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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1885)
THE DAILY BEE WEDNESDAY , APJRIL 22. 1885. ' 1 CITY COUNCIL. The New ConDcil at ils First Regular Meeting Dispose of Much Bate , J , It. Bombard Elected Clerk No rom Mayor Boyd. At 8 o'clock last evening President Bocbol called the first regular mooting of the now city council to order , all the members except Mo ears. Dalloy and Ford answering to roll-call. Later In the evening those gentlemen came in and took their scats. Immediately after the usual formalities .Mr. Foray moved the election of city clorkby a viva voce vote , which motion wan adopted. Thereupon Mr , Bohm nominated J , B. Southard , Eeq. , who was elected by a vote of eight to two for 'Mr. Jowott ; Mesera. Dalley and Ford not voting. Upon the amendment of the vote the clerk asked to bo ozcusod from attendance on the meeting , stating that ho had never missed one during his term And now had some business out , Ho was excused. Tbo rules of the old council were adapted as thoeo ef the now council and the president announced the following committees : Judiciary Goodman , Schroder and Fnray. Sewerage Dalloy , Bailey and Bohm. Paving Bailey , Leo and Datloy. Finance and Claims Schrocdor , Ford and Bailey. Streets and Grades Fnray , Dalloy and Bchm. Police Lee , Loeder and Thrano. Public Property and Improvements Goodrich , Goodman and Loodor. Fire and Water Works Lccdor , Fu- ray and Goodrich. GM and Electric Lights Thrane , Goodman and Sohroedor. Sidewalks and Bridges Bohm , Ford and Goodrich. Rules , Forms and Printing Ford , Leo and Thrano Special Committee : Vfaductsand Rail road Crossings Goodman , Thrano and Schrooder. Mr. Bahm made a personal explana tion , which was hoard respectfully. COMMUNICATIONS. From the mayor : Petition for lot to build a house on from the W. C. associa tion. Referred. la * From 0. H. Watson : Touching a con tract with the city as to sidewalks , ending July 1 , 1885. Referred. A number of oQicial bonds were ap proved. Several applications for special police men. Referred to mayor. PETITIONS. Of property ; holders to grade Eighth street , between Jackson and Marcy. Rs- forrcd to the committee on shoots and grades and city engineer. Of Mr. Peterson , for money duo him for work. Approved and ordered to bo pieced in proper appropriation. Communication from chairman of board of public works as to paving. Referred. Diagram and estimate , showing forms and coat of street crossings on paved streets. This and saveral other commu nications were referred to appropriate committees. City engineer's cstiaitto for paving. Ordered paid , A number of petitions as to paving were appropriately referred. A protest of .Henry and Rebecca J. Livosey against a market houno on St. Mary's ' avenue , for reatons sot fcrth , was referred to committee on public property and Improvements. Petition to change the grade on Far- nan ctroet and a waiver of damages. Re ferred. To reconsider and repeal ordinance creating paving district 35. Referred. To establish a grade on Twentieth and Twontyiixth streets. Granted and re ferred to city engineer. ed. For payment to present holder of an an account due Carl & Ooylo. Referred. For establishment of grade on Park avenue from Woolworth avenue south to the city limits , distant about two blocks. Granted and referred to city engineer. G. H. Watson's offer lo sell earth tote the city at stated prices was referred to the board of public works. [ This Is earth that will have to be removed from the ground oa which a school house Is to be built. REP. ] Report of city engineer as to the amount of dirt needed to Gil an alley be tween Harnoy and Faroam streets was referred , as wis the protest of E. Stnht against the grade of Tenth street. ihtp Aaron Hoel'a account for work was ap proved and ordered paid. pm A statement of percentage duo con tractors and ihat certain lamps had been put In place as ordered by the council was referred. Several requests that certain streets ba paved with Sioux Falls granite were re ferred to the committee on straets and grades. Report of city physician , a protest sgiinst the grade of Sixth street south I of Bickory , and petition of J. P. Thomas I aa to a gutter to carry of water were io forred. City Treaanrer Buck reported several tenders of cash for damages to property by grades , etc. , which had boenmado and re f mod. 'Filed. A judgment of the district court for S1.7G5 43 was ordered paid when fundi are available. The statement of J. M. Watt of dam agrs sustained to property In the lOf $570 was referred. A largo number of bills presented wen referred. A petition of residents In blcck 3 Konmz'a Fourth addition , as to drain- , n.o was sent to the delegation of tin Fiist ward. J. B. Southard's bond as city clerk was approved. Petition ol residents to have owner of lots 119 and 121 In Wilson's additloi pat In sidewalks was tiled. Paul Plate's request thst a washout ten the north side of the cross street west o Twenty-third street be filled was rePetitions Petitions for a lamp on Isard act Twenty-second street and the extenslo1 of curbing and guttering on Tenth reel were referred. RESOLUTIONS. A number of resolution ! directing city officials to take steps to have variot things done end report their action