Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 18, 1885, Page 8, Image 8

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Saturday Morning , April 10 ,
Six hard caeet were In jail lait night a
pasted the time la songs and noises ge
crally ,
Workmen ware engaged yesterday opj
Bite the Cozzens hotel repairing and Improvl
llarnor street.
The itroot car company are pushing nho
their line In different parts of the city ,
double track la bslng ballt nlong Jelfors
sUoct to n point west o ( the High school ,
whlsh the cars will bo running Inside ol
month. Also the extension of the Farm
itrect track will bo begun very soon whl
will be extended to the park.
Yesterday morning workmen were engag
in tearing up n portion of thogranitopavemc
at the earner of Fifteenth and Varnntn , T
BX month * ' limit baa expired for the last pn
mont on the contract , but Contractor Mi
phy will only be allowed his ton per cei
reserve , after repairing a defective piece
granite paving in the locality indicated.
The remains of Col.'Taylor , who died
March 13th , were exhumed yeatord
from the Gen. McCorraick vault in Prospi
Hill cemetery , where they have been reatl
since interment. They were shipped li
evening by the Pacific Express company ,
Washington , D. C , , whore they will find pi
manont interment in Oakwood cemetery.
David IT. llaan , at present with Hlggli
the Douglas Btreot rostauranteur , ia now we ;
nga forty-horse power smile. The causoof t
Illumination is the sudden appearance ol
young Rean in hit family. And yet David
somawhat sad because it is a boy ho want
n girl and with tears In his eyes he son
times mournfully ponders over "WhatMig
HavoBoan. "
Special Policeman James arrest
yesterday morning two North ( Oma
toughs , Att Batten and An-Jn
Kaufman. Kaufman was firing
revolt or in the direction of some school ch
dren playing near Crelghton college , at t
great risk of hitting them. Ho was tirdcr
to atop , but refused to do so. lie was arrei
ed with Batten , who wai also engaged
the disturbance ,
A charming social event was that whii
waa held under the auspicoa of two of Oman :
society girls , Miss Hooka Hanson and Ml
Aggie Hannlgan , at Hanscom Park Thursdi
night. About forty couples wore present ai
indulged in the pleasures of the heel and tc
A substantial supper waa spread , serving
"top off" the evening's enjoyment. A seri
of these parties , it ia to bo hoped , will 1
given this season. '
W. P. Ptck & Co. , brokers , received tl
following special telegram yesterday aftc
noon from Avery , Hilabrant & C
concerning the Chicago markets : "Anoth
largo advance in consols this morning killi
all war talk and precipitated a sharp brea
Longs sold largely and easily and seemed i
have unloaded all their holdings. Cables she
a weak declining in foreign markets. Who :
closes this afternoon quiet and firm.V
hardly anticipate any further decline an
look for steadier and quiet markets for a da
or two. Corn strong ; values manipulated.
The people in the vicinity of Ninth ar
Farnam are complaining seriously of a famil
tenanting a house immediately cast of tl
Canfield home. Family rows , loud and pr
longed , are Indulged In by the occupants i
the midnight hour , and furnish the moi
awful of discordant sounds. Sleep Is rendere
Impossible , and the Nlnth-and-Farnamlti
are becoming desperate. The proprietors <
the Canfield sent for the police Thursda
night , who came down , but were not valiat
enough to make the proper arrests.
Rev. N. H. Gale , financial agent of tl
North Nebraska Conference Seminary , Is no
In the city , Ho is engaged in selling colloj
lota , the proceeds of which are to be used i
putting up a brick school building at a cost (
about 810,000. The seminary will be locate
at Central City , Nob. The lota are In si :
G6xl32 , and sell for $50.00 each. Torma , for
years. The enterprise ia buslneaa-like , an
commenda itself to every lover of a high
education. The building Is to be ready fc
occupancy by Sept. 20th. Any ono deslnn
to Invest will please drop a postal to Mi
Gale , Omaha.
The Ground for the New Bulldin
Secured nncl Probably That
for * Bltlinp'a Residence.
The trustees of Brownell hall mot yei
terday and practically scoured ground fo
the new building and for a residence fo
the Episcopal blahop.
