Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1885, Image 1

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Toe Prince anil Princess of Wales
Receive a Generous
And Hoaity Irish Welcome ii
Dublin ,
Thg.Keooption by tlio Lord Lieir
tenant of Ireland
And'tho Presentation of the Address
dross of Welcome ,
The Beautiful Princess Gapti
vat OB the Irish Heart ,
A Thousand Students March In 1'rc
cosBlon BliiKiMK "God Save
tlio Queen. "
DonLlN , April 8. The Prince and Princoa
of Wales nuil their oldest BOD , Prince Albei
Victor , slept on board the royal yacl
Otborno nt Holyhoad last night. They leI
Holyhead at 0:15 : thia mnrniog , arriving i
Kingstpu nt 11:30. : Tlio Oaborno wan oncorte
across the channel by the J India a tress ,
yacht belonging to the navy. Largo numboi
of people assembled to greet the royi
visitors. Kingston was crowded with peon !
and tlio town wan profiiHoly decorated wit
bunting and flags. Numbers of excunlo
steamers throngca Ithon bay docked out wit
gay colored bunting , and six vessels of tl
channel squadron wore in waiting arraye
with flags of all nations And brilliant wit
Tail-colored streamers. The Oelwrno wi
sighted when still tun miles out , and as tl
drew nearer was greeted with alvos i
artillery from the men-of-war. When tl
Oaborno touched the pier ; and the royal parl
disembarked the throng raited a long and e :
thusiastte cheer. Dublin presents n live !
appearance , but there nro many indlcatioi
that there la no great enthusiasm. _ Outai ;
tlio route of theprocosslonith-docorationof ( tl
city is far from being general. Anothi
llafr has been substituted for the misaing 01
and this ia now floating over the Mansion houe
Karl Spencer , Lord Lieutenant of Irelani
received the prince and party and the tow
commission delivered an address of welcom
The princess at the same time was made tl
recipient of numerous bouquets. The crow
numbering thousands kept up continual
cheering during th9 reception and cheeri
long and loud as the guests proceeded toDu
lln. They arrived in .Dublin at 2 o'clock , ai
wore accorded a splendid reef ption. In ai
swer to an address of welcome presented I
the citizens' committee the prince said ho w
delighted to renew his acquaintance wit
Dublin. In the passage through the strce
of the city the partylwero every where gri'qti
with enthusiasm. Tno houses on both sid
of the avenues through which they proceedi
were adorned with beautiful decorations ai
the windows and roofs crowded \vi
spectators eager to catch a gllm [
of the fututo king and quo
Alonp tlio route of the royul procession ont
way to Dublin castle many persons ciowd
in put the escort of the lancom , The piin
of Wulei took all these Irregularities go
naturodly and reassured the displaced sped
torslby shaking bands cordially with allwit
in hio reach. Karl Spencer , the Irl
viceroy , was loudly cheered as
drove through th * streets of Dub !
in the procession. Lord Mayor John O'Co
nor , who is a strong nationalist , but w
drove in the official state with the royal <
cert , was loudly hissed by the nationalli
Not a sign of welcome was visible on the c :
hall of Dublin , and this fact stands out
conspicuously as to force comment.
DUIII.IN , April 8. A grand stand had be
erected at the railway station When t
train bearing the royal party arrived fn
Kingatown , an immonsa crowd had collecl
and they wore greeted with tremendous che
ing. They were escorted to the grand sta
where a large representative gathering 1
oiBombled. Hero when the enthusiasm of i
crowd had been quieted ,
was mad. This address dwelt specifies
upon the beneficent influence which the
iluence of the urlnco and princess would ei
ciso upon the welfare of tbo island. Wl
the procmion was about to start from '
station several bands joined their forces
rendering the air of God bless the prince
Wales , for a time cineidorabla excltamo
was _ occasloued by some trouble to the ro
carriage As the horses drawing the carrii
emerged from the depot , they were frightei
by the sight of tbo crowd nnd \
glare of unlforma. The animals thl
and pranced around for a f
moments and it was feared they would br <
away and overturn the vehicles , hut 1
driver In a short time had tbn animals uni
control. This episode delayed the process
a short time , when it again moved ell in p
feet order. College _ GO-PO , where the Ii
stop was made , was literally packed with <
solid mass of carriages and pee
afoot. The advent of tlio 10
party was hailed with tremendi
cheering. Ono foatuin nf the procession v
the presence of a force of mmhing ttudoi
they numbered an oven thousand , and w
jauntily dressed , b no walking sticks as ar
nnd carried two Union Jocks for banm
and in ad o tbo streets rosouud with tl
chcor and lusty
The Princess of Wales captured thopo ]
laca at sight. The refined beauty of her fi
and the elegauco of her figure were ! n
artistically tctoif in a special coelumoof gn
which bad been niadu for the occasion. 1
dress wai composed of acloHO-fittitig green i
vet bodice with a silk skirt , to raa
and princess1 bounet trimmed with ( beads i
dark green featheri. This tribute to I
Irlth colon , so deftly and beautifully ma >
was Instantly recognized by the people i
her royal highness was everywhere ptce
with applause , Afler luncheon at Dut
castle , which was over about- DO in the all
noon , the prince anil party proceeded to
Dublin society's shows , The royal etc
on this trip was composed of imzzari , 1
escort was prectded by J : rl .Spencer , o cor
by thelanccre. . At Ball's Bridge the red
tlon was just as enthuiiaatto as tin one on
Col'ffio tireou and the cheonug along
route was hearty and unanimous. The ox
bition was varied , one of the features boln
series of extraordmaiy jumping feats , ' .
grandstand , whichhad.bcen altered for
occasionwas crowded with prominent pee |
DUIILIN , Apiil 8. Fully a thousand ut
entt paraded the street * and marched to D
1m cattle singing loyal songs and carrj
union jacks on the euds of walking tlc
The royal visitors are loudly cheered where
they appear.
