Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 17, 1885, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 THE DAILY BEE- FRIDAY , APRIL 17 , 1885.
Friday Morning , April 17 ,
All the commintoru have been Utuod to
Iho newly elected oflicer .
W , A. Pftiton , eq. , who recantly jmr-
chwod the old county county court homo ito ,
will nt an curly day erect there fine bmlnoso
bulldilt ? ,
The movements in t > olieo circles arc
ftlmoat past finding ent , and the diHeront
clawes of offenders are trembling , not know
ing where the "uniformed" lightning will
next strike.
MnJ. Croft-Wcdeindny appeared before
Juittco Anderson and gave bonds in the sum
o ! SiOO for hla appearance bofro this
tribunal on April 21th , to answer the charge
of assault nndbattory.
A. A. Kendall , the defaulting postmaster
of St. 1'aul , Nob. , Is still under ban of sus
pension and hia accounts have not yet been
straightened out. In the meantime his depu-
y is in charge of affairs.
The rain of yesterday and night bofora
will bo a godsend to the farmer * . Crops are
now ready to start their growth , and like
manna , "tho gently rain from heaven falleth
upru the placa bonoath. "
If somebody will toll those who have to
u o the telephone wires at night why it is that
so much difficulty In hearing messages before
midnight oxlats , ho or she will have the irrato-
ful acknowledgments of the BEE reporters. ,
H City Engineer Ilosewator will submit
noU week , or possibly the week after , his re
port tf the paving and grading situation ef
the city , showing exactly what has been ac
complished during the past season.
In the police court yesterday morn
ing Jack Allen and Thomas Bowu
paid the penalty of a disturbance of
the peace by a fine of $0 and
oscts. John Flynn , charged with intoxi
cation , was released upon payment of a fine
of 810 and coats.
Constable Edgorton has ro dy for service
thirteen executions against the Times-Dis
patch , amounting to $351.71 , wages due to
employes. Ho will Jervo them to-night or
to-morrow upon the proprietors of the Fourteenth -
toenth street journal ,
Officers Gorn&n and Florpnot Invited the
BKB man to cell In jail where the sickening
sight presented itself of an armlesj man
beastly drunk , lying on n bench. Ho had
boon locked up for drunkenness and gave no
name or account of himself. Upon his
breast ho wore a badge bearing the words ,
"It la not your money I want , " nor did he
toll what ho wanted.
Many of the Ibading merchants of Omaha
wore in consultation last evening at the Fax-
ton hotel upon the question of freights. It is
generally known that at an early day a new
rate will be established , the several linea of
railroad being about to cut rates , but at this
writing nothing definite Is known. The mer
chants are preparing for such steps as will
best serve their interests.
County Clerk Lcnvitt Tuesday received
a telegram from E. E. Meyers , the new court
house architect , stating ho would forward the
plana for the retaining wall to the county
commissioners this week. The appearance
of the I'arnMa street embankment indicates
that something should be done before long ,
as great masses of earth are almost daily fall
ing into the street , and thus imperiling the
safety of the foundation walls.
A braggart Texan was freely offering in
sporting circles Wednesday night to
produce a man who would whip
any Omaha pugilist for the sum of
$1,000. Miller took him up , and said
that though ho had no money to put up on
the contest , ho would fight him without
( takes. The Texan retired. lie afterwards
put up 850 on the result of a contest to be
fought by bis protege , a 150-poundor , with
"Baby" Barnes , the Nebraska giant. The
man from the Lene Star state afterwards
backed down and is now asking for his
Mr. Henry Bechtel , of Fort Omaha , re
cently issued a challenge in Now York City
and Chicago papers offering to match Mr ,
Richard Waters of this state , in fifty games
of draught ? , ( checkers ) against any man in
Illinois , Iowa and Nebraska. The challenge
has been accepted by Mr. Charles Hotter , of
Chicapo in behalf of Mr. Drudge , of Chicago
cage , the games are played for $20) a side
draws and wins to count. A. J. Dunlap , of
N. Y. City is stakeholder and the forfeit
money , 850 has already been placed , The
games will bo played in Omaha , commencing
on Monday tho27th of April at 2 p. in , , and
continue from day to day until complete.
