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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1885)
SEST TOW , ! ' t t-c - ( * , combining ln t Hh r1 i' . .r t/nl" < luickly mill r < ' irr < i l.A | > rp'tlti , In > IlHP llon , VV | in uiifaliirii nmAj for If&scsof ! t . * MllrtK * 4ll It V. iv tnuilniblc fir Ilst M pWiUw V j'lni'-i ) , and oil vho Uml Mdcntory lHc f t ( it * not inj U re the Utth , en-no htodnrltf 01 nrtw ( CA > n U'atou | ! e\T ! iron nolWnf * r ' / -"Klclics ntiil purifies tlio blood , lllm'ilat t h * irtiotlte , alil < the aislmllatlor. of fVvl r . < - . . ircnrtiiurii nnil I'-clclilnr , iud rt.x n i n' t'ip mii'i lo and ncrvcl f' . ' lultrmiuctit Keren , litssltiu ) * , Lack o WHTKJAc. . , It ban no cqiu.1. Tiio RMiulnc hasMiovctrfuinif.rV f o i tc-i red lints ou wrapin'r. Take no * v i. " .If kf MUIHH CIIIBIC1L CO. Bil.TUnm * tiytXA In the BROAD CLAIN 7SSY BEST OPERATINCJ , QUICKEST SELLING AND HiTfr offered to the DiibLlo. Mendelssohn & , Kooma 23 and 20 Omaha Natl.Bank Block BUUCBrtaORB TO Dufrene & Mendelssohn Oeo. L. KUber , fcrmery with , W. U B. Joan ] Architect. Chicago. lanUolm J. R SEGER , t ! MAVOTACrURKB OP Harness Saddles HAS Uno ot ti ! > moot complete stocks of Harncsj , Saddle ] , Whlpa. Drushca , IIoiso Clotbln ? , eta , hand. 110 N. 16th St. , Dot. Dodge and Capita ) > enue. mOedlinlu ru coe wmterfalceni IWPSendtwost mp rorCclebrote < llIcdlcalWorkj , Addren , F. D. CLARKU. SI. _ . , ibC ScuU. CUrk Street. CHICAGO. ILL. IB CONDUOTKD BY Boyal Havana Lottery I ( A GOVERNMENT maTITUTlOH. ) Drawn at Havana Cuba , Every 12 to 14 Days. ICKKIB.J3.CO , . HALVES , (1.00 Sabjocl to uo aanlpalatlon , not controlled by tbc pirtioaln Interest. It Is tbo ttlrcal thine In tbc nature of chaooa In eilstonoo. For tlclteta apply to BtlirSBY & CO. , 1212 Broad. wxy.N.Y. CityjSOUINOKKACO. , 103 South 4th St. St. Louis , Mo , or M. 01TKNS & CO , 019 Main St. , KanaasCltv , Mo. ItuiuivFiiLE. Axlotimof youthfullrarrudenco auiiiiK lYimatnra Dcoar , NarvoiuDobilily , Lost JUnliooil , ilc.lnrinK tn < l In Tain evorj known r medybcrniscovor0a A8implom anttof eelf-oure. which be wll'eenrl JlllilS to bis fullownmllorers ! IRKCK no ami r iioiirlHliuici ) It utfn * HMth luni I'uthctli , " \\HiiM * iiiuta tr ruudniNof Hiniiurtfstluu > - - - - < nal ! , OH well at tliiu-e from n > i > ntnl > | > li > Klrlani thniiiL-hnm tiL ! lmlu I" K.Iiwafj to lhu nrth o ( noiaicK-3 rooo IOR IHFAHIB AND INVALIDS JUijulruu no mokim- Hot too , ! In luulUi or HC ) J'c * - JO inH lUi. llvallilmwlhtB IJookhcijtfm'K'S I'OOIl CO. . Kuril ) r. Wit. AiB ut liy mall ou rccelrtol i > rjco in Bl uupa. XiS fa Meal Institute ( Chartered by thcStatcof Jill- Jnoia for theexpresapurpose Jotglvmclmmedlate rellelin Kail chronic , urinary nnd prl- Evato diseases. Gonorrhcra , iGleet andSyjihilis In all their complicated forms , also all diseases of tlio Skin and Ulood promptly relieved and pcrmanentlycurcd by reme- . dlestestedrnaJl'orf li < ir - , _ \Kjicctal 1'rartlee. Seminal * Weaknecs , Night Losses by Dreams , Pimples on She FaceLost Manhood , t'uafrfevYi/oural.CTiiln : iSfiocj-per/mniidK/ / appropriate remedy * ant oacciused In each case. Coruuitatloos , per- aonal or by letter , sacredly contidentUl. Med icines sent by Mall and Express. No nuirka on fatkofe la Indicate contents or lender. Address CHjAMESiNo.204WashnotonSCMcarjoUL ! ! IAMBUEB-AMERICAN PACKET COMPANY ; Direct Line for Ecglond , Ft-anoa and tiormauy. no iMux htpi of liils weU known line are built Ol Iron , In wirtor-Ugbt oomparto nta , and are fur- ctahed with vcrr .r ) TJlaJt to d kp tbe rouag * both tafe and AgroeatV ) . They tuny tbe Uulted BUt 4 an4 Buupeaa walli , and leato New Yort Thuadaysmd titurd * > r for riynnuth ( LONDON ) Oherbouf , ( PA IS aad.EJUlHUlW. Bate * : Btccitfo frou Kambure JW , to Hamburg 110 ; round trip * > . rantCablo , IU. (05 and t7i. Henry Pundt Mark Uuixn , K , C. lloorcs , U. Toft , agents In Omaha , Onaevef t .Schixmtgen , a enUlaOouuellBluffs. O. IX UIC1M.1U ) & CO. Gen. Fasa. Agt * , 61 BrcwVrc/i N , Y , Chas. Ko . mlnikl & Co.Genrrl Wertwv AgoaU , JTO Wash , loir St. . Ohloat'O. Ill Did pose Mustang Liniment only good for horses ? It is for inflamma tion of all flesh. PBRILS OP INDIAN FIOQTINO , tctitlnlBccncca of the lUliln of Sitting - ting Bull ami Ills Painted Warrior * , Jonton Globe. "Why do I keep that Cftrlridgo.bol lung over my desk ? It's a relic of my Ito on the plains , for nronnil that llttlo iox cluster tome of my greatest rials. " The speaker , a inlddlo-agcd man was icatod In his oflico on _ Court atrcot. _ "It first bacnmo mine when I joined ; ho 22d regiment at FortGratlot in July , 1870 , about Ilio tlmo bravo Ouster and ill command bad pone to alaughtor. Troops wcro hurried into the flold. On the 7th of the month our detachment started for Fort Lincoln. Wo found the garrison there Tory small , all troops that could bo spared having boon eont to the front. Wo marched to Powder tivcr , where wo met Indians in largo number * . Gutter's command had left a lot of corn on the right bank of the Yellowstone , nnd when wo came up the redskins wcro carrying It ncrosi to the other bank. ' It waa my first fight , and how narrow was my escape that llttlo hole In the box bears witness. "A few miles further on wo reached the Indian camp , nnd thcro found the arms of the slaughtered command. While there I took up a revolver I found in a tent nnd put It in my Inner coat pocket , trusting 1 might oomctlmo need it. Con tinuing our march , nndorthe direction ol Bu ! ! ' ) o Bill , wo made for Glcndlvo crock , and thcra wont Into winter quarters. 