irore adopted. The city attorney was directed to present pare an ordinance compelling person who trlih fences , to raaVe "water aps" so > a to avoid choking passage w ys < sowers. Also Instructions given to boar of public works to take steps looking 1 the repair , curbing and guttering c Webster street. Alao instructing city engineer to ritabliih a grade on Sevei teenth near Clark , and on Grace from Fifteenth to Saundora streets , Also In structing the street csmrolsslonor to have a trench cut on Seventeenth street south of Clark , The council determined to sit on May 1st and 2d from 0 a. m , to 12 m ; and from 2 to to 5 p. m , as a board c ( cqnal- Izatlon to ro-aisesj special taxes , correct errors , ubu . , and ordered notice to bo published for all who wished to file com * plaint In that relation. ORDINANCES. Authorizing the paving of that part of St. Mary's avenue that lies In district No. 32. Road twice and referred. Prohibiting 'opium joints , " etc. [ The penalty is a tine of $5 to $100 , Imprls- ontnontnnt more than ninety days or both , RCP. ] Passed. To issue $100,000 in bonds of the city per last election. Passed. To extend the curbing and guttering on Cumfnga street as board of public works may think best. Passed. To change the grade of Tenth street , and mayor to appoint appraisers. Re ferred to delegation from First ward. Proscribing duties of city auditor. Passed. Regulating privies , cleaning of vaults , etc. , and requiring license for this purpose to follow It as a business , and competing persons during opldomlo and contagions diseases to disinfect their promises. Re ferred to committee on police. To transfer $2,850 from the general to the police fund. Indefinitely postponed. Itwas ordered that hereafter the hour for the regular meetings of the council shall bo 8 o'clock p. m. Adjourned. A YOUNG FLOATEB , The BtraiiRo discovery of a Fisher man Yoatorday Morning , Yesterday morning Coroner Droiol received word that the body of a young Infant had been found n the river , at a point sev eral hundred rods south of Boyd'a pocking houso. Ha immediately wont down to the place nnd found a curious crowd of spectators in the houao , that of John Green , near the ttono quarry , where the child lay. It SOOIAS that a fisherman by the name of Joseph Kaulna had boon fishing oat some trot lines in the rlvor about nine o'clock this morning , when ho spied a small basket , filled with bricks and par tially covered with a piece of calico dress , in which there was swaddled an Infant , apparently two or throe days old. The basket wai almost on the bank and had evidently boon thrown Into the water at some point far above and been wajhcd down the river and ashore by the heavy currents. The ignorant fisherman was consider ably stunned by his strange discovery , but gave currency to the report which soon reached the coroner. An Inquest was hastily held , and the jury after hearing all the meagre evi dence in the case , returned a verdict that the "child had come to a violent death by being thrown Into the Missouri river by some person or persons unknown. " There Is not much light to bo thrown upon the mystery. J. B. , a resl dent of the bottoms , testified at the in quest that on last Sunday morning about dawn ho saw a man and a woman going down to the river front. At thic bank they separated and the woman wont tea a log where she acted as though laying some object In the rlvor , but as she was stooping very low , _ and witness could not see very plainly , he CDuld not say what she was doing. After remaining there and working at some thing for about half an hour , the woman returned to the upper shore , and witness , as well as his wifo. noticed that she had doffed her woman's dress and appeared In men's clothes. Witness could not say whence the woman and her partner came or whither they wont. Ho watched them until both disappeared down the track. The body was found at a point some two or three hundred yards south of whore the woman bad been ob served. . The case , without a doubt , Ia ono of foul play. . Stolen Silvcrwnro Found. Yesterday morning about 10 10m o'clock the silverware stolen from the reaidonc of Herman Kountzo , Esq. , last Saturday night , was found in a heap of rubbish at the tit. Joseph's hospital , by an employe of that institution. It seems that this man was engaged with a fork removing the rubbish from the premises and suddenly dir denly uncovered $150 worth of silver- wore which proved to bo that taken iras above stated. It was promptly returned to the owners. The theory advanced is that the thief or thieves hid it at this pUce for rafo keeping , until the first ex ' citement attending its lots should have passed oil , or that feaiing detection the thief placed it there to draw suspicion from himself. So far no clue to the thief . has bcou eocurid , John A. Lmmb Dead , John A. Lamb well known and , < much respected and beloved in Omaha : died on Friday night last at his homo in Chicago. Mr. Lamb for years has been : known in business circles hero and , throughout the west aslmost companionable able friend and successful business man. Making Omaha his business headquarters - for the Missouri valley section , ho spent seventeen years traveling In the paper trade and his best onlogy is that ho bat won In that tlmo the respect , a co and esteem of all his patrons and the dis , trust of not ono. - His death woa unexpected , although i he had been sick for two months. So sura was he that ho would sonn bo up again that only the day before ho died ho wrote a friend in Omar > a that he would bo well in a very short tlmo. Tbe County Court. The fact that the district court is not luiosslon this week renders the report ; of - oourt proceedings very meagre. On yea terJay in county court very lllile iras done in thd morning and the 'entire afternoon ternoon was taken no in the trial I o Walsh ve , PAtteraoif , a suit fcr the rice of work and labor done. It was a jurj trial , and resulted in n verdict for Walrl of $29 85 ; the amount claimed woa ? ! 