Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 16, 1885, Page 5, Image 5

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Talenls That Might Haye AM Any
Sphere Turned to EM
A Noted Crook Who Dazzled
And Entranced Thousands With
His Poetry , Passed Through
Omaha !
JIowJHc Wooed , AVon , Married , Kob-
bed , Ocsortcd , Itpjolncil , Boat
and Fled With A Lovely
Cincinnati Woman ,
* * > . "IllmUtifconot , ! know yon in Ohlhua
hna ; you arc Ilarry Tracy ; how nto you and
where nro you going ? ' ' waa the groollng
of n BEE roproeontativo yesterday aa ho
stopped into the depot at Council Blnffj ,
where ho had just nirivod by the dummy
train from Omaha , knowing Tracy was
pasilnR through. The BKE man waa
right ; it was Harry Tracy , and that
splendidly dressed fcmalo , with an eye
bandaged , was Harry "a wife.
Would you llko to know who Harry
Tracy is , good reader ? If ao , read on ,
for ho will vouch for these facts , ozcapt
BO far aa hey tend to criminate him , and
oven thoao ho will not deny to & naws-
paper man whom ho can trust.
About aovon yoara ago , when the min
ing fever was at its height in the Rocky
Mountain nectton , and every village this
aide of How York city had Its one or
twenty mining stock oflicos for the aalo
ol fortunes ( on paper ) , a young English
man came to Chicago to Invest hla great
fortune in "this blarslod" country , and
BOO the "bloody" people of America ,
"just for a latk , you know. " Ho met
the subject of t la sketch , \ho w
prompt to cultivate hJs acquaintance and
introduce him to eomo boon companions ,
among whom worn Jim Bingham and
Charley Saunders , both confidence men
and slick ruaah of Chicago ; one of
whom , at least , ia now In a western peni
tentiary for aomo ono of his multitude of
"jobs. "
Well , this acquaintance tipened into
Intinucy ; talks of fortunes to bo made
were the order of the day , while epark-
ling winoand gorooualy bedecked women ,
with all the alts and arts and many of
the charms that captivate and enslave ,
served to occupy the hours of night.
This' quartet Tracy , IBingham , Saunders -
ors and the Englishman ( who paid most
of the bills ) were the observed of all
and the "bloods" of that by no moans
moral city by Lake Michigan. In a short
time the palaver of Tracy , the sparklin ?
wine aud the siren songs of the jeweled
nymphs had about turned the head of
her Britannia majesty'ssnbject and those
three friends walked off with 810,000 in
ooolciah ; all the ohango ho had with
him ! Tracy got the most of It ; but gave
a portion to Biogham , who was not much
"norvy , " and to Siundon ? , wha was
Tracy's ' cat's-paw.
When they had bled Mr. Englishman ,
the three darlings went to Saratoga ,
which fashionable resort they proceeded
to "do for all there was in it , " until not
a nickel of the § 40,000 was loft them.
But dating the high Ilfo and rounds of
dissipation there , Tracy , who is very
handsome , ircll udnca'od , pflablo , fluent
of speech , and possessed of a
had made the acquaintance and tent a
love-arrow right into the heart cf a Gin-
cianiti heiresr , and , it may bo , married
her in sacrot. She wai daz/.led , and ,
womanlike and rnothliko , was ciught by
the "glimmer of a garish ilamo. " From
her Tracy obtained a gocd "iif , " in a
financial WAV , and was little time ineeok-
ing now fields for fan aud frolic , leaving
the Saratoga wlfa behind to rcpant at
Montbfl panecd ; and Traoy was broke
again ; and whllo attempting to confidence
another man , an American , slipped up in
his game and was caught , tiicd , con
vlctod and sent to the Jollot penitentiary
for five years. It was whllo there , with
lots of leieuro tlmo on his hinds , that ho
mndo himself famoui in another line , by
writing for a Chicago paper
a fascinating poem , purpoitlug to
give and musically describing the
\Thls poem was widely copied and
doubtleoB ioad by many of the BEE'S
readers. Tracy behaved ao well in the
penitentiary that ho secured n reduction
of Ilio Cvo years and in 1883 ho was to
leasedi Going to Cincinnati , Tracy joined
his foUnnes with a notorious thief from
BostonWsomawhuro In the Atlanticcjnn
tiylono\"Ed" \ Ricp. This brace of scouc
drels operated a while in Ohio and rnado
some money. Whllo there Tracy again met
the lovely dupe of Saratoga , who in the
meantime had married a bank clerk
named Williams.
know what n rascally robber Tracy was
mid yet , llko many before her , became
Infatuated again , droppedMr. Cldrk Wil
Hams and fled with Tracy to thu heaven
A of scoundrel * , the west.
The two stopped In Denver for a tlmo
and soon left there , going to Lcadvllle
where Tracy made a good "pile *
by rascally dealings in minlnj
stocks , although all the tlmo he waa h
LeadvlUo ho led an exemplary life , rent
Ing a pow , leading in class meeting , glv
Ing to the church and , llko other pharl
sees and hypocrites , singing pialma whllo
ho scrod the dovll. Patting hlu Ill-got
ton moans at Leadvlllo into cash , he am
the quandam Cincinnati heiress took a
kin for Old Mexico , "touring" la tha
antique country at ono tlm
watching the ponltonte tortures
at another * jolulng in the "bravoa" of
bull fight ; ag ln , with a sanctimonious as
pect approichlng the ctthedial altar , am
again , betting rolls of bills on "cuobaa,1
or "monte. " We rylng of tbii and th
fatcinationa of the fandangos , where love
and innsio reignamid the loveliest women
that ever coyly lifted their great black
eyes to blind adoring lovers , Tracy be
came cogigod in ono ot the periodical
insurrectionary plots of that country and
had to fly beyond the border.
In February last he returned to Colo-
orado , stopping ia Denver City , whorohc
and his wife led a model life as cbrhtUr
people ( like many others , not in Denver ]
and played Innocent a suckling babe' .
But Tracy's niercutlal.teiuporaniont couk
not brook such a life of Inactivity. Hi
must do something ; so while his ploasan
little cottage In an aristocratic quart ei
waa apparently a love's resting-place bj
day , night began to find its master dowi
town , mix in j with the girls and boy
like "ho used to do. " The madam now
began to fret and worry , and occasionally
? t\vo a honsewnralng which Tracy used as
tiis excuse for gladly remaining away at
came the dononnomont. About mid
niaht Tracy iraa In ono of Iho gilded
Dslacos where Bacchus and the God of
Love hold sway , along with a lot of boon
companions. A carriage drove up aud
stopped ; ft lady alighted and entered the
brilliant hall. Walking excitedly up to
Tracy eho seized him by the arm. This
was Mrs. Tracy. She begged him to go
iomo , his answer was a blow tint struck
her down. The "companions , " heated
of wlno , dragged the once Ohio belle to a
earner of the bar-room , dashed water to
rovlvo her and soon called two haokmon
who roughly carried her out , and liter
ally dumped her into a street hack'then
.ook . her to the Christian cotlaeo In the
aristocratic qnartar ot Colorado's metrop
olis. TracyKBIT
until Sunday morning , when ho also was
instlod off ia a hack to this Christian
cottage in the aristocratic quarter.
