Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 10, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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In A danrnrotti 11 M dlttrrminft complaint. U
nr'RlfctM. It tends , by Impairing nntrltlon , and de
r-wwlng Inn tone ot th ejtlrm , to prrpu tbo war
lor lUpld Decline.
-THE g
BEST TQy 1C. ?
. IKpl .
llrv , J. T , KoeiTrv.n. tbn honored pMtor of the
nrfitllcforrawl Church , llalttmore , Aid. , nays ;
"IIxTlnR uiiod llrown's Iron liltlcrs ( or lv | > cpiil/i
And IndtooMion. 1 takn fcrcat plo&surn In mcom *
rnpncllcR It highly. Aim consider Itji ( plendld tonlo
nil InvlKorator. and Terr Btrenirtheninir. "
Gcnnlno hut above trade mark and rroHBed rod Hnofl
nnwrapnflr. TnUo no nthrr. Madnonlybr
IIU\VN rllKM IOAI , Oil. , HA.I-TI.MmiK , MI > .
1 HAND HOOK nwful and attracllre. containing -
taining list of prlrwi for ncinefl. Information alraut
cohifi , etc. , Rlrf n away hy all dealer * tn medicine , or
milled to any address on recelpt nf 2c. > tamp.
; iM'jM la Ue BROAD CLAIh
Kvfr offered to the xiubUOc
Mendelssohn & Fisher.
Rooms 28 and 29OmahnNatl.BankBlock
Dufrene & Mendelssohn
Goo. L.Isher , fermery with W. L. B. Jenny
Architect. Chicago. lanHelm
J. R SEGER , .
Harness2 Saddles
HAS uno of thi moet complete stocks of Harness ,
Saddled , Whips , Crushes , IIoiso jClotbln ? , etc. ,
hand. 118 N. 10th St. , Hot. Dodge and Capital
venue. mOodluilp
Claronte APT ei-ron *
HiT 5J gtsa gulch. Bnro Curwa.
'flitnbUahcil JMl [ frtlle _ . , _ _ a y „ ouarwnreo „ . „ UHfierfafcatti
tWrScudtivoat mp3forCelebr todMedlcilWork ,
Address , ! ' . D. CLARKE , ffl. OJ. , i80 Soutt
CUik Street. CHICAGO. ILL. _ _
Royal Havana Lottery I
Drawn at Havana Cuba.
Every 12 to 14 : Days.
ICntKTB , 15.03 , . i HALVES , J1.C3
Snbjecl to no manipulation , not controlled hy the
ptitlealQ Intorcat. II Is ibo fairest thing In tbo
nature ol ohanco In existence ,
For tlokota apply to SMIPSKY & CO. , 1812 Broad-
way.N. Y. City ; SOLINQKU & CO. , 108 South h St.
Bt Loula , Uo , or M. OTTKNS & CO , 619 llaln St. ,
Kansas City. ITo.
"Ilolllok'n Tool ror Innnti n .
tnr llfei , " writi
A'.V.7uoltr , ,
leu jo , ill. goHi , ,
l lirtiislnl. 1'rloj
40 and Ji cenu. Sent
_ . _ _ _ 'T wcll'ortmountln
Kamo. rj7Uook lent trio , llorllek'i Foixl I'o. . Ilaf ine.M li.
* V James Hedioallnstiluta
Chartered by theStatcofllli-
'jnois fop thccxptcsspurpose
lot Elvincimmcdiate relietln
jnll chronic , urtnaryand pri-
svate diseases. Gonorrhcca ,
JQlcetandSyphllis in nil their
complicated forms , also all
Diseases of the Skin and
Blood promptly relieved and
pcrmanentlyctircd by reme-
. dies.tcstcdlnal'urli/l'cnr.i
Ibjieclall'rartlce. Seminal
Weakness , Night Losses by Dreams , Pimples on
the FaceLost Manhood , iiunltlvtlyci uretl , T/iera
in no cjrperiinctiUnti. The nppropri late remedy
is at once used In each case. Consultations , per
sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med
icines , sent by Mall and Express. No marks on
package'Jo Indicate contents or sender. Address
DR.'JAME No.204WasliInglonSI.Chicagolll. ,
Direct Line for England , France
and Germany.
The eieuniblpt ot thU well known line are bntlt
ol Iron , In water-tight compartments , and are fur-
nlahed with every raqulslta to make the p&aaag *
both ufe and mreetbn , i ° 7 oarry the United
States and European malls , and leare New York
ThnsJays and Saturdays for Plymouth ( LONDON )
Oherboug , ( PARIS and 1IA.MBUKO.
lUhx : Bteerazo from Hamburg $10 , to Hamburg
110 ; round trip $20. First Cabin , KB , 05 and 876.
Henry Pundt Uaik Hansen , F. K. Uoorix.U.
Toft , afrcntu In Omaha , Oronewetf k Sohnentgen ,
agentiln Council BlufU a B. UIC1IAHD & CO. ,
Oea. KaM.-ABt , 01 Brcadway , N. Y. ChajL Hot.
mlnskl b Co. , Qenrral Western AjeoU , 170 Wash.
s Ing St. , Chicago , III
Tie Hall Tpeffriler
Ii the elraplcet , best and moat complete tyr * .
witter made. Has luterchangeable typ plates , hag
few parti and print ! from ihe face of the typo , In-
caa of through an Inked ribbon. Pilco only 819.
