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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1885)
THE DAILY BEE WEDNESDAY APBIL'22 , 1885 MALARIA Kilter * tlie Ryitem train unknown entuwii. nt nil urnions * Shatter ! the Nerrra. Impairs Dlgwtlon , and D ! " THE' _ BEST TONIC Qnlckl > andeornp1ot lrco.mininlnrinandChlll ndl'crcrn. For Intermittent I'evcru , I.mj- Mliidr , Iinck or Unernj' , It ban no oqnal. It rnrlohw and purities tbn blood , rtlmnlttos tbo ap- pctltfl. and etrenirthenn the mniiclm and nnrrm It dons not Inlara the tooth , canto hoadaehtt , or pronncQ eom > tlr > AlIen oU ofArr Iron mttlittnn ti . Virnin T..I.llr.ILi.Ttho patriotlo and scholar/ ! OMhollo nirlno , of ArkaniuiK , runt " 1 harn nund Ilrtmn'n Iron nlttc with the ( rreat- t natltfacnon for Malaria , and IM a pnrrentlTB of Odill mid llko dl vM/11. find will alnar keep It on h nd M a ready friend * ' Uonulno baa nlioTo trade m rk and rnwwxl rod lines i wr ppnr Tnlto no ntllpr. Mvlnonlf tij UOWN Cllr.MlOAI , CO. . I1AI.T1MIIKK , MD. LADITB' IUnn HOOK oMfal and attracttre , oon- talnlng Hit nf pritm fnr mctrwn , Infnnnatlon about coins. rte , given fitray by all ilenlcr-ft In modlclnoor mail&d to any addretM on receipt of 2o Btamp. iiiMlspiiUfi la the BROAD CLAIS . TOY BEST OPERATING , QUICKEST SELLING- AND KTCF offered to tlm oubllo. Chronic ANerrom DtM > BMO. Qnleto. War * . Cure * . O I IwoaUmps forCel brnted VedlcalWa Addrcu. F. D. CLARKE , -D.ti8GScutt CUrk Street. CHICAGO. ILU I 1 > M G < yuLKaa * Sv/w , Id CONDUCTED JiZ I Royal Havana Lottery I fii . ( A GOVERNMENT IN8TITDT10N. ) Drawn at Havana Cuba , Every 10 to 14 Daya. Tickets in Fifths , Wholes $5 , Frac tions pro rata Subject lo no nunlpalnion , not controlled by the firtiea In Interest. It Is tha falrosl inlni ; In Ihe atore of chanoe In ezlitenee. For tickets apply to 8UIPSET & CO. , 1212 Broad. ivay.N. T. City ; SOUND KK & CO. , 103 South 4th St. BL LonU , Mo , or II. OTTKN8 ft CO , 019 Main St. , gansaaCltv. Mo a J Uben liU UChvl nourieumunt. It airm-H vtlth Mm i > crf tell j , " writes a moth er llnnclredsof . . - similar testimo nial * . so well o tliohe from reputable i > b j Rlclarm tlinniKhnnt tliownoln 17 8 .ti-ntlfj to the worth of 110RLICK-3 FOOD FOB INFANTS AND INVALIDS. ookiim llcnt food In health or a 40 nnil 76 eta HyalldruKJristfl llook nentlreo. IIORI.ICK S KCIOIl CO. , Itiiclnt , Win. * > rBoutLyrnallou receipt of pnco In ta Meal Wilts k Chartered by theStnteofllll- Ijnola fop the express purpose f of giving Immediate relfetln Kail chronic , urinary and pri- Evate diseases. Gonorrhoea , i Gleet andSyphilis la all their ' complicated forms , also all diseases of the Skin and Blood promptly relieved and permanently cured by reme- , diestc3tedlnai'or//lViir ; } 8pcclalJ.'ractic . Seminal Weakness , Night Losses by Dreams , Pimples on the FaceLost Manhood , jxisHlt'ciy cured. Tliera { a no experimenting * The appropriate remedy is at once used In each case. Consultations , per- Bonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med icines sent by Mall and Express. No marks on package to Indicate contents or sender. Address DR. JAMES.No. 204Washnglon ! Sl.Chcagolll. ! W. JP. PJECK & CO. ( Successors to Feck , Kern & Slkley. UEPKESENTINOM MORSE , ROSE & CO. OF OHIOAGO. Having secured a private wire direct to the Chicago cage Doard o ( Trade , we are prepartd to execute or dort promptly. Wo take a full maiket report. Coun try btulneas a specialty , Ilolerenoca , United States .Nations IBank. Telephone 210. N < V. corner ISth and Pouglaa B > 11NCOLN FLORAL CONSERVATORY Cor. Q li 17lUonllneof itnetcari , Croonhouso , Bedding Plants , Roses , Floworlnp Shrubbery , Evergreens , Small Fruits , Etc * Extraa with every ordor. Floral Poslms , Hottquetg. BasUts , He. for I'nrtlcs. \YcdiiIiiKi and nineruls a specialty , uud. Bout to any | jrt of the bliite. Bweetrotatouml otlivr e tt llo ) iiUintslutUcli l&uou. Illustrated Cutuloguo frtc. W. 8. SAWYER & CO , , Ttlcphoa * K . Ml. Lincoln. Nebraska , H , 8. ATW000 , Plattamouth , - - - Nebraska BuiBu oi looaooiHitn vtia tun * EREFORD 1110 JERSEY6&HLE & WDDCICCCa JttUTBIStWWI WHERE THE WAHWILl BE , Fads that Have Been Develop by the Boundary Commission , Herat , the "Onto of India , " and Its Fortifications The Dcnrlng of the Now Fncta on the DimonUy. Detroit Free Prow. Whether or not the ombrogllo of the great European powers in the northwest of Afghanistan shall have any moro scrt ons result , a anbiUntlal and permanent benefit will remain In the ahapo of im portant contrlbutloBS to the geography of regions in Central Asia heretofore al most unknown. Happily , the British section of the pint commission appointed by England and Rnseala for the dollmln- ation of the Russian-Afghan boundary moved to the place of rendezvous by way of Teheran and end the frontiers of northern and eastern Persia. On this horseback rldo of moro than a thoniand miles the intelligent eyes and ready pen ells of the staff of Sir