Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 21, 1885, Image 1

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Tte Government Will For a Vote
of Credit To-day ,
The Situation Onuses a Pooling
of Uneasiness and Alarm ,
Mr , Gladstone Admits That Eng
land Had Something to do
With Suppressing the French
Newspapers Bosphore Egyption ,
It Will Likely Oauso Trouble
th France and England ,
Tlio 1'rctnlor Answers n Number ot
QuofUloMB AVIth Studied Evasion
About the AiiRlu-HiiSHlnn Dispute ,
LONDON' , April 20. In the house of com-
tnons Lord llandolph Churchill , conserva
tive , asked Mr , Gladstone how far England
-wan complicated and how far responsible ) in
the suppression of the French newspaper ,
Bosphora Kgyptlon , at Cairo. Gladstone re
plied that Egypt had not acted alone in the
matter of seizing and suppressing the paper
and ndmitted that England WM not In n po
sition to disclaim nil responsibility for the
act. Gladstone gave notice that the govern
ment would introduce the expected motion
for n vote of iredit to-morrow. The premier's
reply concerning the lionphoio Egyptien and
Afghan incidents were to-day very guarded.
Ho answered a number nf questions nbout
the Anglo-llussian dispute wirh studied
evasion and in nil he said in the house of com
mons to-day ho added little or nothing to
what had been already known. In evidence
of the present bellicosa feeling among the
.members of parliament , it may bo mentioned
that when Gladstone unequivocally stated
that Sir rotorLumsdon's telegram
of Friday conGrms his previous
accounts of the fight at Fanjdeh , and
conflicted with those made about the same
battle by Gen. Komaroff. The declaration
was received with a low ripple of satisfaction
which soon developed in u cheer. Fears are
entertained that the Bosphoro Egyptien affair
is likely to load to a difficulty between France
nnd England. Tha situation at the close ol
the session of parliament this evening wae
one of a feeling of uneasiness bordering on
alarm. _
ST. I'ETKRSIIUKO , April 20. A Tiflis dis
patch says Russia cannot rely upon Persia In
event of war. Some Kussian tourists have
lately ber.n expelled while Englishmen have
been freely admitted.
VIENNA , April 20. The Frendenblatt
learns that the EngltBh government warned
English traders at the Blak Sea parts to be
prepared to leave. Freights on tha Black
Sea have risen D per cent.
LONDON , April 20. Consols opened nt OBJ
antl soon advanced toOU'J.
1:30 : p. m. Consols 9d 11-1(5. (
2 p. m. Consols opoued this morning al
905 for both. The closing price Saturday
was 9G 13.10. llussian securities were alsc
lower this morning , optning at S3 , while the
closing price Saturday was 891. Consols are
now 98 11-10 ,
ituaaix's nSHANDs.
The sitiutou of the Afghan question hni
again become very serious , otvlog to Hutsii
increasing her demands to such an extent
that it will bo Impossible fo :
England to accept of such terms
J.I. do Glors , KuaBian premier , who evident ! ]
is determined to profit by the recent successei
in negotiating with the Engllih foreign oilice
apparently decided not to yield a single ioti
to Earl Grnnvillo. It Is now feared Ruesii
has over-stepped the bounds ot English for
beaaanco nnd it Is asserted on high authority
that England will never euccumb to the latte
demands of the Russian premier. A larg
number of important ditpatches passed between
tweon the English nnd Russian foroigi
officers on Saturday and Sunday. All mem
bers of the cabinet remained in Lou
don Sunday , awaiting a reply fron
Russia to the latest from Eat
> Granvlllo. A dispatch from Constnntiuopl
states the Russian lleot there has boenordero
to preDnse for wur instnntly and that thirty
two Russian men-of-war hoisted their flap
and put to sen. There has been a continues
chain of dispatches from Earl Granville nn
Dealers since Saturday. It is apparent tha
the breach Is widening.
3 p. m. There U now considerable excite
incut on tha cxchangea. Consols have fnlle
Vo in the last half hour. They nro now UC
lor both. .
1 p , m , Consols vG\ ,
LONDON , April 20. The cabinet mot to di
to ouilder the contents of a number of impo
tant dispatches just received from Lord lu )
Earl Granville said the homo of lords th
afternoon that government have received
dispatch from Sir Feter Lumilien. The coi
tents ut this dispatch the government , were m
prepared to make jiubllo any further' than I
itato that it contained a contradiction of th
account of the 1'enjdeh incldont given b
General Komaroff. The government was e :
pectin ? further telegrams from Lutnsden , at
until they w ro received the governmoi
would not be prepared to make any furth
statement. The government has charterc
the 1'acifio Steam Navigation company
ateam ship Luitinn.
The Times states that the government h
informed captiina of nil trading vessels now
Uanuboan pdits preparing to leave the Dai
ube and Black Sea of possible detenth
In event ] | .of the Dardanellus being blocke
The Frankport Gazette publishes a d
patch from bt.Fetersburgto the effect that t
* resignation of M. Do tiiere , Russian niiniist
of foreign nflalri , becomes daily more prob
Earl Uufferm , viceroy of Indln , in nn nd-
drc i to the Indian association at Lahore ,
again referred to the marked manner of the
offers made by the native princes and the people
ple to give England assistance In any struggle
which she might have with Russia , and as
sured liis hearers that England would"Know
how to use this help when occasion required.
