Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 15, 1885, Page 6, Image 6

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Wednesday Morning , Aoril 15i
pi ? y r
No. IliPnarl Street.
L-.ungflJ , frjm $5 up , at Mirjdil'a.
The'thrco wooko old girl baby of J. B.
JUuma cried late Monday night.
Oui "Williams appears at the opera
hctiu to-night as Ojpt. Mithlor.
The clly jail was ornply ycstcrdiy , thna
ciulillog the nnrsajl's force to do the
naedcd cleaning up.
The motion for a now trial In Dr.
Crxa ' cioo ij to bo arauod t Glomvood
on Tb.ur.iday , April 17.
A nurnbar cf the valiant votoiaus wont
to Oakland to attend the c mp lira hat
night , the programme of which was given
in yoitorday's BKE.
A number of fine horsca cro expected
to arrive hero to day from California to
remain at thu driving park hero for eomo
time ia training befcra going further
Yesterday Rav. Father McMonomy
married Ethan 0. J. Hammond to Alice
Elizabeth Inrkins , both of this county ;
also Thos. J. Tinken to Margarotto Kra
mer , both of Mills county.
On Monday night the Excelsior lodge
A. F. ifc A. M . elected as oflkors : 0. M ,
Harle , W. M ; T. B. Eayea , S. Warden ,
Peter J. W. ; J. A. Miller , treasurer ;
Nat Shepherd , secretary.
Complaint is still made of the scarcity
ol bridges over the creek south of Broad
way , there being only two , one at Third
avouuo and another at Tenth avennc.
Lumber for the bridge at Sixteenth
avenue has boon laying on the ground to
bo placed In position for about a month.
Complaint ) still como in numerously
from the residence ptrtiou of the city , as
to the numbers and chookinoasof tlamps
Spring weather and spring work ought
to Icaien the numbers of those who era
out of work , and it Ia ovldont that tbo
moat of these Idlor'j do not want to
The mayor wrltea homo tbat he had an
hour and n half talk with Clorc'aud , a'so
showed him the pictures of his boys ,
whom the president thought wore a ainart
loollng Intelligent raco. Ho sands word
to the chief of police also , to ba auro and
cloao the oaloocs at 11 o'clock every
C. B. Wui'e ' , who la building himself a
uno residence , corner of Sixth avenue
and Seventh street , Is preparing to have
1 the surroundings beautiful , and therefore
secured John Roderick to plant sixteen
fine elm trees about tbo place. The trees
give every promise of being thrifty and
Mrs. Mary Hitchcock complained be
fore Justica Schurz yesterday that a fam
ily named Johnson had taken possession
of a house owned by bor and located on
the bottoms , and for a year or more hid
not only paid no rent but had used op
the barn and fences for firewood. She
wanted the Johnsons arrested as tree-
The city council meets again Thursday
evening , and the session will bo an im
portant ono. At that time the final set
tlement will bo made with Reagan Bros ,
for the paving , the question of sewering
Fltth avenue will also como up again , the
election of city officers Is to be at
tended to , and the prohibitory question
may bo considered. Various other mat
ters are also liable to bo called up. The
council will continno to draw good
houses so long as these matters am hang
ing firo.
Mrs. Kerns , who lives near the Wa-
bath , complains that her husband is not
only neglecting her and falling to provide
for hla family , but that ho Is bcttowlng
hla affections npon a Mrs. Jacobs , who
lives on Harrison street , and near whoio
place ho is cultivating a piece of laud ,
when not busy cultivating her acquaint
ance. The police Interviewed Mrs. Ja
cobs yesterday , bat die denied all guilt ,
and avowed that Mrs. Kerns was malic
iously ruining her reputation ont of jeal
There is n , peculiarly sad and shocking
caio of destitution on Washington avenue.
A white woman lies there sick , In a little
homo , with two colored children depend
ent upon her , she having been living
with a colored man named Julius Free
man , who is employed at ono of the ho
tels in the city. It Is claimed that when
she fell sick the colored man abandoned
her , She has been very 1)1 ) , and without
any of the comforts and few of the neces
saries of llfo. Some of the neighbors
nave been helping her , butJthas been
apparently impossible to get any aid
from the county anthoritier.
