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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1885)
THJE DAILY BEE-THURSDAY 'APRIL 16 , 1855 DAILY BEE. 914 XBW Tew Onto , ROOM Twiuw tn . the Wwkly Boo.PubUbMKl every Wtdneidar Oat Ten , wHhpremlmn. . . . . . . . , . , OBI Tear. without ptemlam . ] t But Uontni , wUho premium On * Month , on trial UTIMA. Jwlfto'tB. eid" Hu oorapany. THE BEE POBLISHIHQ CO , , Props , B. KOSKWATKR , KDnon. A. H. Fitch , Manager Daily CircttUUoa , f. O. Box , iM Omaha , Neb. r TWENTY years ago to-dav Abraham Lincoln died from the effects of the Bjt.isiin'a balltt. GovEUNon DAWEH has Issued his annual - nual Arbar Day proclamation. Accord ing to an act of the last legislature the < > 2d of April la the d y , and it is made a legal holiday. FormArkansM murderers , sentenced to doatli , have had tholr sentences com muted to imptisonmont for llfo by the president. This looks a little too mucli llko wholcsilo pardoning. NEHKA.SKA democrats have not yol even had a emoll of oflioe. They are pretty hungry , nnd cannot understand ' of Lent ii why , now that tho' season ever , they should fast any longer. TUB Canadians hove no moro love f01 John Chinaman than the American : havo. The dominion parliament Is abon to pats n law providing that every Chi naman entering Canada shall pay lnt' the troajury § 25. O'DONOVAN ROSSA , having been ar rested in Lonlsylllo for some old whisk ; debts , will probably do some lively sklr mishlng for funds. Ho probably think that a nkirmishlng fund would bo a prott ; good thing just now. IN the election of Mr. Bechol as il president the city council has chosen gentleman trho , no doubt , will give enl ufactlon In that important position. A councilman for the past year ho has a < quired valuable experience , and in ever other way ho is Toll qualified for th oflico. CANADA owes § 255,000,410 , or abet $50 for each man , woman and child witl in Us borders. The Riol outbreak wl probably result In adding a few moi millions to this already Immense deb For persons who like light taxation tl Dominion is a good country to avoid , bol as a place of residence and as a field f < Investment. JUBOINQ from the Herald's critlcls : of rholps' appointment to England , v , we should tay that Dr. Miller Is gettlr mad. Ho doesn't think quite BO muc of Cleveland as he did before the pos master-generalship was disposed of , ar the fact that a yet not one of the Mill democrats In Nebraska has received i office only adds fuel to his flame of 1 dlgnatlon. THE falling of a row of poorly co atructed houses in New York , resultli In the wounding and death of sever workmen , isa warning that ought to 1 headed everywhere. In Omaha wo ha' a building ordinance , and the authorltl should see that It is compiled with. ! far , wo don't ' bollovo that any attontli whatever has been paid to It. Now th the building season is about to open , should bo tn forced in all important pi tlculars. ALTHOUGH Couch nnd hia boomera n not to bo permitted t locate In Oklal ma , they no doubt will take aatisfioti In the determination of the governoc to act Impartially towards all trespasso In other words , the cattle-men as well the boomers must vacate Oklahoma. T ' president proposes to put an end to doubt in thisWttor by Issuing a gento proclamation to nil offenders to cornf with the law. The secretary of the i torlor will bo Instructed to enforce it , a : ibo secretary of war Is to be authorized glvo military asaletanco If necessary. HAD Dr. . Miller been appointed poi master general ho could net be me ) worried ever appointments than he la the present time. The continued ale of the Herald sanctum by offlco-soekc ruts compelled the doctor In self-detail to say that "complaints about not gi ting appointments to office In unr stt should not bo located at anybody's do hereabouts. They should bo Iransfern to Washington. " In other words i shifts the heavy responsibility up- - Grover Cleveland. Mr. Cleveland , w ' probably bo able to stand the reapone bllity. TUB order of Mayor Boyd at tl doon of gambling houses bo kept closi BO that no one can enter at will , me possibly have the effoat of keeping 01 boys , for which purposa it la intendei but It the gamblers have not the decent to order all bojs out of their rooms the places ought to be shut up ontlrol ] There i a Rood deal of room for refon in the sporting circle , and It Is to t hoped that the reform mayor wlllprooee to carry It out. Among the first thinj to bo done is to drive out tha surplus c tin-horn and skin gamblers and othe such worthlota character ! , and close u Jho divoi , den and m n-traps gcnerallj THE MAYOR'S INAUGURAL. Mayor Boyd's inaugural motsige Is a brief bnslnest-liko document. It Is evi dent that ho Intends If possible to keep the city within Its means , so far as its expen ditures are concerned , during his admin istration. This policy is In accord not only with business principles , but with the provisions of the now charter , which makes the mayor individually liable for all expenditures In excess of the amount in the various funds subject to disburse ment. Under this restriction ho main tains that ho cannot sign any contracts or approve any ordinance for the appro prlatlon of money for the payment o contracts or of the employes unless thor are funds for such purposes. This , of OOUHP , requires the mayor to bo very careful Mn the matter of disbursements. His duty is to see that the city pays its way as It goes. Mayor Boyd's recommendation that action bo taken at an early day for the the erection of a city hall building , now that the city possesses a suitable loca tion , Is timely , and will bo generally approved by the people who are In favor of public