Early Monday the couple loft Denver
or Chicago , and It was thus the Br.K
man foil in with the circumstances hero
narrated. Under all the circum
stances aupposo Tracy had stopped
n Omaha and had his wife's eyes plaster
ed up a little , how many Omaha people
vould have bought tickets to a lecture
ho could deliver about the "romance of
a fast man's life ? " But they did not
arry long. Omaha ia too btnall a fielder
or hia genius. Ho has gene and oho
went with him. Au rovolr , Tracy ! Ta ,
ta , Mrs. Tracy 11
MoDEUMOTT At 0 a. in. , Wednesday ,
pod 11 years , Chnrlos McDcrmott. of Omaha ,
funeral Friday , at 9 n. in. , from ha ! late resi
dence , 811 South Twenty-third street.
L. A. Ash , representing the "Hallway
Age , " of Chicago , is in the city , 3
J. M. Thatcher , post trader , of Fort Nio-
brara , is a guest at the Paxton ,
K. W , Brcckenridgo , Ksq , tbo young
) innha attorney , left yesterday for a ten days'
raslneaa trip to Chicago , Toledo and Iowa
C. J , Frozollo , Esq. , travelling agent for the
Chicago , St. 1'aul , nnd Kock Island railroad
companies , raturnud yesterday from an ex-
ended eastern visit.
At the Metropolitan : N , Sallsburg , Spring-
eld ; C. K. DoniEon , Springfield ; K Sanger ,
mrora ; Mrs. J. Smith , Valentino ; J. W.
'ruyn , Wahoo ; R. W. Hyde , Hastings ; T.
3.1'arkor , Dorchester ; L , W. Johnson , Lin-
oln , and D. B. Howell , of Blair , Neb.
At the Paxton : W. S. Dexter , J. A. Con
or , Plattsmouth ; H. C. MoUatr , St. Paul ;
V. B. Buck , Crete ; G. H. Holmes and wife ,
eatrice ; A. P. Howes , Blair ; Augt. Saltier ,
ullus John , Norfolk ; 0. W. White , St.Pnul ;
V. A. E. Oummlngs ? Baltimore ; O. P. Hoa-
ord , WInfield ; J. J. Burns , Belle Plain ; W.
[ . Palmer , Blair , and J , J. Bartlett.
At the Millard : D. B. Fuller , Omaha ; C.
C. Crowoll , Blair ; W. J. Chase , Grand
lapids ; J. W. and W. H. Eathburn , Michi-
an ; F. D. Williams , Hobart ; E. Pool , St.
"mil ; D. S. Vorron , Crete ; A. S. Dennis ,
eaux ; A. W. Tomblin , Arapahoe ; G. W.
? oat , York ; M. F. Barnes York.
W. D. Gross , Blair ; G. H. Nicely , C. H.
'onner , Albion ; W. L. McDonald , MLsouil
Valley ; C. L Bowman , lied Oak , Ia. ; G. E ,
Baker , St. Lawrence , D. T. . Mrs. Willard ,
Ian Francisco ; I. Spanier , Pittoburg ; W. G.
Moore , E. H. Wing , Silver City ; P. S.Roshel ,
Lo Mars ; II. Hinkson , H. It. Hinkson , Glen-
wood , I * , ara nt the Canfiold.
William Thomas left his home March
20th , 1885 , Baying ho was going to Kansas
) lty , and would return In a few days ,
Thomas Is about forty-eight years old ,
weighs 175 pounds , light complexion , heavy
mustache , wore a blue-black suit , and is a
irlcklaycr nnd mason by trade. His wife and
children are \ery anxious about him , and
will gladly pay for Information given the
Bricklayers' Union at Omaha , P. 0. Box 730.
The Omaha Lannilry Girls Give A
Moat Elegant GoBtuino JBall nnd
do Tlip in selves 1'roud.
Calling to Lls aid all the brisi , native
and acqu'red ' that ho poeaostod , tbo BEE
man after midnight stele a poop at the
bill room and the happy people gathered
thorn last ovociag , on the occasion of the
"Laundry Girls' Costume Ball , " filvon by
the employees at the City Steam Laun
dry in ita nice new roome.
The ball room proper was beautifully
aud most tastily decorated , in a Tray that
none but fair and willing female hands
could luvobsautiiiod It. The txnslo waa
oholoa and admirable , the attendance
largo , and the young girls whoto br'ght ,
hea'thy , happy faces did one's heart good
to look upon , were In a round of pleasure
and fun. "SVoll done , young ladies , your
party waa a beautiful and successful one.
The decision of Jndgo Eiriag , of
Plttabnrg , has made quite a commotion
among the the store-order mining com
panies of the state. Some Bay they
might ai well go out of builnoss. Aa
prolita decline oa coal they advance
profits on store goods , and discharge nny
man who dares to have any cash to draw
at the end of tha month unless there is a
coffin to boy.
Discussions In magazines and In the
bettor class of dally journals are much
more frequent than formerly on questions
of social economy. All have reference
to how a more equitable division of the
dally product of Industry may bo made
between capital and labor. Colonel
Wright will devote himself to
the collection of ( ho material
out of which conclusions can be
formed , if It Is possible to form any. The
progress of civilization would hava been
less rapid had every worker received the
full value of his labor a seemingly un-
'air statement , Pioneers snflers ; their
'bllovrers enjoy. In this nineteenth cen
tury wo are simply pioneering In civlllza-
ton. ; Much of labor's earnings are taken
to build lailrcads and ships , make im
provements and lay foundations for fu
ture progress. The present unfair division
will continue until tboso foundations are
Southern pap'ori are calling for forgrs ,
anvils , benches , tools , brains , energy ,
capital and labor. Hera is a chance wide
enough for many tens of thousands An
industrial convent'on meets in Richmond
mend , Va , , on Wednesday , to see what
can bo done to get the mudsills of the
north to develop Virginia's resources
A pernsil of the reourcs of that state
is llko reading a novel.
. r n AUD.
Special Telegram to the DEE.
CniOAQO , April 15 , The cttitans' commit-
tco of safety continue to gather in vast qunn
titi 9 of evidouce froing to show "bulldozing , "
Intimidation and fraud at the last election ,
Colonel Hay , who is In charge of the com
miltoe'a now headquarters says the commit' '
tco will not prosecute simple cases of assault
on rotors , there being Individual cases which
the outraged parties must push themselves.