Send for dMcriptlri circular ! .
mUd&wlm F. 0. Box 714 , OmabaNeb.
Seeking perfect restoration to health , full
munhooil and cexuul vicar tvlthuut
Stomach Drugging , should send for Trca-
tieooU the Jlaraioii Holui. Young men and
others who suffer from nervous aid pliyal-
cul ( leblllty , ezhaniteil vitality , i > re-
luituro iloclliie , Varlcocelr. ivr. , are
epocially bencflled by coniulUng It * contents.
DUcues of the Prostate Olaiul , ICMueys
uiul JJIaililer 'effectually cured. Endorsed
by thousands who have been cured. Adopted
In IloiplUla and by rbyilclatu In Europe anil
America. Sealed Treatise froo. Addreas
s -1C West Hth St. i New York.
The Methods Employed byCnpifl in the
Land of tb
Tlio MnrrluRO Broker's Work A Ixs-
K l Ceremony Where the Brldo
Hidden Behind a Veil ,
St. James Gazette.
Iiovo at first sight is unusual _ in a
country whore the women are habitually
veiled and a glimpse oven of a lady's face
Is stldorn to bo got save by stratcgcm or
by what is considered unmodest the
raleing of the corner of her veil by the
lady herself. Shrouded as she is from
head to foot in an immocso shoot of blue
two yards tquaro , a yet further precau
tion must bo taken. Over all this is
placed a tub-band or roil , no transpar
ent and Illrasy device , to our own lace
"fall" or the thin and gauzy yashmak of
the Turkish belle , > serviceable alike tn
triumphant and fading beauty. The
rnh-band Is a piece of while calico or
cambric , a yard long , which hangs down
llko a long mask In front of the Persian
woman's face when clad in her hideous
and purposely unbecoming outdoor costume -
tumo , which costume , sad to cay , is an
impenetrable dhgnlao. In it nil womop
are alike. An aperture four inches long
running travorsoly across the eyes enables
the Persian lady to see her way and a
little more. For oven this aperture la
covered by elaborate and curious em
broidery , between the threads df which
she can only poep. But the Persian belle
will yet find a way of rewarding an ad
mirer with a glance , and thus the mar
riages so carefully brought about by par
ents and relatives are not infrequently
the result of predilections slyly mani
fested. The outdoor dross , being a dis
guise , cuts both ways , and the Intrigu
ante amuses herself with impunity.
Certain marriages take place because ,
In the eyes of Orientals , they are natural
ones , such as the union of first cousins.
The children have boon llko brother anc
eistar from the cradle , and they are mar
ried as a matter of course ; It is their fate ,
and they submit to It. But outaido these
marriages of custom , and far more numer
ous than the marriages of predilection to
which wo have rcforrod , are the mar
rlagos usually arranged by "brokers.1
Those brokers are old women , who al
ways keep themselves in a position to
quote the state of the marriage market ,
which fluctuates. In hard times oven
girls of good appearance are compara
tively a draq. In times of plenty they
"rule firm. "
The marrlago-brokor is ever a welcome
guest whore there are daughters to marry ,
and also In houses where the sons wish
to find a suitable brldo. The young people
ple are neb consulted by the broker. She
deals with the parents , and generally
with the mothers. Orafty as a horse-
dealer , she runs glibly ever the various
advantages , mental , physical and pecu
niary , of her clientele of both sexes. So-
and-so Is a steady qulot man. Such a
one has brilliant prospects has ( Impor
tant consideration ) no other wife. As
for Yusuf , how good-looking ho
1st And Hassan , no man was ever so
good-tempered. Of the ether BOX she
sings the praises no lots. The skill of
Bcbo as a housakcaper , the wealth of the
ugly daughter of the banker , the dan
gerous charms of the . portionless
Zuloakha she can never say too much
about. Her main business Is to bargain
for the sum to be paid to the father or
his daughter's hand ; a sum which Is us
ually expended by that father in pots
and pans ( all of copper ) and othr *
utensils , which ho presents to his child
ii3 her separate property. The details
being settled after much haggling , the
young people are engaged , and the mar-
rlago-broker gets her commission both
from the parents of tha bridegroom and
those of the bride-elect. Among the
poor and laboring classes the bargain Is
arranged on ether grounds. The peasant
takes a wife for her thews and ainows ,
or her skill at weaving carpets or making
cheese ; while the bridegroom is or is not
eligible , according as he may be capable
of hard work , or may hold some small
ofiico , or have a bit of land or a shop.
More the marriage-broker la generally
an amateur , who conducts the negotia
tions purely from that love of match
making which Is such a bloating to the
The adk , or marriage coatract , is sim
ply a legal form ; but it is marriage , and
not betrothal. A few frlendo ore invited ;
the brldo , perhaps a child of ton , is seat
ed In a room with her parents and rela
tions ; over the door hangs the usual cur
tain. Or , if the ceremony takes place
in ono room or the open air , the women
are all veilod. At the other side of the
curtain , in an outer room or in the open
air , are the male guests ; and horc tquats
the moollah or priest of the quarter , who
now drones ont in a monotonous voice
the marriage contract , which has been
previously drawn out by him. "It is
igrood between Hassan the draper , who
ia vakeel ( agent ) for Housseln , the son of
the baker , that ho , Honssoln , hereby
acknowledges the rooolpt of the portion
of Nlssa , tbo daughter of Achmet the
grocer. " Hero follows the list of the
property of the btido in lands , moneys ,
louses , cattle , dretsos , furniture , carpets -
pots , pots , pans , and so on. Always a
copy of the Koran and a certain weight
of eowing silk are mentioned. This de
tailed account of her property , consti
tuting the woman's separate estate , her
husband merely holds in trust during
their cohabitation. At death or divorce
It goes back'apaln 10 herself or heirs.