Di'iaiN , April 8 The polica lined the r
road from Klngiton to Dublin , during
passage of the train thU afternoon , but tl
wai no occtilon for thrir'iervices. On
arrival of the tiniu at tbo station in Dul
the crowd broke through the cordon of pal
and surrounded the carriage of the Prince
Walet , cheering him. The Prince step
irom the carriage to the p
form and shook handt heartily with BC <
of people as they crowded around him. '
effect MM electricil , TUB cheering beoi
frantic and was continued in an unbroken ]
until the prince reached Dublin castle. '
police and loyalists had no trouble in qnel
what slight disturbance WAR created by A fov
nationalists , _
PARIS , April 8. The government has re
solved to continue to eend reinforcements ti
China until the final treaty of peace shal
have boon signed ,
LONDON , April 8 , Lord Granvlllo for
warded a dispatch to the British ambassado
at St. Petersburg refuting to accede to Ih
request of the Nubian foreign minister to or
tend the line of the debatable zone on thi
KuMO-Afghan frontier to the Parapamisn
mountains. Karl Granvlllo insists that ] i
lessor line will bo the furthcrost limit urn
urces an airly meeting of the joint boundar ;
There was a slight renewal of the war feel
ing on the stock exchange to-day , owing t <
reports from St. Petersburg that the chief c
staff of the Kusslan array had obtained th
czar's assent to the acceleration of the propa
ratioub for war. Consols for both money am
account 07 } .
Ilycrson & Brown , livery stable keeper !
failed yesterday , with liabilities of over half
million , and asietn that may equal the
amount In time. The firm is a largo holdc
of stock of the Now York Cab company
which ia claimed will not be affected by th
RAWAL PINDI , April 8. The grandjdinm
in honor of the ameer to-day was a gret
success , and presented a brilliant and impree
sivo scene. The viceroy sat upon a dais , tl :
ameer on the right hand , Dako of Connaugt
on the left. After valuable presents had bee
offered the ameer he acknowledged in brli
his obligations to the queen and vlcoro ;
and stated that ho would render every servli
in the power of his army and people , as tl :
British had promised help to the Afghan
The Afghans would in the firmest marine
stand side by dido with tbo Brills
acainst any common enemy. The Vicero
then presented the Ameer with a mognificei
sword. The Ameer , in accepting it , said 1
hoped to strike therewith any enemy of Ore ;
Hritain. The Ameer was well satisfied wil
the ceremonies.
Hoxa KONO , April 8. English shlpownei
hero decline to shipiico for the northern pa
of China. They are very skeptical in regni
to promised protection by the English cab
net. In consequence the entire trade is beii
diverted to Gorman bottoms.
LONDON , April 8. Henry M. Stanley hop
to viait the United States at the end of tl
month. Ho wdl stay but a short time ,
PARIS , April 8. The first ballot for pros
dent in the chamber of deputies to-day w
Falllers , 130 ; Floquot.1-17 , and PhilHpoteau
83 ; no choice. On the third ballot Floqui
was elected , roceivimz 179 votes , to 176 f
Fallleres. The senate voted a credit
on the operations
The guards and Austr :
lian contingent which loft here on Montr :
for Handouts , with orders to build a zeraba
that point , have reached their destination.
LONDON , April 8. Forty thousand cc
miners re now on a B trine in Yorkshire ale
against a 10 per cent reduction of wages.
CONSTANTINOPLE , April 8 , An offic
proclamation has been issued elating that t
malidi is acting in opposition to the princitl
of IslamtBm and bns posrlbly carried his sol
tious audacity to the extent of issuing furtl :
incendiary manifestoes against the Ottom ;
domination. The Mussulmans will regard t
Soudanese agitator as an impostor and a re
ber chief of the worst kind , and will tri
the new appeal of fanaticism and ba
barism with thu eamo profound contempt
BERLIN , April 8. The belief hitherto
taiued In official circles that peace would
maintained between England and Russia 1
undergone a distinct change. Dispatcl
from St. Petersburg iay tbo war party Is g
ling the upper hand and that the czar i
agreed to appoint General Goui
and General Kouropotkine to I
leading commands in the Afghan campaign
the event of war. Each will head an an
corps of 50(0'J , men. Gen. Prince Dondi
kof Korsakoll , governor of the Cauca <
takes a staff of military surveyors to Merv
report upon the progress of thu massing
troops and condition of the commissariat. ]
will command tbo Third army corps ,
LONDON , April [ 8. Owing- a scare tune
German holders of Russian stocks , hea
eolllngorders were received to-day frura I )
lin and Frankfort ,
LONDON , April 8. The Standard tas
ceived a telegram In cipher from a corrosm
dent in Russia elating that a battle bad bi
f ought on Murghab river , and that 00 rr
were killed , The despatch was sent in ciul
in order to escape the vlgllanco of the RUSB !
censors , and the Standard therefore refra
from mentioning its source but says that ll
entitled to * ho highest credit. Tno Stand :
assumes from the origin of the telegram t !
the RuHsInns are defeated but not certain.