Improvements , It Is Mr. Boyd's opinion that the assessed valua tion of the city for 1885 will permit the voting of bonds for a city hall building to the extent of a hundred thousand I dollars , and It is hoped that his sug gestion that a proposition to that ef fect bo submitted to the people at r cpoclal election will bo favorably acted upon by the city council at an oarlj day , or os soon aa it Is definitely ascor tainen thai the bonds can bo issued il voted. THE CJTY ATTORNEY'S REPORT The official report of City Attorney Connell Is a very complete document. I covers a period of two years , and show In detail the number , nature and dliposa of all cases against the city. It Is thi first report of the kind ever prepared am printed , and Mr. Connell Is entitled 1 the thanks of the tax-payers for Inangur ting n system that ought to bo kept uj by every succeeding city attorney. Simlla reports ought to bo furnished by th heads of all the departments concernln their work , as it Is only by keeping full advised upon the affairs In cash depart ment that the mayor and council cv properly direct the business of the cltj and keep Tfithln the provisions of th charter. Mr. Connell naturally take considerable pride in the fact that dm ing the past two years not a ens has been lost , or a judgment randcro adverse to the Interests of the ell3 Were it cot for the fact that an excess < work , in the line of public improvement ! necessitated the entry of judgments fc .it undisputed balances due contractors c .ith parties damaged by change of grades , 1 : h111 would have been able to make an almo re perfectly clean balance sheet. It canni it. bo denied that Mr. Connell has made 10 yery efficient officer , and It is hoped tin th if any change is contemplated , his eu or cossor will bo as capable and vigilant , f < the legal department of the city la ce tainly of great Importance. The offii of city attorney should not bo filled I any man unices he is a lawyer of a knowlodgod ability and integrity. 3h it- THE great London exhibition opoi itid id next month , and It Is to bo rcgrettc er that American inventors have not sec an fit , foe some reason cr other , to take ai vantage of this opportunity for bringh to the attention of Europeans tl numerous achievements of their iogonuit n- American inventors and owners of vain bio patents usually are not slow to sol : ral a chance of exhibiting their devices whi bo benefits , aa In this case , are certain vo follow. That there has been so meag lea a response to the invitation from Londi Bo is probably duo to the fact it w on not sufficiently published. iac it THE Now York state senate has pass ir- a bill creating a beard of commUsione who are to have power to'ouperviao i gis business of Now York city , and ire whom the companies must ropott t 10- amount and profits o ! their business. T 10.on .on bill provides that the prlco of gas shi mt not exceed $1.50 per thousand feet nnd rs. any circumstances , and Iho compan urj prohibited from declaring dlvlden 'ho of raora than ton per cent , annually all their capital stock. Whenever the prc ral Its of the buslneai rlso above this lln the prloa of gas to consumers is to ba : n- ducsd accordingly. It Is believed tl nnd nd the houeo vrlll concur with the senate to malting the bill a law , which trill rolle the gas consumers from the oxtortla which have been so long practised up it- them by the gas corporations. ro at WE cannot understand why tbo U igo coin Journal should constantly attem , era to belittle Omaha. If it cati offer a : ISO reasonable explanation of its contemp ble oourso towards the metropolis of t ! kte state wo would llko to have It do t ior The Journal , whllo It does not raatoi ed ally hurt Omaha , does not build up LI he ooln by its efforts to tear down this clt on Tha press of Omaha has always treat 'ill the capital city fairly , and wo know il- no reason why Omaha should bo mai the objtct of moan and spiteful atlac at tha hands of the Journal , as the ty cities are not at all in the position Bj jealous rivals. In a'bnslnca way Count Bluff * and Sioux City , located in anotb state , are more the rivals of Omaha tin Lincoln is , yet the newspapers of ( ho two cities have never asiaultod Ouiaha ir each a spiteful manner as the Jouni has dono. m 1C TJJK Chinese imperial praclamatic id that the French barbarians havir humbly susd fcr peace , the empjro of moved by their prayer , baa gracious ! { ranted their request , may causa sore . wrmderable amusement and some lltt ! Indignation to Franco , yet It comes vei marly being the troth. Although the ? ren h probably have not sued for peace n a formal way , yet the Ohlooio emperor - peror has taken It for granted that owing to their disastrous defeats they ought to do so. However , the peace decree of the emperor of China may be said to bo delightfully oriental. It ia , however , not quite op to some of the versions of treaties between Tnrkey and Rntsla pnblLhcd for the benefit of the sultan's subjects , In which it was sot forth , with duo rhetorical exuberance , that the commander of the Faithful , pitying the despair and poverty of the conquered Muscovites , and desirous , in his Infinite clemency , of bonofittlng and protecting them , in accordance with the precepts of the Koran , had granted them a corner of his territories and presented them with some scores of millions of plasters that they might buy bread and bices his magnificent name. THE British lion's tall-twlster , "Riche lieu" Robinson , has boon hoard from again. In n recent lecture In Now York ha took occasion to severely denounce James Rnasoll Lowell , whom ho called n reprobate , and who be fore ho wont to England was the champion tail-twister of the British