THE DAILY BEE -FRIDAY APRIL 17 , 1885 BROWN'S IRON BITTERS WILL CURE HEADACHE INDIGESTION BILIOUSNESS DYSPEPSIA NERVOUS PROSTRATION MALARIA CHILLS AND FEVERS TIRED FEELING GENERAL DEBILITY PAIN IN THE BACK & SIDES IMPURE BLOOD CONSTIPATION FEMALE INFIRMITIES RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA KIDNEY AND LIVER TROUBLES FOK SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS The Genuine lui Trade Mark and crowed Ret ! lines on wrapper. TAKE NO OTHER. BROAD OLA IK BEST OPERATING , QUICKEST SELLING K jer oflTororl to tlio aubllo * _ _ _ _ _ . ttur-o Cur . ed 18311 mrtttm guarantee - ' * eBervc * ' * * ' wnderfalcan Address , F. D. Cr.AltltK , . J > . , i8fi Soul Clark Street. CHICAGO. ILL. 121 CONDUCTED Y Royal Havana Lottery J ( A. OOVKRNHKNT INSTITUTION. ) Drawn at Havana Cuba Everv 10 to 14 Days. Tickets in Fifths , Wholes $5 Frac tions pro rata. eel la no nuulnulatlon , nor controlled by tb ln Intoree * . It ta ilia ( Miegl thing Intb nHoie ot chanooln ozlstonoo. rot tlokota apply to SHIPSKY SCO. , 1212 Bro c w yN. Y. City ; SOUND Kit & CO. , 103 South h SI 31 Louis , Uo , or II. OTTENS & CO , 019 Main St. . Mo thrl > ( ! > on Hock' ! Food , " v. rite bimilrods .ciiti.ru1 cinthMR. Motuer's mllU conu.iis no urUi. An artltldal food lor Inf ntn thniUil * mti in no cturcn. Tbf best mid mostjiutnuoua f < iod la LtalUi r f'ckni'Krt for l.STAN'Ui.anil lilt * > ht diet for AUBHIY : IOFBTI.I > , f HtarchaiidicnulK-siiocooldiiK. l by I'lmlcluiw. Hl/lny [ Kiictlclal to Niiralnw AIotbiTH ns a drink. 1'rlce ! ( > . . , , . _ _ ftNdTrtcenU. lly nil dnnrtrtBU. Send for Itook on the Treatment ot Unlldren , frea. hull dlcrilol nod iiuVUIoui. UMif , H. U. . fUtabtth.f/ . riot tl U tb l could lie deitttd. " W. IT. KM St"j nt JTaniat. > o brill&nCT In fronounelDic It inr rlor to n7 ll.lnt nt nt. ' K S. folum , il. l > . t. A'i" bo dent h7 mall on receipt or prtc e in Ltunps. IIOUr.ICK'S l' ( ) ( l CO. . Uiirlnc , Win. IORI.1CK' | IJIilf KlTJUCT Janes Medical Instilulo JlCharteredbytheStatconill- inols fop thcexpresa purpose rfofBivlncimmedlatc rcllelln ' all chronic , urinary nnd prl- Svato diseases. Gonorrhoea , ft'Gleet andSyphills in all their ' complicated forms , also all diseases of the Skin and Bloodpromptly relieved and permanentlycured by rcme- L diestestedina.Porfr/Years Kj > eelntJ'r ictlre. Seminal - , - rnuiKiuB * Weokness , NiRht Losses by Dreams , Pimples on Ihe Face.Lost Manhood , iHHlttvelycHrnl , There WtiocxiicrlmriiHiHl * The appropriate remedy is at once used In each case. Consultations , per sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med icines sent by Mall and Express. No marks on package to Indicate contents or sender. Address DR.JAMES.No. 204Washinglon SI.Chlcagolll. A FINS &XTO OP THE ONLY EXOIiUblV'B IN OMAHA NKR Imported Be © ? BOTTIiKB . Culmbftohor , . Bavam. Filanflr . DoaiBBTjg Dudvfoiear.r Anhansor. . . . . . t. Louis Best'a , . . . . . . , . . .Mil wauW Sohlitz-Pilaner - , . . . .Mil waukno Krug'a . Oruahtt A.lo , Pnrt j ; , Domestic Knd Rhirn Whin , VD , MAURKB , FnrnamSt U apbrodlil&c , ttroue. GI nctlvity , iioBiUvclx ourvsiiuiiot aov , Jest . . . , - - energy .liBrroug debU- Ity , all weakness ofccueratlro syitem ; either icx. l.Uy moil. J , IJ.AVunnir.'lQ ? btato Bt..CWcaso THE MAGIC ART , Some Remark * Stories of Illnsio and Some Unexplained Tricks , A. Mnn Ills Own Donblo Before the ETCH of Many People. Philadelphia Times. "It's rather n cations fast , " said a go : tloman and unprofessional preatldlglt tear , "that none of the shows and cl cases that use so many adjectives in d tcrlbinR what they have got do not btir to this country a rcnlly fmo ttoupo of in gleans , It may bo poaalblo that the will not come , but It certainly would ba paying Investment , as the people of tl United States Imvo no adequate idea i the tricks tlmt nro executed by aomo i the jugglera of the oaat. Wo are occi slonnlly dosed with the talking head an the accompanying looking-glass or ant irmtlo chess-plttyor that anybody TV II any sense at all knows must contain dwarf , but beyond thcso wo have ni soon a the mnetor-piocos of the black ai tlsta. 