Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 30, 1885, Image 4

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evAnx Omoi No , BU urn 9W FAWM St.
Boou 68 Tauom Dtrorr
Mnf Yowt Omo ,
IHOt ,
: :1 8
T W dn iday
, remit * .
OatTtM , w h premium . . . . . * * ° *
J "
. -i out pMralara .
On * Ttil.i '
MX Month * . wlUoul premium . .
CM Month , on ltl >
uUn ihouM b
* ) > ) to UM order of tht
A. H. Fitch , Manager Drily Circulation ,
ff. O. Box , M Om h , Neb.
JAY GOULD la out of iho Union Pacific ,
bat notno of his catVp ws are here yet
THE REPUBLICAN ia very jubilant ovei
the fact that Boyd carried the democratic
HVKBY voter should personally ace thai
ho la properly registered , if ho withes to
vote at the city election.
Iv Mr. Boyd wants to follow in the
tooUtJps of Grover OlovoUnd ho oaght tc
begin with thoekoiiOTs oflico.
Ton DENDUIOKH has at last buon re
ccgnir.jd by President Cleveland. Hi
has got hla man Appointed aa pcfitmastoi
at Indianapolis.
It striken us that now la the iimo foi
the South Onuhn packing company t <
begin canning beef , and not wait unti
the European war clouds roll by.
THE BUB apeak * of the mayoralty as 1
it were a sin to sjcuro that an a ctoppint
ntona to something higher. Republi
Why ahould rcpubllcina help the bos
democrat of Nebraska to a stopping atom
for something higher !
Tun woikliigrnon of Omaha kno\
theic own frlenda and their own Interests
A few of them , who make n trade out o
politics , mny bo base enough to aoll ou
but .thoy csunot deliver the iutolllgou
rank and Clo. No Uboring man who ha
any oolC-roepect will allow himself to b
delivered over to the biyonot rule candl
date for money or nrnmieo of patronage
Ir ia all very well for t > ny ropublica :
voter to exercise bis Independence in Ic
oal elections , but when the chairman c
the republican eta to central commltte
organizes t , bolt against hla own part ;
bolero It has oven made a nomination an
maboa common CAUBB with ita enemies t
defeat Ita candidate ; ho bcoomoa guilty o
political peifidy which ought to forovc
bar hfm from recognition [ in tli
WHUIT Councilman Ford opens hi
month ho goutrilly puts his foot in il
In hia anxloty to booet Mr. Bojd an
down Murphy and Redfield ho charge
Oily Clerk Jewett with swlnd'ing th
city In the Interests of the asphalt ring
Jowott was made city clerk four you
ago through Mr. Boyd's Influence , and h
waa acting mayor during Mr. Boyd'a ad
Ministration. If Mr. Boyd doesn't ma :
zlo his fool friend , Mr. Ford , ho is liivb ]
to go off like a kicking gun , vrhlcn knock
down the game at both onds.
Mu 1' . E. BAILRV , senior , the ropubli
0111 cacd'dato for councilman from tt
Sixth ward , haa lived in Omaha ovi
since I860 He is a largo property hol <
or and tax payer , and has contribute
largely to the material welfare of the oil ;
Ho ia an extensive brick manufactnn
Und builder. For m ry years ho was a
uoolatod with Samuel Ooflorty , and sini
Mr. OalTerty's dosth ho has been In bus
ness with Mr. Ohen under the firm nan
of B&Uoy & Olson. Mr. Biiley has alwai
omployodalargo number of man , at
has couB'ructod many of the boat buili
Ings in Onuha. He Is in every roapecj ,
thorough business man , h'gbly mpectt
by all who know him , and it IB just BUI
mon that wo need In the city counc ;
Ho did not seek thn nomination , and
wai only at the earnest solicitation of 1 :
many friends that ho accepted it. E
ha * never held any public oflico , and
entering the city council ho is certain
miking a sacrifice on his part to ser
the public. The republlcaca and tl
people generally are fottnrmto in havli
fcuch an oxoollont cindldato for t !
TIIB liopublican's advocacy cf H
Boyd is nun partlstn , and n result of tl
inoat cartful snd conaolentlom conildei
lion of tbo best way to get the beat thii
for the city of Omaha ; and time w
amply justify -JIcpMWiomi. [ .
The non-partisan effort of the Jtejnt
Hcan Is decidedly gauzy. Four yea
ngo that paper supported Haecall again
Boyd for nuyor , and everybody knoi
Hut It would have supported Hasci
against Boyd this year If Haacall h
boon within reach cf nomination ai
election. Why did the conuclontio
mugwump desert the p tty bcforo t
first gun waa fired I Why did it ender
Boyd before the republicans had ovi
called a convention ] Is Mr. Boyd t
embodiment of non-partlanship ? Is
the oulf man in Omaha fit to adminlst
the attain of this city. Is not the d
liberal3 bolt of the Republican a sinisl
design on the ono hand to play Into t
tbo haodi of thn dsmocr&tto syndloita
MlMor , Boyd A Co. , which just at p se
bauti of po'cntiil ' influonoo with Grot
Olevotand ; and , on .the other hand , dc
not tko Hcpublican expect to drlvo * > fi
nutlfl Into Vfcu Wyok'a cofiin through t
aon-pirlu n m yor wlo carries a so
aloclol boo in hla bjnnel ?
