Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1885, Page 8, Image 8

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Tuesday Morning , April 14 ,
The C. 1C ot A. will meet In their hal
this e cnlDu t 7:30. : T. V. BBKNNAN.
Sitnrday evening Justice Stenbirg mai
' ried James Kogelthaler to Mary Verbs , am
Nols Hamincr to Hannah Jensen.
Ono hundred and thlrty-ono liquor deal
on bavo filed application In the city e'erk'
oliico for licentcs , including saloon , brewer ;
and wholesale men.
Before Justice Gnita\o Anderson ycstcr
day , judgment for $85 and costs was renderet
In favor of Morse ii llrunner , real cstati
dealon , In a anlt against C. W. Cain. Th <
claim wa for commissions.
ThoofTiccrs nnd ladies at Fort Omah
gava nn admlrablo dramatic performance Sat
, urday evening at the post theatre , the plaj
beiw that ol ' 'CAsto. " A number of gentle
men and ladlei from tha city were among tht
delighted auditors.
' A telegram Saturday night from Wako <
. field informed the police of n forgery of SiC
by ono Frank Rogers who chimed to bo an
employe of J. S. Oaulfield. The forgery waa
on the Security bank. Oaulfiold had hoard of
knew no such man as Rogeri , who , Oaiil-
Little Bortlo McCono , a son of William
McCune , was playing with n blank cartridge
* ! Saturday morning , lie supposed that it was
harmless. lie was mistaken. It was halt
fnll of powder and when ha set a match to it ,
the wicked thing exploded , llis hand was
severely maimed.
Mr. A. Mclnois , of the firm of Mclnnts
and Bussoy , arrlvoJ homo lait Saturday
morning from the east , where ho had been on
a business and pleasure trip. Ho visited bis
.old homo In Canada , reluming by the way of
Now York nnd Boston , where hcselectoia
very handsome line of spring and summer
The Douglas County Agricultural socto-
'ty'i officers met Saturday to hear reports as
to' the district fair. It waa learned from
members who had boon looking into the mat
ter that seven counties were ready to join In
the project , and the time for it most favored
was the month of&ptembar. \ . It was deter
mined aYan'early day to meet with the Board
of itfrado and exchange ideas upon the subject.
The Council Bluffs postmaster anil chiaf
of police were In Omaha Saturday in search
of Minnie Woodard , lata boor-slimier of the
Buckingham. It appears that Wade Hamp
ton ( a different broad from the U. S. senator
Irom South Carolina ) had spent { 65 of the
$300 ho stele from the U. S. mall while postal
clerk , nnd invested it in a watch and chain
for the oyprlan. She promptly gave the jew
elry to the Iowa postmaster. Hampton was
"gone on" watches ; ho had already given [ up
a $35 one to the postmaster which had been
bought with part of the stolen 8300.
It now looks as though that delicrhtful re
nort , tha Buckingham theatre , would not sue
cecJ In obtaining a license. Several weeks ago
the proprietor made an application
lor a licenso.and . deposited 3100
with City Treasurer Buck. They
failed , however , to take the completing
steps , and although they last day for the is
suance of the permit has gene by , they are
not yet in possession ol the license. Yesterday
Uio $100 was garnliheed by Joseph MoVey ,
and was paid over by Mr. 'Buck. Thus' the
Buckingham is absolutely without protection
In the matter of soiling liquer , and are amen
able to the low for infringement' the' 'Stat
utes. Why docan't the city marshal now close
up tha place ?
, Hon. E. Uouowater , editor of the BEB , left
yesterday for the : ast.
1 James MeAuloy , Esq. , of Council Bluffs ,
wan In Omaha on Saturday. Ho has accepted
the position of western traveling correspondent - '
ent for the Now York World.
B. M , Stonberg , the popular police jud g
elect , was serenaded Saturday night by the
Scandinavian pleo clnb. The judge , in a few
well chosen words , expressed bis thanks to
the visitors ,
E At the Millard : W.Colo , W.Epperson ,
S , GiranJet , P. S. Barnes , P. Kepalcr , Weep
ing Water ; It. E. Qaylord , Omaha ; u. J.
llocliireon , Chicago ; Geo. N. Reynolds , To
ledo ; A , D. Crain , DCS Moines ; V. M. Mer-
litt , Bordeoux ; J , It , Cembali , New York.
At the Metropolitan : H , J. Kenny , lied
Cloud ; O. Ramsay , Mrs. J. Berton , Mrs. A.
Uovnns , Lincoln ; J , * ) . Evans , Sutton ; W. G.
