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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1885)
T'I'TIM I THE DAILY BEE---THUJRSDAY , APKIL 16 , 1885. JOHN NAGLE , ancouwo * TO ' HASTINGS & NAGKL , Wholesale Produce , And Commission. Ho , 386 Mladay St. . , DEHEB , COL So icit Consignments nud guar antee quick sales and prompt re turns. Give us a trio ! , References Brndstrcet's or Dung Agencies ; and German National Bnnk , Denver. Woofs MUSEUM-THEiTEK , ( Koimerly Academy ct Music ) S. A. LIUE8IACII ) & CO. , Proprietors Oou J. II. WOOD , - Manager MONDAY , TUHSUAY & WEDNESDAY April lath , 14th nnd ICth , MR. J. W. BURTON , Supported by Moitlmcr & Weaver's Star Dra- matlo Company , in I'J THURSDAY , FRIDAY nnd SATURDAY Aptil 10th , 17th and 18th , VIGALANTES , Chtngo o ! stage performance thrco Umci a neck. JPAXiACJB MUSEUM Will contain Freaks of Nature nnd Curiosi ties from all parts of the world , being n eclou- tlfio and moral ozhibiticn , Eatlro change every week of curiosities , A lloaort for Ladies , A Resort for Children Museum open from 1 p. m. to 11 p. m , Thontor Matlnco daily , 2 p , m. , and night , iSote ADMISSION lOcts Sacred Concert Sunday afternoon nud ovo- ning. Ridge'a ' Food irJUfind the $1.75 the most economical tie to butDruygiiti should keep it , but < / you cannot procure thin tile of i/our / Drug- < ] i t send the amotml irith full address tc \\-ooMch \ \ Co. . J'al incr , Mais. , anil thei , will oricard a tan , ex press pant. St , Charles Hotel , 0 ETUEET , BET 7th and 8tb , LINCOLN , NED , Mrs. Kato Coakly , Propriotoroee. jrjrNowIy and elegantly furnlehed. Good samp ! < rooma on Qrst floor. fayTorma $1.50 to 82 pot day. Special ratea frivol members cf the IculslRturo. novlO-1 rn-infi J. F. SEGER , . HANUFACTURRR Ot Harness Saddles AS Ono ol thi most complcto stocks ot Harncaa Saddloj , Whips , Brushes , Iloiee Clothing , etc. bund. 118 N. Iflth St. , Bet Dodge and Capita. venue. m9edlinlp Pilsner . . . - * Bohotniau . - . . . - . . - - * - - DOMESTIC. Buiivrfciaer 3t. Basfc'a. . . . _ B shlitz-Pilsnor Me , Poster , Domestic and Rhin Wine ! m MATJREE , 1213 1'arnani S tg.CAPITAL rillZB , S75.000. TlOKKTS ONLY S5. SllAllKS IN 1'KOrOIlTIO ! Louisiana State Lottery Oompan ; "We da hereby ccrti/if that wa snperviie the a raniementi/or all the Monthly and Semt-Annui Drauingt of the iouuiano State Lottery Coinpan ami in person inanaqe and control the Dtainn. themttlw , ami that the tame are conducted ml hoiuttu , fairness and in good faith toward all pa titi , and uf authorize the eotnpan'j ' to use thin ee tificate , irith fac-iiimlet of our ti naturea attaint in iti adccrtitementt. ' COMMISSIONERS. Incorporated ID 1B83 ( or 25 years by the leglalitui lor eduoatlonal and charliablo purposna with caplUl ot $ l,000OCO-to which ft rcsorvo ( undol OT | 6W 000 ha Blno been ddcd. By c ovirwhelmlnif popular vote Its Iranchl was made a part ol the prevent etato oonstltutit adopted Deoenibcr 2J. A. U. 1B70. The only lottery ever voted on and endorsed t the peuplaot § ny state H noT r soaloi or jtostponoa , Hi ircand ilnglo number drawings tallo pu monthly. A 8M.KKDID orroRnnnrr TO wit * yoHTtmB. Ytr GKAXD DUAWIKO , CLASS K. w TUB Acicnur or Mua : Niw ORLiil.8 , TuuoiT , MAT 12 , 1685 , 1RO Moimn DRAWIXO. CAPITAL PRIZE , $75,000 100,000 Tickets at (5 each , Fractions , i Fifths , in proportion. list or riuuiai 1 Capital Pfite , . f 7i,0 1 do rte , ZS,0 1 da do , 10,0 2Prli of , . . b I'rlie. ot 2,000 . > 10' ° 101'riio of 1,0(0 . 1 ° > ° SO lrl BOt 600 . JO.O 100 I'riw ot ZOO . , . 20.C 800 i'rliw ot 100 . W,0 600 1'ritca ot M , . 25,0 10001'iUe * ot 25 . 6,0 ArraoiimriOK PRIUS. 0 Approilm\tioa 1'tliM ol $760 . 0,7 0 do rte WO . . . i.t B do do SO . ? , ! J007 Prlcee , imountlDg to . . . . . (245,6 Application ( or r > tei to cluU ehoulJ be tn&deoo to tbeotHot ol tb Company In New Orleans , For further Information write clearly .giving ( i kddrcw. POSTAL NO IKS , EipreM Money Orders , New York Kiehange In ordinary IctUr , Ourren by Kipreu ( all luins ol | 5 and upward ] i out c U. A. DAUPHIN , Or U. A. DAUPHIN , J1 " 'ISVS' D 807 Serenth Bi. , Waihlnzton D. C , Ifake I' 0. Honey Orders payable and addii KewOrleuii , I. R. RBSDON , BKPRESEMXSI { tonlx InraanM Co. , London , Oath A U WeatcbeaterN.Y.AtMti 1,000,1 TbilIerchuiUolK * aikKJ.Ai6atl . . . . 