TBE DAILY BEE FRIDAY , APIUL 3 , 1885. \ ritd'.rtr.s combining Iron with t , lllj tjn'rn ' , ninckly nuA oem rilhnrat uTt ltj pi'i > illt 'nil ! > illnn , Weti hnrat , - . ! i ft nan unfnllln ; rcraeil/ fir Diseases of Ibf l.i.ln-n nnJ l.lr r. ft M Uiviihiihlo for Dlcw ti T > tcnI ! r U T/-i/on , Ami ill who IcMl wJcntiry llrei ! . J' KM not Injnro the teeth , cnuso heacln.ch-o.oi i'jl ice constlpntlon < M\T Iron mtttMnn > lo ; rM.irlchuAn > l piirlftcs the blood , Btlmula'ci ' ,5 * . pr ) tltcalU the fuwlmllatlor. of fojj. r . . > , * Hent'l/utn ftntl Eblchlnsr , t H Hi ? > * ) , iclji ninl ncrvci 7of . . .Airmlttciit Fevers. liMlttuJo , " ' " Ty. A , It hns jio equal. 'I r The ( fcnulno hai nlxive tmfle murk f.'J < noJ red lluci \rrippcr. . Take no oUio * -linl/fcr BROnUCJIiaiCil. to. BatTIBORt. ' I uiouitntet la tie BROAD CLAIhiuttt \ VERY BEST OPERATING , QUICKEST SELLING AND J3Cver offered to the uubUo. Mendelssohn & Fisher Kooms 23 anil 290marmNatl.BankBloek SncCHSSORS TO Dufrene & Mendelssohn Oeo. L. . 'labor , lorinory with \V. L. B. Jennj Architect. Chicago. ] anl4olm J. R SEGER , . i ! UASOFAoruaxii or irness& Saddles TAS UDO ol th > most complete stocks of Harnesi , L Saddles , Whips , Brushes , IIoiso Clothln ? , ta , hind. 113 N. 10th St. , Hot. Dodge and Capital vcnuo. m9edlmlp < lulrU. Bur C'ur a. rZkt _ Wi.hu < 118 < ! l i " * " ' 7Marati i 1 in avervaame Mncretfnxen , I turuen J txvo stamps for Celebrated Medical Wotlu , Address. I' . 1 > . CL.ARKS2 , JU. _ C. , 135 Soult i Clark Street. CHICAGO. In- IS CONDDOTED BT Eoyal Havana Lottery I ( A. aOVKBNMEOT : INSTITUTION. ) Drawn at Havana Cuba , Every 12 to 14 Days. IOKKT3,8S.OO , HALVES. 11.00 Balijeot to no manipulation , not controlled by tb | ) rliMln tntoroat. It la the folreat Ihlne In ( bo B4u ot chjujooln eilstonoe. For tlokots apply to SUIP3EY&CO. , 1212 Brood- w yN. Y. City ; SOUNdKll & CO. , 103 South 4th St. HL Lould , Mo . or M. OTTENS & CO , B19 Mala St. , KtusaaCltv. Ma. Iliriyjn on IIorliclxM rood , " wrlto hundreds of Kratafiil iiiotlicrx. Jlollicrt. ' milk contain * nc ftarch. IIOIIUOKS' 1'OOD rollNrAKTSfree from Htirch ) requires no cooking. The best foo-J In health or clcknc for INTANTS. The l st diet for DYBl'LITICS and INVALIDS. HMilybcneflcli < otiiirHlrif ( mothcrHMadrluk. PrlcolOniidTSc. A ! UtuKKlutM. IooLoiithctrcatineitofchUdrenfn "I lHll ta it to IMS nupvrfor lo anything of lb kltlil tar chlUrrn " [ > . A.mwonl , J/ / ) . , \cw lurl. "Unbfilt tlrRty prODOunce It tbs Uitt roul U Hie ruirkel it. it llurrcrf , 11.11. , Jloilan , "One or ftttwit § ub tltutci for motber * ml ! < , " U , II , 1 Koton , Jf , u. , Itruoli'fn , tf. f. Will ! Rent I r nail on recUiit of price In pttmps. llO'tl.IOOI'S I.-OI > CO. , Rncltiui . Cu-Qbii lloitwm's Uy Ki-xiiAOT or MALT-O * James Meal Instituts Chartered by thcStateof Illl. jnola thcexpresspurpose /of Clvlnelmmcdlatc relielln Sail chronic , urinary and pr | . Rvate diseases. Gonorrhcca , QleetandSyphillslnalltheir ' complicated forms , also all diseases of the Skin nnd Ulood promptly relieved and pcrmanentlycured by reme- . diesteitedln aFortuVeurs . . . - . _ Kjieelall'ractlee. Seminal Weakness , Night Losses by Dreams , Pimples on Ihe 1'acc.Lost Manhood , i > osltleelucureil. There iatioeJtpcriinentlmi. The appropriate remedy is nt once used In each case. Consultations , per sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med- ncnt by Mall and Express. No marks on 'cJo indicate contents or sender. Address o. 204Washlnglon Sl.Chlcagolll. HAMBURG-AMERICAN PACKET COMPANY. Direct Line for England , Franco and Germany. Th Btoimihlpa ol this well known Una jure built of Iron , In watwtlght eompartmenti , and are fur- nlshoil with every requisite to nuke the pwawe bothBalo and agrowble , They cirrf the United HUtoa and Kuropean rualU , and leave New York ThUfxUyc and Baturilaji for Plymouth ( LONDON ) Chorboujf , (1'A.Uia ( and HAMIlUftQ. IUU : Btoencre from Hamburg 910 , to Ilarubarz 110 ; round trip W. rint Cabin , 55 , W5 and 976. Henry Pundt Uark Hanson , F , K. Uooree.U. Toll , atrvnta In Omaha , Oronewc ; fc Sohnentgen , itentilnOouucllBlufia. 0. 11. KICUAUD & 00. Of n. Fan ) . AgU , 61 lrc Uway , N , Y , Chaa. KOI- mlnikl & Co. , Qencial Western Agouti , 170 Wwh- ' hi Qt , Chlciu-o. IU. IU.Tnofiittr la the almpliMt , liort and moat complete type writer made. Hultttercbangeable tpe plate * , has few paita and printt from the ( ace of the type , In- ead u ( tlirouijb an Inked ribbon. 