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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1885)
P pVPoaanBRc , IB I" THE JDA1JLA B.M.E-- SAJL'UJbtUAX , AJPK1JL 11 , 01SAHA. KEBllABKA. PAID UP CAPITAL. . . .v. . . . . . .WMOtt > HUBEfrUB NOV.kl,188 . , . . . . . . . , . B. ff TATKS , ' tlu K. TOOZAtm , President. Vlc President. W. V. MOOIIE , JNO. B. COLLINS. LK VI8 8. REKt ) . K K. JUydon , AttkUfit und Acting CMhler , * A txo o'motC The Js'dn . ' .Punk . COB , 12TH ANDFAENAM STS , A , GENERAL JBANKINQ mTBINITOB TBANQAOTED , ' - " LtJTi BEST allowed omtlma dapotlii trpod trouble tpnn , r > nd npoq. nata olb , Bk md b&nkori. . tfOItflON BXOliANUH OoTernmtmt iionQi and Oonnty Arid Oltjf i niltl w Izongttt' ' ltUtatToa.knBujt.ot turtomeri.trw most llby ml pallor Is ptMnod oantlitont with , oftfotu i ad toana banking , and wo imrita corroflpontii tn * os purnDBidiiruiolry .in iflonnstkion ther , YOB ? , April 10. Mpney ' J. percent , closinKfttl pur cen , , i , u. trimo morcaulUa paper :4@fib. Storinff ) Exchange BIlla Qtjtet ; and' ' steady ' ' ' " " ' nt.4 B.4 4fmapdffir \ . ' , v , .Governments Quiet5andt prm ; Dotations ' * ' [ " ' * ' " ' " ' unchanged. J' .Stocks Continued to bo subject to the latest1 * European & r nowa. 'Tbo ' opqnlng prftc's to-dajr wo p RodpraW/y@iilt / > er' , ' * ° , nt' ' lower on nccotlnt of iho gondral Impression that tlio .outlook' for a peaceful solution of the dlllicultWb'o'twieh ' J'ingland'hnd Russia wc'ro faVirftblp , nnd tbo'advanco'in L'oudon of the price of British consols , S6iho' activity was deVelbp'ed'by ' an effort 'oh ' thotmrt of specu1- latirsj who saw a profit" in , curfent'quotationa to realisa/but niter Ih6 * first hour the market becainb' very dull'anil ' fluctuated , generally within an 'o'xlromoly ' narrow limit. ThO rnarliot'cToried dull and steady at quotations which' , Tu'rnost cases , are J@l per cent liighor tlian the lowest of 'tho ' day. To'thls ; however , there were so'veral exceptions , in which tbQ lowest rind 'final "figured are the same , Al- ttioiigtt tiio street h much divided 'aa to the ultiir/ate / e'lliic't Vf 'wifr'botween ' thoso'coun - trio'g'rjptm ' our' ' gecufitlcs ; for the tirno "being belligerent' ' n wa 5a frailed'ftVtin assurance of a general advance1 iri' ' prices. ' ' ' ( " i- OOUPOHB , " " 14 ' r , , . < " , fii , . . iryil 0 0. . . .1. . . . . XV An 4J' Coupons. ; a . . . ; . . . . ; ; . . , . . . . . . . . . . 112 j U * Bxdjilr * f * * if * * * * * i * * l lj EotffioGjioi.'os Y. . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 , BTOOK8 ANU BONDS , Central paeiho'.V. . . . SI j UblcagoA' Alton. . . . . . ' . . : . . ; ; . ' . i 135 do do pfd . . ; . . . . . . > . . . . IfiO Ohlctgo , Burlington * Quinay. . . . 4. . . . 121 Delaware , Lnckawnna & Western. . ' . . . . 104 ] Denv r' & Hid Grande. ' ; . . . . . . s , J- . . 7 Krlo. . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . .1 . ' . . . 12J do.pfd . t . . . . . . . . . 20 Illinois' Central. . . . , . , . 125 } Indianapolis , Bloom. & Western. . . ' . . . . 12 KnnaaB & Toxfta . . - . . 17J Lake Bhoro & Michigan Houthorn . . . . . . 59j o. . , . Michigan Central . . . . . . . . 50 Missouri Paclfio . - . . . . . ' ; . . ' . 'Jlj Northern Pacific . - 17 .do do , p(4 ( . . . . . p. . 39 § Noithwretorn . 05) pfd . UI13 V Now York Central . 89 Oregon TraiiB-Oontluentnl . . ill r oiUoMuil. . . , , . . . . . . . . . . 51 j P. D. &E. . 12j - nlaco Car.Conipany . . * . . . 114' , . . ,114 Bt , ; . . . . ; IrJ- do * - Ohifrifol ; iilw.auk.ep& c. Paul. . . ; . . . ; 70 ! do do do pfd . 1C- ! } St. Paul ft Omaha 1C23j + do do pfd . . . . . 81 TeiM Pacific ' 10 ] Union Pacific . , . . W > , Wabash , St. Ldnn & ' Pacific. . 1 . 3j ! do do do pfd . 10 57 U , K. &Nr. . . . . . . . G3 ' QENBKA1J PllODUCH. | CIIldAOO. , April 10. Flour Steady an < l firm , with CHtunlav'H ndvanco .strongly ad- he'rod tb'vniitprwlioatilonr4CO : foreouth rn Wl c gin ' , 3.8C@l. 0 ; Michfonn , 37C@-J'5i ; spft ap'ihfe Wha li , ' .3,0tf@9,75 ; 'Mlnflegdl'a biikora' , 3.10@4 20 ; patents , ,4lfife5.50j , low grades , 2.00@a.76. iSWheat - Active , hut very imssttlod , being influenced , by the advance in consuln ; opunot 2@2ic'lo"wpr'Idt'erjrii'r'o\v6'd ' ' ; ) ' 'lc. ' declined 'go ' , Improved 1'Jc , "and 'cloaou Ija uuder yesterday at,81' @ 8-l6o fiic cftdhj 81 foriApril ; Siio ; ( influenced by by thi ua"rly'doilinp'in fell gi ( , but Iivter vancail ljb , , d ic , , mid'cto 'od * yu > terdayl ; caah ; lof April ; ll'-H loc Mny for Junn. 