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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1885)
mmmm rt 6 THE DAILY BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS-WEDNESDAY APRIL 22 , 1885 r i THE DAILY BEE 6GTOCIL BLUFFS. Wednesday Morning , Aiml 22 8UUHORUTION HATES. Dr f ) ne ! . . . - . -10 oentolr * ! week By M.ll - - 110.00 pel y orrioBt No , IS ronrl Street. MINOR MENTION , The funeral of Edward McCarthy was hold yostord y and was largely attended Mortimer & Weaver's dramaklo com pany presented "Tho Octoroon at the opera house last evening , with John W. Barton In the loading role. The now Presbyterian church , which has boon completed but a foir weeks , la leaking b dly , the water injuring the fren colng and endangering the plaster. The brick cottage , No. 810 Sixth nvo nno , la being ralaod , and the lot filled. Mr. Aylosworth , who has boon doing BO much of this kind of work hero , Is rats Ing the building. The marihal arroatod a boy , giving his name as Harry Buckley , on suspicion of being the one who is wanted nt Angus la. , but ho proved not to bo , and BO was turned loose again. The county board haa notified those having charge of the St. Paul's church property , recently purchased by the connty , not to out down any more of the trees. The reply is made that noun bnt dead trocs have been cut down. Complaint Is made that the authorities pay no attention to two dead dogs that are on Fourth street near Worth. Until the heavy rain on Monday night these dead animals were near Dr. Woodonry'a residence -whoro they had remained for about a month , but the rain had washed thorn along. The police Into yesterday afternoon made another raid for tramps and gobbled seven near the transfer , There wore fifteen or so more in the gang but the others wore too fleet-footed , and outran the ofilcers. The authorities are now having about all of this class of follows they can handle. A team belonging to Chris McAvln , anddrivon by him , took a wild run down Broadway yesterday afternoon , and landed In a tangled heap In the big ditch , making a bad wreck. Mr. MoAvln was qnito badly hurt , and a little boy , who was with him , was shaken up roughly by being thrown out , The Remington typo-writer , on which THE BEE man now dishes up the Council 11 Bluffs news , works likoncharm , and 1 moots the long-felt want surely. Those who have much writing to do should In vestigate this lightning way , and send for the needed Information to the agent , whoso address appears In another column. The corner grates In the streets , open ing into the sewers , are far from what Is needed. They are too fragile and too small. They are easily broken and easily clogged up , so that , as during the recent rains , the water , instead of passing oft through them , overflows the streets and sidewalks. Some radical change should bo made. ' John Bailey was before the superior court yesterday for being so drunk as to forgot decency and expose his person. Ho was also charged with having left his team standing on Broadway , in all the storm , from about 8 o'clock In the even ing until about 5 o'clock in the morning. Ho seemed penitent and was lot oil easy , with a simple fluo. Gns Bollck was before the court yes terday on a charge of being drunk and disturbing the poaoo. It appeared that ho had a few drinks down , just enough to make him enter enthusiastically into an attempt to collect some money , which he claimed was duo him from James Gouldon , and when the money was not forthcoming ho proposed to enforce pay ment frith a brickbat which he hd In his pocket. Gouldon had him arrcatod , but concluded not to prosecute , and so the case was dropped. Milton Gunekol , the general travelling agent of the Redpath Lyceum Bureau , was In the city yesterday , making ar rangements with the tame young men who secured the Bernhard-Llstomann concert company for Council Bluffs , to