Peter Lumsdon and of the correspondent of the London Il lustrated News accompanying him wore actively at rrork , and as their routes travcncd In part a region perhaps never before visited by a Frank traveler , their observations and pictorial nkotchcs possess unusual Interest. The map o the disputed territory east of the famoui Persian province of Khorasean already needs thorough reconstruction in th light of their dsc6vcriot ! , and many o the facts disclosed have Important tola tlon to the pending questions between Russia and England , and to the glgantl struggle that may bo coming. From th nairativo so far published , and to som extent from other oourccs , the following summary has been made np.for American readers ; The tract Involved in the boundary dls pute lies inalnly > botwccn the two atreami called the Herl-Rud , or rlrer of Herat , and the Murghab , or Rlvor of Morveaoh named from the chief city on its banks , Both flow In courses of general parallel ism from the mountains cf Afghanistan to the westward and northward , unti lost in the sands of the Hyrkanlan Stepper or Khivan Deaont. The Herl-Rni rises in the highlands Hazaro , and for many miles , runs nearly duo west between the ranges of the Safoyd-Koh or Whlto Mountains , and the SlahiKoh or Black Hills , both westward extension of the great Hindoo Koosh. Soon af to passing Herat , It bonds to the northeast ward , and near KushanStllowithin the Afghan boundary , by oil maps t the northward. From the latter point , It forma the eastern limit pf Persia t < Sarakhs , where it tiuks into the earth to reappear further on , under a change' ' name , the Tejend , by which it ia known , nntll ita waters are finally absorbed in a desert marsh , far to the north. In thi rainy season , however , it flows with fnl flood to the end ; but , in ordinary stages it has a limited volume , which can b crossed anywhere that the banks can b reached. The Murghab has its source in the an dent Parapomisua of the Greeks , th present White Mountains of Afghanistan or Safoyd-Kon. It la divided Into uppei and lower Murghab at the village of Mar ohan ( "tho anako well" ) , above Ponjdeb Until near the latter place its valley li narrowed and shut In by rounded hills , pushing down from the higher country ! which at times reduce the river valley ti a more defile ; but at Bund-l-Nadlr th valley opens out , and thenceforward ti the desert It is ono to four or five milei wide , richly fertile , and once highly cul tlvated. At Ponjdoh it is about at ita widest , and the river hero appears as fairly broad stream ( "wide as Rogon street , " says ono writer ) of considerabl depth , and flowing with a steady , strong current of bluish-gray water. The prac ticable fords npon the river are very few , At Pnl-1-Khusk which names a venerable able brldgo of nine arches , decayed but still serviceable six mile ; above Ponjdeb , It receive ; the waters of a smaller stream , the Knshk-Rud , from the direction of Herat , crossing almost completely this ' 'Mesopo tamla , " or between the river's countryt The lower valley of this also contained a numerous population of old , but has been long deserted , and only within twc or throe years has come to bo ropoople by the Saber Turkomans fleeing from oppression prossion at Merv. Up the valley o ; Murghab runs the only direct road from Merv to Herat , the possession of which may have Importance by and by. The major part of the tract between these two principal waters from Herat t the deserts , Is called the Badghia dlstrlo from the nomadic tribe chiefly inhabit ing It. It is 100 to 150 miles In widtt from west to coat , and until about a century tury ago supported a largo if not decs population , as is Indicated by numerou oatth mounds and other ruins of village and cities. The most of these have beoi entirely abandoned through the ferr'.bl raids of the fierce Turkomans of Morv an the Oxus , who ceino but to plunder , t misiacro , to carry Into slavery men women and children. The moro peace ful tribes of the Salon Turkomans , how ever , occupies in part the lower or northern orn part of the strip , back from Sarakbs , and 'the Sarok Turkomans , who wer driven out of Morv many years ago , th region about Ponjdoh. Some districts nevertheless , are still BO far a wlldornoe that game is found in them in groa abundance , as partridges , small d wild boars and aesos , and other animals and birds. The whole region , like most very ancient seals of empire , ia almost treoleas , and in parts waterless , though the fluid , so precious in eastern coun tries , may generally bo had a short dis tance below the surface. Little of it is sandy desert , but much is rocky or bar ren , except in the river valleys. In the Interior two range * of moderate height , ono of them with many rooky peaks , connect the Elbnry Moun tains of Persia with the loftier heights of Afghanistan. The country thus possesses important strategic advantages , and tbo officers of the British