'OntsActiye with'n'bilsk'doiniind forMay which advanced Jo niid cloji'd1 Jo 'over yest-jt day , while Juno raugedjJCdJgc higher , cloaljif owt We'r20j ; SOo , for cash 29V0 April ; 3li for May : 3-1 jCftUio for Juug. Hyo Quiet and ) c better at 6-lc. Uarley Pinn lit 02@Wo. ( . . .TiinoUiTActive and 2@3p higher ; prime 1-I43@1 M , J Max Sood-rUuchaiiRod ; No. 1 , 1 35 , ' 1'orlc Active , uusottlud' mid Irrpfrulnr wete.hi moderato ; duatern ' ' bufcarly'rnlllucl 2j@ifOe' , .and rliled s oaily t < UjS closes 12.1520 for. iBh12.10@ia ; 17 ! " for April ) 42 5@12 27J. forL May ; 12 356 1237i for June. 5 l ard Moderately 'active and steady j do clliiod 2J@56. 'rallied and closed steady ' 0 U. > for caah'ftiid Aprflj',7 00@7 02J for May 7 10(57121 ( for Juno. " ' ' HiBulk'Meatk Sho'iildrrB' ' 460 ( 4 CO ; shot ' clear ( j 6QiM ( ( : short rilw , ft,9S@Q , 1Q * - , Whnky UuohnnKed at 1 15 , ' 'I'1 ' ' Mutter Steady ; w > t ) < \ to fftnoy creamery 20fB)2lJei ) Rood , to , ch ica daiiieBA.13@20o. Eirjrai-KrftjliiaL'j ia-B. \ ; ? \ V-t , lllilea- Stead Tallow , . , . Flour , bble . - . ; . . . . . , . 27,000' 36,00 Wheat. btiBbeUi. . ' . . 31,000 , . Ooru , buahejn . . , . . . , , < . . , , Jllt.WO 228,00 Data , buehola . , . fil.OOO .87,00 Uye , biubola. . . , . .v . 0,000 non Uuley , tin bW : - ; . : . \ - . . 21.000 10,00 'April 9. SIcjMay , aigo-JmiB.-STgc. ' . Corn Mc roauiidmu ) ; o. 2-lla. , , - Oat aud 4o higher KoV2 , ' deli\ ored , 3W35JC. Ilyo Innctivc ; No. 1 , Si@C'Jo. ' Uarley Firmer but not higher ; No. 6Sj. f y ProTiflqu ? I URhpr. , mftctjiotk , IforV'nn lots fort < sti > iindlApiiH i2''t6jtMky12i5. . * . at. LOHIH , pndhucE , fir.TomOf' ' 'A' { > . V ryic life gpd uimeitled ; orSwnwl ahgtaly lower , 8t vauced afte > BavorrJ ' * und cloie uwfer lap | ifi : , p7ia | ( tfB'ortatl ' for ' " 3Uo for Mn'y ; 34o for June. ( r. , i { . Hye-Flrmer ; G''o bid. Barley No market. Whl. ky Finn at 115. Afternoon lUard May wheat closed bettt but tiloiio. ' ) Iffii : lower tbau at J.P , m. , . . , , . , , N W YOBK. Airil,10. ) Wheat Iteccipt 20,000 ; flip-orlairr.ttO 'Jdpt'Tots ' w > hk and i urn * c.suna B jUiuiiflotv r | opUuoa lopeuei di pri 'red ud 2@So lower , later ttreniftbeuei mllitd l@2o closing-ijqnTy at l@14cu di tratsldo ratesjungrndotl red , 89@06icj No. 3 ed , 9lcNo. ; 2 red , 90(398ef | ( elevator , , I98c ; , SZo ntloat fo > Tn'ne , doting"ntf U9e. 4 Corn Spot 16ts aiHncced'j'fcle' , , sy ; options opened 4@i < s lower and liter ad ancqd J@Jo , closing kt f reaction of ,3@go ; eeoiptsf 213,000 'Jrwrjali ; erx > rU , ,117,000 , ; tin- Jfid/008'r 3o ! W" . " 2 , OliffiCSt ; elovntor , ii@64o ; afloat , Juno cloning 6,13d. Oats i@lo huh * * ' and. active , closing ilier ; re-ceipt , 61,000 .bushels ; ( exporta 600 nshels ; mixed western , 39@40c ; white , 3SJ ' -Ififv KRCS Firmer and In fair demand ; western 5J@lCo , fork- Fairly nttlvo'and. ' firm , , Lard Opened a shade lower and late'1 ad- ancod ! ! ® Cc , closing VHh. slight reaction ; cstorn steam epot quoted at 7 25 ; June 7 33 47 Ct3. Butter Firm forchoieo atocki others vrtaki CINCINNATI , April ; iO. Wheat-I'itni and a pjooa'demand ; No , 3 rod , 90@.1 ! ) : . OoVu Active , firm and .higher ? > Nuj 2 ixpd. , ll > 4 ( ) l i ) C * Oatji BtroiiRerJ No 2 mixed , SfiJC. Hju StroDgcv aml'lilgher ' ; No. 2 fall , C7J@ So. Barley Firm demand and steady ; spring , > SG5c. Pork-Itill'a.tl226@12 ) : 3. lArd-iFIrm rim ! In fair klomand nt 8 03. ' Whisky-i-'Qftlot ' and steady nt 113.- 'IAJI > ; L | | n t/v4 > i * ; uj , , ' i p ' Con ) Strong arid in atlivo ; Ie/nand ; mixed western 4s , lOjd per cental , t TOLEDO. TOLEDO , [ .April 10. Wliohi Quito weak ; Vo. ,2 , casKnnd April , 88c. Ontanll ! No. 2cash , H41obtdv po rn Quiefj. f o.,2 , 'taeh 4Hic. , v ' . KANSAS OITX. , KANBAH1 , ' Our- April 10. Wheat Higher ; 6li-70J@7Ce ; Mayj 77ic ; 'Juno ' , 79i7'JiJc- Otirn-Highor ; ca' h-8yjo'b'.d , 'S-IJo nsked ; May 3lo bid. Sjje asked : fJuno 35y@3Ce ; Oata--Nomlnal31Jobld32o ; asked.