1'rloo oclr 810. Hind ( or dotcriptlTe drculara. GEO. J. PAUL , AGENT , P. 0. Ilex 714 , Omaha.Neb. Manhood KcuuiyVUKK. Aiictlmol joutUluUiuprucJ.nc * cauiiua tlnmatnr * Uecar , Nerroui Utbilltr , Loit klaobood , J..tiarinK tri d la rain er rr known r < mudjr.ti"ulxx r ila > iuiplaru > aniof < lf-cu , KbipU lie vir aanil KHKK tohii fflllow-aufforon. A GIROU3 MAN'S TROUBLES. The I'lcnsftnt Kxpcrtcnuca of Oolono AVliltncy ivtth Ills Mothcr-ln-Ijftw , A Heading , Po. , dlapaich aajs tlu Col. Chflrloa Whitney , known nil eve the country as the advance agent o Foropaugh'a show for many years , wh makoa this city hla homo , is having a hca of ( roablo with his pretty young wife who BOTOtol wookango Instituted n suit fo divorce against him for cruel treatment Mr. Whitney presents hla sldo of th story to the pnblio : "On a lovely September mornhifr , twc days previous to the Colored Odd Fol lows' demonstration ; " said Ool. Whitney "I WAS tcatod at the ladles' entrance o the Keystone house. The omnibu stopped nt tho-door. Therefrom allghtoi n fair-looking darned by the namu o Mils Inez Gagenbach. She was the sen satlon for the moment , especially amen ; the gentlemen boarders and tr&vollrj | agents rrho were stopping at the hotel who know her , and said she was frotr Allentown , Fa. She wai assigned tc room No. 39 , fronting on Fcun street , A "WINDOW FLIilTATION. "After eho hod arranged her toilet sh appeared at the parlor window , when tllrtatlon between her and mo commenced I waa Invited to come to the parlor , was then introduced to Miss Inez , fonnd her very agreeable. I took a ooa on the portico of the hotel. Wo spent very pleasant evening together. The bal cony of the hotel , when the Odd Follows parade took place , was fast filling up wit guests of the hotel from the country t got a glimpse at the sights , Miss lue hero took compassion upon me and invited mo to her room at the DJino tlmo saying wo mlgh got a bettor view from th window. That morning and aftornoor wo spent in her room. After supper we took n rldo to Milhr's City park. Nox morning , after breakfast , a rldo was pro- pocod. I spent all the morning wltl Mls3 Inez , and In the afternoon wo tool In the west side aa wo came homo dowt Fifth street. The chimes of the cathedra wcro ringing when the object of my af foctlon remarked : 'Oharloy , this is the happiest moment of my life. ' In the evening , after auppar , wo ogaln wont tc the City park.FAIRLY FAIRLY ENOAOED. "Then the match was made and mar rlago agreed upon. Wo came to the hotel. It was hero Miss Inez Gagenbach told mo the miserable lifo she had led n homo. I took pity upon hor. Next day wo wont to Fleetwood , and were mnrrloc by the Rev. Mr. Harper. In the after noon wo went to Allentown , staying al the American house , and there for the the first time her mother greeted my sight. It seemed to bu an omen of bad luck , and proved so to mo over since , ] told my wife so. Slio bagged of mo to dispel the fooling. I was then told the iistory of the family I had married into and that my mother-in-law had a divorced husband living , and that the second husband and ehe wore always quarreling and at law one-half the time , After replenishing my wlfe'a wardrobe and getting her all that money conld pur chase to adorn and beautify her person , vo came to Heading to mafeo It oui lozno. I liked this city on account of ilcasant rominiaccnces of my boyhood days , and to-day I think It the liveliest spot on the earth to abide in. THE 110TIIEU-IN-LAW. "After wo had been at the hotel three rooks the mothor-ln-law came to see user or eight weeks. I told her I could not afford to pay $21 weekly for her board , as my work was only in the summer. This was the firat bombshell thrown Into our quiet home , and it was the firat sig nal of trouble. Mf mothor-ln-law then ammencod to poison my wife's mind on account of her marriage to a circus man. Iwonty-fivo dresses in two years and a half of married lifo ought o satisfy any woman , betides hawla , umbrellas , parasols , hosiery nnd underwear , the finest kind that money could purchase , and yet I am parsecutod for cruelty. During my ab- enco on the road in 1884 , my mothcr-lu- aw came to Reading and boarded with my wife at my expense. From there hey went to housekeeping. From April ; o December I sent my wife $475. When ! returned homo my wife was not at homo to receive mo , and when ahe did oturn on the late train from Allentown had a cold reception. "Coming homo once under the influ- nee of liquor , goaded by the taunts of : ny mother-in-law , and the confessions f my wife , I attempted to reprimand hem both , when my wife left the house nd immediately brought these proceed- 3gs in divorce. I glvo this statement to bo public nnd those that know mo to how that I am not the cruel man that of the most unprincipled women that irer drew the breath of Jlfo endeavor to mint me. " Origin of Ammonia. Ammonia Is obtained in largo quantities > y the putrefaction of the urine of ani mals. Encyclopedia JSrilannica Every housekeeper can test baking > owdois containing this disgusting drag > y placing a can of the "Royal" or "An- rows' Pearl" top down on a hot steve until heated , then remove the cover and moll. Dr. Pricea Cream Baking Powder does lot contain Ammonia , Alum , Lime , Pot- sh , Bono Phosphates , ( prove it by the bsvo test ) . It Is prepared by a Physlcau ud Chemist with special regard to