Mr. Kountza , the banker , offered t
give a tract or lot 300 foot front by 27i
foef. deep on Tenth street , juat south o
his residence , for the now building whlc ]
has become necessary for the new school
and a lot nearly sufficient for an elegan
homo for the bishop. This propositloi
was practically accepted , subject to tbj
agreement of the bishop to reside there
which Is likely to bo given.
Mr. Konntza , with characteristic con
"a"1 ? . ' < > Intimated W wlllidgDOM * '
! ! for " " "tnwtlng the nov
fc i u ni
Bchool building , which It Is fair to presume
sumo will ba begun at
as early a day a
A New Mercantile Agency.
The Wilber Meicunlilo
agency has oa
tablfshed headquarter * In this city , wltl
Mr. W. H. Dillon na general snporinten
dontfor Nebraska and Western Iowa
This agency , which waa eitabliahed li
1872 , Is f st gaining ground as n rellabl
Institution , being BO operated tha
bnsineas nion have direct communicatioi
with tholr attorney In every town in tin
country in regard to the standing of thi
firm inquired after. After a busines ;
man baa a knowledge of the working * c
the Wilber Agency he invariably tub-
* ° " ' ui'J LU OOTe" a11 thi
points which other mercantile Bgenciei
claim and a great deal more , besides sar
jng the subscriber from § 25 to § 75 a yeai
according to amount of information want.
ed , RB It la much cheaper than any othei
agency ,
On of the main features of the
the Wilber aijeucy Is the col
lecting department which is tun on truly
bnsluin principles and which Mr. Dillon ,
aialsted by Mr. F. E , Wood , personally
superintends , Coming here to Blay tbo
buainrfli men of Omaba will hail wth | de-
Haht such a relUblo collection aponry
The oflico nt presjntislceatedlnlWm
2 , Blorafl's block , corner 16th and Capitol
ve , and all builneis left in their care
will receive prompt attention.
In Ibc McCapc Bra * , TS , Rayino
Case ,
Aflcrplcco to the Fuller Swindle
jRTho following opinion of County Jud
McCullongh shads light and learning
the Fnllor-McCagno-Iliymond contr
voray whioh will bo Interesting reading
this community.
On the 9th day of December , 1884 ,
8. Raymond , the defendant , made
chock for § 488.25 , payable to the ord
of Calvin E. Fuller. The evidence dl
closes that said check was given by Rs
mend to Fuller as change , the amount
said chock being the difference botwc
the prica of certain goods purchased
Fuller from Raymond , and a § 1,0
draft glvon by Fuller as payment for as
goods. The evidence further dlsclot
said Fuller in his dealings with Ra
mend , ropreaontod himself aa trcasm
of the lowu Loan and Trust cDtnpany ,
Dos Molnos , lorra , and that Ray mo :
believed htm to bo such. The goo
purchas3dby Fuller wore bought in I
Individual capacity , however , and i
himself , and not In his capacity as trot
urerof said Loan and Trust compan
nor for said company. Fuller's ropr
senUtlon aa to his being treasurer of ta
company , seems to have baon made ale
ply for the purpose of giving him atan
ing with Raymond aa an Individual.
The chock given by Raymond to Full
was drawn on the United States Nation
bank , of Omaha , and was made payabl
as above stated , to the order of Calvin !
Fuller , nothing upon tbo chock showli
that ho wag * , or claimed to bo , the tret
nror of the Iowa Loan and Trust ODD
pany. Without going Into any rovlow
the evidence as to Identity , the teatimon
without question , shown that the persi
ta whom Raymond gave the chock pt
sontod it on the 10th day of Docombc
1884 , to McOagno Bros. , whoso acqualc
anco ho had previously made under tl
name of Calvin E. Fuller , and rocolvi
from thorn , upon his endorsement , tl
full face of said check , viz. $488 25.
When McCaguo Bros , presented oa
chock to the bank on which it was drav
payment thereof was refused , havii
boon stopped by the drawer , Raymon
who had discovered Fuller to bo an It
poster , and the § 1,000 drafb recolvt
from him to bo worthless paper. Th
suit Is for the recovery by McCigi
Bros , from Raymond the amount ptld 1
them to Fuller on said check.
The above statement of the facts of tl
cso , and what the evidence disclos
( there being llttlo or no controversy as
facta on the trial ) , brings us fairly face
face with a question , the solution <
which must determtno this case , namol
Does deception as to name In origin
transactions with ono whoso Identity
not established relieve the peraon d
colvod from responsibility to lunocoi
third persona ?