The Sporting Life says that Lon Say has
been engaged by the Toledo's ' of the Western
league and hence will not corvo with Omaha
during the coming season. Charles Hoota ,
the efficient baseballiat , of St. Louis , will
probably bo engaged in bis place. The same
paper is authority tor the statement that
ManagerUoy , of the Omaha team , has en
gaged the following men : Meister , of last
goaion'a Toledo's'Bielly ; , of last season's Cin
cinnati Union team ; Fat Sullivan , of Kansas
City ; Ed. Kent , of last year's Feorla's ; Colas ,
formerly with tha Detroit's ; O'Brien , of the
1881 St. Faul team , and Low Dickorson , who
played In tlio outfield for the St. Louis
Unions last year.
W. P. Peck & Co. , brokers , received the
tallowing special telegram yoatorday afternoon
from Avery , Hillabraut ft Co. , concerning the
Chicago markets : Advance In console , 13
points , and Aieociated Press reports showing
that England and Illusion troubles are liable
to have peaceful settlement , caused a sharp
break in wheat , The bullihave been unload ,
ing freely all day ; the market has been pan
icky at times. This afternoon wheat Is strong
on the report that Kustia conttruei Turkey's
agreement with England as an Invitation to
blocade Black Sea. Wo note strong parties
buying steadily to-day and believe in sharp
advance , should the war excitement revive ,
also that wheat is worth more money on Its
merit * . Corn is lower , in sympathy with
wheat , but lonni suitainingtbe market ; pro-
viiiotu are weak and declining ; leceipU of
boRs are Increatlng.
Ilnniooiu vs. Cnnell.
The Jury In the OMD of A. T. Hanscom
\i , "W , J , Council , returned their void let
yesterday , finding that there was duo
plaintiff only ilia earn of $00 07 , the
amount of the tcndm previously made
by defendint. The controversy arcse
over the occupation cf antiln law'oflicfs ,
for the US3 of which Mr. Oonnell ten
dered $20,00 per mouth , which Undqra
were refused by Mr. f } ntcom , and Milts
vrero concmencad by thehttar , which upon -
on appeal wera o miolidtUd by the dis
trict court. By tbe VirJlot of the jury
UIB poti'icn ' of Mr. OonnoU ia suitiiiitif ,
and a Iho risolt Mr. Haicom will be
obliged to piy all thu costs , which DOW
amouoU to as much or more than the
u.a of the controversy.
The Murphy Men Prepare to Dispute
Boycl'fl Tltlo of Major.
Yoatcrday morning Rob or. t D.
Duncan appeared in the justice
court of Edmund B&rtlett nnc
drew up a formal notice thai
he would contest the election of James
E. Boyd to Iho mayoralty. The legs
papers were placid In the hands ol
Deputy Sheriff Ed Crowell , who at once
thorn upon Mr. Boyd. The text o :
the document is appended :
Notice of Contest.
In the matter of the contest of the election ol
James E. Boyd as the mayor of the city of
To .Tomes K. Boyd , Eeq !
You will hereby take notice that I , Ilobort
D , Duncin , a roaldent in , and an elector of
the city of Omaha , propose to , and will , for
the reasons hereinafter stated , contest the
validity of your election to the office of mayor
to said city ol Omaha , and your right to said
office as claimed by you by virtue of the elec
tion held in said city on the 7th day of April ,
1885.First , On account of orro.-s , irregularities
and misconduct on the part of the judges and
clerks of election in the 1st , 2nd , 3d , and Cth
wards in the city of Omaha.
Second , On account of errors anu miitakcs
In the counting of the bMIots cast at said
election , and Irregularities and mistakes in
the returns made by the judges and clerks of
election in the 1st , 2d , 3d and Cth wards in
said city of Omaha ,
Third , On account of the receiving of ille
gal votes And the rejection of legal votes in
the 1st , 2d , 3d and Dth wards of said city.
Fourth , On account of the permission
given certain persons to vote on affidavits ,
said affidavits not being made In accordance
with law.ou will also take notice that the
testimony relating to the same will bo taken
before Edmund Bartlett , a justice of the
peace in and for Douglas county , state of
Nebraska , at the office of said Edmund
Bartlett , room 5 , Kodick's block in said city ,
commencing on the 21st day of April 1885 , at
10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day , with
authority to adjourn from day to day until
the completion of the same. Witness my
hand this IGthday of April , 1885 , at Omaha.