And It Is this mehr or separate estate
that renders secure the otherwise precar
ioua position of the cistern wife in a
polygamous country , for the various
things enumerated , though boknowlodged
by the husband as received , may only ex
ist on paper , Still ha has acknowledged ,
them and If ho wish to pat away his wife ,
or U they separate by consent , he la
bound to refund the mehr of which he
has legally acknowledged the receipt , or
to obtain her legal discharge for the
same. "And"continues themollab , "he
acknowledges the receipt of the aforesaid -
said mehr. ' ' then follows a hum of de
light at the extent of the lady's property ,
"You , Huaan , how do you say as vakeel
for Housseln ia this sol" "Yes.yes , I
agree , " mamblei Hastan. "And you ,
Achmet , do you give you doughter ,
Lady Nisea , to be wife of Lord HOUB-
sein1 ? "Yes , yes , I agree , " replies
Achmet the grocor. "And you , Lady
Nawi , are you there ? " "Ye , yef , she
a * here , Moll ah , " replies a chorus of
women from behind the curtain."And
u agree , Lady NlsBal" Here there li a
> lgglq from the chlld-brldo. "Yes , yea
igroet , " comes in a triumphant chorus
'rom ' the women. "Then , " H ys the
raolUh , solemnly , "in the name of
jed , the compassionate , the merciful ,
and of Mohammed , the prophet of God ,
[ declare you , Ltrd Hounseln , and you ,
Lady NISJ , to bo man and wife. " Here
the moollah puts his itamp , or seal to
the document ; the various partlos teal it ,
too , it la carefully witncisod and formally
completed. The mollah receives his fee
of a few shillings and then , and not till
then , ho hands ever the document her
settlement and "marriage lines" In ono
to the agent of the bride or to her father.
The legal ceremony li ever ; the young
people are married fast , fast as the Mo
hammedan law can bind. And , theoret
ically , as yet they have never soon each
other's faces. But really Houssoln has
had many a glimpse of the fair Nlsaa ; her
mother has often allowed him to roe her
child from behind a curtain or a cupboard
door. All this is understood. And the
young people are now legally married.
The wedding , as distinct from the onpon-
Bah , may take place the same evening ,
In a week , a month , or not for years , ac
cording to the ago , rank or circumstances
of the brldo and bridegroom. Men and
women feast separately , and aft6r many
watorpipos have boon smoked , many
pounds of sweetmeats consumed and a
plentiful banquet hai boon disposed of
the guests separate. All promise to bo
present at the actual wedding. No music ,
no rejoicings nothing but whal wo' have
described is soon at the ceremony wo
hare detailed. The actual wedding is a
scene of joy and merriment curious In
the extreme.
A euro euro for Blind , Blooding , Itching nad
Ulcerated Piles has been discovered by Dr.
Williams ( nn Indian Remedy , ) called Dr.
William's ' Indian Fllo Ointment. A single
box hna cured the worst chronic caaos of 25 or
30 years standing. No ono need suffer five
mlnutCR after applying ; this wonderful sooth
ing medicine. Lutions , Instruments and oloo-
tnorioa do moro harm than good. William's
Indian Pile Ointment absorbs the turners , al
lays the Intense itching , ( particularly nt night
after [ retting warm In bed , ) nets as a poultice ,
gives IniUnt relief , and Is prepared only for
riles , itching of the private parts , and for
nothlno also.
Road what tha Hon , J. M. Opffinbehry. ol
Cleveland , Bays about Dr. William's Indian
Pile Oointmeut : "I hnvo used scores of Pil <
Cures , and it affords , mo pleasure to say that ]
hnvo never found anything which gave such
immediate and permanent relief aa Dr , Wil
liam's Indian Ointment. For sale by all drug-
glflta and mailed on receipt of price. 60o and
81. Sold at retail by Kuhn & Co.
_ Wholesale Agent ,
The Burglary of tlio State Treasury
Lincoln. News ,
One man , a wealthy and influential citizen
said to-day that ho was utterly disgusted with
the course the Evening News had taken in
trying to arouse a feeling of sympathy for
the dead robber and prejudice the people
against the officers. Democrat.
The above is clipped from a moss o :
local twaddle emanating from an inex
perienced "plug" who hopes to make his
readers believe that some of the best anc
most reliable citizens of Lincoln are justly
Indignant at the whimpering , morbii
sentiment which , some express for the
dead Griffin. Wo would advlso the Dem
ocrat's "wealthy and Influential cltlzon"
to lay In a supply of hog cholera euro , for
ho will grow worse Instead of better , we
yorlly believe.
