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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1885)
TJBE DAILY BEE THURSDAY , APRIL 2 , 1885. THE DAILY BEE Thursday Morning , April 2. LOCAL BREVITIES , Tiio "Sennto'MiM Invited Clom Chase to address thtm at an oivrly day. A marriage Hconso wai Issued yesterday to Shrove ShlnD , jr. , and Mt Luna PotctB. April Fool'g day pawed off quietly with out any great excitement. There ( wuitho usual number of victims. At 3 a m. mtny of the boys are "celo- rating" Nothing wronff , but limy ound [ as if they feel joyous and hopeful. Annlo Wilson lias contracted for a S10- 000 two-story brick building on the corner of Eleventh and Davenport streets. Good Friday services nt Trinity cathedral at 11 a. m , , with sermon by the dean. At 5 p. m. , with address. At 7:33 : p. m. , with ser mon by the biihop , A light rainfall la t night soltlod the terrible - riblo dust that has prevailed rocoatly , and cooled the pavements that yesterday's eun had disagreeably heated , Kutor Monday parties will bo enjoyed at Muion Ilall , Concordla llall nnd Germania Hall. It is n day of general rejoicing , among the Herman people especially. In the police court yesterday afternoon Alfia Gllmoro and Goo. Lambert , charge larceny , wore held to answer in 5500 each , and in default of bail sent to jail. There was a strike among the carriers of the Times-Dispatch Tuesday evening nnd but low papers were delivered. The boys claim that two wooka wages are duo and unpaid. The CMC of Mrs Maggie A. James against Ira 1'routy who is charged with rape , has boon pending In Judge Wel s' court for six weeks. It has now boon dismissed altogether. Marshal Cumminga has received a letter from Q. Robinson of Saratoga Spa , New YorV , making Inquiries about a fourteen-year-old aon of his , who is supposed to be biding in Omaha. The Y. M. C. A. Choral club will meet Thursday , and nst Erldny. Person a attend ing are requested to.brlng "Gospel llymns" No. 4 , ai special practice for Easter Sunday will bo had. ( A lady and several little children from Ne braska City were at the depot yesterday after- I noon looking for the husband and parent , wheat at last accounts had not buan found. The children were very young , and so was the troubled mother. John K. Carlson , n Swoda resident at 508 Clark street this city , died Eueaday nnd was buried yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the county's expense , Carlson was in very poor circumstances and loft a wifa and four chil dren , who are worthy objects of charity. A barn on the dairy farm of Mr. liar loy , about n ratio nnd n half above" the Council BIufTi waterworks , was struck by light ning last night. The barn and farm-house were entirely consumed before the Council Blutls fir a department could roach the scene of the conflagration. City editor llarry Hunter , of the Council Blulfi Nonpareil , in hia'dosiro to eocuro the facta pertaining to thoalarm turned inlaatnight in the Bluffs at about 10:30 : , followed the hoeo wagons out of town and had not returned at 12 m. It can't bs passible that such a homely man as Harry was kidnapped. The eighteen assessors of this county held a meeting yesterday afternoon , in company with the county commissioners , to discuss a basia of valuation and arranotho boundaries of each precinct. County Clerk Leavltt haa made up a map giving the number and slza of each lotnnd locating each section in tha various precincts. Thesu charts were given to the as sessors , who begin work to-day. The pipe organ purchased for the First Presbyterian church has arrived hero and will bo Immediately put in place ao that every thing may bo in readiness fur the two con certs on the 22nd and 23rd nst. , which will bo given to dedicate the instrument. It is believed that the choral work of the occasion will be done by a selected choir , of twenty- five voices. The organ is said to bo the largest west of Chicago and is a beautiful in strument. Judge Beneko and Clerk Jerome Pontzel , . of the police court , are cow engaged in over hauling tha old stock of unclaimed stolen property which has accumulated during the past year , as well as the property of prisoners who have been released on ball ind after wards failed to put in an appearance , The utock will be inventoried and placed at the disposal of District