NEW York , April 8-Cyrua W , Field'
resigned aa a member of the executive co
mltteo cf the Manhattan Railroad coropi
and to-day of the executive committee of
Western Union Telegraph company. }
Field has taken this action in fulfillment o
long established purpose of retiring when
bad completed fifty years of active buslnes1
this city. He commenced business here
April , 1835 , as a boy of in. His oldest i
takes his place on the executive committee
of the Manhattan llailroad company.
Two Coaches Derailed
MILAN , April 8. A broken rail on
Toledo , Ann Arbor & Northern railn
cauted two coaches loaded with pasacngcra
leave the track , about six miles north of t
place this morning. After leaving the tn
the coaches turned over and were drag ,
about ten rods on their sides. J , B. Couni
train master , aud J , M , Smith , road masl
are badly hurt , also three ladies , a child i
five men , It is thought that Mrs , Clute ,
Dundee , Mich. , who was injured on the i
will not recover , Tbo track was blocked
dayand all trains hate been delayed ,
6 Selecting the Final Heating Via
Special telegram to THE BEB.
WAHHINOTON , Aprils. While nothing d
nita has been determined on with relerenci
the final restlntr place of the heroic bonei
General Grant , and while a number of eli
bio sites are being more lets diicusied ,
chiding one under tbo shadow of the Vft
ington monument , it seems to be the goni
e feeling that tha remains of the hero of.
| ( J
n pommattox should rest In the soldier's be
grounds , and the probabilitiei are a comma
IDC lite there will be chosen , where the gn
ful nation through iti congress may rrec
fitting monument to commemorate his vi
and patriotism. The site near the Wash !
ton monument would be the moil iulta' '
but for the fact It cannot be expected t
congreu would undertake to duplicate t
shaft , and any memorial of ordinary
would be unalterably dwarfed beside It ,
Troops Rapidly Ponring Mi tic S.a1
of War r ,
And Being Distributed to th <
Strategic Points ,
Indians Threaten to Capture tlii
Government Stores ,
Possibility that a Battle Ma ]
Ooonr in 12 Days ,
The People of Prince Albert ii
Great Trepidation ,
A General Uprising or the Indian
On the North Boundary
WINNII-EQ , April 8. The Nineteenth rille
aud tha Winnipeg Geld battery camped twee
ty-eight miles from Fort Quo Appello la'
night with a battery three miles behind then
Their forcei joined thorn thia morning bu
were obliged to await supplies before movin
further toward Touchwood. "B" battery re
mained at Quo Appello station , it bavin
been decided to send it nnd the Queen's Owen
on to Swift Current to go down the river. .
special train with the royal grenadiers i
Toronto on board reached the city at 7 o'cloc
this a. m , , having made the journey froi
Port Arthur in ll ! hours. Col , Grosse
was in command of the battalion which nun
bors 305 men. Besides these the rear guar
of the Qucen'a Own of twenty-one and tb
Ottawa Foot guards , sharpshooters numbei
ing fifty two men were with the grenadier
All went out by special train at 1 o'clock.
that the fharpshooters and grenadiers wl
also likely go to Swift Current wltn B ba
tery , and the Queen's Own will form a divi
ion and advance north by the Sasketchowi
river. A junction will be effected by the tv
r { vision * at Clark's Crossing , and the qjoatii
of a further advance will bo settled at th
It is expected ono division will go to Prin
Albert and tbo other to Battleford. A ar
B batteries remaining at that point an )
next fall in order to fully restore peace ,
is reported at Touchwood Hill * that a bat
of Indians is within one day's march of Hui
boldt , where n quantity of government su |
plies are stored , and the advance will pro
ably bo hurried to prevent their capture ,
is also stated
at South Branch in order to make an attem ;
to prevent the troops from crossing the rivi
at that point. The troops will probably real
thorp in about twel 10 days , when there is
possibility that an engagement may occur ,
messenger from Prince Albert has just pasei
here. Ho says there is provisions there f
three weeks only , and if lelief does not con
by that time the police and settlers will
forced to lay down their arms and surrend
to the rebels. The troops camped Mundi
night twelve miles out of Quappelle and ROI
began to realize that disparagements were i
teudant on the campaign at this time of yoi
the mercury falling from CO degrees aba
zero to 20 degrees below , and the men h
dilliculty in keeping from freezing. The wi
blew a gale of thirty miles nu hour and bad
clear sweep ) across the prairie and throu
the camp. It has been learned that shnrl
after farmer instructor Applegartbs arrived
Swift Current a baud of Indians with Luck
man at their head , came to the place. Ic \ \
discovered that their object was to BOCV
Applegarths , whose trail they had followe
They showed their disappointment in ma
mays , but as there was a largo body of m
in town they did not go beyond this. H
they got a hold of Applegarths it is auppoe
they would have killed him.
For several hours tlio Indian * , marched
through the town , their notions being of
most insolent character.
The following intelligence has been ;
ctived from Col. Gary : Fort MacLeod
threatened and
by the good officers at Pere LaCombe ,
A special dispatch received by courier
volunteer headquarters from MacLeood hi
given great unea-iness , the Groa Ventrei Ii
dians are north on the international bound ?