commission deem the holding of it absolutely noccarary to tne defense of Herat and the political se curity of Afghanistan. Any largo body of troopj moving through it from north to south , however , must keep mainly to the valley of the fieri Rud or the Mnrg- hab , from deficiency cf water and other difficulties of the Inland march. At the former river the more stoppe-liko country drops dcwn in bluffs 150 to 250 feet high , which have natural posies at every few points , although the skill of military en glnoers could soon open others. One of these , the Xnlfagar Pass on the east tide of tho.Deri Rud , baa recently been occu pied aho the poaition at Ag Rabat as advanced poitj of the Rusaiins , The former Is 120 miles from Herat and the other is in the vicinity. Thirty miles down the valley , or north , h PuM-Khatum , the position which hat I jumped lnto , udclen fame as the principal I Uuaailan outpost toward A/ghanUtan. II Is not at all a village , much less a city , bat merely a bridge , as the name Implies , on tha Persian sldo of the Henri Rud , tbo Muscovites being encamped upon the other , just below the bridge. This brldgo , however , has some Interest from Its title , "The Brldgo of the Lady , " hav ing been built , tradition rays , by a wife Tlmon , or Tamerlane , the great Asiatic conqueror. The ruins of a caravanserai of Tlmon's time are observable on the Persian side. Hero the road from the "aacred" and wealthy City of Meshed comes down the valley of the Keshlf-Rad but cannot cross the bridge , from the ruin of the central arch , which was de stroyed sixty years ago and has never been replaced. Here some of the maps place the beginning of the northwest Afghan frontier , and the position is said to have important military advantages. Fifty-two miles further down the val ley to the pair of towns known as Old and Now Strakhs. The latter Is on the Persian side , is comparatively modern and has a small population , besides a Persian garrison of a few hundred , with six old-fashioned small brass guns. A mud wall of about 700 yards dlamotor in. closes the citadel and town. On the op poslte aldo of the liver , at some distance from its commonly dry bed , is Old Sa rakhs , which has also become noted as the headquarters of the little' Russian "army of observation on the Afghan bor der. " Toward this place the engineers of the cz r are rapidly pushing the twen ty-two Inch narrow gauge railway from Klzll Arvat , on the Attrok river , 1GO miles from Mlchaelovsk , on the Caspian , whora the construction of the line was begun In 1879 , at the ontset of the war with the Akhal and Merv Tokko Turko > mans. The place is nothing but a miserable orablo mud ruin , utterly abandoned for permanent habitation , and only valuable for military purposes. It was occupied many months ago , soon alter the acquisl tton of Morv , and at last advices abou 2,000 troops were there , with some pieces of artillery , encamped in Turko man round tents or "klbltkas , " withouf fortifications. The traditional tomb o Abel Is hero ; that of Cain is shown a Old Sarakhs. Eight miles above this point , at Klzil Kol , jnay bo seen the "bund" or dam , t very primitive affair of wattles and earth thrown across the Hoii- Red , bjmean of which inhabitants of the two village ; received their water supply for Irrigation and other purposes. All cultivation p : the soil in this region is done by the ni of irrigation. Returning to the valley of the Murg hab , the only place hero demandlnj special attention la Ponjdoh , which hai figured largely of late in the foreign dis patches and where the recent fight oo carted. This is another abandoned snd ruined town , evidently once of some importanc But up and down the river valley here about , for a length of twenty miles an scattered the tented and reed-hut village ; of the Sarak Turcomans' , of whom this ii now the chief scat. It is about 100 mile ; north of Herat , and oven the maps pub. llohed In British India show the Afghan boundary line running nineteen miloi south of it , about where M. Lossat , thi French engineer in Russian ecrvica pro poses to the English government th shall remain. An Afghan outpost wa pushed across the border several month ago on account of Russian movements in the Mnrghab valloy.ono of which brough the troops of the czar close to Penjdoh The older travelers , from Abbot down , always mentioned this place as belonging to the Khanate of Khiva , now undo : Russian domination. Further up the valley and on undlt pntod Afghan territory is the frontlo : town of Bala Murghab , whers Sir Pete : Lnmsden , tht > British commlesloner , had nntll a few weeks ago , his oncampmen with an escort of about 2,000 troops son from India , the Eleventh Bengal lancer , and the Twentieth Pnnjanb Infantry , This was the appointed place of meeting for the joint commission in November last , whore St. Peter has since waited in vain for the wily RUBS. A pretty strong fojrt is hero , protected in part by