- " - . , ' * ' " mmmi "IjIVJQ ttXOOK. , oilioAqp. CniOAao.April 10. Drover ' Journal ro- ortai . . . . . . CAttlor-JlSiQiRta- ; chipping csttlu toady'nndbrisk : steers , 4 60@li OUi butchers , Oc loxvor at 2 P05jl4 00 ; stocktra easier at C0@4 20focdcrs' ; , 110S4 CO , HoBoltoceipliJ , 1(5,000'fairly ( ; nctU'of orjoned c higher bntfelbYe-l weak ; heavy packing and liippirfe4" GO'lJM' SO ; mixed.- 40&4 60 ; ( tht bncon , ' 4 40@4 70 ! fiUlfis firm at 7564 20. ' ' Shi-op 'Rccoiptt , .15.000 ; 'activo anrt 10c igbpr ; conmloii lu iauoyj i ! 7o&0'C'l ' , itiiii ! - > al'y 10 ( r I 7) . . i * KANSAS OITI UVK STOCK. . KANUAH Onr , April 10. Cattloi-RT inta , ,8.0 head ; abnut Btandy ; exports r > ilj ( 5yO ; 6mmnijtt > fcChoiiUjhip ! | > liiB , 1.45@@D 10 ; feed- ; st A OO SIidO ; uov.v,52 7D@3 ( JO. Utica llpeoipUI7o head ; opened steady , nd closed wttaker-at t(04 60 ; bulk , 4 Do ® 30Sheei > RocoiptirSOO quietil common to ; oed muttoni , 1 Su'ai ! 25. : SI , LOUIS. BT. Louis , AprillO. . Oftttlo Rocelpta 00 heail-8bipraent , , JOUO ; ecarco and firm ! lemand largely' in.oxreas of supply ; exports 6 C0@6 75 ; < fair to choice Bhippiiif ? ,4 70@5 50 ; iuti\e butchers1' steers , 4-10@180 ; cnws1 and ioifere3 ' 25J4 > 1 2f com fed ToXnus.375@l 50 ; tockera anil. . , ft-odors , ,3 OU@i65. > < - Sheep Jleoflipta , 109 ; shipments. 1,300 ; cttvoaml firm ; fair to choice , 3 234 50 ; xtra , 4f.0@176. . 'MABKEIS. ' OM-ICKOFTHE'O'MAIIA'BEB , ) Friday Kvening , 'April 10. J The following prices ara charged retailers iy jobbers , ' wholeaale and commisaion mor- the dxcaption 6f 'grain , which is [ uoted at the prlotw furnished by the eJova- era and other local buyers : Grain , Wheat Cash ' , No. 2 , 53e. Kye Dash No , 8 , 448n. Com Ko. 3 , , ? 8a. . 0 U No. 2 2bo. IATO t 'tooU Markus , Hoga-33.BOa3.75. ( COWB § 3.25@3 75. Steers-Sl.00@4.7 { ) . Sheep 53.00@3:75. : 'Calvca-5.00@6.60. ' Steady ; green butchers' Gc ; green cured , 74 @ 7iedry ; tljnt , ] .2@14c.drytuvlt,10@llc ; dam- aeed hides two-thirda price , . , ' " . , . ' Groaue > Prlmwhlto , 4@4jo ; ' BheflpP lto-2c-'J"- lto2c'J"i i U IfltufTi , . patent nl Seco-d fiua'ity- ' 40. Spring ' -Uegtiii Second qualiuy-ija IDf J 00 : Brau G5@75cper owt. . ; Chopped Kcdl 'Ver , 100 Ibs. , 75c . Cprn ileal 80.85@t QOj er cwL ' ' , acroo'rilng No. 1 , ' Gtfc per cwt ; No 2 , ' BOc. Hominy 1.50 per cwt. ' - Shorts GOe per Cwt. ' S1.75 per-cwt. Ooncral Prbduoo . Kece pts.lMvo d c'rened remarkably duriujr thtt past wc.ok , probably.gwiiig to the c.iniumptlon f eggs for hatching ' purposes , or posMbly too because n ( food many ahlppars lold back on account of tbo very low prices it doubtful' though whether auch procoediog ivill torn out right. Demand has kept up quitu well and yvcrstocko are nearly all worked off now. Stt far's'alcs Wave not bef n m do above LOc yet , but in annlo instances below ; how' . o'vor , aa'tha market is clear now , proepecta ito more bright ivml favor an ndvanca oi at tfast.une , c ntwithia Uip next twenty-four lours/and poasihly more. ' " Butter A rcarcitj' of good grades ha been notable for the "wcok. past nnd prices are more Irru. Crenmpry , 22@25o ; fair to good , II @ 14o ; clicicu dniryi 15@17o ; inferior l mltry r Damand moderate for old. drejBad nad alive , while sprlnr chickens are In etropg o'liiojt Siirihc ; < liickenBJpnr doz' , C 05 ; chick- oua ; live , per doz , 5HO'dS60 ; Chickens dressed , per Ib.ychbiw , ' 1213o , Turkeys , dreasud , per lb. , choice , ISffillc ; Geese , per lb. , duAw , IOS.llo ; Ducks , . . . , l r Jl3 phoicc , 12,0. Game -DackB have been fcarco latdly and nro hi ptKinP dbnrand , whilq ( rwsn are nlriro pUntiful , , UuaUd , m iard | , Pfrdqz , 2,00 2-aOj upiw , leal and , uujtftd , per do ? , 1 60gi2 ( 00 : secsp , j'jor'd'oz , 3 00j3 60 ; eu'tpe ' , , per dbz.'l ( M ' 'OnlOuir + Btoipts Croryi lifiht nnd good 1 , pO@l 25. ppr umli. ,1. , j , H > .0nipn pats * Dqningd guild , | or , clioicpbot | touilsot , ! , at S jflOper buwiel , . ' , , , 4' ' . JlJoans jln fair , supplyaiid ilcmiiul lutjtlety At ) , . Ni vv , per bmhtjl. 1 tO@l ( X ) : medium " " w bi)8i ) l.f.iiai40.4 ( ' . rotatowDiJiha'ud hasbceuijulte gpod am unlea lit yhouo fctix-l ; jirufmndo readily at DI Tobacco.Kt , , ' . ' ' - , Smoking O , S- , 22cMoorschnnm ; , SOc ; . ( llUltUU | 4-U Ui itTUUU t * * U ) UPiH W * AlUlfcl. , 8 Or. * , woofl , ifio } Seal of North Oar. , 4 uz. , cloth , , 48o ; B < ? 