The secretary of the republican campaign
executive committee retains charge of the
committee room nnd Ii engaged in arranging
nnd classifying the ovldenco collected by hia
committee , and to bo used in cns'o
that a contest becomes necessary. Four of
the members of the spoctal committee ap
pointed to look after the caavasi of the elec
tion returns by the council are ready to attend
to their duties , when the council sets ready to
take up the count. There Is considerable gos
sip , arising from no authentic nonrco , about
Although Harrison said ha would consider
anything less than 8COO majority a defeat , it
Is not likely ho will let go oven if the returns
snueezo out only a majority of eight \otos.
His apparent majority , it is claimed , fa 113
and the republicans concede him a majority
of 103 on the returns as they stand at poesent ,
It Is not unlikely that the canvas by the coun
cil if honestly conducted will show majority
for Judge Smith , in which event the demo
cratic eiJo of the contest will bo reduced
down to the stolen returns of tho'third pre
cinct of the third ward. Some of the repub
lican managers insinuate that the appropria
tion of $30,000 from the contingent fund pro
poned by Alderman Ityan to bo used in fer
reting out the frauds Is In reality intended to
cover the deficiency In the fund already caused
by the exigencies of the election ,
Dcnth of M NotedJTrotter.
BLOOHlNQTOiJ , 111. , April 15. Hero cf
Thorndalo No , 549 , a noted Hambletonian
Uotter , the sire of trotters in tbo 2,30 , class ,
died suddenly to-day of heart disease. Ilia
owner , S. S. Huport. recently refused an
offer of $8,000 for him.
Presiding Elders Mooting.
KCCK ISLAND , 111. , Aprll'15. A business
s&ssion of tha prcsidiue elders of the M. I ] ,
churches of the northwest opened hero this
evening with a largo attendance , W. Frank
Paxton , of the upper Iowa conference , was
elected secretary. The feature of the discus
sion to-day was the possibility of the church
at large raising a million dollars for missions
the following year.
ThcECIicyoimoa Quiet.
MILES CITV , M. T. , April 15. MnjorT.
H , Logan , of the Fifth Infantry , who was
recently in charge of tha Cheyenne Indian ? ,
arrived hero to-day and says regarding the
reported troubles araone the Choyeunes that
all Is quiet. That the Indians have been at
work on their gardens at the aget-cy on Rose
bud , acd have just finished seeding. Ho does
not anticipate any trouble whatever there ,
Lor wnioiirs wnoxas. ]
WASHINGTON , April 15. Judge Aurham ,
first comptroller of the treasury , hr.3 given an
opinion in rer/ard to the accounts of Lot
Wright , United States marshal for the eouth-
ern district of Ohio , for oxponsej incurred in
conducting the election for members of con
gress hold in Cincinnati on October 1th last.
The account is mostly for payment of dopuly
inarshall's. The comptroller oays : "Somo of
said deputies have been paid fur nine days
aomo for three , four and more days , and a
very large number for two days. Some of
tbese deputies were not citizens of Ohio and
seine were citizens of Hamilton county , but
not of the city of Cincinnati. My predecessor
'ud decided before I came into ofQcs , that
iaid deputies must beotors of the tt.-vta and
, hat it was illegal to appoint a deputy who
vas not a vo er of the city , rtc. In this I
ully concur , and I go further ) I believe the
pint of the law In to take said deputies from
ho respective prccinta in which they vote.
The object of having said deputies is to aid
n preventing illegal and fraudulent reghtra-
on and voting and to preserve the peace , etc.
'he ' reason given for thus holding is that a
eputy marshall cannot fulfill the require-
tents unless he ia a voter at the precinct in ,
hich ho serves , not having the requisite ac-
uaintanco ,
Judge- Durham expresses the hope that this
qnstruction will be adhered to in the future ,
o thinks an unnecessary number of deputies
era employed on electiqa day and some for a
mger period than necessary ; that while the
larsball should bo given largo discretion , he
hotild exercise it with prudence. Aq there
'era no registrations at the election in ques-
on ho is at a loss to know for what purpose
he deputies were appointed before the day
if election , or why such a large number
hculd have been employed the day after.
The opinion holds that in thirf Marelnll
"Vright abu > od his discretion. The opinion
oncludcs as follows :
"As an original proposition , I shall in this
.iso decide that the marshal was not allowed
o have any deputies except on the day of
ilectlon , whore there was no registration , un *
ess there was clear proof it was nocoesary to
irotoct officers in a fair counting of ballots
> fter the electidn waa over and to preserve
he peace , and then only BO long as might be
cceaeary to ( ? lvo that protection. But , as
teforo said , Wifjht , I suppose , acted on the
iuatom of allowing for payment of these dep-
ties the day after election , and I ( hall not
ifcturb the same , but the account will be ad-
usted upon the bails of rejecting the claimer
or pay of said deputies who were not voterj
u the city of Cincinnati at the time of his ap
pointment , rejecting all claims for more than
wo days of eervico of deputies , unless there
hall bo shown by proof a necessity for the
nmn . "
A Satisfactory Excise Ija.w.
ALIHNV , April 15 , At the caucus of the
.ssembly . to day Ic was decided to appoint
wo members from each legislative district ,
no democrat and one republican , to act as a
lommittoo to draft an excite law which will
ie acceptable to both the people and the
liquor interests.
Fliclan na Btiort.
KANSAS Crrr , April 15. Capt. Thomas
Phelon states that business matters will re
quire his pretence hero at the time set for the
trial of Richard-Short in Now York City for
assault upon hlrq , but ho expects a continu
ance to be had whereupon ho will appear
ater against Short.
The 8nllivmn Kyaii
NEW YORK , April 15 At a meeting of
porting men hnro five delegates were ap
pointed to start to Butts City , Montana , to
arrange for the fight between Sullivan and
Ryan , which will take place on the race trak
'a that city , June 1C ,
What He Tapped the "Wheels For.
Dea Hoines Leader ,
After tbo arrival of the Rook Island
expror a at the depot last evening , a well
dressed and gentlemanly looking passen
ger waa noticed to follow the wheel inspector
specter around the entire train , onrlously
eyeing him. When the last pair o :
trucks was reached , and as the oar re
piiror , n retlcant and grim vitaged olc
fellow , ttralgbtened up from hia work
the par-conger's cariosity for.nd oxprec
sian :
'I say , my good fellow , aw , would you
toll me what you tap the wheels with a
hammer for ? "
"Yis ; Its for forty-five dollars a month
the lolkea of mo does the same , " and b
scratched a match on bis Irg and lit th
pipe that , judging from Its looks mas
bavo seen service in a wreck , while th
patser.gtr slid into the coach and aske <
the pea-nut boy for a copy cf "Fool
Errand. "
o IOAN-S5CO aid J1.500 ro l titata security.