3 on the war path. The South Pigeon a
i Bloods have formed an alliance. Tobac
sent from lliels Indians to the Groa Venti
was some time ago' accented by the latti
thus showing that Kiel baa laid a deep c (
g spiracy In which the Milk JUver Indians w
i play aa Important part. At a late hour a c < -
t respondent had an interview with Ca ;
Stewart , who is still hero writing a doapatt
Capt , Stewart believes that matters are loc
Ing very bad In thia district. Ho will pr <
ably await the arrival of arms and ammui
tion , these been under eecort. The worn
and children and those incapnblo of bear )
arms are ( locking to Fort McLeod for proti
lion. Col. Strange Is in ronstant commui
crtiou with the threatened points and is doi
his utmost to put everything ! ! ! this district
defensive bisis. The Block feet did u
meet Captain Collins at the crotslng to-d
according to agreement and
Troops should bo sent to the dirlrict wi
out debiy because they will be needed linn
dialoly , aud application to mlhti
headquarters has been made
them. Sergeant Groggen of northw
mounted police , was sent to-day to MoLc
with an important dlipatch. A courier Is <
pectcd to-night from there. Col , MeLeod
at Fort MoLcod. lie has great influei
with the Bloods , but they ore acting ugly ,
detachment of volunteers has just left
Gleichen , where the railway authorities i
afraid of the Blackfeet.
OITAWA , April 8.Sir Sohn A. McDon
will to-morrow oik parliament for author
to increase the strength of the northw
mounted polica from COO to 1,000 , and to a
fifty fcouts. It la aho intended to keep
and B batteries at Prince Albert and Batt
ford until fall.
QUEBVC , April K. lion. John Cotbg
minister of Inland revenue. In a ipeecu
Levli , defended the policy of the governor
in the matter of the northwest rebellion ci
cernlng the half-bteed claims. Ho said tl
were unjust and should not be recogniz
They bad not been wrongfully treated by
crovcrnment , but after selling the lands on
Htd river they had demanded others on
Onv. Sherman and Auditor Ilrov
DAVKKI-ORT , Ia , , April 8 , In tne iupre
court , the care of Auditor Brown vi , Gov
nor Sherman was taken up ai per ameme
Parsons , of Dea Moines , attorney for Sh
man , appeared with an affidavit which ita
that the application of Mr. Brown for a v
of habeas corpus was not for the purpoie
being reletied from Imprisonment , but i
for the sole purpose of tenting the coniti
tlonalityof the law under which Gover
Sherman had acted in removing 1
from office , and for tbii reai
ho begged to not allow the petition for a
hcabeai corpui , The court could not see why
It should not hear the question and decide the
case. If thogo\ornorhad caused Brown to
bo illegally arrested , tbo court held that It
could not protect the governor , Parions
then begged for time. The attorney general
hid promliod to aisist him in the CMC and had
hot yet examined the question. Tlio at
torney-general taid that _ he had not
yet examined thn question and did
not know which side ho might bo on when he
had time to examine the caso. The court.aftci
a short struggle nf Brown's attorneys for an
immediate hearing , gave Sherman's lawyeri
two weeks longer to study the constitution
ality of the case and continued the case until
Wednesday , the 22d April , when it promitei
to hear the cast ) and compel the governor1 !
forces to bo ready ,
N > . \ \ YonK , April 8. Gen. Grant pasted i
sry quiet night , there being no return of th (
emorrhapc , and official bulletins of modioa
.ttendauts are quite reassuring. About-l:3 : (
enator Cbaffeo and U. S. Grant , Jr. , left thi
IOUBO and gave an encouraging report of thi
oncral'a ondttion. At six this morning Gen
ftdonu left the house , and said in answer t <
in inquiry , "Gen , Grant has paused over ]
iasy night , Ho is now resting quietly. "
ltO : ! P. XL Gen. Grant has bgen compara
vely comfortable during the morning. Hi
.as coughed very seldom , had some tempo
ary pain in the throat which necessitated thi
ipplicitlon of cocoaine. Ho has taken nour
ihment with no pain in swallowing ; pulse Cti
omperature 09 D.
2 r. > i. Drs. Barker , Douglas , Shrady anc
lands meet in coocultation this afternoon
ionator ChilTeo left General Grant's house a1
.2:30. : lie said the general's face looks n
veil as It did a month ago. but that the bed ;
s becoming emaciated. The pattont walkec
.n his room to day. ChalToe does not appro
end immediate death.
NKW YORK , April 8. The afternoon oassoi
.n absolute quiet , as did the morning hour
with Gen , Grant. Mrs. Dr. Newman nni
Irs. Whltolaw Hied loft their cards. Th
ixproasod opinion of Dr. Barker is that h
elt litllo apprehension of serious results dui
ing the day or night served to allay immedi
tie anxiety and a shower cleared the street o
.he crowd which up to thnt time ba
teed Band stared at the house. Genera
.toasor , wha achieved considerable renew
during the war in tbo confederate cavalrj
jailed at 10 a. m , , and loft a basket c
lowers. He did not see Grant but when hi
came out ho said : "He is bettor. " At 0:3
Mrs. General Grant , Alfred Grant and wil
were in the library , and Dr. Dougln
was "asleep. At 9:30 : General Beidea
emerged from tbo house. Ho said that Gei
. ! rnnt was testing comfortably : that tb
family feel so confident that tha gcner _ ;
would pass a ( rood night , they had retired I
est.At 10 ID p. m. the following bulletin vri
issued : General Grant has passed a vi > r
quiet afternoon ; his eeneral condition Is tl :
name as it last report ; pulse 01 , temparatui
US G Ho has taken food as usual.
( Signed ) J. H. DOUGLAS. M. D.