'Where have you the uiBRiciai who will stop out upon the stage nakoi with the exception of a atrip of clot about tha loins , and allow hlmso to bo perfectly examined and the produce all the tricks with fiahco , etc that are their stock in hand. It can't I done , or rather they can't do it. Ye would find inside pockets , the gla co' orcd with rubber that hold the iish an in the other pockets hero and there tt various objects of his trade , so that tt solo Tfonderfal part of the pcrformani would consist in taking theao things 01 without being econ. .Now with the bo magicians that I have Boon In the east a this is done away with and they ovc court scrutiny , close at that. A MAGICIAN'S THUMB. "As an example , " Bald the spoake "direct your eyes upon my thumb , " BE this member was hold up In the air witl in a foot of the listener's faco. "You aoo nothing } No ? Don't r < move your eyes from the nail , " contii ued the owner of the thumb. "JNo what do you see ? " The observer , who had not change his glance , road an Arable word. An it stant later it was gono. "You saw it ? " asked the gontlemai "Well , I didn't paint it there or slip from my alcove. It waa done befoi your eyes and that is the way it shoal bo , if it is called magic. " "The finest exhibition I over wit notsed , " resumed the speaker , "was i Anam. I waat traveling through ih country with a p'arty of German olliciali when we stopped one night at an in where it chanced that a number of mi glolana were resting. There were six c them , four men and two women , all ver Email , except one , irho was a fleahy giant resembling the typical wrestltra. I BOO made their acquaintance , as I waa the greatly Interested in legerdemain , an < soon won their good will. They wer very eager for mo to show them an exhi bitlon of my skill. I did so , but in ever : aao caught mo and laughed at my efforts axcoptlng one. At that time , though 1 Is not known , of coarse , to the public , ( raa the equal of any preatidigltateur ii this country , and had tried points will them all. I mention this to nhow hoi skillful thoao natives were , aalttiedaom jf our beat tricks upon them , and curious y enough , the most stupid of all fooloi , hem THE PHAROS SEUl'ENTS. "It was this. You remember the olc Pharos serpenta that were much in vogui lome yoarj ago. They looked llko peas Dut when touched with a match began t < ; row and equlrmod out into snakes six 01 , en Inches long. I had a lot of thesi nado of a largo size , BO that when thej lovoloped they were of the exact alzo ol ny fingers and of the same color , whicl vas then a dark brown. I had little cupi in the end of each finger to concca , hem , and when I tried the trick , whlct Tas in the evening , in the public room , ] tepped over to the candle that stood or ho iloor and deliberately but my fingere nto the flame. This caused a stir Dmorjg .11 . assembled , as they expected to sec htm burn , but I said 01 heat made the ilanta grow , so It would my fingers. ? hon each fiugor began to lengthen. lowly squirming ont , Inch by inch , crois- ng each other and tniatlng in the rays- erlona way thesa objects do , until finally liey wera all fully ten inches long , pro- cntlng such a horrible appearance that ho entire party started back and a nura- er of the natives loft the room. Seeing hat I waa going too fast to last , by a uick movement I knocked ofl the asnes nd made my fingers oesumo their nat- rjil appearance. To say the natives ere aatonished hardly expresses it 'hoy ' begged for the secret , and before I > ft I oxcnangod it for the trick I showed on on the thumb nail. THE MAOIOIANS AT WOUK. "After I had finished the doors were losodand only thojo admitted who paid regular admittance foe a small sum nd soon the apartment being filled the lagiclans began their performance. The udienco cat on the floor about the aklrs , BO they had no way of concealing hemoelves or of hiding anything. At heir request I examined them and satis- , ed myself that they had nothing about hem. Then one of the women stepped ate the oncloaure , the rest remaining bo- ind the spectators , who formed a close ing about them. The light was now urned down a llttlo and in a moment the roman's face began to bo illumined by a hoetly light that extended quickly over or whole body. She then began to iovo round and ronnd , uttering a low , lurmuring sound the while , gradually ulckonlng the pace until aho was whlrl- ig about like a top. A moment of this nd the light that had clung about her uemed to bo whirled off her by the ant. If agal force and nunmed a pilUr. ko form bealdo her. As soon aa this unaccomplished aho stopped , turned and egan to mould the light with ar hand , and though I could litlnctly aee her hands movn irongh the light aa if it wore oud It began to aiiumo human form fa saw the- arms , hands and legs all oulded , and finally a faca and head- jar. 8bo next called for a light , and , 10 candlea being relighted , there stood i utter stranger , a native ecomlngly rolvod out of cloudland. He stepped rward and gra ped me by the hand ; his md were moist , aa If with penplratlon/ id ho waa a very healthy spirit. After ) had talked and drank a glaaa of rack > took bit place betide the woman again id began to whirl about. A FADING lights were dimmed , but not BO at we could not see , and in a few mo- enta the figure began to fade , soon ai ming the appearance of a pillar or rm of