Hall , Nebraska City ; G. W. Gulp , Namaha ;
Thomas Fleming , South Bqnd ; S. J. Bingle
and wife , Grand Island , nnd 11. W. Hayee ,
Haatinge , Neb ,
W. B , Murphy , Stromtburg ; J. II. Collin ,
U. P. U. ; J. iP. Becker , Colnmbun ; Albert
Johnson , Lincoln ; Chtis. West , Lincoln ; Geo.
W. Farwoll , Liucoln ; D. W. Simpson , No-
biaikaCity ; S.O. Raymond , Columbus ; II ,
W. Nleraon , Schuylerj 0. W. Thomas , Grand
Island ; T. K. Calvcrt , Lincoln ; C. V. Bar-
narJ , Omaha , are fjuoeU at the Paxton ,
Xnat Street Car Lino.
* A BEE reporter was called to the north
nd west part of the city Saturday night
and took a street car at Farnam and Fif
teenth , directing the driver where to stop
and-let him out. He found when nearly
at the end of the track that the driver
knoif not the name of a street beyond
Chicago and wandered about tha muddy
naa fcr moro than ono hour , without
seeing a soul , aud unable to learn ' any
thing from the stupid drivers.
Again Monday night ho essayed t :
reach the plftco of his destination , board
ing a car in front of the postouico. anp
telling tha diivor to let him out at Cum
minga. At nearly every corner tha cai
waa stopped and stood for from four t.
eight minutes , bconvenUncing passengers
gors to such au extent that several In die
glut left the cir on the * nck nndWJlktc ( )
to their destination. Hspo&tod Icqulrj
of the driver failed to f licit tho-whore
aboala cf any atreot beyond Chicago , am
tholcng delay caused at Icait two per
son * to mini Important ocgigomonta.
Now , ci her thcsa drjvfra ( some o
them ) are ignorant end stupid , or thoj
are csrelotH What Ia 'ha oscmo'fur tire
' earn standing nfteiu ta'nutps bosldo end
oilier ayalttng fo"rbo * appioich o
another or fat ) la standing arounc
another cornirwsltlng fJr them ?
body is ttblaoio ffr tuly mismanagement
mont , aid r.-li a fret ( bat 'qir ' Moiidaj
nlghl the iiniranco vni worro than oi
Ssturday iiijht , u el tr a Jvgo * amqiin
a'tsnnruleiab'o'amoun' '
of rarelcssoc s rr
of ctreloamois and i f o-unco eifsta ii
UIB worklpgt of a corp ri'iiathat take ,
people'u money ia onitidfrktion of ser
vices required by Uar to be render d , bu
which In point of fact are thus neglotd :
An Amicable Settlement Between Ib
Two , of the Disunion ot the
OlflConrt House Propsrly ,
i a
The Cent Consummated Ycstcrd *
Morning and the Deeds Trans-
ffcrrod Details of the
The county commissioners hold t
special session yesterday morning to tak
the finnl stepi toward the transfer of th
old court house property. Gon. | Cowin
county attorney , being absent , a written
opinion from George W. Doano waa produced
ducod , announcing the legality of the
moMuro proposod. The sao of the
properly was completed. The county
transferred to Mr. Paxton the old cottr
bouse property , in return for ton thong-
md dollars in ca h , and twot lots on
Eighteenth and Farnam , which were
turned over to the city. .Mr. L. W. Bill
of Bogies & Hill , acted as agent for Mr.
Paxton and delivered to the county
treasurer , the deeds to the property ,
uado out by that gentleman in San Fran
cisco. A quit claim deed signed by Act-
ng Mayor Murphyi u behalf of the city ,
was turned over to the Paxton estate.
The $10,000 in cash was paid into the
treasury where It now stands to the
county'a credit A contract was
nado out by the commissioners , in
ichalf of the county whcroby the city la
o cconpy four largo rooms and two
'aults in the basement of the naw court
loose , for throe years from nnd after
ilay 1stor until the now City hall is com
peted , if It thould bo completed before
ho stipulated tlino. Hinder the contract
.bo city will got free nao
if the heat and light in
u the building. . The county la to receive
15,000 from the clcy on or'boforo the
rat day of August of thla year.
This ia a most Important and beneficial
move for the .city. The city records
which have been scattered heretofore
hrough three different buildings , the old
Uy hall , the city troasurcr'o office In tho'
ledlck building , nnd the city oflicea in
ho Orolghton building , andhive been
iposed to ' the great ritka of fire , will
ow bo under ono roof , and in the fire-
iroof vaults.