In this case Raymond was having o
original dealing with Fuller as an Indlvli
nal , and , aa his check shows , dealt .wit
and recognized him as Calvin E. Fulle
Second , Daniel on Negotiable Instri
ments , sec. 135G , says : "If a drawi
puts a bill of exchange In clrcnlatlo
with the name of the payee endorse
upon It , he will bo understood by e
doing ns affirming that the endorsemer
is in the handwriting of the payee , c
written by hla authority , and If it I
forged the amount paid under such or
dortomont may bo credited against hit
by the acceptor , or recovered atMlnst hi :
by the holder of the bill. "
Raymond , In thla Instance , In his deal
Ings with Fuller and making his check
certainly said to the commercial world
"Thla ia Calvin E. Fuller. " When yo
follow It up by showing that this Fulle
getting the chock cashed waa the on
who receied It from Raymond , and th
only possible person for whom It coul
have been Intended , for ho was the enl
and the Identical pereon who tranBacte
the business out of which grow the glvin
of the chock aa a balance.
Now , doea the fact that Fuller de
colved Raymond into the belief that h
was treasurer of the Iowa Loa :
and Trust company , relieve th
defendant , when the facts ahow that hi
dealings were of a private character am
not with him aa an official ? I think not
Had Raymond given hla check to him a
treasurer of the Iowa Loan and True
Company , and the plaintiffs had paid i
upon his endorsement as such , and it a !
terwards waa shown that ho waa not
they certainly could not recover , bat Ihl
case la far otherwise. It certainly wouli
have been the safe plan for the defend
vnt to have made the
( check to him a
treasurer , especially In view of the fac
that the 01,000 draft takou In iho tz
shango waa BO signed.
This case differs very materially fron
the case-of Ware vs. Rogers , 2 Nebraska
the only case cited by defendants. li
that It wa clearly ahown that the payee
klthongh having no Interest In the draf
nnst Indorse It Ueforo itcould bo proper ! '
jaid. Ho was an actual person in th'
nlnds of both parties to the transaction
ind being neither of the ones ongagei
therein. In thla casj.thero was no thin
sarty to whom the check waa tob given
aut Raymond waa simply deceived aa ti
; ho name and position of his customer
aut his customer , nevertheless , was thi
TOO whom ho Intended should reccivi
the money ; and was , in fict , the onb
possible person entitled to receive it , ai
transactions having been had with him
I think there is a distinction botweei
this class of cases , bolng original trana
ictlona between tbo partlea , and a casi
which might arise when lUyrnond mlgh
save had bnalneas rotations with oni
Jorydon ( not Calvin ) E. Fuller , treat
aror of the Iowa , Loan and Trust com
aany , and Calvin E. Fuller might havi
some to Raymond and represented him
iolf as Corydon E. Fuller , obtained a set
lenient and received a chock for thi
jalanco duo Corydon E. Fuller ane
> egotlated nld chock as Oorydon E ,
Duller , the creditor of Raymond. It
inch a case tbo Indorsement would un-
loubtedly be a forgery. In auch a east
t would have been Raymond's drawing
. chock in the name of bia creditor and
landing it to a peraon be euppoaod to be
hat creditor. If ho wcro not , aod In-
orstd the check with name of the payee
nd received the money , It would b a
orgery and the amount could not bo re-
jovored from R ymond by the Indorsee
ur he would still ho liable to bis original
Ia the ono cue ho Intends a ceria'ji '
erson , who is hli creditor , to have the
umoy , beHeylBK the ouo to whom he
snda the check to be that identic * !
reditor named in the chock. In the
ue at bar he knows the pnon befora
htm to bo hla creditor , for It Is an orl
Intl transaction , gives him n cheek pn
able to hla customer by the name nicd
the whole transaction. Ho fin
( torwarda that ho has given 1
chock , not to ono who Is n
hla customer and creditor but ta 01
IT ho became his customer and creditor 1
falsa representations , Now who shon
suffer , the ono who paid the mousy upt
proper indorsement to the person 1
tended at the time by Raymond to re cor
it , or the one who gave a chsck payab
to ono who , In fact , waa not entitled
receive the money ? Wo certainly cai
not escape the conclution that of two 1.
noccnt persons , ho must antlbr who fir
act In motion the machinery by which tl
fraud was enabled to bo parpotr&tod.
