TBE PAILY BEE 1300 NOIL BLUFFS , Monday Morning Aoril 13 ftUUSOnttTION HATES. By Oircln - SO * nt p week Rf Kail - - - - - (10.00 pet jear OFFICE No. 12 Pcnrl Street. MINOB MENTION , Two Jakes , the barber * , 402 Broadway The county board has adjourned until the 19th. J. Dickoyhas put the oloctrlo light in his now atoio. Two moro boys were yesterday run In by the pollco as vagrants. J. K. Emmet appears at the op or a housa to-night In "Our Fritz. " The trial of Capt. Hayes on a charge of vagrancy was'Saturday continued for ono wook. Mts. H. M. Stevens has returned from Chicago , where she has boon spend ing a few wooki. The saloons were kept pretty well closed yesterday , and yet there were some drinks sold on the sly. Dr. Woodbury'a tenant houses at the corner of Eighth street and Fourth aronuo arc being greatly improved. J. M. Matthews , county superintend ent of schools , Is urging the planting ol trees and follago in school-ho use yards. The board of trade will moot tomorrow row evening for the purpoao of electing officers and transacting ether Important business , The basement of the Congregational church is being subjected to some changes and Improvements necessitated by the raising of the adjacent streets. The county board of sppervlsors h&vo notified St. Paul's church folks to move their building by Juno 1 , so that work on the now court house may commence. An Incipient Sunday row on Broadway , near the Metropolitan , yesterday after noon , was stopped by the pollco , spoiling what promised to bo an item of magni tude. tude.Phil Phil Aaronu , the window dresser , at Eisoman , Rodda & Co.'a atoro gives the publto hia idea of "tho gates ajar. " which ha very tastefully displays In ono of this firm's windows. Some of the boys at the Phoenix saloon gave a sly dig at prohibition Saturday , by hanging signs in the ahow windows saying , "This store to rent ; have gene to Omaha. " The city needs to provide some mode of street cleaning , ao that the paved streets may not bo so covered with mud as to render It doubtful to strangers whether they are paved or not. The city council holds an Important mooting to-night. It is expected that anew now chief of the fire department will bo elected as well as other city officers chosen. The petition for closing the sa loons may come np also. An effort Is now being made to con- vlnco Sheriff Gnlttar that it is his doty to enforce the state prohibitory law throughout the county. The sheriff doesn't BOO it that way , but says that when papers are placed In his hands to aorve , ho will BOO that they are served. Nicholas Kern , an old man who has been In the poor house hero , and whoso story abont being robbed of his property and deserted by his wife has boon given In the BEE , Is now in Omaha , -where ho has boon vainly hunting tor his wayward wifo. Steps are being taken to remove him to the poor house there , ho having no money or friends. Mrs. Augusta Slegismund , of Hardln township , came to this city about a week ao to consult a physician , was taken suddenly worse , and was unable to re turn home , and remained at the residence ot Mr. Conrad Gelso until her death , which occurred Friday last. The funeral was hold yesterday afternoon. She was G4 years of age , and loaves a husband , ono son , and two daughters. Mr. St. John , of the Revere house , stated beforj the council license committee - too that three drunken policemen were In his hotel oflico a while ago discussing the grave question as to where they could got the largest glass of beer and tbo big gest free lunch for the smallest nlcklo. Saturday the police were called togothot and Mr. St. John invltod to pick out the offending trio , but ho was unable to do ao. Col. Keatloy , as county attorney , will next Friday afteenoon investigate the smallpox bills , which have boon referred to him by the county board. As he invites all claimants to meet him at thai time at the county building , an Inter change of experiences Is expected , and it la barely possible that some light may be thrown upon the question of who was tc blame for tbo neglect that characterized eomo of the treatmot of the smallpoi cases. The fira depitimont made a test of iti lioeo