Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 10, 1885, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE DAILY BEE FiilDAY , APRIL 10. 1885.
Wlmt A Bco KcporJcr SAW nml jnorml
Bin n Hour Hpcnt Amonji the On.
rloslttea In Omabri.
A BEE reporter yesterday wandered
almost despairingly along a main street
and noticing , directly opposite ono an
other two largo crowds gathering ,
strolled into the buildings , thinking it
would edify the readers of the BEE here
and elsewhere , to bo told of the numbers
of oddities and froaka of natnro that can
now bo seen In our metropolitan city.
Among the variety of things scon , here
are some : A little three foot man , 23
years old , weighing sixtyjpoundi , without
arms ; with a body about as straight as n
ram-rod and wldo as a shlnglo , with a
face bright with Intelligence and a head in
shape far beyond the average cocoannts
sat npon congressional shouldcn. And
yet this llttlo freak of nature wrote pret
tily , painted aud drew pictures of all
BDrta , opened a small , stiff-spring pen
knlfo and shaves himself by using his
feet , on which there are only four toes
each I
More than this , ho gracefully uaoa a
knlfo and fork , quickly threads the finest
needle and handles a tackhamtnor In a
way that would put many lady . house
keepers to "hamo. Ho is a Now Bruns
wick man , but It Is likely that ho gath
ered these ' 'Yankee "
tricks" In Uncle
Satn'a dominions , for nowhcro but in
New England would ho have picked up
the poraovoronco and patlonco necessary
to accomplish thcso things.
By way of cjurtcsy , right bosldo of tills
llttlo Mr. Armlojs eat a a jolly , happy ,
P 'A little 10-year-old ( ) ) girl , weighing only
444 ponndsl Her dark brown hair curled
carelessly about a f rosh face , where cat ;
oral Missouri roses chaiod away all care-
and gave , her an air of happinoia that
was contagious. This was Miss Jolllphat
a miss in her teens , five feat ton in
height and not anxious to marry II
A llttlo farther and the reporter was
'ploasant'y greeted by a lady , whoso
romantic story of love , hair tonic , des
perate "Col. Jeffries" ( ? ) flight from Chicago
cage aud pursuit to Ouiaha , leaked out
through jtho tcll-'alo columns of the
Omaha press. This lady need * no
tonio for her hair , whatever her pursuer
needs for his huait , because she tosjod a
grca < blaak veil of hair about her which
moa&urod tight foot In length , nnd when
asked if she really anticipated difficulty
with her reputed suiter , had the good
sense to nay , "No sir , nor do I conrt
notrloty. " And then she gave an enter
taining ontlino of her life's llltlo episode ,
declaring like Phil Sheridan at Now Or
leans , 'Tm not afraid * ' The lady
professes great liking for'notvepapar people
ple , who , she says , are always good fel
lows if properly treated , to which the
reporter gave his "God bless you. " She
Is , she says , a Texas girl who "never
told her love but lot concealment , etc. ,
etc. , etc.
Then the raporter fell in among the
trick people , and the baby songstress
"Joalo , " who la about as large as a Hall
county cucumber and no pretty as a
poach blow. And another a lady from
the Indian ( Cherokee ) Nation , whoao
beautiful teeth like pearls and great
black eyes , awakened thoughts .that wo
read about In novels , and talcl how oho
met and laved , andllko her pile-faced
aloteri , left homo and all for nim , and
finds herself hero trying to delude the
crowds of people into the belief that she
id only half of a woman , a ? , really eho
seems to ha In the p'cturo ' nho makes ,
bat it is an illusion ; she's a whole woman
and a pleasant ono.
Leaving this collection and many other
curious sights the reporter walked ever
to the opposite building , purchased a
pasteboard and entered. Tim hour waa
opportune , for the "curios" were alono.
A man was blowing on paper and making
a lire from his breath. This was striking
thij tire king full of magic tricks , and
when the reporter asked him how he
did them , a voice , hollow and sepulchral ,
came seominly from down In the lower
room , and It was plain that a ventrilo
quist was clothed in that thlning mo-
tallc suit , that rcteaiblcd the shedd d
skin of a lattloinako.
Near by this fire-brosthing man wits
the " don't"
trick man , who does pretty much
what you auk him to do , and turns a
rolling crank tint makts a pretty girl appear -
pear with-a head and then nithout one.
Comical thirg ) , think you ? There 13 a
stranger thiug there yet , and itij a "ho. "
They call this "it" "Clem , " and ho la
the only white black man the reporter
over saw. Ho ia perfectly white ;
every feature plainly shows hii race ; his
hair Is woolly and ktuky , and yet almost
white In its blonde or lumen color His
parents ate black as tan. Ho Is 18 years
old , bright and healthy , and would make
a splendid representation of a jumping
jack ( n a Hard ! Gris procession.
"Near ] by him is a Maiagaacar Al
bino , born , she says , in Now York , of
German parento. No matter whore oho
< wa born , aho h a curloui looking lady ,
with bushy , silky white hair , standing
around her head like the feathers In the
tall of < i turkey cock , while her
pink eyes never keep still ; and the ,
with her 'Second tight , " as she calls
It , roads your mind with certainty ,
always , provided , you have a mind to b <
read. The Albino Ia a married lady ol
tthapoly build , and chats pleasantly with
her lady friends. Another lady of
Oregon , who is as sportive and happy as
the Salmon that frolic In the Columbia
river ; with dark hair and blue eyes , D
pleasing sinllo and continuil good humor ;
only twenty-seven , hoart-frte , sbo is
as graceful and fragile as nature could
make a lady who only weighs ( > 30 pounds I
Her arm la the size of the shaft of an
ocean steamer , and her shoulders as
broad as "legitimate expenses" in the
eye of the average democratic candidate.
There are some of tbo "curios , " visitors
will see in thcio two places , and be
sides these at an oirly day an art gallery
and room with cages of wild bcaita ,
and better than all , the famous picture
of the battle of Gettysburg , will be here ,
and then the old boys of the dark days
can gaze aud weep.
Tun Fifth anil Ijmit of the Bcrlca ol
It , I * . J'JiitortnlniuontB.
Falconer's ' lull was brilliant last ntghi
with a brighter light th n the flood from
goa-joU , for the Knights of Pythias , Myr
tle Division , U. K. , No. 3 , give the fifth
of a eorlos of entertainment ! ' , which WAI
attended by youth and beauty.