thi waters of the Murghab flowing around it. Herat , the reputed objective point ol the Russian movement , is the large city well known In ancient as well as modern history , on the right bank of the Herl Rud. It Is ono of the oldest capitals in the Orient , Its time-honored name "Harlwa , " Indicating its relation t < Ariana , ono of the richest provinces o the Portia of Cyrus and Darius , and thi principal seat of the very onclon Arians , ancestors of all tbo English , speaking nations , and moat of those o Europe and parts of Asia. Our languagi In its roots goes back to these old homos of the race. The modern town has probably about 50,000 people plo , and derives chlof Importance In Asiatic politics as the "Gate of India , " holding the only practicable route from the west across Afgbanland to Hlndo- stan. It Is fortified with a stupendous earthwork , most of It , no doubt , very anolont. It la 250 feet thick at the base and 50 feet high , crowned on top with a wall twenty-five feet high and fourteen thick , supported by 150 circular tower ; and further protected by an Immons ditch. Some engineers think the plac impregnable if well defended ; others beHave Have it can speedily bo reduced by mod cm artillery appliances. H. A. F. ' Permanent. " There are medicines which give onl. temporary relief and then leave the suf ferer worse off than before , especially in cases cf dyspepsia. Remember that this Is not the way with Brown's ' Iron Bitters. See what Mr. J. M. Gaines , of Galncs , 8. 0. , says abeut the prince of tonics. "My wlfo has been greatly bonofittod by it ; ln had been troubled with dyspepsia for years , and uow I bollevo aho Is per manently cured. " It also cures liyer and kidney complaints. The Weather. WASHINGTON , April 21 , Indications for the upper MaBStsslppI : Local rains ; severe , local storms ; southerly winda becoming vari able , colder in northern portions ; nearly itationnry temperature In southern portions ; fulling barometer. PILES ! PIIiESI FIIiBSI A BUilB OURK tfOUND AT uABTI NO ONE NKED BOFEB , A sore euro for Blind , deeding , Itching and Ulcerated Files hw been discovered by Dr , Williams ( ixn Indian Remedy , ) called Ir , WtllUm'a Indian File Ointment. A single box baa cured the wont chronlo caeei ol 25 or SO yean ( landing. No one noad suffer five mlnutoa after applying thli wonderful sooth ing medicine. Lotions , Instrument * and eloo- tuaiiea do more barm than good , WUllom'i Indian File Ointment absorbs the turners , al lays the Intense itching , ( particularly at night after Betting warm In bed , ) acts as poultice , irUea IniUnt relief , and la prepared only for Fllea , itching of the private ports , and let nothlne else. Read what the lion. J. M. Ooifinbury. cl Cleveland , eayg about Dr. William's Indian Pila Oolntment ! ' 'I ' have used scores of Pile Cures , and it affords me pleasure to say that I have never fpuncf oything which gave such Immediate and permanent relief a * Dr , Wil < liara'a Indian Ointment. Voi tile by all drug < trlrta and mailed on receipt of price. COo and 81 , Bold at retail by Xuhn & Oo. O. V , GOODMAN , Wholesale Accent , THE niEsiDBsra BISTHII. Mlsi OlovcUiul on the Roatrnm Some ThoiiKhtfl StiRRCstctl by Her Iiectnro. In Jane , 1883 , Mlas Elizabeth Cleve land , present mistress of the Whlto house , delivered an address before the Elmlrs , N. Y. Female college , which iho Presbyterian Evangelist pronounced "groat. " a deserved compliment to an excellent woman. It was entitled "Al truistic Faith , " and for her Illustration she took Ohodidja , first wlfo of Moham med , who was rich and much older than he was when she married him. When aikod In later years why ho did not'put her away and take a younger wlfo , ho replied that ho loved her best because she believed In him when all men des pised him. Oheuidja's faith made Mo hammed. There la faith in God , faith in self , and In humanity. The first produces the others. Faith In humanity believes that llfo Is worth living and worth saving. Yon will have much hunger and thirst , will crave affection when the bloom of youth is supplanted by the othon line of ago ; will cry aloud for help in infirmities ; must needs como , because these on whom women rely , though themselves powerless to relieve thorn of their intolerable erable aches , pains , prostrations , sleepless - loss nights of agony and days of distress , because of the narrowness of their code and the selfishness of tholr purpose , restrain strain them from resorting to those agen cies which may lilt women to a piano of greater usefulness and to a nobler llfo Many a woman lacks the faith of Oho- dldjah. If they had faith In tholr own reserve of physical power , confidence in the personal experience of others would follow ; and Instead of a race of suffering mortals slaves to the prejudices of those whoso only interest in them is bounded by their professional fees wo should sec nobility of station reinforced by nobility of mind and robustness