Dr. Shrady says he will not send out ar
more bulletins to-night unless something u :
expected occurs. Tlio general is sleeping at
the doctors thiuk ho will have a quiet nigh
CIIETENNE , April 8.The ituck growci
convention , which re-convened at 10 o'cloi
a. m. , was the largest attendance of the s (
aion. The finance report , after some dlsct
ion , was adopted. The expenses of the pa
year were SJ8.929 , l ! > . The receipts S37.011.0
Deficit § 11,918.20. The question oi asset
ment waa settled by adopting the followii
resolution :
Bo it resolved , That this association appol
a board of equali/ation to regulate an equi
Izatlon to regulate an equal aud equitable o
sessment ouall its members from Wyomln
Nebraska , Dakota , Montana and Colorad
That such assessment bo equal in per cent ai
per head , that all its members share and sha
alike. That each state or territory abe
named be reprcantod by two members of th
association from each state ana territory nbo
n.unod It i further
Itesolved , That nothing herein contain' '
shall apply to any further assessment.
Too veterinarian of the association repot
that there are no contagious diseases amo ;
the cattle of Wyoming , but owing to the fac
of importing contagion the veterinarian ne
this territory has given notice of his procl
inatlon prohibiting the Introduction of call
from certiin localities. This aclion the i
port considered.wise and timely ,
A resolution prohibiting the racing of lion
on the ranges ani playing cards as injurin
to the morals of the camp was almost unai
moiisly adopted.
The old board of officers were re-electtd I
the ensuing year. Adjourned tine die ,
WASHINGTON , April 8. A committee , rt
resenting the Grand Army of the Ilcputl
called on the president to-day and present
ao appeal for tbo retention In the govoi
ment sor\lcoi of old soldiers , The prei
dent expressed himself very strongly in fav
of the object of their visit.
The Evening Stir to-night says : Uonei
Lawton , of Georgia , called on the preside
yesterday and said ho wanted at the outset
relieve the administration of nil possibility
embarrassment arising from his appointme
to the Russian mission. He said he want
the president to proceed In the case withe
any regard to him ( Lawton ) personally ,
desire was that the * president should act ji
as If the appointment had never been t <
Murder ana Halcldo.
CHICAGO , April 8 , Kdward Lambert ,
years old , called at the home of Us motlie , Mis. Ann A. Mulligan , ISO Sou
Deeplalnes street at noon to-day to see 1
wife , from whom ho has been estranged. 1
( hot and killed Mrs Mulligan and also si :
ad dangerously woundnd hii wife and th
killed himself.
Lambert is u shoe furnisher by trade ai
until recently worked | in Detroit a :
Cincinnati. Five month ) ago he was marrli
to TeresBa Mulligan , but they separated
short time ago owing , Lambert said , to t
interference of his mother-in-law. The latt
kepi a liltle notion itore , living In the rear
the store. Lambert called this afternoon ,
he declared , to induce his w
to co mo und live with him , but In a dispi
which followed eliot Mrs , Mulligan. La
bert who was firtt reported dead Is still llvi
but thn doctors say he cannot recover. I
vife is not seriouily wounded.
A Now Orlditt ) at Sioux City ,
Bioox Onv , Ia. , April 8. Survey * hi
been made hero with a view of bridging I
Missouri river at this point. The work 1
been done at the Initance of eastern capilalle
The repoit that the Chicago , St. Paul , M
neapolfs aud Omtha Ilailroad company w
seeking to obtain a monopoly tn thn bndgi
officially diiputed by 13. W. Winter , v
president and general manager of the Omt
Mormon PrlfBtH Want A Statehoc
SALT LAKE , April S. The Tribune is i
thoiityfor the asset tion that a leading M
mon biihqp bat declared that the prlssthc
hai concluded It would be cheaper to buj
statehood for Utah than to endure the anni
* ncei that polygamiiti are DOW being si
jected tobv the enforcement of the la >
Among the laity this ii now considered tea
a plan for a Mormon campaign ,
The Coiiniltee of Public Safety Have
of Great Franfl ,
Carter Harrison Elected by the
Bare Majority of 350 ,
It is Considered by Every One c
Moral Defeat ,
Probabability that the Offioia
Count will Declare for Smith ,
And the Election May be Con
tested in the Courts ,
The Police AVork H ncl In Glov <
with the Tblcvae , Tramps
and Ward Rounder * .
MAjonrrr 01SW ) .
Special Telegram to the BEE.
CHICAGO , April . The unofficial return
show that Carter Harrison has boon ro-elcctoi
mayor of Chicago by the narrow majority o
330 votes. These figures may be changed 10
thor way when the returns made by th
udgoa are received. It is considered b'
ivory ono a moral defeat , and there is ever ;
irabability that on the official count , Sidne ;
Jmith will bo declared elected by a docisiv'
majority , unless the common council return
"ng board will refuse to recognize the bare
'acod frauds. In the latter event , the matte
vill bo prosecuted in the courts. There ar
dready evidence of a fierce public indigno
ion , as some of yesterday's fraud
jomo to 'light , and the prediction i
made thut all the charges not
openly made can bo verified , a public move
rnent will take shape akin to the one whlc
.rovo Colviu out of power ,
iaa collected evidence of open fraud and wit
i public fund of over $100,000 , it is believe
.hat they cannot only be laid bare , but
lumber of penitentiary convictions are cei
tain to follow , Tbo voting in the First an
Ninth wards was carefully watched and tli
iitizens committee claims to ha\o documen
nry ovloence upon which to convict a numb !
