the negro in- : elloctiainferlor not only to the European , Dut to that of the llghtor-hued African tribes , but it Is superior to hat of the Australian. Bushmen , and Esquimaux. That the active influences of freedom and civilization will materially advance the status of this peculiar race is a hope in dulged in by philanthropists and states men. Time Is the very essence of this jreat problem When B by WM tick , we gave lier CutorU , Wlen ilia WM a Child , ike cried for Coatorl * , When the became UU > , she clone t ° Castorla , B'Ucn the luul Children , nho g ro them Cuioria , HAMBUEG-AIBBIOAI PACKET COMPANY. Direct Line for England , France and Germany. Th < tteamsblp ) of thl well known line are built it Iron , In water-tight compartments , fcnd are fur. alibod with every requisite to nuke the pautgt loth safe and agreeable , They carry the United JUtoa and European malli , and Icavt New York rhusdayi and Baturdayi for I'lymoutb ( LONDON Oberboug , ( PARIS and IIAUOUKQ. llatei : Bteerace from Hamburg 110 , to Ilambnr 10 ; round triple Pint Cabin , ? 6 , WS and | 7& Uenry inindt Uark Ilanwn , F. E. Uoorea.U. foJt , agents In Omaha , Oroneneir t Schotntgen , ig nt ln Council Bluffs , a a ItlOIUBD & CO , Sea. Kaea. Agio , 01 Urcadway. N , Y. Cbu , Hot- nlniil * C5o.G nfral Western Agenti , 170 Wadb- Of St. , Chicago , IU HE GREAT -tfr'flW AN REM Dl Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago , Backache , Headache , Toothache , Nero TIi rnnK < rrl line.NprnliiM.Itruliic * , Illirii * . Nrnlila. Froul Ulton , AND AM , Otimi linlMl.T VAINS AMI Alllr't. Sold by UrnctUli n l Dnlrn n rry h r . riny Oi-uU Ivlllo. IMrfcUoinlnuUnrintM. run ciiAiti.Ks A. v : co. (8 ( * MrlUA.TOIILXRa > . ) Ullllmort , BcL , V.H. A. I am Mi oUl innn. tor 3 jtfirs I tulTcrcd with ilcrn on my tight lex os 'ho result o ( typhoid lover. AmputatUn M su RcstoJ ni the only mcrrs ot pro- crvlnglirp. The doctors ooulA do nothing far mo and thought 1 tuiul dlo. For three yc nts I noicr ha J a shoo on. Sttltt'a Specific Ins made n permanent euro and added ten j c&ra to my life \V i n.IlKitMUIlCo.10 : I have taken SnlH's Spcclho ( or Mood poison con- roctod t a mttllgal collcRO nt a dlssaetlon ; white I was a medical etiiJont I am eratchil to ray that It K TO mo a epcedy and thorough cure attcr my pa- ootshad speit htin'dicds o ( dol'ati for treatment Al'dCRM'S WKXOMi , M I ) . Ncunrk , N. J. My wlfo from caily girlhood haa been miflerlnf ( torn rheumatism Slio has tried many remedies and I must frankly e\y has derived moro benefit 'rom ' Swift's Specldo than from all the othort , nttor long and talthtul trial. ItKV. JAI. L I'lrrtcK , Oxfcrd , Ga. Swllt'n Snoclflc la entirely \ cgctablo. Treatise on lood and Skin Diseases mailed Ireo. The Snirr Srncino Ca , Drawer 3 , AtUnti Ga , , ot 169 W. 23d St. , N. Y. G17 St. Charles St. , St. Louis , DIo. 1 regular Rrndaateof twoMedlciuCollcteii , haslitrn lonfttl noticed la thefpecUltrcattueiitof CMBOMC , NIBTOII , Haw ana CLOOB DutiiLithKa anr other fbjilcUn In BUlxxiU , M city ptpcri shew RBI ! U old rtildaoth IDOW. Nervous Prosiratlon , Debility , Montr t CN < Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and otn0r > T4C- > lions ol Throat * Skin or Bones , Blood PoliWrtny , old Sores and Ulcers , are vuh onr r iie : o loeecMi , on Uteit nettntitle frlnclptei. Pt lr , Trliattt/ . Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess , Exposure or Indulgence , vbieh rrodaee iom0 or it * following effcctii ucrvouineti , dcbllitr , dlmnei of iljiJ * nd defective memorj , flmplei en the face , r&Tileiil decay , ftierilontotht < ocUtof fcm&lef , coaruBi of UcfXJeti , rendcrinff Marrin e improper or unhappy , u rcnDnnratlroartd , Pamphlet ( iti ( ge ) OD the aboTf.ntrt | m teilcd fnvflopp , free to any uddrrM. Ccniultatleo at tf f CO or by mall free , and InTltcJ. Write for queaUoot. A Positive Written Guarantee circa In ill cortulo cute * . MeJlclnts cnt crcrjnbera. I'nraphlcti , .Knpllnh or German , 04 pace * . < " - Krlbluc nbovo dlieages , In uala or foma ! * , FIIEH. MARRIAGE GUBDE ! flWiKigci. flneplate * . lllostr&tcd la cloth and flit tit JOc.inonejerl'onne : i iuo.itp | r coTon , zxs. Thin eonutni all tbe eurloui , doubtrtl or lativliUlTe wmat UDOW. A back ll cre t lct < t Bt to nil UeilU ) , " - w JJOSHXM ! by itcuvtca Becking perfect restoration to health , full manhood and Horiml vigor without Slomucli Drugging , should eeml for Tron- tlso on the Itlnrsf on IScilus. Young moil and others who Buffer from nervous anj physi cal ( Iclilllly , oxhuuatcil vitality , prc- liiituru decline , Vnrlcocolc , < xc. , are Specially boncfltod by consulting Us contents. .Diseases oC the Prostate Glinul , ICIiIm > yx a ml Illaihlcr effectually cured Indorsed by thousands who have been cured. Adopted In Hospitals anil hy Physicians In Kuropo nud America. Scaled Treatise free. Address MARSTON REMEDY CO. or Da. H. TRESKOW , 46 West 14th St. , Now York. 50 BBWABD ' " \v vnrr wivn TTTK EOOAL OP - * * * * > * * Mi LORILLAnD'S wa fxff fjLOWSHARl -Tqt - must ba &JI.ARCH and al GOOD T trintia Dlcklo , 00 & OS WAbai This brand ia a happy combination cf line , young crisp rod , burly long Illlcr , with a DELICIOUS FLAVOR and It just mccta tbo taste of a largo number o chewera. Orders lor "Plowebaro" are coning In rapldl. from all parts of the country , demonstrating ho\ quickly the great army of chewers etrllo n goo , combination of Tobacco , both as to quality am quantity. Messrs LoilllardJc Co. have exercised ni llttlo time and labor In endeavoring to reach tbi Actuo of Porlectlou In Plowshare , aid Boom tohavi donolt. Besides tbo TKS cx.NT curs ol Plowthare an Which Is a point not to ho orcrlookod by dealers nho will flnd It to their Interest to order tome ant give their customcra an opportunity to try it. Ask Your Dealer for Plowshare Dealers supplied by Gronowepr& Sctocntgen , Council BIufTa. I'crocoy & Mooro. " " L. ICirscht & Co , " " Stewart JJron. " " 1'axton & Gallnghor , Omaha. McCord , Brady & Co. , Omaha. Fur ealo in Omaha by H. YlDcllnsr , 518 S ISthStroot , Henry Ditzon , C01 S 13th St. Heimrod & Co. , 002 S 13th St. Gee Cnrlsmn.1015 Fornam St. Kaufman Bros. , 207 S IDth St. Kaufman Bros , 100'J Farnom St , Frauk Arnold & Co. . 1118 Farnam St , August Tlotz & Co . 1509 Douglas St. ( Joo. Hcimrod , 013 N Kith St. Bergen & Smiley , N. W. Cor. ICth nnd Cum ingSta , Van Green Bros. , N , W. Cor. Division nnd Cnmiiifr Sts. K. Stevens 013 N. 21 t St. .1. ] f. Spctmnn. Cor. Douglas and 12th St. Geo. Anderson , 318 S. 10th St. Cliarho Yinp , 712 B. 10th St. Mrc. G M. Lawley , 800 S. 10th St. II. Manfelt , S. W. Cor. 13th nnd Howard. Will pnflfy Iho aH3OO'TCin > late the LIVCRaml KIDNEV8 , and IIEHTOIIU Tim HKAiTll nU VIOOIl ot YODT1L I/ ! * .lepslH. . Want of Apjicllie , In- dlia'stlon , I.avk of hlrcnfrth Brrirc'ili , ] nlifGlutel' cured. _ . _ ii-rviik receive ntwforce. inllvuii3 ; Iho mind Alia , . uphllca Uralu I'uwer , m a