Thll organization , whoeo members arc
of the nicest people of Omaha , deserve :
especial praise In the matter cf lU ooa' ! '
* *
pirtiei , became not only arotbo gueati
elected nlth care bat their mansgemen
Is BO complete that nothing occurs to mir
the harmony and plcainro of the gather-
ings.List night's pRrtywas notlcmblo be
cause the attendants wore nlmost entirely
younz psoplo , and generally single ones ,
and with n seeming roallzitlon that for a
season , at least , not another opportunity
would there bo offered them , tno young
ladies and their cavaUcrs entered Into the
dnnoo with especial zest.
There wore fifth-eight couples In the
room nnd not ono face was soon nn-
wreathed In smiles. This Itaelt Ia the
best and highest evidence of the perfect
management of such ocoisloiu , for to
know how to rocclvo the homing and to
spotd the parting guest la the consumma
tion of polite accomplishment andthis
the Myttlo gentlemen possess.
Of the m ny ladles andthcir costumes
it need only bo said thnt as la usual in
Omaha , her fnir dnnghtcru shone most ad-
vantngcously In most appropriate ap-
pirol , end when this Ins been said nil
has been said. The party was as plowing
as the bounteous refreshments were In
good taste , and at a nenoiblo hour the
happy attendants left the hall , with fool-
IDRS that it will bo ploasint horoattcr to
WINNIPEG , April 9. The Inspector of
mounted police received Instructions to-
nifjlit to stop the Sixty-fifth battallion here ,
and olio stop nil other troops nt the present
campa. The following official circular Is given
out as the ostensible reason : "The govern
ment wants to sco if n commissioncan
adjust matters. Notice ia hereby given that
the undersigned his been appointed by this
patent , dated SOtli March , 1885 , from her
> nnj Btytha queen , under the government teal
of the dominion of Unnndn , commissioners ,
with authority among other things
to malco enumeration of the half breeds who
previous to the 15th of July , 1870 , wera resi
dent within thd ceded portions of the north
west territory , and outaido the limits of the
original province of Manitoba , and to investi
gate their claims as such.
OTTAWA , April 9. It scorns to bo decided
that the government will send no more troops
to the northwest , The Canadian Pacific rail
way pay-car is on the way to the Rocky
mountains to pay those who struck for non
payment of wages.
nioTocs rnocKKDiNoa ot' THE STRIKKIIS.
CHICAGO , April 9. To-night n large body
of strikers , lately employed in the McCornnck
reaper works , gathered around its walls and
made some demonstration ? , Thoeo in charge ,
fearing ; that an attack would bo undo , cent
for assistance , and n number of 1'inkcrton's
policemen wore loaded into an omnibus , to
gether with twenty-five muskets and the
necessary ammunition and put to work. An
they uearod the place they were surrounded
by the strikers , who stopped the vehicle and
wont for the men inside. Several shots were
fired , but the only person hit wai one of the
policemen , who received a scalp wound. The
pollen wera driven out of the 'bus ' , tha guns
captured , the horses unhitched , and the 'bus
The Committee ot Public safety.
CHICAGO , 111. , April 9. The committee of
public safety met this afternoon and decided
to increase its members to 150 and devote
itself to the permanent work of prosecuting
election frauds regardless of party , Three of
the moinbors subscribed tbo aggregate of
Sl OO for that work , and other members pres
ent subscribed smaller sums. Aggregate was
employed for a year. The Times ( democrat )
will publish to'icorrow the results of the in
vestigations by ono of its stall , in which it
charged many students of the Chicago uni
versity in the fourth ward , Inmates of the
Waahingtonian homo In the eleventh ward ,
and students of medical colleges In the twelfth
ward fraudulently voted the republican ticket
on Tuesday.
The Weatlicr.
WASHINGTON , April 9. Upper Mississippi :
Slightly warmer , generally fair weather ,
winds shifting to westerly in northern portion
tion , BGutharly winds in southern portion
falling , followed in extreme northern portion
by ri si ng barometer.
Missouri Valley : Generally fair weather ,
slight rise In temperature , ( .variable winds ,
generally shifting to westerly in northoru
portions , by rising barometer.
Sympathy for Con. Grant.
ROCK ISLAND , Ills , April 9. At a largely
attended camp fire of Gen , Jno , Buford post ,
G , A. K , to-night , resolutions offered by II.
0. Connolly were unanimously adopted that
the meeting avowed its warmest aliution for
Its old commander , its members , and Gen ,
Grant and it nztended its profound Hympathy
with him and his family in their afllictlon ,
An Interesting Story Connected With
an Act ot Executive Clemency.
LITILK ROCK , Ark , April 5. Some
ears go Benjamin F. Taylor , a boy of
0 years , .waa convicted of a crlmo In
lortnwcstera Arkansas and sentenced to
ho penitentiary for five years. 11 o had
cen incarcerated but a few months
hen ho succeeded in escaping. Evad-
ng detection and battling the
ursuit of the oflicors and blood-
on'iidB , ho at length reached Mont
aim , iilll cotiuty , Tex. Hero ho re-
olvcd to lead a dlttcrent lifo , and under
, u ssuiniod nnmo secured a respectable
Ituatioin By his honest nnd'induitrl-
as habits ho soon gained the confidence
, nd respect of the community , and I'm
illy inurrlod ono of the belles of the
own. The union was a happy ono , and
Taylor became ono of the best citizens of
, ho villago. A month ago , while
eaiod by the fireside , snr-
oundod by his family , an officer of
ho law appeared with the papers for
his arrest as a fugitive. Taylor quietly
submitted to arrest. Ho was taken prii-
oner , handcuffed , end the following day
ho was igiln within the walla of the Ar
kansas penitentiary. His devoted wife
'ollowed him to the prison door. Find
ng no hope there , she turned to the
executive mansion , where eho pleaded
with the governor ia behalf of her hus
band , Petitions for Taylor's pardon
poured ia from Montcalm , and the gov
ernor itsuod a pardon. A hsppy husband
and a devoted wife wera among the pas-
loogora bound for Texas on jjWcdnotdsy
night's train.
A blcyclo almost now , full nlc led ,
will be rallied off at Kaufman Brat1.
Cigar Store , 207 S , 15th stroet. 80 tick-
eta , 51
On Saturday wo will make a tpecUl
silo of Domestics that will eclipse any
thing wo have ever done yet. The troodi
are all new , the vtry latest styles , and
n ill bo still cheaper than the old goodt
we sold to chosp U t toaion. Particu
lars later on. N. B. FALCONER.
