Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 06, 1885, Image 1

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TUG Doois of the Temple if Ja ns
AbODt Being Closed ,
Peace Negotiations Progressic
Between England and Eussia ,
Peace Prospects Between France
and 0hiiia Probable.
Peace Also Hovering Over the
Central American Country ,
Peace Will Eeign in the North
West Yery Soon ,
TlieAnieor ) or Afghanistan IH An.xtone
to Visit EiiKl ml\Vlio Has
Formally Invited Him ,
Special Telegram to the Boe.
LONDON , April 5. Gon. Sir Peter Lums
den , British representative on the Afghai
frontier commission , is reported to be indig
nsnt over tha repeated concessions made b ;
England to Hussla. Ho ha boon chafing eye
since latt September on account of Russia"
neglect to send her commissioner to join bin
in delimiting the frontier , and tendered hi
resignation as coramitiloner last January
He was then induced to withdraw his rcslgna
tion , but it is now reported that he has renewed
nowod it , and that he insists upon its accept
ancc. _
IXJNDON , April 4. The reports which or
received from the earl of Duffettn , Brltisl
viceroy of India , Indicate the negotiallation
> in progress at Pawal Prlndi , between him fo
Great Britain and Abdurraham , the ameer o
Afghanistan , -satisfactory to Uio Indian
and apparently to the British but they al *
indicate that the negotiations tend so strongl ;
'toward ' n joint military alliance between Ecg
land and the ameer that their very succes
maybe accepted by Russia an a menace. Ear
Dutferin , for instance , to-day report
tbo ameor has obtained from Ind !
a special subsidy for the maintain
aoco of an Afghan garrison at Herat of mill
cient strength to Incura the entirety of tha
district. In addition to this it has bpon dr
cldod to give Abdurrahman the services of ni
Kngllih ollicjr to superintend the work of con
utruuting a series of fortresses which hav
been decided on na a line of deforjBQ alnng th
northern frontier. Of course It U stipulate
the fortresses aioto bo governed and defend
ed by Afghans exclusively , but Kueeia ma ;
'find ' ciuiso for irritation iu the sacrifica am
profeBnioual military aid openly ami olliciall
igivon by England Again , Lord Dnfferm n
pertH that on the part of Grout Britai
it has been faRreed that the Kng
Hell shall construct a railway froi
Bolton to Canililmr , and a military road froi
iCandahar to Herat , and in addition to thi
link the line of dor-tresses between Bulkati
llnrnt and Candabar to etlier by a telegrap
systom. It is feared by careiul observers thd
Qtossia may at letst continue to juggle wit
the Afghan question under the assuinptio
that tha Pawal Pindl council is really arran ;
ing a compact , with England as the control
Ing spirit , f a firm of which the ameer is bt ;
a dummy.
The Kunsian army organ , the Svot , publlshe
at Bt Petersburg , renews its menace agalne
Kngland , It declans broadly that If th
English advise that Herat be fortified And th
fortification follow * as a result of ICugUs
oounael and with English assistance , it wi
constitute a cajus belli.
Special Telegram to tha BKE.
LOMUO.V , April 6 It has just transpire
that De Z'reyclnot prepared and submitted I
President Grevoy a complete Hat of the no
cabinet And that tbo list has been approve
by the pruiident. The preliminary meetic
of the now ministers called to consider tt
general line of policy found every shade i
political opinion known in France represent *
in the council , each tenaciously and angril
maintained. The most divergent views wei
expressed and the meeting culminated in
scene of dioordcr , duri g which fists wei
shaken and insulting epithets bandied bac
nd forth , A fiee fight Beomed Imminer
and the cabinet faultily dlstolved. It is sti
9ulto possible that the ex-premler may t
recalled to power , France xt least is ha
desirous of pcjoo with China.
Specbl telegram to TIIK BEU.
i iiiu , April fl. Wednesd y eveninir , whi
crowds were sauntering away from tbo scon
of the abortive riot in tha place De Leper , tl
stroeU were suddenly filled with men crvin
the "extra edition" of ouo of the pipers , tl
Parii , with an immense bold line across tt
who o luge , annoucclng "Peace with China ,
It contained a detailed announcement of tl
negotiations as all but concluded. Crowe
were about the paper , but were ditposed I
decide tha news as a stmiattcn. Succeediu
avunts showed the announcement a very 'III
ferent thing from the ordinary newepap <
flyer. It U charged it had really been In tl
hands of the editor of the Paris thirty-si
hours , and that ha had cleared 4QOW , pnund
on the strength of it before ho published i
Others in the favored circle did not nearly t
Special Telegram to THE BKK.
PARW , April 6. OcUva Mir bo utho Gas
sandra of journalist * , publishes rurloi
article ! . Ho thinki the Ch
neso succeis In Tonqnin bodi
ruin to Europe. He forstes the time whe
the great rid dngon will cat up our effel
Special telegram to the HEX.
