Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 02, 1885, Image 7

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Woman's Suffering and'Jtelief.
These languid tiroanmo eru tlons. causing
you to feel icarooly nbla to bo rn your feet
that conitant drain thAt Is taking from you
ivstom all ito former claiUclty ; driving the
bloom from your chock j ; that continual itrnln
upon your vital forcofc , rendering you Irrltablo
and fretful , can easily bo removed by the uw
of that mnrvelous remedy , Hop li liters , 1 > .
regularities and obstructions of your syitcm.
ro relieved at once while the special cause ol
periodical pain are permanently removed.
riono rocolro BO much benefit , and none are so
profoundly grateful , and show such an Inter
est in recommending Hop Bitters aa women.
A Postal Card Story.
I was affected with kidney and urinary
After trying all the doctors and patent
medicines I could hear of , I uaod two bot.
ties of lion
And I am perfectly cnrod. I keen It
"All the tlmol" respectfully , B.F.
Bootho , Saulsbory , Tonn. May 4 , 1883.
, PA. , May 8 , 187C.
It bai cured me of upvornl dlsoaneu , irach ai
norvr > u nes , sickness at the stomach , monthly
troubles , etc , I hare not seen a nick day in a
year , Rinco I took Hop Bitters. All my neigh
bora use thorn. Mrs. Farjnio Green.
$3,000 Lost.
"A tour to Europe that coat mo SS.OOI.done
"mo IOBS good than one bottle of Hop Bitten ;
they also cnrod my wife of fifteen years' nervous -
' vous weakness , sleeplessness and and ilys-
pcpaia. " Ii. M. , Auburn , N. Y.
So. HLOOMINT.VILLH , O , May 1 , ' 79.
tSina I have been Buffering ten yonrsnnd I
tried your Hop Bittera , and It done mo moro
good than all the doctors.
Miss 8. S , Boono.
Baly Saved.
Wo are so thankful to say that our nursing
baby was permanently cured ot a dangeroua
and protracted constipation and irregularity
of the bowels by the use of Hop Bittera by its
mother which at the some time restored her to
perfect health and strength.
The 1'arents , Uochester , N. Y.
None genuine without a bunoli ot green Hope on
the white label. Shun alt the vile , poisonous BtuQ
with "Hop" or "Hoim" In thMr nornn
Ibo llncst tonlo
.for nervous people
Ii llostetter's atom-
) ach bitters , which
In euros peitect ill-
Kcstlonandasslm'li- '
tlonanl the active
poilormtncooi their
( unctions by thcl lv.
er and bowcli. As
the system acquires
tone through tde lr >
med cine , the nerves
griw stronger and
mnro tranquil , head-
achen cc setnd that
rmtnelMi anxiety
which I * a peculiar
ity of thodvspeptlc ,
Klvca way to cheer-
fulno's Toestabllnh
_ . _ . health on B sure
foundation , me the poerlcsi ln\liorant. For sale
by all DiugjrlBta and Doalori generally.
Washing & Bleaching
In Untcl or Soft , Hot or Cold Writer.
unrferea ! satisfaction. No Umlly rich or poor should
bo without It
Sold by all groccr' . BRWARE of Imitations well do-
Blguo I to mlaluul. Pr.AHLiiK ia the OM.V HAKK Uboi
entice compound and ftlwayabiard Urn aLuvu sym
bol oud naino ol
Many a Lady.
is beautiful , all but her skin ;
and nobody has ever told
her how easy it is to put
beauty on the skin. Beauty
on the skin is Magnolia
"r the een'ral portion of Ita line , connect * th
Lul a > .d tM vrt l > y tlie hottcm route , and car
nr * nu irnKO < 'B. without chan a of car * , h tw o
Uhlcoza aud KQI. . . CiljCouucll Iilun , Iti > vcu
njrtn. Mnlilnon. Mlr.acapplli an < t Bt. Paul. I
jonnceK m Uniou Ofpou ith All thu urlnclp
iui of TCjrt U.Hi i. lb AlUnln aud the
" * ' '
: ti
A Npv-dtirt pirvcl Llti * . vl Since * nd Kinut
titt , it * r.ceutly bova ov utd bctwo Alcncijaa
NurluU.N n roil New > . Ctuim.ot > ta , AtUnta. iu
n.u onvlltX.ouliv ! > llc-LexingtonCincinnati
{ nili u poln ra-1 LaUrotto. ncl O/UAii * . Miuoe p-
tli And m. Vaui nnd lulrnnrdiale ponit * .
Ml Throw " cagsri Vmvel ca > 'wi
lic ei > ( cr b Ir * t all
.Lft Unttc tttauv Aiid Canada.