1 of Noitl ) Carolius oz. , tlotli , .60c O.a'Durtu > m , 4 or. , 28e : 0 K. Durh in , 2 or. SOoj "Urrclrt1 'Nprl , JV a5o Tom Rnil "Jerry McJ IJOCB Toia ! > 0c. " > Oils IK ) carbon , per. gallon , llci hoadl1htt { ; per Rullou , IJc ; 17D ° " iodgallori , 16c ; 160WRter wllilo. 16oj lin- teed raw. ( XT'gallpii , C2o ; lIuBCfnl boiled , p i ' : 66c : I > tird'wintcr"Btr > dt-pce prnllon , ? " . 1 , 15e ) trojden lon85cN6 , a , ? 8o { li 90cj turpentine p < h' * UonV4f OrB > Vtht K 74 P per gallon , ICe ; * - - cdwi ! i * , . , -i > I1 < v Spirit * , , * rf < JOtdoK 'SwWTB-183 prebf , I'lfldo-a01 ; pro , 120 ; eplrits.ieeoona .quality. 101 PEOO/ Ul9tdoJB3 proof , IJfi ; M , /nf - AioonOL IBS ppoof .RJcpkol Ballon. WniSRiKS-Rcdlstilled wb.Mtlo.1 , 1 0001 50 ; Fine blended , 1 Ml'r 3 0,1 , } Kentucky bourbons bens 2 OOSC Ofli Kentucky nnd Pennsylva nia rve * , 2 CO G 10. - ' - - ' 0 0016 00 ; domes- , . Gnra Imported , i 60fiOO ; domeailo , ICO ® 800. Roim Iinpprt d , 4 C0@8 60s Now England , 00@4 00 ; domp-tla , 1 G0@ 3 00. OHAMPAOKTO Importsd , iier cans , 28 00 ® 4 OOj American , per cned. 10 0010 00. VUUUB AND UnKMioAta Acld , nfttbollo , < 0o cid , tortnric , Eosj balsAnv copaiba , per lb. W5c ; bnrk , BMinfras , p r Ib , 12o ; eMoinoi , per b , 90o ; oiuchoniUla , pcr.oz. , SO SO ; cbJora. orm.porJV. 81 00 ; DoVcra , per Ib , 1 25 ; optom saltsjp < Sr Ib , SJci tlyccrint . jure , per lb' , 25cle ; d KcetAto , ? p lb , 20cj oil caator , No.lpcrffal , . SI < ifc oil cwtori No. 8 ier gal. , 81 40j Qll , oliM' , per gal , . 51 40 ; oil , riganuin , 60o : opium. 1 60 ; quinine , r. & SV. . nniTll. , & if. , tnr oi. , OtlO ; poUslnnil odlde , p'er'lb. . 83 fiOj Ealicin , ' per oz. , 40ei ulphnte motpbihe , ptr or. , 93 Wl | tulplmr , ? cr lb. ' 4c' sUychnlno , ' per ozi , { 170 \Vhlto lend 8jj ITronch. re , lc | Sflth hitinR , 2i < l ; wuitiua gilderoj ljc | 'whiting om'l , lie ) liuupblack , Geripnntown , 14c ; anlpbrack , , ordinary. IQc ; prussinu blue , 67o uitrnmnrlrib , IScj'vaTidykB , b'ro < m , Boj nft-ber , . lunit , 4o ; umbe'r , TAW. 46 ; ilenBrt , burn 4cti' ; lonrJn , raw , 4c : Pans green , Renuinn , 25o 'ari Krecncommpni20oj chromo ffroen , Nj Y , , 20a ; .chrifma Rrpfln. K. , 12o ; verrnllllon , _ ing , . ' 5o ; vorrailllon , Aincricab , .ISc ; Iriili..b , red , Oc ; roao pink , UcfVoricUixu , rod.'Oodkson' * , 2Po ; Venetian , red. AmeriCAn , IJo1 rod load , 76 _ ; tr ohriinie . .n.V1 yellow _ , J- genuine t.ll _ , o 20o i. MnK ; chrouio _ l.l. yol- 21 , a I'rluio'a mineral. So. VAKNIsilKa-'BarrElJ , per gallon'FCrilHnrb ' , utr.i.'Sl 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , SI ; efeach , > cx'- , ra , 81 40 ; coach , No * 1 , 81 20 ; Dainnr , extra , $1. 76 ; Japan , 7,0c ; .naphaltuni , nxtra , 85c , ihollac53,00 ; Uar'd od'enipli 51.60. PAINTS ik OltWhito lehU , Ornalin , P. 1' . ' 5J6.whitd ; lead , Sti I/onls , puW- W ; Marsoil oa--tjreetl , lto.5'lb tane , iOc ; Frvnch zinoj rroen acali 12c ; .French nine , v d seal , llo , French aiuc. In varnish aaat. , 20cFrcuchziuc ; , , n oil nsat , Ifxi ; raw raid , burnt umUe.r. 1 b lanlOcj raw and UDtnt Siennh 10cvattlyko ; crcwa , l r { leBncd lamplilftck , 12oj co.ich " " * aud ivory bUoh'ICo , ; drop. > lbc ; f yvllow oohra. lki.Lj ; St. , O. & 1) . O..18e ; lovv'twhre , 'J' ' i oWen1 ochre , ICc ; pAUiiii. dvyor , , Sc > RiBh iurolotB URht oak , dark oaJ : , wiunut. riwitnutj.ud nsh. .Ifio , - A 7b Allan. BnowN SHBK-ciNas-r-Allantic , } ; tlo 1''no : Atlautlc Llii Oi ; Bruusvrlolc , Be v rt ] mMj , ; jawff.una . Itti , p ! . - cifio ll , 7Jc ; Uoyal Standard , Uio ; ludirai Hnad A. 7Jo ; Wauohnsott A , BO\V SiiBKriNoa Argyio , 6cPop- ; on , t'U , oa J uuimjtinuiiu , i .ju. inrun-AyAj- , Jo ; FiSlr'inouut. 4o ; Hruit of the I oem .4 , io ; Glorv of thn West , 830 ; Golden Gat/j.SJo ; Hill 7-8 , 7c ; Hill t-4,17ic ; LonJdale , 7Jc ; Nuw York Mill * . lOJc ; Wftiuhitla , lOJo. Dook& ( ColorpclBoBton ) ' , 8 or. , llioBos torf , 10 oz , lOio ; Boston , 9 os. , 12ie ) Fall BiVer ) ( ) - , ? , , lla ; Vyeat Point 10 oz. , 12jjc ; Point JJoar , 8 oz. , lie. Tioku.aa Amofikeaft , 13c , Continental Fancy , 9So ; Cordls ' 13cj Pearl River , . 