Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 11, 1885, Page 6, Image 6

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1 *
Saturday MorniuoAoril , lit
Two'Jakes , the barb'eri ' , - Broadway
Sco xho gonUomcuV.GOb'ohlrla , at
y ' .b6at'd ,
, Th'3 b6sl'borsot ! ' 6vor sold for60a ; at
Oocko it Morgan's. „ , , ,
The " 0. B. Boya" gkvo am enjoyable
DociO last'Ovenlnf ? atiBono's hill. <
'il'sWomber'Uio'groat ' ' hosiery ado to-day
at Oooko & Morgan's. , , . .
The oourd of tra'do ia' ' io nicot Tuesday
evening" or..nbxllTT'c'ok.i'to' , ' 61cckoffi orD
KlcgAnt assortment of. colored eunbrold
orles at Uocko & 'llorgari'fl.
The mayor takos-hls vacation trip at i
very convenient BjEaWn , . coualdqiing the
flurry"ab"oul'7ialopfll ! ; " " " .77 . " , " . -
Tuei very bosf'gr'a'ito-oflshittibg at lOc
wosth 15c , at Oooko 1
The Harmony" fellasibn ladies ( javo
another of their dime soslala nnd cntcrlaln-
m'eiAii nttho reaTJencp of J. M.-Pal.riior ;
Solid color , hairline , pin-slripo , full
regular hojo 2uc , at Oocko ' & Morgan'a
Sorao.oAho ! aldfShnen , yoslcr'day. drove
over , tub paving in a'barousho an In
- apection trip a very good way _ to
icspoot it. . . . . . i.
Attend the unbleached muslin silo
flno smooth cotton at 5s worth 8Jo nt
Oocko it Morgan's.
The soccmd trial'Tof 'Capt. Tlayca , on a
ch'argo ' eif'vamncy ' 'couicq ' aft" tp-day bi
fofi Judge Aylcsworth. . Hfiyea''iS'nov
driving a 'team for Lon Dala.
TWa ovontag1 tho'colDpratod Barnhnrd
Llatoiimun ooncort company appear at
the opera hoii'sa/ . .This1' will , , bo 'a rare
niiiijcal treat yhieh ' ; Hhould ; causo""a
packed . . in. honso. , .1 ' .
The mooting of the ! council next Monday - > -
day evening will bofou intereetinp'ono ; ,
aalho election of. oUy.oflice'rs' tike
placothtoj'arid other' important mattora
bo attended to.
George C. Hall.hsa . been appointed
registry clerk at the tran'qfor poatoffice ,
to fill tho. Vacancy canoed by young
Hampton's arrest. M. A. Gragory takes
Hall's place aa the .registry clerk at the
uptown office' ; ' . '
George Kastnor han moved" into hh
now resldoncobn , Third streetbetwebn
Tenth and Eleventh avenues. Ho has
put up a good barn also , and on the ad.
joining lot has bnilShlmaolf , a now cai >
pouter shop. '
'Thq''Lidtc3 ' ' Aid jioctotyof | ihoSt. Pnul'i
Episcopal church have elected aa ofiicsra
for the onaningyear : . Slrs.iJj.B.Atkins
president ; Mis. Barnes , vice presldimt'
MM. D. O.JBlc/ompr / , . transqrjir ; Mrs. H
B : l. Snckottr f. Bccrctaryr -r I "I. J. ' - ,
- If'vdu want to-hearsome'of the choices
. " . .
I fj"-Tf ij , . ! > i
music o\rer > . .glvonin this , city , go to
hoar , the Betnhard Llatomanu coucsr
cqaipjny , They hay'q -iiatjlbna ] , j
tionj'and Oo > jr.cll | Blull'a'may o
itself ou'socutiiij such a treat.
' Dr. NnsbJ'p D.e ? Moinoj , will occupj
the pnlplt 6f.'th > .Bap'llat"church , Sundj ]
" )3VQnlni.A'Tjiq ; do'oto'r , ha :
tiip ' b iujj ono of'tho'lend '
ing divinesin" the dtiuoininatiou ia lowu
A'uiinvllrtt ' u hiqJstc 'dcd. ' . lq.ull , to' , cpuu
andhear _ hijri ; . ' ' ' . ' . ' " ' _ ' ' ' _ _ ; ' ' ' [
' , 'l' ' u'cith'of'p"ar lafy''is ' jtcpp o3J , it , bolh (
in"BUbglano6ttlrtt' ' thB roaidqnoa of 'Mr
S.iThoodoro , corner of-Uluta street and
Fiffi , " vouuo , WM rcllpvod.of same pro
vlsio'ns , u clock , aomo spoons and othc
attioo3.--'rhU'ioHcp ! 8oui to knowuoth
Intj about thuiafT-iic *
' "Oar pera'ouniUy in notlont. In death
tbp , , anything , but putttlvjis. '
i'dciath' . " S.pirlttjal cjtdo Jp
M , , x ulfty ) nftcruoon .and ovenia ,
&t2 and 7JO : o'clock Iii Spiritual' hall
EnUri'up'6 pa M > ltvu , d , Pearl trpptij , , ]
atalw two'doors ' ii < ! nth of pojtoflice. ' \
Tli .oiilQlrJrriutit jq to bttoatlo > as si _
gestedby 'uir BBK , of holding boatd o
tradei'mootlngs ' on difrcront.Jilglita frou
bbrB1'of 'tii ilb sid arcV' oijually . '
often ' "tinrta , ia what the chy counci
dee * , und"it lucouvculeutr ( Q IIAVCI hot !