The county commlajlonora are now
watting the receipt from Architect
ley era of the epcciGcatlona
or the retaining wall which
a to bo built for the Farnam bank of the
ow court house alto. As aoon as theeo
pacifications are received , the work of
wilding the wall will bo at once com
The county commissioners have so
ured for'tho nao of the No. 3 Engine
ompany the Paxton barn on Eighteenth
nd Faraam , as the board of trade will
ako formal possession of1 the Sixteenth
nd Farnam site , on the fifteenli : of this
mouth. .
Buy 0. H. Douglass & Son'a Capsicum
? ough Drops fur your children ; they are
larmlcis , pleasing to the taste and will
ure their colds. D. S. and Trade Mark
n every drop. 1
riio Monday Morning Grist , llontlnc
vi Business.
Th'o police court WM orowdod yoatorday
nornWg , both 'with the front row cnl-
> rlts andean cogor udionpo ready , aa
vor , to drink in the lucions details of
IB routine of the various trials.
Potcr Laraon , Harry Hawes Fred
volly , E. Oulvcr and M. S. Johnson ,
were a quartette of gentlemen whcao fall-
up ; for drink had led them astray from
10 piths of virtue. They had boon
lilad. They were tried , found guilty and
antencod to pay a fine of $5 and coats ,
'hoy were all released , except Larson ,
who , In default of the needful funds , 17111
airy a short while with Joe Miller ,
Doll McQueen was arraigned on a eim-
ar charge nad was disctar ed.
Jim Walih , Ben Hewitt , nnd E. 0.
) avia had been engaged in a friendly aot-
o , SaturJay , and nil thrao of thorn were
> adly utoi up ; E 0. Davis and How-
tt , giving bail , were released and did not
ppjar this morning.Valah is still hold
nl was rottined until last evening ,
vhon ho was released.
Bartloy Hoiloy Had been lolllcgln the
ap of Bacchus and had "lolled" just a
rifle tDo much. He , was sent over the
hill. J
John Cameron und-John Murphy were
ip for vagrancy , but/ were discharged ,
yfnrphy waa ordered to leave town before
night :
"Kogllah Liz" Howard , who was re-
ontly acquitted of the murder of Kettle
loward , again made an appearance in
tollca circles this mornlug , charged
rlth on attempt to thrash
) ella Nichols , another mom-
icr of the lower stratum.
) olia did not pat in appearance this
morning , as prosecuting witness , and
'English Liz" was hold till evening ,
when eho was discharged.
Walter FJynn , Qeorgo Flynn and
Henry Hall , a sweet scouted irlo , were
accused of fighting. Ball pleaded guilty
and was fined $5 and cost. Ho
.ook all the blame upon himself
aud said that -thotwo Flynnn
were as spotlessly innocent of any
jvll intent or act in the matter , es the
.lttloblrda , who chirruped a warbling ac-
roinpanlrnent to the gentle zepliyrs of
spring ; Such/ / being tno case , ' the'judge
coDcludod to reldaio the Flynns.
Lon Hewitt , alias "Slo6py , " Bad Tra-
cy'n'nd Henr Olstn were \&rrost \ d and
lodgdd in jail Saturday. It seems that
Mr. E , B Carter , tha jeweler oppo-
alto the poitoflioe. had missed sev
eral valuable seal rings from a
tray inhis window , and Saturday
Deputy Ewlog was stationed near the
slciro to detect the thieves. Ho was re- soolug.tho mode of opora'ion
nud catching the boy , Henry Olten , ir
the act. There woreb seHes of smal
eliti In the b&so of the window frami
nhjoh' had boon out to carry off condonsoc
moisture from the window andsubse
quently closed. , Olaen and his conieder
atee , Lew Hewitt and ! Bud Tracy , hat
a silt open a'nd with * a bent wire
Etckod , out tkreorings , ho ogoration
WAS so qulck'that nnlets a sharp watol
wai , kcpt anj { one would luvo though
tha boy was simply loottiag intho win
Sow , Tile ! boys ate , none cf them , ore
fourtccnyears of tga , _ _ .r.
Dropijcil Ills 1'ookot-Uonk
Sunday nigUtdfyoung mm , named E
W. White , who resides at 10H Mason
Btrjoft , had the misfortune to lox
hie" poc et-bool containing § U (
In money. Ha had written tome
lotlers and took his pookot-boo
out to obtain aomo stamps an
cither loft it lying on the table In hi
room , or dropped U between the house an
a mall box n block distant. While h
was gene to mail his letter
the house was unlocked and none of th
Inmates were at home. It is barely poe
Mblo that eorno ono entered the hous
daring his abionco and stole the wallo
and money. Mr. Whlto is inclined to bo
Hove , hpwever , that ho dropped the wai
let between the house and mall box.