In jnttlce to Senator Mandoraon we
publish a letter from that gentleman
which corrects aftlio impreeslon concern
ing hla motive In tbo propotod Alaska iu-
vestlgatlon. Our strictures wore wrlttcr
on the spur of the moment Immediately
after the debate ovtr the junketing tonn
bad reached ns by telegraph , Partloi
whom wo had considered tellable had In
cldontally roproicntod to us that ono o !
the seal inspectors of Alaska was a relative
tivo or intlmato friend of Senator Man
lerson. The denial of the senator Is s <
ipocifio and positive that wo must fnllj
sxonorato him from any mercenary or in
eroatcd motives. The BEE has no quar
el with Senator Mandorsnn and no dis-
loaltlon to do him any injustice. Ou thi
ontrary it will give ui pleasure to com
mend him whenever his conduct subserve ;
lie public interest. Our course in thi
iaat certainly does not Indicate tha
wo have any prejudice , againi
lie senator. Wo remember that Trlthir
iho hat few months when the senate
lecurod the passage of the bridgb bill wi
; ave him full credit for his work , OIK
lommendcA him highly for his effort ti
uako Omaha a port of entry.
' Oar opposition to commissions of over ;
ind and description ia well known. Wi
lave always deprecated congresiiona
.unkotlng tours and have but little faltl
in them now. Whether a tour to Alaska
17 a commltUo of senators would prova o
.dvantago to the government wo alnccrol ;
loubt. It atrikes us that if any Investl
; atiou Is needed in Alaska Is could bi
taslly done by special agents of the gov
irnmont who are employed for such pur
Senator Mandoraon's ' reference to th <
tlisslsalppl commission docs not in the laa
iffeot us. Wo don't bollovo in a junket
Ing tour up and down the Misslsalpp
rloor any more than wo do in such a ton
Tom Omaha to Alaska or from Washing
, on to South America.
The rebellion In the Canadian noii
west territory , which the Domlnioi
newspapers have all along ridiculed , ha
uddenly grown to bo"a serious affair , re
inlting In bloodshed. It eeoms that th
; roublo ia of an agrarian character , and i
not confined to Riel and his half-breola
ntis oxtendiugaraoDgtho whttoanbjooti
Too Indians maintain that the terms c
heir treaty have not been fiiriy observ
d by the Dominion government , whil
ho whlto cottiers find fault with the ad
ministration of affilra on tno part of th
snd tflicj. Ono of the principal abuse
, o which they have been subjected ia thong
eng delay in getting tholr claims enter c
Furthermore , that gigintlc monopol
known aj the Hudson Bay Company I
) ermitted by the government , by whic
t ia foatotod and encouraged , to ro
, hem by compelling them to so
their produce and fata at rldli
ulonaly low figureu and to bu
lupplies at its own stores , thus "whl ]
lawlng" thorn at every turn. The hil
breeds are treated in the aamo way i
hia matter. But the direct cause of th
iiilbroak is their inability to socnr
itles to their lands , which for some inej
plioablo reason the government continue
o vi itbhold from them. As far back a
1870 the Manitoba half-breeds wei
given by law 210 acres of land each , be
the ha.f-brceds north of Manitoba hav
not been provided for in a similar mai
ner , aa in all justice they should hav
been , for some of tholr settlements wei
started over twenty years ago. The
have not oven been given the free pa
onta to which the squattera ara entltlec
and when the country was recently au
voycd the half-breed claims , which are i
narrow atiips running back from tbo riv
f/ent , wore wholly disregarded , and tl
land was laid put in square section
S-nnitng under the Injustice done then
the half'breeda presented to the Domii
ion parliament latt fall a bill of rlghl
an follows :
1'irit , the subdivision into provinces cf tl
northwest territorl a ; second , the half-breec
to receive the same grnnta and other ndva :
tagca aa tha Manitoba half-breeds ; thir
patsnta to bo issued at once to ihe colon ! *
ia possession ; fourth , tbo Bale of half a ml
lion acres of dominion lands , the proceeds
bo applied to tbo establishment in the ha
breed settlement of echooU , hospitals at
uuch-like institutions , and to tbe equipme
of the poorer half-brood H with seed grain m
Implements ; fifth , the reservation of a hui
dred townships of awarnp land for dlstrlb
lion among tbe children of ball-breeds durii
tbe next 120 years ; sixth , a grant of at lea
$1OOJ for the maintenance of an instituti
to be conducted by tbe nnni In each ha
breed settlement ; and seventh , better pr
rinion for the support of the Indians.
It would seem that such fair domsn
ai are embodied in this bill of righ
should have been granted at once , but i
attention was paid to the matter. Und
all there circumstances it should cros
no surprise that the half-breeds have t
belled , and the Canadian governme
may find that tbo outbreak is no chile
play. Of course the government can ai
will suppress the rebellion , but It is hop
that the demonstration on the part of t
lidf-breeds and their while allies ai
sympathizers will have.a salutary efi *
and result in securing justice to those o
prossul subjects of Queen Victoria ,
The Canadian parliament is natural
enough very much excited over the situ
tion , and evidently comprehends tli
it Is an allfdir of no small magnitude , esr.
clilly in view of the fact that all t
Indiana In the Canadian territory
known to ho uneaty , and tliroitoniog
rise and aid RIol and his ronfederat <
and that some of the United States I
dlanj are liable to join them. The pro
dent of the Canadian Peclfio , the "cbt
tared oppresior' of the northwest , b
become so alarmed that he has Impress
upon the government the advisability ai
Importance of settling the clalmi of t
bait-breeds and ettlers at once , otherwi
the result will be disastrous. The antl-
Immigration resolutions passed by the op
pressed subjects last year had n serious
edict upon Immigration and greatly injured -
jurod the prosperity of Manitoba and the
adjacent country , and this rebellion will
almost outirely ohecK the flow of sottlcn
to that region. It will bo soon that the
Canadian Pacific will thus bo seriously
amsged in ] its passenger and freight
Taflic and in the sale of Its lands , and
ho consequence will ba that it will be
nablo to lasno bonds and its credit wile
o naturally depreciated In the EngMsl
markets. Inasmuch askho Canadian Pa
ifio la a government Institution , bull
imost entirely out cf subsidies , whlcl
ore greater than those given to tin
Union and Central Pacific roads in thii
ouutry , the president of that road ma ]
ave sufficient idflucnco upon the govern
ment to bring about a satisfactory adjustment
mont of the difficulties.