The mutter of toireraging Fifth avenue
is ono of great importance , as auch
cower will bo absolutely necessary to the
now jail and court house. The now jail II
will In a few months bo ready for mo ,
and bonce the urgency of starting the
building of the sewer , as the connection !
can ba m di easier and cheaper by havinj
the work done now , and the jail will b <
of no practical nio without sewer * . Thi
pnzzta seems to bo ai how the city cat
pay far the work , and Ibis la the problen
over which the alderminlo minds ar
now stu lying. Sa soon as they see a wa ;
out they will I ave the work done.
In view of .the financial condition of th
city , and the proVabllity cf this year1
revenues oelirj reduced by 920,000 , th
amount formerly received from soloon
the city coancll begins to adopt meaiore
for radatlng expenses. It has been do-
ctdcd oven , not to buy lumber any more
by the cwloid , bat to purchase It in lit-
tie ioU , aa actually nntdcd for rep irapc.
It is expected tbat the pollco force will
to reduced , although there are now only
throe men on n'ghti , and throe men on
dajs , betidis the chief and captain. Ono
of the clly jailors may also bo dispensed
wish , and other reductions mado. Re
trenchment Bcema to ba the adopted pol
icy of the now council.
The dwellers in the Fourth ward are
very patient'y Hatching and waiting to
aoo what the council propojca to do for
them In the way of drainage and protec
tion against flocds. About election time
their just grievances were qulto promi
nent , and many a snranccs were given
the people th.\t their wants should bo
rait. They have walled patiently for the
iio-v council to got organized , end got
fairly down to bntinest , and now they
begin to think they hava waited almost
lens inoogb. Alderman Shugart made a
move at the latt council meeting to got
uomothlng done , and It ia to bo hoped
that teen the desired relief may bo given
them. They do not aek much , and al
though the council seoma dispoacd to cut
off all postible expenditures , this should
ba treated by them as ono of the thing
that cannot bo cut off.
Facts worth remembering when you
buy Wall Paper : 1st. That Beard , next
door to postoDlcD , has the largest stock to
select from. 2d That hla prices are aa
low aa the lowest. 3d That ho ia a
practical interior decorator and employs
none but skillful workmen.
ProRtJiniiuo of the Sixty-Fifth Anni. .
veranry Scrvloea.
The celebration by the Odd-FolWs of
tholr sixty-fifth anniversary and the dedi
cation of tholr now hall in this city , will
take place on Tuesday evening , April 28.
The following will ba the order of the ox-
oiclses :
Parade at 1:30 : p. m. from the new hall ,
headed by bind and escorted by uni
formed patriarchs.
Dedication of now hall immediately
after parade.
Vocal and instrumental music.
It ( a also expected that Grand Master
J. K. Powcw , Grand Representative H.
Block and Past Grand Representative
D. C. Bloomer will make short speeches ,
Grand ball at Bono's ball , to which all
visiting brothers and their ladle * are es
pecially invited. Complimentary tickets
will be furnished on application to the
secretary of the commltteo by the noble
grand , or officer in charge of his delega
All members are requested to meet at
the new hall at 1 p. m. sharp. We
would suggest that all Odd Fellows
bring tholr regalia with them.
Members of uniform U. D. camps are
earnestly Invited to bo present to act as
escort to the parade.
Any further Information will bo gladly
furnished by the undersigned.
Committee on Invitation T. Bowman ,
John Shlcketanz , D. 0. Bloomer , T. 0. F.
Bronneman. G. H. JACKSON , Sec'y.
Artists' ' Materials at GR. Beard's Wall
Paper Store. Send for price list.
They Bane About the Olty Socking
WlifttThcy may Devour and
Wlio They mny Gull.
Within the past few day * a number of
well known confidence ) men have been
noticed hanging about the city. One of
them , known SB "Roddy , " used to bo
qnito notorious In thoao parts , but has
qeon away for some timo. Another , ono
of whose eyes are so peculiar aa to iden
tify him easily and to secure for him the
name of "Woaping-ojcd Charlie , " is alee
hanging about hero. In connection with
tholr appearance here , there arleo various
reports of tricks being turned. I > ay be
fore yesterday , a simple follow was confi-
denced ont of all the money ho had ,
$ ? , the old trick being played
of hiring him to go to work on a farm ,
and then hla employer borrowing a little
money from the grconey , on the pretense
tbat ho would return It juat aa soon as ho
could gat a bill changed , This trick was
turned on Main street , near Willow ave
nue , right In the heart of the city.