The ciso of Forbes & King va. Epso '
Holdelbach & Co. , 21tt Ohio , state 4 ?
Booms to mo to set out the proper do
trlno. The facts in that case wore as fc
lows Ono Mora , for the purpose of d <
frauding the general government of 1
revenues and shielding himself from d
toctlon , nsanmod the name of Charl
Clark. In that name ho bought nutmoj
from Wroford , Dillon & Co. , In Canad
and smuggled them into the United State
at Detroit , and In that name ahippc
thorn from Detroit to Cochran , Helm
& Co , , at Cincinnati , and asked for
return of siles and proceeds. Cochrai
Holmes & Oo , made return of salon i
him by draft and having endoracd tl
bill to Charles Clark , remitted It to Di
trolt to that addrois. Mora rocolvod 1
and afterwards , endorsing it In the nan
of Charles Ohrk , delivered It to Wotfon
Dillon & Co , from whom the phlntll
received it.
It is also conceded that Wreford , Di
Ion & Co. know nothing of Mora's frar.
or that his name , If Charloa Clark , w
assumed. After stating the facts i
above the conrt saya : "Now the jnd
mont below must bo reversed if either <
the following propositions can bo mall
talned , to-wit : 1st , That the legal tit
to this blllpisaod from Cochrano , Helm
& Co. , to Wroford , Dillon & Co. , by tl
endorsement of former to Mora undi
tht assumed name of "Clark , " and I
hla subsequent endorsement by the am
name to Wreford , Dillon & Co , o
2d. That Cochrano , Holmoa & Co. ni
estopped as against the plaintiffs , fro
denying that the statement BO passed
The court ; further nays that
deems it unnecessary to dotermh
the firat , as their affirmatli
decision if the second Is dedal' '
of the caao. The coutt , however , vet
strongly Intimates that the ondorsomei
by a poraon ualng an assumed name , If
Is the person intended , Is not forger ;
referring to 22d Iowa , 379. Oa the BO
end point , however , the conrt uses tl
following language : "Cochran , Holmi
& Co. , having Indorsed the bill i
Charles Clark , ' delivered It to Wn
Mora , and if facts are more slgnlfic.ii
than words , Intended to endowo It i
Mora , as they certainly intended to di
liver It to him. " Tholr purpose waa 1
pay for the nutmega to the person froi
whom they received them. The com
holds that aa against Innocent endorsei
the drawoia could not recover.
Is certainly as strong pr stronger for tl
plaintiff than the Ohio case. Raymon
actually handed the check to the perso
with whom ho dealt by the name of Oa !
vln E. Fuller , In this case it ia not eve
shown , aa It was in the Ohio case , thi
the payer haa another name. There I
no evidence that the person receiving tb
check was not Calvin E. Fuller , the di
fendant relying solely on the fact that h
thought his cuatomor was treasurer of th
Iowa Loan and Truat company of De
It cortiinly seems to mo that th
plaintiff should recover in this action an
judgment will be glvon against the dc
fendant for the amount prayed for am
for the coats.
Coughs , Cold and Sore Throat yleli
readily to B. H. Douglass & Sons' Cap
burn Cough Drops.
Smoke Seal. , of North Carolina To
Yesterday's Happenings In the Sov
cr l Tribunals of Justice.
Thoaultof W. A. Kent vs. W. J
Soliallor petition In error wan filed yesterday
torday In the district conrt.
Harriet Jonea va. Win. D. Jones , aul
For divorce for abandonment and 'drunk
ennesB. Decree of divorce'ahc1 ordoT"fa
sustody of children granted plaintiff.
William John Usher was yostcrda ;
made a citizen of the United States.
Charles 0. Housol va. Mary McQaado
Diami < so3.
Ohrla Howltt va. Andrew Randolph
Dlamleaed ,
Agatha Kuhl vs. 0. W. Mead. Do
fanlt taken.
0. M. Deilx va. Thomas Birmingham
Decree ta foreclose mechanics' llei
To-day is the last day of thin courtuntl
iftor the vacation of ono week. Thi
judge goes to Sarpy county Monday tt
icld court , and the officers of the conr
trill ba busy meantime with the vnv
imount of business done already during
; ho term.
Lowla v . Laoghlln. Jury trial. Ver
lict for plaintiff for $27.85.