The loior is a hard working yonnj
man , being omnloycd in Smith's drj
goods sioro on Farnam street and hi
leas 'represents hia earnings for sarai
time past. If any ono has found tin
pookotbook and money ihay will bo wel
rewarded upon returning it to him a
Smith's store.
Seal of North Carolina Tobacco Is the
A Stan Brutally Beaten and
John Dating , employed in the Union
Pacific shops , was going to hia homo on
forth Saundora atrcot , last night , when
10 waa mat by a couple of men , who
asked the hour. Mr. Doling , in nn-
woring the question , pulled out his
watch and gave the two men the desired
nformation. Whileho waa replacing
ho time ploco in Ihls pocket , one of the
men dropped bahlnd him , as though ho
were about to go in an oppoeito direction.
Ho suddenly turned around , how-
iver , and dealt Mr. D. B heavy
> low in the back oftho , head. The other
nan repealed tho' operation and Mr.
) uling foil insensible. This is all ho re
members of the operation. When he re
ived from the swoon ho found , his face
lovprod with blood , his clothes torn and
ila'general.condition anything bnt do-
ghtful. Hia watob , a gold ono with
bain , was ruining , together with a ring ,
nd'about fifteen dollars In monny.
"Mr D. says that ho can glvo a clear
CBcrlptlon ot both men , and Is confident
lat ho would rooocnlzo them again ,
'no ' df them , bo says , was a tall man
tith a heavy black moustache , while the
thor was a trifle shorter and smooth-
actd , heavy build and n very rapid
It ia quite evident that the town is bye
o moans as yet free of these thugs and
uifianB. As long aa the polloo aro'pow-
rhsi to exterminate thorn , it behooves
very ono who puts himself in their way ,
o go armed and prepared for "heavy
ork. "
"That whiter akin of hers than snow ,
And smooth aa monumental alabaster , "
Was all acquired by using Pozzoni's
Medicated complexion powder.
Amusement Notes.
At the opjra homo Friday night the.con-
ort of the Fourth Infantry band was the
vent. It was a grand musical success in
very particular , and nearly evary num-
or on the programme waa encored. A
ad commentary it Is on the musical taste
f the people of thia great and growing
Ity , that they should have eo alighted
10 concert , which was really a gem in its
way. From the first opening
umber to the last exquisitely rendered
fantasia , "A Musical Soiree , " the pro-
ramme waa presented In a ciroful and
rtlstlo manner. The GIoo Club , in their
arious numbers , added much to the oc-
aslon , and sing with that spirit and ut-
entlon to detail ? , which always charac-
orizes their work. The saxophone and
ylophono solos evoked much applause ,
8 did also the quartette , "In this hour
f oof toned splendor , " rendered by Mrs.
) iy , Mlts Ciamborlain , Messrs. Reed
nd Wtlkina.
"russ is BOOTS. "
What a boy can do was ably shown
> y the " 'Boys' Temperance Company" of
: io First Congregational church ia their
entertainment Friday night.
The little play , "Puss in Boots , " was
apltally presented , ana the costumes
wera charming. All the characters were
p > kou by boys , nnd great credit ia due
boao who osjumod the ladles' parts , as
ueon , princess , lady-in-waltlng , and
lore particularly the fairy.
It was amusing to acotho "ladies" man
go tholr elegant train ? , and the court
manners of all were the perfection of
) nnctlllons polltonota. The cat made
ulto a hit , the yonng mtn did romarka-
ly well , and the page and the herald
wore much admired. The king acted his
) rt with dignity , and the ogro.with a
iorceueas well calculated to inspire tor-
or ; " the lion , into which ho la supposed
o transform himself , was a decided sue-
Several little people sang and recited
istwcon scenes , but owing to several
( sappointments the prrgramme was n'ot
a full as bad been intended.
Certainly the boya deserve the highest
iraleo for the success of their effort , and
: they can devise and carry out auoh an
ntortalnmont as this , it remains to be
een whether there la anything those
boys can not do.
OmalmTentiliera' Report.
The Omaha teachers on Saturday made
ho following report ( of pnplla who nt-
ended school during the firet week of
prlng term :
Ugh school , Ifit
Central school I. Oil
/as > school 351
Jenter school . . "
) ouglasa echool , 77
lattman school 1 453
zard school. 600
ackeon school .1. . 91
jake school 113
jearouwortb ichool , 445
, ODR school 48G
'acltlo ichool : ' . . . . . 42
'loasaiit school ' , 22
Total 4.8GO
This report shows nn Increasa of more
ban five hundred over th.a correipdnd-
og week of laat year , and about throa.hun-
tired and fifty morJthannny week during
; ho winter term. Since thii spring term
legan.the following new .jchool rooms
livebetn opened , vie : Ono for tho.Izird
ichool in tha McOgub block , on the car-
ler of Eighteenth and , CumioR , Mrs.