. Hortci Druncer , 1404 Farnam , 45815
-yfONKY Toledo on chittels , Wooller & Hurl on ,
1V1 Room 20 , Omaha National bank building
851 tf
loaned at low r A sln amounts to suit on
MONEY . or other good security. Finan
cial exchange , 1503 F&rnam St. J58-mlp
ONRY TO LOAN On to l iuto and chattels
M D. I * ThoniM. ItW.
tonnc-l on nh ttc1 , cut r t , H.
MONKT oought anil told. A. ForroMi,213 S. 13th Bt
070 tf
\ fONET IXJANKU at O. K. Koed ACo's. Loan ofllce
1VJL on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal
property ol all klmlt and all otho rutlcles olahio ,
without removal. Over lit National Bankcorner IStlj
and Farnam. AU business strictly conDdontlalSltt
KONST TO IX3AN In inmjol UOOaod nnward.
ivi. 0. F. DNTS ( and Co. , Beal Kstilo and toan
lC"nto , 1605 Farnam St. S 3 It
-Cook at PaoIHa houss , 10th and Daveu-
port , good wage' . 615 lf > p
TTI7A\TKD-A girl lor general house work ! aurly ti
YV Hi9 William ( Jruncbaum , 806 317th , near I.JHT.
cnMOrth. 692-16
-Olrls at llillud hotel.
ITAMKD Immediately , a good plrl for general
> homo work. Apply at 1014 Webster St. Cli-lOp
A Brst-class chamber maid and an as-
VY elstant cook at the City hotel. C79-17p
W 'ANTED ft , first clus Uucdrcsi ; apply \ the
Cozztns ; , 681-16
WANTED A middle-aged woman toCtako care ol
rooms light woik.pooil . situation for all summer ,
DO w ashing , commence work at 8 o'clock and finish
at 0 o'clock , 112 BOUth 12th Ht 6SO-17p
Avtri ) Good locksmith at Not city works. 14th
\ \
St ESS tl
rASTRC A girl tit houio work at 122 sculh 24th
street. 632-tt
Girl for genera' ' housaorklna tmall
w ftmily. Apply2 10 Oipitola\o. 674-10
WANTED An experienced03ik In steal !
children , best wage ] > oa , Mrs. A J lianscom
1S24 Douglas St. 668 10p
ANTRD A slnslo man to work around store , 810
W S. 16th street 687-tf
W ASTKD A god Uundress at the Km met house.
W'ANTED A first-class b > rbcrat623 Broadway ,
Council Blufti.
WANTID A competent girl to do general home
work , can obtain employment lor good w > g < s at
reildcnco cf C a Montgomery , Ilaincy and 23d sts.
> ASTri > Gil 1 f or general house w ork , good v > ages
W to good girl. JIrs Ootbett , 1013 Howard.
f 0 ! ) Kp
W A good girl In a small family ; Inqatro
Mrs : L Raipko , 1715 Douglas st. 500-10
TT7ANTEH A buiholmwi and \rewcr , one
TT U'ed to' press for a dye house preferred ,
tca y work , good wages. Turncfs Steam Djo works
St Joseph Mo. 656-16
IASTEU No 1 good barber at the Gault home ,
W 2014 Popphton ave. LoubjMoOoj. 649-16
WAVTPD S. good competent gill f or general house-
work2103 Farnam st. 610 tf
W ANTFD Cock at ( ho European hotel , 022 south
loth St. C41 tf
/"ASTr.n / Qlrl for general housework , 2024 Har-
ney street. MS 15p
W 'ANTED-3 girls at tno Occidental , immodlattly ,
irANTi-D A gocd girl 1021 Cap'.tcl ' a\e.
V 61H8p
ASTFU A good shirt iroiitr at the Boston latin-
drj , 107 N 13th St. 409 tf
Wi 6 female cooks , Oaiata Employment
bureau , 1120 Farnam St. 476 tf
WANirn Immediately , at the Onuha employ
ment bureau , all these dcslting good help and
good tltuatlona botn male and female 427-tf
D Immediately , 14good clrla for kitchen ,
T dining room and chamber vvork,0maha cmtloy-
ment buteau. 11201'aruini St. 422 tf
WAVTKD good girl Immediately at the corner of
llth and Davenport sts , Carey house 408 tf
Y ANTIH ) Young man or a joung lady to keep
V T books and who U a short hand wrtornone ! need
apply unless quick arid thorough In figures ; ctite ige'
anu prev ious occupation. Address box 748 Omaha.
WANTED Lidyagents for 'Queen Paotector' ,
dai y stocking and skirts supporters , shoulder
jraces , bustl > 8 , bosom forms , dross shields , safety
belts , sleeve protectors , etc , entirely niw devices ,
nnpreoadcnted profits , we have 600 agents miking
1100 monthly. Address with stamp , K. U. Campbell
& Co. , 9 Souih May St. , Chlc gt. 763 a6p
WANTRO A position as stenographer and tjpo
writer by a lady of experience with good ref
erences ; address "M.E T. Bee office 60 < 16p
WASiFD-Situation by a competent Hacksmilh ;
aldrcES Fred Wildenbergtr , Uce office. l,7D-15p
Wi 'ANTFD Situation as second girl cr to do light
house * ork , 2115 Nichols street. 617 lOu
"XT' INTI.ISituation by nn experience I book keep-
VV er , bj a young man to take care ot horses , bj a
anltor , by 2gcod salesmen , bj a coachman , by a
telegrapher and typo writer ; best of references ;
iraha Employment Bureau 1120 Farnam ht. 360 tf
i " ANTKU Situation In an abstratoffice hv a > oung
f V mac , can give references. Address "F K"caio
f thi Bee. 489 17p
niANTPDBy a vcung man , sltuxtlon ae book-
Vi keeper , or office work ; butt of rcferncesac ; <
ressG. A , E.P. O. 401tf
; X A > TI i > A situation bv a practical book keeper ,
T I can furnish Lcjt of reference ; address 'A" 8207
\imlngit. 44016p
WAvrKU-ByaUdy and gentleman , ono or two
furnUhednr unlurnirhtd rooms nnd beard i.rl
ate family referred. Address P. O. box 307.
W \TKD-To rent a house with modern improve-
meuts convenient to Imsirusj for a family of 3 ,
no children ; nddrces " 3 B"care Bee oOlce. 672 tt
; ANmto loan 85,000 for four years on bnsinesi
proiierty , whole omount In one loan. Apply at
Mice at UcCtguo Erolherai nk opposite P. O.67S17
WAMBD-A pup fioru 3 to 6 davs old ; address "W
U"Be9 office. 663.15
First class homo - lot.