THE passage ot the Niagara Falls parl
ill by the No ir York legislature take
.bo great national wonder and pleasun
'osortontof the hands of speculators
iharps and leeches , who have for to inan
ears lived by bleeding the visitors t <
.hat attractive spot. Of late years thi
omands of the human blrda of prey bavi
eon so extortionate that tourists , nnlcs
loasoasod cf rnoro than ordinary fa
'ockot-bookr , have avoidtd Niagara Fall
a they would any ikln g mo. The plai
or the improvement of the park is ti
cacrvo all point ] from which the Fall
ro visible , tear down the fences am
ulldlngs , handsomely lay out tha grouni
, nd restore the natural scenery as far a
loesiblo. The reservation Includes Goat
Bath , Bird , Luna , Chapin and the Throi
Isters Islands , the river brink from For
Day to Prospect Park , and a strip on th
illff above from 100 tn 200 feet wtdo an
unnlng along the simo distance. Thos
iands luvo been appraised at ICE
.ban . S1,000COO , and though the first dc
mauds of the owners aggregated eve
120,000,000 , nearly all of thorn vill at
opt the awards without litigation ; whil
.ho expense of clearing the obstruction
will not , it is believed , bring the tott
xpondituro above $1,700,000. The prt
cct was originated come sixyeara ago b
Sovernor Robinson , but until quit
recently it nut with the moat vigoron
Dut en , which ban finally been over
com o by the pnssnro of public oplnfoi
Now that Now York haa done its dutyo
ho American aide , it Is hoped that tb
Dominion government will follow suit o
, ho Canadian side , but so far the Demit
on has shown no disposition to take an
mmedlate steps in the matter.
THE position of city auditor is a li'gh' ' '
mportant if lice and should DO fillrd by
competent accountant and good bueinc :
man. Mr. E. K. Lrnu , who his bee
nominated for this oflico by the ropub ,
< , Is a gentleman well known i
Omaha , ho having resded hero for man
years , during which ho has held rospoi
Ible poaitlqns with the Union Pacifii
Ho has also filled the responsible positio
of president of the board cf education i
a very satisfactory manner. He is a ma
of undoubted integrity and Irreprcasl
able character , possessing good bntincf
qualifications , and as city auditor w
have reason to believe ho will give entir
THE electric companies in the larg
ities say they ore anxious to put thoi
wires underground , but they do not thin
It advisable to do It In summer time s
physicians cay the digging up of tb
iOts would bring malaria and othe
diseases , Including cholera. This may b
a very philanthropic attitude , but wesuj
poao the companies would object to burj
ing thtir wltes in the winter as the froze
ground would make the expense to
hea"y They remind us of the tAikansa
who would not patchnp a hole in tborj <
in tainy weather became ho would gi
wet , and when it did not rain it was m
necessary to cover the holo.
Mn 0. F. GOODMAN , republican cat
didate for councilman from the Fin
ward , ia ono of Omaha'a mottsubstanti
bna'ncss ' mon and one of her moat n
spected citizens , Ho has lived In Otnal ,
fur over twenty years , and is prom
nontly identified with her materii
growth and prosperity , to which ho hi
largely contributed. Mr. Goodmnn is
larga property-holder and tax-payer , an
pc S3i saes every qualification to make ot
of the beet conucilmen Omaha hai ovi
had. Ho will bo elected by a largo mi
jority , as It Is such men that wo want 1
conduct the bnslnets affairs of the cit'
Mn. G. M. EITCIICOCK , who Is runnii
on the republican ticket aa the Fourl
ward ctndidato for council nan at larg
la a young m n born and raised In Omah
and will make an excellent member <
tbe council. Ho is a lawyer by profe
slon , and is a man of more tlun ordinal
ability. Ho posaotnes the best buslne
qualifications , Is a heavy tax-pa ; or , ar
is in every way eminently fitted for t !
petition of city councilman.
Tun anto-dilnvim democrats have con
to tbo surface. President Cleveland h
been endoavoiing to appoint men of e
perlence , but so far ho has been nnab
to find any experienced democnta oth
tlun thoto who are between the ages
seventy and ninety years cf ace. It w
the young democracy that won the vict
ry , but the old moisbacks are geltlm/ i
the spoils.
TIIE business of a corporation that pa
out a million dollars a joar ( hould have
man at its head who will devote bia e
tire time to it ) Interest ! . The mayor
a growing city like Omaha whera so mat
tha-nges are constintly being nude ehon
hove no other basinets i > u hand except
the performance tf the duties of his office.
appointed United States railroad com
missioner , Is 78 years of sgo , Ho is old
enough to know bettor than to take any
such an oflico at hia ago. It would bo more
sensible if ho would s'ny ' at homo snd
raw up his will , and otherwise prepare
or his departure to the next world.
Mn. YOST is not ready to resign tht
ihainmnahlp of the republican state con. .
: ral committee , An the committco hai
10 other labors to perform than to call i
onvcnUon It is material , The next state
ionvontlon will take care of the rest.