Mary B. Now ton , totdior ; for the Long
ichoql , Mill Emma Dlion , of the Daven
port , IOWB , schools , teacher ; for Central
chool , Miss.Ida .Johnson , pf Topeka ,
Kas. , Bohoola , teacher ; for the , Leaven-
worjh , schrpl Mies Id Kemlnfto.n [ , >
jocont crtdua'ta of the state no'rma ]
( school at O wego , New Ycrk , teacher ;
for' tHe Hartman ecbool , an out-room ,
Mlts Bertha N fil , toscher.
Tbo kchooh throuchout the city are In.
creating weekly. The following gentle
men will constitute the- board of educa
tion during tha oosulrg year : Connoyer ,
CopeUnd.Glbbon , Hall , Llveaey , Goburo ,
Point * , OUrk and Long.
Smoke Seal of Noith Carolina To
Carl & Coylc the Brace o ( Scamps
Iliay Dclrnml Their Creditors , Theli
"Walter Girls rnnil tltoir
rtrons F ro\voll !
The restnuMnt keepers of dmaha are BI
fftlqo and fi'oklo na the afleotlons of a Nan
York b.'llo ; and ( ha hasty lliRht of St.
Jutlon , tha Fifteenth and Oapltol avenue
man , la followed by a similar cscnpado ol
more engaging nature , and withal ,
more romantic , in which Messrs. B , J" ,
Oarl and 11. B. Caylo , the Farnaro
street roslauratonrs , are the prime fig
In January last , Oarl & Coylo , who
came here from Indiana , aud have fig
ured as impocnntons advonturota , made
aomo sort of a deal with T. S. Kit ty the
"ormor owner and mnnager of the roa-
a'urant at 1509 Farnam and tocnrod a
ooI6 prbprlotary Interest in the establishment -
mont , Mr. Zotly " retiring and
Booking othur fiolda of la-
bor. These gontloracn , if such Messrs.
Oarl nhd Coylo may bo called , hare ran
the restaurant on * the p y no-dobts-and
achonio nnd have
proved eminently successful. Things
have baon running along In a manner ap
parently smooth until a fair days ago
when a few of the moro observant class
of crcdltora outmiacd that all was not
right. Moitra. 0. & 0. kept bolstering
up tholr shaky credit with
promlies of speedy pay and had
managed to tun up claims nmotmtinc to
very nearly $1,000 , exclusive of a mort
age on the place , which amounts to
B600. The Coylds' began to tighten ,
hotvovor , and Itho ah render creditors
tvcro prepared at any moment to swear
DUt attachment p'apors on the establish
ment , should such oteps bo necessary.
7 Sunday tight the crisis came. Carl
nd Ooylo , ' without saying a
ivcrd to anybody/ boarded Ono
} f the cant baund trains
ind started , It is presumed , for Chicago ,
[ t woo reported thai they bad taken with
them two young ladles with whom they
bad been quite Intimate and to whom
they were married yesterday in the Bluffs
fhls , however , proves to bo untrue , as
both of the fair damsels arc
itill in Omaha and spurn
with indignation any Insinuations
that Messrs. 0. and 0. bavo wooed thorn
10 successfully as to bring them up to
the elopement point.
This morning the news of the esca
pade spread rapidly and the doom of the
restaurant both before and behind , were
besieged by a clamorous crowd of cred
itors demanding satisfaction. In Judge
& .ndereon'a court a number of attach
ments were aworn out and placed in the
bands of Conatablo Snowden , who speed
ily hied himself to the hash hole and
closed it up , announcing that he waa
bead blacult-toascr for tha time be
ing. Ho is still in possession and will BO
remain until the afTtlrs are ratlefac'orlly
adjusted. The following -aro the claims
represented by the attachments which
wore sworn out In theAnderacn tribunal :
F. P. Foadyke , commUeion man , $100 ;
John A. Freyhan , cigar dealer , $57 ;
Allen 'Brothers , commission merchants ,
8139 ; Basgorahook , the tiilor , $40 ; H.
C. Temple , grocer , § 13.880 ; Mrs. Gnth-
rlo , $15 ; Joseph Bath , buther , $215.