1 , < TI OUwd rtre , PhlIadelphU.A wU 1,100,1 New lUmpeUn CM Aw t , , . . _ _ _ . 1,0181 "Maryland , My Maryland , " * * wives Prolty , Lovely daughters and noble men. " "My * rm Hos In a rather low and ml- aitnatlo titaailon. nnd "Mywlfo ! " "Who ? " "SVas a very proty blondol" Tircntyy oars ago , bosamo "Hollowoyodl" "WUhoroo and aged ! " Btforo her time , from "Malarial vapors , though aho made no particular complaint , not being of the grnmpy kind , jot causing mo great unoa < slnoas. "A shott ttmo ngo I purchased your remedy for ouo of the children , who had a very eovoro attack of billoutnora , and It ocoor/od to mo that the romcdy might help my wife , as I found that our little girl upon rose voting had "Loat ! " "Her oallownoea , and lonkod na fresh M a aow blown daisy. Well , the atory la aoon told. My wife , to-day , has gain ed her old time beauty ttith bompound Intorcat , nnd la now na haudsomo a mat ron ( If 1 do say It myself ) as can bo found in thin county , which Is noted for pretty women. And I have only Hop Blttm to thank aor It. "Tho dear creature juat looked ovormy ohouldor , and says ' 1 can flatter equal to the d ya of our courtship , ' and that ro- rntnda mo there might bo moro pretty wives If my brother farmers would do aa I have demo. " Hoping you may lone ; bo spared to d good , I thankfully to main , 0. L , JAMES , Boltivlllo , Prlnco George Co. , Md. May Slnh , 1883. None genuine without a bunch ol frrocn Hops on the white label. Bhunall the \ile , poisonous etuQ wltli "Hop" or "Hopa" In tholr name. The finest tonic .for nervous people I jllos tetter's atom- | ach lilttcrs , which In 8UTC9 poitcit dl- Rcttlon andasslm'U- ' tlonand the nctho peilonninco ot their functions by tha lv. crud bowels. As tbo system acquires tone through the In fluence ot this benign mcd cine , the nerves grow stronger anil mnro tranquil , head. nchoa ccasc.tnd that namclcsi anxiety which U a peculiar ity ol the dyspeptic , gives fty to cheer' Iulno'3. To establish _ _ _ . health on n sure foundation , ute the poetlcsj ln\lorant. ( For Bale bv all DrugB'stB ' and Ucalerg generally. _ THE BEST THING OUT FOK Washing & Bleaching In Hard or Soft , Hot or Cold Water. SAVKS LABOR , TIUE nnd SOAP AMAZ OLY , and glvi universal satisfaction. No family rich or poor thou ! bo without It. Sold by all ftrocerf. BKWARR ol Imitations well d elgnoI to mislead. PRARLISB Is the ONLY BIKK l bi eavlnp ; compound and always bears the abo\o BJT xlaud uatnont JAMES PYLB NEW YOKK. THE ONLY KXOLTJfclVE Ul TV OMAfT * Nltn ItEMiiuvl'iiti' . Avlttlmof jrouthullmnruieno ( ciuiiDB frtmatnre Decajr , Nerroui . . . Debility , , Lo > t JUnbood , dc.liaTlne tried la Tdin ticry nown ML " ' - > UK'"H * * la npbroclislac , arou os activity , positive cures lunwtoiiev. Io _ enerKyu rvon8Uob : Ity , all weakness ofgrucrutlvu Bystcin.either BO il livmaU. .1. lI.AV rn tr.aiQ7 Btat Kt..ClilCU Ofi AHA SAVINGS BANK Cor. 18th and Douglas Sts. Capital Stock , - - - 1150,00 Liability of Stockholders , 300,00 FiY6 Per Cent Interest Pail OB Pepsi LOANS UADE ON SEAL ESTA1 Direct Men Think they know all about Mustang L5n > iment. Few do. Not to know is not to have , POOR JIM COCKTAII , An Execution and Tilings Ttcrcnulc Appertaining. How aShcrirrCaiiRht on to n. Wooden M n The Good U o Ho mill Ilia Aids Made of It , Now York Evening Telegram. "Sheriff , " aild the jillor , "I think it It ttmo to awaken the condemned man. It is a quarter to eight o'clock nnd tbo oxo- cation , la fixed for eight. There is juat tlmo for him to mnko his toilet. " "Yos , you nra right , for the crowd t becoming Impatient , " said Shorlfl D w- son , as ho glanced toffard the sqnarj op posite the window. The equnro wna fall of people. All the Inhabitants of the