Saturday. A line waa run from Of Ccor & Puscy'a corner to Hofl'mayerV mil ) , a distance of 1,450 feet , and a stioam thrown ta the height of eighty- feet. Sever l lengths of hosa weio'.bnrd jln the trial. The teat allowed np well or the waterworks company , but not ac wtll for the hose. The city shonld get bo tier hose or poorer water works. Porhape ft trade could ba got up with Omaha. Charlie Nicholson is as great a jokot a thert Ja in the fit o department. Bruce Howe li fts neat and particular as any man in ths department. Tee other niqht Charles r'ggftd up a dummy Cgure , with booti on , and put it in Bruce'u bed , explaining - plaining to him that It was a fir en : an from Oiahi , wfco bad got n llttlo fell nnd had laid down to alcop. Brace , rather than bo so inhospitable as to turn the sleeping vliitor out , and not desiring to sleep with such a character , hired a bed at ono of the hotels and occupied that. | M Store shades a specialty at Hnrknoae Brothers. Artists' Materials at G.R. Board's Wall Paper Store. Send for prlco list. Poor Printing. The managers of the Bombard-Llsto- mann concert , after requesting the pub lisher of the opera house programme to furnish programmes for the evening en tertainment , a request with which he compiled , secured aomo dizzy , brlndlo- colored posters from an amateur job of. Dee , thereby doing an Injustice tbo per formers , the audience , the programme publisher and his advertising patrons. Nonpareil. The local who does some scratching and clipping for the dear old grand- mother's acrap-book attempts to piece out lijs meagre salary by what purports to bo "tho opera house programme. " In the case of the concert , Saturday evening , this alleged programme was , as usual , a horrible caricature , and the managers of this choice entertainment , not having the jail ( o Insult so Intelligent an audience By distributing them , hurried to TUB BEE olfico and got some ether programmes hastily prepared. THE BEE programmes were neat , tasty and answered the pur pose well. The old grandmother there upon got angry. Why , bless her dear old soul , if she was not In her dotage , aho might know that the programmes her run-aroand-town prepared by - - child would not do. They had on the frontlspaso "Bill of the Play. " Now the old lady ought to have known the difference between a concert and n thea ter , © a coarse piper , and printed as though with n hand stamp , of conrto It wouldn't do. And then , such advortisa- tnonts as "Pooplo desiring cloves be tween acts , try so and no's sample rooms. " With such an audience , and such an entertainment , the old lady ought to liavo known that there troro no "acts" between whioh the bojs went out , and that the crowd was not very much of a clove-eating ono , anyway. THE BEE job rooms are not ashamed to have an im print upon the concert programmes , though prepared so hurriedly. Nor Is ; hero any barm to bo feared from the grandmother's ' sneer about "amateur" work. The public knows what good workis , if the old lady ind her family do not , and , ho public's appreciation of good work Is manifested by THE BEE haying all It can do , necessitating constant increaao of room and facilities , while the old lady is spending her time gossiping maliciously about her neighbors. "Tho opera house programme , " which was discarded , and "tho dizzy , brlndlo colored posters from an amateur job office , " which were ac cepted , are open for public inspection at THE BEE office. The "amatncr job of fice can well afford to let the old lady In- dnlgo In a llttlo temper , as that Is about ; ho only consolation tboro la left to her. Lace curtains , Turkoman curtains , window shades , etc. , at Harknoss [ Brothers. . Facts worth remembering when you buy Wall Paper : 1st. That Beard , next door to postoffice , has the largest stock to telect from. 2d That his prices are as , ow as the lowest. 