lion. Ono thing Is certain that the vacancy causac1 in the tail-twister's oflico by the change In sentiment on the part of Mr. Lowell has bosn ably filled by Robinson. NOTWITHSTANDING the demand made for the franchise by women , the sex , as F rule , after registering where they are entitled titled to vote , neghct or refuo to tak ( advantage of Iho privilege. Secretary Pierce , of Massachusetts , has made a re port to tha legislature of the state , It which ho shows thatln 1881 , 3,032 womoi registered and 1,437 only voted. In 1882 2,070 registered and 1,181 voted. Thi next year 2,778 registered and 1,33 ! voted , and last year 3,471 registered am 1,789 voted. It will thus bo soon tha about 50 > or cent only of those wlv registered voted. TAX-DODDERS exist in every common ! _ ty. They are found among the ranks c wealthy , and not among those in modoi ate circumstances or auiong the pool It Is the poor nnn who bears the burdo of taxes for ho can not caver up his littl hni9 while the rich man easily conceal his bonda , mortgages , stocks and othc property of a like nature , and thus cs cipes paying his just ah are of taxatloi The assessors In the city do tholr who ] duty by securing an honest statomet 3 from all property-holders , and treat a men alike. ) r TIIE attachment of the "forms" of Boston newspaper as security for allege damages In a llbol suit , just before tt hour of going to press , has caused the it , troductlon of a bill In the Masaachnoot it legislature providing that "type,11 whotbj set up in forma or not , In nsa for prin Ing newspapers regularly published , eha not , within forty-eight hours previous I the fixed time of going to press , bo a tachod if other property equal In valv bo offered to satisfy the demand. Tl officer must show by his return that h demand has been refused or nogloctc : DB othcrwlso the attachment becomes voli This bill will probably bo pissed. Tl object of It is mainly to prevent spi work , which was tha motive in the ca of the Boston paper. 10 y.a . IT Is proposed to hold a national c n a10 uioiclal convention at Atlanta , Gcorgi 10 on May 19 , and the two following day jn A circular letter has boon sent out Invl to ing the attendance of delegates from ro commercial bodies , from all Incorporate an towns and cities , and the states at larg as The object la to discuss subjects connec od with the financial and commercial 1 torcsts of the country. It is thought th > ed the interval between the inauguration irs a now administration and the mooting ho a newly constituted congress Jsopportm to to the purposes had In view. Coin me ho clal and reciprocity treaties between tl ho United States and foreign countries ; all national bankrupt law ; fttho compulso ler coinage of silver , and railway-transport lea tion are prominent among the topi ids named for discussion. on The liquor element dlos some ait the Iowa towns , This Is particularly t re- CIBO in vho free and easy Missouri rlv iat town of Sioux City , where , In hopes In evading the prohibitory law , the ci 170 council has adopted a so-called "tavo ins ordinance , " regulating saloons and pi on vidlng for a licenao of $1,000 a year , pa . able monthly. This ordinance mlg : hold water if Sioux City would move ov ' n- the river Into the high license' state npt Nebraska , but in Iowa a prohibitory I ny junction Is liable to collide with It ai tlho moment and knock It completely out. ho may bo well enough If Sioux City d 10. sires to collect a revenue in this way fro > ti- such saloon-keepers who propose to tal ti7' the risks of continuing In business , b 7' the ordinance Is no protection wbatev od to the saloon-keepers if any one sees i of to prosecute them. do ks As a card-writer Dr. Miller seems kso be attaotiug as much attention as ho d of whllo posing aa a candidate for peal sil master-general. The Chicago Net or. makes the following comment on tl tn great card'wrlter : so Ex'Postmaster-Genoral George L. Ml in ler , editor of the Omaha Herald , coi inal fesics that ha made a mistake when b al announced list week that ho would slg no more democratic applications fc oflico. Now ho withdraws that declan tion and saya he will cheerfully sign ei ery petition , application , letter , papoi etc. , sent him. Touching the prevloc announcement it would seem that h ! only mental reservation was the matte 161 ° f postage stamps , and It gratifies us t I learn that his expansive mind has rise 161 ibovo that trifling , mercenary consider ! Tltlon , _ STATE JOTTINGS. There ro 1.2S9 children of ichool ego In the city ot Kontney. The Fremont creamery churned 18,000 poundi of batter during March , Fremont papers recommend bnckehot as n remedy for the tramp phgno. Cro'chton ' bni 700 population and supports three newipnperi nnd three chutchei Freight rate ) from Chicago to Chaldron nro old to be 70 cents , and from Valentino to Chaldron $2 , CO. Conl prospectors nro boring In the vicinity of Tccumtoh. It is hoped the returns will not proven tote , The 13. & M. railway company has expend ed Bovoral hundred dollurg rip-rnplng the liter bank at Nebraska Oily. * J. Sterling Morton will deliver the Arbor day addroig at Nebraska City , which OCCA- aion is to bo generally celebrated , At the teachers' institute , recently hold at North Bend , 100 teachers wore enrolled , the Urgent attendance of any itutttuto held in the county. The Sioux City and Pacific railroad haa lo cated the supply station for the 1'lno KiclfiO nponcy at lietxr Creek crossing , sixty inllci weat of Valentine. The Lincoln News eays " 3atnn Is In com' ' mainl of tha wicked bora nnd corn juice 11 kins unto death. " Ono woman has applied for license to loll liquor , The Lincoln Mnonnerclior appeals to the citizens