town of Waterford swarmod-thoro about the gallowa. Their cariosity was justified , for poor Cocktail , the condemned man , who waa to bo hanged , wai an exceptionally Intcroitlng porsonngo. What hla real name waa no one scorned to know , but as Jim Cocktail ho wan known and feared throughout the Intoiior pact of the Lone Star stato. For two years previous io his capture ho hud terrltiod Texas. There was no kind of ctlmo that ho had not committed , and , as ho was an ocoontrlc , there was always something original in his exploit ] , Ono day , after having robbed the safe of lich binkor , ho locked himself in his tafo. Three hours later the unfortunate maa was discovered squatting like a t.\l- lor in his confined prison and completely exhausted by his efforts to summon help. Many of the robberies committed by Jim Gocktail'o baud gave ovidciico , in the tools loft behind , that there was a very clover mechanician among thorn. On hla trlnl Jim Cocktail , while persis tently rcfuiiag to natno his accomplices , who were still at liberty , confesasd his crimes with unbecoming cynicism. Ho acknowledged that ho was both n robber and an nuasiln. The jury , without a dissenting voice , condemned him to death. Ho received Ilia verdict with a shrug of the shoulders , saying that his execution would bo remembered by nil. That acoonntod for the unprecedented excitement In Watorford. At the win- down opening on the square the shorlil recognized all the notiblo persons of the town , and especially his betrothed , the charming Miss Dixie , a young lady of the "boat society" of Wnterford , who was to become his wife in about a week , and who displayed extreme Bollcltudo to bo correct In everything. "Above all , " she tald to ho * future husband , "lot your execution of Jim Cocktail bo corrcst. This is the firat tlmo I have been Invited by you to witness n hanging , and I know I aball not be able to mairy you If you do net carry out with success in every respect the trust which your fellow cili/.sns have confided to you. " In obedience to the insiructionn of the sliorlil , tbo jailer took from his belt a largo bunch of keys , and , followed by half n dczaa men employed m the prison and by the sheriff himself , ho led the way to the call of the condemned man , situated ot the end of a dark corridor al Iho back of the jail. Jim Cocktill , his form lying extended on the bed , bin fao to the wall , ssomet to bo sleeping soundly. "Mr. Cocktail , " said the nherlf politely , "it lacks but ten minutes of J j'clock. Now , yon know jour exocutini , s fixed for eight. All the best peopli jf Waterford are already hi the tqaare and I dare say that your execution wil bo amostbrllliantalTair. Bo good enough .herofore , to get up so a3 not to keo ] heao gentlemen waiting. " Jim Cocktail did not move. "There ara alee a number of lidieo litho the square , " added the sheriff , who wa becoming slightly vexed , "and surol ; you would not lira them by your de " 'ay- ' - 'ay"Shako him , Binco he pretends not t hear. If he intendu this ns a jest It 1 .11 timed , " said the sheriff , severely. The jiiler obeyed and seized Jfr Cocktail by the shoulder , but ho at one released his hold , uttering a cry of astoi lohmont and elevating hh lingo py < brown until they aoemed almost to joi hla hair. "Sheriff ! Sheriff ! " he exclaimed , "th : la a wooden man. " The sheriff throw hlmsalf upon Jii Cocktail and found to his dlamay that h had been addressing , net the cjndomne man , but a manikin made of paeteboar and wood , which had been secretly pi in hla placa. But who had done Ihii Presently the sheriff found in ono of th manikin's hands the following lottci which he read to hh frightened men- : Excuse mo if I decline to ba hanged h you , Important affairs demand my attoi tion , nnd I RO to rejoin my comrades wh have helped me to escape. It you like , yo can hang the manikin which 1 leave in m place , and which my friends passe J throng the window , the bars of which I Bawei Yours truly , JIM COCKTAIL , Theaherifflo * , the letter fall