Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 17, 1885, Image 1

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Ho R'ply has Yd Been Recciyeil by
EDglaniFroiRuSua. .
The British Ironolad Shannon
Preparing for Active Service
Forwarding Mounted Police Ee-
oruits Through the Hi S.
French Envoys Attacked While
Trying to Notify the Ohinosoi
Bid's ' Behollion is Expected to ho
Soon Settled ,
Ono Hundred and Fifty Tents De
stroyed by Flro and Fifty Esyp.
tlans Itnriiod. to Dentil ,
ST. PKTBBSDUBO , April IB. The Official
Motsenger publishes this morning a telegram
from Gen. Koinaroff , which states that the
remnant of tso Afghan detachment which
tras defeated in the Kushk river engagement
has tied to Herat. KomnroCf also states that
the losses of the Afghans largely exceeded the
first ftstlmntes Many perished a ) thay strug
gled through the rough c > untry on tha retreat
to Herat. The weather islntentely cold , and
mow has been falling lor twelve dayi. Tha
Afghans burned thn camp at Balamurghab.
which Sir Peter Lumsden abandoned , A
provisional government is being organized at
Penjdeh to prevent anarchy. A Ruslan de
tachment remains at Daslikeprl. The dispatch
concludes with the statement that there is no
necessity fora forward movement at present
Count Schouvaloff , formerly Kuisian am
bassador to Great Britlan , will start for Lon
don Immediately. It is believed ha has an
official mission.
" " The Nerve Vrcmya soys the Afghans on'tbo
Kttsbk are discontented at the conference be
tween Lord Dufferin and the Ameer nt
Bawal-Pindi. They are fearful that it. will
reanlt in another invasion of Afghan territory
by the British in consequence of their defeat
of March SOth , nud bavp openly revolted
against the ameer's authority.
VABNA , April 1C Vessels of all national
ities are crowding into the Black tci for the
purpose of transporting grain from Ilusaian
ports before an outbreak shall occur between
England nnd Hussia. ThoEcgllsh > es3els
wnloh have arrived in the week p.ut have no
tified the reserves to hold themselves in
readiness for immediate service.
BERLIN , April lt , Telegrams received hero
from St , Petersburg say General KamororT
has also stated that the Afghans refused to
obey the orders of the Knglish officers to
withdraw from their advanced position ,
LONDON , April IB Charles MarTin -
Tin , a writer on Central Asia ,
writes bo baa learned eerni officially that the
Bussian telegraph system Is in full working
order from
The latter place Is General KnmoroU'a base of
operation , and is nt all times connected with
his headquarters in the field by courier ser
vice , therefore , Mr. Marvin says , General
Kamoroff can send or receive messages to or
from St. Petersbarg within twenty-four
The government has replied to the modified
proposals of de Giers in regard to the debata
ble tone ,
A St , Petersburg correspondent of the
Times sitys that alarming rumors are circula
ting and there is a. strong impression that
will soon be reported from the Affhim fron
tier , as it Is thought unlikely that the Afghani
will allow their recent defeat to
piss without seeking revenge. He
continue ! : "Russia makes no secret of her
intentions' of invading Afghanistan if the
Afghani compel her to do so. The general
opinion bore is that England is committing
herself to a dangerous policy iu forming nn
alliuncfl with the Ameer without securing ab
solute ccntroL"
Thsra is reason to believe that the govern-1
mant has received
rom St. Petersburg. Kussia taunts on re
taining the positions which she has already
occupied and Intimates that unless England
holds herself responsible for the acquiescence
of the ameer. Goneral'KemarolI will advance
and secure Herat ,
The Telegraph publishes an article which
states do Giors tolegrarhod Baron doStnal at
London as follows : "Am charged with the
czar's personal command to request yea to in
form the Kagllsh government that in the
czar'd opinion war would be most deplorable
to both countries ; also that the czar firmly
bopen a prompt nud simple arrangement of
the present difilculty may be established , "
Staal telegraphed do Giers that the English
government has gladly accepted the commu
1 p , m. Consols opened at OjjJ , soon ad
vanced to 05J , at which point they nro now.
1 } p , m , Consols , 00 } for both ,
FRANKFOnT-ON-THK-MlIN , April 16. The
Frankfort Zeitnug states that private tele
grams received in this city from St. Pe
tersburg-allege that a revolt Imi occurred in
Herat against the authority of Ab durrah-
mau-Khan , ameer of Afghanistan.
LONDON , April 10 , Earl Grauvlllo minister
of foreign affairs , on being asked this after
noon It It were true , as reported , " that the
government had agreed to give up Penjdeh to
the Russians , said , "I mutt really decline to
answer all these unauthorized and always in <
accurate re ports , "
The Iron armor-plated war ship Shannon ,
nine guns , now engaged in the coast-guirc
ernce at Greenock , Scotland , has been or
dered to Portsmouth to ba prepared for actirf
Karl Granvllle , in replying to the Mnrquii i
of ballabuiyin tna housed brdsthla after
noon , tald the povermnunt b .i . cut yet re
ceived a reply from Sir Peter Luunden , t to
their reqiiMt to rejxut upon tbo currectoeas of !