WANTED an-t price be
tween three and eleven thousand , will pay cash
or a birgalo ; address "cub" Paxton hotel. 632-JS
\TTANTED-A. pordner lady or genlleman with
Tl smallcaoltol to open a dime museum In one of
the liveliest cities in the west. Address J W Palmer
Arcade hotel , Orxaha , 49 $ I6p
WANTED-J3 60 will buy one dcion Bog r Bro's
tilpplotlitsdtatilo knives at MooJ/a china
itorecorn r loth and Davenport st 446-tf
W reliable ( am Ihorae ; enquire
1318 Firnam it 288U ,
WANTED-Every ady In Deed of a tewing ma
chine , to aee the new Improved American No
7 , P , K. Hodman & Co. agents ; 220 N 18th. Z4SU
FOR IBM-Six roomed house central and six
roomed home furnished for family -llhout chll
dren. Ballon Bros. , 317 soatb 13th st. 685-17
\\7ANTtD-To nnt imill house ; family emtll , ron
; . ! ttA'a ° Mt' within 12 block , of Bee , possewlou
24th. Addresi or call at Bee office after 4 p , m.
K P , lM\b c
FOK KKNr-Btory and a half home c ( blx roomi am
a h house , No. 810 South 23 J Bt. II. T. Vo s
one door noith. 571 ip
F OH RENT Houret very cheap. Apply at 0. 1
Taylors office , Hth and Douglaj SU 836 mi3
FOR REXT-A. convenient cottage north-west cor
be ard and Pier street on street car line. Ct
at No. 2i8 north 17 tb et. 70 ej >
T7VRBi" < T-A splendid farm of 160 acres , largi
r lieailnt orchard , good buildings 12 miles fiou
Omaha , $ f60 per year. 0 E Ma > ne , S W cor 16th am
> * rnam sts. 665.18
OB EtxT-IIouje 11 rooms 819 N 18th ( t ; apply ti
V K Hume. fa tf
FOB BK\T- room house ; Irqulre 1140 Norlh IW
H. E. Peterson. & -18p
FOR RErr-Btore and heus and fixtures ( or ia'
18th street aod tt Ma ? > 'save , 55-13p
Ion RUNT tloHfe ak 1SS5 Sherman are , It blocks
F aorta ol rail ra4 track. 618 Up
10R 11KNT A tor cheap SOB north Hth.
F Hth.1818p
RMT-Housoll rooms , eolltr , pantry , cl Mete ,
FR St car , US per month. 0 K Thompson , 8 W
corner llth and Uarney. 4S5-U
OR RUST Three story brlek s oio bulMlng ; en-
nulre of Edward Aortls & Co. , room 19 CIOUDSO
Dlocfc 467 tf
nV > R RBXT One two story houtc 8 rooms and bath
I ? room on Park are. loqalroat 1110 FarnamSt.
RENT \ turntthcd houn 8 room ) and ( table
FOR at 2520 Douglas St. 470-lOp
Rrvr A new houio of eleht rooms on upper
FOR st , near Ueoty-fltth ; apply at 2119 uat <
ey street. 419 Up
rjV > R RKtr Sesoni floor ol s'x rooms. On street car
L ? lino. C ll t l'ortorHto9.ttucory ( , cotnor I/cn\ .
nworth and Phil Sheridan. 485-tt
"Axtrn-60 house ) torrent Morse & Hrunncr
14C4 Fatntm. 457-15
RRST-llou o ol 9 rooms lth barn , CaMwoH
FOR Saunoeis st ; Inquire 1709 Jackson tL 41M6p
T7IOK KENT 2-8 room houses Inqulr n o. P
L1 LurtonSmelting works , or 3U North St.
KENT \ lurnlsbcd homo 0 rooms durtne
the Summer month to intUci without children ,
nqulro 211 South 23J St 1D1 tt
,1UU UBNT Store buildlnpr 41x83 tlirco ttoryand
1 barcmcnt No. 110 and 112 14th. Inquire 1409
> 0vgo ! St 099-tt
KENT Farm and garden. T. Marrar.SCO
SCO tl
ijiO I RENT Furnished cotUgo , 7 rooms , with
J closets , rantry , etc. , In best locality In City cm
ay rout with board. Call In afternoon at625 Pleas-
nt St. 170 tf
Toll KENT One story dwelling houo Sva room.1 ,
" " 23d , nrtr Clark street. Charles OgJen , cornel
3th nnd Doughs Street. 23311
1l BENT -Threr brlok stores corner 18th and
? CumlngSt. J L. McC\nio innt.
7 01t UFNT New cottaitc , 6 roomsw . PMpiw Uoo
? 1U2 V. 6th st. isitl
1100118 FOK RENT.
7 on RI.NT Nicely lurnlshcJ rooms , llodern coino-
J nlcncot ; splendid location on car line , 1720 Cap-
olA > o. 4081 Open
/on RFVT Ono large front room with bay window
? and mantel and one plcneant backroom furnished
r unfurnished , modem Improcmcnts , 20th tt. near
; Mary's avo. Inquire 8 W cor 18th and Dodge st.
690 tl
7on ' Ri5T-lAigoroora 2fi20 clcgaitly finished ,
suitable for office. Inquire Oil Eaton , 111 S
thSt 687-tf
'OR RENT Two rooms at $5 per month. Apvly on
trealses , 1 ! 27south ISth et. 577-10
Ton BEIT Furnished rooms to gentlemen , at 704
J south E'.Rhtecnth st. 685-lBp
TOR RKVT OBlco .rooms. Uushman'i bloot , N E
? corner 10th and DougUs
JiOR Rn\T Nicely furnished room with ens and
? bath , S W corner 14th and Jones. 660-20p
7oa RR\T Furnished room for two with board
1016 Chicago st. 664 20
TOR UR\T A nl'ely furnished room suitable for
. ono or two gentlemen 421 Floisant St. 628 tf
HUNT Pleasant furnished rooms suitable
? for gentleman , terms reasouaWo , 005 irrth 17th.
621 10p
70R Rt-XT-Furnlshod rooms with board , S. E. cor.
. Cass and 16th street , opp Jefferson l'rk. 627-TS
i OR RFNT Two nice furnished front rocms I n
" location , suitable for our young gcntlcm n.
Sorrel , 1619 Dcdgo st. 64 -
j'On RFIT Koomand board for ono gentleman at
: south wcbt corner 10th St and St Mary'f ao. .
IOR RKNT Elefjant newly furnished rooms 2'2S
X ? Dodge st. 607 tf
iOR RBXT Furnlihedand unfurnished rooms 1613
Dodge St.
KOOU8 With boarddeilrablt f > r cummgr. Apply
at St. Chailos HetoL 237-11
10H KENT Very pIcMantfutnhbedrooms ,
or In suite , at reisanable prlc ,821 S 10th stioet
7IOH RENT Front room furnished 1S09 Cap'tal
< uve. 443-iep
'on ' RKST Furelshed front room couth cast corner
10th and Karnan. 433 tf
jion RFM A. elx room house ono block from the U
. I1 depot ; Inquire of M. Lee , , grocer , 22nd and
cavenwoith. 41815
li'OIl RENT Rooms furnished or unfurnished ; call
at 2CO north 22dst. 401-tf
'OftRENT-NIccly lurnlshedrooms 1517 Davenport
nO& RENT Tno or three 'very nice rooms fur.