to come down with cash donations t < Inmro the success of the Saongerfoat to b < held there next Juno , The Buffalo County Agricultural eoclotj will hold their fifth annual fair at the croundi of the society nt Kearney , Neb. , on the 7th 8th , ! ) th and 10th of September. Ainaworth has n promising youth _ of 19 named Edward Stiles , who measures six fee HX inchoa In holghth , an utcommon broadtl of licain. and weighs 30."i pounds. Navigation on the Kearney cunal Ii stopped for want of wnter , and all passonge and I r eight boots nre dry docked. Schooners however , nro still sailing over the bars. During n storm at Gasin ! on the Gil lightning struck the residence of a man nnmci Parsons , killing ono ot thrco children Bleep In a bed near the stove. The other-two wer unharinpd. ' . . . . . " "Beatrice iVatilT "discussing' ' sites lor th feeble minded homo. If the debate continue much longer it is feared the town will make i large contribution to the inmates when th institution Is ready. Waterloo , In this county , howfl as marr eigna of imDroroment as any of her neigh bars. Now buildings , fences , eheds , nni cleaning up on every hand. A $5,000 scnoc homo will bo a hig feather for tha town. An aged man near Kearney , known in th locality as Granpa Lunchrey , died suddenl ; while engaged plowing in the field. AVho discovered ho was sitting upright in the BOO of the sulky plow with hla hand grasping th lever , but stone dead , Several farmers near Falls Clty _ have dfa covered the use of railroad rails in broakin down corn stalks to bo altogether too expon eive for ordinary farming. The railway con pany have caused several arrests ( or takin rails for the purpose mentioned. An immigrant on reaching Hustings rounde : up his brood to find ono missing. Hastil telegraphing ahead of the train , the eonductc found the Innocent tomhoad curled up in seat sweetly dreaming. Ho was aroused an returned to his anxious parents by the ne ; train. Clay Howard drew a 5100 feed Rrlnder I the Omaha Weekly 00 distribution , and 01 old friend , Julius Brewer , c ptured a nic ecwln ? machine al the same drawing. A Julius needs now to complete his hausehold. to capture a good-looking widow or old mail [ Boone County Argus , The people of St. Helena are organizing coal prospecting company. Machinery h ; been purchased in Yankton , Chunks of co weighing not lees than twenty pounds hai been discovered within the past year , at conl has been frequently found in digglr wells at the depth of from thirty-five to eighl feet in small pieces. tote Two lawyers , two patent Iglit men ni two ordinary citizens piled into a boat i Brownvillo , last Friday , and proceeded 1 sail the turbulent Missouri , A land equa struck the quaking craft" , and a lingo billo swept the deck , carrying away her crew , di lodging the rudder and making kindling i the mizzen mast and jib. The wator-soake mariners floundered for eevoral minutes ami the threatonlrg waves , when the Hfo-piwlr > crow , uudor the load of Mike Borada , thro out a line and hauled them safely to shor Ono Back of mail was lost. The grain men of I'lattsmouth have a gel mine in the grain business these days. It wi reported on the street Saturday that 01 firm picked up $2,200 on a wheat deal in Ch cage inside of n week on account of tl to rumors of war and the ndvanco in price so Another party who lives hero who has ov two hundred thousand bushels of corn ; cribs and warehouses along the B. &AI. I R. , eayi his profits have been ever 310,0 ! In the last ten days on this advance. Thit of it , ye suffering public , and compare the lot to the poor , hungry editor , who ia willii a. to accept an armful of kindling wood or a ha nandwlch for a subscription to his paper , ' Itill [ Plattsmouth Herald. ill The bubinets of the land oflico of Niobra ad for the quarter ending March 31st was as fa lows : Cash Bales D2 commuted homestead 7,007.23 acres , § 0iC9.1G ; 82 pre-emption a 1841,11,018,14 acres , S14.6C0.24 ; 12 exce homestead entries , 52 GO acres , $05.79 ; " e : cess timber culture , 12.28 acres , $15.35 ; 2 pi at vato entries , 120 acres , S1CO total cash sale 19.-100.30 acres , 524,250.54. Faos and cot of missions ICO homestead entries , 23,523. of acres , 82,102.05 ; 73 final homestead ontrii 11,543 00 acres , S291 ; 79 timber culture e no tries , 11,722 75 , Sl.OliC ; 5 final timber cultui 800 acres , $20 ; 101 filings , $323 ; 3 II. E.filint $0 ; 1C Santee Sioux Indian homcsteai ho 2,550.76 acres ( no fees ) . Total receipts of t oflico , 828,003 6'J. ry liiVBOU AND ta- ica IMiUlors ci Intrrest to Employers ni Employed , iof Philadelphia Record. hoof From a largo number of cities cor fivorablo reports of unusual bnlUi of activity. The building permits of Ni York for the first quarter aggregate 1 ( Ity 101,402 , against $8,650,072 for the Gi irn quarter last year. In this city the bull ro- ing permits exceed § 3.000,000 for t : ro.y - first quarter. So far this month t .yht figures have been rolling up steadil Contractors say that with no untowa 'er circumstances this will bo an oxoeptioi of ally favorable year. The worklngm seem content with prevailing rates wages. Host of the houses to bo ba ny hera are forJpo'BIDS of moderate mea It a demand which has been more or Is e- overlooked for years past. Real asta em Is Improving , and with moro rapid meai ke for travel a greater demand for houses the suburbs would no doubt spring up. at The New York painters demandi or $3.50 for ton hours after April Gth ft fit the season , and after some parleylr they got It.