in'iot oh' th'6 o 'rnorilght. , . The
; in a
"Somoof thtisa Who doll hb In
oil' the atrociia nith hose , also dullght In
givins. 'pacing' frUiids.a . 'daeh and.'a
sprinkle. A day or1 two ngo John Klnnoy
* * * * / l * " *
: T * ff T r 1 1
with.V nplo' ' pf | rgg-tfF | onjjs ftn
as ho onught the dash from Kiunoy'a '
noulo ho pluuted the juct it
yolk caaogiugjiluj Jute a.ulpuiTo In
orilor. , / lPndj ; fi
* tiCt
? ' HYv
wet coat , but aallsli
l \ i ; \ -
Fi..u. . . . , . -3 Brethr"on'(5hu ( h
'I ' | RfVcfttVA'55f ' '
1J&8SltJ ! ? 'J
' ' ftIVtrtA ! / *
llTda'y'81 * W thU
irade.of puinter , la Jiovr rjt fiiL' mroil up.
WiffCdiilbl CJC bytwilpJ fy | P
vlllo , Tenrf , nnHot'thfttHlb bf ftfarch 20 ,
of Afton , Jawa.-bul aura jpently ; of ,
mjicr-.tlo guUc o a > UlnM2r. _ n }
OjuWil BIBH'i Hcrild , cialtn tpjiioto
Howe and one of the sisters of the
church during hta ttiy hote , and now it
Howo'a-tnrn-to smile.
Henry Ivtidor4 of Mleaonrl Valley , was1
before JusticeSchurz yealerdoy on a
chargi of attempting to ravish a Gorman
woman named Mrs. Eliza Ernest , but
was discharged. The evidence ahoirod
that within fifteen minutes after the Umo
of the alleged occurrence the woman
drank.a clnas of beer withKilder in a as-
loon , and appeared to bo friendly enough.
Tw.P..aftyj , ojrso.aUjsrtvarda a wan offered
to compromise ; tho'tnatldf If Krlelcr would
psy S&D. The oudenca.'bolnfrof ' such n
natnroj Attorney Arndt , of Missouri
Valley , who defended , Intimated . { { IB
wfia"a put-up job for purposes of black
mailing , , niid' . tlio c'aurt did not aeem to
tiTiolmucu 8lt > ck"ltji thV'woriiin'/i / state
ment ;
i" < 5u luwehy .evening , April 14 , 1885 ,
the Win. Layton. Post , Np. 358 , G. A.
R. , of Oakland ; will1 have their first
camp fire , it being the twentieth mini.
vorsary ! of'the ' a'eSssainattou of Pr'isldont
Hhcpln. ' C61. JBhn H. Kofttloy , Hob ,
Joseph Lyman and Ool. Dailcy , of q
11 ' Bluffa ; Ilev ! i W. Wi ilinuey , : ot
Avow Dr7 Thomss , . of .Caraonj , i
other comrades haVd tbndbred thtir"'ser
vices for1h6'eivo/ilug , antl. ' ! } . ! n alirJjl'ih-
Blrnetivo. Speaking will bi'gln nt
o'clock in tho'evening , nud be continued
until 12 o'clock ; ; in'tsrsporsvd ' with Iriatru.
mcnlfii and vocal music. A'll will bo arl
mlttodlo the camp fire freo. Supper
will b'oscrvtid.from'G until 12 o'clock In
Baldwin's .hall. , , . Th.oc.vcning ;
votiJa to tho'description of bftttlcl1 and
incidentof tha war as eoou by comrades.