clean- .noes and hoalthfulneaa. UNCLE LKVI. IhoKnowledge of Human Nature Ile- quircd bjr the Pawnbrokers. Nashville American , In following a false trail yoiterday an American reporter bad occasion to visit ovoral pawnbrokers' establishments In ono of which he undertook to got at oino facts bearing upon thla mysterious ailing , Ho had a bard tlmo of H. In answer to a question he put to the pro prietor ho got a knowing wink , and the object of his Inquiry walked to the trent of his narrow shop and wrolo down the name of a customer who had juat re * loomed some trlile. "Nab : I know you. You are a reporter and I ain't going to give away my buei- ness. I don't want yon to say anything at all about mo or my business , either , , nd ho struck a match under the ledge of he chow case and lit the stump of a cigar hat had gone oat during the customer's islt. islt."No "No , sir , " with a strong accent on the 'sir. " "I don't give away my business. have built thla business up by dealing n the square , and it ain't iquaro to toll jrou what I know about piwners. " "You xuu a jewelry shop in connection with your other buslneu , don't you I" "No , I don't. But there you go. I ay I won't say nothln' . " The reporter sat down , nevertheless , n a s eel at the ro\r end of the counter , nd aa ha cast an injured look at the oth er , said ho didn't want to give any mnn business away , and wasn't going to do I "Of course , as a man of business yo must protect your customer * , " ho aul mlttod. "That's just it , yon see. Why , m customers have so much confidence in m they won't some of thorn toke a ticket , deal with the beat people going' and it because I know how to treat 'em that make my pile every year and cay nothln about it. But I could tell you thing yon wouldn't hardly bollovo , but I ain coin * to do It , though , eo you needn't as ft. " "That's exactly right ; no moro yo ought , " the reporter responded , 'I say , do yon know what codfish arli tccracy is ? You do } Of course yon dc Well , there's lots of that In' this town lemmo toll you. and what don't como i hero ain't worth having. I never tnr the screws on 'cm , though. If a pawnc comes np and says right out , 'Hero , can't settle np , but I will If you'll ' bo llttla easy , ' I just lot him go with th premium. "I say , " asked the reporter carelessly "do the generality of the pooploanto u when tlmo's up ? " "Yea ; I don't often have anything lol over. Yon BOO it's best to bo oasj When n man or woman has once boi rowed , they never fall to como bac again , They got to like It and loan o it * "But It must bo an awful ntilaanco t them to have to got the cash ready over tlmo , la It not ? " "They como np on time though , Bt yon'rogottln' too much out of mo. " The reporter protested that ho was nc np to anything mean , nnd assured th speaker that ho already had enough t wrlto a column out if ho wanted to d so , and ho might just aa well g ahead. "Well , if you just won't use my nam anywhere about ItI'll show you who I'm doin' " sort of business . Softened at last , he undid a largo aaf of Ingenious construction , and opened ono after another , half a dozen shallow drawers filled with gold watches of over description , make and value , from th largo hunting cases of a man to thi fragile diamond-studded Jorgcnsen o feminine Identity. Several had mono grams traced upon the fronts in delicati designs. Other jewels , ono rated a $1,000 , lay separately boxed in otho : parts yf the safe and in a thick layer o bills , and several rolls of silver coin looked out at the reporter In a don't-you admlre-mo sort of Tray. "You see the run of my customer ; from these things , don't you ? " asked thi proprietor. "Now , I have to study human natun bcro , and you wouldn't hardly bellovi low weak human nature is. All you havi got to do Is to look Kko a fool and bo ni , viao as Solomon. Now , I am fond o theaters , and you can sco mo any nigh at the Masonic. I look at the people coming in and I amuse myself that way i ; oed doal. I'm no dude , myself , to gc ioolln' about and let somebody else gel ahead. 1 see young fellows there got oui > f a carriage and hand a beautiful yonuf ady up the stairs. Both of them an dressed np stylish and they take the drest circle every time , and that ) fine young oostor was just as like as nofcln my place ooking for enough t3 got in on two hours jefore. " "You don't eay ? " "Oh , that's nothln' . As I raid before , I could tell you things von wouldn'l lardly believe. But my policy la to deal an the quaro , it pays bettor , and 1 don'i nako enemies by it. But If you want tc mow something about the business , some jf the others might tell you. They lon't have to be as particular as I am. PILES ! PILES ! PIIiKS ! A SURE CUKE FOUND AT uASTl NO ONE NEED DOTFBB , A euro euro for Blind , Bleeding , Itching and Jlcoratod Filoa baa been discovered by Dr. Vlllinma ( an Indian Remedy , ) called Dr. William's Indian Pile Ointment. A