Uafotie rhtcked throuth and r/itu of far * '
ty aa low ai corat'clttun thai offer Ivaa adai > <
* t cr'jetall.d informationc l thi Hapiand IfolA-
M rour aaareat Tick * ! Omoe , or kddreai
U : iCflUlF , C. BT. JOHN.
n , > l , . . 1B t'r. UulTtkkrMO iVto
Men Wbo Wear Silrs anfl SqneaK in
Contralto Voicss ,
Strange Phase ot Lilfo A. AVI Id Car
nival Ilmlols Interrupted
by Police.
New York Mercury , March 29.
A fortnight since tire young oolotoc
mon hired the basement at Ho. C4 Oar-
mlno street , fit $10 a month , ostensibly
for a restaurant or coffee room. They
tjfivo tholr names to the owner of the
premises as Jacob Robinson and Oharleo
Houston. In a few days afterwards n
small track load 'of farnitnro wni ssnt
down late the place , but no Cxtuioi for
carrying on an extonslvo restaurant trade
vruio visible. After the place had gotten
Fairly under way the attention of the po
liceman on the beat waa attracted to the
iiuplcioas actions of thooo who patron
ized the establishment. He bollovod II
to bo
o Police Onplain Oopoland. Detective
Price and Officer Flanhigan visited the
restaurant , but found no trices of opium ,
tfoxt came reports that seonpa of mid *
night revelry wore going on in the Car-
nlno street baaomoat , and although
lotbing In the Dhapo of women was soon
.o enter it ] psrcals , voices llko those
of females could bo distinctly heard.
Again Oaptain Copeland determined to
ascertain the real nature of the place. Ho
, ook Officer Yalllant of his command into
ilo conGdonco. Yalllant was directed to
; ot a close , clean shave , to Gil his wallet
vlth money nud put on as good and
showy a suit of cloth CM as bo could ecnro
up. Ho wai to loiter about the entrance
of the rendesvous and got an invitation if
> o3slblo into its mystorlca Ollicer Val
iant on Sunday night visited the locality
is directed. First came along a dusky
ndividual In company with a white man ,
and dived down into the place. Soon a
all , smooth-faced young man , with a cu-
Ions gait , came up to him and eUrlng In
ils eyes , tippad him nndcr the chin with
a fan , with the expression , In a clear ,
oft eflemlnato voice : "Oh , you darling !
) on't stand in the street , do'ab , you
might catch cold. "
Valllant , upon invitation , ogrood to go
lown stairs. Onca In the rcnaesvons he
mrtook of wino and made himself so
that ho was promptly Initiated
nto the mysteries of the concern. A
irlvnto password and knock were do-
crlbod and glvou , with nn introduc-
ion to
,0 , the basement by an alleyway at the
> ack opening out on Bedford street ,
around the corner just la the rjar of ox-
Coroner Knox's drug store. With these
onrtesles extended by the proprietors ,
who wore called "Miss Robinson" and
'Alias ' Jennie Uramcr , " Valiant was alee
made the recipient of a card of invita-
-ion to an affilr to bo given on Wetlaos-
; ay night , which was clatslued as a "full
rag , " by which was meant all the mem-
> er of the fraternity who mada the bisc-
mont tholr resort wore to appear in fall
ValUnt took hii leave , and subsequently
u'ated to Captain Copelond his export-
uces. On Wednesday night several cu-
isgos were seen to roll up In front of the
.uapicioiH . placn , and apparently clogant-
y attired females were noticed to get out
ml descend. Aboat midnight wnen no
ounds of nivclry could be hoard outside
nd everything appeared serene within ,
Captain Copolamt , with a posse of his
mon , advanced stealthily upon the con-
crn from both the eecret passageway on
Bedford street and the regular entrance
n Carmine strett. When the blue coat-
d Invaders entered they wore moro than
stoniihed at what they behold.
was in progress to mnslc furnished by a
rio of Italians. The dancers , who ap-
loarod to bo woman , at the tight of the
lolico at once began to pnll wigs from
heir heads and apparel from thair
> odlea. Screams of dismay rent the air ,
and for some time the policemen seemed
n a quandary as to whether they were
arresting a lot of wild girls or a crowd ot
escaped lunatics. At last nhon order
was obtained all bauds werj muched to
bu Ninth Precinct Station house. Hero
hey give tholr mmen and curioiu aliases
n the follaning order :
James Robinson ( colored ) , alias "Mies"
Robinson , who wore a kinky wig and WAS
drosied in n purple satin trail with black
Ilk trlmmnp , with massive ( piste )
Llamonds In his big care.