[ Avoca'tferal'd. '
In the.private confcrenca between the
council committee nnd loading petition-
era ln1iiVir'pfiIciesitic , 'tho c'aloonB , fiomd
queer talk i > reported aa having bcarr in
dulged in. , On.o qf tbo.petitionew ia aiiei
io nave remarked that" ho would rsthsr
see the gracsgron * lu the principal utrootn
and , the city b'o:6'ma aa qulot as n grave
yard , rather than have" a nlnglo nalorn
run here , Another aaid ho iiad rather
have the city blowii away in dust. (
of tho.committoa called the attention ol
ono of the prominent petitioners to.ollioc
otat'o laws , audaskcdl.f ho wanted thont
cnforctd'alrictly'also : ' 'ono in regard to
nsuryj for inatanco , intimating that some
who ahowed auchlrovorenco for sorno lawl
wcragotling intcruat on money at a high
er ratothan , tha law allowed. Stzch talk
did. not bring the portionanynearer to
.either . In deciding j'nal ' whit paghlJ to bo
done- , but only excited Ill-feeling 'on both
Ides ,
Artists' Material at G > B , . Beard's Wrtl
Pnper Store. Send for price Hstj .
Preparhij ; to Crlebrato tlio Annlvcr
onryof 2'lic Order.
Tim aixty-fifth annlveraary of the Odd'
Follows , pidcr falls this your-on Suiuhy
A'pii'i25 { , ' Ithaj , ' therefore , ' been' 'dotor
mlftad to hold the celebration on Taea
day , ilia > 2Btb , and arringomeuts ar <
being madu for n grand"'parade in till
nfturnoou and thu dedication of the noy
haflJutha opara houa.i black , 'ialln
dyouing a grandbal ) , wlll be given.
Thaiollowing comrtiltteea' h'ava "beoi\ \
choTcnT * ,
, Pn nrraritfemsh'ts 6. 'L. Jacabs , II
Schulfe , Q. B.Smlth - " , ;
" ' 'InvltvUop ' ( u'utl ' priniiuK Tbomaa , Bow
mail , D. C. Bloomer , G. H. Jackson
Ti.Cr. . F. J3rc nornnuJohn .Sohtc etanz.
Mueionnd hall W. IT. Treynnr , J. P
F , Barnhardl , Ht C. Fraohtiug.
Gsotgo . 'Smitli , FrA'j
, .Frcd Htrnian.
Floor oonunittto M. F ; R'oh'rer , A
Dlpkoyyj' . V : Sparo' , ' .T.'L. ' Tonplotou
-ficrnbardf. . il. 0. Frnohtlng , John
' '
J5oUn. - - - J
Recention E. Burhorn , P. C. DaVol
S.-S , . K llof , H.'B. Went , E. F. Watta
"KS Schickotaii , John Schtckotanz , H
0. Fiuchilnfl , Voter llapp , O.'F. Smith
Facts worth TCmetubcilng when yoi
buy Wall Paper : 1st. That Bo.ud . , nt-x
door to poetoflicB , IWH the lorcc t stock t
B'plc'ct.frqai./ Thafhlp p.'icea are u
IQTT as the luwrnt. 3d Tliao ho la
nrncticol intp.rior , deccrator apd employ
U3io | but bki'lful ' wovkmorj. ,
A Cliat with uluibblc ,
.Yoaterduy C..O. Arnold , -tho tclegriip !
operator' ' known na "Chubbio , " mob th
Ben man , lend gavp him the other old
of that uinumnfv incident which Tf s fir a
pubi3hediitUci ! [ , > Biiaud : : went tbo round
df the city p'apc a , 'Ho ndmltr that h
was ' 0 "churup'1 to ' f all Into tho. trap a
mlohluvloUdly Bet for him , hut .that . Li
motiv ( u vy.oro if tjjtf b t and ho. , ha4 m
lal iuign pi wlilolt ho Is Mlwotd. Hi
thlnkn-1h9''opfirotor 'pec , who'put ' iip"'tht
' 'ljJ-BO ' ratU'ijtl ' ' 'VChubtflo
that Leo. with whom ho 'was uc-
'Mn1 gfci , ' } \ thjda ' y'pS ' ' Kgo
uuiua ho(0i broke , Jionuleaii AW out. o
omployniont , 'fend ' ' 'th t ha1 took hjui t. .
Wrt. Sttith'fl Jttl' boirjl.ljlna dei
llueiyi > .niKt ! vouched' . 'for hla b.ior
bill , 'loo Jiad iut bpon there t\rp
days bafoioTia and Traay , the operator o"
thtf VfAUAsb1 , bcitan the schem ? by.q nd
fn notas with Mica Smiili'n iiainu slgauc
thcroto. Jilr , Arno'd foolishly roplltc
thereto. , TJiu ( vurtli notii said cho vros
inlsuaod by her mother raid imvJo tawotr
oUott Urcasts , Olc" . , and receive * HO ociii
pany ,
31(3 ( , md wished to moot Ariiold h block
frSm her rcsideiico for fewMninu'tes lii
-Ho t\yt ho - hud no uior.n lutontloni In
yfajj , < 0 rii'col MleU ShiiUi , and -osn
ovA -thtA-lo In a fjctr und tlut .upou
loivini ; Mrs. BailtU's tbo next n
ho n tritlnc.k { ' ) b j irdytth' Mrn.