The Now's isn't wearing crape In re-
Bpect for the memory of Jim Griflin and
would not lament audibly if McGu're '
ceased forever to Inflate his bellows and
wo don't hear any sympathetic whisper
ings for either of the robbers or those
ether conspirators who stand in with the
wholesale crime they attempted. It is
the illy-planned manner of hustleing the
foolhardy crlpplo into eternity that is
universally complained of. If w. i. c.
entertains an opinion , the News Is not
diegnsted if ho continues to press it to his
bosom. Wb concede his privilege. Ho
ii like the fellow who believed his
stomach stout enough for anything. The
foolish man was willing to bet ho could
drink a dose of red hot Iron , but in the
attempt , \rhen it scorched his note , ho
concluded to let the contents of that
ladle cool off a littlo. Of course , ho lost
his wager , and saved the use of lip salvo.
The whole senate , including the state
executive , were forced up to fever heat
by the appalling occurronco. Before the
spirit of Griflin had departed from Its
earthly tenement , they offered to divide
the state treasure aa a reward in evi
dence of extreme gratitude to those who
had been hired to "fill his body with
lead. " But their valor suddenly cooled ,
and within twenty-four hours tender
spmpathotlo hearts had hardened to a
frigid state which couldn't be sliced off
with a pick axe. All hands joined in
the indictment and concluded that it was
not after all a very bravo and honorable
act to rob even a one-legged conspirator's
little children of their father by shoot
ing him in the back.
Public opinion denounced the acts lat ,
3d , and 3d as an outrage. A special
{ rand jury , good men and true , returned
; heir verdict In accordance with a sur
prising abundance of convicting tcati-
nony , including the amount of $1,500
liastily voted by the state senate to bo
paid for the mnrder of Jim Griflin. All
, ho incidents and circumstances con
nected with the attempted robbery and
death of an Implicated person , and what
lias transpired since , continues to dis
turb the public mind. Curiosity is ex
cited and anxiety manifested by nil ex
cept "a wealthy and influential citizen , "
bo search for facts and uncover the mys
tery. There Is something behind the
reckless shooting act that the people
want to know , and it is their sovereign
privilege to enquire.
The world Is full of mon who might bo
classed among all sorts of villlans , deadbeats -
beats , thieves , Incendiaries and murder
ers , when their true Inwardness Is ro-
voaled. Perhaps , if a "wealthy and in
fluential citizen a" character was unveiled
it might bo discovered that he Is a de
tested Gnlteau wandering about In dis
guise. The murderer of the lamented
Garfield was captured and disposed of
legally. The meanest creature of this
nation of aovereigna is entitled to equal
consideration before the law , and previ
ous to carrying ont the death penalty
Christian civilization de.croei the right
of prayerful preparation for eternity.
Are Nebraska officials possessed of moro
power than Is derived from the consti
tution of the United Slates ?
BIOK HEADACHE. Thousands who have
Buffered intensely with sick headache say
that Hood's Sarsaparllla has completely
cured them. Ono gentleman -thus re
lieved , writes : "Hood's Sarsaparllla is
worth its weight in gold. " Reader , if
yon are a sulforer with sick headache ,
give Hood's Saraaparllla a trial. It will
do yon positive good. Made by 0. I
ilood & Co. , Lowell , Maes. Sold by all
druggists. 100 Doses One Dollar.
Inquiry by telegraph has failed thus far to
secure definite confirmation of the reported
death of Dictator Barrios ol Honduras.
England Well Posted.
The Manchester , England , Post Bays
that a really Invaluable apeclfio for the
cure of rheumatism , neuralgia and sprains
was found in St. Jacobs OH , which has
gained immense fame there ; also in Aus
tralia and elsewhere.
A Colorado Convict Who Can Trnlli-
fnllyiic Called
Ho Spends IllB Iilfh In Prison Because
UoLitkcs It Released Prom
Prison Ono Day and In
Jail the No\t ,
Denver Tribune.
Chatloa Lingholmor , who was for over
forty years an Inmate of Cherry Hill
prison in Philadelphia , and daring his
Imprisonment win made famona by
Gharlos Dickens in his " American
Notes , " In many respects has bis counter
part In the person of "Doo" Vansooy ,
until a few days ago a convict In the Col
orado penitentiary. Langholmcr'a cell
was always loft vacant during his dis
charge , for It WIH only a question of tlmo
when the old man , la later years known
as "Dickens' Dutchman , " would again bo
sentenced to another term of Imprison
ment. Van a coy on last Friday finished
serving ont a throe years' term In the
penitentiary nt Canon City for the crime
of horse stealing in Furk county. Next
day after his release ho was again at his
old trade of stealing In Pueblo , whoio ho
had immediately gone after leaving the
prison , and now Vanscoy is confined in
jail nt Pueblo awaiting trial on the
Vanscoy Is a man about fifty years of
ago nud has for seventeen years boon
confined in the penitentiaries of vaiious
states. His hair has become gray , but
ho shows no other signs that his prison
life has boon detrimental to his welfare.
Ho is a man of unusually largo proper
tions. Ho has the form , of an alderman
in prosperity , and strides his cell and the
prison walks with as much dignity as a
banker behind his counter. Ho is jovial ,
keeps well Informed by reading the news
papers and is a man universally known
In the prison. Ho says ho gets into
prison because ho likes it better than
"roughing It" on the outside.