CliMloa Houston ( colored ) , alias "Miss
lunnh Cramer , " In a wino-colorod vel
vet trail , with a largo expensive , natural
Invar coraogu and genuine diamond oar-
.Irttaes Nolan ( rrhito ) , alias "M'ss
? anny Fern , " in a sky-Wuo satin and
nfctuial flower corsage.
Thomas Nolan ( white ) , alias "Mias
vato Clnxton"in pink colored si lie , short
kirt ) and hose to match-
Fiank Fields ( white ) alias "AH s
Tlolds , " In a vrhito colored silk and gold
Charles Morris ( white ) , alias "Miss
Jinri Morri , " In fancy ooatnmo.
Barker Wiggclmann ( colored ) alias
'Misi Davia , " In fancy costume.
Frank Drayton , ( white ) alias "Miss
) rsyton , " fancy costamo.
Frank Howard ( white ) , alias "Misi
Howard , " in fancy tights and Hmittd
"Vlrglo Mohillo , " In Mother Hnbbsrd
and short dresjes.
Among those in male attire were :
fony Sillier , John MoGraw , Charles
rvingCharleBlllobard onWm.DeLyon ,
famoa Whe'an , James Rogers , John
31ark , Fred L&wlea , Frank Qaion , Chas.
ilorrls , Frank Rlco and James Carroll.
These wore all eont to the cells below
nntll the next morning , when they wore
arranged before Police Jaatico Duffy at
ho Jefferson Market Police court.
"For heaven's ako. what do you call
hose ? " put in Judge Daffy , on gaziog at
ho strange gathering before him. 0 pt.
3opeland went up and spAo In an nndor-
tone to the justice.
"What , not real women ? ' exclaimed
h judge , surprised at what he was told
> y the captain as to the
Robinson and Hontton were put under
? 1,000 , bail for keeping A disorderly
ion e , and the others were given from a
month to six months each in the pen-
n leaking of the raid subsequently said
to a Mercury reporter : "It was a ludriclous
scene to behold the way tome of thoio
Follows If I can call them auch Bought
to msko their cscipe. They held forth
at thii place to quietly enjoy the fancy
tboy have for appearing ID female'attire.
The p'ace ' afterwards trai found to con
tain nothing but eomo benches and ft
trunk full of rich costumes , found In a
off room. This paper shows \hcro \ is
regular fraternity of those people flour
Ishing , and those are photographs o
some of thorn , " concluded the captain
aa ho hold np several imperials of som
of the prisoners , who appeared In feinal
attlra posing In various attitudes. Th
paper was a small shoot and contnlnoc
wliat appeared to bo "society notes. " N
such RatWing was over before raided In
this city , and It is safe to say other as
sedations of the name kind , If there nr
any , will bo careful who they take int
their "select" circles for some tlmo t
Ilnlstnu Trout ,
Now York Tribune.
Now that fish culture as a calling ha
been fully developed , it Is being bettor
understood. "That there Is as mud
money to bo made In an aero of water a
of laud , " has boon found 009 times Ii
1,000 to bo false. When reports having
to do with fish ctilttuo are road the statement
mont is often found "that millions o
egg < have been hatched out , and tha
millions of young fish have boon turncc
Into streams. " These fianris nro per
feotly reliable , but aa to whether the
small trout or the small shad over bo
: otms an adult fish , affords a goodgroum
ror speculation.
No one can tell what is the percentage
> f the young iish which are destroyed ,
Natural disease takes off a great many o :
those iish in their early days and their
enemies are numerous. Ot a million o !
> gga which hatsh out , as in trout , it
would not bo safe to say that over 10 per
centgroir to bo fish a year old. Flah
cnlturlsts who produce the young fish
rarely have the oppsitaiilty cf following
ho Iish through from the tlmo it lo vee
ho shell until it arrives at maturity. A
thorough study of the trout has been
made , however , by the South Side Sports
men's club. Taking the fish from the
vary beginning , when the eggs are found
n tnp hatching tray , the history of the
ndividual closes when ho is caught. The
absolute record kept then between the
deal and the actual shoits that with a
; reat deal of oaro and judgment and un
der favorable conditions , where the
rater Is good and means of feeding the
ish cheap , trent can bo raised to ad
vantage. The profits are not large , bnt
hey still exist. But the raising of
rent tor the stall save for ornamental
lurpcses had better not bo undertaken ,
'hough wo may bo indebted to trout for
having presented us , as it were , with the
irimor of fish culture , the raising of
, he&o fieh had bettor bo left In private
lands and the means of the ihh commls-
ion devoted solely , for the present , at
east to chad culture.