Douglas County , J8a
Received this notice April ICth , A. D. 1885
and on the same day served the same on the
within named James E. Boyd. by delivering
to him personally a duly certified copy of the
same with all the endorsements thereon ,
D. N. MULSH , Sheriff ,
By Edwin H. Crowell , Deputy.
Mr , Duncan represents the supporters
of Mr. Murphy In this matter. The
work of procuring evidence has boon
going on In secret since the election and
it la now believed that the testimony
Tfhioh will bo given at the formal hoar
log before Jndgo Bartlett , will snbstantl
ate the charges of fraud and provo that Mr.
Murphy has boon deprived of the mayor
ally by methods of fraud.
The Boyd men are Inclined to regard
the measure as of slight consequence ,
and claim that on the heating no IrapDr
tant evidence will bo forthcoming , Their
chief Is equally non-chalant.
To EXCHANGE 440 acres well 1m
proved land j mlle from Essex , la. , for
a stock of general merchandise or hard
ware. Address , John Llnderholm , Es
sex , la.
Plans For the llcorganlzatlon of tlio
Team for tbo Coming Season.
Manager Jerome Pontzol , of the
Thurston Hose team , Is about tocomum
mate arrangements wh oroby Omaha will
have ia h nrneas next year ono of the
finest organizations of the country.
Nearly all the old team will ba re-engaged
for the BoaaonTithono or two exceptions ;
whllo the team will bo ro-lnforced with
now and strengthening material.
Mr. Pontzal wrote yesterday to the fol
lowing players who are ready for call :
Pete Duffy , of Ottawa , Canada , who has
been In the Dominion for some time and
has heen.plttedin [ several contests against
James Newton ; Sidney Peote , who Is
now working at Battle Creek , Mich. ; A.
W. Ford , now in Denver ; Sntslona , who
has been for some tlmo past In North-
villo , Mich. ; Campbell , at present lo
cated at Enterprise , Kansas , and Ed.
Sanders , who is resting at
his old homo In St Louis.
The other old members of the team ,
Including the great couplers and harness-
workers , Webb and Coots , are now in
this city. It Is also proposed , agreeably
to a proposition made some days ago , to
Include In the organization some of the
best material of tbo "Bluffs City HOBO
Team , " of Council Bluffs , and thus enter
some of the prlzo tournaments which will
bo held during the coming season In oth
er states. In this way the team will
probably enter the tournament of Daven
port , Iowa , the first weeks In June , the
International contest at Brantford , Cana
da , the week following , and the contest ;
at Sioux Falls , D. T. occurring the last
week in Juno.
Mr. Pent29 ! has no doubt but that ho
will bo able to secure the men with whom
ho Is now In correspondence ; and In the
event of the fulfillment of his anticipa
tions , Omaha will have some fine sport
during the coming soaeon , and probably
no very small share of the laurels.
lm , v
Seal of North Oarolina Tobacfo Is the
best ,
Boyd'B Order .tor the Sporting Mon-
Marihal Oummlngs and his men closed
up the front doora of the gambling
honaea Tuesday , ia pursuance of tbo
order Issued by Mayor 13oyd , As mat
ters arc now tbo back door and peep a
holes will be called Into requisition and
the tiger will growl in a much moro se
eluded and exclusive lair , than hereto ia
One or two ol the smaller honsei , fear.
Ing a raid by the police , have clotod np
temporarily , doubtless intending Boon to
reopen. A "ckin" rancho which has
been operating on Thirteenth afreet , bo-
tireen Farnim and II rnoy , baa alia
closed ita door * , more , it is alleged , be- .he
otuie tbo proprietor * have been fairly
broken thin became they fear a rvid by
the marshal and hla men.
It would aeem aa though Ibo gambling
houses , which hare been allowed to ran
by piyiog a light fine each month , ought
to be promptly on band with their con
tributions to the city exchequer , when
thn period for payment rolls around. It
would even teem to the casual obierver
that tbe proprietors ought to
fael grateful for the exemp
tion walch ban been at freely
accorded them. Bat til not BC. The
gambler * are oontlnuilly behind with their
payment * and ono or two prominent es It
tablishments which ro certainly not
losing money , are in the city's debt for
the fines of two months past. They hnvo
been twlco notified and have still neg
lected to come to time.