PARIR , April C. The DCWI I rom I' nau
causes quite a flatter. In a unrenatic
with * correspondent , M. De Lesseps BJI
"A few days go I feared catastroho in Pai
ama. I called upon Admiral Poyron the
minister of m&riuo , I stked the admiral I
tend two French war chips to Panama in o
der to restore order mil protect propert ;
The"admiral replied : 'No , no ; Panama mui
look out for herself. France Ii firmly resolve
never to mix herself up In American affair
Tha Americans may bum , deitroy , cut eat
others tbioats Tbu is no oncera whatevi
of Franca. If any bed r interferes in Paoau :
it must be the United State * . I abwluUly d
cline to send any French veuels of war to tt
iithmni,1 AfUr thli I
minister of the marine , " continued De
Jsssrpi , "I felt little uneasy
mt thanks to the Intervention of the United
States navy the crisis Is now over. The
prompt notion of the United Statwi govern
ment cannot be too highly praised. The in-
tnietlons given to Commodoto Jewell , the
urumary of which I received by cable , arc
excellent. It is owing to the wisdom ai d
> romptness of President Cleveland and hit
isblnct that the worst mar now be considered
over , and all torts of complications avoided. '
"Do you think four hundred United States
marlnru a stillklcnt force ? "
"Yet , I know your American marines well ,
I saw them wh they gallantly flung thorn' '
elves amid the flames at Alexandria and
aved 1.000,000 pounds worth of property and
mndreds of human lives Your AmoricK
naval men are splendid follows. With foui
mndred marinas and a few blue jackets the ]
would bo abloto capture and govern the wholi
sthmus. "
WINNIPEG ; , April . A dispatch received it
cipher from Irvine was forwarded to Ottawa
t Is understood to say that provisions ai
'rihco Albert ate short and urcing quick ro
ief. Half-broad reports show Crozler let
hlrtoon dead on the field at Duck Lake fight
while the half-breeds lost four killed and tw <
wounded. Crozior's men lired first. Half-
> reeda above interviewed asiert positive ! ]
hat Kiel's orders ate never to fin
first. Sir A. T. Gait offered to tlio govern
nent the use of two steamers and twentj
> arges now at Medlclno Hat , belcf
used by the Gait coal mining company ai
, hat point. They will bo brought to a polnl
ipposito Swift Current , on the Canndiai
L'acifio railway , from which point direct watoi
communication exists with Prince Albert
fho ordinary lima occupied for a voyage i
about two days Cul. Hcrchmer , of thi
mounted police , l ft C lajrry ( for Swift Cur
rent to-day to look after the embarkation a
lhat point. Orders wore received fron
Gen. Middleton lust nirtht by the WInni
peg and Western trannporta'ion com
[ > any to send out u crew at oiuu tJ statt tin
iteamer "Northcote" down the South Saskat
chpwan. Captains Seeger and Iluisoll lot
this moi nine with a crew nnd will go fcou
Moose Jaw by special. They expect to b
ready to start the boat on Wednesday. Fort ;
men of A and IS Batteries , with four fieli
guns ind horses , arriving at Port Arthu
sarly this morning and wore hurried throng !
hero to-night. They were given a hearty re
ceptlon and dinner at ope of the hotels. Th
remainder of the batteries will arrive to-mor
April 4. Gen. Middleton I
tired of waiting for troops , and says if net fa
orders he would make a dash with those noi
aero and believes he could go through all righl
Ho will advanca as far as ho can without thcr
and will ptobably move these now here t
Touchwood on Monday or Tuesday and 01
tablish another supply depot. Troopa expocl
ed here Monday will then bo rushed to th
front at once. It is reported that twelve mile
of telegraph line , between Duel : Laka an
Olark's Crossing , ef the Prince Albert brancl
has been cut down , to it will be impossible t
repair it. Col. MacDonald has just returns
From visiting the File Hill Indians , of whic
there are four bands , t These reserves at
twenty-two miles east of hero and ho repcrl
everything quiet thore.
WiNNitKC , April ! . PremiorNotquay say
Kiel will bo in Montana soon , and is noi
about ready to take refuge in the States , j
telegram just received from Uol. Irvine , c
Prince Alcert , who waa with Orozier , eays the
must have hftecn hundred men at once wit
supplies. Teton Sioux Indians are inakin
trouble , stealing all kinds of eatables and pri
visions tn gratify their hunger.
WlNl sou. Ont. . April The commnndin
oIlicer of the Windsor volunteers receive
orders to have his men prepared for immedial
service should they they bo needed by th
MOSTHEAU April . Threeiiundrfd ) Caucl
nawaga IndioBj have ottered their services fi
the northwest.
, Ont , April A. The sixtji battal
ion will soon 1-eavo for the front. The eight
battalion has boon called out from Quebec.
LONDON , April 4.Gen. . Wolneley has fo
warded to the war office a significant rope :
made out by the medical staff attached to tt
Khartoum expedition. The subject of the r <
port is the results of the exposure of the dei
ort h ° at to thn British troops stationed alor
the border of the Soudan desoit. The repo
states that if the present British militai
stations in the Soudan be maintained , full
one half the soldiers will die or be disable
by heat before the arrival of autumn. Tl
whole tone of this peculiar report , Which wi
undoubted recently inspired by Gen. WoUele
himself , indicate that , dechiou Iliavlng bee
reached to that jllect , the public is heir
prepared to witness an early withdrawal <
tbo whole British forces from the I
Egypt and a complete abandonment of tl
Nile Khartoum expedition. It is announce
tint Gen. Graham has been ordered by tl
government to
with Osman Digna or the sheikc ibetwee
Suakim and Beroer.
It has been stated ( Jaat Gon. Graham hi
been instructed to secure such tones as wl
enable him to evacuate tbe country at one
Whether it was In pursuance of these partii
ular InstructioDB , Gen. Graham to-day wit
drew his whole force bock from Toaiai i
Suokmt , leaving only a mnall contingent i
Gen. MuNell'iizereba.
The cabinet at a council to-day appravt
tbo agreement madn betweea the ameer i
Afghanistan uud Karl Dufferin. Abdumtl
man's expression of a desire to visit KugUi :
having been reported by Lord Dufferin to tl
home government. 1'he viceroy has been h
ttructod to invite the ameer to oomo to Lot
don as the guest of the crown. The cabin
at its uesiton this afternoon had under cut
( ideration the acceptance of England's pr
posal concerning the Afghan boundary lin
as sent Karl G runvillo by Uiegeri.