from h hands , and glanced toward the wlndov Ho saw that two largo bars had bee eawn. A moment of alienee followed. A wore dumbfounded. Tha sheriff fore an' that thia unfortunate occurrence woul end In the breaking off of hlaeiigagomei to Miss Dixie , and the jailor and hta a slatanta saw that they would prob&bl loao their positions. What was 10 t done ? "Suppose wo hang the manikin , a < i th rascal baa suggested , " said the jaile who was a shrewd and crafty follow. "How can you think of ill" exclalme the dlttractcd sheriff. "How could n manage the march to the gallows ? " "Wo could carry him in our arms , i if he wore overcome by fear , " said tt jailor. "The hair and beard are of tt saruo color as Jim Cocktail's , and tt , people will not discover the trick. Li us make haito , for the hour for oxecatlc has arrived. It is striking eight now , " There was not a minute to ba lot thoto was no time for reflection. B < aides the sheriffs firat thought was I avoid any trouble that might prevent h marriage , BO ho gave his consent to tl : jailor's proposition. Five minutes later the doora of tl : prison wore thrown open , and the po sotsicn made ltd appearance with tt sheriff at Its head. Then came the < flo gyman , who waa reading the aervici while in hla heart deploring the mul obstinacy of the criminal. After hi came the pseado Jim Cocktail hlmael berne In the anna of two of the koepe of the prlaon , hla llmba dragging 111 thoao of a man irho had lost hta sanso Other employes of the prlton brought t the rear of the proceta'ou. On aoelng the pitiable condition < Jim Cocktail , the crowd murmured , nt hlaioa nere heard ai ho was lifted to t ! scaffold. Thia wai not acoompllihi without a good deal of trouble. Fortu ately , tha sheriff waa cheered by a giant from Mi * Dixie expressing her entli cautldence In him , , The sheriff w s ia one of thosa poi tirni in which It is neceeaaiy to have n caurco to audacity. Ho advanced to the edge of the platform and addresiod the crowd. "Lsdloa nnd gpntlomon , " ho laid , "Mr Cacktall bus deiired mo to preecnt hti excuses to yon , Ilo awoke in n very nervous condition Ihii morning , and foi that reason hla bearing for the past fox minutes has not been all that it should hare been. Ho haa , however , promised mo ( hat ho will dlo like a trtia man , and I promisn yen that ho will keep hi ! word. " Then the sheriff , taking a position in front of Jim Cocktail , whom two keep- era held uptight on the platform , placed the rope around hii neck , but in exe cuting tills movement ho touched a opting concealed in the beard of the manikin , and then occurred a frightful accident , such aa had never boon known before in the history of capital executions. There was a slight toand like that by a clock about to strike , and then the strains ol dance music were hoard coming from the body of Jim Cocktail , who suddenly be gan to dance a jig over the trap in the gallows. The sheriff , hii malstimts and the clergyman swooned with fright. The manikin of Jim Costall , which had evidently bjoii constructed by a clovot mechanism belonging to the ontlaw'o band was a musical automaton , and had boon wound up and made ready to work whenever the spring in the neck wa ; pressed. Biliousness Is very prevalent at this season , the symptoms being bitter taato , offensive broath. coated tongue , slok headache , drowsiness , dizziness , leas of nppetito. If thia condition la allowed io continue , eorlous consequences may follow. By promptly taking Hood'a S.uoaparilln , a fever may bo avoided or premature death prevented. It Is a positive cure for blllionsnoaa. Sold by all druggists , Eden , Now York Times. . Iho theory that the garden of Eden was situated in Asia Minor has boon re jected by many eminent men. Christo pher Columbus maintained that Eden w&a situated on the top of a mountain in GuUna , and he would have vlalted It had tlmo and money permitted. Thia opinion waa not , atrongo as it may seem , regarded ai heretical , for the church ac cepted Columbus' theory that the Mcsilc