. .
where ha li&s
_ . . . . - . .
; oi > d mnn. t'Oliubbio'lrnya the , jo
va - ur'rled lob fi r und thnt'ln IIJB '
luctluu vltlutha all'iir. hohea.ikiiiQL
ng of which tib oahamedf except
ufd , ho Vch'a cJfunip.iis tfl / .
lf to LQ iiiipuntd oil , 'bnthe Is not
- ' - -
'qr-of his-raotiraj
, at'lfarno
iavitsd. Prio3J And quaUty "
' " " J"-1""J L * "
intfln'ilin ppv" , ,
( y
Tl > o Proiilbltlbnlsts on Mid "iVnr" r th
nt Atlantic.
From the Atlantic Democrat' the .folj
owing particulars sro learned of the fray
ho prohibitory law ii being enforced lii
.hat . city : - >
At lait the deed hrts boon done , and
evidently the prohibitionists are happy ,
ienrch warianta were sworn out Satut- '
day bolero Kjqtilrtj G6Hvray bySjlvcator
\Yllllauu , EsquiioAtl'an'Uc , Daea county ,
.hla sUte , and pUiced tn the hands of ,
Jppuly Sheriff.Brulngton. . ntj ftl many1
nnro deputies ai could bo found , or one
J5-ccnt county warrant treiwurychn af-
'ord to pay , nnd they started ont to
rack the . "Yocl-cyc'd docipu 'to ] in liar. '
The first stopping , placo.vt al Chatloa
LU'torst'B , , next , Bon.YlieoX'i ( , , and theu
n succession , ( Jeorgo Wobar'a , Ohrtst
Vlandqlkon ' s , Wi Pt'Mnnkeo.'a ei\d \ the
3oinmoiclai' llousc. At oich of tliceo
slaco" ! \UaUIIy ( M "wh" waa
ound and was taken possession oo by the
deputy and his deputized followofj. No
trrosta wore made , .andLna wo undoratand
t , no arrest J will bo'"inado unlosa the
saloon , keeper * , "qoplliiuo sqllFng. The
seizure trhn iutondod aa a tvarulngi ' '
As Wo stated last - wook.tho. . jury In
; ho Ilebercaso disagreed , four being for
conviction and two for acquittal/ The
caio was called nguiu , Thursaay last bo-
: oto Mityor Scott , and by ndvico of his
oliptncy'Df. Rober'did not .appear. Ho
w a assessed $115.and coats , on'tho ' two
sonnts , aiid'tho case'will go * to the 'dlsi
.ricl. court. .Gradually .tha sontlr&enl
of 'the people Is changing in frvor * ol
Dr. , llobiir.itt . this niattpr , and the uu-
Fai'inois of s'fugUug him ont nud foroinp
trinl after triij np.onhim has changed
the proptculiohs'lnto ' porscctiliona. , , ' *
There thirtoen-aaloons in-AtlantiO
were - - (
piiyln n 'hionthly"'Bffgngitji'llcpnBO ; ( ol
$520i Th'la amount was nearly enough
tn pay the tunniiiff-cxpcnses of _ tho-city ,
Now'Ui6"faltiblisvwlll : pay nrf'HconEO , and
UIH oily will itioreasn its debt , -And all
this'becatibo'tho , Hills , the .Endanolha ,
tbo Williams , thi ) Pholpa ( .tnlllau ) , ami
the TcmpteB'Jndgo ' ( ) , think the air Is riol
puto fen'oiigh' Jor th't'ni to | 'brcafhe. ' Pander -
dor to tha whlirs of these men ; inoronse
thtf't ' Xe * , drivocopilal and business from
town and'start ' a now graveyard in which
to bury the hopes of Atlantic's prosperous
future. Tllia ; lo'.wfcat'thb non-productive
element want.
AVntvcH Sixninlnatlon.