QDKEN TicrroniVa vair. :
DUBLIN , April 20. It Is aUtod thnt Queen
Victoria has arranged to visit Ireland next
autumn ,
PAINS , April 20. The French prow unan
imously insist that tlio government continue
to demand of Egypt full satisfaction for the
suppression of the French nonspapor at
Cairo ,
PARIS , April 20. The Gaulois affirms the
report that Sadi Cannot , the now French
minister of flnanco. will , upon reassembling
of the chamber of deputies , present a bill for
the issue of n now French loan , to amount to
( iCO.OOO.OOO or 700,000,000 francs , to bo issued
in the form of perpetual three per cent rentes ,
The Standard , in an editorial to-day , hopes
England will tupport the khedive in the con
troversy with Franc ) concerning the suppres
sion of the French newspaper Boiphere l''gyp *
tlan. The Standard says the paper _ was
juttly suppressed nnd if it ba
nil owed to resume Its audacious career , Eng
land will confess more flagrantly than over ,
that In Egypt she has undertaken a task
which nho has not the ability to execute nor
the courage to relinquish.
PARIS , April 20 Tlio sub-committeo of
the International Suez canal commission , now
In session hero , have finally ngrced to the
clauses in the proposed convention which ar
range for the neutrality of the Sweet Water
canal ,
KILLARNKY , April 20. The prince and
princess ot Wales loft for Dublin to-day. The
people cheered nnd fired military salutes , and
sang the national anthem In the demonstra
tion , especially as the royal visitors took
their leave.
LONDOX , April 20 , The Pnll Mall Gazette
states this afternoon that despite all prevalent
alarmist rumors , It is in position to state that
the differences between England and Russia
are in n fair way toward n settlement.
Gladstone in the house of commons this af
ternoon stated that the telegram received
from Sir Peter Lumsdon on Iriday was not
in answer to inquiries and instructions dis
patched to him on the 10th inst. ; that it would
bo necessity to await that answer before he
could make any statement. The telegran :
received from Lumsdon on Friday tended tc
confirm previous statements which apparent ! }
conflicted with General Komnroff'a tiUte
DCCLIN , Apiil 2. TDB roynl party on theii
way to Dublin from Kitlurney stopprd nl
Limerick nnd were welcomed with the meal
brilliant reception. They were also presented
with an address. During the journey betwcei
Killaraey nnd Limerick the prince and
princess met with same hottllo demonstra
OTTAWA , Ont. , April 20. In the house o
commons to-day Sir John McDonald an
nounccd that ha would shortly introduce i
bill suspending the operation of the domln
ion liquor Uw , pending a decision of the ju
dlcial commutes of the privy council on cer
tain clauses of tha bill which have been re
ferred to them.
LONDON , April 20. The nuioer , owing tt
the oppositsqn of his subjects , is reluctant tc
allow the British troops to enter Afghanistan
which , it is feared , was the cause of the re
bellion , the nmeer balnt ; unpopular. Th <
ameer is willing to cede Peudje to Russia ii :
' return for her evacuation of the Zulu'cai
passoi , which command tb.e road to Herat
Difficulty arises from the refusal of the Rus
slan war party to consent to the wlthdrawa
from Zullicar. It in believed that Da Giors
arty are inclined to support this policy , ba
ovlng that England is Inclined to give way
LONDON , April 20. The reply of M. De
Glers , Russian foreign minister , to Ear
Granville's demand for nn explanation of Gee
Komaroll's attack upon the Afghans on th
Kushk river , which was received at the for
eign office fast Saturday , was considered i ;
the cabinet covncil to-day , The reply say
that Gen. Komarolf's dispatches , copies c
which have been forwarded to the Biitis
government , sufficiently explain the Penjde
Incident , and it is therefore needless to sup
plement them. DeUiers in his turn complain
strongly of what ho calls the excessive mini
bora of General Sir Peter Lumsden's oscon
He says this display of a British nrmed fore
on the Afghan territory , together with tb
military demonstration at Rowal Pine
nnd Earl DutTerin's defiant language encouraged
aged the Afghans to provoke the Russiai
to at tack by loadinathem to believe they woul
rely upon British support. DeGiers does nc
express the slightest regret for Gen. IComai
off'a action , nnd he oven suggests thnt Gei
Komarolf would have neglected his duty if 1
failed to attack the Afghans.
LONDON , April 21. The Dally News , In t
editorial this morning , says It believes th ,
the government has decided upon the Imm
dlato recall cf Gen , Graham's force from tl
Soudan ,
The Warsaw TragbUtt. a Russian offici
organ states that Russia is making necossai
: o preparations for taking Herat.
The cabinet has been summoned to meet t
day to discuss important measures.
LONDON , April 21. It is stated that Ru
la declines to subscribe to a distinct ai
definite obligation that iho will on no accou
advance Iior forces beyond the boundary BE
tied by the joint . commission . , which . Engln
proposes as the only utiblo settlement.