Trout calttuo was commenced by the
South Sldo Sportsmen's club at Oakdalo ,
j. I. , in87C. Last year some 0,000
ish were taken With the fly , and every
eison as much as 1,200 pounds moro of
ish has been sold. The demand existing
or about 7,000 trout of two years old
o produce this number of fieh 700,000
young Baharo Introduced Into the streams.
The greatest achievement , however , of
ho clue has boon in the rearing of fho
alubow trout. Five years ago , through
rof. Spenser F. Balrd , of the Unltoa
States Iish commission , some 400 eggi of
ho rainbow trout coming from the
WcCloud river , In California , were eont
o Oakland. They were hatched out in
April and placed with the ordinary trjut
n a small preaorvo. Little attauiiuu was
; first paid to thoao fish. In aboa
Ightoen months their handsome appear-
moo and vigor caused some curiosity , and
; was thought worth while to separate
horn from the ordinary trout. Of the
00 eggs 130 strong , lusty fish were found ,
vhlcn was thought to be a remarkablu
rield from the number of eggs. Some of
tioao fish are still In the preserves , and
vlll weigh five pounds. It often happens
bat animals and plants gain an Increase
f vigor and strength by transplantation ,
nd this seems to bo the case with the
ainbaw trout. Between the rainbow
rout and the ordinary trout the dlffer-
nco in growth ia not remarkable until
ho fish are 18 months old ; after that the
aiubow trout increases very rapidly in
lizo , and will weigh twlco as much as the
rook trout , if not more.
The Conceit ol Dramatic Authors
t , Jnmes Gazette.
Among the chief difficulties of a thoat-
Ical manager , there are none to bo at all
ompared to those which beset his rela-
lens with hia drjmatlo author and his
rlucipal attora. Nobody who bus not
.ctuully . triad the business can have the
east idea of the inUnita accumnlations
nd concretions of worry through which
manager has to fight bia way. I do not
wish to say anything that may seem to bo
von remotely unkind ; but , us a matter
f fact , I beliero that successful cctora
nd dramatic authors are generally vain ,
nd hnvo exaggerated ideas of their
wn importance. Lot us toke
with all respect for him the case
f a very prominent dramatic writer ,
le Is a man of meat unquestionable
billty ; but his success has msdo him
vorboariup , and mrst managers find that
hey must submit tohla dictation. Now ,
lowcvor great may bo this gentleman's
alurits , I do not nijaclf feel inclined to
phcj him in tbo same rank with Shakes-
> eare , or Mollero , or Sheridan. I should
lardly range him with Sardou 01- the
younger Dumas. And yet ho is so on-
Iroly satisfied with his owu work that
he manager finds himself nowhere. I
know of a comedy which ho recently
wrote , and which was a dead fai'uro. ' One
ceno in It an olabortte trick scene
oat the management no leas than
11,000. lie would not allow the man
ger oven tho.loEst . suggestion ; he refused
o discuss the slightest point with the
ctors ; ho had everything his own way.
.nd ho Had only himself to blame for a
isastrous result. .
Drummers Too Green to IJurn.
Cincinnati Gazette ,
A group of traveling talesmen was
eated In the reading room of tbo Palace
10tol , when ono of them who represented
St. Louis manufacturing establishment ,
olnntcered to tell of a dream which bad
lis slnmbcrj of the preceding night.
) urlug bia nightmare he had been trans-
lortod to the lover regions , where ho
ras ehnvm vats of "boiling sulphur and
ens of slimy , hissing reptiles , ho was
hewn into the furnace rooms , where
talwart blick angels were ocgiged In in-
tlatlng soma fresh arrival ? , wooin ho roo-
> gnizod as a batch of Cincinnatistlesrncn.
'hen a little fellow , usually very quiet ,
polco up. 'That's strange , said bo ' 'I
ud a verv similar dream a few ulghta
ago. I also went to boll and was shown
nto the furnace rooms. The black fcl-
ows with ta'li ' were shoveling ia some
Diocinnatlans then , and , If I remember
rightly , I taw some very familiar ficea
iut while there I noticed a lot of queer
ooklug objects hanging on the walls as
f to dry. Turning to the devil , my
guide , I asked what they were Ho
chuckled and raid ; Them's St. Louis
drummeu : they are too green to burn
yet.1" The laugh that followed called
xr both the drinks and the clgan.
Faulk county has a copulation of 3C03 pee
Huron is to have an ocora hoaso costing
1'lerre's prospects' for a large summer's
growth are excellent.
The Sioux Falls granite polishing works
are again in operation.
It h a cost Turner county S2.2G3.Gl the past
year for keeping paupers.
A Lincoln county farmer seta forth the fact
that flax teed is death to stock.