On account of the Inclement weatbei
my millinery opening will bo contin
aed to-morrow and to-morrow evening.
Yours truly ,
111 S. 15th St. , Opp. P. 0.
A Visit to ite Laramie Lftu or Pure
Natural Soda , .
Beginning of I'rollmlnnry TTork An
Important Industry llcunn ,
With Kvory Promise
of Success.
Laramie Uoomcrang ,
The opening of the soda works In this
city being assured that the work of drainIng -
Ing the lakes preparatory to taking oat
the first few carloads from their Inex
haustible deposits having begun , pnplio
Interest has fully awakened to the Im
portance of the movement and every ad
ditional atop taken is watched oagorly.
It wai therefore with no little satisfaction
tint the Boomerang reporter recently ro
colvcd an Invitation from Superintendent
ont Wurlcllo , to accompany him on r
trip to the lakes , and it ir noedlees to add
that the invitation was at once accepted.
About tbrco-quartcrs of an hour after
leaving the city , now hidden from vioir
by the gentle undulations of the prairie ,
the train baited upon a small elevation ,
aud , spread out upon throe sides of It ,
like mirrors embedded in the bosom of
the plains , lay a ohaln of small lakes ,
forming a thrco-quarlor circle , the opcu
aide being in the direction of the city ,
and thcso wcro thobedi of tho-famous
soda deposits. On the north , a quarter
of a mlle away. Is the largest aud hand
somest hko of
and in a corresponding depression ont ho
south sldo of the track and exactly paral
lel with the first , is another , nearly equal
In extent. To the wet and , lying between -
twoen the two , tno others of much
smaller slzo fill up the space , being sepa
rated from each other and from their
larger sisters by spaces ot perhaps 200 to
400 foot. The largest lake , the first
upon the right hand side , is about a third
of a mile long and a quarter wide , and
was , like the rest , covered with water.
Directly west of It and only four inches
higher In elevation , ia the smallest of the
group , porhapa eight acres In
extent , and southeast of this ,
and eix inches lower in eleva
tion , is the lake now being drained , and
npon whoso contents work will begin.
This lake covera about ton acres of
ground , and on Monday about nine Inch
es of surface water had gathered ever the
sods. The force of men sent out by
Superintendent Wuttelo
to the last lake Ia the chain , on the south
aide of the railroad , on Monday evening
and the water had In half a day receded
about six inches , only eonio three inches
remaining at the time of the visit. A
strong deep and otoady current w&a still
running down the dlton , which has a fall
of fourteen inched , nnd It was expected
that the lake would bo dry by the next
morning. The track runs right down to
the margin of the lake atld under the
chute which was built recently. It
will bo extended clear aorcss eventually ,
the chute being moved from Jltno to time
as the deposit at this shallow point is
exhausted. Walking out as far ss the
timbers went , a shovel and pick wcro
brought into requisition , and a bnshol
or EO of the soda thrown up on the plat
form. A soon through the water the de
posit looks exactly like mush ice , being
rotted at the snrfaco by the water , but
when lifted out U quickly falls apart in
about the liza of peas. Thcso crystals
when first taken out and wet with water
are transparent nnd pretty but on expos
ure to the air they dry and soon assume
the appearance of gum arable , later on
becoming white ss snow and crumbling
to powder. A pile of the stuff taken out
long ago and lying near by , looked like n
heap of dirty aahoa , while some largo
pieces lying on the plains , whore tbey
had been thrown , had the appaaranco of
On digging deeper In the lakes the
crystals taken out are darker but even
tually change like the rest. This Is the
lake from which a cube was taken for
the Denver expcsltion and at the
hole it came from the depth of the de-
posito measured eight and one-
half feot. This was not ever one-third
of the way out to the center , which
would naturally bo much deeper. The
Ibko now receiving the drainage shows at
one point twonty-ono feet of the deposit
and the others will probably go about
tbo eamo. Mr. Strong , who took out
the cube referred to , says there Is a layer
of mud or sand , blown no doubt from the
plain ; , between each year's grovrth of
soda. It would necm at first glance as If
the ttcady taking out of the soda would
iu a short tlmo exhaust the supply , but
Instead of that it n
om which a bucket of water lakon
aves no perceptible diminution of quali
ty , the space being at once refilled from
ho vein in the earth. So it la with this ,
constant eupply keeping the lake just
o full all the tlmo. The company has
nnk two artesian wells In the vicinity ,
iut neither .aro ( lowing , although one ,
hich has been plucgcd up , would , It Is
.bought , rnn if the plog wai removed ,
"n the shores of these lakes and.for some
( stance about them , the ground la
aturated with the water , which has
vaporated at the snrfaco and left the
grass and earth covered with a coat of
oda that resembles
t is marshy and one seems , when walk
ng about to bo treading on a mixture of
oap and ground slate , sinking in up to
ho knee in places. The ground never
roezos here and all about the lakes thereon
; roon grass could been seen coming up
, mong the withered blades of last year's
rep , birds wore Hying about and allght-
ng near the visitors of whom they did
not teem in the slightest fesr and
swarms of small bugs were flying alonn ,
ouo of the first Indications of spiing
While , porhjips , there Is nothing very remarkable
markablo to Impress one with the value
cf thcso lakes , at first sight , it soon b ?
comes apparent on examination that they
form ono of
of all the varied resources of tbo terri
tery and must prove ono of the raoit val
a able pieces of property In the west. I
is not like mining for precious metals
where there are so many chances to b
taken , but nstui-j has hero deposited th
pure stuff in a natural reservoir , csrryln
it no one kiows how far under ground
and leaving man nothicg to do but shove
it up and load it on the care , take it t
the works and transform It into a mar
ketable article.
When the firit lake Is exhausted , th
one next east of It , which la six inohe
higher , will be drained through Its bee
to the lower lake andfarniih a now fiulc
Ithe large lake east of It will come nor
in ! can bo drained into IU tiria elstei
across the traak , but the latter , when it
is needed , will have to bo pumped dry
by Btcim.
At all events the outlook it a grand
ono for those interested In working the
soda deposit ) , and will last longer than
ono generation. The railroad people are
at work in earnest , and Liriialo will br
benefited for all time by the location o
the works so near the city.
lUsrcnues Hccolvea by the Bov
crlgna of Europe.
Cleveland Leader.