'Tho Indians hovered in largo num bers about the camp. It was the umvor- eal belief among the troops that goltif out of camp on scouting duty uioani death. It was by no means ploasonl news to mo to bo detailed to carry the mall between Qlcndivo and Fort Buford , Bovonty-fivo miles away. I was accom panied by R half-brood scout. The trip was made successfully. After wo re turned to camp I was sent with a detach ment of scouts to the headquarters a1 Glondivo creek. "Three days after wo arrived Indians surrounded ns. Among the hills woic hundreds of savages in licrco war paint. The commanding officers mot in council and about midnight I was ordered to re port. The colonel said : 'I want you ta take this dispatch to Fort Bnford. Travo as fast as you can , and deliver this In person to Ool. Hazen ; oar ammunition and provisions arogiving out. ' I started. The night waa clear and ( till. The gaarc lot mo out through the picket line , and , loading my horse. I atolo oil' into the darkness , revolver in hand. "latatiad my horss on a nlow trot anc rode at that speed for about twenty miles until I rode directly into the Indian camp. The dogs announced my arrival , and in a moment more the Indians were in hot pursuit ; but my horao was ono to bo relied upon , and I soon loft the most of my pursuer * far behind , There wcro two yonng bucks , however , who kepi close after my trail for hours. My horse was becoming winded nud I determined to fight. DrawIng - Ing my carbine I fired ono sbot , killing ono of my pursuers' horses , and ] immediately followed it with another , which had some effect , as the Indian gave up the chaso. At 10 o'clock the next day I was in Fort Buford , and two hours later a larga body of cavalry , with n w gen train , started for the besieged camp. When I started to return the train was about twenty miles ahead of mo. The wagon train misaod the right trail. I was nnablo to find the command , and after hunting for eoveral hours In the rain I determined to start for the camp an Glondivo creek. My horse was In bad condition , and I concluded I would camp for an hour and make a little : oll'eo. It was now dark , Packoticg my horse , I kindled a Gro , and throwing aaido all my arms and taking off my belt I determined at all hazards to take a rest. I was making myself oomfortable when I hoard what seemed to bo the bark cf a prairie wolf. I knew what It meant. There were Indians about , and the bark was simply a signal. It was repeated , and then I noticed two dusky forms steal- inc along ; the ground. My loaded rifle was within i rcich , and , picking it up , I touk a quick aim and fired. A cry of paia followed , and without waiting to hoed ehoutsof _ rogo I ran for my horse , and mounting I started a break-neck speed , not for the fort , as I should liavo done , but in tlia opposite direction. I found that my arms were gone bnt ono. I still had the revolver I had picked up In the camp whore wo had found the arms of Ouster's men. I rode all that night , and on the fol- nlght ran succesefally into Camp Glen dive , without any trouble save a personal encounter with ono Indian near the pick et lino. The next day Col. Hasten ar rived with reinforcements , and Sitting Bull and his blood-thirsty savages were [ oiled. A week after I was sent with n Force to Fort Buford , and on the ground where I had left It WAS my rifle , and near by the cartridge box. SKIN UI8E/VHK9 CURED. By Dr. Frazler'a Magic Ointment , Cures f by mnglo : Pimples , Black Honda or Grub Blotches and Kruptlons on the face , leaving .he skin clear and beautiful. Also cures Itch , 3alt Khoum , Sore Nipples , Sore Lips nnd old , Obstinate Ulcers Bold by druggists , or nailed on receipt pries. 60 cents. Sold by Kuhn & Oo. and 0. F. Goodman. Bill Nye Abroad. Bill Nye In Burlington Hawlcoye. Wo arrived in Verona day doforo you- : erday. Molt everyone has heard of the "Two Gentlemen of Verona , " This Is ; ho place they cnma from. They have never returned. Verona is not noted for ts gentlemen now. Perhaps tliat is the reason I was regarded as such a curoslty when I came horo. Verona Is a good deal older that Chicago cage , bat the two cites have points of resemblance - semblance after all. When the southern simoon from the stock-yards , is waited across the vinegar orchards of Chicago , and a load of Mormon emigrants get out at the Hock Island depot and begin to move around and tqulrm and emit the rtgranoo of cruihod Llmbcrger cheese , t reminds one of Verona. The sky is similar , too. At night when t is raining hard , the sky of Chicago and Verona Is not dissimilar. Chicago Is the "argost place , however and my sympa- iilea are with her. Verona has about sixty-eight thousand people now , aside rom uiytclf. This census includes for eigners and Indians not toiod. Verona has BE ancient skating rink , tnown in history is the amphitheater. It s -lOU feet by 016 in eizo , and the wall sitilfone hundred faet high in placoi. fho people of Veroua wanted me to lee- are there , but I refrained. 