BnlUlinR contracts to the extent of $100,000
Ua\o already been let In Sioux Tails ,
Urooklogs has a building association with
an organized capital stock of $100,000.
Bpearfith is expecting the early construction
of the Modora & lilnck Hills railroad.
Faulk county claims the best covornmont
land left unoccupied In touthcrn Dakota.
Union county was first organized as Cole
ojitnty in 180. ! . It now contains 8,600 , inhab
Parker's lUvoraldo croamorv expects to glvo
employment to 2,500 , milch cows the coming
Ducka and gerso In countlosis numbers are
rrportod along the Missouri bottoms above
| JTlia fanners of Hughes and Sullv counties
mil BOW cloublo the acraago of wheat that
they did last year.
A Yankton stock company has boon erj n-
zed that proposes building a railroad from
, hnt point to Duluth.
The country between Salem and Mont
ornery baa been pretty thoroughly burned
over by pralno liroa , .
Picrro wants to bo the cathedral city of the
.erritury. Klforta are being inado to induce
Jishop Marty to move there.
The prospects are that a larger ncrongo of
all kinds of grain will be put in , in llutchin
on county than over before.
Morton county will issue 835,000 bonds , in
denominations of $500 each , for the construe
ion of a court homo and jail ,
Seventy-five o the eighty-eight G. A. R.
losta of the territory were represented nt the
; rand encampment at Huron ,
A surveying party in the employ of the
orthwestern railway company nro reported
as running a line westward from Centre
The proposition t > bond Brnle county for
< UO,000 reaulted in a total vote of 680 , of
which number 20 votes were for and DbO
zainst the scheme.
The bill prohibiting the sale of liquor with
n three milo * of the university of Dakota ba-
: ompB Q law July 1st. It will make Vozmil-
on n prohibition town.
Tbo coal mining syndicate Interested in the
'urtlo mountain region baa received very
altering returns from an analysis of the coal
amplcs sent the Smithsonian instituto.
All reports of Indian troubles , or danger to
ottlers on the recently opened reservations ,
ro without ioundation. Locators can go and
eturu from any part of the reservation in
icifoct safety ,
Deadwood baa another project for building
a railriad to the coal mines of Hay creek ,
jike all other projects of the snuio kind here-
ofore broached , "tho road will probably bo
onatructed the present year. "
A big placer find is ropoited in the Black
Illls. Minors are said to bp reeking out $10
iO S50 per day. This lust discovery ia in the
entral Hills , ou ground supposed to bo
horouzhly inspected yearj ago. The pay
ground is limited in extent.
K. H. Alliaon , tha celebrated ecout and
jlninaman , who induced Sitting Bull and his
land to return to the United States and eur-
ender to the military , haa been offered and
ccopted a situation as teacher in one of the
ilsslonnry schools at Pine Itidgo agency.
Allison is described as an Intelligent gentle
man , with nothing of long hair , buckskin
liirt business about him.
Cattle In the Little Bear district are said
o bo in fine condition ,
John Locket , a boy ot seventeen , nccident-
lly ehot and killed hla sister at Carbon.
Cheyenne will fmako n bid for the annual
ncnmpment of the grand army of Colorado.
Cheyenne will Boon have a practical illus-
ratlon of snail racora by introducing diatnct
Tiessenger boys.
A Union Pacific freight was ditched last
ireek at Colorado Junction , and Frank Klne-
erg , brakeman , killed.
George Springfield , aped 45 , ox-treasurer of
weatwater county , died suddenly of apo-
lexy , at Green Klvor.
Tha Swan Brothers and the oomintaaloners
E Albany county will sink an artesian well in
le hospital grounds at Cheyenne.
The annual convention of the Wyoming
; ockftrower ' association will meat at Choy-
nno April 5th , for a three days'Jscasion ,
Too famous Lost Cabin mine ia 170 mllea
rom Ktwlins. The exajt location is kept
ecret , but tall yarns of the fabulous richness
ro circulating.
A petition la In circulation in Cheyenne
rayiof , " for soporato schools for colored cliil-
ron. Ihe bull-neck arittocracy aredeturmlned
o draw the color lino.
3rod Wolf , a wall known citizen of Carbon
ounty , lost three horses and a wngon load of
upplles by breaking through the ice while
roislngtho PI at to , Ho narrowly escaped
In the Semlnoo mountain * , about forty
nilea north of tlia Union Pacific railroa1) ) , is a
cry large nnd extensive _ body of asbestos ,
10 area being about four inilcH in length nnd
anging in width. It was tirnt discovered in
3Slnnd from what little work baa been done
n it , thi supply eeenii to bo of flue quality
nd inexhaustible , .