Ho has served sentences at Sing Sing ,
Now York , Columbus , Ohio , Jackson ,
Michigan , and at a half dozen ether
penitentiaries. Horse stealing is his
principal mania , and like Charles Lang-
beimer , "Dickons' Dutchman , " ho is no
sooner released than ho Is im
prisoned on a similar offense. It is
natural for him to steal. With him It is
a kind of mania. The experience of
seventeen years in various state prisons ,
has not in the least quieted his klepto
maniac tondencea.
Vanscoy was born in the state of Now
Yoik , and during the early part of his
lifo was engaged In business. What his
first offense was is not known , but since
that fall ho has never been out of prison
any length of tlmo. The only care ho
seems to take Is to BOO that his term oi
sentence Is not too long.
His first confinement was at Sing Sing
and since that time ho has boon confined
in the penitentiaries of various middle
and western states. He was born a thiel
and will die a thief. Ho takes a pride
in relating his experience in the peniten
tiaries of the , different stages , detailing
the different kinds cf punishments used
in refractory casca.and giving his opinion
as to which was the most efficacious.
Vanscoy was discharged from the
Canon City penitentiary by Warden Hey t
on the 20th inst. The term of his sen
tence , nnJor the good behavior provision
would have expired March 1 , but owing
to Ill-conduct he has forty-two extra days
to serve. Ho repeatedly sent notes to
Warden Hoyt to the effect that his time
was out , and asked to bo discharged.
Ho asked for a now pair of boots , and
made various appeals for thoao necessar
ies which are usually given a convict
when leaving the penitentiary , bat the
warden steadily refused.
llocently as Warden Hoyt was walking
over the gronnd , accompanied by Sheriff
Sweeney , of Larimer county , Vanscoy
raised his finger , which signal meant that
ho desired to speak. The warden , sur
mising the purpose of the proposed con
versation , told him to get his coat and go
to his cell , as he intended to discharge
lilm , thereby returning to him
twenty-two doys of his good
time. Vanscoy , much elated , left his
work , and In the evening appeared before
; ho warden in his now suit of clothes , the
orison garb having been thrown aside.
Warden Hoyt gave him the § 10 allow
ance which every discharged prisoner re
ceives. Vanecoy stood hesitatingly in
, ho warden's prcsonco , and then ex
claimed :
"Tho 1st of March makes the sovou-
ccnth year I have spent in various poni-
entlnrles , and warden , " continued Vans-
coy , "I have but one favor to ask. "
"What is It ? " was the interrogatory
reply of Warden Hoyt.
' After I had finished my first term at
Sing Sing , I concluded to make a tour
of the penitentiaries. I managed to got
nto nearly all the loading ones cast and
; hon resolved on a trip west. I got
through Joliet and was arrested
n Kansas for stealing a horse. Bat
; hero fate was agalnet mo. Thod -
jury hang and the only thing loft for me
; o do was to come to Colorado. Now ,
Warden , I am going to Utah , and you
will confer a great favor If you will give
a recommendation to the warden of the
penitentiary of Utah territory. "
The discharged convict know that ho
would soon bo incarcerated in the ponl-
; ary again , and as ho always tried to
avoid a second offense in the same state ,
) is next intended region was Utah. The
recommendation would have been of no
avail , for although discharged March
20th , a day later he wan arrested at
Pueblo for the crime of larceny , and will
doubtless receive a new sentence.
Being of a refractory deposition , it re
cently became necoseary to inflict on
Yanasoy some of the more oovora rales
ot prison life. Ho suggested to Warden
Eloyt that his penalties were not severe
enough , and would recount how they
drowned prisoners at Sing Sing , pad
dled them at Jackson and placed them In
tubs of water at Columbus , Ohio , and
then turned on on elcrtrlo battery. llo
cently Warden Hoyt made uao of a new
scheme to punish prisoners , and found it
neeestary to make Vanscoy one of the
victims , About two weeks later the
warden , on mooting Vanecoy , the latter
said :
"Warden , I want to speak to you a
moment. "
"Well , what is it ? " inquired the warden -
den <
den"That punishment of them
all. "
Vanscoy'a departure from the penlten-
iary , like that of Charles Dickons' old
Langheimer , is only a temporary ab-
aoiice a vacation. J
A Point About
Dlipitches from Europe , which are
confirmed by statements from mannfac-
uting centers in the Eistern States ,
show that from one caaso and another
many heavy orders for cartridges hate
boon and are to bo placed by foreign nn
tlons with American firms.
It may bo of interest to some to know
how It Is that , with n tariff tax of tno
cents a pound on load , American mann
facturors can make cartridges and ship
thorn to all parts of the world at figuroi
for which they cannot bo sold hero. The
duty on lead was Imposed for the pur
pose of enriching a few producers of tha
metal at the oxpooso of all the people. I
sells ordinarily in the east for a little loss
than foreign load with the duty added
or just enough chcapor to keep forolgi
load out. When It Is to bo manuf cturoi
for export , however , foreign bought loru
oomoa in duty free by moans of a draw
back at the Custom houses. In this way
wo hare by law so arranged matters tha' '
cartridges to bo sold to Americans are
taxed bat cartridges to bo sold to some
foroln nation which may take a nation to
kill Americans with them are not
Wo have practical frso trade In load by
moans of the Custom house draw-backs ,
except that no American gets the bonetii
of it. E t ory pound of load manufacturoc
for sale in this country pnys some public
robber two cents.
of the day is undoubtedly JAMES
PYLE'S ' PEARLINE. It cleanses the
dirtiest and most elegant fabric wlthon' '
injury and with little labor. For silo by
How Alleged Temperance People
Tnko Their lotl by Stealth.