1 was afraid hat some la'o ' comers might elbow their wsy In and leave ono eud of the amphl * heater open atui then there would bo a draft. I will speak more fully on the lubject of amphitheater in anothor.lettor , ? ] iero lin't room in this one. Verona Is noted for the Capitular libra- y u It it called. This is said to bo the ar eit collection of rejected manu.cript n the world. I stood m with the libra- rim and ho garo meancppcrtunlty IP ox-1 amino thla wonderful store of literary work. I found a Virgil that wai certain- y over 1,000 years old. I found a well ireserfol copy of "Beautiful Snow. " I read it. It was very touching indeed. Exports sild it was 1,700 yean old , which is no doubt correct. I am no jndge ol lho ago of manuscript. Some can look ai the teeth of a Htorsry production and toll within two weeks how old it is , bub I can't You can also fool mo on the ngo of wino , My rnlo used to bo to observe how I felt the next day and to fix that as the ago of wlno , bnt this rule I find is not infallible. Ono time I found mysoll Feeling the next day as though it miht bo 138 years old bnt on Investigating wo found that the wioo was extremely now , having boon made in a drug store in Cheyenne the same day. Looking those venerable MSS. over , ] noticed that the custom of writing with a vlolrt ponsll on both sides of the largo foolscap shoot and then folding it in six teen directions and carrying it around m the pocket for two or three centuries is not a late American Invention , as I have boon led to suppose. They did It in Italy fifteen centuries ngo. I wai permittee also to examine the calobrated Initituti of Gains. Gains wasn poor penman , am I am convinced from a close oxamlnnttoi of his work that ho was In the habit o carrying his manuscript nround In his pocket with his smoking tobacco. The guide said that was impossible , for amok ing tobacco was not Introduced into Italj until a comparatively late day. That' all right , however. You can't fool mo much on the odor of smoking tobacco. The churches of Verona are numerous and although they soeru to bo a little did' oront from our own in many ways , they resom bio onra in others. Quo thin ; pleased mo , about the churches of Voron was the total absence of the church fai and festival ns conducted in America Salvation seems to bo handed out in Verona ona without loo-cream nnd cake , and tin odor of sanctity and stowed oysters do no go inevitably hand in hand. I have al ready been In the placa moro than tw days and I have not yet been invited to help lift the old debt on the cathedral Perhaps they think I am not wealthy in fact , thera is nothing in my dress am manner that would betray my wealth , have been in Europe now six weeks am have kept my secret well. Even iny mos Intimate traveling companions do no know that I am the Laramia Oily post master in disguise. The cathedral is a most imposing am masslvo pile. I quote this from the gnld book. This beautiful structure contain a baptismal font 'cut out of ono colic block of stone and made for immersion with an inside diameter of ten feet. A man nine feet high could baptised ther without Injury. The Venetians hive a great respect for watar. They bollovo 1 ought not to be nssd for anything els but to was away sine , and even then the ; are very economical about it. There is a nice pictures here by Titian It looka as though It had been loft in the smoke house nine hundred yean am overlooked. Titian painted a great deal You find his works here over and anon Ho must fcavo had all ho could do in Ital in an early day when the country vrn now. I like his pictures first-rate , bnt haven't found ono yet that I could sscuro at anything like bed-rock price. Something Now. Wo are under obllga tiona to the Hunter Sifter Manufacturing Company , of Cincinnati , for volume of the Hunter Sifter Cook Book , just out. It ia a volume of 285 pngea , beautifully printed on good , heavy paper , elegantly bound In fine cloth , and embossed in colors. The Receipt are selected with great care , nnd tried by experienced perienced liousokoopora. It is the peer of any Cook Book published. The firm manufacture Kitchen Specialties , one of which THE HVN TKB SIFTER , is probably the moat popula utensil ever invented , there are millions p them in use. The Cyclone Egg Beater ia another ; their latest , however , Is the Safety Odorless Hollow Ware , which bids fair t rival the Sifter. Their goods are Inttoduco ( by agonte , and they want an agent in ovori county in the United States. Wo weuld ad vise some of our readers , who are out of em ployment , to write for circulars and secure an agency. Their agent ) are making two to six dollars per day , which ia a salary not eisil ; obtained these hard times. Ho Wouldn't Itun In