single jox bos aired the worst chronic cases of 25 01 0 years standing. No ono need suffer five ninutcs after applying this wonderful Booth- ng medicine. Lotions , Instruments and eloo- uarles do moro harm than good. William's ndian Hie Ointment absorbs the turners , al- aya the intense itching , ( particularly at night ftor getting warm in bed , ) nets aa a peultfce , rivea instant relief , and la prepared only for 'ilea , itching of tbo private paita , and for lothlno else. Road what the Hon. J. M. Ooffinbeury. of Dlovolnnd , eays about Dr , William's Indian ilo Oointment : "I have used scoroa of File Jures , and it affords me pleasure to Bay that I ave never found anything which gave such nmodlate and permanent relief us Dr. Wil- am'a Indian Ointment. Tor ealo by all drug- iats and mailed on receipt of price , 50o and 1. Sold at retail by Kulm & Co. 0. F. GOODMAN , Wholesale Attent , The Population of Russia. The returns of the census taken in 882 gives the population of Russia in 2uropo as numbering 77,879,521 , of vhom 38,051,977 were males , and 39- 27,544 females ; making with the Grand Duchy of Finland and other parts of the mplrc , a total of over 102,000,000 SDula. Classified according to provinces , the pop- ilatlon If largest in the province of VI- tka (2,740,953) ( ) , and then como the > rovincos of Perm (2.539,874) ( ) . Kief ! (2. ( 07,231) ) , Tamboil (2,490,319) ( ) , Pultava 2 , 473 , 958) ) , Voroncga (2 ( , 433 , 057) , Curak (2,314,300) ( ) , Podolla (2,270,518) ( ) , aman (2,224,93) ( ) , Moscow (2,137,179) ( ) , tharkoff (2,100,203) ( ) , Saratoff (2,113- ( 77) ) , and Volhynla (2,002,270) ( ) . These re the only provinces In which the pop. latiou exceeds 2,000,000 , the minimum elng reached In the province of Arch- ngol , which has only 315,367 , Inhabitants. Ihejpopulatlon is densest In the provinces f Moicow (73 ( 1 inhabitants to the equare rerst ) , and of Podolia ( G1.7 Indabhants ior square verst ) , while'there are from > 0 to GO inhabitants per square vtrstin ho provinces of Pultava , Kursk , and tleiF ; from 40 to 50 in the provinces of Tula , Riezm , Orel , KharkofT , St. Peters , inrg and Cvo others. The province's neat sparsely Bottled are Perm (8 ( 7 to ho equaro veral ) , Orenberg (7.2) ( ) , Astro- tahn (3.8) ( ) , Vologda (3.3) ( ) , Olonolz (2.9) ( ) , nd Archangel 0.4) ) , The urban popula- Ion is 0 273,100 , and the rnral popnla- Ion CO.010.418. The number of illo- Itlmato children is much greater In the owns than in the country , being 113.2 > or 1,000 births in the formur , and only 7.7 per 1,000 in tbo latter. The mor- allly Is greater In the country than In ho towns , belnc 39.5 per 1,000 inhabit- nts , as against 34.4 , SICK HEADACHE. Thousands who have offered intensely with sick headache say liat Hood's Sarsiparllla has completely urod them. Ono gentleman thus re eved , writes ; "Hood's Sarsaparilla ia rorth ils weight in gold , " Iteador , If on are a sufferer with slok headache , tve Hood's Smaparllla a trial , It will o you positive good , Made by 0. I iood & Co. , Lowell , Maas. Sold by all ruggiats. 100 Dosea Ono Dollar. 'San ' Francisco has a feminine Wil helm 'oil , who has outahot everything on the east , and having challenged Carver , Bo rdua and others and received no re- ponso , now sighs for male shooters to onquer. USES OF SIEKU Some Wonderful Ucialt * of Uxpcrl mciitB With tlio Metal , PltUburg Commercial-Gazette , The latest nso of steel is in the mann facturo of cannon. It Is probably tin moat astonishing application yet made o that motal. In 1880 , about the tlmi mild ttcel came largely into the market the president of a company mannfactnr ing soamlcsa brats nnd copper pipe con eluded to try mild stool as a substitute It certain directions for the moro cxpouslvi brass , copper , and other metals used ii his establishment. The process of rnanu factnro was simple. A plato of meta was placed over a die and a mandrel forcoc the plato Into it just as a lady might placi a ploco of tissue paper over her thimbli and then force It in with her finger. Thi mandrel would force the metal into i shape like a deep bowl , with sides of nnl form thickness. By repeating this procosi with other dies and mandrels , bydranlli presses being used to shove the mandro' ' through the die , the plato of stool eventually tually became a stool tnbo of uniforn thickness and perfect bore and clrcnmfor once. The otoel was fonnd to work n : cajlly aa the braes or copper , and nc change of tools was necessary. As stool was cheaper than copper , the advantage of substituting drawn sloe ! seamless tubes for brats or copper ouci was manifest. But the saving in prici was altogether the smallest gain. To the astonishment of those engaged in the experiment porimont , the steel was found to have radically changed its character in the process. It went Into the machine sofl and pliable. It come out , although drawn cold , aboautifolly tempered spring , If a tube -was compressed it would In stantly reaumo its shape when the prosaun waa removed. If struck with n bammoi it rang like a bell , wliilo tests of tbt increased strength of the metal showed t change that was wonderful. To fully test its strength a boiler of the size and style luod beside every range in large houses , was made from the steel by thte procos. The metal of the boiler wae drawn out to a thickness of about one- thirtieth of an Inch , and it then stood a pressure of COO pounds to the iquaro inch , giving way when that limit was passed. After this and other testa the experi menters began to wonder why a gun bar rel could not bo made of ttcel by tint process that would bo superior to any other. They first made a tnbo of six- Inohes bore and half an Inch thickness of metal. This was drawn cold. Then another was made of the same thlcknesi of metal , and of a bore that would per mit it to be shoved over the first ono by a lydraullc press when It warmed , the first remaining cold. A third was then drawn over the two , and thus was completed a cannon. It was found that it would stand a water pressure of 75,000 pounds to the equaro inch. This cannon hasbecn sent to bandy Hook , and the officers of the artillery crops will try to buwt it by the usual tests applied to new cannon. They have before them the astonishing spectacle of a gun that will throw a solid shot weighing 100 pounds , although ° the metal is only onn inch and a half thick around the powder. To people accus tomed to BOO the common cannon , onormpnaly thick at the breach , it will seem incr edible that an inch and a half of metal will servo the purpose bettor. It is well known that cue cause of the high pries of illuminating gas to the con sumer Is the great quantity lost by leakage through the cast iron pipes used. In this city It was found that this leakage of the natural gas was so great that serious and fatal explosions orcurred. Every foo't of the cast-iron mcins haa in con sequence been ordered out. The great size of the bore needed prevented the use of lap-welded wrought-iron pipe , and the soamlees pips of paper thickness will bo ueod , its great density being proof against any leakage of gas or liquid under any pressure. The tendency to corrode- oven under ground Is very small , but this ob jection to steel will bo wholly abvJated by coatings either of tin oraluminium bronze within and without. The steel pipe is not only belter but ojioapcr. Milk cans are being made of the now steel tubing. The bottom Is an eighth cf an Inch thick , and the sides about one- fourth of an inch. The banging of the most vigorous Yankee cheese maker or of the reckless brakeman on a milk train can not dent thorn or seriously Injure them. The experimenters have also turned their attention to clock-springs , and they have found that the new process not only make a cheaper , but a superior quality of spring. Just what change tlio metal undcgoes in thla procees of drawing has not been determined. That it becomes fibrous is plain. Iron drawn out into wire becomes fibrous also , but it does not become a tempered spring , "la there no balm la Gilcad ? Is there no pbjalclan there ? " Thanks to Dr. Pierce , there ia a lalm In his "Golden Medical Discovery" a "balm for every wound" to health , from colds , coughs , consumption , bronchitis , and all chronic , blood , lung , and liver ivfFoctionB , Of druggists. IjlVING BY THEIUAV1TS. How Attorneys Scheme to Win Iiivlnc at tlio Bar. Detroit Tost. "How can all these lawyers earn their living ? " asked a reporter of ono of the Dldcst member of the bar. "Tho lawyers have no dlflicalty In making onouqh to llvo on , There la a comparatively small number of these nmongtt the 300 attorneys hero. Of conrao it Is simply Impossible for 300 men In a city of this elz9 to eke out a subils- tenco by the use of their ) legal lore. A jroat number of youiig men who have not worked up a practice and can not be expected , however shrewd they nny bo , to earn a living. Then , too , Detroit haa Its full quota of sbyatera and pettifog gers , who resort to all aorta of schemes to Dam a dollar. If you will take a court 3ockot and look it through you will find that abont forty lawyers have most of the business. If the law business were equally divided there rrould bo enough to support all of the profession In tbo city but there are several who make $20,000 or § 30,000 a year. " "How do the rest llvo ? " "In various ways. Some have money to live on Inherited from their fathers , some have rich wives , many combine their law practice with real estate and in surance business , but there are moro than people suppoao who are living from hand to month , hardly knowing wbera the bread for the nox\ meal ia coming from There is another clais which , I am sirry to say , la not a small ono and which la the dlgraca of the profession. It Is the class of dead boats who in aomo Inscru table way gain the title of