Meshed advices April 20th says ; TheRu
nans nro still atAVtapa. Gen. Gemarc
has igouo to Sarakhs and Gen , Klikhanoff
Yolatau , The Russians are compelling i
Bank's to construct n military road towar
llerui through Penjdeh , The Afghans e' '
deucu great anxiety to learn the Engll
he I policy In regard to Afghanistan. Heratte i
er If erring to Sir Pater Lumiden's bounda
commission says it has neither the face to goner
nor the intention to stay.
HAMILTON , Out. , April 20. Summontcs
have been issued nglnst nil boys who sold
newspapers on the streets here Sunday ,
WILKEBDABUB , Pa. , April 18' Dr. David
Stern , now of Now York , but recently ol this
city , came here from Philadelphia last even
ing. Ho waa apparently In good spirits , Ho
went to the Wyoming Valley hotoi , Ho re
tired nbout 10 o'clock. At noon to-day ho
was found in a dying condition from tha ef
fects of laudanum taken with suicidal intent.
Physicians exhausted every resource to re
vive him , but without avail. At 0 o'clock to
night the physicians pronounced the case
hopo.oss. At that hour the pulse was 113 and
growing mora rapid. Death WAS thought to
be very near.
The suicldo was a most deliberate one , It
had evidently been long premeditated. Ho
intended to commit the deed in Philadelphia ,
as the following letter found on the bureau
and dated in that city shows :
To Whom it May Concern : Having arrived
at the deliberate conclusion to end a life
which has been to mo n source of pain and
turmoil , and not knowing exactly what day I
will carry my purpose into execution , I deem
it right nnd wise to wrl to the following : My
naino. Dr. Stern ; god nbout thirty-one ;
place of birth , Manchester , England ; occupa
tion , Jewish rabbi. There ore quite a number
of gentlemen who know mo in
this city-Mr. D. Kline , 1112
Market street ; Mr. Herman Holler ,
on Arch , nnd others. Under no circum
stances shall any rnbbl or clergyman of any
denomination officiate at my grave. What
ever money or gold jawelry is found on my
person I bequeath to the poor. The only
reason I care to give the world for my act la
that after a struggle of ton years I hnvo be
come convinced that injustice nnd selfishness
rule the world , and that I possess neither
strength nor Inclination to continue the strug
gle any loueer. I am weary.
Should any rolgious ceremonies by a friend
of mine take plans , I command that it shall
consist of rending the third chapter of Kcclo-
einstee , from verse 1) ) to the end , followed by
thu fifty-third chapter of Isaiah that and
nothing else. My cut-so upon him who diso
beys , changes or nyxlifios.
On n table by the bodeida were three bot-
tlea. Two were empty and labaledlaudanum.
They would hold together about two ounces.
The third was half full of paregoric. On the
table waa a letter sealed and marked "pri
vate , " and addressed to A. B. Weil , of this
city , a personal friend. There was a sheet of
paper bearing the words , "Took poison nt
10:10 ; head clear at 10:15 in. " Another let
ter rend as follows :
No humbug , no white rags ; bury mo in the
best broadcloth suit there is in the room.
Let me wear my ring and gold sleeve but
tons. Lot the ceremony bo na laid down in
the other paper.
Here followed some names of persons who
he wishes to be pall-bearers.
Dr. Stern came to this country about
twelve years ago and was at first located in
West Virginia. Ho subsequently bad charge
of Jewish congregations in Natchez , Miss. ,
nnd Peorln , 111. Ho assumed charge of the
Jewish temple in this city three years ago ,
but his ideas were too advanced and liberal
to suit the majority of his congregation , and
three months ago ho was requested to resign ,
Since then bo has been lecturing it
New York and writing for leading journal !
nnd papers. He was a man of great and com
manding mental powers and was one of tlu
mostfamous Jewish rabbis in America. Hi
was not n strict conformer to the Jewish re
ligiou , in fact , was almost a Unitarian. Hi
peculiar beliefs nnd the boldness with whlcl
ha expressed them made him many enemies
Ho was frequently accused of atheiem , and i
paid has uphold agnostic theoiies. He was i
brilliant and able lecturer and _ a profouni
scholar. The news of his suicide created i
deep sensation in this city , where he Is knowi
to every one.
[ It will be remembered that Dr. Stern abov
alluded to was at one time a resident o
Omaha. ED. ]
Special telegram to the BEE.
CHICAGO. April 20. The grand jury wa
empanelled In Judg-a Moran's court to-day
In charging the jury with the responsibilitie
of its members Judge Moran called their attention
tontion to certain interferences with the bal
lot of voters which , according to statement
made to him by States Attonney Grinnell
would be investigated by this body. He snli
there was no crime more serious in its result
than that of interfering with the franchise o
the people , "Tho community can bette
afford to have burglars carry on their nefar
ious work in its midst than it can for th
vote of the people to be stifled. I
can better afford to have its banks robbe
than it ballots , There is no thief ns bad a
the villain who seeks to destroy the lionet
result of a free ballot. It is necessary the
I the ballot , when deposited honestly , shoul
o I bo honestly handled by these who luvo cot
nectlon and are intrusted with it. The safet
of our community depends on the honoit
and the safety of the ballot. With refertuc
to the ballot-box frauds , then brought to yoi
attention by the state's attorney , you ehoul
give them your speedy attention , Id tha e ;
elusion of all other business , for the purpoi
of finding at once if the charges are false <
truo. If you find evidence that a crime hi
been committed you should bring in a speed
Indictment , so the accused can have an earl
trial and be properly punished or dii
charged. "
The 'Weiulior.