J T Clarke returned from St , Paul and Ord
Colonel John Dontphan , of St , Joe , Is al
the 1'ftxton.
Dr. .Martin , U. P. surgeon of Columbus , is
viiltlng the city.
W , II. Parker , Esq. , a well known Wyo
ming cattleman , is at the Paxton ,
Sheriff David N. Miller loft lost night for
Toledo , 0 , , on private business.V2
Congressman G. W. E , Dorsoy was In town
jostcrday looking halo and hnppy.
W , II. Watt , prominent in mining
In Idaho , left for his western homo ; yester
E. Loob , the gentlemanly raproBent&tlvo of
tho1S'TL'ou5s B'anlFN6to company , Is lat the
Paxton ,
B.F.jmltb ' , ojjBoston , l&rgo jrcaljjstatp
owner'irTOmnhararrivod.jcatorday and , put
tip at the Paxton.
Charlei Wlmmer who hud finger ampu
tated Wednesday by the U. P. snrgrtoa is
getting on nicely.
" General _ Superintendent Smithj oJ jkhp
Union Pacific h'aVrotnrntid to the city , 'ac
companied by his wife , _
" " " "
"DrClGrM. Cro"wolir"who has been long and
favorably known in this city , left for hla old
homo in Philadelphia last night.
Manager Boyd , of the opera house , has
gone to Chicago on a short vacation to vitit
hislbrothor Samuel and other.frionds ,
d , accountant and clerk of the
police court of Des Moines , wns in the city
Wednesday visiting friends. Ho is on route
to California ,
A. H. Glbbs , Esq. , 'clerk ntthoU. P.
headquarters , who baa been no long sick nt
St. Mary's hospital with threatened paralysis
is BO improved as to be nblo to got out
Ex-Attorney-Goneral Roberts , of Hailoy ,
Idaho , who has many friends m Nebraska is
stopping nt the Millard. General Roberts
snys ho is proud of his adopted homo in the
1 Gem of the Mountains. "
"Bob" Mack , formerly advance agent of
the co-Bolidated shows of Yankee Robinson
andRingling Brothers , has accepted the
position of advertiser and general managing
agent for Col. Wood's ' Museum and is now in
Omaha at his post ,
G W E Dorsoy , Fremont ; Mrs C JKadish ,
Creighton ; A H Swan , Cheyenne ; J S Stew
art , E. A.Stewart , Grant Stewart , Blair ; O
W Thompson , M Emiugton , Pindar ; J W
Wood , Firth ; J E Baum , Lincoln ; L S Lost ,
St Joe ; A A Ballembcrg , Chicago , are at the
At the Metropolitan : J A Davis and wife ,
Kearneys S A Parks , North Lonp ; W J
Davis , Ord ; Alvin Fosket , Firth ; John Huler
and wife , Grand Island ; Mr. and Mrs. L II
Johnson , Lincoln ; J W Palmer , Washington ;
Ira Stage , Blair ; T R Lcighton , Plattsmontb ,
and J W Holnfquest , Oakland , Neb. *
I J. F. Carpenterlwho.well recollects ' . "tent
ing on the old camp ground , " .has given up
his position at Wood's Museum and will soon
go into the circus business with George Crane
Esq. , with headquarters at Omaha. Some of
"BEE" force have " "
the "tramped , tramped"
with Carpenter in tha days gene by.
J. S. Jenkins , Lincoln ; T. B. Belding and
wife , Grafton ; O. D. Barker , Grand Rapids ;
Rosa Davis , Sidney ; T. L. Owings , Atkinson ,
Kan.M. ; S. Ellis , Missouri Valley ; W. Arm
strong , Greenwood ; F. L. Braokett , Clarinda ,
Ia. ; J. A. Htffen , Blair ; William McGuire ,
Des Moines ; D. M. Lynch , Kansas City ; O.