Gen. Komaroffs story of the Penjdeh inci
dent , and did not believe that Russia had
received reply from Gen. Komaroff to the
czir'a request for ft further explanation of the
roipontc , which induced him to Attack the
Afghans , The British ambassador at St
Petersburg telegraphed that it was unlikely
that Uunsia would receive the answer from
Komaroff for seme days yet.
Gladstone in the house of commons this
afternoon in reply to an inquiry said tha gov
ernment had nn reason to believe any such
demand had been established , as that re
ported ef Russia's demand for Penjdeh ,
Ilobert Bourke , cocservatlva member for Linn
regies , o&kod whether Baron Do Staal , the
Russian ambassador nt London had suggested
as part of the terms of the Anelo-Rusilan un-
dorrtknding that Ponjdeh bo annexed to
Russia , Gladstone answered there Ii no
reason whatever to believe any such demand
has been made. No assurance has boon given
nor received by the government regarding
any particular points on the Afghan frontier.
Gladstone in answer to further inquiries ro
latlng to the Afghan difficulties , denied the
story published in tha Daily Telegraph to-day
to the effect thnt tbo czar had oflidnlly ox-
presjod the opinion that war would bo do-
pjorablo to both countries , and hoped that
simple nnd prompt arrangements would bo
Gladstone said that there had been a
friendly conversation ( laughter ) bitween Karl
Granville nnd tha Ru'nian ambassador aid
others competent to nulst , but no assurances
had been given or received regarding the
points on the disputed frontier , Mr. Glad
stone had no doubt that Russia had appointed
an administration of Penjdeh ( langhtcr ) . In
answer to Mr. Burke the premier said that hn
bad not been present at the conversation ro.
fprrod to ( jeers ) . Ho had no reason to be
lieve that any suggestion or demand bad been
made by Russia up to the present time ,
LONDON , April 10. The Right lion. Henry
Campbell Bannerman , chief secretary for
Ireland , in reply to a question by Mr. Par-
neil , in the IIOUBO of commons , ns to the gov
ernment's attitude concerning the attack by
the polici upon the Irisii members of parlia
ment nt Mallow during the visit of the prince
and princess of Wales , raid the government
justified the police in what they did upon that
occasion , as warranted by the circumstances.
Mr. Parnell thereupon asked for H govern
ment Inquiry under oath into the affair.
The chief secretary promptly replied that
the government declined to order any such
HONG KONG , April 1C. The terms of set
tlement of the Japanese claims arising out of
the recent Coroan troubles have been agreed
upon , and a convention for their liquidation
will be signed to-morrow.
PARIS , April 1C. M. Clamageran hai resigned
signed the ministry of finance , The ostensi
ble reason for his resignation was sickness. It
is believed , however , that his action was really
due to his inability to agree with his col
league in the cabinet on questions of finance
and notably in regard to the issue of a loan.
His successor will probably be M. Sadi Carnot. .
the present minister of public works.
PARIS , April 1C. General DeLide , in a
telegram from Hanoi , dated the 15th says he
sent envoys to notify tbo Chinese of the cessa
tion of hostilities , but before the envoys were
able to deliver the notice two thousand Chi-
ueso troop ? attacked Keep on the 1-Uh inst. ,
and worn repulsed beyond Bade. The French
loss was one killed and BOVOU wounded , The
garrison at Honghoo made a sortie and dis
persed the Chinese detachment which had at
tacked the French Run boats containing the
envoys to Honghon to give notice of the cea
sation hostilities.
PARIS , Auril 16 , M , Alfassa , a prominent
financier of Paris nnd London , has failed ,
His liabilities in this city amount to 500,000
francs , and he owes 12,000,000 francs to mem
bers of the London stock exchange. Other
failures arc feared.
ROUE , April 10. Edward Pierrepont , sec
retary of the American legation at Remedied
died to-day. Ho was left in charge o !
American affairs in Italy by ex-Minister
Aetor , when ho returned to the United
At two this afternoon the streets were
quiet , with scarcely any trace of last night's
riot. The people dispersed rapidly after mid
night. The reports of the riot sent out last
night aud early this morning are greatly ex
aggerated. As far as can be learned about a
dozen men were slightly wounded , The dam
age to bull dings is also small and confined to
smashing windows.
PARIS , April 16. Admiral Courbett reports
that previous to the news of peace between
Prance nnd China , the French cruieerDestang
captured a Chinese vessel with all board , com
prising 750 men and three mandarins.
SuAKISf , April 1C The British troops oc-
nupicd Otao , eight miles west of Handout ,
and encountered no opposition.
Do.vaOLA , April 1C. The native report that
Osman Digna B forces have been gradually
dispersed as the British troops occupied places
upon which they depended for forage aud
KINGSTON , Ont.t April 1C. The govern
ment la sending meorto serve on the mounted
police force through the United States to the
northwest. Yesterday twenty-nine men witk
forty-twa horses passed here.
Later PARIS , Anril 16. Sadi Carnet hai
been appointed minister of public works.
