Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 11, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 THE DAILY BEE SATURDAY , APIIIL 11 , 1885. '
vj * HT \ v
Kilters the gyjitcui fruiu. unluiowu ,
ci\i pn , nt nil * rn ( m i
rjltalten Ibf , I > mcj. jDiDAlrii lllgMtton. and
| lUbHl'fh7iMnacc ] ;
and ncTTM
anlo hnidftclin , erin
in tnnllftnt , fi.
ViV."i"iWii.I1lr ! > Jlne ri'triotlo anil Bcholttlj
Oathollo Dltlnn. of "ArTtanln * . t
' ' ht , ' < "ir < 11 * " ' " Iron BUt nwlthiharrnaU
M and an n tfrprattUfn or
' " " ' *
hayi'd M K roidVirienrt1" ! ' T
Oiwulnnh4a hoj4r | demMt ) ni ] rWnod red lines
nn wraprrfS Tndp no blhffj Martn on r t > i
llltllW < rilKMIUAIiCO. . liAI.TIMOItK " > .
IMDIFR' HAND BOOK afwtnl and aUractlre. con-
tAlnlnR ll t nt tail * * lor rpdpwi. Information about
oolna , oto , irlren HWV lir all neal
| i , iNJ ! ' ltoimjdd < lVMtJnrnc ii > t
PITT J rtaiJs TI LIUI , n' i itA
| ! Uih'rm'U ' ' | I
Lt J'U
. .
' < ArohltecV. Chicago. iaut48lro ii
Y i'-(33" > { Yt' uMforAcrDMRorfi ir I
liiagli'iroi , " "
> ll
llx"5 "
? ; Siip ! 4K
w i
. ft"W9lWt.cJl ) ? 59.Wl Jftt < > 1P nr'rrr ( m . .i'i. - . I
ol jPor ilalMtsapplyiJo.snjPSEYiiCO. . , lU2i)3ro'aa- !
w yN. 7. City : BOLINQ VSI& CO , ' , lOSBoatBttriSt. ,
Ut. LoulD , Mo , or U. OTtENS & "VO , 819 Ualb'BL ,
llancas City. llo. HtOH
Chartered by thcStateofllll.
' ol3 for the WIWss purpose
1) ) chronicil'riildryrin (
vato disease
Gleet andSyphills In all their
complicated forma , also all
T -
W < iaknctWNlnhilUt3collf : > Dreain9 ,
MHbl tUifc lbtter , socradlVlccnftdaotial. !
'D5V5ofc'Iiiil6afbri ' : Ehigland. Fj-ancp
Cm , , * aol'in nn ' | j. r.ii , , .o JC T
$ mmmw
iuA'tJift'towa ' fr tiirnuQTjUrg 10'lo ' Qambttr f
10 ; IQUnd trip (20. FintCabUi , f55 , 135 and $71.
roll. AffeotB lor Oroaha. Orpnewoff suaKochlKei
Witiu ir/OoafihlWiimJ a ) uj-juiOiiiuiJ' ' i JK >
Qa , Qenrral Western'AgeaU , 170
- aoaofl OOJ
ITypefritG !
Is tht almplciii , belt and mMt oompleto typ .
KM Interchangeable typa platea , lias
few partianlIiroUrocathplao | < ol the Upe. in
ciJ ol/tV / 'uS'l au Inked ribbon. I'rlM only ( t
JJw.Ving prrfurt roatoratlon to luJttUI ) . ftfU I
iiiiuilioml and tiexuat TlW | Jwinitmt
i ihould send ( arTrM-
ruUnd"Kl9 * yi J |
unit IlUtiaer olTsetualljr cured KodorteJ
by lUoumucU who uava been curtxl. Adopted
lu Hci > luu and l > r rijyulcUna In Karopo and
Aiui-rioii. Healed Treatise free. Addreas
N 4a West 14th St. , Now Vork. - '
| 1I avtuw-niiBa.ia .e ,
vMwlJll dl Cblc ,
> ' hnvn.hw dear inn go
And buy her n beautiful feather ,
Toi wear In bright , sunshiny weather.
She were the gay plume on her bonnet ,
With other fine fixings uoon It ;
And in circles of fashion she flirted ,
And many heart disconcerted i
Hut OQO day-she met nn old rooster ,
A fowl that had always been usoctcr \
llavlpg thrco or four ngnts in a > day ,
And what in hl
whipping came way t
Now jio thought he gay girl WAI a chicken
And proceeded to gjyo liar a hckln' ,
And , soon that magnificent feather
Waa most awfully under the wcathorl
In these JEwri'larTSIcFItrnsey ' gets alon
very wr-ll when' she ha $ "nothing to wear.
She simply woaM It. " '
The long-aproa overdress u alike appropriate
priato to women , young and elderly , Blonde
aurljstout , and becoming to nil , both great ant
* mftll.
3 tt WMIIO * dnubt ; a bachelor tompOBlto
who. In setting up ihn tout , "Wolnailj with
out her , man would be n savage , ' ' made 1
read , "Woman , without her man , would bo i
savage. "
u A cluster of short , thick burls , Tastcnoc
tnttgly by - Jewelled arrow , Is added to the
low English Coiffure for evening dress. Th
fashion was led by o number op society girl
recently returned from Europe.
Apsrfect flower garden is worn 911. th <
head by the oxtrcmOolo.wora , ] of fashion Ihl
this spring , the entire , top and. front of th
hat or bonnet being hidden under an lmmen § <
Jardiniere bouquet of garden nd Gold flowers ,
1 The'nowosVcrnto ' among oung ladies is th
collection of military buttons. Ono yonni
miss of the Astor , family in New York ha theeo trinkets in whicl
nesrly ovory.govprnmont of the world ia rop-
resented. _ , ' i _
' There looms Ho bo a growing partmilt ;
among fashionable young ladies for dolioat
perfumes , -providod-tho extracts are o
the bfcati-qunlity , andt used' ' with1 'discretion
theiq Is nothing ,10 be said against the liklnj
for aweot floral odors.
u i ' .A ' ni ' , f Vti - . . .r , <
Bonnets for summer wear For full-dress oc
oUiona drO tb bo made of tulle or crabo , white
creani , sulphur , lilao and palo green being thi
favorite tints. The trimmings are delicati
'flowers ' and leaves suchaa the mimosa , am
whito'violcts , and foliage.