H. Lord , Platte Centre , are at the Ca&field
At the Paxton : W H Parker , Cheyenne ;
IIM Kellogg , Aurora ; F W Klnny , Blair ; H
C Cole , Henry Gibson , City ; W A Snow ,
Omaha ; M V Monday , Genoa ; W R Kelly ,
Lincoln ; O W Thomas , Grand Island ; II J
Lee , Fremont ; A L Aristig , Shelby ; J M
Richards , Omaha ; Goo R Shedwooil and wife ,
Kearney ; J McClentock , Kearney ; M F
Mahin , Stelle ; C A Barnum , York , and J R
Murray , Chicago.
H. C , Chapman of the Grand Island Times
called upon the BEE yesterday evening and
reports the central-port of the state blessed
with a generous rain-fall daring tbo week ;
email crops up and in fine condition ; Grand
Mand inking a fine boom and the victorious
larty in the recent election all happy over
heir success which was consummated Wed
nesday night by tbe induction into ollico of
ho new city officers. Retiring Mayor White
was caned.
Gored by a Steer.
Tuesday a man named James Chrlston-
aon , employed at the Willow Springs dia-
lllery , was engaged in handling some
iteerawhich are kept in the yards , when
tie was attacked by ono of tbo animals.
Eo tried to make his escape from tbo in
furiated animal , but without avail. The
steer made a snddon lange at him and
caught him with one bora under the
chin , piercing it through to the roof of
the mouth and lacerating his month and
throat In a most distressing manner. The
wonnd waa skillfully droiaod by Dr. E ,
W. Lae , who sawed It up with silver
Unless the ciaa should bo complicated
by the feature of lockjaw Ohnstonsoa
will recover.
Council Bluffs Correspondence ,
Ono of the children of the Dear , Old
Grandmother pasted the following item
in her scrap book : "Whilo W. P. Aylea-
worth w&a engaged in raising a brick real-
donco at tha corner of Eighth street and
Fifth avenue a few days -ago , a part of
the atrnotnro gnvo way , eevorely injuring
brlokmaaon who was at work on the
foundation. " She should have looked
over the matter more carefully. There
no brick building at or near the corner
mentioned , and no building near there
has been raised for nearly a year. Far
ther , Mr. Ayleswprth says that no brick
bnlldlug.nor no other building baa given
away or fallen la whole or la part , while
waj raiting It , and ho offers 9100 re
ward for the proof that anything of the
sort ever happened.
The common council adjourned early t . )
last evening without electing officers , or
transacting any other business of Import
ance. Tha adjournment was until this
afternoon at 2 p m. , at which time a
settlement Nvill be made with lleagan
Brothers it McGarrlok , paving contract
Oliver Wendell Holmes carries a hone-
chestnut la hU pocket In fall faith that
proreati rheumatism.
What the Housekeeper tins to Select
From Pact * Ami Figures ,
Frozen fish are not being sold very
freely , And green fish , that is , fresh from
the riven , axe slowly coining In. In the
fresh water article , white fiih , trout and
bass retail at 15 cents per pound , white
pickerel is tolling at 10 dents ; cropplo
and porch can bo had for 12J cents ; cat
fish are just coming in and soli for 15
cents. California ealmon uro seasonable
delicacies and Bell at 35 cents a pound.
As for salt water fish , codfish
and haddock tire worth 15 couta
ft pound , ballbut 25o. Shad tolls from
7&o to $1 apiece. Flounders arc not in
very lively demand at 12J. Eela sell for
20 conti a pound. Codfish tongues are
are rare , but retail for 20 conts. Oysters
retail nt from 45 to CO cents n quart , ac
cording to quality.
Game Is nearly out of the market ,
though the red head and mallard ducks
can still bo had from 30 to 35 conia a
The best cuts of sirloin soil for 15
cent ) , rumps and upper part of round
steak at 121. Roasting ribs , firm and
juicy , can bo bought at 12 conts. Veal
ia extremely scarce and "comes high
from 15 to 20 cents , according to the
cholconoss of the part. Sweet breads
can bo purohaiod at 25 cents a pair.
Corn beef Is Belling at from 5 to 10 cents ,
according to cuts. Prime legs of mutton
can bo had for 12J cents ; mutton chops
12J to 15 conts. Ham ii a stnplo article
in ; good dom&nd nt 12J cento in bulk , 25
cents sliced. Pork 10 to 121 cents ,
Sausage 10 to 12J cents.