Weller VB. Miller , sheriff , etc. Ro
ilevln ; judgment for plaintiff with noml
lal damages.
MeOague Bros. vs. 0. 8. Raymond
Phil suit was the somewhat noted Fnlloi
iwlndlo caao. The opinion of the conn
given elsewhere In fall ,
ronou COURT.
Afternoon soislon. Warrants were Is
ued for Pat McOnlre. drank and dlsor
lorly ; John Svocina for cruelty to anl
nals on complaint of D. B. Uouck. and
lennoty and McGregor for fighting i
Jodgo Stonbarg it winning golden
ipiulons for promptness and regularity
f proceedings ,
Saal ot North Carolina Tobaco la the
1)1 KD.
IU80II. In thU city April 1C , at 0 p. n. ,
K1U& , daughter of Mr. and Mra. Hoary
limch , sgcd 5 years and G montlu.
Funeral talcei place on-8anday at 2 p. m , ,
nn the reeldeoce on Delowtre street near
ew&rd. Krleuda invited.
Sound travels through the air at the
* te of 1,142 feet ia a second , or a mile
i about four and two-thltds seconds ,
letsl conducts sound at the rate of 11-
05 feet per second.
Vnnllln.X.einnn , Ornnee. te. , flavor CrtU <
UrenniiI iidillnKi.tcin delicately nnd nr
n rally uithcrrult from vrhlcli they nrerant !
Price Baking ; PowderiCo. ,
Chlcoao , III. St. Loulo , Mi
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Dr. Price's Liipulin Ycnst Gems
Beit Dry Hop Yenit.
aroxa n.ATi'n m
Cards have boon rocolvod in this cl
announcing iho marrlago of Mr. Benag
M. Josselyn , of this city , to Hits Ic
M. Uoartwrlght , which ooonrrad at Oh
cage , the roaitloncu of the brldi
Wednesday , April 15 , 1885. The ovoi
passed off with the nanal concomitants <
orange blossoms , bridal cake , and weeding
ding fostlvltioj , and the young coup ]
start off in married life with the bright
oat prospects , and followed by the wlshi
of hosts of friends.
_ BIr. Josaelyn is well known in th
city , and Is a clerk In the office of Snpc
Intendont Dorranco , of the Union Paclfii
The bride , a daughter of H. H. Conrl
wright , general freight agent of the Ch
cage & Alton , Is ono of the falrce
daughters of Garden City society , a ca
hired and beautiful girl.
After a short wedding ttip the coupl
will return , and make thojr homo at 01
Fourth avenue , Council Bluffs.
To EXCHANGE 440 acres well im
proved land | mlle from Essex , In. , fo
a stock of general merchandise or hard
ware. Address , John Llnderholm , Ei
sex , In.
The tiocal Military Guarde.
The Omaha Light Guards , the organ
fzation recently effected for the purpose
of military drill , are In a flourishin
condition. The members have ueterm
inod to rlc ; themselves out ia new dresa
and accordingly wore measured yoaterday
for the now uniforms , which will bi
oidered from Philadelphia , and will bi
"way up" In style and finish. A completi
set of lifles will also bo purchased , am
will bo here , ready for use , in two 01
throe woeka.
The guards announce their intontlor
of becoming proficient enough in thi
various phases of drill practice to taki
part In the formal celebration of Decora
tion day , should there be any on the 30 tl
of next month.
Absolutely Pure.
rhU powder never Tines. A marvel ot pnrety ,
trength aud wholoaomenese. Mori ) economical than
he ordinary klndi.and cannot be Bold In competl-
Ion with the multitude of low test , short weight
Jurnot phyaDhrto powders. Sold only In cam
IOYAI , BAKING POWDER CO. . 108 Wall BtN.7' ;
The undersigned physicians of San
Francisco are familiar with the composl-
ion of the principal articles used for the
iomploxlon , and freely certify that CAM
iLINE Is harmless and free from all
> oisonous or Injurious substances ,
j 0 Lane , M D G F Coepor. M D
I H Toland , M D S W Dennis , M D
IA McLosm , M D J M McNulty. M D.