In addition , Allen Brothers , who
have virtually the firet assorted
claim , hold a $500 mortgage on the es
tablishment. Nearly all the salable
property of the place is mortgaged , In
fact , and there is not tathfactlon for half
the claims which have been presented.
It IB thought the total amount of indebt
edness will exceed $1,500 to eay nothing
of the p y of the waiter girls and cooka
to come of whom weges of a month or
moro are duo. .
It was an amusing sight to eoo
the hungry patrons of the place
besieging the doora at noon
time , on the acent for "grub. "
They , of cnurto , were disappointed , one
and all , as Cocatablo Snowden will cook
no meals for the proicnt. The air in the
neighborhood we a bedarboned with little
black oaths which wtra flying about pro
miscuously , hurled hither and thither by
the disgusted dupes. The place wil
pribably bo transferred temporarily tl
AllciiBroa , , nnd the aiutionable prop
eriy will be sold.
Kenolutlons of .Respect.
Oil the afternoon of Wednesday , April
8th , upwards of sixty of the bsmk em
ployes of this city mot at the first natlqn-
al' bank and unanimously adopted the
following resolutions :
WHEREAS It has pleased divine providence
to remove by death our most esteemed friend
and companion Robert K. McAnsland ; there
fore Ba it resolved. That we the bank clerks of
Omaha deeply feelinpr the losi wo have tus-
talned , beg to express to his family our lincero
sympathy in this their hour of sorrow und be
reavement , realizing that by hia death we halest \ o
lost a warm friend and genial associate , who
was over zealous in hit duties , manly in deal
ings , kind nnd generous to a fault , whose
memory we ahull ever cherish and whose death
wo sincerely mourn.
JOJIK K. WILUUB , President.
Aunr.ii MiLLAitn , Secretary ,
Hillt kl ui Tut Iron
Load Pipe and Sheet Load
' Gas and steam Fitters'
YorU In April , ' M y , Juno and July by Dr t clwa
TUAVKLEUS ot reduced rtlea , by the l > ak reutei
( or pleuore trav L > '
COOK'S KXOUKSIflWST. with miiKl , contain
( all puttoulan ; \ > j mall ( or 10 cenU
TnOSCOOKfcSQN , 01 Bruvl y , N. Y. ,
Or IMUoMbornBt , , Chicago , Ills , 1
wed St , Charles Hotel ,
lira. KtU CotVljr , Propj letorcw.
4SrNe ly and elegtntly furulsheJ. Good umpli
tdotn * on fint floor.
. to tt . dal ifttei ittron
UTTerms11.60 p i dty. Bp .
tn rol ) r c ( the UgUlature. I DOTlO-lr > .oi
JLhrorlu ptt ctlftl ircf t. . . _
IU 4. ) DrugKltU ua (111 ( It. AdJi M
DR. WARD & oo. . L H
" *
, ourca luipotoncr Jot
_ L euomn urvouiiuebU.
, all weakness ofi-i-norntlTo Byateiu.cither BOX.
, J. ll.WurmrQW7 State 8t.Cul r3
Absolutely Puro.
Thlgpowdet nc cr v&nod. A lotrvel ol pntot )
Uength fttul who'cuomcncsa. ' Were economical th
Iho > rdln ry kimb.u- cunnol be sold In compel
tlon with 'the multitude ol low to , nhort weigh
tfHSJ0' ' P * > y nlirtfl powder * . SoU only In can !
KOYA& 13AKINO POWUKIl CO. . I0 Will Rt ! N.1 !
Graduataot the University Vienna , AUB >
.tin. Late tiurapon to the Military Hospital.
> f Vienna. Will do a general Medi&d and
Surgical practice. All calls in city or country
irompUy attended. Office at the Omaha
Medical nnd Surgical Inttitute , Comer 13th
Itrcot and Capitol Avenue.
At the old Bland 1117 Furnim 8t CrJcra bjr lelo
rtphBollclted&ndpronipU ttluodod to. Tolephont
) maha Medical & Surgical
13th St. , Cor Oamtal Ave ,
Ihronic and Sumcal Diseases
Hscasos of Females , cf the Nervous ysUtm , Pi
rate Diseases ol the Urlimy and oxuil Organs ,
nd Diseases ot the ncad , Thioat and Lungs.
Xsonaes treated by an experienced specialist ! alec
ilscasca of the Heart. Liver , Stomach , Kidneys ,
tdder , Neuralgia , Rheumatism , 1'ilos , Cancer , etc.