"The Go hen IIolo irrigating company , "
A-illi n capital of 81,000,000 , hiu been formed
n Cheyenne to dij ( ditches. For years the
glen of country lying some eighty miles to
10 nirtheaat of Cheyenne , adjacent to the
> orth Platte river , uud known as Goshen
[ oe ! , hat been regarded a ? ono of tha most
nluable in the tsrntory , and all that has been
ncking to make it ahno t a ganlon upot baa
oen water. This company , which has juet
een formed , propoies to excavate and operate
iliteen eepnatu dithta in that pnrtlculir ru-
He ardinc the doith of O'Brien , au'pld sol-
ier who fell from the cars near lUwlina and
vaa killed , n comrade writes to the Bill ! from
ort Steele : ' You ro misinformed at to tha
oldler having baen drunk. The unfortunate
nan met bia death within a half mile of his
oadquarters. The deceased waa a man of
emperatu habits. His name was llioa.
'Brian , an old and daorepit man. The un-
irtunate man was either thrown from the
latform of the car while crossing a switch ,
r in attempting to step from tha car made a
nls-stop and was precipitated against the
witch , llis head was terribly mangled. He
as dead when found by Ilia comrade , Sorgt
ranon. O'Brien died sober , and was buried
1th military and Musonlc honors. "
It Is said that there are thirty Mormon
lurches in Colorado ,
An opera bouse , to coat $25,000 , Is to be
uilt at once at Aspen.
Ranchmen in western Colorado predict that
10 rivoia will not indulge in their ueual
prlng boom.
Fru't crowcri around Greeley predict one
[ the largest crops of small truit ever known
n that section.
The enterprising cities of tbo sta'o ' ara prf > -
> arliK ) for arbor day , a ad many thousand
rees will be set out ,
Wolves are BO plentiful in aomo portions of
, w Anim 4 ounty thit cittlemen bavo been
bliged to move their ttock.
Weld county ia rapidly becoming net
work of Irrigating ditch.oi. Prohibition pre-
alls to ft gitit extent there.
( With a railroad in the camp , Pitkin doua
ot have many of its advantages. There has
ot been a bain over the line for month ) ,
A v ia of antbraclto coal , 12 feet thick , hat
> een dUcoveiod at Longmont by an artesian
veil einker. It Is about 600 feet below tha
uifaca and tbowa up well ,
A care in the oil well at Wahenburg cov-
red the tools. It will cost $5,000 to net the
0011 out. and as a coasequencu the work of
boring for oil will probably be discontinued
until fall.
It U reported that the Colorado Coal and
run company intecd to loon reduce the w gi
of their coal minors. It is alio reported tha
the knlghta of labor propose that somethln
will happen If the reduction is attempted.
The lion , P. 0. Sheridan who WM * nppoic <
to bo the No. 1 of the Irish Invlnclbles by th
English government , is now living the lllo o
pe&cenblo rnnohniRn at Spring Creek in th
SanLnis valley , this itatc ,
The mines about Leadvillo are constantly
disclosing new nnd tichdepotits of mineral
which give a bright outlook for an incroatix
prodnotlon the present your. The K < > ld yield
from placer operationo will bo largely In ex
ccjs of tha past BORSon.
The town of Grand Junction has scored a
victory. It baa secured the cstabltihtnon
near it of an Indian industrial school , Th
Bum of $23,000 WHS appropriated by the gen
eral appropriation bill passed at the last sea
aion of the late congress for the erection of th
school building ,
The Iftrgoit gold nugget over found in th
Oour d'Alono minea was picked up by a mire
named Jackson , on tha Ullotto claim , a mile
below Murray , last Thursday. It weighs 1 !
ounce ) , 22 pennyweights , nnd IS grains.
The officials of the Oregon short Line liar ,
figmlioil tholr willingness to build rounc
houses , etc. , nt Montpollor , and make tha
burg tno torminui of the division If the re l
ddiits will don&to thn Und nocosiary for the
erection of tha buildings.
"General" Jnmei S , BrisUn , the cattlolcss
Cftttlobos ? , who commands the U. S , garrison
nt Balsa City , performed excellent eervlro it
quelling the lost mining riots in the Wooc
River country. Ho actually mingled will
the rioters nnd terrified them by hla awful
counsels and warlike presence.
A sort of n relapse boa occurred among
thoao who , n year ago , contracted tbo Coeur
d' Alone faver , and n number are preparing
to rpnow the tough cxpotioncoa of last season.
Ileports are no moro encouraging , and cer
tainly not ao bright huetl as then , but then ,
you know , the regular spring stimpodo must
bo experienced , bo the reports what they may.