> f professional election rounders. It is state
; hat In the First ward. Mart Davis , of Gale ;
burg bank robbery notoriety , who tuna
saloon at the corner of La Salle and Sout
Water streets , was allowed to vote aJthoup
he lives on the north side. Job
1'oguo , n professional poker player and
enident of the north side was vouched for t
'Parson" Davies , a resident of the preclni
and voted. Prosecutions will follow again
nil of these. Early in the day an agent '
the committee of public safety , who had bee
dispatched to take the names of those whoi
votes were sworn in , was knocked down at
dragged out of the polling place by Old Bil
Whelan. He was badly bruised and wl
prosecute Whelan. In the sixth precinct
the first ward Dennis Kiyanaugh , ono of tl
factmado a count of the first and eecoi
wards , doing all ho could to advance tl
gangs in the fourth precinct. "Fisky" Bn
nett , a gambler , though not ono of the reg
larly appointed judges , acted
such. Murray was another of tl
judges. Both were witnesses
beha f of Mackin and Gallagher in the la
trial in this precinct. Early In the day V
G. Bailey , republican challenger , was crow
ed from the polls and hurled into the stre
by Officer Swanson and another policema
In the Fifth mecinct polling place , at 10
state street , William J. Gallagher ,
in company with two or three others , appear
between 1 and 2 o'clock. Gallagher walk' '
up to the polling window with a man wl
gave his name as James McCarthy , az
vouched for him. The name was found reei
tcrod , and accordingly the vote was put in t
box. The two left immediately. Then
was discovered the man was not James M
Carthy , James McCarthy wan register' '
from the bnilding in which the polling pla
was situated , and It was found that no w
not in the city at all. It is said that M
Eurban , the democratic judge who took t
ballot and hastily put it in the box , kno' '
McCarthy personally and knew that the m
before the window waa an impostor. Objt
tion to the vote was made when It waaofTere
but Kurbin put it in the box all the same ,
warrant was sworn out for the arrest of G ;
lagher's friend who personated McCartli
and search was at once begun for him at
number of thn piecInctH , Affidavits of i
publican voters were thrown out and reject
by the democratic judge ? , and all along t
line discrimination against republicans a :
in favor of democrats was not avoidable. T
papers charge that
with the thieves , trampj , gamblers and wa
rounders , encouraging the roughs and bull !
to acts of violence against law abiding ci
zons. Honeit voters wore driven away frc
the noils aud republican challengers wi
beaten and forced to leave their posts. "Du
my" republican judges gava their colleagi
full swing to do crooked work in many pi
clncts and Harriion's majority might ha
been mnda 20,000 but for watchfului
The flhnmef ul effrontery of tbo ganp wan de
onstratod by the open parading of Joteph
Makin , the ballot box stuffer , to the polls
the down town wards , riding in an op
barouche , and stopping at all the poll !
places to convene with the workers. Th <
facts concerning the returns
promptly in the local papers and local d
order is considered not impossible in view
the heat and excitement already provoked
the contf-st ,
CHICAGO , April 8 , On thu face of the ;
turns , every precinct in tbo city having be
beard from , the vote for mayor stand ) , He
risen ( dem. ) 42.020 ; Smith ( rep , ) fJ.fiSG ; Hi
rison's plurality. 331 , Dovini ( dem. ) j
treasurer , is elected by 1,300 majorit
Plantz ( rep ) for city clerk , elected by 1)2 rr.
jorltyy , Washburno ( rep. ) for city attorne
u elected by 10,000 majority. These figui
nifty > ary slightly , The local committee
public safetycharges ; that frauds hare be
perpetrated in three or four of the wards ai
declare thnt a number of prosecutions w
follow , Tlio republican managers , it is i
clarcd this morning , will contest Harrisoi
election , and they claim to have cvldenoj
fraud upon which to base a contest ,
CHICAGO. April 8. The Daily New , whi
this mcrmcg declared Harrison had be
elected mayor according to the apparent It
of the returns , by 31-1 plurality , ii out with
special edition stating that Sidney Smith 1
probably been elected even by the lace of t
returns and that on an official count of t
ballota ho will be found to ho
carried the citv by fully t
thousand majority. Tbo ramn paper char |
great fraud ) were committed In the Fir
Second and Ninth wards. Newmiiter ( Dai
is now believed to have been elected c :
clerk. Tee prohibition vote for mayor
93. The democratic papers claim that Hi
rioon's majority is 400.
CHICAGO , April 8 Very few changes hi
l > 'en mtde upon estimates upon yttaterda
election returns , Tlio democratic p&pori
claim Harrison's election by from 350 to 400 ,
while the republican papers assort that the
official count will show that Smith carried the
city , The committee of public safety , com <
posed of citizens , declare that they La\o ovl
dcnco in hand of fraud at various of the noil.
lopplacefr , and a number of prosecutions will
follow , although no arrests have been mndo tip
tothls evening. It is declared that In the
third precinct of the fourth ward , the rotutni
oivo Harrison 132 , Smith 05 , while thoio whc
kept tally declare that the figures atould Ix
reversed. It is also claimed that the return !
from the seventh precinct of the tenth watt
indicate that they wore tampered with. It :
the tenth precinct of the thirteenth wart
voters are willing to swear that the number
of their ballots wore greater than the num
bers returned aa having been voted
The committee desired to place i
watch over the ballots but they were r fiHOt
admittance tn the rooms whnro the ballots an
locksdup. They state that they will nppea
to the courts for an order authorizing thr
mon bo placed to watch the ballots. Tfai
lublldied statement is made that William J
Gallagher , convicted of ballot box stuffing
touched for a man at the polls yesterday whi
had no right to vote , and was personalia )
mother man. A conference of tbo citizen
'oinmitteo and republican managers who hai
, hls afternoon to decide whether they woul <
lontpst the returns from the various precinct
md it was understood that they would do so
ST. LOOM , April 8. Iteturna from yoiter
Jay's elections show that the democrats elect
! d the entire city ticket , except six member
if the council aud eleven members of th
louse of delegates ,
' KANSAH OITT , April 8. The majority o
if Moore , democratic candidate for mayor , i
iver vl.OOO The remainder of the ticket i
Jivlclod. The council stands six each republi
cans and democrats.
pocial Telegram to THE BEE.