light and then attaching Itself to o woman and ajemlngly being abiorbed ' her. All this waa done In a very short space of time , before the eyes of least fifty people and not ton foot fr < myself. The girl appeared greatly < hauatod afterwards. Now this wonld explained by the spiritualist aa a mati laliz&tlon and by the Psychological i olety aa aomo now sense or power , ot but between yon and I , who know tl : all things can ba explained by cold fac It TV as merely a clover thick , SD aklllfu done that I did not dlecovor it in a ; way or ahapo. u If _ "Tho man next took his , place in t ring , and , handing ma a largo , high ornamented sabre , ho said : 'In fi mlnntca by the clock I wish you to t head mo. ' I objected , of courao , and I listed and said It had boon done n dozi times , so I finally agreed. Ho w searched , and in the dim light began uomfort htmaolf in strange positions un bo seemed to grow porcoptjbly small ind finally atood botoro ua so gauzy th [ thought I could BOO right through hit It was now Cvo mlnntca , so I took t aabro and struck a light blow , only suil clont to knock a man over , when to n sorrow the blood oplrted Into my fa and the head dropped with a thud upi the floor. As soon as it fell the bo < stooped and picked II up , held it in tl nlr , then placed It upon the shouldei The full light balng turned on , the stood the giant , grinning and warm. "Tho blood ? That had faded away 1 the time the light was turned up an yon must remember , that In all tt though the light waa dim it was not Buf clont to prevent our seeing ovorythln and seemed to bo ntcd only that i might observe the figures of light th we ro evolved so curiously from the moc urns , aa our spiritualists wonld call thei ANOTUKn MYSTICAL THICK. "Tho next trick was equally myatlci All the party now stopped into the rli and began to chant and move about. . ' a few minutes they ceased and wo o served that ono waa missing , though i ono saw him go. A moment after tl whirling was repeated and another w found to have disappeared , and no < until in fifteen minutoa only the gla : was soon. More light being given TJ a noise was heard at the door , and , upi Eomo ono going to it , there stood tl mystic five clamoring for admlaalo That ended the performance for tl night , and I sat up the rest of it , or w < into the mornlngjtrying to figure out ho it waa all dono. The natives accepted ns magic without debate and I began think that waa about the easiest way o of It. It."Tho "Tho followlnc day another perforn anco waa given at mid-day that was ovt morowondoiful. The giant , as I calh him , caused the audlenca to sit on grass plat , leaving a clrc of about twonty'fivo feet acres and in thh the jugglers toe their places , the giant opening tl entertainment by taking a roll of rlbbo and by a dextrous toss Bonding it D fifty feet or so , where we distinctly sa' a small hawk dart at it and carry it u higher until we nearly lost sight of i It then seemed to enter a cloud that , assumed , was caused by somothin burning on the ribbon ; but from th cloud came sliding down , fir t a doj then a snake a good big ono , too tha wiigglod off the moment it touched th ground and was captured by ono of th men. Then a larger object was see sliding along , and one of the wome leaping forward received and held It ot of the crowd , a laughing native babj The giant had all this time hold the en of the ribbon , and releasing It it aeome to disappear In the air ; at any rate w saw it no more. A few moments late they all joined hands and began to mov ibout rapidly. When they moved to th right I distinctly counted twelve person , n the circle ; when they changed th Movement wo eaw only eight , and somme mo appeared to bo standing in th : entro. PtLES ! PiliESt PILKS ! A SUEB CUKE FOUND AT ijASTI NO ONE NEED BUFFEB. A aure euro for Blind , Bleeding , Itching am Ulcerated Piles haa been discovered by Dt tVi harna ( an Indian Remedy , ) called Dt iVillwm'a Indian Pile Ointment. A slngl ) oi has cured the worst chronic COSOB of 25 o 10 years standing. No one need suffer fiv nlnutoa after applying this wonderful Booth ng medicine. Lotions , Instruments and eloo uarioa do more harm than good. William' ndlan Tile Ointment absorbs the turners , nl ays the Intense itching , ( particularly at nigh itter ( retting warm In bed , ) acts as a poultice ivos Instant relief , and la prepared only foi 'lea , itching of the private parts , and foi , othlno else. Head what the Hon. J. M. Ooffinbevry , o Ipvelnnd , Bays about Dr. William's Indiai | ile Oolntment : "I have used ucoroa of Pili < ures , and it affords me pleasure to aay that ] ave never found anything which gave and nmedlate and permanent relief aa Dr. Wil am's Indian Ointment. For eala by all drug Ista and mailed on receipt of price. 