account of a garden planted eastward , on the banks of the Euphrates , could bo rec onciled with scientific proof that the garden was , in point of fact , planted on a South American mountain , Perhaps it was oiaioi to reconcile science and reli gion in the time of Columbus than it is now ; for wo may be very sare that a pro fessor in a Southern Presbyterian theolgi- cal seminary who should adopt the theory hold by Columbus would bo promptly tried for heresy. A now theorist has jast written a book to prove that Eden was situated precise ly at the north polo. Ho claims that at the time of tbo creation of Adam the north polo enjoyed n delightful cllmato , free from malaria , and wonderfully adapt ed to pereons an ( fa ring from rheumatism , consumption , dyspepsia , Brlght's dis ease , broken legs and all other dlaoasea of the throat and lungs. It is hla opin- on that immediately after the fall oi idam there was a teeming population at bo pole , and that the diliercnt races oi mankind emigrated from that region ID eparato streams to populate America , Suropo , Asia , and the rest of the world , 'hoy carried with them tha seoda of al valanWo plAutn and RDBCJmui1 * ° E all de- Irablo animals , and when the wucK oi lopulatlng the uloba had been complete : , ho garden of Eden waa suddenly frozet lalid , BO that it might be preserved in ici until a late period in the history of tb earth. Of caureo the inventor of thii theor ; lolds that an expedition should proceei : o the pole and annex the Garden o Eden to the United States without delay It is , however , probable that few object of any pecuniary value are now 1 < \ th uardon. Ooly the refoso seeds and ani mala were left thor'o after the last grco migration , and olthong'a naturalist would bo interested in finding a nei snake or a cat with two beads , there 1 no general demand for now anlmak The fatal tree of whose fruit Adam an Ere unwisely ate may atlll bo in the gai den , but if so it should bo cut down th moment it is discovered and burned t ashes , lost another diaftstrjus attempt t eat iti apples should bo mado. C course the walh of the garde are still standing , but the angel wit the 'two-edged .s ord must long ag have been relieved and taken hia awor with him , for no angel lightly clad I white robes could endure the pleasiri cllmato of the north polo. It would be it teresting to find Adam's hoc and h ! patent reaping mnchine , but the latte mnit bo out of order by this tlmo , and i all probability it has been broken up fc the sake of the old Iron by wanderin Ejqulmanx. On the whole , if the gai den of Eden is nt the north pole It woul noc bo worth wbilo to find it , for whil as a discovery it would bo entirely nai lees , there can bo litlte doubt that an c fort would ba made to erect a mnnumor to Adam In the centre of the garden , an that committees for the next two contu , would bo constantly dunning tl : puolic for subacrlptlona to the buildlt : fund. Caught by aa Octopus. A diver who was tr/ing to find pear oft the Alaska coast , found none , bi found himself , all of a sudden , in tli grasp of an ugly octopus with urn twenty-aoven feet long. Such an oxpi rienSb is rare ; but there are thousands c people who are caaght bdyspepsli which la quite aa had. An oitopus huti to let go. So does dyspepsia. Brown Iron Bitters aettlea dyspepsia , and maki It loose its cruel grip , Mrs. Sohmlc and her daughter , of 136 Oonway stree Baltimore , were both oared of dyapopsl by the uio of Brown'a Iron Blttera , Between the Act * . Detroit Journal. "Too bad I had to go out to sea thi ticket-seller about seats for next week , he remarked to hla now wife as he aoatc hlmtelf down after a. trip down-atalra b tween acts ; "the affair qnito alipped n mind as wo came In. Were you nnnoyei my dear ? " "Oh no , I didn't mind In tbo least , thank you. I was qal busy working on a mental problem "And what waa that , lovel" "Wl : they call the froni certain tbo drop , " ' aee. Did you succeed ? " "Yes. I tlifa I got the correct anawer. " "And th ; waa " "Bucauao