Debt , Philadelphia I'ress. A brother-in-law of the new vice prosl dent excites no little interest among frequenters quenters of the Fifth .avenue Hotel , no Is a retired physician named Pierce , ant lives in ease and luxury in a palatial houeu on Twenty-third street. Just after his marmgo in Indianapolis , thirty years ago , ho built a house for himself ani\ wife which in those days was palatial. II was a three-story brick with a Mansard roof. Whlln the workmen were complete- ing their labor the doctor found that he was unable to buy a front door suitable Tor such a house without rnrmlng himsoll In debt. Ho therefore boarded up the Front entrance and made nls brldo nnd tier friends enter the house through the roar door until ho Bcsurpllated enough money tp purchase the ono ho wanted. DUUKEE'S SALAD DRESSIKK & COLD MEAT t-AUCE. The universal favorite both in the U. S. and Great Britain. Wholesome , delicious , economical and intrltious. Saves anxiety , waa to and trouble. _ Saved By a Cranky Engineer. North East Advertiser. All east-bound passenger trains on a certain road change locomotives at Erie , and for many years it had been custom ary for the second locomotive to awnlt ; ne arrival of the train from the west , standing upon a portion of the main rack , on each sldo of which was a high embankment broken just beyond by nn excavation for the passenger-way of a street underneath the rails. One night when the first train came in from the west the air brakes failed to work and repeated whistles by the englnoar failed o aronao the circlets train brakeman The result was that the express , Instead of stopping at the depot , crashed .hrongh at the rate of thirty miles an lour. The second engine where was it ? Che score of railroad men about who enow the circumstances hold their > rcaths. The tlmo seemed to stop. The loavy express must certainly crash Into , he locomotive and all go over the bank. 3nt nothing of the sort happened. An engineer of ono of the freight locomotives who had long boon known among his fell ows as a crank , persisted that night in ; aking his engine over that line , and , de spite many protests , the waiting passen ger engineer had taken his locomotiyo on .o a side track to let the cranky engineer with his engine. paw. The case had never occurred before. Nor did It ccsur again , for the sleepy brakoraan of the ; xprees was discharged and the second ocomotlve given orders to wait in a lesi exposed place. Attractive anlUeeul , The Drown Choroicul Co. , Baltimore , Md. . he owners of th celebrated Brown's Iron Bitters , have just issued a beautiful Hand Book and Almanac ( or ladles , and a complete and useful Memorandum Book for men , Those publications are attractive , containing a great many valuable and Interesting thlrga. They me furnished free of charge by druggitls and , country ( tore keeper * , but should they not hue them the Brown Chemical Co. will ( end ; either book en receipt of a two wnt itarnp to pay postage. i A MAN POll THE OCCASION , A Ncvnda Preacher Who Wanted No Foolishness In Ills Church. An exchange thus libels the good people ple of Mason Valley : If it had not been for the cool and very thoughtful judg ment of the resident clergyman nt Mason Vnlloy , lost Sunday , that community to day would bo in disgrace and without the holy Inllacnces of the Gospel. On that occasion the man of God proved himself equal to the emergency. The place of meeting was comfortably filled , the min ister had rcid the p3alm beginning , "Ilio Lord is my shepard , I shall not wont , " had given the text , "For tiio Son of Man came not to bo ministered unto , bnt min ister , and give his life a ransom for many. " "A collection will now bo taken for promotion of missionary work in Van Dloman's land , " ho remarked , nnd took a seat to await results and contemplate his sermon The deacon reached the lower end of the room and came to a rancher ulth n red bo ml , long hair and a tear on his cheek. Ho dropped n 820-ploco in the hat , bnt it had scarcely pasted out of his hand before ho roccollucted that the yoars's taxes had not been paid , nnd reached over to take Inck some chanpc. The deacon objected , and in the ncullla qho hat win overturned and the coin ecit- torcd on the floor. The congregation made a imh for the money , andundoubt- odly there would have been a free fight had not the minister jumpad into the pulpit , and leveling a six-shooter yelled in a terrific tone : "Order ! The first ono that moves it a corpsol What kind of n game is this ! llccollcci that this is God's holy day ; that this is God's church , and by God you muat net decent 1 This ain't Candolarla ; tnkn your Heats , When a man puts down his money in this game It all goes , partner , and don't you forgot it. Deacon gather up the coin and wp'll proceed with the devotion. " The six- shooter was placed under the edge of the bible with the hymn-book , nnd the sermon - mon commenced with an attentive con gregation. The last hymn was "Nearer my God to thee , " which was sung with much fooling. After the benediction a motlcn was made and carried that the minister's salary bo increased , nd that he bo allowed two mouth's vacation dur ing the heated term. Dinner Gone to 'Waste. The food that raises a rebellion in the stomach as it Is swallowed does not bestow - stow either comfort or strength , The stomach which for sometime after dinner keeps sending up gaseous reminders of what has been eaten , Is not In good order. Tone that stomaoh up with Brown's Iron Bitters and cit your dinner joyfully and heartily. Mr. J. B. Chandler , Clinton , lown , says , "I used Brown's Iron Bitters with great benefit for dyspepsia , after other remedies had failed. " Fun In Boston. Boston Courier. 