Attorney Estolle , who will arrange for an auctioneer's 8lo. This in to bo done iu accordance with the terms of an old statute which baa hitherto been a dead lot- ior , Judge Benoke eaya that this will bo the first time that such a sale haa taken place in this city. A short tlmo ago the carpenters and mavina of this city sent out a circular to the contractors and architects notifying them that ou and after April 1st all carpenters would expect $3 for a day's work of nine hours , in 8tuad of from $1.50 to S3 for a day's work often ton hours ; and that masona would demand $1.50 for nine hours , instead of ton hours eat : \t present. Some little trouble was antic ipatad by tlia contractors , as they Bay that they can not afford to pay indiscriminately ? 2 to' 4 50 per day , regardless of the quality 'l ' tliu workman , r.t The matter haa been amicably Bottled , however , ai the worklogmen have postponed the formal demand for sixty days , _ Tii a set of features , a complex ! HI , Too tincture of a tikm that I adniro " In using I'ozzoni'u complexion ponder , Valrcat charms you will acquire. A Hold Untl tUnn. Some thao during the month of No- vembsr last , n well known journalist 01 Hustings did oomu collecting for n widow lady of this plao that amounted to $10 CO. Ho forgot to pay tbo amount ever to the lady but "sltippod out" for parts unknown , loaviog hii wife and five small children tofico tbo o > ! d winter with § 10 in monty to go on. They did net hear from him until the latter part o February , when ho oune back , and fount his wife sick in bal where ahe had beei for woeki. He had nothing when be returned , bat yet no objected to kltn friends giving ho tlin comforts of life which thy htd done during h's ' absence Bat M they would not nee her suffer am persisted in helping her , he goes forth uud cUltrs ahe had unt baou true to him And the cominuirty of that moral ton : hold li'iii ' up aa n model of flod'a nobler work , mid iry to tr.ako her ( his wife ) on to ho ni'ythli g but I n honr.iMh'o ' woman which wo n i * is not true. Wn under al&id shu h s np lird for n dirrr'o aae under the ex'stlnq ciroamttuictH wo ctn lu.t 8(0 how any judijo c n refusa it or * I on the gtouods cf drunkennui am cruelty. GRAUD la UNO. THE CITY ENGINEER , Ur. Andrew Iloiowatrr on the Con duct of Public Works Inter- Statements , Editor BootfflTho adage "that a Ho will travel seven leagues while the trnth is patting its hoots on" is illustrated od by recent press communications and comments concornlng the municipal work in this city. I propose to demonstrate In a few brief outlines of the public nfihirs of Omaha that however alow the truth may bo in reaching the surface , it nev er fails In the long run to overtake false hood. Four years ao I accepted tbo unsol icited appointment of city engineer of Omaha by Mayor Boyd. There was no board of public works in existence. The city had comparatively no Improvomento of a permanent character. When I took charge there was no ono to personally explain - plain any of the affairs of the ollico. Ihero was not an attnchoc , asaiitant , redman or axeman in the office. In the iaca of this , within loss than eix months ; ho department was placed in a thorough * y running order , and Improvements were going on in every direction. In loss than mo year a system of aowcrago was adop ted , under headway and over four miles .n actual operation. Slnco then coven- ; eon more miles of sewer have boon built , over eight miles of streets and alloys paved , twenty miles of street graded and lalf as many miles curbed and guttered , covering In cost an oxponditnro of about § 2OUOUOOO. Few cities of double the population have done as much in BO thort i period , and I defy any ono to name a city that , taken all In all , can ahow better work for the same money. The cost of engineering this work will 'all short of 2 per cent 5 per cent less ; han similar work has cost St. Paul , and Li per cent Iocs than Kansas City. All ; his was done in the face of now laws with countless embarrassing obstacles ivithont legal precedents or decisions as ; o courao of procedure In many cases , with opposition to every regulation , and n the faceof prejudices founded upon gnorancp. The firat two years I worked n my office almost Incessantly from early n the morning till 11 o'clock at night. I not council