Bonnets are fnst losing their strings , which
have been so popular1 fo'r 'several seasons pasti
If seen'at'all'upon ' ' fmpcrted1 Frihch bonnets
thoyaro invariably of narrow velvet- ribbon ,
which have supercedcd B.-itin , Otto-
manjar grcs giain'in favori7 ,
rTinael but particularly , gofd braid , is the
striding fe'dturo ' Jri , ipHng millinery. This ,
taken in cotineclion'witli the : largo * sizes of thi
bats' , , the pccentrio" 'forms ' | 0fb6th hata and
bopnots , and the prevalence. of yellow shades
in the trimmings , gives" . decidedly brassy
Some of thauQW rcnch polonaises arc cul
with a rpuuditg br Zifave front over svest
and rjanniotf'drapefyJ of Roo'dtr of some con-
trftatinp.inaterUh Tim dress sdrt ) is. trimmed
orki.ltod.up tha.frpnt to , .meet .thopnunier. _
and'tho back of the polorTafao falls in strafght
w'ateffall drapery. ' - ' " * '
' ? lDrqsalrbollars'1aVo worn immensoly.this se"a-
BonMti , riilitary fashion , and aro'moit'ge'neral-
1 # rnads 'of ' velvet , 'no matter' what the * dress
Itself is formed o gqmo.of. these are ma'de
wholly plain vcvet ) , and fastened in front
byflwo jeweled collar buttons ; 'secured by a
grjArd'tliAin'of fine gold. 'Otherg-are'braided ' ,
goldlombroidere'd , piped or lace-edged , top
and bottom , tp suit iuiluldual fancy.
'The newest fancy in gloves sent , out from
Paris , ? whefa the ( fashion originated , is the
glove of kid or ailk hppliqno. at the wrist
with embroiderytinsel - braid and a bow of
ribbon to a top' ' or arm oflaoej tbo color of the
kidnor , ilk. of the clove and of nny length
ualed | for. , Some of these Inco-topped kid
Rlbves hro v marvels of artistic work in the fine
lades , embroideries , and others employed
In their production. >
' Yey odd as well a ? chic are.some of the de
signs fpnnd' ' . Upon those artistic ganza fans ,
: t are brought' out
thl "fle.i8pn.iSotnotimeaarOeecin a family of
mibd atj gymnastics .all oyer the fan , some of
them' cunningly -painted to appear as if they
nerd plodghrnff. through b hole tbey had just
albblod in.tbo fop , Again a lot of , spiders
running n race. from their own web to secure
the shelter of a friqodly mushroom as annes-
: ape from .the raiOjithat ja pelting In slant
lines across jthoUn landspapa or , gqrdenscape ,
indatlll aoptherwlth"ft brood jof swallows ,
jome'Walftlng ' , otnaiSflying'under ' parasols.
uirrfe.Baeehi'THam ( ! > Mys1Fr'ench '
b' tte'r-clasa of wa h'materlals will.
tho'&mbiKsettSrtnVbd rfeccrated with4aco and
ribbons , white , cream , ecruy-ficelle. far mrious
ihades of caffoe-ns"-odpines- flounces and
iunlcs , whila Ia"oa < flounce8&outitod on soft
ihe i in'mmer' , and found remarkably 'effective ,
it a moderate price. Woolen Iac3"'the "den-
; elle Hama and"5aSiT8"ipure delaine , are
" * ' theireilectivbness and
, -ery fabhibfaableanU
lolidity1 will dbservb their 'return to favor ;
T 'Ii"ogan the fashion to seal ono'ilottera ,
md bangles 'with eeaa _ ! attached are among
; hn newest devices in fancy Sjewelry. Ai for
itationery , it grow * more dainty each season ,
md sometvery quaint devices are usad to head
fashionable lronch , note-paper and .envelopes.
' " 'l ' fl. rough'"edged ( Oationery , un-
lecorated , is , considered best form.-and ' when
lealod the nackbf looks ) n the best tinte. But
nany people elett for' ' fancy headlcgt , and ,
uost ingenious are the efforts madn to meet
nOdern'notUrasirrthlsTespect. "Alway/i / at
lome" Is one pf the new devices. It repre-
lenta a large tfiail with Its hojiiA 6ttta back.
[ n\itation ifftdji tSf < brnpryeBig9. ' lnKge6tive
jf'Uio ' form wntpjrtanni5pckm { / in one
jorner , a party of musitians apparently blow
ng great blaitH of dance music trom trumpets ,
lorna , and bugles ; a dainty and icsthotlc sup
per table , 'etc/ / J J
. ' '
t J. I ! I
, 'YeVf ' Bir 'ihW.a.'true ! we buRht to be .
As savin' oa < w6 could j - * M '
* 'But then' ' there's' folks upon this ahth
' lj/ / That don't doiwhat theyubou'd ' ; .
I An'-p'eUpiJfit'd ' Just M , well they don't '
f 1 T ' < 3'rinBtanQqj ij j , . t
j elf aU.tbeibmJjugji.niade .
„ tiBreadipuflrrmiprNmany small biiga would
for oconwnji myself ; .y.g
; r y That's ffriHrnv thiotr , nodmibtrf
hinfia tttlolwa * <
VWBut Btillt :
" 'lottdrlouP 7l'
Is wlieTy
_ . . .
iri ! i. ! 1I J * * .n A / \
A cliied umbrella galhfe'ra'no'rain. *
Alla } nilU. .iB-ih * { latest , prats foD4luuv. '
arWififtWNB * Va&f Tfwr7I2AsTt nat-
UTalIy--rNewiOrlenn ; Ilc ? yn ie.i T -j , .
AI'etTolt'f ! ii rfotof 'which was frozsn up
"What one girl dldP-ia the title ol n flw
story. She doubtless did ths same as all oth
er girls do jumped up on a table and fright-
enedj * poor little mouse to death.
'According to a florist's magazine , "Jacks
ara becoming cheap , " This may be true , but
we have known men who would , bate been
willing to pay 910 for one to put with the two
already In th Ir hands , \ < i t
A'Gsrman ita ! * hat I taba ! lbT ilh"er''d y
bad some Llmburger cheese stiit oblm.TA
Jtt2 boy Vho eatl betide , him ) tnrnedfto hia
toother nrl c olaimedr Mamma. how I wish
It was deaf und dumb In my i\o o. ' '
; TUa ar toofpr > ei .purj.iiUled |
-Bfiubor our merclesr ia4ha way apine * )
pher put * it. V > Vtn wohava a felon t
joot , there don't seem to be much conU > lation
n reaieralwrtajTHhM W * * rtB n.nt. drowned
"Yes , ilrJL Cinbbinixiald , much excited ,
'ha'u n contemptible ; liaoatd > Jjtald lUa ) tOlK *
'Xhat't rather a riiky thing to do. I wonder
IB didn't knock you down ! " retained bis
riend. "Oh , I forgot to mention that I told
lim through the telephone ! " said Cubbing ,
A board ichoolmMter decired a boy to
write oVii" * slate * 4 account of/lbe G
marltnnfl The loll wircwM Hio-rcoul.
certlng WAnWent7Vlowri froli pchuele
the 'thnwcs' tprang np and choaked him
w here u pan Jie gava-tupun [ ta-lho-4io t.ani
aid lake" faro on hlrrr ftHd pur him on hli
hcno IIBSS ; and he past bye on tho.otl or eido * '
"How 'aro ydu Tsttprilicd' ' ihii rdornlngl'
MkedF _ _ trn n of the Milkmant
' iny canslvro well filloJ11 replied llx
"Y s. thfttU nhnt your customer * oomplair.
of , " said Vatmnn.
And the tullkman tlroro tbroo tquares b < J
fora the sarcasm meandered through his brnln.
{ Hfttch itJ
"It was' thd proatost trinmpli of my Ufa,1
nifltho'old nctor onthnslMtically. "It cost
the people of Denver thons'&uila of dollars. "
"ftladc bandsoino "
you glftd"
"I should siiy they thoy'dld. The at age
was literally covered with eggs. "
"Those wera nofVftluftble , I should think/
"Therb \ where y6u would be fooled , Eftgt
were selling fur $10 dor.en that winter , '
I ew York Grnphio.
The Podtry'bl M6tlon. '
There WM n'man in Norrislown ,
. And he wns Jt > ty tall ;
lie went into the skAtiog-rink
And got n ho vy fall.
And when ho found himself laughed at ,
With all hlamfght and' rn&in
IIo quickly sprhng Upon hit feet
And fell Vight < Wwn jgaln.
qr to n Herald.
Ono tiny a rsggocl hplo was soon
In heaven's coiling torn , . . *
Through which " WES heard , for eoypral
. hours
Thd Bonful of Gabriel's horn ,
There throngh'thQ'mght.beforo it scorns
* Oh , swcot , ' eid fate of 'fates 1
Julin Smith's gyrating bbdy passed ,
Tossed up by roller-skates.
, -fWoshington Hatchat ,
Come and do up'my hair , mainhin , "
1'ull it back smooth and tight ,
Bring out my stockings of silk , mamma-
With colora eo gay and bright.
Daub on a little rouge , mamma , .
See that I'm Qxod up'righti .
Hunt .up my night key , too. mamma ,
I'm going to flkato to-night. . . ' .
TPhiladolphia [ Roller ,
Oa roller'tkatos =
ho'heavy weights . , 4
Lt ko elephants go round ;
, Until they make .
The building shake
j , J3y sitting onjho.ground.
They look so WHO .
Till helped to rjsaj-
Then , timid as a mouse ,
They try * nco inoro ,
Si onthojfloor ' , , ,
And just . . "brinp down tbo houso.
Lillian llutselhs singing in concert in New
r'Adelina Patti wjll sail for Liverpool on
Hany musics ! instruments are now mad a of
paper. , "
Minnie Ilauk has bought a castle in Switz
vDdwfn Booth'bcgan a twb'week'a engsera-
mtnt in Philadelphia Monday night.
Nat Goodwin will shortly open in Buffalo
in hls new farce , "The Skatlni ? Rink. "
Lawrence Barrett and his company MO
playing in the leading cltid of the south.
At thotheatres , in Montana they throw
money instead of boquets to their favorite ac-
Mary Anderson will play Pauline In "The
Lady of Lyons" nesc week , at the Lyceum in
Clara Morris is Btndyincr n new role , with
which she will open her engagement at Daly a
Now York , shortly. * "
Sarah Bernhardt is studying English , and
Rhea , Modjeska , Janiach and Rotchkoffare ,
getting commit auicide.
Sprightly Aimee is resting that dreadfully
disturbing piece , "Mam'jwlle , " and is playing
SardouVDivorconsU-on the eastern circuit.
' ThSBoston'Ideals 'are TeheaHing ' 'Giril- '
da. " * Theirj"ieaBqn will be extended until
June l.iand. they will dose for good at the
( jlobe theatr ln Boston ,
, , Old QremrWa violins a'tfll vcoromand Jiigh
pncea and'Wilhelmj Is said to ha\o sold one
made by Joseph Guarnerins'.to PrOf. Florlan
Zugia of Stut artrfor : S4.2501 . . , K , '
, "Mopgie , the
fidget , " is receiving unstinted praise from the
astern autfieuces ilt will -probably be seen
erobeforfitbd season cloBts.- '
who hai b"5en lnjtbe
leatricai'Jjualnoss' for'.flftyrfiyo yews Jnl'hll-
do.lphja , r will shortly1 Deceive a' cornplirapntary
bnefit , ajt hicjib wn4Vni.b"p thD'attrac-
" * ' " ' ' "
? ? i" 7 T i : ' -
Mr. Charles Jefferson , ono of the proprie
tors of "Tho Shadow * jola Great City , " will
o to London thiaBumrnerto arrange for the
reduction of that piece at the , Drury Lane
toatre. *
Mr. WilJIarri TerriSa , who won much praise
f this1 country as Mr. Irvihp'a chief * support
your ago , will suttaia the title role of "In-
omar" in Mary Anderson's revival of that
lay at the Lyceum , .London. . .
Gen. and 'Mrs Banka are in New York ,
laving gone down to witness , the debut of
loir daughter ; > Maud | in a small
art in Steele Maokeye'a new play MDakolar"
t the Lyceum theater. Miss Banks has long
ntended to go upon the stage n&d has studied
n Europe 'for that purpose. There liavabeon
umors at various times that < she proposed to
tar In "Camllle" and similar plays , but- she
ms wisely started at the bottom ,
A sensation * has been created In Madrid
> y a new Su'rvnuh musical comppser , named
Yillate. He is thirty-three years * of ag > . but
las not produced 'any " 'work before his own
ountrymen till now , though one of his operas
was wall received at P < ris , aqd another at the
Hague. .The opera with which ho has taken
, Iadrid Iry storm irc lled . "Balthazar : " The
bcrtto ijInTItallan , , and was 'taken from , ' a
' drama by ft' , frenchman' earned
- . . . . „ - . . „
In.vietr of. that proposed performance oi
Othello" by Kdwlu Booth arjj Qrrc,8onnen , *
oal , the Germanwootor , next fall , a well
posted local actor gives the following as a
> ortlon ot the dialogue to be employed In the
bird act- : - - '
loeror"My noblaJordi-
OtheUoWas ; willst du.BRitfb.ubJV-
lago : "Did Michael , -Oaitio , . jwhea ' yon
waoml ray-lady , know.of youlove' , ' <
lOtlitllo : A'Naturlich duwbi'oklicher'Dumm '
Copf , BIst du vorryUtt. PaliTony , oininal
eberwurst , .elnmaJ Scliweltzer , and iwel
laiof1 "But" for lhe"iiMiiil cfi ( n'1o ! my
' '
hought.-4' ' - - - - * ,
Othello' : wtMtuhig..Das , mach gannlcht j
auj.iiPet T.pyiJiochjwfli , " . . . a < r , ,
logo ; tl'lt poiuble , mv lordj" ,
Othello : "JagBwis . WilUtdir1 auch eid
clfrarTi ? ich ny - * * : A > . > '
* I firb : a'Y6u cannot If my" heart * wera in
your hand , and ebairnot'whfle ' 'Its in myous-
ody. " t" "f \ * ' '
Othello : Ulalt's Maul , du dummer -
Trinkjezt. Prost. Gesuodheit , '
Take your ulster to your uncle's.
For to raisa the dust so dear ,
As the'aeaion of carbuncle *
And eruptions now is hero ,
Also "hocU' yourheavy clothing
Fot.theJJgbest.eumJt.will bringt
A you'll look on it with loathing . ,
Kre the settling down of spring. 4
lit , wishing to I
' ' sefacted
.j tEey
an'tiuTc'immittee of tbaf party and got Mrs.
ItebcccaSmittCnMuedB&nna < 5ftha ) r > egular
At Bchenmitrejr yT'tieM4r neaTlng
ichool which will , begin iU fiftieth annual
course of lnatfuctipn ? tjeit month. It has
for yXt63iuo5iiCi'odUiaaii ' looini. ComDo-
litlonaf jJ tUraiJtApwJedife of raw material ,
tools , finishing , dealgnlngtheory , and mechan
leal weaving tro all taught , and tba pupils of
this school now fill thehighe t positions in the
brit manufacturing establishments of Kurop ,
Tills U such a school as the WfttP
Ir its branch It turns out tva artny eton
on , designers and leaders. ' ( Amrricn Whs no
ft'nngle school , yet wo worratr fttjftnrhpt > a
eatly slow progrnts in textile manufocturin ;
and.At.our.d pcudo&co.upou.4or.olgn.Riuxrcoa , (
supply. Yeariiftor yrnr nn immense amoun
of speech making Is done .at banquets o
tlmii ra' , or at'monthly meetings of InduitriA
associationt , o.rcr the necessity of establish
log sclroolr , bnt-n practical step is not-tnVen
Prcsidont Gllrnan'ii annual address nt tfpLn
llQplsinijy iJ'w ) Uyi ; I full o fstj\UltiR { Jiino
vAttonJ Ifiitt fallow ' fclosd on the ltaiigos n
Harvard and Amherat. Ilorotoforo our co
leges have been wholly dissevered from th
cominoh tehool sjiitfim In spirit And latth
They Wftva bofcn intensely conservhtlvc , whil
nothing in AJnerlcihai btoa more radical am
progressive tnn the coYnrndh school fcystom
The colleges wore originally an alliance of tli
church and education , giving to thn latter
tpoclGo aim to suppbit the former , The com
m6ntch&61 , on t.lo" contrary , WaaAnatnrn
outccrowth of popular l dqsiro for knowledge
Tbd c611egosL Wert-ld odiJcato for spocifi
purposes ; the onminon school for
general purpose. Very plainly this distinc
lion Is to btt swept away , Rndtho higher In
stltutions are to bo popularized But to pop
illume the college does not Imply a lowering
of the standard of education ; it means ai
adaptation of the studios pursued therein to
the affairs oi lite. In other words , the col
legolg no longer to fad mainly to create cer
tain professlona , buy to cairy forward the aim
and tendency of the common schools , Presl
dent Gilmnn defines n university as the high
est high school , while civilization Is the high
eat welfare of the whole community , so tha
hsyd ! n of ft university .la the mere climax o
n single system of schools , haviig for its cm
uot the production bt'ininiBtorc , or of doctors
and lawyers as well , but the higher civiliza
tlon of the whole community ,
During the past year f pur now schools wore
opened la Now York City , making the nuiVi
bor 301 , This .includes the Normal collofo
the Nautical school , twenty-eight evenlnf
schools , and foity-eighb corporate schools
The four now schools represent only a portion
of the changes which" were made durlncc the
year by additions , to old buildings. There
have been throe schools' consolidated am
seven new tchoola organized. The whole
number of different pupils taught waa 194,822
but the largest register in onq jnonth ' was in
October , whan it reached 145,611 : The average
ago attendance for October WRS 131,227 , the
largest on record In tha history of the Now
York school system. The increase In at
tendance in the primary and grammar do
partinent fortheyearwaa nearly ton thousand
The instruction of thceo pupils required n
force of 3,748 teacher * , an Increase of 125 over
thn number in" 1883. The colored echools
were abjlished last year , and twenty teachers
of those "schools are now included In tbo
mixed grammar and primary departments
Oflthoso teaching in the grammar and pri
mriry achooU 2,743 nro females and -131 males
The actual number of teachers tippolntec
during the year waa 310 ; 17 nalos and ; 9 !
females , By the compulsory education ac' '
Superintendent Jarper is required to enforce
the attendance of children at the schools , one
the work ot the tiuancy agents forma an im
porlant part of his report. 1'ho truants fount
were 1,813 , and of those 1,518 were returnee
to the schools. "
} It maylntere'st some to know what a few
rich men have done for the cause of education
John Hopkins gave $3,143,000 to the uulver
sity which ha founded. His gifts for benevolent
lent purposes amounted to 88,100.000 ; Judge
Pucker ga\a § 3.000,000 to Lehigh university.
CornUius'Vanderbilt gave $1,00000 to the
Vanderbilt university. Stephen Girardga\e
$8,000/00 ( to Girard college. John 0. Green
and resitUio legatees gave 81,500,000 , to Prince
ton , college. Ezru Cornell gnvo § 1 000,000 to
Cornell university. laaao lUch bequeathed
the grtaterpart of hia estate , which waj ap
praised at Sl,7tO,000 , to Boston university.
On account of the great fire and shrinkage in
value , and other unfortunate circumstances ,
the university will realize lesa than $700,001
from this magnificent bequest , Amasa Stone
pAve SCOO.OOO to Adelbott college by direct
gift and by bequest , W. W. Corcor-an gave
8170,000 to Columbia university in money and
laiid. Benjamin Buaay gave real estate worth
SoOO.COO to Harvard university. Samuel
Wllliaton , William S. Walker , wand Samuel
A. Hitchcock gave between $100OCO and
8200,00 * each to Amherst college , 'NYhltmer
Phoenix gave the bulk of bis property ,
amounting to about 8040,000 , to Columbia
college. J. B. Trover gave 3179000 | to
Rochester1 Theological seminary. Matthew
Vassar gave " $8' 0,000 to Vasaar college.
Gardner Colby gave $170,000 to Colby uni-
f orsity * and $100,000 to Newton Theological
seminary. J. B. Cotgftto gave § 300,000 , to
Mndison ualverelty. George Senoy pa\o
5450,000 to Wesleyan-univeroity. The Crozer
[ amlly'gave 8300,000 to Orozer The , logical
! cminary.It wculd be eav to add to thls-
ist.- There are hundreds of men and women
whose splendid gifts entitle them , to be held
a' everlasting1 remember-unco. Such gifts are
ip : c < ftbm"oti now that they ro expected , IP a
icHi'tnan should live and die without dolncr
ibrii6thingvfor thb cause of 'education he
7ouldat once booorae the subject of advoreo
iritlcism , { Pennsylvania College Monthly.
_ , . Noboijjr Ileaily OAVC'S.
If you've anything , to , grie to.y on ,
And fill your he act witlk foarg ,
H poverty hides near you ,
Andy onr days ore dimmed -.with tsars ,
If you find , , with soul despairing ,
No answer to your prayers ,
Don't say a word about it , for
Nobody really carea !
i t
.li-henlth and strength forsake you ,
' And pain and sickness bring
A gloom , that olouds tha sunshine
And shadows verjttung.
If you ft el tl t lot so weary
But seldom , mortal bears ,
Don't say a word about it , for
Nobody really cares !
This world ia fond of pleasure ,
And , take it at ita best ,
'Tis sadly bored unless you
Mtief. it with imile and jeat ,
It yawna over want'a complalnit > e > ;
At sorrow coldly stares , ,
So never toll your troubles , for
Nobody really caree ! ,
The parEons out west think roller skating
ma a tendency topromoto backalidimr.r-Lou.
" ' * *
sylHe CourierJournal. .
Wh'en tl o clergyman remarked there would
> e nave'm the church the ao6fety was build-
fag , 'ah ' old lady whispered that she kno\v the
itrty to whom hoTtterredj c * v
" "A Mlsaourl minister dr'aws hl salary every' '
nonth in advance. This la to guard against
tosslble reverses in the hapo Of donation par- .
ieB.T-lBurlmgtonPreePj-ees. ,
Six New Haten 'ohurchea are to have male'
shoirs af ter > May 1. sJThero will be no falling
it ! In" female Attendance In New Hn von -after
May L [ Bostop' Tranicript
' Brooklyn wan aaid > to hla Presbyterian
I'M tor I "I am going to the Methodist church
\ttbf this. ! ' "All , and why o2 asked the
minister. yWelJ , if yon don't get your
iboea made at my ahop , I won't get my preach-
ng done * t yours. " > t. A f
> iiTher0.vM one oontplatton that old Nonh
wjoyed wlion.'bp , was"eaillog around Iq the
irk which almost made him forget the ab-
lenceof the daily paper. It waa the proud
latUfacUaufltknowiuKJvhsaft.kqpck camato
the door that it could not be than confounded
jaiman coming to take , the atate of the meter ,
--Fall Kiver Advance.
"No , " said Mr. Frank. "I didn't like that
minister at all. He made me so nervous that
[ .couldn't sleep a wink all church time. How
r lnnW& 1d > Mr V
3 imsonbeak a ) she and Mr [ , and Mrs Yeast
vere returning from church Monday morn
" ? No , I really did not , " politely replQP
id thn man : "I do. I am now observing
ent. "
A young lady , a Sunday-school teacher In a
ihnrch pretty near the corner of Gilmor-st.
ind La/ayttto-ave. / , waa on Sunday defining
faitbitp her Q\s ot younR AmcrSins , sgei
froaliuc to Mm yc kfs. S * set ftbobt her tanl
irt * pMVllcaPway. ' ' 'Falkh In anyihlng , " shi
rslti , "ItHo-beHoVo that H > mothing cxiatcc :
which could not bn sorn , SuppoiD , " she suld
JJyouc.Rarii.e.JvsJO'lt.elljouJieliatl ' nut § 10 it
the bank tor you and Innt you inigfiC drawTI
from the bsuk whqn 1you prow elder. Yoi
did not BOO the money put in , but you knon
it is there , because you bellavo what ymu
pp tolls you , and when you groW Up ftnd
want the money , you dross yourself uu , witb
your glbveJ on Wful your liigh" hat , and youi
cano , and'you-1 * * ' n
At this juncture tbo tonchorwos startled by
ono of the boys , yho cried out :
"What are yotl giving us ? Do Vbu thinlt
I'm n duller
The young lady ys lint nho felt prostra.
ted , and that it ulll bo sdme tlrno be torn 'she
stira np the qnostlon of faith wnln ? , [ Balti
more A-morican ,
< Reminders.
Some men remind us o' the moon ;
This fact Is clear as wnol
You probably ha\e noticed it -
They're ' brightest when they're "full. "
PYonkora Statesman.
Some meu remind un of a shoo ;
This truth Is clear as night ;
You probably have noticed It
They're fullest when they're tight
[ Washington Hatchet.
Some men remind us of the ants ;
This fact is clear as ground !
You probably hn vo noticed this
They're thickest when they're round ,
i [ Gorham Mountaineer ,
Some men remind us of "tho pit ) "
, , This truth la clear ai flimo
They worship him who rules In it ,
And when they leave "dip game. "
[ Can-bridge Tribune.
, Some mon remind us of the snail ;
, This truth you'll bear In mind ;
That when they a fair name assail ,
They leave their slime behind.
[ Richmond Boat ,
Some men rimlnd us of tha wind ;
. This truth Is clear as enow ;
Perhaps you may have noticed it
They're empty when they ' blow. "
[ Washington Hatchet.
The Hov. Phillip Brooks will pass tie ) EUtn-
.mor in Europe.sailing on May 9th.
The Park Avenno Methodist Episcopal
church of Chicago will hold jubilee services
next Sunday over the entlro extinguishment
of the debt that has burdened it for twenty
long years.
Bishop McQtiatd , of Rochester , has ordered
that hereafter in his diocese none but Itoman
Catholics and actual communicants shall sing
in the choirs. Ho says , "How revolting it is
for the congregation to hear the voice ot one
who does not bplievo in what ho or ho is
singing. It la mockery instead of worship , "
Thdoldnynagogueof the Spanish and Portuguese
tuguese Jews in Bevis Marks , London , now
being pulled down , bears painted on a door
panel theuamo of "Benjamin Disraeli , " wl h
the date 5577 ( Jewish era ) . It ia believed
that hb w.u the grandfather of the late Karl
of Bcnconsfielcl , Init if so the commonly re
ceived date of his death ) November , 1310 , Is
wrong , as 6577 corresponds with 1817 , A. D.
The Nazarin Bible , forwhich Mr. Qunritch
recently paid the onormoui sum of $1D,9CO
at the Hyston Park sale , ia , according to tbo
Catalogue , printed from mptal types , , It bears
lo'dato , but A copy , preserved in the old
[ lojnl Library at Paris , contains a note that
t was completed in l5li ! , which would put
, ho probable date of piicting at least a year
previous , Type-founders differ in opinion as
: o the fitylo of typo ucod , some contending
, Viat it W&B printed from compressed wooden
jlockn , others from letters cut in metal , and
still others from cast letters very much like
hose now in use. It seems very certain that
jiiitenberg and faust were engaged in print-
nc at about that time , and that numbera of
irinted Jllbles were palmed eft by them KB
nnnuscript before the ( sand waa detected.
At that thua tbey brought aixty crowns
iplccc. There are liut tire of them known to
je in exintouce , hence their proat value ,
THO Hcf-ira.
Abou Ban Cleveland may hia tribe In
Arose one moroing from soothing drenma of
peace ;
T"waa half-past 10 how hod he slept so late ,
Vhentdown below awaited men of state !
iut no , the hall was dark and e\ery room
Vas siill and empty , and a murky gloom
Inurpull around on hallway and on stair ,
? ho blue room , corridors , and everywhere.
'Hi > w comes it , Bfcniul , ' ' Abou Cleveland
'That silence brooda around ua now Instead
OMb t- wild woatecn mob which through
your door
2hi seethed and gurgled for three weeks .on-
more ? "
lut DO reply the gsnial Daniel made.
) own on the table that dny'a paper laid ,
Abou Cleveland took it in his 1mb d ,
And one long lisl of refugees ha hcannet' ' ;
Bt waa the named of those who had
And ; lo ! Missouri's name led all the reit.
Degrees l'of'companion In marrying for
nouey : Positive , Cupid , comparative , stupid ,
uperlativo , cupidity.
Handsome dark dresses for brides married
nbcnnets are made of Ottoman and faille
ilka combined with the new lloweicd bro-
ades ; <
Misa Medill , of Chicago , who visited Mr.
nd Mra Blaine during the winter , ia engaged
0 Mr. Kmmons Blame , and it la aaid tto
n.-irringo ia set for an early day. ' ' ' '
Little or no jewelry fa now worn by a bride
f peails or diamonds are among her presents
10 may wear them , but otherwise with the
xceptipn of a bracelet and pin , nothing else
1 worn.
The Princess Dolirorouki , who was supposed
0 Bo'lovo the late cr , will soon-marry a
nssitm prince who waa ona of the most bit-
orly opposed to the , man whoto.widow h has
harmed ,
Among the "bridal gifts at a woddingin )
tiddleton , "N. Yt , recently , was n tidy in a tie
1 silk and antique lace , the former being
art of a dcesa worn at a party given in honor
! } YaBhlngton atNev ? London.Conn.
Bridgeport , Conn. , April p. , At tho.Goin
> llor skfttlup rinkftomorrow Kov. Dr.
ieardley will unite la * marfiago a ' couple
ho will sland upot ) skates , as also the beat
ua'n.brideemaida and ushers. After the cere
iq'rjy A welding rjuadrillo wlI ba'danctd upon
' '
' " '
An Illinois wedding' party felt ihe hoor'give
ay beneath thorn just as the minister had
sked the woniari , ' 'Do yon take this man "
icd ts'they went toward tbo collar the bride
* Ith a rani and'wonderful preaence'of' mind ,
oiled , . " ! will. " ' She afterward , confoised
lit the groom 'was a wealthy man' , and that
he was killed it wan her purpoeo1 that he
tipiild leave a widow , ' < *
t i mfm
" if ft V
San Fracclioo Jiunnfaolurod last year
59,000 kfgi of nails ,
TUB VOLTAIC BELT Co. , of Marshall , Mich. ,
Her to tend their celebrated KLEoroo-YoL
trial for thirty dayn , to men ( young or old )
filleted with nervous debility , loss of vitality
tad .manhood , and all kindred troubles. Also
lor rheumatism , neuralgia , paralysis , and
many other diseases. Complete restoration to
( lealth , vigor and , manhood guaranteed. N °
risk I * Incurred * s thirty days trial is 'Allowed.
Write them at pnoe 'f or j lllnatrfttod pamphlet
free/- fu f > Jrt.f < rtl : j
Udti as e iy n 5 C. nwlthonenir-
on ai two , . . ' Th * Sprlngf
engthen and shorten according to the weight the/
irrr. Equally well adapted to rough country roada
nd tine drlrci ol dtlcj. Manulactured and 0ld b
ill iMdlni Ctrrligo Bulldert nd Deilitt.
o u n E Q
Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Sciallca.
Lumbago , Backncho , HoatUche , Toothache ,
. . .
Itut-iip. , Sritlilx , Frunt llltco.
. . , , 5 * " niiirn nnniLY rUvriMi Aiilr .
SoM Ij Draff limn * Dmlrra vtr * liTi FinVuu brill * .
blrtrtloitaltill uiiiRtuKN.
TUB CHAIH.KB A. > oattLKU CO , '
( inaftnon i. TMUtB * CO. ) Mllm.rf. iUj , C. a. 1.
lutq.n oopporml ii by tr dr , lad the iruMl | wxr
tlclcD of brow and copper from Hang gti Into lorci ot
my anus and ii lsonou tny whoU nttcm. . Mercur j
i ) mints toted brmwhton ihcnrrmHnni , ard 1 bicatni
holplen Inv.lli. I took tire drz'n littles of Swlft'i
Spectfla ilj Uj-t , nima and hnml nre 1 rlglita rlu
lunothcni wlthotK p ln. My ri iteration U duo U
8. S. S. l'irr K . t/ovii ,
Jan. U. 183 ! . AUk'UtU , Ua.
Malarial Poison.
Wo have uioilawlll'i Specific In onr , fnmllas an
aotldcto for malarial poison for two or tb o Tcari
and b&vo never Known It to fall In a Mngla Instance ,
W. U. FfULow :
Sampler oouhty , 0 , 8cpt.'ll ' , ISS-t.
For tlx or eltht } cats I snffortdltli ulerrs ru ray
rlRktlcf ; . I was treated with Iodide ot ToUsslum
niut Mercury , and I bccnma htlplcsa. Sic bottles ol
Swlifa fpoclOo made a permanent euro.
Feb. 23 , ISM. II. D. Witso-f , Oaln s le , Oa.
SMft'fl Spoclflcls entirely vegetable , Troatlsa on
looil and Skin Diseases mallod Iroo. ,
IheSwirrSriiciriaCo , Drtwror 3 , Atlanta Qaor
( J17 St. Clmrlcs St. . St. Lonh , M
i r ( KQ'nr RrftilDiit nrtwo klrdleal Cf > llFfv4'hBa born l
atvl btooo DiitAiKn ( bun 1117 olbir
urlljr r P Bliow fci < t tl old reMi.
Nervous Hrostrallon , Debility. Mcnirl
Physlcnl Weakness ; Mercurial and otnar * >
lions ol Throat , Skin or Rones , Blood PoflG&
and Ulcers , urn treated vUh
lactrffi.oatatvBtfrle&tltic prUc > plcn flaretTJrliAUIr.
Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Exc'otJ ,
Exposure or Indulgence , bich prcJne. um , Or tb
rel birlcs effeelit nctronneM , delllitr , ( Jtmnt. , or l bl
d llerectlro m morj. rlmplci on the face ; rfJ lr .l < Jocjr ,
Brrulontolbi < oclelj at t. niAlti , coniumi oMlcu.eUi.
rcnderlne STarrlnce Improper or UnhaBny , 'J
iom n tlr ircd , I'trnfililcnsil | ixno&tta ) bor , MU
! icolcu envclnpc , freeto RDTadrinis. CotmultAUpa 41 r
Coocrbjlnallrrec.tnJInTllf.l. Hrlto rorquutloni.
A Positive Written Guarantee
lv ID all coratfle ca el. Ueillctnei aent e
1'BMTiiiJetf , Kncllsh or Oeriran , 04
, m intlo or fomnU.
iW fiett. ttnq l > Ulr . . UluitfoUJ in iloth an
We , fumcj er [ > oil > g j lame.KLfft coT m. Sjo.
eoaurai ll tbo curleai , daabtro ! or laqu'kltlre
unow. A book cr arwit in < iut ic Mi
nrtmcu * * > * -u v o
ill 1'ii'l.v Hits DLOOD , i
IKto tli.- LIVER aii.1 KIDNG
nud KI.STOIII. Tim
i > " ) ) sln. M'ltninrAplii'tito , i
tllfji'dlloii. J.-u . of MruiiRt'l.
Jw eml'J | r 'i ' ' 'liiiHabsolutely
irrvctiLCClvoiiuwlorci. ' ,
the itilml a > nl
Hi.llfrliiitiroii ) eoniplnlnli
ju < Ularto lliJr . 'x will
> ixl In OU. JLJIllai'B \ 1ROW TONla o tofe n(5 (
-'t'cily euro , itlitotaclvai , lica.Uiy cunipleOun.
rrtijuciit , ancnjpls at f B > ' ' | | IR onlj ads
rj the uopularlty i > rtliu vrl liiiil. Do no I uxuen.
jent KcllhOOUHJIN.M.AND HlC'.T ,
rSrnd 7i > uruilrlronatoTb Ir. II niter MnL
" llo..for oar "JQlUliltt HOOlff-
$50 . HEWARD $5O
'l-fals brand ij a happy com"blnitl6n. of line , JOUL
lisp red , burly lot f filler , with a
, nd It just rflaots the taste of a largo number of
Orders for "Plowshare" are comlni ? In npldly
romall parts of the country , demonstrating how
lulekly the great army of chowora strike o good
ombloatlon ol Tobacco , both 8 to quality and
[ Uantlty , Messrs Loillar ! ) & Co. have excrclsid no
Ittlo time and labor la endeavoring to reach tbo
Lcme of Perfection In I'lowsharo , atd seem to have
lone It. Besides the THN' CKVT cuia ol 1'lowsharo are
HiIcH Is a'pdint not to lie overlooked by dealers
ho will find It to their intercut to order eomo and
Ivo tbelr customers an opportunity to try it.
Isk Your Dealer for Plowshare
Dealflrs supplied by
roopwfff & Sctoeutgen , Council BlufTa.
'orecpy flb Moore , " "
, , Klrscht fc.Co , " "
itawart 3Jro . ' "
'axton & Gnllnglieri Omaha.
IcCord , Brady iVCo , Omaha.
1'cr ealo in Omaha by
[ . YjDRllntr , filffS 13tk Street ,
leriry Ditron , OOl'B ISth Bt.
tennrcd k Co. . 002 S 13th St.
Icb Oarinnb.JQIC Karnam Bt. '
Cnnfraap Bros. , 507 BlBtrj Bt. "
: aufmnn'Bro3 ' ; 1009 'Farham St. ,
'rank Arnold & Co. , 141H Farnnm St.
.tigust 1'lotz & C < J , 1M)9 Douglas St.
oo , Ueimrod , 013 N Irtth St.
; erg6n.Smiley ; , N. AV , Cor. ICtU nd Cpa-
ing Sts ,
r n Green roB--N , Vf.CQr. DlvUlpn and ,
i. St'vem * 013 N.l21 t St.
( Formerly Academy C ifusloj
. A. DniEBtiACii & Co , , Proprietors
ou J. H. Wool ) , Manager
Family Itesort.
Uuosday. April 7th , ' 85.
t Knga.emont Extraordinary cf . <
T.toriner's ( \ Sar { Jr < tnutp ) Co
" fci M te'
Museum oixm from 1 n , m , to 11 p , m.
Theater Matinee daily , 4 p , in , , am ) night ,
p. m.
; / ; ' ] ] r Ti * * * r-
n ir
The omarkablo growth of 'Omttha
doting , the last low yoani , ( a matter ol
jreat Mtonlahmotjt jto thoio ifho pay on
oocwlonri vlall to thla owtagcltf. Th
development of the StooV Yarda the-
noooaiity of the Colt Lin * , Rod th
finely paved itroota the hundreds of now
residences and eoatly bnalnoi * bloeki ,
with the population of onr city more than
doubled In the.lwtfivo yoan. All thlt
la a great anrprlae to vlsltori and la thi
admiration of oni oltliobj. Thli rapid
; rowth , the business activity , and thi
nany labat&ntlal Imp'rovomonta' ' msdo
Ivoly demand for Omaha real estate , and
cvory Inrestoi hu . * made a handsome
irofit , ,
Slnoe the Wall Street panlo May ,
nth the oabaaqnont cry of hud times ,
here has been loco demand from upscale-
on , but a fair demand from Invontoii
ooklng homes. This lattoi olasi an
aklng advautago of lovr.pilcen . In bnlld-
ng material cad.ftronoonrlng . their homo
at much leair east than trill bo .pomjlblo a
you hence. Speculators , too. can buy
oal estal a cheaper notr and ought to tak *
ndrant o of present prloaif fov fa Into-
pro te.
The next fen yn&n prominoi grcntni
iivolopmonta In Omaha than the pnit
V ) yean , which have boon BO good M
wo could rcnaonably dcslro , No\r man-
ifaotnrlng eatnbllshmsata and largo Job'
ling honaca are added almost weekly , and
II add to the proapority of 'Omaha. ' ' ' '
Thoronrq manyIn Otaaha and'through- '
nt the State , who lioro , tholi Iraon'b'y ' , In
ho banks drawing a nominal ratoi , of In-
eroat , which , If jndldoualy Invoatod In
Omaha ton ! ottato , Tronld bring thorn
nnoh greater retaruo. Wo ihnve many
jargnlnB which wo ao confidentwill
ring the purchaser lapga "profit * In the
oar future.
Wo have for Bale the finest resi-
eiico property in the north an A
western parts of the city.
North we have fine lots nt reason
able prices oa Sherman avenue , 1 7 fch ,
18th , 19th and 20th streets.
Weat on Fnrnaui , Davenport ,
Duming , and all the ending streets
in that direction.
The grading of Farnani , Califor
nia and Davenport streets has made
icceasible sprue of tlje finest and
iheapest 'residencH property , in the
sity , and with the building of the
itreet car line out Faruam , the pro
? erty in the western part of the city
ivill incrofwo in
, Wo also have the agenny tor the
Syndicate and Stock Yards proper
ty in the south part of the city. The
ievelopments made in this section
jy the Stock Yards Company and
.he railroads \vill certainly double
; he once m a short timn.
We also have some fine busineuB
< t (
ots and some elegant inaido resi-
lencop for solo ,
Parties wishing to invest will find
sonie good burg UJIJF , by calling !
14th 8t ,
ropii Farnhnra imd
P , 8. W ask those who .
roperty for sale at a bargain to R. . .
IB a call * We want only bargain *
rVe will positively not handle psc-
irty nt morathau ita real value.
< * *