3d That ho Is a practical Interior decorator and employs lone but skillful workmen. PERSONAL. B. L. Auwerdn left last evening-for New York. Miss Lou Fatten is now clerking in Eiie- man , Itoddn & Co.'a. T. W. McGraw , agent of the American Express , got home yesterday. W. 8 Ament , who is now located at Kear ney , Neb. , waa in the city Saturday , W. W. Chapman has so far rocoved from lia recent indisposition as to be able to get out of doors. Charles Sloan , of Kansas City , division superintendent of Wells , Fargo & Co. , waa in the city yesterday. { JDr..HoughCon , who is now settled in Ear- ling , and the only physician there , spent Sunday at his old home in thia city. J. B. Knight , who was fitting up one of the stores under Cy. Danforth's buildings , IE very 111 , and hia physician advises his removal west. west.Dr Dr , F. F. Bellinger has returned from hiE trip to Colorado , fooling much improved in health , and ready to attend to his many pa tients again. Capt , Hathaway has returned from his southern trip , having visited during his ab sence ten states. lie reports a most enjoya ble time , and comes back hale and hearty. D. II. Fulaifer and D. H. King , postoffice inspectors , were at the Facifio yesterday. Mr , Pulsltor starts east this morning , while Mr , King , who was for a time in charge of tbc Omaha oflico has orders to go to Denver tc take charge there , for which place he leave : ibis morning , Mr. Kin ? has been connected with pottoffioa work from boyhood up , and li ono of the shrewdest detectives and best office men in the whole corps. The cheapest place to purchase carpet : at Harknoss Brothers. Not the Man. The city marshal received the follow ing notice : OFWOB OF STATE BOAUD OF HEALTH , DES MOIKES , April 10. OITV MARSHAL ; Charles Hays , a young man quarantined for smallpox , escaped on the night of the 7th Inst. Ho Is about 5 feet 3 inches In height , dark complexion , thin darl moustache , stepa short and quick , walki erect Ho were dark oaasimero suit , well worn , and Scotch cap and sack coat. When last seen , the 8tb , was going weal acrcsa the country. Ho is a dangerous person to bo mingling with other people , Look oat for him , YOUIB truly , ' L. F. ANDBBWS , Acting Secretary. Saturday evening Mra. Ohas. Baugbar notified Alderman 8hniart that a man giving his name as Hays , and answeriop thu abuvo description , had engaged roomi at her placo. The pollco Investigated the matter , and tent for the marshal of Shelby connty , from wb'ich place the man had escaped. The marshal arrived here yes terday , and declared that the Hays hcrt was not the Hayi who was wanted. A special consignment of spring wiapa will bo offered for three dsya only , at Harkntsa Brothers. Spring goods tor suitings at Norno & Lindstrom'a , No. 205 Main tttoet. In spection invited. Pricoj and quality equal to any In tbo city , WORSE AND WOBSE , Young Hampton's Stealing of Let- torn Counts Into the Hun- tlrodB of Dollars , The pcstoffico Inspcctcra , J. D , King and D. H , PulsiQor have boon In the city for a day or two looking np the details of the doings of Wade Hampton , the rotistry clotk at the transfer , arrested Friday. They find that the amount stolen Is much moro than was at first thought , and young Hampton has in creased the amount to which ho con- fosses. At first ho onljj admitted taking two letters , the contents of which amounted to $15. Now ho admits having hat Wednesday night opened ten regis tered letters , by slitting the ends with a sharp knife , then removing the money , and reseating the envelopes , by carefully gumming the cut edges. Ho got $300 out of those ton lettera , ono of the envelopes containing $100. Eight of the lottora were acnt on , after being resoalcd. Tho'olhcr two ho claims were the ones which were found In his possession. Several packages of letters before this have boon missed , and the matter was being Investigated quietly when the dis closure came. Young Hampton on the night of the robbery mot Ills girl , who belongs in Omaha , and went to a hotel whore ho re- remained with her all night , registering as "Ghas. Bernhard and wife , OJarinda , Iowa. " Ho Rave her $10 of the money , paid $5 In hotel bill and incidentals , and the next day wont on a shopping tour with the woman. At Robinson Bros , ho bought her a a gold watch at $ G5 , and himself at $35. Ho also bought her a chain , and himself a chain , a pair of silk stockings for her , costing $4 , and other trinkots. Ho bought a vallao , some shirts , etc. , of Mr. Eisoman , as If about to take a trip. There was § 1G5 of the money which ho had left when arrested. Saturday the vallso and contents , which were as good as now , and for which ho paid in all about $19 were taken by the Inspectors to' the store where they wore purchased , and Mr. Eiseman on learning the facts , took back the goods , and returned the money. An attempt was made Jto get Robinson Bro's to do the same about the jewelry , allow ing a liberal discount for the trouble and any possible damage , bnt they refused. The friends of the young man hope by getting all they can Into cash , Into cash that the matter can bo so nrra gnod that all pecuniary loss caused by the young man's pilfering may bo easily covered. Yesterday the young man's trunk was ( enrobed , bnt no further evidences of jnllt obtained. His effects showed that in making purchases and handling money tie acted very boyish. Ho had ecvoral now harmonicas in his trunk , a variety of boyish games , two dozen or moro fancy neckties , and other articles , which showed ( low little judgment he had in spending money. Hampton is , In fact , only a boy. Ho Is only 20 years old , very young for so Important a position as that held by him , It requiring him to stay alone nights , with thousands of dollars of valuable In his possession. The woman , older than himself and moro experienced , ieems to have got the better of him. She has been made to give np the watch and chain given her. Hampton's youthf nlnoas and his appar ent foolishness , together with his estima ble family relationship , have excited mnch sympathy for him , and an attempt will bo made to got him off with as light a sentence as possible. SPECIAL NOTICES NOTICE. SpeoUl a Tertiaemente , rue M Lot ! found , To Loan , For Sale , To Bent , Want * , Board- In ; , eta. , trill be Inserted In this column at the low rate ol TEH CENTS PER LINE lor the flret Insertion and FIVE CENTS PER LINE lor each robeeqnent erilon. Leave advertisement ! at otu otDoe , Ho. Pearl Street , near Broadway WANTS. At 609 First avenue , itock o ! Roods WANTED or land ; Council Bluffs property ( or hotel In Colorado ; geed hotel lor fine ( arm In Ne braska ; hotel lor Council Bluffs property , and doz ens ol similar exchangee by the Heal Eatate Ex change Agency , 6C8 First avenue. 0-t TTtOR SALE House furnitura. Apply 118 Fourth JD St. , between hours 9 and 12 a. m. II E. Seaman. SALE. . , .other hotel In a iv > . Nebraska FOR , now doing a business ol about { SCO per month. No other hotel In the paoo. ! Terms liberal. _ SWAX & WALKER SALE OR TUADE.-8CO acres ot land In FOR county , Mo. Will trade lor Council Bluffs city property er sell cheap lor cash , or fart time. _ SWAN & TO TrtADK. Oood Iowa cr Nebraska WANTS lor a email stock ol hardware or general mercbandiBo. well located. _ SWAN & WALKEU. IjiOll 8 ALB A rare chance to get tine , well Ira- JP proved farm ol 400 acres , within a lew miles ot Council Bluffs , at a bargain. Low prlco and easy terms. bWAN & WALKHK T70U BALK A good pa j inn hotel property with Jj livery eUble , in ono ot the best small towns In western Iowa will sell with or without furniture , or will trade lor a email larm with stock etc. SWAN & WALKER. SaLE Eighty acres unimproved land In Union county , Iowa , Similes south east ol Al ton , the count- seat , or will trade lor Nebraska or Kansas land. SWAN & WALKER. IitOll SALE A20aero tract ol good land about JJ ono and a hall miles from Council Blufli post office , ot a bargain. SWAM & WALKER. lOOR HALE In Harrison county , Iowa. 320 acres Jj prats land , all under lence a 200 acre larm with fine Improvements , all under cultivation except 20 acres grass 83 acres good grass or pasture land , aid several other tracts ol Irom 40 to 160 acres ol unimproved land. SWAK & WALKER. TJlOll SALE Lands Improved aad unimproved. JD It you want a tarrn In western Iowa , Kansas Nebraska or Dakota , let us hetr Irom you. SWAN & WALXEB. SALE A lance number ot business and residence FOIl - lota In all parts ol Council BlnOs. See us betore j ou buy , SWAN It WALKER. [ JIOH HALE Parties wishing to buy .cheap Iota to I ? build on can buy on monthly paymente otlrom 82 to 910. SWAN & WALKER