- Last Tuesday evening tl bricklayers held a conference with the > to employers at the Brunswick hotel , ar offered to work at 45 cents per hou Id tbo bosses offered 42 cents. Next Tus t- day the bosses will finally answer. Tl tva paper-hangers propose to refnio to bar. be any paper sold by wall paper manufa tnrvra * combination unless they are pai their wages. The Brooklyn and Ke II. York bakers held a meeting last night I organize sgalnst working eighteen hoai a day. Ono baker ( Horseman ) i Williamsbarg , who demands that his me shall work seventeen hours a day for fh days and twenty-two hours on Satui day , has been boycotted , and all IhaNo York labor ataoclations have joined 1 the movement. In several Brookly bakeries the men work 9,0 to 108 houi per week. The fifth roass meeting wis fceld I Now York 'latt Wednesday evonlo under the auipices of the Amalgamate Building Trades council to organu measures to prevent cruelty toward children In shops and factories. Tha Ladles' Stnltary association , of Now York , ii seeking to have slaughterhouses - houses removed without the city limits , and after that Is accomplithod Its mom- bora intend to turn tholr attention to cigar tenement houses and to shops and factories where women and children are employed. The Now York Musical society cioty wants the Importation of cheap mu < sloians stopped. The Central Labor union of Now York is gaining In membership and Influence. The painters and brownstone cutters have sent delegates. The union Is well oflicerod , and represents the boat intelli gence of Now York labor. The Now York Shoemakers' nnlon ha * merged into a Knights of Labora assem bly. The tailors will hold their cunnal piinio at Elm park. E. 0. Thompson , formerly of this city , but now of Now York , U the only boss custom tailor who refuses to pay the bill of prices and his workmen are on a atriko ngulnst him. Jay Gould is having A hard time with his strikers. Ho yielded to sovonty-fivo of his yardmen at Tarrytown who re fused to accept a L'u cents reduction. Co-operntivo factory , No. 2 , at South Norwalk , Uonn. , haa mete orders than can ba readily filled , and another build ing will bo erected. The carpenters of Now York have re solved that after to-morrow wages of car penters ind joiners shall bo $350 per dry , with eight hours on Saturdays. There are largo numbcriof idle men in Now Orleans and work Is scarco. A largo amount of building is under way In Washington , D. 0. ; a co-oporatlvo guild has boon opened. The building season at Cincinnati will bo brisk. Organiza tion is progressing in Kansas towns. Business Is Improving slowly at Richmond mend , Va. , and the worklngmon are or ganizing with the Knights of Labor ; the negroes have seven assemblies and are very onthnslastlr. The defeated Hocking Valley minors arc BuiTerlng for food. The anthracite miners are Hocking into the Minors and Laborers' Amalgamated Association , and soinn day , when times improve , there will bo trouble. On rare occasion * a minor Is found whc has Bonso and unaorstanda enough to express - press an opinion on the labor question. Ono of thesa is Dr. Da Costa. Recently some of his labor-grinding parishioners warnodhim that his situation was not se cure. The preacher replied last Snndaj that ho was not dependent on his salary. The worklngmon have It In theit power to work an economic revolution in a very practical and ordinary way. Foi instance , what Is there toprevent any 01 all of the two thousand Atsjrubllcs oi the Knights of Labor tending each an order for n dozn or two dozen hats tc the South Norwalk hatters ; to the co operative cigar makers an order for 10 , . 000 cigars apiece ; to the co-operative boot aud ehoomakors an order for a fev cases of boots and shoos , and so or all through , and thus create ai enormous demand for cooperative ativo goods. Of co'urao , it may hi said that there are odd tized hat1) ) , boots etc. ; bat there are odd sized feet am heads for them. Labor makoi the mis take of theorizing , of looking long dls * tances ahead toward the dan n of eomi a sweeping goad tlmu. The remedy is a hand. Thera are OO.COO minors in thi state who are robbed of one-fourth o their earnings in stores that charge onor mom prices , yet these mlnora cubmi year after year instead of clubbing teat at gcther and buying n car load lot of pro to visions , coats , shoe ; , etc , at the noaros til largo city. This would ho too practlca iw for thorn. They would rather strike si : isof months for one-fourth of a cent per bush el or five to ton cents a ton snd lea 3d id $200 In wages than to get together am idg B ivo § 100 t3 § 150 a year by co-operativi iw purchasing. The Rochdale pioneers wouli 0. have been forgotten twenty years ago ii 0.Id paupers' graves had they acUd aa do ou Id miner and Pennsylvania * workiagmoi as generally. But ono of thorn had an oil no ii- wheelbarrow , aud they put up money am bo bought provisions enough to till It. The ; is , took turns at it , wheeling it at nlghtfai erin lest they should bo seen by their fellow 1 in workmen and declared crjzy , ard openei 00 their supply in a little room in an nlle ; uk and divided , each takicg his own. Th' jir sight of thesa half dozen men aronni tholr whoelbarraw at Rochdale that Sat inrday night was as Important a movomen and aa grand an historic event ai thi landing of the pilgrims from the Hay il 'flower. * ills , Cotton spinners to the number o tct 175,000 , of whom 90.000 are men am 85,000 women , era agitating for the or gamzitlon of a Spinner's National ssso ri- 28 , elation. The conditions are favcrabl n- for such an organization. The origins n84 toraof the movement recognize the fac as , tbat , In proportion as labor orgsnlza'ion nro strengthened , strikes diminish. "Company" itoroa In raining region i ds' , are a cuwo , A minor on going to wcr .he found tha lit at charge on tbo books 2 coats fora 2-csnt pesi