GHOVEU OIBVELAND'H appointment !
.husfar havobeendemocratlofcBillsnoarl ]
hundred years old. Ho ovldonty bo
icvca in giving the old men a cbanco
- ' The late Gen , Stager once performed i
oat tbat excited a great deal of wonder , M I
paa the Grit time that anything of the kmc
ad ever boon done or probably thought of.1
aid a well known telegrapher. "On ono o
Son. Stager's many trips in tbo interest o
is company , an angina on tbo Plttsbar ;
Fort Wuyno & Chicago railroad broke dowt
t night , nine miles from an office. Stage :
ut the wlro and by tonching the ends tele
rAphed to 1'itUburg and Brighton for an
ther engine. By fixing ono end of tha llm
bovo and the other beneath his tongue , tin
lootrtc pulsations could bo felt , and ho thu
ecelvod reply that another engine would to
ont at once. It wai remarkable perform
"When Mr. Vlning became pool com
misslonor of the Western Trunk Line nasoclft
ion , " aaid a prominent railroad man , "h
was plven a bonus of 35,000 , and a salary o
112,000 per year for a period of five years
.ha only condition being that if tbo nsaocia
; ion dissolved ho should draw 80,000 per yen
rom the date of dissolution t > tbo end of hi
contract. The BBSociation broke up som
.imo ago , and now Mr , Vinlng brings suit fo
$13,000 $ a year. I thiuk ha will be beaten
mt that he will get hia half pay of SG.OC
tor year there ia no doubt. In those day
Sfi.OOO per year ia a pretty good thing in it
Btlf. "
The personal appearance of the Omah
xllco ) force IB rather slovenly , to tny the least
[ f tkero IB any protonto to uniformity ind res
t la not visible to tha naked eye of the obsei
ver. It strikes us tlut the members of th
jolico force ought to appear on duty in f ul
uniform , with hats all alike , with thtir boot
jlacked , and otherwise dressed np. Some c
: hem DOW look moro like tramps than th
: > olicemon which ono would expect to see i
: ho metropolis of a great Btato like Nebraska
I3raco the boya up , marshal , and make thei
put on a little city stylo.
"I first knew Ilorb. Leavitt , over thir
> een yoara ago , " remarked a well known ger
tleman as ho saw the county clock enter hi :
office in the now court house. "Ho waa the
ono of the wild boys around town , and
would never have believed that ho could tur
over a now leaf and become a steady goin
'ollow. But he did it all the eamo , and to
day ho ia ono of the steadiest and most indui
.rious mon in Omaha , and ono of the mos
'aithful ana competent officials the count
103 ever Ind , Ho is highly respected am
the people have the greatest confidence i ;
ilm. lie IB n young man of genial dispoal
, ion and ho Is bound to maintain himself i
, ho esteem of our citizens , "
I epont an hour or two the other uay * !
; aking a cheap but nevertheless ontertainini
, our through the principal cities of Europe
With the aid of Max Meyer's collection o
pictures I visited London , Paris , Home
Milan. Genoa , Naples , Berlin am
ther noted cities , and took 1
all the wonderful sights. Thes
nctures were collected by Mr , Meyer durin
ils European trip last year , and they wil
afford to any OL eon hour's pleasant and In
structlvo entertainment. Boiidos this ho ha
a largo collection of souvenirs , works of art
and novelties of all kinds that ho gatherec
a each city that ho visited. II
says that a trip to Kuropo to far as time am
money are concerned is net any mnroi f an ur
deitikiug tlun a trip to the Pacifiii u list , II
: s going over again this ytar , ab ut tbe 20tl
of April , arid will he absent about thre
month" , combining pleasure with business
[ ncidi-utally ho will import for his friends an
articles In tha line of art goods , bronze *
[ jlacqms , bronzei and Ktir pe'ii novellUs , an
BOI d cnein diicct to them. Ha has auperio
f cIltifH for obtaining Buch ai tides , and In a
[ irob bilitv many nf his Omaha friends wii
tuke aavantsgo of hi * Mr d offer.
Felling Giant Xrtcs in California ,
New York Star.
Wo fctop beneath a monster tree full ;
200 root high , and o'ght ' in dlamo'c
i the base , taporiig gradually to a dii
meter of about three feet. Standing
perfectly erect , letnlrg neither tuwar
ho top per bottom of the steep hlllatd
upon which it grows , this tree affords
gne example nf the methods ueod ii
Ualfornia In felling timber. The cho [
pera firnt onct a icidold around It the
will elevate them to the bight decide
upon as moat expedient , and which i
this instance is seven feet from tb
gronad ,
Notches are cut In the tree at the prc
per bight in which eah chopper Inserl
the * nd of his spring board , a stout , Irn
bond beard specially prepared for tl
purpuBf. Standing on tbo spring boait
both on the same side of the tree thi
gan operation ? , ono chopping tigh
handed and the o'.hor left-handed , and i
a short time their vigorous and sklllfi
blows effect a "scarf" or opening full
three foot through.
This done , they dismount from tl
ecaftbld , notch the other tide c f the Ire
shift their spring boards and begin aguii
It la their design to have this tree fa
toward the lower aide ef the hill , acnes
space vrhoro there are no inteivenlr
trees to be injured. To Insure this the
Insert Into tbe "undercut" a piece <
wood cilled a "gun-stick , " which the
explain with geometrical concisen ?
shows the trao center of the tree aodtl
point toward which it will fall. Havlr
cut into the reverse aide of the tree unt
ilmoet meeting the undercut , tbn cho ]
prrs give several loud ehouta of "Halli
Look out boloirl' as a warning to any or
within range of the tree , and then wit
a low more blows they send themoniti
crashing down tha side of the mountali
Down , down it goes , leaving a trail Ilk
that of a dozoa gang-plows , down to tl
very foot of the mountain , wliera the to
liuks ten or twelve feit in the groun
and the headlong descent is checked.