LONDON , April 5. Dr , McCartney , seer
jary of the ChinoJO legation at London in i
interview to-day continued tbo statement th
preliminaries of peace between China t
Franco are under discussion , with Ferry na
suspended , He savs the government at P
kin awaits the resumption of negotiations hi
imiita as a firbt condition that France witl
draw her prohibition of rice as contraband <
Marquis Tseng tbe Chinese ambuaadoi
states that the recent Chinese victories will t
no obstacle to the conclusion of peace , Sim
the capture of Larg-Son the Chluffe flovcri
mont tiai tent a cable dlipktch inalntainlc
peace proporali. Tbe Kugllih annexed Que
jxiut island with the content of Calna i
uieran of Corra Tbf Jiland commands tl
Corea entrance to the tea of Japan and tl
Russian potts on the Paclfis.
RPAKIU , April n. Arab deserters who hav
coma to G n , McNeil's zeraba lepoit thi
Oiman Dlgna bos only 160 followers at Kkrc
together with the members of the househok
They assert that if Gen. Graham will offer
sufficient reward the Shlekbs are ready to di
liver Oiman Ulna a , prlioner.
LPNDOH , April C. TheCompte de Parl
hai arrived at Na > > lei to meet the Duo d
Chart with whom he will have confereno
in regard to the prospect of ie e tablihmei ! >
ot monarchy in France. The gaulais of 1'ari
predict that the French elections will ihoi
that th country has no confidence in the le
public and deiiros to ( return to n monarchinl
lonn of government ,
LONDON , April 5. The Chlnesa legation
lei e h s forwarded to the Chinese agent at
Paris renewed peace proposals , the batis of
which ere that the blockade of lUlcblll and
Tormosa shall bo raised that Tynquin shall be
ceded to China and that no indemnity shall
> o exacted by Franco.
PARIB. April C When Gen. Msgrlo was
rounded In the recent Langson engagement
lioro had been already killed and wounded oi
'ncnch ' troops 297 mun. Gon. Uorbingor
ecing that every m n falling into the hands
) f the Chlnoto would be killed , threw his
trtlllory and n portion of the treasures and
tores Into the river , utilizing the mules to
arry the wounded in the hasty retreat. It
s reported that tha Chinese attache at Berlin
vho was said to be coming to Paris to con-
lude peace negotiations has telegraphed ho Is
not coming here and that ho tins no reasort
o treat for peace. _
ADEN , April 5. The governor of Yemen
ia asked the Turklrh government to lend
1,000 reinforcements to suppress the uprising
u favor of 1 Mnhdi and prevent the friendly
ihiefs from joining the insurgents.
DonuN. April 6. The principal streets are
irofnsely decorntcd in honor of the coming of
he Princa and Princnss of Wales.
CAIRO , April D.El Mahdi has summoned
ho emir of Berber to go with hU army to
vhattoum to atsht in quelling rovelera.
Special to the BEE.
NORTH PLATTIC , Neb. , April 4. Richard
3aecombo and his wife were buinod to 1 :
n their homo on a farm nvo miles from town ,
Friday morning. The charred remains of the
old cr.iiplo wcro discovered in the rums bj
ho neighbors who reported the facts to th <
authorities. The strong suspicions of fou
Hay entertained by the neighbors wore con
irmed by the investigation of the coroncr'i
ury. The post mortem went to provo that
iJascomba and his wife were murdered anc
, ho homo fired to destroy all traces of thi
There is considerable exc'tement iu towi
ind in the vicinity of the crime. No arrect
lave yet been made , but the movements o
certain parties are closely watched , awaitinr
developmenti ) .
The Baacombes cuno from Kama , Kov
York. They leave f oc.r children , nil married
The North Pla'to Nebraskan of _ Saturda ;
nays : Yesterday morning our citizens wer
thrown Into a state of anxiety on ace nnt o
the rumor that II. Bascombe and wita hai
been burned to denth at their home tiv
miles northeast of this place. Inver.tiftatioi
found the repoit too true. A largo numbe
of our citizens went out to tbo scene of tb
catastrophe , nnd from them wo glean the fol
lowing particulars : The houce. a one-story
and-4ialf structure was entirely consumed
Tlio bodies of both the unfortunate victim
were found in the cellar , the floor havm
huraed away and allowed themto fall tluouol :
Tbo body of Mr. Bascombe was found dresscx
In his usual working clothes which would pre
elude the idea that they had become sufTocatci
while in bed and thus burned to death. Th
remains of Mrs. B , were found Iu the sam
place , but burned to such an extent as to ' )
almost unrecognizable , her clothing bcin
burned away. Coroner Huntingtou a
Sheriff Bangs repaired to the eceno of th
dieaater , and a jury was on-.pannolcd to dis
cover the cause of their death. At tha tim
of this writing ( Friday afternoon ) they hav
no1 ! returned to the city with the bodieu and
verdict althcueh thfly are hourly expscted.
On Thursday Mr. BMcomba was in towc
and left about 0:15 o'clock. While hero h
learned a decision in regard to a lanel contee
case which has been in progress anainBt bit
for some time and which was decided favoi
ably for him. Ho then stated thr.t he expected
pocted to have trouble over the matter , an
offered his cattle for sale , e.yinc ; that h
thought he would have to leave the neiqhboi
One thing is certain , the authorities nhoul
leave no stone unturned to thoroughly sil
the matter to the bottom and get the facts <
the caso. If a murder has boon committe
let the perpetrators receive the full measure c
well-rounded justice.
Special telegram to Tun BEE.