book. Lcglslc tion has failed to check the evil an comtj are on the side of the minors bu Iho only remedy will come when th nd miner * are found on tholr own side Their loaders and ndvisois are cnlpabl negligent In directing the exclusive al tention of their followers to organizotlo and overlooking the advantages to bo secured no cured In clubbing together to purchas goods. BW The labor problem will bo half solve when each worker can put a hogbetweo ; r < t himself and the almshouse. Idho . Tin denial comcH rather tardy to tb ho reported contract for 200,000 awoid hon with the Ohlcopeo Cutlery company. "What is the labor question ? " wa recently asitod ono of the professors o nen the John Hopkins university by i en student , The answer is not recorded of but here Is one : The Indian * labo ilt bureau , for instance , tnys that the valai ns of the raw material nsed In the manu iss faoturos of that state for 1884 was es tlmatod at 897,207,001) ) ; woes paid labor ns (31,273,340 ; all other expenses , $4,830 , In GOB. Deducting the value of the raw material , all other expenses snd wagei odor paid labor from the value of the man or ufactured product , and 10 per cent in I * terest on the capital employed , wo hav < be $55,520,642 unexpended nnd unac ir counted for , except as profits to capita ! id above 10 per cent. Labor wants to know why there is such a surplus , and why It cannot share in It. This Is the label question , Mr. Student. The legislature of North Carolina bai pasted an act providing for the establish- raent of a school whore Instruction wil1 be given In wood-working , mlniuft , mot- allnegy , practical agriculture , and some otbor branches of Industrial education tc in be added ai good judgment Mtggeatr. Tha employers of Iron workers in the wtat are anxious to ascertain the proba ble municipal strength of the amalaa- mated automation Some put It at 10- 000 only , of which 3,000 are In the Pitts- burg district ; but lomehov they ara Spar tans , Indeed , who oanput many to flight. Ibo present prospects are that the em ploy on will refute to confer with the representatives of the association unices they como with powers to act and determine - mine for ihosa they represent , 1VESXK11N NEWS. DAKOTA. Pierre Is building water world. The debt of Turner county is $15.020. livdo county at the ago of ono year Is debt ? SOOO. The bonded and Heating debt of Charloa Mix connty Is $7,000 , Tree planting among the farmers finds con siderable favor this ipring. 1'ierre's proposed water-works system , it is estimated , will cost ? GO,000. lUpid City haa decided issue $45,000 in bonds to build water work The Farmer1 alliance , of 1'arkfr , contom pinto citahllduog n ttorc of their own at that place. A Montreal capitalist named 'John I/owis , proposes to erect a ? 50OCO , oat meal mill at Torso. The town of Tyndall odors a block of grount nd $1,000 for the locution of the county scaf In that town. Two thousand and forty-four enlrif wcro made at the Deadwood I nnd ollico during the year ending April 1 , The proposition to bond Bismarck fo $100,000 for watcrwooks was defeated at the city election recently. Over $80,000 have boon expended on th streets and hrldaoj of Deadwood tlnco Its firs ostablitomcut as n city. The cost of trJiiBCtlbtrp tbo records o Brown county , in case of division , iscstimatot at a llttlo moro than S10.0CO. At Cooporttnvtn an artesian well has bee tunk to n depth ot 400 feet , At 285 feet ga was struck that burned freely. Deadwood has secured a revocation or BUS pension of the'order removing the land ollic to Itapld City , aud is correspondingly happy A ItuBtian colony 1ms settled in DtilTal county the past winter and tprinp , securing t themiclves over 5.0UO acres of governincn donulu. The Valentino road items to bo the popu lar route to the Hills this tpiing. Quito number of people have nlroady como over I and many more are coming , Prairie fires are becoming moro and moro dread to the settler. The total of sptln ICSSOB in the territory are beginning to foot up to many thousands of dollirs , Two squatters on the samu quarter section is quite common in the Crow Creek and Win- uebago reservations , end consequent broils and iback removals ixio of dally occurrence. A sample of tin ore from the Undo Sam mine at Nlcger Hill , wia exhibited in Deadwood - wood lately , that assayed 10 per cent pure tin. The mine is owned by Deadwood par- tics. Under tbo provliiona of a law enacted by the legislature of its Into session one term of the supreme court will bo held each year at Yankton , one at IMemarck and ono at Dead- wood. The Black Hills telephone company are eaid to be extending their lines from Custer City to Hot Springs , and from thence across ta Chndron , to meet the Incoming Sioux City and Pacific. Ono lone and unprotected female attempted to vote at the recent election in Bismarck on the water-works question. On being chal lenged the angelic voter flapped her wings and lied in disgust. Bill Montgomery , a Black Hilla miner , had a tuaelo with a big cinnamon bear near Koch- ford a few days ago , in which William cnme near taking second money. lie finally filled the boar so full of load that bruin became in active , when ho finished him with hia knife. The Homestako mine in the Black Hills has declared its seventy-ninth monthly dividend , 25 cents n share , aggregating $31,250. The total dividends amount to $2,087,500. The Do Smet has declared its fifty-third at 2 ( cents n chare , aggregating § 20,000. Total tc date , 5980,000. Aa examination of Iho records shows that not a scrap of paper haa ever been filed cov ering the title to the town sits of Deadwood , With no patent , no receipt , in fact will nothing to indicate that