Smoke Seal of Noith Cirjllna Tc
The Crnel Ontrfigo Dtnonnccfl-TliG
frople De'crDikeil ' lo Bnnn the
PtTjetrators to Jnslice ,
Bound Sontliiicntn cif n Clay Count ;
SurroN , March 28.
To the Editor of TitR LKB.
The cowardly ti.-yidy of which Spring
louche has been the center , has at las )
( iBsumod proportions of greater magni'
iUdo than were thought by the partlcl.
panta therein would ever reault from it. .
The hanging of Mra. Taylor , howovoi
much it may attempt justification nt the
lands of the rnrtlcipnntg , was in itsoll
cowardly , nuprovtked and totally Inex
cuaablo. No mn'tcr what may have
) ocn the charac cr of the woman in the
past , no matter what may have boon ox
iccted of her , good or bad , In the future ,
lad she boon permitted to livo. Tht
i ngirg of any woman mint oxciti
n the hearts cf all members ol
.ho . stranger sex who are pcsjcssot
of a human heart , feelings of Indignation
and of honor. Without procets of Lw ,
without counsel to defend Lor , withoul
judge er jury this woman has beer. ho rt
eesly nua rutM-ssly executed fc r a crimt
n which no proof of her culpability hat
) oen tlnwn. True , she was the mothoi
of the little b > ys n .w confined within the
walls of the jail of Clay county. Tholi
minedUto ptoximi y to the scone of the
murder ot Mr. R"bblns Ina never been
denied their ptrticlpancy in that crimt
IBS never been proven Neither has il
even burn shown that she vcai cogn'sunl
f that crime until alter its occurrence ,
'uttilnly then she could no * , have boor
an accessory before tbo fact , nud nn tht
same line of reasoning , ahu should no
lave boon caller ) upon to cuiTor the pun
ally of it after its commitment , anel elm
; oo uprn a chain of circumstantial ovi
Joncu which shuns that her only inlrrcs
las been to entertain those tender
dor feelings cf maternal af
lection vthich causes every mothe :
ta etand up for their children , bo the ]
rlaht or bo they wrui'g. ' So much foi
Mrs. Taylor. Now , HS to her brother
rhonani Jones , hnng by her side atthi
some time , wo have only this to say : Ni
ono thlug haa over been fhown coun < c1-
Ing him oven in the remotes manncrvritl
Lho murder of Hjbbiua. Nu ono thiu ;
das over been ehon 10 prove tbat. ho ho
over bten anything olao than nhat h'
Friends have always c aimed for him m
lionott man , a prut pert in man , a mn1
m whom safely reposed tbo confidtnce <
bis fellow m-ri , nnd jet , ho too mus
'o np hii life as a sacrifice to the ins *
t at a hito and malicious devilishness of i
Clay county mob. Acts of lynch'ng nn
s iruotimis ( not of.on ) justifiable. In thi
instance tbo ots nut , as far as Tom Jone
U coucorued , cnu tingle redeeming fea
ture. Without vamtug , without provi
cation , wl'hout a friend near to when
he could lui k for cense atlon , he has boei
taken from bin ayi d mother , wl.osa . sup
port and comfort ho was. Tlio homfoloii
be has BO earnestly worked f < r ad a
faithfully earned acd forced t > ulve u ]
hii life , and by whom ? By a mob com
potcd i f hfa neighr/ors of men whom hi
had frequently befriended and by then
dovilmnly cc ld-bloodedly and cruil )
hanged. Thociiizina of Clay connty-
tbe citizens of iho etato in every couuty
and justice , over and above ( all elao call
for the punishment of hU mnrdoreis
Let Clay county hone r herself by i
speedy anel retributive jus ice upon tin
heads cf his cowardly aatassins.
Determined to Bring them to Justice *
FAIRFIEI.D , Neb. , March 20,1885.
To the Editor of the Ban.
1 noticed your article of the 25th inat
beaded "A Disgraceful AfT.vr , " wherait
you s y , "Wo venture to say that at thi
( present time , a quint 10 ga of terror pre
vails in tbat county so that no one wil
dare to volunteer to move in the niattoi
for fear of being lynched. " While thi > '
state ( f the cato might lonk si to ill.
people < f the it te , it Is fir from tht
state fi facts as thiy exttt. I , for one ,
know that there wir t over fifty geol cltl
7ina of this town had fully tie orminee
to bring the lynchora to jutt ce as soon ai
Judge Morns ciuvones a jury , and yui
will find by a canvass of this town tba
elevonoutof every twelve porsi na ecu
demn it as the must cruel and bjrbaroui
outrage that waa ever committed in thi ;
stbta , and vorhnps has not an equal snj
where , and while the principal * are nov
'arguitbiog iu j il , wo only hopi
that ntrict juaticomay bo done them.
A. B.
< X Irftlcr From Ronator Manelcrson
WASHINGTON , D U. , March 20,1885. /
To the Kditor of the } ) ux.