3G Jadgo McGullcch during the day la- sued a marriage license to Andrew Teylo ] and Miss Annie W. Sullivan , Mrs. Kite has sued ono of Ottnmwa' " gilded and mirrored gin palaces for of $5,000 , for selling whisky to her husband who , when helpless drunk , was fired out to into the freezing night , where ho cam on notr perishing , remaining an unprodac tlvo Invalid on her hands for months i b venrea'on ) of Injuries sustained. FAIE AND EXPOSITION , Articles of Incorporation Signed Yesterday. Yesterday the Oinaha F lr and Expo * sltion association signed articles of Incor poration. These set forth the general nature of the business to bo transacted as the holding of the fair and exposition , the purchase of real estate , the erection of buildings and such other Improve ments thereon as required , and all other business appertaining thereto , The capital stock Is fixed at $50,000 , in ton per cent calls , and the emaciation Is to exist for fifteen years. Thfl Incorporates are J. E. Boyd , H. G. Clark , Churchill Parker , Julius Troltschko , John F. Paulson , George Canfiold , Joseph Garnoau , Jr. , H. W. Yatea , W. A , Paxton , Augustus Pratt , F. II , Davis and John A. McShano. The Blue lllbbon. The Gospel temperance meetings hold bjV Mr. Montague at the skating rink are very ( Interesting , and will no doubt bo very successful , Monday night Mr. Mon tague spoke at length on the fallacy of high license , and showed that Instead of decreasing drunkenness it increased It. Ho was followed by Mrs. Cooley , late or ganizer of the W. 0. T. U. , who spoke earnestly [ j , of the appalling thought that our children are educated upon money that is stained with blood and blotted with the tors of drunkards , their inno cent wives and helpless children. She WSB frequently applauded. Mrs. Cooley and Mr. Montague both sppko last night , and all Were cordially Jnvitcdto at tend. The music , led by Mr. McDonoll tiVi the Y. M. 0. A. , Is inspiring and well worth hearing. Many have already signed the pledge and the blue ribbon flutters on the lapel of many a coat. Come everybody. Bring your Gospel Hymns. CENTRAL AMEUIOA. TROCBLK FEAIIED IN PANAMA. PANAMA , via Galveston , April 21. The arrival - rival of the steamer Acapulca places a very strong force of American routines and sailors on the isthmus. It was expected that the landinp'of this force would cnuso much Irrita tion and this was true , more feeling , however , was displayed by the French than the Colombi ansThe latter understood the cause of the pro ceeding bolter than the former , but all oppo sition Is now ended. Captain Riod'a com pany furnishes guard to trains on the Panama railroad making six trips dally with armed cars. The men nro now comfortable at the barracks. At Matchin Captain lluntmjton with 150 men and a battery of three guns , has suppressed the trouble and rendered good service to the interests ofthla _ place. The peace commission from Panama reached Buena Ventura on Friday. Their mission was ignored , and the canal launch convoying the members of tha commission was captured. Troops are reported to bn em- barkinpat Buena Ventura for this place. Serious trouble is expected , and it Is believed it can only ba avoided by foreign interven tion. Oftual work ii hindered , business is being - ing destroyed and the inhabitants are in a continual etito of alarm , and many families are leaving the city. CRITICAL TISIE3 AT 1'ANAMA. PANAMA , viaGalveston , April 21. The sit uation last night and to-day ia critical. Hand bills were iesuod inciting the natives against foreigners. Gen. Alzpure is quoted as say ing ho would not fight in the city. The ca thedral towers are being loopholed and it is reported that a quantity of dynamite baa boon placed in the cuartels. The soldiers' quartera are to bo fired in case of defeat. Rei * idents of Panama ara more alarmed at the coming troops than ot those now here. Well known crimma'a who wore liberated in the recent tight are now seen in hotels and else where. Grant's Condition. NEW YOBK , April 21. At 8:20 Dr. Douglas left General Grant's house and stated the gen eral slept during the night without one dis turbance , and that ho was much improved ) after the drive yesterday and would ceo out [ to-day. The doctor thinks that from the itn created amount of exercise taken by the gen eral that he Is growing mnch stronger. The swelling of his tongue , however , still contin ues with little sloughing. nn. NBW Y9EK , April 21. At noon to-day Gen. Grant , with some members of bis family , took another drive in the park. The members of his family all had dinner