Wade HamptoDi "tho rfgi try clerk
who'was ' arrested for stealing two rcg
istored Jetterd'at thd troriifpr/poifpffioe.
wa taken before U. S. Commissioner
George P. Wright yettsrday and walve
cxainiuation ! His bonds were Axed a
Sl.OCO , and not bo'Iog'ab'le to glvo them
yasterflay , ha waa taken to the connty
jail. 'Ha ' oxpoots to bo able to got bonds
hosrvvor , ai ho is sa'.d ' to bo related io
prominent and responsible men. Cofa ,
grdcaman Hepburn ia. caid to bo hia
nnclo. Tha.arrest of young Hampton Is
a 'groat ' ouiprisd.'to hiJ friinds and ac
quainfances , and his youth and previous
good record will bo brought to bear in an
iippuul for leniency.
l.OTICJC. Hpoalal r , vortleemonts , SKO as Low
fcand , To Loan , For Halo , To Kent , Wants , Hoard
saxi c'.o. , will fca luecrtod In tlJa column At tba
! to ol TEN CENTO PUIl LINK for the flrs * Insartlon
cfl FIVE CKNTS PKB L11E tor aoh eubsoqnont
artlon. Le vo advortlegmenlo Hi onr oflcc , Ko
Pearl Strovt. near Eroadwav
WAKTKD AtDOi First avenue , flock , of Ro
"f6r fa n7r Tari < I"Coui7ciI ; Pliidj property fo
bottf in Co'.orodo ; gowl hot l Jjr line farm In
bristn ; hotel tor Cf'UncM ' Itluffj property , 'and ' i
.us ot tlmilirirxcbungn by Ilia Heal Estate'"Kx
chaupc ; A dicyi 6:0 First ivtinu. * ' 0-
Tj OU SAtE A Jarm.of n * out ' 00' acres odjolnln
Jj the city and known atlio O&rdnor land. A
inv'er ' ou-tty\tUii 'Hrjcefaoper nrro. A b > rR > t
A" J § tphcn ci | , CDS | 'iretwcnu.o..Cqua'cll OlufFj.
KENTBultc -of bfflres In Shtigart Brcs
FOR , Jrontiuit Slain itriut. llncat.ju the city
Cooic i IlAUroom'7 , ' A
ITIQII . ALKlouso fumitura , A ipy ! 110. fourth
J St. ' , ' Lctwccn .hour879' > arid 12 a. nj , 41 'K
. , | > bug y. . , Wllljli
.solaclu'n'p ," ! > r. , C cl.-No620Jroid (
l.iolt KnI.K iwn nice bediooui sttj. Applrn
J } fiS7 MyDEtczttrect. " - 7 ;
' SALK.-F-A loUicr hotel In a Ire
F'OH , now dolUK a lusluess' ot about $350 po
mcnth. Nu otluT hotel la the plfiro. Terms liberal
Oil TIUDE. StO'aorOT pf mud In
WaVno county , Mo. Will trade for 'Ootracl
H'utTs citypripottror soli cheap for casn , or"far
tlmo"- * ' ' '
V\7"AN'JH' TO TUADK-rUooit iovv a Nobr
V i Uilil for a'Buiall slack ot Jiiiihvjro or jjouera
rncrohan'ltso ' well located. SWAN k WALKFII.
l/Oll S LK A rareoh n-o tu K t Una , well Im
i ) irovtxl farm of-lOO notes , within ft few mllcg o
Council IlluUe , at ft biryaliu Low price and cab ;
tCriUBi - J-WAN & WALKER '
JT Ofl 8ALB A gojd paying hotel property wit
1 'llVery ° it.tbb ! In ouo of tlio Iwet ( mull towns ) n
western"Iowa wjll neil with or without fumltiiro , p
111 trade for ft email faroi' with1etnclfi to. ' '
SWAtf & 'WAtKKB.
ITOH ( IM.i-KIJity. ; | ar.rcn unlj.pravud laud'
i" Uuli n county , Jpwa , 31 ni.Ies .louth-cMt of A :
ton , the o unfi fe J , or will tlft s fo' Nebraska o
Kanias laait" . SwAjj.fc WAIUBK.
/ HLU A 2 * cro tract of K ° " load auou
1 ' 0110niiil'ft linlf iilloa fr6m Cmtnrll fllufli poj
ilBce. at a luuaaln. BWAX & U'AI.KKB.
hiOlt. MALKln Harrison Bounty , IDWO. ? 20 ncri ;
'feilpo n 40.1 aore fan
with flno Impruveiccnts all under cultlvntlcn'cxccp
; 0 iTiMisraOT'8' > acres ( tnod grass or pasture land
nil Bavtnl other trtcts of from 40 to leO'&qroa/c
unlmprovixl land.
- . lnipto > ia ; ,
1 veil . . . Wlbta.fatii . in woitxrn Iowa , ' Kane >
- ' '
-n.J . ] 0-ijj otr'from"you.
" 'ViLKltR. '
{ 7011,1M E Alart : " iiymbor of biulnuM/itiitl
J1 drnco lots Inill / luits of Ct > UflclIIlluffa , goo
inhStaroyputjiiy - ' " BvM & WAtititu.