have the celebrated Joseph Cook appear here nndor ther their auspices. The date fixed upon is May llth , and the moro announcement should bo enough to secure a crowd. No orator in this coun try [ is bolter know than Joseph Cook , and ho is greeted everywhere with crowded houses. The securing of a lec ture from him , is another feather In the cap of the young men who fgavo this city such a musical treat In the Bernhard- Llstomaon concert. The United States court was to meet hero on the 28th , but Is now decided not to do so , Judge Love having found more business at Dubnque than ho expected , and the funds appropriated for this six months of court expenses being so nearly exhausted that there Is not enough to have the term bore and at Dos Molnes , and as part of the business here has been disposed of , it is doomed no more than fair that Dos Moines should ba given some show. The appropriations are so arranged * hat a certain amount only Is to ba spout during the first six months of the year , and while the annual appropria tion la , of course , not exhausted , the limit Is almost exhausted for the six months. Hence too much business and too little money cauios Council Bluffs to be cut out of the extra term , Facts worth remembering when you buy Wall Paper : 1st. That Beard , next door to postofllce , hsYtbo largest stock to select from. 2d Thtt his prices are as low AS the lowest 3d That ho la a praotloal interior deooritor and employs none but skillful workmen. STILL THEY DOME , Tramps GIve the Police , M ro Work and a Wild Ohnso. The tramps continue to bother the rail' ways nnd the suburbs of the city. Yes terday Ofilcers Wheeler nnd Austin won ! down on the bottoms to hunt up some fellows , who were reported to bo occupy Ing a Northwestern box car , and making on the neighboring hcu-coops for meat. The cir was found to bo well fitted up for cooking purposes , the dishes bolng old tin cans , while the remnants of food showed that the fellows had been eating In their crude way. The men had skipped out nnd the officers started to find them. They spied four or five fellows clear down on the bottoms , and had a hard chase after them , the follows making n break for the " " and it "dump , scrambling over , disappearing In the willows. After a chase of over a mile the officers succeeded in capturing two of them , who were brought in to headquarters. The pair were at once sent to join the gang al work on the streets. One of thorn had just served ton days in Omaha on broad ana water. Ho was clad In only a shirt , pants , shoos and hat , and even thoao garments monts were almost worn ont , and very filthy. Just out of jail , and in this con dition , it is hard to see what a man could do If ho wan'od to reform his mode of life. This follow , apparently , would not improve n chance to do bettor , If ho had a chance , for ho was evidently a chronic case , bnt the question arises just the same , and it concerns Iho others who are put to work on the streets horo. When the ton days are up , and they are turned out , what are they to do , without money or friends , their clothing worse than before , and tholr reputation cer tainly not Improved what can they do bnt go on tramping J Some of the fol lows have attempted to solve the problem for themselves by giving the overseer the slip and skipping out. 0. R. Mitchell has charge of ono gang , and Tom Griffin , who Is a partner of Maloney , In the saloon business , has charge of the other. The overseers scorn to think It a cause of congratulation , rather than re gret , when any of the follows skip. The score stood yesterday , Mitchell 1 , Griffin 2. Some of the officials , who think that there should bo a reformatory element mixed into the punishment , are con sidering the advisability of giving the tramps , who work hard for ton days , a little money , BO that they may have a little something to start out with. The most of