ALEXANDRIA , April 1C. One hundred and
fifty tonti were destroyed by fire at Melig re
cently and fifty persons burned to death ,
The Illinois Uo Nothing
Special Telegram to TUG BEE.
SPRINGFIELD , April 16. In the joint sos
sion of the two houses at noon , fifty senator :
and 145 representatives responded to the roll
Nobody voted for United States nanato ;
when the ballot was called , and the do noth
ing body adjourned for , the day ,
Senator Ruger was again absent and tovei
members of the home did not respond "pres
ent. " Immediately before the ndjournmen
of the joint session , Crafts ( demon-it ) , movei
a vote i f thanks and consideration to the re
publican member' } who had so seriously ex
* tendea the courtesy of pair to a democratii
r-1 member. The democrats applauded and 1'ul-
e-Uer taid if any luptiblioin could enjoy sucb
| expressions of approval ind confidence , tbi
I Ueaiccrau could take prida ID offering it
All republicans were willing that it
sfaou'd be done. Accordingly Uainos put the
question On the vote the democrats rose in
a body , to do honor to Sittig. Hainei de-
c'nrett it unanimous nnd the democrat * crowd *
od around Sittig to shako his hand and com
pliment him on his course. Ho seemed
sreatly pleased with the distinction. The
republicans talk of draping Sittig's desk in
mourning. A dellcnto hint was convoyed to
Mr Sittig this morning , when , upon taking
hli seat in the house , ho found the two desks
which have always heretofore stood close
against his had been removed to the opposite
end of the row. where the occupants sat , in
preference to remaining close neighbors to
the self-choten partncrof the defunct mombnr.
Sittig sat Mono , consequently , n stranger
from the society of his follow members ot the
republican sldo ,
Illinois. ;
SPRINGFIELD , April 1C A good attendance
was present in the housa this morning. The
pay roll was again brought up and a resolu
tion providing for the payment of tha em-
ployeei up to the 10th , A substitute was
introduced providing that each employee
make nn affidavit that he hsa faithfully per
formed his duties , etc. Avoto taken to
ay the substitute on the table , was lost.
McDonald offered n resolution that members
of the housobe included with other employes
and they being compelled to make affidavits.
In the senate no business was transacted
after the joint cession adjourned. In the
joint assembly CO senators and 145 representa
tives answered the toll call. No vote cast fur
The house passed a resolution paying the
old employees to April IGth nnd concurred in
tha senate the resolution granting n site on
the capitol grounds for the Pierre ; Mannrd
statue ,
Win. R. Morrison left for homo to-night ,
and from there ho will go to Washington.
The homo committee on the judicial depart
ment will report favorably on Johnson's bill ,
providing any property owner shall have a
right to appear before the county board at its
July sipslnu a well as the town board in the
Juno session , to complain of too high on as
sessment of property , or too low nn nssess-
meut of any ether person.
Grant Passes Another Qnlot Night.
NEW YORK , April 1C. Gen. Grant passed
a very quiet night , and the improved condi
tion continues. Ho slept well and naturally
for seven nnd a half hours , nearly continuous
ly , taking nourishment well at longer In
tervals , Ho feels stronger , and his voice in
dicates it.
Senator Chaffeo said after leaving Gen.
Grant's house this morning that ho considered
the general's condition wonderfnl Ho teemed
to look much better every way. His eyes were
brighter than they have been for some time.
There Is one thing to be said about
his throat , and that is thnt no one
can say , but that It was ulcerated , and badly ,
too , but the question is whether it is a cancer
or not. If it is there Is little hope for his life.
If not , then there is hope. He thinks tbero
is now hopoj of his getting well.
General Grant continues to improve. His
throat was examined to-day by Drs. Barker
Shrady and Douglas and the locil disease
was found to be much improved. Pulse anc
temperature unchanged , The general felt so
much better that hu suddenly started down
stairs and joined the family at lunch , takinj
all by Ftirpriso. He partook of some solli
food without difficulty.
Fire in a Coal Mine.
LINCOLN , 111. , Apiil 16. The tower anc
frame work surrounding the mouth of th
Lincoln coal company's principal coal that
caught fire , at 2 o'clock this morning , entallln
a loss of 810,000 , endangering the lives o
eleven men and throwing over a hundred mor
out of employment The cause assigned !
that a careless employe had a torch explod
in the oil room. Eleven man in the pit a
the time wore early warned. Tfo came up in
the oge and bad barely left It when it fell to
the bottom , The others made their way
through entries to the escapement sbatt
nearly a mile away and wore rescued about
daylight. At one time the entire property ,
valued at 8100,000 , was threatened.
Reduction or „ the block ot 1'rlnt
Cloths ,
FALL RIVER , Mass. , April 15. At a meet
ing of manufacturers held this afternoon it
was voted that the production of print cloths
bo curtailed by four weeks stoppage of the
mills between now and July 1st. Each mill
to use its own discretion nboub the method of
finding reduction , the only obligation being
that the nmount of stoppage between this
and July let shall equal four weeks. This re
duction taken in connection with a simultan
eous movement on the part of the Rhode
Island mills will reduce the stock of print
cloths to 5000 pieces.