21c ; York , 12iCj Hartleibn Awr.lngs12Jc. . IHIMB AmoBkusff , 13c ; Beaver Oreei AA 12c.Beaver ; Crock BB , lie ; Bcayor , ,0reok CO.'lOc ; Uaymakors , 80 ; .Tafitrey D & T , 12ifo ; JaSroy XXX , 12 c ; Pbarl Iliyer. 18e ; Warren - ron AXA ( bro\TO ) . 12e ; Warren BB ( brown ) , lc : Wnrrea CO ( brown ) , 166 : ' OAimnins Fiftb avenue glove fialah , 4jo ; Keystone clove liuisli , 5o. I ICouaKT JEANS Auiory , 7io ; Hancock , . So ; 7ic ; Ki > ckport , CJc. Allenei , SJc ; Amerloaa , EJc ; Arn old's 6e ; Cochnco.'Gc ; ITarmony , 4Jo ; Indigo , 7t : Tndio.7-8 [ { , ll c ; IndiRo14 , l-ljc ; Steal River , DJc : Charter Oak , 44o. PBINTS SiiiBTiNas AmoriMU,45o , ; Cochuco , a fJloucedtor. 4Je ; Snuthbrdgc , 'lio ; WaVor- lays 4 Jo ; Rcsedale , 'Iji. ( / isifllAiiaArcnflkeag1 staples , Sol Baton toplos. 7o ; T , ! lc' " > ter ' staples , . 8c ; 1'lnnket plaida ! > c ; liudaon checks , Sjc ; Auaoskwtt ; PoroianB , 9s , - - . * . - DBESS Goooa Atlantic alpacoa. 9Jo ; Per- elaa cashmro , 'J&\c ; Hauiloton cAslimerc , XOic ; Hanilotbn Paninis , 11 JL' ; Hariileton troeode , 15 j ; ArlinRton brocade , 18c , , . Heav Knrdwuio IiiKt. Iron , rctoa , 2 SO ; plow Btoel , special cast , 5c ; Crttoiblo , Bcf cast' tools do , ' 15a20c ; wa'x'ou spokes , : yer , sot'l \ 25a3DO ; hubs per cut , 125 ; lellooa , oawed dry , 140 ; tonguef , 3c ; iron wadgon , Go ; crowbars , Gt ; bftt-row trDt'i/5c-svrin , ' , ' ti-sl , 7a8c ; Burden' * .horge , 4 30-lufdfn' ; ( njuleshoes , 5 30. Kn car lota" , 4 ( JO nor ICO. , 10 to 60 , 2 45. ' ' " - ' ' 8HOT-L81ib't'l'60' ; ; buckohot , .1'85 ; oriental powder-k ff3 , S'-SOal 00doialfikepfl ; ) ; ; 200rio ; qurjter kega , 1 50 blasting , kegs , S 85 ; { > , per 10Q { cotL50o , , LBAD Bar , 160. CoAL - Cumberland blaeltarhUh , 10 00 ; Mor- ria nin Blosoburg , 10 OOj WhitebreaRt lunlii B 00 ; WWtebrnrwt hut , 5 & 1 ; Iowa lump , fi 00 Inwa nut , 5.00 < llock Spring. 7.00 ; .A"Hirft- clut , 11 25tll : CO ; Cnnon City , 7 00 pei ton. 'Grocern' ' , lsr , " : DRT I-'EUIIB No 1 , 'rtnaflor applae. bbja eNC ; sliced , bojfes , liip : pvuporatod , ' boxes , )4o ) ; blactberrles , boxoa lljo peacHci * , i- bosea , lOo ; peucheu , ovnporc.ted , IGfj rnBi jcrrioj , S5e JJOOABH Powdered , 7ie ; cut loaf , ,7 0 ; ( * rf.n- ulatecCSc ) ; oonfcctinue ' A , C'.i1 : ; ijtand&rt nrtra O.Djfc ; oxtro C , 5jjc ; mediun yellow , 5Jc , dark yellow. Ci@02c. Piaii No ; ' I mftckerel half bbla. , 7 EO , Farfiily4'bWe,3:50'No ' : ; l kits. 1 00-famiy ; ] kita eec ; No..l wbitolith , JiaU. bb . . , G 0Nqi ; 1 kilfl , ! )5cj family halt , bbla. , 300 ; family 60 , fa' 2 75. < . > * rSTABOJI- Pearl , 4fr ; ; Silyor Glosa , Set Corn Starch , 8c ; , KxcnLaior. Gloss , 7,0 ; Corn , 7Jc. . .BripERP.eppw , IGcj 14 Ice , . 14c ; cloves' , 20o caaiiia , 15c. ' ANljUUr-jroxco , 40 Ib8 ; , ICa , 121c , 83 , 12JO , pfB-iOli ! , 1C oi , 6a , 14c. ' ' ' 'ontldlfl , ' 854 ; round.rl.caso . 2 65 ; nqimro ; caji-3 , 1 70 ; .0 BhUosh. Joaaaj Kr 1,2 , < , 38 % bbla ; t do 4 dlouVogp , piuV " , . " v " . " ' - .tjotjA In Ib'pajierBj.'O . JOtier case ; keg , per OANNth Qo'Snar-i-Oj-Btei * ; ( Standaf\i \ ) ! p r case , 390 ; Btrawborrieo , 2 lb' twr aso. 2,80 ; ftiflpberries' , ti Ibv per case , - 50) ) Califiirnta peartUjjjar cftsu. P 'SOl lf ! ! < ; oli-lor } CIMOI OOj pooohoiH tor canp , 'D.CKJj v , itp cher'r.ioa' , 'poj was' S'JPf3A'am& ' p r case1 , BO ; wlioflleber- rlea p"or taso , S 00 ; osg'plftiiX 2 lb , pV.r'ciS" ! * 2 90 ; gwen gage i , 2 lb , pur ciso : , 2 yO ; pine uples , 2 lb , percasnra.80 < iiU ; CO- 8f , 8 . Oor'hJia Ordinary "grades , 125il2 ! .arfarl ! Ii 'd , lS4oj-irirna | , 14@ltjcr choice , Java , Pjojasa atbdliuu iQ./nrpl / , . ,540 ; do In half bnrrelB. , y W ; ( ucrtll. in Wrpla.G 40 ; do In half , barrolj , 400phcrliius ; In barroli'-7'60 Ho iu half bsrrol'j 4 W , ' l ' . . , , , , . . * * rr * * ftit-S-f.A\ im.i * ik/i * C.IicTroiuigljj9onJ'B ; ! ( ) < vll BCcasOc , ; cboico. K © lj)0 ) Japan natural leaf 75c - cholco , , ; , , : Japancholco . f\ \LtM . . J or u. tnL ' / - \ v . . _ - v' _ ' . hoe --.Orpmi , . , 87ii. _ jAra Klrk'a ' SaVop ImrMrlM ; a'lB ; Klrk'i Satinet ; 8 SO ; Tti V'a standard , 8 5j KirW 85. Pry Iitimbcr. Wholesale On Uoanl Cars at Omaha. DATTKS ! , WKLLTOTlKa , riCICSTS" . 