"Buck , how much do a king git ? '
The question is asked by others than the
gnoiant negroes who propounded It to
luckloborry Finn , as the two iloat on a
aft , according to M tk Twain's story ,
down the Mississippi river. I will try to
itrswcr It , translating the amounts of the
allowances of thotchlof sovorlgn of
Suropo Into American dollars , giving the
csult in round numbers and generally
ess than the actual amount received ,
t will ba seen that royalty Is an oxpcn
ira luxury , and that the § 50,000 wo give
ur president is a bagatelle beside it.
The emperor of Russia has an income
if between seven and eight million del-
ara A year , derived chlelly from immense
states belonging to the crown , and bo-
idea this ho levies a heavy tax npon the
istxsanta to support his relatives of the
mporlal family. The sultan of Turkey ,
with a bankrupt country , is al-
owcd § 5,500,000 , annually. Ho
mi in additional a private treasury
nd inheritances of great value. Bo
> aye , however , nil the expenses of the
ourt himself. In Austria the nobles
ro wealthy , and the conrt expenses of
bo emperor ate very email. Still ho is
llowod o civil list of about $3,000,000 ,
as § 8,000,000 sot aildo for his private
xponso account , end about § 250,000 for
mforcsoen expenses Kaiser Wllhelm
ms no allowance for a personal expense
ccount as emperor of Germany , and his
ncomo as king of Prntsu comes chiefly
rom the estates of the crown. Ho gets ,
ovorthclcjs , § 4,000,000 a year ana his
louse rout costs him nothing. The
rown prlnco of Germany has a small al-
owanco. It Is said not to exceed § 75-
00 , but his father gives him two palaces
ent free , and ho hai the right to charge
certain number of dinners every year
0 the old man.
The crazy king of Bavaria , who hates
10 sight of women , and sometimes holds
n's audiences with his ministers from bo-
itnd a screen , receives by law more than
1 million dollars ovcry year , and in 1873
its Income was more thin a million and a
King Humbert , of Italy , is only forty-
vo yosra old , and ho enjoys the § 2,000 ,
00 which make up his annual allowance ,
lo has twenty palaces scattered all ever
taly , and when ho travels over his
ominlons he always sleeps under his own
oof. Kiog Leopold , of Belgium , has
bout 1,000,000 more subjects under him
ban there are people In Now York. His
dngdom is the most thickly populated
n Europe , and it has a debt of about
300 to each man , woman and child In
t , but this does not cause Leopold to
conomlzj. Ho takes § 000,000 a year
rom his people for private expense ; ,
ad they give an additional annuity of
80,000 to his brother.
Spain , poor as she la , pays between
> 1,000,000 and § 2,000,000 annually for
10 expenses of royalty ; Portugal allows
aout § 000,000 , and Dom Pedro , of
razll , has an allowance of about § 240-
00 , while his civil list foots up over
600,000. In addition to this , Dom Pp.
ro's wife gets $50,000 a year for pin
money. Switzerland la the most coon-
> inlcal government in the world. Its
; utal expenses are only about § 8,000-
30 a year , nnd It gives much smaller
ilaries to its officers than the United
The royal family of England costs that
ountry more than § 2,000,000 yearly , and "
119 does not include the private Income
1 the queen and the prince of Wales
rom the immense estates under their
oatrol. Victoria herself is allowed
35,000 pound ) annually , and she can do
s she pleases with at least 60,000 pounds
f this. This allowance of over § 1,900-
' 00 Is outside of the sum devoted to the
xpenscs of the roysl household , consist
ng of about 1,000 poraom , receiving sal-
tics from about § 10,000 a year , as hi the
ao of Lord Chamberlain , down to the
oyal ratcatcher , who gets loss than § 75 a
rear. The waiters at the dinner table of
ic queen get § 2,000 a year. The chiaf
: onard gets § 10,000 a year , and poor
'onnyson , the poet laureate , receives lees
ban § 500 annually.
This COCOO pounds which the queen
ocelvoo , she has , it is said , saved very
aliglotialy every year , end it has been
arefully intcstea. In England yon will
tear a great deal of grumbling abont her
iconcmyand stinginess. Shois.alwayswill-
113 to oay good things , to go to charitable
( Filraand dispense cheap honors , but
hen it comes to giving out money her
louth is closed as are also her pnroo.
trings. She never pays anything for
[ ding on the railroads , The companies
arnish her with pastes. She has no
ent to pvy and she receives lota of pres-
uts. She has also the revenues of the
) uchy of Lancaster , amounting to more
ban § 300,000 every year ; the estate of
) sborne , which has lately grown In value
nd the revenues of Olaremout , an estate
worth considerable ever $500,000.c
The Prince of Wales receives nearly
.200,000 a year out of the British trots-
iry , in addition to his Income from tbo
) uchy of Cornwall , worth about ' . § 300-
000 more , The Prlncets of Wales re-
eivea an annuity of near § 50,000 , the
Duke of Edlnbnrg nearly § 100,000 and
ho Duke of Albany the same. Duchess
if Cambridge gets $30,000 per year , the
duke of Cambridge about § 60,000 , , and
other,1 members of the royal family sums
ranging from a I ittle ever § 14,000 to about
§ 30,000. So you see that royalty will
naterlally Increase the taxes of the United
States if , In the far future , it should be
thrust upon u .
The aggregate national debt of Europe
is 70,000,000,000 francs , or , in round
numbers , between $9,000,000,000 and
$10COO,000,000. Its Interest amounts
nnually to nearly $000,000,000 , and the
payment of this consumes more than one
fourth of the government revenues. Ol
this debt , more than two-thirds Is owed
by the Netherlands , Great Britain ,
France and Austria , and of2 all the
European eovernmentsSwitzerland U the
only one that U without material debt.
13th tind Capitol Are. , Formerly
Creigliton House.
JUlurnlahid , (1.50 B day. Special rtt l
by tbewcek.
. .
1512 Douglas Street.
Comes ngtiiu bolter than over. Look
Woman * ' Peble Grain. Button $1 00
" " " Newport 05
" " " Polish 85
Hens' ButtonShoo 1 75
" Calf Booti , Rood 2 0
" Whole Stock Kip Boot 2 00
And then wo have our
Choice Kid Button Boot 2 75
Former Price 3 0
It is known all over the city at
Stherljeat Japan Tea at 40e , 6 to , GOo , WoatulSOc.