them would soon fool away any auoh help , as they have doubtless fooled away many other chances boforo. Still , these warm-hearted ones claim , there may bo a few who would try to got work , and become solf-supportlng. Artists' Materials at GR. Beard's Wall Paper Storo. Send for price list. SHALL THEY CLOSE ? Pinna Decided Upon Ijy the Pro hibitionists in Regard to the Saloon * , It etlll remains a mystery as to what the saloons are to do , or , rather , what Is to bo done with the saloons ? The prohl- bitants hold a secret meeting Monday ovonlng , and it is learned that the plan to bo pursnod is , first , to have the saloon men notified that the temperance folks are determined that they shall close up ; the hope being that the saloon men will boed the warning and make arrange ments to close without waiting for litigation. If they do not close of their own accord , the next move is to got out injunctions and compel them to close. It la not proposed to make seiz ures and destroy liquors or to make any undue annoyance , or trouble to the men engaged lu the business , the prohibition- Ista saying that they are not fighting the men , but the business. The first move bo look out for , therefore , under this plan of action Is the notice to close up. This will not bo served nntll the arrrngoments are all undo for ptoceodlng with prosecutions , if the notice Is unheeded , It was learned yesterday that the necessary funds had not yet ben secured to back tip any n c- essary litigation , and the delay is caused by that lack , the prohibitionists not wanting to make the first move nntll prepared fully to carry oat the whole programme. SLICK SCHEMER , Ho Plays Numerous Small Confidence . Games. A schemer has boon working Main street on a small scale hut quite suc cessfully. Ho wont into Scott's store and borrowed a scoop , saying that ho wanted to unload seine corn , and was in n great hurry as ho was afraid the rain would catch him. The scoop ho took to the Crystal mills and tried to sell It there , saying that ho had not sold his batter and eggs , and waited to get a little money to pay for feeding bis horses. This story being too thin ho sot the scoop down while ho slipped Into the engine room , and asked the man there to lot him have his monkey-wrench for a few minutes as ho wanted to fix some thing about bis wagon. < fRGottlng the wrench ho went off and sold It. These are samples , only , of how ho worked that part of the city. He is reported to have thus succeeded in borrowing numerous little articles which he sold for small amounts , lie has thus far escaped gar- reit , and Is probably now -working some Gold. Agree on "a Dlvy. " The democrats ot Iowa are having a hard tirno iu coming to any agreement among themselves as to bow the fat places nndor the now administration shall bo divided , It seems that the adminis tration desired the Iowa factions of the party to arrange the matter BO as to relieve lievo the powers that bo of all risk of of fense In making appointments , and sev eral conferences have been held , in which prominent * and aspirants have joined , but these > conferences have only resulted In making matters worse , and putting off the reachIng - Ing of any agreement. The only policy , which It seems possible to agree upon , Is to let it be a , freo-for all , and every man for himself. It is now confidently pro- dutsd by democrats , who have been In these conference * , that this will bo the resolt , and that whatever appointments are made will be the reiult of individual elf jrts and influence , instead of the re sult of on agreement of the Iowa lenders. There h s boon a delay in making any changes , or distribution of patronage in this state , the administration waiting and hoping that sorno harmonious ex pression could bo reached , as to jnsl what the Iowa democrats wonldbo catls Ged with. PEKSONALi. M. Qnnckcl , of Chicago , ia a guest nt the