WASHINGTON , April 21. For the upp
Mississippi Valley Light rains nnd part
cloudy woatbcr ; southerly winds shifting
west ami north in extreme northern portio
stationary temperatura m southern portio
slightly colder lu northern portion during tl
tfor tha Miisourl Valley Partly cloud
weather and light rains and variable wind
colder except in extreme southern portio
stationary temperature ,
Heavy Fire Illinois Political A ]
iff " " SrBiNOFiELD , 111. , April 20. The Reg
to ter'a Virginia special cays : Coicrovo'a tlou
be ing mills burned this rooming. Loss , ? 2C
ds 000 ; insurance unknown ,
nsh The governor to-day sent to the sonata f
sh confirmation ai canal commissioners. Brow
of ( Jrundy ; reappointed , Taylor , of Peori
Lioberknecht , of Henry ,
The Snureie Court Renters Some
Very Important Decisions
In the Celebrated Virginia Hand
Coupon Oases ,
And Also Decides in the Olawson
Polygamy Case and
Grants a Fourth Trial in a Utfth
Murder Oaso ,
Trial of the Indicted Foreman
of the Jury
Of tlio Star Uouto Trial for Cor
ruptly Endeavoring to Influence
the Jury In its Favor.
WASHINGTON , April 20. The supreme
court of the United States rendered a decision
to day in the Virginia coupon tax sales which
was unfavorable to the bondholders nnd
ngalnst the stats in nil material points.
The trtnl of Win. Diokeon , foreman of the
jury which was known as the first star route
trial , indicted for "corruptly endeavoring to
influence the jurors , " was begun in the crim
inal court to-day.
The United States supreme court rendered
nn important decision to-day in a group of
cases known as the Virginia coupon cases , in
volving the validity of the recent legislation
of that state , with reference to the payment
of the state taxes in coupons of the state's
bonds. The decision was against the state ,
and In favor of the land holders on all mater
ial points. The court holds tba't all legisla
tion of the state which attempts to evade the
obligation under which it rests , to receive the
coupons of its bonds in payment of state
taxes is unconstitutional and void because it
Impairs the obligation of the contract ; that a
tax-payer having once made a due tender of
the -uponn in payment of his taxes , is under
no obligation to pay the said taxes in money
but may rest securely upon his right to have
the coupons received when offered , nnd that a
Inx collector who attempts thereafter to forci
bly collect nuch taxes by levying upon tha
taxpayers' property , is not shielded by the
legislation of the state , but makes the at
tempt at his personal peril. The opinion was
delivered by Justice Matthews and the chief
justice. Justices Bradley , Miller and Gray
dissented , Justice Bradley delivering the dis
senting opinion.
Tha court of claims to-day rendered a judg
ment against the United States in favor ol
tha Atlantic & Pacific railroad for § 01,35" .
Secretary Whitney appointed tht
following court of inquiry to investigate the
office of Paymaster-General Smith : Captain
George Smith , president ; Medical Director
Thos. L. Looker , Capt. K. U , Matthews , and
Paymaster Robert Wallan. judge advocate ,
The court will meet nt 12 in. on Thurada ;
next and will investigate the facts nnd cir
cumstances connected with certain contract !
with Austin P. Brown of this city , and Pay
master-General Smith , for the delivery o :
beef , pork and other supplies of the navy.
Tha president of Salv.-v.1or has designate/
Senor Pernlta to represent that republic it
Washington. Senor Pcralta Is already ac
credited a minister from Costa Rica ,
A delegation from Georgia called nt thi
white house this afternoon , and formally in
vited the president to visit Atlanta dunnf
the sessions of the commercial conventiou ii
the latter part of May. The president re
ceived the delegation very cordially and tolc
them frankly ho wanted to accept their mvi
tatlon , but was unable to say just at presen
whether he could leave Washington at tha
The commissioner of agriculture issued i
circular giving official notice ot the oxistenci
of contagious plouro pneumonia in Cailowa ]
county , Mo. , and calling the attention of a !
persons In.crested to sections six and sove ;
of the act establishing the bureau of indus
try , which makes It a penal offense for an ;
railroad company or vessel owner to transport
and for any person to drive or convey disease
animals from one state to another. The com
missioner says every effort will be made t
strictly enforce the provisions of these soj
WASHINGTON , April 20. A decision wa
rendered by the supreme courtto-day _ in tb
polygamy case of Rudgar Clawson , whb
claimed that the grand and petit juries b
which ho was indicted and tried were illegal !
constituted , as all persons believing
man had a right to possess more than one un
divorced wife , living at the samp time , wi
excluded by challenge and otherwise from U
jury. The court , in a carefully prepare
opinion by Justice Blotchford , decides again
A decision was al'o rendered by tha cou :
in n murder caie , Frederick Uopt , plamtif
in error against tbo people of the territory i
Utah. Since 1880 Hope has been three timi
tried for the same murder , three times foun
puilty and three tin.oa sentenced to deatl
His case now goes back for the fourth tri.