The rogotablo market is becoming well
stocked. Early Rose Potatoes are in fair
demand at 55 cents , the Peerless and
White Elephant bring 75 cents a bushel ,
The Colorado , of largo and mealy variety ,
is Eold at 00 cents to $1 a bushel. The
genuine Salt Lake potatoes are coming iu
and sell for $1 a bushel. Cauliflower is
becoming plentiful and makes an nppotlz
Ing dish at this season of the year. Aa
paragui Is just making ita entree Into
the market and sells at 10 conta a bunch.
Rhubarb can bo bought for $1 a dczen
bunches , water cress the samo. Parsley
is sold at GO cents a dczen. California
cabbage can still bo bought for 5 cent *
a pound. Fresh radishes , 5 cents per
Fresh homo grown lettuce , a delight
ful salad delicacy at this Reason of the
year , Is sold at 5 and G cents a hend.
Onions are worth 35 to 40 cents a pock ,
rutabagas 2i cents a pound , turnips 75
cents a bushel. Sweet potatoes are re
tailed at from G to 8 cents a pound.
The local markets are well stocked In
the fruit lino. California oranges bilng
from 15 to 25 cents a dozen , lemons the
same. Bananas , fresh and ripe , are very
plentiful , but can bo bought for 25 to 50
cents a dozen. Pineapples of the large
and luclous variety , aio selling at from
40 to 50 cents apleco Apples are some
what scarce. The Missouri soils for $3.50
to $4.00 , while the Michigan variety
brings higher prices , § 4.25 to § 4 75.
can be purchased at a variety of prices.
The ordinary dairy article sells for 25 ,
the extra dairy for 30 , while the finest
creamery Is worth 35 conts. Eggs bring
from 10 to 12 cents per dozen.
Closing tbo Hop-Joints.
* 'Why don't the police go ahead and
close up the hop-joints ( opium dens ) ] "
asked a reporter of City Attorney Con-
noil. The now chaiter gives the city the
power to do so. "
"The council will haveto firs t pass an
ordinance in accordance with the provis
ions of the now charter , " ho replied ,
"and then the police can go ahead and
clOBo up the den . The charter simply
gives the council the right to pass the
ordinance. "
Hop-smoking , ono of the most dii-
gusting and degrading evils which preys
upon this indulged In to an alarm
ing extent , and no effort of suppression
directed against it can be too violent. It
Is hoped that the city council will imme
diately take remedial measures.
Smoke Seal of North Carolina To
County Commissioners.
SATURDAY , April 15th , 1885.
Board mot pursuant to adjournment.
Preaent,0orllsa and Tlmme.
The official bond of A. I. MoDougall ,
conatablo of Chicago precinct was ap
The record and all papers In road No.
14 0. , wore submitted to the board and
final order made establishing the county
Petition to incorporate the town of
Elkhorn was laid over until the 18th
Adjourned to the 18th hist.
County Clerk.
: >
Absolutely Pure.
TLlj powder never rule * . A marvel ot purely ,
ttrenttu and wholeeomeaeaa. Mote economical thin
.he ordinary klnd , nd cannot be tola In competi
tion with the multitude ol low te t , ihort weight
alcu ot phyiDhrto powdtn. Bold only In Dins.
UAHINQ FOWDKB CO. . 109 Wall B ; H.Y
At tU old * Un4 HIT riroam Bt. CrdmbyleU
mpbtoUotUdaiidprofnpU ttteodtd to , TtUpbctu
1312 SfrcetJTjt-J&tairs.
surprising feature * , placed before us to ponder on , M
N this nlnotoonth century , fiuds some of us incomprehensible , I
INGE the opening of tbo Misfit Clothing Parlors , 1312 Douglas Street. S
JJOR the ealo of merchant tnllora' rr.iafit and uncalled for garments , F
J T ia found plain enough for any to comprehend thn saving , I
OGETHER with garments far superior to any otherwise than the ewno. T
CLOTHING made purely upon the reputation o ! s , merchant teller , C
JT ONO has this benefactor been looked forward to by the citizens of L
feeling the benefit derived einco Ita opening by O
patrons , they h&vo announced their wlllingnots to make itn success and T
JJTAV.E substantiated their Intontiono by liberal patronage.