Ohio Bcnutorlal Contest.
COLUMDUS , April 1C. Alien O. Myera
stated befcre the legislative investigating
committee to-day that before tbo election of
senator by the legislature last winter he was
approached by Benjamin Rubineon , of Cin
cinnati , ono of Pendluton's managers , nnd
offered five hundred and then a thousand dollars
lars for his yote. Robinion has been sum
moned to appear before the committee and
development ! in thn senatorial contest are
promised by him.
Sd Ending of Pleasure Party.
ladies , among them Mrs. Admiral Reynolds ,
started In a boat this afternoon to visit Old
Point with a couple of negroes as oarsmen ,
the water was rough and the wind high , The
boat upset. All were rescued , but MM. Rey
nolds died from exhaustion.
Telegraphers * Strike.
BUFFALO , Aprilfk. All employes of the
Bankers' and Merchants' Telegraph company
in this city struck at 10 this morning because -
cause they have not been paid their wages. .
The company owes them for two months ol
last year and for last month.
Two Children Burned to Doatli.
Special telegram to the BEE
FULI.KRTON , Neb. , April 16. Two chiidrei
aged seven and fourteen were burned to deatl
while setting fire to a straw pile at Louj
Ferry to-day.
Park Reservation ,
ALBANY , April 1C , The Nligara reserva
tion bill passed the senate. It provides for i
free park around Niagara Falls forever , id
makes an appropriation for the purchase idof
the land.
Prellcr's ' Supposed Murderer Traced to
San Francisco
Notwithstanding : the Fact thatHo
Changed his Name Twice ,
Ho is now on a Steamship Bound
for New Zealand ,
The Two Men Became Acquainted
on Board the Oephalonia ,
Incidents in Maxwell's ' Life as
Belated by Himself ,
The Ban Francisco Police- Solid Word
by Steamer to Honolulu to
Hnvo Him Arrested ,
SAN FRANCISCO , April 10. It was vaguely
rumored hero that Lennox Maxwell , who
murdered Arthur Prellor at St. Louis , April
G , had arrived in this city. The fact is con-
firmo-1 by the chief of dotetivo police , J.
W. Leo , who traced up the whole matter
from the time of Lennox's departure from St.
Louis to his arrival hero. Lennox purchased
tickets in St. Louis , signing his name Hugh
Brooks. When ho reached this city ho regis
tered at the Palace hotel as J. C , D'Auguiro.
Ho claimed to be a French army officer , but
when spoken to in Trench replied in English ,
Sunday last he purchased a steerage ticket on
the steamer City of Sidney , for Auckland ,
New Zealand , signing his name D'Auguiro.
Cables will bo sent to New Zealand , Austra
lia , for his arrest , and a letter will bo sent by
the steamer Allainoda to Honolulu , in case of
bis stopping there. The police think bo may
change his course at Honolulu , taking n sail
ing ship to China and Japan , and traces will
bo lost.
PHILADELPHIA , Pa. , April 1C. Arthur
Proller , whose body is supposed to ba that
found in a trunk at the Southern hotel , St.
Louis , was in Philadelphia at least three
times during the past two year ; , A gen
tleman who had some information to give
about Proller called at the British consulate ,
and was closeted with Vice Consul Grume.
Air. Crump said that ho was not at liberty to
give either the name of the visitor , or the
nature of the knowledge which he imparted.
Ho said , however , that he thought the mys
tery may bo cleared up within a few days. |
NEW YORK , April 1C. Inspector Bjrnes
said to-day that nil men who had boon detailed -
tailed to look up tha Now York end of the
St. Louis murder , had ascertained beyond a
doubt that Maxwell bad never been in New
York with Preller. Mr. Shleisenper , a rela-
thoof Preller , who lives in thu city , called
upon the Inspector and informed him that the
identity of the victim had been established
and that there was no iurther doubt thai
Preller had been murdered for his money ,
Inspector Byrnes has telegraphed all his in
formation to the police at St. Louis and San
Francisco ,
ST. Louis , April 10. A dispatch just re
ceived by Chief of Police Harrigan , from San
Francisco authorities , has settled positively
the question of the identity of Maxwell , th
description tallying exactly with that ob
tained here , and also that ho is on board the
steamer City of Sydney. Maxwell assumed
the names of Brooks and Dauguir for the
purpose of concealment. The dispatch sayi
the only ticket taken up from St. Louis on thi
Cth inst , 1 > signed Hugh M. Brooks , am
witnessed by S , A. Hughes , sold by the SU
Louis & San Francisco railroad ticket offia
April tith , came on that train , His nami
does not appear on the lists or tickets there
fore he must have comeonDr. Brooks' ticket ,
The endorsement on the ticket and the nnnv
of T. 0. Douglas tigned on the hotel registei
are in the same handwriting , I have _ for
warded a full deicription by the captain ol
the steamer sailing for Honolulu to-day will :
a request for his arrest. Will cable No
Walter Arlington , head waiter m the
Southern dining room has positively identi
fied the body at the morgue as that of Prel *
Chicago Times Special ,
ST. Louis , April 15. The Preller-Maxwell