3 B Brlgham , M D J O Shaffer , M D
Jenj J Dean , M D W Carman , M D
1 Gibbons Jr , MD W . * yor , M D
r J Olarko , M D T B .unutt. M D
V H Brunfy , M D W nararaond.MD
L Mjicryca M D W F McNntt.Bl D
) L Bard , BI D A J Bowie , M D
I L Sirams , Bf D J 0 Shorb , M D
n Stallard , M D F A noliunn , BI D
I BIcCaeiton.BI D J Rcmnetirn , H D
I 0 Koenoy , BI D J D Whitney BI D
L BI Wilder , BI D T Boyson , BI D
n Powers , BI D 0 G Kenyon , BI D
t R Swan , BI D 1 S Titns , M D
i L Door , BI D J L Moaros , BI D
WKeoney.MD T PrJoe , BI D
! Holland , BI D H Gibbons , BI D
Madame Adelina Patti ,
Writes ; " 1 shall hare to repeat the
ratios of your OAMELLINE heard from
1 sides.
For ealo by
[ . T. OLARK DRUG CO. , Omaha ,
nd all first clasa druggist * .
What the eye seta the HIND believes ; and we only ask your own judgement iu our I.OBO ,
Whore can you buy a 32D. Merchant Tailor Made suitfor $12.00 outside o ! the Misfit Clothing Parlors , 1312 Douglas street.
* JOU f'nd " lmposslbl ° to buy a ? 35 < Mcrcbnnl Tailor m ! do Spring Overcoat for $15. outside the Misfit ClothinR Parlors , 1312 DOUR-
les Bbect
Buit to b3 Bold for S20-30.lMt : is your size at the MUfit Clothing Parlors , 13U
ClotlInB Parlor , 1312 Dougla , street you will be M ,
Ta" ° r mnde with th ° abofo " " ' th < " * th. finest made
* 3G-80S tiaLin6d. "loRant to bo soon ohly at the Miafit ClothinK -rt
Tnllor raado for J0" if th ° y wl P > ve your size for $3. at the Misfit Clothing Parlor. ,
Alsoa 510. Merchant Tailor madoPantaloon old for $ -1.80 at the Misfit Parlors , 1312 Douglas street.
pairMorchant Tnllor made panls an oxtraordlnary bargain at $5.00 , porhapa your alzo at the Misfit Clothing Pnrlorr ,
aTV " " ba'Bain8' but space wl11 not permit a monlion. but that 51 C pair merchant tailor mode panta for 57 CO will cattfa
an bed
You will find your acquaintances gathered at the Parlors investing , when you come. Temptations to
puroha e are found irresistable . A chance for a dividend declared for you at the
Clothing Parlors
Open Evenings until 9 o'clock. Saturdays until 10 o'clock.
N. B. Merchant .Tailors having Uncalled for or Misfit Garments will favor by addressing MISFIT
CLOTHING PARLORS , 1312 Douslas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Ulllp.llo and Iron
3PIO ? If X JW Gr S3 ,
Lead Pipe and Sheet Lead ,
\T15US1LLJlXDDItlTKHKLL rial's ,
Plumbers'Gas and fleam Fillets'
" No amount of pure ocean air ii
the lungs can neutralise the bad effect ,
of polluted water in the stomach"
New York Herald.
OfallGractrt , Drufgitts , & > Min. Wat. Dealers
Graduate ot tbo University Vienna , Aua
trin , Late tiureocn to the Military Hospital
of Vienna. Will do a general Medical am
Surgical practice. All calls in city or countr ;
ntomptly attended. Ofiico at the Omabi
Medical and Surgical Inetituto , Corner IStl
Street and Capitol Avcnnn.
Omaha Medical & Surgical
Institute ,
13th St. , Oor Opital Ave ,
Chronic and Surgical Diseases
Dleouea of Funnies , ol the Norvoui yetem , Pr
Tata DUoMoaof the Urinary and exual Organi ,
ao J IMteasoa ol the Uead , Throat and Luuspi ,
DlBeaMS treated by an experienced ipedalkti alM
dUeatea of the Heart. Liver , Stomach , Kldneyi ,
ladder , Neuralgia , Rheumattim , Piles , Cancer , eM.
And all other dlwasea of the Throat nd LuDgtl real
ed by Medicated Vapors. ( Send for Inhaler or
circular on Inhalation , )
All dlMawi of the Wood , Urinary and eiual Or-
' : i.rr.TaU Dl ouii and
Piles Cured or no Pay.