JjMPOSTER , no longer Is hoard nince a thorough inspection was made , and I
TftTO JLv ono who has vleltod the Parlors hai lolt dissatisfied , and are now N
.IVING credit whore crodlt fa dne
JJERSONS visiting the Parlors find themselves surrounded by bargains seA P
A TTRACriVE they do not hesitate In making their selections.
TO EM EMBER every garment ia a epeclal bargain , R
"J" ABELLED with the merchant tailor's ramo , and X ,
QRDERED of said tailors by their customers , they are O
REGULARLY cut and trimmed in all the prevailing atyje.i , and OS
SOLD at about the cost of material , at the S
Open Evenings until J ) o'clock. Satin days until 10 o'clock.
N. B. Merchant Tailors having Uncalled for or Mitfit Garments will favor by addresahiK MISFIT
CLOTHING PARLOR . 1312 Dnnglaa Str t. Omaha.
a > H bl > and fast Iron
Lead Pipe and Shoot Load ,
Plunlurs' Gas and steam Fitters'
Graduate ot the University Vienna , Aus-
ria , Late Burgeon to the Military Hospital.
if Vienna , Will do a general Medical and
Surgical practice. All calls in city or country
iromptly attended. Office at the Omaha
ilodical and Surgical Institute , Corner 13th
itreet and Capitol Avonnn.
3maha Medical & Surgical
Institute ,
13th St , , Oor Oamtal Ave ,
Jlironic and Surgical Diseases
Maeaaei ol Fem&lea , of tha Nervous yttem , Fr
vale DUeasca ot the Urinary and exnal Organ ) ,
and Dlseaeoa ot the Head , Throat and Lunr ,
Maeaset treated by anexperfuioed > ] > odalliti al > o
llsewea ot the Heart. Liver , Stomach , Kldneyi ,
adder , Neuralgia , Rheumatlim , I'llog , Cancer , etc.
Ind all other dlaooaet ol tbe Ihroatand Lunftei real
ed by lledlcatod Yapora. ( Send lor Inn&lar or
circular on Inbalatlon. )
AHdleeaftea ol tbe lilooJ , Urinary and eiual Or
II l.Pr.ra'.t Dlac&Mi and
Piles Cured or no Pay.
( I lltt utloerlUland Private Practice. )
zt/tcU10E uad ixtialnatlon tree.
Q Dor write iVir riicularaon cbronlo dlicves and
itionrJtlei , IMsetees ot Femalea , Private DIM-MOI
t the Urlnarr and Boxual orsans. Seminal Weak >
leea , Nervous Debility or Kxhao Uonoto. , eto.and
ur new reaiorattvetreatment.
U lettera and congoltatlontConBdentlal.
Medicines eenl to all paita of tbe country hy ei >
ire 8 , securely packed tr.otn obeerratlon , if luu de
rcrhnlon ot oaee la Riven , One peraonat Iot n1e
referred II convenient. Open at all boars.
ddrest all letters to
Dmaha Medina ] & Surgical Insttute ,
iaih St. Cor , OapiUl Avn.
Produce ,
Awl Commission.
1o , 386 Hollatiay St , , DENVER , COL
Solicit Consignments and guar
antee quick nales and prompt re
turns. Give us a Iria1 ,
References Brndetreot's or Dum
Agencies ; and Qorraau National
Bank , Deliver. .
Reniember that vflien you buy a lot in South Omah a you get 9,000
square feet o ground , equal to three lots 50x00 , tr BIX business lots
25x60. With this you have the advantage ot al'eys ' 20 feet wide and
a street 80 feet wide.
When you are buying real estate ; ascertain ) > ow much L&.ND you are
getting for your money
T !
To secure these large lots while they are cheap You can get ground
now at 2.V cents a square foot that will be worfh live times taut amount
in three years.
Send for a EVSap of South Omaha.
Address , 218 S. 13th St. , Omaha , Neb.
M. A. Upton , Ass't Seo'v and Manager.
Are now
The greatest bargains ever seen in Omaha
200 ORGANS ! ! 100 PIANOS !
Also great reductions in Diamonds , Jew
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The only importers of Havana
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