60o and 1. Sold at retail by Kuhn & Co. 0. F. GOODMAN , Wholesale Agent , VARIBTIKS OP COUKTIISIP. The tailor presses hla suit. The Bhoe-makor lays his awl at her sot. sot.Tho The blacksmith ttr'.kes when the Iron i hot. The wood-chopper offeri himself as her iller. The carpenter says her society adz joy ) his existence. The dairyman ho la bound to heifer , ad can love no uddor. The pool woes her with a nonnot , and or big brother starts out in search of 1m with a shotgun. Finally , the champion roller-skater Jlls Into her good graces , and aho olopea ith and marries htm. The "fnnny man" approaches her with ikes arid puns , and haa the dog aot on Im and loses the skirts of his swallow- ill. ill.The The furniture dealer la BO much In Iovo ith her that he Is willing to accept her I'octlon on installment * , one- tenth down , The mason believes hla cbancea rest i a good fonndation when ho Informa 3r that refusal would be mortsr.fyinc to m. m.Tho The sailor first atcertoina how the land J8 , then approachea her when Bhe'd in ays , and Informa her that ahu'a in need a firat mate. [ Beaten Courier. in tlio Dny Time iless c&uao by lack of aloep or from over tiog , la a eymptom of diaeaao. If It be sompanied by general debility , head- ho.loBB . ot appetite , coated tongue and llow complexion , you may be Buro that in are Buflering frara blllouanoea and naequent derancemont of the stomach id bawela , Dr. Piorco's "PJoaaant Pur- tlve Pellets" are a aure cure for all all. onti of this nature. They cleanse and irlfy the blood and relieve the digestive gan . _ _ _ Experiment ! made in Paris ihow that e crocodile can bring ita jaws together th the force of over SOO pounds. If the rheumatic ButTerer haa but fifty ata he may yet bo happy. A bottle of . Jaoob'a oil will bring him joy. "BOOKS OP THE OPEUA. " The niHtory of Librettos , ami He Tlicj Are Sold In Thcixtcrs. San Francisco Examiner , Without doubt the libretto is ono the boons of modem aocloty. To Fro oriok Rullm&n , a native of Alsaco-Ix rnlno , who first set foot in America wh aix years of ago , belongs the credit of I suing the first opera book fully translat into Englian that were over presented the American public. To-day ho Is wor fully $300,000 and la the proprietor the only libretto house in tbo worl The gentleman arrived in this city n fc days ego and is a halo and hearty ge tlcman CO years of ego , whoso on trouble Is a disabled foot. Rnllman'a theatrical career began ; an errand boy in the old Park theato Now York. Ho published the first lit rotto thirty-eight ycara ego for the A bonl combination , which waa then pla ing at the As tor Place opera hotuo , Tl ealo of books was very lar o , an the idea mot with such favi Kullmau immediately began to aystemn izo nutters. From the first It was d creed that but twenty-five cents shou bo charged for the books. From tl manager of every company which was ' take out a stock of books an Iron-ell contract was secured , and to Ilullmn was handed the only score as sung 1 that company. This waa to bo his excl olvo right , An agent was appointed take charge of the Bale. For this prlv lego as high as $5,000 has frequent bocn paid for a soaaon of 100 night Kvory week each agent transmits by me on account of the business , and when I need of more stck telegraphs to the No York offiea and receives by express h supplies. It was In 1855 that Max Marolzok opera company prcduced for the first tin in America , at Boston , the tuneful " Trovatoro. " Rnllman was present I person and conducted the sale of llbro tea. The sale waa enormous , every boc being disposed of , and the Now Yorki realized that some lively work was to 1 performed if the following night any 1 hrottoa were to bo sold. A dispatch I Now york ordered a printing houeo i run their presses to run all night ; auotl er to the binderies to take the wet shoe from the hands of the printer ar allow nothing to Interfere with havlt the books ready for shipment early In tl morning. The following evening saw tt HbrottoB , hardly dry , on sale for tl Boetonlana. The largest sale of bool which haa over boon made was durln the first production of Nonua in No' York , when 4,000 librettos wore dli posed of , and 2,800 were aold on the 01 oosion of the initial presentation of th -Uuguonota. The heaviest price ova paid for the right to publish librettos wa by Rullman to Abbey for the Bombard season , § 10,000 in gold. The book wa gotten up regardless of cost , and la tc day found Im all the prominent libratie of the east. Five million copies wor issued , and were sent to all parts of th world. Two thoneand seven hundro were ordered by an English firm. The expense incurred in the pnblicn tlon was $5,000. The retail price wa fixed at 25 cents , which haa been th