committees nearly every Sunday until my health broke down and I wai urged to Increase my force aud re duce my own hours of labor. In undertaking BO much at ono time ho competition among contractors naturally developed combination against combination , hate against hate , lies oraiia HOJ , and cries of fraud versus raud. The extraordinary amount of work or- lercd last year and carried out , aggregat- ng in cost to nearly a million dollars , and executed in less than eiz months has culminated In largo special taxes. These axes cimo duo at about the same period , when owing to sudden financial depres sions and failures all over the country md uncertainties due to national change II administration made money scarce and lard to obtain. As a result the natural ind Interested opposition to taxes and approvements at any tlmo by a certain class has temporarily obtained favor with ho credulous public and every lifo and ubtorfngo for power or for prostlgo has > eon resorted to to intensify this fooling. And now lot mo allude to a few of the many lies. SEWERAGE. It has been asserted on the street cor- icr and commended on with emphasis by -ho Republican that great frauds in esti mates and work have been committed in sewerage construction. An ex-member of the board of public works informed the lorald editor that 100 per cent was made > y some sewer contractor last year on a 50,000 contract and other statements of a simitar natnro have been spread for a lurposo by the same man and others. To nako those stories plausible , ono gentle man , an insurance agent , on Thirteenth street , has gone among property owners on St. Mary's avenue and connecting streets with this story to taxpayers : You "isvo fifty feet front. An 8-Inch pipe is laid in front of your door. Now yon enow the coat of an 8-inch plpo under the contract is ahont a dollar a foot and ; hat divided in two for the lot opposite makes It cost only SO cents. Now the tax Is § 3 a foot a fraud § 2.50. This is divided between ; ho engineer and contractor. Now what are the facts' ? St. Mary'a avenue is a sewer district which comprises the main street and side streets. The ontlro cost o sowera in that district is computed. This ncludes the largo and the small pipoa , .ho catch basins and tholr connections , ; ho man-holes , flush tanks and all the Ton casting ! , in fact , every part and ap- [ ) urtenauco of the district sewer system The taxable fronts go is thpn computed and tbo rate per foot is estimated. The records of every sewer and Its appurtenances ances are kept in detail In the engineer's office' open for inspection and 1 defy any man to coma and show up any frauds. Now , as to the prices , they are all at so much a foot , or pound for iron aud any man can compute for himself. The work waa let to the lowest bidder iutho face of lively competition. On St. Mary's avenue the first bids wororeferrod to me and I reported they were high and should bo readvertisrd. This was done and 25 per cent s&vod by the operation. Now as to their efficacy out of the twentyonemiles wo hava had troublp in but onu alloy branch in the put six months and that was caused by tbo injection of a sixteen foot Iron rod with suckers Into a six inch plpo. The fact that but ono man has managed for nearly a year with occasionally two labor ers to help him to keep the ontlro twen ty-one miles in order , is the beet answer to all critlc'sms ' on that score , and as to any prilits on the alleged § 50,000 con tract the fact that the largot never con tract in the city waa 628,000 shows how thoroughly groundless it if , Now as to tiu.vmxa. Very llltlo has been caid in the prots , but much underhanded faUificatlon has been resorted to in that respect. Fint , it has been alleged that the extraordinary amount of grading done was duo to the miscalculations' of tbo city engineer , I pronounce this as not only false , hut on the oonlrtry I prct'stit both with tbo council and board of pnb- llo works agains : it on the very grounds th t If carried out it would exceed rea sonable figure ? . At that time I was an tagonized by the botrd of public works in a paving discussion , and the contracts were purpoeoly drawn shearing thq en gineer of every panicle of authority it the promises , a > tbo contracts on record will show , and I ceaied ray opposition on the urgent request of Dr. Milerand others , who thought it would look per sonal and malicious on my part to con- tlnuo It. Thoio contratti being Jo1 , It tvis my duty to execute them , Aiide from the reports cltad , statements are being confidentially circulated trut there w&a fraud in estimates and that I , or men in my oBcohavo ( accepted bribes for mak ing them. New I propose to moot those and all other allegations by demanding of the judge of the district court to instruct the next grand jury to investigate this and every charge of like nature nnd reach these libels , Under the now law any party paying a bribe is free from prosecu tion so that there will bo no FXCUIO or opportunity ior any man to escape from tolling the trnth and the whole trnth Ono more subject and I will close. It Is alleged ttiat the engineer rotnrnod esti mates of extra grading In connection with asphalt paving and surreptitiously put such amounts into the levies for the pur pose of defrauding the city. Although 1 thoroughly ventilated this subject at sev eral public meetings of the council I will hero , repeat that I never sent any re ports with estimates , of that or any other natnro to the city council touching contract work hat reported through the beard of public works as the law pro vides. It was customary to lot the city council settle all claims for extra work and so in the particular caco cited. I corliGcd to a voucher that was presented mo by a councilman , covering the cor rectness of the amounts of the extra work and computation as per bill presented , and differing as I did as to the authority to collect by levy such allowances , only put it into the levy by direction of that councilman. That there could bo no misunderstanding on that point I , filed a paper and kept a copy , in the city clerk's office totting forth the fact with details } f extras added to each levy. Those lovys were passed , aud hone ? , when Howard street levy was made , I added the extra grading into it , keeping a re cord cf the amount This nas iono without special directions , and I so informed the city council during the dis- osalona that ensued. This ontlro subject was afterwards rc- fnrrod for a legal opinion to the city at torney , and npm his advice that if the extra work waa ordered in writing by the : ity onginosr it could bo paid ; the Bar ber Asphalt Paving company , through its ropresenta'ivos , called upon mo for such written orders. I declined io furnish any , as I had never issued such orders , and It is for this reason that the money , though levied , still lies in the treasury unpaid. There is doubtless some merit to those claims if the contractors did not know the streets Iu question were not to grade : however , that is not for mo to dp- : id o. In conclusion , who are the men that are circulating those reports of fraud In my department ? Men who have boon thwarted time and again in schemes to beat the city out of trumped up claims , or contractors who have failed to got more than was duo them , and tax shirk ers who have tought special favors which , as an official , I have refused to grant. To all of those I say that they will bo given an opportunity to verify their charges , as they aw all known to mu , and will bo compelled to testify or bo branded as ; hey deserve. ANDREW ROSEWATER. ANALYZING THE BAKING POWDER , "Royal" the Only Absolutely Pnro Baking Powder Made A ctlon of the New York State Board of Health. Under the direction of the Now Yoik state board o ! health , eighty-four differ ent kinds of baking powders , embracing all the brands that could ba found for sale la the state , wcrjaubmittod to exam ination and analysis by Prof. 0. F. CHANDLER , a member of the state board , and president of the Now York City board cf health , assisted by Prof. EDWARD G. LOVE , the well-known late United States rovernment chemtat. The official report shows that a largo lumber of the powder * examined were iound to contain alum cr lime ; many of ; hem to such an extent as to render them seriously objectionable for uao in the pre paration of human food. Alum was found in twenty-nine sam ples. This drug Is employed In baking powders to cheapen their co&t. The presence of llruo Is attributed to the Im pure cream of tartar of commerce used in their manufacture. Such cream of tar tar was also analyzed and fonnd to con- bain lime and other Impurities , In some