1. The winter's almost past , the time is coming fast that brings the genial sun- shlno bright and clear , clear , clear , and paragrsphers Ray will short'y ' put away the sealskin jokenutllanother year , year , year. 1. The coal man and the plumber , all through the coming summer , will bo al lowed to take a well-earned rest , rest , rest , and , springing from its tomb , the ice cream joka will boom in now and hand some garments gayly dressed , droesed , dressed. 3. The picnic sandwich , too , existence will renew , and jokers on its make-up trill descant , cant , cant , declaring it Is made of neither horn nor bread , bnt from the hardest kind of adamant , mant , mnnt. 4. Then , both In praise and verao , the jokers will rohearao the tale anent the lovers who till late , late , late , sit on the stoop and spoon , or 'noatli the silver moon , together swing upon the garden gate , catc , gate. 5. But this ij merely done for pur poses of fun , intended as a little harm less chaff , chair , chaff no malice in the play to drive dull care away , and make the melancholy perjon laugh , laugh , laugh. "We are going to have a mlnltrol troupa in our family , " said ono girl to another. "Ah , indeed ; learning vocilnnd instru mental music ? " "Ob , no ; wo have a collection of old jokes which we are committing to heart. " Mr. Jeremiah Eney , GG8 W. Lombarp St. . Baltimore , Maryland , siiys that ho suffered with neuralgia for several years * nd was entirely cured by St , Jacobs 01 In n short tlmo. What Bo Found in Ills Soup. Virginia ( Xev. ) Enterprise. Sunday , while John Capuro was eating ids dinner , ho proceeded to fill his plate from a largo tureen of broth and stow , [ n doing so ho lifted out n section of steer's jaw and dropped to his scat , par alyzing the roat of the boarders with the exclamation of "Jerusalem , boys ! I've struck a bonanza in the soup bowl. " Ho Ifted out the jaw and it was soon that the teeth were apparently coated with O'old , some very thickly , others carrying only a film. The balance of the jaw wai speedily fished out , and both pieces nro now on exhibition. The animal contributing this curious wak in dentistry wni a 4-year-old steer > orn and raised on the Lsgomanlno anoh on the Truckeo river. It has boon od and watered exclusively at the ranch at a pond twelve foot in diameter dug out of the hard , marly , forrlnacoous cement , nnd in summer at the river bank. No races of gold can bo seen around the lo- allty , and oven were they plentiful the reak would still bo an anomaly. BlllOUKllCBH s very prevalent at tills season , the lymptnms being bitter taste , oifdnalvo jreath. coated tongue , sick headache , drowsiness , dizziness , loss of appetite. f this condition is allowed to continue , orlous consequences may follow. By iromptly taking Hood's ' Sarsaparllla , a ever may be avoided or premature leath prevented. It Is a positive cure or bllllousncas. Sold by all druggists. BSHEUMAN'B NAHUOW J'JSCAPE ) How Near Ho Came lo .liclng Hliot by Ilia Own Polrtlerj .lust Before Bliiloli. I. F. Buckland in Fremont ( O. ) Journal. While the Seventy-second regiment , 0. V. I. , was stationed at Shlloh church on Sunday , March 31 , 1802. a week before hat memorable Sunday fight , a detach- aont cf picket ) were cent out on the 'ardy road , In the deUchmont were erry Heath and Jaiob F. Hutchlnson of } a , 0 , who were placed at the same picket ) ost. The pojt at which they wore sta- loocd waa out some two miles from the amp , and consisted of a largo oak tree , Hinted about three-quarters of a mile nside of a thick cak forest which con- lined considerable nnderbraeh , Upon the nnderbrtish was suspended largo quantities of dead , dry loaves , which creaked and cracked whenever disturbed. The road leading to thlsinco divided near it , passing upon both sides and joining ngain come distance bnyoml. The pickets hud orders to shoot any pnrson seen in frontjof them , but not to tire under nny other circumstances. Jerry and Jake , ns they were familiarly called , were keeping dote wnch * of things , with nothing to very the still quiet of the day , for it wns a dor , bright sunny day. without the least wind astir , when about 2 o'clock in the afternoon came fifteen or twenty shoats came out of the woods in the road some distance bayond them. Oh1 how dclfciously appetizing they looked to the boys who hid not tasted nny fresh meat for a long tlmo. It was quite natural that they should eoek some device by which they might obtain ono. So Jerry spoke up and