with the general who seemed very much im proved after his drive. A Roman Catholic clergyman , who was a class mate of the gen eral's at West Point , called and bad a long conversation with him. Mr. Albert Blerstivdt , artist , was also a visitor. GEN. QBANT TAKK8 A WALK. NEW YORK , April 21. At 4 o'clock this af ternoon Gen , Grant , in overcoat , high hat and neck ecarf , left the bouso and walked down the steps. Behind came Col. Grant , who walked by his side , but not touching him. The general walked to tbo center agof Sixty-sixth street and Madison avenue , arid then turned and paced back , lie used a no and walked slightly limping , but tbero ra nothing of a tottering feebleness , and as rahe was congratulated during his little walk he responded with a "thank you" that was clear and firm. The colonel ( lightly assisted him up thoatepj onhls rotutn. Another Pjnnnilto Hcaro. CHICAOO , April 22. The janitor of the Chicago TJnivotsity early Una morning dis cerned two men digging at the base of the observatory of the tower , in which is located the telescope of the Chicago Astronomical society , the instrument possessing most pow erful lentes ever manufactured. Being dis , covered , one of the diggers ran , but the other n German , remained. lie said he had been engaged to work there by a young man who resembles clotely ly description Otto Funk alias , Talbir recently arrested for stealing bioks from the - public library , and In whoso room was dis . covered a lot of explosive ! , bnt who was afterward released. The police wera notified and placed the digger under an eat. They then discovered that a largo trench ba 1 been excavated , in which had boon placed wires and a barrel tuppaxxl to contain explosives Funk h i iiQt yet been arroitod. The pro- tessera of tha university assisted in the proiecutkn of Fuuk which ia giveu M hit motive. h The ITinoobnKo IllghtH Association ST. PACt , April 21.-An addrem i y the Winnebigo lights association -John Slither 0 land president H , 13. , , Dovey , secretary received ceived by tha Globj from Pierre , Dakota , tonight night , recites the hlstoryjof Arthur's bxecuthi order , openirp tbo reservation , and Ita revoca tlonby 1'rei'dtnt Cleveland. The addresi assails the sc' of the latter In strong terms - and calli on tha Battlers to summon meeting ' on April i'O at Canning. B unt , Harold Mitchell , H mklnton , Hfghmore , Chamber - lain at d other places to organize for an ap of peal t' the preiident and the pajple acalne the enforcement of President Cleveland' proclamation. The address asks if the settler are to be treated like tha Israelltlih serfs [ o Russia and like the tenantry in Ireland. . - A Prize Fight That Became 'reo ' Fight , WiLKjsiunne , Pa. , April 31 , Barnes Williams and Patiick Lawler , miners and noted puuiliita , agreed to ssttle a grudge yes terday by retorting to tha priza ring. Ac , cordingly in the afternoon the men met in lonely spot on Snake Island. After tha firs round , dnrlng which Williams had the ad- - vantage , Lawler'a friendl broke into the ring by and a general figbt ensuad , Pistols , slubs and billies were used , and a number of Wl Hams' friends were injured. The men refuted to continue the fight during the state ef affairs. Fllty ponons will bo arrested who were interested. New York Dry Goods Murker , NEW Tone , April 21. The dry goods mar ket his boon quiet at first hands , and without any request , cither poisonal or by mail , for small miscellaneous assortments. Jobbers are doing n fair business , with now and then a fa vorable exception , through _ job offerings , Men's wear and woolens continue In request , both for light and heavy-weight goods , and of the latter fair business Is of daily frequency , through orders. "Want to ParohdBO the Spanish Tor pedo Uoatt. Special Telegram to THE BEE. MADRID , April 21 , It is reported hero that the Spanish government has tccoivod offers from England for several torpedo boats in procena of construction in Lngland , on Span ish account. The tVoftthor , WASHINGTON , April 22. For the upper Missisilppi Valley Local rama and goner- orally cloudy weather ; southerly winds shift ing to westerly in tbo northern portion ; ris ing barometer , Far the Miisouri Valley Colder and part ly cloudy weather and light rains followed s clearing weather , variable winds ; general shifting to weit And north ; generally higher barometer. ' Gen , Xjawtou Declines tuo llusslim Mission , SAVANNAH , Ga. , April 21 , The news that Gen Lawton had declined the Kusslan mis sion was received in this city from Washing ton late last night , Gon. Lawton's action was based on a doslro to eave the administra tion any possible embarrassment which n Oght _ ever his confirmation In tha senate might cause. BSBO Ball News. LOUISVILLE , April 21. Louisville 3 , Pitts- burg 4 IB innings. liALTlitOBE , April 21. Baltimore 7 , Brook lyn 4 , TOLEDO , April 21. Clevelands 11 , Tole do 0. ST. Louis , April 21. St. Louis 1 , Cincin nati 2. The Sheridan-Davenport Combina tion DUbantlcd. CEDAR RAPIDS , Ia. , April 21. Owing to tbo eovoro illness of the wife of the noted , tragedian W. H. Shorldan , caused by blood poisoning , the winter season of tha Sheridan- liavcnport combination , announced to termin ate on May 2nd at Omaha , was abrupt'y ' ter minated here to-day for