Vncolored Jtpin Tea at OOe , COc , 7Co and 800 ,
Moyuuo Qua Powder Tea , 400 , 6Cc , OOa , 70o , $0
and $1.
Uoyuna Young II ) Ban Tea , at 25c , 40c , 60c , 00 , 7CO
and SHc.
Prnufi 0 < ) oa Tea at 25e , 403 , 60 , 05c , 70c , 800
English Breakfast Tea , 600. BDfl "OcanJ SOoi
DastTci , 250 or C Iba ( or It.
Also n combination Codec , fresh roasted , that
beats all competition , 85o or 3 Ibs tor $ U
A full Itno ol CoHee at 16o , 18c , 20c , 22e , 250 , 800 ,
andSSo per Ib.
Pure Spices nud Baking Povrdei
A Trial Order is all We Ask.
Phosnlx Insaronoo Co. , London , Caeh
Assets ieuooo
Westchoster.N' . Y. , Assets 1,000,000
Thoilorohanta of NewarkN.J. , Assets . . . . 1,276,000
Qlrard Flro , Phlladelphla.Aswts 1,200,000
New Hampshire Casa , Assota. . . . _ _ . 1.013 000
" " 0 LOW In sums of $100 and upwards ; Dallou
. Bros , 817 south ISth 1.1. 331-9
MONEY To loan on chattels , Woollcy k Hairlson ,
Room 20 , Omaha National bank building
851 tf
rpo LOAN A fowthoussnd dolltrs onc.ty buslnors
JL property ; Isaac Adams , Frcnzor block opp. P. O.
loaned at low ratestn amounts to suit on
chattcl.collaterals or other good security. Finan
cial exchange , U03 Fornim st. 26S-mlp
TO LOAN On real estate and chattels
MONEY Thomas. 740tt.
Loaned on chattels , cut ratt , R. H
MONEY nought and Bold. A. Forman,213 S , 13th St
670 tf
to oan en good real estate security. U.
MONEY . Williams block. 220-tf
RiTONEY LOANED at C. K. Rood SCO's. Loan ollico
1VJ. on furniture , planes , horses , wagons , personal
property ol all kinds and all otho rtrtlclos of alue ,
without removal. Over Ut NatlonalUank.corner 13th
and Farnam. All business strictly confidential
HTOWKT TO LOAN In sums of tSOO nd upward.
IVI 0. F. Divls and Co. , Heal Katato and Loan
Agents , 1605 Farnam St. 2Z3tf
. Atonco , a good girl ot 14:3 : lion ard st ,
WX.NTKO be able to cook. 43j-Cp
"VTTAMKii-Good noraan cook at 03 North 10th st.
4l7-p ! )
Good girl for gineral housework 1ECO
WASTKD St. " 32-9 Immtdlatelj , two good Uundrv women
VV Omaha emrloyment bureau 1120 Farnam at.
WAVTED A salon lady of experience. Address ' 'A
AA A"BcoeIllco. 130-11
WANTICD ImmcdUtely , a good 8hooraakcr,0mahi :
employment bureau , 11x0 Farnam St. 425-11
WAvrKD-Immcillatcly , 2 good shirt Ironcrs.Oma-
li employment butcau , 1120 Fainam. 4l-tf
WANFKU Immediately , at the Omaha employ
ment bureau , all thojodcsliing good help anil
good situations botn mala anil ftmale 42741
"T\TANTKU ImmedlaUly , 14 good girls for Kitchen ,
\ > dining room and chamber work.Omaha employ
ment bureau. 1120 rurnam St. 422-tt
WANrrn A gl'l in a email family , good wagcsjap
ply No M3 Pleasant St , Omaha , Neb. 427-11
Two girls ono for dlnlneroom andono
WAMKii wisher 322 north 10th at. 428-11
A girl for general house work at 623
WAYTKD nineteenth etroot. 403-lOp
WAMKD ll chlno hands at Omaha Shirt Factory
SOS north 16th st. 4no-llp
\T"A til ) / go-il ( jiil Immediately at the corner of
YV lltli and Di\enport sts , Carey house 408 tt
TX/ANTED To engage lady short land report'r and
IT callgrapliwriter. Address 'Wholesaler. ' "
412 tf
A young girl for light house wo
WAKTro . UmSlalr. 3a7-0p
TtTASTrj > A strl lor general house work at 1622
VY Howard St. 30310
TX7 ASTruSmall girl Kminet houic.
Immediately , two flrat-olats bask finish
WASTro also an apprentice to learn drosimaklng at
Misses Murphy , dieuraakinK parlcri , 1D17 Douglas.
Experienced cook and laundrets at R32
WANTKD 17lbitre t. 387.10p
WANTED Young man or young lady to keep
books and wholsa short hand writernone need
applrunleis quick and thorough In flgurciitato ;
and previous occupation. Addresiboi 740 Omaha.
Some ont to adopt a good brlfht healthy
boy three years bid , call at 16th aud 1'aetHa tt.
A coed laundry noman at Arcade
Hotel , 121& Dou Ua et 2SS-8p
Olrl for general bouie work inuit bo a
WANTED rook , no wasliInK or Ironing. ilr J O
Doyd , 10131'aclAc ttreet between 10th and lltb St.
\17ANTED-Two good glrli N. W. corner Capitol
are. a d Jbthflt. 41S-9p
-Good taleiuiaa 106 N. 18tb.
l 106 N , 18th.
WANTED Lidy agents for "Queen Paotector' ,
daily stocking andaklrU supporters , shoulder
bracci , bu tl > , bosom forms , diuna shields , Bafity
belti , blee\e protectors , ftc , , entirely new devices ,
unprocedtnted proflU. wo tiava fX)0 ) gonU luaklnz
(1UO monthly. Addreeu with stamp , K. 11. Carrpb ll
ti Co. , 0 South Uay St , Cblcaga , 7o > al6p
WANtHU IiumeaitUly , an ipentuo d girl ti ,
K. corner 18th tnd Ltnvenwortn. 98i tt
WASTKU-Dy a tUnographer with machine , a lt.
