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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1885)
THE DAILY BEE SATURDAY , APRIL 11. 1886. BAGGING THE BUBGLABS , IVIUUm Knight and Andrew Murfc * Arrested In ' Ipso Fitcto.1 About half-pail two o'clock yes terday morning Mock Watchman A t- roan , whoto beat la in the vi cinity of Fifteenth and Douglas , WM passing through the alley , between - twoon Fifteenth and Sixteenth , Douglas and F rn m , when ho hoird a noiao of breaking filft" , on the remote north side of the alloy. Golnj to the spot whence the noise proceedcd , no found a young man named William Knight and a comrade , Andrew Marks , in the act of breaking In the ictr window of the grocery store of August Plot ? & Co , , 1509 Douglni. The tools wore Immediately dropped and both of the young men straightened up with a wonderful air of Innocence , Asttnan im mediately asked Knight what ho was doIng - Ing and that worthy made oomo trifling excuse. IIo was arreitcd by Astman , not however , before Marks had maniigo- to effect his escape. Knight was Imme diately taken to the city jail and looked np and yesterday morning his "pal" Marks was captured by Ofllcer Joe Howies on the corner of Fourteenth and Douglas streets. Knight was ( led to mike a statement yesterday morning which virtually amounts to a confession of hie guilt. Officer Howies was locked np In the cell with him , _ nnd gaining his confidence , drew from him a confession that Marks , bis "pal , " was the man who had broken the window. "Look at theio teen ! , " said Howies , pro ducing the hammer and chisel which bad boentiHedI In thooperatlpn , and which wore lound under the window yesterday , "Don't they belong to you ? ' "No , " said Knight faltoilngly , "but they arc Mark' * . " Thin statement of Knight's , ol course , will tend to strongly establish hit own guilt. Ofliccra Astman and Howies deserve great credit for tholr speedy and tfllcionl work in thus bagging the burglars , whc but for a lucky circumstance , would un doubtedly have effected their purpose. 1 la believe ! that tlio young men , whom reputations are none of the best , are thi crooks who brolco Kaufman brother' window lait Tuesday morning ; of coutso however , no diract evidence on tills poln la aa yet forthcoming. OMAHA SOCIAL GOSSIP , Knots anil Fancies Events tn tli Social "VVIHrl. Thu Musical Union orchcsira concert are discontinued for the present. Th dime museum la good enough fcr ue May featlvaLrohoaranla are active. The Chataqna circle mot at Mtf. Ste vena , 2604 Davonpott atroot , lastTaeada ; evening , and a very agreeable meoUn wan hold. Tbo retiring president , Mi Frank Hills , delivered an addrots an the now president made a brief Inaugur ; speech , giving an outline of the work t bo acconipllahed during the next thro months. Mias Minnie Brown then rea paper on chemistry. Amusing talks o the scenes of early childhood were Fa > tlclpated In by G. E. Ferry , Eva Low < O. T ? . Joplln , Mr . N. H. Lemon , 0. I Haniaon and O. W. Steven ) . Son chorines won ) given by the compnn ] The nest will bo a a Shakupoaro moot in to bu held at Misa Brown's , 1421 Jone street. Mr. Olomont Chase will make an at drois on ways and methods of the Unite St&tos senate on Tuesday evening next i V. M. 0. A. hall Visltora are Invitee Mies Mamie Shears give n card part at the Millard Thursday evening. Amort those preaent were tbo Misses Balcomb Dixon , Lahinor , Lake , Ijama , Ilichan a on , Nellie Smith , Julie Smith , Mrs. ( 0. Howard , Mr . Lieut. Bourke an Mils Williams ; Messrs , Barko , Mocrl Oowen , Berlin , Rogers , 1UT ( , Rlngrral Dickey , Lohtnur , Ohaao , Hullt and Lieu Howard , Bogga , Oftden. Mrs. Watso : First ladles' for playing attha head tab ) hand-painted portfolio , Mri. Wntso : that gouti' hand-piinted plaqua , won I \V. R , Morris ; second , laaies * pr'z' , work bwikot , Mi s Dixon ; second RCUI prize , a watoh obarm , Mr. Raff. Tl booby , Warnn Urgent , Rot n whi : broom to brash off the specks which o scared hia mental vlulou. This is actually taken from life : ' * Nc boy , yon mutt eat aomo more. " "B Birdie , if my tummlck Is full , how c : 11" May wo never drink of love's clij unless ntf can atop short of the maudli Btato , It is amualog to note how woman of alight Individuality loses wh little aho has when she marrloa , all h friends hoar about la hubby and the ball They Imagine themselves chguilied ai exalted , when they only Illustrate he narrow-minded and solDah the matrl et to can become , There Is no egotli like that of lovers and the newly nmrrle and but few hive good taste and sense disguise It. Wifely devotion is n meant to bo placarded and obtruded too satiated public , whose endurance exhausted by those fishers nf men who t.olr elation at having patlenco and lo amTdrlng rewarded , dangle their "bit In the faces of thoaa who only rega them with pity , and pity la akin to oc tempt. Mr. and Mrs. Lsno leave Omaha fo year's ' residence In Llncouln. 