tragedy at the Southern hotel was the lending
subject of conversation here to-day , and the
interest manifested shows that no efforts will
bo spared to capture the fugitive , Dr. Max
well , The following telegram , received to
day by Chief of Police Harrigsn shows how
closely Maxwell is being traced , and that his
arrest is probable ;
SAN FBANCIBCO , April 15. The man who
owned tbo throe pieces of I biggage as num
bered in your dispatch arrived here the llth ,
under the name of J. O. Deauglver. Ho
claimed to be a Frenchman and an army
officer from Paris. He was the only passenger
who left St. Lous on the Gth , coming through ,
He talked with an apparent French accept ,
but when spoken to In French always replied
In English. Mr ) informant , who came here
on the same tram , says he believed the accent
assumed. He answers to your description
perfectly except the chin whiskerr , He
had a mall , light mustache and
short imperial ; brown cutaway coat ,
vest und pants , nearly all of the same
color ; broad brim , light drab hat , dented in at
the crown. Ua leit on the Australian steamer
er City of Sydney , in the steerage , for Auck
land , New Zealand. Ho may leave the steam
er at Honolulu , Search your hotels and rail
road offices for thii name , and telegraph me
if you can find it. He can bo arroited by
telegraph if bo goes through and don't land
at Honolulu , He said he bought a railroad
- ticket from a St. Louis scalper for $50 , Kuih
your answer. P , OBUHIIT ,
a Chief of Police.
The police here are now convinced that th <
case is one of treacherous murder for robbery ,
that Maxwell it the murderer , and that tin
dead man is Preller , Mnxwrll 1ms been fully
identified by noj oral merchant ) . Ho called
nt n pawnshop' the 4th inst. in Tenth
ettfot and pawned his watch , but re
deemed it attain on the Gth , This shows that
ho wits hard up , on the day before the mur
der was committed , and that ho had money
the day after , when ho redeemed his
watch and chain ho purchased a small diamond
ring for $25 nnd A flute for $8 , At the
St. Louts nnd San Francisco railroad office
on the nth ho purchased a first-class ticket for
San Faancitco for $113. Ho wns seen and
recognized on the San Francisco train on the
7th test , by several persons. The inquest on
Prollsr's body will psolxvbly bo hold to-mor
row. No airaogomonts have yet been made
fol his funeral ,
BOSTON , April 15. The passungor-llst of
the steamer Cophalonia , which arrived hero
February 3 from Liverpool , shows tint Dr.
W. II. Maxwell , who is thought to have been
the perpetrator of the St. Louis trunk horror ,
and Arthur Preller , Jr. , the supposed victim ,
came here from Liverpool Maxwell , who taid
that the had been nn assistant surgeon in a
London hospital , and also claimed to be the
amateur bicycle champion of England , im
mediately took rooms with a Mrs. J. H. Cook ,
No. 1,003 Washington street. Preller , who
was a traveling salesman , wont to Canada ,
and thence to Now York , ia the course of
his business. Dr. Maxwell appeared to ba
well supplied with money , nnd lived very
well , Martin Mclutlrc. who conducts the
apothecary store from which tbo prescription
blanks found In Maxwell's trunk at St , Louis
were obtained , says that Maxwell begun
earning Into his place of business about ton
weeks ago. Ho came in evenings , and remained -
mainod until about 12 o'clock. Ho frequently
talked of opening an office. Maxwell carried
a largo pistol ; and just befrro ho went nway
ho bought a box of cartridges for it. Ho
frequently drew ( his pistol , which was n 42-
callbre , from his pocket and flourished it
about ills head. One day ho frightancd Mr ,
Mclntire's clerk by
on him. He frequently used the expression :
"So end all traitors to the great cause. " Ho
never stated that he was n member of any
secret political or revolutionary society , llo
was quite addicted to bragging , Aoout two
eeks ago Mrs. Cook gave up the house in
Washington street and Maxwell wint nway.
When ho departed he had five bags and a
trunk , and they were marked "Boston and
Lowell. " and were sent to that station. Since
his arrival in St. Louis one of his fellow-pas
sengers on the Ceptmlonia has received letters
from him. written at the Southern hotel ,
In which ho stated ( the last letter
balng dated April 7) ) that ha was going to San
Francisco , and , if ho found no business the to.
to Now Zealand. His friend Proller , be
wrote , bad an acquaintance with one of the
Pacific-steamship officials , and through him
he ( Maxwell ) expected to get employment.
Preller is described as 30 years old. weighing
170 pounds , well formed , nice looking , with
olive or dark complexion , dark balr and mus
tache. He appeared atudions and reticent ,
and more gentlemanly and cultivated than
Maxwell. Maxwell , according to his fellow-
boarders at Mrs. Cook's , was often
Two ladles who occupied the room imme
diately under his state that be weuid never
allow anyone in his room , and , although ho
said he took his meals at the Parker house ,
ho was often seen to bring food into the house.