WASHINGTON , April C. Secretary Whitne
orproiBeo the opinion that tbo trouble t Pai
ima will end before the arrival thereof themi
rlnee , and in this opinion be is supported h
tbe legation people. The minister from Cc
lombia bore , Becorra , id in constant tell
graphic communication wvth 'his ' governmon ]
His lateflt advices are that the insurrection i
practically aubduod. The present guvsrc
incut hts undisputed control in th
most important etatsn of Cundini
marca and Bogata. In tw
of Uio otlmr provinces the revolutionists hav
surrendered to the government. In two r
the states , Bolivia and Magdalen , there at
roving bands of insurrectionary forces , Ii :
government expects soon to overcome them
The Colombian minister maintains these dlt
turbancee have no political significance. Hi
does not think the mob at Panama had an
connection with a revolutionary movement
being controlled by men of character wh
would Dot approve tf pillage. The mob h
beheveo took advantage of tbe departure c
tbo troops from Panama to Bolivia to con
mlt the outrages.
Special teWram to the BEK.
WAhUiNCTON , April B. The correit stall
ment about the Santee Jands after allotmer
to the Indians , under the present orders enl ;
about thlrty > Uvo thousand acres remain fc
white settlement. Many persons will be save
disapp intment and railroad fares by know
Ing the above tVfts. 0. H. VAN WTCK ,
Cant. IIoweII Declines the Ilone
of Consul to Manobcstcr.
ATLANTA , Ga. , April .5. Tbe Atknl
Constitution , of which Cnpt Evan P , Howe
is edltor-livchlef , this morning published U
followintr among its editorial paragraph
"Capt. Evan P. Howell will not accept tt
appointment as consul to Manchester and h :
forwarded to the president his formal declln ,
tlon. Whila ho feels grateful for the bom
conferred upon him , and.aleo highly con
pllinented at the general reception of tbe aj
nointment , still circumstances are fluch thi
he thinks b st to decline it. '
Tbo WoMlier.
WASHINGTON , April C. Indications : Fi
tbo upper Miniiisippi valley ; Increasic
cloudineai , with locil rains , variable wind
generally southerly , lower barometer , ihel
rise In temperature In northern portion , nearl
stationary in southern portion.
For the lower Miisouri valley : Increatln
cloudinatK and light rains , southeaster !
wind' , becoming variable , slight * changet n
i . . u
Three Glilnamoii Cremated ,
SAN FRANCISCO , April B , Early this mort
Ing the charred remains of three Chiname
were found in the rulni of a fire which pat
tlally destroyed a building iu Chinatown
One corpse's throat was cut. It is believe *
he preferred suicide to suffocation ,
Frelliigliuysea Dangerously III ,
NEWABK , N. J. , April 4-Ex-SecreUr
Krtlimihuyeen is much worse this mornln
ad may die any tuns , He is suffering froi
liver complaint and nervoui prostration.
The New Form of Delit Statement Not
Fayoralily facetted ,
Jeoretary Bayard Antioipating
Kiel's ' Grossing the Border.
? he Settlers on tke Winnrbngo
Lands to be Removed ,
Secretary Whitney Will Sf
More Forces to Panama.
Only 35,000 , 'Aoros of Santso
Lands Open to Settlement !
Tlio Select Committee Begin Tbclc
Intor-BUite Oommorcc Invention-
tlon Indian
Special Telegram to THE BEE.
WABIUKCTO : . , April 5. The new fona ot
debt statement icsucd April Jet'by Secretary
nnin- seems to meet the tppi'oval oC those
who do not want the treasury to mate farther
calls fo ; bends , but notro-ardedttlthiavorby
hose who beho\o the trvasury chould be con
ducted upon the same principleo observed by
all prudentmeii in the conduct of their par
Bonal affaire. It in plum that the
deliberate purpoBO of thin nsw erranfjcmont
> f the treasury account wau to poctpono fur
, her calls fcr bends , yet these coma are noecE-
eary for the tiai' j.ictloa of Rovotnmcnt busi
ness and tie constantly belnoaid out. Not
n banking i > . atltv.tioa in this or any othei
country omits the fractional currency from HE
schedule of available ascolc. Hpaaklnfr uf tlut
feature in the statement ,
BE.\"ior. BHEituNAin :
It Beorcn to tne thnt this form of fclalcmenl
does not cor form to the law , tn thr law re-
? ardn tliii coin on money , bet only n lofta
tender for r. limited amount , } f thin is ex
eluded became it ( a not r. lepxl luHer , thei
all the national back noten chould al = > , 1m ox-
eluded bacamo they aru not legal toudsio. J
the disci inn nation against r.Uvciis doao ti
ctnphiiBiza the- fact that thia coin is uot availa
bio money for nil purposes , then 1 would com
mend it , but this in t matter for conpress nuc
not for the treasury department. The lav
makes it money , and tlio statement snoulc
conform to the law , which the old utatemen1
clearly diu.
Senator 'Sermon naid : The first chaapo !
ace is that which includes the Pacifir rallroiu
bondp , asthoy rite cr-Ucd aa part of the deb
of the United States , heretofore they havi
baan ctatcd nepaiatoly and properly , aa a deb
covered by t , mortgage on the Pacific railroai
and payments constantly bsiuR visdo by thi
railroad company to the Rovnrnment , whic !
payments are accoimtedjtor : c part of ( .hi
current revenue. TUB nev7 fern of distric
statement presents the anomoly of 11 deb :
producinf ; revenue to the debtor. The olt
form was simply n debt fully ntaied at thi
end of a debt statement , and the nr.turo of 11
ability known to every intelligent person. ]
do not think that a judidoun change in thi
statement in this rpBppeth.n boon made. I
I became cecurily for a neighbor and hi
given mo ample indemnity , J wc-ald hardl'
include my guarantee in u liability , unless 1
also state that 1 urn protected from lora bj
ampo security.