says , "Jako , how can wo mnnago to got ono of those into camp ? " Says Jake , "How many hardtacks have you ? " Ton or twelve , " answers . ' 'Givo " Jake , Jerry. mo some , says "nnd I will coax them up into bnyonotting distance when yon bayonet ono. ' Jerry having furnished thel hard tack , Jake broke them up into small bits and throw them out , coaxing the shoals toward them. It took n good deal cf mincuvcrlni ; to got the hogs anywhere near them , but finally ono , n llttlo tamer than the others , cranlcd up to the dosirad place , nnd Jerry , true to his duty , made n lunge , striking it between the oyos. The bayonet ghnccd nnd buried itself in the animal's nock , deep enough only to sat his porkehlp squealing , which It did with n vengeance nud toi the whole drove to atuatiug. That brought the boys to roillzo their perilous position , which for the moment they had forgotten. Jack jumped back behind the tree nnd resumed a picket's position , to bo ready for an emergency. Jerry , iu the meantime was tugging to get hja bayonet loose from the \ ij. ; Seeing his predicament Jake yelled "stomp it out , " which Jerry proceeded to do , nnd suc ceeding , ho too jumped behind the tree , exclaiming as ho did eo : "This will bring the guerillas. " Both stood with ready guns. In a few moments they hoar n noise of sabers and horeos among the trees nnd leave * , about thirty rods on the loft in front of them. Immediately n man on horse back appeared in the middle of the road and faced from them. Both raised their guns , took steady aim and pulled their triggers , but owing to their pulling very hard did not respond quickly. Jake felt the hammer of his gun move , and as ho did , ordainicd : "Hold on , that's ' ( jon. Shormaa. " "No , It ain't , it's them go rillas dresecd in our uniform , " answers Jerry. "No , it's Gen. Shor- man'a horec , " quickly responded Jake , and DB ho spoke the man ou horseback wheeled and fnod thorn , exclaiming : "Don't shoot , I'm Gen. Sherman ; I've made miscalculations on the post " "Ad vance and glvo the cDuntei-jign , " came from the pickets. The man dismounted at the proper distance , advanced and gave the countersign , and , beheld , it was none other than Gon. Shorman. A log was procured for him to sit upon ; upon sitting he said : "Boys , this is the nearest call I over had. " The staif officers came out of the woods and advanced to the post. The general , with his staff , had boon out Inspecting the picket line , and bad got beyond it by mistake , and when the general turned from the pickets ho was looking in that direction for the post. Bnt for the fact that the triggers pulled hard , Gon. Sherman would certainly have been killed , as both had a dead bead on him , and they were striving to obey or ders. Their Intention was to shoot him as the first man and retreat to the next post to give them warning , and continu ing with tlio others till they got into camp , it being necjesary to do so to eo- cure the camp from being surprised. It is scarcely necessary to add that the general did the eoldlorly , substantial thing by the boys , although against or ders , but ha said ho could trust them. The hog wn3 left to his fat. Company 0 did not get any * f it. Mr. Untchlnson had the pleasure of recalling the incident of his cscapo to General Sherman when latt in Fremont. The general remembered Ir , and had a good laugh at the hog part of the story. ' Pleasant " " - Pellets Picrco's "i"ui-jatlvo , Positively Popular ; Provoke Praise Provo Priceless ; Peculiarly Prompt ; Per ceptlbly Potent ; Producing Permanen Profit ; Precluding Pimples nnd Pustules Promoting Purity and Peaco. Purchase Price , Pretty. Pharmacists Patronlzin PJorco Frocara Plenty. _ A Choose Failure. ELGIN , Illpl\rarch2ri.-Cliarla \ W. Gould proprietor of eighteen chceso factories in Mcl'eeny , Cook and Lakn counties , Illinois , assigned Satutday to Wilson J. Hunter. Liabilities reported at $110,000 ; neneta no stated. The First National Hank of Elgin IB said to bo a creditor to the amount of SIO , 000. _ Another Major Gone. Ar/niA.v , Mich. , March 28. Tliom-w .7. Navin , ux-mayor of Adrian , was arraigned in in the circuit court this inornimrontha charge of forgery , and pleaded guilty. His offense was forging the signature to city bonds for I -we Bines. Ho was sentenced to ten years in the states piiton nt Jackson. Nlncty-iilno "years in the Pon. Si. Louis. March 23. Joel Andernon and Laurel IS.iugh , on trial at Carrolton , Mo. , for ; ho murder of John Hea , on the 8th of April , 1881 , wore found ( j ilty and sentenced to linety-niue yean each in the penitentiary , Destructive KlrcH. llALEian , N. C. , March 23. This morning fire broke out at Hondereoo , a town nilf R from Italeigh. The fire spread rapidly , ind by 0 o'clock fourteen butldlngB , busineex IOUBCB , were deitroyed. Assistance was naked ) f tlia Ituleigh fire department , but nt nine the fire was reported ai under control. The IOPH is roughly estimated at § 7 ? > .QOO , NKWAIII ; , N. J , , March 23.Heller k Jferz's iltra-marlne works burned this inorniug , Tjoas over $100,000 , Fully Injured. XlioIlllnolH