uniform price of every libretto over ie sued. During the first Nilsson season ii Now York the sale of librettos waaim mense , but the Pattl season showed th largest number over disposed of. Ever large company which leavea Now Yori for a tour throughout the union is equip ped with 20,000 librettos , the weight o which is about 3,400 pounds. On thl full baggage rates must bo paid , whicl makoa the handling alone very costly. J libretto is published expressly for oac ! company , and all returned are immedi ately destroyed to prevent their sale. Mr. Rullman relates an incident whicl occurred during thoexcltnment in Bostoi in 1855 , on the first production of " 1 Trovatore. " An enterprising youngstoi rrith speculative tendencies purchassd t number of libretto * at fall rates , am leapito various ofhrj of double ant triple the price ho had paid , held on tili ha night of the performance. Evorj Ibrctti had been sold long before the urtatn had risen , and the demand had lot been satisfied. About this time the routh appeared with his stock In trade , ind proceeded to dlapoao of them at § 2 > ach. Ho had sold saveral before the taglo ojo of Rullman fell upon him. II hero la anything the publisher prides ilrasolf upon ia the manner inwhich ho naintaina ono price. When ho behold his flagrant violation of his rights by the d a sudden rush waa made and the boy ras captured. After being compelled o disgorge the rssults of hla speculation 10 waa unceremoniously hustled out of ho theatre. To keep the great Amoman mblio supplied in librettos requlroa the ervlcos of some fifty agents on tha road nd about COO minor attaches. SICK HEADACHE. Thousands who have offered Intensely with sick headache say hat Hood's Sarsaparllla haa completely urod them. One gentleman thus re- ioved , writes : "Hood's Sarsaparilla is rorth its weight in gold. " Header , if ou are a suilerer with sick headache , ivo Hood's Sawaparllla a trial. It will o yon positive good. Made by 0. I lood & Co. , Lowell , Maas. Sold by all rugglats. 100 Doses Ono Dollar. A BIG GABIK , .n KmlcBVor to Celled a Gambling Dept la Court Innldo Facts. PJTTSIIOKO , PA. , April 13. A number E gamblers , from Hot Springs , Ark. , ere In court hens to-day aa witnesses In 10 caao of Jamea K. Lane against the state of Jamea H. Brown , the "coal ing , " to recover $2,000 , alleged to have een borrowed from the plaintiff by the eceaaed while at the Hot Springs for hla ealth in February , 1882. The tosti- tony , however , allowed that the plaintiff as oftho firm of WatBon , Lane & Co. , irners of the Palace gambling taloon , [ ot Springe , and that deceased had boon ito this place , whcro ho loat largely , and ild all but $2,000 , the amount asked iraa "borrowed money. " The prlnci- 11 witness waa Frank Fiynn. Ho testi- 3d that the game playoi by Brown was brace game , in which it waa Impossible r him to have won. Witness was In- rested In the game to the extent of one- ilrd of what Xirown loat. The plaintiff jane ) would present Drown with a draft ter each tilting , which he wonld algn id which was collected with the ime cf a store firm , supnotcd be located at Hot Springs , Oliver smona , cashier of the Iron City bank of is city , testified that Brown had $24- K ) on deposit , which had been paid out meet drafts presented by the Hot > rlnga bink. D. O. Kyfe , who aald'he is a professional gambler , waa present the Palace saloon during the game , id told heir the houae furnlahed him , tb as much Mh'sky ' during the game sa i wished. Kyle aald that ho steered roir into the saloon , where he loat 4,000 at three alttlnga. As the money a gimbllug debt , and theiefora illegal , the jury will probably find for ih * d fendant. Brown loat { 53,000 during 1 stay at Hot Springs. Frank Flynn'a name recalls the fame fight at Hot Springs In February , 188 Flynn and Major Doran were rival gai blcra of the place. Ono day Flynn ar Ills two brothers were riding along tl principal street of the place In a carriae ; when Doran , seeing them , sent a bull crashing through the carriage , whl < lodged in the body of ono of Flynn brothers , who fell back dead. The ot era jumped ont of the carriage , end fusilado commenced between the Flyr brothers and Dorau and his party. Ai other of the Flynna foil , ahot throup with a Winchester rifle. Frank Flyni the nitnoss , waa ahot through the ham nOUSKKEHPEIW that fail to ncquali thomPolvM with the vnluo ol JAMli 1'YLK'S PEARLINE In the kltcnen ar foundry deprive themselves of the moat co vonlent and ueeful article of the ago , Glrli , Bowmrc. Albany , N. Y. , Special. Mr. Murphy's skating rink bill wi conaidorod by the senate this aftornoo and evening. It provides that durin school hours children shall not bo a lowed to visit rinks unless attended h puonta or