samples to the extent of 93 per cent of their entire weight. All the baking powders of the market , with the single exception of "Eojal" ot including the alum and phoepliata powders , which wore long since du- caided as unsafe or inefficient by pradout housekeepers ) are made from the impure cream of tartar of commerce , and consequently quently contain lime to a corresponding extent. The only baking ponder yet fonnd by chemical analysis to bo entirely free from lime and abiolutoly pure is the "Royal. " ThU perfect purity results from the oxclu- 0 uao of cream of tartar specially refined - fined and prepared by patent pro cesses of the N. Y. Tartar Co. , which totally romero the taitrato of lime and other impurities. The coat of this chem ically pure cream of tartar is much great er than any other , and on account of this cost Is used in no biking powder but the "Royal. " Prof. LOVK , who made the analyses of baking powders for the Now York State Board of Health , as well as for the Gov ernment , eays of the purity and whole- Bomenoss of ' "Royal" : "I have teited a package of 'Royal Biking Powder' which I purchased In the open market , and find it competed ofpuroaud wholesjmo Ingredients. It Is a cream of tartar powder of a high de- grao of merit , and does not contain either alum or phoiphates or any Injuri ous substances. "E. G. LOVE.Ph.D. " Public speakers and singers find B. H. Douglass it Sons' Capsicum Cough Drops a sure remedy for horsenoss. 2 Internal Kcvcniio , The following Is the list of Internal revenue collections for the month of March just closed : Collections on lists S 137.95 Baer BUuip fi.bGO.27 Spirit stamps 221.08J.CO Cigar stamps 2,743.05 Tobacco stamp * 174 CO Special t x , < 01001 Total 8231,017.11 ' 'This months'nolleations"aaid Collector Peat to a reporter yesterday , "exceed those of ony month alnca the office wj opened , No , I do not know heir to ao count for the Increase except on the score of the general extension of the business and the growth of the slate. Ono largo item cf increase nas been In the collec tloni on spirit ! which have been swelled largely by the opening of tha distillery at NfbrwkiOi'y. ' "Tee cilice is cow unusually busied In making up the report of tha entire revo nne yesr , which will ba submitted next month. " Smoke Sel of North Carolina To bacco. FAMILY MARKET BASKET , Whnttlio Honiokccpor hits to Select From Varieties anil Prices. Ai the Lenten eo&stni draws to cloao , the local markets are becoming batter sleeked with edibles of all sort. FISH .USD GAME. Frozen fish nro itlll being told , nnd green fish , tbnt is , fresh from the rivers and lakes , nro not jot coming In , and will not bo fully In the market until abont the first of May. In the fresh water article , white Gab , trout and bnta retail at 15 cents per pound , white pickerel , though tcarco , IB selling at 10centacroppo ; ! and porch can ba bud for 12 } cents ; catfish are just coining in and sell for 15 cents. California sal mon are scnsonablo delicacies and sell at 35 cents a pound. As for salt water fith , codfish and haddock are worth 15 cents \ ponnd , bn'ibnt 25. Flounders are not In very lively demand at 121 Eels sell for 20 cents a pound. Oocifuh tongues are rare , but retail for 20 cents. Oysters retail at from 45 to GO cents a quart , ac cording to quality. An for game , ducks are quite plentiful , teal ducks bringing 20 cents , and the red-head nnd mallard 30 to 35 cents a ponnd. MEAT. The best cuts of sirloin are tolling at 15 cents , rnmps and upper part of round steak nt 12i. Roasting ribs , firm and juicy , can b o bccght at 121 cents. Veal is extremely scarce and comes high from 19 to 20 cents , according to the choice- noes of the pirt. Sweet breads can bo purchased at 25 cents n pair. Corn baef a selling at from 5 to 10 cent ? , according ; o cats. Frimo legs of mutton can bo md for 12i cents ; mutton chops 12 to L5 cents. Ham is a staple article in good demand at 12& con la iu hulk , 25 cents ' sliced. Pork'iO to HA cents. Snuasgo 10 to 12 conls. FBU1I3 AND VEGETABLES. The vegetable market is becoming well stocked. Early lloao potatoes ore in fair Jotnand at 55 cents , the Peerless and White Elephant bring G5 cents a bushel. The Colorado , of largo and mealy variety , I ) sold at 00 cents to $1 n bushel. Cauli flower is becoming plenty and makes