Another trick of about the same nature
and size , waj played at one of the depots
yesterday. Aa the pollco are posted on
these follows , the public may expect to
sea them run In instead of being allowed
to have tha liberty of the city.
Financially Pressed.
It was with regret that the citizens
yesterday learned that Mr. J. Mueller ,
the well known inualo dealer , was finan
cially ombarasced. It has been known
for aorno time among certain circles , but
the public revelation came yesterday ,
Mr. Watt ; , of the Savings Bank , tern
porarlly taking possosilon of the stock ,
representing the claims of the bank and
ot Lyou , Boaley & Co. , of Chicago. It
Is BUppojod that Mr. Mueller has been
carrying a very much heavier stock than
the times and tbo trndo warranted. It
count * up between $50,000 and $00,000
of musical Instruments and toyt. This
music house Is ono which would prove a
credit to a city of three times the a'zo of
Council Bluffr , and the strain of keepIng -
Ing It up , and carrying on the butioeas ,
much of which has nocosssrilly been on
credit , has proved too great for Mr. Muel
ler's capital. His enterprise has been
ahead of the times and ahead of the field
in which he has worked so zealouily , nd
this financial set-back is therefore a just
cause for regret by all. His name Is so
well known and so closely connected with
this branch of trade , hit reputation as
salesman and as an honett business nun
are such , however , that the manufactur
ers whose goods he bos handled success
fully for them , If not for himself , will not
let him drop out of the ranks , and while
protecting- their interests , it ,1s believed
that they will irrangt in tome manner BO
IB that he can go on with the busineu. It
is to ba hoped that Mr. Mueller's embar
rassment will prove only temporary , and
10 that ho will yet be enabled to _ k ep hli
place among tha lite , nBrer-tliipg men ol
tt the city.
Who Sajs He was Horribly
TrealGfl ,
Ono Arrest Hade.
A German , giving his name as Barn
bard Laudwohr , appeared nt pollco head
quarters yesterday morning , and by
means of an Interpreter , made known
hit ntory of how ho had boon outrageous
ly treated the night boforo. nis ttato-
mcnts vroro somewhat mixed , but they
vrero to the following effect : Ho c tno
Into town on the Ohlogo & Northwest
cm train , find got off nt the local depot.
Ho rni going further west , .and finding
that ho would have to go to the transfer
depot to got the train tbat ho wanted , ho
got a hack to take him there. On reaching
the transfer , the hackman wanted $0
faro. The Gorman would not , In fact
conld not , pay such an amount , and an
altercation ensued , which ended in hia
paying ono dollar. Ho s y that then the
hack-driver and a man who was with
him throw him Into the hack again , and
taking him a little ways from the trans
fer , pounded him np badly end took all
the money ho had , only $2 , and took hla
vallso. Ho enld the hack-driver had a
team of bays , and that ho conld toll the
man If ho thonld see him again ,
BO the pollco started ont with him
to hunt the hack-driver up. The
Gorman pointed out Pat Villlaca ,
who was standing on the sidewalk on
Broadway , and aaid ho was the man.
Villisca drives ono of Martin's hacks , but
the team is a white and sorrel Instead of
boya. VHHaca denied knowlrg anything
about the matter , bat the German In-
slating that ho was the ono , ho was ar
rested , and gave bonds , to appear this
morning to unswor the grave charge of
Later In the day the German seemed
notsoanro about the identity of the
hackman , and last evening It was reported
that ho had concluded to drop the case ,
and had boon paid back his money and
had left the elty.