Pacific. Mortimer & Weaver's combination ia at the Paciflo. Supervisor Ilobort KirkwooJ WAS in the city yesterday , L. T. Gonung , of Hastings , was at Bcch- tolo's yesterday. lion. T. M. O. Logan , of Logan , Iowa , was at the Pacific yesterday , H. II. Van Brunt left last evening for Chicago cage to superintend the soiling of some of hi ) ° cattle. George W. Thompson and David Stubba have been off on a hunt. Tboy report the hunting good much plontier than the game , John Pugh , chief clerk of the "Q" at Pa cifio Junction , was in the city yostoiday smiling M sweetly as over upou his many lady friends. OoiTJohtTB. PoxTwho has'gono to Dakota , has been appointed sheriff of Brule county , and is now building an otlco in connection with his dwelling thero. Marshal Guanolla loft last night for Du buqno , and during his absence , Ed Bates will act in his place , whllo Jerry Mullens takes Batoi' place ns night jailor. I ] Uonghly Treated. Adam Smothers asks for a dirorco from his wife , L. E. Smothers , and lu his petition sots up some pother sensational statements. Ho claims that she has not only abused him , bat that she has beat lilm , and that she has entered into a con spiracy with the children aged 10 and 18 to kill him. Ho claims'that ' they came to his room , armed with an as , clubs , and other weapons , and sought to got in to kill him. At another tlmo they assaulted him and the children hold him whllo the old lady struck htm over the head with a ohair. If half his statements are true , it Is evident that the old man haa hardly had a fair chance. OOMMEIIOIAL , COUNCIL BLUr/S HAUKTT. Wheat-No , 1 milling , 70 ; No. 2 , 65 ; No. S , CO. Corn Now , 28o. Oats For local purposes , SOo. Hey 6 00 per tonj baled , 60. Rye COo. Oorn Meal 1 CO per 100 pounds , Wood Good supply ; prices ct yards , 6 OOQ > 6 60. 60.Coal Coal Delivered , bard , 0 50 per ton ; cot 4 0 per ton Lard Armour's , wholesaling at 741. rionr-Olty flour , 160@2 90. Brooms-1 703 00 per doz , tlVK STOCK. Oattlo Butcher cowa 3 25S 75 , Butcher steers , S 7C4 00. Sheep 3 00@3 CO. Hogs-3 60@3 75. PBODDOE AND VBrjITS. Eggs Firm nt lie. Ilutter The receipts of gsod stock are very small. Oroamory , V2@25o ! : choice country roll is scarce and sells readily at lC@18c ; fair to good , 12@tl4c ; poor stock is dull at S@10o. Poultry In strong demand for both live and dressed. Live chickens , per doz. , 32C@ 3 75 ; turkeys , per lb. , 9@10c ; ducks , per doz. , 2 C0@3 00 ; spring chickens , per doz. , 6 00 ; dressed chickens , choice , per lb.,12c ; dressed turkeys , choice , per lb. , 13@14c ; dressed ducks , per lb. , 10@12o , Onions In good demand at 1 25@1 50 per bushel. Potatoes Receipts very light and demand good ; choice stock of any good vanety , Cn@ f5c ; fair to good , 40@45o. Beans -In good supply , with fair demand. Hand-picked navies , 150 ; clean mediums , 125@135 ; dirty and unscreened stock dull at 75@100o. * Game Ducks , mallard and other large , per doz.,2 Oj@2 25 ; teal and mixed , 120 ® 150 ; goose , 300. IOWA IN PIECES. The spring census gives Manchester a population of 2,275. Muscatino's crack military company of forty members has been uniformed at an expense of $2,500. The citizens of Northwood have organ- zed a fair ground association with a cap ital stock of $5,000. The town of Sheffield , Franklin county , .a enjoying a building boom , the most ac- ; lvo In many years. It Is proposed to erect a largo Catholic college at Davenport for the education of young men for the priesthood. The temperance people of Muscatine 3avo raised a fnnd of $3,000 with which ; o attempt the enforcement of the pro hibitory law. The Oskaloosa city council passed an ordinance on Thursday taxing traveling doctors $25 per day and Itinerant auction eers $50 per day. The Sisters of Mercy of Davenport are trranqlng for the building of a superb hospital at Iowa Olty. A site has been purchased at a cost of $8,500. The medical department of the state inivorsity expect to have a fine amphl- ; heatro built adjacent to the hospital Duilding to bo used for clinical operations and instructions. . Several Iowa towns refute to bellovo .hat Des Molnos has raised the $50,000 lecessary to secure the permanent loca- , lon of the state fair , and will only bo convinced when the money Is paid ib , The board of supervisors of Dos Molnes connty refused to appropriate their quota of the $30,000 asked to defray the ex- ionics of the state exhibit at the Now Orleans exposition , The Iowa Brewers' nssoctatlan at their Davenport meeting resolved to continue .heir contest In the courts of the prolilb * lory law , and will call for aid from the National Brewers' association , that meets n Now York city in May. The Sioux Olty Journal is responsible for the following : At Waterloo , this itato , there has been for months a most bitter contest between five or tix demo * cratlo applicants for the postoflico. The other day the Washington dispatches con- talned the announcement that W. W. Hartman had been appointed postmaster at Waterloa , Mo. Now tbo republican postmaster In the Iowa Waterloo Is W. Q. Hartman , whose term expired April 1. A facetious republican In the Iowa town , getting hold of several cop ies of the first papers contain ing the announcement , adroitly pasted the letter "I" over the letter "M/1 thus filling the vacancy for which so piny local democratic patriots were anx iously striving , by ro-appolntment of the republican Incambe'nt. The news , judici ously started , spread like wild fire , and within a few hours President Cleveland was being cursed like a horse thief fur playing off a petition of the mugwump oQtluesi on onr hungry Iowa democrat ! . Wh'ctber the governor has been aiked to Dili ont the militia to suppresi the Bour bon riot that will follow the ditoovery of the hoax does not appear. HARKNESS BROTHE 401 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , OARPETS , CARPETS. CARPETS 'A large stock and choice patterns. Prices clear down. JLJL V T * H * * s * WI.I H All the Novelties in Dress Goods , Silks and White Goods. Always Lowest Prices , We make a speoialtv of Store Shadiugs * Office Mattings , tlie furnisliing of oliurolies offices and public buildings. Harkness Bros , 401 Broadway Council Bluffs PUNCH BLUFFS C ARPET COMPANY Curtains , Oil Cloths. Window Shades , Linoleums. Mattings , Rugs , Etc. , Etc. Careful Attention Given to Out of Town Orders. Upholstery and Drapery Work a Specialty. Oar stock IB the Largest inle and is being continually replenished by all the latest and choicest novelties. 405 Broadway Council B/ufis ONLY HOTEL In Council Blufls hiving a IFIIRIE ] IBSO-A-IFIS , And all modern improvements , call bolls , fire alarm bolls , etc. , ia the CRESTON HOUSE Noa. 215 , 217 and 219 , Main Street. MAX MOHN , - PROPRIETOR SCHMIDT , PHOTOGRAPHER ! No. 220 Main St. , Council Bluffs. Open Sunday. First-class work guaranteed , J. L. D BEVOI8B. MOD Ticket No. 507 Broadway Council Bluffs. Railway Time Table. COUNCIL IBLDFFS. The following are the times ol Iho arrival and de parture ol trains by central standard time , at the ocl depot * . Trains leave transfer depot Ion mln- ntei earlier and arrive ten minutes later. DEPART. iffldooand HOIIUWMIULB , ' 0:25 : A M Mail and Express fl0'r : u I'M T u Accommodation 1:10 : r M f > : SO P M Express 0.05 A M OnlCAOO AID MCX ISLAND. 0:25 : A U Mall and Express 8:63 : T > u :25 : A M Accommodation ' 5:15 : r u ; 30 r u Express 9:00 : A u cmoAoo , imwAcua An ST. rAOL. :20A : u Mall and Express 0:50 : r M : Z6 r M Exproai 0:05 : A u cmoAoo , miLuaroK AID qotxoT. 0:60 : A ll Mall and Express 7:10 : r u 2:30 : r M Accommodation : oo r u 6:15 : r M Express 8:60 : A u WAliSD , IT. LOUIS ASD MOTTIO. From Transfer only. : so r u St.lLouIi Express 2:15 : r u j0 r u Cblcigo Exp Tla Peorla 0:10 : A M KARSil WIT , T. J01 AMD COCBOJL lUJm. 0 Oh A u Mall and Expren 6:40 : r u 8:16 : r 11 Kxpreta 0:25 : A u BOOX cm An rAcmo. ; 50 A M Mall for Sioux City 0:50 : r M : SO r u Express for St Paul 8:50 : A u UXIOH rAoinc. 