a lBT ) * H t ? Vu SnRcrlnKlrorn complaint ! i-MtU UKtVi ) iioculliirto Ihflrarxwll ] ted in DILI : f tririiu-HiiioN xomo o a ( nod > H'ed ) cure. Klln-saclear , lieal'liy completion. > tbe popularity nl the original" Do not expert , jent 'iret thu OltldlNAr ANU IIKST. aadro VtoTbBlr. ) Hart rMi > , l Oo.H Wo. , ( or our"DKEAM J1OOK. " H. K. BtJREET , FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER , J1JN. Wh Btre t , OilAU Manhood ItcuEurKurK. ATiotlmof routblullmiirnd * Mudoff Prtmatur * Dtcar , N noui Ptbilltr. I Manbooo , A . , barlne tritd In rain eifrj known rmdTtcrdl > ooririid a ilnpU m > ani of nl-our , blob Lt wii ? Mud VKKK tobii fellowufler rm. Tha romnrkabla growth ol * OmthR dndng the Inat 1W yo ro IB D ru ttoi cf grofit aatonlnhmont to thoao who pay on occasional vlalt to this gro-prlng oltf. The development ol the Btor > Yftrde tht nocoBsfty of the Bolt Una lload Uni finely pared streets the hnudrodu of now rosldonooa and oostlbnclnoaa blooka , with the population of onr city moro thnn doubled In the lut five yonri. All this ID a great anrprloe to vlsltorn end IB thi admiration of onr cltlxonn. This rapid growth , the business activity , und the many anbatantlal Improvomonta mtvdo R lively demand for Omaha roM oatato , and every luvoatoi hm made n handaoas profit. 'Slnao the Wall Street panlo May , rrlth the anbaonnont cry of hard time * , there haa been JOBS demand from spoonta * torn , bat B fall demand from luvwtcn seeking homos. Thla lattov class ar * taking advantage of loir prices In build ing material and are scouring their homes at much lees ooet than Trill bo pocalblo n year hence. Speculators , too , can buy real eetaf a cheaper now and ought to take ad van t < - e of present prloo fnr fntnra pro t ? . The nozt fovr yean promlnc * gieatai divolopnionta In Omaha than the prut Qv > yeara , which have boon an good aa vro could reasonably doalre. Nivr met- nfactnring ootabllshmonU nnd l-so ; Job bing houses added almost weekly , and all add to the prospurit ] ' of Omaha. Thoru ara many hi Omaha and throogh * but the Stnto , who have tbohr money In the banks drawing a nominal rata of In terest , Tvhloh , U judiciously Invested In Omftha raal ektato , iroald bring them much grohtor relume. Wo have man * bargaino which > TO ao oonfidont nlll bring the purchase ! largo profiti ID , tbo near fntn > . "Wn IIHVG for sale the ilnest renl- donco property in the north and western parts of the city. North we have fine lota atreason- able prices oa Sherman nvenue,17th , 18th , 19th aud 20th otreota. West on Farnntn , Davenport , Cuming , and all the eading etroeta in that direction. The grading of Farnam , Califor nia and Davenport streets has mnda accessible some of the finest and cheapest residence property in tha city , and with the building of the street car line out Farnam , the uro perty m the western part of the city will increase in valnn We also have the agency for the Syndicate and Stock Yards proper in the south part of the city. The developments made in this sectioa by the Stock Yards Company ant ! the railroads will certainly double the once in a short timn. We also have some line lots and some eleconfc inside dencep for gale , Parties wishing id invest will Rvi Scmfcb Mfcb St , Bet reou Farnham and Double * . . P. S. Wo oak those who hfm property for Bale at a bargain to prut : us a call. We want only bnrRa'a ' * We will positively not handle prop erty at moro than its rnal valne. t . * ,