'Xho Newspaper Flond. "
The many friends of C. S. Clark , known
familiarly hcra as "the neWepaper fiend , "
have boon wondering not a little lately
why ho was keeping BO quiet in his now
home , in O'Brien , Florida. It seems
from late papora from there that ho has
baon keeping hlmaolf too busily concerned
there to do do much letter writing to his
northern frlonda. Besides working on
his fruit and vegetable plantation , which
occupation la really making him
fat enough to almost cast a shadow ,
ho indulges in occasional newspaper
work. Ho wouldn't bo himself nnless
he could do a Ilttlp of that. Ho seems
to handle the pen just as nimbly as when
ho carried the belt ad the champion
news-gatherer of Ihe Hawkeye atato , and
IB helping northern emigration by numer
ous letters from the south , Is "whooping
ip" the now constitution by articles In
ho Savannah News , and other prominent
tapers ; and is doing his best to boom
ho town in which ho has settled. To
ap the climax , Olark has been chosen
ocrotary of a now hotel company In
TBrlen , which ia to put up a $5,000
Board of Trade. ]
At the meeting of the board of trade
ast evening' It was deemed best to post-
one the annual election of officers until
ext Friday evening , when It la expected
; bero will bo a larger attendance. Judge
Braes and Col. Chapman were appointed
special committee to report next Friday
ivonlng concerning the proposed new
ridge. It is expected that some inter
esting facts will bo revealed at that time ,
? ho delegation of the Baltimore board of
.rado . who visited { hla city two years ago ,
lave sent to the board of trade of this
ty a largo picture representing the ele
atora and depots of that city , elegantly
rained and forming ajboantlfnl tribute to-
ho Council Bluffs board. The secretary
raa instructed to make a suitable ac-
nowlodgomont of the gift.
The alarm of at ten o'clock last
Ight proved to bo a false one.
William F. Pattern will go to Chicago to-
ay or to-moreovr.
J. L. Stewart , now 'of Otiumwa , Iowa ,
aa at Bechtole's yesterday.
I. N. FllsUioger , of Wayne , Neb. , brother
f A. T. Elickinger , is In the city.
Mrs. M. Sanger , who has been visiting II
. ' 'rlodnian's family , has returned to her homo *
n Dea Moinos.
Judge Jaaice is planning to soon take a My ,
eastward for his health , , and may then go
outh for a few months.
W. n , Hudson , of Lyons , ( Iowa , [ who jo
isbursing clerk of tlw house of representa
tives , was in the city yesterday , .
Mrs. Wells , of Boone , who has been visiting
er daughter , Mrs. F. B , Warner , of this
ity , returned homo lost evening.
NO. 2 ,
It the Highest AoJricvemcnl in Writtnff
Machines in the World.
With cnlr 39 keys to learn a
.operate. It prints 76 character *
I Including caps and sxull totters ,
punctuations , figures , signs and
tractions. It a the simplest and
mt rapid writing machine
ruado as well as tha most durable
for free illustrated pamphlet.
Wyckoff , Seamans & Benedict ,
Chicago , 111. , Sole Agents.
0. II , SIIOLKS , Council BluGs
Agent for Western Iowa
Dv. W. H. Sherradon
Masonic Temple ,
OooBol ) BloSi Icnra
ssssss M ,
Afarorila pjucilptloa of a natxl < p dalut ( a
Krd. ) DruuUU can fill II. Addr
Carpets and Dry
JL e7
Axmmster Moquette , Body Brussels , Tapestry Rrut = seK Ingrain Carpets , Etc. Office Matting a
Specialty. Smyrnia Rugs , Mats , Oil Cloths , Etc , Our stock of Lace Curtains is unusually large and
of excellent variety. Turcoman and Madras curtains in many new and beautiful designs. Choicest
Qilksin black and the new colors. Ourlineot Dress Goods comprises a'l ' the new designs for the
Season , and the variety of our White Goods is nowhere excelled K'ew and beautiful Laces invite
attention , and our line of ladies' and childrens' Hose is larger and finer than ever.
( ! * .
Attorney- - . , ,
council , nmris , IOWA.
Office , Main Street , Rooms 7 and 8 , Shugart and
eno block. Will proctloo In State and t to oourta.
No. 220 Main St. , Council Bluffs.
Open Sunday. First-class work guaranteed.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers In
Hard Soft ana Blossburg
W. H. SIBLEY , Manager.
Offlco , 38 Main St. Yard , on C. R. I. P. and O
: . & St. P. Railway.
In Council Blufls bavin ; a
nd all modern improvements , call bella , Cro
alarm bells , etc. , ia the
Noa. 215 , 217" and 219 , Main Street.
' . H. OBCCTT. S. T.
Casaiiy Orcntt & French
105 Broadway Council Biufts
Carpets ,
Curtains ,
Window Shades ,
Mattings , .
Linoleums ,
Oil Cloths and
Upholstery ,
Carefully Filled !