of llfo. The power to rid themselves of the aches , pains and desperate despair which afflict thorn , "is in women , and ought to como out. You all have a coantlets amount of testimony. " Some ono wll say to you , "Go on , and you will con quor. " "How1 ? Do as yonr sisters have done Have faith In their indisputable expert encos. Wo want moro llfo and fuller and need all the help vro can got. Man would fall were it not for the Chedldja * . There is much in good digestion to keep a woman sweet and lovable. There is moro In thorough action of the great blood purifying organs the liver and kidneys , for If they are deranged women can not have the physical comfort so craved and prayed for. To secure this , the help they need the help that then sands have already ucod and to which they say they owe all they possess is Warner's eafo euro. Mrs. Maria 0 , Treadwell , Stamford , Conn. , ( prcsidoni of the State Woman's Christian Temperance anco Union ) , a well known leader , fays 'It is the only thing which seemed to reach my case , " These unprejudiced thousands have blessed the world be cause they have become Chedijas , who have felt it their duty to declare their own faith and to inspire their sisters with confidence in the extraordinary up-build ing energy of this wonderful discovery , Mies Cleveland has evidently an oriel nal and fertile mind , and wo are indobtc ' to her interesting lecture , a few thoughts from which wo have copied , for a tex : out of which the above suggestions bav < grown. _ If yon will lay aside your prejudlci against advertised articles , you can bi convinced that rheumatism and other pains are cured by St. Jacobs Oil. Nn morons Boards of Health and prominent physicians have also endorsed Bed Star Cough Care as a valuable remedy. A CHECKERED CAREER CLOSED Death of the Man Who Wrecked a Bank. The New York Tribune says : Willfam R. Humphrey , of New Rochelle , died o apoplexy yesterday. Coroner Tico o Mount Yoinon will hold an Inquest this morning. Mr. .Humphrey was born in England seventy years ago , but 'tcamo to this country at an early ago. Ho settled In Now Rochelle and soon became one o" Its most respected ( citizens. Ho opened a drng store and did a thriving business , Ho served for many years as a Justice o : the Peace , and when Now Roohollo was incorporated as a village ho became its president. While George J , Penfield was president of the Now Rochelle chollo Savings bank , Mr. Humphrey was its secretary and treasurer , and the great ) confidence that every one bad In his hon esty and Integrity added to the bank'i popularity and success. In 1877 It began to bo hinted about that all was not right In the bank , and an investigation ended in the bank going into the bands of i receiver , who had an export make an ox amlnation of tbo books. It was found to the amazement of the people that the bank had boon systematically rDbbed by Humphrey by moans of false entries Ho would recoiro money from do podtors and enter it In their books , but would fail to put it into the bank's books. Ho never got mixed up witl : the depositors though , because ho kepi a private memorandum of tbo real de posits. Ho was indicted for the crimes , but to great was the people's faith in him that many refueod to believe in his guilt , Ho was convicted , however , and sen tenced In 1878 to five years in the slat prison. Alter serving hli tlrno he returned turned to Now Roohollc and opened i grog shop. Gov. Cleveland restored him to citizenship a short tlmo ago. Mr , Humphrey was an active domooratli politician , and attended many convon tlons , at some of which ho was mad chairman. Purify your blood , tone up the f-ystom and regulate the digestive organa by take Ing Hood'a Sareaprllla. Sold by all druggiata. The Fair Box at Poker. Waihiugton Letter in Boston Traveller , The craze for playing po er haa broken out among faihlonablo ladles in Wash ington , The dotnga of the Army Poker Olub , where the llvoa and reputations of so many olllcora have boon blatted , are a matter of general knowledge aud got alp. but during Lent , when U was ao wicked to dance , the fair dames have consoled themselves with the clatter of chlpa and the excitement of "tbo draw. " It la stated that one young society belle re cently Joat orer { 200 at five sittings. This la quite a largo anm In'a game where bet tiog above 26 conta waa prohibited. The favorite game among young ladles , how ever , la the "penny ante , B-cont limit" This is almost exclusively con fined to ladles who have only a limited or moderate amount of pin money each week , but tbero la Bald to bo a heap of fun for the spectators. Very few gen- itlemon are admitted to tins gamo. A much more refined and respectable form of amusement has boon established for tholr enjoyment. The poker parties , where both sexes play , do not use vulgar chips , or still moro vulgar money ; that would bo carrying the thing too far. Elaborate and costly favors are provided paid for , of