TUB irasr oaAHoa j KOTICE
is one ttill moro marked , the general balunc
in the treasury formerly chotcn iu ( iroee , in
eluding the fund for tlio redemption of Unitei
( States notes , that is thi ) law ; there has brci
no special dedication of any particular sum n
Bums for the redemption of the iJniled State
notes. The United States notei , are con
sidcrod r. part of the debt , end it may b
called upon to redeem them lika any othc
claim against the government.
By the now statement the penor > l balance i
divided into several Minis , one of which i
8103,000 000 in Rold held for the redemplio
of the United ataUu noler. Another ( sum i
eet apart for the general current dsmand cpo
the treasury.
as 8100,000,000 , in a provision by law , thr
the amount of oreM available- for the rudcmp
tioa of the bnitcd SUles notes ilia !
not bo diminished below 5100,000,000
This is the minimum tea one , nc
Ret apart as a reborve , but a provision of th
law which in times of emergency would con :
pel tha hoarding of gold BO as to :
SlOOfOOO.OOO in gold coin in the treasury. Th
old plan is better , for then everyone woul
understand the whole general balance avail
ahle for all current demands , nud for the re
drrnp'tfon of notes if any wcro presented
"The debt "
public statements.
late comptroller of the currency , "have al
ways wen prepared by Intelligent incn. wh
ktew what they wrtro writing about. Now u
the value of such statements mainly coneiet
In the facility with which they cm bo cgin
pared from inonth to month , and from yeart
Year It is indispensahla thjit they Bhould b
mare readily and succinctly , for tnteo reasou
I hold that the present changes are unodviso
hie. The Paciflu bonds of which there ar
tiz varieties huvo ulwajis been given In a opt
rate category , and I BIO no use in giving thec
otherwise new. "
Special Telegram to the Bee ,
WASHINGTON , April > . Qen. tiherida
taya there ii no danger that Louis Kiel wi
retreat down tlie Milk river tntc Montana
he does not succeed in the Manltoban rebe
lion. Secretary Bayard and GenwalSlierida
held a short conference yesterday in regard I
the matter. It wae the opinion of both tb :
there was no need ct any immediate actio
looking to the protnction of the northwei
botder. Secretary lUyard is In doubt whethi
under the constitution and our treaty wit
Great Britain , Kiel can be debarred from ei
taring American territoiu. Secretary Bayiu
will look into the law and a conference will I
held to decide upon the courio of the Unite
tiUt&s. It Is the opinion of army oflicei
that an order will bo hiued directing tb
general commander of the department of I ) ;
koU to place a , force along the northwest fron
ier to keen back Invaders , ( leueral Khetids
think * it is likely Kiel will retreat further u
into Bcitiih America to the great foreel
where he cannot be dislodged ,
Special telegrain'.to THE BKK.
WABHINQTON , April -Tho elect commii
tee recently appointed by the senate to inyei
ita the Inter-iUto commerce question h T
already entered upon tke Inquiry with whic
it baa be n intrast'd. The chief object of th
committee is to secure information that wll
be of practical value to congress next utiJo
in framing leglsUtion for the regulation of th
later-state commerce , and IU first work wil
b to gtt Into commnnicMiun with tha icprt
ontatives of all interests concerned , and col-
ect as much information from such as po -
iblo by means of corrospondoncc.
H lieadminrtori of thn commlttoo will bo at
Springfield , Illinois. The committee intends
o begin the work of taking testimony soon nf-
cr the middle of Mar , and will hold its first
oieion for that purpose In Now York about
tiat time. After completing this work tn
lie east the programme is to bold sessions in
erne of the woitern cities , beginning with
Chicago about a mcntli Inter.
Tha commit eicnor of Indian afl itri s'atos ho
nllcipntes no troublo.iu rcmovlog from the
Crow Crock reservation the 2OCO settlers.
who entered the reservation under the aider of
tcrctary Teller of February 27th last which
pen d it but the officials of the department
'ho had much moro experience than Commis *
ioner Atkins anticipate seilous trouble ,
ipocial Telegram to THE BEE.
WAEHINGTOIJ , April 6. The 'president is in
cubt ubout the course to bo pursued In ref-
reucctotho ofTcors nominated during the
itra cession of the senate whoso nomlnatlonB
wcio not acted upon. Before taking further
top j ho will consult tlio attorney general.
I is unwilling it Is said , to bo governed by
irecadentj lot by his republican prodccosiors ,
Hthout , making an Investigation for himself.
n catcs where \ acancies existed there is no
oubt the perions already nominated will bo
ppointod. Incaies where the present in-
iunibcnto are rerviog lixocl or
ndefinito Iprmt the policy is still undecided.
WAM'iNoroN , April 4. Senor Feralto , min
ster of CojU Rica , received to-night a cable
gram from President Salvador , ot which the
ollowinfr is a translation :
"SANTA ASA , April ! . To Peralto , Wash-
Dton ( : Barrio1 ; was killed at the battle of
yhalchuapa. It was a complete victory. Long
ive free Central America ,
( Signed ) " /ALVADOli. "
The president of the PaciGo Mail Steamship
oinp.iny. in n telegram to the secretary of the
navy to-day , Bays ho has information from the
agent of the company at Panama that transit
ucrceu the isthmus is not Buflicionlly pro-
- KO sionc MAniNis FOR PANAIIA.
U. S. Consul General Adamnoo , atPanatna ,
n answer to nn inquiry , to-day teleeraphet
iecrotary Whitcoy that the force of marinci
bent yesterday from Now York would bo suffi
cient to protect American interests at Pan
amn. The secretary nil ! not , therefore , ordei
naditional lorcps to A spin wall Monday. Ma
rincs cummonod to the Brooklyn navy yart
Till , iiowe\f kept there severnl days , ti
join undiccsDto be sent to Panama , shouli
it be Leccesary.