the nbove causo. IMAGE EVERYTHING KNOWN IN 1HS CI ASS OF GOODS , AND HUE SOLD AT PRICES TO SUIT ALL CLASSES. Their Superior Utter- its are well known tlie tvorltl over. In point of Durability , Conven ience and Economy ojf Fuel they are cibsolute- ly the finest anil Itest that can le made. EXAMINE THE "GARLAND" MNE BEFORE MAKING A PURCHASE. SOLD EXCLUSIVE ! LANG & FOITICK 1 318 anl 320 South 13th St , near Farnam. If' HENS' , .BRAY , Carries a fmo line of Mens' Shoes In Bal > - Congress and Button. We contend that Hatbaway , Soule & Harrington make ol * iboea are not beaten by any boose cither in style or durability , Mens'Buckle Shoe. 1 OC , Mens1 Button Shoo f 1 7C Mens' Button and Bals 2 100 ( - We can and we are telling goods very low for cash. Remember the place.1612 Douglas - street. T. N. BRAY. - - E. KOTH. ! , , ef - - AXD IIA1JR DRE88JEJR. of Ill S. 15th Street , Opp. PoBtoffic DR. DYSAR1 1222 FAKNAM , Con 13th. - in - a SPECIALIST , - AhdGYlTAECOLOQ-IS1 ] (11 ( years hosplUlaDdprivate practice. ) CON BULTATION FBKK. OfBco hours-10 to 12 axe 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p.m. Sundays 2 to 4 p. in. SPECIAL NOTICES. TO LOAN MONET. JOXKT loaned on seemed notes. Iiobcck&Co. , 1YI misstate brokers. HSS Farnam , up-itatri. 6 o-tf To loan on chattels , Woolley * Hairlion , MONEY 20 , Omaha National bank building 8Mtf loaned at low rates.ln amoonU to suit on MONEY . or other good security. F1n n- d l exchange , 160S F n m St. SSS-mlp TO LOAN-On teal e t U and chattels MONEY Thomm. T40tl. _ toaned on chattels , cut ratj , R. H MONEY oonght and sold. A. FormanJ1S 8 , Wth 81 67 t _ _ ONKY LOANKD at O. K. Heed ACo's. Loan omc on furniture , planon , horics , wagons , personal property of all kinds and all othe rutlolcs ot value. Jrtlhoul removal. Over 1st National Bank.oorDer 18th and Farnam. All business strictly confidontlM TO WAN In innu ol * SOO and upward. MONKT Pavls and Co. , Beal Kitats and I ao ( rents , 1SOS Farnam Bt. " 8H WANTED FEMALE HE P. - good ( ttrl lor ( reneral house Mork In a WJICTIID-A t mily.S2arie > snt st "M- " - good girls , 7 experienced cooks WAXTKD-18 Bureau , 1120F rn mSt. TTTANtRD-Flrst dais cook an * laundrcs ; also ieo- W end girl , at 1808 Farnam St. Mrs. J. M Jhurs- ( on B371' TrTASTBD-Olrllor light house work 1417 J" > k j" -A good cook to work In a private family with laundress and sfcood Rlil.Vacei Uentt dollars a month. Mrs. A. J. ropploton , 1800 Bhor- man ave. ° 'B"21 - gcn ts lor "Queen r ottctcr dUsr stocking nd skirt mpportew. iboulder brace > , bustles , boiojj lorns , dinia shl * ds. tatoty belts , sleeve protector , etc , { entirely nsw devlces.un. prcoedenUd prsfltsj wo ha\e 600 gonUi making * 100 monthly. Address with stamp , Bit Campb.ll & Co. , 8 South May St. , Chicago. 0'9 ' m'BP - \ girl to do general liouso work , WJLMRD-\eood waiblug or Ironln ? , retcrenoeB ro ulrcd. CaUat504 north 2Zd St , N W corner ol Cassove. C82-Xp Dish washer at the Emmetnou'- . . AMID-An experienced cook , one whoeancomo W well recommended , 1118 Dodge 010-tl - * good competent girl lorgencralhouae. WANTBDgood work 210J Farnam sL 610-tt WANTED MALE HELP. Camos'ors , aomothlng now ; make money WANTID capital required. Addrets box 714 , AKonls to eell books , big Inducements , WASTSD Crolghton block roan 22. W. II Win- Ans. 0 23p TX7ANTSD A bright and active boj to do errands , V T end make hlmtclt usolul In our muslo depart- nent : must know how to write. Max Meyer & Bro. 710 21 A. man to work at Uenry UornbcrRera. WANTED 't 03-21 T /ANTr.D Oood locksmith at Novelty worts. 14th W St. 688 tt A elnglo man to work around gtorc , 316 WANTXD street 667-tt SITUATIONS WAHTED. WAriTiCD-Situation by an experienced book keeper , by 2 saleemen , by a lady stenographer and typewriter , by 2 young men to drlvo demory wagon , by a go d ooachman , by a man to run sta tion cry engine. Omaha Employincnt Bureau , 1120 Farnam fit. 703 tt WANTBD Situation by a young man In any capac ity , have had 6 years experience book-keeping , on give good references. Address "J. D. " 050 21p MISCELLANEOUS WAISTS. TTTANTBD To rent about May 1st , by email family VV without children , a house ol lour or five room e , In western part ol city. Address "C E" Bee offlco. For gentleman and wife with bnaH one WANTED room or two roems en suite furnished ; Address box 823 P 0 City. 003-tf - Isbed room by gent and little daughter. Address "R 8 E" Bee office. 058 21p WANTKD To buy a cheap horsa lor light driving. Bex 629 , Post offlco. OS2-23p WAUTXD-A. furnished hotel In a lire town , one controlling the Commercial bade. Address "E B"VlcVKeb. ; M8-28p WANTO-TO rtnt small house ; family small , rent reasonable , within 18 blocks of Bee , possession 54th. Address or call at Bee offloo alter 4 p. m. , E. P. IVINS. COl't' ' WANTED K SO will buy one doien Roger Bro's trlpple platedtable knives at Moodjr china storo.coruer ICIhand Davenport tt. 445-tf \TrANTKD-Every ady In need of a sewing ma. VV chine , to see the new Improved American No. r. P. E. Flodman ft Co. agents ; 220 N 16th. 34311 tfOR RENT HOUSES AND LOTS. ' TTJon RUNT Large store room for flrst-olasi J ? dressmaking No 1519 Dodge. Mrs. Sortl. 701-23 Tj OR KrsNT A store cheap SOS north Itth. 818 26p UKNT Now store room 22x70. Jno Krck , 0 7 FOR . 