0 , O.TUtn.SlncIi. . . . $ , SQ ' ) . C ? Bats 2J inch . . . . . .70 . . . . . . . . . . , S5 ; inch lints , e. 1 Bu. . i , ( i > . , 3 Inch well tubing , D..M. . . . . . . . . . . 21 , ( X ) 3 inch , well tubing Bov- . . < . , . * < / , , .1 21 O.I L'lcketii I ) . & II , Flat , $21 00 ; U & , H. . Siiuaro. . . . , . f. . . . . . . . . . 2 ty DIMBNStO.VS 12IL llftj 10 ti.halt 26 It . .f 3 _ . . 18.5- IfiW ) 16.00:10.0 : 17.03 IftPO lfl. 0 Sxfl . U1014.0C tt.O IS.O ic.roiIftPO 19.CQ 1S.M IC.00115,0 ItO .0 t'o'iR.rtiB.o3 : ' ' ) 2x10 . IC.'M 17 IO'IR.60 ' Sx ) 3. . . . . .t. . . 17.00 ; HO , ' 19.00 U4-SX8. . 16 $0 lgSC6 \ \ 1 ' ' 4 ' J i 'r ' i * ' ' ' V' t [ at Com , 01 ch , white pine. , . . . . ? 3G fiO 2d Com. 0 'umto pliio. , . . . . . . ' , . . 33T > 0 Com. 0 ' - ' white piK8. . . ; . .V . ' 2850 Snl. Fence Muclu'whHo'inno'.i. ' . .A.'a8S3 ; : 1st itnd 'Cd Clear yclloAvpme , 4-0 inch24 ; 60 riftln,8or , , 10 inci'i. . ' ! . . . ' . . ' . , . . . . , SlG'r > 0 No2 , 1'lain , I0inch.v'r. ; ; , . . . . ' . 14.CO NO i ; o. G. ' . . . . . . ' . : ! ? . . . . . . . ) . ' ! . ' . . . 517 6o i , , t : t ff . i f v " No. I Wrds , 12 , 1'4 rifall 1 < ? ft..1 ' : . . : ' .V. W 00 No. B bowels , 12,11 ami 1C ft. . . , . - . , ' . . . : > 14 00 , Na. 3.board913,14 nnd ! - . . . . . . . . 11 50. No. 4 bo/uds , , 14nnd , Ifljp ( shipping cull ) . . . . ' " , . . . . . , , . P,00 " ' ' - riViBlii\a.J " ' * r : \ . c -J , . . nil _ laf and 2d ; Olear , 1 iuchsf SanV. . . . . ' * , 50' 00 .ll.Olnar , 1-inch , , P. 2aj.J i. . < i. . . / > . . < i 4400 A tioleot , 1 inch , c , 2At..r . Select , . . ' . Cluar 1'ojifa 3 incli , No , 24 \ its 1st Com , 12 J 4 nml 10 ''50 2d Com , . 14 and 1C fno't. ' . . . , , . . . . , - . i. . ,19 CO 3.1 Com. , tlaniUn'ftot.1 , . . " . . . . 14 50 Fence , 1 i ond'in ' fsotV . . ' . - , ' . . . ' . . . . 10 ' ' lat-'Com. i } iuo"V7 2d Coin , ij irlah , white pino.V. . , . . ' . . . . . 20 fiO 3d Com. gSnohi ! white pino. i. . . . - . . > ' . . . Ifi 1st Com. jjicch , Norway. . . . , . , . . . . , . . 10,00 2d Cojn , { } inqh , Ncirway ' , . , . . . . , . . . , , , , . 14 .0.0 ' " - l - , pnii8l/l'1lncUv8.aj 27,00 W 12-inch , a. l-si-12 , 14'nfad ' 111 foUt * ' ; . ' . . ,23 00 N . , l Oont.112iin.-s. 1. Sd-il4and : 10 ft .17 00 No. I , Com. ,12 in.,8. ,1 s.n 12 ft. 18.50 No. 1 Co . .l2in. . B.a > . ,10liand2Qft(2l { ; Q9 No. 2 ConY.ll2in.VB1. Is. W , lInnd.irTft.l4J5 " ' " ' ' , SI1XOLK3 ANt ) LATI .f' . 1(3 ( inch , Clear' . . ' . , , f. . " . , . . ' I . . . . . . . .53 6 * ASratidatd. . . ' . ' . ' . , . . . ' \ . ' .fl. . . . . ' , ' , . . 2 GO 5'iuch ' , Gi&t : ' . : ' . . ' . ' . ' .TV ' . * . -l'-70 : No.ii.- , . . . . v. . 'j . . . vUv.v. " . . v.1 25 Lath. ! . ; t. , . . . 2.35 . , , White Collar , fi inch , halves , . . % , Wblta'Cedar , OJ inch , ' h'alves. . : : : . . . ' . ' . . 9jo White Cedar , 8 inches1 ; qiinrters . ; 9Ja Whits Cedar. 4 in'ob , round . ' < , ' . , l'f..ii. ' ll o Southern Kod.Codar.-.Ci fpet:1. : . , ! .viv , i IfLOtiB Colorado , 100 Iba , 1 50@1 7C | pat ent , . 100 Iba. , 2 75 ® 3 00 ; Kansas , 100 Iba , 2 7S @ 3 CO ; RraliAm , 100 Ibp , 1 SO ; rye' , ' ,1'00 K > t. 2 2h ; bucr-V7hcat. ! per bbl , 7 60 , GRAIN , FtEi ) , ETC. Wheat 100 Ibs01 ' 00 corn in. sacks on track , 100 lb i 65@70j u&te , iu oacku on track , 100 iU ) . euoturu white , 1 IS i 20 ; Colorado \vhitxj , 1 20@1 30 ; rniiod. i 10@1 1(5 ( ; barley 100 ibe , 1 S0@l 35 , ; br&n " , ton , on trnclr , 1400(31500 ; chop , c6rn'lCO Ibs , on track , 70c'75 ; chop' Tcixcdi 100 Ibs. on taietv 1 C0@l SO ; corn , isosl , 100 Ibe. . ! SO 6)10. ) . - : - . - . . . , upland " " , , ton n , H 13 00@15 . . OU . . ; torn , 12' _ @ ? 00. - ' - 1 ' ' i * t BoriEa Creamery , fancy , ) Ubfl 41 c creamery , fine , lb , 3GftS3c ; dairy , , -cboico , lb 20 2Cc ; dairy , Rood , lb , 1820c ; dairyfaU lb' 15 ( lGo ; dooIrinK , lb ; 6ggc. ( ' . * "Eaoa State , cnndlod' and 'warrnntea ' , doz , EfrtSGc ; ' mhch , 'doi ) 3G@37c . ' * ' > "i ' CuBESCri"'nllorcnio , . lC@17o ; halt .era tiin b , 10rtllc ( ; ekim , lb , 9a ; Hwia , domes tis b , 22@23cj Smss , Imported , S0@12c ! ; rtm- bu'Ker. 18o , wlilvb od ! chlaken.t'doz ) 500S 80 ; ' 1' . IU , Bweotf < wlb. , ViKaLTA-BLEa'- ' OaloAi/'ycllo * ? , " 100 iba , ' 225Tcnlibbpftfi i'lOO' ' IDs1.1' ' 260ho ! 