One day Mrs. Cook procured a key to his
room and went in to clean it , and found tin
apartment littered un with food , She nisi
found Maxwell's revolver lying on the bed a
full cock. On one occasion Maxwell oxlnb
ited his pistol to one of the ladies and told hci
ho would like to get tbo drop on someone
with it. He eaid that bo had been in the lat <
Turkish war , nd had smashed a man's braini
out with the butt end of it. He did not care
how much he hurt a patient , and stated that
ho once cut n man's leg ; off and refuted to
give him ether. Ho told several tradesmen
in the vicinity tales about hisadventures , and
also that be was going to San Francisco and
then to Auckland ,
In ono of his confidential moments ho said
he was heir to an earldom or to a dukedom ,
About three weeks ago Maxwell said bo ex
pected Lord Brownlow , an Knglish nobleman ,
to come from New York to see him. He was
going to Now Zealand with Brownlow. He
was just such another man as ho , rich , cour
ageous , and
About ten days before Maxwell disap
peared the alleged Brownlow turned up ,
and is said to have stopped at the
Parker house. Maxwell is dcicribed
H about C feet 4 inches tall , weicht ,
abont 130 pounds , slight but well built , light
mustache , and just before he went away he
allowed his beard to grow and shaved only
under his chin. He bad an impediment in
in bis speech. His teeth are quite prominent.
In talking he draws his lips back , and in con
versation he will stop several times because of
a nervous twitching of the muscles of his
throat and face. lie Is a comparatively easy
man to truce becauo of this fact. On the
occasion of Preller'a last visit to Boston , ono
ot the ladles in the boarding house told Max
well that they were going to eet their caps for
him. Ho replied that Preller was a woman-
hater and w uld not marry the bett woman
on earth , The description Riven of Preller
tallies pretty closely with that given of "Lord
Brownlow. "
James Skinner , a leather merchant of 17fi
Purchase street , who was
says that during the voyage Maxwell was full
of bravado and lavish of his money. On ono
occasion ho heard Preller , who was Maxwell's
ineeperablo companion , caution him about
being too careless in bis display of money.
Mr , Skinner nnd Maxwell exchanged cords
on leaving the vessel. On the card handedSkln.
ner is simply the autograph , H. Maxwell ,
written in a bold hand , with a stub pen evi
dently. Mr. Skinner had invited Maxwell
to call upon him. It was then that Prollor
told Mr. Skinner that he was going to Can <
ada and bade him "good-byo. " Maxwell
called at the store at least half a dozen timei
tabsequently. The last time ho called he
rode on a tricycle. In reply to the question
as to whether in his opinion Maxwell had
murdered Preller , Mr. Skinner replied : " 1
think ho killed him for his money , There ii
every Indication of it. "
UTICA , N. Y. , April 16 , Geo. H. Hump
a section band on tbo New York Centra
killed his wife and a four days old child nea
Indian Castle church , Herkermer county , on
Monday , tben committed suicide. He ha
been iniane a couple of weeks , and a wale
had been placed over his actions. While i
Germany he was betrothed to a widow wit
ona child and after coming hero sent for then
On tbo arrival of his afiUncod , ( bo in tli
mean time had smallpox and was badly pitted
Ha overcame bis affection and refuted I
marry her but endeavored t compromise b
imrrying her daughter Instead which proposi
tion the latter rejected. Subsequently Humpf
went to Ciormnny , vrhero he married hi ) late
wifo. His former love and daughter still
llvo in. the vicinity , and on Hutnpf's return
with his brida his fellow-workmen began to
harass him with nllusicns to the widow. This
wna continued , and so pioycd upon hli mind
At to induce Innumty. Ho grow worse nltor
the birth of bis child , and ho was to have
been removotl to the asylum yesterday. Mon
day aftcrnobri n neighbor , who was acting us
guard , heard screams in the house and swt
pocular Hash of lire , anil , in company with
another man , broke into the house. The
building was filled with a sulphurous odor ,
which was Hilling , but the men succeeded in
making their way to Mis , Humpi's bedroom ,
whore they found the woman nnd child dylnir
in erent agony , They had bean saturated
with kuroneno and iirod , The MCtlms were
horribly burned. Doth of the baby's tyos
were burred , out nnd the body nhocklngly
burned , as U-na the body of the mother- The
murderer had stabbed the child in four places ,
nnd cut the mother's throat. The infant
lived but a short tlmu. Mrs. Humpf survived
till Wednesday morning. Search wns made
for Hnmpf and ho was traced by blood marks
to n room , through the ceiling of which ho
had knocked a hole with nn nxp , nud was
found perched on the joists with n shovel in
his hands to defend hinndf with. A wire
was thrown over hi leg by which ho was
hauled down. He died soon afterward from
loss of blood , having cut las own throat.
A. Murderer Huti by a Mount IMorie ,
Dakota ,
ST. PADL , April 16. Dispatches from
Pierre , Dakota , at 2 o'clock this morning says
thut a mob of about twenty-five came from
the eastern part of the county , and took James
H , Bell from jail and hung him to the 'flag '
staff of the court housu. Bell's ' offense wai
the murder of Forest G. Small , a lawyer for
merly of Sterling , 111 , on December 4 , last.