&i0lc > fur , 1'nrtlos Hlshlmrtotmjt oh Hpldts/t
i1 l > ullU oi'canlru\'on ' monthly payment * of frotq
-1 ! - . ' . . '
lot utviW i > p
Ub cu.vtry
"VST , AN LKU-.lfo ccrrtcpujju ulttiiiiy- HlijIHiij-i
' '
' > iuod luctttoii'f r rlannlii 'tiiltl. Basil , dee
urliiner ) , vvo'l foc teif. foruolo , Irano or trade ;
. , , . . - gffjbi & n f IKJR , 1
P'OH IIENT1 Virus'two itory franfofiulMlDj ; ' !
nblo lor warehoueo or etornco iiurpnpca ,
N WithMR.
rjOU JlEM r 6tv WAU a j.i ; i
11 ' mital Ig lor f . nail foundif nnd inachlno ehon
. . , . . . , . .
; l t.ittTfiH"-X nl.n. Alm l4 KTAtirt.l * t.-T"
> OR'3AIJli-llrilmii.ILutB 4n U Uhd. .A. 'I
, - . < , . J , , r ' . < . I . , ' . i i ! .i . . i I . , ii .
I.lpil SAI. & A tup-buxiy ; , flnt-Uisi mike and
1 l/iii .llont o. > uliUf > N , Or-wlll Irftdi ) for cheip
, ct AdUrobit' . )1. Booollke , Council El 7 . .
/ \ J.l > PAPr.HU for nl bt U i oilcwi i > S6 ctu'j
Vjbuailio . < l 4 it f ,
J afe A dWjV,5 ! { rt9r JiiMhiBI9 | ) tioiji )
id , fltgaDtJ ) fo ] > erCit , nupplU'il with w ur fiouj'
r worktttfvo liilok tclI&teulUl fur rrttaureut ,
gwrrtinjrwlttr J8 iiwuis t rotxll r -tte.-i etc.ulktd ,
' "
"lieup , W. H. VAUOHAN.
1 * * ' < i- f < r -i v . i1
LEApINO , . , i . - . , ( > 1 ( | > , , i- ,
" '
, - ; Merchant ' Tattcrd' ! '
, . 7 and" 9 Main St. , - r"
A Complete Line of New Goods toflSelect Prom.
Keep Horses and Mules constantly on hand
wo will ablljn retail or carload lota.
- AII-4Stock Warranted as Reoresenteil.
trrfrU'll''r ' l" > W Ot fn m1 EnUdllav. 1'itce
o SUlstucllon Gumntoxl.
'Corner ( Fifth 'Avo. & Fourth St ; OounollBlnffs.
. ' - ! ' ' , ' .
, " ' ' . . . , . > * . COWOir.llLU > 7Sj April ! .
FOHKllAN Holil t'hlt space tor the ajvcrllsciniint ol Dia. Jutld (3 Bmllh's Elocttlo A.I ) > 1iiDCct.
are too busy filling their onion and crcttlcg their now ( i > ctorj'No ' ; 80 ; Fouttli Street , to : tlgliU , totr
BnJ"6opy jnitnoir , , ' ' * . ' , , ' ' . ' ' ' > * " ' . . ' ' ' .
' n > - . .
r * > : " . I _
Wholesale and'Hotall "Dealers In
Hard Soft ana Bfbssburg
, W. . H. gIBLEY , Maiiagor. ,
Omco , 88 Jlaln St. Yard , on C. R. I. 1' . and 0
U , & St. P. Railway.
. NO. 2 ,
Ia the Highest Achievement in Writing
MacJuncs"iWl7C ( World.
With only 39 keys to learn an
. , . operate. H prlnts.TO.characters
pIncluding caps and snhll leltfrs ,
punotuaUoDs , flLtircs , glfnismitd-
tractions. It a the .simplest and.
most rapid writing machine
made as well aa tbo mcutdurablo'
zg Send'for free illustrated pamphlet.
Vt.yckoff Seamdns , & " Benedict ,
Chicago , 111. , Solo Agents ,
0. H , SHOLES , Council .Bluffs .
Agent for Western
Office , Main Street , Rooms 7 and 8 , Sbugart uid
Eeoo block. Will practloo In Slate andUte ; courts.
"VJK.'T ; ni m"T' r
pis ajibro < tlslac.aroua-
' ' 'UrCs jtnpstcnfcjr , , .
; 'il ; Onoorr. S. * ! ? .
J "L M" , ThBTNOri.
SccoEssona ro
Casady ? Orcutt & Frenoli
' ' l * "
C * v m
405 Broadway : Council ( Biufis
. ,
! > >
CarpetSj , :
Curtains ,
Window Shades ;
Matting : , / " ' .