6M-30 nutt Homo of five rooms and kitchen near FOR Mary 'a ave , and 24th Bt. Apply at 2110 Har noy St. B7621p FOR RKVT On street car line ; a 6 room house. In. quire 1110 Isth ct , bet ft con Nicholas and Paul. B59-21p RENT Basement of 3 rooms , corner 211 h and FOR . Inquire at 2410 Cass ft. 6t8-21p TTIon RS T AS roomcattage on California it , bet Jj 2 < th and 25th ; Inquire oa promlecs. P J Cr.-odon. 628 tt t FOR BIWT Store dwil Inir attached2 ? . per month D L Thorrivj C05-tf TTioiiRKvrHouse o9 ! roonu with barn , Oa'dwcil JTj and Saunoers st ; Inquire 1709 et. 22p irtORBEIT Uoute 11 rooms019ti 18th stapplrto ; ( Jt ? D K Hume. M8 tf FOK BBM-Housell rooms , ooll r , pantry , clasoti near St car , 128 per month. Q K Thompson , H IW corner llth and Ilarnoy. (82-tf FOR BINT rhreeetory brick store building ; en- qalro ol Edward Norrls Ii Co. , room IB Giounte Block. < 67 tf FOIt HUNT 2-8 room homes Inqulr no. Barton.SmclUnK works , or 314 North Bt 104-tf Full UKNT-New cottage , 6 rooms. . Pblpps Hoe 1512 It 6th et. 234-tf , , RENT A. furnished house 0 rooms durlni Jsv the Summer month to parties without children. Inquire Sll South 23d St , IDMf itENV-BW.-e bulldlng44zHO three story and hNOd No. 110 and 112 l Ui. Inquire HO Dodge Bt Wfl-tt FOB KKNT Furnished cottage , 7 rooms , irlth closets , rantry , etc. , In best loaJlty In City oir pay rent with board. Call lu afternoon at 526 1'leas ent St. 170 tf [ TKHl BENT Threr. brlok stores comer 16th and JD CumlneSt. J L. MoOague , Agent. 491-ai IIOOMS FOR RENT. T ? > OK RBST Furnished room 1013 Dodge st. I5p TTos. UKII Nicely furnished front room for lady JH and gentleman ; Inqults 621 1'leaeant Bt. 71 ! tf T ? R Ra.M.Large f jrnlihed roomi with board 101 X1 Capitol ave. 7W-21 "PVm RIM Neatly furnished front room OlSsout 1 ? 16th st. 70J-i7p ' stint Two elegant front rooms for Imilac IT'oa 1 and wife or two quiet young men No 1519 Dodg Mrs. Bore ) . 703-23 Rsxr-Uoomi 1011 Dodge Bt. FOU 706-25 fjioa RUT Furnished rooms ; for rarllcu'ari as J1 location , price ic. Utjulreat Bi : s&Isa r , I 1410 Farnam st. OM 6p "TOOK RUST Suite of room ) for two orfourgtntlemi J ? lilt BJUth Kth it 077-2 Two cr three furnlihed room * fur IL to. WAKTID - within 4 or 6 tbcks et the Ojx HIOJC ; sddrtis "a * Bee oftce. 073-S F < oa aXT-Nleelr furnished rooms , Uovkrn oonte- . nlenoji ; srlendld location on car line , 1710 C p- Itol Ave. 48S-Slp jlOR HINT 8 rooms , cjo et , and hdrmt water , at 003 N IStn Itteet. COS Sip a RIM-Kronl room , 1M5 CaplUl atomic atomicMTSlp \on \ UF.NT lUtulforaclj furnished room tor gle Rentlemen. Ailfrcts "Y..W. " lee ) o oC512lp R RVT On Ur o riuidnomMy fiirnlshtd room with ese llcnt bo tJ lor tlngl * ( fcutljuun , 1718 Dodge. FK HKT Ftrnllhed room 1021 Capitol avu. OW2Sp T7 oa RKNT Pleasant furnished room * Ith board Jr DOS north llth street 1 block from street oar * . 039 TJ OR RIWT One Urge front room with b y window JT and rntnUl and one pUmai backroom tutntstcd or unfurnUhcd , modern ImproTcnunls , Sfth tl. ne Si JUry's \ e. Inquire S W cor 16th and Dodge si. OW-tl FOR RUT-Luge room 20x20 elegantly finished , - * suitable tor offlco. Inquire OM Katon , lit S HthSt M7.ll FOR HIKT Elegant newly furnished rooms 225 Dodge st. 607-tf OOMS With boardde lr tl I Jtsummti. R tt 81. ChMlei n t L 237-11 FOB RENT-Nlocly lutnlshod rooms 1617 Davenport SlO.mCp UKNT Two or thtoc very hloe teem tar- FOU nlshed or unlurnlshi d.totir blocks south ot Opera house. IcrmlloM'south 16lh. 20311 1 } > OII HKNT SoAoral flno cfllcos In Cronneo1 block , Ju Inqalro Ed. Norrts , room 10 Uraunsa Moot IOH KENT Furnished room 1818 DoJgl. F J DoJgl.Unxro F' ] I OR ' KBNT Nicely lurcUhod rooms at 1718 Cass J Bt. I S30 tl FORSALE FARMS. 'OR8ALB-120 noroa good land n I thin 00 miles ol Omaha , new house , good etabh , living water , leol bouse sn the land and one mllu from railway station ; terms easy. W U Green , o\er 1st Nat'l Bank. Foil BALr.-Fa m and unlrapro\od land lots and hnuaeonlongoiodlt 11 &M Land Ofllco , 620 > , 13lh St. Vadlcka & Qoantner. FSR BAI.K 100 acres good lacd , 20 rnlloa from Omnha and J mlle from the thriving town ol Sprlnincld , Neb.onlhoMisjourl 1'aclQcUy. , at a batRaln for 30 days , or will trade lor Dret class Im proved Omaha city property. Woolloy & Harrison , room SO , Omaha Nation il Bank. 478-23 TTVm BALn-Oowl farm In Washington CO. ; 171 J ? ncres ; 80 acrci cultivated ; good buildings ; One orchard ; running vvutor ; all fojceJ. EJward Norrls Co. , loom 19 OrounsA Block. 47411 FOR SALE HOUSES LOTS. 201. Abirca'nln ' house and lot , barn , iletcm , cellar cto , $1076 ; $ ICOoiih , bMancoln deferred fajmcnls tu suit purchaser , 3188 10th. Q. F. Klsassor. C04 27 Ftm SALK liouso lull lot , well , cittern , Imn.all In good condition , ono block from street cars 81 , 00 ca y tctms W II Orcen , over Ut Nat'lBank. B41-II ITIOll SALS A full lot on corner cf 18th and Jonoa JP na\od street and ulthln one equaro ot U. P. U. B. lor eale. Watrcn Sftitxlor. m-20 F OR BALK D lot * lull size , lOper coutcath , balanc monthly paincnta. W II Qrcoa , over 1st Nat Bank. 030 tt Fen BALK Two cottages and lota Virginia ave one block couth ot St Mary's avo. Bt care $500 cash , balance on lang tlmo. Isiao Adams Frcnzcr block opp , P. O. 017-tl FOR BALK-HOUBO and lot corner 24th at. and Cap- Itol ave. 8 roomi modern iXinvonlcncefl , etabU lor 4 horses , a bargain ; Inquire ot II O. Stripe , 1801 Douglas et. 460 tt TTJioR BALK OR RUNT Six room house , well cistern , JD and stable ; Orst claia ordcr.twenty-flrst and CUrk sir. rent J20 per rrnnih , tell 82,030 easy teririB AP Tukey , at CaulQelds Book Btore. 