Ooudl BlnJIi , . f . IM
Established - -
ytl rt la ronljm amd DtntttU KukU ( Ml
KtBLt | 4CWUCI ! |
NOTICE. Bpoolal vertlaomente , SHO M Lost
found , To Loan , For Sale , To Hont , Wartto , Board
ing , eta. , will be Inserted In this column at the low
r ta o ! TEN CKNT3 PER LIKE ( or the flrot Insertion
ind FIVE CENTS PEtt LINE lor each subsequent
ertlon. tioare advertisements at onroDoe , Ho.
PearlBtroet. near Bravlwar
17011 SALE House furniture. Apply 110 Fourth
JC St. , between hours B and 12 a. m. II E.
FOR SALE , * . .other hotel In a Ivv. Nebrojka
town , now dolnp a business cl about $360 pet
month. No other hotel In the place. Terms liberal.
"ITOn SALE OH TUADE. 8(0 noros ot land In
JJ Wayne countMo. . Will trade for Council
Bluffs city property er eoll cheap ( or cash , or part
time. SWAN &
W'ANTS TO TiiADK. Uood Iowa or Nebraska
land for a small Block o ( hardware or general
merchandise , well located. SWAN Ac WALKKR.
UK ) tULB A rare chance to get a fine , well Itn-
prood farm ot 400 acres , within a few miles of
Council Bluffs , at B bargain. Low price and easy
terms. BWAN & WALKBR
flOK SALE A good paying hotel property with
llyory eUblo , in ono ot the best email towns In
western Iowa will sell with or without furniture , or
will trade ( or a small farm with etook etc.
SWAN & WAuua.
I/iOU 8S.LE Klgnty acres unimproved land In
JO Union county , Iowa , SJmllca south-east of Al
ton , the county scat , or will trade for Nebraska or
Kansas land. SWAN & WADHEB.
1/WU SALE A 20 aero tract of good Und about
JU ono and a half miles from Council BluQi pool
office , at a bargain. SWAN & WALKER.
L/OK SALE In Harrison county , Iowa. 820 acres
X1 grass land , oil under fence a 100 acre farm
with flno Improvements , all under cultivation except
0 acres grass 80 acres good grass or pasture land ,
and several other tracts of from 40 to 130 acres of
unimproved land.
T7WH SALE Lands Improved and unimproved.
J ? It you want a farm In western Iowa , Kanaoa
Nebraska or Dakota , Ictus heir from you.
FOR SALE A laree number ot business and resi
dence lots In all parts of Council BluQs. See
us before you buy , SWAN & WALKKII.
FOU 9ALK Parties nbhlngto buy .cheap lots to
build nn can buy on monthly paymonta ol from
82 to $10. SWAN & WALKKII
f OK KEN r We will rent you a lot to build on
wfth the privllago to buy If you wleh on very
liberal term" . SWAN ft WALKXR.
WANTKI ) To correspond with any one wishing a
good location lit planning milt , siah , door
and blind manufactory , wo have building and
machinery , well located , for solo , Ictwo or trade ;
FOR RENT Large two btory frame building suit
able for warehouse or storage purposes , near
railroad depot. SWAN WALKKB.
RENT UK SALE : Bd.t&dg and grounds
FOR ecltarle lor snail foundry and machine shop
Good bailer , engine , cr.pola , blower with Qxed shott
ing etc. , ready to put In motion ,
R SALE IIOUMS. Lota and Land. A. J.
Stopbenton , 603 First avenue.
FOR SALE A top-buggy , Orit-cltss make and
in excellent condition. Or will trade for cheap
> ot. Address f. M. Boo office , Council BluTs.
TTTANTED Every body m Council Blnfli o take
W TuiDis. Delivered by carrier at only lw nly
cents B week.
f\LD PAPERS For ule at B office , at Si ooota
\J a hundred.
I have a double store bulldlng,10iooni3partltlono < l
oft , elegantly paperedsupplied with water from thfr
water works , good brick cellarsuitod lur rcetnurant ,
aundry , hoarding bouso , merchaniito buslncea or
resident property. Also a largo two-story frame
dwelling with 10 rooms two cellars , etc. , eta , suited
or boarding house , private residence , hospital , oto , ,
opposite tbo city buildings and city market ( or rent
cheap. W. II. VAOQUAN.
No. 607 Broadway Council Blnfli.