attorney at law. They make it a buiiaoss to eqneczo J client as long as anything can bo gotten From him on one pretext and another. At one time they will want money for officers' fees , but the money never reachoi the officers. At another tlmo It is to pay fo counsel or 'expense. ' There are tlicui sands of ways that are used to get mono ; from nn unsuspecting client. Many o this class have no ofltco. They tptmg their stationery ofl the county , boat land lords out of board bills , and borroi money until their credit is gono. " "Do lawyers over seek out buslnots.1 I l"0ortalnly they do. I know of lawyer yor In this city who inako it n pracllc to hunt np persons injured on the rail ronda and induce them to bring suits fo damages' . In these cascn the most of thi lawyers' fees are often msdo contingon on the auccoss cf the suit. A close watcl is kept for every accident , for scandals family disputes , or property litigation Immediately any promising case is dc developed the lawyer approaches the vlo Urn and generally succeeds In being re frilnod. " "How is this business looked upon bj the profession1 ? "My own opinion is that no firat-claei lawyer would over stoop to any such pro ooodlng. When ono is In straitened clr cnmstancrs , though I can hardly wondoi that such devices are resorted to. " "Is this Bystom pursued successfully it criminal cases ? ' "Yes , and much moro easily than h civil cases. 1 don't know how It la now , but a few years ago I havopositivokuoir < ledge that there was a combination ol certain lawyers with detectives and othci oOicors. The dotoctlvo used to got t percentage of tbo foes in all the cases hi would bring to the lawyer ho had bar gained with. It was very easily managed , Criminals very frequently consult with the officers as to a suitable attorney tt employ , and the advice of the officer is usually followed. " Mr. J. H. Sannor , Rrccer , 241 Jefler son St. , Baltimore , Maryland , writes : My daughter , was troubled with a serf our cold ; used Red Star Cough Cure , Before ono bottle was exhausted she was cured. DJSSENX1ONS IN TUtJ HANKS. Tlio Amalgamated Association in Trouble niul Kx-l'resldent Jnr. rott Galled on for Aid. Pursnuiia , March 30. For some tlmo there haa been various rumors In regard to the trouble In the ranks of the Amal- agamatod association. These reports , although donlcd by the officials , have boon In a great measure corroborated ! by recent developments. Months ago the mombora employed In the Edgar Thom son steel works signed individual agree ments with the firm in opposition to the wish of a largo number of workers who belonged to the Knights of Labor. Thla difference finally resulted in the with drawal of the Braddock lodfo from that association , and the surrender of its charter. In the Whoaling district the introduction of steel nails caused no little trouble , as thopuddlcra , who were thrown out of work by the use of steel , demand ed that the price for'cutting them should bo advanced , so aa to practically prevent their general use , which waa the object desired. This the nailers refused to do , BO within a short tlmo cue of the lodges in that district has dropped cut , and it ia expected that the nailers will form an in dependent organization in tlmo to arrange next year's scale for themselves , without regard to the claims of the puddlors. It Is said that the ledges In thla district are not Raining strongtn , but that there ia a unanimity In reference to the arranging of the annual scale. From a very rollnblo source It was learned thla afternoon that the Amalga mated men are fully alive to the dengcr threatening their organization and are making a move to again secure the noted leader under whoso .administration the union gained its strength. One who thoroughly understands the situation says that a few days since a committee com posed of the leading lights in the Ama'- jamated association visited and held a long conference with ex-President John Tarrett during which ho waa again re quested to take the head of the organiza tion and restore its failing strength. What the result of this conference was , ) r Mr. Jarrott's answer , Is not glvon , as .ho movement is said to bo made secretly. Mr. Jarrott's office was visited in the lope of getting that gentleman's state ment , but ho had not boeh seen by his mutant to-day. A call was made at the icadquartera cf the association. Socro- : ary Martin was out for the day , but President Welno was holding forth to erne of the iron-workers. Ho reported jvorjthlng aoreno , and said ho had not armrd of Mr. Jarre tt being requested to : omo back , and as far as harmony ia con sented nothing had gene wrong. The laacciation wae aa firmly united aa it over > ad been. Tlio Favorite Washing Compound of ho day ia unquestionably JAMKS PYLK'S 'PAULINE. It dispenses with the necoaai- y for testing or riibbinfj the clothes , and Iocs not injuri ; the fabric , 3ONDI3MNED BY THE OUUKOH. ? lie