1 he mob gained easy access to the jail bo-
cnuso no such movement was anticipated nnd
the jailor and deputy wore imorlsnccd in their
rooms. The mob only took 15 miuutos to do
the work , at end that time the bhoriff arrived
and the mob dispersed. Tbo body was cut
down and Bell was. found to bo alive , but the
heart ceased beating eoon afterwards. The
haste of the mob was so great thnt they bad
pot time to servo Boll's accomplice , Bennett ,
in a similar manner. None of the mob have
been recognized , though they were not dis
guisod. 1'hoio is but little denunciation of
the lynching , as It was supposed Bell com
mitted another murder a thart time before he
murdered Small.
Proliibs After the etnlooiiB.
DUIIUQUE , la. , April 1C. On petition of the
the citizens' prohibition league notices wore
curved by the sheriff to-day on nine saloon
keepers to have them nppoar in the circuit
court to show causn why injunction : should
not bo issued against them for Helling liquor
contrary to the prohibition low. Tneso
are in addition to the twonty-fivi
cases tried last fall by the clrcnl
court. Judge Utt then ruled the injunction
clause as unconstitutional. The tupremi
court reverted his decision. These nnd nddi
tlonal cases will come up again. There is n
excitement nnd the saloons nro open as usunl.
The league petitions through J. P. Farloy.
The catea are set for April 28.
The strike nmong tbo operatives in the three
overall factories has boon adjusted nnd the
330 men are again at work.
Geo. H. Fendlotou Feasted Prior to
Going abroad.
CINCINNATI , April Hi. A complimentary
dinner was given to-night to tbo Hon. Goo ,
H. Pendleton by his fellow citions of Cincinnati
nati , under auspices of the Ohio club-
Although this is a democratic club demon
stration , it was in no sense a partisan ono.
Among ISO gueats fully one-fourth were prom
inent republicans. Letters of regret were read
from Hon. John G. Carlisle , Gov. Hoadloy
Durbin Ward , and others , and telegrams from
Hotis. A. G. Thurman and John . McDon
ald. Speeches were made by J. P , Carb rry
who presided ; Hon. G. H. Pendloton , Hon-
K. F. Noyes , Otmar Van Mohl , German con
sul , Mayor Smith , Hon. A. F. Perry , Wm
M , Ramsey Henry Haacko and Emile Ilotho
Emancipation Anniversary ,
WASHINGTON , April 10. The colored poo-
pie of this city celebrated to-day the twenty-
third anniversary ; of the emancipation of
slaves in the District of Columbia. The
celebration consisted of a street parade dur
ing tha day. and commemorative exercises at
the Lincoln Memorial church in the evening.
About 5,000 persons , members of various civic
and military associations of colored people of
Washington took part in the parade , which
was reviewed by the president fiom the portico
tico of the white house. At a mooting in
Lincoln Memorial church to-night Mr. Biuoe
registrar of the treasury , presided , and Fred
Douglas was the orator of the occasion ,
llioy llcmcinlier Maxwell.
CHICAGO , April 1C. It is now remembered
that the young man Mazwell , who is BUS.
pected of the murder of Preller. In St , Louii
was Id Chicago about two months ngo. Hi
called nt ono of the newspaper offices , and
confessing himself dead broke , proposed tc
write for the papers to earn sufficient money
to pay bin hotel bill. Ho In believed to have
remained here but a few days.
The Weather.
WASHINGTON , April 17. UpperMississlpp
Valley Local rains , followed by cloud ]
weather ; slightly colder in southern portion
nearly stationary in northern portion , wind
becoming variable , preceded by northwester
ly winds , rht
Missouri Valley Cloudy weather , Ilgh
variable winds , slight rise in temperature Ii
central portions , nearly stationary tempera
ture in northern and southern portionsr
CiOHDofthoOpcra Festival ,
CHICAGO , April 1C , An effort was modn t
extend the season cf the opera festival fo
another week , thu managers being encourage
by a very largo nttendancs. Colonel Mnpe
son telegraphid to effect If possible the car
collation of his eastern engagement , but na fc
discovered he could not do so , the Reason wl
close on Saturdno ,
Southern Cyclone.
CHARLOTTE , N , C. , April 17. A sevei
cyclone passed over n section of the state ea
of Hamlet this afternoon , destroying timbe
fences and homer , and doing great damage
in other ways , No liyes are reported to ba' '
been lost.
, TELEGKil'lt NOTir.8.
ho I An ice gorge In ( he river Molra at Bel !
. ) I vllle , Canada , flooded the town and Impr
to I onoi many inhabitants in their houses a
by' did damage to the amount of $ T 0,000 ,
Exireincsof SpnlalionWcroilic Rnlo
on Change Yesterday ,
There was a Frantic Unloading of
Long Wheat
Which iad Dropped Eicht Oonts
Under the Pricps of Tuesday ,
The Corn Market was Dull and
Heavy on Begnlar Board ,
Oaltlo Trade was Slow Hogs
Suffered a Sharp Decline ,
1'rovlsloiiB Take Another Tumble
P < irk Prop * HO Cant
lioril Bonio Higher ,
Special telegram to the BKK.