CHICAGO , April 8 "She is dead ! " "Sli
s deadl" "Her son-in-law shot her throng
the heart and then killed hlmstlf ! " Wore tl
acclamations that arose from a multitude <
ixcited thioata in the vast crowd that Burgo
ind swayed around the front door of a sma
wooden shanty nt 1TG South Deiplalnos stroi
,0-day. , In a little back room of the elmnt ;
.ho front of which is occupied aa a small coi
'ectionary shop , Mrs. Anna A. Mulligan , tl
proprietress , lay dead , with a buliet in hi
heart. Not far away was the dying body <
Edward Lambert , her eon-in-law , and in i
adjoining bed room lay the wounded at
swooning form of Theresa Lambert , the wi
of the assassin , and the daughter of the mu
dered woman. Blood oozed in little crlmsc
streams from the bodies of the wretched far
lly. The floor ran red. The sobbing and di
traded children of Mrs. Mulligan stood aboi
wringing their.hands , and enlisted the syr
pathy and pity of the bystanders. This te
tible trneody waa enacted at 10:30 : o'clock t
day. Edward Lambert called at the house
hia mother-in-law to see hia wife , Theres
from whom he has lived apart for sever
weeks. Not finding either her or her moth
in the little cake shop in front , ha passi
through to the kitchen in the r < ar. There I
found the persona ho sought. There w
gieat emotion in his face when he entered ai
hia eyes were moist with tears. He odvanci
toward his wife and extended hia tight hai
fa if In grueling ,
He said then he wheeled suddenly in 1
tracks and faced his mother-in-law. Slio w
alarmed by thetorriblo _ look in his face , b
before she had tiuio to flee Lambert Hashed
revolver from his pocket and , taking dead
aim , fired. A young daughter of Mrs. Mill
pan rushed to her side screaming , and thrc
her arms about her. Her mother , howovi
did not speak. She jumped convulsive
from the ground , gasped hoally , and fell
the floor , dead , in her little daughter's arn
with the ctuel bullet in her heart. But t
deadly work of tha insanely jealous husbai
did not stop there ; it was only just berc (
He turned upon his wife. He began firing
her as ehe retreated jnto the liti
bed room adjoining. His terrible c
citement now rendered his aim unsteady ai
uncertain , and the first and second she
missed her. The third entered the fine
part of her arm inflicting a slight wonn
By thn time the woman had swooned , S
fell heavy and hopelessly to the floor inside
the bed chamber. Lambert must ha
thought it best for him to end his own ox
tonce. This final step be proceeded imn
dlately to take ; Ho turned his weapon up
himself and
evidently aiming at his heart. Ho fell to t
ground and was lying there unconicious wh
the doctors and the police arrived on t
bloody * scene , He cannot ) recover. Mi
Lambert came out of the swoon a lit
before tbo dying body of her husband w
carried out on a stretcher. With bio
streaming from her wounded arm she held 1
head between her hands and klesed hia la
on which the dew of death was beginning
gather , and bnskily whispered , "Oh , Edd
Eddie , why did you do this. " Theglazi
eyes moved convulsively and the throat roll
as if the words were trying to force their \v
out , but no articulate sounds came forth , 1
couple bad only been married a few inont
The XciincKseo Legislative Conip
NASHVILLE , April 8. There Is no inatoi
change In the legislative complication. 1
republican absentees from the sonata are s
in a state of eiego in a room in the Max *
house , the doors of which are guarded by
officers of the senate , in waiting to arrest t
of the be-eigfd party who venture oat , aud
prevent others from communicating w
them. This morning Stanley H. Bell
prominent local republican , was arrested ]
order of the senate , for attempting to c <
municato the decision of Judge Heotl to
absentees from the senate.
A Maniac's Deed ,
NASHVILLE , April 8. Karly this morn
L. 1C , Kldredgo , a patient in tbo Insane a
him , from Overtoil counly , suddenly seize
floor mop and struck Everett B , Buchan
the attendant of the ward in which J'ldm
roomed , cruihing in his akull'nnd fatally
jurlngnlm. The infuriated lunatlo nnxt i
tacked Thomas 0. Luyton , a feeble opllept
patient , aged 28 years , crushing his skull. I
then attacked another patient , when an atti
dant from an adjoining ward rushed in a
secured him , Both Buchanan and Lay )
died within a few minutes , Llderdge la 01
20 years of oge.
Is HarrloB Dead ?
NKW YOUK , April 8. The son of 1'rciidf
Barrio * left tbi city for Wa hington I ;
night. He aM ho did not believe hi i fall
to be dead. He had received no trustwort
Information to that effect , If it were true I
American minister at Guatemala would hi
informed the govemmeut at Washingti
He uys : "I bellevo the telegram fret
from a friend to a gentleman in thia city ,
queillng him to inform mo of my faUu
fleath , Is a forgery , became it is fitted fr
Salvador , while I know positively that 1
gentleman wnoto name ia ifgaed to it was
Guatemala next day , "
Com lot Pardoned ,
Si-BisamiD , 111. , April 8-The cover
to-day pardoned C , F , Goodspoed , inurdi
of a mun named TonU in Bloomlngton
11 * . He Lad been aentenced to ai yi
There was Very Heavy Trading in
Wheat ,
The Aggregate Transactions Very
Large and Prices Higher
Oorn Enled Higher and in Good
Demand ,
Oattlo Firm , but a Wonderful Pall
ing off in Receipts ,
Hog Eeoeipts have Fallen off
19,000 ; Prices Higher ,
Trfttlo In ProvisloiiH wrta Not Very
Active , but Prlcca lltiloil
ipeclal telegram to the BKK.