coarse by the gentlemen and then the entire party sits down tea a game of "frecza out. " This Is a very popular and entertaining style of amuse ment , and is played < qulto extensively. Some of the lady players have become adepts at the gamo. Ono of the most dcrmuo looking young misses in town re cently defeated an "old stager , " tat a party given at a certain iMbionablo resi dence and when , a few evening later , ho came back for his revenge , she won enough kid gloves to last her a year. Why the ImoUy May City Man Smiles. Bay City ( Mich. ) Tribune , March 27. Geo. A. Spear , who drew $75,000 in The Louisiana State Lottery , has not changed , except that his face is bedecked with smiles. Sudden wealth has not elevated - vated him. Ho said , "I will collect tbo money through the banks , the same as I would a draft. I am clerking In the tore , just as though nothing had hap- onod. " Ho received a Now York haule r's sight draft for 871,850 , in payment f his claim against The Louisiana State jottery. OELtiUIjOID VEUSUS LINEN. \ Big ItusincsH In CuiTd and Collars Which Require No tmumlrcss , "Celluloid cuffs and collars are worn moro Ron orally now than over before , " aid a wholesale and retail dealer on roadway to a Now York Mall and Ex- ross representative. "How do you account for that fact ? " ' It is simply a question of economy. Washing now Is high. It costs almost M much to lanndor a pair of linen culls and collars as It docs to buy them. The col- nlold articles can bo cleaned perfectly at no cost within two minutes. When col- ulold cuffs were first made they were too ; hlck and rattled too audibly when they came in contact with any hard substance. This was quito objectionable. But now these manufactured are so thin and plia ble and so much like linen that few people ple could detect their quality unless they -eltthom. " "Do you sell them principally in Now York ? " 'No. A great celluloid trade is done .a the west. The washwomen oat there must bo either bad or hard to get , so the men wear celluloid cuffs and collars , ami ave tlmo , trouble and rrnnoyanco. You would bo surprised If I told you some o 'he high-toned men about town who wear hem. They S don't dlsgniso the fact and swear they have gone back on linen : ollara and cniia forever. Celluloid goods ilwoys appear laundriRd , and never melt down in hot weather. The big celluloid caff and collar trade begins in the sum mer months Youths going to Coney Island with their sweethearts want thorn , and old men , too. They are becomlnp so lOpular that I predict that within ton oars they will altogether supersede linen or collars and cnfh. " A Snd Case of 1'olsonlnjr .a that of any man or woman affliotec with disease or derangement of the liver resulting in poisonous accumulations ii the blood , scrofulous affections , tick headaches , and diseases of the kidneys lungs or noart. These troubles can b ( : ured only by going to the primary cause nd putting the liver in a healthy condl tlon. To accomplish this result speedily and offectuaUy nothing has proved itsel so efficacious as Dr. Plcrce's "Golden Medical Discovery , " which has never ye 'ailed to do the work claimed for it , am never will. will.Ho Ho Boomed Too Hard. Detroit Free Prese. A Detroit firm employed a now collect j few days ago > and among other bills ho was given ono which had long been ilassod nnder the bead of "deubtfnl.1 He was informed that the chances of get- Ing anything were extremely dubious but was promised half of all ho conk collect. In two hours after itartlng on ho was back with the money on the doubtful bill , and when asked how ho luccoeded no well ho replied : "After getting into his office I lockec ; ho door , pocketed the key , and tolc him ho'd cither got to como down or I'c break every bone In his body. Ho shcllet our , and both of us are $10 ahead. " The next day the firm paid § 7&to settle a case of "extorting by threats of vlo- "onco , " and the collector was kindly in- 'ormod that ho cauld have a long vaca Ion for the benefit of his nealttu Demand for Horses. New York Sun. The possibility of war has once moro brought to the front the present tcarcily if horica in Englond. According to thi test authority in England there are only , wo distinctly original equine breeders ii ho United Kingdom. The ono Is the cart horse , the descendant of the grea war horse of ancient times , when knights ilad with ponderousarmonrrodo ] into bat lo. The other is the race horse , which la the product of the last two centuries It is bold I hat to the judicious interning 'ing ot the original typos wo must looker or the prodnctlon of first class half-broec animals for all purposes. In most European poan countries the government hns taken the balls by the boras and ostabllshet state studs where stallions are kept ant tholr services are charged for at a purely nominal price. The public fooling In England is , however , hostile to thi method , as it would Interfere with prl vato owners. The establishment of i government ttud in tbo United State would , of course , bo out of the question and the only hope wo have of keeping n ; our thoroughbred race horses is by en couraglng racing. Wo do not , it IB true require horaos for largo bodies of cavalry but wo want good hacks , carriage horse and horses for farm use , and wo shouh ba able to do a largo business ia exporla ttou. 