473-tt ; FOll SALrt A very nlco 0 room hcaao and lot , must bo aold 1223 North 1 Jth St Ml a22p "T70H SALE Qood 6 room homo , lot 60x132 lecteoa P front , 31300 ; $100 oish balance J16 per month W. 11 Green , over 1st National bank. 331tt FOR SALE , MISCELLANEOUS. ITottSAiJi A flno four year old evlt , broko. llnm- F Utonlan Morgan , 623 N 10th st. 707-21 T70R BALE OR REST A ealoon In good locality , lot , I ? building and fixtures. Apply to John A Fieyhan , No 1505 Douglas St , Omaha , Neb. 001-U TTOR BALI A first o'ass ' piano. Inquire at corner JD Dorcas and 12th eta. G. F. Cllncbard. 073-22p A b'aok mare drives stogie or double. JL' l.qulroSK. corner 17th andDorcaast. 0022p FOR BALK Two good family horses , also ono road cart ; Inquire of James BarroUQovcrnment stable corner llth and Chicago ets. B24-8p TTV > R BALI Tire new Bemlngton Sewing machines , Jj 825 each , at Meyer & Kaapke. 038 23 Ton BAIB Beat estate , want ing to impreve Borne JD vacant iots.l offer tbefillowlng property. Lota 4 and e , .darks addition Loavenworth st. . Lots C. 0 , 7. and Mock 1 leaao Scldcn add. . Lota 7 8 and B , block 6 Dolght Lman add. 1 House and lot MM Capitol BVB. 1 Iluuse and lot 13 block B , Kountu & Ruth'a add. 50 lota In Dupont place , south of the Park. 4 lots In block 18 and 20 , Waterloo , Neb A farraot 120 acres , 60 acrca In crop , also to acres all under tense , near lit rman , Waehingtoi. Co. 160 across prarlo larda neirStanton , Stinton Co. ; also for lease on long time , 8 lots on Weit Famam st. 60 foot store on Bt Mary's ave. Inquire ol n Q. Clarke ; 1812 Douglas St. 65D-21 SALE For { 60 down and $20 per month I FOR build an elegant five room cottage , with porches closets , bav window brick cellar , clstern.ooa tou-e , i.1 , &i .with to lets nicely fenced the whole > all complete (1,600 , The cjltagea to be built at once contracts for ten have already been let. Call at my ofllco and see nlin ol cottage , location kc. Bring sour friends along. 0. E. Mayno , south-west corner . 16th and Faniam. 207-atO . REAL ESTATE BROKERS. . , . . _ . - -Lobeck&Co- ! Farnam .It ttrect corner 13th , real estate bought and sold . on commission , exchanges of real or personal proper , ty effected ; the patr nagoif parties having rtnl estate or stocks of Bonds to sell or exchange at re son blB \ pilccs , i I solicited , and will have nur Lost utter jau. ) O'.3tf ' PERSONAL. Any relatives ol John Gibney , on PERSONAL by blith , who lived In this city about 8or10 varsngo , will bear Boaotblng to their ad , vantage by calling at my otlloe. His sister waslhin/ , hero at that time and married a man who was In tbee loon tuslocsi ; his nameunknonn. Ctiarles Brandea , No. 604 S. loth street. COS 2lp - nTILL D found at 1509 Davenport ! _ , anexpor lonced nurM. Best city refereceo given 872-atip V TO EXCHANGE , 'IJORSALIOK KU-IUNUK For rcsldenco In Omaha , t < one ol th best Improved larmt In Cent l Iowa 220 acres renting lor ? JOO. liobeok & Co. , real otale brokers , 122 ! Farnam , corner 13th Bt. 825-20 : " . sin on ixciiAKoa For live stock ; Itase ol FOR , sottlonNoSfl.TownlRange U. Nebraska with good iprlng water , gocd houss , stable , cattle ! shed , corral , corn cilb , box lot , cellar , hen bouseand a never falling well of good water ; an excellent pri vilege for a person wlihlng to keep cattle and hoga ; , great bargain , can be had as tha owner withes I to move away. AT ply to proprietor on the pmnlBos or - addretl Jas 0 O'lmcn , I' O. box 82 , lllvorlon , Neb. 033 27 p b.roi'o mo xxoiusoir440 acres well Improved land } rcl't I. from Ketex , Iowa , for aetoik of gctoralrceictan disc or hardware. Addresi Jobn Uaderh'.lm , ox J wa. 584 tl tlTue Y7\0lt HAJ.r.-Or incuaoge. Wo bave fnr t le Tue JL' excluil > o right la tnls btata to sell the coal tuiomlzer and soot destroy * r , dettro ) s tha soot and wl < l save twvnly per cent on coal , will soil count _ right ! or the etitor will exchange for real estate o lu ? rood property on application will send sainpl [ Sill aland ghe pattlculari. Itoi-o for v llfnir > u rcantot el > IthU attention : a mo chance ) for tf add. iWIlt will Y. i-tf avciit -fflcn. - i5lp arkct FOR Silt-Cheap , the Calif rnla Meat Market on 10th and California Sts. Owner going out of feus- tmiit be clJ by May lit. W. O. Shrlver , real estate i , cpp Port offce 014-21 T7V > a SHIjTaam on RKIT Illaekimlth and wagon r ihop with tool- , good business establish eils ad' dreta Oeo W tambrlng.Wterlrg Water Neb. 4Il-21p _ FOR lULx-Druritora In a desirable locality , nil Invoice about 1.WO It 0 Patterson , N K rorner I FOB SALK-A flrst flMs stock of dry goods $ .1.000 at bargain , win take rart cnh balance ro l ft- tatej addrfM "M. V a" care Bee oflleo 202 tl " | , AOK 8ALK Or etchanee M full took ol olothlna JL1 bootsand Khws , wnl1 furnl hlngm > ods , will ei- chanM for Nebraska tands. 0 , ll.r terson,80 < 8. 10th St , Omaha , Ntb , 239 tf BOAIIDING. 