' nlsbod or unlurnlehi d.four blocks south of Opera
OUB-J. Inquli eC2t south 16tb. 203 tf
10R RENT-FurtI hod rooms with beard 1812
Dodge et. 317-tt
jiOH RENT Several One olUcos In Crounse' block ,
. Inquire Ed. Norrle , room 10 Crounsa blooi
7IOR * RENT Furnished room 1818 Daigt ,
RENT Nicely furnished rooms at 1718 Cass
? St. 236 tf
7014 SALK- ( ourear ell matched mares medl-
J um size and a good cow , Inquire of J. Frlnce ,
ree trimmer , Uiockllae addition , West Omaha ,
ortli east Kusf r's Beer garden. 470 10
TOR Hii.K-Clicaji , forty njiea ncarcit ; , 1-10 down ,
J biUuc3 on long time at 8 pr ct , or will tradefor
Ity property Corn riot en I'jrk ave 75-140 feet
4lOu. Corner on 10th and Leivcnvovth fit 92300.
'ouse fl rooms very cheap. W , G. Sr river , opp. I' ,
FOR BALE 11,620 acres laud la Neb. 52 10 per acre
SO i enta per aero cieh.Ve \ also have the Urges t
st of lauda anu stocks of uierchnnclso for > ale or ox-
hinge In Nebraska Shornln , Eher < vln & Co , Lin-
oil ) , Itcb. 663-10
HM.K-Fannand unimproved land lots and
houeeon longciedlt U&ll Land olllce , 620f ,
3'h St. Vadlcka & Goantnsr. t03-n > 13p
FORSAIK A full 1st and home of fho rooms , pan-
trr , rhro'TBDil good cellar , north B'llool Mason
2J4tl. luquliooupictnlECJ. Chailoj Kaiser
tt BALK My ( amllv horse and two seated car
rltge , barr.C83ar.d robes. Wm. II Burnu
648 20p
17011 BALK on IIKST An excellent ( arm In Jcflerson
} Precinct ; UO acres ; 40 acres timber ; 150 tear *
ni ( apple trees ; good Improvement i , etc. Clrcum-
Unces which comprlsalo make this a bargain. II a ,
Stripe , )30 ) < Douglas itreet. 623U
Foa BALK OneSjcar old standard bred ( talllon
colt , good mover ; Inquire Blue Dam. (22-18p
FOR Bii.s Nice family horse , phaeton and har-
nen ; enquire at Blue Barn. 521-lCp
I7VK siLBCheap , chold tt varieties of itrawbernei
L' laiiiberrlei and blickbarrles , west Omaht , N I
corner pounty Poor Farm. W. Cochran. 511 Hf
TTOE SILK Office furniture and ofnoe ( or rent , ex-
JL ? celleit Ucation. Inquire of Morse & Brunner ,
ORSILK-40 acres of land within 18 ml'oa ' ol
X1 Omaha , with gocd house , barn , orchard , fenced
all under culllratloo ; will trade ( or clt ) i > roperty I
taken immcdialely , W , U.Qreei ) , over let Natlooa
B IILK180 acres good land , 20 miles from
Omaha and i mile from ( be thrltlnif town o
iprlnzOeld , Neb. , onlbeMiaiourl Pacific Ily. , at a
baiicaln for 30 days , or w.ll trade ( or firit clast tm
proved Omaba city prup rty. Woolley & HarrUon
room 20 , Omaba Natlonil Bank. 472-23
oR BiiK-A a bargain , i block only ilx block
from Court houie , elegant relldence , property
vtoullDuke-olghtorten loU lor tenement bousci
will divide. And r ess owner J A Roll In' * , Omaha.
fT'OR BALK-Lot (0x127 loutb ( font No 485 , thre
P block * from ited Car line , a y terms , $500.
No 212 Two loUeah 50x110 two blocki from re
car line , termi eaty , etch 1400
No 25 ! Fine oornerlot 80x123 one block from re
car line , bar gain , tertnuaiy , JSOO
No 2251-Plno corner lot in Klikwocd , > err cheap
No 181-Splendid corner lot 192 ( eet on Leavenwort
street , \cry chetp , 92000.
No 4t3 four fine loti oa Grace street 6til40 ) on
corner near rat I'ne ' cbcap , fiom tSOO to 8 W
LO lots in Han com Placefrom tfibfl tojlwx , ) .
No 417 Two hpusei and fine lot south front , tw
blocVa from red or line $2,500 or divide ( o
0 No 871 liouse 4 rooms } lot ( our blocks from Et
Muy'i ate. , Urmi y. $900.
No 430 Three hou.ts on a corner lot two block
from paattnger depot $5,000.
No 44t llouie six rooms , birn , well , cistern &o.
lit J3H82 onWebUir street , near St Paul depot
Iiirti'n ' , ! , EOC. MOHfiE i. BHUNNEH , 1404 Fai
FonsAU HeilfsUt * , wanllnittfl Imprere some
vacant lati. I offer the followlnjr property.
IxU 4 and 5VJlarkl addition Leavenwoith it ,
LoU 5,0 , 7 , and i Meek 1 Itaaa 8 < lden add.
Lots 7 9 and 9 block A Dwlpht l.yrnan add
1 Houic and Iott4 9 Capitol are.
1 Haute and lot IS block P , Kcuntte & Ruth's aM
r > 0 lota In Dupcnt j liot , south ct tbt Park ,
4 lots In block 18 nnd 20 , Woleilto , Neb
A ( armof 120 acrtr , 5 } tc'es In fro- , also fO acres
all under fence , Dear II rman , Wathlngtau Co.
ieoarreMi < ratlelard neirStiuitonSt > iitoii Co ;
liofor leise on loiu tlm ? , S lots on Wp't Farnim ft.