T7IOH HEN r We will rent you a lot to build enD D with the prlvllage to buy II you wish on very liberal term * . SWAN & WALKER. To correspond with any one wishing a WANTED location Ivr planning mill , sub , door and blind manufactory , wo hare building and machinery , well located , for sale , lease or trade ; SWAN & WALKER. RENT-Large two itory frame building suit able for warehouse or storage purposes , near r Uroad depot. SWAN WALKER. HKhT uit HALib Bdlt&sg and grounds FOR eulUt It for small foundiy and machine shop Good boiler , engine , cupola , blower with fixed shaft ing etc. , ready toput In motion , SWAN WALKER , /oOK HALE Houses. ' Lots and Land. A. J , JD Stepbenton , (03 Flret avenue. T701t SALE A top-buggy , flret-cUsi make and J ? In ezellent condition. Or will trade lor cheap tot. AddreM f. M. Bee office , Council Blu7l. \KTANTKI ) > Every bodyin Council BluOi o take YV THEBEK , Delivered by carrier at only twinty j nte a week. f \LD PAPERS For Mlo at DIE cffloe , at U ocatf W a hundred VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR RENT , I hare a doublt store bulldlnj,10icx ; > m , p rtltloDDd ofl , tlogtnlljrapcred , supplied with water from the water worki , good trick cellar , rultoi far rtitaurant , laundry , boardlig bouse , rnercbJwtllo butln'Mor resident property , Alto a laro two-itory dame dwelling with 10 room * two otllan , etc. , etc. , tutted ( or boarding hotut , prlrat * rcildeoor , bogpltal , etc. , oppodtt tte dty building * and city mmet lor real cheap. W , R. VACatUN. NEW GOODS. Carpets and DryGoods AT HARKNESS BROTHE Axminster Moquette , Body Brussels , Tapestry Brussels , Ingrain Carpets , Etc. Office Matting a pecialty. Smyrnia Rugs , Mats , Oil Cloths , Etc , Our stock of Luce Curtains is unusually large and f excellent variety. Turcoman and Madras curtains in many new and beautiful designs. Choicest ilksin black and the new colors , Our lineot Dress Goods comprises all the new designs for the eason , and the variety of our White Goods is nowhere excelled. New and beautiful Laces invite ttention , and our line of ladies' and childrens' Hose is larger and finer than ever. Harkness Bros , 01 Broadway Council Bluffs , BUCKEYE WROUGHT FENCING AND CRESTING. Beautify your homes by using the above. Over 500 designs to select from. CHEAPER THAN WOOD FENCES Strong and JLastiuy. Estimates given on any style either put up or delivered hero , by applying to KEELINE & FELT , Wholesale Iron , Steel , Heavy Hardware and Wood Stock , 117 Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. SMITH & TOLLER ACTS. LEADING Merchant Tailors ! 7 and 9 Main St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , . . . IOWA. A Complete Line of New Goods to Select From. W. P. YLS WORTH , HOUSE MOVER AND RAISER. Brick buildings of any size raised or moved and satisfaction guaranteed. Frame ho moved on LITTLE GIANT trucks , the beat In the world. W. P. AYLSWOUTH. 1010 Mnth Street , Council Bluffs. Attention , Ladies. While closing out my nolionn.will soil all hair goods at 25 per cent discount , SOOSwitdies GO Waves , Bangs , etc. , to sacrifice. Custom work carefully attended t" . MUS D. A. BENEDICT. 337 Broadway , Coumil Bluffs. f'l ' AND "THE ENGLISH1' KITCHEN. 505 Broadway , - - Council Bluffs. THE ONLY ALL SIGHT HOCBB IN THE CITY. Everything rerved in first claeu style and on short nottco. Hot and Quid lunrboa always ready. Roof Painting ami repairing. AH work guaranteed to give satisfaction. GEO. SMITHSON 302 N. 7th Street , . , COUNCIL BLUFFS. If. H. FIELD. W. C. ESTEP Field & Estep , UNDERTAKERS No. 317 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Calls Attended Promptly , Day and Night , Particular attention given to Em balmlng Telephone No. 97. COCKE 347 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Wo invlto your special Inspection , of onr now and rory oxtonslvo stock of plain and fancy hosiery , which owinc ; the the great demand for fine goods In this line wo have just placed on sale. Our stock is all th t cm bo doalrod In color , style and fashion , and wo c n pleaao the moat fastitlons and oiclaslvo taste at prices , which Immediately demand your attention. If you want to sou something