Ancient order'ol' Jllljernluns De nounced From Uie Pulpit , ELMIJIA , N. Y. , March 20. Catholic hnrch circles were shaken from center o circumference hero to-day by a slmul aneons attack by the pastors at the van- us churches on the Ancient Order of libornlans. The order waa established it ro about ten years ago , and all efforts 0 bo recognized by the church have been milieus. St. Patrick's day was celebrated Ills year by the order holding a banquet , t which several lady friends cf the mom- era attended and took part. After the lanquot dancing was indulged in , and bis , it eoomr , on account of the time eing lent , was the cause of the trouble , lorotoforo the relations between tbo hurch and the Hibernians have been nything but pleasant and the actinia ot ho pritsta to-day bai widened the roHcb. The society hero consists of om o of the boit and most prominent rlchmon in the county , men who under ny circumstances Trill not flinch , and Ively times are expected ere the matter 1 satisfactorily settled. IMiiny , Many Thousand , A great many people who have boon ured by Brown's Iron Bitters , show uch grateful appreciation cf what this aodicino has donu for them that they roely send their teitlmonials. To pub- lioni all would require a volume as big s a dictionary. No tccrot about them fo limit to ono disearo or a few. Mr. 'erryman , Mobile , Ala , "Weak back ud indigestion" Mr. D fryer , Mt. Ulin , Texas , "Dyspepsia , nervousness , nd slecplcs ness. Mr. Burni , Milton , nd. , "Indfgettlon and poor appetite. " Ire , Hastings , Cambridgeport , Maaa , , 'Lamenojslu ' side and back , Mtort bicath nd coughing. " Try it youraelf. Although Augusta , Ga. , is not as large Ity ai either Atlanta or Savamuh , yo1 : s mayor geta a salary of 4,000 , which i a larger sum than ih Mayors of both ho otbers combined receive. Rheumatism , Tuouraigia , Sciatica , Lumbago , Backache , Headache , Toothache , NoroTliifint.NnrllliiB .StrnlMNllruli > c * , lliiriiii.SfnliU. fruit into. AM ) All , OTIIFR Until I.Y VUJiS M ) AUHS. BOIJ l > r Uiuijlili mil pMlrri tierrwlur * . rmr OnU K > ttK Mrtttloualall Laannw * . Till ! CIIAKI.KS A. YOUKLKU CO. ( Somiut lo A. VOOUX8 CO. ) Balllraorf , J. , C. 9. A. < & S .0 From experience 1 think Swift's Specific I * acr ' valuable remedy for cutaneous disease ! , nJ t th' same tlmo no 1m Iterating tonlo. JAM JACKBO.VI Chid Justice of Qx Atlanta , Sept ISSii INOCULATED TOISON.-Aftet Jrylnir ll th- - other remediesSultt'a Spoclflo has curodme souni and wellot n terrible blood | olson contracted from i nurse MRH , T. W , LRR , Orroa\Ulo , Ala. POISON OAK. A hdy lioro lian been cntlrcl ; cured of poison oik poison by tlio use of two bottle' ol S. S.S. U. S. BRAuroiu ) , Tiptonvlllo , Tcnn. ULCERSSS YKAHS.-A member of my chord his been cured of an u'ccratcd leg of 25 vents btaml log with two bottlot ot Swllt'fl SpccclHc. I1. U. CnuMrLxn , Pastor Moth. Cb. , Maoou , 0 . Swllt'fl Specific Is entirely vcrctablo. TrcatlM 01 lood and Skin Diseases mailed free. ThoS\viiTSrKcirioCo , Drawers , Atlanta Oa , , 01 ISO W. S3d St. . N. Y. NEBRASKA [ (3BccESjon3 ( ! TO DAVIS & SSYDEB. ) GENERAL DBAtEM IN , KS * * * - * & < 1505 FARNAM STREET.OMAHA , Have for sato 500,000 acres carefully selected lands In Kastcrn Nebraska , at law prlco and on cnsy terms Imprcn od farina for silo In Douglas , Dodijo , Coltaz , Plattc , Hurt , Ctimlng , Stray , Washington , Merrlok , Baundcra , and Duller counting , Taxes paid In all parts ot tbo etata. Money loaned on Improved farms. Notary 1'ublla nlwaya In otTico. Correspondence solicited 617 St. Chnrles St. , St. Louis , Mo. A rcgulirgraduato of to Medical Colleges , baitl > e& lonfM lucftgedla thepoclaUrcatuie.Hor C-UOMC , JJjt\oti Hvn nod HLOOD DiasA.KrithitD aoy other t-njilelnn In Bt LouU , tseltj rapcrifhowaDdBUoll refMentsliiow. Nervous Prostration , Debility , Montr ! r.n < Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and otner vizv- ilons ol Throat , Skin or Dones , Blood Pofttsi j , Old SorCS and Ulcers , lira treated vllh nnrarallrlM lueeeB9on latcit ftelvntiSc principle * . t'c\y \ 1'rliateU. Diseases Arising from Indiscretion. Excess , Exposure or Indulgence , tilth rroiilco .ome or tin following cQtctsl utnouiucKi , dtblhlf , dltun R < of Uht and ilclcctlvc memory , flniplc , on the fnes , ptirilcal dccar. avrrilontothc. noiletof fomnl , ! , ctmluii. . of llcw.eui , renderluc Marrlaco improper or unhappy , aij Uitili-l Iij > | . , ' , - nn/njlum. CuniultationMif flee or bj uall free , nud inrlted. IVrlto for qutstlooi. A Positive Written Guarantee glvca In all corablo cimes. Motllclnea sent everywhere. rnraph'.eta , Knplish or Oerrym , 04 pace , de- jcrlblucaboTO diseasesIn luaJoor femaU , 1'iiEB. PU1ARRIAGE GUBDE ! JW psgct. floe plate * . UhiilrnUM ia Iothan < l ciltbladloo , coiitaloB all the eurleui , dauttTul or luguMtlTc want u Wuow. . . _ . _ _ A _ book efureat laterMt to % 1L UeaJtA. Omotei + rrwu ttsJ toy * * * - Will