goardlana ; that children itndt 1C years of ago unattended shall not t allowed in rinks after 0 o'clock in tl evening , and that children shall not t allowed to glvo skating oxhlbitloni When it was considered yesterday It wt made to apply to cities of thoatatohavln not leas than 00,000 inhabitants. Mu ; road a letter from Elbridgo T. Qcrry an others in support of the bill. "It is ono of the host bills of the act son , aa It restricts a growing vice. ] should bo applied to all the cities of tb state , " said Senator Daggott. "It will conduce more to the welfai of the common schools than any mcaaui of the tosslon , " remarked Senator Rol inaon. "It is similar to the old blno law which it took 100 years to throw off , was the opinion of S enutor Titus. "It is a good bill. In my dlttrl. . there Is no of thoeo rinks which is llttl bolter than a recruiting place for ov houses. I know of ton happy homi which have been ruined , " commonte Senator Cullon. "Oulien only speaks for Now Yorl Skating rinka outside that city are grot moral agents. They have weakened th Influence of the saloon , the theatre an other demoralizing aniujoments , " ar Bworod Mr. Titm. "Tho saloons ate the only ones wh who -complain of skatlng-rinkr , bocaus young men who used to spend their shil lings and quarters at the bar-rooms noi spend them at the rinks with their aistei and cousins and neighbors' daughters , Interposed Mr. Low. "In Syrasnsa skating rinka are an in jury to the morals of children. Fllrtin ; and coquetry and similar blandishment are practiced thoro. Skatera put thol arms around ono another in ways that ar demoralizing , " said Mr. McCarthy. At this point the senate took a reces until evening. At the evening sessioi the consideration of the skating-rink bil waa laid over till to-morrow , atthorequea of ita introducer , Senator Murphy. It passage in the senate is conceded. NOT APKIL FOOLS , ( Herald , SanfonI , Me. , April C. ) Mr. J. H. Morrison , bollefonta , Penn. who purchased for his daughter MSB L. J MorrieBon , ) and Mr. J. A. Breivogel , Vin : eunes , Ind. , each of whom held one-half o Ticket No. 14S30 In the Original "Littli Havana , " ( Gould & Co'a. , ) decided by Koya Lottery dr.xwn at Havana , Cuba , April 1st This number was the ona drawing the high ) st prize $0,000 , and agrees with the om Irawiug 100,000 Pesos in the Royal. Thej jave already been notified by the Genera ( Vqents , Shipsey Company 1212 Broadway N , i. . City , of their good fortune , and instructed ; o send tickete , which are payable without leduction , for collection , through any Dank , 3anking or Commercial House or Express Company. The prompt paymant of these ibllgations on presentation , at any time tfter , rmal of Steamer bringing the Official List rom Havana , will convince these gentlemen hat they hare not boeu fooled in their invest- aent of a dollar in an item o ! chance , oven if t was drawn on All-Fool's day. A Boston Gniuo of Poljcr , Chicago Rambler. The Intellectual game of draw-poker iaa taken a firm hold on the dwellers In ultcml Boston and the teachings of the Joncord school of philosophy are for a Ime forgotten. Our special correspon- ent writoa us that ho recently over- card several foir daughter * of the Athens f America indulging in this pleasant astlmo , when the following dialogue en- ned : Anastasla 'laltmy aunt ? Oh , es ! well , there's a solitary check. " Cly- jmnestra "I will beatrldo your desti. ito of sight dear. " Prosperine "Well raw your cards , girls. I will remain 'atriok.1 ' Milliceut "Well , i will ager a half score of chocks " Anaotas- i "I bahold you andolcvato you live. " 'roeporplne ' "I fear that yon are folgn- ig to possess more than you really have , at , nevertheless , doara , I cell you. " nastasla "I have a homogoneoua trio acts. " Millicont "And i a .Robert- jpendsged llrJBb. " Proaporpino While I hold a quartet of knavea. [ Ililcent "Well , deer , then you tak 10 ceramics. " Girl , In Cincinnati a sixteen-year-old qir. icently died after a fast of fifty.two jys She had been attacked by some ling like paralysis , wkch rendered i. uposalblo for her to take nourishment , ho human ayatem cannot thrive without ) od food and good ability to digest it. oakand Impaired dlgottlon Is rectified f Brown's Iron Bitters bettor than any her tonic ia the world. Mr. J. E. rooborg , Pomoroy , Iowa , ays : "I iod Brown's Iron Bitters for dyspoptia id poor appetite , completely cured mo , " will cure you. An applicant for the position of teacher a school at Lawrence , Kan. , could not plain tbo difference between horizontal id perpendicular and declared that "cir- ilar" meant a fur-lined cloak. ' . It the > tomichliiii > 0' ccmo Irritated through too high Ililog , follow the e ai > plo cf thote who hate ordered Ige'l Food Blano iKf , Tblriy jciu' ute DIM demomUitol 1(8 ( value aia dlttolo , and It U delicious. He. clpei ( ar prepatlng It a'coxpany each can , 4 _ _ Jelce . J6o , B5c , $1 26 to bold by I'ruy nu. Bend to Woolrlch & Oo ' mir , ) U > f. ( orpirnplilcUconHlolcf full Infor' tlon on tboiubject. Wood Beslored i.