1:00 : A u Dearer Express 4:85 : r w 1:06 : I'M Lincoln Paw O'a & II V S:35 : F w 7:55 r 11 OrcrUnd Kxprtu 8:30 : A M PUUMT TRAKIS TO OM1UA. fearo Council BluB * 7:16 : : SO ao-loaO 1:10 : a. m. 1M : : BO8:80 : 4:23 : : 6 8S5 1:45 : D. m. Leave Omaha 8:40 : 7tc : : to IOM : > 11:15 : a. m I2:60-s:00 : : 8:00 : 4 : 0 4:66 : 6:66 _ U:10p. : m. MANDEMAKEES & VAN , ARCHITECTS , CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS tfo. 201 Upper Brood way , Council Bluffs. SPECIAL. NOTICES NOTICE. Special a vartlsomonls , mo at Lost round , To Loan , For Sale , To Bent , Wants , BoardIng - Ing , eko. , will bo Inserted In this column at the tow late ol TEN CENTS FER LINE ( of the fltet Insertion nd FIVE CENTS FER LINE ( or each subsequent rtlon. toaro advertisement ! it onr offloc , Ko. Pearl Street , neat Broadway WANTO. -Situation aa housekeeper ( or wlJ- owcr. AddrcsiMra. M , Boo office , Council BIu fs. | FOH HALE A two-Boated carriage , wltli single or double harness , 11 desired. For tornn inquito o ( Fi S Pusey. ANTKD-A nurse girl. Inquire at No. 619 Seventh avenue , P10H KENT Keoms now occupied by Y. II , C. A. , alter May 1. P. 0. Devol. SALE. .other hotel In a Ivx Nebraska FOR town , now doing a business ot about 33CQ per month. No other hotel In the place. Terms liberal. SWAN & W.ALKKR SALE OR TRADE. SCO acres ot land In FOR county , Mo. Will traJo ( or Council Bluffs city property or Bell cheap ( or cash , or part time. SWAN & WALKER. TO TrtADH-Uood Iowa cr Nebraska WANTS land ( or a email stock ot hardware or general merchandise , well located. SWAN & WALKKII. FOll SALE A rare chance to pet a fine , well Im proved ( arm o ( 400 notes , \\ltliin a ( ew miles ot Council Bluffs , at a bargain. Low prtco and easj terms. &WAN & WALKBR IjlOK SALK A good paj log hotel property with JL' llyury stable , in ono ol the best entail towns in western Iowa will sell with or without furniture , or will trade ( or a email farm with Etock i to. SWAN & WALKKR. IjlOIl SMjE Eighty acres unimproved land in _ C Union county , Iowa , 3 } miles south-east ol Al ton , the county scat , or will trade for Nebraska or Kansas land. SWAN & WALKER. Tj Ott BALK A 20 acre tract of good land about JU ono and a half miles from Council Blufli pott ofllco. at a bargain. SWAN & WALKKR. LjiOll SALE In Harrison county , Iowa. 320 acres JL ! grass land , all under fence a 00 farm with flno improvements , all under cultivation except 20 acres grass 80 acres good grass or pasture land , and several other tracts of from 40 to 100 acres of unimproved land. SWAN & WALKKR. T701t S/iLK Lauds Improved aad unimproved. JD If you want a ( arm In western Iowa , Kansas Nebraska or Dakota , let us hoar from you. SWAN & WALKKB. "TOOK SALE A largo number of business and real. JL ? dcnoo lots In all parts of Council Bluffs. See us beforo'you buy , BVTAN & WALKKO. E10H 8 ALB Parties wishing to buy .cheap lots to build on can buy on monthly payments of from 82 to 810. 8wAN & WALKER PlOB HEN r Wo will rent you a lot to buUd on wfth the prlvllago to buy If you wish on Tory liberal term' . SWAN & WALKER. TX7"ANTEO To correspond witn any one wishing a TT good location ( jr planning mill , sash , door and blind manufactory , we have building and machinery , well located , ( or sale , lease or trade ; SWAM & WALKKR. FOR RENT- Large two story frame building suit able for warehouse or storage purposes , near railroad depot. BWAH WALKBR. FOR RENT UK SALE Bjliiilag and grounds sultaHa for snail foundiy and machine shop Good boiler , engine , cupola , blower with Died shaftIng - Ing oto. , ready to put In motion. SWAN WALKKB , t OU HALE nouses. Lots and Land. A. J. JP Stepfcenson , 603 First avenue. I01l HALE A