Presuming that you desire your com
abould bo b.vod upon tome degree c
fact , I advise you tbat it is untrue ii
every particular that " relative or ver ;
intlmato friend of Senator Manderaoi
occupies the position of government iu
tpootor of the aoal-hunting grounds , o
IslandB , " of Alaska. Writing to yoi
fiom my ] room , where the oflli isl rogiste
Is not within ea < y reach , I cannot moor
tain the name of the Individualoccupjin
that position , but the fact ia lint 1 hv
no relative , friend < > r acquaintance hold
ing position of any kind , or living , 1 :
Alaska , Neither have I , cr baa an ;
relative or friend any pecuniary or prof
orty interests in tint territory. I rune
no ; aware that I oven know n pe o
there resident. E'ght ' or ten years ug
General B. F. Srlbnor t f Indiana , wh
waa a brigade commander In the Arm
nf the Onmborlitid , waa for a abort tlui
tbe ( gent of tno government at th
Seal Islands , Ho wni not relate
to mo In any digrer , but vui
a much honored and honorabl
oirarido in arms , whom I ea'cnn I hav
not seen or beard of or from him for several
oral years , but on h s n turn from Almk
ho tarried a day or two In Omabaand tel
mo eomenhat cf tlut Rrca ) y uukuov
country , the vast yovermnout Intereil
there and of how much It and they ver
being neglected. This was the almpl
foundation for my Inherent in this publi
anbjoot matter. I believe to-day thi
tbtra is no pleco In the United Stute
where congreeaional Investigation woul
prcduce so much of [ good and coi
reet more evil. If It b
true as as stated by you that "a syndl
cate of specnhtori are canying on a lurg
and lucrative butlnots in AJa ki , withou
any Invis'rmnt or rlsk , el Uncle S m'
exponso" "made up of government ofli
cia's" ' vfith silent pactneira , holding prom
nont poiitions , under the dome of the
capital" it ia abou * time tlut such iuvoatU
.Vion should bo had nud It is of more
mporUnco to the country than an in
vestigation of the conduct and
ibarsftar of thn Mississippi river
mprovcmonls , full rcpirts of which mo
.0 bo found in thu executive departments
nmlo by the liver coaimieslun nud on-
'inters and vtheio the money expended
s placed under the ( > l > servlrg eyes of
nary senators , congressmen and eoveral
lumlrcd thousand f nur citizens. Has
t occurred to you that simo of the oppo
sition to the Invoetigatbu of Alaska ia
prompted by those who are interested ss
.ou describe and conies ( rom tlioao de-
sir us of being thua corruptly prompted ?
It might be well for the public weal If
you should turn yonr cJltlclz'ng editorial
attention in that direction I utauto you
that 1 bavo uo detiro to toke upon my
self the performance of the arduous task
called for by the Alaska reaolution. It
imus tno porfirmanco of two months
labor. I am willing to under ako it If It
bo deemed advleiblo In the Interott of tbo
public at > rvi'o : If other j cannct bo found.
[ do n < t believe that you or the potplu
of Nobiaika have over found me
disposed 11 shirk work or evade responsi
bility , properly mine , in ithor my pri
vate or public life. When at proper
times and with proper surroundings , I
: nvo takun excursions or pursued my own
plenum o it h a boon at my own expense ,
judlrvptliiB undeserved the insinua
tions of your ron arkaUo editorial
Ord manrtH'B to exist without a saloon ,
Plattsimuth has currendcrod to the Am
phiityinles of Bollevuu.
Lincoln tchooln are crowded and more
buildings are a pies-ing necessity.
Berlin Hjntfl wna rollnvfd of a $ 20 gold
pteco in thu Pluttsmouth high school ,
Tbero is a full 11 edged irolilbition ticket
runnit g at largo in Nebraska City.
The diBtrict o urt has decided the Cedar
equity sent question iu favor of Hartington ,
Lawrence ) Kenpntfsky , rt Fremont boy ,
wbilo "cBtehing on , " hail his right loot taken
off by the care.
Otoe county owes nor $135,000 while ita
capital town , Nebraska City , groinsuiultr an
additional $215,000.
IJarney Fitzsimmons thomurdorerof Mollic
Anil nt Lincoln , clipped into the pen fnr live
year ? , last werk. Ji'liB penalty is dirt cheap ,
W. S. Caleb , of Nickolla county ? Vhlle
tarelpBsly handling a loaded Rim bad several
of his fingers blown into tn ndjoining couuty.
Eil Franz , of Alda , IIt.ll county , pulled u
1 mdod gun muzzle foremost , out of n wagon ,
The county coroner took chaige of his ro <
Three churches , two business buildings , i
thirty foot chicken coop , and watfrw rki
coiihtilntu the spiin ? building boom iu Lm-
Tha citizens of Beatrice ere trying tr
dh\iao some means to procure in ncros ol
land fur the location of the feeble minded
Two bold thieves , discovered in the act pi
robbiug the reridenco cf Mr. W. Kueieu ir
brniid rln > light in Lincoln , were ruu down b >
u fleet footo.l utighbor and jailed.
7 ho Ilenld ol this city and the Journal ol
Linco n weiH the lowest bidders for the state
printing The former gets the session lawe
and tl u latter tlio legislative jininmli ) .
G , W. Kelh r and family of Scriboer , wore
catUr. d uver the prairie by n ruiuwiiy train ,
ne dity lj t week. Two ot tbo children bad
eg broken , anil all were severely elukin up.
1) . C. Quinn , the Nevada City agent of the
Singer s wing timuhiuo company , 'n charged
wi'li embezzling $5 0 nf Uiucompany' * fuiidd.