-MCj > rHiEt ln JTomatnre , ec r , I ertou. I ) bi | IT , 111 'u ' , aaS' ' * * . " rtnf tried la uln ererj inown ieXi j ssss zr i. OK , WARD & CO. . I.UUIDJANA , JH n c If ED TAF rlit 1'rcf fmm Opftifrjt , JimiltM nntt J'oliott A PROMPT , SAFE , SURE OURI t'tr Cough. , Here Tlirout , llonrornciw , Inflnrni Coldllrunchltl * . C'r < mrVliooplna Cough * AMtimm Uutn jI'nlnn In Chrit , and oilier Ihctlont cflhe Thrimt n.l Lung * 1'rlcc BO oenUn bottle. Bold by DrncKltt * rind DM cr . J\irttn iinnllt la tmiuet lttliiltnltr la prompt , atI ( I for thtmelll \ rerelrr lien boneit'ti ! > rc > ! Cfiirg ( fxild , by ttmllna one dollar to HIE ruutr.ts A.TniirtFR mflWNr , Uwurtf an \ Mtnuhclnrf rt , lUlllmort , J1 rl n < ] , C. R.JI. : % O S .O.O . . , I nm nn old man. Forts jfnrs I MifTcred w ulcer * on my tight leg ai tie result of typhoid fov Amputntlan ai RUKKcstod ss the only meats ol p scrvlnRlllo. The doctors could do no'hlnif for u and thought 1 must die. For tureeyrars I ne\cr b nehooon. Rullt'a Specific hta made a pennant euro and added ten teats to my ll'o WH II. UKEP , Usll Co. , m I h vo taken Swill'sSpcclho for blood poison c < traded at medical college at a direction ; will I was a medical student I am grateful to eay thai K TO mo a tpoedy and thorough euro alter my i roota had spent Imnd'cda of dollari for treatment AuaugRisWiccoit , , M D. Newark , N. J My wlfo from early plrlhood has hecn suflert from rheumatism She 1ms tried many rcmodl and I mint frankly sty hag derived more bom from Hwltt's Specie than from all the other ? , all long Mid faithful trial. Ilriv. JAS. I , , PixitcK , Oxtcrd , Oa Swllt'a Specific Is entirely \ cectablo. Tteatlao lood and Skin Discuses mailed free. ThoSwiirSrxciFioCa , Drawer S , Atlinta aa , , 160 W. SSd St. . N. Y. C17 St. Chnrlos St. , St. Lonls , Mo. A regular graduate oCl o Medical Ctillrtn , ls been lour agnEed In Ibi ipcOMtrotmcutor O Ht > mc , NIITOU , B > fled BLOOD Piiti.tttbaD tor other rbfilclan In Bt. Ix > ol u elt7 p p ri riow and Hold rrildnmkDow. Ncrvoua Prostration , Debility. McnUI ( w Physical Weakness i Mercurial nnd otner Mr < lions ol Throat , Skin or Bones , Blood Poltt-r n Old Sores and Ulcers , ro trcitrd llh tmririille' IUCCCM , on Itlcit trlrDtlue vrlnclMci. Ht'flt , rrltittlj. Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excesj Exposure or Indulgence , nhich rroJnco iom or 11 follonlnj effceUI BcrvouincM , dtlllitf , dlmnfi of ilil nd dereellre ni n < > ry. HmplM on the fnre , do ; rerilon to the icclcl j of females , conroilii orileaiete risnaorlnir Marrlnco Improper or unhappy. " , ' ' llJ "rc4 , rimiphletdt nscijcutlio tove. : Kra"l 'c < l enrelopc , free lo .nj d.lriM. Con > ult tlon t tcoorlijmallfrcc.iinJIUTlitJ. Wrlto torqucitloni. A Positive Written Guarantee Ktv iln llcnr ooesie ! . JlrJIclntjuent ercrywhere. famhleli , BnpllBh or Qcrman , 04 pocei. tie above dlieaseB , In znalo or female , MARRIAGE GUIDE ! OpBgo. flDepl H . Illuitntwl ta eloth nd tilt kl c.niotiey.rpojUgs : i m ? , ixr | coteri. 5j . Ib | l loutalci ll too curloni , douHrul or ICQCMtltn v > : t Unon. A book ar rwit luv t . til. Uj : U , lotta ui curtly tiic Qf-tiOD"rcFTx ulo the LIVER ami KIDNEYS , ami ItKsroitK TUB HEAZ/TU HncJ VIGOR of YOUTH Dyin \ ) ns'.t. Want nfApnellto , Jo. llBi'Sllon , I ac * 01 btrciijrtl. . inil'l If.- 'Jnxab ' uliilcl/ cured. Hun s uiuccli'satiu neivusrcLjlvuiibWlurco the iiiliul and . . pe'ujllur ro their eii w.l i nil InBK. -BlTJIfOIKON ! TONZO n nifu line M'cdy cure. < ilvcoielc.n , licailJ.v coinjili'ilon , } rciuent ) ktifuintr cl c"1 Tt 'lit. ' imlyuili. > thupop laillj oriht'OiU'lml. Jo aot expei * JPIlt in-llllvOIIIUIVAI.ANII Itl'ST. icnd joni iiclJrcrnlo'J'h'i lr. Hnrtnr JTml Oo. % t. Ixjuis. Mo. , lor our "DKEAM I1OOS. " If BEWARD $50 IF YOU I IND TUB EQUAL OF i fjRiLLARD'S 'LU ' Q TOBA CCO. "The Dlmf Cuu1" - , JlTifc" f l-AR9E " < ! a COOP eT-TTWiy. * 'Irtri & Olcklo , 00 & 08 WibaiS Aici. , Ctlaaffs , Ihls brand i a happy combination of line , younc lap ted , burly IODB Illlor , with a DELICIOUS FLAVOR id It Just msets the taste of a largo nuinbct ol lowers. Orders for "Plowehnto" are comlnR In r pldli om all patts of the country , demonstrating how ilckly the great army of chowcrs 8triko a good mblnatlonof Tob&cco , both PS to quality and lantlty. Messrs Loilllard& Co , have exercised no tlo time and labot In endeavoring to reach theme : mo of Perfection la Plowshare , aid seem to lu\o no It. Besides the TKX CBST