uatlonai amenucatm. will uoik rcaionaUe-
ddteu 4 11-44 , thll utllce 437 9p
WAMKU A situation bv a practical bock keeper ,
ran ( urnlih It it of reference ; address "A" to7
WAKTKD Sltaatlon la a small pilrat * family to < lo
general honMwork r > eond work ; iddrecs
"ipenwr , " at bakery Capitol ai e , between 18th and
17lh ,
by an eip tleric J Oerman
I butcher , workedt eton In riillirtilpbU ; a.I >
drew No Bie South Tenth St Otto Welbel. 4t7-9i <
A N engineer and michlolsl wllh twenty years ex-
jt\peil nfc would like situation , can tunil'h h s
of refcicncoi ; addrtM "A J" Dre offlct. 574-12p
" \ATANTiD-By a taily , petition In rinall family a
I * house keeper ; Inquire 114 Uarney , between '
and 9 ; bct ecn Sam tnd 4 p in. 87J Op
WANTED M 6 ] will bu > cne iloron Roger tiro'
trlpplo tUtsJlable knives at Moodrs chlm
itore.corner lothand Oaveoport it. 4 < 5af
-Ono or two rooms and board for lady
tnd gMitlcmtn ami rno child nrltato family
preferred. References given and rccialrrd ; adilres
i'OboxS87 , 415-8
-Room and board In a ptlrato family bj
two ytun ? i en dlitanca from Post otllcc , no'
to exceed 8 block * . Address "M " Uoe onicc , 513-lCp
\VA\TSD-TO rent a gjod hotel looatctl In Omaha
II pritcrredp ; llonoaddtets J P McDonald ,
40 north 16th ttrett 401-11
W AXTKD-GofJ reliable fam'lr ' hoitcj < > omilro
1318Firnamst. 3 ? tf.
\\7\mitD C100.1 Rontlo pony that will diho single ,
M anil'orsaildlomc ; alio small pony cart ; In
quire N W air. Hurt ana 23J et . 3S9 0
WAMRD-Toluj a email olllco sale ; addles * Sale ,
llotofllcc. 870-0
WANTED Two 5001 ! saddle hoito , ono ( or Inly
nnd ono lor gentleman ; onqulro o ( 0. M.
Hitchcock , 16th nnd Putnam. 200 Sp
II/ANIKD Toirllmy flnM'lano cheap ; UBO my
I1 phaeton , almost new ; address S 1' , lice office ,
Y\7ANTED Homo of 5 or Oroom , by May lit ,
n Rood locality. AJJrfsnK. 3 , . Umolhci ) . I02tf
WANTKD-Kvcry ady In need of a owlnn ma-
chine , to BCO the now ItnrroTod American No.
7. 1' . E. Flodman & Co. agents ; gfl ) N 10th , 843tf
VX AUTKD-Two rooms \\lth board for young man
M anjwlfc.mmtbaoon'rally located , references
Khoa and required. Addreaa " 3. " this otllco. DIO-tf
FOR RENT-Houso wltMiosmYon north 17th StT7
near Clark ; apply north-west oornor 17th anl
Clait 4i8 open
on lUiST-Hojjo ot 8 rooms , water , and pas ; ap
ply to Oen'I nawkln'g , Strang balldlog or SP15
FOR RKIT-A five room brlch cottage , city witcr
and all modern lmpro\omeuti ; Inuuiro John Htcil
( th anil Hickory. 449-Hp
FOIl RENT A cottage ofB rooms 812 per month
on K. H. flth street , Orst house touth of Hickory ;
enquire ot Mrs Falk on the prcmlics. 357-llp
FOR np.NT-Houso of 9 rooms with barn , Ca'dwcll
aod Baunoers st ; Inquire 1709 Jackicn st 4tMCp
FOR nr-M A three room cotUgo on California at ,
west end of Crclghton college ground ; Inquire on
rremlic * . P 8 Condon. 420-llp
FOR REST 13 nlco rooms over Wm. Gentleman's
grooory store , 16th and CaesSts. 410 1Q ,
FOR UKNT 8s\or I dcslrabio cottages : Billou-Iifofl
317 sjuth 13th et SS3-9
FOH1UNT Abtlck houB3 of 8 rooms 918 per
month ; apply to John Husse ! , Ilardw are ttorc ,
2407 corner Cumlngacd Sauiidersets. 1 * Clorlc.
TTOnilENr A oourcnlen rottago noith-ncstcor.
X1 Sowaid and Pier street on etrcel car lino. Call
at No. 218 north 17th st 3'8-Ori
FOR RENT Brick store 416 Tenth St. . no r How
ard $80 per month. S. Lehaan. * SID tf
F Oil RcNT A store cheap 303 north llth.
316 lip
FOR TENT Brick > ard north end of Saunders at.
I woulMiork for parties renting , 03 foreman , if
wasted. J. F. Po'tcr. S17-14p
FOH RENT New Store on 16th 8t Ldwfcrd Norrlj
&Co. , Crouiua block. IZ'.lt
FOR RENT 2-8 room houses Inquire Jnu. F
Barton.Siucltlag works , or 314 NorthSMh St. "
" 17011 RENT A furnished house 0 rooms during
X1 the Summer month to turtles without children.
Inquire 211 South 23d St. 191 tf
TjlOR RENT Unoxplrcd lease ol house with all
-T modcr improvements at a bargain. F. P Or Idler
IT. O.oflico Omaha' 174-tf
Resldejoo and saloon with fxturo
ntth about two aarrs of ground , suitable for
park and societies during summer or n inter. Terms
easy. Apply to Victor Drchcr , 24th it south of
Lcavcnuorth 123-lCp
IjUUt RENT Store building 44x80 three story and
r basement No. 110 ndll2 14th. Inquire 1409
Doilgo St. OOD-tt
T7\OR \ RENT 1'arm and garden. T. Uarray.
208 tf
TJOB RENT Famished cottage , 7 rooms , with
X ? closets , pantry , etc. , In best locality in City oin
pay rent with board. Call In afternoon at 620 Picas-
cut St. 170 tf
FOR RENT Houfrs very cheap , Apy'f i B.I
Tilors 14th and Douglai SU S8-l'i
FOlt KENT Two new stores on Ith t. 0. . 3
llnvne , 16th and Farnam
TJ oIl RENT Ono story Unelllng lioueo flvs roomi ,
P 23d , mar Clark etrect , Charles OgJon , cornel
13th and Dcuglis Street. 233 tt
ITUHl PENT Three brlotc Btorcs corner 18th aud
J1 Cumlng St. J L. McCague , Agent. 491-a2
FOR HUNT New cottage , 6 rooms. . I'fclppi Roe
1612 8. 5th Et. 234-t (
IIKST Unfurnished rooms vlth modern Im
provements , tt W corner 13th and Howard.
ursT Fmelshcil front room south cant corner
10th and Farnan. 433 U
FOR RKNT Furnished room for two with board ,
1816 Ch'cago st. 363 lip
' UKNT- Nice furnlilieil front room with bond ,
10.0 Farnam. 411-llp
FOU KENT I'urulshcd room 1U21 Capitol ave.