100 lba.110i8155tutnlpi.lC01b8-a 26- Jf iiniia--JLimona _ ; , . , _ per _ bps . _ , _ Mntilou . _ , , * ' ' - T\'J l.'t.i f enr 4EO ; o'rangps , Fori { a , wqr'bpx. .G6w7pO ; appl'M , falicy bbV,1 , ; ( IC5rJO ; ; aJjplMj mediuni , Utl > tHJ. * * - .ODHEO MEATS Hamt , augai ; cured lb , 11) ) ( g'lljc ; uworj , bnmkrtat , Ib , 12@12. | y c Inr'j In Forbes. 4 Oolorai6-p ! r lb ; TJfeSo ; hogs , lb ; CJfoiGto } ' mutton , ) lir , 7 LIVE PiocK Colorado . . . steoraJpor , . - - . - . - . . . _ ! i 4 101 ? I M. Hfdcv. Dry Fllct No. 1 , per lb'lli2fli ( ] N > , 2. lb. 9 < c3lOc ; Krcan ' teera and brandpc o J ! , lbIftuc ; green calflb ; .SfflJK.'c ; gr oo kip , Ib , ( * ) ? ; Dh9op 5in3 ! , dty.jpljfJOc : dpor BkJna , lb , JBaOej i.rUlopk' ) , akinso.l2lfi \ ; lallaw , " " lb , 5 < ggo , , \ WOOL Cdlcrado N"6 .1 , 'per lb , 14l6cj . lb ' MoTtlonn : . > , < Intolc , , 8cj' , 7@10o. JTmu-iMRcL-erel , No. ' 3 , lid , kit. mess , t OOS$2-DQi Qwlilornlx tnlrnon. hail | iW , 10,60 , } Ifcllsud hcjnut ; , koz , 1 60SA-fc0j trout , \por " " R i'1' If I i S I f ' U V § . fcl j [ S , , 5 'Solicit Congj umeiils. n'fid.- ' ftntep 'quick sales'1 and prompt ' , D.uo "Ntitiona ! . , Time In Effect April 5th , .1886. Thi kH ntlen tt tba trttnllln jutiUa It c n d to be l c that this \i \ lha nnl compioto inJ abeolukelj correct tlmUWo imWIshtxl In th H f < Alliralni irtlie t tnd dopatl tram OrathA , bj Oentnl St nd td lime. Tnlna of the a SI. r. M. fc O. Mrira t od Je p r from their deiKl , 'corner ct'Ilth in-.t W b l i irMte ; r lnl O ( the D. k St. , 0 , B. A Q. ; nd K , O t. J. A tt a from the D. A U , depot ; Ml otheti liom hi TJnlo r ciac depot. ' \ - J k , D ll/jb , exctpt B lnrJ i ; o , eioepl SancUyi . . d , ' - - XMplUoadaT. VTKMTWAltD AIUtlTE. I union .r acinc < i. H. I'nclfla Kxprcns 760a us * Domer Kititesj. it 4101 O. A. ROD. valloy. . . .a. lso > . . " UMI ind Kinross _ IlOt B.jVM. in Hob , 810. . . . U11 ud KxpreM , . a 'to. e oc MlsobUrl bhctflc lotto i.i. .ItajUCiprew. 6 lot . . . .NlvhtEiurciw , . . , . . K.C'St. J.7i.0.0 , g to * 7 Ub 7 OOd 7 l l 48 Els 7COb . . .Vli Council niuffa * , . . 7 60d 7 8 .VVnbnoh Routo- . 8o . . . . CnlcacgRxpro39. . . . 9,45il 1 ee. . .flt. ] o O. 8 Itt , . . .i O.C'l . , . ' . . \ i SOb ' 9 IM C'l T etc t tl * * * too . , Aooommodatlon. b i" c ; & FJ-W. . . . \ilMy.Bxpreea.t. . . t 7 lie . . , lJlRlit Exproeg . 9 IM I % r * - n i , g 10. i B6 FctChjcijOTla PUtsm'th D 50. .a u i rot Foi Chicago via 0. UhiCt a < u G. nt. PI M' & .o. JBBOO . .r. . . : .Slout City-Expr M.t ; B tCt 8 too Oatl ) \ccommixUtlon 10 BOc ! > town Dl.y.S-C.&r 'Ttol at. I'aul Dny K\proea Mil 65. 8t frjU 'fSl5fJ. ' ! ° ° - D Ito OMAHA QRIDQETttAJMU Uurnmv Trains to votm ) ha"iii 110,7 0 060 , 1UOO , UriSa-in.UBlVSOOiU.OO. 100 , : 415 , 660 110pm , On Sunda the 7 60.anu.10 00 a m nd ( it ) km ) ' 4 60 p'm'trMira do not run ; Arrlro M trant- et df'ot IB nij ti Utcr : BruaUniky UcpOiO ula LMvo Coartoil LluO. ( Urotxln.V RDpoi ) tt 1 1S. ; B80 , 10 80 , 11 18 m ; 1 SO , 2 SO , f ) EC. * 28 , 625. 1 . . tndll ' v m. Orl-SnnJ ya'thoOSO nd'H10 > Md,8gsiid4.2 { p.m trains .n 111 not run. Anlye ) TrAbiKr 7'trJn itcS lotfr , Oifi li ' to InlnUtos Utet" " TranhforTralns-ii ; > ave omBhmt a u , s BJ k ra , 12 88 , 4 20 , 8 lb ADI ) 7 COp m , daily. A I lire U46 Mill 11 06 m , 1 W , a 80 , 7 85 And ! IB | > . D. TRAIP13. To and bom CbL-f. p vl the Trlpsrtlto AlllanM Lloda Pund y pvenUig uil Monday mornlpg trlnarrtr ; la carro6por3lor | orJor. ' C. Ii. & Q. trains ruu every STOJCK YARDS TRAINS. . Eoavo Union' rnclflo depot at 813 a m and S 15 p. ni. ' - ? * . - . , n . * Arrive from Stock Yard ? at 7 25 a ra anil 6 25 p m. Moll Tlmo Cartl- HtBRASKA LtSfW AQERCV ( t K i'Af 1505 Have for isle foo.ieo'aercs carcrully-Jolectea land's : u Jiaitcrn. Nebraska , at law mice and on easy teiica "tiripro\'fli5'iarni0'forfiaTO In Doifjlns , Dodge , Colfa'x , Plutto , jJurt run > i i , arpy Wftshlpgtori , . ilorrlob , SaunJer , "ano llutcr ( counties , , TsXfSpaUlD allinrta ol.tbo otata. . . . ' . llonoy ou ippraved farms. "Kotiry Pnblio aWttyo'-ln'-otScc. ftorrespondenc * wlldtcd . . ; . . . * . . . . > . Til { RAILWAY. THE ifKSfC itOUTK AND touteil 'Bluffs ! . . ' ' and r The