the government ha ; ever parted with title to tbe land upon whict Deadwcod stands , owners of real estate hnv < ample reason for nervousness , WVOMINQ. John Neleon dropped into a well at Soldiei Creek and sustained fitnl injuries. A reward of $750 ia offered for the arrest ol Bill Booth , the murderer of Jacob Schmearoi near Buffalo. There is a balance of $10,051.50 in tin Cheyenne treasury , The indebtedness of thi city ia 816C,803-13. The reported trouble with the Crow Indi ana in the Little Horn country has been ami cably bottled and an outbreak Is no longe feared. PeterUanccnand Win. Crouch , thocnginoe nnd fireman injured in a wreck last Noyem- ber , hava begun suit against tLoUuion 1'aclfi for S-10,000 each. A prominent oil expert who haa recently visited the Graft oil wells on tbe Little Pope ogle , says that half haa not been said abou this well. That instead of tbo press report ) sxtvcgerating tha output they have not done thi well justice. COLOBAIO. ? Lumbar is worth $10 per thouiand a Aspen. Central haa over [ $10,000 in the cit ; treasury , The majority of the republican candidati formsyor of Denver was 1,170. "The Oso Mining Company" is the natni of another company th t is preparing to worl the sanda of Cherry Creek , ne.irEluaboth , foi gold.Tho The legislative committee investigating th ( charges uf corruption in the election tcr Teller reported that no evidence could b ; secured to sustain the charges , The average number of patients In the Den ror City hospital for the year ending JMarcI 1st , 1885 , was 44. There were 409 personi admitted and 411 discharged , including 4 : deaths. The notorious Arnold Howard , of Kl < Grande county , who lias been arrested foi cattle thieving several times , has at last ] boei convicted , U U the second conviction in thai county fur nleron years. Cclorndo has a bad man with n hntchot 10 His niine fa Grimes , and he hai been dtgnl lied with the office and title of commlssione ! to tbe Mew Orleans exposition. Among tin state exhibits them was a minaturo model farm * which _ was a plague spot t < Grimes' artistic oyo. Seizing hit hatchet at an opportune moment ho domoliihod the farm and frame work o' ' the exhibit , and practically nil nod the beal part of the utate show. He was jailed. MONTANA , Lowia and Clarke county owes $80,000. Butte is revolting on imported atrawberrlet at BIZ blta u box with Inflated bottoms. Sixteen thousand dollars haa been raised toward building the proposed college at Boie- man. man.Seven Seven tons of rock fell on D. L. Davis in tha Magna Clurta mlno at Butte , breaking hit neck. It Is expected that the foundation of Helen - n 'u $150,000 court house will be completed this season. The last session of congress appropriated 825,000 , It Is itated , to complete the Montana penitentiary , In 1831 Montana , according to official re turns. shipped 420 carlo&da of wool , weighing m the aggregate 4,200,000 pounds. Conetnnt and McDonald , two notorioiu horsu-tlilavei , were captured by the vigilantes In the not them pait of the tertitory and hung , O. A. Haley , foreman of a bridge building the Northern Pacific , ( lipped and fell off a troatle , a distance of 225 feet , near Mis- soula. He lived eight mimitea. Fifty-three gold deposits , amounting to 1. ) , . 030 ounces , wore made m the Helena United Htatoa oajay office for the year ending March 31 , 1881. For the year ending March 31 , 1885 , 1C9 depoiita were made , amounting I o 23.5U7 ounce * , thowiog an Increase over 1831 , for tbo tame period , nf 10,477 ounceu , OALirORNIA , Peach trees in Maryiville hara poaches n them two inches in circumference , and the fruit proipect is excellent. The largeit prune orchard in tbe world It r eltuatwl one tnllo from Saratoga , California , nd conUlna 16,000 , treet. It WM sold recently or $75,000. A company of capttaltiti , with 500,000 apltal , are looking for tr ct of land in the iclnity of Gridl y , But to county , to grow ntWUwen on. There ia nome talk of tendering tha presi- oncy of the State University to General "runcis A Walker , superintendent of the United States ccntua. Burglars are holding high carnival at Sacra mento. Scarcely a night paste * that their aids upon the residences of well to-do clli ons are not recorded , It I * sUttil that n combination of spoon- ntors have purchased all of the black mourn- rg goods for decoration purposes In Ban Trancisco , and expect to reAllto a hmulsomo profit in the event of Gen , Grant's death , The cscho in which the gang of burglars re cently broken up by the detective * of Los Angeles , at Anaheim an Sant.t Ana. WM lound Ust Thursday In n vacint lot , at Santa Ann. A largo amount of valuable property , which the thloycB had buried in sacks , was recovered. The sensation of the cowl nut now is the mnrrlapo of J micro S. Clinton llaitings , seven ty yearn old , toMIsi Lilian Knuit , aged nine teen. The marrioga WAS sadden , nnd is much cjmmcnted on , Quite recently ho deeded all Ills vast cstfito oxcapt nfow hundred thousand dollars , to hia two sons , Whether the bride know this or not is not stated. It is stated that I.ouifl Kiel , Iho French halfbrotd who is the leader of the Indian re volt in Manitoba , lived n number of yeara in San Francisco. Ilia ilrst employment there was nt the pavilllon , when O'Lenry walked apainat Weston. O'Lonry was friendly to him and got htm employed by Lyons , the bootblack , lllol p.ilidicil boots for a short time nnd then wont to Virginia City. In a short time ho returned tn H.m Francisco aud , it in said , was ono nf the fir < > t to neil tomtxlw on the aldowalk. Ho was n firmly knit min , with dark complexion , and very reticent. The Lick trustees , or the tanks originally assigned them , lure