Quinu haa ubstondtd , leaving u hclpUex
Mrs Hid West , of Weeping Water , took
her to children and tkipjjud out with Lun
Wi liauic , un old lovir , lubt week Sid will
wear crape for thirty days aud catch another
Tha people of caat Milford nro making an
effort to control tlitt federal patronage of the
state. An applicali n has bcon mude to tha
district court i > change tbo name of tha town
to Cleveland
The pastor of the coloi ° d Hiptitt church in
Ner.rasha City has been thumped by acolived
brother nam d Frank Tillman , Tna trouble
waof lor g landing aad has resulted in gen
eral church di cjrd.
A petition oirataining 1,205 , names waa presented -
sontod to the NeirnaUa City coun il , oskiug
that the BaUionkeoneri of that town ba coin-
uelUd to live up to the reqnirementa of the
Slocumb liquor law.
Patsey Bolivar , a dnmken cowboy , cap.
tured the town of Aiuawjrtb and tun the
machine ti uit himself , bulldozing the euerilT
ami town mari-hal , who were afraid to arrot
the coward. The Jouruil calls on the tituU
goutlemou to rosign.
W. V. Nlchola waa arrested iu Nobrask *
City lant week at the inutince of Chinn &
Now , cigar men of Om h , chanzed with p-r-
B iia'iiig and forcing the nnuie of tha real SV.
V Nidi'il ' * , ugont of llu homo. Tha forger's
real name is not known ,
Th N braska state nnivoreity bis been
admi ted into thn InUr-StatoOratntical asso
ciatiun The Btatna of the association arc
Ohio Indiana , \Vim-onein , ItliuunB , Iowa ,
Minnesota uud Nobraskil ,
The discovery of a private tiger layout in
the model aud moral town of Hprlnnhold w > s
ii revulatlon to tha coniorraiiva r B'dentn ' A
f > llnw who started into "bro k tha lunk , "
and dr.ipied $181 in the attempt , equealud
in d gave iho uni'iial ' awuv.
Dr. T nner. the father of one of the _ \io-
: np , t'Ha that the bouses of the Parcivdln
and Buiidfl , thuBccnn of the qumtup'u mur
der of lait , S"ptuinber , r < * m iu uuocviupjed ,
and are uhuunttU by the BOttloM la tha nei h-
boihnod , mi'y of whom are leaving for homey
with lO'S ghastly surroundings. ,
The toichor of N'b afk , who are now en
gaged inidniating 150,000 children , will m et
iu annual ronventioa ut Lit cola next Tno.
day , Wodne dftv uud Tfiurs lay. Thu school-
houHO , now-n-diiyB , IB M im m 10 than a
year behind the pioneer [ Chicago Current ,
Joe Clark and a chum named Lloyd , two
notorious h tea thiovisvho bavo bf en oper
ating on the borders c.f . Nebraska and Kansas ,
wi-ro elicit to death by tha ro ul.i < ira of the
tha latter utii'o recently. During the melee
the fhorlfffif SVathington county wui that
down by Clark ,
Will Dunn , of Weeping Water , narrowly
eicaped death last wrn < , While rining a hull
broknu p ny , the animal ran awav , ollidec :
with a wigon on a bridge , and both man anc
hea t were thrown to the bottom of the creek
a dintancs of twenty feet , Dunn will ktwj
house for a fny weeks.
Ben Osbnrn attempted to revolutlonizo tlu
municipal govoniment of Oxford and run tin
town ou the ono-jnin plan. * Several citizen
objected but 'old ' Bun , mounted on a dailiinf
B eed , ran them down , Kinully an ollicer wai
ordered to arrint him , and in performing tbi
job thof him in tbe arm , The bullet soberec
him.A railroad man h vi Pgurod tha cost of the
xtonsi n nf the Klkhorn line from Va'entlni '
tn White H\fr. Ill miles , anil ays that II
fulls bo im $10,000 ptr tnlia. Thin inoluiiw
overythiiig but right of-way , ami BS the lint
as located over n year ago , when but littU
laud on tlie lien waa taken from the govern
men * , the right of way is nf conrte but i
trllle , This eitimito does not Incltd * the roll'
A B. t M fircmin at Lincoln cune liorri
the other night , unuxpectedly of noureo , am
found that another man hwf taken lodglnf
with his wife for llie night. Thora was a llv- )
time In that house for a few moment * , and tin
the Intruder not out of that iieaceful at > nrl ir
hot hoite while the indignant Imsf and eonrchet
blxiut fur a gun or a moat ax. The trouble Ii
probably not at an end , as the husband fcoli
that he will have tha other man'i blood or b <
avenged by a divorce.
MI/I Ni 11 C'ofloy , a womtn luppcucd to IK
one hundrid yearn old , died fcudieUy ii
I'lattsiuouth last weel : , "A p culior fact , '
BH the Journal of tliut city , "Is m ntioned
in cnnnrttinn with her udden and unexpected
ieatb. and tlut ir ( tut in the Kagau family ,
in wbichthcliM livud , she iii tha fifth that
has died without a farewell word beiig
cpoktn , OLO t f lha byi WAD drownud In the
Mittonri , thn f lhor went to to the Ubla ono
lay , and not rctutnlng WA found dead there ,
Three nf them have elied tn boil suddenly.
Mr , Taylor , of Kranklyn , lia brgnn nlt
ngninft thn 11. ft. M. rMlriinci for ; ? 10,000 riAtn-
gos % u tIred by a ( humping by him by
Conductor Conner of a tr m on which T ylor
was a passenger. In malting clmnpo Connor
clalmexl to lime \ii\rn \ 'l' ylor , n five dollar
gold piece by mistake. Ttiylor drew hii
IKicVetbook nrcl allowed the conductor to
pinmlno it. The fold ptccn wa < < not found ,
The conductor then I-MC ! ; "I nm convlnood
you have It , and I propose to search you. "
Taylor repli d , "Any of the pitiicngora mar
oiHtnino mo , lint no rnllrond man can do it ,
This angftcil Connor , and ho atUckoil T y-
lor , ku' eking li'in down nnd aovrrcly injuring
him. Ttils Is Taylor's version of the affair ,
and ho wants $10,100 from th company.