Kecelptfl continue to show a wondertul fall-
igofT. Business la active along the line aud
new firm nt tha advance noted yoitorday
all \arictios of thlppinp and dressed beef ,
leers ruling 2 @ 30c higher than lost week.
V good many loads touched $0GO@5,7C to-
ay and for the firat time since the first week
n March wcr note the sale above 30.00.
i xtra beeves weighing 1,400 pounds sold at
r..05 ; a\erngca of 1,050 to 1,2CO pounds ,
4.l3@0.30 ! ; 1,200 to 1,300 pounds , S5 25@0 75 ;
,400 to l,5f.O pounds , ? r 7G@GOD ; native
lows , $2 75@4.0Q ; butchers' steers , SJ 30@
.05 ; stackers and feeders , § I.G5@1.7CToras ; ,
14.004 10.
Receipts for the week so far show a falling
ff of nearly 19,000 as compared with the cor-
oaponding period of lost week. The demand
OH fair and prices a shade higher than yen-
.crday. Vacking and shipping , 240 to 3CO
ounda , $4.04.70.
There was voryheavy trading in wheat
.oday , the aggregate transactions ) bo-
np very largely m sympathy with the nd-
, -anco in wheat Inaugurated at other winter
wheat markets. The strong advnnco In pries -
: es sustained at tbo opening was well BUS *
tained though oulside figures were i ® So above
: losiug quotations for the day. Cold weather
md an apparently growinp belief in a short
ivheat crop were the sustaining features of _ the
nark&t and induced Rood outside buying.
There was u steady feeling at the close , whoa
the market waa about Ijc higher than on
Monday. There was n good shipping do-
niand for
, nd prices ruled higher , notwithstanding liberal -
oral receipts , the market closing for the day
Jc higher than on Monday. The speculative :
market for
was firm in sympathy with the other markets
and closed Jc higher than [ yc&torday. Trade
, V B not very active , but prioea ruled steady
and showing very little change. On the after
noon board wheat was firm and closed Jc
higher. Corn closed Jclower. Oils unchanged.
Fork 2c lower and ard Z\o higher.
Special Telegram to THE BEE.
SPRINGFIELD , April 8. It is now confi
dently anticipated that there will bo a full
attendance to-morrow and another test vote
'or United States senator. Another effort Ute
to bo made to solidify all the republican votou
Cor General Logan. There are all Horta of
reports and rumors afloat as regards the
schemes and plots on both aides in tbo sena
torial contest , and ono report is to the ( Tect
that General John C. Block has had a secret
conference at Washington with several dom-
Dcratlc members of tbo house , at which some
kind of a bargain has beoa made by which
in alleged Mippory republican is to bo bribed
by an official appointment for himself or a
friend. The republicans now hero scout the
idea an altogether too absurd ,
SAN FRANCISCO , April 8. A procession
which attracted but little attention at the time
is now known to bo productive of serious , and
probably In some cases * fatal results. The
city coroner on Sunday last organised on n
Hand lot an anti-Chinese procession , and
headed by two bands of music paraded the
city. Before Rtarling ho harranquod the
crowd on Chinese evils. The result wac , every
Chinaman who happened to cross the route of
proceestonhts was chased by tliein and 111
treated if caught. It was supposed at the
time that the Chlnamoni were more scared
than hurt , Col. Bee , Chinese consul , states
to-day , however , that the investigation shows
that twenty of them were badly injured.
Many of them cut about tbo head , ono wan
fatally injured. Tbo original Intention of
the coroner was to parade his band through
Chinatown. Had no done so there would
lm\o been a big butchering of the Chinese.
Tlio Cincinnati Amjaeftlnntlon.
CINBINNATI , April 8 , The coroner's jury
In the case of John Cummlngi who wan killed
yesterday by George McMillan rendered u
verdict that the murder was premeditated.
Intense excitement hero and throats of lynch
ing. The came of the shooting given by the
murderer is that the victim had induced hia
daughter. Since that statement wax inado
both McMillan and his daughter have admit
ted that the was a mother before young Gum-
mlngs urer met her ,
" " " " * > - *
Xho Illinois Legislature- .
ariKLD , 111. , April 8. Before transacting -
acting any business thin morning the house
tookarocees till U-M , Members are begin
ning to return , and Inmncea may be resumed
to-morrow ,
In Joint assembly 25 senators and repro-
icnUtives answered the roll call. Only ouo
votu waa cast. Adjourned ,
New YoiiK , April 8.-Jolm L. Sullivan
und Taddy Kyan , of Chicago , to-day agreed
to engage with a small gloves at Butlo City ,
Montana , on June 16th , for the chumplonthlu
belt and a pune of 82,600 , and two-thlrda of
the fxcurclon monies ,
Wrath cr ,
WAHIIIS-QTON , April 0. Upper
1'air weather , followed by local tbowort and
cloudy ; illghtly warmer weather , winds thift-
iug to southerly ; lower barometer.
Miuonri vulley : Local inowers and illghtly
warmer , partly cloudy weather ; lower bar
QiaeUr ; Winds becoming variable ,