York Telegram.
"Our business does not como entirely
from people who drink , for n good per
centage of the money that goes into the
till comes from those who are cupposoi
to bo strictly temperance people , " sale
the cashier In the bar-room of one of the
largo hotels that face Madlaon Square
"How do they do it ? " "Oh , it's easy
enough for a man who wants his bitter
to got them right hero , oven if ho Is an
avowed blue-ribbon man. There was a
Boston clergyman stopping hero las
wook.aOf course ho does not drink
certainly notl But every morning a
breakfast , wo cent into the dining room
a glass of seltzer lemonade for him
which ho drank to 'wake his stomach up ,
as ho told his friends at the earn
table. One-quarter of that glass o
lemonade was pure Holland gin , which
being white in color , could not bo do
tcctod oven by the person sitting next to
him. Yea , of course , wo knew.thogli
was in It , for ho has been stopping at thi
hotel when In the city for some fifteen
years , and there waa an nndorstandlu ]
reached between us a long while ago.
"Thon there Is the wife of a nava
officer of high rank who always stop
hero while her husband is on one of hi
cruises. With dessert at dinner oho ha
two small cups of very black cofloo , ant
her friends always speak of how mucl
more animated and entertaining eho 1
after dinner than before it. She be
comes then a really beautiful talker
The trao reason is that there was a stll
pony of the best French brandy in cacl
ono of thoao little cups of black coffee. '
"Now look there ; watch that , " sail
said the speaker , stopping suddenly am
nodding his head toward the door of the
room , "now you'il have a practical lllns
tration of what I say. "
As ho spoke throe gentlemen atrolloi
in and walked up to the bar. Each ono
of them were silk hats and largo dfa
inond sollta'rea ' In their shirt fronts.
They each ordered drinks , two taklnp
whisky and the third a bottle of gingo :
"Yon keep it up hotter than I thought
yon could , Aleck , " said ono of the
whisky drinkers to the third man as ho
came up to the cashier's desk to pay the
check. "I'm blcaied if I didn't think
Billy would win inside of two weeks. "
"I'm going to win that bjt and don't
yon forget it , " eaid the third man com
placently. "There's only a monthyel
and then the time's up. ' '
"Tho man who drank the ginger ale , "
said the cashier , when they had left the
room , " is in the eastern houeo , pretty
near the head of it. Ho made a hot of
$5,000 two months ngo with ono of the
leaders of the county democracy that ho
wouldn't drink a drop of anything for
three months. Two or throe times a
day ho comes in and takes a bottle of
Belfast ginger ale with some of his
friends. The barkeeper over there will
bo SSOO richer when the Castom house
man wins the bet. "
"Why , " asked the reporter doubt-
"Don't you ECO , " said the cashier , in
ilsgust , "the barkeeper has a peculiar
box from which ho takes those bottles of
ginger alo. Each bottle in the box has
oeon very carefully opened , so as not to
destroy the tinfoil cipaulo over the cork ,
and has been fixed with old rye whisky
one-quarter whisky , ihrfle-quartora
ginger alo. Do you 'tumble' now ? "
' There was ono old fellow , a retired
merchant and a pillar of the Fifth avenue
church , who ttoppod hero last winter ,
who always at his meals had a lemon
sent to him In a small glass. Ono end
) f the lemon was nicely sliced off and
; ho lemon was carefully sot up in the
jlaes on the other end. Ho sucked the
julco from the lemon after ho had done
eating and everybody thought ho took it
; o help his digestion. So ho did , but
; ho lemon was about half full of 'tho ' old
staff , ' so that ho got a good 'whisky sour'
ivory tlmo. I could go on for on hour
telling you of games like these. It
soomcd to bo a mania with a great many
jeoplo to hide the fact that they drank
mythlng , and they will go to any amount
of trouble to deceive their friends and
acquaintance * . But we who are behind
, he scenes , as it wore , know all about It.
Ot course wo never give it away , for it is
wortha gcod deal of money to UB. "
Ho Found Out.
ioston Evening Gazette.
One day last week , when the engines/ /
were flying down Washington street In
response to an alarm of fire a man who
was running was stopped by an eager citi
zen In quest of information , who asked
hurriedly of him : "What's a-fire ? " to
which the other atiBrllyreplled : "What's
a fire ? Why something In a state com-
instlon , you fool ! Lock at your diction
ary I"
EASIEST RlDiinr Trq-psisia.VEHICLE Ufie.
Rldtt ea jr p * * * _ gwlUionepn-
ion as two. m " * Th Springs
lengthen ind shorten according to the weight they
carry. Equally well adapted to rough country road *
pnd fine drive * oicltlci. Manufactured end 1014 by
ill luding CyrltjtLPullderi and Ocilirt.