purify tlio DLOOD.'rept- itlutlieLIVE aiiil KIDNEYS. I'm ! VIcioil ffI'YOUTlI. lf \i | ) sli. Want ol'Apnelltc , 3D- tllKosUon , l.itk or Hiri.'MRtli , < .iuu < l. Koucs , uiujulusaiiu nerves receive ncwrorcc , Kr.lhuns tlio tnlnU aud supnllca llrilu Tower , : SnirurliiKfroui complaint ! . _ 'jn-iuilurto IliPlrai'x Trill lad InDR. El OilKU'S IIKIJ-T TOITIC a mifn aad Tjccuy euro , itllvcs a clear , licaitliy compluxlon. Frequent attempts nl on' " ' " ' rfi''UiiR onlj adi ) Ij tliupopnlarlt ) ortliourlKlntl. louotexperi > ' " "nt ( fet tlio OitioiSAi. AM > JiK r. rSeadTouriiildresato'lbHDr. Ilurt rKfn.i Oo.V i I . St. , , . liouta . , Mo. , for oar "DKI1A.M BOOK. " M ! ( ( traDce 11DC ) UK1fui in/ornuUoo. lanjf I MIwanceAgent HKrRE3KNT8l hcenlx Insursnco Co. , London , Citn Aesota | 5,8 4,000 restcbester.N. T. , Capital 1,000,000 heHorchaata o ( Neuark.N. J. , Capital , . . . 1,275,000 IrardFIro , l > hllndclphlflCplt l 1,200,000 rom n' Vnnil f'lriinl . . . . . _ . 1.SS9 OOC . * Hlt , curi * t , , ilr1rt ortL * It ( iii ( 0r ku 4 , i 4foH iiattrl d liiiooifli 1 Vi c' ' < * f * f > i * a4 to .l * Jtuivf inuki Try It. tftf t ruur t < J"f r 1 ' J ' 1 I M UtJl W. S013v v v UURY AHO i competent bu9lnrt luanf gcr ( or ( this ) HTATK unj. ' IAI , Aarvcr controlling niiubcr i f local agencies ) T tuclu'he Bate u | our Imjiroted Machines. lUok lib the Telephone , ( her 7,000 In scrilce , luiloibud rhl heat mi.rc > iitllccori > orate anil expert autliorle- o OverOUaijenclcs tBtaUliticdi-aylDyf/om SOtoUO r cfnt. on latuttrncntvrcry todajs , Sak-B In .Vow ork City approximating ; J'X ( > per ( 'ay. ' AnfrtgaU- t'caoter ' 8(0000 ( lor January , 1S8) ) . Applicants U6t ( urnUli llibt-claat citdeuttils , > ml dtpualt from [ 000 to $2000 cabli uocurlty- not Iwntls ( or gooda lo iclr pcwcuslou. THE NATIONAL G. S. CO. , 21 Kant Fourteenth Street , NEW YORK. St , Charles Hotel , BTHKKT , I1ET 7th and 8tb , . . LINCOLN , NEB Mrs. KaUi-CoaUy.i-roprletorsM. < VNcwly and elegantly furnished. Good eampli oici on flr t floor , < VTermi-9l.(0 to per day. BpedU rates given .eiatwri . of the leflsJaturs. uovlO-lm-oia A Tha remarkable growth ot [ Omaha daring the last few yearn b a nuttoi ol great astonishment to these who p y iin occasional visit to thla growing city. Tha development of the StooV Yards thi necessity of the Bolt Ltns Head th * finely paved ntrooU the hundreds of now residences and costly bnslnoas blocks , with the population of oar city more than donblod in the last five yours. All thti IB a great imrprlso to visitors and la thi admiration of our oltiioni. This rapid growth , the bu Inoss activity , and thi many labatantlal Improvements madn a lively demand for Omaha real estate , and every Invoatoi has made n handeomi profit. Slnao the Wall Street panic May , with the BubsBquont cry of hard times , there has boon loss demand from ftp'ooalu * tors , but a fait demand from invontoii seeking homos. This latter class uo taking advantage of low prices In buildIng - Ing material and are securing their homoi at much losa coat than will bo pcnslblg a your hence. Speculators , too , can bay real ostat B cheaper now and ought to tnki advant. o of present prlcoi foi fainxe pro ts. The next few years promise * greatci djvolopmonta In Omaha than the past fivj years , which have been as good 01 wo could reasonably doalre. Now man * ufacturlng establishments and largo Job * blng houses are added almost weekly , end all add to the prosperity of Omaha. There are many In Omaha nnd through' but the State , who have their money in the banks drawing a nominal rsto of In terest , which , If judiciously Invested In Omaha real ott&te , would bring thorn much greater returns. Wo have many bargains which wo arc confident will bring the purchaser Jarga profita In th noa > future , We have for Bale the finest residence - dence property in the north ami vrestern parts of the city. North % ve have fine lota at reasonable - able pricea OR Sherman avenue. 17th , 18th , 19th and 2th ( atrceta. West on Earnnm , Davenport , Gaming , and all the eadmg streets in that direction. The grading of Farnam , Califor- niit and Davenport streets has made accessible some of the finest nnd uheapest residence property in the eity , and with the building of the street car line out Farnam , the pro perty in the western part of the city ivill increase in vnluo Wo also have the agency' for the Syndicate and Stock Yards proper- ; y in the south part of the city. Tha leveloptneuts made in this section by the Stock Yards Company and ; he railroads will certainly double he once in a short timo. We also have Home fine business ots nnd some elegant inside rnsi- encep for sale , Parties wishing to invest will find some good barfuns t-yculhngi Htb 8t , Bet.reon Farnham nnd Douglar. P. S. Wo ask these who hat * roporty for sale nt a bargain to fjiv H a call"Wo want only bargains Ve will positively not handle prop rty at more than itn real value ,