upon informality , in the charge of tl
judge to the jury which last found the prls
nerguilty ,
JAMISTOWN , Dak , , 'April 20. Two of t
worst and most notorious criminals on t
frontier were captured near the Canada b (
der on the Oth of April by ex-Chief of Poll
J , W. Lewis , of Shis city , and Deputy Slier
Connolly , of Miles City , Mont. , nnd ha
been brought hero. , Xbo prisoners are Charl
Rhodes , alias Roach , alias "Dutch Charlie
who , during his desperate career bat we
central Canada and the Pacific ,
said to have committed toren murders , BI
is wanted to answer , before the law for I
various crimes In Colorado , Washington T <
ritory , Montana and the Province of Ontar
Canada : and William Smith , believed to
I one of the most notorious horse thieves
I the west. The story of the pursuit and 01
Iturela briefly aa follows ; In company wi
n man then unknown , but now known to
have been Deputy Sheriff Connelly , of Miles
City , Chief Lewis loft hero March 30 , having
secured information of the supposed
whereabouts of the men whom ho sought
procuring two teams nnd men , Mr. Lewis
drove rapidly across the prnrlo directly toward
the Turtle mountain country , nnd on the Dili
itut found his men domiciled in n sod hut , on
the South Antler river , about half a imilo
this side of the British line nnd 300 mile *
northwest of this place. Fearing thnt Sheriff
Connolly might bo recognized and thiu occa
sion n desperate fight , Mr. Lewis left him
concealed under the straw on the bottom
of the wagon nnd entered the hut
alone. Within , on n bench by the fire
sat Dutch Charlie , nnd close by liitn lay n
Winchester lifle ana n largo revolver. Step
ping quietly up to the fire ns If desirous of
wnnning himself. Mr. Lewis began talking
with Rhodes in regard to the purchase of
some oats that hoproteuJod _ to want. After
n short conversation ho called Rhodes' attention -
tontion to a book lying near , nnd stepping
between the man andbl3woaponsand drew his
revolver nnd ordered the murderer to throw
up his hands. Having securely ironed him ,
ho proceeded to capture Smith , who was at
tending the horses outside the hut. The
work was quickly and quietly done , nnd wjth
their prisoners and four horses captured with
them , the two officers began their long over
land journey to Carrington , from which place
they arrived by last night's train.
At Crested Butte , Colo. , Rhodes is wanted
for the cold blooded killing of "Billy the
Kid , " a young card dealer In a gambling den.
Rhodes bad ill success at poker , nnd , re
marking that ho guested ho would "go out
nnd kill sotna one nnd sco if it wouldn't
change his luck " picked up his rifle , wnnt
out , and coolly shot three bullets Into Billy ,
who sat on n log near by. In Washington
Territory ho is wanted for the killing of two
persons , in Montana for the murder of a rich
cattle man , and it is said that ho is
wanted by Canadian authorities to answer
for murders commlttod near Toronto. For
his capture largo rewards have been offered
namely. $1,500 by GranvilloiStnwart | , of
Miles City , Mont. ; $500 by the Montana &
Wyoming cattle association , nnd $7,000 , it is
said , by parties whoso names cannot be given.
The prisoners were lodged lu the county jail
last night , nnd this morning Rhodes , heavily
ironed , loft for Miles City , in charge of Sher
iff Connolley. Smith will remain bore for a
few days. Reinforcements have been tent to
Medora to protect Rhodes , in event of a ru
mored attack of cowboys there , who are anx
ious to got bold of him.
General Grant's Condition.
NEW Yonu , April 20. Gen Grant rested
and slept through last night until 0:15 : thit
morning. Dr. Douglas loft the house nt nine
nnd will return nt two this afternoon , when il
is believed the general will go out for a drive
When Col. Fred Grant left the house a <
mid-day to go down town he w s feeling hope
ful. lie said that his father passed n betto :
night last night than since the inflamin )
symptoms developed. He was early dressec
nnd when the general was no worse it was safi
to assume that ho was better. But more thai
that there was no doubt ho was stronger nn <
brighter even than Sunday , a | week ago , sail
the colonel. I didn't believe father would liv
n week , or a day , for that matter , bu
now I believe he is going through the summe
nil right. When Dr. Newman left the hous
he said the general wns asked yesterday if h
wouldn't go out to drive in the afternoon. II
was silent n little while , and then said : "Nc
this is Sunday. Prnyers for my recover ;
Tiave been offered to-day In many places , per
haps , throughout the country , and I think i
better that I should not go out until Mot
day. " The general was driven to Mount SI
Vincent , around the west side of the par
and back to the house , having been BOD
thirty-five minutes. He left the carriage fin
and walked firmly nnd unaided up the stei
and into the house ,
NEW YOBK , April 12. At nbout 1 o'cloc
this afternoon General Grants family earring
was driven to the door , Shortly.aftor Gonei
al Grant emenged from the house , carefull
nnd warmly wrapped up , to take his longe
for drive. The general carried a light cam
nnd unaided walked down with n firm treat
As he crossed the flogging ho bowed an
smiled to the crowd across the street whic
saluted him.