Ind all other diseases of the Ihroatand Lunpsi real
cd by Medicated Vapors. ( Send for Inhaler oi
circular on Inhalation. )
All dlecases of the Blood , Urinary and oiual Oi
32 i.rr.TBtc Ulsouta > nd
Piles Cured or no Pay.
f ! fe > ttHosrltaland Private Practice. )
iifttcUtntloa bad ixualnatlon froo.
O4 Dor write tbr rculars on chronlo dl'caccs and
! 'oncltlet , Dlaoascsof Females , Prhate DlAcasei
if the Urlnarv and Sexual organs , Seminal Weak
less , Nervous Debility or ExhaU3tlcnotp. , etc. , and
lur now rostorathctroatment.
H letters and consultations Confidential.
llodlclncs sent to all parts of the country by ex-
ircss , securely packed from observation , If full de
crlptlon of caeo Is given. One personal Interview
iroferrod U convenient. Open at all boms.
dJroDB all letters to
Dmaha Mtdica ) & Surgical Insttute ,
13th St. Cor. Oapitnl Ave ,
rou TUB
The undersigned phvsiciino of San
Francisco are familiar with the compos- !
ion of the principal articles used for the
somplexlon , and freely certify that CAM
fSLINE is harmlces and frao frum all
3oisonous or Injuricua nubatancos.
[ i C Lane , M D G F Coepor , M D
3 H Toland , M D S W Dennis , M D
[ I A MoLoin , M D J M McNnlty , M D.
3 B Br'gham ' , M D J 0 Shaffer , M D
Bonj J Dean , M D W.Carman , M D
3 Gibbona Jr , MD W * yor , M D
F J Clarke , M D T Bennett , M D
W H Bruney , M D W Haromond.M D
11 Loryea. M D W F WcNutt.TVl D
3 L Bard , M D A J Bowie , M D
a L Sunraa , M D J C Shorb , M D
I H Stallard , M D F A Holman , M D
3 McCneston.M D J Rossnatirn , M D
D 0 Koonoy , M D JD Whitney MD
\ . M Wilder , M D T Doyson , M D
Jr H Powers. M D 0 G Kanyon , M D
B R Swan , M D 1 S Titua , M D
L L Door , 1 D J L Meares , M D
I W Koeney.M D T Price , M D
GHolland , MD H Gibbons , M D
Madame Adolina Patti ,
Writes ; " 1 shall have to repeat thi
praUos o' your OAlVJELLlNE hoard frott
all sides.
For na'e ' by j
H. T. OLA11K DRUG CO , , Omaha ,
And all first clusa irnggiste.
m'Jlcie cod
, .
' Mpn .Think
11 . fr ; < jn'-
icy knoV ) all about Mustang Lin >
iment. Few do. Not to know ii
not to have.
too two. '
linjlherf'ind hor(4n iccoi'dlng to th * w'tlahltht :
carry. Equally w ll udipud to rouuh country rod :
nd toe dttr ol cllle * . MtnuUcturtd tad Iftld t
II Iu4ln | CarrUit Bull Ki u < Bitlwi.
t I
"Eticmn on Scnlp. Scrofula on N > ck.
POSITIVE euro fop every form of Skin and Blood Disease , from
A PimpFos io Scrofula. Disfiguring Humors , Humiliating Erup
tions , Itching and Burning Skin Tortures , Loathsome Sores , and every
species of Itching , Scaly , Pimply , Inherited , Scrofulous and Contagious
Diseases of the Blood , Skin and Scalp , with Loss of Hair , from Infancy to
old ago , are positively cured by CUTICURA RESOLVENT , the now
Bloocf Purifier , internally , and CUTICURA , the great Skin Cure , and
CUTICURA SOAP , an oxnuisito Skin Boautiflor , externally , when all
other remedies absolutely fail to cure , or oven relievo.
CUTICURA REMEDIES are sold everywhere. Price , CUTICURA ,
small , 50o. ; largo , $1.00. Resolvent , $1.00 ; Soap , 25o.
KP Send for "How to Cure Skin Diseases , " a 64-pago work , contain
ing an accurate description of over 300 affections of the Skin and Blood ,
with Treatment , and 37 superb illustrations , drawn and colored from life.
MOW is the Time to Cure Skin Diseases ,
e r And Cleanse the Blood. - $
Passenger Elevator to all floors. 1206 , 1203 nnd 1210 Famnm Street ,
T > e Advantage of Settling in
The title "South Omaha" docsnot moan the southern part of tha city of Omaha. but is the
name oKlin thrivintr town commencing at the Union Stock yards on the south , nnd extend
ing for a rnilo and n half north , nearly connecting with thocity limits of Oinnha ,
The company have again concluded to put on sale 1,000 lots , nnd let the purchasers of
the earoo realize the profit which the cnhaticorl value of these lotn is snro to niako. It now
being an ansurod fact that South Omaha is destined in thenoar future to be the largest live
stock market west of Chicago , there can be no doubt th t this property iu n few yoari will ba
worth five or even ton times the amount that it can bo bought f jr to-day.