60 foot storeon ttSUrj. . Iniiulro of II (1
Clirke ; IMS Uoxulu St. 5d 2t
7 < OR SAlK-Uood farm In ntshlngtop Co. ; 171
. icrc.ijSO acres ciltlvntoil ; good bulldlngf , Ono
rohard , running watei ; all fenced KJward Nortls
Co. , room 19 CJOUTUO Block I'M
F OR sALK-Hou e and lot comer 24hrt.And ( Cnp-
ltd a\o. 8 room ) mcxlern i-omenlfnco , ntnUl for
horses , a bargain ; Inquire ot H O. Strlpr , 1304
} oughi st. 450 tt
T'OR SAtvonnrsT-SU room house , well cittern ,
L. and ttablo , first cli a onlcit entr-flr t and LI irk
t * , rent $20 prr month , tell ? 2OX > c j term * A 1'
'ukcj , at CaullleMt Rook store. 478-tt
. " SALIC A very nice 0 room hcuao and lot ,
mutt 1)0 soU 1223 North llth Hi. WJ rli
? ORS LK A4 ycarlcato with buildings suitable *
f rdnclllngand shop for $400 , caiv pikymcnts
OS south 11 tint , between Doug as and Ddzo
7ort Oood 6 room hou > e , lot 50x132 fcetcas
1 front , $1300S100 ; c sh , baltnco $15 per month ,
' . U ( liuen , ever 1st Nation\1 lank. 33111
T ORBALK IIou oand lit on Doujhi street , neat
. li'glmcliool ' ; 81000 , easy teruu , W. II. ( keen ,
t cr 1st National bank. 332tf
11 SALE For $60 down and $20 per month 1
will build an elegant fho room cottage , ulth
orchcfl.closjts , bar window brick celUr , cisterncon
onto , A/i , & 1 , lth to l.ts nicely ( encoil the hole
I complete $1,5VO The oalUgcs to be builtnt once
ur tracts for ten lmc already been let. Call at my
Ilco nndscntlka of cattaKa locatioa Ac. tiling
our friend ) along , C , K. Mayno , south-west corner
"th and Knruom. 207-oSO
" 7 > 0ll SALS A. ( ull lot on corner C.118th nnd Jones
| vxvcdetrcet and within ono square of U. P. H
. for salr. Warren SfflUlor. BflO tl
Oim aALE voo Yearling utiire ,
. 20) 2j ear old steers ,
> 60j calling h Ifors.
tOO 2 and 3-\cu old hclfc : ! ,
CO graded bulls.
TRANQII Euo ) , BInux Cltvi Iowa. 7S9alO
7011 SALE -Thirty choice lots ne r park ave. 0
? P. Stebblna , room 31 , Cn Ighton block. 815 alSp
T " OR PALI : On easy ptvnttlkl. * IH urolah
lots and build houses on ulio-.t r.otls 01 cU thj
nrchaser. Itnulro cf P. J. Crtodcn , contractor
nd builder 27th and Webster St. BOO n20
. 'Oil SALE A complete eot of tnloon fixtures
. Address S , BCK ofllco , Council niulTs.
7MJK SALE A patrol extra good work horses ,
. weighing about 1,400 pounds rich ; ( Ivcjcars
d , sound and well broken. Reason for cell og , too
iluable for my b nines * . Inquire at Uco. Hcaton'i ,
23 Broidwuy , Council Clndj ,
3KRSo\AL-SIrs E II Hooper , Tr nco Clairvoyant
. tnd healing medium now ready fur business over
062316th street , south-east corner on Webster and
1th , terms very reasonable. 482-rnlO
W ILL Be found at 15CO Davenport ) , anoxpor
lenccd nurse. Best city reference given872a2
872-a2 p
To x\aiAMiB ! A tplendld farm for groceries , hotel
tnd eileen for farm ; aiUlms R C 1'atterron , 13tn
ud Farnaa1. 670-18
rio KXOIIANOF 440 acres well improved land J mile
L Irani Ks'ex , Io\\.i , for a stock of L'cnernluierchan-
so or hardware. Addrcst , Ioliu Lladcrholm , Hiscx
ewa r.S4 tt
T > 011 WALK Or exchange , tvunuvefnr uilu tno
: cxcluslv e right In this otate to sell the coal
nomlzor and suet dcjtroytr , destroys the soot and
111 save twcnlj per cent on coal , will sell county
ghti or the stat * , or will cxchauzo for real estate or
7 lood property on application will send sample
til aland giro vattlcubrn. Rca oa for selling
va r cancot give it hU attention : a rare chance for
vn len : Bedford , Souer it Davis. 278 tf
EXCHANGE-Two lots In W. A. Hodlck'aadd.
for a Ijt or half a lot located somewhere > ere
o center o' the city andeultablo for building , will
ay additional 11 value Is more. Address "O T.
co office. 916 tf
TOR stiiK-In a thriving growing town , n gentle-
; mans furnishing and Imt Im'luees in h'st location
nnewbilck bii'ldlng ' , looglraso and clicap rent ;
diirosa "L F1 P O box 67 , Hastings Neb. 412-lBp
' T < OR HALF TRADP on REST Dlacksmltli and wagon
shop with tool- , good buslncsi established ; ad-
ross Goo W LambrlngWceplrg Water Nob. 421-21p
] W.8A1.K Tobc and confectioner } store , good
; stand , cheap leisc. Address 702 south I0th St
R SALE Ag odpa > lr > Kh n 8BBhDp , the belt
: chance for ajounj mm to start inbislnsss ; ad-
ess " Uarnojs shop" Bao office , 201-17p
Tloa HAM Dm ; store In a deslrablo locality , wll
Invoice about $1.600 ROPattercon , NK corner
.th . and Farnam. 439-tf
7\QH " SALE A first clasj stock of dry gonls $5 000
iU ft bargain , will take rart crsb bilanoo real cs-
.te . ; address "U. V. B. " care Bee office. 232-tf
OOH SALU Or cxchango a full stock of clothing
? boots and shoes , gent' furnlshlnggoodg , will ex.
hango ( or Nebraska Lands. G. U. Peterson ,601 S
Oth Bt. , Omaha , Neb. ! 33-tf
TJ10R SALB-A good skating rink , size 84x100. Inquire -
quire ot U Lambert , WakeOeld Neb. 423 a6p
BOARUISQ One laro nandaomtly furnished room
with excellent boaid for single gentleman. 1718
odge. 678-tf
IKO Largo furnished room and botrd 161D
> Capltolavo. CSO Ifip
A fojf boarders at 1221 Korth 10th Bt.
MrsLaraon. 610 ISp
MOST-CLASS Bed aud board 1212 Capitol a\o.
1 12-035
08T A ret of plans , mvkeJJ. 0. Fcrrigo , The
J finder will icturn tha iixrne toG. C. lis ) ctt , 1837
10th Btr.ct. 101-17
LOST \ RMJ onlt 15 months old ; return to II
McCoy at ( iault house , Porrlcton avo. $5 re-
nrd. 120-18
r OHT-Bnnchof kcjs silver kev ling , B mir'.od
L/Jau Irvine. Finder will { lease retu n eatro to this
Dice and r : cl\o rcwaid. 515-15
EmiflYMKST Tcrman Intelligence rflke has re
moved to 017 B 10th street. Ooodglrla can find
rniloj | nuct by applj Ing here. SlO-lSp
T.-.9TRU TION on guitar and banjo given by O E Gel-
Lleubick , at 1116 Capitol av c. 480 t !
vaults , ( Inks and cesspool i c'oanoJ ' any time
Piiivr day In an entirely odorlonfl w y with our
mprovod pump and apparatus. Orders by mall
rornpUy attended to. A. Kranr , ofllce and resilience
208 UodKO St. up ttelrs. , 100 m7p
r laiiTMNORODa-J JltoLiln has ( or sale tha txet
L rodi manufactured in the United States annealed I ted ranter covered with Bhct t copper , orders
at ce rrod < or repairing old ones promptly attended
o Address 1011 BaunduBtt , 8SOm5
TAKEN Ul'-Tvrclve head ot youngctlle. Owner
can recover name by calllnK upon John If , Hoch ,
lilk dairy , north bl Dtif & Dumb asjlum.