. The Sea Gives up a Long Looked ff.
t Receipt.
Special Telegram to the BEE ,
IlALirAX , April 20. A romance has con
to light connected with the ill fated stean
a ship Daniel Stelnmann , which was wrscke
9 at Sambroa n year ago , when 121 lives we ;
lost. Previous to his leaving home , Poti
Andreas Mictuelson , one of the passenger
deposited $39,670 and some valuables for uaf
keeping with one Uerscbird , of linolo , Do :
mark , nnd took a receipt therefor. Probab
imai eining that nolesal.evidenco would overl
fort .beaming . ! that he had the money Horscuii
refused to return it to the dead man's reli
lives. Thereupon the Danish minister of fo
elgn affairs communicated with Tobin , tl
Danish consul at this port , requesting him
spare no effort to find the receipt. The bcx
ies and wreckage washed ashore from time
time have boon carefully searched , nnd dlvei
who have been working on the wreck for tl
past year , have kept a sharp lookout for tl
miEsmg document , but all without euccei
Recently a small trunk was washed aaho
containing a number of letters nnd pa ipoi
, e These were turned over to the consul. . Th
were water-soaked nnd the writing was i
most obliterated , bui nmoog them was tl
long looked for receipt , which , after mu
difficulty. Consul Tobin deciphered and trat
lated. Ho has cabled the goad news to C
Plouro Puoumontafi \ Missouri.
Si. LODIB , April 20 , H. M. Taylor , aga
of the United States bureau of animal icdi
try , arrived in St. Louis to-day from Wai
ington , nnd ba secured the co-operation
the Missouri Pacific , Wnbath , and Chicago
Alton railroads in placing an embargo on
its cattle from Galloway county , in this eta
II- The railroads have issued instructions to th
local agents to refute all shipments of cat
] 19 from Oallovrny and contiguous counties unl
. accompanied by n certificate of health b ]
government inspector. Col , Hunter , pr <
3r- dent of the National Cattle and Uorso Grc
Ice era ! association of theUnited _ States , sent t
| | t following telegram this morning ; Hon. N.
Coleman , oommlsitoncr of 'agriculture , Wave
vo ington : Contagious pleuro-pneumonia
Ies spreading In this state , and as Individ
; , " effort is powerless to check Its progre st 11
en you to please nee the attorney-general imtr
Is diately and get bib decision at once aa to yi
ad power under the law to USB the funds apj
tils prlated tor the bureau of animal luduitry ,
erstampout this contagion which threatens c
io , entire cattle industry. Prompt action i nee
ho taiy. Answer. [ Signed ] KAYMO.NU
la To this Col , Hunter received the follow !
p. , reply f
ith | Col , R , D. Hunter , president Ibavaasl
the opinion of the comptroller of tha treasury
nnd attorney-general , algn , ns to my power to
destroy the cattle thr.t tnvo been cxposfxl to
pleuro pneumonia , nud nra promised ft written
to-day or to-morrow , Aj soon as obtained
will inform the public.
[ Signt d ] NORM AM J. COLMAN ,
Commissioner of Agriculture ,
Special Telegram to THE BKB.
TOLKDO , O , ( April 20. The baco hill season -
son of the Wcjtern league opened this nfter-
nnon with n game between Toledo and Cleveland -
land In the presence of twelve hundred spec
tators. The visitors ( honed the benefit of
practice they had on their southern trip , nnd
on this account over-uintchod the homo nine ,
who lacked catching and team work. The
pome was hotly contested , turns about being
taken in the lend several times. McAtthur
nnd Cook were the battery for Toledo nnd
Donglo nnd Sommors for Cleveland. McAr-
thur wns pounded wickedly by the visitor * ,
but was supported finely by Cook. Fba vis
itor * won by superior strength nt the bat nnd
in the field. Following is the scoroby itnings :
Toledo 0 0 0I -J 0 0 0 ! )
Cleveland 1 4001-03 ! ! 0 11
Base hits Toledo 10 , Clo'vtland 13. Er
rors Toledo 2 , Cleveland 8. Karncd runs
Toledo 1 , Cleveland 3.
Special Telegram to THE BEE.
SrniNOKlELi ) , 111. , Apiil 20. Jit Is now gen
erally conceded that nothing'wlll bo nctom-
plifhed in the joint session until Representa
tive Shaw's uccessor shall have been olrctod.
Private adviica fiom Washington state thnt
Colonel Morrison arrived hare yesterday , and
that he and other Illinois democratic congress
men nro to mnko n desperate nnd combined
raid uuon the president nnd departments to
morrow for federal appointments for the itnto.
Morrison evidently oxpccts to fill the sails of
his senatorial balloon in this way , but it can
not do him any good if lie does. Ho will
never be elected senator.
Potent Fires.
1 NB.W YORK , April 20. Largo forest fires are
burning in Suffolk county , Long lUand ,
Between Newport nnd Yaphank throe fires
broke out simultaneously. Two hundred
acres of standing timber and two buildings
ore already deetrojed , causing a loss of over
$20,000 , Over 5,01)0 ) acres of wood , east of
Smithtowu Is nn fire Here the lois in esti
mated at $ .Ti,000.