The president to-day signed the commia
itonr of tha following named ufQcors : Thoma
1. .TarviB , mimcter to Brazil ; Charles W
! 5uck , micicter to Peru ; Elchnrd B. Hubhard
minister to Japan ; A. M. Kelley , minister t <
Italy ; William 1 ! . Roberta , mluiater to Chili
llutui Magce. minister resident to Norwa ;
nud .Sweden ; Goorcjo W. Merrill , miniate
resident to the Hawaiian islands ; Isaac Bell
Jr. , tninir.tcr resident to the NotherlMida ; ICd
ward P. O. Lewis , minister resident and con
onl-gcnenil to Portugal ; Edmund Jussen
consul general to Vienna ; B , B. Anderson
minister resident and consul-general to Don
marl. ; Frederick Kaino , consul-general ti
Berlin ; Thomas M. Waller , consul-general ti
London ; . Willlnrn Caldwell , collector of cus
touis cA Cincinnati.
Delegates to the Methodist protestant con
> rence , in sesaion at Alexandria , Va. , to-dnj
called on President Cleveland.
The commissioner of luternol revenue hai
reaisted ) the attorney-general to suspend au
ioa on the resignation of Jndge Ohesley , a
solicitor of internal revenue , until that olHca
shall have completed certain important worl
on which he was engaged when the request
"or his resignation waa made. It is said thi
change was made without the knowledge o
Thocolicitor of the treasury received ai
offer from James M. Harper , one of the sure-
tics of John T. Harper , formerly collector o
internal revenue for the eighth district o
Illinois to pay $220 in compromise of hi
Liability under bond , The government ob
tained judgments agr.inat Ex-Collector Harpe
fnr about SG8.000.
Commtstiioner Soarks , of the land oflicc
to-d.y said , in oplunation of the order issue
by him yesterday suspending tlio action upo
the pic-emption of Umber culture and desei
land eutvtea in a number of western tit
and territories , that the department had rca
son to bo ieve that a great number of fraudu
lent entries had been made , and ho wished t
thoroughly investigate matters. The suspoc
eory order applies particularly to these ecc
lions cf the country covered by the vast cat
tie ranches , as the commissioner suspect
that theeo ranches have been greatly extendo
thiouph the fraudulent entries of publi
lands ,
Pretidont Cleveland ha1 ; had a eec
eultation with Secretary Lamar in refei
once to the status of the Winnebap
reservation Bottlers. No conclusion has bee
reached ami a farther conference will ba held
It is believed that the department apprehend
serious trouble if tha government should a
tempt to eject the settlers from the roeerva
ticn. An official of the department to-day n
marked , "The president opened the lands t
settlement and the poaplo sold out their poe
seeiinns and went into the reservation and Ic
K\ ted homesteads. The attorney-general uaj
the president Border is Invalid and It become
the duty of the interior department to ejei
the settlors. Wo may congratuUt
ourselves if the attempt to d
BO does not result in bloodshot
WASHINGTON , April 5. The secretary i
the navy , in view of later dispatches regart
ing the troubles at Panama , and especlall
one from Commander Kane , of the Ualeni
has decided to send n further force to tli
iathmm by the Acspuloo.
The following ii Commander Kane's dli
patch :
COLON , April 4. To the Secretary of tl
N vy , WaHblngtoD. The veisels now on th
way to Asplnwal together with the force o
the Para will bo sufficient to open and gnat
the tr n it if supported by two chips at Par
runa. Without such support an extra fore
of five hundred men will be requirei
Everything is quiet in Asplnwall and a
American property Is at well protected in m
force will permit. I have 112 officer ) an
men on ihore. My command is tafe an
well , only one foreigner was killed o far i
known. There are about 140 Colombia
troopi uero holding a lar e numher of prisoi
en and rendering no aastitancein proiervln
order. The railroad company Is affording t <
lief to the refugbe * , oud sent many out on tl :
line of road , The transit remalr.
closed , One relief reached Pdnan
lost night at the great risk of having bco
stopped by the insurgents , and ono per/o
forcibly removed. The wires to Panama M
continually beirg cut ( Signed )
KANK , Commanding ,
Secretary Whitney sent the following di
natch to Ptenident Houston , of the 1'jcili
Mall Steamihip compauTi
"Later despatches indicate such a cond
ticn of things that 1 conclude to send 2t
more men to-tnonow. Can you take them ,
N.BW YORK , April.5. At 2 p. m. Urn. B
kerj Bunds , Hhridy ind Douglat were preset )
The patient's throat was examined by strou
reflected lunlipht. It WM agreed that thei
wai an improvement In the local conditioi
A continuation of tha anodjne was approve
and the treatment pursued duiing the ) & <
weekwu commended. The general ii no
dozing before n wood fire and is very comfort-
able. ( Signorl ) J. H. Douglas , M. D. , Gee
F , Shrady , M , D ,
The following Is the physicians bulletin at
5:15 : p. m. ; General Grant has just awakened
from short uap and cxnrosted himself us
being very comfortable. Ho withes it stated
that ho Is very much touched , nnd very grate
ful for the prayerful sympathy and interest
manifeitod for him by his friends and by
these who heretofore have not bcon regarded
M such. Ho says : I dotirn tha good will of
nil whether heretofore friends or not. As
Dr. Barker left the house , after the consulta
tion , ho said General Grant was quiet but
grew no stronger ,
"What willbo the probable limit nf the
General's strongthl" was asked , of Dr. Barker ,
"I wish I couU tell 701 , " ho raid shaking
his head and becoming very grave.
Among other callers in the afternoon WOT *
ox-8oci taty of State Hamilton Fish and
lloscoo K. Conkling , The latter went Into
the bouse , but on returning in a few minutes
asked to bo excused from saying anything
about Gon. Grant's condition. Late in the
afternoon James Grant Wilson , of Gen ,
Grant's sin If , vilitod the hoaeo , as also did
Mrs. Lehnd Stanford , who brought flowers.