Railway Time Table ,
Th following are the tlme-i ol the Arrival and de
parture of tralni by central standard tlmt , at the
local denote. Tralni leave transfer depot I ID mln-
ntM earner and arrive ten minutes later.
inniri !
tmoAoo and KOKTUwum * .
n:25 : A M Mall and Eiprejs 0:10'r : M
lt : < 0 r M Accommodation 40 : r u
6SO : r u Express 0.05 A u
cniicAtoAso i
0:25 : A u llftll and Express 6:53 : r n
7v5 : A M Accouiinodatlon 6:16 : r M
6:30 : r 11 Kxpreis 9:00 : A M
omuoo , WIWAUKM AMD n , rAur.
0:2cr : * M Ma'l ' anil Express 0:50 : r M
6:26 : ! u Kxpresi 0:05 : A u
cmoAw , o UH8H > AKP QDIHOT
9tO : A M Mall and Express 7:10 : p u
12:30 : r u Accommodation 2:00 : c u
0:45 : ! u Exprem 8:60 : A
VAiua , ST. LOUIS AVO rArano.
Krcro Transfer only ,
1:30 : r M Bf.'T.ouli Express 2 : 6 r u
7:40 : r M Ohlogo K | > via Fcorla 9:10 : A u
JOW' ; A u Ma'l ' anil Express 6:40 : r
8:16 : r u Kxprces 6.25 A u
U3oi cm Am rAcine ,
T.10 A u Mall for Sioux City 0:60 : r
7:10 : f Express for SI Paul 8:60 : A u
CMOS rioiric.
11:00 : A u Dinrer Express 4:35 : r u
1:05 : ! w Lincoln Fats 0' R V 2:35 : r M
7:55 : r u Overland hiprene 8SO : A u
DCMKT nuiits TO ouin *
Leave Council Bluffs
11:10 : a. m iM-2SO-JSO-4Z8-eJ6-es5 : : : :
11:46 p. m. Leave Omaha 8:49 : 7K elO 10-.CO
llilS a. m. J2M-8:00-3:00-4 : : : : > o:656:66 : :
-llilO D. in.
Ho , 201 Upper Broad way , Council Bluffs.
Beautify your homes by uslcp the nlxne. Over 500 doaiRna tooolect from.
JBcanti/nl , Strong ntl Lasting.
Estimates given on any style either put up or delivered hero , by applying to
Wholesale Iron , Steel , Heavy Hardware and Wood Stock ,
117 Main Street , Council Blufls , Iowa.
W. P. A "XX&W0RTH ,
Brick buildinjrs of any size raised or moved and satisfaction guaranteed , Froina bo
ms > ved on LITTLE GIANT trucks , the best in the world.
101D Ninth Street , Council BlnBa.
Attention , Ladies.
While dosing out my notionH.will Boll all hair goods at 25 par cent discount , 300 Switches
0 Waves , Bongs , etc. , to.sacrlfice. Custom work carefully attended t" .
337 Broadway , Council Bhifls.
505 Broadway , - - Council Bluffs.
TUB ONLY ALbKiailT HOUSE IN THE CITY , Everything served in first clues style and on abort
notice. Uot and cold luuclies always ready.
Roof Painting and repairing. All work guaranteed to give sat afaction.
GEO. SMITH - 302 N. 7th Street ,
Field & Estep ,
No. 317 Broadway , Council Bluffo , Towa.
Attended PjMupUy , Day nnd Kieht. 1'artlcular nttuuticxi Riven to Km b lninh
Telephone No. 97.
SMITH & TOLMI : { , A ( as.
Merchant Tailors !
7 and 0 M&ln St. ,
A Complete Line of New Goods to Select From.
Keep Horsed and Mules constantly on haul wall
wo will Boll In retail or carload loti.
All Stock Warranted as Reoresenteti ,
Wbolr al aiiJrM ldn.liri ) li Grain ril Haled liar. Frlu
eonable 8atl laction Oouantrad. _
Corner Fifth Avo. & Fourth St. OouncUBlarTe , .
COUNCIII , ULVVta , April ! .
FOnEMAN-HoM IhU spate for the ad rtlMment o ! Dia. Jndd & Bmlth'i Uettilo A | pliuioes.
are too hui ; BlilDg their orden and f eltloe their new lactQJj , No. M , Fourth atwV. to rijhts , ti ; < . ,
an/ copy ) uit D VI