Linoleums ,
OH Cloths and
. ' , . .
- : - > n * j.
tJpholstery ,
* .
f. * *
IViail Orders
Carefully Filled : !
' Ul - , . - , ' . l 1 D JL . .
X i
iPiS4 ! *
r r.WB'/an.i ' / * -
ffr Baimi
Sa i - , ya , ' < - > i S li > UU U7) , J , iai.lOi | .
cd exclusively -
sivoly to this' imnionsa stock. .
Having recently . Incrcasad our forco. of
cl&rks cwifomars Tvill'not 'Bo' Inconveni
enced ; by any delay on this point.
Ladleb'.hoEo in , solid colors cardinal ,
blue , gray and fancy stripes , iDc wort u 15i
Ladles' .balbrlggan hoae , cloft'retl yearns ,
in cream , bjaqk , brown , , snay , iCardliiftl | ,
garnettj fancy rjottfid andjiplit 'feoh'lOo. ' '
wpuld bo very hMn atJ OCj , . . .
La'di'ca half r ? nlftr4and fiilf regular
balbriggan ' t"A |
blac\ { blupsyaiiS bjfqwno , i2Qij' c.
hose , fn-pia strrpoSj taltiiij'jjanst , Injj
in oil-cMlors V s' , blaolfi ot"e.j'4riys ) ( :
warranted faist , 25c worth 40o ,
cccjidec'Ijargdris | ' , ' ' . . . . . . "
iaaira'tull fachlBned h'oso In all the
now colors blll.hgrajn { , ' .0c worth 50 ? ,
Ladies' black lido thread full regular
hose 1 , P0j , novcr baforp.eold forl.qeatfcan
Ladfes' ' b'lack ' " 'alk ? h'dBOi25 ; worth $2.
* i t
"A fall asjortmSnt of misses' ' ] \rid cLtl-
dr'en'o hfan in plain nmV fancy 'ciilotfr ' , in
grains'balbrlganna nnd llela throid at
piisca qovor befyio pfTt-rod. . , ; : ,
' '
'Oar. customers have 'often horolofpro
obrnp'lairiod'6f'fa.6t' ' being able "to 'flocUrp
desirable hoeo'for'ohildroa. As'onr 'aa- '
oortuieat ia now complctj-wo voau
the mpst slidigus t atca. ,
. n *
5'Moii's.faiicy Btripad'HOX So1 worth SJo
' MoiiVSpanish'inlKdd BOX ! ,
15C".1 ' ' ' ' < ' * * ' b ' - '
103. ' : . . . . . . - ' . i - .
Mch'a pcifoct-lltliUg seauilotw. ' soT , nll
colmif , 15t wottli SOc.t ' ' it . 1 1.1 > ! ,
Meu'nUrlHijli aox , Hoamloig ; 20t ? , Jitvdr
bofnro.HdUl for loia thuii 2oo. - ' ' '
. Atoh'a fatrcy < Btriod'luprAli'hnU | ) ] ,
o , SRe. worth 35o. ' f 't > '
oil ingrain half hosa in fancy
worth 40c. i " - ' ' ' '
Man' * 'anpcrlino halt Mia In f moy cdl-
ors , 35o worth 50a. j' ' ' < . - '
filen'o fanoy Halo tbroid Imlf hoao , f&it
nhlors , bimutlful aBsoitmoct , 006 ( worth
76s. 'w . . ' . / > ' > ' < ' '
Beautify your homes byfAcg \ the above. Over ijOO dosifliw lo noleH from , -
* " ' ' . . " „ " . , " ' " ' , . , „ . * , , , , , .v ,
jfcttifijti7 . .tSfi'oiifnitd , : Efff/ < yk
' "Kstirnntes fclvcn rju < iqy styli > bllhor put up br dollreretVhcro , byhnplyiog to
, „ . „ „ . 'T PtVTTTVn ? o2 ri JLjJlj t
. - i r
lejlfbh Steej , Heavy .tfar . arti atiil Wood StopK.
117 Huiii % eel , ( Jpunctl tfhifls'Iqwn. ,
Ks ft p tnri r r " \ , " , . ; , . / ' '
i ? - i > k5-i r--.rtrik''w ? ! ; - . - . - , l
. , i'r {
, ' * ' M : > '
. , ' "
s. - <
: . > -i : ; r ,
* '
> * "T < \ ' 1 * < 4t
J.VVCJ1 I /Til 1' i. * < i. . ' .