an appetizing dish at this season of the year , retailing at from 15 to'SS cents per head. Asparagus Is jitst making its entree into the market and sells at2 cents a bunch. Rhubarb can bo bought for $1 a dozen bunches , water cress the eamo. Paraloy Is sold at GO cents a dozen. California cabbage can still bo bought lor 5 cents a pound. Fresh radishes , 5 cents per bunch. Fresh homo grown lettuce , a delightful salad delicacy at this Eoaaon of the year , Is sold at 5 and G cents a head. Onions are worth 35 to 45 cents a pock , ruta bagas 2\ cents a pound , turnips 75 cents a bushel. Sweet potatoes are retailed at from G to 8 cents a pound. The local markets are fairly well stocked with fralt. California oranges bring from 15 to 25 cents a dozen , lem ons the same. Bananas , fresh and ripe , ire not very plentiful , but can bo bought for 50 cents. Apples are somewhat scarce. The Missouri sells for $3 50 to 4 00 , while the Michigan variety brings bighor prices , $4.25 to 4.75. BUTTEK. Can be purchased at a variety of prices. The ordinary dairy article sells for 25 , the extra dairy for 30 , while the finest creamery Is worth 35. Eggs bring from 10 to 12 cents per dozen. To EXCHANGE 440 acres well Improved and , ] milo from Essex , la , for a stock of general merchandise. Address , John Liudorholm , Essex , la. Saratoga Notes , SAUATOOA , April 1,1885. On Thursday of last week the Florence school gave an exhibition which was highly credible to the teachers and the pupils of that place. The entertainment consisted of songs , declamations , a dia- logua , and a short drama , and closed with a comic opera , and pvory part was well dono. The teachers , Mr. McCand- lass and Miss Brown will teach the suc ceeding term in the same place. Arrived at the residence of Mr. Charles Tousloy nn infant son. Mother and son doing well. Mies Jennie Patrick will spend the re mainder of this week In Blair , where she is attending a musical convention. The Saratoga school closes its winter term to-day. It will bo continued dur ing the spring term with but one teacher , Mr. Faris , the present efficient principal taking the whole sshool. Under his management the school bai done well during the past s avert months , and the board do well to retain his services. The Sal > t nth school hold a very picas- ant sociable at Mr. Thompson's last Fri day evening. Tbo Saratoga "Literary" closed their season frith an entertainment last Satur day evening. The programme was a good ono , consisting of songs , recitations , and a drama entitled the "Irish Linen Pedhr. " Tha Saratoga people are much indebted to Mr. Morris and Mr. Sanderj , to the Miss Rodes ; , Mrs. Sbrleves and little Miss Loader of Omaha , for their kind assistance ; alto to Mr , McOandlars and company of Florence. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thli powder never rarte * . A marvel of parety ttreagta and wboletomeaec * . Uore economical than tha ordinary Idndj.and cannot b told In competl tloa with the multitude oi low teat , thort weight aloca o ! pbyicbrto powder * . Bold only in can * . ROYAL UAKINCt FOWDKH CO. . 104 Wall SI ; M.Y CAMELLINE ron THE COMPLEXION ABSOLUTELY HARMLESS. The undersigned physicians of San Francisco are familiar with the composi tion of the principal articles used for the complexion , aud freely certify that 0AM EL1KE la hamlets and free from all Dolsonous or injurious f ubstnncon. L 0 Lane , M D OF Cooper , M D H U Tolanu , M D S W Dennis , M D II A McLoin , M D J M McNnlty , M D. 0 B BrJgham , M D J O Shaffer , BI D Bonj .1 Dean , M D W Carman , M D n Gibbons Jr , 1ID W Aver , M D J J Clnrko , M D T Bonnotr , M D W H Britney , M D W Hnramond.M D A M Lcr/ta. M D W F MoNult.M D L Bard , M D A J Bowie , M D L Slmnw , M D JO Shorb , M D H Stallard , M D F A Holman , M D O McCuostoo.M D J Rcasnatirn , M D 0 0 Koonoy , M D J D Whltno/M D 2 A M Wilder , M D T JRoyson , M D O H rowers , M D 0 O Konyon , M D B R Swan , M D IS Titna , M D L Door , M D J L Moarea , M D W Kooney.M D T Price , M D G Holland , MD H Gibbons , M D Madame Adolina Fatti , Writes ; " 1 shall have to repeat the : ) raleos of your OAMELL1NE hoard from all aides. For talc by H. T. CLARK DRUG CO. , Omaha , And all first class druggists. mSitnc-cod THE BEST SHOES For dcntlcmcn'a near , In the world , for the money * are made by , Stacv , Adams & Co. < A fact thoroughly nnd unequivocally estab- ished by the unparalleled success and con stantly increasing demand for them. Their shoes combine Comfort , Style nnd Durability. ASK \OUK DEII.ER TOR TUB Stacy , Adams & Co. , Shoe. Those goods are made of the beat French and Domestic stock , Kangaroo tops , in Hand und Machine cowed , m Congress Button & Lace AND EVERY PAIR WAKRANTED. Tirrell & Cook , 1306 Farnam Street , Sole Aefnts for Omaha T1MKEN EASIEST VEHICLE MftfO. Hides as easy ) withoneper con as two. The Springs lengthen and shorten according to the weight they carry. Hquatly well adapted to rough country roads and floe drives of cities. Manufactured and sold by all leading Carrlago Builders and Dealers. DR. PUHEK , Graduate of the University Vienna , Aus tria , Late tiurcec.n to the Military Hospital , of Vienna , Will do a general Medical and Surgical practice. AH calls in city or country promptly attended. Office nt the Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute , Corner 13th Street and Capitol Avenue. ( SUCCESSORS TO J05U ) Q..JACOBS ) At the old eland 1117 Fainun St Crden by lela trrauh solicited anil prornp',1 kttouded to. Telephone Ho 225. GOWI11G & GO. WROUGHT IRON PIPE , Slilleable > nd Catt Iron Load Pipe and Sheet Load , MORTIinUTUX BTFA3I H Jtl-f , WIMJ111LL AMI I > IIt ! K MILL ITJirS , Flnmlieis' Gas and isteam Fillers' IRON & BRASS GOODS , ENGINEERS' SUfPt-IES , 14th & DodflO Sts.-OMAHX.HEB. ' Omaha Medical & Surgical Institute , 13th St. , dor Capital Ave , Chronic and Surgical Diseases Dlecaeeaot Femtlo , cf tha Norvom vgtem , Pi Tito Olsetsea of the Urinary and exual Qrgini , uid Ulteuea of the He d , Tbrott uid Lungi , RpocUItU * EYE AND JCAB , Dlwuti trt&ted by an experienced ipccUllsli AM dlMMigc * of tha Heart. Liver , Stomach , Kidneys , ladder , Neuralgia , lUiaumatltm , I'llei , Cancel , Uc CATAKKH. BUONOHITIS. And all other dUeasoi of the IhronUnd Lungit real ed by Uedlcated Yapon. ( Send for Inhaler or circular OD Inhalation. ) AH dlwiMi of tba BIooJ , Urinary and exual Or Kan * . I'rlrate DUeasei and Piles Cured or no Pay. ( IB Yean HoiplUland Private Practice. ) Consultation and examination free. Call or write for circular * on chronla dltearti awl deformltlee , Dltoaxe of Femalca , Privatg DtwtMi of the Urlnarr and Bexual orifanj. Seminal Weak neo , Nervoiu Debility or Eibaiutlen tc. , etc. , and our new rwtoratlvetreatnient. II lotteri and coniultatloni Confidential. UvdlclceiMnttoallparUof the country hy x. prfwa.tecurely packed from observation , If full de- tcrlptlonof cane U Riven. Cue personal Interview preferred if convenient. Open at all aonrt. dlrtu all letter * to Omaha Medical & Surgical Insttute , ISth St. Cor , Capital Ave , CHAS. SHXVERICK , FURNITURE UPHOLSTERY AND DRAPERIES , Passenger Klovator to nil floors , 1200 , 1203 and 1210 Fnrnam Street , OMAHA , NKUKASKA , OUTH OMAHA Packing Houses in Operation , Postoffi Established and a Town Gov ernment. Soon Will Be. Lots 0xl50 feet with 2O foot Allevs for Sale. One-fourth Cash , Balane 'in 1,2 and 3 Years. Best Locations Being Taken Get a Lot or Two While They are Cheap. St3N& FOR A MAP. And nt Company's Office , 3JLG S. 13th St M. A UPTON , Ass't. Soc'y nnd Manager. THE CHEAPEST PL OE IN OMAHA TO BUY One of the Best and Largest Stocks in the United States to Select From : STAIRS TO CLIMB. ELEGANT PASSENGER ELEVATOR 0 * A. Street , H Wish to announce that they have from this time marked down ALL GOODS , and will for the next 60 days , make a reduction o 10 per cent. Overcoats , Suits and Pants well mad and sure tit. Now is the time to buy GOOD CLOTHES AT LOW PRICES WHOLESALE Y .L , A STEWART CO , 1013 Jones Stioet } ASKro OMAHA THE A. L. STRANG COMPANY Double and Single Acting\ \ Power and Hand j Ecfrluo Trimmings , Mining Machinery , Bolting , Hoec , Brass and Iron Flttingi nt wholesale or retail. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , OI1UUOH AND SCHOOL BELLJb. Oornor 10th and Farnam St. . Omaha Hob FRANZ FAUBEEWING GO. Milwaukee. Wis. OUNTHEB & 00. , Sole Omaha , smut sows , apWNG CLOTtf. : ' REPAIRS QF M KINDS , ENGINE GOKRWfiS , CMTRIFVGtL KEELS. 8MSS CASTINGS. 6 t-EL M WEIGHTS. BRICK W/20 / CASTINGS , 5HAFT/NG / EtJEMPINQ & BOLTE , - iu TJ rAcnuiiEaajo r- Hbdow diptboa OrMUoit , UHalllr. ftiy-IUnlt , to , Tin liMLaed < U ui all ( MA lift f Ireit Omaht