CVTH ol Plowshare are hlch Is a point not to ho overlooked by doalcrn 10 will llnd it to their interest to order bomo and iO tbclr customers an opportunity to try it. sk Your Dealer for Plowshare Deiilfira supplied by ronewec & Sctoentgen , Council Bluffs. itetroy < t Mooro. " " ICirscUt&Co. " " ewart Urop. ' " ixton & Gallagher , Omaha. cCord , Jinvdy & Uu , Omaha. J'CT ealo in Omaha by , Ylnglintr , 518 S 13thStreot. snry Ditzen , 001 S 13th St. simrccl&Co. , 002813th St. 10 CarlBinn,101C Varnam St. mfman Bros. , 207 S Ifith St. mfman liroa , 1009 Farnotn St. ank Arnold & Co. , 1418 Parnam St. ifrust Plotz & Co , 1G09 Douglas St. 10. Heimrod. OlSNlfithSt. rgon & Smiley , N , W. Cor. 10th and Cum. ngSta. in Green Brou. , N. W. Cor. Division and jtimlnR Sts. SUvena 913 N. 21 tSt. VeakNervoiisMen ok Ing prrfort restoration to licnllli , full uiilioocl and voiuul vlutlr ivlthout oiniitli IruKl ( ? i should send forTrca- 0 on the Man i cm Holm. Voune men and icru who Buffer from iitrvoiiHtnd pliynl- 1 ilc'ljllKy. xiuiut | il vltallly , i > re- uliiro ( Incline , Varlrnrolr. Ar , , ro lecwlly bcnonted bycontultlng III contcnti , scaaoaof the J'ro ln ( ( ilniiil , Kliliii > yn Ml Jiluildcr cffectunlly cured I'udorsed thoutiandi who have been cured. Adopted HoipltaU and by I'liyslcUua In Turopu and icrlca. Sealed Trratliofreo Addreia 4ARSTON REMEDY CO or D . H , TRE8RW. 40 West 14th St. , Now York. St , Charles Hotel , TOEET , BET Ttb and 8th , . . LINCOLN , NEB , Mrs. Kato Coakly , Pioprletoieu , wly and elegantly furnished. Good Mmple ng on firat floor. rTerrastl.M tp 2 pel d y. Spcdat ratei glvet abeti cl the legluUtuie. Dorlo-1 m.mii r. jp. PECK & co. ( Sucoowors to Peck , Kern d Bltley. -UEl'UESENTINO ORSE , ROSE & CO. 01' OH 10 AGO , private wlredl/ectto the CM. a Board of Trade , we are prepared to execute or Biorrptly. We take a full market report. Couu 1 < a 'n ' ipecUlty. llclercncei. United Btatei ona IBink. T l plione 219. N ff. corner 18tb A Tha rom rk blo growth of 'OmrJia during the last ( OTT yo r IB a mattcj o ! great MtonlBhmont to thono who pay an ocoMJonal vUlt to this growing oltr. The development of the Ston.V Yards the necessity of the Bolt Lluo Iload the finely paved Btroota the hnndroda of now rosldonoos and costly business blooki , with the population of our city raoro than doubled In the last five years. All thin la a neat surprise to visitors and U the admiration of our cltlionB. ThU raplfi grotrth , the business activity , and the many substantial Improvomont4 mtdo B lively demand for Omaha real estate , nfl < \ every Invoatoi hoa made a handsome profit. Slnoo the Wall Street panla May , with the subsequent cry of hard tltaoi , there haa boon lesa demand from ispocul * * tors , but a fair demand from Invoatoio Booking homos. This latter clacu art taking advantage of low prlcoa In buildIng - Ing material and are securing tholr homoa at mnoh lesa cost than will bo possible B yoai hence. Spooulutors , too , can bay real est * B ohoapor now and ought to take odvant' o of present prlcoa for fntnio pro ta. The next few yanro promise * grcatoi dsvolopmonta In Omaha than the past fivi yean , which have boon BS good ae we conld reasonably desire. Now man ufacturing establishments and largo job bing houses are added almost weekly , &nd ell add to the prosperity of Omaha. There are many In Omaha and through * but the Btato. who have tholr money In the banks drawing a nominal rate of In terest , which , If judiciously Invested In Omaha real obtato , would bring them much greater returns. Wo h&va many bargains which we 'ore confident wIU bring the purchase * large pxofiU In the near future. "We have for sale .the finest reni- donce property in the north uad western parts of the city. North we have fine lots at reasonable - able prices on Sherman nveuue.l 7th , 18th , 19th and 20th streets. West on Farnam , Davenport , Juming , and all the eadmg streets n that direction. The grading of Farnam , Cnlifor- lia and Davenport streets haa made iccessible some of the finest and iheapest residence property in the ; ity , and with the building of the treet car line out Faruam , the pro lerty m the western part of the city fill increase in valiif We also have the agenry for the Syndicate and Stock Yards proper- y in the south part of the city. The evelopmeiits made in this section y the Stock Yards Company and ! lie railroads will certainly doubla ie once in n short timo. We also have some line business > ts and Bomo elegant inside 3nceF for sale , Parties wishing to invest will find ! f- i me good BROKERS. 13 South Hth Jot .roon Fornham and Douglae. P. B. We oak those who hate operty for Bale at a bargain to fjito a callWe -want only hargaina O'-will positively not handle prop ; y at more than its real value.