o many men ( out for a drop when It la down , my dear Kept Hla Friends From Sleeping , Mr. F. 0. McOlearof Waahlngt c D , C. , the prominent solicitor of pate n waa troubled for several weeka with a s vere cough , which not only deprived hi of alecp bat annoyed others. The on thing which cared him , bo a&ya. waa tl new preparation Jlad Star Cough Cure , purely vegetable compound , free fro oplatei. Ira. OlomonH Talka About Her Son "Mark Twain1 tTho mother of Maik Twain , who li ighty-two years of ago , and living at kookuk , Iowa , has recently boon Inter- lowed : "Sam waa always a good-heart- d boy , " said Mrs. Clemens , "but he WDS a very wild and mischievous one , nd , do wlut wo would , wo could novet make him go to school. This used to rouble hia father and mo drcatfally , nd wo were convinced that ho would over amount to aa much in the world a his brothers , bocanao ho was not neat o steady and sober-minded aa they woro. " "I auppca : , Mrs. Clemens , that 'our son in hla boyhood daya somewhat eaomblod his own Tom Sawyer , and .hat a fellow-feeling la what made him so clnd to the many hilr-brondth cacopadea f that celebrated youth ? " 'Ab , no , " replied the old lady with a merry tniuklo in her eye , "ho waa more like Huckleberry Finn and 'om Sawyer. Often hla father would tart him off to school , and in a little whllo would follow him to ascertain his whereabouts. There- was a largo ctump u the way to the aohool-houso , and Sam would toke hla position behind that , and s his lather wont peat would gradually Irclo around In such a way as to keep ut of sight. Finally his father and the cachor both said it was of no uio to try o teach Sam anything , bocansa ho was etormlncd not to learn. But I never rave up. Ho was always a great boy for ijatory , and could never got tired of that dad of reading , bat ho hadn't ' any use or shool-houaca and tp\t books. " ( Ilerald , Sanford , Mo , March 2. ) Tnomns Donovnn , a monitor of the 1'rovl- enco do ilepurtmuut , la nnuthtr of the mnny ortunato New 32nglnnd mea who have drawn irlzes in the Little Ilavautk Lottery , ( Gould ; Co'd ) in the past few years , ho being tha ortunato holder of ticket No. 5322 , which row the capital priza in tha drawing of Feb. 3d ult. ( Telegram , Providence , 11.1. , March 4 , ) Mr. Thomas J. Donovan , the lucky man ho drew a prlzo in the Little Havana Lot- , ory , received hia onoyin full § 3,000 by Idami Express thirty-two hours after the an. ouncement of his good fortune. Ho called ; the Telegram office tint rooming to verify te above statement , and hia happy , smiling ace attested to hia being the possessor of uito a little boodlo. Hundreds of Pounds of Checks , The business of the United States nub- easury during the month of March traa ho greatest In volume of which any ocord exists. Among the traneactions were the payment of 181,900 chocks , ono for an amount exceeding § 1,000 10 aggregate of theao checks reaching 10 enormous total of § 8,390,630 05. 'ho weight of the canceled chocks Is GIG isunds , and pressed in bundles and piled ogether they reach a height of over 77 set. The payments represented by the necks were almost exclusively for pen- ana and interest upon the 4J : psr cent > onds. VANDALISM. An Exhibitor nt the 'World's Fair Smashes His Offering. NEW ORLEANS , April 9. A case of malicious vandalism was committed at the exposition to-day , which has created great excitement there. Ono of the prettiest displays of the exposition was that of Colorado , representing a econo In the park region of that state , with the mountain of the Holy Cress in tbo < H ' tance. It was a perfect minUtnro reproduction of Oolotad ( euenory , with railroads , bridges trestles , farms , orchards and foresti a good pleco of painting and carpenter 'i work , and haa been admired by thoneandf The work was mainly owned by D. _ S Crimes , who came hero from Denver wit ] Hr. Sickles , the Colorado ommlaslonor Clio understanding waa that Grimes wa ; o ba paid for his work In ciso the atoti ot Colorado rnado an appropriation