Free from Oplatit , Hinctlc * and 1'otsons.
for Couclip. Bore Thront , llonrenci * InHncntOt
CoKlfe llronrhltls Croup , W Iiooplnff Cough ,
AM limn , Quln.j- * ln ln Chf t , ttulollier
ITcctlpnl rf tH Tlirttnt an.t Lungi.
Price fie ccn'.n n bottlp. Sold liy DruKlut' nnd DoM
crirtles iinalilt la Imliict their tletitcr la promptly
get it for thtmclll \ rectlt r tien bottles , Erureti cfiarail
taU , l/y trmttng one dollar to
TUB ruuti.Fs A. Toumn roitwNr ,
SolaU Dprl an < l lUnurActnrfrn.
Illltlinorf , ) l rjl nlC.S.X.
lorn n copper-milh by trade , and tlio inmll par
ticles ol brass and copper Irom tiling get Into iorc > on
my arms and poisoned my whole imteo. Mercury
administered bronchi on rlieuninll tnnr < d I bccnno
1 took l oiloz > n bottles of Swltt'e
Spcclflc My Itgi , nrtiu and rmmlt are nil rlKhtagaln.
I use them without pain. My restoration la duo to
S. S. S. 1'riTRH R" . lx > VR ,
Jan. [ ) . 1835. Augusta , Oft.
Malarial Poison.
Wo have useJHwIH'a Spcdflc In our f&mllv nj &n
antldoto for maltrlal poison ( or two or three yearn ,
and have Dover Known It to ( all In a slnglo Instance.
W. 0. Fuiium ;
Sumpter county , Oa , Sopt. 11 , 18:4.
For six or eight yonra I sufTorod with ulc'rs on mv
right leg. I waa treated with lodldo ot I'otnashim
and Mercury , and I became helpless. Blx bottles ot
SwHt'a hpoclflo made a permanent cure.
Feb. 23 , 1835. U. D. WILSON , Galucarillc , Cla.
Swlffa Specific Is entirely vegetable. Treatise on
load and Skin Diseases mailed froo.
The SWIIT SrKCirio Co , Drawer 3 , AtUnta Oa , , or
159 W. 23d St. . N. Y. _ _ _
C17 St. Chnrlcs St , , St. Louis , Mo.
A regular Krado&te or two Medletl College * , bashecn lonffe
Bgtged In the , pccUUrcatmcutor CAHONIC , Huron * . BKII
Boa BLOOB Dlgiiiulbaa anr other tfnjalelauln 8t.Lo&ll.
u etty papera ib&w and all old rexldonu kaov. i
Nervous Prostration , Debility , Mentzl cad
Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and otn < : rJT c.
lions oi Throat , Skin or Bones , Blood PolawCyg ,
Old SOrCS and Ulcers , are treated lth inpnalleinS
lueeesi.on latest pelealltie principle , . pt'elrrrhat | v.
Diseases Arising from indiscretion , Excess ,
Exposure or Indulgence , vhich rro.iue . * > om < or th
Mlonlni etcctil ucrvouineii , dcblhlr , dlmnen or ilflil
and defective memory , flmplfi on the f t < ! . pnjileal dcear ,
arenlontothc toeletr o ( foimilei.eounisiti or lieu , eta ,
rendering JSIarrlago improper or unhappy , au
riermantillycnrcd. rMnphlet(39 r Se > ) eathe tie eKt4
la sealed envelope , free to anj aj.lrrw. ContultatlonaKf
Gooorbymalirree.aDdlnTlted. Wrlu forqucitloDi.
A Positive Written Guarantee
elve * la all curable eaics. Medicines tenl ererjnhera. I
Pamphlets , KnpllBh or German , O4 pacoa , dt >
Icrlblnc nbovo diicnace , In male or remit ! * , FIIED.
ISO pasci. flne platen , llluitratfl n elolh and tilt clKllox , '
, ro ney r iK > aUg ; game. | iap r ooveri , 200. Thl * bo
pulaa alt the curleui , doubtral or Ia4lltlvc. w&et t %
know. A book er great Intuut to all. Uuld ,
u frcratwd by
ntu the LIVBRiiiil ICIUNK ,
mil IfivTuiiK Tint JIBAX.TH
nntl VIGOR of TtOUTIL D.P *
Vi'antnl Aptn'tlto , In-
, l-av. ot S
uroil. lot,2s : , muscles iuiu
H'tvfs rcct'lvo ncwtorcu ,
Kr.livctm His nilml anil
t ) Jir.ilu Power ,
complaint !
pwiMtsrto tliolrsioc vl (
il In DB. Ei' r.KK.'SIHOM I'DOTO Nife nod
ie dy euro , tfiirea u cluur , liualtLv complexion.
fruition ! bUruiriteat cT""f < ' ' " ( , oiilyntM
rj tlippoptilurllyoi IhuotlKliul. Ju uut uxpeii.
.flit KUtlll ! ( > ltIUINAT.AM > llBST.