At the time Dr , Shradv sat down to write the
5:15 p. m. bulletin Gon. Badoau nnd Gen.
Grant woto speaking of the kindness in so
many people calling. Dr. Shrady turned to
Gen. Grant and remarked that tlio eonernl
was so well it was hard work to prepare bul
letins , and then Gen. Gtant dictated the 5:15 :
bulletin. Iho doctor , by tbo general's desire ,
quoting him In the first person iu the last sen
tence , as indicated ,
NEW YORK , April ! , 0:30 : . m.-Goneial
Grant awoke after a continuous sloop of eight
hours. Ho related on lucid and humorous
manner , his dream whilpi under the influence
of snodyno. Ho feels refreshed and cheerful ,
and asked for a cup of coffee , Pulse the
sarao ,
11:15 : a. ra. Genctnl Grant is now resting
quietly iu an easy chair. His pulse is about
thn same as yesterday. Ho took strong liquid
nourithmont twice this morning His throat
i bsen attended tj and thn irritation whicb
icgan to trouble him has baen allayod.
Last night was a comfortable ono for Gon' '
oral Grant. Ho slept quietly in an easy chaii
with his feat resting on a ttool , from ohortlj
lefore 11 until half past six. He felt much
refreshed by the deep of eighl
lours. unbroken tave when gentlj
aroused to take' some nourismneni
xt regular intervals. During the early inonv
og tbo patlont had occasional attacks oi
coughing. Hit breathing during the night
w'as comfortable. Doctors Douglas and
3hrady remained all night , Fred Grant buinp
in the bedroom most of the time.
At 3:30 : a. m. tliu1 following bulletin , signed
t > v Doctors Douglas and Schrady , was issued :
"Tho general has slept continuously up tc
this time , disturbed only by occasional at
tacks of coughing to freotho throat from mu
cus. He bus taken nourishment regularly ,
breathing is natural , pulse as usual. "
Dr , Shrady cnmo out of the house at hai
seven nnd said it was nothing' loss than i
miracle that Gen. Grant should have lived si
long and be iu the condition ho is ,
1 p. in. Gon. Grant has boon resting quiol
since last aeport. Ho has taken nourishing
regular , and his pulse is 72. Ho is not com'
plaining of his throat. The accumulation o
mucus was easily tcmoved by gargling , with
out other medication. He moves from rooii
to room when required , without trouble. H
is now testing in an easy chair , after imviuj
bean on the bed for a tew moments ,
[ Signed ] J. H. DOUGLAS , M. D.
Shortly after the midnight bulletin 1m
boon issued Dr. Douglas * loft Gen _ Grant' '
IIOUBO and started for home , leaving Di
Hhrady in attendance upon the general. Dr
DonglatB Baid everything Indicated a favor
able night for the patient.
LA LIDEHTAD , via Galveston , April 4.-
Hojtllities between Guatdmala &nd the allie
republics has been auspended and anarmlstic
of ono inonth'a duration announced , The legii
lativo assembly of Guatemala annulled tb
decree promulgated by President Barrios o
February 28th , in which a union of the Cei
tral American republics was proclaimed an
Borrioj announced as dictator and suprem
mlliary chieftain of all Central America. Th
gold hilled sword of President Barrios wi
found on the battlefield broken. Accordin
to the latest intelligence received hero Bar
rlos , of Guatemala , ia dead. No particuloi
PANAJtA,1."vift Galveston , April 4. Con
rnunication between this city and Colon re
mains interrupted. The news is me agro am
untrustworthy. There are rumors that lool
ing Is going on along the line of the rai
Commissioner Black After Hit
Swiff * Scalp.
CHICAGO , April 4. Miss Ada 0. Swif
pension agent of this district received a toll
gram to-day from Commissioner Black askin
for her resignation. The telegram stated thi
Mies Swift had performed her duties In
thoroughly satisfactory manner and gave t
reason why her resignation was desired. Ml
Swlit atones telegraphed to President Clovi
land the contents of Commissioner Black
message , and ( .tatod . that as her duties lit
been satisfactorily pei formed she saw i
reason why eho should resign. Miss Swi
then addres ed Commlseloner Black by letti
In which ( ho embodied the sentiments si
exprexted to President Cleveland ncd addc
that she might bo removed from her office hi
that she should not resign.
I'rUo FlfjUt Near MUwuukon ,
MILWAUKIK , April C , A prize fight hi
tween Frank Wood and Jon Welder wit
hard Gloves for a pursa of $300 was won I
the fourth round by the former this alternooi
About SOO men wltnefsed the affair , whic
occurred at a point in the country fourtec
miles distant and was reached by ipecii
train , _
Beautiful Black Silks at Smith's.
A Provisional Gorcrnment Organize
by the Rebels.
Affairs in the Northwest Eapidly
Growing Worno.
Keinforoemonts of 1,500 , Men are
Nodded at Prince Albert ,
The Toton Sioux Swarming the
Country and Doprodatinc : ,
This Tribe are Eefngoos from the
United States *
Two BnttcrlCH of Font1 Guns Arrive
at "Winnipeg Tlio Toronto
Iroopa Expectca.