Connot's story may put am outirely different
phase on the troublo.
Ilniielll aim
Uonry L Nelson , Washington correspondent
pendent of the Boston IVet , ard Speaker
Carlisle's private secretary , writes as fol
lows : There a good many idle stories
floating about the newspapera as to
Speaker Carlisle's feeling towards the
different appointees of the president , and
an to Mr. Utudall'a iuflu nou iu securing
ofticea for hia friends As a niaMor of fact
Mr. Ilmdall know nnUilig f Malcolm
Day's appointment of first assistant post *
mas or general until iho namu was sent to
thosen tc. Mr. tlay is not n Randall
man In the toaao of being a thick and
thin follower of the e.pjakor lie is
Iho ablest dnmucrat lu woatorn Pcnnsyl-
vanU , and ho la oppoaod to Mr. Umdnll'a
tariff i pliiioni whatever thut may moan In
the post flico dcpartmojt. Mr )0arllslo )
has nskid for uothlnrr With the first of
the Kentucky del g uion ho urged the ap
pointment of Mr. Th mi'iaon aa commia-
airnor of internnl rcvtiuio , but the strug
gle over that < flico waa not brtwoon Mr.
Carlisle and Mr. nnndsll , L > r Mr. Ran-
drcll did notbint ; iu the cot.test , never
havlt'g pocn Mr. M llor , the suoccsafal
applicant. It is ruporttd that the np-
polntnit-nt of Mr. Ackiun as cnmmisiriur
of I nd i in olTiiln was dittjstofnl to Mr.
Oirli lo , but the trutli la that Secretary
Lamar c < nsultod M- . Carlisle concerning
the fltticsd of Mr. Atkins , for the oflico ,
and that Mr. Cnr'is'o ' expressed his belief
that Mr Atkins would nmke an excellent
cilicor. Speaker Carhslo has asked for
nothli g iho ttduilnlatratlon except
aa ho haa fili-d applira.i m for places
coming to him from hla Kentucky
c < mtliuimts , IIu la willing 1 1 say to the
president , or to any inembi r of the cabl-
not tint any man in whom ho hts confi
dence Is worthy of publto employment ,
but ho has no > sought to gun hts ends by
seeking places f > r his frUnds , Ho has
msdo no requos'a ' for appointments ; ho
and Mr. Raiid ll bavo not come In conflict
ti' r haa thn admiu'atrutlnn taken sides
for or agxinst either the Rinda'l ' or Car-
I slo democrats. Mr Carlisle has neivor
made nr on Mr. Randall. Ho was choa-
on to b po ker against the Pounaylvnn-
inn , ai'd ho has oppnaud h < m as ho haa
opposed tbo republicans i u tha tariiF
ieaui > , but ho appoint 'd Mr. Randall
( hair man of the appropriation committee
aud ho has not oppevod any executive
appointment which Mr. Randall urged.
Iu fact Mr. Ca lisle dnra not know that
Mr. Rand -tit haa urgul any ainh appoint
ment , and thu f ( T re to muku him appear
t' ) be cng-gul in a struggle ) for eiflice Is
unjust aud au invention of the enemy.
The now labratoryof thn univeroity , for
wh-'ch S25.0CO wan uppiopriated , will ban
txvo-ntory brick building nith etouo trim
The report that Dr. Mary Walker hlo
bo married hat been coutincicted. It ij said
now tint the niau has escaped.
The Ames Company , of Chlcopoo ,
M < IBB , haa received an order for " 000-
000 swords.
Be , etc.flnvor Cnlie ,
Jreftm > , Iuclilliiv' , < fJc.a > delicately mid nut-
irullyui tbe fruit from Hlilcli Ilicyurt-ramie.
Price Baking Powder Co. ,
Chicago , III. St. Louia , Mo.
Mixni or
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Dr. Price's Lnpiilin Ycnst Gem %
licit Dry Hop Ycuit.
n fl.T.E 03-2-
Cltft * . . . . . . . , „
* t C MteS U n ii 1 fa ( U
J-fk-t fotiubu * .t (
* rv * it * t * U inl *
. W.
to competent butlnm manrper ( cr ( tLI ) niiTB ( ,
KKALAorkcr oo iralllrK number I local igendcn )
( ur oiclU'lre ( aleu | our Itmiiuied Utcblnti. Iluik
I'h the Tclcpbouo ( jVti1tWin eervlou lotloiied
liy h'Khtu rueroniiil , ooiivor te and < iit | utiorie-
tlev liver 10 < nrlei. ' t'll h d i ylrglioni ( Otolou
ii'rctot oo Uio-luicnt etery CO il je. B ltslnJ'cw
York ' I'y iip'cilm tlii ( < > ( Wrr j Afxi K to I
lainover f'OOOO lor Janu rj , 18H5. Apple ot <
must ( uiiiirh flibt-rlm o cileutl I . nJ d f ilt from
6liO to $200(1 cash tocurlty * tot Load * lor good * leI
I heir poenmton ,
Tlll'l NATIONAL < 7. , S' . CO. ,
21 Ka t Fourteenth Htreot ,
kUvoiit * pit > crirXI of
irtl. ) DruiUU < u 111 U. AdJr..i
- .Mr. WARO 6