SAXKJI , N. J. , April 20. A. serious fire
started in the liarrens , about five miles south
of hero , to-day and is burning fiercely across
a tract of country about three miles wide.
Parlies of men have been Cnhtinz the tUires
all day. Hundreds of acres \aluhblo tim
ber have now been destroyed. The town ol
Quintan is in danger of destruction should
the velocity of the wind increase.
Mcinphl * Jockey Club.
MEMPHIS , April 20. The opening day o
the bpring meeting of the jockey club the at
tendance was good , but the track was heavy
The first race , three-quarter mile dash , al
ages , Monn won by two lengthp , PinkCottagi
second , Clifton third. Time , 1:18. :
The second race , for the Gaston stakes fo ;
two-year-olds , half mile , D , H. won , Pa
Sheedy second , Bolter third. Time , 61J.
The third race , Memphis Oaks , for three
year-olds , 1 | miles , Ida Hope won by ;
length , Topsey second , Ebner third. Time
The fourth race , handicap steeple chare
King Dutchmnq won , American second
Rowdy Boy third. Time , 2:35' : ' ; .
The Kiel Kow.
'MONTREAL , April 20. A dispatch receive' '
hero yesterday by the wife of an offic'er o
the Sixty-fifth , states that the men have bee :
without food for two days , except what the
could pick up , and thnt they broke into pro
vision stores in Calgary , under instructions
While thus engaged the mounted police BUI
prised them and Col. HughoB , who attempto
to interfere * had a rifle pointed at him. It I
also stated that the men are dlscontcnte
and threaten to return , oven if they have t
march back ,
Louisville to Celebrate Gen , Grant' '
CKJd Birthday.
LOUIBVILLB , April 20. Gen. Grant's 63
birthday , which occurs next Monday , will L
celebrated in this city by n public meeting c
representatives of nil parties. Prominer
gentleman have the matter in charge , on
owing to the peculiar circumstances until
which the celebration Is to occur , Loulsvill
n southern city , will ask nil cities in tha unic
to follow her example.
Tammany election.
NEW YCBK , April 20. At the election <
tammany to-night , there wag no o ;
position and tha following ticket was electee
Sachems , John Kelly , John McQuado , Jol :
J. Gotmnn , Hugh J. Grant , S. Henry Dug/
James J. Slovin , Nathaniel Jarvis , Jr. , I tic
ard Crocker , James A. Flack , Henry j
Gumbleton , Charles Weldo , William P. Kli
and Joel O. Stevens ,
Mississippi Kallroad
JACKSON , Miss , , April 20 ; The suprer
court of Mississippi to-day decided that t !
railroad commission created by the last lei
ialature was a legal tribunal. The cou
practically holds t&at every railroad tra
from the time it enters till it leaves the Btat
nt U within the tnxlng power of the police rngi .
lotion of the state exclusively , and not of tl
general government ,
of Milliard IMntch * t i\o\v York ; .
& NEW YOIIK , April 20 , A > billiard tourn
all xaent for the championship of a 14 inch be
to. Una game was Inaugurated at living ball I
etr night in the presence of over 1,0001 persoi
tlo The game WAS between George Slosson ni
889 William Sexton. Blosson won easily. Scoi
Sloaaon 500 , Sexton 100.
isiha The Ultuatlou In I'anntna.
ha WASHINGTON , April 20. Secretary Wh
ih- J. ney received the following telegram , dat
ihis the 18th itut. , frosn Admiral Jouett : "I
ul situation is unchanged. Ever/thing is qu
isle on th Isthmus , liaardslea reports na fjgl
10ur ing around Cartagena for n fortnight.
> ur
tote TiiotlllnoU Licgifclaturo.
to , Ills. , April 20. In iho jo
session o' tba general assembly 31 votes w
cast ; 18 for Moniton , Lcffan , 10 ; Uoickiird
ins Townson ; I't A. M. Craig , 1 ; Joha 0. Blu
1 ; Henry H > Boutell , 1. The teuVoui of
ted house and I en a to were iormal.
The Bnlls anH Boais Fight Persist-
fully tor the Sopreniacy ,
The Wheat Market Asaumed a >
Highly Nervous , Excited Tone ,
Oorn at One Time Was Quoted
at 473-4o ,
Oattlo Sold lOo Higher Than
Last Week's ' Closing Prices-
The Hog Market Suffered a Blight
Down Turn ,
ProvlBions VTcro Strengthened Under
Active Buying : , Juno 1'ork Closing
Steady * t $11.02.
Special telegram to the BEE.
CHICAGO , April 20. There was no particu
lar excitement at the opeulug on 'change to
day as the war uows received did not circulate
until Inter. Nearly nil nrtlclco on. the list
opened off from Sntuiday's closing price.
Juno wheat sold nf 88Jo which was i off from
tho'close , but Bonn after sold up steadily to
OOJo , n drctdcd advance. June pork opened
quiet nt from Do to 15o under Saturday's close
on weakness In the price of hogs nt the ynrdr.
The advance in wheat , howoversoou strength
ened ! under the influence of active tuylnr.