WiNNiPta , April 5. Tidings from tbo
north indickta that the sUto of affairs there
is growing worse as bo fora telegraphed from
Col , Irvine to tno government , which has now
orao through by outior , who carries bail
news. Supplies are scarce , and unless relief
pets through very soon the mounted police
and all the Prince Albert people will bo com
pletely at the mercy of the rebels. Irvine
says that a reinforcement of 1,500 men la
wanted at Prince Albert Immediately. Ho
add ) that the country people , owing to throata
from the rebels , are leavinp their places , and
the Teton Sioux are swannbg the country
and committing depredations , whllo sup
plies are becoming short. The
aioux referred to are led by
chief White Cap. and occupy the reserve near
Prince Albert. They are refugees from the
United States. Irvlnes , message waa
dated March UO. Further word is awitittd
with great anxiety. The Hudson B y com
pany last night received the f allowing message
from Fort Qua Appelle :
"Just heard from Colonel Irvino. Ho la
waiting for re-enforcnments. no particular
news from him. The Totou Sioux are com-
mlttincr some depredations in the Prince
Albert district. The rebels have evidently
organized iv provisional government. "
In addition to receipts signed by tha
lieutenant governor and secretary
of Saskatchewan previously mentioned
the Hudson's Bay company hold others elpnod
by the afaistaut cornmusiorcr for the provis
ional government of Saskatchewan. Thn re
mainder of A and B batteries arriod at Win
nipeg this afternoon , and the whole detach
ment , comprising 228 oiiicers and men , with
twenty- seven horses and four ulno-pouudor
gun * , went west this ovonicg , A detachment
of Toronto troops are expected to-night and
inoro to-morrow afternoon. A despatch from
Fort Quo Appello states that 180 teams went
towards Touchwood from that point this
morning , and the Ninetieth rillas start in the
same direction toin > rrow morning ,
Gen. Bunting's Uciilnl of Barrios'
NEW YORK , April 0. "I wish to enter my
protest as to tbo acceptance as a fact of the
report of the death of General Barrios. I was
killed precieely in the same manner at S.ui
Salvador during the war of 187C-on paper.
Bo euro that when the sword of General Bar
rios Is found OB tbo filold of battle his right
hand will be found firmly grasping
it. An Dr. Zadlvar is not at pros-
sent practicing medicine , his cer-
certificate as to the death of Gen. Barrios IB
not evidence of the fact , unlets marked and
wcnderfnl changes have taken place in Salva
dor since 1876 it Is not posdble for the Salvador
vader troopa ( unless in an overwhelming ma
jority ) to defeat the Gautemalan troopa.
When Gen. Barrios dies Guatemala will nave
a loss to mourn greater than ever has hap
pened to her before. History will do him
moro justice than is being done him now ,
Late General of Division and Chief of Artil
lery. Guatemala.
General turn ton.
Special telecram to the BEE ,
SAVANNAH , Ga. , April 5. Gn. A. It ,
Lawton , of this city , whoso [ nomination aa
minister to Russia was inbccquently with
drawn by President Cleveland upon the
question of his eligibility to oflico under
the removal of political disabilities by Presi
dent Johnson , left for Washington at the
telegrphlc request of Secretary Bayard , al
though stated on oflicial authority the presi
dent has decided to appoint Gon. Lawton
minister to take elf ect Immediately.
Tha general said , previous to bis departure , ho
would not accept the inltsioa If by so doing
the administration would bo in tha slightest
1 DALI.AH , Tex. , April 5. Senators Coke an-I
' Morey have addressed their ultimatum to
President Cleveland , demanding the din-
charga of republican officials in Texas and
assorting their democratic prerogative aa the
state syndicate In the dictation of the federal
anpointments. Thus far the choice of the
senators Is composed largely of men who ren
dered e lliclent service towards their ro-
Death ol-Hunnct'B mother.
HANKBVILLB , Ohio , April 4. The mother
of Hon. 8. S. Cox died hero yostoiday. 8-1
yoirs of ago.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Combines , In a proportion peculiar to Itself , Is so vastly superior to any other g.irsa-
the active nirdlcinal propcrtlcR of the best parllla or blood purifier , that ono has well
blood-purifying and strengthening remedies said ! "IU health-giving effects upon the
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euro when In tlio power of medicine much moro positive than tlio remedies ot
Hprlng Dchlllty , Headache , Dyspepsia , Ca a quarter of a century ago , as tlio etcam-
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caused by a low Btato of the blood. and laborious drudgery ot years ago. " *
" I euOercd three years with blood polnon. "Whllo Buffering from a severe bilious
I took Hood's Barsaparllla , and think I am attack tn March , 1863 , a frl nd In I'eorla ,
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"Hood's Bareaparllla beats all others , and tried the remedy , and was permanently
Is worth Its weight In gold. " I. HAIUIIWU- cured. " J , A , BiiKPAun , travelling agent for
TON , 130 Hank Btrcct , Now York City. Bevoe & Co. , Ifiilton Street , N. V.f
Purifies the Blood
"I tried a dozen articles to cleanse iny "I was for nvo years a sufferer Nflth
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mo any good till I began uslue Hood's obliged to glvo up work. Kcforo talilui ;
Bamaparllla. " W. II. Vicr.n , Rochester , N. V. allot two bottles at Hood's Harsaparllla , wa
"Jlyifo was troubled with dlwluess entirely cured. " It. II. LANE , I'lttsburgb , Pa.
and constipation , and her Wood lias been "I was severely afflicted with scrofula ,
In a bad order in fact Bho has Iieenjall and for over a year had two running sores
run down. Hood's Barsaparllla l < dolnr'tlicr ; on my neck. Took flvo bottles of Hood's
a wonderful amount ot good. " y , H.UAI.D- ; Barsaparilla , and consider myself entirely
, druggist , Jllanchcster , Ohio , t curcd.'i CvJJ. Jxiviuiov , Lowell , Muss.
Hood's Sarsaparilla Hood's Sarsaparilla .
Bold by all drueBlsta. ( t i six for et > . Made Sold by all druggists. Jl ; sli for (5. Made
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IGO Doses 110O Doses Ono Dollar * J