RUNTA six room house one block from the U
I1 depot ; Inquire of M. Lie , grooer , 22nd and
Ltavenwoith. 41815
rtKVT A furnlihed room at 1121 William et.
between llth and 12th. 896-lCp
FOR RENT Rooms furnished or unfurnished ; call
at SCO north 22det. 401 tf
F on JIKVT Elegant newly furnished rooms 2'2D
Dodge s' . 876 lOp
FOR RENT Comfortable fnrnlihed rocm for
ccntleman , 1012 1'oclflo st. , two blocks south of
U. P. depot. E4Mlp
FOR RENT Two elegant front ipomi ; furnished
or unfurnished en 20th near fit Mary s ave ; en-
quite at B. W. cor. ICtb and Dodge. 819-tt
FORRENT-Nleely luruUhourooms 1617 Davenport
F ° III RENT A ( urolehed front room at 1707 Doug
aa B' . 300 Dp
FOR RKNT Handsomely firnlihed rooms for ( In-
gle gentlemen. For particulars , address "Y. W ,
Bwoulc * . BtO-Up
FOR RENT Very plowantfuinlibed rogmnilol
or In suite , at tOiBonablo prloo.eiU 1Mb tiiM *
FOR RENT Pleasant furnished riotum Dab ] ,
for gentleman , terms reasonable , (1 n'lrlb ' 1/kh.
FOR RENT Two or three very nloo rooms fur >
nlsbed or unfurnliln dfour blocks eouth of Opera
liouse , Inqnlto02H south 16tb. 193-tl
FOR RENT Furullhed rooms with L.ard 1812
D dge it. 317-tf
FOR RENT A nicely ( urnlshed front room with
board 1024 Douglas et. 801-lOp
RENT-Nicely fumttbod rooms 10S N. 18th ,
Tj OHRENT-Furnlsbed front room , brick bay win.
i ? dow with board ( mall finally COJ north 17th tt.
fTVOIUtfcNT hetualtt&e cilices In Crounto' block- ,
Jj Inqulie Ed. Norrl > , room 10 Crounse block
034 tf
FOIl RENT Large front ottloeon second floor , In.
quite No. 1211 Farnata St. KOI tt
F OR RENT Furoltbcd roim at 1(18 Jackion fit.
tOR RENT Fuinlalied room and board ! 6 00 pir
week. Very but location , 1811 Davenport.
714 t-Jjp
RKNT-Furoltbed room
OR nXNT-Nlcely hirnWied rooms at 1719 C w
st- CM-M
OOUS Wlthbo nl , dMlrabl * orwtnUr Appl/
81. CruilM H ( L tSjlfi
-Drut jtora In a ilfolrabl * loaallty , *
, NKrorner
Fen AlK-taathrlflninowtnt ; | town , a gentle
man ) furnlthlng and hat Imilnem In hrtt looaUon
Inanewbrlckbu'ltllng ' , lone If nso ami cheap rcnf
tddrcts "Ii F" P 0 box 17 , Hastlncs Neb. 4lVlOp
FoRf ALK-A kiln of No 1 brick , about 850CO. prlco
$500. 1) . L. Thoans. | in
[ ? on AtK-A4yrarlcaie with luilldlngs itvltahle
-L1 fir dwelling and shop for $400 , ey paYmcnta
103 south llthit , between Doup sand IXidffo
FOR < ALE--A gel restaurant rentrilly lee tcJ ,
mutt bo sold this week (300 , within two blockB of
the Po t offlco. W. H. Green over lit Nat'l P nk.
W9 Op B
FoRSAi.i -Vreshiiillclioo 8 and springers atmr
iard,87tliandDurt it. J. W. Penny. S9M4
OR RAI.K Good 6 loom home , lot 50x132 feet.ew
front , S1300 : $100 ra h. l Unco AID per month ,
AV. II Otoen , over lit National bank. S31U
ORBALS Hoii'cnnd ht on Doiitlm ttroot , nrai
high Mhool ; J1000 , tany tcrmi. W. II. UrtcD.
ir 1st National bank , 3521 (
IfoR RKNT OR RALi-New house suitable lor hotel or
1 saloon > nd bonding houio In HatllnHoli. Ad-
drctB "K 11 F" Dcil.ii , Noli. fOS-llp
FOR SAW Drugs'ore at ft bargain , stock about
Wi63C ; Address lock box HW , Creston Iowa.
I pOR SALE In a t'rlTing ' growfnir town n gents
1 furnltblng and hat business , In bast IJOJtlon In
a new brick building , long IOAOO and cheap rent ad
dress L , F , , P. O. box 67 , Hasting , Neb. 34 Mlp
FOR HALK A good paying ImriMSBhori , the bttt
chance for a joun ; man tu start In bcilntsi ; ail-
dress "lUriioiB shop" lco ! olllce. S01-17p
FOR 8ALK 10D acres of fins rolling and , rill
Bill or trade for city lots It taken by the 18th ,
enquire at Mjno's store , cor. 13th and Chicago.
I7 > OR SALE A first clasi boarding housa having
JL1 twenty regular bonrdots ; S.V. . cor Sth and
I'aetfia stf. 2SO-14p
FOR SALK-For StO down and S20 | wr month I
will build an elegant live room cottage , with
porches. closets , bar window brlckollir , cljtcrn.ooa
nouie , Si , Xs , wlth to Uts nicely fenced the whole
all complete fl,600 The outUgcs to bo built at once
a-mtraets for ten have already been let. Call at my
oflico andsoonhn of cottage , location Ac. Pitng
your frlondi along. C. 1C. Maync , gouth- est corner
16th and Faruam. . 207-oSO
FOR SALG-Storo building on Cumlng and si.
best en street. J. D. Thomas. 148-llp
1.10R BALE OR THADK Urge team , harness
rind dray. Part pay taken In drajago. Address
W. U. Ceo office. 031-tt
FOR SALE A very nice 0 room hcuso and let ,
muit bo sold 1223 North llth St. 922-aKp
FOR BALK A full lot on corner of 13th and Jonea
paved street and within ono Bquaroof U. P. R.