CHICAGO , April 1C. The extremes of speo-
ulatton were witnessed in the trading on
change to-day. The tegular session wns
marked by great weakness , A frantic un
loading of "long"whcat and BOIIIO evidence of
henvy short telling , This was duo to the
peaceful tjnor of the cables , and the report
thnt the czar hod personally sought an amlc-
nulo understanding with England. The mar
ket for June wheat dropped to 87fio or nearly
eight ccnta under the high prices Tuesday.
The reaction wns groat.In the afternoon
when official denial from Gladstone in the
house of commons it become known nnd the ,
market rallied nearly two cents from the hot- I
torn with a strong fooling on the curb , Ro- II
celpts were smaller , with larger clearings f I
from Seaboard. Crop reports do not improve II
In tone but all el > o snvt > war appears to bo ignored -
norod by traders.
market was dull and heavy on regular board ,
but the greater portion of the decline , was re
covered in tbo afternoon. Large receipts and
the severe declinn in the other markets ,
affected oats , and the market foil of l@2a but
the greater portion cf the decline was recov
fell off heavily , twain declined 35@40c on the
regular board , but rallied 20 : on the afternoon
board. :
ruled 7 J@103 lower.
Afternoon Board , Wheat strong nnd
higher on the denial that Euglnnd had made
ovoiturei toward peace , closing nt 87c for
May ; 89898o for June. Corn , J@go
higher. Oats , A@8o higher. 1'ork 20o higher.
Lard , 67Jo lnghcr. On the curb June
wheat was quoted nt Slljjc.
Receipts were ngaln liberal , Buyers made
an effort to break prices this morning and for
a time trade was slow and values weak , but
later there was n bettor demand and the gen
eral market rallied a trille and nt the close
there was little or no change as compared
- with yesterday. The general market is by no
- moans strong and the slightest boar pros
pects wonld aend prices a few loads o . Any
heavy floors mndo 555 ! )2i@U ) 03 , but the bulk
of fat steers that formerly were class
ified 0.3 exported nro remaining round
, 35 20@5 75. Steers good enough for Liver
pool nro selling at 4 00@5 00 and thereabouts.
while low grades continue to cell around
, about $4 5U@4 75 , Butchers stock active
- and firm ; stackers and feeders slow ; low
grades 25@30c lower than eight or ten days
, aeo , One car of stock calves sold for about
$14 per head ; 1.050 to 10'J , ' pounds , $4 00 ®
5 2' ' ; 1,200 to 1,350 prunds , 95 25@D 00 ;
1,400 to 1,600 pounds , $5 uOfgO 00 ; butchers
- common , ? 2 00@8 25 ; good , $3 -54 50 ;
Toxnni , 84 00(35 ( 20 ; stockers and feeders ,
- $3 D0@4 G5.
Tbero was a steady decline of JO@lCc of all
grades this morning and for n while salesmen
. rushed their property over tbo scales with n
headlong rush , as though this was the last
chance they would ever have of making n sale.
The general market steadied up and values
were a shade firmer. There were catalogues
ot causes for tl o decline , the war feeling was
, at a low ebb , the grain and provision
markets were lower , and the
average speculator * . who were lower
had been blowing the bull was to-day a
growling bear , but the prime cause of the
break and big increase in receiptr , being
about 45.000 more than for the same time last
week , Common and rough packers sold
CHICAQO , April 1C , 10 A. M. On curb last
evening there was a lovoro revulsion from the
war feeling which still prevailed amcng wheat
. trader ? , and June wheat wl ich closed on board
at 91J , was reported to have been told in
offices nt 89J. This morning despite the gen
eral current of peace talk as quoted in London
Into cablet ) , British consols were posted lower and
Englifh grain markcti were quoted firm
with full advance at prices demanded ,
This served to strengthen wheat
to at opoalng and June was quoted at ! KJ ) with
for tome reported sales at ! > lc , but there was a
ed full difference of 1 of a cent in different parti
of the pit. The selling movement was very
inhe arge. however , and market quickly declined
he ; o 8 ! i. There was a rally to DOe , now 8c. ! )
111 Corn took the same course and is quoted at
Kip for June. Oats , It If ) for June. Pork ,
11 00 for June. Lard , 7 OL'J for June.
CHICAGO , April 1C , 11 A. M.-About 10:30 :
ere the market began to display increasing signs
ast of heaviness and June wheat , which hod ad
vanced to 90J , broVe off rapidly to KSJ. There
, is a growing belief that u truce will be de
in clared between England nnd Russia. The
ave market IB now about f > U with very heavy trad
ing in Juno , Corn -1GJ Juno. Oats 31 June.
Pork 11.75. '
ille Tbero whoeo gifts
iris are twenty persons
and to American colleges aggregate over
1123 ,
tire en. ) CD ft ere
cofiere recognized ,
io deafer aTfe
Smoking Tobacco.