legislature. Sl'Ul.NOKIELD , 111 , , March 23. In the house hia morning not more than thirty members vcro present and the time was consumed in ending nnd introducing bills of nn unimport ant character. No business done in the lenato. In the joint aaaenib'y 13 senators and 11 ; epreneuatlvea answered to roll call. On the irst vote for senator Morrison received 21 , Slack 2 , Ward 1. Adjourned , A MrlUliiK Klol , NKW YOBK , March 23. Throe hundred trlking operators at the lace mills of Duden & Jo , at Williams Bridge , We t Chester ounty , latt night , came in collision with a lumber of hands brought ovrr from Franco by ha firm to take the striker , ) ' placea. During lie riot a number of men were seriously in urad. Frederick Hoo. n spectator , is thought j bu fatally hurt. All ( jiuet this morning , The Doinoci-atlo Croobh. ClllOAi.o , March 23 , The decision on the notion for writ of error In the case of Mack in nd Gallagher , convtctcJ of election frauds , . as i > xp : ted In the United circuit court his morning , but owing to th llneau ! of Jndge iresharn the tnsU'-T was poitpuni'll till to > jorrow , ° u Rheumatism Sciatica , Notiralgia , , Lumbago , Backache , Headache , Toothache , N roTliro lSnollliiK .Sl > riiltiN.Itrulio ! i , ItiirtlN. .SclililK. I'riikl IIICcn , un AII , oriirn I'diiii.r rms > MI MIIKS. Sold ly DtuuKti unit Dmlm f * ry lie rt , t inCuuti Iwltlc. Dlrtrtlcniln 11 tanKum * . TUP oiiAiti.ns A. \ oiiKi.r.u co. ( 'iwMMti t \OOIU.H O ) ) ruillniorr , JliU , I.B.A. S Ill's Specific IIM cured my rAtieor , which RS \crybnil. I run now In line health ; n cr better , HatocMncazjiiounilstlncoI Iwgan taking Swllt't Specific. 11. 8. UKAWORD. TiitomlllcTeun. | CANnKU FOR MANY YKAUS. A forvunt has been allllctcd for inanv j cars llh n cancer on her note , which roilntcit nil sorts oUicatnicnt. Hlio nns cuicd entirely by Swift's Fiwcino. JOHN HIM. , Thomson , da. NOSK KATKN OFF. A younir man near this town hail an eating cancer on his Uco hlch had do- etrojeil 111. ! nose nnd 8 catlne ton aril his cjes. As n last resort I put him on Swill's 8K.-cinc | , ami It hoa cured htm sound ami ncll. jr. f. CRUMLHT , M. D. , Oglothorpc , Ox I hiuic Been rcmaikablo results from the uno ol Sullt'e Spcclfl : In cancer. It has cuiod se\oral cases under my own cyoi Kur. J. IT. CAurmiLL , Columbus , Ua. Sn Ill's Specific Is entirely vegetable , and seems to cure cancers by forcing out the Impurities from the lord. Trcatlto on Blood and Skin Discuses mailed free Tim SwiKrSruciFiciCo. , Drawer 3 , Atlnnln.Oa , or 160Y. . 23J SL , New York. [ ( acooEssona TO DAVIS & SNYDEB. ) GENERAL DEALEUB IN 1505 FAUNAM STREET. - . OMAHA. Ilaro for ealo 500,000 acres carefully selected lands In Knstcrn Nebraska , at low prlco and on easy terms Impro\od Inrros for sale In Douglas , Dodge , Colfax , Flatto , Burt , UmnlnR , Sarpy , Washington , Morrlck , Baundcrs , and Duller couutliw , Taxes paid hi all parts of the stats. Honey lo rcd on Improved farina. Notary Pub'.la alwaid In office. Correspondence solicited (517 ( St. Clinrlcs St. , S . Louis , Jlo. A regular gpariuiitooftno Medical College i , ban tjecn locffff engaged ID the f of Ovuomc , hoLi.BKm and hLOOD DistiiutL&u DT oilier tb-lefaD tn Bl. Looli , U eltj rfcrcr * > how and all old resident * koow. Nervous Hrosiratlon. Debility. McnlM and Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and otncr f < fcr c * lions of Throat , Skin or Bones. Blood Pofooc&vg , Old Sores and Ulcers , are treated with tmnrallclM UCCCM , on latcit PC ! tn title rrlnclr'ci. fla'clv.PrhaUlj. Diseases Arising from Indiscretion. Excess , Exposure or Indulgence , ftbieh rrmiuee Bom or the following cfltictn ticrroiuncsi , dtbllity , dlmoesi or eight .nddcfctthe memory , flmplea en tto face , prmlcaldwar. avenlon to the toclttj of feraal tconfniii > of3caieta * rendering Marrlaco improper or unhappy. u pcrm&DCKUjrctirfd. I'amplUct ( S < i pngeijon tfoo nWe , let * tm icaled cnrclope , free to any &d < lr < us. Consultation At f flee or bj mall free , and invlteJ. Wtlla for queiUoni. A Positive Written Guarantee give * lo all cor&blo ca et , . iredlcloes lent ererritbero. ParophletB , Enellsh or Oerumn , 04 pacei. do- Rrlbinc nbove diieascs , In male or MARRIAGE GUIDE ! 460 piigcfl. fine rlntcfl. lllaitratcd In cloth and ( lit blrndtox. We , money r postige ; stinr.liaper cOT rn. 2&e. TliK boc oDtalaa all tbo eurloui. doubtrol or laqul. ItUe vaat t know , JL. took of rat Utuut tc all. Uealtll. rrnu K < i Will iMirlrj-IIIL BLOOO."icini ' itui tutLlVCR mil KIDNEYK. ami llu ruitK TUB lUCAJjTil S VIGOll cf VOUTIL Uy-i. | i"i.ila. V ; .niorAppiMltn , jn iifrx'i-linn J-IH'K ol htrcngtli , L milTlr'1- ' " ' 'inxabsoliitcly iiurcd. lion i , iiiiisclcnmiu in 'nr < civunmiorce. Li liVLiu tlia mind and eunll | S J-rnln 1'nncr. rhulioiu coinpUInc * , . 'irto t'li'lrci ' * vill tnil In D , El' OiXSlVa IKQtt TONIO n tula nnd t cily cuu. ullvcsa ilcar , liuilthy LomjiU'ilon. If n ijiieiit fctlcnjptn at 1-11 M"Sl , > 'IIR ' otil ) ailit I. ) thvpopulaill ) ol the orleliril , Duuut exutri. I jcnt KOI tlio OIEKIIN M. ANI > li ( > r. /I'H'iDd youriuldrthoto'lho ih1. Hrirtnr Tn'l O ysuixja > . Mo. , for imr " 1JJIEAII 1JOOK * ; ] LFmlof vtracBonpd Tie fnl lurorroaMQnirt * R. RISDON , REPHiaENTSI Phronli Inturanco Co. , London , Cub Asaeta f5.F81.OCO ! VoBtchD torN. Y , Capital ] ,000,000 rhoMcrcbautool Nowark.N. J. , Capital. . . . 