It. for sale. Waircn Swltzlor. 80D-U
OR SALE 200 Yearling stsorf , -
EOJSycarohl stccni ,
PMj catling heifers.
200 2 and 3oarold heifers ,
CO graded bulls.
3TRAXOK llROJ , SInux CitV , Uwa. TtJlUO
FOR SALE Thirty choice tots ncir park avn. (1.
P. Stcbblns , room 31Creighton block. 81G-al8p .
FOR SALE Four yo r old horse has been worked
dcublo. . For particulars Inquire at no corner
14th and Farnam st In barber shop. J. Kirnor.
FOR SALE Second hand ten homo power , up
right boiler and cnclno ; In cool condition ; lav
tor cash. Chaa. S. Poor , 103 S 14lb st , Omaha. Neb.
FOR PALE On easy piyuwiij. will nrnlaa
lots and build houses on rhovt r.ctlret 09 cii thj
purchaser , inquire of P. J. Cr : 30Q , eoniractor
ind builder 27th and Webster St. 000 a2o
"prniOS'At Parties wishing a fcamttrcss , guaran.
L tolugcuttlngand flttlns , satisfactory ; adilrceslflth
tnrl Capitolavo , room 4 , Crounso blocli. Mis J Ar-
3Cld. 3C3-14p
John HaallstM in'i ! Jmaha
and resides at 1510 Lut-Mft ! > - ! J alOp
W ILL Po found at 15CO Da\cnport3t , ancxpcr
Icnced nurso. Ik at city reference gh in
JTon SALF TRADK on RK\T Blacksmith and wagon
a ? shop with tool- , good business established ; ad-
Irces Gto W Lambrlng , Weeping Water Neb. 421-21p
po EXCHANGE ICOncrcaland la Kansas under
JL cultivation , goodhoii'c nnd improvements wll
rado for grocery Block If taken Immediately. W. II.
Jieen , o\cr lat Nafl Bank , OrnaluNeb. 328 tt
SALE Or exchange. Wo Imvo for silo the
FOR right In tnla state to sell the coal
itnomlzor and soot destroys r , destroys the soot and
UU iavc twenty percent on coal , will Boll county
right ) or the state , or will oxchanijo for real celato or
to/ ; oed property on application will send sample
telll aland give paiticulan. Ilei'on for selling
> rj r cannot ehc It hU attention : a laro chance for
ho icn : Bedford , Soucr k. Davis. 278 tf
rrVJ .EXCHANGE Will exchange 0 acres of unlm-
LplOM.1' ' Nebraska land fort lock of groceries ; ad-
lr M "J. IV'Bco oflico. ' 811-9
npO EXCHANOK-Two lots In W. A. Uedlck'a odd.
JL for a Ijtor half a lot located somewhere coaier
the center ol the city aid suitable for bulldlnc , will
pay additional IIalue Is more. Address "O. Y. "
Dee olllcc. DIO-tf
SALE A drat cloas stock of dry gords { 5.000
FOR bargain , will take r/art creh babnco real es
tate ; address "II. V. D. " care lloo olllco. 282-tf
SALE-Or cxchanRO a full Block of clothing
1 boots and ehoes , gent' furnlshlngKOode , will oz >
change for Nobraaka Lauds. O. ll.l'etoraon.SOl S.
10th St. , Omaha , Neb. 839-U
OR SAtE A good skatlnR rink , site 84x100. In
F quire ol II Lambert , WttkcBold Neb. 423-alDp
-OOAIlDINO-Oood board ei.fO per wtek. 1012
Jjl'aciao , 2Hock8 loutn ol U. P. depot 842-llp
Klrstclaea hoaid and lodKlne for
BOAItniNG week , alt new beds and spring * at No.
14C8Caes8t. II. rotor Nick. 704-al2u
-plIUST-CLASa Bed and board 1212 Capitol R\o.
Foi MI \ horse collar , owner can ha\e the Bam *
by calling Asphalt wort B 8tli and Jackson St.
390 Op
LOST A young lemon and wblto'sctter dog ; a lib-
er l reward will bo given 1312 Uougla ) t. 100-Op
T oir en BTRAMU About two weoka ago , a water
JLj apanlel and thrco days ago a yellow Irllh Better
femalr , both woie black [ eatbcr collars. Ileturn to
till I'ark Wllic a\e. A liberal reward will be paid.
Mulls , links and cesipoolt o'eanod ' any time
PBIVV day In aa'ontlrely odailem way with our
Improved pump and apparatus Order ) by mall
promptly attended to. A , K > an > , ofllce and realdenco
1208 Dodge Ht. up talrs. 400 ln7p
FOR inoi'riovUaljy boV year old beet references ,
2S07Calforcla. 301-Hp
* [ I'lrMViRODK-J ' J Ifcl.iln baa for Halo tin bM
J * oiiinanufaturdlri | the United States annealed
iHctrl j ited center covered wllhshett copper , ordeit
( M cor roil i or repair leg old ones promptly attended
to , AddrCBSlOll tiaundus t. 350 m6
LOST-On Friday , a brlndle bull pup , fi\o months
old , four whlto feet and tip of talf white , haIng
on a email black leather c > llir , goes by the name of
'Nip. " Return to K. Volkujcr , ZfllS Cumingi HI. ;
FEATIIEK3-A1I ladles lend their feathers to Henry
Sincere to be o eaned dyed an t cclaredalio gen-
lemtn's rlothlnr. cleanoil , ujed nnd r paired , urtt-
clwB work guaranteed , Dye Warke , 1910 Jackson et. ,
ollico 205 sou til 13th St. , Omaha. 237-JO
Eblll&Y Ihrceycarold gray colt , with b
JL on : ihod In IIUIII . Return to 0. J.Ryan , corner
Cummlng St. and Lowe Avenue , 814-ll | >
ITBAYiDOIl 8TOIKN-An sight to nine year old
jcow , white and blue spotted with black ear * and
. rilling on fortlec ; anv luforinatlcn leadicgto tlx >
recovery will bo Ifberilly retsaidod by Henry IUc a-
torn , Slut end Lake St , 268-tf
Ul' Twelve bead ot young cattle. Owner
can recover name by calllnt ; ujxjn John K. Hocb ,
Milk dairy , ooitu cf Deal it Dumb uylum.
833-in SM ww
T > 1UVY , raulU , elubi aud cowpooli cleaned t tb
J. ehorteit notice anl gitltJactlon KUaiantoodbyjr ,
O. Abd , I1. 0. Box 878.