'Whan H by TTM sick , wo g vo her CMtorta , When elm WM a Child , she cried fur Coatorla , When she became Miss , elio clung to Castcrla , KTioa aho Uad Chlldnii , elio gate them CastorU , St , Charles Hotel , 0 STUECT , BET 7th and 8th , . LINCOLN , NED , Mrs. Kato Coakly , PfOpiletoreM. ly and elegantly ( urnlahed. Good umpl roomi on flrut Boor , -tl.M to t ) per day. Bpeolal ratei give ianibtrt ct the Uidilatura . norio.lm.m * S . sss ; * u * rj Af rorlte rrticrlptloa of a ccmd tptcUllit ( oowi * . iited. ) DruecitU cm fill It. Addrei > DR. WARD CO. , LOfJIBUJ < iiltt 'rcc.fiotii PROMPT , SAFE , SURE CURE r Cniih , Rare Throat , HoArnenm * . Inflnensa , lJu. llronolilll , Crniip , M liooplnf Conch , Adlimn , Quln 7 , 1'Mnnln Chrnt , inJeUitr fTpctlontoflhKThront " ' ! I.nnc ) . 'rice no cents n liottlp. Sold by DrneEliits nrirt Deal. r . ] \irttt > unable to fn ttictUittrtlenltr tot rrmtiUy ttor the HI trW recelrt tire tiottltt , tprtiicAiiraa vatdbv tending one dollar to HIE mini rs \ . ronri rn muwxr , SvUUwneriAnl Mnnnrctnrfri. lltlllnora , JUrjU d , C.8.A , I am an old man. For.SS yiart 1 itillcred with leers on my right leg M the result ot tjphold fetor. Vmputatlon was sURecstod an the only incace of pro erUrgllle. The doctors could do nothing for mend nd thorght 1 mint die. For three years I nocr had ehooon. SuKt'a Spcclflohia made a | wrmitnont uro and added ten 3 can to nu H'o \\'M 1U UPKD. Hull Co , Oi : I have taken Slft'e3pcclfia for blood poison con ractcd at amcdleal college nt a dissection ; while 1 wna a medical student I am eratolul to eay thnt It 'are mo a speedy and thorough cure alter my pa < eats had spent hundreds ot dollari for treatment AlOlsr.LS\VB-snFt , , M D. Newark , N. J. Mf wlfo from eaily girlhood hag been Buflerlng rom rheumatism She hag tried many remedies nd I mutt frankly sty has derived more boneflt romS ltt'flSrccl1o than from all the others , alter onjj and faithful trial. HKV. JAS. L PiKRcr , Oxtcrd , Oa Swift's Specific Is entirely \ rRCtable. Treatise on lood and Skin Utscaics mailed free , ThoSniFTSrxciFioCa , Draw cr 3 , Atlanta Oa , , or B9V. . V3d St. . N. Y. C17 St. Chnrlos Sv. , St. JUnls , Mo. rrculir ( rititunte of i o Xcdlral Cotlcfi , tin been lnn ; thefpecliiltrciitmeator Ono-nr , XBRTOO , &in and Btooo I > i iiuthnn tor otter rnjilrUain BUUoU ueltj ptpcrikhowaBdnlloil reilJanlAkDow. Nervous Prostration , Debility , Mentcl fti Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and otn lions oi Throat , Skin or Doncs , Blood Old SorCS and Ulcers. > ro Irolrl vtlh lueceit , on liiUit tcltotl3j principle , P 'fj ] , rrl ulj. Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess , Exposure or Indulgence , bich rroJnco eom of < h rollcKilnf cffeetil , , , Oillhlr , illmnen of flgll nil defcctlte memory , rlrnplei n the f fc , i bjiltfil Jecrj , BTcrilonto tbt < ocletj or icnmlfR , eonraiitl ofllciuiKo rendcrlne olarrlnge Improper or unhappy. Kn&nneiuyeiueil , larophletfJA rB eaonttie ) anore , t J statal cm elflpe , frc to anjftMreis. CoDKUtlatlon t r Coaorbjnullrrcc.andlnrlte.l. Hrlto for ijiiciaoui. A Positive Written Guarantee fdrei la all cvrable CMCI , Mo llclnea cent ercryvhiro. Pamphlets , JCncliBh or German , 04 pages , de- Kribluc above diseases , in raalo or fumalt , FBEB MARRIAGE GUIDE ! WO8 ! ODer' ' > te . llluitrited In elolh and tilt M Ks , ruonej * r ixiit g : lime. l > iper eorern , 3o . Talk ttci eoDtdlQS all Ue curlovi. d&ubtftil or laqtil.ltlre vtAt U Lnow A book tl treat Ituerut to ca Unlit AncO WeakNervousMen Seeking perfect restoration to health , full manhood ana sexual vigor ivltlioiit StomucU Drugging , should eoticl for Trea tise on tha Murtiiciu liuliin. YOUIIR men nn < ] others who suffer from iicrvotm and physi cal debility , exhausted vitality , pro- nudiro decline , Varicocolc , > vc. , are Specially benefited by consulting ltd contents. .Diseases of the ProMu'to Gluiid , lCI < liii > > n and Illiiddcr effectually cured Endorsed by thousands who have been cured. Adopted In Hospitals and by Physicians In Turopo and America. Scaled Treatise free Address MAIISTON REMEDT 00 or DR H. TRESKOW , 46 West 14th St. . Now York. KEWAKD $5O IP VOU FIND THB EQUAL OF QniLLAflD'S puitb * uL A ft G an4 i C OOP t TfJm iHrtn A Dickie , oo A az wSW > , * T . , ( aiitai . Ihla brand la a happy combination of One , yonng crisp red , burly IODR filler , with a DELICIOUS FLAVOR and It Just meeta the taste of a largo number ol chewers. Orders for "Plowshare" are coning In rarldl ] 'roin ' all parts of the country , demonstrating ho ? quickly the great army of chewers