(1 ( ITe < uRojpltaland Private Practice. )
Ca&nt tloB kid iiaulnatlon free.
Ci II or write iV > r cfrculan on chronlo dl e * M and
i < XcnrJtlci , Pluowes of Females , Private ObeaMi
3l the Urlnarv anil Beiuil oriratn. Seminal Weak
new , Ncrvoue Debility or ExbaustUnetc. , cts. , and
aur new reetoratlt ( treatment.
II letter ) and coniultatlono Confidential.
U < uUclDoa enUoalparUiof ! the country by ex-
> reB8 , ecurely packed from obeervatlon , If full &
ifrltitlon of cue la given. One peraanal lotorvlow
Deferred If convenient. Open at all honia.
dlrcea all letters to
Dmaba Mndicu ) & Surgical Insttute ,
lS h 8L Oor. Capital Ave.
tsuooraaona TO lena a. ; iooc )
At the old lUnd 1 17 Ftreatn BL Cricrt by l l *
raph solicited and proni > tl ( Needed to.
factory Prices !
Send for our catalogue
and price list before pur
chasing elsewhere ,
And Solo Importers of
Fine Diamonds , Watches , Silver
ware , Rich Jewelry ,
Wholesale and Retail.
Cor. llth end Farnam Sts.
Meerschaum Goods ,
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Chins , Ammunition.
Notions end Smokers' Articles.
Stationery , l. ntlery ,
Tru gists' Sundries
And Fancy Goods.
Tall and complete line and
Max Mever & Co , .
1020 to 1024 'Farnam St. . Omaha.
tll , WUdoit Ctpt.lionCmt'Bgt ' , MtUlllc rty.lljhK , An. Mti Jini'ud U *
Tie Advantage of Settling in
The title "South Omaha" does not mean thenouthcrn part of the city of Omaha , hut ia tlie
name of the thriving town commencing at the Union Stock yards on the aouth , and extend
ing for a mile and a half north , nearly connecting with thecity limits of Omaha.
The company have again concluded to put on sale 1,000 lota , and let the purcluuere ol
the rame renli/t tin profit "hfch the enhanced value of thene lotn is euro to mako. It now
being an u tured fact that .South Omaha is destined in the near future to bo tha largest live
stock iimhot wc t of Chicago , there can be no doubt that this property in a few year * will be
worth five or ovtn ton times the amount thatit can bo bought for to-day.
Hon. . e may ask : If this Is so , wliy dt not the company keep it and realize thlH profit
The un wer IF , that In order to rnuko lots valuable , there must be improvements ou or Bur
rounding them , and as is the cai in a l nay towns , special Inducements must be offered ft-t
first to not UIB people to take ho'd nii'i build.
There are probably morn nucti inducements oifa od by Soutli Omaha than were over put
forth by any new town. Tim large business dona by the stock yards company and the in.-
menso BUuKhter and pnctcing hoiueu together with their auxilaries are no muatl feature in the
segregate of event" thru , are doallned to make South Omaha a large place. Again , the town
is not nn addition t > Omaha , and ia mt liable for city taxea , although it enjoys all the benefits
from the growth nf Omaha that it would if it were just iNHinii the city limits , but being juat
ODTOiDK , only county taxes ara collected , which are merely nominal , Tha town OVDH unJ
oper.tos iuvn water works , which furnish an abundant supply of pure spring water. Dum
my trains wl'l ' rnn on the U. & ; M. and.U , 3 ? . railways every hour , stopping at ths north end
of UIH town site as well as at the stock yards. The Thirteenth street horns cars will rim to
Hasc ill's p irk this spring , and to tbo stock yards at no distant day , Tbo high altitude
makfH the location a healthy one.
Ot ci.urso there are those who do not believe tint South Om&ht will amount ti much.
This kind of people didn't belitve Chicago would ever ba anything bitter than a cranlwrry
bog , that Omutia would ever outgrow her village clothes , that there navor owM bl any fruit
railed In hubraeka , etc. , etc , Who made it'wln ? The scapticB , or tliwe that had an abiding
faith in tliu energy , intelligence und reaourecs of thla greut country !
For Information , inapa , prices and terms applv at the cjmpany'n otlice , 210 S ,
street , Merchant's National liank Building , n'rgt floor ,
M. A. UFTON , Assf. Scc'y and Manager.