Juno wheat sold up to .UOjJc , but then came
n lull , and it want back to
89 J. By 10:30 : o'clock the air on the flour nnd
in tuecommission , brokers offices commenced
to warm up nnd nt _ 10:65 : o'clock there was
war everywhere , in fifteen minutes prices
went up o with indications of n still further
ndvauco to coma. Private telegram i from
New York and cablegrams from London told
of n thirp _ decline in both English and Rus-
tlan , securities and of tha great loollng of un
easiness en the outside market- ) , the consequence
quence wai that this market assumed a high
ly nervous and excited tone , with very active
trading. May
sill continues to present strong features and
there nro no well developed signs of selling
out on the part of operntois who are reputed
to bold so Hitch of it. _ Contrary to the other
articles on the list , it opened'at ' the closing
price -174 and was even qotod at 47 $ . There
was a good active trade from the start.
Though realizing knocked the price back to
17J , but subsequently it sold up to V > nnd
wns strong. The nervous feeling continued
all through.tho mornlncr session. The prin
cipal part of excitement was tba bulls nnd
bears lighting persistently tor supremacy.
Trading was of a purely speculative nature.
It was pre-eminently a scalping market.
Half-tin- hour before the close of the morning
eostion the Juno option sold up to ill
and closed very nervous at 00j , . Atone
time n bulge of r. few points was
made by a eeusatlonnl New York dispatch
which said a paper In that city bad an article
with the bead line "War Declared. " New
York was immediately wired , when It was
discovered that the article referred to was
about a war between rival railroads. Speak
ing nbout these Bensntmnal dispatches , a
prominent operator of bearish tendencies said ,
' I consider this nil n scheme on the port of
tha New York brokers to make some money.
They came In on the last b'ulgo , which waa
entirely on war , nnd bought largely. By
keen manipulation they caino out about even
on the break , but are anxious to get revenge ,
and are concocting all sorts of scheme * to do
BO. New York got very little out of the war
before. Itwaa.St. Louis parties who lined their
pockets , These St. Louis fellows commenced
to buy purely on crop scares some little time
before the war newi came. They-wero lorro
8 holders when it did come and soldi out at the
top of the nurkot. Corn continued active
throughout. May options soldup to iSgcnnd
closed strong nt17Jo. . On the afternoon ses
sion the wheat market was exceedingly nerv
ous and activo. The June option closed at
fUc ; May uloBcdilirraatISJoand Jlmo pork
steady 311U2. TheCATTLE
trade was very , slow at the si aet > and scaicoly
any transactions of iioto took plaoe before 10
o'clock. Shipping orders were ligh and buy-
era for enatorn irnrkota we.s- cautioned by
telegraph to hold off unless they could buy
at lower prices than last weak. I'inally the
business o the day opened at n sharpdrop of
15@20o OIL the ordinary run of. tut cuttle turn
as are used in the shippicj nnd dctMcd beet
trade. At tho.decline , and when buyers nnd
sellers found- - they had fuirly settled on val
ues , business waa active , the day closing
with only a few loads of fresh
arrivals luft. Tli-ero was n small per cent ,
of etockors nnJt fe odors la.tlio big fresh arri
vals , nnd rpoculatois were free buyers nt
about lOo hinbor than at the close last week.
There were but few country buyers present ,
but the spaoulatora fancied they raulu afford
hs to pay the advance noted , trusting to the fu
ture , for thenvirliet to go their way. No
Rrt Block cnlven were ofieiuJ ; 1,050 to 1,200
in pound.S4,59 < 8 ! 0 10 ; 1,250 to 1,350 pounds ,
$510@C40 ; 1.J.50 to 1,000 pound * , S550@
. fi 00 ; butchers' common. . § 2 450@t : SO : good ,
ha 8350@1BO : nf ackers Mow ut SJ 40@1 10 ;
feeders aotivo , ut SI 10ft 1 80.
opovuOL with i1 bnrp down turn of O'StlOo on
nbout M mar Ha and for a time there waa
rather n. low i lecllne but as soon at the down
' 'k town dinpato hen began to arrive announcing
; outeotly gialn and provision mnrkotn , together
witlnhu r t'her inoro warlike tone of the
ad press dlipat ches , there was an improved de
mand and nt the finish the general market
re :
was. a , kb ade stronger than tha opening.
During U ) o early paitof the day rough and
common / jackors sold down to $110@8425 ;
fair to good mixed , $145(2 ( ? 150 and best
it- heavy , 3 i B5@S1 00 ; light sold at 8150@S1 85
td nad fnm iy ringelngplRii , $1 00. The decline
tdha : w * RKI ' * cu marked on f lr to peed mixed than
let on any' other grade ,
lit * B1 < J niulngton jNIuolclpal
BuJOMINQTON'April 20. B , V , Funk , re-
publf.can , WM elected mayor to-day over John
Int Kdd y , democrat Tbe contest was very hot ,
Funk has been mayor six terms , though not
co ; iiecutlvely , previous to that to which bo in
n .w elected. Mil majority last year was 305 ,
The republicans gam 2 aldermen and and the
council stands lu to 2 republican ,
of North Carolina cofterp recogriizeeiL
Smoking Tobacco. { sCsg&o nA' < d r &AsbKo \