strike a goovi combination of Tobacco , both as to quality anc quantity. Messrs LoiillariJ& Co. have exercised ne little time and labor In endeavoring to reach the Acme of Perfection In Plowshare , ard seem to have done It. Besides tbo TKN CENT CITS ol Plowshare are Which la a point not to bo overlooked by doalori who will find It to tholr Interest to order Homo am glvo their customers an opportunity to try it. Ask Your Dealer for Plowshare Dealers supplied by 3ronewcfj & Sctoentgon , Council Bluffs. I'eretroy & Moore , " " L. Kirsoht & Co. " " 3tewart Bros. " " bhxton & Gallagher , Omaha. McCord , Brady & Oo , , Omaha. Fur ealo in Omahn by H. YlDBlInsr , 518 S 13th Stroot. Henry jDitzon , C01S 13th St. Heimrod & Co. , 002 8 13th St. Goo Carlemn , 10151'Vnam ' St. Kaufman Bros. , 207 S 15th St. Kaufman Bros , 1009 Vnrnam St. Frank Arnold & Co. , 1118 Farnam St. Aufpist Plotz & Co , 1509 Douglas St. Goo. Heimrod , 013 N Irtlh St. Bergen & Smiley , N. W. Cor. IGtb and Cum. ingSta , Von Green Bros. , N. W. Cor. Division and CiimlnK Sts. K. Stevens 013 N. 21et St. J. H , Spctman , Cor. Douglas and 12th St. Goo. Anderson. 318 S. lOlh St. Charlie Ying , 712 8. 10th St. Mrs. G. M. lawlay , 800 S. 10th St. II. Manfelt , S. W. Cor. 13th and Howard. / Inn BLOOD.'trrr- . . . . tlm UVER and KIpNEVfl , and Kr.iTiiui ; TIIU UHAO.TU and VIJ.OII of YOUXW. l > y , UnntnrAiijivillo , in- Lion. l.uU DHtrtnxU. . . , t-i * "i Ivoiiewlortr Ei Hunt Ilia uilnd and _ _ . , , W M II j VLft t rH ll M'l * 1 * W l couiplaliiti Bw \ tU62iiW jit Ul.irt < . Ilitlrpix wll > nd InDlU T , Kngt'SIUGP TOWIO o nor , auj - > teil > euro lluo.uleur , h'Aitiiy conipliixlcit , ' " " " * tfln ouij 401 /rciiiiuiit &fifnjpth l i K lx t'in ) < ui > iil rlty nl tliu nilt.liiji1 Ub oat etl'ltt ' eiit cllht OiiiiiiNAi iSulls T. /I t-eod n ir i tilte to ! IIB l > r. llnrlnr MM i * . Jt.lx ( . , M . lor our "DKKAA1 UOOK " H. E. BURKET , AND EMBALMEK. 111U. 16th Strett , OMAU Manhood lUuiuyliiuc ltti Ioo r , N noui l MDbood , do .harlnf trl d In Ttln T known : JlK mri1 aiiiuplemoniof Mil-car * , blob * bt wii'uind tRKK to bU f ltowuflfrn. . < y Tht fomirknblo growth ol dnrlug the IM ! low yearn la a mattes ol great ftatonlahinont to thoao rrho p / on ooculonnl visit to this growing city. Tbi development of the Stop * 'yards thi nocoDalty of the Bolt Line Bond thi finely paved stroota the hundreds of now roalcfonoos and costly baatnou blocks , vrlth the population of onr city moro th n doubled In the laat five yean. All thti ( a a great inrprlae to vlaltori and Is the admiration of on * oltliona. Thli rapid growth , the bualneaa activity , nnd thi many aubatanttal Improvement * mada a lively demand for Omaha real estate , and every Inveatoi ban mudo n h ndaom profit. Slnoo the Wall Street panlo Mj ? , with the Bubaaouont ory of hard Umoi , there haa boon Icaa demand from opoonla * torn , but a fair demand from Investors oooklng homea. Thla latter oloea an taking advantage of low prices In buildIng - Ing material and &ro securing their homoa at much leas coat than will bo posslblo B yewr henoo. Speculators , too , can bny real oata * a ohoaper now and ought to take advant A ol prorfmt prlos * fo7 fntnn pro tn. The next low yoora prombmi gientei d > vu < opment * in Osaoha that the past tiv yoarfl , vhloh hove boon tn good M could reasonably dcnlre. Wow man * nffiotnrlng uatabllahmonta MM * targo Job bing h r.Bea are addvd ttlaioal weekly , and ell ario to the proipu'-ity of Omaha. TJuvfi ) bro in'juj in Omaha and throngh * but \uu Stata , w'iu ' have thob money In the 'janks rl trtug a noiainal rate of In- tcn > at , T-'HifL , if judlclonoly invoatod ( n Orn&ha < rul ohtate , weald bring thorn much greater returns. We have many br.riahu which rro am confident wll ) brln the purchsnoi largo profile In the nofu'uro. . \V n have for sale the finest resi dence property in the north and western parts of the city. North we have fine lots at reason able prices on Sherman avenue,17th , 18th , 19th and 20th streets. West on Farnam , Davenport , Cuming , and all the ending street * in that direction. The grading of Farnam , Califor nia and Davenport streets has made accessible some of the finest and cheapest residence property in the city , and with the building of the street car line out Farnam , the property porty in the western part of the city will increase in We also have the agency for the Syndicate and Stock Yards proper ty in the south part of the city. The developments made in this sectios by the Stock Yards Company ani the railroads will certainly doable the once in a short time. We also have some fine businoBi lots and some elegant inside resi dence ? for sale , Parties wishing to invest will find some good burpinur by calling RKAL KSTATS BROKERS. SIS toth 14Jh ! St , Bet TOPD Furnhum rmil 7)eugu ) ! * . P. S. W oak thosa who him property for sale nt a bargain to f-w ufl a callWe want o ! y barjjrum We will positively nothnndto prop erty nt morn than ita ran !