Some may ask : If this is BO , why dt not the company keep it and icalira this profit
The nnswor if , tlut in order to make lots valuable , there must bo improvements ouorsur
rounding them , nnd ns is tha case in nil now towm , special Inducements mint be offarod nt
first to eat the people to take hold and build.
There are probably more such inducements ofla-ed by South Onnha than wara over put
forth by any now town. The largo business clone by the stock yirdj comjxinv and tha im
mense alnughtcr and packing bouses together with their auxilutics are no amitl feature in tha
Bpgrcgate of events that are destined to make South Omaha a largo } > Uca. Agttn , the town
is net nn addition to Omaha , and ia not linbla for city taxes , although It enjoy i all tao banafiti
from the growth of Omaba that it would if U were just IXSIO'K tha city limits , but bain ? juat
OUTSIDE , only county tais aracollaatod , which ard inoruly nominal , Ta town owus uaJ
operates its own water worka. which furnish au nbundmt nuprjy of pure spring wator. Dam-
my trains will rnn on the B. It M. nnd U. P. railways flvery hour , Stopping nt tha north end
of the tnwn site as well Mat the stock ynrde. ? fhe Thirteenth sthjat horsa cirii will run to
Hascall'd park thia spring , nnd to the stock yards nt no distant day. Tha high altitude
makes the location a healthy one.
Of course there nre those who do not baliav a th\t South OmalitwiU nmoun1 : ti much.
Tbia kind of pcop.e didn'cbahbvu Chicago would over ba anything bitter than n cranberry
bog , that Onmh.i. would e\er outgrow her \illao clothe lliit there n < wer amid l nnv fruit
raised in Nebraska , etc. , etc. Who made U'wln ? Thn noiptics , or tb iso that hid nn abiding
faith in the onergj , intelhgeuca : ia.t reiounu of Mi gr > xt country ?
For information , mapj , pricua nntl tern"n aplv [ nt the company' , ) ollice , 21(5 ( S. Thirteenth
street , Merchant's National iinulc Building first floor.
M.A. , A.sst. SecTy and Manat/ct :
"NVho have trilled nwny their
youthful vigor nud power- Who
arc suffering from terrible drains
and losses , w h o a. ro weak.
IMPOTEN T , nnd unfit for inar-
riagu.Bflj B"iVI of all ages , who find.
their Bui & RJ power i"1 vital
Sty , BII Lit nerve and SKX-
U 'X L STUKNGTII weakened ,
whi'tlirr by EXCESS orcarly habits
CAX n-civc a positive & last
ing CO3E , JO matter of how
loiig Btanding your case may be , or.
who lias failed to euro you , by nlcw
weeks or months use of the celebra
ted Myrtleain Treatment.
At hoiiii1. without exposure , in less
time , ami for LESS money than any
other method in the world. Weak back , Hcailaclio , EMISSIONS , lassitude , loss of
spirits [ and ambition , gloomy Iliougbts , tlicatlful dreams , defective memory ,
Impotence , Inipedfincnts to marriage : , epilepsy and many other symptoms
i on a ing to Consumption "i"1 Insanity , are promptly removed by
PEUFECT SEXUAL .STKENOTlI MEANS ; healthy and vigorous offbpring ,
long life and tholovo and rcppect of a faithful wife. KO man should ever marry
who bavo been guilty of early indcserctious , until be Iii8 : been restored to PEIl-
FECT MANHOOD.Vre guarantee a permanent cure in every case wndertaken.
Send JJ stamps for trcatibc wltb proofs nnil testimonials.
Address The Climax Medical Co , S + f Louis , Mo.
Factoiy Prices ,
Send for our catalogue
and price list before pur
chasing elsewhere.
* *
And Sola Importer ! of
Fine Diamonds , Watches , Vtlvor-
ware , Rich Jewelry ,
'Wholesale ' and Uotail.
' Cor. 11 th &nd Farnam ?
| - op -
- AUD -
Meerschaum Goods ,
V holeoftle and Retail Dealers In
, Ainmunitioti.
Sjporthiy Gooda
Notioua and Smokers1 Articles.
Stationery , Cutlery , .
Druggists' Sundries
And Fancy Goods ,
Full and complete line and
Mas : Mever & Co , .
1020 to 1024 'Farnam St. , Omaha.