in ait of the exposition. No such approprla ion baing made Grimes only receive ! : ialf his money , and waxed wroth , ani to dty gratlfiad his rage by completed destroying the exhibit. Appearing a he exposition at midnight , ho In formed the policeman on duty thcra tba : i9 had been Instructed to alter the tab leaux. No objection being made there to , ho proceeded to break It all to pieces ind In a few hours had damaged it s that It will bo impossible to restore it After accomplishing this f oat ho left , am nts not been found , but orders have beei Issued to arroac him as soon as found fo malicious miaenlef. Mr. Sickles , com miBalonor from Colorado , is absent on vieit to the jetties , and cannot be BOPH It la not possible , however , to romcd ; the Injury done , and the exhibit , prob ably the mcst popular In the goycrnmon building , will never bo EOBH again. Ttio I'rliithiK of Jt'ostngo Stamps. For twelve years the contracts undo which postage ( stamps have been mad and supplied to the government , bav contained a specification that "thes'amp must bo printed on hnnd-rollor prestos. The specification had the eflect of keep Ing out of competition parties who hav facill ics for doing the work jua aa well and oven morj cheaply o steam proeea * . The bureau of prlutln and engraving haa used steam prc cjss for Eoveral yeaw , yat haa neve printed any of the poatago stamps. Th contract lot four yeara ago expires o Juno 30 next , When It was made , owln to the clause mentioned , there was n competition , and there would have boo none this year but for the poatmastt'i ' general's decltion to abrogate that apoc ficatlon. Mr. Vila * ' attention WAS callo to the matter by Homer Leo , of No York , and it was referred to Amiatai : Foitrnaster General Hazen , who , afte conferring with the exparth of the troi sary department and of the bureau c Public Engraving an to the merita c ateam printing and tbo steam presses i use by the government , advised that moio extended competition ba permittee The coat of postage stamps has been r < duced from 25 cents per thousand stamp twelve yeara ago , to 0.19 cents , the prk paid under the present contiact. Th admission of steam preaaea Into com petition will probably enable th department to make a great rt dnctlon oven on this rate. The contrai amounts to about $200,000 a year , Th Governments of Germany , Ilatala an Sweden are using steam preaaea "In ill manufactura of postage stamp ! . Th estimated amount of stamps to bo use is based on the number Issued durin 1884 , which traa as follows : Ordinal 2'Sent stamps , 1,452,315,150 ; nowtpapi and periodical ttampj , 2,103,385 ; posl age duo atampi , 12,040.270. It it ah estimated that 6.000,000 of the no 10 cent special delivery stamps will 1 required next year. Forthe first time in twelve yeara Was ! ington society possesses a vlca president wife , Manufacturers of wood mosaic awe that they have found by eiperlmen tbat hard maple on end Is from four five times ai durable aa marbloand equs ly as durable ai the hardest baked til CHAS. SHIVERICK , FURNITURE UPHOLSTERY -AND DUPERIES , I'AMcnper Klcwntor to nil floori. 1200 , 1208 nnd 1210 Fntnam Street , OMAIIA , NKUllASKA , ' OTJTH OMAHA. The Advantage of Settling in tha New Tow a The title "South Oninlm" dovanot mean thn nouthern part of tlio city of Omnha.lmt is the nnmo of thn tin Ivine town commencing nt the Union Stock ynrds on Uio aouth , nnd extend ing for n milo nnd n half north , nearly connecting with thocity limits of Omnhn , The company have ixgnin concluded to putonnnlo 1,000 lot" , nnd let the purchniora of the fnmo renli/.o the profit which the tnhnncad value of thcso loU Is Riiro to intko , It now being an augured fact that South Omnha is destined In the uo r futnro to bo the largest live stock mnrkot west of Chicago , tbcro cm bo no doubt tint thic property In n few year * will bo worth five or o\cn ton times the amount that it can bo bought for to-day. Some may asks If this Is so , why dc not the company keep it nnd ronlizo this profit The