Kourt TouriKVIn-mtoTha nr. JlnrNir MM to.'fc
in , JMo.or ou. "DREAM 35OOK.--JJI
mntDCfi net ! ttool ititottaaiiOK.liav.jf I
. - . , - , _ . . The Dime Cut1
fnjiit bo uLARCE and ai COOP eT'ry"l > 7.
nirtll & Dlcklo , GO & 02 Watiub Are , ,
'iWa brand is a happy combination of fine , young
crisp red , burly lor ) ; Ullor , with a
and it Just meets the taste of a largo number of
Orders for 'Tlowsharo" are coining In rapidly
rom all parts of the country , demonstrating how
luickly tko great army of chewcra strike n good
combination of Tobacco , both us to quality and
nuantlty. Messrs Loiillard & Co. have exercised no
Ittlo time and la'nor In endeavoring to reach the
Aetna of Perfection in Plowshare , aid scam to hare
lone It. Besides the TfiN CK.ST CUTS ot PJonshare are
Vhicli la a point not to be overlooked by dealers
who will flnd it to their IntoresS to order omo and
ho their customers an opportunity to try It.
Ask Your Dealer for Plowshare
Dealnrs suppliad by
ironcwcpfc Sctoentgen , Council Bluffs.
'eregoy & Moore , " "
j. Kirecht & Co. " "
Stewart liros. " "
'nxtou & Gallagher , Omaha.
ilcCord , Brady & Co , Omaha.
Fur Bale in Omaba by
I , YlnKllntr , 518 S 13th Street ,
lenry Ditzon , 001 S 13th Bt.
leimrcd & Co. . 002 8 13th St.
> eo Oarismn.lOlO Far n am St.
Canfman liroe. , 207 S 15th St.
Caufmnn Bros , 1000 Farnnm St.
'rank Arnold & Co. , 1-118 Farnam St.
Atifru't Plotz & Co. . 1509 Douglas St.
! eo. Heitnrod , CIS N 16th St.
iorgon & Smiley , N , W , Cor , IGth and Cum-
log Sta.
Van Green Bros. , N. W. Cor. Division and
Gumlng Sts.
/ . Stevens 913 N. 21it St.
( Formerly Academy of Music )
I. A , DnixsnACH & Co , , Proprietors
Cou J , nYoon , Manager
Popular Family liesort ,
Atiril ' 85.
Tuesday. 7th , .
I'Dgaucmont Extraordinary of
7. J. Mortimer's Slur Dramatic Co
In the Koinartic Day ,
Chtngo ot etagt performance three times a week ,
Will contain Freaks of Nature and Curioil
iea from all parts of the world , being a iclon-
IGc and moral exhibition. Kntlro change
uyery week of curiosltleu.
A lloaort for Ladies , A Resort for Children
Mujoum open from 1 p , in , to 11 p. tn ,
Theater Matinee daily , 2 p , tn. , anil night ,
8p , in.
Tha remarkable growth ot 'Omnhn
dating the last loir yoara b B matter ol
great antontahmont to thoao who pity an
occasional visit to thla growing city. The
development of the Stor > V Yarda the
noooaalty o ! the Bolt Llna Road the
finolr paved stroota the hundreds oi new
roaldonoca and costly bnelnoni blocki ,
with the popnlntlon of our city raoro than
doubled Gi the last five yoara. All thin
la a great unrprlao to vialton and Ia the
admiration of ons oltlious. Thla rapid
growth , the bnelnosa activity , and tha
many oabatauUnl Iraprovomontj made o
lively demand for Omaha real eatato , uifl
every Invoatoi hai made a handiomo
Slnao the Wall Street panlo May ,
with the onbaonaont cry of hard times ,
there haa boon lees demand from epoonls"
torn , but a fall demand from Invoatoin
Booking homoa. This latter clwa are
taking advantage of low prloos In bnlld.
Ing material and are aocurlng tHolr homo0
at much loaa coat than will bo possible o
year honco. Spconlatora , too , oan bay
real eaUf B ohoapor now and onght to taka
advent u o of proaont price * for futnis
pro ta.
The next few yearn promlooa greats E
dwolopmonU In Omaha than the nail
fiv ) yoara , which have boon aa good aa
wo could reasonably doolro. Now man *
afeotnrlng oatabllahtnonta and Inrpo Job'
blng houaoa are added olmoat weekly , and
all add to the prosperity of Omaha.
There are many In Omaha and through *
but the State , who have tholr money In
the banks drawing a nominal rate of In-
toroat , which , If judlclonaly Invested In
Omaha real ottato , would bring them
much greater returns. Wo hove many
bargains rrhlch wo are confident will
bring the purchaser large profits In tha
near future.
We have for sale the finest resi
dence property in tlio north and
western parts of the city.
North we have fine lots at reasonable -
able prices oa Sherman avemio.l7th ,
I8th , 19th and 20th streets.
Wesfc on Farnam , .Davenport ,
Cuming , and all the ending strceta
in that direction.
The grading of Farnam , Caliior-
nia and Davenport streets has made
accessible Borne of the finest and
cheapest residence property in the
city , and with the building of the
street car line out Farnam , the pro
perty in tlie western part of the city
will increase in valna _
We also have the agency for the
Syndicate and Stock Yards proper
ty in the south part of the city. The
developments made in this section
by the Stock Yards Company nneS
the railroads will certainly double
the once in a short time.
We also have some tine business
ota and Home elegant , inside rosi-
leucep for sale ,
Parties wishing to invest will find
come good bargioiifl
213. South Hth Bfc ,
Bet .men Famham and DOUKBF. !
P. S. We ask those who hare
property for sale at a bergnin to irt
as a callWe want only bargaino
Wo will'positively not handle prop
arty nfc moro than its real value.