893-m 2
TDHIVY , r ult , sinks and oeupooli cleaned at the
JL ihorttat notice and satlsfaotloo guaranteed by r.
0. Abel , 1' . O. Box SIS , i90 m2p
ALIST , BOS ruth itreet , between Farnam and Hi r
neywlll. wt\h theald of guardUin sctilU , obUlulut
( or anyone clanoa In the part and piteent , and at
oerUln conditions In Iho future. . Boots and si on
made to Order Parfeet aallstactlon euaranlecJ
Carpenter and Builder ,
No 834 South mhSt .IctwMn Jackson and Leaven
worth Omaha , Neb. I am prepkred to build houiei
in anj style and to do all kinds ot Carpenter work a
reasonablt prlcei ; also re pairing done on ihort netlot
13th and Capitol Ave. , Formerly
Creigliton House
, $1 W a day , HpccKl raUs
by the week.
Infantile Skin Bcautifiers jppeaf
to Mothers Try Them.
TTlOn Cltnglng the S\lnand Scalp olblrthllumort ,
P lor allaying Itching , llurnlntr Mid InflTamatlon ,
for curing the mrtsjmftomt of Eczema , 1'mlMlt ,
Milk Crust , Scall lit Ml , Scrofula and other Inherited
ikln and blood dl < ea9e < , Cut'curatho great Skin Cure
ami Cutlura Sntp , an exquisite Skin Uoiutinci. ex
ternally , and Cutlcura HrwoHcnt.tlio new Itlooil Pur-
iucr , luternMly , ate Infallible Absolute J futf.
Mr unil Mrs Kvcrctt Stobbln , llelchcrtx > wnMas
write : Our HtUol.oy as terribly afflicted with Scrof
ula , Salt lllicum , and Krj flpolo.1 o\ct slnco ho
iw born , ami nothing w o could glo him helped him
until wo tried Cutlcura HemrOlc * , which gradually
cured him , until ho Is now as fntriuij child.
Win Cordon , & 7 Arlington ne.CharleitownMaM ,
writes : "lla\lngi > id about * ! < X > to first ch s doc
tors to euro my baby , vrltnoul luccois , 1 tileil the
Ciitlcura Hemodleo , which pomrlotoly cured , alter
usltg three packages.
CliarlosKajrolIlnklo , Jersey City Heights , N. J.
wrlto : "Myson , alad ol twcho jenrs , WM com.
lotcly cured of a terrible cose of Kczcma by tbo
Cullcura llonmllc * . From the top of hia head to the
f olcs of his foot was one mass ot ccnbj. " E * cry other
remedy anil phjslcians had been tried (11.iln (
Fmaclato'd children , nllh pimply , rallow klc , the
Ciitlcura Remedies will prove ft perfect Mewing ,
clearing the blood and skin of Inherited hnpurltlea
nmltxf'ol ' Ing the gcnns of ncrotula , rheumatism ,
consumption and eoero skin dlsuasoi.
Your Cutlcura Ucmcdhs are the best for skin ills
cas-fl I hatocvcr sold , and lour Cutlcura Soap the
llncet medicinal Ul'.ct amp In the iiiatkct.
0 W STAPLES , Druggist ,
OakcolaMills .
Sold c\crjwhere. Filco Culicuro , 60c ; Ilesot.
\cnt. 8jl.C6 ; Soap , 2Bc. Pr < pnred by the POTTKR DIU.U
AND t'nrwicAL Co , ll.ston , Utss.
Send for "How to Cure Skin Diseases : "
- " " > oxquls'te
cr umodSklu Beaut or.
Thlsln\nluible fpco'llo readily and permanently
cures all kinds of Asthma. Tto mitt nhjtlnnto and
long standing cases ilcld ptomptl } to lt > wonderful
cuilngproiiortlcs. It Iskeown throughout the world
for Its unrivaled clllcacy.
J L. UAUlWKLt , , city Tlncoln , Neb. ; nrltos , Jan
19,1831. S nco utlng Dr. Hair's Aathnu cure , for
inoro tli..i ono > carmy nlfo han been entlnly will ,
and cot t\en as > mptem of the dlccise hai appeared.
WILtliU BKNNETT , lllchland , loua.wrltcsNcv.
8d. 18S3 Ihtnobccn allllctcd with Ifay Fc\cr and
Asthma s'nce 1869. I followed jour directions and
am happy to far that I never slept better In inj lite.
I am g'ad thatt am araone the many who can epcnk
ea favorably of jour icoicdlca.
A lalmbla 64 p go tr atliocoutalr Ingelmitar proof
from ever } State in the U , S , CanaJ * a d Uieat
Britain ; will bo mailed upon application.
Any druggist not having it In stock will procure i
to order. Atk for Dr. Hair B Asthma Cure.
DR. B. W. 1IAIU * : SON. Prop'aCIa tl. O.
PlaUsmouth , - - -
laciautor faoaojaastiu
Omaha'sPopulaiilliiier '
Ill S loth Street , - - - Opp.Pontoffico |
Nursery Stock !
Far priced catalogue of the POMONA NURSEIUK
address , n. 0 Raymond , Box 290 , Omaha , Neb
Nursery grounds situated Immediately norvh of the
Institute for tbo Deal ind Dumb. Contracts taken
or tree planting. I n28d3mwl2t
218 North 16th Street.
Oldltcefllvo Stand.
The present oroprlctor wishes It understood tn
all photographs am made satisfactory before being
delivered ( mm this gallery. The old management
retires and Mr. D. E. Gray succeedu.
1116 Fainam , Bet llth and 12th St
Finest selection of Spring Suit
ings , Perfect Fit , and complete satisfaction -
isfaction gna-nntecd.
Merchant Tailor
819 South 18th Etroet ,
I'lret-cloHB tailoring in all Its brnnchoa.
Carries a fine line ot Menu' Shoes In lials ,
Congress anil Mutton We contend that
Hathaway , Route & Harrington make of
shoes are not beaten by any house either in
style or durability ,
Ment1 Ducklo Shoe 1 00
MeuB1 liutton ohoe 1 ? r
Men * ' Uutton and Ilala 200
Wo can and wo are telling goods % ery lower
( or caah. llemember the place. 161 L' Douglas
street. T. N. IWAy.