vet to erect the frea baths , the Francis Scott Key monument lu Golden Goto Park , the great telescope on Mount Hamilton , nnd to jirovido for the en dowment of the California ichool of Mechani cal Arts , The bath building Is expected to cost altogether about S7fOlO , which will lca\o an equal amount to maintain it. For the monument proposal * hnvn already been in vited from W. W. Htojy , the eminon sculp tor. It is the matter of the observatory , ac cording to present appearances , which will probably ba the last thing accomplished. STRAY NOTES. So-called deserts of Arizona are now cocred with gross and flowers , It is reported that Superintendent Garrard of the Car eon mint hu a list of over 1,000 ap plicants for the eighty positions at his disposal. Last week Mrs. Mary A. Leonard applied for admission to practice law in the Salem courts , but she was refused on the ground that It conflicted with the eta to statutes. A Spanish coin , dated 1771. and bearing the profile bust of Charles III. of Spain , was found abiut two feet beneath the surface of the ground on Captain Maddox'a place , in San Jose , by n man who was digging post holes. NCWJ from Gila Bond , Arizona , says that a new discovery of nnthrncito conl has bean made near there. Considerable excitement prevails , and in coneeqtienco there is prospect of work beginning on the railroad from Tuc- con to Cnlab isia in : i very short timo. A colony from Kuneas settled in Camns Prairie , Idaho last week. This colony is com , posed of families nnd a number ot young men , all of whom are traiced farmers. They brought two cnr-Io.ida of household furmturo and ono car-load of agricultural im- plementa and seed along with them. Sam Carson , a son of Kit Carson , the cele brated Indian fighter on the plains in early days , while investigating a hoina in Los Angeles , reputed to bo haunted , a few days ngo , discovered the causa of the trouble. An immense swarm of bees had made their home in one of the wnllak and had stored it with : i large quantity of the finest honey. At Oregon City , Henry Wtthrow haa ob tained n verdict for $15.000 against the O , & C. It. H. Co. , for damages sustained by hia infant child , which was' thrown from the armi of its mother whllo the was alighting from the train , and falling under the car wheels had both of its legs cut off. The en gineer started the train before the lady hud got entirely off the car. High Jjlcenuo In Sioux City. Sioux CITV , April 15. The city council pissed a tavern ordinance for the regulation of saloons providing for $1,000 license , puy- ablo'monthly , subject to closing , abolition of screen ? , etc. This is in pureuauce of the business men' * movement against the strict enforcement of the prohibitory laws. A telepbono line is to be constituted be tween Aineworth and the county cent of Keya Palm county. A Parisian experimenter has discovered that man is more sensitive to the effecta of morphine than Is any other animal. A dog cin take five timoa ns much of the drug and a monkey fifty times ni mnch in proportion to thilr respective wc'ghts ' as a human being. npIIK Orcat Balaaralo DIstUlat oo JL ol Wltch-IfazBl , American Pi mi , G'iinadft Kir , Marigold , Clover , rilmuomv , oto , called SANFOIID'8 IIADICAL , CUltll.fortlio inimodlato rullcf and pvrmaiuiit euro of e\cry form ol Uatarili , from a Blumlo Cold In tlio Hcu.l to Lots ol Ltocl ] , Taste and Hearing , Cough and Catairhal Consuinijtion , Complete treats ont , coneletlcp ot cno bottle Itaalcnl Cure , ono box Catarrhal Boh on t and ono Improved Inhaler , In OHO package , may now bo had of all Dju/cIbtH for Ask for SANDFOUD'SUAUIOAL CUUEL Complete Treatment with InhalerSl "Tho only absolute specific wo know ol" Mod. Timcc. "Tbe bint wo have found In a llfctlmo of suffering" llev. Dr. Wlggbi , IJoBton. "After a lonir struuijle lth Catirrh the JUnicAL CUHK haa con- querod" Ilov. S. W. Monroe , LeHUburgb , Pa. "I have not found a case ltd Id not rollovo at onoo " Andrew Leo , Manchester , Maaa. Potter Drug and Chemical Co. , Boston. . . ' the w. relict ind prevention SoLTAm,0 the Instant It applied ol linen- ? , | Vy ° / / ' matlam , Neuralgia , Sciatica , \y XV > Coughn , ColdK. Weak Back , Btoro- L\1"'V - > oob , and bowels , Bhootlng trff ' 5 ? > a < . Pains. NumhnoM , Ilyiterla , Ke- r ' v'C r malti Pains , raljilutlon , TtvB.u.n- . sla , Liver Complaint , Ullboi Fevot' W ' ri nJ Ki I lenJo - , uvo ' i > < . /ELtCTKlC\\ uiw Colllnli I'lasUrs ( an Klectrlo P//V * i.l.riC Dattery combined wllh a Poroui tA.TTEH * I'lutui ) and lauebat pala Ui T LETT'S ' PILLS 25 YEARS IN USE. the Oreatcat"Medical Triumph of th Ag l SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Louofuppetlte , liowelt coillre , I'alnln tbo bead , trllb m. dull lenuulon In tbo iacli parr , 1'nln under the hoBli1er- blade , I/ulInc > nfter allnr , wlthadli- Inclination [ a exertion of bodr ortnUd , Irritability oflumpcroir , aplrlu , wllb a feeling ; oflmvlnir neglected loinedulr , IVearlueti , Ulzzlne , 1'lullerlnKBttbo Heart. Hou before Ibo erei , Headache over tlto right eye , Jte lle nei , wIlU Otful dreamt , HlaUIr colored Urine , and CONSTIPATION. TUTT'S I'H.,1.,9 are especially adapted to such cases , ono doio effects nucJi H .nangooffeelliiRastoastonltlitiiBBUirornr , Tha } Incrcaie the Aiiuetlleani | cauie tb body to TaUaou Fleih/lnuii Ibo eriteui Ii uourUheil.nna by IhclrTonlo Action on lhll lu itlveOruali , lttJllilurHtool nro nrndiic"l. I'rl-a-jSc. t Murray Ht..N.Y. runs HAIR DYE. GHAT Itxiu or WHISKERS changed to u Outasr DLACK by a slnglu application ot thli I > TK. U Imparts a natural color , RcU Inslantancouely. Hold by UruegUU , or acntby ezpreinon receipt of 01. Office. 44 Murray St. . Now York.