only ltno.6 take Jor pc9 llolooa , . arahall. cown , Cedar , Itaj. . MB , Clinton , " Djxlo , Chicago , Itll 'wankco ' and -nV ! points castTo the people of No. > iu sk , Colorado WycraJiiR , Utabr.Iual)9r.Ncyada , Oregon , \VAiiinKti ) i and fi ljlornl It pOors superior f > olini-otherMlne. ) ' * ev/iot tlie nunluritdi jininta' ol : BUperloi- Ity , cii > ju\uil \ liy- the j > * ttona ol 4bla-roid.hotween Omaha and Chicago , atujfa'twotfalo a d&v-'ol DAT OOAOllKSWhlollur&'tliiinnMOtU ' human 'lilt abd 3n c'iDtty ' jjljwcatwj tt P r CKSl.F PlNU CAKS txlilch aro.mcucbpl couilott And f [ cKunpe ; IU PAB ' LOU DKA'VIKO IlOOSfOAKS , an3iirpa hedty an . 1 whltboauuet Ua | opaU uaowhero. , - . Al Coapcll Wutrijhb train * of tbV UrilOnPicldc y.nnict lrr > 0iii ii'l > .i0f. with ttosofll thbchlcft ITQ. & riucllipp ) tfa ( ( J J In Chichi" V > train ) , o ( tlle linn uiilia ) gpae o < inp(9tU > u | th ttaa ol'ill ' eadtero llnfs.L" > v- ti-t - r * - * " .1 F r Detroit ; . ' .c.'clambiu , IqdhnipnUs , chclnnatl , ffilQ , rutalwrt ; , , Toronto , BMWll. m. rVork. I'BllifletpmJ ; ' DiUlmiro , Wart- iorton4id'j.llpoIM ( < Jrni'trfb East.wl the ticket Ki ntor tlcJ : w vis thu , , . . . ' . . _ ' f " * ' " ' - "l tfTTrfTr nrf r > * t TiiT n iI \ . if ? 5a who" the "i * aK ht < H > MI treko\a Mil tblallda. ill- - . I"1 * - K.S .IIAin , " < .TUAVKI/EKH At reduced ultf , } > y . thv bcl luut /otJoa / | iue.-Unv/l. . . . " cOgli'aKX nmSIMNlST4ith mifc , tenfold ( ull"iirllb ; jars ; bj" mall rojio ecu t - : < ' b"1llHOaCO'JK fi IN , fli Uro < lwy , N. V- 11' i " ' i" ' . l .i / _ ELAOSIttOMAHATOBUY T'H "l . 'U ' I. * Jiti > j " ' ynlifl"i J fllttd etc mr , > r- ! > " ' OM'FAKri7F1 : " . - TMEtA.rIivi-STR'AMQn : , t fc.-x DaubJecand.iSngJcljhg ] Power and fiamtMt \ v < ! , ITT AND . .k . , , , lkji - rjjt jnmr.t 3 .boriierilOthi and arnkm St. , QmahcUH. . . . > ioj JLaNia. . " otriT tTT'J > frnt * _ , . < - i , , . ' " i"'V. * f ; ' - ' 'J. < ' * . jj 'j-/ ; . ' ' ! ' ' o'-uU'ii , < Growers of ki sad © fenorSi .KV , ' 1 < ' " " ' " " ' ' * " " > WE CALL Our GrottL ? ' It Is'J ho' best and ilioapeSt food fof 'itioiJot ? a'nj''krii1dl. ' " " 'Onti gottid'lrJ tiM'to three pom da of corn. Stock fed 'wlth'Grintld' ' Oll nk lilithaFall sfad'i Wlntcir instead , of running down , ' will ncrcaao In weight end bo in good marketable condi Ion In the spring. Dairymen , , BS jothora ; who"lttiB"It7" < 5aat6stlfyto Its mo Ita , Try It and judge for yonreeivoB. ' Prlbe 324.00'6r'toh'.nI | No1 ohtrtgo' for"ert6ka * Jj1--- ' ' Addresft onuM cc/m orfJ JA . - fa 't. c-i t . \TTr ! ; ' / ' ' < > . . . W.EY BROWN. ' ' r-itev-i.- - . > i' ' ' . f ' ? .x : ; 8SOV u FiMTHATJO A.iANK.Otrialia ( ; . , ' > I ' ' i" " 'uWili. W At PAxrou.Prost ana Trou. tnl6a Stock TuiTttaubn- , ' , BwAHEttOB.'Cher : < > nne , ' u. ru 7 Cj- * , -j J ' 'AJuo'Cohri ' ' vwr . . . . . . . .c. . . . . Tv 4 -v JOUN MIcSlUNK , JlanftgorB y Btite Cftttlu Co. ( ' < v. ' i i v nivC Pj'Ji11 o kyftrib , ChlpKO. * c AddressolleonnaunlcjiU hb Un on''Et < 6k'-Yttrd ( , Ctr.li1UtKctttito. . > ; jil < < , > } t . - , - , . . 0' < Oi hdti 000fl ' IV'.rtSnrf fll ! < t'r. i-i > , | , ; L. . - * - ' < .i'- 41 < Vi're ' < fj'I. ! iJStfJr a1. of > . / } iriTrj'JAc."O.12r\'HinrThT < \ ? ( ! "Ifll Ml i 14 : Jln Iu MVOD H B tfcc a u H I * a - iiynHtill'itiRf.VriilviVo' ' / - ' c' " " IS H JB &j3jLfcgoiBy * i J.U,4iJ79J.7D { OCL ( > L fid-if Ji/pytf * , _ . _ ? T . . * -TT" . . , , . . T AHflKST JoliblnK Prnc house betveca vnfCii iilKan Ifrarvjtco.r.CAjriTAL , pTOfiJ2CfCfp-i- ; ) ljhl.ll / thtrliittonfDtninmrlnlt-t-jUlltirip : | ! . Will auplfoitd CulcaKuViid Stv'iAuW ncirif Sith Irolirht Added , Our 3pop ; lty.wlll bo * * UOiq oaj WOVAiiMnol 0 MShuifOJj'nh'jr ' JSeyte v Kviiiflatowvi cnM ri plAibifluBn. Totiit ciiMTiVco crabjMU40 UWiflninhu Iri Jr.wlJi U WAll U > i 11 ypui'ltitfTftltJ/ytl / lUwCQ1Vf5r'JV5 * * L' ' ° * 9HTPr/5 / < ' 1' ' ' 'clinlll upjicW vt ur .frmiaTymH , MM'IWiW' ! J i , , fcnlrfod 005 ? vi7aii ; , vol/all / ijuldod OOS n w 1 anti > < - o 'igt iti a < ! Jaiimov/ /r , y , , _ _ . _ , . . nn , . . , . , ! , , , , .i. . . . .i.i 1,1. , . . i . . . . . . ' . . i . ' ' ' ' i ' ' . " /I / 3 If-'i i'lii' , rr.n-tiifa . iiJU itt G fall HB.JJd'J . , ! / < , , , 9 OJ II3OI VflU * 1ji - ,