1,276.000 JlrardKIre , I'hllailolphlaC DlUl 1,200,000 Vnman'fl Kiind UArltAl. . . . . . . l.XEOOOO Proposals for Shite Print iny. Scaled propoflals will l > o recched at thu oflico of ho eocretary of itato at aty tlmo on or before S I'clockp. ra , Weilncsdav , March 25 , IB = 5 , for tlio irlntlni ; and liiadlni ; of 11,050copliB of thu ecnoto and IOU90 Journal ! , and O.DCO coplea of thalaun , rcsolu- l na and memorials of tbo Nineteenth session of the CKlelature of Ncliraaka. 'Iho Bcnato and house journals Bhall bo printed In oal octavo fonn , long primer type , on book ) > apor tclKht two jioundu per quire , pipes eamo stjle as hose of the Eighteenth pension of tbe Nebraska leg- slatiiro and binding to he In half eliecp , , Ihetoaaloiilawa uhall be printed In renal octavo orm , amall plot type , book paperweight ( wo pounds ierulre | , pajtee mo style n thono In Bcesion laws il 1B83 , with marginal notes and Index , bludlcK to icInfulUhcep. I'roposalg may be submitted separately on eeanlon tKiaudJourntliand shill etato what the bidder vlll complete the w ork for I er page , f alloy and paK'C roof uiu t bo furnished to the secretary of elate. Proposals will not be considered unless accoinpan. od by a bond In the sum ( f ( Uo thousand dollars ? 5 OCO ) > Ith t ojor moro sureties , conditioned that n case of an orcl of contrast bidder will file bond and inter Into contract within no doj a thereafter , ' " ' forl'ubllo I'ropostls should bo marked 1'ropoials 'ilnlinfr , " anil bo addressed to the hoard of public ulntlng , caie ol secretary of etate , Lincoln , Keb. All work executed under printing contracts , ubn'l le delivered complete ID fCOil order to the otllcc ot heiecrottry ol ltat at LlncrliiNeb. , within ninety DO ) daj s from the date ot such contracts. The state board of printing rescue J the right to ie- ect any and ill bids. K. P. 11000KN , Secretary ofState. U , If. WII.LA1U ) , Htato Treasurer af the State Board of 1'rintlcc. THE ONIiYIKXOLUfalVH IN OMAHA NEB. The romsrknblo groTrth of Om hn daring the last faw j-osra U B tnottoi ol ! great fcatonlahmont to thoau who p y n occnalonal visit to thla growing city. Tha development ul the StocV Ynrtla the nocofldtv of the Dolt Line Ilo.-\d the finely povod etrooU the hundreds of now rcBluonooa nud costly business blocks , with the population of our city inoro than doubled In the last five yonre. All thlo la a croat snrprlno to visitors end la thn admiration of our oltltona. This rnpld Rrowth , the business notlvlty , nud the many inbst&ntlal Improvomonta mode n lively demand for Omaha real oatato , and every InTootov has m do bandsoma profit. Slnao the Wall Street panto May , with the unbeonuont cry of hard ttmos , there has boon losa demand from speoula- tore , bnt a fair demand from Investors seeking homos. This lattoi class ara taking ndrantago of loir prloen In bnlld > Ing material and are securing their homeo at much loan cost than will bo possible D yoax honoo. Speculators , too , am bar ; real ottal a ohoapor now and ought to takg advanttre of present prices lot futnio pro ta. The next few yearn promises greateo diTolopmonta In Omaha than the pasti QVJ yoara , which have boon aa good ao wo could reasonably doslro. Now man ufacturing establishment and largo Job bing houses are added almost weekly , and all add to the prosperity of Omaha. There are many In Omaha and through * bnt the State , who have their money in the banks drawing a nominal rate of In terest , which , If judiciously Invested In Omuht , real et.tato , would bring them much greater rotnnio. Wo have many bargalna which wo ore confident will bring the pnrchtso ; largo profit * In tba near future. We have for sale the finest reoi- denco property in the north and western parts of the city. North we have fine lots at reason able prices on Sherman avenue,17th , 18th , 19thand 20th streets. West on Farnnm , Davenport , . . . . , , -i ! ! i .1 + Cuming , and nil the leading streetn in that direction. The grading of Farnam , Califor nia and Davenport streets has made accessible some oi : the finest and cheapest residence property in the city , and with the building of the street car line out Farnam , the pro perty in the western part of the city will increase in valnn _ We also have the agency for the Syndicate aud Stock Yards proper ty in the south part of the city. The developments made in tins section . by the Stock Yards Company and the railroads will certainly double the once in a short timn. Wo also have pome tine buBinoea ! ots and some elegant inside reaj- ioncep for sale , Parties wislnijg to mvest will find B < me good bcrgciiip b } calling T HAL EBTATI 113 Boutin Kth Bfe Bet focn Farnhnm and Douglas. P. S. Wo ask these who hnrff roporty for solo at a bargain to ive B a callWe want only bargains Vo will positively not handle prop rly at aoiethnii its real value.