3Ir. 0. W. Mount , the cominerc traveler Is expected home from Calif < nlft next week. Mrs. J. J. Dlokey gives a card pai to-night and next week she will havi aeries of them. Mrs. L J. L'ickey gave a lunch \Y < neaday. There wera present , Mra. M. Wooltrottb.'Mra. L. H. Towar. M Way. Bin. S. H. Olark , MM. J. Boyd , M . Byron Reed , Mri. Lyir Richardson , Mrs. Q W , Dcane , M Judge V/nkeley and Mra. Smith. A live crying doll was deposited at 1 house of Mr. Fred Bainsworth this wi by a loading phyiioian , and his frier are now smoking the cholceat Key W cigars. Mrs. J. S. Clark and Mrs. Anden 30 to Chicago next week. Missei Lun Shcara and Boll Dickey attending the opera , festival in Chici Captain Cbaio will take In Maplecc dinners noit week. The Busy Boot of the Ohrittlin chu are buzzing about another ontorUlum to be given shortly. Omaha will have a western league tc auro. The contract for the ground been leonred. Mr. J. R. Nirrisbaa departed on weiteni trip. Mr. Graham P. Browne has made other venture. He and Mtu 0 * Robblns were limned on the 7th. Myrtle lodge , Knights of Pyth ' U V6 a very no'oeisfol misquerade Thi Jay night. The dresioi were supplied Klralfy and the feet were imported from gt. Louis. The PretbytetUni nro to have a con cert the 24th inst. Mr , Eddy of Chica go , vi 111 preside at the now pipe organ. Mrs. llcnry Beach , of Hamburg , la , Is the guest of Mrs. D. H. Stewart , 1811 OLiango street. Miss Lou MoMonics of Lyons , Neb , rn botn visiting the Missts Corby on Suvontcenth street. The trio , "Down by the Living Wat ers , " by Moicidanto , will ba sung at the Kountzo Memorial church Sunday even ing. ing.Mrs. . Henry Lcckwood is convalescing from a severe fit of sickness. Mrs. Williams is vlntlng Mrt. Lieut. Bourkc. The organ recital ol the Kountzo Mo * mortal church is posponod. The Locke club met at Mr. Locko'a homo Tuesday evening and gave the fol lowing programme : lluz-1'uz Ilecitnllon In costume Mrs. K. E. Gay lord. Readln ? ( from Dicker ) * ) Mrs. W. .T. Connell. Personal Recollections of theSnndwich Islands Mr..T. J. Dickey. Rtcltntlon Vashti Mrs. W. H. .Tnrvln. Original Paper ( A trnvcllnit man's experience ) Air. M. A. Kurtz. Solo Dream Tacw Mrs , C. K Squires. . Recitation QratUn'H Invective noninst Corry Mr. G. M. Hitchcock. K ay Problem of Lite Mrs. Geo. B. Lake. The Game tf Whist Mra. M. Kurtz. Faico A Hanny Pair Mr. J. E. Wilbur und Mrs. J. J.DIckoy. Round Robin. The West End club had one of their enjoyable gatherings at Mr. P. B. W. Cooko'u tbii wcok , and gave this pro gramme : Plnno Solo Marcho do Neuet Mlssll. Cookc llecitation Charcoal Man Mrs. Shrove Song Liebes Ditto Mrs. Coleraaii Cataline'a defense before the Iloman Senate < ate Catnllne , Dr. Whlnnory ; Cicero. Mr , McDntilchv Senators , Dr. Brown , Mr. Kuhn , Dr. NVIIson ; Mr. Muy , Conant ; Lictor , Mr. Burlcigb. Sonp Angela' Whispers Mr. Burleigl Recitation Model Sermon..Mrs. Colemar Guitar Solo Battle of Sedan Ployed am composed by Mr. A. Moyer. Reidlng Hccitatlon ( By Hcquest ) Prairie Fire Mr. Daniel Song The Bloom is on the HyoMr. Mr. Bmloigl Pantomime Trials of a Bachelor Fron Mother Goose. The Introduction of this last , giving i description of tbo trials inflicted on i bachelor by nmuy-tongued rumor , as presented sontod by Mrs. Shrevo , waa both laucha bo ! and unique , aud the authoress , Misi Sophie Cookc , deserves the thanks of thi club for this humorous addition to th1 evening's entertainment. FOLioiToouKr , Drunks Disposed or- The Mystery o SuJiorl ) llobbcry. In the police court yesterda ; morning , John Foster and Oharle Sommoisan were found guilty o intoxication and were sentenced b ; Judge Benoko to pay n. fine c § 5 and coals. They could not "liar the shiny" and wore oscoitod over th hill by Officer Tom Coimick. Gtntav Johnson , a Swede whose sene of perception was about ns acute ns th blunt end of the Ncrlh Polo , wai ai ra'gned ' for intoxication. Judge Beneb finally drove the idea through Johnson' ' hcid that he was accused of drunkennesi The prisoner a < ked for and secured continuance of his case. Jack Lao , who tried to play the "Sta Spangled Banner" on the head of Ni than Wachs , a peddler , last night , wt also arraigned this morning. Bo plea guilty and was fined § 5 and costs. Bbllo Henderson , alias "Johnny Bull , the notorious nogrcss thief , was ah brought before Judge Boncke. Show : accused of savagely attacking , an 1 beating with a club a white woman , Bei tha Larsch. A trial sustained the charg and Johnny Bull was hned $ U5 and cost : after the payment cf which she was re leased. This ci.19 is one of peculiar myatorj Briefly , the circumstances are those About the 2Hh ! of January last one I J. Scherb had stolen from him while i the postoflico a purse containing $1,10 In caah and notes. Thera waa n Q k trace cf the lost pockotbool and after considerable aoarc ull endeavor to regain the lost mono was given np. About three wotka aftei a man by the name of A. Campbell , wit his son , were arrested on a charge ( having etolen Scherb'a money , the piit cipal evldonca against them bqlng thi the son had made an elicited quasl-cor fesalon that his father had committed tt robbery and bad divided the spoils wit him. On trla' ' , however , nothing of th sort was proved , and there being i other direct evidence , both the defcm ants were reloatcd. Do'octivca hx1 been quietly at woik on the cane , but u til the other day no satisfactory clue w obtained. woman , as a moans of revenge , informi the police that the robbery had boi committed by "Johny Bull , " and th the money and pipers had been scon her possession , A warrant was short afterwards sworn out , b a thorough examination the "Johny Bull" domain fall to reveal the whereabouts of the missii property. Thursday night the aeons woman mot her Impeaching enemy ai soundly belabored her over the he ; with a good sized cudgel. There are some further dovelopmec in tbii Interesting caie which will e long bo ripe for publication. Daring the afternoon soulon the c * was ergnod and submitted. After ae a lenco ot a few moments the jury return and rendered a verdict of guilty of ma' ' cijui assault and the judge immediate sentenced the accuiod to pay a fine af t and to bo imprisoned in the jail for th lie Bk ty days , and the accused promptly ga notice of his appeal from such a termln is ist tlon and loutenca. Dis appeal bond w be filed to-day. m Trunk Found , re O dicer Gijward yesterday moral about 2 o'cloik found a trunk slttl is croMwlto on the sidewalk near the c ch ball. He took It to police hoadquarte nt where it now U. The trunk waa poi bly dropped or left there , for It is Cl im with wearing apparel and pictures B taa little artlcloa of female wardrobe. Pap seem to Indicate the owner to be M M. M. Lindon. Whoever owns It < recover it by asking at police headquat THE KYLE-GAVIN OA8E Now PomlltiR Heibro .Indue Bcneko Interesting Testimony , The much advertised encounter of Kyle and Gavin cnmo up for trial Thurs day in police conit , the following gentle men serving ai jurors : Messrs. Armour , Schtoedcr , Karbach and Ostorhans. Mr. Gavin was sworn and his direct examination amounted to a statement that Kyle had entered hit oflico , asked an explanation of the offensive newspa per article , had been told that parts of it were true , and given no tatlsfaction by htm , who waa the "financial manager" of an evening sheet , and that on going do an stairs , Kyle had stricken him down to catth and ho had fainted. On crots examination nndor shelter of the overruling power of the couit aa to evidence , witness forgot nearly every thing , except what his counsel intimated could bo answered. In fact counsel scorned to bo the witness. The main part of the trial , so fir as the public care to know , was the testimony of Kyle , who has never had a hearing in tbo caaa which has been attempted to bo dlgnltiod into a sensation. The witness Gavin's ' testi mony waa closed after his unwillingness to lot in the light upon tbo whole transaction had become appar ent to oven the most obtutolounger in the room , and after other testimony for the state cf no particular momott thodcfenso began its side of the story. ( Kyle's testimony is given as elicited at the soision of Thursday and yesterday afternoon. KYLE'S EVIDENCE. Mr Kyle substantially testified that about noon of March 4th ho wont to Mr. Gavin'a office and stated to Mr. G. in the presence of Mr. Nash that ho had called to see about an article published in the Times-Dispatch of the previous evening , that Mr. G. be came very much excited , admitted that ho was responsible for the publication of the article in question , anil said it was true and also stated that ho would not retract the name , nor should anything whatever bo allowed to ba stated in the columns of the Tlmcs-Dlspatch regarding it. Mr. Kyle requested that the truth bo publ'shod ' , that ho would not prejudge any malice on the part of Mr. G. , and taking out a copy of the paper called Mr. G.'s attention , Item by item to the false and libslous statements contained in said article. Mr. G. slated it should stand as it was * . Mr. K. again asked him to correct the article and publish the truth , as that was all ho desired. Mr. G. again refused aud Mr. Kyle turned nnd loft the ofiicc , walking down to the head of the stairs , where , Mr. G. followed him and attacked him at head of stairs , making a motion towards hi s pistol pocket , when ho ( Kyle ) struck G. will his cane on the face ; G.'s force was the greater , carry log them to the north side of the first landing en the stairway : that ho struck G. attain on the face with the cane ; that G. caught hi ! left arm vrlth his left and on. deavorcd to force him down stairs Gavin throwing his right hand to his hip * pocket , that no , K ; broke away fron ; Gavin and when the hold of G. wai broken he was whirled pertly arounc presenting the back of his head when hi struck him across the head nnd with i trip sent him down stairs to the sidi walk , ho ( K. ) folio wine him almost losing his balance In the scnllb , and being pro olpltated to the sidewalk , that he turned and set his foot on G. looked at him and saw that he was unsble to usi any weapon , when he turned picked up his hat and one end of thi cane and walked np t ) the police court saying to Judge Benoko that ho wa ready to answer any charges that migh bo brought against him. Mr. Kyle fur i her testified that at his office Gavin bat aomo time previous threatened to shoo him if bo had anything to do with th Walsh-Gavin case. This threat was mad in the presence cf Messrs. Felker Shearer , Edfgerton and Miss Walsh. Mr Kyle testified that at the time Gavin at tacked bin ) at the head of the stairs h believed that he Intended to shoot bin that ho acted only in self dofeneo. i Y. M. O. A. Notes. ' There was a largo attendance at th Choral club last evcnicg. Mr. F. M Bacon , who has been In Onawa , la , fo some weeks past has returned , and presided sided at tbo organ. Mr. D. D. McDon [ aid also played the acsompanlment 01 the violin. After come time spent li singing the meeting changed to a social where laughter and fun held full sway. The bca < d of directors mot In the pai B lar , and the president bolni ; abtcnt , Di a P. I. Lolsenring was called to the chali All of the reports showed that the assi ciatlon waa In a prosperous conditloi The attendance both in the reading rooi and at all of the meetings are constant ! Increasing. General Secretary G. t Joplin wss chosen to attend the seen tarlea' conference at Chattanooga , Tenn and the International convention In At lanta , Ga , and was granted time to via his homo in Lexington , Ky. The roper of tbo treasurer and financial commltti showed that the collections and subsct-i ] tions were in a good condition. T/ finance committee still have a number i business men to call upon , from who : they expect liberal subscriptions. Bo sure and attend tbo Sttangor meeting this evening. Yon can not hoi but enjoy it. Bring your friend wit you. you.Mr. . Ed. McClnre has returned fro ; Chicago and will lead the gospel meetln Sunday afternoon. His many frlem will be glad to greet him again. Mr , Olom Chase has contented to apes to the Y. M. 0. A. senate on next Tuo day evening. Ho will speak on the pra tical work of the United States ecnat All young men are invited. A False Impression OorrcctcJ. To the Kditor of TUE Bu. In your paper 1 Wednesday you said th J. E. Boyd captured the two Germi dallies and the Soandlaan paper. , _ merciful , Mr. Editor , and do not charf tv the successful but humiliated nuyor-ele with morn sins Jhan he U guilty of. any ono should think tint by "Soandln vlan papor" you allude to the SwedL id Weekly Blade , please tell your reads idn that Mr. Boyd did not offer any lard n : a ti grease It into support of any one b in the regular republican nominees. TiiEoopitB HE-SSKLF. , > ra It. Editor and proprietor The Courts. Very little waa done In the acre ti. ti.F. . oonrU yeitcrday , Before Judge Wake ) A verdict wia rendered In Kelvitt Pinzcnchara for SOI 2. > in favor of the plntntifl. To-dny la rule day in thla court. In the county n few unimportant tostn- mcnlary orders were entered. The case of the Minefield Savings Bank va Berk- hauaor and Davis was continued to April 20th. 20th.Tho police court VF D engaged nil the afternoon In the trial of the Kyle-Gavin case , n f nil report of which will bo found elsewhere in Oils liauo. STOP THAT OOUO1I By mlng Dr. Friuier's Throat nnd Lting BeJ. snm the only sure cure for Cough * . Colds , Hoarseness and Sore Throat , and nil diseases of the throat and lungs. Do not ncffloct a cough. It may prove fatal. Scores and hundreds of Rratoful people owe their live * to Dr. Frazier't Throat and Luttr Balsnm , nnd no family will ever bo without tt alter once using it , and discovering its caarrelous power. It is put up in largo family bottles and told or the small price of 76 conta per botUo. Bold Kohp & Co. and 0. F. Goodman. The number of gaa-llghtpd buoys on ocean coasts the world over is rapidly on the increase. SKIN 1MBEA.8ES CURED. By Ut , Frazlor's Maple Ointment. Onros tf by rnngb : 1'Imples , Black Heads or Qrnb Blotches nnd Eruption * on the face , leaving the skin clear and beautiful. Also euros Itch , Salt Rheum , Sort ) Nipples , Sore Lips and old , Obstinate Ulcers Bold by druggists , or mailed on receipt price. 60 cents. Bold by Kuhn & Co , nnd 0. F. Goodman. "Bull Run" llutioll is doing the illu minating for the royal visitors in Ireland. XIio HorsOml Almanac nml Cook Book * mailed frco on application to the Rum- ford Chemical Works , Providence , R. I. The oranges imported at Now York during 1884 were valued nt about § 1,800- 000 in a total of $5,007,851 of green fruit received from abroad. Lemons rank next to cringes , bananas next , then cocoanuts , pineapple ? , grapoa and llmos. The duty on the oranges and lemons amounted to $000,832. DUKKEK'S SALAD DIIKSSIXO & COLD MEAT SAUCE is made from the freshest , purest and choicest condiments obtaina ble. Tn using it , waste , labor , anxiety , and disappointment , nro prevented. April fool jokes are not wholly a bad thing , as a Lawrence , Maes. , nun found who lost on the street n pocketbook con taining $42. Several pastora-by winked knowingly at o&ch other nnd carefully lot it alone , so that when the owner retraced his stops ho found it juat where h- ' had dropped it. Of Interest to Parents. The chemist of tbo Brooklyn board oi health , Dr. 0. Grothe , gradnatu of the university cf Kiel , Germany , certifies that having purchased Red Star Cougt Cure of Brooklyn druggist j , and subjected the same to a chemical analysis , ho li pleased to state that it Is entirely free from narcotic ] , opiates , or injurious mo talllc oxides prevalent in other cougt mlxturoa ; that It is entirely bamlesa anc will prove itself highly effective. No I CIlltla In SriUNGFlELD , III , , April 10. Governor Og- lesbr left here last night for the scenes of tin strike at .Toilet. PILLS 25 YEARS IN USE- fho Oreatert Medical Triumph of tie Age ! SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Lou of appetite , Bowels coitlvc , Pain In the head , with a. dull eniatlonln the tack parr , 1'nln under the ho Ider- blade , Fnllnem after catlnir , vrlth ndlsi- Incllnatlonto exertion of bodr or mind , Irritability of temper , Low iplrlt ) , with a feellnir of harlng neElectcd ome dntr , Wearlncin , Dizziness , Flntterlnst at the lleart , Dots before tbo eyes , Headache over the right eye , Ileitlessnesi , with atfnl dreams , niahlr colored Urine , and CONSTIPATION. . . TTJTT'S Pm.B ara especially adapted to inch CA5C9 , one dose effects such a .hanRo of fecllnfjaa to nstonlslithc sufferer , Thor Increase the Appetiteand causa the bodr to Tnke on l'le h , thus tbo srttem U iiourlslieiland bytholrTonlo Action on produced. the UlceatlveOrgnns.KeKularStooIinro Vrt < - ! l5c. 44 Murray Nt..I .Y. run's mm DYE. GHAT IUni or WUISUBIIB ehnnged to a GLOSST IILACK by a sinelu opplicatlon of this DTE. It Imparts a natural color , nets Instantaneously. Sold by Druggists , or aent by express on receipt of 01 * Office. 44 Murray St. . Now York. For the Cure of ull diseases of Horses. Cattle , Sheep DOQS , HOGS , VOULT11Y. Used successfully for 20 years by Fur- mere , Stockbreeders , Horse , &o. Endorsed & tisodby tboU.S.Jovernm'l. ( # & -I > nmplileti > b Charts eont frcp.iS3j HUMPHREYS' ' MEDICINE CO , , 100 Pulton St , Now York , Humphreys' Homeopathic * r VX * fci n o 30 wan. The onlr suoceiwful - - v * VH" DUUVCnntUI IVLUUU/ < Nervous Debility , Vital Weakness , nd I'lMtratlon. from' oter-worlc or other causwi. f I p r vial , or S vlaU and larire vl l powder , for t& . J HOLDDirIHUoiH8TH.ornont | ) lp Uori rpceiplof 1 ultHliclno C'oM lll'J l iittoiiHt. . NuwYorH * H. 8 , ATWOOO , Plattsmonth , - - . HEREFORD &MD & JERSEY SAHLE IK BOTTfiSB. Srluuger. - . . - * . Calmbacuer , 13avarl Pilsner. . . . . . . . . . . nior - . . . . DOMKBT1C. ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; loui Lnhaneor. . . . _ _ _ _ .St. Loai Best's. . - - Milwauke 3chlitz-Pil8jior Milwaukt Omal Ale , Porter. Domostio and Rhii Vy-ine. VD. MAUEKE , 121 Varnom ! WfiflL unsioir ittniator * Drctr. NtnouiUtbililr , lx i Manhood , ila.b lnr tn d la vain f r7 Vnowt rm d/h ; diMuT raa lnivlmiaDio ( lfar blob. CfiiL * pd. tllBBIobls l.llowrfaH.j ra SPECIAL NOTICES. TO LOAJN MONEY , o U > AM-$5CO fd 11,300 ml estate sonurlt } . Morse &Brunntr , 1KM Famam. fl-15 T * ° to ! tn sunn of 8100 and upwardfj lUUou Litres , 317 aouthlSthtt. S3I-9 VTONF.Y To l \n on chattels , WocHey St tlairlson , ill. Hooiu 20 , Orukhs National tank building S54tt \fONEY loaned at tow rat * , ln amounts to suit on J.TJ.chattelc < > ! laterals or other good security. Flinn- dal exchange , 1603 Farntm st , 569-mlp rONKYTOLOAN-On teal estata and chattel ! I D. L. Thomas. 7 0tt. Iioaned on chattels , cut ratt , R R MONET oought and told. A. FurmanS13 S , Uth St 079 tf ONET to onn on good real estate ircurltr. M. M F. Sears. Will lima block. SSO-tf LOANKI ) at a F. Reed AtUo's. Loan offies MONKY , pianos , horseo , wagons , personal property of all kinds and all othe rutloles ot value , without remOTuL Orer 1st National Bank.oorner ISth and Farcam. All buslneea strictly confidential ill-it In sums of JSOOand npwud. MOnKTTOtOAN Co. , Beal KsUls and Loan Agents , lEOSFarcamBt 313 U HELP -WANTED. TT7ANTXD A girl for general honso work In sziall V > family at 421 Fl a nt St Mrs Qto Hejn. 484.11 A girl for general house work at Oil So WliMfD nineteenth St. 40MOp - cook at 713 r > ctflc st , between 7th and WAVTKD-A 454-llp WAMKU A good house keeper , good wages paid ; Inquire at Atkinson's mllllntry and hair cm- porlum , Cio'filiton Hook , 16th tt , south P. O , 453-13 w ANTED G female cooks , Omabn Employment bureau , 1120 Farnam Et 476-tf -Olrls at the old reliable Omaha Era- WAMHDOlrls l , 117 N 10th St. 470-13 - at Pa-.tlc House , 10th and Da- WANixu-Cook 408-lOp WAMKD Immtdlately , two good Uundrvwomtn Omaha cunibrmcat bureau 1120 Farnam at. 323-tf IASTRDA Bales ladyot experience. Addrcsi'A V A A A"Bcocrace. I30-11 WANTKD-Immedlately , 2 good sblrt Ironcrs.Oma- ha eojplajment buicnu , 1120 Farnam. 4Zl.ll WA\rhD-InimtJlfttely , at the Omtha employ. mint bureau , all thosodeslilne good help and good iltuatloni botn male and fftnala 427-U T\7"ANTri ) loimedlately , llgood Rlrls for kitchen , 11 dining roam and rrumbcr work,0inih cmiloy- ment buicau. 110 Farnain St. 422-tf WANTED A gll In a small JamlU , good wigcsjap ply No r > :3 rieaunt St , Omaha , Neb. 427-11 Two girls one for dining rooui and one WASTED wisher 322 north 10th st 428-11 \T7AXTKD A girl for general house work at 02 ! M south nineteenth street. 403-lOp W ANTED Machine hands it Omaha Shirt Factory 308 north 10th st. 430-llp WANTEn good glil Immediately at the corner ot llth and Davenport sts , Carey house 4C8 tf WAVTKD To engage lady short rand reporter and callgraph writer. Address 'Wholesaler " 412 tf TTT'ASTyD-A girl for general house work at 1622 IT Iloward St. M3 10 "VX7ANTED Srnull girl Emmet house. S90-14p WAMXU Immediately , two Brst-clasa bisk finish ers , also an apprentice to learn dies'inaklog at Misses Murphy , dicumaking parlors , 1517 Douglas. 400-lUp WA TFD Experienced cook and lauudros at 832 South 17th street. 337-lOp TTfAKiKU Young man or a young Udy to keep T T books and who Is a short hand writernone need apply unless quick and thorouitb In figures ; cute and previous occupation. Address box 745 Omaha. 871-tf WANTKD Soruaono toadopta goodbritht healthy boy throe jolts uld , call at 16th and PaolQa st. 3J7.13p TrTANIKD-Oood salcemau 106 N. 18th. 144-lOp TyANTED Agents IDS N. 18th. 143-IOp WANTED Lidy agents for "Queen Paotector' , daliy stocking and skirts supporters , shoulder braces , bustl 8 , bosom forms , dreu shields , safotv ' belts sleeve protectors , tc , , entirely nrw devices' , unprecedented profits , wo hare 600 agents making 9100 monthly. Address with stamp , K 11. Campbell & Co. , 9 South May St , Chlcaga. 709-al6r. WANTJCU Immcdlttely , an experienced girl M. E. corner 18th snd Learenwortn. 994-tf SITUATIONS WANTED. WAVTKD-By aycung man , situation as book keeper , or office work ; bett of references ; o drees O. A. E. , P. O. Ifll-tf WAVTK.D-A situation bv a practical book keeper , can furnish best of reference ; address 'A" 2201 Cumin git 440-lSp WAVivn Situation by a young man with seret > ears ex pcrlenco Inn drug Bto/e In uneistcrr clt } ; best of reference , will go to city or country ; ud dress "JUS" thlsoffloe. 462-lSp Emplojincnt by a good healthy v\el T I mine ; reference furnhhed ; Inquire at 110 ! Saundcrs St. Drug Htoro. 40'2-lSp A N engineer and michlclsk with twenty years ex- zip-iience would like a sltaation , can jurnl h bes : of refeicncct ; address "A / ' Bee oilloi. 374-12p MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. WANIKU Goo J gentle pony t3 lido or drive. WJ Wclihans , City rallli. 463-tf WANTru $3603 for two or three years at 8 pel cent , on flrrt class c'ty propel ty worth tlirei times amount ; addreM J. W , , BCD oUloo. 469tf WANTED $3 GO will buy one dozen Roger Dro'i trlpplo | Utcdtablt knives it Moody'g clilnn etore.corner lOtb and Imvooport st. 445 tf Itoorn and board In a private family h1 WAMKD two vunir ninii distunes from Poet office , noi to exceed a blocks. Address "M. " Itee oHlce. 618.10) ) WANTED To rent a good Intel located In Omalu prtferred ; call on or adureti J P McDonald 410 north 18th street. 40M1 WisitD flood reliable familr liouo ; roqulr 1318Fsrnamst. S88tf. WAN1ED To tell my flut piano cbeap ; tl o m pbaeton. almost new ; address 8 P , Bee office. 281-U WANTKD Home of 6 or 6 roomi , by Uay 111 good locality , Addrtss E. B , , Bn oQice. 2021 WANTED Erery ady In need of as chine , to we the new Improved American N < 7. P. E. Hodman i ! Co. agents ; 220 N 10th. C43tt WANTKD Two rooms with board for young ma and wlfe.muit be centrally located , reference given and required. Address "B , " Ibis office. OlO-i JOH RKNT-HOUSKS AND LOTS , . Thrreitory brick store building ; ei Foxxr.NT ot Kdward Itorrts & Co. , room 19 Crouni Block. 407 tl TTlOR KENT Una two story houte 8 rooms and bat JL1 room on Park ave. Inquire at 1110 Farnam S 4C3tl TTiOn RENT A furnlihed house 8 rooms and stab JC Inquire at 2620 Douglai 8t 470-ie FOR RKNT AUtlck house of 8 rooms | 10 pi month ; apply ta John Huule , Hardware iton 2407 corner Cumlng aod Baunders ill. P CItrk. 893-1 Ip OR RK ! < T-furnished boutr. Inquire at No 261 F I > OUlasKi. 479-11 BttiT Se nd floor ot i'x rooms. On street c ; FOR . Call at fontr Bros. , giucery , corner Lta enwortb and Phil Sheridan. 4t5-t 'onur.M-A ' newhouiu ol oliibt rooms on upp F Ilofturd st , near twenty-filth ; apply ut 241S Hi ncjfct. 119-lCp l/jD.Tiiu-61) house ] ler rcrit. Morse & Hrunn > HU KAIIIIUI. 4S7-16 HEM HOUII ot 8 rooms , akT , and gas ; s FOR to ( len'l liavrkln'l , Straoy buUdloy or SO CMS ht. 431-1 Rfjr A five room brlcli cottage , eltr wit FOR all modem tmprovsmcnti ; Inquire John Bti till an > i Hickory. 413-llp \ KENT A cotUge of i rooms tli per mot F\OR K. B. dth utreet , Brit house south oUIlckoi tnquiroof alrsl'alk on lhepreml 8. 867.11 TOHXKVT UOUS O | ( rooms with bun , C&M" JD I Biuncm it. Inquire 17W J ( V cn st. < 4M o Riwi-ll thrwrocm cotliRC on CaltlornU st , J' e t iJ ot Crelghtotj collfge groundInquire ; on rsC ndon. 410-llp F OR HUNT Brick ( tore 418 Tenth tt. , ne r How ard f60 per month. 8. I htnan. SID-tf llnNT A store cheap SOD north Uth.lit FOIl lit lip PKNT Prktt yard north mil ot Saundcrs it. FOR I I work ( or renting , its foreman , If wanted. J. V. FoUrr. SI7-14p - Store on 18th it Idirard Karris FORtlKNT-New & Co. , Crounss block. ISJtl KENT S-S room houses Inquire Jno. F FOR llarton.Snicltlng worts , or 314 NorthSMh St. 191-tf "TTlOR HKNT \ furnished house 0 room * durln ? JL' the Summer month to pullet without children. Inquire 211 South 23d St. . 101 tt FOR RENT Uncxpirnl Itaso ol hcnio with alt moder imfirotements at * > bargain. K. I1 Grldley tf. O. offloe Omaha 174-tl FOR UKNT-RwldcDoa nd saloon with Citure with about two aorti ot ground , suitable fur park and societies during lummcr or winter. Terms DMT. Applfto Victor Urchcr , Uh it south ot Letvenworth 12MCp TjMK KENT-Store building 44x80 three story and J1 baument No.UOandll2 Uth. Inquire 1409 Dodge St. P99-U TO OK KENT Farm anil garden. T , Murray. FOR RENT Fnrnltbed cottage , 7 rooms , with elOMtd tanlry , clo.ln best looatlt ) In City on pay rent w Ith board. Call In afternoon at 015 Pleas- cnt St. 170 tf FOR RKNT nourtt Tory cheap. Ay > ' , ] T t U.T Xjylon 14th and Douglai St . SS-U OIl KKNT Two new stores on Ith t. O..S F nd Farnam iittl Full RENT One itory dtvdllni ; house flvi roonu , 23d , nrarClark street. Charlei Ogtlen , cornel ISlhandDoURltsStrett. S33 tf C > OR HKNT Throe brlek stores corner ISth and JP Cumlng St. J L. McCagao , Acnt. | 481-aa FOR UKNT New cottage , 6 room * . . Pblppa Roe 1612 S. 5th St. -234'tf 1100&IS FOR RENT. FOR REOT Very puteantfnrnljliodroon ! < sl or In suite , at roieonablo prlw.SSl s 10th street 315tf F I OR HUNT Furtlthed room No 1510 H.irncy St. 438- lip FOR EKNT Front loam furnished 1300 Cnp'tal a > c. 419-lCp Foil RKNTNicclr furnished rooms , Modern OMINO- nloucot ; solenoid lotntloiion car line , 1720 Cap- ltd A\c. 4flS-llp 13 nlco rooiut o\cr Win. Gentleman's FOKRKNT grooury ( tore , 16th and CossSts. 410 10 I On RUNT Unfurnished rooms with modern Im F provements , 8 W comer 13th ana Iloward. 385.11p Ri IJT FureUhed front room south cant corner FOR 10th and Farnan. 433 tf FOR RENT Furnished room for Uotlth bjard , 1816 Ch'cago et. 323 lip F Ion RK\T-NIco furnished front room with board , 10 0 Parnam. 411-llp if\01l KENT Rirnlshed room 10Z1 Capitol a\e. 853-lp RKNT A six room hoiuo one block from the U FOR 1 * depot ; iLiiulre of if. Lie , grocer , 22nd and Ltavenvoith. 418 IS I OR RKM A furnished room at 1121 WlllUm st. F bo.wccn lltu and 12th. 85-lCp FOKUKNT Rooms furnished or un'urnlshed ; call at 506 north gi'det. 401-tf FOR KKMEIcant ; newly furnished rooms 2723 Dodi < e st. 37B IDji UENT Comfortahlo fornl-liod rocin for FOIt et-r > tloman , 1012 laclHost. , two blocks south ot U. I1 dopot. E41-llp FOH KENT THOo'tgant front rooms ; furnished or unfurnlthcilon : oth near St Mary's ave ; en- ulre at S.V. . cor. 10th and Uodgc. 259-11 FORRENT-Nlccly fumiihcurooms 1517 Davenport 348.mtp i j'H KENT llamlsomoly fornlthod rooms for ( In- JL' glo gentlemen. For particulars , address "Y.V. . eo office. 020-13p iOB RENT Pleasant furnished rsousra liabli JL ? for gentleman , terms reasonable , C4 corib 1/th. H-rf FOR IinNT Two or three very nloo rooms fur. nlsbed or unturnlshidcur [ blocks south of Opera ouse. Inquire B2R south 16th. 293-tf 10R RENT Funhhed rooms with heard 1812 Dodge St. 317-tt FOR RENT A. nicely furnished front room with board 1824 Douglas St. 801-lOji 17011 RENT Nicely furnished rooms 105 N. 18th. 145-lOp FOR RENT Furnished front room , b'ick bay win- dow with board tuiall family 603 noith 17ta tt. 162-tf IOU KENT Hover a I fine tffices in Crouiuo' block , JC Inqnlre Ed. Norrls , room 19 Crouuso block D84-tf RENT Furnished rom at 1818 Jackron St. FVOtl RKNT Furnished room and ioardl S.OOper week. Very best location , 181 i Davenport. RENT Furnished room IBIS Dodg * FiOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms at 1718 Case St. I 230-tf TJ OOMB With board , deniable or winter. Apply Jti t St. Charles Hetel. 237-11 FOB SA.LE TloiiHALB-Tobacco and confectionary store , good JU stand , chenp lease. Address 702 south 10th St. 472-16p Tjion BALK Good farm In Washington Co. ; 171 JP acres ; 80 acres cultivated ; good hull lings ; fine orchard ; running wateij all fujced. 1-Uward Norrlt .t Co. , room 19 U/ounse Block. 47411 A wil established meat markut cheat on account of leaving country ; inquire of j-uul on . ' ; Co 47MB fTou HAi.r. lyit f 0x127 south front No 48r > , thrc < I' blocks from Red Carlluu , eaiy terms , t-600. S12 Two lots cashCfxlio twotUcki from rti c r line , te > mi emy , osch 84 DONe No 2ZDFine corner lot 60x128 one block from rei car line , a baigaln , terms eaiy , fSOO. S'o 2251-Klne corner lot lu Kirkfrood , very cheap * 00. tin 134 Splendid corner lot 1S2 feet on leavenwortl street , very chetp , tiooo. No 413 Four fine lots on Grace street CfltHO on i corner near rar Hue cheap , from $300 to SCX ) lots In Uanscom Mice from (4iOO to 41,000. No 447 Two houses and fine lot south front , twi UpcVs from red c r line $2,600 or divide to ; . No 374 House 4 rooms J lot four blocks from Et Mary's av . , termi easy , fOOO. No 489 Tliiee houtcs ouu Burner lot t u block from pasicnger depot $1,000. Ko 44C House six ropmi , b rn , well , cittern & .c , lot t3x)32on ) WuVstcr street , near St 1'aul dsuot Utrgalu , SI.EOO. M01WE k IltlUNHKIl , 1404 K l nam. 4S6-16 I7IORB4LK-House and lot corner 24ttistund Oi L1 itI MO. 8 rooms modern ix > nvenlenc s , stalila fn 4 homn , atnrgalii ; Inquire of H O. Ktrlpe , 130 Douglat st. 460-tf HALX North-west corner ot 18th and fairer Foil , alto one beautiful let on ( I orglaavr. O Da Is&C'o. | GM3p Tea BILK OK UK.ST HU room house , well olstert JU and stable ; first ckis order.twentt.flmt and Clir str , rent JOp > r inombieU2OXeaiy ) Urmii A Tukay , at Caul Btlds Book store. 478-tr ; OH SALE S four year oil matched mares t'M F and a ( rood cow. Inquire of J , Pi lace , trto trio mer , Brooklloe addition , Welt Omaha , north-eaat < Itaser's Deer c rden. 478 13 T76R BALK 1AO acres itood land , 21 mile * froi JL' Omaha nJ i rntla from the thrltla town i BprliuOeld , Neb. , on theStmjourl 1'AcIOolly , , at i 80 days , or will tiade for Brit class In proved Omaha city property. Wooller li JlarrtHo room 20 , Omaha Nation il liiok. 478-23 moil SALX 1'iur store In a desirable locullty , wl 1' Invblon about * l.tOO K U Fatterion , N E corn Uth and Kainsin. 4J8-tf OR liLK. lo a thriving uronluj town , a Kent I F mam furnUhln ; ; aud liatbiulaess In btst locatli In a new brick bu'ldlnir , loog Irate and cheap ren addrees "L f I' O box (7 , Hutlpga Neb , 4l'M8p . E-A kiln ol No I brick , about 8MOO , pil 11400. li. I. . Tbomss. stl.l TnVm mir.-a 4 year lea s wlch hulIJinjtn sultal JO f rilntlllmtaud rboii tot 1100 , easy paytnei lltlut , lt etn Doujjasand Dcdito. 431-ltit frelbiullchcyxs and ti'ruigeri atr F jsrd.snit and Hurt kt. J W. Pejny. 532-H " 170 * MM OooitK rtxim ho x > , lot MM " 2 tftt.pM I1 front , flSOO ; * OoMh Inline1S | > r month , W. II Oreen , omht National bank. S31tt TTViR Ml * Homo arvl lit on I > otih * streit , n r JL1 high ncliool ; $ ! 6oo , * wy t rmi. W. II. Orcen , BTcr 1st Nttlonal bauk. Sjiif TT'on URN ! OR sti-New home tollable for hokl or JC1 saloon ami boarding riemo In Itirllu t eli. Ail * ilrois "K H K" Deilln , N lk ftto-llp FOIl SALK-In a growtn to n a gtnl lurnlililnj ; and hat butinem , In b tt I > ottlcm In i nsw lirlfk bulldlo ? , lone lout ami rhcap rent aj- Iron li. F , , r. O. box (7 , Ilastlne , Nsb , SlMlp FOR RAT.B-ARcotlpajlrieharnwishjp , the belt crnncsforayountmantostart Inbtslnui ; ad- lrf a"llarnofsshop" ncoolllco , SOl-lTr ( j > UI ( 8AI.B A tlrct-rlasf bonnllnc hoiua havlne Jj twenty rfRUlir boarders ; S.Y. . oor Pth and Pacific sb. FOIl ! UT.K For { 0 down and Ki | > or month r in build an elegant lire room cottage , with porches , dostts , bar window brlokrtlUr , oUtern.coa anme , Xi , & .1 , wlth t < ro lots nlotly fenced the whole ill wmrttte fl.KCo The oaltscos to be biilllat once ntraot lorUnha\oalrciady been let. Call at ray > illc nndpeorUn o ( cotUre , location Ac. lltlnjt rour friends along , 0. R. Ma ) ne , south-west corner ICth and Paniam. 207-aSO FOn SAI.K-Store building on Cumlng and beet en street J. D. Thomas. HO-lCp 1 , > OU RALR Oil TIUDK-Urge team , harnen 1 and dray. Part pay takin In draiage. Addrem nVU. Bee ofllce. 881-tf fpOR 8ALR A very nice 0 room house and lot. JT must bo sold 122S North nth St. W1-aMp SALS A full lot on corner of ISth and Jones FOR pared street and within one square of U. P ; H. It. for sale. Warren Swlttler. 869-tt fTUHl SAtK 200 Yearling stetrs , JL ? 209 S--f r old it tern , joaioR ors , too 3 and S-yoar-old helfcri , CO graded bulK , Sioux Cltv , Inwa , 78510 TTIOR SALE- Thirty choice lots near park a\o. Qi JO 1 * . Stebblus , roomSl.Crtlfhton block. 815-alBp FOIl SALE Second hand ten horse power , up. right boiler and engine ; In coo.1 condition ; lower : or cash. Cbas. S. Poor , 103 S lilh st , Omaha , Nob. 837-tf _ _ _ PALK On easy piymoab * . will nrnUi FOR and build houses on thrvt notl l ot ell thj purchaser , irqulro of 1 * . 1. CrxKtoo , eontraotot ind builder 27th and Webster St. BOO a.10- PEIISOMAL. PrnsoNAL-rarllcs wishing a icvuftrcss , Ruaran * tel icuUliignn > i nttln7satlifartory ; ndilrcsiltth km ) Capltolnto , rcoiu 4 , Crouuso bbck. Mrs J Ar nold. M3-14p - Ha = l ! = t jAJ ; . ! ) maha PKIlSONAL-John and resides at 1610 LcotMirv 13 alOp Pe found nt 16(0 Daren port 1 , uncxpor Icnccd nurse. Ucet city reference clvcn872a24 872-a24 | > TO EXCHANGE. IToa HAU : Tiuiir. on HUNT UUcksmitli and wagon I ? shop with tool' , u < iod hunlncxi ottAbUibed ; address - dross Oeo W LambrliiK. Weeping Water Nob.Ul21p rr O KXCIIANOB1Waorcsland ) la Kansas umlor JLcviltlrntlon , good homo and Improi omontd , wll trade for grocery stock If Uken liumcclhtoly. W. II. Q.ccn , OTcr 1st Nat'l Ilank , Omnlii , Ncl > . 323 tf TT'OR ' SAIiK-Or exchange. Wo have for silo the J ? excluslio right in this state to wil the ooal tuiomlter and Boot dcbtroyir , dettrojB the soot nnd wl 1 Ba\otwen'y ' per cent on onal , will Kill county right ] or the ulit. , or will cxchajiso for roil estate or lUi ; oed property on application will scud tamplo lull aland giro pvtlculara. lleoa for stliini ; > T-.t r cannot eUo It hlxatteDtlon : a taro cha'-co for hr > ion : Bedfoxd , Scucr AUa\.8. 27311 rpo EXCtlANQETwo lot ) In W. A. Ilodlck's odd. JL for a Ut or half a lot located somewhere roarer the center o1 the city and suitable for bullilluc , wl > l pay additional \alue la more. Address "O Y. " llceotUc * . OlJ-tf BUSINESS OHANOES. FOR SALE A llrst-elom stock of dry geMs 5.000 abirgtln , will taku jnrt creh Utlancu ro l 09. tate ; address "M. Y. D. " care 11 je office. i82-tt ! f/OR BALE Or exchange a full stock of clothing JP boots and shoos , gent' furnlshlnggoods , n 111 ex change for Nebraska Lands. O. ll.l'eteruon.801 8. 10th St. , Omaha , Mob. VM-tf > OR SALE A gooil Bkatlng rink , size 34x100. In. F qulro ol II Lambert , Wakeflold Nob. 423 aUp BOARDING. Good board 8L(0 ( per week. 1012 BOARDING louth of U. P. depot S42-llp INQ First class board and lodging for BOAR 94.26 per week , all new beds and springs at No , 1408 Caw St. II. Peter Nlok. 704-al2p F 11RST-CLAS3 Bed and board 1212 Capitol avo. LOST AND FOUND. T OSTon STRATBDAbout two weeks ajro , a water JLj spaniel and three daj s SKO a ye'low Irish setter female , both wore bla'k leather collars. Return to 411 Park Wlldo ove. A llbiral reward will bo paid. 419-llp - On Frldiy , A brlndle bull pnp , the months LOST- white feet and tip of tall white , hav ln > n a email black leather c dUr , goes by the name of 'Nip. " Return to K. Volkmver , 2813 UuminusSt. ; 36M1 MISCELLANEOUS. ATTKNnov If you need any fuinlturo or hold good ) ol any kind It will pay you to attend 'ho sale at the corner of ICth und Chicago streets ) . A arge und complete assortment of Chamber sets , Bur- iau , Waah'Stands , Lamps , Uivtraisen and other loutchold goods , all ID flret class condition , at your iwn prlcia Sale everyday until clotted out. Sale commciiei at ten o'clock , April llth. 477-11 vaults , links ami cesspool ) c'eanod ' any time PRIVY day in an entirely odorless way with our Improved pump and apparatus Orders by mall roinptly attended to. A. Kvans , oflico and residence .208 Dodge St. up etairs. 409 rn7p ADOITIOSt'aby hey old bst references , 2307Cal.forrla. 39M4p I lotif.MMiKotHJ JUel.tln has for Halotht bent J. 'o B manufactured in t > io United Htatoi annealed il.tri)6te > I otutcr covered wlthnhoctronpororderH > ? : co < rod or rcpalrirK old ones promptly attcndod to Address 1011 Maunai-istt. 3:0-mf > TTVEATIIEHS-AIlladlea send their feathers tollenry r Slnccro to be o eaned d > od anJ eel jred.also gtn- lemin'srlothliii cleaned , djed and rrpalred , first- clus work guaranteed , Iy Wnrks , 1910 Jackson ft , otllco 206 south 13th st , Omaha. 297-10 B111AY lhr e year old gray colt , with harncHJ on : hod In front. Uuturn to 0. J.Rvan , corner Curaminj ; Kt. and I.ono Avenue , 214-lOp STOT.EN-An eight to ulne war old cow , white and blue spotted with bltck ears and Bwilllrt' on foreleg ; nnv Ibfornittlen loadicgto tlwi recovery will bo liberally rcwaided by Henry Hsites- torn , Ulst > nd Lake St. 2(38 tf KKN UP Twe'.ro head ol j oung cattle. Owner TA can recover same by calling upon John F , lloch , Milk dairy , north of Deaf tt Dumb asylum , 69m 21-lewow , vaults , sinks and cesspools cleaned at th JL shortest notice and utlafactlon ( fUnanUodbjK. | U. AbU , I * . O. Box 878 243-ap EDWARD KTTEHL , u\m TIKH or pAiarmEKY ANII OOWDITIOM AMST , B03 Twth street , brtwMD Farnainand liar , no/will , wi\ih \ tbeald ot icuardUn spirits , obtalnlnf for anyont glaooo In ths past ana prelect , and oa certain conditions in th future. Boots and shosi made to order feifeot satisfaction guaranW'4 KIMBALL PIANOS Sheet Uuslo and BOOII. EMERSONPIANOS Musical Initrumenti , Hallott & Davis Pianos Violins , Uultan and Ban oa. KIMBALLORGANS FUno ktools and Coyirs. Artists' Materials. Bend So tUmp tor Catilcgue. PICTURE1FRAMES Plush flood * and Movelttes. Engravings & Paintings Douglas Street.