neat , stylish , elegant , and nil that can bo desired in hoao , you will find It In onr Block , and at prices at which you can afford to buy. Ladies' Hosiery * Two counters will bo devoted exclu sively to this Immense stock. Having recently increased oar force of clerks , customers will not bo Inconveni enced by any delay on this point. Ladles' hoeo In solid colors : cardinal , bine , gray and fancy atrlpci , lOcwortti 15o Ladles' balbrlggan hoao , cleared seams , in cream , black , brown , navy , cardinal , garnott , fancy dotted and split fedt , 15c , would bo very cheap at 200. Ladies' half regular and full regular balbriggan hose , in cream , cardlnalwDO ! , black , bines and browns , 20o worth 25c. Ladies'fall regular and full fashioned hoao In pin ntrlpos , talbiiggans , Ingrains in oil colors , modes , black , etc. ; colors warranted fast , 25c worth 40o. Tlioao are decided bargains. Ladles' ' fall fashioned hoeo in all the now colors oil ingrain , 40c worth 50o. Ladit * ' black lisle thread fall regular hose , COo , never before sold for lees tban 75c. Ladies' black all * hoso.81.25 worth $2. Children's Ifose. A fall assortment of misses' , and chil dren's IICBB in plain and fancy colors , in grains' balbrlgQans and llslo thread , at prices never befuio offered. Oar customers have often heretofore complained of not being able to aocuro desirable hose for children. As onr as sortment Is now complete wo can satisfy the moat fastidious tastes. Gentlemen's Hose. Men's fancy striped BOX , 5c worth 8Jo Men's Spanish mixed BOX , lOo worth 15o Men's eoamless mixed sex , 12Jo worth 15o. 15o.Men's perfect fitting seamless BOX , all colors , 15o worth 20c. Men's British BOX , seamless , 20c , never before sold for.lues than 25o. Men's fanoy'stripod ingrain half hoeo , regular made , 25o worth 35o , Men's oil Ingrain half hose in fancy colors , 30c worth 4Uc. > Men's superfine halt hoao in fancy col ors , 3o worth COc. Men's fancy llslo thread half hose , fast colors , beautiful assortment , DOc [ worth 75s. Gauze Underwear , Men's ganzq shirts , 25o worth 40 : . Men's Indian gaaza shirts , cleared seams , 40o worth uOc. Men's balbrlggan shirts , 50o worth 7Bc. Men's drilling drawers , seams turned end stayed , OOo worth 75c. Ladles' vests , 23o worth 40c. Ladies ingrain vests , 40o worth DOc. Ladies' finished eeam , balbrlggan vests , 50o worth 7Cc , Corsets 25 dozen Steam molded corsets , cor ded sides , perfect fitting and made of heavy coreot jeans GOo worth 70o. 15 dozen Elastic cutaway hip corsets , strong , easy-fitting , comfortable and health-preserving , steam molded , especi ally desirable for ladles of fine contour or of , delicate constitutions. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded , 75oworth $1.00. 12 dozen Elastic Comfort Hip cartels , trell stayed with fine hard cords and ex tra heavy bones with the popular curved French corded bands ever the hlpi to give graceful and beautifying shape end prevent stretching or wrinkling at the sides. $1,00 worth $1.25. Muslin Underwear Onr Ladles Muslin Underwear ealo will contuo until next Saturday. The prices which wo are now quoting ou thosn goods will not pay the ladies for the trouble of buying the material and making them up Handkerchiefs : 40 dczen Children's fancy handker chiefs , 5c. 25 dozen LadlcV Hemstitched handker chiefs , fancy borders , fast colors , union linen , lOc.worth 20c. 20 dozen Ladles' hemstitched linen handkerchiefs , white and colored borders Ifjc , worth 25o. 10 dozen Ladles' fancy bordered , pure linen , embroidered and hemstitched , 25c , worth 35c. 35c.Dress Goods On Monday morning , April 13tb , we place on sale 25 pieces of Drass Goods ot 20c per yard. Wo have gone through our stock and picked out pieces that were soiling at from 25c to 35c per yard which wo now offer thu public at the uni form prlco of 20o ; also 30 pieces of plain and fancy Dress Gocds in alnglo and double widths worth from 30c to 45 } per yard , all of which wo rcdnco to the uni form price of 25c. a OurStockof Domestics is now Complete , and will be sold at N. Y. Prices. RETAIL DRY GOODS STO -OF- Cocke & Morgan , 347 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA.