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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1885)
% THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. THIRTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , NEB. , SATURDAY MORNING , APRIL 11 , 1885. NO. 201. FOREIGN TROUBLES. ToiiGiRitaleBnssiasHiiily to EDE- land' ' ; ! Demand for an Explanation , War Preparations in all Depart" merits Being Eapidly Pushed. No Change in Affairs in the Northwest , Advices from St. Petersburg are of a Reassuring Nature And Justify the Belief that Peace Will bo .Maintained , Canada IB Very An.xlona to Huvo Renewal of the Ilcclproolty Treaty. FOHBION AFFAIRS. TIIK JIAHKKTH lUrilOVKI ) . LONDON , April 10. There is a bettor foci- ing on the itock exchange to-day. Stocks quieter. Homo and foreign funds doll. Console , for money and account , which closed ycst rday at ! )4J ) , opened this morning at 95 } , then receded to 95J , recovered , and are now quoted at 05 } . Russian securities of ' 73 , which closed yesterday at 81 , nre now quoted at 81 } . 3 r , si. Consols 93g for both accounts. NO HKI-LY RECEIVED. It is stated at the foreign office this after noon that Russia had not yet replied to th * demand of England for u full explanation re specting tbo Russian attick on the Afghans on Kuahk river. It is stated that Urn liritiab government is buying hundreds of horses In Canada for Mili tary service. HCSIA'fl FINANCE. In an editorial on the Russian finance the Times says : "Russia is living largely on capital. Under government emotions the people arc becoming loss able tojpay. An extension of territory bungs no relief to the exchequer. That condition of thines must terminate in a smash. English investors will bo wise not to subscribe another sovereign to the Russian loan. THE FEELING IN RCBSIA. Sr. PBTERSimnn. April 10. The morning newspapers , with few exception ? , m comment ing on the recent battle between the Russians and Afghans , on the Kushk river , are very bellicose- their utterances nhd charge Karl Dufforin , viceroy of India , a ad Kir Peter Lumsden , British commissioner , with provok ing war by advising the Afghans to advance on Pulikhisti , which the 3riti ! < h officials know wag a part of the Runnlan territory The Afghans , they say , nlio fully understood that Puliknisti was Russian territory , and never woul I have attempted or advanced their pickets to that point unless strongly urged to do so by British officials. The war party fully endorse the assertions of the < e , newspapers and are very pugnacioLB over af- r fairs. The .Tournnl states tbnt ( lOLeralKum- oroll's retit'it within hu lines after driving off thtj Afghans Indicates tbo Russian attack was canned by the hostile ) actf of tbo Afghan * . Thus affairs iwbiirae a lees serious aspect , and the battle becomes merely an accidental con flict difficult to avoid , considering the ex tremely strained condition of nffiirs and the proximitv of the Russian and Afghan out posts. Tho.lournai hopes the conflict wi1 ! not interfere with the negotiations now in progress between Knglnnd and Russia. KfBSIA "WANTS WAll VESSELS. LONDON , April 10. Russia agents in Lon don have made heavy bids for the purchase of fast going vessel ] to the ollicerR of a number of ttoamihip companies. J'xtraordmary offers for those staauura convinced them that if thete vessels wore sold they would be used by the Russian government for war purposes , and so reported the facts to the British ad- miralily. TUB QUEEN UETCRNH. It is reportsi the queen will return to Kn - gland immediately iu view of the crisis in the relations between Russia , and England. CALLING OUT THE ItEtEnVES. Sixty thousand men from the army reserves and the whole of th militia will bo called out. The naval reserve will bo uted for home defense. ENOLAND'S ULTIMATUM. BOSTON , April 10. A private cable recelvei hero from London save : "It is reported the English ultimatum to Russia is twenty-font hours in which to recall Gen , Kamoroff or go to war. KAUOnOKK ASKED TO KXFLAIN. LONDON , April 10. In the houie of com mons to-day Gladstone said a reply was re ceived from Russia last night which statoc Russia had already asked General Kamoiot : to explain bis conduct In attacking the Af ghans at 1'enjdeh. Gladstone added that Russia had not ye received General Kam or oil's answer In regan to the question of tbo present occupation o Penjden. Gladstone ntitfs he bad been it ) communication with Sir Edward Thornton embassador at St. Petersburg , and the lattat Informed him that tholtusslani do not occupy Penjdeb , hut retired to the position occupiet iKiforo the battle. Leading officials at Woolwich arsenal bavt been summoned to the war office to attend a conference upon the question of chipping woi material to India , The Sir William Armstrong gun manufac turing company received orders for the imme diate construction of UD field guns. ALEXANDRIA , April 10. It is reported-her that the liritiih governmerninent has arrang ed in the event of war with Russia to ute th troops now operating in thu Soudan. The will be sent to Galipoll at the entrance of tb tea of Mamori and have their places taken b Turkish soldiois. NO JUC1HT TO UEAIICU NEUTRAL VKH3ILS. LONDON , April l'\ ' Lord Edmund Fit Maurice , under foreign secretary , stated tha KngUaa had denied that the French had I right as they claimed , to search for contra bands of war in aeutral vcsiels bound to Hong Kong. The question hai bson referrec to crown lawyers. lurnovuiKNT IN THE nouns * . LONDON , Aptil 10. In London and on th continent the Bourse developed a more cheer fultiuound prices recovered owing to th oliof that Russia would succeed in making n explanation of the Penjdeb affair that would ba satisfactory to England. THE qUEIN AT AIX LK3 IUINKS. Aix LKS BAINKR , April 10. It is untrue liat the qticen made arrangements for her immediate - mediate return to England , OEN , GRAHAM'S PROCLAMATION , SCAKIII , April 10. Gen. Graham Issued a reclamation in which he urges the rebels to ubmlt to the British and send in a supply of revisions mid cattle , for which he promises bey shall bo paid , otherwise they must take ! io consequences , THE nKKDEn I1A1L\AY as bean completed as fnr as station number no. Advices from Katsala , under data of larch 'JO , state that the RArricon at that lace is still resitting , although bard pressed , TUB AFOHAN TnOUHLES. LONDON , April 10 Lord Dufforin , after onsultation with the ameer , urges tha goy- rnmont to order an immediate advance of roons Into Afghanistan. The ameer has ent out couiioia with orders to the Afghan beefs to meet him at Cabul for the purpose f holding a war durbar. - lZ3 Letter * from St. Petsrsbnrgmailcd at Berlin n order to escape the Rusitan censorship , ha'RO the the Russian minister with having ent orders to Gen , Komaroff at about the ncl of February to bring on a conflict with bo Afghans , and state that Gen , KomaroU tnrtod from Morv with reinforcements for 'ulikhisto and took advantage of favorable pportunity to make an attack soon after hi a lutlval at the latter place. TIIK ToniKH mmuoLK RUSSIA'S KEFLY. LONIKN , Arnn. 10. The torics ridlculo tussla's replv to England's demand for an xplanation of Gen. KomaroH's attack on the Afghans. They arjuo that it will ba impos- Iblo to receive Gen , Komarofl's dufonse within less than sixteen days , and that RUB- ia will occupy that interval as the has occu- ) ltd the past seven months , in reinforcing her irmy , and strengthening her positions on the Afghan frontier. The whig section of the iberal party has joined the torloa n demanding more vigorou i methods. They ire urging the government to send engineer dicers and troops ti occupy and strengthen he Candahar capital in central Afghanistan , which Is connected by rail with Qivtta and " which commanuB the" most practicable runic rom Afghanistan into Northern India. The war preparations In nil departments uf the military and naval ten ices coutinue with unabated vigor. THE FRANCO-CHINESE WAlt. ARIS April 10. It is scmi-ofiiclally itated lero that as soon ai the decree shall have > eea issued by China ordering the execution if the Tien-Teen treaty , and the evacuation if Tonquin , the French minister of opera- ions will be stopped , the blockade of Formosa mesa and Pakkar will bo raised and Pflteno- ro , minister to China , will go to Tlen-Tsen ir Pokln for the purpose of executing a defi nitive treaty of peace. Th ? Temps says : Admiral Courbet , who was previously ordered to evacuate Formosa , laa now received orders to maintain bis noil- ion before Keeluncr. It is the opinion of the ? omp < ) that hostilities may continue on the Sang Koi in Tonquin , as it will take a long Imo for orders from Pekin to arrive there , and the Chinese commander will bo reluctant o obey them. La Liberte says transports are engaged in onveyiug guns to Tonquin order to place ertain points in the fctato in permanent do- ens o. o.ITALY ITALY TO OCCUPY CAIRO AND SOUDAN. LONDON , April 10. The report is confirmed hat the British government Has invited Italy o occupy Cairo und boudan. 1IILIEP THAT I'EACG WILL BE MAINTAINED. The Daily news th'a morning says : The atcit advices from St. Petersburg are of a reiiasuritit ! nature and justify th'i belief that peace will bo maintained. The English gov ernment has , hownver , decided to prepare for war with increased energy. In an edit rial article the News says : It General Kormroff's action was a part of the policy uf the Ku > aliu ; ovcrnment , it is useless to think of delaying war. It will be difficult to deal with a gov- srnmont whose generals have tricks of Ignor- ng instructions , while hoping for the best , it 's necessary to prepare for the worst. Till : AMEEB 1IEUE1VES TUB NEWS , RAWAL PINDI , April 10. News of the tattle between the Russians and Afghans was eceived by the ameer quietly. He has long leen convinced tbnt the Russians mean to advance to Herat. One hundred tons of supplies have been go ng through JBo'an pass daily. Orders lava been eiven to increase the supplies to bree hundred tons daily. The Ninth lancers lave received orders to go to Quetta next week. RUH.-.SIA THINKS IE aiEIl'rt EXCUSE hDITI- C1ENT. VIENNA. April 10.-Reliable advices from 3t. Petersburg stain that Russia considers the excuse of M. DnGier's for the uttack upon the Afghans sufficient and the government will not even recall or blame Gen. Komarolf , who it considers did his duty. Professor Yamberry thinks the Turcomans probably provoked the Afghans to crosn the river. BF.LIKI1 THAT WAB IS INEVITABLE. ST. PKTEHSIIUIIG , April 10. Traders hero tell M. Bungo , minister of finance , that the present state of uncertainty is worse than war. Commercial believe that war is inevitable , and it is better it should come now than later. The Nove Vreonyo accuses Lord Dutferin of trying to provoke war , thereby hampering negotiations between Russia and England. CANDAHAR , April Iff. The Turcomans have distributed proclamations through the fron tier towns of Afghanistan urging the Afghans to form an alliance with Russia. BUI rerun HNOWXD IN. LONDON' , April 10 , Tha Standard has re ceived tha following from Its corresponded with Sir Peter Lumsden'a fore" . The accoun of the Afghan losses in the recent enaagemen are conflicting , It is assorted that hundreds of Afghans wera literally massacred. Sir Peter Lutuiden has broken camp at Gulran and ,1s marching on Tiipul station , on the Hiri road , near Kusan , His force was over taken on the march .by a severe snow storm which caused several deaths and great suffer ing among tbe rethmc. DONGOLA , April 10. The mahdi recantly sent 11,000 troops to Eloberd to crush the re hellion there. The force WAS entirely routet by Abdullah El Safia. VEBY KIND 01' THE IlIl'EtOB. SHANGHAI , April 10 , The emperor hot issued a decree Informing the people that th French humbly sued for peace and he ha graciously granted their prayer. KAIHER WILLIAM'S OPINION. LONDON , April 10. The Berlin correspond ent of the Morning Post lays tha emperor o Germany has expressed tbe opinion that RUB ela was decidedly the aggressor at Penjdeb. LONDON , April 10. Tbe Dally Times state that the government has ordered all war pre parations to be accelerated , AN EOT1TIAN ABJIV , ALIXANDRIA , April 10 , It ii reported hen that the government bin ordered the raiting of an KgyptUn army ot 80,000 men , MARINE INSURANCE. GLASGOW , April 10. The marine Insurance companies are demanding 10j extra to inmro a ship bound for San Francisco , and 7s Ud for those bound to Calcutta. THE C/.AIl'rt HOI'IS PARIS , April 10 The Gaulois publishes n telegram from Berlin which says : "Princo Uiimarcic assures a banker that iu spite ot the incident of Penjdeb , the czar hopes to [ pro- seryo peace. " FRANCE TO TIIK fOUB. La j | Ropubliquo Francatso states M , Da Troycinct , minister of foreign affair * , n&s do- nandod full reparation for the forcible sup- rcsilon of the Frouch newspaper , the Dos- here Egyptian , at Cairo on Wednesday last , WINNIPEG. Later no\valrotu _ Uattlcford Pays that four- ten persons in all were killed by the Indians n Frog Lake. Throe more names are given , V. Williseroif , C. Gouin and W. Gilchrist. " 'ho other five are not known , Two reported 0 bo lay brothers , who were asijsting the rioitR. Foil I'Ht has been garrisoned by nly , U5 police. It is thought here that these nd all the settlers around have been masea- rod. Pitt is surrounded by the worst Indians n the northwest , mostly uadr > the leadership 1 the notorious Big Bear , Buttleford advices say n party ot 40 In- lans approached the fort und ns it was lought they were going to make an attack , re was opened upon them at long range by jo mounted pollco at tbo fort. Two Indians -rerc killed and tha others hastily retreated , mother report which comet from Gen , Mill- lotoq's party says that fifty rebels wore taken rlsonors at DatUefotd. Whether Indians or alf-broods ia not known , B battery and the ueen's own arrived at Swift Current to- Ight. Ample supplies for an advance are on lie way there from Winnipeg. TUB IIDDSON BAT COMPANY his afternoon received another diepatch from 'rince ' Albert stating that the balance of 3arlton which was not consumed nt the time ; was evacuated by Irvlno and Crazier hod iecn burned by the rebels. Archbishop Taclie was interviewed this Itcrnoou. Among other things bo said : If lie risirff is confined to tha half-breeds it vill not amount to anything. I feel sure they would not attack any one , as they play the ole of the defensive , but if attacked ! would ot account for what they would do ; I know boy would not run. IP TIIK INDIANH IUSE GENERALLY The whole aspect is changed. There will 10 no end of trouble. It is perfectly horrible , iut I keep hoping that they will not rise in a ndy. I would advise the government to at nee send a strong force of troops and deal with them by no half measures. Indians are jy nature cowards and have as much delight n scalping a woman or child 03 a man , but if ou can overawe them they are soon rendered ubmsasive. Whan I say deal with them bye o half measures , I do not mean to slaughter liem by the thousand , but if they continue 0 act in the manner they appear to be doing 1 may neceisnrily make an example of them. I am very much surprised at the Indians Islcg , because oven in their wildest moments HEY WERK ALWAYS FRIKNDLY TO THE WHITES. Jver since I came to the country I have never known these Indians to bo other than riondly to our missionaries , to the Hudson. 5ay officials , indeed to any whites. I have always contended that the half breed was a ink which bound the Indians to he wbito people , and the moment hat it is broken , the bond IB severed , and hero is no knowing to what distance the In- lians may go. As for my opinion of Kiel , I am deeply sorry for him. I think bo may ba misjudged. Ho usually counselled constltu ional measures. But if Riel has really in- ilted the Indians to rebel and rise bo ms incurred a great responsibility , tbo magni- ude of which ho can never bo aware. I could not excuse him for that act. SLThe sixty-fifth battallion , from Montreal , arrived at Winnipeg this morning , and went vest for Oalgary this afternoon , The ninth , rom Quebec , is expected to-morrow. Col. Smith s battalion will leave in a day or two , and Seott's as soon as the equipment is com plete. INSPECTOR MORRIS' RAID. The telegraph lines to Battleford has been epaired and It working to-night. Inspector dorrls , with the mounted police , made a raid on the half breed camp near town last week and captured ton men and a number of women and children , The latter are encamped at the barracks. It is supposed that these are the fifty prisoners spoken of in the pre vious despatch. TROOPS ORDERED TO TORT LAPWAIL. WALLA WAILA , W. T. , April 10. Troops 3 and I , Second cavalry stationed at Walla tValla , have been ordered tj Fort Lapwail 'orthwith. They will leave this evening in : ammand of Major McGregor. The Indians n that country killed a settlor's wife and tbo mtbreak of the Nesperse , an Indian war is 'eared. Tbe troops are sent forward as a pre cautionary measure. THE : FBKtiixo ELSEWHERE THE CHICAGO UARKETH BOOHING. CHICAGO , April 10,10:15 : A. M. The wboat market presented another scene of great con usion at the opening this morning with the price 2@2ic lower than the close last night May wheat sold as lowaa 85Jc at the opening against 68c last night , but there were only a few Bales at that figure. This was caused b > a variety of statements concerning the for elpn dilution , one of which was that the Rui sian government bad repudiated the action o the Russian Gen , KamorofT. This was no confirmed , but the advance on English con sols was taken as indicating the prospect of a peaceful adjustment. There was strong buy ing in the face of this , based on the crop news andHayroso to SGJc , fell off to 80 } j and ! nowSCgc. May corn la 43 @i4c. May oats is33Jc. May pork is S12.22J. 11:45 r. M. The wheat market continue strong with an advancing tendency , price being apparently based upen home influences and with good outside buying May whea advanced to 87jjc. fell back to 87c , and is now 87e , Corn has developed surprising Btrenath. based on light receipts , and is now quoted hie her than the best figures of yester day , at 45o tor May. Oats , : < 3&@S3ga & fo May. CALIFORNIA GRAIN. SAN FRANCISCO. April 10. The jraporUnw to California of the European war news thi morning is illnstratedby the quantity of whea in tha state at thu present time. January lit there were 820,000 tons , The Daily Com mercial News' report show 350,000 tons wer shipped since then to date , leaving 470,00 tons still in California. There is still afloat shipped to Europe , prior to January 1st , 05 , 000 tont. To-cay's rise represented an In creased value of over six millions dollars i tlis ttate. FROM ALL PARTS , The Hoafls of Fmrleen Postofflco Inspectors specters Cat of n Order to Keep Expenses Within the Apppopriatiom Crop Keport of the Department of Agriculture , A California Delegation Calls on Secretary Manning , General Grant's ' Condition is Still More Comfortable , An Infernal Mnclilno Sent to the Governor of Ohio Other News. WASHINGTON NEWS. WASHINGTON , April 10. The president to- ay appointed Rupert B. Vance , of North irolins , esjistant commissioner of patents , ice It. G. Dyrenforth , resigned , andS m. B. IcLoan , of Terre Haute , Ind. , first dojuty ommtsBionof of pensions. R. G. Dynreforth , assistant commissioner of atents has resigned. Robert B , Vance will a appointed to fill the vacancy. APPOINTMENTS. The president appointed postmasters at the ollowing offices : Ezra Evans. Westchestcr , 'a.rGco. T. Gross , Allentown , Pa ; James ) ruey , Bristol Pa. ; Geo. W. Statler , Mans- ield , Uhlo ; lavid ) Overman , Marlon , Ind. ; Xelson Bruetr , Jefferson , Wis. ; J. F. Mack- 11 , MoorhcM ) , Minn. ; Qeo.M. Houston , Har- leonville , Mo , ; Benjamin 13. Smith , Chillo- othe , Mo. ; Stanley ti. Crittonden , Greens- illo , d. 0. HE HEADS Or I'OUHTKEN FOStOmOK INSPEC. TORS COT OFl' . To reduce the exoensos of the inspection nireau of the postoflice department within the Imita of the appropriation , the _ poatma8ter eneral to-day requested the resignation of ourteen inspectors , including Chan , Adams , of Colorado ; Fred De Fovernier , Tennessee ; J. J. Hanua , Ohio ; Geo. W. Porter , Illinois ; V. W. Patterson. Kentucky : T. R. Me- Terson , Indiana ; F. S. Bedell , Indiana ; J. r. Murphy , Oregon. CIVIL SKIWICE RRFOIUI STRICTLY ADHERED TO , In answer to an inquiry by an Associated iress reporter , Commissioner Elton to-day laid : "Tho civil seivlco law and rules ate icing faithfully enforced. All vacancies to which examinations extend are filled bv por- ons certified by the commission. I have seen no evidence of a purpose to make patron- ign by evading the spin of the civil service aw. Several charges have been made before ho commission and various rumors luve been ound alloat to the effect that a vacancy here and another therp have been filled in violation of the rules , but in every instance an inquiry las shown that there is no foundation for the iharge or rumor. DEPARTMENT OP AGRICULTURE. Reports of April to tho"d'partinent of agri- cultuie indicate a redaction of over ten per cent of last year's area of winter wheat. The aggregate shortage amounts , to 3,000,000 acre1) . A decrease i < 9 reported in every state except Oregon. It is 22 per cent In Kansas and Virginia , 20 in Mississippi , 15 in Califor nia 14 in Alabama , 12 in Tennessee , Illinois and Mistippl ; 11 in New York and North Carolina , 10 in Maryland and VTexas , 8 in Xow Jersey , West Virginia. Kentucky and Indiana , 7 In Georgia and Ohio , Gin Pennsyl vania and Dolewaro , ft In Michigan , 3 in Ar kansas and 2 in South Carolina , Tbe present condition ofwbeat , as represented is worse than n ' 83 It is 77 per cent against OS last year , and SOin 16S3. In 1881 , the year of the lowest re cent rate of yield , the condition April 1st was 85 , and a lerioua loss was sustained ifterwards. Tbe real state of the crop will jo better shown a month hence , when the vi tality of tbe roots have been demonstrated xnd the character of the spring determined. On the present showing tbe reduction of the yield is on the bails of last year's production , and promises to be nearly < 40,000,000 bushels , on account of tbe reduced area , and more than 60,000,000 from winter-killing and low vitali ty. Whether the crop well exceed 400.000.0CO buthtls or fall short of it depends upon the reliability of present appearances , and on the future conditions affecting the growth unc ripening , Thn soil was in bad condition al the tlmo of seeding on the Atlantic coast from Now Jersey to Georgia , and in West Virginia and Tenno'see. It was better In southwos' Mifsouri , Illinois and Michigan , In the Ohio valley it is scarcely in medium condition and the damage by Heisian fly was not seven though worea In Indiana , Illinois , Missour and Arkansas , where injuries hav occurm In three-tenths of the reported territory. Th < acreage of rye bos been decreased in nbou the same proportion as wheat , but the condi tion of the crop Is decidedly bettor , the average ago being 87 pur cent. THE FAMILY OP THE LATE GIN. DA11KIOS. The state department has received informa tion to the effect that the family of tbe Iat Gen. Bariloi has left Guatemala for San Vranciico , GENERAL GRANT'S CONDITION NEW YORK , April 10. General Grant's con ditlon remains substantially the same ; pulse U2 and regular , temperature 99 , respiration I He slept well during tbe night but not pro foundly , and awoke clear. He boa taken nourishment aa usual. GENERAL QUANT IMPROVING. NEW YORK , Aptll 10. General Grant had a comfortable night lie'has retted on In bed longer than for many dayi and slept we ; naturally. His puUe , temperature and res plration are as pruriently reported. [ Signed. ] J. II. DouoLAft , M. D. denator Romero called at the residence o General Grant between 7 and K o'clcck. II jsali when leaving the house that he had con verted with General Grant. At times h seemed anxious about the financial future o his family , according to Senator Romero ant ha intimated that the depression of the Tola do & Wabasb. in which the trust fund wai invested , had been a source of anxiety t General Grant. HK WILL IUVKAN EIBY'NIOIIT. Rev. Dr. Newman left Grant's house a 11:30. : He said , "The condition of tbe gen ral Is more favorable now than at any time nee the hemorrhage , Ho will have an cast leht , NEW YORK , April 13.-Mldnlght-Gcn rant has been quiet dtuinc the evening [ o tun dozed most of the time , and nt pmont s inclined to fall into a natural sleep. Thus ar the administration of anodvne hna not teen nectssaty , as the patient suffers no ] > iin 'ulse GO. temperature normal. Ho has taken 10 usual amount of nourishment. ( Digued ) GEOHOG F. SUIIADT , Vn Infernal Mnohlno Sent to the Gov ernor of Ohio. CLKVKLANO , April 10. A special from /oshooton lajstho DemecralicStandird of that lace , hai private information of a plot to ssassinate Gov. lloadley. Last Monday , it ays , tbo governor received through the mall a mall wooden bar , from ono end of which lugng a string. The governor's sutpicions icing aroused ho caused the cover of the box o bo removed. A. carefully arranged infernal lachine , lotdod'lwith dynamite , slugs and likes was disclosed to view. The string was o adjusted that to have pulled it the got or- or would have caused an explosion and oubtlcss lost bin life. It Is said the authori- os are at work on the case and for that roa- on the faeta were not before made public , CANADIAN. E33 OTTAWA , Out. , April 10. In the house of commons to-day , on motion to go into committee mitteo on supply , Mr Davis , of Prince Ed ward's Island , called attention to the trade relations of the Dominion with the United Hates. Ho quoted a statement of John Mc Donald , In New Yotk and elsewhor ? , that the /anadlan government Intended to take no urthor actlau in the matter , and that the Jnltcd States government must take the nitiative. Ho hoped that the "fly on the ? heol" policy would not be continued. Jlo eliovod that public sentiment in the United tates was In favor of a renewal of the recip rocity treaty. OTTAW'A , Ont. , April 10. Mr. Davis con- hided his speech , offering an amendment hat In view of the early termination of the sbery clauses treaty made nt Washington. negotiations bo opened with the United tates of America , as well for the recipro cal privileges' accorded by that treaty to Lmerican citizens and British subjects re- pectivoly as for the opening of additional ride relations between Canada and the In I ted States , and that in the conduct of uch negotiations Canada should be directly epresonted. The amendment WAS defeated ! )8 ) to 58. Illinois Iieglilaturc. SPRINGFIELD , April 10. Governor Oglesby ent the following 'nominations to the euato this morning : Trustees of the Boi lers' orphans home , James | K. Morrow of jlvingston , to succeed John O. Black , term xpired ; Edwin Harlan of Clain , vice John T. Runkles , resigned. Members of the board f education , Alfred Atwood of Henry , vice lenry S , Comstock , term expired , William I. Green of Alexander , his own successor ; ' , A. Gastman of Mattoon.lus own successor ; Tohn H. Gunn of Sangamon , vice Michael Dnnchuo , term expired. The senate wont into exeutivo session and confirmed Moran and postponed action on all ither nominations. There is strong opposition o the confirmation of Gunn and an attempt will bo made to induce the governor to with draw It. In the house this forenoon the rales were uspendedand the bill to enable drainage districts to issue and sell bonds was passed tea a third reading. The balance of the morning session was devoted to reports of committees and reading of bills the second time. Cronkite called up the general appropriation bill. A motion made to postpone consideration caused a two hours debate pro and con , and icfore notion was taken th3 housa adjourned. DatUe Quarantine Recommended. TOPEEA , Kan. , April } 0. The state live took commission h&s recommended to the ; overnor a subjection to quarantine for ten lays of cittla from the following states : Con necticut , Pennsylvania , New Jersey , Dela ware , Maryland snd the District of Columbia , firglnia , West Virginia , Ohio , Illinoia , Centncky , Tennessee , and four counties n Missouri , namely , Galloway. Boone , Aud- rain and Montgomery. To guard against the langer from pleuro-pneumonla tbe committee urtner recommended that such cattle be per mitted to enter the state only at Atchison , Cansaa City and Fort Bcott An order was dto issued directing tha railroads to disinfect lie cattle card aa provided by the recent statute. PolygmnlatB Indicted. SALT LAKR , April 10. The grand jury for he February term of the third district court ure were discharged to-night , after a session of four days , investigating thirty-one polyg amy cases , finding twenty-seven indictment ! under the Edmunds law. Fourteen torrltor- al cases were investigated and eleven Indict' ments found. A suit for $50,000 damages was brought bj W. D. Clays , an 11-year-old boy , against the Denver & llio Grande railroad company on account of injuries sustained by a railroad ao- : idont , and which resulted in the loss of om leg , The jury rendered a verdict to-day foi the plaintiff for 810,000. Michigan Crop lleport * . LANOINO , Mich. , April 10.For April croi reports the secretary of state received roporti ftoin 873 correspondents , representing C4 townships , They show the condition o wheat to bo on an average of 1C2 per cent o the condition one year ago. At the tima tbi reports were made there was probably no Cell in the state entirely bare of snow. The present ent acreige , as estimated in November , I 1,454 , 059 or about five per cent leas than wa harvested In 1884. _ _ Two Violent Death * , CHICAGO , April 10 , Edward Lambert , th young man who shot his mother-in-law , at tempted to kill his wife and then shot himself died this morning. The employe of McCormick's reaper factor ; that by one of Pinkerton'a detectives yestei ay , died this morning , Central American Trouble. , April W News confinnator of the reported death of Pretideut Barrio continues to reach this point , The latest it oelved states the installation cf Barrios' sue cessor has taken place. Thn now president i tieneral Manuel LIzandroBarilloi , one of th tire vice presidents or design&dos. WAHHINQTON , D. 'C. April 10. Secretar Bayaid has received ic formation from Mi lull , minuter to Central America , that Gc n- iral lituillos , being the conttltutional tucCw- or , has Miumed the duties of president ot Quatomaln , Secretary Whitney received the following 'rom Commander Kane , of the Galena : "Our forces are now guarding both ends of ho transit Relief trains are running but much uneasiness still exists. News from Car- jgcna to-day reports no change in the sitna- Ion. The arrival of the Swatar'a at Aipin- wall is reported. " VIGILANCE COMMITTEE. * SECRET ORGANISATION IN CHICAGO WtlJl DRANCHtS IN EVERT WARD , Special Telegram to the BEE. CHICAGO , April 10. A prominent politician laid this afternoon that a secret organization , liftving branches la every ward in the city , i d been started , with a view to forming a igilanco committee , if needful. The object was not only to punish ballot box thieves and tufTers , but murderers nnd highwaymen , it .ho courts failed to deal with ( ham as they de- erred. A gentleman was asked to join , and 10 told the agent who approached him that ho would respond at any tlmo of tbe day or night , Chicago to Ilnvo n Kcconnt. CHICAGO , April 10. The question of having a recount of all the ballots cast for mayor at the last election , under the direction of the commilten of public safety , is betnc mooted. Mayor Harrison says ho Is willing that it ihall bo done ; that ho will abide by the result , md that ho will accept the abstract of votes n the precinct from which the box was stolen .19 correct. Indian Omraeca KcportcO. TOMBSTONE , Idaho , April 10. It was re ported yoaterdby that the Indians had killed white women at the cettlomcnt beyond 'jipwai agency. Tbo agent at MonUith wont there this moinlng to ascertain the facts. Fott Lapwai being abandoned the citizens are practically helpleis in the event of an Indian outbreak. The Striking Qanrryiiten. CHICAGO , April 10. The striking qumry- men from Joliet to day put a stop to the work in thequarries [ at Lockport , as they did at Lemont yesterday. Xot ogquarry is ope rating in these places and 1,50" meu are out of work , They were paid elf to-day and a dispatch from Lomont to-night says th t most of them are stupidly drunk. No imme diate trouble feared. The ; Weather. WASHINGTON , April ll.-UpperMIssIstippi : Fair weather , north towest winds , higher barometer , slight changes in temperature. Missouri Valley : Fair , ; weather , northerly winds higher barometer , nearly stationary temperature in northern portions falling , fol lowed rising temperature > in southern per tions. 4- > The Blaclc Itivcron the Rampage. Pom HURON , Mich. , April 10. The Black river at this place is at a dangerous height. Damage to the amount of $20,000 has been done. Much more is feared. The new iron brldgo hero was destroyed yesterday atter- noon , causing a loss of $10,000. Torpedo Boats to l > o Built. PORTLAND , Oregon , April 10. The Oregon lans Victoria B. C. Shell batteries are being placed in order iu anticipation of war. It is said a large number of torpedoes in tbo navy yard will shortly bo placed in tbe outer har bor and that the construction of torpedo boats will ba commenced immediately. Left Hrr Body in the Mississippi. ROCK ISLAND , 111. , April 10. Mrs. Lena Stuck jumped off the ferry boat into the Mississippi river here to-day. She was sixty two years old. Bodllyinfimaties and poverty were the cause. Illicit Still Captured. BDBLINGTON , Ia , April 10. United State officers to-day made n raid and seized an II licit still in the housa of John Staufer , a fann er in Augusta township , this county. Staufer ii an old offendor. The Prince ot Wales , DUBLIN , April 30. The Prince of Wales today received many representative bodies , academic and others. He said both ho and tha princess hoped in the future to spend many happy days in Ireland , Colored Murderer Hung. OHARLISTON , April 10. Richard Frazer was hanged here to-day for tbo murder of Jack G ether a , both colored , in July last. Frazer confeesed his guilt. For STYLISH and EASY FITTING SHOES , IiADiESira particularly Invited to call and BOB FEENEY & CONNOLLY'S ' own made goods. They arc the best and most durable In this city. March April May "When the weather grows warmer , that Citrcmo tired feeling , wnnt of appetite , dullness , languor , and lassitude , nOllct almost the entire human family , and Bcrof- ula and other diseases cftiscd by humors , manifest themselves with inan'y. It Is Im possible to throw oft this debility and expel humors from the blood without the aid of a reliable medicine like IIood'H Harsaparilla. " I could not sleep , and would get up In the morning vHh hardly llfo enough to get out of bed. I had no appetite , and my face would break out with pimples. 1 bought At no other season is the system so sus ceptible to the beneficial effects of a re liable tonlo and Jnvlgorant. The Impure state of the blood , the dcranficd digestion , and the weak condition of the body , caused 'by its long battle with the cold , wintry blasts , all call for the reviving , regulating and restoring Influences so happily and effectively combined iu Hood's Harsaparilla. "Hood's Barxaparllla did mo a great deal of good. I bad no particular disease , but wns tired out from overwork , and it toned mo up. " Mits. U. li. BIMMONB , Oohocs , Ii. Y. Hood's Sarsaparilla a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparllla , and soon began to sleep soundly ; could get up with out that tired and languid feeling , and my appetite Improved. " 1C. A. SANVOKD , KcntU- , "I had been much troubled by general debility. Last spring Hood's ' Sarsaparilla proved just the UUnu needed. I derived an Immense amount of benefit. I never felt better. " H. J. ' . MILLKT , Boston , Mass. Hood's Sarsaparilla Bold by all druggists. 91 ; six for 15. Made only by C. I. HOOD It CO. , Lowell , Mass. IOO Doses Ono Dollar ON 'CHANCE. Tiie Markets Conlinnololie Foil of Excitement , The Transactions in Wheat Were Heavy Throughout the Session , An Extraordinary Strength De veloped in Corn , First-Glass Oattlo are Selling as High as UtuaU There was Considerable Specu lating in the Hog Market , i ProvlslonH Itiilcil Iiowcr with a Fairly Active Trade Pork Actlvo anil Irrognlnr. CHICAGO 1MAKKET. WI1KAT. Special telegram to the BEX. CHICAGO , Apill 10. The market was full ot excitement again to-day , with heavy tranii- actiona throughout the ontlro session , The opening was very weak , with prices off nearly three cents from tbo closing last night and with evidences on the part of nome of the heavy bean to pound the market. The sud den reaction was duo to the advance in British consols and the feeling that the Af ghan war-cloud might not provo so black as it had been painted , Tbo lowest figures of tbo day weio current at the opening , however , and from the lowrst point the market ad vanced ljc ( , but fell back , and the final closing of tha day was two cents under yesterday. An extraordinary strength was developed in CORN the options being advanced nearly a cent ovnr the best figures of yostcrdar , and closed ; | @ijc higher. OATS ruled strong. The market closed Jc hipher. PROVISIONS ruled somewhat lower , with a fairly active trade. The wheat market opened 2@fa ; lower , milled Ic , declined gc , rose Jo , receded and closed on the regular boatd Igo under regular yesterday. Bales ranged April KOJc@821c ; cloied 81c ; May 85i@878 ; closed tOJ ; Juno 67J < g80Jc ; closed 88f. Corn declined flc early in sympathy with wheat but recovered and : advanced lie , receded , fluctuated and closed S@fio over yesterday. Cash 4048Jo } ; Apiil S9 i@41c ; closed 4lJc ) ; May 43S@4Bgc ; closed 44Jc ; Juno 441@ < Cc ; closed 45ia. Oats ruled firm with lively speculative trade. Market advanced and cloied g@ a over yesterday. Cash : X > y@30c ; May 33@3JJc ; closed 31c ; Juno S3g(334Vc ( ; closed 34134jc ; , I-OHK active with prices irregular. 1'rices declined 20@SOo early , rallied 15@20c and closed steady ; cash , . SI2 15012 40 ; ILiy , § 12 10 © 12 30 , closed S12 2512 i7j ; Juno $12 20 © 12 40 , closed S12 35@12 37J. Lard steady with only slight change m prices ; co'h , S6 91136021 ; M y , Gi)5@702i ) , closed § 7 00@7 Oij ! : Juno , $7 O.r.7 12J , closed 37 071fe7 10 , On afternoon board wheat closed easier , Jc lower ; corn ic lower ; oats iu lower ; pork 5c lower ; lard 2Jo lower. CATTLE Receipts were heavy for so late in the week , yet not more than anticipated , but as com pared with last week are yet about 7,000 short. Salesmen made concessions at the start and aa there was a number of outside buyers and liberal shipping orders and steady demand from the dressed beef dealers , trade was active and prices told lOo lower making a decline of 15@20o from the extremely high prices of Tuesday and Wednesday. The de cline U almost entirely ordinary run of ship ping , and dressed beef stoora , big cattle and medium. The few loads of fint-class steers on the market sold up to $5 S0@5 8G , and were fully as high aa at any time during the week , first-class butcbcii stock are selling equally as high as at any time. Bulls are making high prices Canning stock dull and dragging. Stockcrs and feeders slow and rather easier ; 1OM , ) to 1,200 pounds. $4 fOjsb 20 ; 1,200 to 1,360 pounds , S51G@566 ; 1.400 to 1,500 pounds , § 5 70@0 00 ; butchers' lOc lower , $2 00@4 CO ; stackers , easier at $3 C0@4 20 , feeders , Si 10 @ 4 CO ; Texans , S4 2C@5 CO. lions. The speculators opened the inaikot with a rush and an advance of 6@lUc , but at tbo fin ish they held a largo number , and the market generally closed rather weak , with about Co of the advance of the morning lost. Sales of rough and common and packers at 54 50@ 4 Go ; fair to gopd mixed , § 4 (15@4 ( 70 ; and best assorted heavy at $4 70@4 70 , with Philadel phia * at 54 80. " For XRVCM years , spring and fall , I had scrofulous sores como out on my IcgH , and for two years -was not frco from them at all. I Buffered very much. Last May I began taking Hood's Sarsaparllla , and before I had taken two bottles , the sores healed and the Irunior left me. " 0. A. AHNOI.D , Arnold , lie. "There Is no blood purifier equal to Hood's fiarsaiurllla. " K.S. ! , Kochestcr , N.Y. Hood's Sarsaparilla ' Sold by all druggists. 91 ; six for $5. Made only by 0. I. HOOD & CO. , Lowell , Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar Because coftere recognizes ! , Smoking Tobacco ft )