11 otRDiMi- Institute hotel corner ISliand Cafltol Pave. , day board $40) ) par t < ok. omeal tickets. L W lUn' , Troprlf t r. 876-2Sp TjMUST-CLASa DM and board 1SU Capitol ae. . LOST AND FOUND. L I OUT Medium ilti black and tan ( lop , small whlto i rpot on brext , a little cut one Blight * iU , longer than the other , n hen lost had on bra * * col lar tied together with twine , will glin liberal reward If returned to 1820,0ajs et. Call between 6 and 0 o'clock. 038 22p MISCELLANEOUS. /"tntw HILVRR TACI , Its frult flavoretl , tacs redtcniM \/atuie cent ench by the dealer ) . Peycke Urn * . , agents. OS ] tf MRS K.M HooritR , Trance clalr0) ant , anil hoal- Ing medium ready for business over No D23 S K corner ICtli and \Vcbtttr. Terms reasonable. 431 mlo TION en binjo given by Q B Oellen. JL beck , at 1110 Capitol avo. 430 tf "Dfll > T vaults , sinks and cosipooli o'eaned nnr time I oltha day In a entirely odorless way with our Improved pump nnd apparatus. Orders by mall promptly attended to. A. E\ans , ofllco and rcdilcnco 1203 uodgo St. up stairs 409 rn7p /"IliKW siin \ TAO , It doesnot taint the breath , tags v rodeenied nt one cent each by the dealers. 633.if T lailTMNOROBl-J Jllol.tln has for B ! o the beat JL/rods manulacturcdln the United States annealed eleetllo stetl center covered with sheet copper , onion leu ce r rodi or repairing old ones promptly attended to Address 1011 Saundcis bt. SSO-m6 TAKEN Ur Twelve h ad ot joung cattle. Owner mil rcooer name by calling upon John P , llocb , Milk daln , north of Deaf & Dumb lunliim. f93-m 2I / 1iii.W8iL\KB.TAn , docs not RUe joti hoirt hum , V-/rftcs rodccmcdatoue cent , each by the dea'crs. ' 0 = 3 tf , vaults , Blnks and coaipools cleaned ut the JL ehortest notice and satletactlon guaranteed by F. 0. Abel. 1' . O. Hex B7H 4PO m2p Stallion , Jnok , Sh ppard Jr , WM stand for ( took at Omaha Fair grounds the season of 1885. Hols 10 j hinds h Igli , weight 1286 Ibs , his lira JACK SnurrAao U full brother lu bbo.1 to DKXTKH 2:17 : } , also to DicrATontho sire of Jn\.n\it-nr.n 2:10. : FALLAS , 2:1' : } and DiRrcroR:17. : Call ar the Fair ereunds and see him and get his no Igrro lu In full , terms $25. for the season. A. THOMSON. NOTIOu : TO CONTUiYCTOKS. Scaled proposals will bo recched by the under- algnod until Monday , Mao 11,13S5 , at 7 o'clock p m. for the erection ef a brick college building , with 8 to no basement , for the North No ) roska Conference , to be erected on college grounds one and ono-half milo north-west of Central City , Nebraska. 1'Una n d tpcclflcatlons can bo seen on and after April 29 , 1835 , at the Central City bank In this city , and at the oftlno f 0. O. lUttenhouso , architect , Ia tlng8 , Neb. Bids will be received for part or all of tbo en tire work. The trustees rceeivu the right tu reject any or all bids. Dy order of Trustees. N. It. 1'EHSINOEU , Secretary. Central City , Neb. , April 15,18SD , a-17-U mJ.0 ' ( SUOOE8SOUBTO DAVIS & SlITDEB. ) OKNERAL DEALKKB IN 11505 FAKNAM STREET. - OMAHA. Have for sale 209,000 acres carefully selected lands In Eastern Nebraska , at low price and on caay terms Improved farms for sale U Douglas , Dodge , Coif ax , Platte , Hurt , Onmlng , Sarpy , Washington , Merrick , Baunden , and Butler oountlos , Taxes paid In all parts of the state. Money loacod on Improved farms. Notary Public always In offioo. OorresponJenoe solicited BAM BUM-AMERICAN PACKET COMPAKY. direct Line for England , France nnd Germany. The Bieamihlps ol this well known line are bnllt of Iron , In water-tight comportments , and are far- dished with every requisite to make the puaaga both safe and agreeable. They carry the United BUtes and Kuropean mails , and leave New York rtmsdays and Saturdays for Plymouth ( LONDON Cherboug , ( PARIS and HAMBURG. lUtes : Steerage from Hamburg 910 , to nambar 10 ; round trip $ U > . First Cabin , $55 , (06 and 876. Henry Pundt Mark Hanson , F. E. Moores.M. foil , agents In Omaha , Oronowcg & Bchoentgen , igontainCouncilBluffa. O. Ii. UIOLIAIID tt CO. , Hen. Faoa. Agta , 01 Broadway , N. Y. Chas. Ko < - mtnikl b Co. , General Western Agenti , 170 Wash- OB Bt. , Chlcwro. Ill IN OMAHA NUB , WOOD'S MAMMOTH , MUSEUM-THEATER , , ( Formerly Academy if Music ) S. A. DBiranAoit & Co , I'ronriotora 1 Cou J. H , WOOD , Manager Tim PJnaclo of Success Iteuched ! Crowded llousua ivt Uvury Per/ormuncRl / Largest unil I'iuuat Museum In the West ! a Due week only , commencing , Monday , Apr ! I 20th , ' 86 Engagement and firnt aiu > earanco of the World's Famous - C ORGA ! MINSTRELS 15 KIlliT CLASH AHTISTS 15 In a roUuud programme ol wit and humor. Chang" of I'n'Kramroo each week , OUJl CURIO HALL : : In tbo 1'alace Muioura of Amorlco , contnins frenVa of nature , curiosltieu and mccbatilcal wonders. L'rinclpal utnoog which will ba | found tbo world's reputed wonder * the OAHIIIAL PiiiNCKBa AND l' n I'AMILT The Turtle iiov , Tbo Smallcvt Mld ot and . the Largest Lady , Tbo Albino 1'rlnces nnd 1'iof. HtondeH'a Klectro Miuical . scope , beautiful beyond description , and a bolt ot other novelties , Kntlro change of cu rioiities every week. A Itenort for Ladies , A Resort for Cbildren Museum open from 1 p. in. to 11 p. m. Theater Matinee daily , 2 i > . m. , und night , . ' llic'te ADMISSION lOcta Sacred Concert Sunday afternoon and eve. ninpr. euoiBy.uurvoUB UcLiU > lt < r , all weakness ofauncratn a ays toui : either BOX. tl.Uvmull. J , U.-\Vuruur , < 'Kl7bUitot5t..t'blcsar