Spring wheat sowing baa commenced on Sun
Bozemau talks of building a college to cosl
The debt of Bcixverhead county ia about $6
to each man , woman nnd child in the county.
The indebtedness of Madison county is norr
$ G7.'J77.C8 , an incaeaso of $8,421.35 in the
patt year.
A rich ploco of gold quartz from a load on
the Crow reserve is on exhibition at Billings.
It fairly glistens with gold and has a proportionate
tionate assay of several thousand dollars to
the ton.
It Is likely that the Utah & Northern will
soon begin the construction of thirty mllea of
railroad in southern Montana. It will bo con
nected nt both ends with the main line and
will be used exclusively for the passage of
freight trains.
The passage of the antl-prlzo fighting bill
will rob Butte of n famous slugging- match , as
last week n match wits made in. Chicago be
tween Paddy Hyau nnd a bruiser named
Burke , for $2,500 a side , Butte being named
m the place at which the light was to take
The mills nnd omeltors now in full blast on
Butte nro nro ns follows ; Alice , Moulton ,
Silver Bow , Lexington , Dexter and Old LexIngton -
Ington , and the Anaconda , Colorado , Boll ,
and Montana emoltere. If necessary arrange
ments can ba made , tbo Parrot will not much
longer be Idle. The silver interests of Butte
never looked ao well aa they do to-day , and
the present production of all kinds of ore wan
never before equalled ,
A cave inlaid and festooned with sulphur of
varying thickness haabeen discovered near the
Alta mineral springs , on tbo north fork of
Sun river. The supply is unlimited , the
earth surrounding the cave being improgannt
for miles. There ia intense excitement at Au
gusta , cruised by the huge specimens of pure
Bu'phur ' exhibited by the locators ot Discovery
Nevada has an anti-trcating law in full
Loa Angeles has new potatoes and other
garden truck in plenty.
Governor Adama , of Nevadn , haa signed
cho bill appropriating § 5,000 for the erection
of n building for the state printijg office.
It ia said that the business tnnn of Eareka ,
Humboldt county , are going to build n telo-
gtnrh Hue from that place to San Francisco.
Bluejaya have become such a nuisance on
the Houcho Chico , Butte county , Cal. , that a
war of extermination is beinsr waged against
them ,
J. N. Webator has cut down a oucnlyptua
tree at Alameda , Cat. , which ho planted
twenty-five yuan ogo. It measured three
feet nnd six inches at tha butt , and was 100
feet high.
Tno receipts of ore and bullion in Salt Lake
City for the week ending March 25th , inclu
sive , were of bullion , $44,523.14 ; of ore ,
55,275 ; total , $49,798 44. The week previous
the receipts were $79,422,05 , of bullion , and
89,950 of ore.
Jesse D , Carr , president of th * California
Agricultural society , has personally Invited
President Cleveland to nttend the next Cali
fornia Otate fair. Cleveland replioi that be
would like to come , and will give Ihe matter
ronslderntion ,
It la reported that Richard Gird of San
Bernardino county , N. M , , haa proposed to
dunftte the Chi no ranch to the etato nnd erect
thereon n utato industrial school at hid own
expense. The ranch embraces 37,000 , acres ,
ind hna upon it 10,000 cattle and HOD mules
and hordes. The gift , if made , will reach the
magnificent sum of $1,000,000.
An artesian well , which line been sunk nt
Anderson , Shasta county Cal. , and which had
attained a depth of 200 feet , suddenly com
menced to fill up from below , with sand and
travel , which ia forced in from some subter
ranean source , and which comas In with such
forcn nn to drive up the b'iring apparatus. It
lias Qllei the well to tha height of forty ftot
From the bottom , The occurrence puzzloa the
A Fossil's Talc.
Washington Letter to the PitUburg Tlnoa.
Ono of the old fossils about tbo de
partment of state , who , from outaldo ap
pearance , looks as it bo might have r -
: olvod hla appointment during Jefferson's
secretaryship , soys that within the last
two yean more preachers nave applied
for consulates than ever before , They
ird especially anzlouj to secure consul-
ihlpa at the present tlmo. ' 'If I were
president , " the old fossil continued , "I
irould treat all such applicants as Jack-
ton once treated a preacher who applied
; o him for a foreign appointment. "
"What's your profession1 ] Jackson
liked of the minittar.
"A preacher , " th ? latter replied.
"Then , " aald the president , "you hold
i hotter appointment than 1 can give
fO .
"The preacher , " my Informant con
tinued , "looked at Jacbsan for a mo
ment , turned upon hia heel and left
the room. Ilo made no moro applica
tions for foreign appointments , "
Some very queer loiter * come to the
stft'o ' department from individuals who
Dpira to go abroad , Oae ambitious but
honest democrat desires a foreign mil'
alon. Ho taya : "I on apeak five lan
guages fluently and indiscriminately. "
Pntuiuatlo TubcH ,
The French appear to very much In
earnest with pneumatic tubes , and it
seems to bn a fact that In a short tlmo
lines will be formed to convey packages
from Paiis to Brussels and to London.
For the latter transmiathn an hour , it ts
ttsid , will be required for en ordinary
mail. The fact , if realized , will open a
wldo field for speculation. If a mall cm
bo shot fur hundreds of miles , llko a bul
let , over land and tot , why not anything
even a man without In jar j ?
Richard Crltchett , of Harrington , N.
II. , who is now in his ninety-sixth year ,
walks perfectly straight , and Las never
experienced a d > y'a licknota.
"Who have trilled .way tholr
youthful vigor mid power- Who
are suffering from terrible drains
mid losses , w h o n ro wonk ,
IMPOTEN T. mid unfit for mari
rlngo.B | ] r-aj of all ages , who find
their | U | | - PU power and vital
Ity. IIIMliiorvo nndsKx-
U AL STRENGTH weakened ,
whether by EXCESS or early habltA
CAN receive a positive & last
ing CORE , NO innttor of how
long stunning your case may ho , or
who has failed tocnro you , by n few
wceksor months use of the celebra
ted rVJyrtloain Treatment.
At home , without exposure , in less
time , and for LESS money than any
other method In the world. Weak back , Headache , EMISSIONS , lassitude , loss of
spirits and ambition , gloomy thoughts , dreadful dreams , defeetlve memory ,
Impotence , Impediments to marriage , epilepsy nnd many other symptoms
H " VrkVn pl/'onS'Um P'oniam ' * insanity , uro llrol"lt'i' ) ' removed by
PERFECT SEXUAL STRENGTH MEANS ; honltliv and vigorous offspring ,
long life and the love and respect of a faithful wife. No man should over marry
" ' " 'lvo ' ! boon entity of early indcserotlons , until ho has been restored to PEU-
ji MANHOOD. Wo guarantee a permanent cure in every case undertaken ,
Send 2 stamps for treatise will , proofs and testimonials.
Address The Climnx Medical Co , St. Louis , Mo.
CIGARETTE Smokers wlio ro willing to ray a H'tlo ' moro
for ClKaretttB than the i rlco cliVKixl for the ordinary trmlo Clear-
'iii'iBtili 'i1.110 ' RICHMOND STRAIGHT CUT No. I
, , , TL SUPERIOR to all othira. They are nrn.lo from the bilchtoit ,
ivorodanil hlphoat costifolJ loaf Krnwn In Virginia , anil arc absolutely \\miotrr AM-LT
: - ; - " > \ ° , u'0'lloConUmo French Rlco Pnpornfonr own illrcct luitioriatlan ,
hlchlitn doc8pccUllyforuiw tcruiarkoawlthtnonamoUf thoorniiJ , Richmond Otrnlght
CUT No. 1
ml riL ? ? I. V , .' ' ! Bcnnlno. I mltatlons of this brand hive boon [ iut on .lo
ndC.lgnrettosuiolicrs are rautlonoiitbet thli la the old and oriRlual brand , and to obacrvo tnat each
ackago or box ot Richmond Straight Cut Cigarettes boara the jlgnaturo of
oSVi j FEfyi Jif iBMTB83'
Manufacturers , 'Riclimond , Virginia.
1409 and 1411 DodeeSt. { Oatalousos Furnlthod
. on application } Omaha Ne-
Tins Cur Snows A SKCTIOXAL Vmw OK Oun
Polar , Dry Air , Scif Ventilating
Manufactured In tliomoet pcrfo't manner
from kiln-dry oak lumber , charcoal filled ,
zlnn lined , Kahanlcnl Iron BlultcB , hind-
loroilv pancltd and designed for the wants
of a cla 9 uf trade that vant the beat gooda
that ran bo ti ado.
Parties Ishing special elzos can
S ave from 15 io 20 Per Cent
Fy placing orders now.
13th Street , Set. Farnam < &IIarney
Weber and Jlaincti
Edholni < fe Erickson
Corner 16th and Dodge , Opp , Postofiico.
Be Sure to Attend.
Uaparalleled Sacrifice ,
Great reduction in Watches , and Diamonds ,
5uch bargains unheard of. A stem wind Watch
rom $5.60 to $26. My magnificent stock of Gor-
nam & Reed and Barton Silverware.