nnswcr li , that In order to mnko lots valuable , there must bo Improvements on or aur rounding thorn , nnd ns is the 00.10 in all now town ? , apodal inducements rmut bo olfero.l nt Fust to set the panplo to Uko hold nnd build. There nro probably moro such inducements offered by South Dunlin thivu were over put forth by any now town. Tbo largo business done by the stock yards company and the im mense slaughter nut ) packing houses together with their nuxllnnca nro no ( null fo tura m the aggregate of events thnt nro destined to make South Onnli\ largo placa. Ag tin , the town is not n addition to Umnhn , nnd is not liable for city taxo * , although It onjoyj tilt the bauofiti from the growth of Omaha that it would if It were juit INSIDE the city limit * , but baitu jiut OUTSIDK , only countr tnxoa nrocollostoJ , which nro merely nomlnnl , Tha town owns mnl operates its own wntor works , vhich furnish nu nbund'int supply of pnro spring wator. Dam. my trains will rim on the 15. It M , nnd.U. 1' . railways every hour , stopping nt tin north etui of thn town nito ns well nnnt tha stock yards , The Thirteenth street horao car a will run to Hnsonll'a park this spring , nnd to the stock yards nt no distant day. The high nltitu Io makes the location n healthy otic. Of course thora nre those who do not believe that South Omaht will amount ; t ) much. Tuts kind of people dtdu'c believe Chicago would over ba anything bjttoc than n cranlurry bog , that Unuth.a would cvor outgrow her villngii clothes , that thora navor oiuld bl auy fruit rnlsod In Nebraska , etc. , etc. Who inado tt win ? The scsptics , or thaao tint hatl na abiding faith m the energy , intelligence nnd rosouracs of this great country ? For Information , map , prices nnd terms npplv nt the company's office , 210 S. Thirteenth street , MoruliAiitV National Bank Building , first lloor. 31. A. UPTON. Asst. Sec'i YOUNWho Who have trifled away their youthful vigor mid power Who lire suffering train terrible drains nnd losses , w h o are weak , IMPOTENT , nndnntltfornmri rlu O.BJ | | R J.ofillagcswhollntl their | U | & nj power : > 'ul vital itv , iBlLl ncrvo ami SKX- U AL STJIKNGTII weakened , whether by EXCKSS orcnrly habits CAX if"efve : i positive & last ing CO3E , J 'O matter of how long standing your case may bo , or who has failed to cure you , ! > y a few weeks or months use of the celebra ted [ VJyrtlcain Treatment. At home , ithintt exposure , in less Uineaiul for LESS money than any other method in the world. Weak back , Headache. EMISSIONS , lassitude , IOFS of spirits anil ambition , gloomy ihoughts , dreadful dreams , defeetivo memory , Impotence , impediments to marriage , epilepsy and many other symptoms loading to Consumption nnd Ensanity , are promptly removed by the MYKTLEAIN TllEAT lENT. MARRIED MEN , AND MEN ABOUT TO MARRY , REMEMBER , PERFECT SEXUAL STKEXGTII MEANS ; healthy and vigorous offspring , long life and the love and respect of a faithful wife. No man should ever marry who have been guilty of early indescrctionountil he has been restored to PEIl- PECT MANHOOD. We guarantee a permanent cure in every case undertaken. Scud 2 stamps for treatise with proofs d testimonials. Address The Climax Medical Co , St. Louis , Mo. A Full Aesortment of Air and Kiln Dried Walnut , Cherry , Ash , Butternut , Yellow Poplar , lledwocd , etc Hardwood and Poplar Panel , Hardwood Flooring , Wagon Stock , at.iir BuIldeiB1 Material , Red Cedar Post * , Common Oak Dimonnion nnd Bridge Timbers , Cedar Boards for moth proof clo > etpLtc , Veneers , Fancy Woods S.W.Cor.Dfcliaiid Douglas. WHOLESALE BY ] L , A STEWART ft 101 Jones Bti net } ASK FOB BED OROS3 \ OMAHA NES THE LEADING CARRIAGE FACTORY 1409 and 141 1 Dodee St. 1 " ssr } Omaha He ft A. LINDQUEST CO. 12OG Fiirnani Street , mmm mam mm FineTailors Wish to announce that they have irom this time marked down ALL GOODS , and will for the next 60 days , make a reduction of 10 per cent. Overcoats , Suits and Pants well made and sure fitNow is the time to buy GOOD CLOTHES AT LOW PRICES