: : :
. . ; f , vii tfxwtauursv y > ' ' ' < T
Uriolc ' iirilJlnW of any PIZP raised or'movcd an'd R1 feuatanleeJ. Ffamo lion
move'd on LITTLE GIANT tiucis , tho.busl lutluvdrld. , . '
1010 IS jnth Street , Council lUntlft.
I'tt ©
! > &U * M : Vl > Uf7
Whila closiup out mr notlo'nnwill sell all hair poocla at 25 pnr. coot ( IJEqstuit , 000Switches
CO Wavcj , 'llaugn , etc. , " to sacrifice , - : Caetorri iv'orlt catefully ! ttmid8fl V\
! Kt7 Bro.i ivny , Ouun > il Uluffer.
. . . .
BOB. Broadway ' - :
, /t ;
TUB OSLV ALL NIGHT itoust ! is riiK cirt , ' ] ? Voivtaii,7 ) 6prvud in fitst cl.ics Btylo cml.ou ehort
. JIoV } ? < l. < : ultl liiticheB nlwaVs rcndy.
. . .
Kpof Pamijg ! ) ; icpaii-u g. AJ1 wo-k gn toed to give pnlSjl'uction.
. 's/TUisirocit , "
U a ! yrw ? * fct _ j ; jSVt&Ka jl * iiUS > E7S . . IJI * Pjy7 . , . -
* -
J Sliggy - j. V-MV
rss a r'881 ' Ci * fiffl * ' 'S&StO
'Calls AUeqde , > l rroDJuGy , Day au < } ' Nit-hh 1'arllcuthr etlcntlou givisn to 'Km ' bnl'inlnfe
' . . " ' . . ' ' ' "
jlqphon'oNb. , 07. , , i < ] ' ,
Mnacagzn ! shirto , , Puc uori , ! ( ] ; . i < ,
Meu'a | nilunKauK9 ; . p.ijlictej ( ideated
atuaj.0owortH } Pf. [ . ' v. MV , , -
JiJeu'fl bailJirisgau.ftLirils , pOJ.wqrfh.ypo.
bfafaflilirinQ dra'y/eraj , aoan rtnrttd
ijl'jit yc'd , pQfi wprtl , .7rc ' , - , , . ( , . . <
Jjaeljea' Voattj , 2yCrTTrth. ( < ( Q , . . . . _ _
Lidit-s itigrata vest ? , 40c
' ' " " ' '
Oor'sois' '
i 1 V.I. . 'I It / - . . - !
. 5ji' < j . ' < ' i ' ' " ' ! ' . ' / ' w <
2 clnxorl'Ljcllb-s' Uertilhohod Iwudkor-
liorilunl'l&tt colorfif nnion
. ' ' ' 'a/'df.7 ( / n' ' LndlVn' ' 'hMiiatKchc-d' ' ' linen
nnd' CrtlOH/d' / herders
lt d\e'httiqr \ 'bordered ' pure
. .at.TU
ibuaa . .nltixjali ; | t < . uivuvu Ji. JjATj' ' i . ' . ,
i , . ( M * MJW'ay-i > "fWffffii * Awl J to , wo
l'jM.f ? \iPlkP ) * HiDV ) i wAV ' H/Uoods
al liUc | or y rl. Wo havii mj < ajthroiifji [ |
y " f..1'i ' j"j ' ( / ! Jt-1'.olj 91 > i ipif oi that
j * joyflirrrV.f'W.S / ? ' ft In 3)5 ) mfr yard
which ire D . .vfor ( thu puhji r/ , } li ; ) unl.
aii < 1 , / ( - u < -84'Upj.Jj.iu , ? iiiU ( ; aqd
H9 , , MivVp.-/rj.h iji/'SOp / ( p.l& ) per
yj.r < U , l.tvA w'H'triffiy' ' t { U.o.t0lt 0.- '
ftrt "iUrlP9i " ° i % ' i' c'l- , ! .V
.v , - < ji a .v . . -M , , " . - -
sitics is aawOomplelQ , and wjlt' ' ' Prices.
i-rl ; , ' .f.rt ' , l , ' ' ' ,1- , . . f M . , l
. , , r . - l/ - " li. ! -t- : O..p
* :
.qns 01 ? >
8iof28li booii
" ' ) " ' . .lit t * oc-b i * ; .t ' i W
- - , - - - . r"i - - - *
. .4I . . ' ' 1 I -1 " * , . ' -i-
. | t > . t : .It ' < J \l . ! aI > - I t : -if' ' * | J alf.n : < t a * i > < f - . I , j , ' . ' ( ' : 1 fi'j.i/l ' ! , > . : .I
. j' . ' ' . ' ' .ail. - \ r 'i u ' ' ' '
j. I ' ' . '
r ! . . " .
tl / i-j tu"l Ji . | i' ' - n - r ' r M -