top-buggy , flrit-cUss make and JU in excellent condition. Or will trade for cheap iot. Address f. M. Bee office , Council BluTa. Every body in Council lllufls o lake WANTKU . Delivered by carrier at only twenty jenta a week. f \LD PAPERS-For silo al Bn office , at 86 oenta \J a hundred VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR RENT , I have a double store bulldln,10 looine.partltlonod off , elegantly papered , supplied with water from the water works , good brick cellareultoi ( or restaurant , laundry , boardlLg house , merchantllo buslnreaor resident property. Also a large two-story ( ramo dwelling with 10 rooms two cellars , etc. , eta , suited ( or boarding boust , private residence , hospital , etc , , opposite the city buildings and city market ( or rent cheap. W. II. VAUailAN. THOS. OFFICER , W. II. H. PUSSY Officer & Pusev. BANKERS Council Bluift , la. Established , - - 1856 Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Exchange and Homo Securities. THE RECENTLY IMPROVED REMINGTON STANDARD TYPE WRITER NO. 2 , IB the Highest Achievement in Writing Machines in the World. With only 89 keys to learn , operate , it prints 70 characters * Including caps and small letters , punctuations , flpurea , ilgoi auu I fractions. It ittie simplest and I moet rapid writing machine made as well as the most durable for free illustrated pamphtet. Wyckoff Seamans & Benedict , Chicago , 111. , Sola Agents. 0. II. SIIOLES , Council Bluffs Agent for Western low * Dr. W. JL Shorradoa DENTIST , Masonic Tempta , Council Bloflfl i t' Iowa B. Rice M. D. ot ltM toman rra r4 wlUort tb kslie ti c'nwiBC l UMi. 1HBONIC DISEASES" " ' Orer tsutj jtars i/r ctlo l v rUM * & * * - ) , Parl stf , Ojtmcll bU Sl. tin. BUCKEYE WROUGHT FENCING AND CRESTING. TTTTl Beautify your Iiomca by using the above. Over 501) desipni to select from. CHEAPER THAN WOOD FENCES jBeautijnl , Strong and Lasting. Estimates given on any atylo either put up or delivcro 1 here , by applying to KEELXNE & FELT , Wholesale Iron , Steel , Heavy Hardware and Wood Stock. 117 Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. HOUSE MOVER AND RAISER. Brick buildings of any alze raised or moved and satisfaction guaranteed. Frame ho moved on LITTLE GIANT trucks , the beat In the world. W. P. AYLSWORTJI. 1010 Ninth Street , Council Bluffs AND "THE ENGLISH" KITCHEN. 505 Broad-way , - - Council Bluffa. THBONIY AIL N10HT HOUSE IN THE CITY. Everything served in first class utylo and on shott notice. Hot and cold June-lies nlwivm ready. KIEL BALE STABLES Keep Horses and Mules constantly on hand frhti we will sell in retull or carload lots. All Stock Warranted as Reorescnted , WLokmlc si-ciriull ( itmrt u drain nd Doled IUy. Price ennable Satisfaction Outnotcod. SOIHinLTTTEDR So DBOOLB'2 : Corner Fifth Avo. & Fourth St. OouncUBlaflfl. COUNCIL lltUFFS , April 2. FOREMAN Hold tbli epoco ( ot the advertisement ol DID. JuJd k Smith's Eluctrlo Appliances. are too busy filling their orders and petting their now factorj , No. SO , Fourth Street to rlgliU , to Ret any copy | uit DOW. Of every dcecrlptlonuind at prloco low M the lowcit. Special attention to custom work. The remain der of my stock of NOTIONS are being disposed of at COST. A PAOTcall and bocomlncod. WHS. Z > . A. 837 Broadway , - Council Bluffs. Iowa. SMITH & TOLLEIt , ACTS. LEADING Merchant Tailors ! 7 and 0 Main St. , Council. BI.UFPS , - - - IOWA. A Complete Line of New Goods to Select From. II. U. FIELD. W. 0. ESTEP Field & Estep , UNDERTAKERS No. 317 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. 0 11 Attended Promptly , Day and Night , Particular attontlon given to Embalmtns Telephone No. 07. N. 80HURZ , Justice of foe Peace. OHIO * OTKB AJJffKIOUl ElrBESS XHJNC1L BLUFFS. IOWA. JACOJS 8IM8 , Attorney - at-law , COUNCIL DLUriS , IOWA. Offloe , Ifalo Btroel , Room * 7 and 8 , Bhugart ami touo block. Will prtotloo la HliU and Ute ooart * .